we are your neighborhood newspaper
we are your neighborhood newspaper
WE ARE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWSPAPER • Canarsie • Marine Park • Mill Basin • Georgetown • Gerritsen Beach • Bergen Beach • • Kings Plaza • Sheepshead Bay • Flatlands • Flatbush • East New York • Spring Creek • Vol. 94 No. 34 Thursday, August 21, 2014 40 Pages 50¢ Story on page 12 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 • Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 • Email: CanarsieC@aol.com Photos by Dara Mormile and Christopher Brown 2 Canarsie Courier xx IN THIS ISSUE It’s Quite A Sight At Breukelen Houses Garden Page 4 This Broker Will Ensure Your Future With Some TLC Page 18 Youths Get Treated To An Awesome Day On Avenue L Page 20 August 21, 2014 Everyone Wants To Clown Around At The Canarsie Library The library’s a great place to borrow a book…research that big project…or party with a clown! If you happened to be at Canarsie Library Monday afternoon, you were lucky enough to be part of a special performance by Bubbles The Clown, who visits the local branch a few times a year. Bubbles got the crowd dancing, playing ball and doing tons of other cool things that you’d never get away with in the library on an ordinary day! While she sported flip-flops instead of traditional clown shoes, Bubbles led children of all ages around the library, at 1580 Rockaway Parkway, in a conga line. Kids from all over, including a local day camp, enjoyed the loud and boisterous show. To find out about the other fun activities happening at the Canarsie Library, call (718) 2576547. SECTIONS Action Classified.................35 Business Card Corner.........25 Business Directory...............33 Community Guide...............32 Medical Update................26 Religious News...................30 FEATURES What’s Your Opinion............28 COLUMNS Telling It Like It Is..................6 Founded April 22, 1921 by Walter S. Patrick Serving Canarsie, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Georgetown, Bergen Beach, East New York, Flatlands, Flatbush, Gerritsen Beach, Sheepshead Bay & Spring Creek 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 e-mail: canarsiec@aol.com www.canarsiecourier.com Donna Marra Publisher Catherine Rosa Business Manager Dara Mormile Associate Editor Linda Steinmuller Staff Reporter Lennox Clarke Shawn Thomas Dunleavy Alessandro Marra Jr. Production Department Lynn Gerbino Eileen Melecio Classifieds William O’Neill Telemarketing Sam Akhtar, Jason Linetsky, Linda Steinmuller, Jerry Del Priore, Loretta Chin, Keciah Bailey & Ann Marie Turton Writers Do you want to see a cleaner Canarsie? A nice place to do your local shopping? Do you want to see Avenue L vibrant and thriving again? What improvements would you make to revive the deteriorating conditions on our community’s shopping strip? You can help by sending us your suggestions today! Dave Lewin, Darryl C. Madison, Sonny Maxon, R. Rivera & Oronde I. Bell Photographers The Canarsie Courier (USPS 088-040) is published weekly by the Canarsie Courier Publications Inc., 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are $20 per year in Brooklyn ($40 everywhere else). U.S. periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, New York. Postmaster: Send address changes to Canarsie Courier, 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are nonrefundable and payable in advance. The Canarsie Courier reserves the right to edit, classify, index, or reject any and all material (copy, ads, photos, letters, etc.) not consistent with the policies of this publication. All articles, letters, pictures, advertisements and other materials herein are the exclusive property of Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission of the Publisher. All materials contained herein are copyrighted ©2011 by Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. Views of columnists contained herein are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or principles of the owners of the Canarsie Courier. The advertisements in the Canarsie Courier are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate representations of the products and services offered. However, no endorsement by the Canarsie Courier is intended or implied. All ads are read back to the advertiser, who is responsible for checking the published ad after the first insertion. Credit will only be given for the space occupied by the error for the first week. Credit will not be given after first insertion for any reason. Only original contest and sweepstakes coupons will be accepted. Prizes must be claimed in person by the winner no later than 14 days from the date of publication. 3 Canarsie Courier August 21, 2014 Officials are looking for a man – possibly in his late teens to early 20s – who’s responsible for a robbery at a laundromat near East 46th Street and Avenue L. Tuesday at around 8:45 a.m., police from the 63rd Precinct responded to a call that a laundromat employee was robbed. The suspect brandished a black handgun and said to the worker, “Give me your f*****g money,” and then took $4 in cash from the victim’s right rear pocket. The suspect was described as a black man with dark skin, about 6’2,” weighing 170 pounds. He was wearing a gray hoodie and dark sweatpants at the time of the robbery. He reportedly got away in a gray sedan but officials did not find out which direction he fled. There were no reported injuries. Anyone with information about the robbery is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS. The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Website at www.nypdcrimestoppers.com or texting their tips to 274637(CRIMES) then enter TIP577. Brookdale Hospital Fined For Hazardous Work Conditions Usually the hospital is an institution that provides care for the injured. Recently, Brookdale Hospital made headlines for injuries and assaults inflicted on their employees while caring for their patients on the premises. Last week, the hospital was hit with a $78,000 fine by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for several cases of worker assault and hazardous work conditions. OSHA launched an investigation into the hospital’s workplace conditions back in February, following an incident where a staff nurse was severely beaten by a patient resulting in life-threatening brain injuries. According to a report by OSHA, the findings of the investigation revealed more than 40 reported cases of worker assaults and workplace accident injuries between February and April of this year. The facility was issued a “willful violation” citation for failure to provide a safe work environment, according to the OSHA report. “Brookdale management was aware of these incidents and did not take effective measures to prevent assaults against its employees,” said Kay Gee, OSHA’s area director for Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens. Khari Edwards, Brookdale’s vice president of external affairs, provided a statement from the hospital saying, “While we have fully cooperated with OSHA during its investigation and on our own have strengthened our already robust security procedures, we absolutely disagree with OSHA’s finding that the hospital willfully violated any regulatory requirement.” The majority of incidents reported include employees who suffered injuries resulting from falling boxes and equipment, slip and falls or tripping over hospital equipment. The most serious incident happened on February 7th, when 70-year-old nurse Evelyn Lynch was viciously beaten and repeatedly stomped in the head by 40-year-old patient Kwincii Jones. Lynch suffered brain hemorrhaging as well as multiple fractures to the head and face. Jones was charged with attempted second-degree murder and assault in the first degree. Other cases of employee assaults include one employee who was struck by a patient resulting in a chin contusion and another worker suffered back injuries after being punched by a patient. “We will partner with OSHA to continue improving on our safety and security programs to ensure we provide a safe workplace for our staff and a safe environment for the delivery of the world class health care that our patients deserve,” the statement said. Pets Make Sad Discovery In Avenue L Home Photos and text by Jason Linetsky Homeowners near Avenue L and East 99th Street knew Felix Pandolfino as a gentleman, who treated his neighbors like family. Last Wednesday, after a night of hearing Pandolfino’s Bull Mastiff dogs howling and crying, a neighbor from East 98th Street contacted authorities to check on him. Police responded and found Pandolfino lying on the floor in his living room with two dogs crying near him. One had to be tranquilized and removed in a carrier while the other was coaxed into another room. Paramedics then arrived and pronounced Pandolfino dead at the scene. “There was something not right at his house,” stated the neighbor who called, but wanted to remain anonymous. “His dogs were howling all night and I saw his mail still on his porch. He came out of the house every day to get it.” She remembered him being in his 70s and fighting late-stage lung cancer. An autopsy is pending and the medical examiner at the scene would not comment. Others recollected good times shared with the man, including his next-door neighbor, who moved into his house in 1999 and said, “Felix came over and handed me a beer; then we chilled on his porch. He immediately had the dogs come over and sniff my hand so they would always know I’m okay. He was like that the whole time I knew him. I always felt protected living next to him and his dogs.” “Felix was a cool man,” stated another man who simply knew Pandolfino as ‘Nick’. “He never bothered anyone. He was a good guy. He always had dogs and almost always Mastiffs but they were friendly. He didn’t train them to be vicious. I’ve lived here since 1996 and I’ve seen him every day. He used to have a friend from the Sanitation Department check on him but he moved to Long Island.” Following the EMT’s report, Lieutenant Mike Looney of the 69th Precinct called Animal Care & Control to remove the three dogs, one which was lying in the backyard. Community Affairs Officer with the 69th Precinct Eton White was unable to comment further on the status of the dogs or give details on the cause of death but said it was “of natural causes.” Officers had to tranquilize a dog and leave him in a carrier to begin investigation. One of the dogs (inset) in owners’ backyard. Canarsie Courier 4 August 21, 2014 Summer Learning Is Delicious At Breukelen Sight Garden! Picking out fruit and vegetables isn’t exactly a fun experience for most kids. Thanks to Breukelen Houses resident Anne Marie Rameau, a few privileged children in the community enjoyed the fruits of their labor and had an awesome time learning the importance of growing their own produce. This summer, 9-year-old Karissa Pinto, 8-yearold Analiese Pou and 4-year-old Amir Trawford joined Rameau every day in her elaborate garden – called “Breukelen Sight” – at Williams Avenue between Flatlands Avenue and Glenwood Road. “They came over to me one day and wanted to help plant seeds for the garden,” the green- thumbed resident told the Rameau taught the eager children how deep to bury the seeds and how to maintain the garden’s various plants. “The garden is really beautiful and it’s a good experience even though you have to get dirty,” said Pinto. “It’s hard work, but it’s fun!” Okra, cucumber and baby tomatoes are among the fresh fruit and veggies growing at the children’s garden, which Rameau established last month. The kids also love the huge sunflowers growing in the garden, which Rameau established in 1977. The longtime resident honed her gardening skills decades ago at New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA) gardening workshops. NYCHA gave Rameau the green light to maintain the garden outside of her apartment – where a plethora of different flower beds grow. In 2012, Rameau added a fish pond to “Breukelen Sight,” adding an aquarium-like feel to the scene. Children love feeding the fish and learned how to clean the pond water. Earlier this year, the Breukelen resident also won the 2014 Daffodil Awards and was invited to the New York for Parks 2014 Daffodil Breakfast. The organization recognized her dedication to gardening and honored her for assisting with the community garden at the Seth Low Houses in Brownsville. Anne Marie Rameau with Analiese Pou, left, and Karissa Pinto. Analiese and Karissa proudly stand near Children’s Garden. Kids have fun feeding fish in the pond at Breukelen Sight! Amir Trawford shows off cherry tomatoes he helped plant. ATTENTION RESIDENTS!!! IF YOU SEE IT.....SNAP IT! If you see an accident, fire or any other shocking happening in the community – we want a photo! We will publish AND PAY YOU for your picture. You will also receive photo credit! YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE A HIGH-TECH CAMERA. JUST BE AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME! Call the Canarsie Courier for more information! 718-257-0600 “Where’s Rosa?” Our Business Manager Catherine Rosa is hidden somewhere in this issue of the Canarsie Courier. Every week, her face will be photoshopped and placed in a RANDOMLY SELECTED PHOTO SOMEWHERE IN THE PAPER. Find Rosa’s face and you can win a three-month subscription to the community’s best newspaper! One lucky resident will be picked each week – new subscribers only! All you have to do is circle Rosa and mail the page, along with your name and address to: Canarsie Courier, 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn NY 11236. You can also bring the page where you find Rosa into our office. Happy Rosa Hunting! LEGAL PROBLEM? I KNOW HOW TO WIN FOR YOU! Joseph B. Maira, Esq. www.mairalawoffice.com CALL MY CELL ANYTIME 718-938-3728 THE CANARSIE COURIER OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON LABOR DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST. WE WILL REOPEN 9:00 A.M. ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND The publishers and staff wish our readers, advertisers and community a happy and safe holiday weekend! August 21, 2014 5 Canarsie Courier Photos and text by Dara Mormile A quiet Sunday came to a screeching halt when two drivers smashed into each other at East 104th Street and Avenue J just after 3 p.m. The driver of an SUV wound up on the sidewalk after colliding with a sedan that was traveling on Avenue J near East 104th Street, sources at the scene said. Both drivers were injured and, fortunately, there were no pedestrians near the sidewalk at the time of the accident. Some witnesses said both drivers were trying to cut each other off at the corner, which sent the SUV flying into a gate at the southeast corner of the street. Jewelry Thieves Still Possibly On The Run By Keciah Bailey Over the past two months, a rash of robberies took place in the 63rd Precinct and police are asking for the public’s help in tracking the suspects down. The details of the incidents, which occurred in the Marine Park area, are as follows: On Thursday, July 10th, in front of 1943 Schenectady Avenue at approximately 3:15 p.m., the jewelry thieves snatched a chain worth $500 from a 60-year-old man. Between Sunday, July 20th at approximately 6 a.m. and Tuesday July 22nd at around 3 a.m., thieves broke into a private home through the back door, taking electronics and jewelry. On Wednesday, July 23rd, at the intersection of Utica Avenue and Avenue M at approximately 6:10 p.m., the crooks stole two chains worth $200 from a 53-year-old man. On Tuesday, August 5th, in front of 1474 East 45th Street at approximately 12:45 p.m., the thieves robbed a 40year-old male of a chain and a bracelet worth $3,500. On Wednesday, August 6th, in front of 1548 East 49th Street, the robbers stole three bracelets and two necklaces from a 62-year-old male and a 57-yearold female. Police said in each incident two suspects approached the victims, brandished a gun and then fled on foot. Two suspects are described as black males in their 30’s. One is 5’9 and about 190 lbs. and was wearing a green knitted hat, dark colored t-shirt and dark colored pants. The second suspect is 5’9 and about 185 lbs. and was wearing a brown t-shirt and a blue and white hat. The suspects involved in the July 20th break-in are described as two black teenaged males, one approximately 5’10 and 150 lbs. who was wearing a grey t-shirt and sweatpants, white t-shirt and a white hat. The other suspect is 5’8 and about 160 lbs. and was wearing a black t-shirt, black shorts with a red stripe, black sneakers and a black backpack with a shark head design. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at www.nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their tips to CRIMES 274637, then enter TIP577. Photos courtesy of NYPD The New York Caribbean Cup Soccer established its Community Outreach Program (COP) in 2013. As part of the program, and in an effort to give back to their community, school supplies were given to kids attending the quarterfinal game prior to the start of the Team Guyana and Team Barbados game on Sunday, August 17th. Caribbean Cup will be giving away more backpacks prior to the start of this Sunday’s semi-final game between Team Jamaica and Team Guyana and will continue to do so as long as the backpacks last. In photo, Caribbean Cup director John Melbourne poses for a photo op with some of the proud backpack recipients. 6 Canarsie Courier August 21, 2014 What Will The NYPD Do When They’re On Not-So-Candid Camera? Telling It Like It Is By Dara Mormile dmit it – you’d love to be famous! That’s why you’re thinking that all those special moments in your life belong on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and whatever the hell else exposes your sparkling personality. You obviously DON’T like it when you’re the center of negative attention – like so many people often are when they’re caught on camera committing a crime or injustice. Thanks to today’s technology, EVERYTHING is caught and videotaped on cellphones/iPads etc., and if you’ve committed a real A crime – SMILE, you’re on candid camera and the cops will plaster social media and the news with your image until you’re caught. We love seeing good things on camera too – someone saving someone’s life and an act of heroism - which proves that social media can help spread awareness for something positive! The NYPD sends out mass e-mails with criminal acts recorded on cameras every day. One of the most shocking videos I’ve seen was footage of a man getting shot in broad daylight in East New York – the gunman’s face, and hand with the weapon, in clear sight. Did this really help them solve a crime? In many cases, I can confidently say that video surveillance has helped solve crimes and made the course of events leading up to the incident hard to fake. You just can’t argue with what the hidden video camera reveals. You can lie…reinterpret the course of events or you can defend what “looked like” something legitimate – but if the wrong person catches you in the act, WATCH OUT! Sure, I’ve touched on the subject of police abusing their powers, such as in the Eric Garner case, but now that Public Advocate Letitia James regurgitated the idea of slapping body cameras on cops, I realized that there’s a whole lot of doublespeak going on that I truly don’t understand. In 2013, the reported that “the NYPD wouldn’t implement a judge’s order to outfit cops with surveillance cameras until it has a gun to its head.” A couple of reports delivered by the Public Advocate made it sound nice… saying, “Body cameras would thwart complaints against officers.” This is one way to make it appealing to cops to have to strap a small camera on their lapel to capture every move they make! What about protecting the by capturing acts practiced by the NYPD? Let’s get real! If cops knew that every move they made was being recorded by a little device attached to their uniform, wouldn’t they think twice about using “unreasonable” force and violent tactics to subdue potential criminals? Civilians are the ones who seem to need protection – the cameras would do more good for defending the general public than the police! What I don’t understand is why this has to be negotiated with the NYPD’s union. Equipping cops with cameras certainly isn’t a breach of their privacy – cops are PUBLIC SERVANTS and everything they do, while on duty, should be information. They’re patrolling our streets – patrolling events that take place in PUBLIC. If police make an arrest, they have to read the person their Miranda Rights – a legally mandated procedure. There are plenty of procedural practices police are supposed to abide by (some don’t – which is caught on civilian cameras!). I don’t buy the excuse that officers have enough equipment on them and that a tiny camera would “weigh” them down. The August 14, 2013 article entitled “ ” made a claim that “additional equipment becomes an encumbrance and a safety issue for those carrying it.” Really? If NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton is on board with officers having body cameras, then why make excuses? The LAPD already has these cameras in use – so what’s our city’s problem? If they make these body cameras small enough and capable of withstanding all types of conditions, what’s the problem? James says she first wants to put cameras on Continued on page 14 August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier 7 8 Ridge Abstract Corp. Canarsie Courier SERVICE ABOVE and BEYOND Established 1980 Title Insurance throughout New York State • Title insurance arranged in New Jersey and other states • Computer hook-up with NYC Tax Office & Register’s Office • Totally computerized office with personal service • Closing conference room for your convenience • Recording documents • Violation searches • Real estate forms August 21, 2014 Cleanup In The Paerdegats Last Tuesday, State Senator John Sampson and Councilman Alan Maisel helped a Canarsie resident clean her block’s community walkway in the Paerdegats. The two officials, along with volunteers, cleaned up debris and garbage from the street as well as removed unsolicited advertisement posters from poles. The cleanup was part of Millennium Development’s neighborhood beautification program. Thanks to Senator Sampson and Councilman Maisel residents are now pleased to have a clean, tidy street. FRANK, J. MARTINO, President BENJAMIN J. MARTINO, JR., Vice President PAUL J. INTERLANDI, Sr. Vice President CHRISTOPER M. BECK, Director of Operations ANDREW NUNZIATO, Sr. Title Officer 1967 McDonald Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11223 Tel. 718-338-0065 • Fax 1-718-692-3767 To reduce mosquito activity and the risk of West Nile virus, the Health Department sprayed pesticide from trucks in parts of Brooklyn on Tuesday, August 19th and Wednesday, August 20th. Neighborhoods that were sprayed included the area bordered by Paerdegat Basin, Ralph Avenue, Flatbush Avenue, Avenue D and Ditmas Avenue to the north. The Department also sprayed East 17th Street, Avenue U and Nostrand Avenue to the west, Avenue W and Gerritsen Avenue to the south and Belt Parkway to the east. According to the Health Department, those communities were treated due to rising West Nile virus activity with high mosquito patterns. For the spraying, the department used a very low concentration of Anvil® 10+10, a synthetic pesticide. The product poses no significant risk to human health when used properly. August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier 9 Canarsie Courier 10 August 21, 2014 Marine Park Filmmaker Keeps Its Local LOBSTER Independent film director and author Peter Iengo is at it again. He’s producing another movie and doing most of the filming in familiar territory – the streets of Brooklyn, which he calls home. In true Brooklyn spirit, he’s teamed up with fellow Brooklynite Tony Lindsay to produce “ ,” a drama thriller which is due for its final cut in time for the 2014 holiday season. The film delves into the modern day enigma of “good men” and aims to dispel the false notions about men that Hollywood has adopted and exacerbated. Tony Lindsay is the executive producer, director and writer of “ ” and the main character, Brave Williams, is loosely based on his life. The powerful drama explores the unfavorable results of childhood trauma, abandonment, violence, mental illness and abuse - shedding light on real issues that often lead to the total breakdown of relationships and the family unit. Filming started on July 21st and should wrap up in September, with shoots in Canarsie, including Canarsie Pier, and East New York, Lindsay’s home. Iengo believes that there are several ingredients that will make a recipe for success – star power, an exceptional production crew and a special camera. With Hollywood actors like guest star Clifton Powell ( ), Malik Yoba ( movies and and Taral Hicks , “ ” has a mix of top talent blended with local actors - Erin Sanderson and Alexander Mulzac - both New Yorkers performing in leading roles. Iengo, who still lives in Marine Park, says he is grateful to be part of his latest project. “I love the story; I think it’s going to be a home run. We have a strong team of people working on this movie. This production crew – young and upcoming college grads - are some of the best people I have ever worked with,” the 27-year-old filmmaker said. Star power and a top-notch production crew can go a long way but what Iengo is most excited about is the new camera his crew is using this year Panasonic’s newest HDSLR camera, the Lumix GH4. Although the camera is an industry standard, Iengo says “ ” will be the first feature film shot solely on the GH4. “We’re using the GH4 for filming from start to finish,” Iengo said. “The GH4 is a 4K high definition camera that is very versatile, shoots high quality images and is easily accessible.” Iengo discovered his love for film while attending Edward R. Murrow High School and credits one of his teachers, Yoevan Hanratty, who inspired him by bringing her broadcasting experience into the classroom. Iengo, a budding filmmaker at the time, created a short satirical film in his junior year called “ ,” which earned him an Emmy Award for technical achievement. His passion for movies continued 2 22 3 33 $ $ 4 44 5 55 F O R $ F O R F O R $ F O R Exp. 9-2-14 • GUARANTEED • TO AVG. OVER 1 1⁄ 4 LBS EACH. • LIVE OR • STEAMED NO LIMIT • OTHER • SIZES AVAILABLE • FRESH FISH • SHRIMP AND CLAMS TOO RESTAURANT Peter Iengo and Tony Lindsay, producers of “Where The Heart Lies.” L OBSTER S PECIAL FISH & CHIPS SPECIAL • GENUINE STATE O’MAINE LOBSTER 1 • GUARANTEED TO AVG. OVER 1 ⁄ 4 LB • STEAMED OR BROILED $ 20 * FRESH FILET • FRIED OR BROILED $ + TAX Exp. 9-2-14 Exp. 9-2-14 * 10 * + TAX • INCLUDES: PREMIUM IDAHO FRENCH FRIES OR CORN ON THE COB • COLE SLAW • CUP OF ANY CHOWDER OR BISQUE (ADD $4.00) • STEVE’S AUTHENTIC KEY LIME PIE, CHOCOLATE OR CHEESECAKE (ADD $4.00) Market Specials & Menu Online: Jordanslobster.com Corner of 2771 KNAPP St. & Belt Pkwy (EXIT 9 OR 9A) Sheepshead Bay, BKLYN GPS: 3165 Harkness Ave. (ACROSS FROM THE UA MOVIES) 1-800-404-CLAW ZAGAT RATED EXCELLENT Hours Sun. – Thurs 9:00 am – 10:00 pm • Fri & Sat, 9:00 am – 11:00 pm WITH COUPONS ONLY FREE PARKING Filming outside Martin Luther King Jr. Park on Miller Avenue in East New York. August 21, 2014 11 Canarsie Courier Elias J. Weir Candidate For 19th Senatorial District ******** The present 19th District State Senator, John Sampson, Sampson was arrested on May 6, 2013, and charged with two counts of embezzlement, five counts of obstruction of justice and two counts of making false statements. The charges stem from an investigation over the sale of foreclosed homes, where Sampson is alleged to have stolen over $400,000 while acting as a court-appointed referee.” He has also been charged with misappropriation of funds and giving $40,000 to a business entity outside of his district. Once again he is romancing African-American voters to give them more of the same…Nothing. Because he is a man of color most are eager to forget that this individual His absence in the AfricanAmerican communities It is quite disturbing when an elected official uses the term: “Putting People First”, “Leadership that is Proven” and “Experience Counts” and does not live up to his principles. Who and what does he put first? The record shows greed, embezzling, lying, stealing and corruption which seems to be the experience that counts. He has done little to help improve the quality of life throughout the 19th Senatorial District, Here is some insight on my adversaries… Dell Smitherman is also running. He should be ashamed of himself by stealing a page out of President Obama’s health plan. He has inundated the constituents with his flyers Thanks to President Obama’s “Obamacare”, many can look forward to He speaks of job creation. . In 2012, my initial quest for the 19th District Senator seat included job creation for our communities as one of my primary goals, prior to President Obama’s job creation plan which I strongly support. As far as it goes for passing a Living Wage Law, that is a City Council Member’s jurisdiction. A senator does not have that authority. Unless you have experienced the damaging effects of Hurricane Sandy (like myself, a Canarsie resident and a community activist), my constituents add insult to injury. Mr. Smitherman and Mr. Sean Henry, speak on Sandy’s devastation, but their presence during this time was never acknowledged or known. Where were they? Mr. Henry has overcome trials and tribulations in his personal life and I commend his accomplishments but I honestly do not believe he has the experience or exposure to meet the demands of the Senate Office. State Senator John Sampson lacks leadership and ethics. Dell Smitherman and Sean Henry lack the experience and business acumen to make the necessary changes to move the district forward. I have been fighting for Brooklyn and helping the youth since 1987 and during this time I have teamed up with numerous associations and we have won countless battles. One of the hardest fought battles was in 2006 to 2008 when a private company tried to establish a medical waste facility in Canarsie. This hard fought battle was a monumental victory for all of Brooklyn residences since we persuaded the Assembly, State Senate and the Governor of New York to bring about a new law that would not allow any such establishment to be placed within a quarter mile of any residential area. Vote Elias J. Weir On September 9th www.eliasweir4statesenate.com 12 Canarsie Courier August 21, 2014 It Came This Close On Conklin Avenue! Parking under the tree on the northeast side of Conklin Avenue and East 92nd Street can be dangerous. Just ask Christopher Brown, whose home is only feet away from a dangerous tree with limbs that break off onto the street and sidewalk. The large tree was pruned several times by the city, but Brown said that the inside of the tree is dead and has been falling apart for years. He also said critters have chewed away at the inside of the tree, leaving it hollow. A couple of weekends ago, torrential rains and winds caused a heavy limb to crash down on the metal fence by his yard. “If someone were walking under that tree, they wouldn’t have survived,” he said. “That’s why I never park my car here.” Even though a police line kept the area clear for a couple of days after the branch barreled down on the property, Brown wants the entire tree cut down to the stump instead of dealing with falling branches that pose a danger. We’re hoping the city goes out on a limb and barks up the right tree! Photos by Dara Mormile and Christopher Brown August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier 13 14 August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier For Kings Plaza, Giving Back Is Elementary By Linda Steinmuller School is just around the corner and parents are busy shopping to get their kids ready for the upcoming school year. Studies show that families are expected to spend over $600 on apparel and supplies, which many families simply cannot afford. Kings Plaza Shopping Center did its part by helping local children in need on Tuesday. In partnership with local elected officials and community leaders, the folks at Kings Plaza distributed over 1,500 backpacks filled with school supplies at a backpack giveaway. Kids are now packed and ready to head back to class! Photos courtesy of Macerich Telling It Like It Is... Continued from page 6 police officers working in the most dangerous communities in the city – including East New York’s 75th Precinct. The cost would be about $5 million and I agree with her – the cost can be compared to how much the city has to pay in lawsuits as a result of complaint settlements. Just last week the city settled a wrongful death lawsuit with the family of Tamon Robinson – who was killed by a cop car in 2012 at Bayview houses – for $2 million. The city’s going to be paying up the youknow-what for numerous acts of illegitimate violence practiced by the NYPD – and not a cop’s! Everyone’s safety is at risk – and not being transparent about what’s going on to keep people safe is one of NYPD’s biggest faults, if you ask me. But don’t ask me – ask the millions of civilians who have cameras on hand to capture cops at their worst moments. A picture – and video – is worth a thousand words – or millions of dollars… Raven’s Early Childhood Education Center FREE UNIVERSAL PRE-K PROGRAM Register Now! • Universal Pre-K Program From 8:30am - 3:00pm Monday - Friday • Extended Hours Available 7:00am - 8:30am • $100 Monthly 3:00pm - 6pm $360 Monthly 1102 East 92nd St. Brooklyn, NY 11236 (Corner of East 92nd & Glenwood Rd) 718-927-2316 www.ravensschool.org August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier 15 Caribbean Cup Tournament Marched To The Beat Of Its Own Drums Caribbean Cup Classic Quarterfinals round came to a close today as the final four teams in the round faced off to set the stage for next week’s semifinals action. Grenada and Haiti squared off a brutal first match resulting in 1 to nil win for Grenada, which staved off strong offensive efforts from Haiti to close out the match. Grenada’s lone goal was scored by Shane Rennie in the first half of the match. Rennie and Gre-nada also had help from its outstanding goalie who thwarted charge after charge from a hungry Haitian team looking to squeak its way back into the match. “Out of ten I give them a nine,” said coach Alvin Felix of his squad. “I give the man of the match award to our goalie, but overall Haiti performed well. Haiti is a champion and to be a champion you have to beat champions and that’s what we did today, concluded Felix.” Both teams matched up well on the field in terms of their agility and technicality. From the whistle they got after the ball and each other, forcing their opponent to work hard to generate offense. Grenada moved well in the first half, quickly moving the ball up field on its Haitian defenders by using long balls and shifty movements. But the game got nasty pretty quickly as players on both sides received multiple yellow cards for overly aggressive play. These fouls hurt both teams particularly Grenada which was forced to play the match with only ten men as a result of consecutive penalties. Though Haiti stayed with and challenged Grenada often and controlled much of the tempo in the second half, it could not mount a strong attack on Grenada’s stout defense. Its shots on goal were either too wide, too high or bounced off of the crossbar. Haiti’s frustrations boiled over in the second half as its players began to fuss with one another and its goalie even wrestled a Grenadian player to the ground which nearly resulted in a brawl on the field. Haiti did not give up even as the match neared its end, but Grenada was the better team on the day, securing the quarterfinal win over its French speaking counterpart. Haitian player collects the ball from the net after Grenada scored. Barbadian goalie secures ball after Guyanese shot on goal. The Guyanese contingent in attendance along with the drummers in the audience erupted not only laughter but applause as well. Barbados which was playing without its star player Correy Barrow retreated into defensive mode while Guyana ran the show on the offensive side of the ball during the first half. Barbados, regardless of how hard it attacked or pressed its Guyanese counterparts, it could not establish a rhythm. As the match progressed Guyana spread the field in the hopes of not only playing a more tactical match but also slowing down the game’s tempo. Guyana’s final two goals were scored off of easy runs resulting in another clearance error on the part of the Bajan goalie and an easy goal tucked into the right side of the net by one of the Guyanese players. Down the stretch, Barbados made crucial errors on offense and defense costing them the match, but it still had much to be proud of as its run in the long standing tournament came to a heartbreaking end. This action concludes the quarterfinals round, but the semifinals round will showcase the talents of the final four teams left in the Cup. Jamaica will face Guy-ana in one semifinal match, while St. Vincent and the Grenadines will face Grenada in the second semifinal battle. The winner gets another shot at the highly coveted Caribbean Cup and island bragging rights for an entire year. Semifinals action will begin on August 24th at Thomas Jefferson Athletic Field in East New York. Grenada celebrates after scoring on Haiti during the first half. Guyanese player is surrounded by Barbadian defenders. Injuries pile up as the match progressed. The day’s second and final match featured Guyana and Barbados in what was a showdown for the last semifinal spot. Guyana would ultimately go on to de-feat Barbados with a final score of three to nil. Guyana’s three goals were scored by Anthony Abrams, Marlon Benjamin, and Bevon Moseley. “It’s a good win. We’re moving on to the semifinals” said head coach Howard Beaton of his team. “It was a tough game. They (Jamaica) beat us three out of the last four years we played them. I’m hoping we try to take revenge and redeem ourselves against Jamaica next week, concluded Beaton.” The match, which was far less aggressive than the one featuring Haiti and Grenada, got off to a fast start as Guyana drew first blood in the first five minutes scoring off a lucky bounce pass into the net by one of its players. 16 Canarsie Courier He’s Got A Knack For Snapping Away! Photographer Keith Dawson (left) and Councilmember Jumaane Williams (D-Brooklyn) photographed with the local publications which Dawson takes photographs for, including – but not limited to: Roll Out Magazine, The Beacon New York, CaribNews, Caribbean Life, Canarsie Courier, Star, The Observer, Amsterdam News, Caribbean People, The Brooklyn Eagle, Our Time Press and HNG News. Courtesy of Keith Dawson ACCURATE August 21, 2014 BROKERS LIMITED Insurance Established In 1982 Auto Home Commercial NEW LOCATION! 3840 Flatlands Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11234 718-375-3838 Fax: 718-645-2369 We Offer: • Auto Insurance – New drivers, young drivers, and permit drivers are welcome. With us, you’re covered! • Homeowners Insurance – Property insurance from top-rated providers. • Commercial Insurance – Coverage for contractors, commercial fleets and special events. Contact Stewart Gross For A FREE Quote www.accuratebrokersinsurance.com E-Mail: Accurateins01@aol.com August 21, 2014 17 Canarsie Courier THEN Neighborhood kids looking for something to do finally had a place to ‘hang out’ thanks to the city’s Open Door and Street Outreach Program. The Canarsie Recreation Center, located at 949 Remsen Avenue, had their official ribbon-cutting ceremony on August 16, 1992. The center offered kids ages 13-21 a weight room, exercise machines, video games and a TV with satellite dish – all for free! Today, the building, located between Foster Avenue and Krier Place, is home to an automotive paint supply business. 2 199 NOW 201 4 Compiled by Linda Steinmuller RECLAIM YOUR PROPERTY FROM FORECLOSURE 8-21-14 WITH HELP FROM BSDC If you’ve been struggling to pay your mortgage or are facing foreclosure procedures, join us for our next Fresh Start Clinic. You’ll have the opportunity to meet with one of our housing counselors and learn about your options. DATE Thursday, August 28th Tuesday, September. 23rd The Fresh Start Clinic will cover: • The difference between default and foreclosure • Options you have on retaining or transitioning out of your house • The New York State Foreclosure Process and your rights as a homeowner • Necessities you need to qualify for a modification TIME 6:30 pm–– 8:00 pm LOCATION 1385 E. 94th Street (between Avenues K and L) Canarsie, Brooklyn Our HUD certified non-profit counselors offer confidential counseling free of charge. 8-21-14 All new clients are required to attend a Fresh Start Clinic to begin the counseling process and must register in advance. To reserve your spot, please call (718) 636-7596 ext. 214 or email info@bsdcorp.org. CLICK to RSVP QUESTIONS? Call us at (718) 636-7596 ext. 214 Stay Connected Bridge Street Development Corp. 9324 Avenue L (entrance on East 94th Street) 460 Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11216 For more information on Bridge Street Development Corporation and our ongoing workshops please visit our website at www.bsdcorp.org 18 Canarsie Courier August 21, 2014 Broker’s Insurance Business Is All About The Human Touch These days everyone’s looking to save a buck or two. With the cost of living soaring through the ceiling, you’re lucky to have a roof over your head. Speaking of homes - and cars too - it takes a lot of your hard-earned dollars and cents to insure your most prized possessions. That’s where Accurate Brokers Limited comes in. Stewart Gross knows insurance. He’s been in the business for 31 years - with the same phone number – even though he just moved three months ago to his new location at 3840 Flatlands Avenue, near East 38th Street. “It’s all about savings, savings, savings,” Gross told the The knowledgeable broker has a reputation for securing the best prices around. “I have connections and I won’t mislead my customers,” he said. That’s why celebrities like Jay-Z and reporter Denis Hamill rely on Gross. After Hamill’s homeowner’s insurance policy was canceled, because he lived too close to the water, the writer contacted Gross and explained his situation. Gross promised Hamill that he’d have him insured within 45 minutes. Gross came through on his promise and, New home of Accurate Brokers. within a half an hour, Hamill had a new – and cheaper – policy. Gross did the same for Hamill’s car insurance policy, cutting his rates by 50 percent within half an hour after Hamill’s call to the seasoned broker. For Gross, it’s all about the human touch. He knows all of his customers and calls them personally to remind them of upcoming expiration dates. He even sends baby gifts for expecting families. Gross was appalled with the way insurance companies handled Hurricane Sandy. “Insurance companies misled their customers and did not handle their claims on a timely basis,” Gross said. “I protected all of my customers and warned them in advance that some companies wouldn’t pay claims even though their insured customers were covered. I told them, ‘Don’t let them settle without reviewing your claims.’” The fast-talking, results-driven broker says he gets most of his clients by “word of mouth.” Clients come from all over Brooklyn – Canarsie, Brownsville, East New York and Midwood. The Sheepshead Bay resident is also involved in community events and is actively involved with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers). The no-nonsense insurance genius prides himself on honesty and superior service and clients rave about him. One satisfied customer, Virna-Lisa, Stewart Gross stated, “This is an honest and trustworthy company to deal with for your insurance needs. Many brokers are less than honest and will just try to sell you as much as possible, whether you need it or not. Stewart Gross is very honest and can be trusted 100 percent. He is well-known and respected in his field and deals with many well-known people, yet the local trade and guys off the street get the same excellent and honest care from him. He is a rare find in the insurance business.” Adding to outstanding service, Gross has years of training and knowledge. “Knowledge is power,” Gross proclaims. He uses that knowledge to retain his large database of satisfied clients, who have trusted him for years. If you’re looking to lower your insurance rates, pay Stewie Gross a visit at his new home on Flatlands Avenue. August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier 19 It’s “Bin” An Eyesore For Way Too Long Illegal clothing bins have become a problem in many communities across the country – especially in New York City where they’re continuing to pop up at an alarming rate. Canarsie is one of the neighborhoods where bins are quickly becoming a nagging pain for residents. Many say the bins themselves are not the problem – it’s the out-of-control mess that poses a problem. The bins, usually placed overnight on sidewalks by private companies, are not properly maintained. On many street corners, clothing bins can be seen with items spilling out or clothing around them scattered on the ground. It’s an eyesore that many people want to do away with. “They’ve got to go,” said Emily James, President of the Canarsie Merchants Association. On private companies operating the bins, James said, “If they have to conduct that type of business, they should have commercial, private lots.” According to a recent article entitled which focused on the overwhelming clothing bin situation, statistics show a dramatic increase in the number of bins in the city from 2010 to 2014. “In the fiscal year 2010, the city tagged 91 bins and confiscated 10. In the fiscal year 2014, which ended June 30th, more than 2,006 bins were tagged and 132 were confiscated,” the article stated – and those are only counting the bins that have been spotted and reported by local residents to the Department of Sanitation. There are hundreds – if not thousands – of bins which are unaccounted for across the city, possibly because they’re operated by legitimate clothing companies. However, most bins in the city are not legitimately owned and are owned by for-profit companies who have no interest in the quality of life in the communities where containers are placed. A majority of the receptacles are also located on public sidewalks. “It’s a problem for people with disabilities and those who are pushing strollers,” said James. “It takes up over 50 percent of the side- The residents of East 91st Street Between Avenues K and L, would like to acknowledge with thanks the Management and Staff of Ideal Magic Discount Store at 9418 Avenue L for their generous gifts and support to our Annual Block Party held on Saturday, August 2, 2014. Ideal Magic has consistently supported us throughout the past 6 years. We appreciate their loyalty, genorosity and unswerving support. We would like to acknowledge with thanks the Manager & Staff of Kilsaris Deli & Grocery at the corner of Avenue L & East 91st Street for their generous donation to our Block Party. We look forward to many more years of support from Kilsaris in the future. Hazel P. King on behalf of the residents of East 91st Street (K&L) walk.” According to the city’s 311 help line, residents can request the removal of a collection bin and the Sanitation Department will respond to the request. The bins will then be tagged for removal and the owner will be given 30 days’ notice to remove it, but it may take up to 45 days to be taken off of the property. “It is illegal to put a bin, whether it is a legitimate company, on New York City-owned property,” stated a 311 representative. James believes that, unfortunately, companies put the bins in “areas where there’s no community voice and where no one will complain. That’s how you know your area is run down,” she continued. Continued on page 24 20 Canarsie Courier August 21, 2014 Canarsie Kids Have A Grand Time At Local Block Party Photos by Ann Marie Turton and Valerie Woodford Avenue L and East 94th Street was the place to be last Saturday as the community took to the streets to celebrate International Community Fest and 5th Annual Block Party. The Block Party was hosted in conjunction with the Canarsie Merchants Association, East 94th Street Block Association and 1 Youth At A Time Inc. Spearheading this fun-filled day of games, giveaways, including backpacks and school supplies, food, and special performances was Canarsie Merchants Association President Emily James. State Senator John Sampson and Borough President Eric Adams attended the day’s celebrations to connect with local constituents. Also in attendance were members from the Beraca Baptist Church youth ministry, who said volunteering at the block party “gave them an opportunity to bring the gospel to every corner of Canarsie.” Millennium Development’s Young Male Initiative was also on hand to give back and partake in the peaceful and action-packed festivities. You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting www.canarsiecourier.com. Just click on the blue button. Senator Sampson Takes Time Out For A Meet-And-Greet It’s coming closer to the primaries and candidates don’t have much time to hit the pavement, introduce themselves and speak to constituents about pressing issues. Residents who happened to be strolling on Avenue L Saturday got a chance to formally meet State Senator John Sampson, who’s campaigning to keep his seat in the 19th senatorial district, which includes Canarsie. Sampson’s supporters, and the committee to re-elect Senator Sampson, also came out to his campaign headquarters at East 96th Street and Avenue L. Photos courtesy of State Senator John Sampson’s Campaign Office August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier 21 Another Successful Bash Takes Over One Of Canarsie’s Blocks Residents on East 88th Street can’t wait for the summer! They have a blast every year at their block party, where there’s games, food, clowns, and a DJ keeps everyone dancing! A couple of weekends ago, the East 88th Street Block Association kept their tradition going and hosted a fun day on the busy block. Various dignitaries visited the festivities and supported the Block Association for their efforts at keeping East 88th Street safe and active. Folks can’t wait until next year’s shindig for more fun times! Committee members from East 88th Street Block Association who helped put the event together include Freda, Eddie, Ruth, Joe, Celia, Massiah, Prescott and Casey. Photos courtesy of the East 88th Street Block Association Canarsie Courier 22 August 21, 2014 What Does The Individual Education Plan (IEP) Do For Parents? This portion of the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) has an array of laws that help parents of children with special needs that will not be addressed in the general education population: e.g. test phobia, dyslexia, or any need that can impair a child while learning, such as being wheelchair bound or having problems with limbs, eyes or their speech. Accommodation is made through zone or choice. BY HILARY BUCKNAL Parents with any special needs child have resources at their district office through their Community Education Council (CEC). District 75 is the place that can give the ABC’s for children with special needs. United Federation of Teachers (UFT) provides updated information explaining any recent changes within the NYCDOE through www.uft.org. The UFT also has parent outreach meetings at 335 Adams Street in Downtown Brooklyn every month on the 25th floor. Call 718-722-6937 for more information. Each meeting helps parents better understand what and how the law applies. In October of every year, there is a parent conference where school and parent experts make themselves available to answer questions for parents with children in school. There are workshops that parents can attend by registering through their PA/PTA or parent coordinator of a specific school (and their district offices). These workshops are “parents-to-parents” by parents and include department workers who are fluent in each subject, i.e. Title 1 Programs, Special Education, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and the Common Core – to name a few. Special needs programs change from year to year for the benefit of the child (parents need to know what those changes are). Check the UFT website’s most recent changes. Contact Maggie Moroff coordinator of the ARISE coalition mmoroff@advocatesforchildren.org at the NYCDOE turning5@schools.nyc.gov and local CEC18 IEP member Veronica Campbell. The discipline code and children work when parents have accurate information. Children need structure and parents need to be educated about the structure their children are growing in (our children do not come with an instruction manual; we have to learn while we teach them). Each infraction in the discipline codebook has an explanation of the said behavior and its repercussion. There are also intervention procedures to help stop unwanted behavior. These codes go from 1-5, 1 being the least and 5 the most severe. Children need parents’ experience to guide them to become adults. Suspension from their class or school does not help the process of growth in their education. Consequences for BAD behavior has to be taught, but not during class time or the school year (that’s not what our teachers are being paid for). Parents: Let’s get involved in the discipline of our children. Let’s learn how to help them function in their school of choice! The laws that govern the discipline code are reevaluated each year and sent to parents (it is called the Blue Book). When these meetings are taking place, parents’ input is requested (not enough parents attend and we get what we get). Still, we can learn how to make it work for our children. When the Blue Book is given to parents, they need to PLEASE READ IT. If your child does not bring one home, ask the school’s Parent Coordinator for one. PA/PTA meetings are the best place to share with other parents. 8-21-14 Canarsie Courier August 21, 2014 23 Local Mas Camp Prepares For Upcoming Carnival Season “Sixteen years and I’m enjoying it just as much as I did when I first started,” said associate band leader Wendell Jack. Jack and his band, which is named Controversial Festival, are located in Canarsie at Farragut Road. The band hopes to raise awareness there – and the fact that they even exist in this relatively quiet neighborhood. “We want to bring attention to the neighborhood. There’s nothing going in this area,” said the Trinidadian native. Controversial Festival’s band is divided into two sections: one for adults and one for children. They will once again be playing Mas in the West Indian Band leader poses with costumes Costumes on display 8-21-14 American Day Carnival, starting with the Kiddies Parade on August 30th and ending with the grand finale, the Labor Day Parade on September 1st. Both children’s and adult’s bands will feature between 150 to 200 masqueraders – or parade goers dressed up in costume celebrating either on a float or dancing alongside the float as it makes its way through the festival. But Jack’s band is nothing like its “Controversial” name. Jack and his band leaders boast a proud resume of rich tradition, culture and accomplishment in the lively parade. “We were the winners of the 2013 J’ouvert, (the pre-dawn festivities kicking off the actual Labor Day Parade) and the winners of the children’s King and Queens Small Bands battle,” Jack continued. As the competition gets stiffer, the innovative band leader and his team are always finding ways to bring something different to the table. “It’s about being unique, different and being able to stand out,” said Raquel, one of the lead designers’ daughter. Last year’s winning theme was “Africa Comes Alive” and, according to the organizers, “It was spectacular.” Controversial’s team loves to push the envelope so much so that it recently included children in the wild, early morning J’ouvert festivities. “A lot of people are not familiar with children and J’ouvert,” band members said. “We like to incorporate the children into the J’ouvert festival. We’re just about bringing the culture to life.” 24 Bins... Continued from page 19 Canarsie residents have gotten together with James to stop the placement of another bin outside of a grocery store across the street from James’ business. “They tried to put one on the corner of East 94th Street and Avenue L. The residents and myself were opposed to it,” she continued. She was later given a flier for a bin, owned by USAgain, located directly on Avenue L. James said, “They gave me a number to call, but I’m not getting through. I did speak to them to ask if they could remove it.” James went on to say that the representative she spoke to stated they would get back to her, but they never did. When contacted recently, a representative from USAgain stated “he had no known complaints about that particular bin from local residents, but if the bin begins to overflow, which sometimes happens, the problem would be addressed in exactly 24 hours. The bin which James says was placed there at the beginning of the year, received authorization for placement from a local adult day care,” continued the representative. But, unlike other bins in the community, the drop box was relatively clean and seemed to be run by a legit- Canarsie Courier imate company. This situation was unique, as several bins within blocks from James’ salon were located either in rundown lots or on public sidewalks and were overflowing with garbage, which James says is a magnet for rodents. “Sometimes, based on where it’s located, bins may also attract crime,” she said. “People can hide behind them at night and just jump out.” She also said people in the community or passersby use the drop boxes as places to post club posters, spray graffiti, and advertise upcoming parties. Regardless of what’s put on them – or in them – James and her fellow residents just want the boxes moved to better locations or banned for good. August 21, 2014 “Maddened Man” Arrested For Train Assault An “L” train passenger allegedly didn’t like the way a man was disciplining his child, so she spoke up – and got attacked. The NYPD released footage of the man, which helped lead to his arrest last week. While the assault happened at the Lorimer Street stop in the Williamsburg area on the “L” line on July 26th, commuters were asked to look out for 24-year-old Jasner Jimenez, who got into a fight with a 54-yearold woman at about 3:30 in the afternoon while they were on a Manhattanbound train. She reportedly made a comment about him hitting his 5year-old child. Jimenez cursed at her and when the train pulled into the Lorimer Street Station, Jimenez followed her to another train car, where he hit her head against a metal pole and threw her to the floor. He then ran off the train in an unknown direction. The woman suffered a bruise to her arm and swelling to her head. The suspect’s image was captured before he left the station. Jimenez was charged with assault, harassment, menacing in the third degree and criminal possession of a weapon. He’s due back in court in October. Residents Enjoy Summer Beats – And Cool Breezes – At Pier Remember the old days when there were weekly concerts at Canarsie Pier? Although the concerts have dwindled over the years, residents enjoyed a blast from the past on Saturday, August 9th. A variety of bands entertained pier-goers, who listened to the sounds of reggae and rhythm and blues - with Jamaica Bay as a backdrop. Residents flock to the pier on summer weekends to enjoy fishing and picnicking - and the concert was an extra-added bonus. Photos courtesy of Boris Gorin 8/31/2014 Canarsie Courier August 21, 2014 ATTORNEY 25 GOLD DEALER ATTORNEY Social Security/SSI Disability Convenient to All Boroughs & Long Island • NO FEE Unless Successful • Over 40 Years Experience • Personal & Friendly Service Michael D. Schoffman 26 Court Street 718-852-0900 FAST DIVORCE AWNING www.divorcefast.com OBTAIN A The Process FAST DIVORCE Is Quick, Easy, Legal And Affordable in as little as 24 HOURS WE ARE HERE TO HELP!! Visit us online or CALL NOW! Serving The Community For Over 50 Years 978-443-8387 Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County, on 08/08/2014, bearing Index Number NC-000870-14/KI, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, grants me (us) the right to: Assume the name of Amichai Grady. My present name is Grady Amichai FKA AKA Gradiy Amichai Amichai Grady. My present address is 1229 East 22nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11210. My place of birth is Israel. My date of birth is July 23, 1981. August 21, 2014. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County on 08/13/2014, bearing Index Number NC-000888-14/K1, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, grants me (us) the right to: Assume the name of Luke Hiram River. My present name is Jose Hiram Rivera AKA Jose H Rivera. My present address is 115 Lenox Road, Brooklyn, NY 11226. My place of birth is Hollywood, FL. My date of birth is February 19, 1993. August 21, 2014 Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company D Onderwood, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 06/11/2014. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as Legal Notice agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to D Onderwood LLC, 200 Broadway #36, Brooklyn, NY 11211. July 31, 2014; August 7, 14, 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 2014. be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, 306 Gold St., #34F, Brooklyn, NY 11201. General Purposes. July 31, 2014; August 7, 14, 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 2014. Legal Notice Norfolk Development Group LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 03/07/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 74 Amherst St., Brooklyn, NY 11235. General Purposes. July 24, 31, 2014; August 7, 14, 21, 28, 2014 Legal Notice Notice of Formation of 2068 Ocean Avenue, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of New York (SSNY) on 07/25/2014. Office Location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to C/O Kopelevich & Feldsherova, P.C., 882 Third Avenue, 3rd FL., STE, BROOKLYN, NY 11232. August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014. OSRN, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 7/11/14. Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may Legal Notice Legal Notice Notice of Formation of RICHNESS LLC, Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 3/27/14. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Corporation Service Company, 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207. July 31, 2014; August 7, 14, 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 2014. Legal Notice Notice of Qualification of FPG COBBLE HILL ACQUISITIONS, LLC. Authority filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/24/14. Office location: Kings County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 06/23/14. Princ. office of LLC: c/o Fortis Property Group, LLC, Attn: Jonathan J. Landau, 45 Main St., Ste. 800, Brooklyn, NY 11201. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. July 17, 24, 31, 2014; August 7, 14, 21, 2014 Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Spiral Realty LLC Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/09/2014. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mall process to: C/O The LLC, 1037 64th Street Brooklyn NY 11219 which is also the principal business location. Purpose: any lawful activity. July 31, 2014; August 7, 14, 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 2014. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of THE W MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/23/14. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 1269 56th St., Brooklyn, NY 11219. Purpose: Any lawful activity. July 31, 2014; August 7, 14, 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 2014. Legal Notice Oriental Development LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 12/06/12. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 74 Amherst St., Brooklyn, NY 11235. General Purposes. July 24, 31, 2014; August 7, 14, 21, 28, 2014. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County on 08/12/2014, bearing Index Number NC-000878-14/K1, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, grants me (us) the right to: Assume the name of Leticha Anthony. My present name is Loetitia Anthony Guerra AKA L. Anthony-Guerra AKA Loetitia Anthony AKA Loetitia Anthony-Guerra. My present address is 423 Fenimore Street, Brooklyn, NY 11225. My place of birth is St. Lucia. My date of birth is September 07, 1971. August 21, 2014. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County, on 08/12/2014, bearing Index Number NC-000882-14/KI, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, grants me the right to assume the name of Tevin Ivan Clarke. My present name is Tevin Ivan Arthur-Clarke AKA Tevin I. Clarke. My present address is 1332 Brooklyn Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203. My place of birth is Brooklyn, New York. My date of birth is March 02, 1996. August 21, 2014. Legal Notice Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Balloonitude, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 08/14/2014. Office Location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to Balloonitude LLC, 1196 Gravesend Neck, BROOKLYN, NY 11229. August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014. 26 Canarsie Courier August 21, 2014 MEDICAL UPDATE Some Thoughts On Why People Cheat On Their Spouses Advertise Your Next Health Fair In The Canarsie Courier! Call 718-257-0600 For More Information August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier MEDICAL UPDATE New Ad Campaign Highlighting Benefits of HPV Vaccine Biting Problems 27 August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier 28 Filmmaker ... Compiled by Bill O’Neill “Education is so vitally important for the children so in that sense I’m looking forward to back-to-school time. But personally, I dread it because there is a lot more traffic during school time, school buses and parents driving kids to and from school.” Pearlina R., Canarsie “I don’t look forward to back-to-school time, since former Mayor Bloomberg took over the city school system. We need more involvement from the parents - and more home-based school services for our children.” Juno Brown, Flatbush “Yes, I’m very much looking forward to back-toschool time, because it keeps the youths off the streets. And I’m looking forward to pursuing my own academic and career plans.” Nayquan Tomlin, Canarsie “Certainly, I am looking forward to it. My daughter is in graduate school - and her daughter is in kindergarten. This is the most important time for them, as they shape their future plans.” John Scott, Greenpoint DENOS WONDER WHEEL Ticket Sweepstakes ONLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD Fill out the attached coupon for A chance to win vouchers to: DENOS WONDER WHEEL Boardwalk @ Denos Vourderis Place (W. 12th St.) Coney Island, NY 11224 718-372-2595 All entrants must be 18 yrs of age and older after high school and he produced, directed and wrote “ ” in 2007, a story based on his family’s Italian roots and his grandfather’s time as a captain with the Bonanno crime family. He won “Best Director of a Short Film and “Best Short Film” awards at the New York International Film and Video Festival. Iengo, who has his Bachelors of Fine Arts in Filmmaking, moved from short films to feature length films. Drawing on his family’s connection to law enforcement, Iengo directed, wrote and produced “,” which won “Best Crime Drama for a Feature Film” at the 2009 Staten Island Film Festival. Iengo didn’t stop there and self-published a book in 2012 called “ ,” which took him two years to write. Not forgetting his passion for the big screen, Iengo responded to an ad that Lindsay placed on the internet for a producer for “ .” He fell in love with the story and the two Brooklyn boys formed an alliance. “We’re both on the same page, we’re both Brooklynites and we share the same love and respect for Brooklyn,” Iengo said. Both producers have their own production companies (Iengo’s Indelible Films and Lindsay’s Kingsmen Films LLC), which are based in Brooklyn. They show their support for Brooklyn by filming in their borough and help- ing local businesses. “Eighty percent of our budget is in complete support of Brooklyn,” Iengo said. Lindsay is just as thrilled about as Iengo. “Clifton Powell flew in from L.A. to guest star in our movie. He said he couldn’t put the script down! The famous actor believes in the film’s message and told me that he was so excited to play in this role,” Lindsay said. Lindsay told the he is not satisfied with the depiction of black men in today’s society. He seeks to change that in his directorial debut film, reflecting on his own experiences as a single father. He says, “ shows the realities of life out there with dramatic twists.” Lindsay, who grew up in East New York, is concerned about the high crime rate in his neighborhood and the breakdown of the family unit. He is determined to create opportunities for black youth and employs local kids to work on his film. “Society has given up on some of these kids but they really want to work hard. I show them how they can be productive and valuable. Many of them are my best workers – they just need guidance. Some of them have done time in prison and have learned lessons. I believe that prison doesn’t rehabilitate – it teaches. Some of these kids work with great passion,” Lindsay said. “I plan to do for Brooklyn what Spike Lee did but I cater to a more universal diverse audience,” Lindsay said. MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: Canarsie Courier 8-21-14 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: No photocopies please! Canarsie Courier DENOS WONDER WHEEL Ticket Sweepstakes Film Shoot at JSJ Medical Group on Rockaway Parkway and Flatlands Avenue. Photos by Linda Steinmuller and Peter Iengo FATAL WEAKNESS Ticket Sweepstakes MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: 8-21-14 Canarsie Courier 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 Name ONLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD Home Address City Fill out the attached coupon for A chance to win vouchers to: FATAL WEAKNESS State Daytime Phone # Email: MINT THEATER – 311 WEST 43RD ST. 3RD FLOOR 866-811-411 www.MINTTHEATER.org All entrants must be 18 yrs of age and older Zip No photocopies please! Canarsie Courier FATAL WEAKNESS Ticket Sweepstakes Avenue L Gets Another Round Of Improvements Spiffying things up on Avenue L takes a lot of TLC - something Canarsie Merchants Association President Emily James has been trying to do for the past few months. A few days before she helped host the street fair at East 94th Street and Avenue L, she managed to make a few more changes along the shopping strip. 29 Canarsie Courier August 21, 2014 The fire hydrants were repainted silver and black and benches along Avenue L from Rockaway Parkway to Remsen Avenue were also painted and every tree was spruced up and surrounded with woodchips. The signs on the trees read: This tree is not a garbage pail or a pet bathroom. Merchants are hoping residents will help take better care of Avenue L and that even more can be done to bring the strip back to life. Newly painted benches and woodchips around trees. Shiny new hydrant. Two men robbed a 61-year-old man of his jewelry at gunpoint on Church Avenue and East 53rd Street and police are still on the hunt for the potentially dangerous duo. According to reports, on Saturday, August 2nd at about 11:30 in the morning, the two thugs apparently approached the victim, whose identity was not released, threatened the victim with a gun and then proceeded to rip off his necklace, rings and a watch. After the robbery, the men were seen running eastbound on Snyder Avenue. The victim wasn’t injured but police released surveillance of the suspects this week and are asking for the public’s help in tracking down the armed punks. One is described as a black man, 5’7” to 5’8” and about 155 to 165 lbs. The other suspect is also described as a black man with a slender build, 5’8” to 5’9”. He was wearing a gray sweatshirt, jeans and brandished the weapon before the robbery. Anyone who may have witnessed the robbery and has information on the suspects is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS. The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Website at www.nypdcrimestoppers.com or texting their tips to 274637(CRIMES) then enter TIP577. 30 August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier RELIGIOUS NEWS August 21, 2014 31 Canarsie Courier RELIGIOUS NEWS Religious News... Continued from previous page 32 August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier Keep Us In-The-Know! CLUBS / MEETINGS Canarsie Strong Governance and Civic Engagement Forum Reclaim Your Property From Foreclosure CEC 18 Meeting United Canarsie South Civic Association Community Board 18 EVENTS Free Events At Brooklyn Children’s Museum Lions Club Information Session Cardiovascular Health Day At Mount Sinai Beth Israel Schedule Those Flu Shots Now Grandparents Day T.E.A.L. Walk/Run For Ovarian Cancer Annual 9/11 Memorial in Marine Park OTHER Salt Marsh Alliance Annual Photography Competition Back-To-School Supply Drive Please be advised that we must receive information on your community meetings/functions TUESDAYS before 4 p.m. In order to provide coverage of your event, we must be notified at least two weeks in advance. August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier FLOORING ALARMS SECURITY SYSTEMS BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN!!! — Yes, Even FREE — Quality & Service since 1984 800-B4-U-R-ROB (800 248 7762) Not A Mass Marketer COMPUTER CONTROLLED SECURITY A&D FLOORING SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL FLOORING • EXPERT INSTALLATION • PARQUET & HARDWOOD FLOORS • SANDING, STAINING & REFINISHING • FLOORS REPAIRED • NEW FLOORS INSTALLED FREE ESTIMATES OVER 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE 347-793-9752 347-772-7670 GENERAL CONTRACTING CARPET C.J.M. CONTRACTING INC. Chris Mullins GENERAL CONTRACTING BATHROOM & KITCHEN RENOVATIONS EXPERTS IN FIXING LEAKS, Carpentry, Basements, Attics, Masonry, All Renovations, Stoops, Brickwork, Waterproofing, Pointing, DORMERS & EXTENSIONS & INSURED FREE ESTIMATES. LICENSED Lic #0982130 Workers Comp, Liability, Disability 5% OFF Roofing, Flat Shingles, Windows & Siding WITH MENTION OF AD Call 718-276-8558 Deadline for classified ads is NO Tuesday at 5pm! 4 pm 5 EXCEPTIONS 8-21-14 33 Legal Notice Notice of Formation of BMS.RA, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State of New York (SSNY) on 06/05/2014. Office Location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to THE LLC, 20079 Stone Oak Parkway, San Antonio, TX 78258. August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Batata Brooklyn LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Sec. of State of New York (“SSNY”) on 08/04/2014. Office Location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to THE LLC, 800 Cortelyou Road Apt 3H, BROOKLYN, NY 11218. August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014 Legal Notice 149 Norfolk Street LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 03/06/14. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 149 Norfolk St., Brooklyn, NY 11235. General Purposes. August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014 Legal Notice August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014 Legal Notice Jungle Cafe LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/01/14. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 996 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11222. General Purposes. August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014 Legal Notice 208 22nd Street LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/28/14. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 206 22nd St., Brooklyn, NY 11215. General Purposes. August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014 Legal Notice 676 East 5th Street LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/21/14. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 2201 Neptune Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11224. General Purposes. August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014 Legal Notice Miory Montessori LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/09/14. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Frieda Givon, 1145 52nd St., Brooklyn, NY 11219. General Purposes. August 21, 28, 2014; September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that a license, serial #1280502 for beer, wine and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 1912 86th St., Brooklyn, NY 11214, for onpremises consumption; La Fogata Inc. August 21, 28, 2014. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that a license, serial #1280549 for beer and wine has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer and wine at retail in a cafe under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 179 5th Ave., Bklyn, NY 11217 for on-premises consumption: Nunu Chocolates NYC 03 LLC. August 21, 28, 2014 FOR THE BEST PRICES ON LEGAL NOTICES CALL THE CANARSIE COURIER Call: (718) 257-0600 For Details 34 August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier PAINTING MASONRY • BRICK • CONCRETE • PAVERS • GRANITE • WHY PAY MORE? PAY LESS TO FIX HOME REPAIRS • EXPERT PAINTING • HANDYMAN WORK • FLOORING / TILE WORK • CONCRETE WORK • ASSEMBLY WORK • EMERGENCY REPAIRS •ROOFING SPECIALISTS • • EXTERIOR PAINTING •STEPS • PORCH • PATIO • SIDEWALKS • • DRIVEWAYS • STOOPS • • INTERIOR RENOVATIONS • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • • DRYWALL • WATERPROOFING • REMODELING • NO MONEY UP FRONT SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS FREE ESTIMATES 646-270-8990 PLUMBING 718-947-6562 ASK FOR HANDYMAN LARRY MENTION THIS AD VISIT US@WWW.PAYLESSTOFIX.COM LICENSE # 1277954 The Active Consumer DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS TUESDAY AT By Dara Mormile You’re just about done saying “cheeeeese” for all those picnic and barbecue photos. You also just looked back at those pictures and noticed your teeth could use a good cleaning – among other procedures! Make an appointment today with to make sure your chompers are ready for those fall functions! has been serving the community for over 30 years and offers reasonable fees for those without insurance. He’ll treat emergencies promptly and new patients are always welcome. Showing off your new grill is what you do best – and since has Wi-Fi available in his office, you can go online with your digital device and post those photos of your new pearly whites all over social networking sites! When you call at 718-7637799, you’ll get dental care – without pain to your pocket! Visit his web site at www.drrafal.com and get ready to show off the best and brightest smile you’ve ever had!... We know something that will get you smiling – knowing that you’re NOT going to lose your house to foreclosure! When it comes to securing your future, no one knows more about giving you options than . This organization is having a special Fresh Start Clinic on Thursday, August 28th and Tuesday, September 23rd. Both sessions will take place from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at 1385 East 94th Street. Do you know the difference between default and foreclosure? What are the necessities for a loan modification? Get the answers to these questions and more when you join ! They’ll help you reclaim your property! If you’re new to the Fresh Start Clinic, you’ll need to reserve your spot by calling 718-636-7596 (ext. 214). Their housing counselors know what it takes to help you avoid losing your home! For more information on and their other workshops, visit www.bsdcorp.org… is also helping to sponsor a civic Continuedforum fromhosted page 35 engagement by a newly formed organization – ! You won’t want to miss this civic group’s next meeting on Tuesday, August 26th from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Hebrew Educational Society, 9502 Seaview Avenue. At meeting, you’ll be empowered and learn why voting is important and how forming block/tenant associations can help build a resilient and prosperous community! We all know that Canarsie was left out of initial recovery funding after Hurricane Sandy – and wants to help you obtain the tools you need to influence change and generate ideas so our community can be sustainable! governance and civic engagement forum is open to the public and they want to help build a better community – block by block! For more information on mission, email them at canarsiestrong@gmail.com!... 4:00 PM –– NO EXCEPTIONS TUTORING EXPERIENCED TEACHER Will Tutor Privately Math, Science & Reading Very Reasonable Rates Local Mas Camp ... For children looking to join these festivities, they can still do so. Raquel, who works primarily with the children’s bands, stated Controversial is an “open camp and is still accepting participants.” “It’s all ages from newborn to 18,” she continued. Although its award winning children’s section Belmont Kids is “kind of full,” children can still be a part of the remaining portion of the band. Lystra James, who has been working with Jack for the past four years, spoke openly about her love for working with the children’s band and her hope for fair judging in the festival. “All kids’ bands are winners,” said James. “We just want fair judging, especially when judges send the scores out. And once it’s carried out, it should stay. “ “The excitement is always there,” said Jack. “Sometimes it’s like waking up from a dream in the middle of the night,” Jack said about the creative process. “We – Lystra and I – both plan together.” Extensive planning, which begins every May, is all about art, says the band leader. It is this art that is represented in all six of the sections of his entire band. From the San Gennaro Festival, which surprisingly has a strong Mexican theme - to its Lantern Festival and Hawaiian Day at the Beach – Jack, James and her daughter Raquel are all about culture. “Our culture is all about creating from scratch,” said James who says she does her own designing and building of her extensive costumes. Lastly, a party on the road isn’t complete without a stellar band to really get the crowd jumping up and down. With help from its musical ensemble, which includes Boston Metro Steel Orchestra and its dynamic rhythm section – which it will be using for the first time this year - Rhythm Massive, it is able to do just that. Along with the art and theatricality of the Place your Ad Here band’s impressive performances comes a strong message of resiliency and tradition. “Everything is a festival. Everything is not politics,” Jack initially stated. “This is what I imagine in the clothing. Hence the term controversial.’” His three remaining themes, an Apache Pow Wow Festival, a Sailor’s Fantasy, and an African Festival sum up the creativity not only in Jack’s camp, but convey a strong desire to reinforce the images of the beauty in Caribbean culture. “It brings out the culture of creativity. Creativity is the best part of it,” James strongly affirmed. Rest assured you will see the work from these creative minds lighting up Eastern Parkway throughout Labor Day weekend. THIS WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS ARE… Money Mgmt... Wendell Jack in front of his Canarsie Mas Tent. Close up of child’s costume. August 21, 2014 35 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED AUTO WANTED PETS FOR SALE THIS WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS ARE... Brooklyn Cyclones HOWARD FORTE Adventurers E DIE M ITGANG J ENNIFER TERSTENYAK Donkey Punch JOLENE JACKSON MITRA SINGH GARAGE/YARD SALE OFFICE FOR RENT The Fatal Weakness SUSAN VISCARDI 36 August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED THIS WEEKEND’S OPEN HOUSES REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE CO-OP FOR SALE CONDO FOR SALE CONDO FOR SALE/RENT August 21, 2014 37 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED OVER ! 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE We Have The BEST PRICE D Property! Corporate 2 LOCATIONS Visit www.BrooklynRealProperty.com Ask for Jean-Paul We handle sales, rentals, management, short sales & all your real estate needs! • Landlords – list your apartment with us – NO FEES!! • Landlord protection guarantee program! • Free professional pictures & floor plan! • FREE advertisement! • We KNOW & specialize in SONYMA, FHA, FHA 203K, NACA, NSP2 & many grant programs! Flatlands Office TO BETTER SERVE YOU: 389 Atlantic Avenue (between Hoyt & Bond Street) 9201 Flatlands Avenue (corner of East 92 Street) Brooklyn, NY 11236 Brooklyn, NY 11217 (718) 875-8899 (718) 272-8988 / (718) 288-9601 Fax: (718) 875-8895 Fax: (718) 272-7888 PROUD MEMBER OF 2 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES! - BROOKLYN NY MLS & MANHATTAN MLS Open HOuse Canarsie: K & L Gardens Complex! Impeccable shoplace. Semi-attachedmodel unit. 1 bedroom condo!. New modern EIK + bath + LR + laundry + much more including wood floors! Common charges only $101.63. Cheaper than renting! Move right in! Owner very motivated! Must sell! Short Sale! Asking $99,000. Immaculate brick 2 family, 2 BR + 1 BR, finished basement w/separate enterance. Newly renovated 2 BR apt. HWFs, new 2014 roof, heating system w/national grid ins. Pvt backyard, pvt driveway & garage. Close to school, shopping and transportation. Full vacancies. ID# 24-073. Open HOuse Open HOuse Canarsie: Huge brick split level. 3 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms over 3 bedroom hospitality suite plus finished basement w/separate entrance. New roof, 2 new boilers and hot water tank, new granite front steps. One care garage and pvt drive, large backyard. Near transportation, shopping and school. Don’t miss out! ID #24-049 Open HOuse sunday 12-2 pm 972 e 88 street (003) (btwn Flatlands & Avenue J) Canarsie: Immaculate 1st floor level reverse duplex, 2 bedrooms w/huge master bedroom suite with 2 jacuzzis & walk-in closet! New modern kitchen w/SS appliances & washer/dryer area. Granite countertop, wood floors & lots of windows. 2 seperate entrances. Top quality upgrade & top of the line hardware! A must see! Owner is motivated! Open HOuse sunday 12-2 pm 1643 e 92 street Open HOuse Open HOuse saturday 3-5 pm 337 Lenox Road (btwn nostrand & new york Ave) prospect Lefferts garden: High exposure! Newly built medical office (condominium) street level 1368 sq ft. Fully finished as medical office with phone line, computer & cameras all set up completed. Turn key opportunity! For sale or for rent with option to buy! Owner will hold note! Parking available! Can be day care, school, adult community center or more. 1 block away from Downstate Hospital & other medical. *Subject to program qualification, restriction, guidelines & available funds. Qualification condition to 3rd party approval. ROOMS FOR RENT saturday 1-3 pm 108-27 seaview Avenue (36D) (btwn Flatlands 9 & e 108) Seaview Estates - gated community, 2 BR loft w/new EIK, HWF, bath and more! Central heating & AC! Pvt balcony! Gym, pool, tennis court, laundry, sauna & more! Parking! Owner motivated! Will not last! Preforclosure sale asking $100’s (below market price). VA no money down! Monthly payment 30 years fixed $902.31 principle & interest! Canarsie: Brick newly renovated 2 family spilt level 5 over 7 over 4 + full finished basement! 3 baths, new modern EIK, roof, bathroom, boiler and much more. Parking for 2 cars & full vacancies. Nothing to do but move in! Huge price break! ID# 24-014 (btwn Avenue n & seaview) S/D 1 family mint condition 3 bedrooms plus living room, formal dining, new modern EIK, 2 full baths with finished basement! Wood floors, Driveway & private backyard! Lots of details! Close to Seaview park, transportation & more! ID #24-066 Open HOuse saturday 2-4 pm 576 e. 87 street (btwn Farragut & Foster) CAN YOU USE $45,000* IN GRANTS FOR YOUR NEXT HOME PURCHASE? WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE REAL ESTATE COMPANY NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR THE $30,000* GRANT FOR HOMEOWNERSHIP, WHICH CAN BE COMBINED WITH THE HOME FIRST GRANT FOR $15,000!* FIND OUT IF YOU QUALIFY TODAY BEFORE $$$ RUNS OUT! IMAGINE FINDING OUT LATER AFTER PURCHASING THAT YOU MISSED OUT! STOP BY AT ANY OF OUR BROOKLYN REAL PROPERTY OFFICES, OR CALL TODAY. DON’T MISS OUT! ROOMS FOR RENT Canarsie: Seaview Village! Most desirable, newly renovated, high hamsphire semi-attached duplex 3 bedrooms with huge LR & FDR. 1/1/2 bath plus huge open modern EIK! Finished basement with seperate entrance & family room + 1 car garage & private driveway! Central air, new boiler, floors & much more! ID #24-074 Open HOuse saturday & sunday 2:30-4 pm 1231 e 100 street (btwn Avenue L & M) Canarsie: Detached 1 family Waxman 4 BRs split level. Fully finished basement, LR, DR, den, master bedroom w/ jacuzzi bath. New kitchen, new roof, new electrical wiring, security cameras, skylight, beautiful wood flooring, upgraded boiler. Private parking 3-4 cars. ID# 23-096 sunday 12:30-2 pm 1425 e 95 street (btwn Avenue n & seaview) sunday 1-3 pm 1458 e 104 street (btwn Avenue n & seaview) saturday 3-5 pm 1368 e 92 street unit #300 saturday & sunday 12:30-2 pm 1056 e 99 street (btwn Avenue J & K) Detached one family, excellent condition. 3 bedrooms with a lot of closet space, finished basement with bath, carport private driveway for 4 cars and much more. Close to school, shopping , and transportation. 6 rooms, lot size 30x100. Building SF 1,200. Covered Deck in backyard. ID# 24-071. Open HOuse Open HOuse Open HOuse saturday 2:30-4 pm 997 e 94 street (btwn Foster & Faragut) Our saturday 12:30-2 pm 1691 Rockaway parkway (btwn Avenue L & K) Canarsie: Semi-detached 2 family brick. 2 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms, new roof, boiler, bath and tile floor. Conveniently located to train, bus, school, and shopping. Owner wants to hear all offers. ID #24-001 40+ SALESPEOPLE speak Creole, French, Chinese, spanish & more!!! FREE nO ObLigAtiOn HOnest & FAiR MARKet AnALysis! ROOMS FOR RENT 38 August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED HOUSES FOR SALE “Experience The Difference” 8604 Flatlands Avenue • Office: 718-272-6500 • Cell: 917-952-7771 • Fax: 718-257-3539 Canarsie: Beautiful 3 story semi-detached 2 fam brick. 3 bedroom duplex + 2 bedroom, semifinished basement. Newly renovated kitchens with granite countertops, renovated baths, parquet flrs, new roof & boiler. Built-in garage, pvt driveway & much more! Ref #340 FOR SALE Canarsie: Nice 2 bedrooms 2 bath condo. Located on first floor. Private backyard and porch. Low maintenance, great location. Near all! Ref #351 APARTMENT TO SHARE APARTMENT WANTED East New York: Nice 1 family 3 bedroom duplex over semi finished basement. Private driveway, laundry area and much more. Ref #356 UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. Canarsie: Nice 2 family brick. 2 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms over finished basement. Private driveway and backyard. New roof, new boiler, new cement work. Nice and quiet block. Ref #352 UNFURNISHED APT. BO’S PRIME REALTY UNFURNISHED APT. August 21, 2014 39 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1-3 pm 1607 E 96 Street (btwn Avenue N & Seaview) C a n a r s i e : Excellent condition, 1 family semiattached, 3 bedroom duplex, finished basement, shared drive. (718) 922-2200 Fin #408033 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: This semiattached move-in ready 2 family has 4 bedrooms over 3 bedrooms plus a huge finished basement with 2 rooms. It also comes with a garage and a nice sized backyard. Fin #408035 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 12-2 pm 109 Conklin Ave (btwn E 94 & E 95) Canarsie: Totally renovated, ceramic tile floors, granite counter, SS appliances, finished basement, washer & dryer hookup. Fin #408028 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1-3 pm 972 E 45 Street (btwn Foster & Farragut) OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12-2 pm 1336 E 89 Street (btwn Avenue M & N) Canarsie: 2 family semi-attached brick, 3 bedrooms over 3 bedrooms plus finished basement, driveway, large rooms, hardwood floors. Fin #408009 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1-3 pm 1230 E 99 Street (btwn Avenue L & M) Canarsie: Semiattached 1 family split level prime Canarsie location. Use as 3 or 4 bedrooms. Large yard, private driveway, 3 car parking 32x100 lot. Fin #408051 (718) 922-2200 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: This semidetached 3 bedroom duplex comes with 2 baths, HWFs, FDR, den and a full basement. Property has a garage and parking for 5 cars. House is located one block from L train. Fin #408007 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12-2 pm 1610 Canarsie Rd (btwn Avenue N & Seaview) OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1-2 pm 1255 E 80 Street (btwn Avenue L & M) Canarsie: Condo, 2 bedrooms. 1 full bath & 1 partial bath. Fin #402006 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE East New York: 2 family attached brick duplex, 3 BRs, 2 baths, 1 partial bath full finished basement, backyard, guarantee full vacancy, new roof and some new windows. Fin #402017 (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2-4 pm 2527 Ocean Crest Blvd (btwn Hartman & B 25 St) Bayswater, Queens: Huge 2 family, being used one family. 7 BRs, 2 garage, additional parking, full finished basement w/separate entrance, back & front porch & yard, ceramic tile kitchen. Fin #402010 (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12-2 pm 2140 Knapp Street (btwn Avenue U & V) Canarsie: 2 family detached brick double duplex with three full baths, newly renovated bathroom and full finished basement with a partial bath. (718) 922-2200 Fin #408019 Sheepshead Bay: Coop 2 BRs, walk to shops, transportation & schools. All redone, HWFs, laundry area, security gaurd 8pm-4am. Fin #402025 Canarsie: Nicely renovated, detached home. Large Yard, large rooms. New boiler & hot water heater. 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths. Fin #408059 (718) 922-2200 This 2 bedroom condo is located on a quiet block. It comes with 1 1/2 bath, hardwood floors and 2 balconies. Fin #408030 (718) 922-2200 Saturday 2-4 pm 9217 Foster Avenue CONDO FOR SALE Saturday & Sunday 2-4pm 2265 Gerritsen Avenue (btwn Avenue U & V) Gerritsen Beach: Beautiful 1 BR Co-op, 2nd floor, building newly decorated + new kitchen & bath, outside pool, Exc location convenient to everything, only look for reasonable offer. Fin #402023 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE East Flatbush: Beautiful 1 family semi-detached duplex home. 3 bedrooms, full LR & DR, finished basement, detached garage. Back & front yards & private driveway. (718) 272-6666 Fin #402015 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2-4 pm 126 E 88 Street (btwn Avenue A & B) Canarsie: Excellent 2 family attached brick, 2 bedroom duplex over 1 bedroom walk-in, community drive ith detached garage. (718) 922-2200 Fin #408057 HOUSE FOR SALE OPEN HOUSE (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 2-4 pm 68 Herzl Street (btwn Pitkin & Sutter) (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE (btwn E 92 & E 93) Canarsie: 2 family attached, 3 BRs over 2 BRs, full finished basement, huge living rooms in both apts, redone from top to bottom. Granite countertops, gourmet kitchen, skylight, SS appliances. Fin #402014 (718) Canarsie: 1 family duplex, 4 1/2 extra large room apt, full finished basement w/ separate entrance, new roof, garage & Driveway. Rear porch, rear steel deck leading to large backyard Fin #402021 Brownsville: 1 family brick duplex 3 BRs, 1 bath, full finished basement, in good condition, nice block & parking. Will be delivered vacant! Fin #402019 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1-3 pm 1364 E 101 Street (btwn Avenue M & N) 272-6666 (718) 272-6666 Canarsie: 2 family attached brick, 6 bedrooms, 2 full baths, full finishd basement. Near shopping and transportation. (718) 272-6666 Fin #402020 40 August 21, 2014 Canarsie Courier HAVE HEALTHY, CAVITY-FREE TEETH! SUMMER SPECIAL SURGICAL IMPLANTS JUST $750 EXCELLENT DENTISTRY WITH THE LATEST TREATMENTS ENSURE HEALTHY TEETH AND GUMS YOU WILL EXPERIENCE GENTLE DENTISTRY IN A PROFESSIONAL, COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT WHERE OUR PATIENTS LOVE TO REFER THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS INVISALIGN BRACES NEW PATIENT OFFER 69 $ Reg. Value $140 • • • • EXAM • X-RAYS (BITE WINGS) REGULAR CLEANING & POLISHING ORAL CANCER SCREENING PERSONAL CONSULTATION WITH DOCTOR Limited Time Offer Dr. Ella Dekhtyar & Dr. Ilya Freyberg 718-763-9118 718-693-5455 1763 Rockaway Parkway (Cor. Ave. L) 789 Flatbush Avenue (Cor. Lenox Road) COME VISIT US AT OUR OTHER LOCATION WWW.CANARSIESMILE.COM OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK We Accept Most Insurance & Union Plans • Medicaid • Payment Plans
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