June 2015 - Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce


June 2015 - Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Connection
June 2015
Area Events
We are happy to announce that
the Maine State Chamber will be
hosting their annual regional
breakfast in Presque Isle again
this year. The breakfast meeting
will be Wednesday, June 24 at
University of Maine at Presque
Isle’s Campus Center. The
meeting generally starts around
7:30 to ensure everyone is on
their way to work by 9:00.
This event provides a recap of
the legislative session and what
the Maine State Chamber anticipates in the months ahead. This
always a very informative
meeting. There is a maximum
number who can attend so
respond early to Amy to ensure
you are able to attend. Simply email Amy Downing,
and include the date of the breakfast meeting you'd like to attend
in the subject line. Wednesday, June 24th ___ Northern Maine Region, University of Maine Presque Isle 6/03—PI Historical
Society Presentation on Mary Oak
6/05—Riverside Public Market opens
6/05—Music with Max Garcia Conover
6/05—First Friday Art Walk
6/05—Guided Walking Tour of
Fairmount Cemetery
6/06—Area-Wide Yard Sale
6/06—Riverside Public Market
6/06—Northern Maine Bird Festival
6/06—City-Wide Tour on Molly the
6/07—Sunday Saunters Running Group
6/12—Riverside Public Market
6/13—Riverside Public Market
6/13—Allagash Tails Book Talk
6/13—Reel Paddling Film Festival
6/14—Sunday Saunters Running Group
6/16—Spring Summit Run 2015-NT
6/16—USSBA—Aroostook County
Women’s Roundtable
6/16—WWLT Mud Lake Falls Canoe Trip
6/16—USSBA—Small Business Financing
6/18—Mainebiz On the Road Forum
6/18—Music with Joey Allen Beltram
6/18—Wintergreen Arts Ladies Night Out
6/19—Riverside Public Market
6/20—Riverside Public Market
6/21—Happy Father’s Day
6/21—Sunday Saunters Running Group
6/21—SW Collins 5K Run/Walk
6/21—Maine Residents Day at State Parks
& Historical Sites
6/24-6/28—Mapleton Daze
6/25—CACC Annual Strawberry
Shortcake Sale
6/25—Payroll Law Seminar
6/25—WWLT State of the Fishery Seminar
6/26—Riverside Public Market
6/27—6/28—Maple Meadow Farm Fest
6/27—Riverside Public Market
6/27—Guided Tours of the Vera Estey House
6/27—Guided Walking Tour of Presque Isle
6/27—Tri-Aroostook Kids
6/28—1st Annual Fresh Trails Classic
Gentlemen’s Race
2015 Board of Directors
Sarah Brooks
Renee Chalou-Ennis
Gail Clukey *
Marcel Daigle
Greg Doak
Nola Farley
Nancy Fletcher *
William Getman *
Karen Gonya *
Jonathan Isacco
Kim Jones
Shawn Lahey
Shelley McAtee
Laurie Nelson
Bonnie Pack
Dawn Poitras
Floyd Rockholt *
Stacy Shaw *
Karen St. Peter *
Sherry Sullivan
* Indicates member of Executive Board
If you would like to see your event in our newsletter
or on our website please contact us at:
Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce
3 Houlton Rd., Presque Isle, ME 04769; Phone (207)764-6561, Fax (207)764-1583, www.centralaroostookchamber.com
Thank You to all
For your continued support!
The Central Aroostook Chamber of
Commerce is only as strong as its
American Red Cross
Care & Comfort
Caron’s Lawn & Property Maintenance
Carroll’s Auto Sales
Columbia Forest Products
Cook Florist, Inc.
Country Collectibles
Crown Travel
Dead River Company
Gil’s Sanitation, Inc.
Goin’ Postal
Greenmark IT
Griffeth Ford Lincoln Mitsubishi
H. Smith Packing Corporation
Impact Autobody
Inlution, Inc.
Irish Setter Pub
JP Market & Deli/Frosty Peaks Froyo
J.P. Martin & Sons
Mars Hill Country Club
Mechanical Services, Inc.
Merchants on the Corner
Neil E. Michaud Campground
Pen Air
Pottery by Karen St. Peter
Presque Isle Industrial Council
Bruce Roope
Star City Sanitation, Inc.
State Farm—The Harvell Agency
The Old Iron Inn B & B
Tim Horton’s Café & Bake Shop
Time Warner Cable of Maine
Wings for Children & Families
Wintergreen Arts Center
Chamber Connection
The Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce
along with Bigrock Ski Area, Aroostook Hops and Buck Farms
bring you the
October 17, 2015
Bigrock Ski Area, Mars Hill
Check out our sponsorship menu below to see how your business can
join us
For The County’s 1st Brew Fest!
Page 2
Chamber Connection
Page 3
How to contact your representatives:
2015 Elected Officials
U.S. Senator
Susan Collins—[R]
25 Sweden Street
Caribou, ME 04736
First Friday of Every Month at
Participating Businesses
U.S. Senator
Angus King—[I]
169 Academy St.—A
Presque Isle , ME 04769
U.S Representative
Bruce Poliquin—[R]
445 Main Street
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Nex k
2015 ,
Maine State Senators
Senate District 1—Peter Edgecomb—[R] 207-287-1505
Senate District 2—Michael Willette—[R] 207-287-1507
Maine State Representatives
District 146—Dustin White [R—Washburn] 207-227-8756
District 147—Robert Saucier [D—Presque Isle] 207-227-1160
District 148—Anthony Edgecomb [R—Fort Fairfield]
District 151—John Martin [D—Eagle Lake] 207-834-7568
Would you like an ad space
in the upcoming
Chamber Connection?
For just $25.00 your business could
be featured in a newsletter
viewed by over 300 different
business and their patrons.
For more information, or to
purchase an insert, please contact
the Central Aroostook Chamber of
Commerce at 764-6561, and we’ll
be sure to get you in
our next issue!
FOR $20.00
THE Central
Chamber of
*Monthly Mee ngs* Chamber Board Meetings are typically the SECOND Thursday of each Month. During the winter they are at the
Chamber office. During the spring and summer months we like to
visit members in the community.
Finding Your Passion
"The only way to do great work is to
love what you do." ~ Steve Jobs
ACAP—Gouldville School
Customer Service Recognition
Award Winners
Have you ever wondered if it is
possible to make a living doing
something you really love to do?
Don't give up on a career that feeds
your soul, as well as your family.
Consider these tips when developing
a career plan that helps you find
your passion:
 Try to identify tasks and activities
you really enjoy doing. When you
are doing something you love,
time flies by. You don't watch the
clock, and before you know it, an
hour or more can go by and feel like
just minutes have passed. Make a
list or keep a journal that allows you
to track when time passes quickly
and document what you were doing.
 Determine what motivates you,
what fuels you, and
what fills you up,
versus what depletes your energy.
Do you like surrounding yourself with
people, or do you work best alone?
Knowing who you are and what
environment you work best in is
important. Finding a career you like
AND the right workplace are both
key to job happiness.
 What do you know you are good
at, or what do others tell you that
you are good at doing? Building on
your natural talents and abilities
can be a way to find work that you
feel good about doing.
Consider an avocation if you
cannot make a living at what you
love to do. Do not cut out hobbies &
activities that you like. You can join a
reading group, sell your fudge at a
local farmer's market, or teach a
dance class at a local dance studio.
Some hobbies can even bring in
extra income.
Chamber Connection
May 2015
Mike’s and Sons
Aroostook Milling Company
TAMC—Country Heart
Gift Shop
Tell us about a recent
Customer Service Experience
nominate the business you want to
Nominations are due by the 25th of
each Month
And can be made by calling the
Chamber at 764-6561
Or by emailing us at
Northern Maine Trains
Page 5
Central Aroostook Chamber
of Commerce
Opportunities to be Involved
CACC has several committees in which
members of the community and businesses in
the area are welcome to help plan and
participate while learning what the Chamber
Welcome to our
Newest Chamber
Four Points by Sheraton—
Bangor Airport
January—Annual Awards Dinner
February—Maine Quebec Caravan
June—Area Wide Yard Sale
June—Strawberry Shortcake Sale
August—Crown of Maine Balloon Fest
October—Haunted Woods Walk
October—Rocktoberfest Brew Fest
December—Holiday Light Parade
In addition to the above event planning committees
there are also committees essential to the basic
operation of the Chamber. Anyone with an interest
in the success and future of the Chamber is
encouraged to become involved through committee
The Public Relations and Membership committees
meet regularly throughout the year. There are
possibilities for several other committees such as
Property Maintenance and Seminar Planning to
develop if people are interested.
Event Committees meet seasonally at a frequency
determined necessary by the committee.
Now is a good time to join and help make a
difference in your Chamber and community.
For more information please contact
Theresa Fowler at:
or 764-6561.
Chamber Connection
Join Mainebiz at our fourth stop in the
On the Road with Mainebiz reception series
HOULTON -- Mainebiz will host the greater Houlton business
community at The Courtyard Café on Thursday, June 18th from 5:00 to
7:00 p.m. during the fourth of six “On the Road” event series in 2015.
The event will gather business executives from the area, along with
Mainebiz staffers including Publisher Donna Brassard and Editor Peter
Van Allen for an evening of networking. Guests will enjoy
complimentary hors d’oeuvres and soft drinks, and a cash bar is
The “On the Road” series encourages business people from the great
Houlton region and surrounding areas to help businesses network and
exchange ideas. This event is free to attend but space is limited so guests
are invited to register by visiting www.mainebiz.biz/OTRhoulton
The overall presenting sponsor for the “On the Road” event series this
year is Corporate Finance Associates and the regional sponsor for the
Houlton event is Machias Savings Bank.
Mainebiz has planned two additional “On the Road” events this year in
Camden and Eastport. For more information, go to www.mainebiz.biz
Mainebiz is Maine’s premier business news source, covering business
news from Fort Kent to Kittery. With its website (mainebiz.biz), Daily
Report via email, as well as its flagship print publication, Mainebiz
continues to expand its reach, bringing vital news to Maine’s business
community through varied media.
Questions about sponsorship, or about attending this or other
Mainebiz events? Contact Rebekah Roy, Marketing/Events Manager
at rroy@mainebiz.biz or 207-761-8379 ext.341.
Page 6
Adver sing Opportuni es All purchased adver sing will receive a free Facebook pos ng Email Blast to Membership—$25.00 The Chamber will send your ad out to our over 300 members Monthly Newsle er—$25.00 Your ad will be included in our monthly news‐
le er Annual Directory 1/4 page—$130.00 1/2 page—$230.00 Full Page—$425.00 The Directory includes all of our membership, local organiza ons, places of worship, infor‐
ma on on the 13 communi es we serve. With 1200 printed annually, the directory is given in reloca on packets, new member packets and is distributed throughout Aroostook County. Website Banner/Rotator Ads Top Banner—First Month FREE then $50.00 per month with a 6 month commitment up front. A er 6 months you can con nue on at the same monthly rate or pick mes of the year that would benefit your com‐
pany the most. Rota ng Side Banner—First month FREE then $20.00 per month with a 6 month commitment up front. A er 6 months you can con nue on at the same monthly rate or pick mes of the year that would benefit your com‐
pany the most. Chamber Connection
BDN Maine Outdoors 1/16 page—$65.00 1/8 page—$130.00 1/4 page—$260.00 1/2 page—$520.00 BDN Maine Outdoor prints over 50,000 issues of their magazine four mes a year. Bangor Metro 1/16 page—$100.00 1/8 page $200.00 1/4 Page—$400.00 1/2 Page $800.00 With a monthly circula on of 12,500 magazines, Bangor Metro is growing in popularity here in Aroostook County due to a special feature called “Crown of Maine”. We are currently selling space for the following issues. April: Home & Garden (Crown of Maine issue) May: Senior Issue June/July: Summer Guide (Crown of Maine is‐
sue) August: Best Restaurants September: Educa on Issue (Crown of Maine issue) October: Energy Issue November: Health Care (Crown of maine issue) December: Holiday Issue WAGM‐TV‐CACC Presents $260.00 for 40 airings total over one month. Choose the month that best suits your business’s needs. The Chamber pays $60.00 of the cost.. You get: A 15 second piece that introduces you as a member of the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce (5 seconds), then your adver sing informa on with an exterior shot of your business (10 seconds) with a total of 20 airings on CBS and 20 airings on FOX over the month you choose. Event Sponsorship The Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce holds eight events each year with varying levels of sponsorship. Please contact the Chamber for sponsorship menus. The Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce buys advertising to share with it’s Members through local radio, local publications, special inserts, and tourism items sent through out the State of Maine The rapid pace of summer is settling
on us! This weekend will be a busy weekend in
Presque Isle. Friday will mark the opening of
the Riverside Public Market in downtown
Presque Isle. This market will be open from
11-5 on Fridays and 1-5 on Saturdays to provide
an opportunity for patrons to visit both markets
that are open on Saturdays.
On the First Friday of June, which
coincides with the opening of the Riverside
Market, we will be enjoying First Friday Art
Walk and Music on Main Street. As I am writing
this the weather looks like it will be warm with a
chance of thunderstorms. It should be a great
evening to get out and socialize. Fortunately
there will be lots of locations for shelter if
It is graduation time and we have so
many high school graduates to be proud of in
the region. The array of talent and ambition is
impressive. Congratulations to all the graduates,
their teachers, parents and mentors. These
young people may go away for education and
live experience but we hope they will return to
take over and build businesses in the area in the
years ahead.
June will be a busy month for all of
us. June 16, Small Business Administration will
be in the area all day to meet with business
owners. The array of services that are available
and paid for by tax dollars is amazing. You can
visit: https://www.sba.gov for more
information on their services. We also have a
publication here at the chamber if you prefer
printed material.
June 24, Maine State Chamber staff
will be hosting a breakfast at which they will
recap the year-to-date at the State House. It
appears that the elected officials may still be
meeting at that date. This also provides
local business owners a chance to discuss
issues that the State Chamber staff may
be able to follow in the next session.
June 25th is Strawberry Shortcake Day, everyone’s favorite day of the
year! We will be set up on North Street
in the North Street Plaza parking lot, but
a little farther from Main Street than in
the past.
By the end of June plans for the
local festivals will be mostly done and
celebrations will be underway!
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