MAMARONECK - Westchester Family
MAMARONECK - Westchester Family
! About!MBYC!Day!Camp!! MAMA RO NEC K Our!developmental!philosophy!supports! each!child!to!learn!and!grow!at!his!or!her! own!rate.! Beach & Yacht Club Day Camp Group!sizes!are!small,!allowing!for!ample! personal!attention!from!our!experienced!staff.! There!is!an!outstanding!camper!to!staff!ratio! (as!few!as!2!to!1!for!our!2’s!program).! June 29 – August 14, 2015 2 - 7 week sessions Ages 2 – 8 A!uniquely!warm!and!intimate! program!of!“big!camp”!experiences! specially!tailored!for!younger!campers!! Our!outdoorBbased!program!features! swimming!and!diversified!activities!for!wholeB child!growth.! ! The Summer Day Camp at MBYC is located on an expansive campus featuring an ideal private beach setting. Rich!Tauber,!Director! To!learn!more!about!MBYC!Day!Camp:! ! Email:!rich@mbyc)! ! call!Rich!at!(914)!262B2075!! or!MBYC!at!(914)!698!B1130! ! ! Lunch is included in all programs, and MBYC prides itself on its warmth and flexibility. ! ! ! !! MBYC!Day!Camp!Info!! But0I’m0not0a0member0of0MBYC…00 MBYC!Day!Camp!offers!a!number!of! opportunities!for!those!who!are!not!annual! members!of!MBYC.!!Please!take!a!look!at!Junior! Member!pricing!that!includes!membership!fees! for!your!camper.!!You’ll!be!pleasantly!surprised! that!both!Junior!Membership!and!MBYC!Day! Camp!are!reasonably!priced.! ! I’m0thinking0about0Joining0MBYC0as0a0family0 this0year…0 Why!let!your!kids!have!all!the!fun?!!You’ll!be!able! to!take!advantage!of!special!programs!that! include!Family!Membership!and!Day!Camp! together,!and!enjoy!MBYC!as!a!family!all!summer! long!!Call!us!today!to!find!out!more.! ! What0about0siblings?0 MBYC!is!dedicated!to!supporting!families.!!That’s! why!we!offer!sibling!programs!to!help!make! camp!financially!accessible!for!everyone!in!the! family!!Call!us!today!to!find!out!more.!! 0 0 0 About0our0Director:00 Rich!Tauber!has!been!teaching!for!15!years!in! Nassau!County.!He!holds!a!B.A.!from!Hofstra! University,!a!M.S.!from!Mercy!College,!and!a! Professional!Diploma!in!Education!Leadership! from!the!College!of!New!Rochelle.!He!is!a!Varsity! level!coach!and!an!Adjunct!Professor!at!Hofstra! University.!He!has!been!involved!in!day!camps! and!athletic!camps!for!over!a!decade.!! ! Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club 555 South Barry Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 • • ! ! 2015!Camp!Rates! !! Early0Bird0 Standard00 (Before03/1)0 (After03/1)0 !Junior0Member0Rates:0!Rate!includes! ! membership!fees!for!your!camper.! Half0Day0Program0(90)0120including0lunch)0 Full!Session! $3,440! $4,300! ! 6!week! $3,220! $3,784! ! 5!week! $2,900! $3,225! ! 4!week! $2,670! $2,967! ! 3!week! $2,025! $2,250! ! 2!week! $1,395! $1,550! !Full0Day0Program0(90)030including0lunch)0 Full!Session! $3,985! $4,985! ! 6!week! $3,730! $4,387! ! 5!week! $3,365! $3,739! ! 4!week! $3,095! $3,440! ! 3!week! $2,170! $2,408! ! 2!week! $1,785! $1,985! 0! Family0Member0Rates:0For!campers!of! membership!families.! Half0Day0Program0(90)0120including0lunch)0 Full!Session! $2,215! $2,950! ! 6!week! $1,880! $2,508! ! 5!week! $1,660! $2,213! ! 4!week! $1,530! $2,036! ! 3!week! $1,180! $1,575! ! 2!week! $920! $1,221! !Full0Day0Program0(90)030including0lunch)0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Full!Session! 6!week! 5!week! 4!week! 3!week! 2!week! $2,740! $2,330! $2,055! $1,890! $1,325! $1,135! $3,650! $3,103! $2,738! $2,519! $1,763! $1,511! Our Facilities • Two pools monitored by trained life- guards and a Certified Water Safety Instructor ! • Private beach on the Long Island Sound supervised by trained lifeguards ! • Two large multi-purpose sports fields! • Tennis courts ! • Pleasant air conditioned rooms for indoor activities including arts & crafts! Program Highlights Swimming Daily instructional and free swim periods. Full day program includes two swim periods each day. Arts & Crafts MBYC offers one of the best art programs for young children. Daily and weekly projects allow children to explore a variety of different media, and incorporate arts & literacy, art history, and variety of technique. Tennis and Field Sports To help develop a child's fine and gross motor skills. Children will participate in tennis lessons from a certified instructor. In addition they will learn the basic skills in soccer, basketball, T-ball, kick-ball, and gymnastics with certified coaches. ! ! Kayaking and Boating Certified instructors provide weekly kayaking activities in age appropriate manner from gaining comfort with watercraft to learning paddling technique and water safety. Music Children will be introduced to various dance styles and participate in making music. Mad Science "Mad Science" brings their award winning and engaging science program weekly. Story Time Story time fosters comfort and enjoyment with various forms of language development. Cooking Children will prepare a variety of items including pizza from scratch with MBYC Executive Chef Benny. Nature Children learn about how living things grow in our environment. Children will explore our intertidal zone beach areas and gardens and parks. Beach & Playground! From games and sand castle building on the beach to supervised playground time.