Welcome to St. Matthew`s today! February 23, 2014


Welcome to St. Matthew`s today! February 23, 2014
Welcome to St. Matthew’s today!
February 23, 2014
Welcome to St. Matthew’s Church: Our
fellowship is enriched by your presence. Thanks
to each of you for being with us today! Everyone
is precious in the Lord’s sight. Thank you for
blessing us with your presence.
Introduction for the Day: In today’s first
reading we hear, “You shall be holy, for I the
Lord your God am holy.” Yet we know we
cannot achieve perfection. Our attempts to love
neighbors and even our enemies fall short of
what God desires for us. Yet in Jesus we see
one who loved even those who persecuted and
killed him. We are made holy in baptism, and forgiven at the table of God’s
mercy. As a people made holy by God, we go in peace to love as we have
been loved.
Altar Flowers are given today by Carrie Ann Haver, Robert Petersen and Shjonna
Petersen in honor of Joan and Bruce Haver’s birthdays.
Communion: All baptized Christians who celebrate the real presence of Christ in
the bread and wine are invited to the Lord’s Table at the 8:30 service. Gluten-free
wafers are available if you ask your communion server. Those who desire juice
instead of regular wine, please tell this to the communion assistant. Due to the
weight of the communion trays, you may be asked to take your glass of wine from
the tray as it is presented to you.
Photo Directory Photography Are you pictured in the St. Matthew’s Online
Church Directory? Now’s your chance to join approx. 375 current households in
the directory. Stop down at the room off Fellowship Hall in the northwest corner;
photographers are on duty from 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Special Worship Focus on March 16th! Don’t miss worship on Sunday, March
16, when the New Creation Choir will present their annual musical. This year’s
production is titled “Bones: The Story of Hope.” Discover how Ezekiel brings hope to
a weary people. This will be presented at both the 8:30 and 11:00 services.
It's not too late to sign up for Saturday's retreat! All men welcome. Contact the church office, or simply come at 8 a.m.
Men’s Retreat Registration Form
Name ___________________________ Address _________________________ City ____________________________ State _______ Zip _______________ Phone __________________________ Email__________________________ Retreat Cost: $20.00 Total amount enclosed $_________ Comments/ Special needs I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ How important it is to take very good care of yourself, of your mental and physical and spiritual wellbeing; it's hard to do. It's easier to be a workaholic than to have a truly balanced life. Quentin Bryce St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Men’s Retreat “Wholeness” Facilitator: Pr. Fran Odden Saturday, February 22, 2014 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church 1615 Wauwatosa Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 www.stmattslutheran.org What is Wholeness? Retreat Facilitator Stop for a moment and reflect on the quality
of your life. Are you feeling Satisfied?
Energetic? Healthy?
Pr. Fran Odden was instrumental in
developing small group ministry and retreat
ministers during his pastorates. While
serving at Central Lutheran in Minneapolis,
he started over a dozen groups for men,
called “Men in Motion.” Retreat leadership
centered on themes such as:
Faith at Work
Wholeness and Self-Care
Marriage Enrichment
Couples Communication
What are the current signs in your life that
indicate that your life is rich and full and
healthy? What signs say it is not as full or
health-ful as you might wish?
Life includes the physical, emotional,
intellectual, social and spiritual dimensions
of life, which when working together in
harmony, lead to a sense of well being and
satisfaction with life.
It has to do with wholeness.
This retreat will look at these dimensions of
life. How they inter-relate and interact with
each other.
Pastor Fran worked with the leadership at
St. Matthew’s during the Mission Exploration
process and pastoral search. Occasionally
he has filled in on Sunday mornings.
How they involve your mind, your
connections with people and family, your
sense of hope, your goals and dreams, your
satisfaction with work. Hopefully, the time
together will give you some tools for
understanding yourself.
8:00 - 8:30
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 - 9:00
Opening Worship Service
9:00 - 11:30
Morning Session "Wholeness"
11:30 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 3:00
Afternoon Session "Wholeness"
Closing Worship Service
With Holy Communion
3:30 Departure
It will be an interactive time, as well as, a
time for worship, a time for fellowship and
time for fun.
A time to have a good sense of self-worth
and self-esteem.
Men’s Retreat Agenda Bulletin Announcements - February 23, 2014
Weekly Adult Forum - Join the class
St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church - www.stmattslutheran.org
The last part of a 4-part series
Led by John Paradowski, St. Matthew’s
Minister of Music & Worship Planner
Worship Matters
An invitation...to explore the why and the how of
worship. Have you ever had questions about why we
do what we do in worship? What are the foundations
and practices of Lutheran worship?
This series will help us to grow into a richer
understanding of the foundations of Lutheran worship.
With a focus on the principal gathering around word
and sacrament, we will explore the foundational
questions about why we gather, how we encounter
God in worship, and how that encounter shapes our
response in both our communities and our world.
Topics include the church year, the lectionary, holy
baptism, holy communion, corporate prayer, worship
and culture, and more.
* * * * * * *
March 2
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin
Mike Gifford; CEO and St. Matthew’s Member
The AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin is home to
the ARCW Medical Center - Wisconsin’s largest and
fastest growing HIV health care system. Through its
integrated medical, dental and mental health clinics
along with its pharmacy and dedicated social services
that include food pantries, a legal program, and social
work case management, more than 3,300 HIV patients
in Wisconsin gain the health care and social services
they need for long-term survival with HIV disease from
this organization. ARCW is also a leading provider of
innovative and aggressive prevention services to help
at-risk individuals stay free of HIV. Join us on March
2nd for inspiration and information on how you can
“Having a Mary Heart
in a Martha World”
Finding Intimacy with GOD
In the Busyness of Life
The life of a woman today isn’t
really all that different from that
of Mary and Martha in the New
Testament. Like Mary, you long
to sit at the Lord’s feet...but life
gets too busy. Like Martha, you
want to serve...but how much
more can you do?!
In this DVD study we will
learn how all of us - Marys
and Marthas alike - can draw
closer to God, deepening our
devotion, strengthening our
service, and doing both with
less stress and greater joy.
Bring your Bible, sense of
humor and desire to form some
new friendships!
Women’s Study
Start Date is now Feb. 24
6:30-8:00 P.M.
Cost: $10 (includes participant workbook - available
at the Welcome Center or
in class)
Childcare provided
Sign up at the Welcome
Center at church or contact Sue
Swing; sueswing@sbcglobal.
net or 414-774-0441.
When: Wednesday, February 12 11:00 AM
Where: Fellowship Hall
Lunch to follow
Men: A great way to begin your week
The Monday Morning Men’s Bible Study
meets each Monday morning at 6:30 a.m.
to study, to discuss, to share. All men are
welcome. For more information, call Mark
Petersen, 476-7299 or Bill Brown, 774-401
Winners of LED Light Bulbs:
The winners who guessed closest
to the number of light bulbs in the
container from last Sunday were:
Carrie Ann Haver (guessed the
exact number: 112);
David Kozell (2nd closest)
Josh and Joy Herrell (3rd closest)
These people will be able to try an
LED light bulb in their homes to see
how well it works. Good Job!
New Member Sunday will be
on Sunday, March 9th at the
8:30 service! We look forward to
meeting the many new members
at a reception in the Commons
(with cake) on March 9 during the
Education Hour, 9:45 a.m.
Ash Wednesday is Wednesday
March 5:
There will be worship services at St.
Matthew’s at 10:30 a.m. and 7:15
p.m. Each service will celerbrate the
sacrament of communion and will
be followed by a healing service.
Attention Cheesecake Lovers:
One More Auction Item Needs Your Bid!
Those of you who were at the Dinner Auction
enjoyed the sweet, creamy taste of Suzy’s
cheesecake for dessert. If you loved it and wished
you could enjoy it at home, we have a great auction
item for you: a certificate for a case of 4 - 8”
cheesecakes, delivered to your door. To bid on
this delicious item, check it out at the Welcome
Center. Bidding will close today at Noon.
Thanks for Making the Monumental Occasion
Dinner Auction A Success!
A huge thanks to everyone who helped make the
Monumental Occasion Dinner Auction a success by
donating items, bidding on items, or attending the
event. This is our biggest fundraiser for the youth
mission trip, and we appreciate your generous
support! If you have the winning bid on an item and
have not yet received it, please stop by the office to
pick it up.
Caregivers Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday
afternoons - Sharing joys and challenges The
caregivers group will meet on the following
dates at 1 p.m. in the Upper Room. The group is
facilitated by Sharon Thiel, and you are welcome to
February 24
March 10 and 24
Former Presiding Bishop Rev. Mark Hanson
is our guest speaker at St. Matthew’s
Day of Grace, Sunday, March 30
On Sunday, March 30, members of St. Matthew’s and the Greater Milwaukee
Synod will welcome The Rev. Mark Hanson, former presiding Bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, as the Day of Grace speaker. He will
preach at the morning worship services, and speak during the adult education hour
and at an afternoon presentation.
Healing Service: Each month you are w
attend a healing prayer service. Come to
healing stations, describe the prayer con
members of the healing prayer team wil
you and offer a healing prayer. The pray
someone else or yourself. Upcoming da
Sun. Dec. 22 at the 8:30 service
Sunday, Jan. 12 at 9:45 a.m.
Sunday, Feb. 16 during
11:00 service
The First Fridays Book Group meet e
Friday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Upp
Pick up the complete list at the Welcom
don’t need to read each book in order to
discussion; pick and choose the ones y
is also on our website - www.stmattsluth
to Ò Connect & GrowÓ then Ò Adult Classe
February 7: Ragtime: A Novel by E.L. Doctor
Sustainable Crafters will meet on Wed
February 19th from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. Al
interested in working on craft projects ar
to attend. We plan to meet each third W
Watch the bulletin for any updates. Que
directed to Marge Crawford.
The St. Matthew’s
Meal Outreach Ministry
Serenity Inn: Volunteers prepare and serve 6-8
residents the second Sunday of each month. Volunteers
carpool meeting at church at 5:15 returning at 7:15. If
you are available and would like to participate on April
13 or May 11th, please contact coordinator Christopher
Bartelt at <Barteltcm@gmail.com>.
Cross Lutheran Lunch Program We serve 300-400
people on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 12
noon at Cross Lutheran Church, 1821 N. 16th Street. We
carpool from St. Matthew’s at 10:45 a.m. and serve from
11:30-1:00. Next Meal: Wednesday, February 26, 2014.
Pick up a card in worship on the Sunday prior to the meal
to donate food.
Just One More: Volunteers assemble packaged meals
to be picked up by area churches and programs on
Monday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Call Larry Jurss at
414-257-3595. Many volunteers are needed each
Monday; you don’t need to come every week in order to
Guest House: Special thanks to Steve and Ruth Mielke
and Jennifer Wills for preparing and serving the dinner
on February 9. We need 4 or 5 volunteers to prepare
and serve a nutritious and delicious meal for 115 men
at the Guest House, a homeless shelter. We meet
at the church at 5:00 pm to carpool and finish by 7:00
pm. Sign up at the church, or contact Carl Johnson
(johnsoncr@cdmsmith.com), or 414-771-1023. Seeking
donations of cookies and volunteers for April 13 and
May 11.
Repairers of the Breach:
We supply 100 bag lunches for the
homeless twice a month. We pack
the lunches at church on the 2nd and
4th Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.
Volunteers are needed to provide
beverages, fruit, chips and sweets and/
or pack the lunches. Contact Tom Geib
Ministry Scheduler
Pro Sunday morning
volunteers are scheduled
utilizing Ministry
Scheduler Pro (MSP),
an on-line scheduling
program. If you are
a Sunday morning
volunteer and need the
log-in information please
contact Sue Swing;
MSP Tip of the Week
Do we have the best
e-mail address for you?
If you haven’t received
any schedule information
it may be that we don’t
have your current
e-mail address. Please
update the church office;
net or Sue Swing;
2014 Special Funds Report
Results as of 2/09/2014 are
Balance in Bldg. Improvement Fund to date($24, 943)
Hunger baskets, year-to-date, for Hunger
2014 Benevolence through January 31
including Kingdom Account Distributions
A note about your valuable items: A reminder
to our members and guests that each week as
you come to church, any valuable items should
kept with you and not left in coat pockets or in a
unlocked space.
Confirmation packets for recently confirmed
9th graders are available on a table in the Libra
Commons (outside the library). The packets
include a certificate, bulletin from the confirmati
service and a photo, if ordered.
Caregivers’ Support
Women’s Retreat is March 21-23
Sign-up has begun
“Transformed by God’s Love”
Save the weekend of March 21st through
the 23rd to join us for the upcoming St.
Matthew’s Women’s Retreat at the newly
expanded Siena Center in Racine! Rev.
Jane Timmerman will be leading the
retreat in what promises to be an uplifting,
thoughtful experience. Pr Jane will
focus on the story of Jesus meeting the
Samaritan woman at the well. He shared
the truth with her, and in His presence she
was transformed. God is able to take the
broken pieces of our lives Ð even things
we are ashamed of Ð and make of them
something beautiful, something through
which we can bring blessing to others.
Join us for this time apart with our Lord to
make a kaleidoscope and see how Ò bits
and piecesÓ can be turned into something
beautiful. Jesus’ invitation is “to come and
Registration forms are available this
morning at the Welcome Center.
If you have questions please reach out to
Pastor Margaret or Ruth Kallio-Mielke at
414 416 5791.
The kaleidoscope is a symbol of
broken pieces being transformed
into something beautiful.
Contributions Needed:
An Opportunity to Support the Moore
Oklahoma Adult Mission Trip, March
9-15, 2014 - Our Mission Trip team is
coming together nicely Ð about 20 people.
The team will be housed at University
Lutheran Church in Norman Oklahoma Ð an
ELCA church. Work will be done in nearby
Moore to help rebuild after a May 2013,
tornado that killed 24 people and destroyed
1150 homes. We’re hoping to keep the
cost of the trip at about $250 per participant
with scholarships available for 1-2 people. If
you would like to support this work, but are
unable to go on the trip, please make your
contribution payable to St Matthew’s with
Moore Oklahoma Mission Trip in the memo
line. And thank you for all your support
through prayers and encouraging words.
Reformation Store Needs Your Help at
the store The store is in great need of
people to sort and stock. They welcome
volunteers on Mondays from 10 a.m. to
noon or Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m. All
ages are welcome. If you have a few hours
to spare, please call Diane Roznowski,
Store Volunteer Director at 414/807-7451
to say “Yes! I’ll be a part of this wonderful
ministry!Ó for a morning or afternoon.
Simply Giving: St. Matthew’s
Stewardship Committee partners with
Thrivent Financial for electronic transfer
of contributions from parishioners’
checking or savings accounts directly to
St. Matthew’s bank account. For more
information or to request enrollment
documents, contact Holly in the church
office, 414-774-0441 or hjurss@
Caregivers Group meets 2nd
and 4th Monday afternoons
- Sharing joys and challenges
The caregivers group will meet
on the following dates at 1 p.m.
in the Upper Room. The group
is facilitated by Sharon Thiel,
and you are welcome to attend.
November 25
December 9 and 23
Back by popular demand!
Fish Sticks: Comedy Night at St. Matthew’s!
Tickets go on sale soon!
Proceeds toward Youth Mission Trip
Date – Friday, March 28 Time – Show is at 7
PM with a dessert to follow.
Cost – Tickets are $10 for adults,
$5 for children under 12
$30 = Family max
Location: St. Matthew’s Sanctuary
Invite friends and family members to enjoy
an evening with ”Fish Sticks”, a Christian
comedy act. Last time we had a fabulous
turnout. It is helpful to purchase tickets in
advance or to call for reservations.
Proceeds from the evening will benefit the
summer’s youth mission trip to Washington,
D.C. Child care will be provided, although
the show is family friendly. Check out the
comedy website…. www.fishstickscomedy.
com. Plan to make this a part of your inside
family winter fun! Tickets will be on sale
soon. Watch the bulletin and website for
further information.
Next Book Group selection subject:
Comanche Native Americans
The First Fridays Book Group meets
each First Friday of the month at 7 p.m.
in the Upper Room. Pick up the complete
list at the Welcome Center. You don’t
need to read each book in order to come
to the discussion; pick and choose the
ones you like. The list is also on our
website - www.stmattslutheran.org - go
to “Connect & Grow” then “Adult Classes
and Bible Studies”
March 7: Empire of the Summer Moon:
Quanah Parker and the Rise
and Fall of the Comanches,
the Most Powerful Indian
Tribe in American History by
S.C Gwynne (371 pages)
April 4:
White Dog Fell from the Sky:
A Novel by Eleanor Morse
(368 pages)
May 9: Blue Highways: A Journey
into America by William Least
Heat-Moon (448 pages)
Men’s Clothing Drive for Guest House!
Sponsored by the Men’s Ministry
Men, start sorting those unwanted but still usable business clothes!. We plan on donating
business-type clothes to the residents of the Guest House for their interviews and
employment needs. All sizes needed!
We are seeking:
Dress Shirts
Sport Jackets Dress Pants
Dress Shoes Ties, Belts
Top Coats
Begin to set aside clothes you seldom use, and we will do a collection on the following
Sundays: March 30th, April 6th and April 13th. Details on the collection coming soon!
Social Ministry
Reformation Store Needs Your Help at the st
The store is in great need of people to sort and
Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon or Thursdays fro
If you have a few hours to spare, please call Di
Director at 414/807-7451 to say “Yes! I’ll be a p
morning or afternoon.
These bulletin announcements can be seen be
www.stmattslutheran.org. If you wish to be add
please sign up on the bottom of the Events Sign-U
Sonja Mohr at sonjamohr@me.com) and you will b
well as other notices on Fridays.
Now is CSA subscription time: Consider a CS
season: Known as CSA’s (Community Support
of sites around the Milwaukee area that offer “s
boxes of produce throughout the summer. Sign
To locate the farms with a drop off convenient
org/csa/ Once again the home of Kristen and
members) will be a drop off site for TIPI Produc
TIPI farm check www.tipiproduce.com Joining
farmers and enjoy organic fresh seasonal vege
free to contact either Kristen Charlson (jkcharls
Dee Birschel (deeb@wi.rr.com 414-476-5971)
Has your 1st - 5th grader come to KFC/DOC? I
Kids for Christ and Disciples of Christ Children’s M
Our children’s ministries KFC (Kids for Christ - gra
Christ - grades 4-5) come together for fun, fellows
also come along. Bring $4 for lunch. Led by Donn
dates and times are:
Kids for Christ (grades 1-3)
Friday, December 6th, 6 - 8 p.m.
Disciples of Christ (grades 4-5)
Friday, December 6, 6-8 p.m.
Pastoral Call Update
Are we any closer to having an
additional pastor at St. Matthew’s?
We have been blessed by the help
and energy of Pastor Fran Odden,
who led the MET process for us
nearly two years ago now. Pastor
Fran has been doing much of our
preliminary research on candidates,
and has also been calling other
contacts about possible pastors for
the call. With this extra help, we have
received 6 more names of people to
speak with and if fitting, interview in
the future.
Because we have some good
possibilities, we have begun
assembling the Call Committee for
several interview opportunities. We
hope to begin these interviews in
the next several weeks. If a person
were selected from these names, we
would then have them do a second
interview with other congregational
leaders (such as the Church
Please keep our process in your
prayers, asking for God to bring us a
pastor who will help guide our service
for the next chapter of our ministry.
Hopeful, Pastor Chris
Need a math Tutor? Is your middle school
or high school student struggling with math?
Would you like to bump your student’s grade
to a B or an A? I can help. I am a fully
certified and licensed 6th - 12th grade math
teacher who can help a struggling student
or help a student improve their grade. I am
certified to teach Common Core standards
from 6th grade onwards, including Algebra,
Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus and AP
Calculus AB/BC. For more information regarding resume, references and hourly rate,
contact Joseph Wirtz at 414-899-3349.
Jr. and Sr. High Ski Trip Coming Up in
MARCH: This year’s annual ski trip to
the Upper Peninsula will take place the
weekend of March 7th – 9th. We’ll leave St.
Matthew’s on Friday afternoon, March 7th
and return Sunday evening, March 9th. All
middle school and high school students are
invited. Friends are also welcome. Cost
is $170 to cover the cost of the bus and
two days of skiing. (Meals and rentals are
extra). Registration slips are available at the
Welcome Center and the office. If you have
any questions, talk to Gretchen.
Reformation Store Needs Your Help at
the neighborhood store
The store is in great need of people to
sort and stock. They welcome volunteers
on Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon or
Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m. All ages
are welcome. If you have a few hours
to spare, please call Diane Roznowski,
Store Volunteer Director at 414/807-7451
to say “Yes! I’ll be a part of this wonderful
ministry!” for a morning or afternoon.
A note about your valuable items: A
reminder to our members and guests
that each week as you come to church,
any valuable items should be kept with
you and not left in coat pockets or in an
unlocked space.
These bulletin announcements can
be seen beginning each Friday on our
website: www.stmattslutheran.org.
If you wish to be added to the Friday
bulletin email list, please sign up on the
bottom of the Events Sign-Up panel in
today’s bulletin (or contact Sonja Mohr at
sonjamohr@me.com) and you will begin
receiving the announcements as well as
other notices on Fridays.
All are welcome
at monthly healing services
Healing services are offered monthly
at St. Matthew’s at a variety of times to
give all the opportunity to come forward
for healing prayer for themselves or
others. You can share your concern
with the pastor/leader at the altar, and
then he/she along with the healing
ministries will lay on hands and give
a special prayer for your concern.
Your concern can be general if there
are concerns you don’t wish to share
Here are the upcoming dates:
Wednesday, March 5 following the
10:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m.
Ash Wednesday services
Maundy Thursday, April 17th
following the
10:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m.
Sunday, May 11 - Mother’s Day
Education Time, 9:45 a.m.
your support of this important ministry.
Feeling Disconnected?
Does your email from St. Matt’s go to
another family member’s inbox? Has
your email address changed? Help us
reconnect! Please email your current edresses (up to two per family) to office@
stmatts.org, and we’ll stay in touch!
Time to think about Softball!! Men of St. Matthew’s, it’s time to sign
up to play softball on Tuesday nights
as part of the church softball league
through the Tosa Rec Dept. Sign up
at the Welcome Center. Your payment
needs to be paid to Bill Richter directly.
Questions? Call Bill at 414-467-5791.
A note about your valuable items: A
reminder to our members and guests
that each week as you come to church,
any valuable items should be kept with
you and not left in coat pockets or in an
unlocked space.
Men’s Shoes Needed at Reformation
Store The Reformation Neighborhood
Store is in need of men’s shoes in good
condition. If you have any outgrown or
unused shoes in your closets, please
bring them to the Reformation collection
area on the first floor of the education
wing. “Like” Us on Facebook:
Search “ St. Matthew’s
Lutheran Church Wauwatosa” and get updates
and photos of events.
All are welcome at monthly healing
Healing services are offered monthly at St.
Matthew’s at a variety of times to give all
the opportunity to come forward for healing
prayer for themselves or others. You can
share your concern with the pastor/leader
at the altar, and then he/she along with
the healing ministries will lay on hands
and give a special prayer for your concern.
Here are the next dates:
Wednesday, March 5 following
the 10:30 a.m. & 7:15 p.m.
Ash Wed. services
These bulletin announcements can
be seen beginning each Friday on our
website: www.stmattslutheran.org. If
you wish to be added to the Friday bulletin
email list, please sign up on the bottom of
the Events Sign-Up panel in today’s bulletin
(or contact Sonja Mohr at sonjamohr@
me.com) and you will begin receiving the
announcements as well as other notices on
Ongoing Collection for Guest House: We
have updated the list of ongoing needs for
the Guest House. Please consider picking
up one or two of these items when you’re
shopping and drop them off in the box
outside the church office. Thanks for your
support of this important ministry.
Spray deodorant
Body Wash
Foot Powder
Cologne or aftershave
Laundry Bags
Men’s watches
Men’s wallets
Spray deodorant
Body Wash
Foot Powder
Cologne or aftershave
Laundry Bags
Men’s watches
Men’s wallets
Did you know? We are offering printed directorie
While our online directory is used frequently by ou
not online, or may prefer a printed copy. These a
Winners of LED Light Bulbs; Guessed closest to
Carrie Haver; David Kozell
Josh and Joy Herrell
Won an LED light bulb that they can try in their ho
Enjoy singing? Want to get involved more in chu
Senior Choir! It’s a great way to meet other people
it on Sunday mornings during worship services. We
Everyone is welcome! For further information you ca
1775 or by email: davemohr@me.com. Or, you can
Thursday night and we’ll set you up with a folder of m
fun and fulfilling.
Sign Up on Sunday, or call the church office to reserve your spot. See the newly remodeled and beautiful Siena Center.
Thank you to these
people and businesses
who support our newletter
through their ads.
Could you use these services,
or recommend these businesses to someone you know?
MEMBERS supporting our newsletter
Dr. Charles Hewett Holzhauer & Hewett S.C. Orthodontics; 10225 W. Capitol Drive
Braces for children and adults 414-463-5700
Dale Cox
Mechanical - Mechanical System Contractors; Commercial - Industrial Institutional - Design - Construct - Maintain; (262) 798-8003;
Mark CregoMark R. Crego, D.D.S., S.C. General Dentistry, 8726 W. North Ave. Wauwatosa, WI. Accepting New Patients. 414-258-5351.
Robert Storm
Attorney; Storm, Balgeman, Miller & Klippel, S. C.
1011 N. Mayfair Rd., 414-453-8500; tosalawyers.com; rstorm@sbm-law.com
Conor Williams
Stone Dimensions granite countertops, natural stone products;
262-522-6335; www.stonedimensions.com;
Tom Mainville
Story Hill Renovations, LLC. Build, Design and Remodel; 414-788-0045
www.storyhillrenovations.com - email: tom@storyhillrenovations.com
Community Businesses supporting St. Matthew’s Newsletter
Gross Heating and Air Conditioning serving the community since 1925.
Schmidt & Bartelt Guardalabene & Amato Funeral Homes; Family and employee owned.
10121 W. North Ave. 414-774-5010.
Roman Electric; Residential work. 640 S. 70th Street - 414-771-5400
Bunzel’s Old Fashioned Meat Market: fresh custom meats, party trays, catering;
8415 W. Burleigh St., 414-873-7960. www.bunzels.com
Please consider supporting these businesses who support our newsletter printing!
Today’s Assistants:
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Greeters: 7:30, Marian Benz. 8:30 Mike &
Brenda Dahlquist, Jennifer & Shad Andreas,
Annika and Britt Peterson and Thad Murrah.
11:00, Robert & Heide Hughes, Pat Heuler,
Conor & Lisa Williams.
Lay Readers: 7:30, Marian Benz. 8:30,
Jynine Strand. 11:00, Heide Hughes.
Nursery: 8:30, Matthew and Maddy Staff,
Amy Stolarski. 9:45, Tracey & Brad Iding.
11:00, Alyssa Poe, Eliza Soczka, Miranda
Acolytes: 8:30, Annika Murrah, Jenna,
Annika and Claudia Strand. 11:00,
Coffee Hosts: 8:00, Jim, Anneke, and Karie
Clement. 9:30, Mary Collins.
Communion Preparers: 8:30, Nancy
Bowen, Laurie Rutkowski, Mary Ann Gordon.
Communion Assistants: 8:30, Larry Jurss,
Laura Murray, Dave Fagerberg.
Ushers: 8:30, Brian Due (captain), Chris
Capper, Frank Cimermancic, Emma Gifford,
Dan Hayes, Jim & Katie Karls, Lisa Krekling,
Tim Schoewe, Greg Strand. 11:00, Paul
De Young (captain), Mark Bjorgo, Matthew
Doberstein, Claire and John Geertsen,
Natalie Hanson, Jack and Steve Mielke, Don
Reynolds, Dave Rotgers.
Bread Bakers: Doug Krekling and Kristen
Lay Assistant: 8:30, Linda Young.
Welcome Center Host: 8:30 Cherie
Swenson. 11:00, Joy Wedel.
Welcome Assistant to the Pastors: 8:30,
Cherie Swenson. 11:00, Needed.
Library Assistant: 9:45, Arlene Hastings.
Please note that Assistants list may not be
accurate for any swaps or substitutions made
after this list was created a few days ago.
This Week:
6:30, Monday Morn. Men’s Bible Study
9:00, Just One More Meal Ministry Crew
10:15, Staff Meeting
11:00, Program Staff Meeting
1:00, Caregivers Support
6:30, Women’s Bible Study
6:30, Social Ministry Committee
9:30, The EmBELLishments
6:00, Yoga Class
6:00, Godsbells
6:00, Lutheran A Cappella Choir Potluck
6:30, Celebration Sunday Planning Meeting
7:00, Celebrate Recovery
7:00, Prayer Shawl Ministry
7:00, Righteous Ringers
7:15, LAC Rehearsal
10:00, Bible Study with Pr. Margaret
11:00, Fallen Angels
11:00, Cross Luth. Ch. Lunch (leave10:30 a.m.)
6:00, New Generation Choir
6:30, Moore Mission Trip Meeting
7:00, New Creation Choir
9:30, A Cabella Ringers
4:00, Praise Kids
6:15, Bells Angels
7:30, Senior Choir
9:30, New Creation Choir Musical Wkshp.
Let your light shine! LED the
way through Epiphany: See the
display in the commons today
to learn how you can help St
Matthew’s change our lighting,
save money and care for God’s
good creation.
Let your light shine! LED the way
through Epiphany: See the display
in the commons today to learn how
you can help St Matthew’s change
our lighting, save money and care for
God’s good creation.
Yoga Class will continue on
Tuesday evenings (at 6:00)
through April. Thanks to Kelly
Kirtley for leading these free
weekly classes.
St. Matthew’s Weekly Sign-Up Panel
February 23, 2014
If you are interested in any of the following activities/events, please check
the appropriate box and place this sheet in the offering plate, or turn it in
to the church office. This is your opportunity to be involved in some of St.
Matthew’s ministries.
A packet of bulletin announcements for the day can be given by an usher
or picked up at the Welcome Center. Be “in the know” for all that’s going
on at St. Matthew’s.
I would like to attend the Women’s Study on Monday evenings beginning tomorrow,
February 24. Please reserve a book for me.
I am interested in going on the Ski Trip for 6th - 12th graders on March 7-9.
Number attending _____
I would like further information on the Women’s Retreat, March 21-22-23.
I’d like to sign up ____
Yes, please reserve some seats for me for the Fish Sticks comedy show on
Friday, March 28th. Number needed _____
I’d like more information on the Simply Giving service, the electronic transfer of
contributions to St. Matthew’s.
I have a question about ___________________________________________
Name_______________________________ Phone Number_________________
Email Address ____________________________________________________
Please add my email address to the list of people receiving the Friday “Bulletin
Update,” a preview of the announcements in the upcoming Sunday’s bulletin.
For more information on any of these opportunities,please call or email the church office,
414-774-0441 or office@stmattslutheran.org
Vision Statement: Guided by God’s Spirit and Grace, we are a community of
disciples growing in faith, hope and love in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (What
we want to become)
Mission Statement: Called to fulfill the Great Commission, St. Matthew’s
welcomes all to faith in Jesus Christ, nurtures our faith journey, equips us to serve
others, and sends us into the world to make a difference in Jesus’ name. (What
we are going to do)
Values: We want to be people who grow in our Spiritual fruitfulness, which is
shown through the Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,
Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control. (Who we want to be)
The People of St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church
Lead Pastor
The Rev. Christopher J.P. Manke
The Rev. Margaret Schoewe
Music Minister/Organist/New Generation & Adult Handbell Choirs
John R. Paradowski
Director of Older Adult Ministries
Jane Sandstrom
Director of Youth Ministries & Children’s Education Coordinator
Gretchen Haugse
Volunteer Ministries/Small Groups/Adult Education
Sue Swing
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Donna Gardner Manke
Pastors’ Assistant / Sunday School Support
Emily Wanezek
Church Librarian (volunteer)
Bev Etzelmueller
Technology Coordinator
Brian Smith
Senior Choir Director
David Mohr
Youth Handbell Choirs Jeffrey Reeves
New Creation Choir
Jeffrey Reeves and John Paradowski; Heide Hughes, accompanist
Praise Kids! Directors (Jr. K-2 grades)
Jeff Reeves and Amy Dankwardt
Finance Secretary
Holly Jurss
Office Assistant
Jill Due
Communications Secretary
Sonja Mohr
John Swenson
Pastor Emeritus
The Rev. Gary Erickson