Untitled - Emilia Romagna Turismo


Untitled - Emilia Romagna Turismo
how to get there
B.C.) were unearthed under the surface of the Roman Villa
and they are the earliest evidence of non-Etruscan inhabitants
in Romagna around the 7th century. Since then, the area has
always been populated, which is probably why in the 13th
century the Da Polenta decided to build their fortress here;
in the Middle Ages and during Renaissance, the fortress
played an important role in the battles between different
powers, which included the Manfredi, the Republic of Venice
and the Pope. In 1512 the town was savagely attacked and
conquered by the French and Ferrarese armies, which were
led by the famous commander Gaston de Foix; in 1527
Russi was assaulted again and looted by the Landsknechts on
their way to Rome. In the 18th century Russi was expanded
and gradually lost its identity as a stronghold to become
the town we know today. It's interesting to notice that the
place name hasn't changed over the course of the centuries.
Russi is located northeast of Lugo, where the state road
Ravegnana SS302 meets the provincial road SP5. The SS302
connects Russi with Ravenna.
castrum russi
Russi is renowned for an important Roman archaeological
site which dates back to the 1st century A.D., but the
original nucleus of the town is the fortress, which was built
by the Da Polenta and today lies in ruins. The town suffered
severe damage in the 1688 earthquake, so most of the town
centre is characterised by 18th century architecture. Russi
has a remarkable historical heritage and is renowned for its
traditional gastronomy which visitors can particularly enjoy
during one of the numerous fairs that are held here during
the year.
The origins of Russi's first settlement and fortress are ancient.
Two inhumation tombs (late 7th century - early 6th century
5 4
8 9
things to see
Russi's main square is named after Luigi Carlo Farini, an illustrious figure
who helped the town to achieve the title of "Città" in 1878.
Most buildings overlooking the square date back to the 18th century
because the 1688 earthquake was very destructive.
with four towers and a donjon, but today all that is left is the
lower part of the donjon, which has been incorporated in the
building of the former Maccabelli hospital. There are also
remains of one of the towers and some ruins of the defensive
walls. The town museum is located inside the fortress and
includes a painting collection (with several important pieces
from the art collections of the hospitals of the Province of
Ravenna), the rooms "Sale della Città di Russi" (with artworks
from the 18th till the 20th century), the collection of the
Roman Villa (with 1st-2nd century A.D. objects unearthed
during excavations in the archaeological site) and the archive
"Fondo archivistico Alfredo Baccarini" (with documents,
letters, books, medals and other objects that once belonged to
the local famous engineer and politician).
Chiesa di Sant'Apollinare
This church was rebuilt in the 18th century and designed by
the architect Campidori. It houses a number of statues created
by the famous sculptor Ballanti Graziani from Faenza. The
main altar is a fine work of art made with precious marble;
originally it was held in the church of the nuns of Corpus
Domini in Ravenna.
Rocca e Museo Civico
Open on Saturday, 09:00 - 12:00, or by appointment
The fortress used to be the core of the ancient castrum built in
the 14th century by Guido Da Polenta, lord of Ravenna. The
fortress has been severely damaged by earthquakes and assaults
over the course of the centuries; it had a square structure
2 Via
D'Azeglio, 9 - Tel. 0544 580187 - Free admission
This is a private collection of bells; it is located near the town
gate Porta Nuova, in the house of Tino Babini, a passionate
collector and researcher of local history and culture.
He has studied and researched bells since he was young; over
the years he has put together a collection which is unique
in the region, featuring more than sixty exemplars, some of
which are rare and some of which are made with traditional
rural ceramic from Romagna.
Via Trieste
This pleasant 18th century church is in the town centre, just
off via Garibaldi; it is also known as "chiesa dell'Addolorata",
but the name "dei Servi" derives from the fact that it once
belonged to the order of "Servi di Maria". The building was
designed by the famous architect Gioacchino Tomba from
Faenza and built in the middle of the 18th century on the
ruins of a 15th century church, whose convent still partially
stands next to the church. It houses stucco decorations and
the 18th century statue of the "Madonna dei Sette Dolori",
which is carried during the solemn procession that takes place
every year on the second Sunday of September.
VILLA ROMANA (see page 131)
PALAZZO SAN GIACOMO (see page 132)
in the area
Strada San Vitale, 253 (Godo) - Admission: E 5; concessions: E 3 (groups and students)
Tel. +39 0544 419299 / +39 338 9586837 - www.museoarredocontemporaneo.com
The museum can be found on the main road that leads to Ravenna, about 3 km
from the town. The unusual building which houses this remarkable collection
of contemporary furniture was designed by Ettore Sottsass; the permanent
collection is entitled "Brani di storia dell'arredo 1880-1980" and is a display
of landmark pieces which have been selected to represent various historical
periods. There is also a gallery which hosts temporary exhibitions about design.
Via Croce, 38 (Godo) - Opening hours: 07:00 - 19:00
This church lies in the countryside, in the village of Godo, about 5 km from
Russi and not far from the municipality of Ravenna. It was built in the
8th century and the overall structure is similar to the original one, despite
the transformations operated from the 18th century onwards and the
destruction caused by World War II. One of the external walls hasn't been
modified and features the original pilasters and windows; the interior has
stone columns with ancient capitals. The presbytery houses a crucifix which
rests on the fragment of an ancient Byzantine capital.
Via Franguelline Nuove, 9 (San Pancrazio) - Opening hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Via XVII Novembre, 2/A (San Pancrazio) - Opening hours: Thursday, 15:00 - 18:00,
Sunday, 10:00 - 12:00; visits on other days by appointment; closed: 01/01, 25/12 and
in August. Free admission - Tel. +39 0544 552172 / +39 335 8339996;
e-mail vitacontadina@alice.it
The village of San Pancrazio, in which several rural traditions are still alive,
is home to this ethnographic museum about rural life and culture. The
extensive collection is divided into themes: wheat and bread, silk worms,
milk and cheese, pork and wine. The archive of the museum has benefited
from the audio and video publications of the cultural association "La
Grama" since 1994.
The parish is located in the village of San Pancrazio, which is about 4 km
northwest of Russi, on the main road SP5. It was built at the end of the 8th
century, but a legend maintains that it was commissioned by Galla Placidia,
daughter of the emperor Theodosius I, in the year 437. The parish was quite
transformed when it was repaired in 1945-46. The interior has three naves
and on each side there are seven arches supported by columns. The bell
tower was rebuilt in 1950 with a proto-Romanesque style.
Via Fiumazzo, 25 - Opening hou
rs: Monday to Saturday, from
09:00 till one hour
before dusk; Sunday and pub
lic holidays, from 14:00 till one
hour before dusk;
closed on 25/12, 01/01 and
01/05 - Admission: E 2; conc
essions E 1 (people
aged between 18 and 25); free
for under 18, for over 65, for
teachers and students
The archaeological site of the Roman
Villa is 2 km from the town centre;
this site was
uncovered accidentally and is one
of the most interesting and best pres
erved Roman
sites in Northern Italy. Excavations bega
n in 1938 and uncovered a site of
3,500 square
metres which was inhabited between
the Augustan Age and the 4th cent
ury. The villa
was surrounded by a portico and inclu
ded the residential home, with beau
tiful mosaic
floors and wooden buildings, worksho
ps and a spa, which has recently been
Next to the villa there is an education
centre for visitors and the whole area
by the Oasi Ecologica della Villa
Romana, a 13-hectare conservation
which has
been established on the site of a form
er clay pit; the green area includes woo
ds and a pond.
Via Carrarone Rasponi
Visits with guided tours and during events
This stately home is one of the most beautiful and palatial summer residencies of
Romagna; it is also known as "Palazzaccio" or as "Palazzo delle 365 finestre" (the
365 windows palace). It was built by the Count of Rasponi from Ravenna at the end
of the 17th century, probably on the ruins of the medieval castle of Raffanara. The
monumental palace features frescos with mythological and allegorical subjects; this
is the largest 17th-18th century cycle of frescos of this kind in Romagna. The church
of San Giacomo lies next to the palace. It was erected in 1757 and later restored by
Cosimo Morelli; it houses the tombs of Federico Rasponi and of his wife the marquise
Guerrieri Gonzaga. The palace was abandoned when the Rasponi family died out
and then it was damaged by bombs during the war; its amazing scale and fascinating
atmosphere have always intrigued artists. Apparently in the 1970s the painter Mattia
Moreni used to work here in summer and used a bicycle to wander around the building.
From JUNE to AUGUST - Russi Estate - Music, meetings
with writers, children's library events, street shows and Taca
Most shops can be found in the town centre in the main square
piazza Farini, corso Farini, piazza Dante, piazza Gramsci, via
Cavour, via Garibaldi, via D'Azeglio and via Babini.
Giuseppe Balelli (carpenter) - Via Garibaldi, 11
Tuesday morning: piazza Farini, via Cavour and piazza Gramsci
weekly market
Friday morning: piazza Farini - weekly market
Thursday, from 08:30 to 13:30: town centre - Mercato del
Contadino - farmers' market
Thursday morning: piazza Baldini - weekly market
San Pancrazio
Wednesday morning: piazza Zauli - weekly market
1st of AUGUST - Festival Internazionale del Folklore
International folklore festival with live music and dance
performances from all over the world - Tel. +39 0544 581290
3rd WEEK of SEPTEMBER - Fira di Sett Dulur /
Treppinfira - Traditional feast with acrobats and story-tellers
DECEMBER and JANUARY - Libri Mai Mai Visti
International competition and exhibition of prototypes of
hand made and artistic books - Tel. +39 0544 580329 / 587641
Tourist Information Centre
Via Cavour, 21 - Opening hours: Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday, 08:30 - 13:00; Thursday also 15:00 - 18:00
Tel. +39 0544 587642/1; fax +39 0544 582237
e-mail cultura@comune.russi.ra.it
main events
Dates are subject to change. For information please visit the
website www.romagnadeste.it