Apr 2013


Apr 2013
The Monitor
St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church
2738 MacArthur View, San Antonio, Texas 78217
April, 2013
How Are We Different?
I’ve been taught that every human being is different. We have different finger
prints, different DNA and even different foot prints. We have different personalities. We like
different things. We respond to the same things differently. Different things cause us to
laugh and cry. Some have personalities that make it a blessing to be around them and
others have personalities that people try to avoid. If we were to try to define who we are
and what makes us different from everyone else, it would probably be a combination of
physical characteristics and personality traits. What things make you different from everyone
Individual people are not the only ones that are different.
specifically churches, are different as well. We have some things in common with each
other. We all worship God, mostly on Sunday morning. We all offer Bible studies. Most have
buildings that need to be maintained. We are all glad to meet new guests who come to our
We do have differences. Our style of worship is different. Our offerings of Bible
studies is different. The way we greet guests on Sunday morning is different. Our physical
buildings are different. We have a pumpkin patch in the fall as well as a Fall Festival. A lot
of churches have VBS ministries but the way we do VBS is different. Like all of the churches
we celebrate Christmas and Easter but we do that in different ways. The staff and lay
leadership certainly make us different. Can you think of any others?
Now let me ask the same question from a different point of view. What would you
say the people in our neighborhood say about us? How are we different from the other
churches in their minds? What they think about us may be based on previous experiences in
In This
Page 2 New Members
Page 3 PNO/Children’s
Page 4 Thank You’s/
Fox Run Apartments Fire
Page 5 UMW
Page 6 Church/Society/
Page 7/8 Calendar/
Prayer Concerns
9 Day School
Page 10/11 Youth ATF
Page 12/13 Family
Mission Trip
other churches. After all, aren’t all churches the same? It may be based on the outward appearance of our facilities.
Mowed lawns are like nice hair cuts. It may be based on the one time they came to worship with a friend or family
member. We can’t change people’s minds but we can start giving them a positive image that will encourage them to come
“try us out”
One of the things I have heard from a lot of members who have been here a while is how great the church was
during the 70’s when all the youth were here. I have heard people brag on what a great Day School we have had. (The
new and improved version is pretty good, too.) I have seen the way people come together to reach out to the families in
our neighborhood. It seems to me that neighborhood, family, children and youth have been core to almost every positive
image. So I made a proposal to the Council on Ministries that we add something positive to our name, St. Matthew’s. After
all, St. Matthew’s doesn’t tell the people anything about us. So we agreed to add, “your neighborhood, family church” after
St. Matthew’s. If people begin to think of us in this manner, more people may want to come and see if it’s true. Let us
know what you think.
St. Matthew’s United Methodist
your neighborhood, family church
2738 MacArthur View
San Antonio, Texas 78217
Website: www.stmattsumcsa.org
Phone: 210-822-0252
Sunday School
Average Church and
Sunday School Attendance
December — February
March 3, 2013
Terry and Dawn White, and 7 year old Logan
Maury Scales
Bryan and Gerry Lesch
Tim and Kelli Diemert , and 7 year old TJ
Rebekah Diemert and Eric Pokladnik
Altar Flower
ps—s next
O re
Pic nitor
Please feel free to choose an open date
on the flower calendar for 2013
Flower arrangements for the altar are
After sharing your beautiful
bouquet with your St. Matthew’s friends,
you may pick them up
after the 11:00 service.
Thank you for sharing!!!!
The Flower Calendar is ready for your flower reservations
List is on the wall in the Narthex
Mark your calendars for these summer events:
Wednesday Fun Days—June 12, 19, 26 (Kinder—5th grade)
Daytime Vacation Bible School—July 15-19 (4 years—5th grade)
MAD Camp (Music, Art and Drama) at Mt. Wesley for grades
4th—6th July 24—27 Rev. Alan Delafield will be the Dean
and Judy Langford will be his trusty assistant
Evening ARTS Camp—August 6—8 (Kinder—5th grade)
Parents Night Out
Friday April 5th
**The First Friday Night of each Month**
Volunteers are always needed for our monthly Parent’s Night Out Ministry
Held on the first Friday night of each month.
Getting involved is such a blessing to these children.
The children arrive at 6:30 pm for play, dinner, story, crafts, and games and stay till 9:00 pm.
We are now using our Power Xpress Sunday School curriculum as a basis for planning each
month’s activities. It’s a blessing to reach children with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
This outreach is a living expression of the vitality of this church.
Please contact Maria Cantu at 270-505-3578 or
Thank you to our St. Matts family for your kindness and expressions of sympathy at the death of
my mother, Marie Odiorne. She left us with a
strong legacy of faith and love.
Marianne Dorsett & Family
Thank you from Kerry and Mark White:
Thanks to all who prayed, sent messages, phone calls and inquired about
Mark’s health. We appreciate all our friends at St. Matthew’s!!
Thank you —to all our members who
wrote devotionals for our beautiful Lenten Devotional Booklet. A special thankyou to Ray and Vivian Taylor for not only
their input, but for their time in gathering,
organizing, editing and printing of the
booklet. The children’s drawings were
certainly an extra blessing to each of us.
Thanks to everyone who helped!!!
Truly a BLESSING to all!!!
The Fox Run Apartment Fire on Monday, March 18th destroyed several units and damaged several others, forcing
many families and individuals into homelessness and loss. We thank our loving God for the protection of the occupants, as no one was injured.
The St. Matthew’s community, Regency School, Red Cross and other agencies and individuals came together with
one plan in mind and that is to help and assist these families.
St. Matthew’s served food, collected clothing, contributions of money and household goods, for these families,
thrown into helplessness. More importantly, we prayed, we hugged, we cried and we showed God’s love and mercy
through our acts of kindness.
We thank everyone who gave of their time, their money and especially the prayers offered. We are continuing to
help these families as we gather information about their actual needs.
Many of these families have been part of St. Matthew’s Family for years as relationships with Parents Night Out,
Vacation Bible School, Church and Youth Activities and Regency Elem. One of our members, Sherrie Rogers lost
all of her belongings in this devastating fire.
Please contact the Church Office for information or contributions.
April General Meeting
Thursday, April 4th at 6:00 PM
Dinner provided by Sarah & Ladybug Circles
Program will start at 6:30 PM
Guest speaker:
Eileen Lehmberg
San Antonio District UMW President
Lady Bugs- Sunday,April 14 in Youth Building , 12:30PM, contact Katy Oursland
H.O.P.E.-Sunday, April 14 in Youth Building, 12:30PM, contact Kelli Diemert
Lydia-Thur, April 18, 10:30am, Parlor at church, contact Georganne Freund
Sarah-Sat, April 20, 12:00, at Marion Jacob’s
Eve-Thur, April 25, 7:00PM at LaJean Tyk’s
Mission Action Project in
Manos Juntas Mexico
Wesley Health & Wellness Center
Style Show & Lunch
Saturday, April 6, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Supporting emergency needs of Wesley families
For more information, contact Barbara Gadsby
St. Matthew’s UMW has made a commitment
to provide 20 backpacks filled with school supplies for the Mission Action Project in Manos
Juntas Mexico. The Methodist Church supports the mission and the Director will be one
of the presenters at "Mission u" in July. We
are purchasing the bags and spirals in a big
order through the district UMW. Other items
that are needed are listed below. We appreciate any donations given. We will have a box in
the Fellowship Hall and cash donations can be
given to Jean Seymour or the church office.
1 pencil box (8 1/2 X 5 1/2 X 2 1/4)
1-7.6 oz. bottle of school glue
2 small glue sticks
1 compass (not metal)
1 pr. school scissors-rounded tip
1 box of 8 watercolors
10 pencils-plain wooded
1 calculator (+,-,X,/)
1 box 24 Crayola crayons
1 unbreakable/metric ruler
1 pink eraser (2 X 3)
1 protractor
1 compass (not metal)
5 blue or black ball point pens
1 pencil sharpener with case to catch shavings
Saturday May 4th —10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
The Church and Society Ministry is sponsoring a Community Health and
Wellness Fiesta. Plans call for booth addressing such things as nutrition,
fitness, heart health and diabetes for adults and children. The children’s
corner will include a moon walk, jump rope contests and piñatas.
Other booths will collect information on how St. Matthew’s can address
the community. A new idea will be explored on providing opportunity for
migrants to talk to their families in their native country. Please save this date and
plan to be a part of this bold new community outreach effort. For volunteer
participation please contact Leila Hileman at 646-9003.
We started our series on Lifelong Health with a
lecture by Dr. Anthony A. Goodman at our
March Men’s breakfast meeting and will continue with a lecture on The Cellular Biology of
Aging at our April meeting. The UMM meet
the 2nd Sunday each month for breakfast at
8:00 AM followed by a 30 minute program.
We invite all interested to join us.
Robert G. Freund, President
Trustees Report
We did not meet in March because of Spring Break, but will resume
with a meeting on April 11th to set priorities for projects on record.
Several projects have already been completed like repainting the
counter in the church office—thanks Wes Dorsett!
Replacing the side fence at the parsonage—thanks for the materials
UMM and labor Robert Freund, son Kenneth Freund, grandson Sam
Wittlinger and friend Christian, and Steve Bartels and neighbor Roland.
There’s still lots more for the Trustees to get done, but we will prioritize them at our April meeting and move ahead.
Robert G. Freund, Chairman
UPDATED 3/27/2013
Please review our prayer concern list below. If you notice an individual
has been blessed by healing, or if you feel your name or another name
should be removed from this list, please notify the church secretary to
remove the name. Church office 210-822-0252 or email
Worship Services
Members of St. Matt’s who continue to need prayer for healing:
8:30 a.m.—Traditional Worship
11:00 a.m.—Blended Worship
Charles & Pat Howell
Kay Washington
David Tyk
Mitchell Ledford
Sherrie Rogers
Debbie Barrow
Jackie Fleenor
Lila Wilson
Jan Leader
Linell Pipes
Clark Erwin
Anne LaMothe
Priscilla Grammer
Don Culwell
Bill Hart
Lottie Ewan
Rachel Ludloff
Duncan Rice
Frances Lieberman
Lisa Strand
Donna Salm
Al Cargen
Family and friends of our members who need our prayers:
Lydia Miller, (mother of Burnie Miller)
Bob Keim, (brother of Walter Keim)
Randy Chivers, (grandson of Wilma West)
Zoe Balbaugh, Grandaughter of Gary & Ethel Balbaugh
Margaret Cervantes (Greg Klaerner’s Grandmother)
Heil family (friends of James & Kay Washington)
Ben Barnes (Son-in-law of Ray and Vivian Taylor)
Helen Cain (Mother of David Cain)
Mark Collins (brother of Mike Collins)
Meagan Wall, (Jerry Harvey’s granddaugter)
Campbell and Jim Martin (great niece and brother
of Marilyn Seidel)
Ed, (friend of Kay & Dick Cary)
Ben Rodriguez (Son of Arlene Rodriguez)
Sandy McConnell’s Dad
Jackie Ledford’s brother-in-law
Elissa (Friend of Ann LaMothe)
Rick Hoffman (son of Ylita Hoffman)
Tracie Etter (Jeannie Etter’s daughter)
Ian Tamez (Grandson of Annelie Tamez)
Diane (Cindy Campbell’s Sister)
Donna Gilbert (Sister-in-law of Heather Mason)
Hilary (Friend of Anne Zulaica)
Sunday Worship—
Sunday School—9:45 a.m.
Wednesday Communion
Praise Service—6:30 p.m.
Pastor: Alan Delafield
Business Administrator: Hermy Rudloff
Dir. Of Christian Ed: Judy Langford
Dir. Of College/Youth Ministries:
Tim Diemert
Day School Director: Kelly LaRose
Secretary: Carolyn Johnston
Music Director: David Cain
Organist: Irwin Witebsky
Handbell Director: Susan Collins
Nursery Coordinator: Annalie Tamez
Individual Prayer Needs:
Family & Friends of Jacquetta Watson, Memorial Service March 27th
Families who lost their apartments in the Fox Run Apartments Fire
Members in Healthcare Facilities:
Elizabeth Rutherford @ Patriot Heights Retirement Center
Vivian McCannon @ Los Patios
Ernie Upton @ Elmcroft (Windcrest)
Priscilla Grammer, Hospitalized in ICU at Methodist Metropolitan, (downtown)
Jeff Coffey @ Independence Hill
Elise (Tinkey) Word @ Los Patios
Maurine Wells @ Emeritus Oakwell Farms
Carol Keim @ Los Patios #226
Joe & Patty Cross @ Waterford (Thousand Oaks)
Members and Members’ family in the active military:
Hector Rodriguez, grandson of Arlene Rodriguez (Marines, wounded)
Trey Willette, Ginger Klaerner’s brother (in Afghanistan)
Ben Curry, son of Stephen & Sharon Curry (Army)
Kirk Hebert, nephew of Jeanne (Air Force)
Andy Miscisin, son-in-law of Lucy & Jack Hoover (Air Force)
Jarrett Sonnen, grandson of Helen Olson (Afghanistan)
Eddie Watson, nephew of Jeanne Adams
Dan and Stephan LaMothe (Air Force)
Raleigh Gosdin, grandson of Arlene Morgan (Air Force, Korea)
Anna Virdell (Air Force)
Kevin Pople
Matthew McConnell (Navy) Grandson of Nilda McConnell
9:00 a.m.— 4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.—Noon
1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.—Noon
Church Office
9:00 am to 4:00pm
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Phone: (210) 822-0252
Fax: (210) 828-2195
Church Email Address
St. Matthew’s Website
St. Matthew’s Youth Website:
St. Matthew’s Day School
Phone: (210) 826-4850
Fax: (210) 822-5425
APRIL 2013
St. Matthew’S Day School KinDer chatter
Playing outside
and enjoying
sunshine and
good, clean fresh
air. The children
Enjoyed watching
and of course
helping. You can
see they loved it!!!
Raking is so much fun!!!
Now When do we eat????
Fun in the garden
with Miss Becca and
Miss Leila.
All of us are pursuing
What do you pursue
more than anything
Read: Matthew 6:32-33
This year, Acquire the Fire was held March 1st and March
2nd—totaling 27 hours of :
Compelling Drama, Anointed Worship, Exciting Christian
Bands, Powerful Teaching, Preaching and Praising our
Lord, in the Freeman Coliseum. Among the few thousands
present, St. Matthew’s group numbered over 35 with youth,
parents, chaperones and Ma and Pa Diemert..
Today’s teens are the hope of Christianity. This opportunity
for our youth to encounter God in this manner helps them to
express their feelings, their love and their emotions about
their faith and what they believe in.
Our youth are on a Relentless Pursuit to follow Christ. We
thank each of you for your support, and your prayers during
this “spirit growth of our St. Matt’s youth.”
Tim Diemert, Youth Director
Zechariah 13:9
I will bring that group through
the fire
and make them pure.
I will refine them like silver
and purify them like gold.
They will call on my name,
and I will answer them.
I will say, ‘These are my people,’
and they will say, ‘The
LORD is our God.’”
Multi-Generation Mission Trip
On Tuesday, Mar. 12, a van load of mostly middle school youth traveled to
near Bastrop, Texas for camp; not to partake, but to conduct, a day camp for
46 Bastrop area elementary age children. The eight youth, and two who
came later, provided leadership and care from 8am until 5pm Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday. These youth were eating breakfast at 6:30 am, planning in the evenings, and busy all the time. They camped in tents in the
Piney Woods, a long walk from the bathrooms. Tim and Kelli Diemert, Judy Langford , Larry & Jeanie Etter stood back in awe as our youth followed
the guidance of the camp staff in crafts, games, bible time, and leadership
development at the ropes course. We rode the zip line late Friday, into the
dark, for a great adventure. The youth participating in this event were :
Christine Diemert, Summer Virga, Taylor Virga, Katy Hoursland, Agatha
Scales, Anthony Diemert, John Paul , Zach Lynch, Garrett Rouse, and
Shawn Lesch. We followed up after a group of about 25 youth from an
Austin church.
St. Matthew’s
Non-Profit Org.
United Methodist Church
San Antonio, Texas
Permit No. 1283
2738 MacArthur View
San Antonio, TX 78217-4598
-Address Service Requested-
Check out our NEW website at www.stmattsumcsa.org
Youth Website at www.stmattsyouth.org
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