we are your neighborhood newspaper
we are your neighborhood newspaper
WE ARE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWSPAPER • Canarsie • Marine Park • Mill Basin • Georgetown • Gerritsen Beach • Bergen Beach • • Kings Plaza • Sheepshead Bay • Flatlands • Flatbush • East New York • Spring Creek • Vol. 94 No. 26 Thursday, June 26, 2014 44 Pages 50¢ 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 • Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 • Email: CanarsieC@aol.com Story on page 26 Photo by Sam Akhtar 2 Canarsie Courier xx IN THIS ISSUE New School To Attract Science Savvy Kids Page 5 Tea Time For Local Girl Scouts Page 14 Masonry Business Promotes Safe Streets Page 26 SECTIONS Action Classified.................39 Business Card Corner.........30 June 26, 2014 Photos and text by Dara Mormile There’s no better way to end the school year than with a fun and competitive day. Students at P.S. 115 headed to Seaview Park last Friday morning to participate in the school’s annual track and field day. With games like tug-of-war, relay races, golf and hula hoop, students honed their strength, coordination skills and learned how to work with each other. Physical education teacher and coordinator Jackie Zammit guided children through the exercises and classmates cheered each other on. Business Directory...............37 Community Guide...............31 Kids try to keep the hoolah hoop going during link competition. Medical Update................32 Religious News...................34 FEATURES What’s Your Opinion............28 COLUMNS Telling It Like It Is..................6 An Independent Newspaper Since 1921 Founded April 22, 1921 by Walter S. Patrick Serving Canarsie, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Georgetown, Bergen Beach, East New York, Flatlands, Flatbush, Gerritsen Beach, Sheepshead Bay & Spring Creek 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 e-mail: canarsiec@aol.com www.canarsiecourier.com Donna Marra Publisher Catherine Rosa Business Manager The Late Charles Rogers Managing Editor Dara Mormile Associate Editor Linda Steinmuller Staff Reporter Lennox Clarke Shawn Thomas Dunleavy Alessandro Marra Jr. Production Department Lynn Gerbino Eileen Melecio Classifieds William O’Neill Telemarketing Sam Akhtar, Jason Linetsky, Linda Steinmuller, Jerry Del Priore, & Loretta Chin Writers Dave Lewin, Darryl C. Madison, Sonny Maxon & Oronde I. Bell Photographers Physical Education instructor and event coordinator Jackie Zammit, far right, shows students how to facilitate team work for an activity. Classes pulled together to win tug-of-war. THE CANARSIE COURIER OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON FRIDAY, JULY 4TH IN OBSERVANCE OF INDEPENDENCE DAY We will reopen on Monday, July 7th PLEASE SUBMIT ALL EDITORIAL COPY FOR OUR JULY 9TH ISSUE BY THURSDAY, JULY 3RD The Canarsie Courier (USPS 088-040) is published weekly by the Canarsie Courier Publications Inc., 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are $20 per year in Brooklyn ($40 everywhere else). U.S. periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, New York. Postmaster: Send address changes to Canarsie Courier, 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are nonrefundable and payable in advance. The Canarsie Courier reserves the right to edit, classify, index, or reject any and all material (copy, ads, photos, letters, etc.) not consistent with the policies of this publication. All articles, letters, pictures, advertisements and other materials herein are the exclusive property of Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission of the Publisher. All materials contained herein are copyrighted ©2011 by Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. Views of columnists contained herein are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or principles of the owners of the Canarsie Courier. The advertisements in the Canarsie Courier are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate representations of the products and services offered. However, no endorsement by the Canarsie Courier is intended or implied. All ads are read back to the advertiser, who is responsible for checking the published ad after the first insertion. Credit will only be given for the space occupied by the error for the first week. Credit will not be given after first insertion for any reason. Only original contest and sweepstakes coupons will be accepted. Prizes must be claimed in person by the winner no later than 14 days from the date of publication. June 26, 2014 Possible Stabbing Near 69th Precinct With stabbings on the rise, a local incident sent police on a manhunt for a possible knife-wielding suspect. Police responded to a report of an emotionally disturbed person just before 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday at Bhrags Home Care at 9805 Foster Avenue. Ironically, the incident took place practically across the street from the 69th Precinct, located at 9720 Foster Avenue. At the scene, a man who appeared to be bleeding from his face, was treated by medics and transported to a local area hospital. Officers were questioning employees of the home care business and were looking at surveillance footage from security cameras. As of press time, the alleged suspect was described as a black male in his 30s, about 5’9”wearing a bloody white t-shirt. The suspect may have fled on foot towards East 99th Street and police searched the L-train station on Rockaway Parkway. Anyone with information in regards to any of these shootings is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS. The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Website at WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.CO M or texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577. 3 Canarsie Courier Cadillac Crash On Church Injures Child Not long after school let out for the day, busy Church Avenue was the scene of a pedestrian accident. The victim was a young boy - no more than 10 years old – and the vehicle that struck him was a large black Cadillac Escalade, bearing the TLC (Taxi and Limousine Commission) logo on its license plate. Eyewitnesses reported that the boy was crossing Church Avenue at the intersec- tion of East 92nd Street around 3 p.m. on Monday when he was sideswiped by the Escalade, which was traveling westbound. The young child was treated by paramedics at the scene and then taken to a nearby hospital for further treatment. It appeared the boy was not badly injured – he seemed more stunned and confused than anything else. Photos and text by Linda Steinmuller Former Community Affairs Officer Returns As Deputy Commissioner Many have read stories or seen movies of a small town boy growing up, leaving his community and realizing his potential to have a bigger impact on the world. President of the Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club Henry Bolus and former president of the 69th Precinct Community Council welcomed recently appointed NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Training Benjamin Tucker to the meeting on Tuesday night at the Hebrew Educational Society. “I met this man in 1978,” stated Bolus. “At that time he was Police Officer Benjamin Tucker. He was a Community Affairs officer in the 69th Precinct. Today, Mr. Benjamin Tucker is the lead Commissioner of Training for the NYPD. I give you, our homegrown, Deputy Police Commissioner Benjamin Tucker!” “I started my career, in effect, here in the 69th Precinct,” stated Tucker. “I had one earlier command at the 81st before I came here. I started out as a trainee in Canarsie at 19 years old. Trainee was a rank in those days that doesn’t exist anymore. It was a rank for everyone who took the exam and started training before the age of 21. You needed to be 21 to carry firearms.” Tucker joined the 69th Precinct when the crime rate was on the rise and kids were getting into trouble. South Shore High School had opened and there was a need to bridge the gap between officers and the Board of Education. “I became the liaison between the command, the borough command and the schools. It was not just South Shore but all of the schools. The goal was to try and calm things down. There was pretty sad history but we made some progress during those times,” he said. Tucker returned to the Police Academy in 1972 because he had turned 21 but later came back to the precinct as an anti-crime officer. He sustained that Cops of the Month Officers Matt Mauro (second from left) and Chris Galvez (right) with NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Training Benjamin Tucker (left) and 69th Precinct Captain Norman Grandstaff. role until 1979 when he left to teach at the Police Academy. Since his tenure at the academy, Tucker has worked as a professor of criminal justice at Pace University and as Director of Field Operations and Senior Research Associate with Colombia University. Within U.S. and New York government, he served as Chief Executive for School Safety and Planning at the New York City Department of Education; Deputy Director for Operations at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services; Chief of Operations in Office of The Manhattan Borough President; Executive Director of the New York City Commission on Human Rights; Deputy Assistant Director for Law Enforcement Services in the Office of the Mayor of New York City; and Assistant Director of The New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board. (List provided by WhiteHouse.gov). His latest position of Deputy Commissioner of Training for the NYPD comes after serving as Deputy Director of State, Local, and Tribal Affairs under President Barack Obama from 2010 to 2013. “I saw the election of the mayor and have been impressed with his appointments so far. I worked with Commissioner Bill Bratton and some of the new deputy commissioners. Then I got a call saying ‘The boss would like to speak to you about returning to your job.’ I met with Commissioner Bratton and, after asking why I’d want the position and giving him a litany of answers, he offered me the position as Deputy Commissioner of Training.” Under this new title, Tucker will oversee the training of over 800 officers graduating on Monday as well as future classes. His initiatives include reincorporating field training, which has been a missing piece of the overall experience of officers in recent years. The academy will utilize various areas of the city to have the officers simulate real life situations with senior officers as mentors throughout the process. Monday’s graduating class will also be the first to train in a brand new academy facility located on 30 acres in College Point, Queens. The facility will be Continued on page 21 Canarsie Courier 4 June 26, 2014 Local Graduates Honored By Beraca Baptist The Beraca Baptist Church held its Second Annual Graduation Celebration service for its parishioners. Graduates of all ages walked down the aisle, participating in Beraca’s Moving Up ceremonies on Sunday, June 22nd. Students who received their Moving Up certificates, high school diplomas, undergraduate and graduate degrees, along with two hardworking students who received their doctorate degrees, were all honored at the ceremony. Cassandra Saint Louis and Jessica Joseph were the two proud recipients of the 2014 Beraca Baptist Church College Scholarship awards. Each student will receive scholarships in the fall to help them pay their college expenses. The two students had the highest academic averages and received numerous awards and accolades for their hard work both in and out of school. Congratulations to everyone who graduated or moved up to their next grade this year! Photos and text by Darryl C. Madison Pastor Mullery Jean-Pierre at the podium. Cassandra Saint Louis Lesly Milford and Lindza Lubin. Pastor Jean-Pierre, Saint Louis, Lovely Pierre, Jessica Joseph and Pierre Nicholson. The 2014 Graduates with Pastor Jean-Pierre, Lovely Pierre and Pierre Nicholson. ATTENTION RESIDENTS!!! IF YOU SEE IT.....SNAP IT! If you see an accident, fire or any other shocking happening in the community – we want a photo! We will publish AND PAY YOU for your picture. You will also receive photo credit! YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE A HIGH-TECH CAMERA. JUST BE AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME! Call the Jessica Joseph Canarsie Courier for more information! 718-257-0600 “Where’s Rosa?” Our Business Manager Catherine Rosa is hidden somewhere in this issue of the Canarsie Courier. Every week, her face will be photoshopped and placed in a RANDOMLY SELECTED PHOTO SOMEWHERE IN THE PAPER. (NOT THIS PROMOTIONAL AD) Find Rosa’s face and you can win a three-month subscription to the community’s best newspaper! One lucky resident will be picked each week – new subscribers only! All you have to do is circle Rosa and mail the page, along with your name and address to: Canarsie Courier, 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn NY 11236. You can also bring the page where you find Rosa into our office. Happy Rosa Hunting! LEGAL PROBLEM? I KNOW HOW TO WIN FOR YOU! Joseph B. Maira, Esq. www.mairalawoffice.com CALL MY CELL ANYTIME 718-938-3728 If you see a photo that catches your eye or of someone you know, after reading your copy of the newspaper every week, you can now buy individual copies of almost every picture that is published and many more that never made it in that edition, due to space limitations. Just go to our Web site (www.canarsiecourier.com) and click on the bright blue button near the top left hand corner and follow the simple directions. 5 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 Mother Marches For Residents At Homeless Shelter Say Their Grievances Are Ignored Daughter’s Justice By Sam Akhtar The mother of a slain teenager is hoping to bring her daughter’s killer to justice and highlight the need for mental health services. On Friday, June 20th, Rochelle Copeland joined residents, politicians and activists on a march from 845 Schenck Avenue - the site of the brutal murder of 6-year-old Prince Joshua “P.J.” Avitto and the stabbing of 7-year-old Mikayla Capers. Copeland lost her daughter, Tanaya Grant-Copeland, 18, to a brutal stabbing on May 30th as she was walking home from band practice on Linwood Street and Stanley Avenue. Reports indicated the teenager was stabbed over 30 times. Marchers were led by the Royal Knights Marching Band and gathered around a makeshift memorial, calling for justice for Tanaya. Daniel St. Hubert, 27, was arrested and charged in Avitto’s murder and the attempted murder of the 7-yearold girl. St. Hubert allegedly stabbed the children in an elevator at the Boulevard Houses at 845 Schenck Avenue. The 27-year-old reportedly suffers from schizophrenia and was remanded to Bellevue Hospital for psychiatric evaluation. While Copeland’s mom wants her daughter’s killer caught, she is also calling for more mental health services to prevent future tragedies. Police say St. Hubert is still considered a suspect in the stabbing death of Copeland but has not yet been charged. Photos courtesy of News12 Brooklyn and Sam Akhtar Rochelle Copeland By Keciah Bailey Last week, residents of Van Siclen’s Women’s Shelter hit up various news outlets to voice allegations of abuse against staff at the homeless shelter run by Samaritan Village in East New York. But frustrations mount as residents say their growing list of grievances continue to fall on deaf ears. The allegations that were reported included: staff’s failure to assist residents in medical emergencies, HIPAA violations and employees making inappropriate sexual comments to residents. In response to published allegations, representatives from Department of Homeless Services (DHS) visited the shelter last Friday to speak with residents and investigate the complaints. Elischia Fludd, a journalist and former community activist residing at the shelter since last October, said, “I was concerned about that meeting, as it really seemed they were more interested in proving to me that I didn’t really have grievances to the level that warranted this amount of attention.” In a statement, DHS Press Secretary Chris Miller said, “DHS staff spent Friday, June 20th speaking and interacting with Van Siclen residents. Generally, they found the atmosphere at the site calm and client-centered.” He also said, “The Department of Homeless Services and Samaritan Village are working together to address client concerns at the Van Siclen Women’s Shelter.” Since October, Fludd has compiled a long list of grievances filed against staff. Some included operational issues such as bathrooms that were not cleaned for two days, staff refusal to provide toilet paper and other toiletries - even though they are required to do so - and lack of adequate fire safety procedures. Fludd and other residents said filed grievances are typically ignored by management. Fludd said she has had cases where management refused to sign her grievances or have even thrown them away and not investigated them through DHS, as is the procedure. One resident, who asked to remain anonymous, for fear of retaliation from staff, said she filed a grievance with management as her diabetic insulin pens were stolen. However, management refused to accept the grievance or even investigate, which meant she could go two days without her medication. Fludd, 31, who became homeless due to domestic violence, said she is concerned about the way she is viewed by staff and DHS personnel. She fears their concept of her prevents them from adequately assisting her. “I think they see me as trying to cheat the system,” she said. Fludd, who said she is disabled due to a degenerative condition with her legs, has become the resident advocate among residents of the shelter who are afraid to speak up for fear of jeopardizing their stay at the shelter. “A lot of advocacy has been packaged in me; it is a part of me,” she said. “Due to my disability, I don’t have a salary but that doesn’t mean I cannot advocate for myself for what I see in a system that is horribly flawed.” New Middle School Prepares Future Scientists Photos and text by Keciah Bailey A new middle school has opened in District 18 launching “young scientists” into a technological world of video game design, LEGO robotics and scientific exploration and discovery. But it will not be all fun and games. The Brooklyn Science and Engineering Academy (BSEA), founded by principal Angela Defilippis, will specialize in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), starting this September with 81 sixth to eighth grade students. The school will co-locate inside of P.S. 244, located at 5404 Tilden Avenue, but will have its own floor and separate entrance. Defilippis, a former middle school science teacher and staff developer for the past 12 years at I.S. 259, said she wrote the proposal for the new middle school because she felt students in their early teens are typically going through a transitional stage where they are usually not as excited about school. She wanted to create a program where students would feel like what they were doing was significant. The STEM-based curriculum will prepare students to think analytically and communicate well, both verbally and in writing, with an intensive focus on improving literacy skills. Additional ELA and math courses will be offered to strengthen student’s skills in these areas. STEM focused schools and programs, an initiative launched by President Obama, were created based on the belief that science and math-based instruction is critical to ensuring that students are college and careerready in the 21st century. And as careers in the science and engineering fields are rapidly expanding, experts predict there will be a greater need for scientists, researchers, mathematicians and engineers, in order to succeed in an increasingly growing industrialized economy. BSEA will also include visits to college campuses as part of the curriculum. Although college may seem like a far-away reality to middle school students, Defilippis said early exposure would encourage college readiness and foster an excitement for learning. “The cornerstone of our philosophy at BSEA is to show students that college is a tangible experience where you choose what you want to learn and know that eventually you will get a job in that area,” De Principal Angela Defilippis founder of BSEA middle school. Future Scientist Nicholas and family on orientation night. 6 June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier What Kind Of News Do You REALLY Want To Hear About? Telling It Like It Is By Dara Mormile eems everyone has a problem with “bad” news. Shootings, car accidents, robberies… What’s going on around you? Some of you would rather not hear about it and be ignorant/blind or lied to about the conditions of your community. Others think the truth gives our community ‘a bad reputation.’ Fine, so you want to walk around with rose-colored glasses all the time and fascinate yourself with updates that have NOTHING to do with the real world. I’m talking about celebrity gossip, scams and S sleaze, meaningless lawsuits and national/international events that take your mind off of what’s going on down your block. I’m going to assume most people would rather read the Page 6 – where you can disillusion yourself with other people’s drama. We have plenty of good news to report to the community, which many seem to ignore, but small acts of kindness aren’t appreciated by the masses. What kind of news is in demand? For the most part, from my experience, it’s crap that doesn’t affect anyone personally and it’s nonsense that takes away from the reality of criminal and dangerous activity that needs to be in the spotlight. Let’s get real! If it weren’t for REAL local news, from community papers like the , you’d drown in distractions like the following (which people love to obsess over – because it truly is, in their eyes, “news”) : If ALL you do is base your life on reality/drama shows and how you “can’t believe” what so-and-so did on a certain series, you need to wake up. One minute you’re watching “ ” and then next minute you find that your wallet was stolen while you’re riding the train because you chose not to be vigilant of real-world going-ons. I’m not saying that all people who watch “ ” have their heads buried in the sand, but you need to balance your general knowledge with more complicated matters – like where a fatal hitand-run accident happened in your community – so that you can be educated and aware of your surroundings. Don’t care? Let Honey Boo Boo teach you the ins and outs of crime prevention! Hasn’t happened – YET – but celebrity break-ups and divorces aren’t 3 any different from normal people’s divorces. They’re just richer than we are and have more assets to divide! These “disastrous” stories make page 3 of the and the , as if this breaking information will personally change someone’s life. I can see a pathetic single woman who keeps up with the Kardashians saying, “If there’s no hope for Kim, what will do?!!” All of a sudden - because someone famous gets a divorce – the little people make a big stink as if THEIR lives have changed! Then, the media (excluding our fine publication) hypes it up by psychoanalyzing why and how famous couples’ turmoil reflects the way normal people experience a divorce. THIS ISN’T NEWS! Couples have been breaking up and getting divorces for centuries! What it really is is a diversion from more serious issues going on in our small communities with real families who are struggling to make ends meet. We’re living in an age where we’re more consumed with what’s on social media and posting ‘selfies’ every day/hour than following feeds on local tragedies. Maybe you’ve seen a potential suspect in your local bodega! You’ll never know because, instead of paying attention to surveillance footage and wanted posters that are broadcast on news feeds, you’re busy telling everyone your business every hour of the day – which is NOT news! As a reporter, however, I use Facebook to keep abreast of news feeds from other media, which post incidents as they happen. Some people use Facebook as a political soapbox, which is a hell of a lot more creative than letting people know you have a huge boil that needs to be drained next week. Those who indulge in politContinued on page 16 F O R $ 30 EXP. 6-12-14 7-7-14 7-7-14 EXP. 6-12-14 $ 20 $ 39 June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 7 8 Ridge Abstract Corp. Canarsie Courier SERVICE ABOVE and BEYOND Established 1980 Title Insurance throughout New York State • Title insurance arranged in New Jersey and other states • Computer hook-up with NYC Tax Office & Register’s Office • Totally computerized office with personal service • Closing conference room for your convenience • Recording documents • Violation searches • Real estate forms FRANK, J. MARTINO, President BENJAMIN J. MARTINO, JR., Vice President PAUL J. INTERLANDI, Sr. Vice President CHRISTOPER M. BECK, Director of Operations ANDREW NUNZIATO, Sr. Title Officer 1967 McDonald Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11223 Tel. 718-338-0065 • Fax 1-718-692-3767 June 26, 2014 It’s Not The United Nations, It’s Multicultural Day At P.S. 276 School may be ending, but the learning didn’t stop for the students at P.S. 276. Students took part in the Multicultural Day event on Tuesday morning in the schoolyard at 1070 East 83rd Street. Assistant Principal Leslyn Ward said teachers picked countries they wanted to explore with the children during the school year. The pre-K through 5th grade students worked hard writing reports about their chosen nation’s culture and history, turning the experience into a success. Ms. Elca Shortte coordinated the showcase that featured dances, singing, presentations and food from well over 20 nations. June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 9 10 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 The Storm Has Passed But Community Struggles Continue Last week’s Community Board 18 (CB 18) meeting handled tough topics and was filled with contentious debates over rezoning due to Hurricane Sandy and the possible expansion of a local synagogue. The first topic was the area’s continual recovery process post-Sandy, which is still on the mend. To assist with healing and the ongoing rebuilding process, almost two years after the devastating storm, the Department of City Planning (DCP) was on hand to explain the new zoning and flood protection guidelines enacted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) after the storm. In what the department dubbed as the city’s “Resilient Neighborhood Initiative,” residents closely associated with southern Brooklyn’s coastal communities will participate in a two-year study to help improve their quality of life and facilitate healthy discussions with city officials about the rebuilding process. During this time frame, the community will complete surveys and form a community advisory committee “to get a sense of issues in the area after the storm. According to Daphne Lundi, the DCP’s Flood Resilience Planner, the city outlined three crucial steps to help residents: 1) reduce risk for natural hazard, 2) foster economically and socially vibrant communities and 3) coordinate land use with rebuilding activities. The information outlined did not seem to be what residents expected to hear from the department. “What can you do for us now?” asked District 18 Manager Dorothy Turano. “We want to know what the city, state and federal government can do to help us.” “We can build retaining walls to keep out the water,” continued Turano, while Ms. Lundi added that new zoning guidelines suggested people build higher or make efforts to raise their homes. However, this requires additional funding, for which there has been no indication on the part of the city or state. The presenters were then hit with several hard follow-up questions to which the DCP stated, “We don’t have the answers to this problem, but we are coming to the community for solutions.” “We cannot do anything without community support,” planning officials added. Both groups will have to find a way to work together because, according to FEMA’s massive expansion of the flood zone, there are currently 62,000 additional homes in the newly expanded zone 22,000 of which are located in southern Brooklyn. Not only does the addition of several thousand more homes to the flood zone pose a problem for Bergen Beach residents, but also the construction of these homes further complicates matters. Most of the homes built in the Canarsie/Bergen Beach community are attached to one another. Work done to one home will ultimately affect adjacent homes. This work would again cost thousands of dollars for already cash-strapped homeowners who have shelled out more than they can afford to rebuild their homes after the storm. Several other troubling issues arose during the meeting as community board members voted on whether to approve applications to work on properties located on Avenue P and Nostrand Avenue, but what is normally a quick and easy process for most community boards, was not the case for CB 18. The owners of a local synagogue ran into the biggest roadblock during the June 18th meeting, as their house of worship came under intense scrutiny from members of the Continued on page 17 June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 11 12 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 Signed, Sealed, Delivered – It’s Wrong If you’re an out-of-towner driving on Glenwood Road in Canarsie, you’d better have a GPS device! You’d never know where you are along the stretch that runs between Remsen and Ralph avenues. That’s because almost half of the street signs on the busy strip are missing! However, one of the signs was replaced on Glenwood Road and East 78th Street – you can tell because it’s one of those new “mixed case” signs the Federal Highway Administration mandated the city use to replace the old signs – which were in bold capital letters and to read. The problem is – the new sign says “Glenwood Avenue.” We’re not aware of a name change to the Canarsie street so maybe the Department of Transportation needs a better proofreader! June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 13 Church Lane Crumbling After Councilman Organizes Cleanup Photo and text by Linda Steinmuller Church Lane was nice and clean – for about a month – until inconsiderate goons decided to convert the lane, between Remsen Avenue and East 91st Street, into their own private dumpster. About 20 black contractor bags filled with construction debris litter the “orphaned street,” a term City Councilman Alan Maisel coined to describe publicly used streets which the city refuses to accept ownership. Last May, Canarsie resident Barbara Favorito contacted the because she was fed up with the accumulation of trash, old tires and overgrown weeds strewn along the pathway. The concerned resident was unsure who was responsible for cleaning up the eyesore (see The councilman organized a cleanup conducted by a crew of young men from Millennium Development and the lane was looking spiffy for awhile - until inconsiderate pigs deposited their trash there. Church Lane is used by Remsen Avenue residents to gain access to their driveways - which are behind their homes - and are disgusted with the filthy conditions they must endure. No one seems to know who was responsible for the illegal dumping. As your parents probably used to say – “Would you do that in your own living room?!” Let’s keep Canarsie clean! FLEA MARKET SPORTS MEMORABILIA SALE Saturday, June 28th 9am - ? Real Life Church 8710 Avenue L • Sports Plaques • Baseball Cards • • Jackie Robinson Momentos • Housewares • • Books • Clothes • Miscellaneous Items • Pastor Rafael Lantigua, Jr. Church: 718-763-7411 Cell: 347-277-9004 14 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 It’s A Cup Of Tea For Breukelen Girl Scouts! Every year Girl Scouts Troops 2101, 2102, 2104 and 2277 host a tea party, where they get together for a fun-filled day of games, activities and great food. The idea of the gathering is to further promote Girl Scout traditions and beliefs. Some values include caring, sharing and helping others. Troop leaders and participants of last Saturday’s “Mad Hatter Tea Party” event, at the Breukelen Houses Community Center at 715 East 105th Street, did just that by creating an elaborate, theatrical set that rivaled those seen in off-Broadway plays. This year’s theme was Alice in Wonderland. There were beautiful hat creations, various face cards – like the Jack, Queen and King – that truly redefined the definition of “face cards” and a monster tree that brought more smiles than scared faces. Each participant wore a beautiful dress just like Alice! Not to worry, as the Mad Hatter did not spoil the event. The young Girl Scouts looked gorgeous! June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 15 Devin Parris: An Artist’s Eye, A Writer’s Touch Photo and text by Sam Akhtar Devin Parris wasn’t born in Paris, France. But the 13-year-old shines brighter than the City Of Light with his free flow of creative ideas. One of his latest shining moments came when he won the logo design competition for the Canarsie Merchants Association (CMA). On Saturday, June 14th, Parris’ logo was unveiled as the official logo of the CMA at Canarsie Day. The teenage boy said he began working on his design in early May when he first learned of the competition. “At first, I had a superhero holding everyone up to demonstrate unity,” said the soft-spoken 8th grader. Parris said he penciled several drafts on paper before he scanned the sketch into his computer and made his final adjustments. “The process took me about a week to finalize the logo,” Parris told the . Parris’ mother, Pamela, actually learned her son was one of three finalists when she saw the June 12th edition of the see “We’ve been in Canarsie since 1996 and we always read the . I was so excited when I saw his logo as one of the finalists,” said the proud mother. Devin and his mother couldn’t attend the logo unveiling on June 14th because of a prior commitment. “It was my birthday,” laughed the mother. But she got the best gift when Devin’s logo was selected to represent the CMA. Emily James, President of the CMA, said, “Devin’s logo was selected because we are all from different backgrounds. But we are all business men and women and in order for us to have a successful community, we must have unity.” James continued, “We saw ‘Canarsie Unity In Numbers’ and Devin’s logo has a clear message of what the merchants association represents.” Parris’ design will now be the official logo for the CMA. The 8th grader, who recently graduated from Kings Collegiate Charter School, says he has been drawing for a long time. “I actually used to get in trouble because I would draw all the time in school,” Devin said sheepishly. While his artwork will be on full display throughout his school’s yearbook, Parris’ talents were originally re-directed by his writing teacher when the young man was in the sixth grade. Ever since, Parris began writing a collection of short stories and essays and even published a book titled, “.” In it, Parris displays his creativity and sense of humor through various characters. The humble young man purposely left grammar mistakes in his stories to illustrate his growth as a writer. His Author’s Note begins: “I am not a professional writer. I am just a thirteen year old who thought it would be pretty cool if my stories were in a book. I have tried long and hard to finish at least one novel or story, but my low attention span and schoolwork have always gotten in my way. Devin and his proud mother hold up the winning logo design for the Canarsie Merchants Association. Finally, I got up and realized “Hey! I could combine all the stories I’ve ever had into a book!” While he may not be a professional, Parris has been stretching himself as a writer. His hard work paid off when a 2012 Halloween contest won him a prestigious award. His work was published along with12 others in the novel The multi-talented teenager is also quite the entrepreneur as well. “We have a website and it shows our comics and upcoming projects,” Parris said. He and his friends, Elton Boetang and Nakisha Butler, work together on several projects. Parris even has a company called DTM and his own YouTube channel called DeviaandETM. Parris is also interested in making claymation movies. “I first made a dinosaur at camp,” said the budding artist. “But it takes a lot of time just to make a clip of only a few seconds,” he explained. All his talents have allowed the young man to enter into a new arena as public speaker. He is scheduled to deliver a speech at a graduation at the Raven’s School on East 92nd Street. For Parris, it is almost a homecoming of sorts because he has spent years attending the Raven’s afterschool program. His teacher, Keonisha Bailey, says Devin helps out with the younger kids. “He is a high achiever. He is helpful, has great manners and is respectful,” Ms. Bailey said. She was “very, very ecstatic” when she learned Devin’s logo won the CMA contest. So what does the budding artist and entrepreneur want to be when he grows up? “I want to be a teacher,” Devin said. 16 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 Bridging The Belt To Safer Roadways Remember a few years back when three Belt Parkway bridges in the Canarsie area – Rockaway Parkway, Fresh Creek Basin and Paerdegat Basin – were crumbling and it seemed like the reconstruction project would never be completed? For over two years now, commuters are enjoying three new bridges, wider lanes, safety shoulders and elevated roadways - and traffic congestion seems to have been relieved a bit. But there are four remaining bridges on the Belt Parkway that still need to be replaced to finally alleviate substandard conditions and bring them into compliance with current state and federal standards. The first phase of the Department of Transportation (DOT) project - Reconstruction of Seven Bridges on the Belt Parkway – started in 2009 and was substantially completed in August 2013 – at a whopping price tag of $365 million. It included work on the Rockaway Parkway, Fresh Creek Basin and Paerdegat Basin bridges. Upon completion, two miles of new roadway and drainage were constructed. As part of Phase Two, the remaining bridges include: Gerritsen Inlet, the Mill Basin drawbridge, Nostrand Avenue and Bay Ridge Avenue. All seven bridges are original structures that were built around 1939. Work began on the Gerritsen Inlet Bridge, the fourth bridge to be reconstructed in the DOT project, February 2013 and is expected to be completed by Fall 2017. The new structure will consist of three spans over Gerritsen Inlet and the 35-foot mean high water clearance and navigable channel width will remain unchanged. The DOT is in contact with the U.S. Coast Guard and local yacht and boat clubs to mitigate impact to recreational boaters during construction. Approximately 1,700 feet of new pavement will be built for on-ramp accessibility and access to the existing pedestrian and bicycle pathway will be maintained while the bridge is under construction. Bikers will be happy to know that a new bike/pedestrian path on the bridge and the approach roadway is included in the project plan. Once completed, safety improvements such as wider lanes, safety shoulders, improved visibility, safety barriers, railing, lighting and highway drainage will significantly reduce the current accident rate along this stretch of the Belt Parkway, according to the DOT. Although not as close to home, the Bay Ridge Avenue Bridge still impacts area residents due to its proximity to the heavily traveled Verrazano Narrows Bridge. A work zone was recently established and contractors are in the process of demolishing the concrete bridge deck and support steel on the north section of the bridge. Based on the current schedule, this work zone will remain in effect through the early fall. Motorists will feel the impact indefinitely weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. as one lane in each direction may be closed to facilitate reconstruction work. Three down – four more to go… Telling It Like It Is... Continued from page 6 ical banter enjoy controversy and want to stir things up instead of running for some public office so they can change the system they’re complaining about. Go ahead – you love to exercise your freedom of speech and your opinion is going to offend a few people on your friends list. But NO – most of you probably won’t actually get involved in local civics and you don’t have the money to run for city council or assembly to influence the change that you’re complaining about. Feel free to stay behind the computer – you’re definitely safe from having to do real campaigning for a purpose! Whether you’re distracted by a YouTube video of someone farting so loud and powerfully that they blew the plastic cutlery off of the backyard picnic table, or you’re obsessing over the Royal Family’s baby, who you’ll probably never get to touch, you might be part of a dumbed-down society who frowns on REAL news. Sure, if you don’t like what you see or hear, you can choose to shut it out. And sure, the ignorant people will say “How could something like this happen in our community?” when the world has always revolved no matter how much horrible news takes place. You have no one to blame but yourself when you’re uninformed or misinformed. Oh, yes, I’m sure toiling over an article like “ ” yields more useful information than “.” Happy reading! Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 The Active Consumer By Dara Mormile We hope all the grads out there had a blast at their final ceremonies! Congrats to everyone for their accomplishments! If you’re still looking for a place to host that big graduation party, call 718-930-9174 and book your next shindig with ! With reasonable prices – and all the right catering amenities – , at 9530 Avenue L, is THE place to celebrate! Whether it’s a baby shower, bridal shower, retirement party, birthday celebration or Sweet Sixteen, will provide music, food and just the right ambiance for your big event! Book your event with their staff and get 10 percent off - just find their ad in this week’s issue of the and save, save save!... You’ll also save time and money when you make an appointment with dentists CB18... Continued from page 10 community when board members pushed their proposed expansion of their properties to a floor vote. Constituents voiced their opinions on how inconvenienced and disrespected they felt for the past eight years - the length of time the synagogue has owned the property. Claims of violations of city abatement laws, excessive late night visitations from worshippers and unattended children were some of the concerns voiced in the contentious battle between the community and the property owners. At times, it had to be refereed by Board Chairman Saul Needle and an NYPD Community Affairs officer present at the meeting. The meeting left some residents more confused and outraged than satisfied. Hopefully, the next board meeting doesn’t leave residents scratching their heads in search of much-needed answers. , who have offices at 1763 Rockaway Parkway and 789 Flatbush Avenue. This is the time to get those not-so-pearly-whites looking dazzling! With a new patient offer, for only $69, you can get an exam, x-rays, a cleaning and polishing, an oral cancer screening and personal consultation with the dentist. are also offering a summer special – surgical implants for only $750! Get that smile ready for summer fun! Call their Canarsie location at 718-763-9118 or their Flatbush location at 718-693-5455. accept most insurance and union plans!... Where are you gonna take all of those spectacular summer photos? If the exterior of your home needs some improvements, so you can snap shots in front of your garden path- 17 way, let the skilled staff at take care of you! As one of the largest brick suppliers in the New York area, Glenwood Masonry Supply Company Inc. has tons of blocks, sand, cement, gravel, limestone steps, architectural blocks and more! also has some 4th Of July specials that you won’t want to miss out on! , their new store, is also celebrating their grand opening at 4100 Glenwood Road. also knows what it takes to improve the community – just check out the article on page 26 and find out how they’re taking a stand to make our neighborhood safer! Call at 718-859-6500 and ask about their specials! They’re open every day except Sunday… Canarsie Courier 18 June 26, 2014 Potential Renters Beware! Scammers Are Looking To Swindle You! Scam artists are making it hard for potential renters to find a home. As if it’s not bad enough to find a decent and affordable apartment or house that meets one’s living needs, money-hungry thieves are using yet another tactic to swindle desperate people out of thousands of dollars. According to Bo Zgoda, of Bo’s Prime Realty, people posing as legitimate agents are breaking into homes – many of which are in contract and are about to be sold – and calling the properties their own. “We found out that a fake agent breaks into a house that’s for sale, takes pictures of the rooms and apartments and posts them on Craigslist, so renters think the home is available,” Zgoda told the . “In a recent incident, the fake agent held an ‘open house’ at the property they broke into and showed the place as if it was ready to rent.” Once the ‘agent’ successfully sealed the deal with the potential renter, they took the deposit and then disappeared. “Someone came to me and said she gave the scammer a $900 deposit but couldn’t get in touch with him after that for the keys,” Zgoda said. “I met the woman at the house because I wanted to know how this scammer was getting away with what they did.” Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the rent receipt was bogus and the suspect, who already took the money, had new locks sitting on a kitchen table – ready to be installed. “I saw that the glass on the back door was busted, so the person was able to reach inside, open the locks and access the house.” When it comes to cracking down on scammers, Zgoda said local authorities haven’t offered any solution other than to take the matter to small claims court. To avoid being scammed, renters/buyers can do the following: Make sure the real estate agent gives you their business card and check the agent’s office for validity and if they are associated with the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). If you’re renting from a homeowner, find out if the house is under foreclosure and/or the bank owns the property. To investigate a property, visit nyc.gov/buildings. On the city’s web site, visitors can find out the status and details of a house by inputting the address and borough where it’s located. Potential renters – who aren’t computer savvy – can also visit their local real estate office and, for a small fee, agents can research the property status. Speak to your attorney before making any final financial decisions such as down payments and deposits. “Don’t give money to anyone –and don’t be desperate,” she advised. “It’s worth it to do the research and spend a little time finding out where your money is really going.” Driver Could Face Almost Two Decades In Prison For some, an alleged murderer getting 15 years in the slammer might not be seen as “justice” being served. However, a 62-year-old driver– who reportedly rear-ended a vehicle in Canarsie, resulting in the death of a 9-year-old girl, has been charged with manslaughter in the second degree. He was arraigned last Wednesday and could be facing as little as five to 15 years in prison, if convicted. The driver, Kenneth Palache, is reportedly responsible for the accident, which took place on Sunday, May 4th, at Remsen Avenue at about 4:40 p.m. According to officials, police first responded to a collision at Foster Avenue and East 87th Street involving a Honda minivan – which Palache drove into a jeep. He then fled the scene and drove to Remsen Avenue and Avenue L, where police said his car pulled into a bus stop. When cops attempted to pull him over, he drove away “at an excessive rate of speed” striking a Nissan SUV and running through a steady red light. As a result of trying to escape police, he violently crashed into a Toyota Sienna minivan and ultimately rear-ended a Hyundai Elantra, which was stopped at a red light on Remsen Avenue and Avenue N. Nine-year-old Rebecca Ramnarine was in the back of the Hyundai and, as a result of the collision, pinned inside the car. Paramedics on the scene tried to treat Ramnarine but she was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. Upon further investigation, police discovered that Palache was driving with a suspended license – another charge the Long Island man will face when he returns to court on August 24th. A memorial for the child remains in Canarsie at the accident site, which has been the location of dozens of accidents over the years. June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 19 Keeping The Greenway Going On Canarsie Street Photos and text by Linda Steinmuller In an effort to create more “green” space in Canarsie, a bike path was created along Paerdegat Avenue North. Construction crews recently put the finishing touches on the two-way pathway, adding yellow lanes and directional arrows. But some residents are not heeding the new traffic pattern – and are using the bicycle path as a parking spot. The Department of Transportation (DOT) was responsible for the “green” project, which includes approximately one mile of “greenway,” starting at East 76th Street and Flatlands Avenue and continuing along Paerdegat Avenue North to Seaview Avenue (see Another flatbed uses bike path as a parking spot. Construction crew adds directional arrows to new bike path. This flatbed truck thinks it’s O.K. to use three lanes! The concept is that bicycle enthusiasts can, and should, ride freely in urban areas – without sharing the roadway with motorists. The new recreational trail, known as the “Canarsie Connector,” provides better access to Canarsie Pier and the Jamaica Bay Greenway, a continuous 19-mile loop around Jamaica Bay. As part of the DOT proposal, and a subsequent traffic study, one lane of traffic was removed from Paerdegat Avenue North. The existing “angle only” parking was moved from the far west side of the thoroughfare and placed between the moving lane and the new bike lane. Although it is illegal for commercial vehicles to park on residential streets in New York City, trucks make a habit of using the “angle only” parking along Paerdegat Avenue North. The situation has worsened since the parking lane now sits in the middle of the street. Oversized trucks can’t fit into the new parking spaces - but that didn’t stop two flatbed truck operators from squeezing their vehicles into the new spots. One of the trucks sprawled over three lanes - parking parallel to the concrete barriers. Another monstrous flatbed totally ignored the concrete barriers - backing right over it so the rear of the truck extended onto the bike lane. C’mon people, give the bikers a break. Let’s put the “brakes” on this issue before it goes “spinning” out of control. 20 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 Superb Play And Intense Squabbles Were The Story Of Caribbean Cup Play Photos and text by Ann Marie Turton It wasn’t pretty but at the end of the day Guyana, Barbados, and Grenada put on impressive performances this past Sunday in the fourth series of Caribbean Cup action. Guyana came out swinging in the first match of the day at Thomas Jefferson Athletic Field, ultimately defeating twin nation Antigua and Barbuda with a final score of 5-1, but Guyana’s coach still felt there was room for improvement from his squad. “Even though we had a victory, we are still disappointed with our performance. I know we could play better” said Coach Renwick Hutson. Guyana scored two quick goals in the first few minutes of the match leaving Antigua confused and surprisingly angry at themselves. Several lapses in communication did not make the situation any easier for Antigua, as constant bickering took place between its players. The goalie could even be heard yelling at his players urging them to move the ball and to run faster. While Antigua struggled to regain its composure, Guyana remained relentless as everything seemed to be going its way. From fluid movement and great execution on the ball to quick runs up the field, Guyana was virtually unstoppable including Anthony Abrams, who scored 3 of Guyana’s five goals. His countryman Clive Nobrega contributed the final two goals. Despite a sluggish start, Antigua’s fortune changed in the waning minutes of the first half, as it began to move the ball well getting more shots on goal, including its only goal of the day from Tamarley Thomas. In the second half, Antigua looked much more relaxed and challenged Guyana every chance it could. With its internal squabbles behind it, Antigua channeled more of its intensity into slowing Guyana’s offense, but even an improved Antigua squad could not stop Guyana’s outright domination. Barbados would deliver the same crushing defeat to the second of two twin nations competing in the Cup, St. Kitts and Nevis, in a hard fought 4-1 bout. It was a total team effort for Barbados, as four players (Omar Russell, Akeem Broomes, Dwayne Sealy, and Correy Barrow) each scored a goal. In what was probably the most aggressive and evenly matched game, Barbados and St. Kitts frequently battled for possession of the ball. “We prepared for the game. We were playing to St. Kitts tactical approach, keeping the ball on the ground, looking for visual cues,” said Bajan head coach Garfield Cummings. Barbados scored the match’s first goal, but St. Kitts and Nevis quickly equalized off of a penalty kick during which St. Kitts’ Jamie McKoy scored on what looked to some, including Bajan defenders, like a handball. The physicality of play by both teams increased forcing referees to dish out consecutive yellow cards to two St.Kitts and Nevis’ players. Fans and cup officials commented on the ferocity of the match, particularly of that coming from St. Kitts. Though St. Kitts and Nevis tried to mount an attack with the help of several corner kicks and great runs against Barbados, the Bajans were agile and more skillful players. Nevis went down early in the match and struggled to work its way back into it, as Barbados constantly pounded the ball so much so that it was just too much for St. Kitts and its sister island Nevis. The day’s final match featured Grenada and St. Lucia in what Cup official John Melbourne referred to as an “extremely competitive match”, ending in a 2-0 score. In the day’s only shut out, Grenada’s Chevy Augustine and Kimron Redhead scored the winning goals. The day culminated with another exciting, action packed series which is sure to continue for the rest of the cup. Because these featured teams recently played each other, they won’t be in action next week, but they will be back in action in the weeks to come. Barbados and St. Kitts and Nevis are scheduled to play two weeks from now on, Sunday, July 6th as they face Dominica and Haiti, respectively. St. Lucia is set to square off against Panama in the third and final game of the day. The following week, July 13th, Guyana will take on Trinidad and Tobago, while its former opponent, Antigua and Barbuda, go up against Grenada in the day’s first match. Referee reprimands St. Kitts and Nevis for aggressive play during the match. Guyana defender jostles with Antiguan player for possession of the ball. June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 21 Police On The Hunt For Bank Robbing Trio The New York City Police Department is asking for the public’s help locating three suspects wanted in connection with two burglaries of banks that occurred in the Flatbush and East New York areas. On Wednesday, June 18th at approximately 5 a.m., the suspects entered the Citibank located at 702 Utica Avenue by prying open a rear facade of the bank. Once inside, the suspects attempted to force open the cash compartments of the bank tellers’ stations. The suspects fled the location empty-handed. On Thursday, June 19th at approximately 5:30 a.m., the suspects entered the M&T Bank located at 2664 Atlantic Avenue by prying open a rear door at the location. The suspects attempted to forcibly gain entry into the bank tellers’ area but fled the location when the security alarm sounded. Anyone with information regarding these incidents is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS. The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Website at WWW.NYPDCRIME-STOPPERS.COM or texting their tips to 274637(CRIMES) then enter TIP577. Community Affairs... Continued from page 3 completed and opened by July and will have different areas to hold simulations. The old site of the academy, on East 20th Street between Second and Third avenues in Manhattan, will still be utilized by the NYPD until an alternative purpose or possible sale of the property is decided. As part of his return to Canarsie, Tucker had the pleasure of being reunited with Frank Seddio, who was “Officer Seddio” to Tucker when they worked together, met with 69th Precinct Captain Norman Grandstaff and congratulated Cops of the Month recipients, police officers Chris Galvez and Matt Mauro. Officers Galvez and Mauro were honored for their work on June 7th. Around 10:20 p.m., the precinct received a call of a man shooting randomly into the air on East 86th Street. The officers drove to the area in an unmarked vehicle and noticed someone placing an item into the trunk of his car. They approached the man and questioned him as they investigated the trunk. Inside was a .380 caliber handgun. They placed the man into custody and confiscated the firearm. While the next meeting of the council is not scheduled until September (check our future Community Guides), Captain Grandstaff and 69th Precinct officers will still be working diligently throughout the summer - and particularly during the 4th of July weekend - to keep people safe. “We will have extra officers on duty for the 4th of July looking out for illegal fireworks and keeping an eye on house parties,” stated Grandstaff. “If you know of homeowners that are causing noise problems or have too many people around their property, then write down the addresses. Residents can call the precinct and make a report. We will keep an eye on properties we know have been troublesome in the past.” In addition to the precinct, Grandstaff welcomed messages to his email: Norman.Grandstaff@nypd.com. Residents may also email Community Affairs Officer Dennis Johnson: Dennis.Johnson@nypd.com. Photos courtesy of NYPD 22 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 23 24 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 Councilman’s Post-Superstorm Sandy Survey Results Are In Shortly after Hurricane Sandy tore through Canarsie, City Councilman Alan Maisel felt it was necessary to evaluate residents’ losses. Since thousands were affected, displaced and suffered overwhelming damages, Maisel’s office sent out surveys to gauge the needs that still exist within the Canarsie community. “As their representative, I want to assist my constituents with challenging issues, such as supporting programmatic services or passing legislation,” he stated in a recent press release. Ten thousand surveys were sent to residents in areas that were hit by Hurricane Sandy – and there were 449 documented responses. The data, Maisel said, will also assist in taking preventative measures in the event of another natural disaster. The results were as follows: • 67 percent were not displaced by the hurricane • 85.5 percent of those surveyed said their home was damaged • The average value of damages to homes was estimated to be $30,084 • 67 percent of affected residents received monetary assistance to repair damages to their home (278 received Federal funds, 54 received Small Business funds and 51 received funds from their insurance company). • 81 percent said they have a homeowner’s insurance policy • A whopping 83 percent of residents said they were dissatisfied with their insurance settlements • While 77 percent claimed floodwaters came into their home, 56 percent said damage was due to sewage backup in their house • 44 percent said they had mold remediation in their home • Of those who had help from Rapid Repairs and Build It Back, 63 percent were satisfied with Rapid Repairs’ work and 47 percent applied and completed the application process for Build It Back • 61 percent also said their homes were damaged by Hurricane Irene in 2011 • 77 percent of those surveyed said the councilman’s office could contact them for more information about their losses Hurricane Sandy victims are encouraged to call Councilman Alan Maisel’s office at 718-241-9330 to give more feedback if they did not receive a survey. June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 25 The founders of Surf For All, a non-profit organization that teaches disabled kids and adults how to surf, held a fundraiser on June 10th at The Park Sports Bar and Grill in Long Beach. Founders Cliff and Will Skudin, together with Jim Mulvaney, were delighted with the turnout and raised over $8,000 for the purchase of Wave Jets to make it easier for instructors to help students in the water. Cliff Skudin said, “We believe the ocean is a source of healing and spiritual strength that should be accessible to all.” Surf For All is a volunteer-driven organization with no paid employees. Please visit the website, www.surfforall.org, for more details and to donate. All contributions go to purchasing equipment and help fund all outings. Cliff and Will Skudin also own and operate Skudin Surf camps and lessons in Long Beach and Rockaway. Surf For All’s roots go back to 2002 with the development of a surf program for developmentally disabled teenagers. Over the years, they expanded their outings to cover a broader spectrum of disabilities – from autism, cerebral palsy, visual impairment and others. They work closely with the Long Beach School District and provide free weekly lessons for middle school students during the summer special education program. They have also expanded beyond teenagers and work closely with Wounded Warriors, providing lessons and support for military heroes. They also provide programs for the economically disadvantaged. Their work has been featured on network television, major newspapers, radio and social media. Their message is always the same: We get more enjoyment out of the program than the students. Volunteers are all certified surf instructors and/or licensed New York State lifeguards. They range from students to teachers, from businessmen to politicians, moms and dads and at least one grandparent. They have been fortunate to get some of the biggest names in international surfing involved. It’s quite a rush for a kid to get a lesson then go home and Google the name of his instructor and see that the teacher is a star. It’s like playing catch with Derek Jeter. Jim set up the first New York outing for disabled children in 2002 with his friend, internationally known surfer and autism expert Izzy Paskowitz. Jim’s son, Dan, has profound autism. Dan was one of the first students in the water. Jim is a consultant who provides security and anti-ter- Founders Cliff and Will Skudin. rorism advice for clients here and abroad. He is a former journalist and winner of a Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting. In the winter, he is an on-ice coach for a hockey team of young adults with autism. Cliff has a passion for working with students with disabilities and he is co-founder of Surf For All. Cliff is co-founder and president of Skudin Surf Inc., as well as a nationally-ranked lifeguard and experienced waterman. Cliff is a certified New York State teacher and holds a Masters Degree in Physical Education. Cliff was nominated in the 2012 Billibong XXL monster paddle awards. A 2012 and 2013 Big Wave World Tour Nelscott Reef Oregon invitee, he has surfed the biggest and heaviest surf spots on the planet such as Mavericks, Waimea Bay, Outer Reefs Hawaii, Nelscott Reef, Todos Santos, Puerto Escondido, and Central California, and East Coast Hurricane Chasing and pioneered big wave surf spots on the East Coast with his brother Will. Will is an internationally ranked big wave surfer who has competed in some of the most significant tournaments around the globe. Along with his brother, Cliff, Will has been featured as “Hurricane Chasers,” who race up and down the eastern seaboard to hit the waves when hurricanes hit land. Will’s exploits are all over YouTube. He also runs a program that combines surfing and the arts including video, music, painting and other expressions of creativity. 26 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 Anti-Violence Art Installation Comes To East Flatbush June is Gun Violence Awareness Month and a brand-new art installation is sending a message – loud and clear – that business owners, students and elected officials want to see an end to the gun violence which plagues East Flatbush and Flatlands. “I was delighted when Councilman Jumaane Williams asked me to participate in the unveiling of the murals. They demonstrate the good in this neighborhood,” Connie Cincotta, President of Glenwood Mason Supply Co. Inc., told the “Violence Destroys The Light Of Today” features eight 4’ x 8’ paintings depicting various illustrations of gun violence. The artwork, which was painted by students from P.S. 109, located at 1001 East 45th Street, was unveiled last Saturday in a special ceremony. The murals are displayed in an unusual location - on a wall underneath the Long Island Railroad (LIRR) underpass on Glenwood Road and East 45th Street. In a continuing effort to stop gun violence in the neighborhood, Councilman Jumaane Williams contacted Groundswell, a not-for-profit mural project organization. Lead artist for the project, Christopher Cardinale, described the process. “Groundswell contacted me and asked if I could work on the theme of anti-violence in East Flatbush with P.S. 109,” stated Cardinale. “I’ve been leading mural projects since 2001 and working for the reduction in violence is important to me so I accepted. We researched the topic for two months. The students did art exercises and then we executed the designs together. Once the designs were done, the students painted eight boards twice a week after school.” Cardinale was joined by Assistant Artist Adon Palermo and as many as 18 student artists of P.S. 109 to bring the project to fruition. “Good organizing starts with love and we believe art making is an act of love,” stated Groundswell Mural Project Executive Director Amy Sananman. “The people who came to the project came with that love. It was inspirational to see students, community leaders, politicians, and business leaders come together to speak against violence and to promote peace.” “It will be helpful for people and schools to learn how to stop violence,” stated Avianna Pilgrim, one of the student artists on hand for the unveiling. Pilgrim joined the project with a passion for art and wound up working on all of the panels. She joined three of her fellow artists to unveil the installation and to be honored by Williams and Groundswell for their hard work. “Anti-violence should be a given,” stated Community Board 18 District Manager Dorothy Turano. “People need to be reminded to stop and think.” Neighborhood businesses like Glenwood Mason Supply Co. Inc., located just a few blocks away at 4100 Glenwood Road, want to see the elimination of guns in the area too. Female entrepreneur and business owner Connie Cincotta established the business, which offers brick, block, sand, cement and all related masonry items, in the early 1990s with a handful of employees. Under her leadership, the business grew to 20 employees and the company now boasts 12 acres, including their offices and stockyards. Cincotta, who was one of the hosts and supplied the refreshments for the event, grew up in the area and was thrilled to see the new art gallery. “I was born here, raised here, went to church and worked here,” stated Cincotta. “As much as I am a part of this neighborhood, this neighborhood is very much a part of me, so it’s important to me to see these positive developments. The significance of this art gallery to me is that it demonstrates the commitment of the community, particularly Councilmember Jumaane Williams, who safeguards our neighbors and instills positive values. I am proud and happy to be part of this and I know that under the stewardship of Jumaane Williams, the best is yet to come.” In addition to the unveiling of their work, the student artists were able to meet Gama Droiville, who was struck by stray bullets as he walked on Flatbush Avenue and Beverly Road in April. The bullets struck him in his head, causing him to lose sight in his right eye. Since the incident, Droiville graduated from I.S. 285 and accepted entrance to Nazareth Continued on page 36 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 27 Please – Keep The Paerdegats Persevering Hello City Councilmember Alan Maisel, I am a constituent who lives on Paerdegat 13th Street. There are numerous community issues that need your attention. I appreciate your responsiveness to constituents’ issues, such as Sandy relief and other matters. Three weeks ago, I called your office regarding the deplorable, garbage-strewn condition of Paerdegat Avenue North. Miraculously, the entire roadway and sidewalk were cleaned. Thank you. If the following issues are redundant, in the sense that you and your staff have considered them, my apologies. First, the Department of Transportation, as I write this letter, is redesigning Paerdegat Avenue North with two-directional bike lanes. The parking spots are being redefined and the roadway is being narrowed from two lanes to one lane. Would it be possible for you to take a drive along Paerdegat Avenue North to see whether the one-car lane is too narrow? Many parked cars already have been hit. Some of my neighbors and I feel that the driving part of the roadway is too narrow. Second, manager Mr. Irv Landau of PacPlex, formerly the Paerdegat Athletic Club, needs to be reminded that sweeping the sidewalk outside of the club is mandatory and not optional. Also, that maintenance of the club’s grounds with the trees, dying trees and dying shrubs, oil leakage, etc., should be viewed as mandatory in order to attract and keep club clientele. Third, around Canarsie and surrounding areas, many of the roadways are pockmarked and very difficult to drive through. It is heartening to see that parts of East 80th Street, from Flatlands Avenue, facing south, are being resurfaced. However, East 80th Street, from Farragut Road to Foster Avenue, both north and southbound, are very pockmarked - a perfect candidate for resurfacing too. Remsen Avenue and Rockaway Parkway should also be considered. Fourth, the median between the west and eastbound lanes of Foster Avenue from Kings Highway to Remsen Avenue is in dire need of beautification with planting of trees and shrubs. The roadway may need resurfacing or at the very least patching. Congratulations to Kierra on her recent graduation from the Lenox Academy Junior High School. We wish you luck in high school and know that no matter how much you move up in the world, you’ll always be our little girl. Don’t let anything or anyone change your awesome personality! Love mom Robin and sister Dara. Fifth, street sweeping of Paerdegat Avenue North by sanitation has been almost non-existent. If your office can have a conversation with them so that the sweeper will pass on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., that would certainly help. I have complained to 311 and to the District 18 Sanitation inspector. Finally, the trees in the Paerdegat area are struggling to survive after Sandy. Many have dead limbs that could fall and seriously hurt a person or damage property. Many of those trees are in need of pruning. Some trees need removal. There are also many empty tree pits that are in need of trees. Thank you again for your willingness to serve Community Board 18. I am sure that you also have a list from others. However, thank you for your ear. Although there are many other issues in the neighborhood, I will stop at these for now. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Christina Mark June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier 28 THE POINTING FINGER BY DR. STEPHEN FINGER Don’t Go Near The Water “What’s all this fuss about the oceans becoming more ‘Hasidic’? I know lots of Hasidim and they’re very fine people.” “Emily.” “And they’re also very modest. When they go swimming, they always wear those long bathing suits that go all the way from their ankles to their neck.” “Emily.” “And besides, the oceans belong to everyone and if the Hasidim want to swim in the oceans, well, what business it that of...” “Emily!” “What?” “Not ‘Hasidic,’ Emily. ‘Acidic.’ The oceans are becoming more acidic because when carbon dioxide dissolves in the ocean, it combines with water molecules, hydrogen ions are gener “Oh. Never mind.” So, is this really a serious problem or, like Emily Litella, should we just...’never mind?’ Here’s what you missed that day you were absent from Science class. filippis said. On the school’s orientation night, held on Monday, June 23rd, the students and parents had a preview of a typical day in the classroom, as they donned their gloves in a hands-on science experiment, examining soil types and observing earthworms. Other students had the opportunity to visit the gym and play soccer as they met with their new physical education teacher and future classmates. Many parents expressed excitement about having their children in a school where they can explore their passion for science and technology. Parent Nikki Bowen said she enrolled her son Nicholas, who previously attended P.S. 235, as he had a passion for video games and design. Another parent, Courtenay Hazell, believes BSEA will be a good fit for her son Cameron due to his love of engineering. “He’s very interested in engineering and has always been very fascinated with cars,” she said. BSEA promises to be hands-on and exciting, encouraging children to explore, discover and create as they are engaged as “future scientists.” The school is expected to enroll 81 sixth The pH of a liquid tells us how acidic it is. Pure water has a pH of 7 and is neutral. Liquids with pH lower than 7 are acids and greater than 7, bases or alkaline. Since the start of the industrial revolution 200 years ago, the pH of the oceans has declined from 8.2 to 8.1 so that it would actually be more correct to say that the oceans are becoming more ‘neutral’, i.e. less alkaline, than to say that they’re becoming more ‘acidic’. But ‘neutral oceans’ just won’t get those juices flowing the way ‘acidic’ ones will. “Psst! Think someone is trying to snooker us with all this stuff? More taxes? More grants? More loan guarantees? Help out the Green People a little? Maybe we should ask to see their emails. Oh, all the hard drives fell into the ocean and got eaten by sharks? Well, it could happen.” By the way, nobody believes that the oceans will ever become real ‘acids’ like vats of sulfuric acid in those old Bela Lugosi movies where everything goes up in bubbles and smoke. Go for a risk-free swim anytime and, “if you like your bathing suit, you can keep your bathing suit. Period.” Compiled by Bill O’Neill “No, it won’t cut down on the obesity rate because when people go to the store, they buy what they want to buy. It doesn’t matter if the item is a healthy choice or not.” Brian Caldwell, Canarsie grade students for the 2014-2015 school year, as well as grades 7 and 8 for following years. “No, it won’t cut down on the obesity rate. It’s a good start. However, our children - and even the adults - aren’t active enough to truly bring down the obesity rate in NYC.” Travonne W.C., Canarsie Children engage in science experiment on orientation night “I think it would if at the same time they made it more affordable to buy. Otherwise, people would still purchase fast food since it’s cheaper.” Deborah Andre, Canarsie “It will bring it down. People will be more informed and educated – and that will promote healthy lifestyle choices.” R.J. Francois, Canarsie Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 29 Old Glory Proudly Waves – Again – Near Canarsie Pier Canarsie resident and U.S. Army veteran Allan Hyatt contacted the a few months ago when he discovered the U.S. flag, as well as a P.O.W. flag, displayed at the Veteran’s Circle near Canarsie Pier was torn and tattered. City Councilman Alan Maisel assisted and arranged for the Department of Transportation to remove the worn flag, stating that a new flag would arrive soon from Washington, D.C. – in time for Memorial Day. A new flag now proudly waves at the roundabout near the Belt Parkway but it remained a mystery – for weeks – as to who was responsible for replacing the old one. According to Maisel, the replace- ment flag was still sitting in Washington. After a little investigation, the learned that it was the patriotic folks from the American Legion Post 573, located at 1130 East 92nd Street, who raised the new flag. The , as well as local residents, extend their gratitude to sons of the American Legion, Steven Opalek and Victor Paribello, for their assistance in raising the new flag and to Canarsien Joe Z. who donated the patriotic symbol of freedom. Photos and text by Linda Steinmuller HOT COLD “You Ain’t Had A Hero ‘Til You’ve Had A Sonny’s Hero!” NOW OPEN SATURDAYS! 3 TO 6 FT. HEROES - $18.99 PER FT. INCLUDES SALADS COLD CUT PLATTER $6.99 PER PERSON • CHOICE OF COLD CUTS SALADS INCLUDE: POTATO, MACARONI, COLESLAW & PICKLES COUPON SPECIALS CHICKEN CUTLET PARMIGIANA HERO $4.95 OR MEATBALL PARMIGIANA HERO $4.95 CATERING 1031 E. 92nd St. Brooklyn, N.Y. BREAKFAST SERVED (718) 485-9810 Offer Includes Sonny’s Original Old Fashioned Soda 7-31-14 w/coupon only Exp. 2/28/14 Victor Paribello, left, and Steven Opalek PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE Canarsie Courier 30 ATTORNEY ATTORNEY Social Security/SSI Disability Convenient to All Boroughs & Long Island • NO FEE Unless Successful • Over 40 Years Experience • Personal & Friendly Service Michael D. Schoffman 26 Court Street 718-852-0900 DAYCARE FAST DIVORCE www.divorcefast.com OBTAIN A The Process FAST DIVORCE Serving in as little as Is Quick, The 24 HOURS Easy, Community WE ARE HERE TO HELP!! Legal And For Over Visit us online or Affordable 50 Years CALL NOW! 978-443-8387 GOLD DEALER Legal Notice Gogoleyed LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 01/27/14 Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 440 Broadway, #3L, Brooklyn, NY 11211. General Purposes. June 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 2014. Legal Notice Bar Lunatico LLC Arts of Org filed with NY Sec of State (SSNY) on 3/28/14. Office: Kings County. SSNY designed as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 215 Hancock St, Brooklyn, NY 11216. General Purposes. May 15, 2, 29, 2014; June 5, 12, 19, 2014. Legal Notice SUMMONS (Family Law)Notice to respondent (Name): Arsenio Abanilla Idea. You are being sued. Petitioner’s name is: Luz Beltran Laminoza. Case Number: D528265. You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL120 or FL-123) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property, and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. If you want legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online SelfHelp Center (www.courtinfo.ca. gov/selfhelp), at the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), or by contacting your local county bar association. NOTICE: The restraining orders on page 2 are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement officer who has received or seen a copy of them. NOTE: If a judgment or support order is entered, the court may order you to pay all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for yourself or for the other party. If this happens, the party ordered to pay fees shall be given notice and an opportunity to request a hearing to set aside the order to pay waived court fees. 1. The name and address of the court are Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1555 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 2. The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: Bonita P. Martinez, Esq, Bar #153346, (619)291-8166, 2918 Fifth Avenue, Suite 204, San Diego, CA 92103. Date: March 9, 2011 Clerk by: M. Boesen, Deputy. PETITION – MARRIAGE (Family Law) – Marriage of Luz Beltran Laminoza & Arsenio Abanilla Idea. Declaration regarding community and quasi-community assets and debts as currently known. There are no such assets or debts subject to disposition by the court in this proceeding. Petitioner requests nullity of voidable marriage based on fraud. (Fam. Code § 2210(D)) Petitioner requests that the court grant the above relief and make injunctive (including restraining) and other orders as follows: attorney fees and costs payable by respondent and terminate the court’s jurisdiction (ability) to award spousal support to respondent. Child support – if there are minor children born to or adopted by the petitioner and respondent before or during this marriage, the court will make orders for the support of the children upon request and submission of financial forms by the requesting party. An earnings assignment may be issued without further notice. Any party required to pay support must pay interest on overdue amounts at the “legal” rate, which is currently 10 percent. I have read the restraining orders on the back of the summons, and I understand that they apply to me when this petition is filed. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 2/18/11 Petitioner: Luz Beltran Laminoza Date: 2/18/11 Attorney for Petitioner: Bonita P. Martinez, ESQ. Notice: Dissolution or legal separation may automatically cancel the rights of a spouse under the other spouse’s will, trust retirement plan, power of attorney, pay on death bank account, survivorship rights to any property owned in joint tenancy, and any other similar thing. It does not automatically cancel the right of a spouse as beneficiary of the other spouse’s life insurance policy. You should review these matters, as well as any credit cards, other credit accounts, insurance polices, retirement plans, and credit reports to determine whether they should be changed or whether you should take any other actions. However, some changes may require the agreement of your spouse or a court order (see Family Code sections 231-235). June 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 2014 Legal Notice Ajour USA LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/24/14 Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 315 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11223. General Purposes. June 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 2014. June 26, 2014 Legal Notice ROTOBOOTH LLC Arts. of Org. filed with NY Sec of State (SSNY) on 1/30/2014. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THE LLC, 284 9TH STREET, Brooklyn, NY 11215. General Purposes. June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 2014. Some Trashy Residents Are Abusing The System By Dara Mormile Don’t feel like placing your bulk trash curbside on designated garbage collection days in your community? If you’re tempted to drop boxes of old clothes, computers or weeks-old recyclable trash in a public garbage bin on a street corner, you’re not only misusing the receptacles, you’re also unnecessarily overwhelming the Department of Sanitation (DOS). In an effort to prevent street garbage bins from being misused, the DOS recently removed trash cans from various corners as part of a test pilot, where residents were tossing tons of monstrous debris. So what type of trash is acceptable? According to DOS spokesperson Belinda Mager, “Litter baskets are designed to be used by pedestrians. They are intended for pedestrian trash, such as candy wrappers, napkins, or similar light refuse.” She also noted that litter baskets may be used to dispose of household or commercial trash. While residents may have noticed garbage bins missing along certain streets on Flatlands Avenue and Rockaway Parkway, the Sanitation Department said it doesn’t have plans to remove any more receptacles in our community – yet. “The Department is always looking for ways to keep our city clean. In some areas of Brooklyn, local residents have misused corner litter baskets by dumping their household waste in them, even though they receive pickups at their homes twice a week,” Mager told the . “At the request of local leaders, we’ve either removed the corner baskets or, in some instances, added additional baskets at certain corners depending upon the circumstances. We also have our enforcement agents inspecting problem areas and actually examining illegally dumped household waste bags for evidence connecting them to the basket abusers. If caught, they face a $100 fine.” The DOS has stated that street garbage is picked up on a regular basis, as scheduled, but residents are overwhelming public baskets in between pickups. The test pilot in Brooklyn has recently included streets in Bensonhurst, Boro Park and Windsor Terrace. June 26, 2014 31 Canarsie Courier IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS 69th Pct. Switchboard..........................................(718) 257-6211 69th Pct. Community Affairs................................(718) 258-4444 63rd Pct. Switchboard...........................................(718) 258-4411 Housing Police (24 hrs.)...............................(718)386-5357 FBI..........................................................................(212) 384-1000 (Police/Fire/Ambulance)............................911 REPRESENTATIVES & LEGISLATORS: 757 Third Avenue, Room 1702, NY 10017.......................(212) 486-4430 780 Third Avenue, NYC 10017........................................(212) 688-6262 55 Hanson Place, Bklyn NY 11217................................(718) 237-2211 1226 East 96th Street, Bklyn NY 11236...........................(718) 649-7653 7408 5th Avenue, Bklyn NY 11209...................................(718) 238-6044 1300 Flatbush Avenue, Bklyn NY 11210................(718) 629-6401 3520 Nostrand Ave, Bklyn NY 11229...............................(718) 648-4700 942 Utica Avenue, Bklyn NY 11203.................................(718) 385-3336 Borough Hall, Bklyn NY 11201........................................(718) 802-3700 2424 Ralph Avenue, Bklyn NY 11234...........................(718) 241-9330 718 Pennsylvania Ave., Bklyn NY 11207..................(718) 649-9495 4517 Avenue D, Bklyn, NY 11203.........................(718) 629-2900 CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS Bayview Houses Community Assoc.....................(347) 216-5909 Community Board 18............................................(718) 241-0422 Marine Park Civic Assoc.......................................(718) 336-7343 Mill Basin Civic Assoc..........................................(718) 968-2777 South Canarsie Civic Assoc..................................(718) 251-7145 69th Pct. Community Council...............................(718) 257-6205 63rd Pct. Community Council...............................(718) 258-4444 United Canarsie South Civic Assoc.......................(718) 531-8130 Community Education Council (CEC)..................(718) 566-6008 Glenwood Houses Residents Association.............(917) 319-0480 Friends United Block Association (FUBA)...........(718) 508-2311 HOTLINES: Alzheimer’s Resource Center...........................................(212) 442-3086 AC&C-Animal Rescue ....................................................(212) 788-4000 ASPCA-To report abuse...................................................(212) 876-7700 American Red Cross.........................................................(718) 330-9200 Air/Noise/Water/Sewer Complaints...................................................311 AIDS Hotline (HASA)...........................................311 or (718) 557-1399 Domestic Violence Hotline..............................................1-800-621-4673 Canarsie Historical Society................................................(718)531-0886 Child Abuse Information.................................................1-800-342-3720 Consumer Complaint...........................................................................311 Community Education Council - District 18....................(718) 566-6008 Dept. of Environmental Protection...................................(212) 637-3000 Dept. of Youth and Community Development..................(212) 442-6006 F.E.M.A. (Disaster Assistance)...................................1 (800) 621-FEMA Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)........311 or 1 (800) 692-0557 Heat Complaints..................................................................................311 Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit........................................................311 MEDICAID / SNAP.........................................................(718) 557-1399 MEDICARE....................................................................1-800-633-4227 NYC Dept. for the Aging.....................................................................311 Parking Regulations (Daily)................................................................311 Parks Department.............................................................(646) 613-1200 Pest Control.........................................................................................311 Poison Control..................................................................(212) 764-7667 Pothole Repair......................................................................................311 Public Advocate................................................................(212) 669-7250 Sanitation Dept....................................................................................311 Social Security.................................................................1-800-772-1213 Street Light Repair (D.O.T.) ...............................................................311 Suicide Help Line..........................................................1 (800) 273-8255 Taxi & Limousine Comm. Complaints................................................311 Traffic Lt. Complaints (D.O.T.) ..........................................................311 Victims Services Hotline..................................................(212) 577-7777 Veterans Administration..................................................1-800-827-1000 Keep Us In-The-Know! CLUBS / MEETINGS Canarsie Merchants Association CEC 18 Meeting EVENTS Walk-up And Paddle Events Taxi Smart Card Program St. Bernard Parish Bazaar Let’s Go Biking! Hot Summer Nights Kingsborough Free Concert Series Employment Assessment And Recruitment Fair OTHER Summer Enrollment For Youth Police Academy 69th Precinct Community Council Baseball Volunteer with Bridge Street Salt Marsh Alliance Annual Photography Competition Please be advised that we must receive information on your community meetings/functions TUESDAYS before 4 p.m. In order to provide coverage of your event, we must be notified at least two weeks in advance. 32 Canarsie Courier June 26, 2014 MEDICAL UPDATE Suffering From People Distortion Disorder? Advertise Your Next Health Fair In The Canarsie Courier! Call 718-257-0600 For More Information People distortions are distortions in human rela- with me. What we discovered after she did some extionships. They are so common that they are a fea- ploring was that she had always tried desperately to ture in all forms of human communication, look just right for her father. He had always deespecially those of a more intimate nature. Very sim- manded that his girls be nothing short of perfect, esply, these distortions occur whenever we deal with pecially in the way they looked and dressed. While someone as if he or she were someone else. This in- growing up, she was often hurt by his critical recludes all kinds of social exchanges with people in marks about her dress or her hair. She would often which a person’s feelings or behavior are distorted try to convince him that this was the “in” style, but by the effects of earlier unhealthy he demanded she look the way he relationships. These distortions wanted. are quite fantastic and bizarre My patient’s experience that day, when we realize that the person exboth in work and in my office, was a periencing the distortion does not perfect example of a people distortion. She was seeing her co-worker see the other person involved in the same way that other competent people do. In and myself in a distorted way. Her need to please fact, the person experiencing the distortion exhibits her father had carried over into her other relationirrational, warped behavior towards the other person. ships with people. She in some way imagined that The distorted behavior just does not fit the situation. her therapist and her co-worker expected her to dress Perhaps an example will help us understand how perfectly. In reality, the color of her socks have no people distortion works. One of my patients came bearing on our relationship. This experience of hers for her psychotherapy session and after I greeted her was a people distortion. She was dealing with me with the usual hello, she went off into how her socks as if I was her demanding perfectionist father. People distortions are at the root of all the misundo not match her slacks. She was desperately trying to convince me and at the same time was somewhat derstandings and misconceptions which plague apologetic. When she finished, I asked her what this human relations. They are often the way we act out was all about, her socks matching her slacks. What the distorted aspects of our personality. They are difshe described was that earlier in the day a co-worker ficult to uncover and correct on one’s own. People kidded her about the match. My patient went into distortions, when revealed to and explored by the pathe same explanation with the co-worker as she did tient, provide one with valuable information not Continued on next page June 26, 2014 33 Canarsie Courier MEDICAL UPDATE Blame Mother Nature .S . GA Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we loose, moves when it shouldn’t, is uncould be sweet sixteen for life? Unfor- comfortable and may interfere with speaking and eating ability. This is the tunately, as age rolls on, our bodtime for action. Poorly-fitting denies (including our gums) do tures can harm your mouth. change. What this means to Constant irritation over a long the denture-wearer is that, period of time can contribute to no matter how perfect your the development of sores or tudentures fit when you walk mors. out of the dentist’s office, Normally, an adjustment for eventually they will have to RY .D be adjusted to harmonize with S. RAFAL, D irritation or a relining for looseness may be the answer. the changes in the gums and bony ridges which provide its support. It’s not hard to determine when a denture no longer fits properly. It feels Consensus Statement On Sodium Cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and stroke, are leading causes of death in the United States. Influencing the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease provides an opportunity to improve Americans’ health, which in turn can prevent illness and disability, reduce health disparities, save lives and reduce healthcare costs. Considering the full scope of research, the undersigned affirm the scientific basis for lowering current sodium consumption levels in the U.S. population. Public health recommendations are made after weighing all of the evidence, including studies of greater and lesser strength of design and some with conflicting results. A vast body of research, including observational studies, feeding studies, and randomized controlled trials, indicates that lowering sodium intake lowers blood pressure, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. After reviewing evidence on sodium intake and cardiovascular disease outcomes, the Institute of Medicine recently concluded that reducing population sodium intake would have a positive effect on public health. This is consistent with the compelling body of evidence from laboratory, clinical, and population research that together establishes that high sodium intake causes increases in blood pressure. Feld... Continued from previous page previously known. The work of psychodynamic psychotherapy is to uncover and identify these distortions. For those readers curious about where the concept of people distortion comes from, it is based on what psychiatrist Harry Stack Sullivan called “parataxic distortion” and what psychoanalyst Karen Horney called “neurotic trends.” 877-EARLOBE (327-5623) 866-KELOIDS (535-6437) 34 June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier RELIGIOUS NEWS Thank you, J.M. 9719 Flatlands Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11236. Phone: (718) 257-4423. Served by Reverend John J. Amann, Pastor. Rectory Office Hours: Weekdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon; 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Rectory: (718) 257-4423. Masses: Weekdays 9 a.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m., Vigil Mass at 5 p.m.; Sundays 8, 9:15 (Creole), 11:15 a.m. (Children’s Choir) & 12:45 p.m. (Adult Choir); Holy Days of Obligation 9 a.m., noon and 7:30 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the Church; Weekdays: In Rectory by appointment. Baptisms: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in English, 1st Sunday in Creole at 1:45. Parents must make an appointment to see a priest at the rectory for an interview, presentation of child’s birth certificate, and attend instructions prior to the ceremony. Both godparents must be practicing Catholics. Marriages: By Diocesan Directives, arrangements must be mad at least sex months prior to any marriage commitment by a parish. For your convenience, please phone for an appointment with a priest. Ministry to the Sick: Urgent calls will be responded to at any time. Parishioners who through sickness or old age are unable to attend Mass should receive Holy Communion once a month at home. It is not fair for your loved ones if they have to wait until the last minute to receive God’s life-giving Sacraments. Kindly call the Rectory to make arrangements for a priest to administer the Sacraments to the sick. Eucharistic Adoration: Holy Hour each First Friday following the 9 a.m. Mass. Charismatic Haitian Prayer Group: Wednesday, 7 p.m. in Church. Haitian Prayer Group: Wednesday, 7 p.m. in Church. Mothers Prayer Group: Friday 7 p.m. Chapel. Rosary Devotions: Each weekday following the 9 a.m. Mass. Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – Friday, June 27th – The Sacred Heart of Jesus. June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Sacrament, Jesus’ Presence among us today. Please join us in the celebration of the Great Solemnity. For more information please call: Elvie Pereyra (347) 417-2471. Knights of Columbus – Members of the Knights of Columbus will be at Our Lady of Miracles Church next weekend promoting their membership. Looking for practicing Catholic men for their council, Women for auxiliary and young teens for squires. Masses at OLM are Saturday, 5:30 a.m., Sunday, 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m., & 12 noon. Religious Education Program – Have you ever thought about giving the greatest gift of your time and talents to share god’s love with our young ones? This is god’s call to you. We need a few more catechists for Sunday classes beginning September 15th from 9:30 a.m. till 12 noon. Give us a call at 257-4423. There is also a need for catechists to work with children with special needs. We hope there are some certified special education teachers in our parish who would give approximately one half hour a week as a catechist to teach the word of god to children with special needs. Please call Mr. Brendan Egonu in the religious education office at 257-8016 Sister in Spirit: Every 1st Sunday after 11:15 Mass in chapel.; Men’s Group: Every 1st Saturday of the month after 5 p.m. Mass; Rosary Society: Meets every 3rd Sunday of the month, after the 12:45 p.m. Mass in the chapel.; English Prayer Group: Tuesdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the church.; Haitian Prayer Group: Wednesdays 7 p.m. in the church.; Mother’s Prayer Group: Fridays 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the chapel.; Religious Education: For children and adults every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Please call Mr. Brendan at 718257-8016 for more info. 1395 East 56th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234 Rev. Thomas F. Leach Pastor Mass Schedule: Saturday - 5 p.m.; Sunday - 8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon - Weekdays: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. - Holidays: Vigil: 7:30 p.m.; Day: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. - Confessions: Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Special Events: June 27th - Fr. Ilyas Gill’s Farewell Dinner, 7:30 pm, Parish Hall; June 29 - Filipino Mass followed by reception, 3:00 pm-6:00 pm, Church/Parish Hall; July 4 - Rectory Closed; Baptisms: Last Sunday of the month, 1 pm. An appointment must be made with Father Thomas Leach, Pastor. Bereavement Support Group: Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month, 7:30 pm in the Parish Center Charismatic Prayer Group: Second and Fourth Friday of each month, 7:00 pm in the Parish Center Cub Scouts: Every Friday, 7:00 pm-8:00 pm, Parish Center Basement Girl Scouts: Most Sundays, 11:00 am-1:00 pm, Parish Center. Kindergarten-Grade 12. For more info.: Jeanne Cirone 917-601-3460, jmcirone@gmail.com Holy Name Society: Monday after the 2nd Sunday, 8:00 pm, Parish Center La Legion de Marie: First and Third Sunday of each month, 1:00 pm in the Parish Center. Second Saturday of each month, 3:00 pm-5:00 pm Committee Members in the Parish Center. Line Dancing: Wednesdays, Parish Hall, 6:30 pm9:30 pm, $7 per person Prayer Group Cenacle: Thursdays, 7:30 pm, Parish Center Rosary Society: First Sunday of each month, 1:00 pm-3:00pm, Parish Hall Young Adults: First Sunday of each month, 3:00 pm-5:00pm, Parish Hall Youth Group: First and Third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm in the Parish Center Youth Room Exposition & Benediction: First Fridays, 10 am to 12 Noon in the Parish Center Chapel Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays, Novena & Benediction following the 8 am Mass Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday, 7:45 am, Saturdays 8:45 am Rosary: Monday to Friday after the 8 am Mass, Saturday after the 9 am Mass Thursday - Prayer Group Cenacle: 7:30 pm, Parish Center Friday - Charismatic Prayer Group: 7:00 pm, Parish Center School of Religion - Registration for NEW students in our School of Religion will take place in the month of June in the School of Religion Office, located at 1304 East 57th Street (Parish Center, with the blue awning, near the corner of Avenue M). The office hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, and Wednesday evenings from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. You must bring the child’s Baptismal Certificate, Parish Registration Number, transcript from any Religious Ed programs the child has attended, and the fees. For anyone who is not available during those hours, all forms and information are on the parish website, in the School of Religion tab. Completed forms, all required documents and fees can be returned to the Rectory Office, marked to the attention of “School of Religion.” Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 8:15 am in the school. The classes are then brought over to church to attend the 10:00 am Mass. Students currently in the School of Religion have already received their re-registration information. Completed forms are due back to the office by the middle of June. Parish Phone Numbers: Rectory: 718-763-2330 Fax: 718-763-6592 School: 718-763-2360 School of Religion: 718-763-2590 Parish Web Site: www.mqhchurch.net Rectory Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon and 1–8 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.; National Holidays: Rectory closed. 2055 East 69th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234 Rev. Msgr. Jamie J. Gigantiello Pastor Mass Schedule: Saturday at 5:00 p.m.; Sundays: 8:30 a.m. — 10:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.; Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m.; Saturday at 9:00 a.m.; SUMMER: Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.; Holydays: 8:30 a.m.; Evening Mass at 7:30 p.m.; Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Please note that our Summer Mass Schedule will begin on July 6th. Sunday Masses will be at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. throughout the summer months. Saturday evening Mass remains at 5:00 p.m. Summer Office Hours - The Rectory Office will be closed in the evenings through Labor Day beginning in July. Weekend hours will be as follows: Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to Noon 50th Anniversary of the Parish School 25th Anniversary of the Church Building - Please mark your calendars and save the date! Sunday, September 21st, 2014 Our parish school and church building will shortly both reach anniversary milestones in their existence. The school will be celebrating 50 years of educating students in our community and the church building will have reached 25 years of celebrating Mass for parishioners throughout the neighborhood! In honor of these events, we will be having a special Mass at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 21st. June 26, 2014 35 Canarsie Courier RELIGIOUS NEWS Religious News... Continued from previous page There will be a reception in the Parish Hall immediately following the Mass with lots of surprises planned and fun for everyone! Past and present students are welcome and encouraged to come so spread the word! More Information to Follow Devotions – Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays: Novena after the 8:30 a.m. Mass; Rosary: Monday Friday after 8:30 a.m. Mass, Saturday after 9:00 a.m. Mass; First Fridays: Exposition : 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in Chapel Baptisms - Scheduled for the fourth Sunday of the month at 12:30 p.m. Parents are required to schedule an appointment with a Priest or Deacon at least six weeks prior to Baptism. Marriages - Arrangements must be made with a Priest or Deacon at least 6 months before the wedding. Pre-Cana information can be found at www.precana.org. Sick Calls - Please call the Rectory to arrange a Communion call to the sick or elderly, or a pastoral visit to a hospitalized loved one. Reconciliation - Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Vocations - Anyone seeking information regarding the Priesthood, Permanent Deaconate, Religious Life or to serve in our Parish as a Lay Minister should speak to Msgr. Jamie, Fr. Tim, Deacon Frank or Deacon Chris. Parish Membership - All new families are welcome to the Parish and encouraged to become actively involved in parish societies and activities. New parishioners should register at the Rectory as soon as possible. Parishioners are asked to use the weekly envelopes in making their contributions. Rectory Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon and 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; National Holidays – Rectory Closed We, the members of Plymouth Congregational Church, extend Christian greetings to all. You are welcome to attend our weekly fellowship and worship services for the preaching of the gospel and exposition of Holy Scripture. Our senior Pastor is Rev. Albert R. Morrison. We are located at 1223 East 96th Street, Brooklyn, NY, between Avenue J and Flatlands Avenue. Church: (718) 649-5962 Fax: (718) 649-3702 Email: Plymouthcongc@aol.com Sunday Morning: 9:30am—Youth and Adult Sunday School; 11:00 a.m.—Devotional period; 11:15am—Worship Service. Monday: 7:00pm— “Hour of Prayer” Meeting. Tuesday: 7:00pm—Choir Rehearsal. Wednesday Evening: 7:30pm—Prayer and Bible Study. 1st Sunday ~ Communion Observance. 2nd Sunday ~ Youth Ministry. 3rd Sunday ~ Men’s Fellowship. 5th Sunday ~ Missionary Service 9408 Farragut Road, Brooklyn, NY 11236 (718) 257-0706. Sunday services at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Rector: Reverend Canon George L. Bonner, BA, MSc (Hons). Come and enjoy one of our inspiring worship services. Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m., Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. While you are visiting, inquire about some of our community programs: •Joshua’s Army for Boys (8-16 yrs.) •Women’s Support Group • Family Counseling • Résumé Writing Workshops • Praise Dancing for Girls 1880 Rockaway Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11236 (between Avenue M & Avenue N). (718) 763-2744. 1265 East 108th Street 718-251-2600 Rabbi Boruch Leibowitz, and the officers and congregants of YIC invite the community to join with us daily for services during the summer and throughout the year. Candle lighting for Friday evening parshas CHUKAT, Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Tammuz is at 8:10 PM. Services begin with Mincha at 7:30 PM. Shabbos morning services begin at 9AM. Special prayers will be said for the safety and return of the 3 kidnapped Israeli students. We urge everyone to pray for hem daily until they are released. Rabbi Leibowitz’s sermon is at 10:30. Our Sisterhood hosts this week’s Kiddush in honor of Rosh Chodesh and he congregation is cordially invited to participate. Shabbos afternoon youth groups for boys meet at 7:30 PM. All youngsters are invited. Mincha is at 8:05 followed by seudah shelishis. Shabbos ends with Maariv and Havdala at 9:15 P.M. Services this coming week Sunday, the 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh at 8 a.m., the balance of the week at 7 a.m. and evenings at 7:30 p.m. We are located at 1265 East 108th Street corner Avenue M. Our telephone # is 718 251-2600. Attend services as often as possible. You are always welcome. Rabbi and Rebbitzin Fine would like to welcome you to our shul, a place where every Jew feels connected. We provide: Daily Minyanim, Weekly shiurim, (adult classes), Hebrew reading tutorials, Youth programming, Bar/bat mitzvah preparation, a spacious 300-seat auditorium, full Kiddush and simcha capability. Services schedule: Shacharis - Monday through Friday at 6:20 a.m.; Mincha Maariv – weekdays at 7:30 p.m.; Talmud class on Shabbos at 7 p.m.; Mincha on Shabbos at 8 p.m. Shabbat and Yom Tov Parasha Class by the Rabbi at 8:30 a.m., Shabbos men and ladies’ classes at 3 p.m., Shabbos Mincha at 4 p.m,, Shacharit at 9 a.m., Ladies and Men study groups, 1 hour before Mincha, Saturday evening – Mincha and Seudah every Shabbos before Shabbos ends! Rabbi Yair Fine can be reached for questions and consultation at (347) 407-1842 or yairfine@msn.com. Visit us on the web at www.beithillel.org We would be pleased to arrange for you a tour of our facility. We’re located at 2164 Ralph Avenue (corner of Avenue L), Brooklyn, NY 11234 – Phone: (718) 763-2400. www.beithillel.org - Email: vairfine@msn.com The congregation welcomes everyone to daily services. Beth Tikvah is located at the corner of Seaview Avenue and East 88th Street. For information regarding services, special events and classes please call 347 893-6476 or email yosefyossi@yahoo.com. President Karl Birenbaum, Vice President Moshe Leizerovici, Rabbi Myron and Rebbizin Sarah Rakowitz would like to welcome you to our Synagogues: Congregation Ahavath Achim Anshei Canarsie, and Sephardic Jewish Center of Canarsie – at 9420 Glenwood Road. Our phone number is (718) 272-2888. Please note: Whoever has to contact the shul for any reason may do so at (718) 272-2888. We wish everyone a healthy and good week. We look forward to seeing you all. Want The Community To Know Who The Officials Of Your House Of Worship Are? Send His Or Her Photo To: Canarsie Courier Spiritual Leader 1142 East 92 Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 For More Information, Call 718-257-0600 Canarsie Courier 36 June 26, 2014 CONTEST CORNER 6-26-14 6-26-14 6-26-14 Anti-Violence... Continued from page 26 Regional High School with a full scholarship. Originally planned as a full-scale mural to cover the wall, the LIRR deemed the structure too old to have such an art display but were willing to have the panels placed onto it. New drainage holes were drilled into the wall and various areas were patched to attempt to limit damage to the panels from pipes and weather. “The paint is high quality and the boards are very sturdy,” stated Cardinale. “We’re sure the panels will get dirty but they can be cleaned with soap and water. Groundswell has done similar installations and they lasted a very long time. But, if needed, they can always be touched up.” In addition to Councilman Williams and the Groundswell Mural Project, the gallery received assistance and support from Community Boards 17 and 18, Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein, Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, the 63rd and 67th Precincts and the Flatbush Flatlands Civic Group. Student artists, who were unable to attend the unveiling, included Wilson Carderias, Renaldine Compere, Fitzpatrick Compail, Ernesto Gonzales, Steben Houenou, Keeyanah Posy, Gaethan Sidney and Shania Walters. 6-26-14 6-26-14 Photos by Jason Linetsky June 26 2014 Canarsie Courier ALARMS 37 CARPET FLOORS GENERAL CONTRACTING SECURITY SYSTEMS BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN!!! — Yes, Even FREE — Quality & Service since 1984 800-B4-U-R-ROB (800 248 7762) Not A Mass Marketer COMPUTER CONTROLLED SECURITY APPLIANCE REPAIRS DEPENDABLE/APPLIANCE DOCTOR “FACTORY AUTHORIZED FOR MOST BRANDS” Your most DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE SERVICE COMPANY around! LOW, LOW RATES MENTION THIS AD FOR 15% OFF ANY COMPLETED CALL 718-966-6500 • 718-807-6313 Legal Notice Notice of Formation of SHARMIN PRINCE LLC. Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y. of State (SSNY) on 04/25/2014. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: SHARMIN PRINCE, 1041 EAST 102ND STREET, 2ND FLOOR, BROOKLYN, NY 11236. June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 2014. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: 7614 LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 05/07/2014. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 9322 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11209. Purpose: Any lawful activities. June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 2014 Legal Notice Renewable Energy Solutions, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/24/14 Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1847 Utica Ave., Ste. 2, Brooklyn, NY 11234. General Purposes. May 29, 2014; June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 2014 Legal Notice Notice Notice Legal of Formation of ROTOBOOTH LLC Arts. of LEXA HILLYER, LLC Arts. Org.Org. filedfiled withwith NYSecy. Sec of of 1/30/2014. State (SSNY) of NY on(SSNY) on Office: Kings County. SSNY 06/12/14. Office location: designated as agent LLC Kings County. SSNYofdesigupon whom process may be nated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may served. be served.SSNY SSNY shall shall mail mail process LLC, 284 process to: to THE the LLC, 523 9TH HenrySTREET, St., #2, Brooklyn, NY NY 11215. GeneralAny Purposes. 11231. Purpose: lawful June 5, 12,June 19, 26, 2014; July activity. July 3, 10, 2014. 17, 24, 31, 2014 Legal Notice Notice of Formation of 869 CENTRAL LLC, Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 05/15/14. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 869 CENTRAL LLC, 869 57th STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11220. May 29, 2014; June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 2014. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of ELLIS BROOKLYN LLC. Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y. of State (SSNY) on 03/25/2014. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THE LLC, 72 ROEBLING STREET, APT. 4A, BROOKLYN, NY 11211. June 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 24, 2014. GENERAL CONTRACTING BASHIR & SONS C.J.M. CONTRACTING INC. Chris Mullins CONSTRUCTION CORP. GENERAL CONTRACTING BATHROOM & KITCHEN RENOVATIONS Flat - Shingle - Rubber EXPERTS IN FIXING LEAKS, Carpentry, Basements, Attics, Masonry, All Renovations, Stoops, Brickwork, Waterproofing, Pointing, DORMERS & EXTENSIONS & INSURED FREE ESTIMATES. LICENSED Lic #0982130 Workers Comp, Liability, Disability 5% OFF SPECIALIZING IN: • All Kinds Of Roofing Roofing, Flat Shingles, Windows & Siding WITH MENTION OF AD Call 718-276-8558 Legal Notice Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that a license, serial #1279121 for beer, wine and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in a catering hall under the alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 4824 4th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11220, County of Kings, for on-premises consumption; Martan Parties, Inc. June 19, 26, 2014. Legal Notice Andrea & Nijole Consulting, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/28/14 Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. uponLegal whom process may Notice NOTICE is hereby given that Legal Notice a license, Serial # Pending for NORTH BROOKLYN MARbeer & wine has been applied RIAGE AND FAMILY for by the undersigned to sell THERAPY PLLC, a domestic beer & wine at retail in a PLLC, Arts. of Org. filed with restaurant known as Ginza the SSNY on 4/22/14. Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1966 83rd St., #B1, Brooklyn, NY 11214. General Purposes. June 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 2014. Sushi X Inc. under the Alcoholic Beverage Control upon whom process against Law at 2809 Ocean Ave, the PLLC may be served. Brooklyn, NY 11229 for onSSNY shall mail process to: premise consumption. The PLLC, 65 Eckford St., September 12, 19, 2013. Ste. 10, Brooklyn, NY 11222. Purpose: Marriage and Family Therapy. May 22, 29, 2014; June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014 • • • • Steam Cleaning Waterproofing Stucco Renovations Ask For Bashir Licensed & Insured • • • • • • Sheetrock - Plaster Framing Changing Window Lintels Painting Rubbish Removal Demolition 718-874-1032 Legal Notice Notice of application of Authority of Najla Lingerie, LLC, a foreign limited liability company (LLC). Application for Authority filed with Secy. Of State of New York (SSNY) on 03/05/2014. LLC organized in Delaware on 2/19/2014. NY office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: 211 North 5th Street, Suite PH, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Office address in jurisdiction of organization: 1811 Silverside Road, Wilmington, DE 19810. Copy of Articles of Organization on file with Secy. Of State of DE, P.O. Box 898, Dover, Delaware, 19903. Purpose of LLC: Any lawful purpose. June 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 24, 2014. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Dyer Road Associates LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/01/2014. Office location: Kings County. SSNY desig- nated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 342 7th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11215. Purpose: Any lawful activities. June 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 2014 Legal Notice Notice of Formation of 2819 Cropsey Realty LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 02/25/2014. Office Location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to C/O The LLC, 8741 26th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11214, Which is also the principal business location. Purpose: any lawful activities. June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 2014. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that a license, serial #1279098 for beer, wine and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in a restaurant under the alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 108 Graham Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11206 for on-premises consumption; Pollo Cumbia De Mario Corp. June 19, 26, 2014. Legal Notice Jordan Alexandra LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 12/04/13 Off. Loc.: Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Legalinc Corporate Services Inc., 8857 Alexander Rd., Ste. 100A, Batavia, NY 14020. General Purposes. May 29, 2014; June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 2014 38 June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier ROOFING MASONRY • BRICK • CONCRETE • PAVERS • GRANITE • •ROOFING SPECIALISTS • • EXTERIOR PAINTING •STEPS • PORCH • PATIO • SIDEWALKS • • DRIVEWAYS • STOOPS • • INTERIOR RENOVATIONS • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • • DRYWALL • WATERPROOFING • REMODELING • FREE ESTIMATES 646-270-8990 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS ROOFING & SIDING SPECIALIZING IN ROOF REPAIRS SHINGLE & RUBBERIZED ROOFS SIDING/SOFFIT/CAPPING/GUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES LICENSE #1349130 MENTION THIS AD LICENSE # 1277954 WWW.RKELLYROOFING.COM PLUMBING HOME CARE CONTRACTING CORP. ROOFING WATERPOOFING & ROOFING FREE Estimates • Brick Pointing • Brick Work • Step & Porch • Sidewalks HIC# 1462763 • Window Angle HIS# 1462764 • Concrete Work • Brick Steam Cleaning • Flat Roofing & Shingle Roof • Skylight Ask For Ray: 718-314-8137 TUTORING EXPERIENCED TEACHER If you see a photo that catches your eye or of someone you know, after reading your copy of the newspaper every week, you can now buy individual copies of almost every picture that is published and many more that never made it in that edition, due to space limitations. Just go to our Web site (www.canarsiecourier.com) and click on the bright blue button near the top left hand corner and follow the simple directions. and/or places of residence are Legal Notice CITATION - SURROGATE’S unknown and cannot after COURT, KINGS COUNTY due diligence be ascertained, THE PEOPLE OF THE A petition having been duly by the Public STATE OF NEW YORK, By filed the Grace of God Free and Administrator of Kings Independent. File No. 2012 County, who has offices at 3402/A PA. No. 140287 TO: 360 Adams Street, Room Lionel Marshall, Larniece 144A, Brooklyn, New York Sutton, Joan Griffith, Joseph 11201, United States. YOU Smith Jr., Hazel Rosetta ARE HEREBY CITED TO Smith, Chase Bank USA SHOW CAUSE before the N.A., Attorney General of the Surrogate’s Court, Kings State of New York New York County, at 2 Johnson Street, State Department of Taxation Room 319, Brooklyn, New and Finance, New York City York, on August 5, 2014 at Human Resources 9:30 o’clock in the fore noon Administration. The spouse, of that day, why: (a) The if any, and any and all account of proceedings of the unknown distributees and Public Administrator of Kings creditors of HELEN County as Administrator of HYMAN, deceased, whose the estate of HELEN whereabouts are unknown and HYMAN, a summary of if any of the aforesaid persons which has been served herebe dead, to their heirs at law, with, should not be Judicially next of kin and distributees settled; (b) The Public whose names and places of Administrator of Kings residence are unknown and if County should not be paid his the persons died subsequent to commissions pursuant to the decedent herein, to their SCPA §2307 in the amount of Continued from page $1,887.20, 35 as set forth in executors, administrators, legatees, devisees, assignees Schedules C- and I of the and successors in interest Account; (c) The Public whose names and places of Administrator of Kings residence are unknown and to County should not be paid his all other heirs at law, next of administrative expenses purkin and distributees of suant to SCPA § 1106(3) in HELEN HYMAN, the dece- the amount of $377.44, as set dent herein, whose names forth in Schedules C1 and J of the Account; (d) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the legal fees of Cullen and Dykman LLP, counsel to Petitioner, in the amount of $2,264.65 as shown In Schedules C-l and J of the Account; (e) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the disbursements of Cullen and Dykman LLP in the amount of $21.00 as shown in Schedules C-l and J of the Account; (f) The claim of DCM Services on behalf of Chase Bank USA N.A., as set forth in Schedule D, should not be rejected; (g) The claims of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the New York City Human Resources Administration, if any, should not be fixed and determined; (h) The Petitioner should not be permitted to distribute so much of the net estate to the decedent’s distributees, as now known or hereafter determined, as their interests may appear, and to deposit any amount not so distributed with the Commissioner of Finance of the City of New York to be held for the benefit of decedent’s unknown distributees or for the benefit of any distributees of the decedent who are under disability for whom no guardian of the property has been appointed; (i) The Petitioner, upon fully complying with the Decree to be made in this proceeding, should not be released and discharged of and from any and all liability, responsibility and accountability with respect to the Petitioner’s acts and proceedings as Administrator as set forth and embraced in said account and the Court grant such other and further relief as it deems just and proper; Dated, Attested and Sealed, MAY 29, 2014 HON. MARGARITA LOPEZ TORRES, SURROGATE. DOREEN A. QUINN, CHIEF CLERK. Attorney, Richard H. FREEMAN, ESQ., Cullen and Dykman LLP, 44 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. 10005-2407, (212) 701-4175. Note: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you, and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney. June 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 2014 Legal Notice Notice of Formation of FARMBELLY LLC, Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 05/06/2014. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process Legal Notice Notice of Formation of ONE CONCEPT LLC, Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 3/10/14. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to ONE CONCEPT LLC, 1034 E86TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11236. June 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 2014. Money Mgmt... against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to THE LLC, 360 WILSON AVE. #2, BROOKLYN, NY 11221. May 29, 2014; June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 2014. •Gutter • Stucco • Basement Finish • Painting • Exterior & Interior • Driveways • Violation Removal • Scaffold Work THIS WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS ARE… Will Tutor Privately Math, Science & Reading Very Reasonable Rates Place your Ad Here Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company Whalefood Software LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 05/21/2014. Office location: Kings County. SSNY desig- nated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to Harvard Business Services, 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE 19958. Purpose: Any lawful activities. June 12, 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 2014 Legal Notice Notice of Formation of S & S FLOOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 03/21/2014. Office Location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to THE LLC, 1524 CANARSIE ROAD, BROOKLYN, NY 11236. May 22, 29, 2014; June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2014. Legal Notice Notice of formation of Arcus Properties V, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State (SSNY) on 05/27/2014. Office location: Kings County. CT Corporation System has been designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. CT Corporation System shall mail copy of process against the LLC to: 164 Hoyt St. Brooklyn, NY 11217. Purpose: any lawful activity. June 19, 26, 2014; July 3, 10, 17, 24, 2014. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County on 06/20/2014, bearing Index Number NC-000657-14/K1, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, grants me (us) the right to: Assume the name of Linda Nixon. My present name is Lindey Nixon AKA Linda Nixon AKA Linda Glenn. My present address is 400 Cozine Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11207. My place of birth is Brooklyn, NY. My date of birth is March 30, 1949. June 26, 2014. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County on 04/11/2014, bearing Index Number NC-000390-14/K1, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, grants me (us) the right to: Assume the name of Chantel Wiley. My present name is Female Wiley AKA Chantel Wiley. My present address is 1 Chester Court, Brooklyn, NY 11225. My place of birth is Brooklyn, New York. My date of birth is March 02, 1970. June 26, 2014. June 26, 2014 39 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED FOR SALE AUTO WANTED Porter/Handyman Beautiful residential canarsie condo looking for reliable hard working porter/handyman to help maintain complex. Non union position includes medical benefits, paid sick & vacation time, competitive salary. If interested fax resume to (646) 843-2487 P/T office assistant: Law Firm. Fax resume to (347) 587-6169 or Email: geemccarthy@aol.com Aide needed four hours Monday Friday. Person should live within walking distance of East 102 between Avenue K & L. References needed. (718) 241-4978 SPACE AVAILABLE Nostrand Ave/Junction: Restaurant space with appliances. $4,500. Vixon Real Estate (646) 377-8781 Canarsie: Daycare, fully furnished for rent, must have DOH license & own insurance. (347) 942-0606 THE CANARSIE COURIER OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON FRIDAY, JULY 4TH IN OBSERVANCE OF INDEPENDENCE DAY We will reopen on Monday, July 7th PLEASE SUBMIT ALL EDITORIAL COPY FOR OUR JULY 9TH ISSUE BY THURSDAY, JULY 3RD THIS WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS ARE... Adventurers VERONICA ORTIZ DEBORAH WARD Denos Wonder Wheel PAMELA H UPART DARLENE SCOTT Donogoo HOWARD FORTE Please be advised that tickets will be forfeited if winners do not redeem them within a week after being notified. AUTO SALE Passenger van. Asking $5,000 neg. 2003 Ford Model 350. (347) 942-0606 OFFICE FOR RENT Canarsie: 3 room office trailer, bathroom/heat + AC, desk. (917) 560-4826 STORE FOR RENT : 1,000 sq. ft. Busy pedestrian & traffic area. Broker (718) 498-3200 40 June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED HOUSES FOR SALE CANARSIE East 82 St/Glenwood Rd: 2 family brick, 4 1/2 over 4 1/2 + finished basement. Modern move-in condition, private drive & garage. Asking $549,000. BUYING OR SELLING FRANK J. RIO ATTORNEY AT LAW 718-258-2255 George L. Clark Inc. (718) 266-3900 www.georgeclarkrealestate.com Canarsie: By owner. Negotiable! Large 2 family home, 2 car parking, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, basement. (917) 650-3300 Call for a FREE confidential consultation 2011 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11234 • A legal team specializing in real estate law gives you the knowledge and advice of our years of experience and can save you money and aggravation. • Mortgages, refinances, purchases and sales; dealing with one firm makes it easy and affordable. $495 THIS WEEKEND’S OPEN HOUSES CONTRACT & CLOSING OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1-4 pm 982 Schenck Avenue (btwn Cozine & Flatlands) Spring Creek: Large 1 family brick, 3 bedrooms, custom kitchen & bath, fully finished basement. Mid $300’s. FROM..................................... OPEN HOUSE Sunday 12-3 pm 1830 84 Street (btwn 18 & 19 Avenue) Bensonhurst: 3 family victorian. First time on the market! Large fully detached 3 family in the heart of Bensonhurst. 2/2/3 BR ranch w/finished basement, front & back yards, 2 car garage, close to transportation, shopping and schools. AGENT ON PREMISES: ROLAND OPEN HOUSE Sunday 12-3 pm 1857 East 51 Street Old Mill Basin: New on the market. Nice size 3 bedroom, 1 full & 2 partial baths, new 1/4 bath, detached duplex w/updated kitchen, new stainless steel appliances, freshly painted, gas heat, park size yard w/deck, detached garage. $429,000 BRIGHT HORIZONS REALTY (718) 692-4020 (718) 615-1441 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1-4 pm 1616 Remsen Avenue (btwn Avenue M & N) Canarsie: Beautiful 2 family brick semi-detached, 6 1/2 + 5 1/2 w/full basement, garage, private yard. A Must see! OPEN HOUSE Saturday 2:30-4:30 pm 4302 Flatlands Avenue Old Mill Basin: 1 family detached 3 bedroom duplex. Corner property with hardwood floors, large rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen. Asking $549,900. Fin #429032 Fillmore RE (718) 377-6161 June 26, 2014 41 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE ! 2 LOCATIONS TO BETTER SERVE YOU: Corporate We Have The BEST PRICE D Property! Flatlands Office 9201 Flatlands Avenue (corner of East 92 Street) Brooklyn, NY 11236 389 Atlantic Avenue Visit www.BrooklynRealProperty.com Ask for Jean-Paul (between Hoyt & Bond Street) We handle sales, rentals, management, short sales & all your real estate needs! • Landlords – list your apartment with us – NO FEES!! • Landlord protection guarantee program! • Free professional pictures & floor plan! • FREE advertisement! • We KNOW & specialize in SONYMA, FHA, FHA 203K, NACA, NSP2 & many grant programs! Brooklyn, NY 11217 (718) 875-8899 (718) 272-8988 / (718) 288-9601 Fax: (718) 875-8895 Fax: (718) 272-7888 PROUD MEMBER OF 2 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES! - BROOKLYN NY MLS & MANHATTAN MLS OPEN HOUSE Canarsie: Semi-detached brick 2 family. 2 bedroom over 2 bedroom, new roof, boiler, bath and tile floor. Conveniently located to train, bus, school, shopping. Owner wants to hear all offers. ID# 24-001. OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Showplace!!! Fully detached newly renovated 1 family duplex with new kitchen cabinets, floors, bathroom, jacuzzi & real 4 bedrooms with finished basement with bathrooms & much more! Large private backyard with parking. Must see to appreciate! Motivated owner! Close to L train, shopping, BJ & much more. ID# 24-006 Sunday 12:30-2 pm 4709 Tilden Avenue (btwn Schnectady & 48 St.) 1 family detached, large LR, large EIK, 2 BR duplex, finished basement, private backyard, garage, beautiful wood floors, quiet setting. Asking $200’s. No mistake! ID #24-032 Saturday 2-4 pm 576 E. 87 Street (btwn Farragut & Foster) Canarsie: Brick newly renovated 2 family spilt level 5 over 7 over 4 large rooms + full finished basement & 3 baths. New modern EIK, roof, bathroom, boiler and much more. Parking for 2 cars & full vacancies. Nothing to do but move in! ID# 24-014 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 2-4 pm 9222 Foster Avenue (btwn E 92 & E 93) OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2:30-4 pm 1351 E 101 Street (btwn Avenue M & N) Canarsie: 1 family detached 3 bedroom split level on 40x100 lot. New EIK with granite counters, new baths, beautiful wood floors through out, vaulted ceilings, large backyard, private drive w/parking for 3/4 cars. Mint condition! ID# 24-004 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 2:30-4 pm 1270 E 51 Street Kings Village co-op large one bedroom excellent condition, HWFs throughout, lots of closet space, low monthly maintenance. Only pay electric, securiy cameras and doormam. This unit is bright with alot of sunlight. Close to school, transportation, shopping. Owner wants to hear all offers. ID# 24-003 Sunday 2-4 pm 9320 Avenue M (btwn E 93 & E 94) Canarsie: Semi attached brick, legal 3 fam, 3 over 1 over 1 bed + LR & EIK! No leases! Full finished basement + 2 car garage! Some new windows, HWF, kichen & bath! Tenant pays own gas & electric. Driveway & pvt backyard! Great Condition! Will not last at this price. Saturday 12:30-2 pm 1691 Rockaway Parkway Sunday 12-2 pm 972 E 88 Street Unit #003 (btwn Flatlands & Avenue J) Canarsie: Immaculate 1st floor level reverse duplex. 2 BRs with huge master BR suite with 2 jacuzzi & walk in closet. New modern kitchen with SS appliances & washer/dryer area. Granite countertops, HWFs & lots of windows. 2 seperate entrances! Top quality upgrade & top of the line hardware. ID# 24-057 OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2:30-4 pm 1425 E 95 Street HUGE brick split level. 3 BR + 3 BR + 3 BR hospitality suite + finished basement w/seperate entrance. New roof, new boiler and hot water tank, new granite front steps. One car garage and pvt drive, large backyard. Near transportation, shop, school. Don’t miss out! ID# 24-049. OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 2-4 pm 9901 Avenue K (Corner of East 99) Saturday 12:30-2 pm 8722 Avenue J (2C) Impeccable S/D corner 2 famiy brick property. 2 BR + huge LR & EIK! New HWFs, EIK & SS appliances, baths, floors, boiler, windows, poiting, brick front, rubber roof & more! A real showplace! Pvt driveway + 1 car garage. if you have a fussy buyer that appreciates quality this is the home! ID #23-095 Saturday 12-2 pm 1368 E 92 Street (Unit #1) (btwn Avenue L & K) Condo, huge LR and DR, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, front terrace, private parking space, master bedroom w/bath + storage room, Mint condition! ID#24-051 Canarsie: Ground floor level 1 bedroom condo with many upgrades such as new high hats, kitchen, laundry room, hot water tank & more! Low common charges & RE taxes! Great condition! Grants and programs available. ID# 24-066 CAN YOU USE $45,000* IN GRANTS FOR YOUR NEXT HOME PURCHASE? WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE REAL ESTATE COMPANY NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR THE $30,000* GRANT FOR HOMEOWNERSHIP, WHICH CAN BE COMBINED WITH THE HOME FIRST GRANT FOR $15,000!* FIND OUT IF YOU QUALIFY TODAY BEFORE $$$ RUNS OUT! IMAGINE FINDING OUT LATER AFTER PURCHASING THAT YOU MISSED OUT! STOP BY AT ANY OF OUR BROOKLYN REAL PROPERTY OFFICES, OR CALL TODAY. DON’T MISS OUT! *Subject to program qualification, restriction, guidelines & available funds. Qualification condition to 3rd party approval. Our 40+ SALESPEOPLE speak Creole, French, Chinese, Spanish & more!!! ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT CANARSIE Canarsie: Large furnished, $225 weekly w/cable premium channels + internet, refrigerator, DVD, microwave, television, new mattress, near transportation. W/AC, G+E, stereo. (347) 405-6512 E. Flatbush: Unfurnished large room, $600. Share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. Broker (347) 393-9403 Canarsie: Furnished, $160 weekly. Share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. (347) 499-1521 E Flatbush: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. Owner (718) 576-6905 Canarsie: $650, everything included. Share kitchen & bathroom. Call (347) 374-2213 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. (718) 531-2740 Canarsie: Furnished, $160 weekly, share kitchen/bath. Broker (347) 712-8016; (347) 3034987 Canarsie: Large clean furnished. Share kitchen/bath. Utilities included. (917) 528-7678 Canarsie: Unfurnished, $550. No smoking. Share bath. No kitchen. (917) 683-6980 Canarsie/E81/Glenwood Rd: Furnished large room. Utilities & cable included, $200 weekly. (347) 325-0813 Canarsie: Unfurnished, $650. Share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. (631) 220-3599 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen & bathroom, $650. No smoking/pets. (347) 309-3662 Canarsie: Large, hardwood, share kitchen & bath, walk in closet. (516) 312-9362 Canarsie: Small furnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. (347) 423-2316 Bergen Beach: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. (347) 355-5627; (347) 792-6339 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen & bathroom, no smoking/pets. $600. (347) 892-2216 Ralph Ave/ENY/Sutter: Furnished, near all, $160. Call Betram Babb Realty (347) 853-0232 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen & bath, no smoking/pets. Call evenings (347) 469-3195 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. $500. (646) 269-0136 E Flatbush: Furnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. $175. (347) 488-9755 Canarsie: Unfurnished, $700 w/utilities, no cooking, no pets/smoking. (516) 881-0675 OMB: Unfurnished, $900 w/utilities, share kitchen/bath, near everything. (347) 385-2890 E 51/Winthrop: Unfurnished, $700, Share kitchen/bath. Call (646) 208-2149 Canarsie: Furnished, $200 weekly, 1 week rent, 1 week security. (347) 965-3486 Rooms Available Unfurnished Starting at $600 Utilities included (347) 249-0610 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen & bathroom, $165. Call after 4pm (917) 716-7080 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath. No pets/smoking. ID. No Broker (917) 816-8177. OMB: Unfurnished, $170 weekly, share kitchen/bath, near transportation. (347) 675-7903 Canarsie: Large furnished, not a basement, light cooking. Close to Brookdale Hospital. (718) 4952824 Canarsie: Unfurnished $175 weekly. Share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. (917) 250-5494 Canarsie/E80: Large furnished. Share kitchen/bath. $700 monthly. Katich Realty (917) 803-0652 Canarsie: Good condition, furnished room. Share kitchen/bath w/1 person. (347) 938-2537 Canarsie: Unfurnished, $170. Share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. (917) 865-9002 FREE NO OBLIGATION HONEST & FAIR MARKET ANALYSIS! 42 June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED HOUSES FOR SALE UNFURNISHED APT. BED STUY ENY CANARSIE “Experience The Difference” 8604 Flatlands Avenue • Office: 718-272-6500 • Cell: 917-952-7771 • Fax: 718-257-3539 FOR SALE Canarsie: One of the nicest houses around. 2 fam brick 4 BR duplex + 2 BRs + finished WI bsmt. Built in garage, pvt driveway & backyard. Big kitchen, updated baths, large BRs, parquet floors & much more. Great location, near all. Ref #346 Canarsie: Nice 2 family brick. 2 bedrooms over 2 bedrroms over finished basement. Private driveway and backyard. New roof, new boiler, new cement work. Nice and quiet block. Ref #352 Canarsie: Large 2 family brick, 3 bedroom duplex over 2 bedroom apartment over finished basement. Built-in garage, pvt driveway, nice size rooms, parquet floors & more. Quiet block. Near to all. Priced to sell. Low $500’s. Ref #348 Canarsie: Price Break: Beautiful 3 story semi-detached 2 fam brick. 3 bedroom duplex + 2 bedroom, semifinished basement. Newly renovated kitchens with granite countertops, renovated baths, parquet flrs, new roof & boiler. Built-in garage, pvt driveway & much more! Ref #340 Canarsie: Brick semi-detached mixed-use 2 bedroom apartment over office. Can be used as a store, church or other business. Plus basement. Located on very busy street. Owner is very motivated. Price is right! Don’t miss it! Ref #345 UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. BO’S PRIME REALTY APARTMENTS FOR RENT CANARSIE 8604 Flatlands Avenue APARTMENTS FOR RENT CANARSIE Studio............................................$1,000 utilities included ************* CANARSIE 2 bedroom....................................$1,500 ************* CANARSIE 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, split level....$1,700 ************* CANARSIE 3 Bedrooms...................................$1,850 ************* E. FLATBUSH 4 bedrooms...................................$2,200 section 8 welcome **************************** MORE APARTMENTS AVAILABLE IN OTHER AREAS! ************************** Call us! (718) 272-6500 (917) 952-7771 OMB: Large studio, 1st floor, kitchen & bathroom, HWF, includes all utilities, $1,100. Broker (917) 361-5914 Canarsie: Studio, $850, electric included. Exit All Seasons RE (646) 286-7580 Canarsie: Basement studio, $800 everything included, No pets. Call (347) 623-6277 Canarsie: Large studio $1,000 month with AC $1,100. (347) 651-5318 Canarsie: Unique 1 bedroom, $1,200. How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 STARTING FROM: Studio $900 monthly 1 bedroom $1,000 monthly 2 bedrooms $1,200 monthly 3 bedrooms $1,500 monthly No fees to landlord! We do FULL credit, criminal, VOE, background & eviction search! E 84: 2 BRs, HWFs. $1,600. E 93: 3 BRs, renovated, HWFs, near park. $1,700. E 89: 3 1/2 BRs, HWFs, near transportation. $1,800 BED STUY 3 BRs, updated. $2,250. WINDSOR TERRACE 1 BR, fully renovated. $2,300 www.BrooklynRealProperty.com Clive Fillmore RE (917) 889-1800 E79/Flatlands/Paerdegat 1: 1 bedroom mint condition. $1,100, utilities included. (646) 515-4794 Canarsie: Large 1 BR, $1,050. Call Broker (347) 737-8729 E. Flatbush: 1 BR, $1,250 including utilities. Quiet area. Broker (347) 880-3680 Crown Heights: 1 BR, newly renovated. $1,200. No brokers. Reserved Realty (917) 846-9843 Canarsie: 1 1/2 BR newly renovated, private entrance. $1,200 including utilities. Broker (718) 251-6152; (718) 753-4351 E Flatbush: Beautiful 1 BR, HWFs $1,200. Broker Leonite Gourdet (718) 207-3917 E Flatbush: Large 1 BR $1,100 near transportation. Broker (347) 733-6375 Canarsie/Glenwood/80s: Large 1 bedroom $1,200, HWFs, newly renovated. Broker (347) 3939403 Canarsie: Beautiful 2 bedrooms, $1,500, How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 E 34/Glenwood Rd: 2 bedrooms 1st floor, $1,500. Freshly painted, available immediately. Instant Realty Inc. (718) 941-7480 E. Flatbush: 2 bedrooms, $1,350, 1 bath. Broker (347) 712-8016; (347) 303-4987 Canarsie: 2 bedrooms $1,600 utilities included. No pets. (917) 856-3260; (646) 479-8546 Call (718) 272-8988 or stop by 9201 FLATLANDS AVENUE UNFURNISHED APT. Canarsie/E 91 2 beautiful large bedroom apartment near transportation. 1-3 Bedroom Apartments Owner (718) 801-3648 (718) 531-6852 Canarsie: 3 BR, 2 baths, newly renovated, $2,000 w/utilities. (718) 763-1739 E. Flatbush: Spacious 3 BR, 3rd floor, $1,600. Broker (718) 4905703 Crown Heights: Newly renovated, 3 bedrooms, HWFs, programs welcome. Owner (917) 913-2666 Spring Creek: 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, no pets, no program. Pay own light & heat, $2,000. (917) 428-9118 ENY: 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, fully renovated, newly modeled. (718) 314-5694 Canarsie/E 90s/Ave K: 3 BRs, 2nd floor, $1,800. (718) 2516152; (718) 753-4351 OMB: Absolutely gorgeous modern 3 BRs, $1,900. Broker (718) 490-5703 Canarsie: 3 BRs, split level, 1 1/2 bath, $1,800. Broker Leonite Gourdet (718) 207-3917 OMB: Beautiful 3 BR, HWFs, balcony, $1,700. Broker Leonite Gourdet (718) 207-3917 E 101/Canarsie: 2 bedrooms, 2nd floor, $1,500. Call Broker (917) 864-5866 E 26/Farrragut Rd/E Flatbush: Large 2 bedrooms, newly renovated, HWFs, $1,300. Broker (347) 393-9403 E Flatbush: 2 BR, newly renovated in a building. $1,500. Reserved Realty (917) 846-9843 Canarsie: Large 2 bedrooms, $1,500, parquet floors, new kitchen. (718) 763-1855 Canarsie: Stunning 3 bedrooms, $1,700. How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 Canarsie: Fully renovated 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath, $2,000. Serious inquiries with good credit. No program, no brokers. I mean it! All utilities including heat, AC extra. (917) 270-0615 June 26, 2014 43 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1-3pm 1607 E 96 Street C a n a r s i e : Excellent condition, 1 family semiattached, 3 bedroom duplex, finished basement, shared drive. (718) 922-2200 Fin #408033 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12-2pm 1484 E 94 Street (btwn Avenue L & M) Canarsie: This semiattached move-in ready 2 family has 4 bedrooms over 3 bedrooms plus a huge finished basement with 2 rooms. It also comes with a garage and a nice sized backyard. Fin #408035 Canarsie: 2 family semi-attached brick, 3 bedrooms over 3 bedrooms plus finished basement, driveway, large rooms, hardwood floors. Fin #408009 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE (718) 922-2200 Saturday & Sunday 2-4 pm 8102 Avenue L (btwn E 80 & E 82 STS) (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: Condo 3 bedrooms, garage & 1 car parking. Washer & Dryer, skylight & terrace, move in condition. Fin #202006 (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2-4pm 105-05 Flatlands 1st Street Canarsie: Semiattached 1 family split level prime canarsie location. Use as 3 or 4 bedrooms. Large yard, private driveway, 3 car parking 32x100 lot. Fin #408051 (718) 922-2200 2 family attached brick duplex, two 4 1/2 room apts, full finished basement, 2 car parking, All new windows, interior stairs, walk to transportation & guaranteed full vacancy if needed. (718) 272-6666 Fin #402011 HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE HOUSE OFFOR THE SALE WEEK Canarsie: Extra large 3 family attached brick. 3 bedrooms over 3 bedrooms over 1 bedroom, new roof & windows, private drive + garage. Can be delivered vacant. Fin #408004 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12-2pm 9316 Avenue K (718) 922-2200 Canarsie: 1 family semi-detached duplex, 5 beroooms, 3 baths, full finished basement, a small walk to all public transportation, house of worship, shopping, library, botantical garden. Fin #402016 OPEN HOUSE Canarsie: 2 family attached brick duplex, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, new window, front porch & railings. Too many extras to mention, MIC. Guarantee full vacancy. Must See! Fin #402013 (718) 272-6666 (btwn Avenue L & M) C a n a r s i e : Renovated oversized one & two bedroom co-op, new kitchen, double closets, laundry facilties, secure parking. Starting at $125,000. Fin #408049 (718) 922-2200 Canarsie: 2 family fully detached double duplex with 3 full baths, full finished basement with partial bath, all new kitchen with stainless steel appliances, new cabnets, counter tops, updated bathrooms, separate boilers and hot water heaters for each unit. Fin #408019 Sunday 2-4pm 2809 Glenwood Rd Saturday 12-2pm (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE (btwn Kenilworth & E 29) 1230 East 99 Street HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: This fully detached 4 bedroom duplex is located close to the park, shopping and transportation (B17 & B42 bus). It also has a large living room and kitchen Fin #408036 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12-2pm Sunday 1-3pm 1336 East 89 Street (btwn Avenue M & N) East Flatbush: Coop 1 BR spacious, in prime neighborhood, close to shops, train, bus, & park. Priced to sell! Parquet floors & big closets. In nice development. Fin #402008 (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 2-4pm 102-08 Avenue L (btwn E 102 & E 103) Canarsie: Beautifully renovated detached 1 family. 3 bedrooms, laarge new kitchen with granite countersand stainless appliances. Lots of closets. Fin #408054 (718) 922-2200 Canarsie: 2 family attached brick, 4 1/2 + 3 1/2, new roof, heat system & hot water heater, backyard, private driveway & garage. Only 13,500 down payment to qualified buy(718) 272-6666 ers. Fin #402012 OPEN HOUSE HOUSE FOR SALE Sunday 2-4pm 262 Saratoga Ave Canarsie: This newly renovated 2 familly brick is located close to transportation, A & C Train, shopping and Downtown Brooklyn. It comes with a finished basement, hardwood floors and back porch. Nice size rooms. Fin #408034 Canarsie: 2 family semidetached. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge 40x100 lot. Large rooms, full finished basement, private driveway for 3 or 4 cars. Movein condition! Walk to subway & buses, minutes from Belt Parkway. Fin #302047 (718) 922-2200 (718) 272-6666 Canarsie: 1 family semi-detached duplex, 2 stories. New heating system, new windows, new vinyl, siding & fencing, new kitchen & bath. Too many extras to mention! A must see! Priced to (718) 272-6666 sell. Fin #302050 HOUSE FOR SALE East Flatbush (East 50s): Price break! 1 family detached on a 40x100 lot. House is 20x50 with 6 1/2 rooms plus huge full finished basement! Parking for 3 cars. Nice backyard! Priced to sell. Only $14,000 down payment for qualified buyers. Fin #302033 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 1 family duplex, 4 BRs, 1 bath, LR, DR, 2 3/4 baths. Gorgeous ceramic tile kitchen, HWFs, finished basement w/seperate entrance. 3 car parking. Fin #402003 (718) 272-6666 44 June 26, 2014 Canarsie Courier HAVE HEALTHY, CAVITY-FREE TEETH! SUMMER SPECIAL SURGICAL IMPLANTS JUST $750 EXCELLENT DENTISTRY WITH THE LATEST TREATMENTS ENSURE HEALTHY TEETH AND GUMS YOU WILL EXPERIENCE GENTLE DENTISTRY IN A PROFESSIONAL, COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT WHERE OUR PATIENTS LOVE TO REFER THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS INVISALIGN BRACES NEW PATIENT OFFER 69 $ Reg. Value $140 • • • • EXAM • X-RAYS (BITE WINGS) REGULAR CLEANING & POLISHING ORAL CANCER SCREENING PERSONAL CONSULTATION WITH DOCTOR Limited Time Offer Dr. Ella Dekhtyar & Dr. Ilya Freyberg 718-763-9118 718-693-5455 1763 Rockaway Parkway (Cor. Ave. L) 789 Flatbush Avenue (Cor. Lenox Road) COME VISIT US AT OUR OTHER LOCATION WWW.CANARSIESMILE.COM OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK We Accept Most Insurance & Union Plans • Medicaid • Payment Plans
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