Mushrooms = Fall Ingrid Bergman Swedish Film
Mushrooms = Fall Ingrid Bergman Swedish Film
STAMP NEWS 4/2015 DAY OF ISSUE: AUGUST 20, 2015 Ingrid Bergman Page 4–5 Our tions. subscrip ter cen See the ! g a p es Mushrooms = Fall Swedish Film new memorial letter Page 8–9 Page 7 INGRID BERGMAN S-G.J./STINA WIRSÉN/G.M. C 2015 2015 01 36.6 S TO 5 -08-2 0 POSTN RD SVERIG E 14 KR 2 5 -08-2 O 36.6 26.5 C OLM 2 01 S TO OLM 0 RD KH O KH 2 5 -08-2 POSTN C OLM 01 S TO 0 RD KH POSTN 26.5 O Director I. BERGMAN TAKE 3 Starring CAMERA 1 I. BERGMAN SVENSK FILM MINNESBREV Nr 0001 2 BULLETIN 4/2015 News from the Customer Club photo : henrik karlsson r Enter ou on ti ti compe a in w d n a er! tt e L Space Dear Customer, During the spring I received letters from several of you suggesting activities for the Customer Club. Some of the suggestions are dependent on a geographical location, so I need to think about these ideas a bit more since you all are spread throughout the country and the world. There was one suggestion I liked right away. It is easy to implement and all of our members can participate: a trivia game with attractive prize. Since Ingrid Berman and Swedish film history are topics found in this issue of Bulletin, I have put together some questions about Swedish movies and Swedish movie stars that have been depicted on stamps. The answers to two of the questions can be found in this issue of Bulletin. The first letter opened with the correct answers will win a unique Space Letter, which is numbered and has a special cancellation. The Space Letter also comes with a Certificate of Authenticity, which proves that it travelled by research balloon around the Arctic Circle. Only 249 copies of the letter were made. Write your answers on a postcard together with your name and address, add a stamp and send to PostNord Stamps, Customer Club, 164 88 Kista. Write “Movie trivia” on the postcard. Answers must have been received no later than October 1, 2015. The winners will be announced by mail, and the names will be published in an upcoming number of Bulletin. Sincerely, Anders Kind Club Host Movie Trivia – questions 1)What year won Ingrid Bergman her first Oscar? 2)On a minisheet from 2008 Ingmar Bergman can be seen on the set of the film he called “a summary of my entire life as a filmmaker”. What is the name of the movie? 3)What was Greta Garbo’s last name growing up? 4)Diagonal Symphony is the title of a Swedish experimental film from the 1920s that was depicted on a stamp in 1980. Who was the filmmaker? 5)When did PostNord issue the Swedish Film History minisheet? NB! You must be 18 years old to participate. Post Nord Stamps is part of PostNord AB, which is r esponsible for the Customer Club's data register. Please contact our Customer Service Department if you have any q uestions regarding how your personal data is handled, tel. +46 10 436 68 19 ( Sweden only), e-mail: stampservice@posten. se. Your personal data will be used for administration purposes related to your order. It may also be used for marketing and customer analyses and offers directed to you by PostNord and PostNord's partners. Your personal data will be stored for 1 year following your last order. You may request at any time that this data be inactivated following the completion of your orders. If you would like to be informed about the p ersonal data we have in our register about you, please send a written request to PostNord AB, Personuppgiftsombudet, SE-105 00 Stockholm, Sweden. Personal data may be transferred to a personal data representative, i.e. a third party solely responsible for the management of the Customer Club's register. c ov e r : h e n r i k k a r l s s o n p h oto : m at to n s u b s c r i p t i o n BULLETIN 4/2015 3 Mushrooms – seven new maximum cards for your greetings and to save The motifs on the maximum cards are associated with the Mushrooms stamps. The cards were designed by Carina Länk. Maximum Cards Mushrooms 7 maximum card Art. No.: 243051 SEK 119:00 4 BULLETIN 4/2015 Ingrid Bergman (1915–1982) was one of the brightest stars of the international film world. She won three Oscars, two of which for Best Actress in Gaslight and Anastasia. Her career started in Sweden and peaked in Hollywood, and the American Film Institute ranks her as the fourth largest star of all time in American movies. PostNord and the US Postal Service celebrated this achievement in the cooperation that r esulted in the current stamps, Ingrid Bergman 100 Years. Two depictions of the movie star’s face p h oto : t h o r st e n s a n d b e rg Stina Wirsén “If I am not able to sketch a person in flesh and blood, I usually go out and get a lot of portraits, particularly photographs, and make my own interpretation. Ingrid Bergman is Stina Before starting to Wirsén’s thirteenth stamp. work on the Ingrid Many people probably Bergman stamp, remember her eight Swedish I also watched Fashion stamps, which several of her films,” received a lot of attention when they were issued in 2007. says designer Stina Wirsén. She decided to depict Ingrid Bergman around the age of 30–35, which would have been the middle of her career after classics such as Casablanca, For Whom the Bells Toll and Gaslight. Stina Wirsén made quite a few sketches using her constant companion, her black fountain pen, as well as watercolors. She used intaglio printing paper, the surface of which is perfect for her work. “The best sketch, quite simply, became the original for the stamp,” she says. Laszlo Willinger Ingrid Bergman took home three Oscars, although none of them were for what might be her most famous role, Ilsa Lund in Casablanca from 1942. She starred in this movie with another legend of American cinema, Humphrey Bogart, who played the role of nightclub owner Rick Blaine. The proof for the second Swedish stamp – and for the stamp that was issued by the US Postal Service – is a still taken during the 1940’s. The photographer was Laszlo Willinger, who is known for his portrait photographs of movie stars and other celebrities during the 1930s and 1940s. Willinger was born in Hungary and worked as a photographer in Paris, Berlin and Wien. He eventually moved to Hollywood, where his portraits were often found on the covers of the celebrity press. BULLETIN 4/2015 5 Ingrid Bergman 100 Years Coil/10 self-adhesive stamps 2 motifs Art. No.: 242987 SEK 140 Collector’s Sheet Note! Not available for purchase until November. Art. No.: 243055 Ingrid Bergman 100 Years – 20 stamps in sheet from the US Postal Service Art. No.: 243105 SEK 62 SEK 280 Final day for purchase: February 19, 2016 Ingrid Bergman™ is a trademark of the family of Ingrid Bergman, licensed by CMG Brands, LLC. And CASABLANCA – Licensed by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Several highlights from Ingrid Bergman’s film career • Debuted in Munkbrogreven (1935). • Moved to Hollywood for a role in the new production of Intermezzo (1939). • Won an Oscar for Best Actress in Gaslight (1944). • Roles in Casablanca and For Whom the Bells Tolls (1942). • Starred in Stromboli (1949), which was directed by Roberto Rossellini, whom she eventually married • Won an Oscar for Best Actress in Anastasia (1956). • Won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in Murder on the Orient Express (1974). • Leading role in Ingmar Bergman’s Autumn Sonata, her last film (1978). First Day Cover Note! Not available for purchase until November. Art. No.: 243054 List: The Official Ingrid Bergman Site Final day for purchase: February 19, 2016 SEK 52 NOTE! First Day Cover and Collector's sheet to subscribers are delivered with November release. The products are available for each sale from the issue date. Issue set are delivered without the stamp from the US Postal Service, for both subscribers and at each sale. The stamp comes along with the Issue Set in November. 6 BULLETIN 4/2015 New Souvenir Sheet: Ingrid Bergman 100 Years This year is 100 years since Ingrid Bergman was born. PostNord is issuing two stamps (see pages 4–5), one of which is repeated six times in the new Souvenir Sheet that has a photo of Ingrid Berman in the border. Souvenir Sheet Ingrid Bergman 100 Years Number issued: 10,000 Number of stamps: 6 Number of motifs: 1 Art. no.: 242988 SEK 94 BULLETIN 4/2015 7 Swedish Film – new memorial letter with Ingrid Bergman in the spotlight We are now releasing our eighth memorial letter, this time celebrating Swedish film. The letter and this special cancellation were designed by Gustav Mårtensson. The stamps included in the letter are the two stamps depicting Ingrid Bergman’s portrait that are currently in circulation and the entire Swedish Film History minisheet, which was issued in 1981. The stamps in the minisheet show scenes from Intermezzo, in which Ingrid Bergman starred opposite Gösta Ekman, Körkarlen, Gösta Berlings saga, Hets and Viskningar och rop. C KH OLM S-G.J./STINA WIRSÉN/G.M. S TO 2 2015 015 01 36.6 RD SVE R I GE 14 KR 2 5 -08-2 O INGRID BERGMAN 5 -08-2 0 C 36.6 26.5 POSTN S TO OLM 0 RD 01 2 5 -08-2 O 0 C OLM 2 01 S TO POSTN RD KH O KH POSTN 26.5 red Numbe edition! Director I. BERGMAN TAKE 3 Starring CAMERA 1 I. BERGMAN SVENSK FILM MINNESBREV Swedish Film Memorial Letter Number issued: 1,500 Format: C5 Art. no.: 243143 SEK 299 Nr 0001 • Numbered edition, 1–1,500. • Ingrid Bergman 100 Years stamps (2015). • Swedish Film History Minisheet (1981). • Foliated text. • Special cancellation with a film reel as the motif. 8 BULLETIN 4/2015 Mushrooms are synonymous with fall. It stands to reason, then, that the third issue of Swedish mushroom stamps has been planned for the fall. The two previous issues were issued in October 1978 and August 1996,and the c urrent mushroom stamps will be issued on August 20. The denomination is Domestic letters and greetings – fall’s wonderful greetings. Five proofs from the illustrated works of “the Linné of mushrooms” The efforts by Elias Fries (1794–1878) to catalogue mushrooms are considered an important part of the development of modern mycology, the study of mushrooms. He is therefore sometimes Elias Fries. Painting by referred to as “the Linné Johan Gustaf Sandberg, of mushrooms”. 1830's. In the 1800s, Fries catalogued and illustrated our most common mushrooms. His pictures of mushrooms are an art history treasure and several of them are found in the illustrated work, Sweden’s Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, which was published in 1860–1866. His illustrations laid the foundation for what we know today about mushrooms. “The proofs for five of the seven current stamps, weeping milk cap, porcini, changle, scarlet waxy cap and funnel chanterelle, were taken from his illustrated works. All of them are edible,” says Mats Granlöf, the stamp project manager at PostNord Stamps. During the mid-1800s, people living in Sweden were skeptical about eating mushrooms, but after several years of poor harvests and famine, as well as the enthusiasm of Fries, people’s perception changed. “He was also known to be a person who lived simply, which might also be one of the reasons his ‘mushroom propaganda’ was so well received by the general public,” says Mats Granlöf. Elias Fries studied botany at Lund University and became a professor in 1824. Ten years later he left Lund for Uppsala and became the director of the botanical garden and museum there. He was elected into the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1821 and became a member of the Swedish Academy in 1847. Despite a brilliant career and academic titles, “the Linné of mushrooms” was often questioned as an expert. He writes himself in the introduction to his illustrated works, Sweden’s Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, “While staying a few fall seasons in Stockholm, I often inspected the species that were sold at Munkbron. Many of them were the harmless varieties, but I also found entire baskets of poisonous ones, for example Russula foetens; but when I informed them about this I was told, ‘Oh, the Gentleman does not know what he is talking about’.” Russula foetens is the Latin name for the stinking russula, a mushroom that was not included in the discussions about which mushrooms to depict on the stamps. BULLETIN 4/2015 9 Mushrooms Domestic letters Booklet/10 self-adhesive stamps 5 motifs Art. no.: 242985 SEK 70 First Day Cover Art. no.: 243049 SEK 59 Final day for purchase: February 19, 2016 Collector’s Sheet Art. no.: 243050 SEK 69 p h oto : m at s g r a n lö f Final day for purchase: February 19, 2016 Shaggy Ink Cap and Chanterelle Domestic letters Coil/10 self-adhesive stamps 2 motifs Art. no.: 242986 SEK 70 Fideli Sundqvist is one of the foremost practitioners in Sweden of the art of cutting out shapes in cardboard. Here with the original cardboard figure chanterelle. Three great reasons to sign up for a subscription 1) You automatically receive the most recent stamps and stamp products in your mailbox. 2)We pay for shipping and waive the invoicing fee. 3)You receive the newsletter, Bulletin, at no extra cost. Souvenir Sheet SEK 167 (2015) Domestic booklet SEK 565 (2015) Sign up for a subscription using the order form included in this issue of Bulletin. Our ons subscripti First Day Cover SEK 629 (2015) Coil stamp SEK 637.50 (2015) More Subscriptions 2015 (the current yearly prices 2015) Booklets and mini sheets SEK 733 Year book Issue set SEK 589 Maximum cards SEK 497 Year set SEK 589 Cancelled issue set SEK 589 Booklet year set SEK 733 Cancelles booklets and mini sheets SEK 733 Collector’s sheet SEK 869 Cancelles souvenir sheet SEK 167 Booklet with marks SEK 2,415 SEK 589 12 BULLETIN 4/2015 Last sales: final day for purchase August 31, 2015 Issue set January 15, 2015 Art. No.: 243010 SEK 126 Cookies Booklet/10 self-adhesive stamps 4 motifs Art. No.: 242647 SEK 70 BULLETIN 4/2015 13 Last sales: final day for purchase August 31, 2015 Nobel Diploma – Tomas Tranströmer Minisheet/2 stamps 2 motifs Art. No.: 242658 SEK 24 Last e! chanc Swedisk pop export, collector’s sheet Art. No.: 243000 SEK 55 Swedish pop export, first day cover Art. No.: 242999 SEK 45 Swedish pop export. Maximum cards Art. No.: 243001 SEK 85 Prince Eugen 150 Years, collector’s sheet Art. No.: 243037 SEK 90 Prince Eugen 150 Years, first day cover Art. No.: 243036 SEK 80 King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia 2015, first day cover Art. No.: 243008 SEK 31 14 BULLETIN 4/2015 Last sales: final day for purchase September 26, 2015 Issue set March 26, 2015 Art nr: 243025 SEK 118 Last e! chanc The Late Iron Age – Age of the Vikings, collector’s sheet Art. No.: 243023 SEK 62 The Late Iron Age – Age of the Vikings, first day cover Art. No.: 243022 SEK 52 The Late Iron Age – Age of the Vikings, maximum cards Art. No.: 243024 SEK 85 Bees, collector’s sheet Art. No.: 243016 SEK 68 Bees, first day cover Art. No.: 243015 SEK 58 EUROPA 2015 – Beloved Toys, collector’s sheet Art. No.: 243018 SEK 48 EUROPA 2015 – Beloved Toys, first day cover Art. No.: 243019 SEK 38 BULLETIN 4/2015 15 Album och albumblad Sheets for large stamps, 5 pockets Raised pocket 50 mm, black, 1-sided Art. No.: 300801 SEK 59/5 pk Pocket album The album measures 23 x 30.5 cm, has 16 pages, and double interleaving Art. No.: 300800 SEK 99 Plastic pockets for booklets, 3 pockets Plastic pockets for large FDCs, 1 pocket Black, 2-sided Art. No.: 302005 Black, 2-sided Art. No.: 241402 SEK 59/5 pk SEK 59/5 pk Keep your sets in a handy album This album has been designed in line with our customers’ wishes. Simply insert the blue set sheets the issue sets are delivered in. Smart, convenient and well-arranged! Set Album Art. No.: 300700 SEK 129 Plastic pocket for large booklets and regular FDCs, 2 pockets Black, 2-sided Art. No.: 302000 Regular album Art. No.: 301600 SEK 149 SEK 69/10 pk Issue Set August 20, 2015 Issue Set August 20, 2015 Art. No.:243062 SEK 91 Final day for purchase: February 20, 2016 Cancelled Issue Set August 20, 2015 Art. No.: 243063 SEK 91 Final day for purchase: February 20, 2016 NOTE! First Day Cover and Collector's sheet to subscribers are delivered with November release. The products are available for each sale from the issue date. Issue set are delivered without the stamp from the US Postal Service, for both subscribers and at each sale. The stamp comes along with the Issue Set in November. 16 BULLETIN 4/2015 On May 7, the World Wildlife Fund’s famous panda logo premiered on Swedish and Danish stamps. The first time the logo was used on a stamp was in 1983 when Uganda and other countries issued a series featuring the endangered African elephant. Since then approximately 220 countries have issued stamps with the WWF logo. p h oto : t h o r st e n s a n d b e rg Swedish and Danish charity stamps new addition to a large WWF collection Thirty years ago Torbjörn Larm linked his interest in nature and the environment with stamp collecting in a more systematic way. Many of the stamps in Torbjörn Larm’s album depict endangered animals. The foreword to his special album sheets is written by Carl XVI Gustaf. Torbjörn Larm’s interest in stamps began with the letters and postcards his father, who was in the Navy, sent from ports and cities in far away countries. In particular, Torbjörn remembers the postcards and stamps from Japan. “I grew up in Karlskrona close to boats and the ocean, so it was natural that my first specialty area was sailing ships. After I joined the scouts and began spending a lot of time outdoors and in the forest I became interested in nature and the environment,” he says. Torbjörn Larm followed in his father’s footsteps and trained to become a naval officer. A long voyage with the training ship, Älvs nabben, also presented fantastic opportunities for coming into contact with animals and nature in foreign countries. “Once back in Sweden I joined the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, and it was at one of their events that I first saw the stamps of the endangered species. These stamps had been issued in cooperation with WWF and depicted the organization’s logo, the panda.” Torbjörn Larm researched the stamps and discovered that it was possible to subscribe to the WWF stamps, and the stamps were presented on an attractive album sheet with interesting facts about the depicted animals. The first stamps in the album depict the African elephant in a series issued in 1983 by the postal services in Uganda. “The elephant was endangered at the time, and unfortunately it is just as endangered today because of poaching. The WWF stamps, which have been issued over a thirty-year period, are an important reminder about our shared responsibility for nature and the environment,” says Torbjörn Larm. BULLETIN 4/2015 17 SEK 10 from every booklet goes to WWF Sweden First Day Cover Art. No.: 243004 SEK 40 Final day for purchase: November 7, 2015 Collector’s Sheet Art. No.: 243005 SEK 36 Final day for purchase: November 7, 2015 Charity Stamp 2015 – WWF Domestic letters Booklet/10 self-adhesive stamps 2 motifs Art. No.: 242970 SEK 80 Exhibitions in autumn In addition to NORDIA 2015 PostNord participates in two more major philatelic exhibitions this autumn: – SILFI 2015. Time: 26–27 September. Location: Arena Midt Kjellerup, Silkeborg, Denmark. Read more on – 2015 China International Collection Expo. Time: 25–28 September. Location: Beijing Exhibition Center, Beijing, China. 18 BULLETIN 4/2015 Ingrid Bergman sid 4–5 Mushrooms sid 8–9 UNIT DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER (E) PROOF MOTIF PRINTING TECHNIQUE DIMENSIONS Ingrid Bergman 100 Years Coil Gustav Mårtensson Lars Sjööblom (E) Photo by Laszlo Willinger/ Heritage/TT and waterpainting by Stina Wirsén based on photos by Sven-Gösta Johansson Portrait of Ingrid Bergman Recess and offset Offset 26.5 x 36.6 mm Ingrid Bergman 100 Years Collector’s Sheet Gustav Mårtensson Photo: Heritage/TT Portrait of Ingrid Bergman Offset A4 Ingrid Bergman 100 Years First Day Cover Gustav Mårtensson Janerik Henriksson/TT Film camera Offset 180 x 125 mm Ingrid Bergman 100 Years First Day Cover Cancellation Gustav Mårtensson Various photos Walk of Fame in Hollywood Cancelled 27 mm (diameter) Ingrid Bergman 100 Years Souvenir Sheet Gustav Mårtensson Lars Sjööblom (E) Photo by Laszlo Willinger/ Portrait of Ingrid Bergman Heritage/TT.(stamp) Margin: Everett Collection /IBL Bildbyrå Recess and offset 187.5 mm x 148.0 mm (minisheet), 31.5 x 41.67 mm (stamp) Mushrooms Booklet Norbert Tamas Elias Fries Lactarius volemus, Boletus edulis, Ramaria flava, Hygrocybe punicea and Craterellus tubaeformis Offset 26.5 x 36.6 mm Mushrooms Coil Norbert Tamas Fideli Sundqvist Coprinus comatus and Cantharellus cibarius Offset 26.5 x 26.25 mm Mushrooms Collector’s Sheet Norbert Tamas Elias Fries Macrolepiota procera Offset A4 Mushrooms First Day Cover Norbert Tamas Fideli Sundqvist Cantharellus cibarius Offset 180 x 125 mm Mushrooms First Day Cover Cancellation Norbert Tamas Norbert Tamas Cantharellus cibarius Cancelled 27 mm (diameter) Mushrooms Maximum Cards Carina Länk Photos by Shutterstock, Kenneth Bengtsson/ Johnér, © MAP/ Jean-Yves Grospas/ Age/IBL, Scott Camazine/ Alamy, Imago/McPHOTO, Jan Håkan Dahlström/ Bildhuset/TT Lactarius volemus, Boletus edulis, Ramaria flava, Hygrocybe punicea, Craterellus tubaeformis Offset A6 Mushrooms Maximum Cards Cancellation Carina Länk Carina Länk Boletus edulis Cancelled 27 mm (diameter) PostNord's stamp engraver Lars Sjööblom in international winning team Recently the minisheet Grand Place in Brussels was appointed most beautiful Belgian engraved stamp issue in 2014. One of the stamps were engraved by PostNord engraver Lars Sjööblom, others by engravers from various countries including China. The contest "Grand Prix de l'Art Philatélique Belge et Européen" was settled in two classes, Belgian stamps and stamps from countries within the EU. The European competition had attracted 24 of the EU's 28 member countries to participate. The Swedish contribution came in fourth place after Italy (1), Poland (2) and a joint issue Portugal/Belgium (3). The jury for the "Grand Prix" was included experts in both philately and art. BULLETIN 4/2015 19 Purchasing Information Please contact our Customer Service if you have any queries about our products or your subscription, or if you want to order. Telephone: + 46 10 436 68 19 E-mail: Open: Monday–Thursday 9 a.m.–4 p.m Friday 9 a.m.–3 p.m. PostNord Stamps, Customer Service, SE-164 88 Kista, Sweden Bulletin Deliveries The Bulletin with information about new stamp issues is published five times a year. All customers that buy stamps or stamp products for a minimum of SEK 280 a year, or have at least one subscription, get it for free. Orders from Bulletin: Your order will be delivered within two weeks of the issue date. General deliveries: Goods are delivered 1 to 2 weeks after we receive your order. Please check your goods upon delivery. Payment PostNord Stamps requests advance payment u nless otherwise stated. We only deliver if the amount of the order is covered by the account. You can pay through one of our giro accounts. Unfortunately we cannot accept cheques and cash money. We accept Master Card and Visa. Bank Accounts Sweden (Payment in SEK): Handelsbanken Sweden Account no: 251 855 848 IBAN: SE46 6000 0000 0002 5185 5848 BIC: HANDSESS Registrered delivery Only deliveries of over SEK 2,000 are sent by registered mail. Customer number Please state your customer number when contacting us. You will find it on your delivery note. Full warranty Purchases may be returned within 2 weeks after receipt. You get your money back or we exchange the product. Please write a few lines to tell us why you are returning it. Free deliveries of subscriptions and purchases over SEK 280 Finland (Payment in EURO): Handelsbanken Finland Account no: 313110-40133 IBAN: FI29 3131 1000 0401 33 BIC: HANDFIHH We pay the postage and handling charges for subscription deliveries and for individual purchases over SEK 280. For purchases under SEK 280, we have to charge a fee of SEK 29 (as well as for purchases outside subscriptions of less than SEK 280). EUR (Payment in EURO): Handelsbanken Frankfurt, Deutschland/Germany Account no: 11389 032 BLZ: 514 206 00 IBAN: DE18 5142 0600 0011 3890 32 BIC: HANDDEFF All product in this Bulletin are available while stocks last. Please write clearly and use block letters when filling in the order form. The information will be scanned. Order SEK 350 or more from this Bulletin and receive a paperclip holder with a stamp collage motif Gift to the 3,500 first customers The gift is valued at SEK 40 (Art. No.: 242896). The offer is valid for private individials while supplies last or until October 23, 2015. If you make a purchase for SEK 350 or more and would like to receive the gift, please check the box on the order form. The gift will either be sent separately or together with your Bulletin order. 2015 EUROPA Stamp Competition – vote for Sweden’s contribution The polls for the most popular EUROPA stamp for 2015 are now open. The vote is arranged by Posteurop, and you will find the “polling booth” here, Vote for Sweden’s contribution and help more people in Europe discover our stamps. Voting runs until August 31, 2015. Reserve October 30 – November 1, 2015, for the biggest stamp event of the year in Sweden, the Nordia 2015 exhibition in Täby just north of Stockholm. Nordia is an exhibition that the Nordic philatelic associations take turns arranging in their home countries. PostNord will have a stand at Nordia 2015 where it is possible to buy the current Swedish and Danish stamps and stamp products. “I can promise that we will have a number of special offers during Nordia, and I can even give you a hint and say that we are selling a number of letters that flew with a research balloon around the Arctic Circle. Very exciting objects that I believe will be interesting for both specialists in air mail and other collectors,” says PostNord’s Head of Stamps, Britt-Inger Hahne. Mats Söderberg is chairman of the exhibition committee for Nordia 2015. He is hoping that the large selection of collections – from classic to modern Open – and activities as well as the retailers, competitions and auctions will attract many visitors during the three days of the exhibition. Read more about Nordia 2015 and stay informed about the exhibition here, The next Bulletin will arrive at the end of October Production and printing: Ineko 2015 – 236138 Nordia 2015 – the largest stamp event of the year in Sweden
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