October, 2013 - Lakewood City Schools
October, 2013 - Lakewood City Schools
Ranger Roundup Lakewood High School Keith Ahearn , Principal Katrina Holmes PTA President From the Principal’s Desk LHS and the New Report Card: Just as Lakewood High School sends home a report card to tell you how well your child is learning, our school also gets a Local Report Card each August from the Ohio Department of Education. This report tells our school and parents if we are doing a good job of educating our students. You can see our most recent report card at reportcard.education.ohio.gov. If you have seen these reports in past years, you may have noticed something different. The old report card that used terms such as “Excellent” and “Continuous Improvement” to rate schools has been discontinued. Our school now gets letter grades of A-F on nine ways of measuring school success. October 2013 Over the next two years, the department of education will add new ways of measuring how well we are serving our students. Starting in August 2015, our school and others will get grades on 18 items in six categories. We also will get an overall letter grade. We do not know yet what our overall grade will be in two years. But please know that the teachers and support staff at our school are always working to improve our teaching and your child’s learning. You can learn more about Local Report Card grades and how they are determined at the website link above. If you have questions or concerns about our school’s performance in any of the areas listed on the report card, please contact me at 216-529-4028. Here are some important dates coming up in October to be aware of: October 3rd- Early Release Schedule for Students October 9th, 2013 at 7pm in the Civic Auditorium- Senior Parent Night October 17th- Early Release Schedule for Students October 19th- PSAT Offered at LHS- contact the guidance office for more information about registration. Regards, Keith Ahearn 14100 Franklin Boulevard, Lakewood, Ohio 44107 216.529.4028 District Message SUPERINTENDENT’S MESSAGE After months of community engagement and gathering feedback from Lakewood residents over the last year, the Lakewood School Board placed a 3.25 mill bond issue, plus a 0.5 mill permanent improvement levy – set aside to maintain buildings - on the November ballot. This bond issue will result in replacing Grant, Lincoln, and Roosevelt Elementary Schools and finish renovations at the high school by rebuilding the east end. This bond issue finishes rebuilding Lakewood City Schools and the State will pay half! If this bond issue passes, the State of Ohio will contribute $50 million to construction costs –meaning the project costs much less for our residents. This issue finishes the Master Facilities Plan. The Plan includes environmentally friendly, energy efficient, safe and secure school facilities that will: Lower operating costs. Ensure up-to-date classroom space. Improve instructional technology and digital applications. Modernize safety systems. New buildings will reduce waste and provide a better learning environment. New buildings will lower operating and maintenance costs of our school buildings, which average 80 years old. All students throughout the District will have the opportunity to learn in quality facilities. This plan also eliminates all modular units across the street from Lakewood High School. All buildings, to date, have been completed on time and on budget. For less than $11 per month on a $100,000 property, the construction process will be complete and Lakewood will have new school buildings throughout the community, which will be an asset for all of Lakewood. Jeffrey W. Patterson Superintendent Board of Education Edward Favre, President Linda Beebe, Vice President Tom Einhouse Emma Petrie Barcelona Betsy Bergen Shaughnessy All courses and programs are offered by Lakewood High School without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, creed, gender, marital status, disability, or age in its education programs, activities, employment policies or admission policies and practices as required under Title VI and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Lakewood High School October 2013 Please come join us for our next PTA meeting on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00 in room A102. At this month’s meeting we will be choosing a nominating committee, which will be responsible for proposing a slate of officers for next school year. We have to start the process early since we only meet four times a year. Reflections 2013-2014 This year’s Reflection theme is “Believe, Dream, Inspire”. So if your son or daughter is an artist, likes to compose music, take photographs, dance, write, or is into film production please encourage them to submit their original pieces of artwork this year. In the Ranger Round Up is a sheet that summarizes the criteria required. Please bring your entries to the House 2 office. The deadline for submitting pieces is December 2, 2013. Parent-Teacher Conference Dinners Many of our teachers cannot get away for a meal before their conferences start so the PTA feeds them. We need your help, if you can volunteer your time, a Our LHS PTA Board Members President Katrina Holmes katrinaholmes@hotmail.com Second Vice President Keith Ahearn keith.ahearn@lakewood.k12.oh. us Recording Secretary Haylee Schwenk brianhaylee1@cox.net Corresponding Secretary Kathy Burkett potofgold4@msn.com Treasurer Dawn Stanaitis dstanaitis@yahoo.com Council Delegate Dawn Bilski dbilski8@yahoo.com side dish, or bake good for our teachers, please contact Stacey Sponsler at stacey@photonstorage.com. The dates of the conferences are Thursday, November 21th and Monday, November 25th. Council Alternate Martha Neff marthaneff@sbcglobal.net Reminders If you haven’t done so already please join the LHS PTA. The form is located on the district’s website under the “for parents” tab. Sign up for the many rewards programs in the area that donate a portion of what you spend to Lakewood High School. o Heinen’s - www.heinensrewards.com o Target - https://www-secure.target.com/redcard/tcoe/home o GFS - http://www.gfs.com/en/gfs-marketplace-stores/fun-funds.page? Hope to see you soon, Katrina Holmes LHS PTA President Get involved at LHS! Join PTA today! The support of parents, teachers, staff, and community is very important to the success of Lakewood High School. Joining the PTA is a great way to get involved and show your support. Everyone is welcome. Your $7 dues, along with Painless Project donations, help us sponsor and support a variety of activities for the LHS community including Fresh Start freshman orientation, Staff Appreciation events, After Prom, the Senior Reception, and other student projects. And because we know you have a busy schedule, we have only four meetings planned for the year: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Tuesday, April 22, 2014 All meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. in Room A102 (across from the bookroom) Return the completed form below with your dues and Painless Project donation to: Lakewood High School Attn: PTA Membership 14100 Franklin Blvd. Lakewood, OH 44107 Please make checks payable to Lakewood High School PTA. For more information, call Janet Gerity, Membership Chair, at 216.544.5577 or email at janetbelardo@sbcglobal.net ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES! I/We would like to become a member(s) of the Lakewood High School PTA. *Name(s) Student Name(s)/Grade(s): *Street Address: *City: Phone: *Zip: *Email: *Please note: To apply for the PTA scholarship in the spring a parent must be a member. *Required fields. (Staff does not need to include address.) q Check if you are an LHS teacher or staff member. q Check if you would like a PTA Membership Card. q Check if you are interested in being on the PTA Board or a Committee. Dues: @ $7.00 per member: Painless Project Donation: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: □ CASH □ CHECK # FILE DATE: Total Enclosed: I’d like to volunteer! Please contact me about helping with food donations, set-up or clean-up for the following events: q Staff Appreciation Dinners during Parent/Teacher Conferences November 21 & 25 q Staff Appreciation Breakfast Mid March 2014 q Senior Reception Early June 2014 Your PTA dues and Painless Project dollars at work: • • • • • • • • • • Fresh Start Ice Cream Social – we purchase and serve ice cream to incoming freshmen and their families at this orientation event in August. Staff Appreciation Breakfast – a great breakfast to show our great staff how much we appreciate them Student Conferences – a hearty dinner, before conferences (so the staff has time to eat and keep their strength up to answer all our questions). Educator of the Year – thank-you gifts and appreciation award to the best of our best. One teacher is chosen each year in addition to one “Helping Hands” recipient, recognizing our wonderful administrative staff. Which is then sent to our PTA Council and are recognized at that level. Senior Recognition Day – reception for seniors to sign yearbooks and say farewells to their high school friends. After Prom – financial support to keep our prom goers safe and happy Reflections – Reflections is a National PTA sponsored Art Contest that covers art, photography and literature. Each year, hundreds of Lakewood student from all grades participate to showcase their artistic talents. LHS PTA supplies our school winners with a reception or a small token of recognition. The Lakewood High School PTA contributes to the H2O Camp Fund, the PTA Council Scholarship Fund (each year PTA awards four $1000 scholarships to LHS seniors), Pumpkin Palooza and the Speed Awareness Campaign (those Brake for Kids signs). This past year we also contributed to H2O’s big fund raiser, The Tributary Bash. Ranger Roundup – the PTA puts this newsletter together and ensures that the newsletter is complete and on time. Special Projects – this past school year, the PTA donated money to the high school math department to purchase calculators. And this list doesn't even begin to address the National and State PTA organizations' child advocacy programs and available information, resources and training. What is a Painless Project?? IT’S A BAKE SALE…..without the baking IT’S A CARNIVAL…..without the planning IT’S A BOOK OR T-SHIRT OR MAGAZINE SALE….. WITHOUT THE TIME AND ENERGY INVOLVED IN MAKING THE SALE IT’S A WAYS AND MEANS PROJECT to support PTA activities…without the work IT IS THE WAY AND THE MEANS by which all parents can support PTA activities benefiting their students So please take a minute to donate the cost of a cake and frosting or the price of a paperback book. Include your Painless Project donation in with your PTA dues and return to Lakewood High School with your student or mail it to Lakewood High School PTA at 14100 Franklin Blvd. Then…. sit back, put your feet up, have a cup of coffee and forget the muss and fuss of a Ways and Means project because IT’S PAINLESS. VISUAT ARTS Drawing, painting, collage, photographic collage, metal etching or punch work, fiber work, or computergenerated artwork No lorger thon 24" X 30" including motting Moy nof exceed 3/E" thickness Convos fromes qre too thick No frqmes or No 3-D Mount ortwork on o sturdy bocking MUS|CAT COMPOSITTON QUICK START Ohio T'TIT eueryclnild. onevoice. PTA INITIAL DUES MUST BE PAID TO OHIO PTA BY NOVEMBER 30. 2013 Originol Composition Voice, instrument/s, or a combination of voice and instrument/s Not lo exceed 5 minutes FORMAT Audio Recording of Music Performance: MP3, MP4, WMA, WAV Music Scores and Lyrics (Middle And High School required) Lyrics (without music score included) PHOTOGRAPHY Color Block qnd White Photomontage, multiple exposure, negative sandwiches, and photograms REFLEGTIONS ata GLANCE No lorger thon I 1" X 14" lncluding motting 3/8" No fromes Fiction or non-fiction Prose, poetry, dromo, song ond lyrics Do not exceed 2000 words AGE CATEGORIES No thicker thon TITERATURE Primory: Preschool- Grode 2 No 3-D entries No slides or tronsporencies lnlermediole: Grqdes 3 - 5 Grode oppropriote grommor, punctuotion ond spelling Moy be illustroted Hondwritten or typed Middle/Junior: Grodes 6 -8 Senior: Grodes 9 - 12 DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY Originol work of one student Not to exceed 5 minutes Credit music used FORMAT Video: AVl, MOV, MPG, MPEG, WMV, FLV Maximum Upload File Size: 1GB (one gigabyte) LOCAL DEADLINE: 6r$rEit bra wd, +ha tlo Ucrna I FrrrYl/vtpEo PRoDUcTtON Animotion Norrqtive Documentory Experimentol Medio presentotions Originol work of one student Not to exceed 5 minutes Credit music used FORMAT Video: AVl, MOV, MPG, MPEG, WMV, FLV Maximum Upload File Size: 1GB (one gigabyte) SUGGESTIONS FOR JUNIORS: GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT NEWS LHS COUNSELORS Mrs. Schuckert-Facilitator/Counselor (216)529-4272 Melynda.schuckert@lakewood.k12.oh.us Mrs. Diamond-Secretary (216)529-4032 Debra.diamond@lakewood.k12.oh.us Mr. Daley, Jr.-Counselor (216)529-4124 Jim.daley@lakewood.k12.oh.us Mr. Francu-Counselor (216)529-4170 Mike.francu@lakewood.k12.oh.us Ms. DeChant-Counselor (216)529-4040 Nina.dechant@lakewood.k12.oh.us Mrs. Adkins-Counselor (216)529-4141 Emily.Adkins@lakewood.k12.oh.us *Time to start researching colleges. (www.collegeboard.com has several links) *Get ready to sign up to take the PSAT – Oct. 19th at LHS. *Keep up with your studies and work on raising your GPA. *See your guidance counselor if you have any questions. TO ACCESS THE GUIDANCE WEBPAGE… 1. Go to the Lakewood City School’s Home Page at www.lakewoodcityschools.org 2. Under Schools, select Lakewood High 3. Select Guidance ON THIS PAGE YOU CAN FIND: Counselors contact information Scholarship information Links for testing information (SAT, PSAT, & ACT) Financial Aid information ATTENTION SENIORS: *Finalize your college list and start applying. *Contact your guidance counselor to schedule a senior interview. *Schedule ACT/SAT if you haven’t already. *Start asking teachers for letters of recommendation. (Forms for this can be found in the guidance office.) *Keep that GPA up. PSAT WHO: 10th and 11th graders WHEN: Saturday, OCTOBER 19, 2013 WHERE: LHS WHY: *Prepare for the SAT. *Enter Scholarship and Recognition Programs. *Plan for College and Careers. *Receive information from colleges. *Improve your skills. *****Sign up in the bookroom. The cost is $25.00.***** ACT PREP CLASSES Five evening classes: 2 1/2 hours per session Total cost $162 Includes textbook and materials ***Need-based scholarships are available*** GO TO- www.acttestprep.info for more information. ************************************************************************************ HELPSESSIONS COLLEGE APPLICATION Who: Seniors When: Every TUESDAY starting SEPT. 24th Where: ROOM A229 What: Counselors will be there every period. *NO SIGN UP – just stop in!! FALL 2013 OGT OCT 28 – READING OCT 29 – MATH OCT. 30 – WRITING OCT. 31 – SCIENCE NOV. 1 – SOCIAL STUDIES *Make ups = Nov.4-8 SENIOR PARENT INFO. NIGHT *Learn about senior activities, caps and gowns, and the college process. *Oct. 9th 7-8:30pm *In the Civic Auditorium Baldwin Wallace University Welcome You What: The Greater Cleveland West Suburban College Fair When: Monday, October 7, 2013 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Where: Baldwin Wallace University Lou Higgins Recreation Center 136 E. Bagley Rd. Berea, OH 44017-2088 Yearbook Information: Deadline for scheduling an appointment for senior portraits at Woodard Photographic is October 15th. Their phone number is (440) 892-4615. Only Woodard photos can be used in the yearbook. However, you are free to purchase senior pictures anywhere. If you choose not to schedule a photography session at Woodard, they will be here at LHS sometime in late October to take free portraits of anyone who needs that service. Details will be posted at www.lakewoodtimes.net as soon as they are available. Also, the 2014 yearbooks can be ordered in the LHS Bookroom and online at www.jostens.com. The “Early Bird” price is $55.00. After January 1, the price will go up to $60, so order early! Attention Parents During school hours, from 8am-3pm, students should only be called off for appointments through the House Offices. This allows us to mark attendance appropriately and to make sure that students are called down at the appropriate time. Please do not text or call your child to leave school property without informing the House Office. Thank you all for your continued cooperation. Parent Volunteers Needed! Ms. Boyd needs guest speakers to come in and address students in “Spanish For Success” classes on a variety of topics under the umbrella of what success means and what it takes to be successful. No Spanish knowledge is necessary and the class meets 1st and 3rd periods (that’s 8-8:40 and 9:32-10:12 for you civilians). Of particular interest are those of you who have perhaps had a rough road to success. Please contact her at Stephanie.boyd@lakewood.k12.oh.us. English Language Leaners The Lakewood City Schools' English Language Learner's after school program is well underway, and we are looking for volunteers! Through this program, 2-12th grade students who have low English proficiency levels are assisted with their homework as well as learning the English language. If you are interested in volunteering for this program, or would like more information, please contact Felicia Bode at felicia.bode@lakewood.k12.oh.us. Lakewood Music Boosters N E W S Please Join us! Lakewood Music Boosters is looking forward to a fantastic year of concerts as we plan several new fundraisers to help support our music departments and inspire our young musicians. LMB will keep you informed of meetings, volunteer opportunities and fundraisers by emailing you directly and posting information on our web page. And, of course, right here in your Ranger Roundup! Your help and participation are critical as our district continues to provide outstanding music programs in our Lakewood schools. And remember, Music Boosters scholarships are available only to members. (Members who volunteer are are eligible for higher scholarship levels.) Please print out the membership form here and mail to: Lakewood Music Boosters, PO Box 770782, Lakewood, OH 44107. For more information, please check our Music Boosters’ Web Page on the Lakewood City Schools’ website under the For Parents tab or click on the link below: http://www.lakewoodcityschools.org/content_page.aspx?cid=826 Meeting Updates At our September meeting the Music Boosters Board discussed the 2013-14 budget and some exciting new fundraising ideas, including Fruit & Flowers for the Holidays! Beginning in November, Lakewood families will have the opportunity to order holiday poinsettias, which will first decorate the Civic stage during holiday concerts, and then decorate your home! This year we are also offering fresh citrus fruit from Florida, delivered directly to your door! Delivery times will be available in December, January and March. More information on both of these fundraisers will be available in early November. We are proud to announce that last year we distributed over $27,000 to the Lakewood Schools’ Music Departments, including over $7,000 directly back to our students through scholarships for music lessons and camps. Many thanks to our members for donating their time and dollars to make this contribution possible. Please join us at our next meeting in the LHS Band Room at 7:30 on October 1. Band, Choir & Orchestra news Congratulations to the Chamber Orchestra, the Chamber Choir, the Wind Ensemble, The Lakewood Project and the Marching Band on their amazing Instruments On Parade performance on September 6th. The 375 fifth graders that attended the concert were filled with excitement about joining the Lakewood City Schools’ music program! The 8th grade orchestras from Harding and Garfield will join all of the Lakewood High School orchestras on Tuesday, October 8th for an evening of pops music. Selections include music from Fiddling as well as selections from the Harry Potter soundtracks. The Fall Choral Symposium is Tuesday, October 22 at 7:30pm in the Civic Auditorium. It will feature performances by Vive L’Four and the Chamber Choir, as well as the Symphonic Mixed Choir performing well known solos and choruses from Handel’s Messiah, accompanied by a string quartet. You won’t want to miss this night of beautiful music. Look for the complete schedule of music events and concerts for the year in future Ranger Roundup editions! Did you know... there are over 59 bands, orchestras and choral groups in Lakewood’s schools? JOIN! Lakewood Music Boosters When you join Lakewood Music Boosters you become part of an organization of parents, teachers, alumni and community members who support the 59+ music groups enriching the education of Lakewood’s children. Last year LMB contributed over $15,000 to the district music department and awarded over $7,000 in scholarships for private lessons and music camps directly to the students! To become a member simply fill out this form and return with your check, payable to Lakewood Music Boosters, and mail to: Lakewood Music Boosters, PO Box 770782, Lakewood, OH 44107 or submit to your music teacher. Choose your membership level All members in good standing are listed in our 20+ concert programs throughout the year. ___ $10 Solo Member (individual) ___ $40 Purple Member ___ $100 Fortissimo Member ___ $20 Ensemble Member (family) ___ $60 Gold Member ___ $100 Corporate Member (your business listed in every program) Additional contribution opportunities Matching Contributions $______ Gilmore Scholarship Fund* Ask your employer if they offer a Matching Donor Program. Your company may be willing to match your donation to our 501c3 organization. Details on our webpage at: (summer music lessons and camps) $______ Niko Scholarship Fund (lowering pay to play fees for 5th graders) http://www.lakewoodcityschools.org/ content_page.aspx?cid=826 Name __________________________________________________________________________________ *as you wish it to appear in the concert program ex. John and Mary Smith, Smith Family, Smith Landscaping, Inc. Address ________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________ Student Name(s) Email address _________________________________________ Grade School Musical Group(s) ____________________________ _______ ___________________ ______________________________ ____________________________ _______ ___________________ ______________________________ ____________________________ _______ ___________________ ______________________________ ____________________________ _______ ___________________ ______________________________ *Membership runs from 7/1/13 – 6/30/14. Members must be in good standing by 3/31/14 for student(s) to be eligible for the Gilmore Scholarship for summer music lessons/camps. GIRLS RUGBY NEWS: Over summer break a few members of the girls rugby squad qualified for elite play and represented not just Lakewood, but also Ohio, making the all Ohio Elite side was Brittany Kapsalis, Liz Spelacy, Kelly White and Shaila Anderson. Shaila Anderson went on to make the All-Americans and flew to California to participate in tournament play. The Lakewood H.S girls rugby club should be starting up again real soon this month, so keep your eye and ears open for meeting times and dates. It’s a great sport (the newest Olympic sport) and the only real full contact sport for girls. So if you want to get in shape, meet new friends and have the time of your life while playing a sport, this is definitely a club you want to check out. There is also talk of starting a girls middle school league to compete against other middle schools in the greater Cleveland area, so if you aspire to greatness as an athlete, keep a look out for more news on this exciting new program soon. The Lakewood High Ski & Snowboard Club had its first meeting on Wednesday, September 11th. Students interested in joining the club this year should turn in their forms to Ms. Flynn in MOD 17, and pay the $35.00 deposit to the Bookroom as soon as possible. Membership is first come, first served. Once the bus fills up, we will have a waiting list. If we have at least 30 additional students sign up, we will order a second bus. This year we are requiring all students to sell five raffle tickets to help offset transportation costs. Tickets are $10.00 each. The winners will announced at the last home football game on November 1st. First prize is $600.00, second prize is $250.00, and 3rd prize is $150.00. We are also selling purple and gold spirit wear at all home football games. Students who sell more than the required 5 raffle tickets or who help sell spirit wear can earn money to use toward Ski Club fees. The club hopes to take a trip over Spring Break to Colorado. We will visit some of the best resorts in the country. Any student who needs information about the trip, Ski Club in general, or the fundraisers should see Ms. Flynn in MOD 17. Parents and guardians can email: lauren.flynn@lakewood.k12.oh.us ii|i\IOISS;iS(IOHS)iUOM )issn:Ksi(i;i'imfi(iNn()H li NOISSilS <IOHS')l«()M 9 SNOISSfKKSKI iHmfKINnOH (H):B-()0:8 i nm-fim {M-m l)l):9-|)0:!i |N()ISS:iS«ianS)l}l()M Sfr:9-0li:9 WilNNKI ^ f^ii> CL^^^^^ MOISSilSillfflOOIilM i)NI]IU()iVUJIiV/N0IJ.\fULSI93U iHiiisvcinorvidmioAdivv iiAimi:niiiiioiai\fyiii)OA:i)im 0.1. MOH iVM\fil'l 0.1. ilOiVilHihIiVO;) Tl\f:| ilH.I. (h\!:i.i.l.\ omo DISTRICT 7,11,12,17 FALL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM October 10, 2013 - Garfield Middle School (Lakewood) Jazzin' Up YourPTA x^d hi Registration fee is $15 (includes dinner) Registration Deadline is October 3 Make checks payable to: Ohio PTA District 11 Mail registration form and payment to: Marge Zach 4456 West 213 St. Fairview Park, OH 44126 District 7, 11, 12, 17 (circle one) Unit Name Council Name of person making reservations Phone number Email Attendees' Name, Title, and Email: NAME TITLE Number of registrations @ $15 each EMAIL A D D R E S S Total Amount Enclosed No refunds available. SCHOOL IN THE CINEMA: Presented by the Lakewood Council of PTAs The Friends of Lakewood Public Library and the Lakewood Council of PTAs are pleased to present School in the Cinema, a film series about education in the United States and around the world. These documentary films examine education from several points of view. We hope the series is thought-provoking and generates conversations about education in Lakewood and the world beyond. Come share your thoughts. Visit www.lakewoodpubliclibrary.org/film for more films. Brooklyn Castle (2012) Directed/Produced by Katie Dellamaggiore Brooklyn Castle tells the stories of five members of the chess team at a below-the-poverty-line inner city junior high school that has won more national championships than any other in the country. The film follows the challenges these kids face in their personal lives as well as on the chessboard, and is as much about the sting of their losses as it is about the anticipation of their victories. Ironically, the biggest obstacle thrust upon them arises not from other competitors but from recessionary budget cuts to all the extracurricular activities at their school. BROOKLYN CASTLE shows how these kids' dedication to chess magnifies their belief in what is possible for their lives. After all, if they can master the world's most difficult game, what can't they do? Thursday, October 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium American Promise (2013) Directed by Joe Brewster and Michele Stephenson American Promise spans 13 years as Joe Brewster and Michèle Stephenson, middle-class African-American parents in Brooklyn, N.Y., turn their cameras on their son, Idris, and his best friend, Seun, who make their way through one of the most prestigious private schools in the country. Chronicling the boys' divergent paths from kindergarten through high school graduation at Manhattan's Dalton School, this provocative, intimate documentary presents complicated truths about America's struggle to come of age on issues of race, class and opportunity. TO BE ANNOUNCED. Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go (2007) Directed by Kim Longinotto Variety describes it as a film "mixing ferocity with tenderness, delicacy with tenacity" — exactly like the unusual school it explores. In Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go, one of Britain's leading documentary filmmakers takes a vérité look at Oxford's Mulberry Bush School for emotionally disturbed children. Mulberry's heroically forbearing staff greets extreme, sometimes violent behavior with only consolation and gentle restraint. Kim Longinotto's unblinking camera captures an arduous process and a nearly unhinged environment, but it also records the daily dramas of troubled kids trying to survive and the moments of hope they achieve with Mulberry's clear-eyed staff. Thursday, November 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium d n E t s e W l a u n n A 9th lk a W w o d in W n e e w Hallo CALLING ALL ARTISTS … or anyone who just enjoys painting really big pictures!!! It’s that time of year again! Help the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce and Beck Center for the Arts decorate the West End of Lakewood and paint a store front window for the 9th Annual West End Halloween Window Walk! This Halloween window painting contest is open to all students, grades K-12. • AND — the window painting contest is open to Adults! (ages 18+) • Artists will be assigned one store front window to paint along the West End of Detroit Ave. • Artists will paint their assigned window from October 20th-24th. • Judging will take place on Friday, October 25th. • The Awards Ceremony will take place at The Beck Center for the Arts at 2:00pm on Saturday, October 26. • Prizes will be awarded in different categories for Best of Show and Honorable Mention. • To participate, please complete the bottom portion of this form. Location of your window, a paint recipe, and further instructions will be mailed to you the week of October 14th. All forms must be returned to the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce by October 7th. 16017 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, OH 44107; fax: 216-226-1340 Any questions call the Chamber at 216-226-2900 or email: vmechenbier@lakewoodchamber.org ——————————————————————————————————————— West End Halloween Window Walk Registration Form Artist Name(s): __________________________________________ Phone: _________________ Home Address: __________________________________________________________________ Email address: __________________________________________________________________ For students: Grade: _____ School Name: __________________________________________ Painting Categories (check one): Grade K-2_____ 3-5_____ 6-8_____ 9-12_____ Adult (18+) _____ Family* _____ Group*_____ *If painting as a Family or Group, please provide a name for the Family or Group:_____________ REQUIRED SIGNATURES: Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________ Date: _____________ (if Artist is under 18) Artist Signature _______________________________________________ Date: _____________ For extra forms visit www.lakewoodchamber.org or call 216-226-2900. LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF EXPLORE CAREERS PLAN YOUR FUTURE This free program provides a student with career exploration scores which can help determine readiness for further education and training in different career areas. What is ASVAB? A FREE Career Exploration Program for 10th, 11th and 12th grade students offered by the United States Army. ASVAB stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Why ASVAB? To learn what professions/occupations in today’s workforce are compatible with your interests and abilities To determine a college major with confidence in your ability to reach your goal To find your strengths—whether it be in Mathematics, Science, Mechanical principles, English, Automotive Knowledge or Electronics Information How do you sign up? Stop in to the Career-Technical Office. Sign ups begin Oct 1. When and Where is ASVAB? Friday Nov 15th, 2013 at 8:00am (Periods 1-4) at Lakewood High School Why does the army do this? Is it a recruitment tool? This is a service project conducted by the U.S. Army for the general public. Your results are not shared with any of the Armed Forces. How do I take this assessment? You are excused for 4 periods to participate in the assessment. After the test, a workshop will be set to review the results If you have any questions please contact Nancy Ralls at 529-4154 or email nancy.ralls@lakewoodcityschool.org Go to www.asvabprogram.com for more information www.ocis.org A free, on-line tool which helps students learn more about themselves and their interests, explore careers and industries, identify post-secondary education options, and create tools for employment. Parents and/or Students can log on using: Username: LakewoodHS Password: ohiocis03 then create your own portfolio With OCIS, you can: Learn more about yourself and create a career plan Manage your career development Map your high school classes Answer questions about yourself and connect to occupations that may interest you Explore occupation descriptions to learn about what people do at work Learn about industries Find out if self-employment is a good fit Identify programs of study that interest you and schools that offer them Learn about apprenticeships Explore options for paying for school Create a resume Learn how to apply and interview for jobs Find ways to succeed on your job 21 Pumpkin pick-up 3:00-4:30pm Permission Form 28 Pumpkin Palooza game return Permission Form 27 Pumpkin Fun Run 7:30-10:30am H2O Meeting at Harding 2:45-4:30 H2O Meeting at Lakewood Catholic 3:00-4:30 20 15 14 13 29 H2O Meeting at Garfield 2:45-4:30 22 H2O Meeting at Garfield 2:45-4:30 8 H2O Meeting at Harding 2:45-4:30 1 Tue 7 Leadership meeting— all are welcome! 3:00-4:30pm Mon 30 23 Pumpkin Palooza Game Pick-Up 34:30pm Permission Form 16 Roneld McDonald House 3-7:30pm Permission Form 9 Harrison PTA 6:157:30pm 2 Cleveland Foodbank 3:00-6:30pm Permission Form Wed 31 24 17 10 3 Cuyahoga Valley National Park 2:155:30pm Permission Form Thu Fri 25 Haunted Hallway setup 3-4:30pm 18 Grocery Delivery at the Westerly 3-5pm 11 4 My Best Friend’s Bowl 3:15-4:30pm Vanessa.Lange@lakewood.k12.oh.us October 2013 6 Sun H2O Program Calendar H2O is sponsored by the City of Lakewood in partnership with Lakewood City Schools H2O Coordinators: Emmie Hutchison – 529-6045 Vanessa Lange – 529-4173 26 Pumpkin Palooza! 10-5pm 19 Beck Center Fundraiser Set-up 10am-2pm Event 5-8pm 12 Lincoln Fall Carnival 11:30-2, 2-4:30pm 5 Sat THE GREAT... Pumpkin Palooza COME CELEBRATE “MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY” WITH US The wonders begin on Satur da ctober 26 Saturda dayy, O October 26,, 2013 1:00 - 4 :00 pm 4:00 La kew ood H ast G ym Lak ewood Hiigh School - E East Gym Please bring a non-perishable food item that will be donated to the Lakewood Community Services Center & Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation. All Palooza proceeds to benefit the Lakewood Community Services Center, the Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation and H20. The Great Pumpkin Patch Autumn Adventureland Pumpki umpkinn Raffle Raffle!! Choose from an awesome array of artistic pumpkins to decorate your home for Halloween. Specialty pumpkins donated by local artists, celebrities, businesses, and organizations. A L L P UM PK INS FO R S A L E ! Raffle ends at 2:30 (Tickets 25 cents each!) Harvest Moon Cafe Food & Live Entertainment! Grand ma’ s P antry Baked Goods randma’ ma’s Pantry The Pizza Pit Stop - samples from our best pizzerias! Carnival Games & Crafts... Special feature Co stume P arade Costume Parade Registration - 1:00 - 2:00 pm Parade - 2:00 pm (no masks, please!) Sleepy Hollow Featuri ng storytel eaturing storytellling in the mysterious quiet place for scary and not so scary tales! Pumpkin Palooza is brought to you by the City of Lakewood, Lakewood City Schools, Lakewood Hospital, Lakewood Public Library, Lakewood Non-Profit & Civic Organizations, LHS Student Organizations, Lakewood Early Childhood Professionals, and The Great Pumpkin! Questions? Contact H2O “H el p to Other s” 52 9 - 4 1 7 3 o r 5 2 9 - 6 0 4 5 “Hel elp Others” October 2013 SUNDAY 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27 OGT Testing MONDAY OGT Testing 8 1 29 22 15 TUESDAY OGT Testing 30 23 16 Senior Parent Night 9 2 WEDNESDAY OGT Testing 3 24 17 10 31 LHS Senior Photos Early Release Early Release THURSDAY OGT Testing 4 1 25 18 11 End of 1st Quarter NEOEA No School FRIDAY ACT Testing PSAT SAT Testing 5 26 19 12 SATURDAY Lakewood City Schools 1470 Warren Road Lakewood, Ohio 44107 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID CLEVELAND, OHIO 44107 Permit No. 2512 DATED INFORMATION Board of Education A service of Edward Favre, President Linda G. Beebe, Vice President Tom Einhouse Emma Petrie Barcelona Betsy Bergen Shaughnessy Ranger Roundup Lakewood High School Keith Ahearn, Principal October 2013 October Katrina Holmes PTA President Time Place 4th Class ring orders taken Lunch 8th Pops Concert with Orchestras from LHS and 8th grades from both middle schools 7:30 pm Civic 9th Senior Parent Night 7:00 pm Civic 22th Fall Choral Symposium 7:30 pm Civic Next month preview: 11/4 - 15 Hope for the Holidays East Café