Owl Blast Newsletter - Binks Forest Elementary School PTA


Owl Blast Newsletter - Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Owl Blast Newsletter
A Binks Forest Elementary School PTA Publication
Volume 4 Issue 3
Editor: Sue Tobin
Tanya Siskind
PTA President
Inside this Issue
Administrative Messages
PTA Pages
Around School
PTA pic to
go here
Come one come all to the Binks Forest Fall Carnival!
Saturday, November 7th from 11 AM to 5 PM
Binks Forest Elementary School & Binks Forest PTA proudly present the
2015 Binks Forest Fall Carnival! This is one of our biggest events of the
year and it is a collaborative effort between the Binks Forest PTA Board,
the teachers and staff, and the many volunteers who make it possible.
$ave on pre-order wristbands and raffle tickets by visiting
www.binksforestpta.com/carnival. As always, there is something for
everyone at the Carnival! Fabulous vendors, yummy food, nearly 30
carnival games and more than 70 themed raffle baskets, wonderful
performances, lots of attractions and even a petting zoo! Special thanks
to our Presenting Sponsors this year: Bethesda Health - Bethesda
Hospital West, Pike & Lustig, LLP – Turnpike Law®, The Center for
Bone & Joint Surgery of the Palm Beaches, and Palm Beach International Realty.
Holiday Hut
Binks Forest PTA
Executive Board
Tanya Siskind – President
Amy Rochman – VP School Services
Shana Feuer – VP Ways & Means
Jennifer Appel – VP Volunteers
Amy Robbert – Treasurer
Lindsey Scholl – Recording Secretary
Sue Tobin – Corresponding Secretary
Michella Levy – Principal
One of the most cherished events at our school is coming your way soon!
Holiday Hut begins on December 1st and runs through December 8th.
Detailed information will be sent home with your student. If you would
like to help with Holiday Hut, look for volunteer sign up at Binks Forest
Family and friends are a wonderful part of the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Binks Forest PTA is very grateful to have so many wonderful families,
teachers & staff, and volunteers as part of our PTA family. May the good
things of life be yours in abundance, not only at Thanksgiving but
throughout the coming year.
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Administrative Messages
Mrs. Levy, Principal & Ms. Berard, Assistant Principal
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15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
Sue Tobin– Newsletter Editor
Dear Binks Forest Families,
It is hard to believe it is already October! It is
so exciting to visit the classrooms and see the
growth our students have made in such a short
time. Our teachers are working tirelessly to
make sure that our students get the best education possible and I am GRATEFUL for their
dedication and commitment to our school!
I am pleased to announce that Binks earned
a .5 ESE teacher due to increased enrollment
of our ESE population. I would like to welcome
Mrs. Kathleen Ross to our teaching staff.
Our School Improvement Plan has been
completed and approved by SAC. A special
thank you to Ms. Berard, Ms. Hambrock and
Mrs. Moschella for all the time and hard work
that went into our plan.
Our wonderful PTA has once again purchased
many computer programs to support our
students and teachers. We now have Flocabulary, Vmath, and Reflex Math. Along with the
District purchasing Istation a computer program for reading. The teachers will be sending
home information and sign-on information if
they have not already.
Mrs. Berard and Mrs. Armas
celebrating Crazy Hair/Crazy
Sock Day in Support of Red Ribbon
You are an integral part of your child’s education and we encourage your participation in all
of our school activities and would love for you
to volunteer in any way that you can.
We are looking forward to our Fall Carnival on
November 7th and expect it to the biggest and
best one yet! A BIG thank you to our Carnival
Committee chairs for all their hard work!!!
It is a proud moment for me when I walk into a
Spirit night and see so many parents, students
and teachers showing support for our school!
Thank You.
With Owl Pride,
Mrs. Levy
Mrs. Levy and Binks students enjoying
Spirit Night at Burger Fi.
Non-Discrimination Statement
The School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida prohibits
discrimination in admission to or access to, or employment in its
programs and activities, on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex or sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion,
disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, or
any other characteristic prohibited by law. The School Board also
provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated
youth groups.
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Page 3
15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
PTA Pages
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
Sue Tobin– Newsletter Editor
Jenn Appell
VP Volunteer Services
During this month of Thanksgiving, we would like to thank all of our
amazing, dedicated, and hard-working parent and grandparent volunteers!. Without the thousands of hours our volunteers donate, we would
not be able to offer special programs like Trade-A-Book, Popcorn Fridays, Fall Carnival, Holiday Hut, Book Fair, and so much more. Although
Fall doesn’t always bring cool, crisp days or chilly nights, at Binks Forest Elementary it does always bring busy days and lots of fun events for our students. So whether you’d
like to help students shop for new books at Book Fair or holiday gifts at Holiday Hut; coordinate fun &
games at the Fall Carnival or help students find a new reading adventure at Trade-A-Book; help collect
new toys for children-in-need in our community or coordinate the Teachers’ Thanksgiving Luncheon…
we need you! Please visit the school’s volunteer website at http://binksforest.ivolunteer.com for more
information. If you have any questions, please contact me at volunteers@binksforestpta.com. We are
also currently looking for Middle and High School Volunteers to help with the Carnival Games at the Fall
Carnival on Saturday, November 7. If you know of a student looking for community service opportunities, please have them contact me at volunteers@binksforestpta.com.
VP Ways & Means
Shana Feuer
I hope everyone is as
excited as I am for the
Binks Fall Carnival on November 7th. I want to
thank everyone who has helped with planning and
organizing this wonderful event and a big thanks to
the volunteers who will be helping on carnival day!
It’s all your hard work that makes the carnival a
huge success every year!
The October spirit nights at Chick-Fil-A and California Pizza Kitchen where a great success! The
money we raised each night plus Dollar$ for no
Collar$ totaled over $800, for a grand total of
$1,600. Thank you to everyone who came out to
support our school.
The kids have been enjoying Popcorn Fridays.
The November popcorn Friday is scheduled for
November 13th.
It’s hard to believe our annual Holiday Hut is right
around the corner. The Holiday Hut this year will
be December 1st – December
8th. Please keep an eye out for
more information about your
child’s designated day to
Just a reminder that Carnival Basket Drop off will take place from:
8 a.m.- 9 a.m. and 1p.m.-1:45 p.m. on
Thursday, November 5 and Friday, November 6.
Please contact the Room Parent Team at roomparents@binksforestpta.com if you have any
questions or concerns. Thank you in advance!
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
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15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
PTA Pages
Yearbooks can ONLY be purchased
The Cafeteria is in need of volunteers!
Anytime you have to help in the
cafeteria between 10:00 and 1:00 is
GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you!!!
Box Tops
Kris Rodgers & Thursa Sotak
Congratulations to the winning classroom in the Box
Tops Carnival Contest. The
winner is…
Sue Tobin– Newsletter Editor
Amy Rochman
VP School Services
The deadline for the National
PTA Reflections program has
been extended to November
13th. The theme is "Let Your Imagination
Fly." For more information, checkout: http: //
www.binksforestpta.com/reflections.html I
look forward to seeing some amazing entries!
We are excited to partner with Meals on
Wheels again this year. We will be asking
our students to make Holiday and Birthday
cards to be delivered to our homebound
seniors in our community. We look forward to bringing some cheer into the lives of
those around us.
And lastly, our annual toy drive will be
taking place in December. Binks families are
always so generous, and we are grateful for
your support. All toys donated will go to assist families in need right here in Wellington!
Mrs. Gouveia can begin parking in her special up
front spot on Monday, November 2nd and the Box
Tops Team will be dropping by with Spirit Sticks in
the next few days. Congratulations!
Finally, be on the look out for information about our
upcoming Holiday Hut Contest. For this contest, a
flyer will go home with a raffle slip attached to it.
Send back the raffle slip along with TEN unexpired
Mrs. Gouveia’s Class!
Box Tops and your student will be entered to win a
Congratulations! In the next few days you will be
Gift Certificate to spend as they like at Holiday Hut.
receiving a letter home with information on how to
There will be two winners per grade and they will
claim your wristbands on the day of Carnival.
be chosen on Tuesday, December 2nd, live on the
Thank you to all of the classes who sent in Box Tops
morning announcements. The Thanksgiving Holifor this contest. We received an overwhelming
days are coming up so now is the time to check in
amount over the last few weeks which translates
with your families for extra Box Tops!
into a wonderful donation for the school! Thank you
so much!
Thank you for all you do to support Box Tops at
The Box Tops Team would also like to congratulate Binks!
our Classroom of the Month, Mrs. Gouveia’s class!
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Page 5
15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
PTA Pages
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
Sue Tobin– Newsletter Editor
Amy Robbert
Carnival wristband and bookmark/spirit stick presales have begun!
Don’t miss out on your chance to purchase wristbands for $15 (will be
$20 the day of carnival) as well as discounted basket tickets. Presale
ends at 2pm on Thursday November 5th. If you did not receive a presale form, stop by the front desk, contact treasurer@binksforestpta.com or visit our web site
One of the many incredible baskets!
Spirit sticks are selling out fast! Each month we will have new spirit sticks for sale so be sure to stop
by on Wednesday mornings to check out what’s new. We are excited about lots of fun new sticks!
There is limited inventory and sticks sell out fast. If you are unable to make it out on Wednesday
mornings from 7:30-7:55 visit our website for an order form and send in with your child.
Almost 500 people have joined PTA this year. Are you one of them? If not, please consider joining.
It’s only $6 per person, $3.50 of which is sent to the state and National PTA to help advocate for our
children’s education. Contact treasurer@binksforestpta.com for a membership form. Thank you to
everyone who has already joined.
Michelle McGovern
November in the Florida Legislature:
Attention this week--and for the following two weeks--is on legislative redistricting, this time the Florida Senate. The Senate is foregoing nearly all regular pre-session committee meetings to focus on debate and approval of maps that would bring the districts into line with recent Florida Supreme Court decisions. Taking a
cue from the court's rulings on Congressional districts, the Senate voluntarily decided to revise its districts.
Thus, Special Session C convened on Monday October 19th and is slated to run through November 6th.
Materials and map options can be viewed at http://www.flsenate.gov/session/redistricting where one can
look at six varying "plans" and how that affects each region and county.
A major effect of redistricting is the move would likely require ALL senate seats to be up for election in 2016,
with half being for 2 years and the other half for four years. Such an impact of having a mid-decade revision of
boundaries has not been seen in decades, if ever, in this fashion. Needless to say, there will be numerous
"unhappy campers" in Tallahassee this week.
Still pending in the state's high court, meanwhile, is a decision on Congressional redistricting. The Legislature last month failed to reach agreement on revisions to US House seats. The lower circuit court, much to the
objection of the House and Senate leadership, chose a map drawn by public interests such as the League of
Women Voters and that decision rests with the Supreme Court which is slated to hear arguments next month.
The House meanwhile, will hold pre-session committee hearings as usual. However, Education Appropriations and the full Education and Appropriations Committees are not meeting. House K-12, House Choice and
Innovation and House Higher Education and Workforce are meeting. No bills are being heard and meetings
will include mostly discussion issues.
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Page 6
15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
PTA Pages
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
Sue Tobin– Newsletter Editor
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Page 7
15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
Around School
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
Sue Tobin – Newsletter Editor
Student Council
Green School Corner News
Mrs. Gifford
Jaime Castellanos
Student Council is sponsoring the annual
"Thanksgiving Food For Families" food
drive from November 2-13th. We will
be collecting canned foods, boxed food items, and baby
foods. This is one of our largest community service projects and we know that we can always count on the generous students and parents at Binks to participate in an
outstanding way! A flyer with more information will be
sent home with your child prior to November 2nd.
As BFES works diligently to be
"as green as we can be", you
will notice some new signs and
reminders will be posted
around the school.
Academic Games - Equations
Mrs. Dowling and Mrs. Gifford
A special congratulations goes out to Binks Forest Elementary School’s Equations team! The Binks Forest team finished in 3rd place in Palm Beach County, against 17 other
elementary and middle schools.
The team was made up of ten 4th and 5th grade students:
Sahil Bhandary, Tyler Brodnicki, Angelo Chen, Elias Chernobelsky, Ava Grave de Peralta, Rohith Karthik, John Parel,
Adam Shamash, Edan Shamash, and Tobias Individually,
Angelo Chen came in 7th place; Tobias Smith and Rohith
Karthik received Honorable Mention ribbons out of all 112
players for Palm Beach County. These three players will go
onto represent Binks Forest Elementary and Palm Beach
County at the State Academic Games competition in March
2016. The team practiced at least 3 afternoons a week in order to learn a tremendous amount of material for the competitions against other 4th, 5th, and 6th graders over the
past 5 weeks.
Mrs. Dowling and the Binks Forest family are so proud of all
of your hard work and efforts!
Parents, we are asking that you
do your part in our green
school efforts - by not idling
your car while waiting to pick
up your children. Having your
car idle creates poor air quality and we strive to keep our
student’s healthy while doing
our part for the environment.
Along with our "No Cell Phone"
signs, soon "No Idling Zone"
signs will be posted as a reminder to all.
To all of our families that carpool: Keep up the great teamwork and know that your family may be recognized for your
green efforts!
Thanks again for helping our
school become "as green as
we can be".
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Page 8
15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
Around School
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
Sue Tobin – Newsletter Editor
Counselor’s Corner
Dr. Randi Schietz
Red Ribbon Week: Thank you for all your enthusiasm and participation in
our “Respect Yourself, Be Drug Free” Red Ribbon Week - staff and students
both enjoyed the week as you will see pictured on the following page of this
#CollegeFridays: This year we are continuing to support Michelle Obama’s #ReachHigher initiative
to promote post high school education and it starts in elementary school. The School District has
added #CollegeFridays and we will be participating in that for the rest of the year. Once a month we
will have a #CollegeFriday and will be wearing college tee shirts. Other special activities will be
planned throughout the year on these days.
Career Week: (January 8-14) Career Week registration forms will be going out later this month.
Please return as early as possible if you are interested in being a Guest Speaker this year or bringing
a career-related vehicle. Feel free to email me if you have any contacts you would like to suggest as
participants or need an electronic copy of the registration form. I am always looking for more interesting vehicles for this event.
SEA STAR GROUP (HOSPICE OF PALM BEACH COUNTY) – We have the opportunity to offer these
groups at our school to children who have experienced the loss of a loved one. It is facilitated by a
Hospice counselor and runs for 6 weeks during school hours. Participants will also participate in a
holiday reunion party and be invited to a spring camp. There must be at least 3 children to have a
group and they will not mix K & 1 with older students. The loss also needs to be MORE than three
months ago and students who have participated in the past will not be able to repeat the experience.
I will schedule this group once I have the minimum required students.
Dr. Schietz was the first school counselor in Florida to receive the
School Counselor Advocate of the Year for promoting the role of
school counselors in the State of Florida.
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Page 9
15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
Around School
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
Sue Tobin – Newsletter Editor
Scenes from around the school during Red Ribbon Week!
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Page 10
15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
Around School
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
Sue Tobin– Newsletter Editor
Maria Sands
ESE Counselor
Benefits of Inclusion
Students with disabilities show increased academic achievement as well as increased social and communication skills.
They also spend more time on academicstasks. Students without disabilities benefit from teaching strategies employed for
students with disabilities. They also learn to value differences.
Inclusion is a win-win concept for all!
Art News
Laura Mambourg
Hello everyone!
"Artome" Art show will be on November 17th from 4:007:00pm. All students will have one piece of artwork, displayed in frames, which will also be available for purchase. It will be a fundraiser for the art department, and
proceeds will go toward purchasing a new kiln, drying
racks, and/or other art supplies.
Music News
Devon Heinrichs
Musical Director
Binks Chorus: Rehearsals are under way after school on Tuesdays from 2:00-3:00. We
have started rehearsing the music for our Holiday Show!!!
Binks Beats: Rehearsals are also under way from 2:00-3:00.
We are preparing for our joint Winter Concert on December 16th at 6 p.m. on the cafeteria
stage...you don’t want to miss it!
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
Page 11
15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
Around School
Sue Tobin – Newsletter Editor
Sharon Wedgworth
Library Media Specialist
MONSTER BOOK FAIR: Reading is so much fun, you'll get Goosebumps!
November 17 - 24, 2016
Family Night is Tuesday, November 17th: 2:00 - 7:00 PM
School-Wide Positive Behavior Support
At Binks Forest our students always follow
"The Binks Way".
These Universal Guidelines guide
everything we do at Binks Forest.
Page 12
Binks Forest Elementary School PTA
15101 Bent Creek Rd. Wellington, FL 33414
Mrs. Michella Levy– Principal
Tanya Siskind– PTA President
November 2015
Sue Tobin– Newsletter Editor
December Sneak Peek
12/1-8 Holiday Hut
Sun Mon
Wed Thu
12/11 Popcorn Friday
12/13 Wellington
Holiday Parade
12/1412/16 Field Day
Binks Fall
Trade A Book
No School
No School
Book Fair
Family Night
Teacher Work
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Fall Book Fair ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Trade A Book
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ No School–Holiday ~ ~ ~ ~
Owl Cart– Every Wednesday in
the front of school from 7:307:55am
Spirit Sticks- Introducing our
New “Healthy” Incentive for students, no sweets involved! Spirit
Sticks will begin to be used to reward good behavior and academic success! Spirit Rings will
be sold at the Owl Cart for $5
each, and can hold the new cool
Spirit Sticks!
12/ 16 Chorus and
Binks Beats
Winter Break—No
Thank you to the following businesses for becoming
Binks Forest Elementary School Business Partners:

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