College Nine Student Senate 2015
College Nine Student Senate 2015
College Nine Student Senate 2015-‐16 Election Packet Thank you for your interest in seeking a position with the College Nine Student Government for the 2014-‐15 academic year! Please complete the “Declaration of Intent to Run,“ sign, and submit to the Colleges Nine and Ten Programs and Activities Office by 12 noon on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. In addition to the “Declaration of Intent to Run,” please also email a photo of yourself (pdf or jpg) along with your name to with the subject line, C9 Elections. The photo will be included with the candidate statement information sheet that will be provided to voters. For questions or concerns please contact the College Nine Chair Shub Sharan at Important Dates: April 22nd: Election Packets Available at the Colleges Nine and Ten Programs and Activities Office (located in the Recreation Lounge below the Multipurpose Room or online at April 30th: Election Packets and Photos Due by 12pm (noon) at the College Nine and Ten Programs and Activities Office May 3rd: College Nine Senate Election Voting Kick-‐Off at Sunday Funday May 7th: Voting Ends at 5:00 PM May 8th: Election Results Announced University of California, Santa Cruz College Nine Senate Declaration of Intent to Run Chair: Shub Sharan Vice President, Internal: Sonali Raj Vice President, External: Sam Shaw Vice President, Finance: Betsy Borst Due to the Chair of College Nine Senate by 12 noon on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 in the Recreation Lounge. Declaration of Intent to Run I, ________________________________, intend to run for the position of (State your name) ! President ! Vice President of External Affairs ! Vice President of Internal Affairs ! Vice President of Finance (Circle only one. You may not run for more than one position) for the reason that, [this is your candidate statement] ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. Signed __________________________________, this day ___/___/ 2015 Extracted from the College Nine Student Senate Constitution: Article VI. Executive Board Section 1. Composition (a) the President: 1. shall preside over the Assembly and be the official voice and representative of the Senate and the same and in such capacity: 1.1 shall act with the full vested authority of the Assembly and Senate on behalf of the same and in the interim between meetings thereof and in so doing be the sole authorized signatory on behalf of the same; and 1.2 shall represent the Assembly at official events and functions; and 1.3 shall attend meetings of the Council of Chairs, when convened, as the primary representative of the Assembly thereto; and 1.4 shall train and ensure the effectiveness of the officers of the Executive Board; and 1.5 shall chair SEC; and 1.6 shall be a senator ex oficio with full voting privileges; and 2. shall act as chair of the Senate and in such capacity: 2.1 shall call weekly meetings to order; and 2.2 shall call emergency meetings of the Senate as necessary; and 2.3 shall determine the Senate agenda for each of its meetings and the order thereof notwithstanding Art. V Sec. 2 (g); and 2.4 shall arrange for the implementation of Senate legislation; and 2.5 shall create and charge special committees of the Senate as necessary; and 2.6 shall, notwithstanding appointments ex oficio Art. VI Sec. 1. (c) 7 & (d) 3, and with the consultation of the Executive Board, appoint and, as necessary, remove or replace representatives of the Senate to any and all organizations requesting official representation by the Assembly including, but not limited to, the Student Union Assembly, the Student Union Governance Board, the Academic Senate, the Student Committee on Committees, the Campus Sustainability Council, Core Council, and 2.7 shall hold regular office hours; and 2.8 shall chair the Special Committee on Elections and Constitution; and 2.9 shall be a member of all Senate committees ex oficio; and (b) the Vice President of Internal Affairs, hereinafter VPI: 1. shall represent the domestic interests of the Assembly and in such capacity: 1.1 shall serve as Secretary of the Senate in publishing the weekly agenda and recording and publishing minutes of meetings of the Senate; and 2. shall serve the Assembly as a member of the Executive Board and in such capacity: 2.1 shall chair meetings of the senate in the absence of the President; and 2.2 shall, with the aide of the advisors to the Senate, organized and implement an annual officer retreat; and 2.3 shall be available for meeting by appointment; and 3. shall advise the Senate on the domestic interests of the Assembly and in such capacity: 3.1 shall be a member of all standing Senate committees ex oficio; and 3.2 shall be a senator ex oficio with full voting privileges; and (c) the Vice President of External Affairs, hereinafter VPE: 1. shall represent the foreign interests of the Assembly and in such capacity: 1.1 shall encourage the development of relations between the Assembly and the other colleges and organizations of the University of California Santa Cruz; and 1.2 shall train and ensure the effectiveness of representatives, liaisons, and advisors to the Senate; and 1.3 shall attend the weekly meetings of the Student Union Assembly as the primary representative of the Assembly thereto and ex oficio; and 2. shall serve the Assembly as a member of the Executive Board and in such capacity: 2.1 shall create and oversee the implementation of outreach programs to ensure Assembly member participation in the Senate; and 2.2 shall, with the aide of the advisors to the Senate, arrange for the annual audit and performance evaluation of the officers of the Executive Board and representatives, liaisons, and advisors to the Senate; and 2.3 shall assume the responsibilities of all other officers of the Executive Board in their absence, inability to serve, or in such circumstances as an office is vacant; and 2.4 shall be available for meeting by appointment; and 3. shall advise the Senate on the domestic interests of the Assembly and in such capacity: 3.1 shall be a member of all standing Senate committees ex oficio; and 3.2 shall be a senator ex oficio with full voting privileges; and (d) the Vice President of Finance, hereinafter VPF: 1. shall oversee the finances of the Assembly and ensure the Assembly’s financial integrity and in such capacity: 1.1 shall chair CAF; and 1.2 shall, in order to coordinate the joint budget of the ninth and tenth college of the University of California meet regularly with the treasurer of the governing body of the students of the tenth college at the University of California Santa Cruz; and 1.3 shall attend the regular meetings of the Core Council as the representative of the Assembly thereto and ex oficio; and 1.4 shall be available for meeting by appointment; and 2. shall enforce the budget, conditions of funding, and funding policy and in such capacity: 2.1 shall audit organizations in receipt of fiscal support of the Assembly, both direct and indirect, to ensure compliance with stipulations 2.2 shall, on an annual basis, audit the direct expenditures of the Senate; and 3. shall advise the Senate on fiscal matters and in such capacity: 3.1 shall be a member of all standing Senate committees ex oficio; and 3.2 shall be a senator ex oficio with full voting privileges. Section 2. Eligibility for, election of, appointment of, and removal of (a) All senators who will be undergraduates in the year they will serve as an officer of the Executive Board are eligible to run for President, VPI, VPE or VPF. (b) The President, VPE, VPI and VPF shall be elected in an annual election of the Assembly to take place in the spring academic quarter of the year preceding appointment to office; and 1. In the event that an officer is not elected for any and/or all of the positions of President, VPE, VPI or VPF in the spring academic quarter of the year preceding appointment to office, Art. VI Sec. 2 (d) notwithstanding, the election for the same such offices shall reoccur during the fall academic quarter of the year of appointment to office at such time as the election for VPI also takes place pursuant to Art. VI, Sec. 2 (c). (c) In the event of a vacancy in office, notwithstanding Art. VI Sec. 2 (b) 1, the Senate shall appoint an interim officer to fill the vacant office until such time as the Senate is able to conduct an election for the office. (d) An officer of the Executive Board may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of no confidence by the Senate.