Indian Oil Corporation Limite
Indian Oil Corporation Limite
From: Airport Manager COK [mailto:AirportIVlanagerCOK@eti had,ae] Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 11:49 AM To: Moorthy, ] Cc: Duty Manager COK Subject: FW: MESSAGE FROM AIRPORT DIRECTOR Dear Mr Moorthy ~ We have received int imation from APD through AOe that PIC of lac and cert ain other fuelling personnel are likely to be withdrawn due to pending financial issues. Please let us know if flight handling would be effected 'as a result of this. Regards, /\ !·"f.ctJ ;.~ (- ir Airport Manager Etih.- c! :\i rwl ~ Y-<" Room No 36 International Departure Terminal Cochin International Airport Nedumbassery, Kochi P.O: 683111 ,I(erala, India Tel : + 91 4843272182 Fax: + 914842611772 Mob: + 91 9745036363 The National Airline of the United Arab Emirates CONFIDENTIALITY I PISCLAIMER NOTICE: Th is e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal. Etihad airways or its employees are not responsible for any auto-generated spurious messages that you may receive from Etihad email addresses. Et lhad Airways From: Anoop Kumar - ASM - Cochin <anoo p.kumar > Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:44:32 +0 800 To: Patrick.Xavier@airind < >; Basker Paul Vijayan <paul.vijayanbaske >; ' nithin@TIGERAIRWAYS.COM ' <' nithin@TIGERAIRWAYS.COM '>; '' <'' >; ' ' <'rafee' >; '' <'snadar@' >; 'ai rportma nagercok' <'airportma' >; '' <'' >; 'An i' <'Anil_George' >; 'ushak@s ' <'' >; ' ' <'vineethshah'> ; '' <'cokkzku@kuwaitair''>; '' <'shamon@ ' >; 'Roby.john@goi' <'Ro bYJ ohn@goi'>; 'dushya nt.' <''>; ' ' <'sbhatt@saud'>; APMCOK@airarab < m >; Pa.Umadevi @airind <Pa.Umade vi@ai rindia .in >; < >; cokkzqr <cokkzqr@i n.qata >; nnaseer@jeta <nnaseer >; <co kdm > Subject: MESSAGE FROM AIRPORT DIRECTOR ) Dear all, I have been asked by the airport director to inform all those airlines uplifting fuel from HPCL and IOC that CIAL may be forced to withdraw the AEP of the se fueling company personnel soon due to some pending financial issue. I have also been told that CIAL has given them two days tim e to resolve the matter . This information is just to give you a heads-up and for any further clarif ication you may contact APD. regards Disclaim er: "The.rnessaqe and any files attached is intended solely for the use of the person to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential and privileged under applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, review, disclosure, copying , printing, distribution or dissem ination of this message is prohibited. We take no responsibility of any reliance that you may place on this message and we further take no responsibility for any viruses or other damaging elements that may be contained in this email together with any of its attachments. If you have received this message in error, please notify us by return email and arrang em ents w ill be made to retrieve the same from you." Thi s e-mai l me s s a g e i s on ly t o be u s e d by in tended rec ipient s a nd al l o t her s may kind ly de let e it and notify t he sender . Unless e x p r es s l y a u thorized by HPCL, the vi ew s exp r ess e d and the me s sag e i tsel f is th at o f the ind i v idua l sender and rec ip ients are caut i o ned t o chec k me s s a g e s / a tt a c hme n t s for any v i r u s e s be fore use . Users ac kn owledge that messa ges may conta in conf ident ial , pr opri et ary o r pr i vileg ed in f o rmati o n and t h a t HPCL ne i t her ass ur es n o r gua rantees integ rity or c o n t e nt o f me s s a g e s. The Website addres s o f HPCL i s l,.; w w . rl.i. n cl u ~.0-.l]£ ~ t r O .L e u ::;:i~ c om From: ANKLESARIA, FARSHOGAR B [mailto :falklesaria@saudiairlines .com] Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 12:56 PM To: Moorthy, J Cc: VISHNU, SOHONI A; NADAR, SELVARAJ T; BHATT, SIDDHARTH Subject: Dear Mr. Moorthy, Have been given to understand that due to some pending financial issues that IOC has with C.I,A.L. , the Airport Director may be withdrawing the AEP of IOC personnel soon (with in 2 days time) . Please advise soonest how you plan to cont inue delivery of fue l to Saudi Arabian Airlines, Sincere regards Farshogar Anklesaria Supervisor Aircraft Maintenance, Technical Services Saudi Arabian Airl ines Cochin International Airport Ltd. Cochin - 683111 COKMYSV, Tel , Telefax : 0091 484 2611508 19 Mobile : 0091 9388484653 E-Mafl'l D : falklesaria@saudiairlines .com Click, book and fly