TELEPHONE 805/822-1726 FAX 805/822-0677 SANTA MARIA Website : PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Administration Bldg. Thursday November 13, 2014 Airport Boardroom 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING AGENDA This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of the California Government Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the Santa Maria Public Airport District has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. The Santa Maria Public Airport District welcomes orderly participation at its meetings from all members of the public. This includes assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act to provide an equally effective opportunity for individuals with a disability to participate in and benefit from District activities. To request assistance with disability accommodation, please call (805) 922-1726. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting would enable the Santa Maria Public Airport District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Adams, Lahr, Baskett, Engel, Damiano 1. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 23,2014. 2. COMMITTEE REPORT(S): a) b) c) d) e) f) g) AVIATION SUPPORT & PLANNING (Standing or Ad Hoc) ADMINISTRATION & FINANCIAL (Standing or Ad Hoc) MARKETING & PROMOTIONS (Standing or Ad Hoc) CITY & COUNTY LIAISON STATE & FEDERAL LIAISON VANDENBERG LIAISON BUSINESS PARK COMMITTEE (Ad Hoc) 3. GENERAL MANAGERJS REPORT. 4. MANAGER OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION REPORT. a) Demand Register 5. DISTRICT COUNSEL'S REPORT. (Ray Biering and Joshua George) 6. PUBLIC SESSION: Statements from the floor will be heard during public session. Request to Speak forms are provided for those wishing to address the board. After completing the form, please give it to the Clerk. Requests requiring board action will be referred to staff and brought on the next appropriate agenda. Members of the public are cordially invited to speak on agenda items as they occur. Staff reports covering agenda items are available for review in the offices of the General Manager on the Tuesday prior to each meeting. The Board will establish time limit for receipt of testimony. The board reserves the right to establish further time limits for receipt of testimony. 3217 TERMINAL DRIVE • SANTA MARIA, CALIFORNIA 93455 Santa Maria Public Airport Dist. 7. Page 2 Nov. 11, 2014 The Consent Calendar is approved by ROLL CALL VOTE on one Motion. These items are read only on request of Board members. The following items are presented for Board approval without discussion as a single agenda item in order to expedite the meeting. SHOULD ANYONE WISH TO DISCUSS OR DISAPPROVE ANY ITEM, it must be dropped from the blanket Motion of approval and be considered as a separate item. It is the recommendation of staff that the Board receives, and file and/or approve the following leases and agreements or other routine items and authorize the President and Secretary to execute them: a) AUTHORIZATION FOR TWO STAFF MEMBERS, ONE DIRECTOR, AND DISTRICT COUNSEL BIERING TO ATTEND THE 2015 S.W.A.A.A.E. WINTER CONFERENCE HELD ON JANUARY 25-28,2015 IN MONTEREY, CA. b) AUTHORIZATION FOR THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PURCHASE ONE (1) MAINTENANCE VEHICLE. c) AUTHORIZATION FOR THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE FIRE STATION DOORS. 8. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 836. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT AMENDING AND ADOPTING A DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE GOAL FOR OCTOBER 1, 2014 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30,2015. (HAS SAT BEFORE THE PUBLIC FOR THE REQUIRED 45 DAYS) 9. DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING SURETY BONDS FOR AIRPORT CONTRACTS. 10. DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING EMERGENCY RESPONSE VEHICLES ACCESS ON THE AIRPORT. 11. AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH HERITAGE OAKS BANK FOR A COLLATERALIZED DEPOSIT PLEDGE. 12. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A BUILDING LEASE BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND MOUNTAIN AVIATION FOR 3940 MITCHELL RD., SANTA MARIA, CA. 13. CLOSED SESSION. The Board will hold a Closed Session to discuss the following item: (a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT - Title: GENERAL MANAGER. (b) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.8 with Real Property Negotiators between the District and International Emergency Services, Inc. regarding 3117-A Liberator, Santa Maria, CA 93455. 14. DIRECTORS' COMMENTS. 15. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT HELD OCTOBER 23,2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Board of Directors of the Santa Maria Public Airport District held a Regular Meeting at the regular place at 7:00 p.m. Present were Directors Engel, Lahr, Damiano, Adams, Baskett, General Manager Hastert, District Counsel Biering, and Secretary Freitas. The Manager of Finance and Administration and Assistant District Counsel George were absent. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1. Director Baskett made a Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes held October 9, 2014, Director Lahr Seconded and it was carried by a 5-0 vote. Directors Lahr, Engel, Baskett, Damiano, and Adams voted "Yes", 2. COMMITTEE REPORT(S) : a) 20 21 22 23 b) c) d) e) f) g) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 9, 2014 . 3. AVIATION SUPPORT & PLANNING (Standing or Ad Hoc) - No committee meeting was held . However a committee meeting will be scheduled to discuss the result of the findings regarding the geographical information system and cost. ADMINISTRATION & FINANCIAL (Standing or Ad Hoc) - A meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 2ih to review investment options for the District. MARKETING & PROMOTIONS (Standing or Ad Hoc) - No meeting is scheduled . CITY & COUNTY LIAISON - No meeting is scheduled. STATE & FEDERAL LIAISON - No meeting is scheduled . VANDENBERG LIAISON - No meeting is scheduled . BUSINESS PARK COMMITTEE (Ad Hoc) - No committee meeting was held. The General Manager met with the District Broker, Tom Ross, and commented on that meeting. He gave a brief environmental update for the business park project. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT. General Manager Hastert was pleased to be working with the District's Broker, Tom Ross regarding the Business Park development. He informed the Board that truck bids had been requested from local dealership regarding replacing one maintenance truck . He updated the Board on air service development. He announced he would be attending an EDC meeting tomorrow. 4. MANAGER OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION REPORT. General Manager Hastert presented the Demand Register to the Board to review and approve . There was discussion and clarification between Directors and staff regarding a payment for insurance and a payment to Diani Construction. a) Demand Register. The Demand Register, covering warrants 060445 through 060494 in the amount of $498,583.40 was recommended for approval as presented. Director Lahr made a Motion to accept the Demand Register as presented authorizing the Secretary to execute same. Director Damiano Seconded and the Motion was carried by a 5-0 vote. Directors lahr, Engel, Baskett, Damiano, and Adams voted "Yes". -1- b) 1 2 3 4 The Delinquent Tenant List. The Delinquent Tenant List was provided to Directors for informational only purposes . 5. DISTRICT COUNSEL 'S REPORT. District Counsel Biering announced the General 5 Manager's evaluation form had been sent out to the Board . He has not received any evaluation 6 forms back, and reminded the Board to please return the form as soon as possible . 7 8 6. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 No one requested to speak. 18 19 7. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PUBLIC SESSION: Statements from the floor will be heard during public session. Request to Speak forms are provided for those wishing to address the board . After completing the form, please give it to the Clerk. Requests requiring board action will be referred to staff and brought on the next appropriate agenda. Members of the public are cordially invited to speak on agenda items as they occur. Staff reports covering agenda items are available for review in the offices of the General Manager on the Tuesday prior to each meeting . The Board has established a five-minute time limit for receipt of testimony. The board reserves the right to establish further time limits for receipt of testimony. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND COTA'S PAINTING FOR THE AIRPORT'S TERMINAL BUILDING . General Manager Hastert reviewed scope of work, quotes , and recommended Board approval. Director Damiano made a Motion authorizing the President and Secretary to execute a 27 Service Agreement between the District and Cota's Painting for the airport's terminal building. 28 29 Director Baskett Seconded and the Motion was carried by a 5-0 vote. 30 Baskett, Damiano, and Adams voted "Yes" . 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 8. 44 45 46 Directors Lahr, Engel, AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND ROBERTSON CONSTRUCTION FOR PAINTING THE AIRPORT'S MAIN HANGAR. General Manager Hastert reviewed scope of work, quotes, and recommended Board approval. Brief discussion was held between Directors and staff regarding bonding requirements for contracts. Director Baskett made a Motion authorizing the President and Secretary to execute a Service Agreement between the District and Robertson Construction for painting the airport's main hangar. Director Damiano Seconded and the Motion was carried by a 5-0 vote. Directors Lahr, Engel , Baskett, Damiano, and Adams voted "Yes". RECESS : At 7 :17 p.m . 47 48 49 50 Return to OPEN SESSION : Session . At 7:31 p. m . the Board and staff reconvened to Open -2- 1 2 CLOSED SESSION. following item: 9. At 7:31 p.m. the Board went into Closed Session to discuss the 3 a) 4 5 6 7 8 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956 - conference with legal counsel - potential litigation. Director Baskett excused himself from discussion regarding Closed Session Item 9(b) and left the board room . 9 b) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956 .8 with Real Property Negotiators between the District and International Emergency Services, Inc. regarding 3117-A Liberator, Santa Maria, CA 93455. At 7:59 p.m., the Board, including Director Basket, and staff reconvened to Open Public Session. There was no reportable action. 10. DIRECTORS' COMMENTS. Director Lahr had no comments. Director Engel commented on moving forward with completing the environmental process . Director Baskett was delighted to see the painting being done on the airport buildings. Director Damiano was also pleased for the painting to begin on the airport buildings . President Adams commented on looking forward to seeing Tom Ross signs on the airport. 11. ADJOURNMENT. Director Damiano made a Motion to adjourn to a Regular Meeting to be held on November 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m . at the regular meeting place. Seconded and the Motion was carried by a 5-0 vote. Directors Lahr, Engel, Baskett, Damiano, and Adams voted "Yes". 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Director Engel ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT This Adjournment Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Santa Maria Public Airport District is hereby adjourned at 8:03 p. m. on October 23, 2014 . CHUCK ADAMS, President CHUCK DAMIANO, Secretary 46 47 48 49 50 -3- 2014~2015 Agenda ~rq'2 DEMAND REGISTER SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT ) \ ..- l '3-'") Lf- Full consideration has been received by the Santa Maria Public Airport District for each demand, numbers 060495 to 060550 on Heritage Oaks Bank in the total amount of $1 01,736.85. CHRIS HASTERT GENERAL MANAGER The undersigned certifies that the attached register of audited demands of the Santa Maria Public Airport District for each demand, numbers 060495 to 060550 on Heritage Oaks Banle in the total amount of $101,736.85 has been approved as being in conformity with the budget approved by the Santa Maria Public Air ort District and funds are available for their payment. I c}D/(c{ VER NEKA READE MANAGER OF FINANACE AND ADMINISTRATION I ( DATE <THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT APPROVED PAYMENT OF THE ATTACHED WARRANTS AT THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13,2014. CHARLES J. DAMIANO SECRETARY Santa Maria Public Airport District Demand Register Check Number Check Date 060495* 060496* 060497* 060498* 060499* 060500* 060501* 060502* 060503* 060504* 060505* 060506* 060507* 060508* 060509* 060510* 060511* 060512* 060513* 060514* 060515* 060516* 060517 060518 060519 060520 060521 060522 060523 060524 060525 060526 060527 060528 060529 060530 060531 10/23/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 11/10/201.4 11/10/2014 11/10/2014 Check Amount Vendor Name Santa Barbara Cnty Special District Advantage Answering PI us AT&T City of Santa Maria-Util Div Comcast The Gas Company Hartford HealthSmart Benefit Solutions} Inc. PERS - Retirement Pacific Gas & Electric Company ROKLIN Systems Incorporated Santa Maria Times Verizon AT&T Retail Services - Costco De Lage Landen Hartford Nestle Pure"'Life Direct PERS - Retirement Pacific Gas & Electric Company Verizon Verizon Wireless American Industrial Supply Bomar Security & Investigation CARRIS BOOT SHOP 11/10/2014 Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc. 11/10/2014 Coffman Associates 11/10/2014 De Lage Landen 11/10/2014 Electronic Parts Supermart 11/10/2014 Fastenal Company 11/10/2014 Charles Z. Fedak & Co. 11/10/2014 Chris Hastert 11/10/2014 Hayward Lumber Company 11/10/2014 . Ray Heath 11/10/2014 Home Depot 11/10/2014 J B Dewar, Inc 11/10/2014 limotta Internet Technologies Page 1 of 2 $80.00 $235.00 $179.82 $6,114.84 $665.22 $142.26 $1,423.51 $255.76 $4,957.69 $11}046.32 $1,922.69 $149.75 $609.98 $190.51 $521.43 $74.55 $1,423.51 $86.65 $5}175.80 $7}951.67 $103.40 $1,383 .12 $65.65 $5,108.74 $296.50 $822.54 $2,025.00 $318.76 $31.82 $34.00 $5,776.00 $198.00 $5.70 $3,575.20 $268.41 $3,702 .13 $1,339.50 Description Monthly Chapter Meeting Answering Service Phone Service Water Invoices Cable/Internet /Digital Voice Utilities Deferred Income Employee Vision Coverage Retirement Terminal Asphalt Repair Annual Subscription Telephone Expense Phone Service Office Supplies & Sundries Lease/Maint. - Copier Deferred Income Bottle water Delivery Retirement Admin./Main Hangar Telephone Expense Cell Phones Safety Equipment Security Service Safety Equipment Lighting Maintenance Wildlife Hazard Assessment Lease/Maint. - Copier Building Maint. - Terminal Shop Supplies Annual Audit Expense Reimb. Building Maint. - Terminal Consulting Service Building Maint. - Terminal Fuel Expense - Gas/Diesel Computer Support Services Santa Maria Public Airport District Demand Register Check Number 060532 060533 060534 060535 060536 060537 Check Check Vendor Name Date Amount 11/10/2014 Los Padres Fire Protection 11/10/2014 Mar Teeny Designs 11/10/2014 McMasters and Carr 11/10/2014 Mead & Hunt, Inc. 11/10/2014 Medina Sewer Drain Cleaning & Plumbing 11/10/2014 Miranda's Landscaping, Inc. Description $295.00 ARFF Vehicle Maint. $200.00 Web Page Maint. $651.43 Lighting & Nav. Aid $9,900.54 Air Service Consulting $480.00 Building Maint. - Terminal $12,298.33 Landscaping Service 11/10/2014 Mission Uniform Service 11/10/2014 Napa Auto Parts $383.27 Uniform Service $119.77 Auto Maint. - Mechanical 060541 11/10/2014 Pat's Automotive 11/10/2014 Praxair 060542 11/10/2014 Quinn Rental Services $172.67 Building Maint. - Terminal 060543 11/10/2014 Quinn Company 11/10/2014 Ray Zierman Backflow Service 060538 060539 060540 060544 $18.67 Auto parts $114.05 Shop Supplies $6.77 Safety Equip. $663.69 Backflow Testing 060546 11/10/2014 Reeder, Gilman & Million 11/10/2014 Stimulus Marketing, Inc. 060547 11/10/2014 Ultrex Business Solutions $174.68 Lease/Maint. Copy Machine 060548 11/10/2014 VTC Enterprises $123.41 Em ployee Recognition 060549 11/10/2014 Wayne's Tir~, Inc 060550 11/10/2014 Zee Medical Service Company 060545 **Approved by One Board Member Total Checks Written ) Page 2 of 2 $4,000.00 Business Park Expense $3,675.00 Airport Advertising $66.89 Heavy Equip Maint. - Tires $131.25 First Aid $101,736.85 ~nTfl=tF9flnFfftt~===# SA NTA MAR I A PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT DATE: November 13} 2014 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Veroneka Reade} Manager of Finance and Administration SUBJECT: Agenda Item 7 (a ) Authorization for two staff members, one Director and District Counsel Representative to attend the 2015 S.W.A.A.A.E. Winter Conference held on January 25-28} 2015 in Monterey, CA. Role of the Airport Attorney Workshop Attendees Days Overnight stay for two attendees 2 1 Meals: Meals for Friday night through Saturday night 2 Mileage: Two Vehicles round trip to Monterey 359 miles 2 Registrat ion: Two Individuals Registrations 2 Hotel: Rate $ 228.48 $ 1 $ 60.00 $ 120 1 $ 0.56 $ 402 1 $ 190.00 $ 380 Total for Attorney Workshop Winter Conference Hotel: Meals: Registration: 457 $ 1,359 Attendees Up to Two Staff Members & One Director 2 One Board Member Meals for Four Days Days Rate Total 4 $ 228.48 $ 1,828 1 3 $ 228.48 $ 685 2 4 $ 60.00 $ 480 Meals for Three Days 1 3 $ 60.00 $ 180 Three Individuals Registrations 3 $ 395.00 $ 1}185 Two Vehicles round trip to Monterey 359 miles 2 $ 0.55 Total for Winter Conference $ 402 $ 4}760 Total Both Conferences $ 6,119 1 The current balance of the I'Business Travel" account including the previously approved travel is $9,452.00. After the estimated travel costs listed above are added the total spent will be approximately $15,571.00. The approved budgeted amount is $46}300.00 therefore the remaining budget after this conference will be approximately $30,729.00. 55th Annual Airport Management Short Course - Southwest Chapter of American Associ ... Membership About Us Enter search Me ll1b~r Benefils Events Page 1 of 1 Industry News & Resources 55th Annual Airport Management Short Course Gil I en a More "' thi s SeC!lOfl.. . SI,o,e I I;;?l Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future" II Reme mil er Me Forqo\ your p,a sswor<l? Register For Conference Nat Conference Fees 0 mer"oe,' MONTEREY - CALIFORNIA January 25, 2015 - January 28, 2015 Conference Program Ca!elldar ·' ·-.rr:: ! 125/2015 " 1{28{20 15 ~;V'\: ..\/.t·_r:. :. ; ~~-\h!l.,tnu {·:!;or ~ ~/i:')'l :'.i~"rnf:: l1t .·h"Jr; Co U" ?~·: t:· (comillg soon) Sponsorship and Exhibitor In(o'm~tion Hotel 8, Conference VenuI> Golf Tournament Rolp of the;, Anpon AlIorn(>y Workshop SWAAAE's 55th Annual Airport Management Short Course conference theme is "Honoring the Past, Sharing the Future", Accreditation Final Interview Workshop Registration Lis! In addition to enjoying Monterey on your own, the conference committee has put together a n exciting social prag ra m, This includes the" Back to the Future" themed Cannery Row Adventure and Bruce loev Pool Tournament, as well as the Past- President's golf outing held at Poppy Hills Golf Course. Monterey is the setting for Cannery Row, a historical and luxurious location on California's Central Coast. Home to uniqLle restaurants, shopping and the world famous Monterey Bay Aquarium, there IS somethmg for everyone . We are pleased to offer- an educational and Informative program at this year's conference. We hope this year's conference will challenge and interest you. We know you Will leave this conference with new tools for dealing with your aviation issues. Registration is set to open October 24, 2014. Please check back for additional details. As s oc i~tjon lvIiln;\gemerll So /twac.:! Power ed by YourMernll<)rship,com® :: Legal 10/29/2014 55th Aru1ual Short Course Hotel & Conference Venue - Southwest Chapter of American ". MQll1hershlp Entel search criteflil. t\kl11ber Benefits EV€lltS Page 1 of 1 Indllstry ('; 2'.,' 5 & ReSOllrces 55th Annual Short Course Hotel & Conference Venue t'.'.ore In this Section Use marne Share I P a ~ swo(d F()r~ot your pass word? Calendar 1/ 25/2015 » 1/ 28/2015 $"V;\ /",r"l,['$ ~')~ll"t, f.-.f1n~r;·l l '\iqJvl~' M~na<:}en)~ n { :-~hf;.rt Gr) i.; r ~ ,~ Monterey Plaza Hotel 400 Cannery Row Monterey, CA 93940 831-646-1700 \;) I 800-334-39991!) www,rnol1tereyplilzahotel,(olll The Annual Airport Management Short Course will be held at the elegant Monterey PIClza Hotel. All attendees will receive () special room rate of $181.00 single or double occupancy (inland view - ask about upgrades If desired), plus applicable taxes. Be sure to mention yOll are attending the SWAAAE Airport Management Short Course. Online Reservations can be made using the Group Code - SWA01l5. The deadline to make your reservation is December 24, 2014. All reservations made after this date \·vill be subject to availability and milY not be at the conference rate. Guest may choose to have a $25.00 resort fee added to their room account daily to provide 24 hour valet parking with in and out privileges, high speed wireless internet access in guestrooms, full use of the spa's fitness center and whirlpool tubs, unlimited local calls, and a newspaper delivered to their room daily, NOTE: Attendees will be asked at check-in If they prefer the a 13 carte services priCing or tile discounted resort fee package price. Valet parking is included in the $25.00 resort fee. Parking at nearby public lots IS $10.00 - $15.00 per day. A map With driving directions is available HEil E, To make reservations call 1-800-J34-3999~; or click here to book online. Return to Conference Homepage A5 s ociation Man ilgement Software Powered by YourMembership,com® :: Legill .coml?WinCon20 15Hotel 10/29/2014 Role of the Attorney Workshop - Southwest Chapter of Alnerican Association of Airport .. , Page 1 of 1 About Us Melnbershl() ",~ernbel' RClle f lts Il1dv: rry Nev's &. Resources Cvenl s Role of the Attorney Workshop Enter seal'ch cllt€fla Siglllil Mo(e ill thi s Section ,_. Share I US~II\~me Saturday, 1/24/15 Pilsswo(d NG~ 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM The Southwest Chapter of AAAE is once again presentrng a speciill one-day workshop for airport managers and tl1eir legal counsel. Al thiS SWAAAE Specialty workshop, you will learn how other airports work with their legClj staffs on Important airport issues facing them. This one-day wOI-kshop, "The Role of the Attorney as Part of the Airport Management Team" is being held Saturday, January 24,2015 from 8:30 a,m . . 5:00 p .m. as part of this year's Monterey Airport ManClgemel1t Short Course. .' rnernlH?r" Calendar 1125{20 15 " l\i q>or t Cuurs'l:".: 1/ 201~Oi 5 M :-lna g ~~ n'l(! :~\ ,Sl\u" This course IS Intended for airport staff and their legal counsel (you can attend with or without your attorney). MCLE credit IS available ror attorneys who attend , It will be held at the conrerence hotel, the beautiful Monterey Plaza Hotel. Individuals only registering for the Role of the Airport Attorney Workshop should choose the conference registration option "Guest/Workshop Attendee ." The workshop registration fee is $190 and is listed as all "Optional Ticket" towards the top of the registration form . Return to Conference Homepage Association Management Sofl\vMe Powered by YourMQmbelship.conl':ID :: Legal 10/29/2014 55th Airport Managelnent Short Course Fees - Southwest Chapter of American Associati ... Membership Enler search crilena . Page 1 of 1 EVents 55th Airport Management Short Course Fees Sign In More in lhi ~ 5>::"~lIon_ Share I Us,€'lflilrne "Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future" Password MONTEREY - CALIFORNIA January 25, 2015 - January 28, 2015 F o r~ot YDu r pas sword? C,ilenua ( 1125/2:0 15,> 11 2.8{20 15 S'W;\f!:..AF~ ~ ~?~h .l1.n(l!ji\j .-\l '·pOft Ma:'1~\Jfir'!cnl :;lH.;r t (>.:I1J 1S ~ Full Registralion Member (includes banquel) Full Registralion Non-Member (incllJdes banquet) One Day Registration Member (banquet NOT included) One Day Registration Non-Member (banquet NOT included) Student Registration (banquet NOT Included) NOll-Member Student Registration (banquet NOT included) Stud ent Group Registralion - For 5 Students (banquet NOT Included) Executive Emeritus Full Regislration (includes banquet) Role of the Airport Attorney Workshop Final Interview Workshop Golf Tournament Banquel Tickets iV',Jelcome Reception Tickets Before December 12 After December 12 S3f)5.00 $495 .00 $195.00 $295.00 $80.00 $'100.00 $350,00 $19800 S190,00 $100 00 $13500 $90,00 $2000 $495.00 $595.00 $195.00 $295,00 $80.00 $100 .00 $350.00 $198.00 $190 ,00 $100,00 $13500 $90.00 $20.00 Cancellation Policy: Participants are eligible for a futl refund If the registration is canceled more than 21 days in advance of the start dale of the event Cancellations made 21 days or less than the start date of the event are eligible for a refund less 30% of all fees paid. not to exceed $150 administrative processing (ee. Cancellation noti~c.ahon should be sent to Info@swaaae .org. Refunds Will be processed no more lilan 30 days following a request. Return to Conference Homepage Associalion Management Soltware Powered by® :: Legal https:llswaaae,site-Yln.comJ?WinCon2015Fe 10/29/2014 MEMORANDUM DATE: NOVEMBER 13,2014 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: VERONEKA READE, MANAGER OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 7 (b) AHORIZATION FOR THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PURCHASE ONE (1) MAINTENANCE VEHICLE. The Manager of Operations and Maintenance, Ric Tokoph, prepared a request for bids for a maintenance vehicle. These bids were distributed to local dealers and four bids were received. Mr. Tokoph has outlined the responses in his attached memo. The lowest bidder was Home Motors at $30,249.48. This amount falls withln the budgeted amount of $45,000.00. It is recommended the Board authorize purchase of the 2015 Chevy Truck from Home Motors. SANTAMARIA MEMORANDUM DATE: October 24,2014 TO: Chris Hastert, General Manager FROM: Richard Tokoph, Operations Manager SUBJECT: Maintenance Vehicle Purchase On October 10\ 2014 a request for vehicle bid was sent to local dealers in the Santa Maria Area. rd Four bids were received by the October 23 due date . Home Motors submitted the lowest bid meeting the minimum vehicle requirements with a 2015 Chevy CK15753 for $30\249.48. Attached are the proposals\ along with a summary of each bid shown below: Company Home Motors Santa Maria Ford Toyota Santa Maria Santa Maria Chrysler Make Model Year Chevrolet CK15753 2015 $ 30,249.48 Ford F1S0 2015 Toyota Tundra SRS 2014 $ 30,870.33 $ 31,668.21 Ram 1500 Tradesman 2015 $ 33,147.00 Please advise how you want me to proceed. RT Price MAINTENANCE VEHICLE DUE: 4:00 PM 10/23/2014 The criteria as set forth herein are for one (1) new and unused pick-up truck These criteri3 are the minimum requirements only. List any deviations in the Detailed Vehicle Report_ Proposed Vehicle : Make: Co nta ct N am e: Dealer: Model : CHEVROLET CK15753 DOUBLE CAB 4 DOOF _--=J:...:::O:.=E~DEA=-=L=---_ _ _ __ HOME MOTORS CHEVROLET -CADILLAC Address : 1313 E.MAIN ST. SANTA MARIA,CA.93455 $29,676080 2,454.93 PRICE Phone" 805-928-7744 ,SALES TAX TIRE TAX &' 'J)()C FEE 117075 Total Price: _ _ _~$"-,=3<-!::2:...L.r-=2....o.;49::,,,,:,,"-,4::..;8~_ _ _ , Less- Trade-I n Am,o unt: $ 2,000.00 --------~~------------ TOTAL OUT THE DOOR PRICE AFTER TRADE $30 , 249 . 48 TOTAL BID AMOUNT: THIRTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FOURTY NINE DOLLARS &FOURTY EIGHT CENTS (Words) $30 , 249 . 48 (Figures) A DETAILED VEHICLE REPORT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH EACH BID SANTA MARIA PUBLiC t}JRPORT DISTRICT __; 3217 Terminal Dri ve Santa Maria, CA 93455 (T) 805-922-1726 (F) 805-922-0677 MAINTENANCE VEHICLE DUE: 4:00 PM 10/23/2014 The criteria as set forth herein are for one (1) new and unused pick-up truck. These criteria are the minimum requirements only. List any deviations in the Detailed Vehicle Report. 1. YEAR MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 2014 or newer 2015 2. PAYLOAD CAPACITY 1/2 Ton COMPLY 78" 60" COMPLY 4 Passenger 6 PASSENGER Automatic 6 SPEED AU'rOMATIC 17" wheels COMPLY 8 cylinder - (6 cylinder if diesel) GAS 355 HP 4 X 4 capability on demand COMPLY Power disc, anti-lock COMPLY 72" 3. BED SIZE 4. BED WIDTH: 5. 6. 7. 8. SEATING: TRANSMISSION: WHEELS: ENGINE: 9. DRIVE TRAIN: 10. BRAKES: 11. FUEL: 12. INTERIOR: 13. DOORS: 14. SAFETY FEATURES: Gasoline or diesel Cloth Four (4) GASOLINE COMPLY COMPLY Air bag driver and passenger COMPLY Bluetooth enabled Keyless entry COMPLY COMPLY 15. OTHER FEATURES: Air conditioning/heater/defrost AM/FM/CD or MP3 player Power Windows Floor mats Tow / haul package All terrain radial tires Power Steering COMPLY COMPLY COMPLY COMPLY COMPLY ALL SEASON TIRES COMPLY Folding right '& left side view mirror COMPLY Heavy duty bumpers, rear step bumper COMPLY Bedliner COMPLY LINEX Recovery Hooks White 16. COLOR: (Subtract from final price) 17. TRADE-IN 2005 Chevy Silverado Vin# 1 GCEK14X75Z246544 Vehicle available for viewing at the Airport Office Mileage; 138.000 18. CASH DISCOUNT 19. BID PRICES SHALL INCLUDE ALL TAXES AND CHARGES. 20, A DETAILED VEHICLE REPORT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH EACH BID SANTA MARtA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT 3217 Tetminal Drive Santa Maria, CA 93455 (T) 805-922-1726 (F) 805-922-0677 COMPLY COMPLY 1313 East Main Street· Post Office Box 5 3 39 • Santa 1'1ari3 , CA 9 3 L~5 6 - 8 0 : -92:: MSRP $39,535.00 Body Style: PEG: Primary Color: Trim: Engine: Transmission: CK15753-4WD Standard Box Double Cab 1LS-LS Preferred Equipment Group GAZ-Summit White H2R-Base Cloth, Jet Black I Dark Ash, Interior Trim L83-Engine : S.3L, V-8, Flex Fuel, SIDI, Active Fuel Mgt MYC-6-Speed Automatic Options: 1 LS-LS Preferred Equipment Group A31-Power Windows A60-Tailgate Lock AE7 -Seat: 40/20/401 Split Front Bench AKO-Glass, Deep Tinted AQQ-Keyless Remote Entry AU3-Power Door Locks A YO-Airbags- Head Curtain, Side Impact BG9-Floor Covering : Rubberized Vinyl, Black C5Z-GVW Rating 7200 Lbs C67 -Air Conditioning, Manual DL8-Mirrors, OIS, Power, Heated E63-Body: Pick Up Box G80-Locking Differential, Rear GAZ-Summit White GU6-Rear Axle, 3.42 Ratio H2R-Base Cloth, Jet Black I Dark Ash, Interior Trim 104-Radio, 4.2" Color Screen, Bluetooth, wI USB Port JL 1-lntegrated Trailer Brake Controller K34-Cruise Control KC4-Cooler, Engine Oil KG4-Alternator. 150 AMP Joe Deal Fleet Sales Professional 805-928-7744 Fax: 805-925-5220 Res.: 805-928-4165 Cell: 805-886-5559 13(3 East Main St. • P. O. Box 5339 . Santa Maria. CA 93456 K14~110 Volt Electrical Receptacle , In Cab KNP-Transmission Cooling System L83-Engine: 5.3L, V-8, Flex Fuel , SIDI, Active Fue ! Mg . MYC-6-Speed Automatic PDZ-LS Convenience Package RBZ-Tires: P255/70 R 17 All Season, Blackwall RD7 -Wheel 17" Chrome-Styled Steel SAF-Spare Tire Lock TGS-Compact Disc and M P3 Player U2K-SiriusXM Satellite Radio (subscription) UE1-0nStar Communication System UQ3-Speaker System UVC-Rear View Camera System V22-Grille, Chrome Deluxe V46-Bumper, Front, Chrome V76-Recovery Hooks VJH-Bumper: Rear Chrome Step VK3-License Plate Front Mounting Hardware W4-Mobile Internet Connectivity YF5-California Emissions Z82-Trailering Package ZY1-Paint. Solid . ~ ~ . ~L!_ M,AINTENANCE VEHICLE D'UE: 4:00 PM 10123/2014 The criteria as set forth herein are for one (1) new and unused pick-up truck. These criteria are the minimum requirements only. List Clny deviations in the Detai!ed Vehide R'eport. Propos'ed Vehicl€< Make : _-....Ifi>(LO FIS0 Model: Contact Name: _~t,6..!r?---7 Dealer: Address: 'RuJ ~ ~ Stu''- ~ ~cvv\~ (oa.-,O 1,1) ~?2S: b.. (Qtl,~ Y2J, &.n~ tA{~ C/t-··j3 L/ Lf r Phone: K -thS -037 t" Email l!?(JO(l.1•./:ltez....€?·if k>rwo. f..Dt, Total Price: _~3'1:) &70 ·3J j I...JcJ.v.c&." -c4Jc - / 10 ':7' 0 Less Trade·ln Amount: Less Cash Discount: "u:--\ ~--~~~--~~------ L'ess Other tncentives: ~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 30) &70- 3~ TOTAL 81D AMOUNT: ±1u4A1~~ SJ~v.4- fV~~ 1:l-;?nJ (Words) t/3n ~-7 D · 73 -ruJ-J (Fi9U~' A DETAILED VEHICLE REPORT SHALL BE SUPPLlED WITH EACH BID SANTA ,MABJ~LJC ATRPQKT DISTR1CT ~_2 I 7 T crmJnal DJi ve S8nf.~~ljA,.~A5i'L~ (T) 805-922-1726 (F) S05-922~0677 l L-l (... ) ..£..v'r'-' . . . =:=> ..1 ...... , • ......,J-L...-.J...,J Dealer: F71452 I 201!5 F-150 Page: 1 of 1 Priority: A3 Ord FIN: QB636 Order No: rder Type: 5B Pr}ce Level: 520 Cust/Flt Name: CITY OF SM AP Ord PEP: PO Number: RETAIL RETAIL $41215 W1E F150 4X4 CREW CA XLT VALUE PK I 157" WHEELBASE FRT LICENSE BKT OXFORD W~ITE 422 CAL[F EMISSIONS YZ fC I 52G SYNF WI TOUCH M PREM CL01H 4~O 195 GRAY INTElRIOR 53B CLASS IV HITCH G 57Q REA~ DEFROSTER 220 300A EQUIP GRP 23 GAL TANK .XLT SER~ES 96P BED LINER *ACC .SELECTS~IFT SP ~LT ACCT CR .17" SIL~ER ALUM I FUEL CHARGE NC 99F 5.0L VB FFV ENG I MC PRI~ED DORA 446 ELEC 6-SBD AUTO DEST AND DELIV 11~5 .265/70Rl17 AfT NC TOTAL BASf AND OPTIONS 435~5 X27 3.31 REG TOTAL 7050# GVWtR 435i5 CA BOARD 'FEES NC *THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE* I F2=Return to Order F1=Help F3/F12=Veh Orrd Menu F4=Submit F5=Add to Library QC05431 S099 - PRESS F4 TO SUBMIT r TC I FLE 1 I nrt ?? ?014 ?~4R~4h PM M~INTENANCE ... vEHiclE . DiE: 4:00 PM 10/23/20r4 fo~h . I ne~ ~nd ~n~sed PIC~-UP The cnter!a. as set herein ary for ?ne (1) truck. ThesE1 criteria are the r;l1InlmUm requirements on y. List any deviations In the Detailed Vehicle Report. MINIMUM ~EQUIREMENTS I ;).0 IS- 1. YE~R . 2. PA ILOAD CAPACITY to .~' Bed iI;O ,\. 4. BED WIDTH: 6 . TR/1NSMISSION: 7. WHEELS : 8. ENqINE: - 60" v . . 4 Passeng~r ~ ~<i ~.J ~ ~ltLf-Slurr Automatic /1\( ~ Lv'".·q,J J W' 1T wheels y ~. 0 9. DRlyE TRAIN: 10. BRAKES; / 72" / ' C, 5. SE.jTING: 11. FUEL: 12. IN-rERIOR: I . 78-\\ 3. BED SIZE' 2014 or newer ~(S ~ I _ 1/2 Ton ~OS 0 ~ 0 vv L \/ -~ 8 cylinder - . (6 cylinder if diesel) 4>(4 4 X 4 capa11i1ity on demand y(> Power disc, anti-lock v/ . D[ Sc..,/ Prt3:JS ~ lLS" I . '9 fLfJ.-Lj 1-f 13. DOPRS: 14. SAIFETY FEATURES: (ilo-t( I S,' ~ 5'~ 0.L- V S' f\:' t?-~~ ~U-.~ - Gasoline or diesel Cloth \/" Four (4) '- J ~S Tvvu. l~ S(,t.liu..t Gsr-f. Air bag driver and passenger I (f'l-I)...c.h·uVl La ~ 'f (...5 Bluetooth enabled Keyless entry ye.. s 15. OT~ER FEATURES: I 01 Power Win ows . ;. Air conditiol! ing/heater/defrost y.e. AM/FM/CD or MP3 player C. S I)J/ y yc: S; tr pc> 0 PI.;"Lj Floor mats I Oo-k... Tow / haul 9ackage All terrain radial tires Power Stee~ing yes. y (. S yL S Folding right & left side view mirror y(S i Heavy duty 'bumpers, rear step bumper Bedliner /~s~~v Wo~ I 16. COLOR: I (Subtract from final price) 17. TRtDE-IN 2005 Chevy Silverado Ve~iCle available for viewing at the Airport Office ... 1 Recovery H:r OOkS White Ve ; Y{5 - ~ ~ /+:o~J . Vin# 1 GCffK14X75Z246544 I Mileage; 13'8 ,000 C4 SH DISCOUNT . 18. I I 19. BI~ PRICES .SHALL INCLUiDE ALL TAXES AND CH~RGES. 20. A DETAILED VEHICLE REPORT SHALL BE SUPPLlBD WITH EACH BID I r I SANTA MARIA PUBLrC AIRPORT DISTRJCT ~ 3/17 Terminal Drive i Santa Maria . CA 93455 ' (T) 80 -922-1726 '(F) 805-922-0677 1 yu 007--" +- UJ B . 1 M:A INTENANCE VEHIOLE , , D!UE: 4:00 PM 10/23/2r4 , r The en ena as set forth herem are for one (1) new and unused pick-up truck. Thes criteria are the minimum requirements only, List any deviations in the Detailed Vehicle Report . Dealer: I less Trade-I n Amount: I t!ess Cash Discount: I I Less Other Incentiv-e-stl -------+---- ~OJ 3-70 ' :5~ TOT~L IBID AMOUNT: I ik~~~l ~yLJ- J-:l;,J~ , ~~1 f7:;fO} (Words) tl } I 310 . (Figure ' ) I ) E-) 0 . ? .> l I '/2JJ-J A DETAILED VEHICLE . EPORT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH EACH BID 1 SANTA MARlA PUBLic AIRPORT D STRICT 3217 Tenninal Drive I I, Sant<l Maria; CA 93455 i (T) 80 -922-1726 (F) 805-922-0677 1 Ric Tokoph From: Sent: To: Subject: Attac hments: Ian Licoscos [] Wednesday, October 22,2014 11 :10 AM Ric Tokoph Bid on Maintenance Vehicle bidpdf.pdf Attention: Richard Tokoph, Operations Manager Santa Maria Public Airport 3217 Terminal Drive Santa Maria, CA 93455 (805)922-1726 From: Ian Licoscos Internet Sales Manager Toyota Santa Maria 700 E. Betteravia Santa Maria, CA 93456 (805)714-2506 Purchase of New and Unused Vehicle: Exceptions: ***This bid is for a new 2014 Tundra 4X4 Double Cab (if the bid I accepted and too much time has transpired I may use a 2015 Tundra with the same equipment and Pricing) ***Current bid with a 2014 Tundra includes a $1,000 rebate. This rebate is guaranteed through November 03,2014 and may change after that time. The same holds true if a 2015 is used - a rebate mayor may not apply at that time. You are guaranteed whatever incentives are available at the time of purchase. ***Toyota does not offer recovery hooks on our half-ton truck. If you would like me to price an aftermarket option on this please let me know •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Proposed Vehicle: Toyota 2014 Tundra 4X4 Double Cab SR5 5.7L V8 la n Licoscos Toyota Santa Maria 700 E. Betteravia Santa Maria, CA 93456 (805) 714-2506 MSRP:$35A85 Sales Price: $33A65 Trade In $4,000 Rebate $1,000 (***see exceptions***) Taxes, License, Registration, Documentation (all fees) $3,203.21 Total amount out the door: $31,668.21 1 I have attached a pdf file of this truck. Please let me know if you have trouble viewing it. fu Lioscos lrernet Sles and Leas Renewal Mnager Toyta {, Snta Maria I PO Bo x 1217, Santa Iv1aria, California 93456 Sales 866-574-3306 + Sen;'(e 866-574-3304 Let's Go Places i I i IG G 0 Confidential ity Warning: This e-mail contains information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, any dissemination, publication or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited The sender does not accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or computer system that may occur while using data contained 10, or transmitted with, this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notifY us by return e-mail. 2 Toyota of Santa Maria 700 E. Betteravia Road, Santa Maria, CA 93454 (805) 928-3881 2014 TUNDRA 4X4 SRS DBl CAB S.7l Model: 8341C Year: 2014 Interior Color: GRAPHITE Exterior Color: SUPER WHITE Number of Cylinders: 8 VIN: 5TFUYSF19EX390117 va Total MSRP* : $35,485.00 13 CITY !liPG 17 HVvY MPG Stock No.: Standard Equipment MECHANICAL & PERFORMANCE Tow Hitch Rcvr, 4.300 Rear Diff, 5.7L i-FORCE V8 DOHC 32V with Dual TOW/HAUL Mode, Eng & Trans Oil Cooler, Independent VVT-i 381 hp I 401 Ib-ft Hvy Duty Batt & Alt, 4 & 7-Pin Connector 6-Spd Automatic Trans w/Sequential Shift Ind Coil-Spring High-Mounted Double 4WDemand Part-Time 4WD w/Elec Controlled Wishbone Front Susp wI Stabilizer Bar Transfer Case, A-TRAC & Auto LSD Trapezoidal Multi-Leaf Rear Suspension TripleTech Frame wI Staggered Outboard Mounted Shocks • 2014 rvlanu factur (s Su ggested R .. tail Price . exclude the Delivery . Processing and Hanclling Fee . taxes , license. title and availab le 0 1' regionall y requir'ecl equipme nt .Actual Dealer priG" may vary Pncing , specificat!olls . 5t ndarj features and available equipment are based on Information available when this page was produced and subject to change witiloul notice Olsclalmer' This dOCLIment is only representative of some of the information contained on an actual \rvmdow sticker . an is noll11eant to replace or substitute for th e actual window sticker on the vehicle Please see your ret;:,Jile: for futiller information 1E2 TOYOTA Toyota of Santa Maria 700 E. Betteravia Road, Santa Maria, CA 93454 (805) 928-3881 2014 TUNDRA 4X4 SR5 DBl CAB 5.7l V8 18" Styld Stl Wheels w/ P255f70R 18 Tires SAFETY & CONVENIENCE EXTERIOR 6.5' Double-Walled Bed w/ Rail Caps Star Safety System: Vehicle Stability Daytime Running Lights (DRL) Cntrl, Traction Cntrl, A8S w/Elec Brake Easy Lower and Lift Tailgate Force Dist, Brake Asst, Smart Stop Tech INTERIOR Rear Backup Camera 40/20/40 Split Fold-Down 4-Way Driver & Manual Headlamp Level Control 4-Way Passenger Adj Front Bench Seat Trailer-Sway & Cruise Control Single Zone Air Conditioning Dr & Fr Pass Advanced Airbag System Entune Audio Plus (w/o App SUite/Data) Dr & Fr Pass Seat Side & Knee Airbags 7" Hi Res Touch Screen/8Iuetooth/USB/ Roll-Sensing Curtain Airbags (RSCA) HDRadiolTrafflWeather/AUXJCD/SXM-Sub Req 3-Point Seatbelts for All Positions with Power Windows/Door Locks/Heated Mirrors Driver ELR & ALRlELR for AJI Passengers Remote Keyless Entry System Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) Tilt Steering Wheel with Column Shifter Optional Equipment 50 State Emissions $0.00 Entune Audio Plus: Includes the $0.00 Entune Multimedia Bundle with 7" HiRes Touch-screen Display, HD Radio with iTunes Tagging and HD Traffic and Weather (Metro Areas Only), SiriusXM Radio with 90-day Trial SR5 Package : All Content Included as $0 .00 Standard Equipment Carpet Floor Mats wlDoor Sill $195.00 Protector Total Optional Equipment Vehicle Base Model Delivery Processing and $195.00 $34,295.00 $995.00 Handling Total MSRP* $35,485.00 Dis cl aimer: This document is onl y ,-epresen tative of some of the IrlformaUon conta ined on an actual window sticker. and is not me ant to re place or substitute for tile act ual wind ow st ick r Oil Hie veh icle Please see yo ur ret aile r fo r further in fo r 11 a tio l1 . MAINTENANCE VEHICLE DUE: 4:00 PM 10/23/2014 The criteria as set forth herein are for one (1) new and unused pick-up truck. These criteria are the minimum requirements only. List any deviations in the Detailed Vehicle Report. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 2014 or newer 1/2 Ton 72" 1. YEAR 2. PAYLOAD CAPACITY 3. BED SIZE 4 . BED WIDTH: 60" 5. SEATING: 4 Passenger Automatic 17" wheels 8 cylinder - (6 cylihder if diesel) 4 X 4 capability on demand Power disc, anti-lock Gasoline or diesel Cloth Four (4) 6. TRANSMISSION: 7. WHEELS: 8. ENGINE: 9. DRIVE TRAIN: 10. BRAKES: 11. FUEL: 12. INTERIOR: 13. DOORS: 14. SAFETY FEATURES: Air bag driver and passenger Bluetooth enabled Keyless entry 15. OTHER FEATURES: Air conditioning/heater/defrost AM/FM/CD or MP3 player Power Windows Floor mats Tow I haul package All terrain radial tires Power Steering Folding right -& left side view mirror Heavy duty bumpers, rear step bumper Bedliner Recovery Hooks 16. COLOR: White (Subtract from final price) 17. TRADE-IN 2005 Chevy Silverado Vehicle available for viewing at the Airport Office Vin# 1GCEK14X75Z246544 Mileage; 138,000 18. CASH DISCOUNT 19. BID PRICES SHALL INCLUDE ALL TAXES AND CHARGES. 20. A DETAILED VEHICLE REPORT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH EACH BID SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT 3217 Terminal Drive Santa Maria, CA 93455 (T) 805-922-1726 (F) 805-922-0677 MAINTENANCE VEHICLE DUE: 4:00 PM 10/23/2014 The criteria as set forth herein are for one (1) new and unused pick-up truck. These criteria are the minimum requirements only. List any deviations in the Detailed Vehicle Report. c1f!J7I ~~~~~~~~~~ Email: ll!/d;!YJ~igJ(.kW#!Itd~.4£tFP~)Yj Cl(s1ULJd Total Price: less Trade-In Amount: ----4;4,4y.."-'-'Z,,,L~~a~0,.£:. ____ Less Cash Discount: _ _ """""~~"'--)_ _ _ _~_ ~~...L.OEt1'--"23.~12------ Less Other Incentives: ____ (Figures A DETAILED VEHICLE REPORT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH EACH BID SANTA MARlA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT 3217 Terminal Drive Santa Mat-ia. CA 93455 (T) 805-922-1726 (F) 805-922-0677 SANTA MARIA CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM 1918 S BROADWAY Configuration Preview SANTA MARIA. CA 934547808 Date Printed: 2014-10-132:20 PM Estimated Ship Date: VIN: Quantity: VON: Status: BA - Pending order FAN 1: 52254 SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT FAN 2: Client Code: Sold to: Ship to: SANTA MARIA CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE (45542) RAM SANTA MARIA CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE 1918 S BROADWAY 1918 S BROADWAY SANTA MARIA, CA 934547808 SANTA MARIA, CA 934547808 Bid Number: TB5054 PO Number: 99999 RAM (45542) 20151500 TRADESMAN I EXPRESS QUAD CAB 4X4 (140 in WB 6 FT 41N box) (DS6L41) Vehicle: Sales Code Model: DS6L41 Package: PalntlSeatfTrim: Options: Non Equipment: Bid Number: 1500 TRADESMAN 1 EXPRESS QUAD CAB 4X4 (140 in WB 6 FT 4 IN box) 288 Customer Preferred Package 28B EXF 3.0L V6 EcoDiesel Engine FWP(USD) 32,990 30,861 0 0 4,000 3,400 DFD B-Spd Auto BHP70 Trans (Buy) 500 425 Bright White Clear Coat 0 0 APA Monotone Paint 0 0 *V9 Cloth 40/20/40 Bench Seal 0 0 -X8 Black/Diesel Gray 0 0 0 -329 -940 548 4ES Delivery Allowance Credit MAF Marketing Advertising Fund RA2 Uconnect 5.0 AM/FM/BT 0 465 AJY Popular Equipment Group 645 ADB Protection Group 150 128 TXN LT265/70R17E OWL On/Off Road Tires 250 213 395 4DH Prepaid Holdback 0 -1,170 4FM Fleet Option Editor 0 0 4FT Fleet Sales Order 0 0 171 Zone 71-Los Angeles 0 0 4EA Sold Vehicle 0 0 4FA Special Bid-Ineligible For Incentive 0 0 Government Incentives 0 -2,500 YGE 5 Additional Gallons of Gas Destination Fees: Total Price: Order Type: Fleet PSP MonthlWeek: Scheduling Priority: 1 - Sold Order Build Priority: Customer Name: Santa Maria Public Airport Dis Customer Address: MSRP(USD) PW7 TB5054 Discounts: Description 0 18 1,195 1,195 A!l...1S5. .32.24.4. 99 3217 Terminal drvie Santa Maria CA 93455 USA Instructions: Note: This is not an invoice. The prices and equipment shown on this priced order confirmation are tentative and subject to change or correction without prior notice. No claims against the content listed or prices quoted will be accepted. Refer to the vehicle invoice for final vehicle content and pricing. Orders are accepted only when the vehicle is shipped by the factory. Page 1 of 1 RAM United States FIRM GROUP DETAIL 2015 1500 UGHT DUTY QU AD CAB D S D S L H 4 1 4 1 1'CJ PAGE: 38 REISSUED: 09/08J2014 ISSUED : 08J06J2014 1 1 D S 1 D S 1 4 1 S 4 '1 P D S 6 L 4 1 D S 6 H 4 1 E ILEATHER TRIMMED BUCKET SEATS D S 6 S 4 1 E D S 6 P 4 1 • 115VAUXILIARY POWER OUTLET (JKV) o BUCKET SEA TS (CAC) o FOLDING FLA T LOAD FLOOR STORAGE (CVN) • FULL LENGTH FLOOR CONSOLE (CUF) o HEA TED FRONT SEA TS (CMA) 6 HIGH BACK SEATS (CAD) o POWER 10-WAY DRVR & 6-WA Y PASS SEATS (JRM) o POWER LUMBAR ADJUST (JPW) oREAR 60/40 SPLIT FOLDING SEAT (CSX) • VENT/LA TED FRONT SEA TS (CAJ) "'GJ E E I LEATHER TRIMMED BUCKET SEATS • 115VAUXILIARY POWER OUTLET (JKV) o BUCKET SEA TS (CAC) o FOLDING FLAT LOAD FLOOR STORAGE (CVN) o FULL LENGTH FLOOR CONSOLE (CUF) o HEA TED FRONT SEA TS (CMA) • HIGH BACK SEATS (CAD) o PWR 10-WAY MEM DRVR 6-WAY PASS SEA TS (JRF) • REAR 60/40 SPLIT FOLDING SEA T (CSX) o VENTILA TED FRONT SEATS (CAJ) "'M9 ICLOTH 40120/40 PREM BENCH SEAT o 115V AUXILIARY POWER OUTLET (JKV) o 40/20/40 SPLIT BENCH SEAT (CBE) E E E E • FOLDING FLA T LOAD FLOOR STORAGE (CVN) • FRONT ARMREST WrrHREE CUPHOLDERS (CDR) o FRONT CENTER SEA T CUSHION STORAGE (CVH) • POWER 10-WA Y DRIVER SEA T (JRT) 6 POWER LUMBAR ADJUST (JPW) • REAR 60/40 SPLIT FOLDING SEAT (CSX) o REMOTE USB PORT - CHARGE ONL Y (RS3) *MJ o IPREMIUM CLOTH BUCKET SEATS 115V AUXILIARY POWER OUTLET (JKV) • ASH TRA Y LAMP (LBD) o BUCKET SEATS (CAC) o FOLDING FLA T LOAD FLOOR STORAGE (CVN) o FULL LENGTH FLOOR CONSOLE (CUF) o POWER 10-WA Y DRIVER SEA T (JRT) o POWER LUMBAR ADJUST (JPW) oREAR 60/40 SPLIT FOLDING SEAT (CSX) • REMOTE USB PORT - CHARGE ONLY (RS3) "'V9 o ICLOTH 40/20/40 BENCH SEAT 40/20140 SPLIT BENCH SEA T (CBE) • FRONT ARMREST WITHREE CUPHOLDERS (CDR) o REAR FOLDING SEAT (CFM) E - EXTRA COST N/C - NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE E E RAM United States FIRM REISSUED: 09/08J2014 ISSUED: 08J06J2014 GROUP DETAIL 0 S 1 L 4 1 AAR 4 4 ITRAILER & TRACTION GROUP 3.55 REAR AXLE RA TIO (DMD) 3.55 REAR AXLE RATIO (DMD) - WIDMH AND EZH o 3.S5 REAR AXLE RA TIO (DMD) - WIERB o 3.92 REAR AXLE RATIO (DMH) - WIEXF o 3.92 REAR AXLE RA TlO (DMH) - WIEZH 4 ANTI-SPIN DIFFERENTIAL REAR AXLE (DSA) o EXT. MIRRORS WISUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) 4 EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEC) o POWER BLACK TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (GPG) 4 BLACK EXTERIOR MIRRORS (LE4) o EXT. MIRRORS WISUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) o EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEC) o EXTERIOR MIRRORS WIHEA TING ELEMENT (NHJ) o TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (LEG) PAGE: 39 201 5 1500 LIGHT DUTY QUAD CAB D S 1 H 4 1 E 0 S 1 S 4 1 0 S 1 P 4 1 D S 6 L 4 1 0 S 6 H 4 1 E D S 6 S 4 1 0 S 6 P 4 1 • TRAILER BRAKE CONTROL (XHC) o TRAILER TOW MIRRORS & BRAKE GROUP (AHC) o EXT. MIRRORS WISUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) o EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEC) o POWER BLACK TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (GPG) o BLACK EXTERIOR MIRRORS (LE4) 4 EXT. MIRRORS WISUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) o EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEG) o EXTERIOR MIRRORS WIHEATING ELEMENT (NHJ) o o TRAILER BRAKE CONTROL (XHC) o TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (LEG) TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (LEG) ADA o TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (LEG) o !LUXURY GROUP E E ASH TRA Y LAMP (LBD) o ASH TRA Y LAMP (LBD) - WICBE o A UTO DIM EXTERIOR MIRROR (GNZ) o ELECTROLUMINESCENT INSTR CLUSTER (JA6) 4 EXT. MIRRORS WISUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) o EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEC) o GLOVE BOX LAMP (LBC) oLEA THER WRAPPED STEERING WHEEL (SCV) o OVERHEAD CONSOLE WIGARAGE DR OPENER (CV2) o POWER FOLDING MIRRORS (LER) o POWER HEA TED MIRRORS, FOLD-A WA Y (GUK) 0> REAR DOME WION/OFF SWITCH LAMP (LHE) o RR VIEW AUTO DIM MIRROR WIMICROPHONE (GNS) o RR VIEW AUTO DIM MIRROR W/MICROPHONE (GNS) - W/RA2 o RR VIEWAUTO DIM MIRROR WIMICROPHONE (GNS) - WIRA3 o RR VIEW AUTO DIM MIRROR WIMICROPHONE (GN5) - WIRA4 o RR VIEW A UTO DIM MIRROR WIMICROPHONE (GNS) - WIRJ3 o STEERING WHEEL MOUNTED AUDIO CTRLS (RDZ) o SUN VISORS W/ILLUM VANITY MIRRORS (GNC) o UNDERHOOD LAMP (LDA) .. UNIVERSAL GARAGE DOOR OPENER (XGD) ADB o E IPROTECTION GROUP E E FRONT SUSPENSION SKID PLA TE (XEU) • TOW HOOKS (X£A) o TRANSFER CASE SKID PLATE SHIELD (XEFJ ADC JCONVENIENCE GROUP o AUTO HIGH BEAM HEADLAMP CONTROL (LMS) o KEYLESS GO (GX4) o RAIN SENSITIVE WINDSHIELD WIPERS (JHC) o REMOTE PROXIMITY KEYLESS ENTRY (GXD) E - EXTRA COST N/C - NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE E E E E REISSUED: 09/08/2014 ISSUED: 08/06/2014 RA M United Stat es FIRM GROUP DETAIL AED 17X7.0 ALUMINUM WHEELS (WFE) o BRIGHT FRONT BUMPER (MCT) o BRIGHT GRILLE (MFD) o o 0 S,[ S 4 1 0 S 1 D 4 1 D S 6 L 4 1 D S 6 H 4 1 0 S 6 S 4 1 6 P 4 1 E E E ICOMFORT GROUP E E HEATED STEERING WHEEL (NHS) ITRAILER TOW MIRRORS & BRAKE GROUP ADD CLASS IV RECEIVER HITCH (XF9) E E E E [J E E [) o BLACK EXTERIOR MIRRORS (LE4) lJlI IjJ o CLASS IV RECEIVER HITCH (XFH) iii E] o EXT. MIRRORS WISUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) (g Ii] o EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEC) EI El o POWER BLACK TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (GPG) G r!l 0 [J [] EiI 0 I!!I [!} BLACK EXTERIOR MIRRORS (LE4) Q EXT. MIRRORS W/SUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) [I D E!J m o EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEG) III iii l!l ~ Q EXTERIOR MIRRORS W/HEATING ELEMENT (NHJ) o TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (LEG) m IlD l!:I iii I!!i II!! I!l II Ii!! WI I!I Ii!I E E E POWER CHROME TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (GPC) o TRAILER BRAKE CONTROL (XHC) II III III o TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (LEG) I!l I!J II E E E AJB IREMOTE START AND SECURITY GROUP m m o o D S HEA TED FRONT SEA TS (CMA) AHC o 1 L 4 1 E 0 S 1 H 4 1 BRIGHT REAR BUMPER (MBF) AGF - IEXTERIOR APPEARANCE GROUP o o 0 S PAGE: 40 2015 1500 LIGHT DUTY QUAD CAB Ii1 g REMOTE START SYSTEM (XBM) • SECURITY ALARM (LSA) AJY IPOPULAR EQUIPMENT GROUP • 1·YR. SJRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X9B) o CARPET FLOOR COVERING (CKE) o CLO TH 40120140 BENCH SEA T (*V9) o 40/20140 SPLIT BENCH SEA T (CBE) o FRONT ARMREST WflHREE CUPHOLDERS (CDR) • REAR FOLDING SEA T (CFM) o FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800·643·2112 (X9H) o FRONT & REAR FLOOR MA TS (CLE) o FRONT & REAR FLOOR MA TS (CLE) • WICKE o REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY WITH ALL-SECURE (GXM) o SIRIUSXM SATELLITE RADIO (RSD) Q 1-YR. SIRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X9B) .. FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800-543-2112 (X9H) o NO SA TEL LITE COVERAGE. HI/AK (RT7) • WIAK o NO SA TELLITE COVERAGE, HI/AK (RT7) • WIHI E - EXTRA COST NfC - NO CHARGE NfA - NOT AVAILABLE E E RAM United States FIRM REISSUED: 09/08/2014 ISSUED: 08/06/2014 GROUP DE fAIL 0 S 1 L 4 1 AL5 ~ JLONE STAR PREMIUM GROUP 6 MO. TRIAL (REG/STRA TlON REQUIRED) (X9J) o 6 MONTH TRIAL (REG. REQUIRED) (382) o 8A TOUCHSCREEN DISPLA Y (RFL) o ASH TRA Y LAMP (LBD) o ASH TRA Y LAMP (LBD) - WICBE o AUTO DIM EXTERIOR MIRROR (GNZ) o ELECTROLUMINESCENT INSTR CLUSTER (JA6) o EXT. MIRRORS WISUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) H o EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEC) o FOR DETAILS, GO TO DRIVEUCONNECT.COM (X9E) o GLOVE BOX LAMP (LBC) o HARMAN RADIO MANUFACTURER (RHK) oLEA THER WRAPPED STEERING WHEEL (SCV) o MEDIA HUB (SD, USB, AUX) (RSF) • NAV-CAPABLEI SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS (JLA) o OVERHEAD CONSOLE WIGARAGE DR OPENER (CV2) o PARKSENSE FTIRR PARK ASSIST SYSTEM (XAG) o PARKVIEW(TM) REAR BACK-UP CAMERA (XAC) o POWER FOLDING MIRRORS (LER) • POWER HEA TED MIRRORS, FOLD-AWA Y (GUK) o REAR DOME WIONIOFF SWITCH LAMP (LHE) o REMOTE SD CARD SLOT (RS1) ~ REMOTE START SYSTEM (XBM) o RR VIEW AUTO DIM MIRROR WIMICROPHONE (GN5) o SECURITY ALARM (LSA) • SUN VISORS WIILLUM VANITY MIRRORS (GNC) o UCONNECT B.4A AMIFMISXMIBT (RA3) • 6 MO. TRIAL (REGISTRA TION REQUIRED) (X9J) o 6 MO. TRIAL (RE.GISTRATION REQUIRED) (X9J) - WIRS7 • 6 MONTH TRIAL (REG. REQUIRED) (382) o 6 MONTH TRIAL (REG. REQUiRED) (382) - WIRS7 • 8.4" TOUCHSCREEN DISPLA Y (RFL) o FOR DETAILS, GO TO DRIVEUCONNECT.COM (X9E) o GPS ANTENNA INPUT (JLP) o HARMAN RADIO MANUFACTURER (RHK) o INTEGRA TED VOICE COMMAND W/BLUETOOTH (XR8) o MEDIA HUB (SO, o NAV.CAPABLEI SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS (JLA) use, AUX) (RSF) • REMOTE SO CARD SLOT (RS1) o SIRIUSXM SA TEL LITE RADIO (RSD) o UCONNECTACCESS(RS~ • UCONNECTACCESS(RS~ o UNDERHOOD LAMP (LDA) o UNIVERSAL GARAGE DOOR OPENER (XGD) o WHEEL TO WHEEL SIDE STEPS (MRA) E - EXTRA COST N/C - NO CHARGE N/A • NOT AVAILABLE PAGE: 41 2015 '1500 LIGHT DUTY QUAD CA B D 0 S H 4 S S 1 1 E '1 4 1 D S 1 P 4 1 D S 6 L 4 1 D S 6 H 4 1 E D S 6 S 4 1 0 S 6 P 4 1 RAM United States FIRM GROUP DETAIL 0 S 1 L ALB o IBLACK RAM 1500 EXPRESS GROUP 1-YR. SIRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X9B) • 20X8.0 SEMI·GLOSS BLACK ALUMINUM WHL (WHN) o 5.0" TOUCHSCREEN D/SPLA Y (RFU) • BI-FUNCTION HALOGEN PROJECTOR HILAMP (LMM) o BLACK 4X4 TAILGATE BADGE (M3L) o BLACK PAINTED HONEYCOMB GRILLE (MFS) PAGE: 42 REISSUED: 09/08/2014 ISSUED: 08/06/2014 4 1 E Ii1I 20151500 UGH'f DUTY QUAD CAB 0 S 1 H 4 1 0 S 1 S 4 1 0 S 1 P 4 1 D S 6 L 4 1 E rm rn 1!11 l1lI £!l 111 m HI 11 l1J o BLACK RAM HEAD TAILGATE BADGE (M3K) [!j 1m • CLOTH 40120140 BENCH SEAT (*V9) IIiI I!IiI • 40/20140 SPLIT BENCH SEA T (CBE) • FRONT ARMREST WITHREE CUPHOLDERS (CDR) o o REAR FOLDING SEAT (CFM) DELETE HEMJ BADGE (MM8) • FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800-643-2112 (X9H) II'J !!II &1 III o GPS ANTENNA INPUT (JLP) II l1l.I o INTEGRATED VOICE COMMAND WIBLUETOOTH (XRB) 19 II • OVERHEAD CONSOLE (CUN) II lit • P275160R20 BSW ALL SEASON TIRES (TTN) iii iii III II o POPULAR EQUIPMENT GROUP (AJY) • 1-YR. SIRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X9B) • CARPET FLOOR COVERING (CKE) • GlOTH 40120140 BENCH SEA T (V9) • • !III II II'! I!!I II II • 40120140 SPLIT BENCH SEAT (CBE) o FRONT ARMREST WfTHREE CUPHOLDERS (CDR) o REAR FOLDING SEA T (CFM) • FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800-643-2112 (X9H) o FRONT & REAR FLOOR MATS (GlE) • FRONT & REAR FLOOR MATS (CLE) - WICKE o REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY WITH ALL-SECURE (GXM) • Ill! II I!I II III III IIIiI • 1-YR. SIRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X98) fa II • FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800-643-2112 (X9H) II • NO SATELLITE COVERAGE, HIIAK (RT7) - WIAK II II • NO SATELLITE COVERAGE, HIIAK (RTl) - WIHJ III Ii • S/RIUSXM SA TEL UTE RADIO (RSD) .. o REAR VIEW MIRROR WIMICROPHONE (GR4) III IliI o REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY WITH ALL·SECURE (GXMJ II!I m • REMOTE USB PORT - CHARGE ONL Y (RS3) 1111 III II III o SEMI-GLOSS BLACK HUB (WMA) o SIRJUSXM SA TEL LITE RADIO (RSD) IlII IH • 1-YR. S/RIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X98) m r.II • FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800-643-2112 (X9H) o NO SATELLITE COVERAGE, H/JAK (RT7) - WIAK l1li £I /!II IZiI • NO SA TEWTE COVERAGE, HIIAK (RT7) • WIHJ II II o SPORT TAIL LAMPS (LAE) riI 1111 o TEMPERATURE & COMPASS GAUGE (JFJ) m e! o UCONNECT 5.0 AMIFM/BT (RA2) 1\ II II a 1-YR. SIRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X98) ~ a 5.0" TOUCHSCREEN DISPLAY (RFU) rill B!l o FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800-643-2112 (X9H) /I II!J o GPS ANTENNA INPUT (JLP) 11 II m IilJ • OVERHEAD CONSOLE (CUN) III! &Ill • REAR VIEW MIRROR WIMICROPHONE (GR4) I!'il iii o REMOTE USB PORT - CHARGE ONL Y (RS3) ZlI 11 o S/RIUSXM SA TEL LITE RADIO (RSD) lEI liZ! 1-YR. SIRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X98) III n • FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800-643-2112 (X9H) ilJ SlI I!lI !Ill .. INTEGRATED VOICE COMMAND WIBlUETOOTH (XRB) o MEDIA HUB (USB, AUX) (RS6) o o NO SATELLITE COVERAGE, HIIAK (RTl)· WIAK E - EXTRA COST N/C· NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE 0 S 6 H 4 1 D S 6 S 4 1 D S 6 P 4 1 RAM Un ited States FIRM GROUP DETAIL D S 'I L 4 1 o " o o NO SA TELLITE COVERAGE, HIIAK (R17) - WIHI TEMPERA TURE & COMPASS GAUGE (JFJ) AMV PAGE: 43 REISSUED: 09108/2014 ISSUED: 08/06/2014 20151500 LIGHT DUTY QUAD CAB 0 S 'I H 4 1 1 P 4 1 D S 6 L 4 1 0 S H 6 S 4 1 4 1 D S 6 P 4 1 [J 0 [l E IREAR CAMERA AND PARK ASSIST GROUP 0 S 6 E PARKSENSE FTIRR PARK ASSIST SYSTEM (XAG) PARKVIEW(TM) REAR BACK-UP CAMERA (XAC) E E 9 AMPLIFIED SPEAKERS W/SUBWOOFER (RC3) APi o D S [J ANF JSPORT PREMIUM GROUP o 0 S 1 S 4 1 JMONOTONEOUTDOORSMAN E BODY COLOR FENDER FLARES (MML) " BRIGHT FRONT AND REAR BUMPERS (38S) AWS ISMOKER'S GROUP E E E E E E E E • CIGAR LIGHTER (JJA) o REMOVABLE ASH TRA Y (CUK) CK9 IDELETE CARPET E E • DELETE FLOOR MA TS (CL8) CKJ [BLACK VINYL FLOOR COVERING " DELETE FLOOR MATS (CL8) DFD o [a-SPD AUTO 8HP70 TRANS (BUY) E E I!!I Ii1I E E E E E E E n E E E E m III III I!a E E E E ACTlVE GRILLE SHUTTERS (MDX) • ELECTRONIC SHIFT (XXU) • TIP START (XBN) DFK J8-SPD AUTO 8HP70 TRANS (BUY·US) E • ACTIVE GRILLE SHUTTERS (MDX) - • ELECTRONIC SHIFT (XXU) " TIP START (XBN) EXF 13.OL V6 ECODIESEL ENGINE • 230 AMP ALTERNA TOR (BAM) 21 " 26 GAL. FUEL TANK (REPLACE 32 GAL) (NG9) Iii! II! " 26 GALLON FUEL TANK (NFW) 3.0L DIESEL BADGE (MZR) II ~ IH !i'I IIJ iii • 3.55 REAR AXLE RA TlO (DMD) III IIlI l!I !!!I (ij I!I " 800 AMP MAINTENANCE FREE BA TTERY (BCF) III iii Ii ~ ~ Jill • ELECTRONICALL Y CONTROLLED THROTTLE (NHN) Iii) lil Ii] il I!I III • GW/ RATING - 6950# (Z1M) fa i! I!!] ~ 0 I!'I ~ !!II El (I lI!I • NEXT GENERA TlON ENGINE CONTROLLER (NZD) II!I (J III L9 mI • SELECTIVE CATAL YTIC REDUCTION (UREA) (XAL) 1M IJ [I m [jJ o G DUAL REAR EXHAUST WIBRIGHT TIPS (NER) !iii " GVW RATING· 6950# (Z6K) o MAXIMUM DUTY ENGINE COOLING (NMX) EZH !S.7l VB HEM I MDS WT ENGINE E E I!il 111 • ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED THROTTLE (NHN) 1I I!lI • GVW RATING - 6900# (Z1N) II • 180 AMP AL TERNA TOR (BAD) " GVW RA TlNG - 6900# (Z6N) 0 g IB • HEAVY DUTY TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER (NHD) I!'.I !Ill • HEMI BADGE (MW5) II 12} III m o o HEA VY DUTY ENGINE COOLING (NMC) NEXT GENERA TlON ENGINE CONTROLLER (NZD) GPGjPOWER BLACK TRAILER TOW MIRRORS o BLACK EXTERIOR MIRRORS (LE4) o EXT. MIRRORS W/SUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) " EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEC) • EXTERIOR MIRRORS WIHEA TlNG ELEMENT (NHJ) • TRAILER TOW MIRRORS (LEG) E - EXTRA COST N/C • NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE E E E E RAM United States F!RM GROUP DETAIL D S 1 L 4 a RA2 IUCONNECT 5.0 AM/FM/B I 1. YR. S/RIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X9B) a 5.0" TOUCHSCREEN DISPLA Y (RFU) o FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800·643·2112 (X9H) PAGE: 44 REISSUED: 09/08/2014 ISSUED: 08/06/2014 o GPS ANTENNA INPUT (JLP) o INTEGRATED VOICE COMMAND W/BLUETOOTH (XRB) o MEDIA HUB (USB, AUX) (RS6) 1 E 20'15 1500 UGHT DUTY QUAD CAB D S 1 H 4 1 0 S 1 S 4 1 D S 1 P 4 1 D S 6 L 4 1 E 0 S 6 H 4 1 D S D S 4 1 P 4 1 E E 6 S 6 ., OVERHEAD CONSOLE (CUN) o REAR VIEW MIRROR W/MICROPHONE (GR4) o REMOTE USB PORT· CHARGE ONL Y (RS3) o S/RIUSXM SATELLITE RADIO (RSD) o 1-YR. SIRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X98) ., FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800-643-2112 (X9H) o o NO SA TELLITE COVERAGE, HIIAK (R77) • W/AK o NO SATELLITE COVERAGE. HIIAK (R77) - W/HI TEMPERATURE & COMPASS GAUGE (JFJ) RA3 o E IUCONNECT B.4A AM/FM/SXM/BT E 6 MO. TRIAL (REGISTRATION REQUIRED) (X9J) a 6 MO, TRIAL (REGISTRATION REQUIRED) (X9J) - W/RS7 o 6 MONTH TRIAL (REG. REQUIRED) (3B2) o 6 MONTH TRIAL (REG. REQUIRED) (3B2) - W/RS7 o 8.4" TOUCHSCREEN DISPLA Y (RFL) o FOR DETAILS, GO TO DRIVEUCONNECT.COM (X9E) ., GPS ANTENNA INPUT (JLP) o HARMAN RADIO MANUFACTURER (RHK) o INTEGRATED VOICE COMMAND W/BLUETOOTH (XRB) • MEDIA HUB (SD, USB, AUX) (RSF) • NAV·CAPABLE! SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS (JLA) • REMOTE SD CARD SLOT (RS1) • SIRIUSXM SATELLITE RADIO (RSD) o UCONNECTACCESS(RS~ RA4 o E IUCONNECT 8.4AN AM/FM/SXM/HD/BT/NAV 1 YR. TRIAL (REGISTRA TION REQUIRED) (X9K) E E E Ii !!II ., 1 YR. TRIAL (REGISTRA TlON REQUIRED) (X9K) - W/RS7 IiIl ~ E1 I!II m iii • 5- YEAR SIRIUSXM TRAFFIC SERVICE (X9M) 11!1 I!I rJ 1M 0 III If! !;1 B Gl II EI IN ~ ~ ItJ !l:I rn III o 5. YEAR SIRIUSXM TRA VEL LINK SERVICE (X9NJ • 8.4" TOUCHSCREEN DISPLA Y (RFL) rl • FOR DETAILS, GO TO DRIVEUCONNECT,COM (X9E) g o II! GPS ANTENNA INPUT (JLP) o GPS NA VIGA TlON (JLN) rn o HARMAN RADIO MANUFACTURER (RHK) l'J jg • HD RADIO (RE8) I!I !] iii 0 18 III [l • INTEGRA TED VOICE COMMAND W/BLUETOOTH (XRB) o MEDIA HU8 (SD, USB, AUX) (RSF) • REMOTE SD CARD SLOT (RS1) lJ ~ g Ill! • SIRIUSXM SA TELUTE RADIO (RSD) • SIRIUSXM TRAFFIC (RSS) 0 0 Q re • SIRIUSXM TRAVEL LINK (RSM) 0 ra ~ (;J ~ IdI fJ o • IJ UCONNECTACCESS(RS~ RSD ISIRIUSXM SATELLITE RADIO ~ I:l UCONNECT ACCESS, 1- YR TRIAL (REG REQ) (3BR) • UCONNECT ACCESS, 1· YR TRIAL (REG REQ) (3BR) • W/RS7 L!l lEI E E • 1·YR. SIRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X9B) • FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800·643-2112 (X9H) • NO SA TEL LITE COVERAGE, HI/AK (RT7) - W/AK • NO SA TEL LITE COVERAGE, HIJAK (RT7) • W/HI TIG IP275f60R20 SSW ALL SEASON TIRES o BRIDGES TONE BRAND TIRES (178) o FULL SIZE TEMPORARY USE SPARE TIRE (TBS) E - EXTRA COST N/C - NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE E E 0 E E RAM United States FIRM REISSUED: 09/08/2014 ISSUED : 08/06/2014 GROUP DETAIL 0 S 1 L 4 1 TUB o IP275f60R20 OWL ALL SEASON TIRES FULL SIZE TEMPORARY USE SPARE TIRE (TBS) PAGE: 45 201 5 1500 UGHT DUTY QUAD CAB S D S 4 4 D 1 H 1 1 S 1 0 D 0 S S 1 P S 1 E 1 E 1 E 4 6 L 4 6 1-1 4 E E ill In E.I III E E E E D S 6 S 4 1 0 S 6 P 4 1 E " GOODYEAR BRAND TIRES (TZA) TXN o .!LT265f70R17E OWL ON/OFF ROAD TIRES GOODYEAR BRAND TIRES (TZA) WFJ 117X7.0 ALUMINUM CHROME CLAD WHEELS E CENTER HUB (WMJ) o FULL SIZE SPARE TIRE (TBB) III Q P26SflOR17 OWL ALL SEASON TIRES (TTY) III WHE CENTER Hua (WMJ) o FULL SIZE TEMPORARY USE SPARE TIRE (TaS) o GVW RA TlNG • 6900# (Z6N) - W!EZH o LOCKING LUG NUTS (XJC) o P275/60R20 BSW ALL SEASON TIRES (TTN) o P275/60R20 OWL ALL SEASON TIRES (TUB) o FULL SIZE TEMPORARY USE SPARE TIRE (78S) Q GOODYEAR BRAND TIRES (TZA) o [I'jJ E 120XB.O SEMlaGLOSS BLACK ALUMINUM WHL E FULL SIZE TEMPORARY USE SPARE TIRE (TBS) o GVW RA TING - 6900# (Z6N) - W/EZH 9 LOCKING LUG NUTS (XJC) " P275/60R2D BSW ALL SEASON TIRES (TTN) o SEMI-GLOSS BLACK HUB (WMA) WR2 o 120X9.0 ALUMINUM CHROME CLAD WHEELS E E CENTER HUB (WMJ) o G VW RA TlNG - 6900# (Z1 N) - W!EZH o GVW RA TING - 6900# (Z6N) - W/EZH o LOCKING LUG NUTS (XJC) III II o P275/60R2D BSW ALL SEASON TIRES (TTN) II Ii] XAC o IPARKVIEW(TM) REAR BACK·UP CAMERA RR VIEW AUTO DIM MIRROR W/DISPLA Y (GN4) E - EXTRA COST NfC - NO CHARGE NfA - NOT AVAILABLE E 0 !20X8.0 ALUMINUM WHEELS o WHN E E o B'I Ii E E IIIl I!!I RAM Unit ed States FIRM REISSUED: 09/08/2014 ISSUED: 08/06/2014 COUNTRY-SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT DETAIL 898 ILATAM REGION 0 S 1 L 4 1 E PAGE: 46 20151 500 LIGHT DUTY QUAD CAB 0 D 0 D S E 4 1 E S 1 P 4 1 E E E E E S 1 H 4 1 S 1 5 G L 4 1 E D S 6 D D S S P 4 1 E S 4 1 E E E E H 4 1 6 6 E • 4.5 ADDITIONAL GALLONS OF GAS (YG\/) 899 IAPAC REGION • 4.5 ADDITIONAL GALLONS OF GAS (YG\/) E - EXTRA COST N/C ~ NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE E RAM Unit ed States FIRM REISSUED: 09108/2014 ISSUED : 08106/2014 STANDARD EQUIPMENT (UNLESS REPLACED BY OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT) 115V AUXILIARY POWER OUTLET (JKV) 120 MPH PRIMARY SPEEDOMETER (JCB) 12V AUXILIARY POWER OUTLET (JJJ) 160 AMP ALTERNATOR (BAB) 17" STEEL SPARE WHEEL (W1A) 17X7.0 ALUMINUM WHEELS (WFE) 17X7.0 STEEL WHEELS (WFP) 180 AMP ALTERNATOR (BAD) 0 s 'I L 4 1 X X X X 1 X X X X 50 STATE EMISSIONS (NAS) 6 MO. TRIAL (REGISTRATION REQUIRED) (X9J) 6 SPEAKERS (RCG) 730 AMP MAINTENANCE FREE BATTERY (BCN) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BASE DOOR TRIM PANEL (CTL) X BODY COLOR GRILLE (MFN) BODY COLOR REAR BUMPER W/STEP PADS (MBa) BODY COLOR UPPER FASCIA (MCM) E - EXTRA COST N/C • NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE X X 6 H 4 1 1 X X X X X 0 s 6 S 4 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X i X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 P 4 X X X X D S X X BODY COLOR/CHROME DOOR HANDLES (MNE) DOOR HANDLES (MNK) EXTERIOR MIRRORS (LEP) FRONT FASCIA (MBP) FUEL FILLER DOOR (XJ8) X D s 6 L 4 X BI-FUNCTION HALOGEN PROJECTOR H/LAMP (LMM) COLOR COLOR COLOR COLOR 4 1 X X D s x AUTOMATIC HEADLAMPS (LMG) AUXILIARY TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER (NHB) BODY BODY BODY BODY P X X ANTI-LOCK 4-WHEEL DISC BRAKES (BRT) ASH TRAY LAMP (LBO) BLACK-OUT TAPE (MPL) BLACK REAR BUMPER (MBN) BLACK VINYL FLOOR COVERING (CKJ) 1 X X X BLACK FRONT BUMPER (MB1) BLACK GRILLE (MFF) D s X AIR CONDITIONING (HAA) BI-FUNCTION PROJECTOR CHROME H/LAMP (LMC) BLACK DOOR HANDLES (MNA) BLACK EXTERIOR MIRRORS (LE4) 1 S 4 1 X X X X AIR COND ATC W/DUAL ZONE CONTROL (HAF) ASSEMBLY PLANT PART TRACKING (XZ9) AUDIO JACK INPUT FOR MOBILE DEVICES (RSU) AUTO DIM EXTERIOR MIRROR (GNZ) AUTO DIM EXTERIOR PASSENGER MIRROR (LEU) 0 s X X X ACCENT FENDER FLARES (MRD) ACTIVE GRILLE SHUTTERS (MDX) ADVANCED MULTISTAGE FRONT AIR BAGS (CG3) H 4 X 3.21 REAR AXLE RATIO (DMC) 40120/40 SPLIT BENCH SEAT (CBE) 4-SPOKE STEERING WHEEL (SCF) 4X4 BADGE (MUS) 5.0" TOUCHSCREEN DISPLAY (RFU) 7 PIN WIRING HARNESS (XFK) 8,4" TOUCHSCREEN DISPLAY (RFL) 9 AMPLIFIED SPEAKERS W/SUBWOOFER (RC3) 1 X i-YR. SIRIUSXM RADIO SERVICE (X9B) 20X9.0 ALUMINUM CHROME CLAD WHEELS (WRG) 20X9 .0 POLISH/PAINTED ALUM WHEELS (WRF) 215MM FRONT AXLE (DJG) 235MM REAR AXLE (DRN) 26 GALLON FUEL TANK (NFW) D s PAGE: 47 2015 1500 LIGHT DUTY QUAD CAB X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X REISSUED: 09/08/2014 ISSUED; 08/06/2014 RAM United States FIRM S JANDARD EQUIPMENT (UNLESS BY OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT) F~EPLACED 0 S 1 L 4 1 BRIGHT/BRIGHT GRILLE (MF1) BRIGHT FRONT BUMPER (MCT) BRIGHT GRILLE (MFD) BRIGHT REAR BUMPER (MBF) BRIGHT ROTARY SHIFTER (C1H) BUCKET SEATS (CAC) CARGO AND CHMSL LAMP (LPE) CARPET FLOOR COVERING (CKE) CENTER HUB (WMJ) CHROME EXTERIOR MIRRORS (LEN) CLASS IV RECEIVER HITCH (XFH) CLOTH 40/20/40 BENCH SEAT ("V9) 0 S 'I H 4 1 DRIVER/PASSENGER ASSIST HANDLES (CSP) DUAL NOTE ELECTRIC HORNS (JJB) X X X X X ENGINE - 5.7L VB HEMI MDS VVT ENGINE (EZH) ENGINE OIL COOLER (NHA) S 1 S 4 1 D S 'I P D S 6 1 X 1 D S 6 H 4 1 L 4 4 I X X X X X 6 S 4 1 X X X X X X 0 S X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X EXT. MIRRORS W/SUPPLEMENTAL SIGNALS (LEB) X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X 6 P 4 1 X X X X X 0 S X X X X DUAL REAR EXHAUST W/BRIGHT TIPS (NER) ELEC SHIFT ON DEMAND TRANSFER CASE (DH8) ELEC SHIFT-ON-THE-FLY PfTlME T/CASE (DH9) ELECTROLUMINESCENT INSTR CLUSTER (JA6) ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED THROTTLE (NHN) ELECTRONIC SHIFT (XXU) ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL (BNS) ENGINE - 3.6L V6 24V VVT ENGINE (ERB) 0 X X X CLOTH BUCKET SEATS (*AJ) COMFORT GROUP (AGF) CONVENTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL FRT AXLE (OS7) CONVENTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL REAR AXLE (DS8) DASH LINER INSULATION (HGB) DELUXE DOOR TRIM PANEL (CTM) DOOR PARTS MODULE (XB2) PAGE: 48 2015 1500 UG HT DUTY QUA D CAB X X X X X EXTERIOR MIRRORS COURTESY LAMPS (LEC) EXTERIOR MIRRORS W/HEATING ELEMENT (NHJ) X X X X X X X X X X EXTERIOR MIRRORS W/MEMORY (LEM) FIXED LONG MAST ANTENNA (ROD) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FLOOR TUNNEL INSULATION (HGF) FOG LAMPS (LNJ) X X X FOLDING FLAT LOAD FLOOR STORAGE (CVN) FOR DETAILS, GO TO DRIVEUCONNECT.COM (X9E) FOR MORE INFO, CALL 800-643-2112 (X9H) X & REAR FLOOR MATS (CLE) ARMREST WrrHREE CUPHOLOERS (CDR) BUMPER SIGHT SHIELDS (MXC) CENTER SEAT CUSHION STORAGE (CVH) DOOR ACCENT LIGHTING (LB1) END PARTS MODULE (X83) FRONT HEAVY DUTY SHOCK ABSORBERS (SFS) FRONT HEIGHT ADJUST SHOULDER BELTS (CGD) FRONT LICENSE PLATE BRACKET (MDA) FRONT PASSENGER SEAT BELT ALERT (LAX) FRONT STABILIZER BAR (SHA) FRONT WHEEL SPATS (MEN) FULL LENGTH FLOOR CONSOLE (CUF) FULL SIZE SPARE TIRE (T8B) FULL SIZE TEMPORARY USE SPARE TIRE (T8S) GLOVE BOX LAMP (LBC) X X X X X X FRONT FRONT FRONT FRONT FRONT FRONT E - EXTRA COST N/C - NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AM United States FIRM REISSUED: 09/08/2014 ISSUED: 08/06J2014 STANDARD EQUIPMENT (UNLESS REPLACED BY OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT) GOODYEAR BRAND TIRES (TZA) GPS ANTENNA INPUT (JLP) GVW/PAYLOAD RATING (Z1C) GVW RATING - 6800# (Z6D) GVW RATING - 6900# (ZiN) GVW RATING - 6900# (Z6N) HALOGEN QUAD HEADLAMPS (LME) HARMAN RADIO MANUFACTURER (RHK) HD VINYL 40/20/40 SPLIT BENCH SEAT (*TX) HEATED FRONT SEATS (CMA) HEATED STEERING WHEEL (NHS) HEAVY DUTY ENGINE COOLING (NMC) 0 0 S s 4 H 4 1 L 1 1 X 1 X X X X S 4 P 1 4 1 X X x x 0 0 S 6 L S 6 4 H 4 x x 1 1 x X X X X X X X 1 X X 6 P 4 1 X X X X x X X x x ! X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X INTEGRATED VOICE COMMAND W/BLUETOOTH (XRB) LARAMIE BADGE (MTE) LEATHER TRIM 40/20/40 BENCH SEAT (*VL) X X X X X X X X LEA THER WRAPPED STEERING WHEEL (SCV) LED INTERIOR liGHTING (LCJ) LOCKING LUG NUTS (XJC) X X LOWER TVVO TONE PAINT (APD) LUXURY GROUP (ADA) X X X X X x X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X NO LUMBAR ADJUST (CE8) X X X X NON ADJUSTABLE PEDALS (XAS) X x X X X X X X X X X X X X OVERHEAD CONSOLE (CUN) OVERHEAD CONSOLE W/GARAGE DR OPENER (CV2) X x X X NEXT GENERATION ENGINE CONTROLLER (NZD) X X X X PICKUP BOX (XBS) POWER 10-WAY DRIVER SEAT (JRT) X POWER ACCESSORY DELAY (JKY) POWER ADJUSTABLE PEDALS W/MEMORY (XAM) POWER ADJUSTABLE PEDALS (XAP) POWER FOLDING MIRRORS (LER) POWER HEATED MIRRORS, FOLD-AWAY (GTS) POWER HEATED MIRRORS, FOLD-AWAY (GT6) X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PASSENGER SIDE SUN VISOR W/MIRROR (GNM) X X X X X X X : X X X X E - EXTRA COST N/C· NO CHARGE N/A· NOT AVAILABLE S 4 D S X INSTRUMENT PANEL PARTS MODULE (X81) INSTRUMENT PANEL PREMIUM BEZEL (JNC) INSTRUMENT PANEL WOODGRAIN BEZEL (JBB) P265/70R17 SSW ALL SEASON TIRES (TTM) P275/60R20 BSW ALL SEASON TIRES (TIN) P275/60R20 OWL ALL SEASON TIRES (TUB) PARKVIEW(TM) REAR BACK-UP CAMERA (XAC) D S 6 X X X MONOTONE PAINT (APA) NAV-CAPABLE! SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS (JLA) 1 X X X MOLDED-IN-BLACK UPPER FASCIA (MCL) D X INSTRUMENT CLUSTER W/DISPLAY SCREEN (JAT) INSTRUMENT PANEL BLACK BEZEL (JBF) MANUAL ADJUST SEATS (JP8) MEDIA HUB (SO, USB, AUX) (RSF) MEDIA HUB (USB, AUX) (RS6) S X X HIGH BACK SEATS (CAD) LOCKING TAILGATE (XJJ) D S 1 x HEAW DUTY TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER (NHD) HEMI BADGE (MW5) HIGHLINE DOOR TRIM PANEL (CBW) HUMIDITY SENSOR (XXT) INCANDESCENT TAIL LAMPS (LA6) INSTR . PANEL COLOR KEYED BEZEL (JBY) PAGE: 49 20151 500 LIG HT DUTY QUAD CAB X X X X RAM Un ited States REISSUED: 09/08J2014 PAGE: 50 FIRM ISSUED: 08/06J2014 2015 1500 LIGHT DUTY QUAD CAB STANDARD EQUIPMENT (UNLESS BYOPTIONALEQWPMEND REPLA Cr=D POWER LOCKS (JPB) 0 s 'I L 4 1 X 0 s 1 H 4 1 X POWER LUMBAR ADJUST (JPW) 0 D 1 1 P 4 s S 4 1 X X X X X X X PREMIUM TAIL LAMPS (LAD) X X R1234YF AlC REFRIGERANT (XFC) X X X X X X X X X X 4 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X ,X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X REAR STABILIZER BAR (SHF) X X X REAR UNDERSEAT COMPARTMENT STORAGE (CUE) X X X REAR VIEW DAY/NIGHT MIRROR (GNA) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X REAR WHEEL SPATS (MPP) X X X REAR WHEEL WELL LINERS (MHL) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X REMOTE SO CARD SLOT (RS1) REMOTE USB PORT - CHARGE ONLY (RS3) REMOTE USB PORT (RSX) X X ROTARY SHIFTER (C1G) X X X X RR VIEW AUTO DIM MIRROR W/MICROPHONE (GNS) X X X X SECURITY ALARM (LSA) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SIRIUSXM SATELLITE RADIO (RSD) SL T BADGE (MTD) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SPORT GROUP (AGG) SPORT TAIL LAMPS (LAE) X X X X X X X REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY WITH ALL-SECURE (GXM) X X X X REAR VIEW MIRROR W/MICROPHONE (GR4) X X X X SPRAY IN BEDLINER (XMF) X X X REAR POWER SLIDING WINDOW (GFE) D S 6 P 4 1 X 6 S X X X REAR HEAVY DUTY SHOCK ABSORBERS (SGB) SPEED CONTROL (NHM) D s X REAR FOLDING SEAT (CFM) SENTRY KEY THEFT DETERRENT SYSTEM (GXX) H 4 1 X X REAR DOME W/ON/OFF SWITCH LAMP (LHE) SEAT PARTS MODULE (X8Z) 6 X REAR 60/40 SPLIT FOLDING SEAT (CSX) REAR FIXED WINDOW (GJD) D s X PWR FRONT WINDOWS, 1-TOUCH,UP & DOWN (JP3) REAR DOME LAMP (LCH) 6 L 4 1 X X PWR 10-WAY MEM DRVR 6-WAY PASS SEATS (JRF) RAM 1500 BADGE (MS2) D s X PREM VINYL DOOR TRIM W/MAP POCKET (CBZ) RADIO/DRV SEAT/MIRRORS/PEDALS MEMORY (LEV) RAM'S HEAD BADGE (MGA) 1 X X POWER MULTI-FUNCTION F/AWAY MIRRORS (GU4) POWER RACK AND PINION STEERING (SBA) s X X X X X X STEERING WHEEL MOUNTED AUDIO CTRLS (RDZ) X X X SUN VISORS W/ILLUM VANITY MIRRORS (GNC) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SUPPLEMENTAL FRT SEAT SIDE AIR BAGS (CJ1) X X X X SUPPLEMENTAL SIDE AIR BAGS (CGS) X X X X X X X X X TILT STEERING COLUMN (SUA) X X X X X X X X TINTED GLASS WINDOWS (GAC) X X X X X TINTED WINDSHIELD GLASS (GBB) X X X v X X X X X X TIP START (XBN) X X X X X X X X TIRE & WHEEL PARTS MODULE (X88) X X X X X X X X X TIRE CARRIER WINCH (TBM) X X X X X X X TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING DISPLAY (XGM) X X X X X X TRAILER TOWW/4-PIN CONNECTOR WIRING (XFU) X X X X X X X X X X TRANSMISSION - 8-SPD AUTO 84SRE TRANS (MAKE) (DFL) X X X X X SUPP. SIDE CURTAIN FRT/RR AIR BAGS (CJ2) TEMPERATURE & COMPASS GAUGE (JFJ) TRANSMISSION - 8-SPD AUTO 8HP70 TRANS (BUY-US) (DFK) E - EXTRA COST N/C - NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE X X /\. X X X RAM Un ited St ates FIRM PAGE: 51 REISSUED: 09/08/2014 ISSUED: 08/06/2014 STANDARD EQUIPMENT (UNLESS REPLACED BYOpnONALEQWPMEN~ 0 S 1 s 4 1 4 L TRAVELER/MINI TRIP COMPUTER (LET) UCONNECT 3.0 AM/FM (RAi) UCONNECT 5.0 AM/FM/BT (RA2) 0 'I H 1 X X H 4 1 D S 6 S 4 1 0 S 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 D s s P L 4 1 4 1 6 1 X 6 P 4 1 X X X X X D s X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UNIVERSAL GARAGE DOOR OPENER (XGD) E - EXTRA COST N/C - NO CHARGE N/A - NOT AVAILABLE 1 S 4 1 X UCONNECTACCESS(RSn UNDERHOOD LAMP (LOA) VENTILATED FRONT SEATS (CAJ) D s X UCONNECT 8.4A AM/FM/SXM/BT (RA3) VAR INTERMITIENT WINDSHIELD WIPERS (JHA) VEHICLE INFORMATION CENTER (LAZ) 2015 1500 UGHT DUTY QUAD CAB X X X X X X X X Consent Calendar Agend(] _!1f~~) i l -13-IY RAV;\I I, !\Il~RI.CIII ;\S:':'Ol'IAII S, INC. 0.. \I~,)Olllllll,1 INi.h~III\I:--"I: November 7, 2014 Chris Hastert General Manager Santa Maria Public Airport District Santa Maria California Subject Santa Maria Airport Fire Station Doors; Completion of Project. Dear Mr. Hastert; We have reviewed the project's status on site. We find that the work is complete. We recommend that the District issue a Notice of Completion for the project. r1 1: fh \kJGUlL--- . ./ Jim Williams Project Manager Ravatt, Albrecht & Associates, Inc. , \' I~ I" "\ F, \! 1\."\, , Il 1 :2l~ ( I v ,II] ' f ·\ I , "\ '. t" \ \ \ !, t '\ ! .-~_)~~) '-..0: ':,\\ '.,1 "J ( \ " I~ '. ll; \I'-:IK\I j;" "\ ~_I~, I':;,.., \ \~..::, .,,\\::;, . · , .:~s ,)l')~ \ '. \\.'\:-1 I' \, 111< ,II,' I I I - \ '\. I 'i: . ,'I i 1., 1', '. ,_ \ ";:,'! : I~. I ~"; -,,( , l t l 'l I' ":\\"';-:-" '.\ I - I) I I;" \\ \\ I. \ \ I '. I II Ii I \ II I , \\ Recording Requested by: Santa Maria Public Airport District 3217 Terminal Drive Santa Maria, CA 93455 (Please return to address above) (Above space for Recorder's Use) No fee per Gov. Code 6103 NOTICE OF COMPLETION SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT, a public district of the State of California, 3217 Terminal Drive, Santa Maria, California 93455, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE THAT: 1. The work of improvement is located at the Santa Maria Public Airport and is described as follows: "Replace Doors at the Santa Maria Fire Station" at the Santa Maria Airport." 2. Date of completion by the Santa Maria Public Airport District of the work of improvement hereinafter described was Friday, November 7, 2014 3. Name and address of the owner of the work of improvement is Santa Maria Public Airport District, 3217 Terminal Drive, Santa Maria, California 93455, which caused the work of improvement to be constructed. 4. Nature of owner's interest or estate is fee owner of record of the airport on which the work of improvement was constructed by Diani Building, Inc. 5. America. Name of the Insurance Company is: Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT By______________________________________ CHRIS HASTERT, General Manager STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this _ day of ,2014, by Chris Hastert, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Witness my hand and official seal. Christine Carol Freitas RESOLUTION 836 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT AMENDING AND ADOPTING A DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE GOAL FOR OCTOBER 1, 2014 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 WHEREAS, the Santa Maria Public Airport District ''''District'') has received federal financial assistance from the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration; and WHEREAS, the District has signed a grant assurance that it will comply with 49 CFR 26, which requires establishment of a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise ("DBE") program and DBE goal establishment procedure; and WHEREAS, by Resolution 710, the District adopted a DBE program and a DBE goal establishment procedure; and WHEREAS, the District desires to adopt a DBE goal; and WHEREAS, the United States Department of Transportation Regulations (49 CFR §26.45) require compliance with the DBE goal setting procedure, including a published notice of proposed DBE goals and a 45-day public comment period; and WHEREAS, the District has complied with the DBE goal setting procedure, and the 45-day public comment period has expired . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Santa Maria Public Airport District, that the District hereby adopts a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goal of 3.70% for the fiscal years 2015,2016, and 2017. PASSED AND ADOPTED at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Santa Maria Public Airport District held November 13, 2014, on Motion of Director _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Seconded by Director , and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED : CHUCK ADAMS, President ATTEST: CHUCK DAMIANO, Secretary Agenda I~ Ij~i3.~Z!l Santa Maria Public Airport District DBE Construction Goal Research Sources To set the goal for DBE percentages the Santa Maria Public Airport District followed the suggested guidelines provided by 49CFR Part 26. In detetmining the relative availability ofDBE enterprises ready, willing and able to do business with the Santa Maria Public Airport, several sources of infonnation have been consulted. The enterprises established in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura were selected for the goal percentage calculations, thus we have selected these counties as our market area. Using the North American Industry Classification System (NArCS) a total of fifty-six (56) DBE establishments per code that perform the work planned for FY 2016, 2017, and 2018 are found to be located on the Cal Trans Civil Rights Program Listing of Certified DBE Firms in these counties. Due to the fact that some finns are listed under multiple NAICS codes they may also appear on the list more than once. The Census Bureau data also includes these entities under multiple codes so the comparisons are accurate. See attached report DBE Tri-County Finns. Census Bureau data was collected from the Census Bureau's County Business Pattern (CBP) database. The 2011 Industry Code Summary was run by the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura. The work codes have been reviewed and compared to the projects scheduled for the report period. This determined a total number of establishments to be considered for contract. NAICS descriptions include soil preparation, planting, and cultivating, highway, street, and bridge construction, other heavy and civil engineering construction, other specialty trade contractors, engineering services, and water and sewer line constructions. There are a total of seven hundred and fifty six (756) of these types of businesses in the abovementioned counties according to the most recent census bureau data available (2012) . Method of Establishing Goal The percentage goal was attained by dividing the number of ready, willing and able DBE businesses in the counties by the total nmnber of businesses engaged in the operations projected for the following report period. Percentage Calculations The base figure was calculated by dividing the number of ready, 'willing and able DBE businesses in the counties by the total number of businesses engaged in the operations projected for the following period. No. of DBE: 56 Total Businesses: 756 Base Figure: The base figure was then reviewed for adjustments for past participation. The median past participation was detennined using the last five years. The goals reached in 2005, 2006,2007, 2008, and 2009 were 0, 00/0, 00/0, 0% and 00/0. When these values are arranged in order they are 0%, 00/0, 00/0, 0%, and 00/0 with a median of 0%. When the median is averaged with the base figure that lowers the goal to 3.700/0. The Santa Maria Public Airport District has not conducted any disparity studies in at least the last ten years and has no evidence of disparities against DBEs. The Santa Maria Public Airport District estimates the entire 3.700/0 will be accomplished through race neutral and gender neutral measures. In conclusion, this goal has been found to be reasonable and attainable based on previous bidding and contract activity. Amount of goal Santa Maria Public Airport District's overall goal for the following time period Fiscal Years 2016, 2017) 2018 is 3.70 % of the Federal financial assistance we will expend in DOT-assisted contracts. Given the amount of DOT-assisted contracts Santa Maria Public Airport District expects to get during this fiscal year/project, which is three million dollars ($3,000,000) this means that \ve have set a goal of expending One hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and eleven dollars ($111,111.00). Process Santa Maria Public Airport District submits its overall goal to DOT on August 1, 2014 for fiscal years 2016,2017, and 2018. Before establishing the overall goal, the Santa Maria Publ ic Airport District, \vill consult with available minority, women's and general contractor groups, as well as the public to obtain in[onnation concerning the availability of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged businesses, the effects of discrimination on oPP0l1unities for DBEs, and the Santa Maria Public Airpo rt District) s efforts to establ ish a level playing field for the partici pation 0 f DBEs. The Santa Maria Public Airport District will publish a notice of the proposed overall goal, infonning the public that the proposed goal and its rationale are available for inspection during normal business hours at 3217 Terminal Drive, Santa Maria, CA 93455 for 30 days following the date of the notice, and infonning the public that the District and DOT will accept comments on the goals for 45 days from the date of the notice. The notice will be published in the local newspaper. The notice must include addresses to which comments may be sent. Our overalJ goal submission to DOT will include a summary of information and COlnments received during this public participation process and our responses. The District will begin using its overall goal on October 1 of each year, unless we have received other instnlctions from DOT. DBE Tri-Coutzty Firl11s 2014 DIJA FILENO PROGRAM NAICS NAICS DEF PHONE AREA CITY A A & P CO NTRACTORS. INC 2041 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contracto rs 805 SATICOY BENGAL ENGINEERING. INC . 31261 DBE 541330 Engineering Services 805 GOLETA BRAH MA ENGINEERING. INC 30815 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 805 SANTA MARIA BRAHMA ENGINEERING. INC 30815 DBE 237310 Highway, Street. and Bridge Construction 805 SANTA MARIA CAL FRAN ENGINEERING, INC. 26643 DBE 237990 Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 805 SIMI VALLEY CALIFOR NIA CIVIL DESIGN GROUP , INC . 34729 DBE 541330 Engineering Services 805 CAMARILLO COO KS A ND SON INC. 40072 DBE 2371 10 Water and Sewe r Line and Rela ted Structures Const 805 SANTA MARIA COOKS AND SO N INC. 40072 DBE 237310 Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction 805 SANTA MAR IA COOKS AND SON INC. 40072 DBE 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 805 SANTA MARIA CORNE JO CONSTRUCTIO N COMPANY 41764 DBE 237110 Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Const 805 SANT A BARBARA DIGITA L ENERGY , IN C. 41983 DBE 541330 Engineering Services 805 WESTLAKE VILLAGE EDMONDS ASPHALT MAINTENANCE 38602 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 805 SAN LUIS OBISPO FIRST RESPONDER FIRE PROTECTION CO 39595 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 805 SIMI VALLEY G F GARCIA AND SONS. INC 40744 DBE 237310 Highway. Street. and Bridge Construction 805 CAYUCOS G F GARCIA AND SONS. INC 40744 DBE 237110 Water and Sewer Line and Relaled Structures Const 805 CAYUCOS G F GARC IA AND SONS, INC 40744 DBE 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 805 CAYUCOS G SOSA CO NSTRUCTION , INC 24244 DBE 237310 Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction 805 ORCUTT GEOTECHNIQUES 40991 OBE 541330 Engineering Services 80S VENTURA GLOBAL PROBE. INC . 29307 DBE 238910 Sile Preparation Contractors 805 VENTURA GLOBAL PROBE, IN C. 29307 DBE 237110 Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Const 805 VENTURA INSITEC IVIL. IN C. 39527 DBE 541330 Engineering Services 805 TEMPLETON I<ELLIE AVILA CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, 38321 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 805 ATASCADERO · · ·I'I": : · :,j=:·: ~ -~ !:'· "'·~·.C'':'':''.l'~ ,'': -:.: ~ ~ :=AZ'': :~'-~ ;·.i\!!!.:.: -:' z."f:;rl\:·~'-:W;~: :f .~';.':h':J. I-'..l:t ;·~,,!; :.:!:: .T ·::~,j t"'~4.7:.l:,-:--"!.ll l :t':'.ll-~tf.;'::::::J , : P.e",;~!,~-;rJ.l;U !r,I~~'J'.:.-t:l!''''':!'''''''J ~l'''J:.J''''.i:;j;·;::::';';':~;I.=:-;'~;:c1.!.~~~"~ ~~~~. ~~~'.';.'1;::l.l:ll;:£~~~.::=t_~~H~"'J~';V[:~ :i':" .cr.::::..'J ::'''::'t~ I ~:n~~1jI!': ·I'I...·-:::..i.~\"~~';J;"::.r.-"'::'.'::~~·, ~ !.~:J.r::.~...-~;·'.,ti:'·.fl' -::;C::r;·,:,::..,.~:::.':'",·!.""l: '··!:l~ t::::::... -:r(.~ Thursday, September 04, 2014 P({~~e 1 oj 3 DBA FILENO PROGRAM NAlCS NAICS OEF PHONE AREA CITY I<RITZ EXCAVATING & TRUCKING , INC. 39134 DBE 237110 Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Const 805 PASO ROBLES KRITZ EXCAVATING & TRUCKING, INC. 39134 DBE 237310 Highway, Street. and Bridge Construction 805 PASO ROBLES LA FIRMA INC. 39322 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 805 NIPOMO LENHARDT ENGINEER ING, INC. 39108 DBE 541330 Engineering Services 805 SAN LUIS OBISPO M. E. A VILA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATIO 38088 DBE 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 805 ATASCADERO M. E. AVILA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATIO 38088 DBE 237310 Highway, Street. and Bridge Construction 805 ATASCADERO OST TRUCI<:S AND CRANES, INC . 22322 DBE 237990 Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 805 VENTURA OST TRUCKS AND CRANES , INC . 22322 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 805 VENTURA PAN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 21096 DBE 541330 Engineering Services 805 OAK PARK PAVE -RITE CONSTRUCT ION. INC . 32064 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 805 NIPOMO PA VE-RITE CONSTRUCTION, INC . 32064 DBE 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 805 NIPOMO PRECISION CONCRETE. INC . 20528 DBE 237310 Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction 805 SANTA MARIA PRE-CON PRODUCTS LTD. 651 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 805 SIMI VALLEY PRE-CON PRODUCTS LTD . 651 OBE 237310 Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction 805 SIMI VALLEY RAMINH A CONSTRUCTION , INC. 22173 DBE 237990 Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 805 ATASCADERO RAMINHA CONSTRUCTION. INC. 22173 DBE 237310 Highway, Street. and Bridge Construction 805 ATASCADERO RAMINHA CONSTRUCT ION. INC . 22173 DBE 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 805 ATASCADERO S CHAVES CONSTRUCTION, INC . 34994 DBE 237310 Highway, Street , and Bridge Construction 805 SAN LUIS OBISPO S CHAVES CONSTRUCTION , INC. 34 994 DBE 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 805 SAN LUIS OB ISPO S CHAVES CONSTRUCTION. INC . 34994 DBE 237110 Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Const 805 SAN LUIS OBISPO SHARMA CONTRACTORS , INC 41141 DBE 237110 Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Const 805 MOORPARK SHARMA CONTRACTORS . INC 41141 DBE 237310 Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction 805 MOORPARK STONE CONCEPTS, INC 40763 DBE 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 805 BUELLTON SUPER SEAL & STRIPE, INC 2003 DBE 237310 Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction 805 FILLMORE SUPER SEAL & STRIPE. INC 2003 DBE 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 805 FILLMORE ";"'~:~" '~ ,,, ,~ •• ,..:.!.~ ":", ;' ·~: ..t . :':: . i';_<· ·.f,:;:.-:\,·_..::!:r_ ~· ~·:·Z~ ~I.',:,vl:.I :\:,:.r,~ I"'.r;-:r: r':"':'7. : .'"1"' ~! .::;::'·i";.~!..' 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INC. 36836 DBE 115112 Soil Preparation, Planting. and Cultivating 805 VENTURA W ILLIAMS CONCRETE ENG INEERING 37911 DBE 237990 Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 805 MORRO BAY WILLIAMS CONCRETE ENGINEERING 37911 DBE 237310 Highway, Street. and Bridge Construction 805 MORRO BAY W ILLIAMS CONCRETE ENGINEERING 37911 DBE 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 805 MORRO BAY Y C E INCORPORATED 33897 DBE 541330 Engineering Services 805 VENTURA COllnt: 56 ':":-,·,....;..: ::..-: · ,,~ ~£, :..'_' . . . .~ J ' :; '_' I t.:;::::;';,. . . 7i.'i';....~~:. ~ .:-...:.:~ r,~.u;:;;:'..::...;~·; :t.: !" ····~,~::...::.~!;,: ~7."~.l I~"fI~·~'~· ~~:..~~ :J::I'~";J.'~.:5~7jl'[j.l':':I~~111lY.!eSE.",;)r.:"~.:t:,t~~.:;u ~.s~ i;i;J:\':"::t: .,.!';t!t'~I=-~~:;~:!}~ :..'"'t:'fl·l~;~•llI,G\::Lv.:-~.:~fritSJ:;J,.~.r;;~~f,!,~·l~~~~I:-~!t!"~:r?:uf~ ~I;::. ~"':'_"!.'S...!!?~~'i'::.:.;;::: i..':'....~ ii::L.'\":.",: i '·~G~'::",::.':~~ ... L.- ·:~.:!- c.~ ~~-:".JlJr.;.~ll'\?"~ .:,',. T/1IlJ"sday. S eptell1ber 04, 201 4 Page 3 of 3 Agenda ItYF ! l - ~3- t Lf- MEMORANDUM DATE: NOVEMBER 13,2014 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: VERONEKA READE, MANAGER OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 11 AHORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH HERITAGE OAKS BANK FOR A COLLATERALIZED DEPOSIT PLEDGE. The Administration and Financial Committee met with representatives of Heritage Oaks Bank to discuss investing District funds with Heritage Oaks Bank. The funds are currently invested in LAIF with a minimal return. After careful study the Committee recommends that three million dollars be invested in a Collateralized Deposit with Heritage Oaks and that the interest rate is at least fifteen basis points above the LAIF rate of return. The interest rate must be adjusted each quarter in order to maintain the fifteen basis point increase. Heritage Oaks Bank Collateralized Deposit pledge agreement This collateralized Deposit Pledge Agreement (this "Agreement") is made as of the _ _ _ _ day of _ _ _---', 20_ by Heritage Oaks Bank (the "Bank"), a California corporation and California state charted commercial bank, for the benefit of the Santa Maria Public Airport District with respect to the following: i. Local Agency has established one or more deposIt accounts with the Bank (the" Accounts"). 2. Bank acknowledges that the funds in the Accounts are Local Agency funds which, to the extent that the aggregate balance in Accounts exceed Federal Deposit Insurance limits, are required to be collateralized by a pledge of securities in accordance with the provisions of California Government Code Sections 53630 (IIState Law") 3. Bank herby agrees that, from time to time, it will deliver to Wells Fargo or other depositories approved under State Law by the Administrator of Local Agency Security (each a "Depository"), as pledge holder for the benefit of Local Agency, such securities as are required by State Law to .be held as collateral security for the deposits of Local Agency, and shall maintain with Depository such securities as are required as collateral under State Law. 4. This Agreement is made in compliance with the requirements of 12 U.S. C 1823{e), and particularly subsections (1) (A), 5. (eL and (D) thereof. Bank herby certifies that this Agreement has been presented to, and its execution has been approved by, the Board of Directors of the Bank and that a copy of it will be maintained in officials records of the Bank for so long as any of the Accounts remain open. In Witness Whereof, this Agreement has been executed as of the date first above written. Heritage Oaks Bank William Raver, Executive Vice President/General Counsel Contract for Deposit of Moneys This contract. relating to the deposit of moneys, made as of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,20_ _ , between _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CTreasurer") acting in his official capacity as _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CDepositor"), and Heritage Oaks Bank ("Treasurer," "Finance Director," etc.) ("Depositorylt), having a paid-up capital and surplus of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dollars ($--------). Witnesseth: Whereas, the Treasurer proposes to deposit in the Depository from time to time, commencing on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 20 _ _ , moneys in his custody in an aggregate amount on deposit at anyone time Dollars ($ ), or the not to exceed total of the paid-up capital and surplus of the Depository, whichever is the lesser amount, and said moneys will be deposited subject to Title 5, Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 4, Article 2 (commencing with Section 53630) of the Government Code of the State of California; and Whereas. said provisions of the Government Code require the Treasurer to enter into a contract with the Depository setting forth the conditions upon which said moneys are deposited; and Whereas, in the judgment of the Treasurer, this contract is to the public advantage; Now, therefore, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows: 1. This contract cancels and supersedes any previous contracts between the Treasurer and the Depository relating to the method of handling and collateralization of deposits of moneys. 2. This contract, but not deposits then held hereunder, shall be subject to termination by the Treasurer or the Depository at any time upon 30 days' written notice. Deposits may be withdrawn in accordance with the agreement of the parties and applicable federal and state statutes, rules and regulations. This contract is subject to modification or termination . upon enactment of any statute, rule or regulation, state or federal, which, in the opinion of the Administrator of Local Agency Security, is inconsistent herewith, including any change relative to the payment of interest upon moneys 50 deposited by the Treasurer. 3. Interest shall accrue on any moneys so deposited as permitted by any act of the Congress of the United States or by any rule or regulation of any department or agency of the Federal Government adopted pursuant thereto. The Public Fund Money Market Account is a variable rate deposit account. The interest rate on the Public Fund Money Market Account may be changed by Depository at any time and as often as daily. The interest rate and the annual percentage yield paid on the Public Fund Money Market Account is determined by Depository in its sole discretion . Interest is computed using the simple interest method, based on the monthly average daily ending ledge~ balance, compounded and credited monthly. 4. The Depository shall issue to the Treasurer at the time of each inactive deposit a receipt 0 n a form agreed to by the Depository and the Treasurer, stating the interest to be paid, if any, the duration of the deposit, the frequency of interest payments, and the terms of withdrawal. Each such deposit receipt is by reference made a part of this contract. 5. As security for said deposit, the Depository shall at all times maintain with the Agent of Depository named herein, commencing forthwith, eligible securities having a market value at least 10% in excess of the actual total amount of local agency moneys on deposit with the Depository. If any eligible security is determined by the Administrator of Local Agency Security of the State of California in accordance with Government Code Section 53661 to be not qualified to secure public deposits, additional security shall be substituted immediately by the Depository, as necessary, to comply with the requirements of this Paragraph. 6. Eligible securities are those listed in Government Code Section 53651. 7. The Agent of Depository, authorized by the Treasurer and the Depository to hold the eligible securities posted as collateral under this contract is Wells Fargo Bank NA. Said Agent of Depository has filed with the Administrator of Local Agency Security of the State of California an agreement to comply in all respects with the provisions of Title 5, Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 4, Article 2 (commencing with Section 53630) of the Government Code. A copy of this agreement is available upon request. 8. Authority for placement of securities for safekeeping in accordance with Government Code Section 53659 is hereby granted to the Agent of Depository, including placement with any Federal Reserve Banks or branches thereof, and the following banks, other than the Depository, located in cities designated as reserve cities by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Held in book entry at Wells Fargo Bank NA. 9. If the Depository fails to pay all or part of any deposits of the Treasurer which are subject to this contract when ordered to do so in accordance with the terms of withdrawal set forth on the deposit receipt (which is by reference made a part hereof), the Treasurer will immediately notify, in writing, the Administrator of Local Agency Security. Action of the Administrator in converting the collateral required by Paragraph 5 above for the benefit of the Treasurer is governed by Government Code Section 53665. 10. The Depository may add, substitute' or withdraw eligible securities being used as security for deposits made hereunder in accordance with Government Code Section 53654, provided the requirements of Paragraph 5 above are met. 11 . The Depository shall have and hereby reserves the right to collect the interest on the securities, except in cases where the securities are liable to sale or are sold or converted in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 53665. 12. The Depository shall bear and pay the expenses of transportation to and from the Treasurer's office of moneys so deposited and the expense of transportation of eligible securities maintained as collateral to and from the designated Agent of Depository. The Depository shall also handle, collect and pay all checks and other exchange without cost to Depositor. 13. This contract, the parties hereto, and all deposits governed by this contract shall be subject in all respects to Title 5, Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 4, Article 2 (commencing with Section 53630) of the Government Code, and of all other state and federal laws, statutes, rules and regulations applicable to such deposits, whether now in force or hereafter enacted or promulgated, all of which are by this reference made a part hereof. In witness whereof, the Treasurer in his official capacity has signed this contract in duplicate and the Depository has caused this contract to be executed in like number by its duly authorized officers. TREASURER: DEPOSITORY: By ____________________________ By _____________________________ By ____________________________ By _____________________________ Agenda Item t :2- BUILDING SPACE LEASE THIS LEASE, dated October 1, 2014, by and between the SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT (herein called "Landlord" or "District"), a Public Airport District of the State of California, and Mountain Aviation (herein called "Tenant"). WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of the conditions, covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall for all purposes of this lease have the meanings specified as follows: (a) Airport" means the Santa Maria Public Airport at Santa Maria, California. (b) "FAA" means the Federal Aviation Administration or its successor organization or department. (c) "Improvements" include buildings, structures, fixtures, partitions, counters, and other property affixed to the realty in any manner. (d) "Leased Premises" or "Premises mean and include a portion of the building, consisting of approximately 10,000 square feet of hangar space, at 3940 Mitchell Road, at the Santa Maria Public Airport, as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. (e) UParty" or "Parties" mean the District and/or Tenant. tl 2. Leased Premises. District hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from District the Leased Premises for the term and rent and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 3. Lease Term and Option. (a) The term of this lease shall be month to month beginning December 1, 2014. 4. as follows: Rent. Tenant agrees to pay to District, in advance, the monthly rent ~_lL-- r3-/ Lf (a) Building Space Monthly Rent. Tenant shall pay as monthly rent to District for and during the term of this lease $2.925 (10.000 s.f. X $0.2925) per month. CPI Adjustment of Monthly Rent. The monthly rental rate (b) shall be adjusted upwards. but not downwards, by the percentage proportion of the change in the Consumer Price Index. All Items. 1982-84 = 100. Los AngelesAnaheim-Riverside. For All Urban Consumers (the "Cpr) published by the United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. or its successor in function for the most recent five (1) year period available before the adjustment date of July 1st each year. I (c) Payment. All rent is payable in advance commencing on the commencement date of the lease term and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter during the term of this lease, without prior notice or demand, or without deduction or offset. except as otherwise expressly permitted in this lease, at the address where notices are to be delivered to District in accordance with Paragraph 28, or at such other address as District shall direct Tenant in writing. (d) Late Payment Penalty. Tenant acknowledges that late payment by Tenant to District of rent will cause the District to incur costs not contemplated by this lease, the exact amount of such costs being extremely difficult and impracticable to fix. Such costs include, without limitation, processing and accounting charges. Therefore, if any installment of rent due from Tenant is not received by District on or before the date it is due (or on the next business day of the District that is not a Saturday, Sunday or holiday on which the administrative office of the District is closed for a whole day, if the date the rent installment is due falls on a Saturday. Sunday, or holiday on which the administrative office of the District is closed for a whole day), Tenant shall pay to District an additional sum of ten percent (100/0) of the overdue rent as a late charge. The parties agree that this late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs that District will incur by reason of late payment by Tenant. Acceptance of any late charge shall not constitute a waiver of Tenanfs default with respect to the rights and remedies available to District. (e) Security Deposit. Tenant shall maintain a deposit with District in an amount equivalent of two months rent ($5,850 for initial term) as a security deposit for the performance by Tenant of the provisions of this lease. If Tenant is in default, District can use the security deposit, or any portion of it, to cure the default or to compensate District for all damage sustained by District resulting from Tenant's default. Tenant shall immediately upon demand pay to District a sum equal to the portion of the security deposit expended or applied by District as provided in this section so as to maintain the security deposit in the sum required by the District. If Tenant is not in default at the expiration or termination of this lease, District shall return the security deposit to Tenant. District's obligations with respect to the security deposit are those of a debtor and 2 not a trustee. District shall deposit into an account in the name of District, subject to withdrawal and retention by District of all or any part of the amount on deposit to cure the default of Tenant or to compensate District for all damage sustained by District resulting from Tenant's default. 5. Permitted Uses of Leased Premises. Tenant may use the Leased Premises only for: (a) Offices for aviation-related businesses. (b) Aircraft repair and maintenance. (c) Manufacturing of aircraft components and parts . (d) Sale of aircraft and aircraft components and parts. (e) Aircraft charter operations (f) Aircraft flight instructions. (g) Storage of aircraft. (h) Parking of Automobiles (incidental to the business) (i) Air taxi services. Tenant shall not use the Leased Premises, or any portion thereof, for any other purposes, unless the use is approved in advance in writing by the District. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to give Tenant exclusive rights at the Airport in connection with any of the permitted uses herein. 6. Prohibited Uses. Tenant shall not use or permit use of the Premises or the Airport, or any portion thereof, for any of the following purposes: (a) Sale of gasoline or other fuels not dispensed by a third-party supplier. (b) Spray painting within the building using flammable paints or liquids without proper, approved suppression and protection equipment or in a manner which is prohibited by any applicable law, ordinance or governmental order or regulation or in a manner that does not meet the requirements of District's fire and liability insurance ca rriers. 3 (c) Store any flammable liquids or substances or explosives within the building, except for aviation fuel in parked aircraft. (d) Use any portion of the Airport contrary to or in violation of the directives, rules or regulations of the District. (e) Store on the Premises any property or articles or conduct any activities or operations which are not directly related or incidental to the permitted uses in Paragraph 5 of this lease. (f) Use any paint stripping or aircraft finish removal process. (g) Washing of aircraft, equipment or vehicles where runoff and/or wastewater will directly enter District's storm drain system or City sewer system without permit or approved treatment. 7. Tenant's Agreements. Tenant shall do all of the following: Comply with the rules, regulations and directives of District (a) related to use of the Premises, Airport and its facilities. (b) Comply with all laws, regulations, ordinances, and orders of federal, state and local governments as they relate to Tenant's use of the Premises, the Airport, and Airport facilities. (c) Keep the Premises in good order and condition, free of trash and debris, at Tenanfs expense. (d) Neither be required nor permitted to make any changes or alterations affecting the structural integrity of the building of which the Premises forms a part. (e) Deliver possession of the Premises to District on termination of this lease in at least as good condition as it is at the inception of this lease, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and free of any personal property. 8. Tenant Obligation to Construct. Not Applicable 9. Landlord Improvements. improvements to Leased Premises. District is not obligated to make any 10. Utilities. Tenant shall pay all costs, charges and deposits for all utilities and services furnished to or used by Tenant, including without limitation, gas, water, electricity, telephone service, trash collection and for all connection charges. District shall have no obligation to extend utility services to the Premises. 4 11. Taxes, Licenses. Tenant shall pay before delinquency any and all taxes, assessments, fees or charges, including possessory interest taxes, which may be imposed, levied or assessed upon any leasehold or possessory interests of Tenant, and personal property, improvements or fixtures owned, controlled or installed by Tenant and used or located on the Airport or Tenanfs business. By entering into this lease, a possessory interest subject to property taxation may be created, and Tenant may be subject to payment of property taxes levied on such interest. Tenant shall pay all such taxes. Tenant shall also secure and maintain in force during the term of this lease all licenses and permits necessary or required by law for the conduct of Tenant's business or operations. 12. Assumption of Risks. Tenant represents that Tenant has inspected the Airport and Leased Premises and accepts the condition of the Leased Premises and fully assumes all risks incidental to use of the Airport and Leased Premises. District shall not be liable to Tenant for any damages or injury to persons or property of any of Tenant's agents, employees, visitors, guests or invitees from any cause or condition whatsoever. 13. Indemnity. Tenant shall defend (with counsel acceptable to District), indemnify and hold harmless District, its directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives and the Premises (collectively herein "District") at all times from and against any and all liability, suits, proceedings, liens, actions, penalties, damages, losses, expenses, claims or demands of any nature, including costs and expenses for legal services and causes of action of whatever character which District may incur, sustain or be subject to (collectively IlLiability") sustained by anyone in, on or about the Premises or arising out of or in any way connected with: the acts or omissions of Tenant or its officers, agents, employees, guests, customers, visitors or invitees; or Tenant's operations on, or use or occupancy of the Premises . The forgoing indemnification excludes only Liability caused by the sole active negligence of District or its willful misconduct. Tenant shall also defend (with counsel acceptable to District), indemnify and hold District harmless from and against, all Liability, including third party claims, environmental requirements and environmental damages (as defined in Exhibit "D", Hazardous Material Definitions), costs of investigation and cleanup, penalties, fines, and losses (including, without limitation, diminution in property value of the Premises or the Airport or the improvements thereon or District's property or improvements in the vicinity of the Premises) of whatever kind or nature, which result from or are in any way connected with the release, receipt, handling, use, storage, accumulation, transportation, generation, discharge, or disposal (collectively "Release") of any toxic or hazardous materials (defined in Exhibit "0") which occurs in, on or about the Premises or the Airport as the result of any activities of Tenant or Tenant's agents, employees, invitees, licensees, guests, successors or assigns, or SUbtenants. Tenant shall notify District immediately of any Release of any toxic or hazardous material on the Premises. 14 . Indemnity Against Claims. Tenant shall keep the Premises and 5 improvements thereon free and clear of all mechanic's liens and other liens. Tenant shall defend, indemnify and save harmless District and the Premises from and harmless against any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, costs, attorneys' fees and other expenses of any type arising out of work performed on the Premises or in easements and rights-of-way for or by Tenant. or on account of claims for liens of contractors, subcontractors, materialmen, laborers, architects, engineers or other design professionals, for work performed or materials or supplies furnished by Tenant or persons claiming under it. District shall have the right, but not the duty, to payor otherwise discharge, stay, or prevent the execution of any judgment or lien, or both. Tenant shall reimburse District for all sums paid by District under this paragraph, together with all of District's reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, plus interest on all sums expended at the rate of ten percent (10 % ) per annum from the date paid by District to the date paid by Tenant. 15. Default. In the event Tenant fails to pay rent when due or is in default under any provision of this lease, District may terminate this lease and resort to the rights and remedies provided by the laws of the State of California. Insurance, Tenant shall secure and maintain, without cost to 16, District, in full force and effect at all times during the term of this lease the following types and amounts of insurance : a. Commercial general liability insurance, including bodily injury and death liability, property damage liability, completed operations and products liability coverage, contractual liability, public liability, and owners and contractors protective coverage with a combined single limit of liability of at least $1,000,000 for each accident or occurrence; and b. Hangarkeeper's liability insurance coverage with limits of not less than $500,000 for anyone accident or occurrence with $3,000 maximum deductible for each accident or occurrence; c. Aircraft and airport operations insurance, including passengers, products and completed operations, with a combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1 ,000,000 for each occurrence, d. For and during the time Tenant has vehicles or mobile equipment which are used in Tenant's business or used in, on or about the Premises or anywhere on District property, automobile and mobile equipment liability insurance covering all vehicles and mobile equipment used by Tenant on the Airport providing bodily injury, personal injury and death liability limits of not less than $1,000,000 per person per occurrence and property damage of not less than $500,000 for each accident or occurrence. District shall be named as an additional insured in each policy required herein without offset to any insurance policies of the District. 6 Tenant shall provide District with copies of all insurance policies and certificates issued by the insurer, including in each instance an endorsement or certificate providing that such insurance shall not be cancelled or coverage reduced except after thirty (30) days· written notice to District. The foregoing limits of liability coverage may be annually reviewed by the Districfs General Manager and. upon report of his recommendations for an increase or decrease to the Board of Directors of the District, the District may increase or decrease the limits of liability of such liability insurance coverage's in accordance with the General Manger's recommendations or otherwise. Insurance Premium Increase. Tenant shall not do or permit to be 17. done any act or thing upon the Premises which will invalidate or be in conflict with the fire insurance or liability policies covering the Premises or which shall or might subject District to any unreasonable risks or exposure to liability or responsibility for injury to any person or persons or to any property by reason of any business activity or operation being carried on by Tenant upon the Premises. Tenant shall pay for any additional premiums of Districfs fire and liability insurance policies charged by reason of Tenanfs use or operations on the Premises. 18. Alterations; Removal of Tenant-Installed Property. Tenant shall make no alterations, additions or improvements to the Leased Premises or otherwise at the Airport without District's prior written consent. Such alterations. additions or improvements shall be Tenant's property during the Lease, but shall become District's property at the expiration or termination of the Lease unless District elects (upon written notice to Tenant of such election) that all or a designated portion of the alterations, additions, or improvements made by Tenant shall be removed by and at the expense of Tenant. If District so elects, then Tenant shall at Tenant's expense remove (within 30 days after termination or expiration of this lease or such other time specified in the notice) such alterations, additions or improvements, or such portion thereof designated by District, restore District's property to at least its former condition, normal wear and tear excepted, and repair any damage resulting from such removal. Machinery, equipment and trade fixtures installed by Tenant in the Leased premises shall not be considered "alterations, additions or improvements" subject to the foregoing provisions and may be removed from the Airport by Tenant on or before expiration or termination of this lease, providing any damage to District's property resulting from such removal shall be repaired or restored at Tenant's expense. All alterations, additions and improvements made by Tenant shall be done in a workmanlike manner, with good materials, and in full compliance with all applicable building codes, laws, ordinances, regulations and directions or public agencies having jurisdiction. 7 19. Airport Facilities. All mobile equipment used on the Airport shall be parked only in locations designated by District. Tenant agrees to observe, obey and abide by all directives, rules and regulations for the common and joint use of Airport facilities and for maintenance and conduct of Tenanfs business at the Airport, which may hereafter by imposed by Districfs Board of Directors, FAA, City of Santa Maria, or any other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the subject matter. District has no obligation to provide security guards, lighting or fencing or to provide any services and utilities not expressly set forth in this Lease. 20. FAA Restrictions and Reservations. The Rider marked Exhibit "C" attached hereto, consisting of four pages of provisions required by the Federal Aviation Administration, is incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Tenant agrees to comply with all of the terms and conditions of said Rider. 21. Compliance with Laws/Payment of Costs of Compliance. Tenant shall at all times comply with, and shall pay all costs and expenses which may be incurred or required to be paid in order to comply with, all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of federal, state and local governments, and other public agencies ("laws") which apply to Tenant's operation and/or use of the Premises. These laws include, but are not limited to, all laws concerning air and/or water quality, fire and/or occupational safety or handicapped accessibility, as well as those requiring alterations or additions to be made to, or safety devices or appliances to be maintained or installed in, on, or about the premises under any laws now or hereafter adopted, enacted or made applicable to the Premises. Tenant shall pay any fees, charges or assessments arising out of or in any way related to the Premises as a source of adverse environmental impacts or effects. It is expressly understood that this section shall apply to laws that may be enacted and/or changed in the future in addition to laws existing at the time of the execution of the Lease. 22. Repairs and Maintenance. Except as otherwise provided herein, Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole cost, keep and maintain the Leased Premises and every part thereof in good and sanitary order, condition and repair. Tenant shall not make any repairs which are the responsibility of District without District's prior written consent. Tenant waives all rights to make repairs at District's expense. Tenant agrees to keep the Leased Premises, at Tenant's expense, clean and free from litter and dust at all times . 23. Acceptance; Surrender. By entry hereunder, Tenant accepts the Leased Premises as being in good and sanitary order, condition and repair, and agrees on the last day of the term hereof or sooner termination to surrender to District forthwith the Leased Premises in the same condition as when received, reasonable use and wear excepted, and subject to the provisions of Paragraph 18. 8 24. Damage or Destruction. a. Partial Destruction - Insured Loss. If (i) the Premises or any portion thereof are damaged or destroyed by fire or other cause, (ii) the Premises are not thereby rendered totally untenantable, (iii) the loss is covered by insurance, and (iv) the destruction can be repaired within sixty (60) days from the date of destruction, this lease shall not terminate, but District shall repair or rebuild the same from and to the extent of the insurance proceeds payable for the loss. b. Total Destruction - Uninsured Loss. If (i) the Premises or any portion thereof are damaged or destroyed by fire or other cause and are thereby rendered wholly untenantable or are more than fifty percent (50 0/0) damaged or destroyed, or (ii) the damage or destruction of the Premises is not covered by insurance, then, in either event, District, if District so elects, may repair or rebuild the building within a reasonable time after such destruction or damage, or District may give notice terminating this lease as of a date not later than thirty (30) days after such damage or destruction. If District elects to repair or rebuild the Premises, District shall, within thirty (30) days after such damage or destruction, give Tenant notice of Districfs intention to repair or rebuild and shall proceed with reasonable speed to make the repairs or to rebuild. Unless District elects to terminate this lease, this lease shall remain in full force and effect, and the parties waive the provision of any law to the contrary. If there should be a substantial interference with Tenant's business, a just and proportionate part of the rent shall be abated from the fifteenth day following the damage or destruction until the Premises are repaired or rebuilt. In the event of termination under this subparagraph, rent will be prorated to the date of termination and surrender of possession of the Premises to District. c. Extent of Rebuilding. If District should elect or be obligated to repair or rebuild the building because of any damage or destruction, District's obligation shall be limited to the basic building. Tenant shall at Tenant's expense fully repair or replace all fixtures, equipment, and other installations installed by or for Tenant at its expense. District, in addition to any right of 25. Termination By District. termination as a matter of law or any other right herein given to District, may at its option cancel and terminate this lease and agreement, by written notice thereof given to Tenant, upon or after the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Filing by or against Tenant of a voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy or for reorganization, or taking of Tenant's assets pursuant to a proceeding under the Federal Reorganization Act, or the adjudication of Tenant as a bankrupt, or the appointment of a receiver of Tenanfs assets, or divestiture of Tenant's assets or estate herein by operation of law or otherwise or assignment by Tenant of its assets for the benefit of creditors. 9 (b) The breach by Tenant or failure of Tenant to keep, observe or perform any of the covenants, conditions or provisions herein contained on the part of Tenant to be observed, kept or performed. (c) Dissolution or liquidation of Tenant of all or substantially all of its assets. (d) The transfer, in whole or in part, of Tenant's interest in this lease or in the Leased Premises, or any rights hereunder, by operation of law, whether by judgment, attachment, execution, process or proceeding of any court or any other means. 26. Termination Bv Tenant. Tenant may at its option cancel and terminate this lease and agreement, by written notice thereof given to District at any time prior to the Delivery Date. Any alterations made by Tenant prior to the written notice shall become property of the District at no cost. 27. Additional Remedies of District. In addition to any other remedy District may have under this agreement or by operation of law, District shall have the right, in the event of Tenant's nonpayment of rent required under this lease, or in the event of default of any of the terms or conditions of this lease, or if Tenant shall abandon or vacate the Leased Premises, to terminate this lease upon written notice to Tenant and reenter the Leased Premises and eject all persons, or eject some but not all, and remove all property, other than District's property, from the Leased Premises or any part of the Leased Premises. Any property removed from the Leased Premises upon reentry by District under this paragraph may be stored in a public warehouse or elsewhere at the cost of and for the account of Tenant, and District shall have no liability therefor. No waiver by District of a default by Tenant of any of the terms, covenants, conditions or provisions hereof to be kept, observed or performed shall be construed to be a waiver by District of any subsequent default. On such termination, District may recover from Tenant: a. The worth at the time of award of the unpaid rent, which had been earned at the time of termination; b. The worth at the time of the award of the amount by which the unpaid rent which would have been earned after termination until the time of the award exceeds the amount of such rental loss that Tenant proves could have been reasonably avoided. c. The worth at the time of award of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the term after the time of award exceeds the amount of such rental loss for such period that Tenant proves could be reasonably avoided; and 10 d. Any other amount necessary to compensate District for all the detriment proximately caused by Tenanfs failure to perform its obligations under this lease, or which in the ordinary course of things would be likely to result therefrom; and e. At District's election, such other amounts in addition to or in lieu of the foregoing as may be permitted from time to time by the laws of the State of California. The tlworth at the time of award" of the amounts referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) above is computed by allowing interest at the maximum legal interest rate. The worth at the time of award of the amount referred to in subparagraph (c) above is computed by discounting such amount at the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco at the time of award plus one percent (1 %). 28. Notices. All notices required herein shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to District at 3217 Terminal Drive, Santa Maria, California 93455, and to Tenant at 3940 Mitchell Road, Santa Maria, CA 93455. Either party may at any time change its address for such notice by giving written notice of such change to the other party. Any notice provided for herein shall be deemed delivered upon being deposited as aforesaid at any United States Post Office or branch or substation or in any United States mailbox, or at time of personal delivery. 29. Contact Personnel. Tenant shall designate and furnish District with the names, telephone numbers and addresses of two employees of Tenant who have authority to provide access to the Premises by District's personnel for emergency purposes. 30 . Attorneys' Fees. If either party brings any action or proceeding to interpret, enforce, protect, or establish any right or remedy under this lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneis fees, costs and expenses. In the event that, following the Tenant's breach of the Lease, the District commences an unlawful detainer action that is dismissed before entry of judgment, the cost incurred by the District, including but not limited to attorneis fees and service fees, shall be paid by Tenant on the next date rent is due. 31. Advances. In the event of Tenant's breach of any covenant or condition of this lease, District may, but shall not be obligated to at any time, with or without prior notice, cure such breach for the account and at the expense of Tenant, and in such event the amount thereof shall be immediately due and payable by Tenant to District upon demand in writing and shall bear interest at 11 the maximum rate an individual is permitted by law to charge from the date such expenses were incurred until repaid in full. 32. Signs. No sign, advertisement, notice or other lettering shall be inscribed, painted or affixed by Tenant on any part of the Leased Premises or on any portion of the Airport without the prior written consent of the District. Any such sign, advertisement, notice or other lettering must be removed by Tenant at Tenant's expense before the end of the term of this lease, including repair of any damage in such removal. Any sign not removed at the end of the term shall be deemed aba ndoned and may be retained as property of the District or may be removed by District, in which case Tenant shall pay District the cost of removal thereof. All signs shall be kept in good repair and condition by Tenant. All signs must conform to the ordinances and regulations of the City of Santa Maria and approva I of the District. 33 . Parking. Tenant and its invitees shall have nonexclusive use of existing public parking areas. 34. Vehicles. Any motor vehicles of Tenant permitted to operate on any aircraft movement area at the Airport shall be equipped with two-way radios capable of two-way communication with the control tower at the Airport. 35. Nuisance. Tenant shall not commit, or suffer or permit waste, excessive noise, excessive accelerations of air, obnoxious odors, excessive dust or any other nuisance on or adjacent to the Leased Premises or on the Airport constituting an unreasonable interference with other District tenants or persons using the Airport. 36. Assignment, Subletting and Encumbering. Tenant shall not assign, mortgage, encumber or grant control of this lease or any interest, right or privilege herein or sublet the whole or any portion of the Leased Premises or license or grant concessions for use of the Leased Premises or any part thereof, or transfer a controlling interest in Tenant without prior written consent of the District. Any such action taken without the District's prior written consent shall be voidable and, at the option of District, shall terminate this lease. 37. Fire Safety. Tenant shall furnish and keep adequate fire extinguishers in sufficient numbers and in convenient and accessible places upon the Premises; said fire extinguishers shall be charged and ready for immediate use as required by fire regulations and applicable laws or ordinances. If Tenant receives an inspection notice or a deficiency or correction notice following an inspection by the City of Santa Maria Fire Department, Tenant agrees to make any and all corrections immediately in the manner required by the fire department, but in no event later than five (5) days after receipt of the notice. 12 38. General. (a) Each term and each provIsion of this lease agreement, including, without limitation, the obligation to pay rent, performable by Tenant shall be construed to be both a covenant and a condition. Time is of the essence of each term, condition and provision of this lease agreement. (b) One or more waivers by District of any covenant or condition shall not be construed as a waiver of a subsequent breach of the same or any other covenant or condition. District's consent to or approval of any act by Tenant requiring District's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary District's consent to or approval of any subsequent similar act by Tenant. No act or thing done by District or District's employees or agents shall be deemed an acceptance or a surrender of the Leased Premises, and no agreement to accept such surrender shall be valid unless in writing signed by District. Delivery of keys to any agent or employee of District shall not operate as a termination of this lease or a surrender of the Leased Premises. (c) This lease and Tenant's rights hereunder are subject and subordinate to all conditions, reservations, restrictions, easements, rights, rights of way, and encumbrances affecting the Leased Premises now of record or hereafter granted, caused or suffered by District. (d) Captions appearing herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not govern the construction of this agreement. All exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. (e) This agreement contains all of the agreements and conditions made between the parties and may not be modified orally or in any other manner than by an agreement in writing signed by the parties to this agreement. (f) No provision of this agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by District unless such waiver be in writing signed by District. (g) This agreement is made subject to any approval or consent of the Federal Aviation Administration which may be required. 39. Entry By District. District reserves the right to enter the Premises at any reasonable time, with notice, to make inspections or repairs, and at any time without notice in case of an emergency. 40. Interpretation and Venue. This lease is entered into and is to be performed in the County of Santa Barbara. This lease is to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Any legal action relating to 13 this lease shall be brought in the court of appropriate jurisdiction in the County of Santa Barbara, State of California. 41. Severability. If any term or provision of this lease, other than the obligation of Tenant to pay rent, shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remainder of this lease shall continue in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected or invalidated thereby. 42. Integration. This lease, together with the exhibits and documents incorporated herein by reference, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any modification or amendment hereto shall be in writing, signed by the parties. 43. Quitclaim. At the expiration or earlier termination of this lease, Tenant shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to District within thirty (30) days after written demand from District to Tenant any quitclaim deed or other document required by any reputable title company to remove the cloud of this lease from the real property subject to this lease. 44. Tenant's Obligations. Tenant shall: a. If a California corporation, furnish to District a copy of its Articles of Incorporation and a current listing of its officers, directors and agent for service of process filed with the Californ ia Secretary of State. If an out-of-state corporation, also furnish a copy of a current Certificate of Qualification issued by the California Secretary of State qualifying the corporation to do business in the State of California, as well as a certificate designating its agent for service of process in the State of California. If a partnership, furnish District a copy of the published statement of doing business under a fictitious name filed with the Santa Barbara Cou nty Clerk. If any other type of entity, furnish such information as District may reasonably request to verify the nature and status of the entity and responsible individuals. b. Tenant's signatories on the Agreement shall complete, as individuals, and return to District Districfs Lessee/Licensee Information Form. 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this lease. DATED: _ _ _ _ , 2014 Approved as to content for District SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT By_____________________________ General Manager Chuck Adams, President Approved as to form for District: By _____________________________ CHARLES DAMIANO, Secretary District Counsel MOUNTAIN AVIATION By_____________________________ Joe Dawkins, President 15 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL Definitions A. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL Hazardous Material means any substance: (I) the presence of which requires investigation or remediation under any federal, state or local statute, regulation, ordinance, order, action, policy or common law; or (ii) which is or becomes defined as a "hazardous waste", "hazardous substance", pollutant or contaminant under any federal, state or local statute, regulation, rule or ordinance or amendments thereto including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. Section 9601 et seq.) and/or the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq.); or (iii) which is toxic, explosive, corrosive, flammable, infectious, radioactive, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or otherwise hazardous and is or becomes regulated by any governmental authority, agency, department, commission, board, agency or instrumentality of the United States, the State of California or any political subdivision thereof; or (iv) the presence of which on the Premises or the Airport causes or threatens to cause a nuisance upon the Premises or the Airport or to adjacent properties or poses or threatens to pose a hazard to the health or safety of persons on or about the Premises or Airport; or (v) the presence of which on adjacent properties could constitute a trespass by; or (vi) without limitation which contains gasoline, diesel fuel or other petroleum hydrocarbons; or (vii) without limitation which contains polychlorinated (PCBs), asbestos or urea formaldehyde foam insulation; or (viii) without limitation radon gas. 16 bipheynols B. EXHIBIT (lOll ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 0-1 Environmental Requirements means all applicable present and future statutes, rules, ordinances, codes, licenses, permits, orders, approvals, plans, authorizations, and similar items, of all governmental agencies, departments, commissions, boards, bureaus, or instrumentalities of the United States, states and political subdivisions thereof and all applicable judicial, administrative, and regulatory decrees, judgments, and orders relating to the protection of human health or the environment, including, without limitation: 1. All requirements, including but not limited to those pertaining to reporting, licensing, permitting, investigation, and remediation of emissions, discharges, releases, or threatened releases of "Hazardous Materials", chemical substances, pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic substances, materials or wastes whether solid, liquid, or gaseous in nature, into the air, surface water, groundwater, or land, or relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal, transport, or handling of chemical substances, pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic substances, materials, or wastes, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous in nature; and 2. All requirements pertaining to the protection of the health and safety of employees or the public. C. ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGES Environmental Damages means all claims, judgments, damages, losses, penalties, fines, liabilities, encumbrances, liens, costs, and expenses of investigation and defense of any claims, whether or not such claim is ultimately defeated, and of any good faith settlement of judgment, of whatever kind or nature, contingent or otherwise, matured or unmatured, foreseeable or unforeseeable, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements and consultants' fees, any of which are incurred at any time caused by "Hazardous Materials" upon, about, beneath the Premises or Airport or migrating or threatening to migrate from the Premises or the Airport, or the existence of a violation of "Environmental Requirements" pertaining to the Premises or the Airport as the result of Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises or the Airport or as the result of any of Tenant's (or Tenant's agents, employees, invitees or officers') actions or omissions, includ ing without limitation: 0-2 17 1. Damages for personal injury, or injury to property or natural resources occurring upon or off of the Premises or the Airport, (foreseeable or unforeseeable), including, without limitation, lost profits, consequential damages, the cost of demolition and rebuilding of any improvements on real property, interest and penalties; 2. Fees incurred for the services of attorneys, consultants, contractors, experts, laboratories and all other costs incurred in connection with the investigation or remediation of such l1Hazardous Materials" or violation of "Environmental Requirements" including, but not limited to, the preparation of any feasibility studies or reports or the performance of any cleanup, remediation, removal, response, abatement, containment, closure, restoration or monitoring work required by any federal, state or local governmental agency or political subdivision, and including without limitation any attorney's fees, costs and expenses incurred in enforcing this agreement or collecting any sums due hereunder; and 3. Liability to any third person or governmental agency to indemnify such person or agency for costs expended in connection with the items referenced in subparagraph 2 herein; 4. Diminution in the value of the Premises or the Airport, and damages for the loss of business and restriction on the use of or adverse impact on the marketing of rentable or usable space or of any amenity of the Premises or the Airport. 0-3 18 RIDER Rider to Lease Agreement dated August 26, 2004, (herein called "this lease") between SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT DISTRICT (herein called "District") and Kevin Renfro, dba My Conciairge, A California Corporation, (herein called "Tenant") covering use of 3409 Corsair Circle, (herein called the "Ieased premises") at Santa Maria Public Airport (herein called the "Airport"). LEASE PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION 1. Tenant, for himself, his heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with the land that in the event facilities are constructed, maintained, or otherwise operated on the leased premises described in this lease for a purpose for which a DOT program or activity is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, Tenant shall maintain and operate such facilities and services in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, DOT, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended. 2. Tenant for himself, his personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with the land that (1) no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities, (2) that in the construction of any improvements on, over, or under the leased premises and the furnishing of services thereon, no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination, (3) that Tenant shall use the leased premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended. EXHIBIT "C" 19 C-1 3. That in the event of breach of any of the above nondiscrimination covenants, District shall have the right to terminate this lease and to reenter and repossess the leased premises and the facilities thereon, and hold the same as if this lease had never been made or issued. This provision does not become effective until the procedures of 49 CFR Part 21 are followed and completed including expiration of appeal rights. 4. Tenant shall furnish its accommodations and/or services on a fair, equal and not unjustly discriminatory basis to all users thereof and it shall charge fair, reasonable and not unjustly discriminatory prices for each unit or service; PROVIDED THAT Tenant may be allowed to make reasonable and nondiscriminatory discounts, rebates or other similar type of price reductions to volume purchasers. Noncompliance with Provision 4 above shall constitute a material 5. breach thereof and in the event of such noncompliance District shall have the right to terminate this lease and the estate hereby created without liability therefor or at the election of the District or the United States either or both said governments shall have the right to judicially enforce Provision 4 above. 6. Tenant agrees that it shall insert the above five provisions in any lease agreement, contract, license, permit or other instrument by which Tenant grants a right or privilege to any person, firm or corporation to render accommodations and/or services to the public on the leased premises. 7. Tenant assures that it will undertake an affirmative action program as required by 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E, to insure that no person shall on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, or sex be excluded from participation in any employment activities covered in 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E. Tenant assures that no person shall be excluded on these grounds from participating in or receiving the services or benefits of any program or activity covered by this subpart. Tenant assures that it will require that its covered suborganizations provide assurances to the Tenant that they similarly will undertake affirmative action programs and that they will require assurances from their suborganizations, as required by 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E, to the same effect. 8. District reserves the right to further develop or improve the landing area of the Airport as it sees fit, regardless of the desires or view of the Tenant and without interference or hindrance. C-2 20 9. District reserves the right, but shall not be obligated to Tenant, to maintain and keep in repair the landing area of the Airport and all publicly-owned facilities of the Airport, together with the right to direct and control all activities of the Tenant in this regard. 10. This lease shall be subordinate to the provisions and requirements of any existing or future agreement between District and the United States relative to the development, operation or maintenance of the Airport. 11. Tenant agrees to comply with the notification and review requirements covered in Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations in the event future construction of a building is planned for the leased premises, or in the event of any planned modification or alterations of any present or future building or structure situated on the leased premises, It is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be 12. construed to grant or authorize the granting of an exclusive right within the meaning of Section 308a of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1349a). 13. There is hereby reserved to District, its successors and assigns, for the use and benefit of the public, a right of flight for the passage of aircraft in the airspace above the surface of the leased premises . This public right of flight shall include the right to cause in said airspace any noise inherent in the operation of any aircraft used for navigation or flight through the said airspace or landing at, taking off from or operation on the Airport. 14. Tenant by accepting this lease expressly agrees for itself, its successors and assigns that it will not erect nor permit the erection of any structure or object nor permit the growth of any tree on the leased premises above the mean sea level elevation of 359 feet. In the event the aforesaid covenants are breached, District reserves the right to enter upon the leased premises and to remove the offending structure of object and cut the offending tree, all of which shall be at the expense of Tenant. 15. Tenant by accepting this lease agrees for itself, its successors and assigns that it will not make use of the leased premises in any manner which might interfere with the landing and taking off of aircraft from the Airport or otherwise constitute a hazard. In the event the aforesaid covenant is breached, District reserves the right to enter upon the leased premises and cause the abatement of such interference at the expense of Tenant. C-3 21 16. This lease and all the provisions hereof shall be subject to whatever right the United States Government now has or in the future may have or acquire affecting the controll operation l regulation and taking over of said Airport or the exclusive or nonexclusive use of the Airport by the United States during the time of war or national emergency. C-4 22