Newsletter 13, 18.08.16 - Dongara District High School


Newsletter 13, 18.08.16 - Dongara District High School
19 August
Yr 4-12 Athletics
22-26 August
Literacy Week
Book Fair
25 August
PP-Yr 3 Athletics
26 August
Dr Seuss Dress-Up
29 Aug-2 Sept
Numeracy Week
OLNA Testing Week
An Independent Public School
18th August 2016
the Randolph Stow Young Writers
Awards. There were over 500 entries
and we will find out the awards the girls
have won at the presentation ceremony
We have had a really wonderful couple of on the 25 August.
weeks full of student success stories.
Congratulations to Zac Cant from year 8
Great results at a recent State Swim
Meet for Nicole McAuley year 4 with
some PBs and Abbey Carter year 4 with
5 gold medals and 1 bronze medal.
Year 9 student Jack Chanpromarat
recently won 4 medals for rifle shooting.
Congratulations to
year 5 and Noah
Cachard, year 6 on
their success in the
State School Boys
Mitchell placing 6th
and Noah placing
12th. The boys
have been invited
to try out for the State team.
The school was honoured to be invited to
give the key note address at the Dongara
commemorate the Battle of Long Tan.
Year 10 students Ainslie Masotto,
Raynne Hohn and Jordan Ferguson
prepared the speech with Ainslie
speaking at the service. On short notice
Jordan was asked to read a poem and
did a terrific job. The girls were wonderful
ambassadors for DDHS and we are
proud of our partnership with the RSL.
who had his logo design selected by the
Irwin Autumn Centre for their new club
logo. Zac was presented with a framed
certificate and a $100 newsagency
voucher by Mrs Merle Hand.
The YOH Festival is in week 8 and our
dance team is training hard. There will be
a fundraiser on Friday 26 August with a
performance by the team and a meal of
stuffed spuds and dessert for $10 adults
and $8 children. The meals are from 6.30
Well done to our three Write a Book in a with the performance at 7.30pm. Tickets
Day Teams, one primary and two are available from front office.
The three teams wrote, We have rescheduled our year 4 –12
illustrated and published their book in an Jumps and Throws Carnival to 24
amazing 10 hours.
Thanks to Mrs August. A reminder that the Junior and
Peddie, Ms Zasun, Mrs Berger and Mrs Senior Carnivals are at the Rec Centre
Evans. Last year our primary team was and are considered to be a normal school
second in WA. All the best to the teams Day. All the best to Irwin, Leander, Milo
this year.
and Nhargo.
Our next whole school Assembly for Year
1-12 students will be in our Assembly Hall
on Tuesday 6 September starting at
8.55am, to be hosted by Year 7-12 Milo
and Nhargo Home Rooms.
Budding writers, Makayla Letts year 6,
Kind Regards
Roxanne Roux year 9 and Raynne Next week is Literacy week and we have Janine Calver
Hohn year 10 have been shortlisted in lots of activities planned including the Dr
Seuss dress up day on Friday 26th.
“Achieve with Honour”
At D D H S w e … C h o o s e R e s p e c t , B e R e s p o n s i b l e , Ac h i e v e o u r B e s t
13 Cave Way, Dongara, WA, 6525 I T: (08) 9927 0100 I F: (08) 9927 1846
E: I W:
Certificate of Achievement
Yr 1
Pavelka, Shaya Werner, Sophie
Lewis, Max Giles
Yr 2
Jayda Lewis, Lilly Shehan, Daniel
Banks, Nathan Banks, Jai
Griggs, Kylah Samulkiewicz
Yr 3
Tyler Meredith, Jarvis O‟Connor,
Mia Jones, Bailey Delane,
Brieanna Pavelka
Yr 4
Ruby Parker, Amity Mark,
Samuel Shute, Tristan Gillis,
Jade Lawrence
Yr 5
Zoe Nix, Callan Hill, Breeanna
Mitchell Keene, Jeremy Bedford,
Leif Price
Yr 6
Kaleb Plozza, Lachlan Church,
Shevekka Brogden, James Happ
Yr 7
Katie Wells
Yr 8
Damian Smith,
Laython Carey
Yr 9
Dante Crofts, Roxanne Roux,
Beau Guadagnin
Yr 10
Hailie Trigg, Libby Sternick, Brodi
Wickes, Nathan Tierney
Thank You
The Kindy and Pre-Primary Children and
Staff would like to say thank you to Alicia
and Zane Wallace for fixing our old
wooden pram and Michael Butcher for
splicing the rope on our triangle climbing
On Friday 5th August the
Kindy children participated
in the Kindylympics which
was opened by our Head
Girl Christine Hewer when
she lit the Kindylympic
cauldron. The day was a
great success due to the
enthusiasm from the High School
students who helped set up and run the
events. We also had our large as life
Mascots support their house factions and
Kindy team members.
The theme for our games was to „Join in
and Have Fun‟. It was fabulous to see
everyone in their faction colours, all the
children and parents having a go,
everyone cheering for their team
members and most importantly having
fun. We even saw a few Hula dancers on
the day! The children were very proud to
be awarded a gold medal by Mrs Downes
and Mrs Butcher for participating in such
a special event.
P&C Book Fair
P & C Book Fair, starting Monday 22nd
August in the School Library. Come and
have a read! Theme - “Australia! Story
Country”, with lots of great books and the
opportunity for everyone to find a story
and enjoy some reading.
The big event this year is Family Day
being held on Wednesday 24th August –
Everyone is encouraged to bring a picnic
lunch and their parents/grandparents for
some family time and a browse through
the books on offer. Lunch starts at
12.25pm and we would love to see you
Other opportunities to find your story –
Monday 22nd, Tuesday 23rd and Friday
26th between 8.15am and 9.30am in the
School Library.
A catalogue to find some of the great
books on offer went home with students
last week, please have a look through. A
wish list is included in the catalogue and
below. These can be completed with the
book title and payment details and
brought along to the fair.
We look forward to sharing some great
books and Australia! Story Country
stationery with you next week.
put into a museum.
Then someone
stole me and threw me into a river. I
was washed around and began
weathering and eroding. I was flushed
Firstly a huge congratulations to Daniel
out of a river mouth as a piece of
McKendry who received an A grade for
Year 11 ATAR Chemistry for Semester sediment. By Jake, Yr 8
Fantastic Student Work Secondary Science
One through SIDE. We are really proud
Year 10 students have just completed a
of your achievements Daniel!!!
cross-curricular English/Science podcast
Year 7 students have been learning on global warming and climate change. I
about the classification of living things can‟t wait to listen to them!
and combined with the Year 8‟s have
been doing sport science experiments Next week Caitlin Rae, our CSIRO
and answering questions such as “How Scientists in Schools scientist, will be
does warming up affect athletic doing workshops with the high school
students. Students will be analysing data
from her post-graduate research on
Year 8 and 9 students have been Ghost Crabs in Dongara and looking at
learning about rocks, the rock cycle and the preserved stomach contents of some
plate tectonics this Semester.
The Ghost Crabs to try and work out what
curriculum has been enriched by many they eat. Should be gross but very
cool images and objects from Mr interesting- real Science in action.
Tapscott‟s recent visit to Iceland. Rocks Awesome!
from an Iceland volcano and Go Pro
footage of Mr and Mrs Tapscott diving Mrs Ganfield and Miss White
between tectonic plates in dry suits have
helped to inspire the students. SecondYear 11 Aspire Camp
hand recounts from survivors of the
Christchurch Earthquake and the Boxing
Day Tsunami have helped the students In week two I attended the Year 11
appreciate the impacts of natural Aspire camp with Daniel McKendry.
disasters and the important role Science
plays in minimizing these impacts. As an Daniel is in year 11 studying 4 ATAR
assessment task, Year 8 students had to subjects through SIDE. We flew down to
write a story or construct a cartoon about Perth from Geraldton with 42 other
the journey through the rock cycle a small people from various Mid-West schools.
sand particle takes over time. Below is Once we got to Perth we went to our
camp at Point Walter after settling in and
Jake Robinsons rock story.
lunch we were off to industry visits to get
I began my journey as a piece of a taste of what jobs you could do after
sediment rolling in the ocean connecting finishing a university degree.
up to other little pieces of sediment. I
got slammed on the beach in a
sedimentary rock, I had some layers with
a fossilised crab in it.
The southerly
wind was blowing and it picked me up
and slammed me on a sand dune.
Time passed and I was covered now
deep in the ground. I was heated and
pressurised and turned into a
metamorphic rock. I was a shiny
diamond. I was forced into a stream
of magma.
I began to bubble and
rumble and the next day I was shot
out of a volcano in Bali.
I cooled
into an igneous rock with lots of
interlocking crystals. I was really pretty
and I was picked up by a geologist and
We went to Draw History in the city. This
firm is fairly new they are a company that
designs brands for different firms. It was
very interesting to get a taste of how to
plan and implement a brand design for a
specific company. After that we returned
to the camp for dinner and team building
The next day we went to the Water
Corporation office in Leederville. It was
amazing how big it is and how many
people worked there. After attending a
presentation on job opportunities within
the corporation we were lucky enough to
visit the operations room. Unfortunately
no photos were allowed. The operation
room was amazing two circular rows of
desks each person looking at three
computer screens and running the state‟s
water supply from this room. I could see
why there is a priority for STEM. Then
back to UWA for lunch then we attended
a science activity called Fermented
Fashion. Wow a presentation from the
Australian creative scientist Gary Cass,
who has discovered how to make fabric
from the bacteria formed from red wine.
Also other fabrics made from beer and
champagne. This is being done to try and
find a sustainable fabric other than cotton
which requires a huge amount of water.
The champagne dress was displayed at
the Milan fashion show!
Then off to quick shop, dinner then
bounce for a bit of fun.
On our last day there was a workshop
firstly at UWA on what would you change
about the world and how would you do it?
Following that we went to another lecture
theatre to crack our code for selfawareness. This is based on the Myer
Briggs personality types; it gives you a
great understanding of your personality
type, what type of industry you would be
suited to and what study skills suit your
personality type. You can do this through
Then lunch, a visit though Uni Hall‟s
student accommodation, bus trip to the
airport then the flight back to Geraldton.
The Aspire experience in year 11 is
different to the one in year9. It is a
fantastic opportunity for our university
bound students to get a taste of
industries and the UWA campus.
Gail Gundill
Year 6 Broome Camp
Camp was….
Exciting because we did so many new things.
The most fun I’ve ever had!
Great because we had plenty of fresh air and no
The best thing that I’ve ever experienced!
Spectacular because it was my first time in
Really nice and a beautiful place to stay .
On camp we…
Rode camels along Cable Beach.
Went body boarding at Cable Beach.
Met Zooey, a 5 metre long and 700kg crocodile,
at Malcolm Douglas Crocodile Park.
Played spotlight around the camp school.
Did prusicking which was vertical rope climbing.
Conquered our fear of heights up the 20m
climbing wall .
Learnt how to use a compass for orienteering.
Watched a movie at Sun Pictures which is the
oldest outdoor cinema complex still in operation in
the world.
Went shopping in Chinatown.
Got to touch the 5th largest pearl in the world.
On camp we learnt…
That the tide changes on Cable Beach every 6
That the pearl divers had to wear approximately
three times their body weight while searching for
pearl shells under the water.
Pearl diving was a very dangerous job and many
of them died from the bends.
Some pearl divers never saw daylight.
Cable Beach was called Cable Beach because there
used to be a cable underneath the beach that ran
all the way to England - no one knows if it’s still
Broome is a very multicultural town.