8.20.87 Doctor Liscensing
8.20.87 Doctor Liscensing
PRESS RELEASE August 20, 1'987 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Senate Vice P.r:.:sicient John A. BelI attempted to ptay Russien Roulette of Virgin wjth ttre [ves charged today. legjslate During ttris weekrs Senate sessjon BelI attempted to regardJess of their that fot doctors in the Territory liensing an acrcss4tre-board Senate Minorjty Senator Hol],and L. Redfield I rslaqflsss, gualifir-arions. Leader "now we are playing Redfield told docbrs" his crelleagues on thre Senate Floor and ttre healthr of tkre people wjll be Redfield attacked the amendment offered jegpardized. which directed by Senator Bc]] the Healttr Commissioner to license al'l persons who have a tempora:ry doctorrs license and have worked for tlre government years. consecutlve "Fortunately five tlris amendment was nctb adopted by the Senate, " Qsdfield Said, "because it does not require any qualificatircn what-so-ever" 'If this amendment had been subjected to tJ:e Proper c€milLitbee Scrutinyr" Qsdfield observed, "jt would never have made jt b the floor of ttre LegisJature. " This parliamentarlz few, maneuver, would have grave oonsequences for the many. designed to serve a It is legjslation JI like tLris wtr-ich circumvents the reguJatory 2 3 1 .'.? the checks and batances of proc€ss whjch opens thre door for every nLisfit to come to the Terrjtory vfugjn rslanders, and get a license to practirce medicine on he poiated out. "we senators sh6rr'rr1 nct, attempt to dec-ids who shor:ld be a'rioensed doctorr"Redfic'rd 5 should be crrnserned wjttr estabtishjng (f, properly 7 responsibiJity I people. said. ,'Rather, we polir-y and makjng certain that a qua'liried board of medical experts of deciding sort of medical are charged who is que'lificd to deliver w-ittr the healtlr care to the 9 10 " r am noE blind to tlre fact that jn tLre past we have h3fl 'r.insnsjng 11 irreguJarities, 12 create many more p::oblemsr" 13 setback ttre v.r. 14 elected to protect. t3 license procedures. t() meaningflilly however, to overreact tcr basir. internar he pointed out. This regislatlcn health system and damage the very other jurlsdictions would people we are are movjng to tighten with Beil's amendment the v.r. required prcblems js to up merlioal wor.rld remove all the gua].ifi car_ions. 17 1E "rt is a threat l9 us senators 20 h-ighly technical 21 acceptabJe health ca:e is 22 the seventeenttr 2? thjs issue: in fact, 2'1 vftar and technicar area of healttr care de.Liveryr,, he onc}rded. to the ver]F lives to attempt b djctate fie]rlr"Qsflfield i-egisJature of everyone Terzjtory the crcmpetence of an jndividual stated. The delivery compJicated and fragjle. who is trained -0- for in this of ad.equately ',r know of no one in and skilted jn dealing it is not, ttre Senate's responsiJci'lity b 25 -6 Jiving in this wjth get into this