we are your neighborhood newspaper
we are your neighborhood newspaper
WE ARE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWSPAPER • Canarsie • Marine Park • Mill Basin • Georgetown • Gerritsen Beach • Bergen Beach • • Kings Plaza • Sheepshead Bay • Flatlands • Flatbush • East New York • Spring Creek • Vol. 95 No. 14 Thursday, April 2, 2015 44 Pages 50¢ Story on page 3 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 • Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 • Email: CanarsieC@aol.com Photo courtesy of NY Daily News 2 Canarsie Courier xx IN THIS ISSUE Forum For Young Men A Cut Above The Rest Page 10 Renovations Coming To Library In Our Area Page 15 Dems Host Gala To Honor Community's Best Page 17 SECTIONS Action Classified.................39 Business Card Corner.........31 April 2, 2015 Brian Gewirtz’ family has been searching tirelessly for him for over a month now. This weekend, the Gewirtz’ broadened their hunt by distributing flyers in Monroe, NY, in response to images of the area Brian had in his computer’s internet history. The family told the public in a press release that their son, who is 20 years old and autistic, looked up Spring Cove Park on Google maps on his computer before he went missing from his Marine Park home on February 17th. The Monroe Police Department has stepped in to help the search for Brian, who doesn’t have ID or a cell phone on him. One of the family’s concerns is that Brian has not taken his diabetes medication and that he may be disoriented. The family has not given up hope, but needs the support of media attention and volunteers to help find Brian. They are asking for the public to spread information via social media and to download the flyer from www.facebook.com/pages/FindBrian-Gewirtz/1534973450096787 and put it up near your home or work. Donations of flashlights, batteries, bottles of water, food, flyers and tape are greatly appreciated. The base of operations is located at 2952 Avenue R, Brooklyn, NY 11229. Flyers are also being distributed in different languages all over New York, throughout hospitals and shelters, which is a new approach to the desperate search. The public is also asked to help with donations towards the search by visiting www.gofundme.com/findbriannow. The family hopes to raise up to $10,000. As of this week, just over $5,600 was raised. Business Directory...............35 Community Guide...............36 Medical Update................28 Religious News...................32 Tax Time.............................18 FEATURES What’s Your Opinion............24 COLUMNS Telling It Like It Is.................6 Founded April 22, 1921 by Walter S. Patrick Serving Canarsie, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Georgetown, Bergen Beach, East New York, Flatlands, Flatbush, Gerritsen Beach, Sheepshead Bay & Spring Creek 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 e-mail: canarsiec@aol.com www.canarsiecourier.com Donna Marra Publisher Catherine Rosa Business Manager Dara Mormile Associate Editor Brian’s father Steve mails out flyers. Brian Gewirtz Linda Steinmuller Staff Reporter Lennox Clarke Shawn Thomas Dunleavy Alessandro Marra Jr. Production Department Lynn Gerbino Eileen Melecio Classifieds William O’Neill Telemarketing Sam Akhtar, Jason Linetsky, Jerry Del Priore, Tess McRae, Keciah Bailey, David Rybstein, Rebekah Rybstein Writers Dave Lewin, Darryl C. Madison, David Frederick, Sonny Maxon, Jeff Dormeus, R. Rivera & Lloyd Mitchell Photographers The Canarsie Courier (USPS 088-040) is published weekly by the Canarsie Courier Publications Inc., 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are $20 per year in Brooklyn ($40 everywhere else). U.S. periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, New York. Postmaster: Send address changes to Canarsie Courier, 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are nonrefundable and payable in advance. The Canarsie Courier reserves the right to edit, classify, index, or reject any and all material (copy, ads, photos, letters, etc.) not consistent with the policies of this publication. All articles, letters, pictures, advertisements and other materials herein are the exclusive property of Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission of the Publisher. All materials contained herein are copyrighted ©2011 by Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. Views of columnists contained herein are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or principles of the owners of the Canarsie Courier. The advertisements in the Canarsie Courier are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate representations of the products and services offered. However, no endorsement by the Canarsie Courier is intended or implied. All ads are read back to the advertiser, who is responsible for checking the published ad after the first insertion. Credit will only be given for the space occupied by the error for the first week. Credit will not be given after first insertion for any reason. Only original contest and sweepstakes coupons will be accepted. Prizes must be claimed in person by the winner no later than 14 days from the date of publication. April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier 3 Murder-Suicide In Starrett City Dangerous Stop For Bus In Canarsie By Dara Mormile A mother and son are in stable condition at Brookdale Hospital after a 54-year-old man shot them – and then himself – inside of a Starrett City apartment building just after 1 a.m. yesterday. According to reports, the shooting may have been the result of a domestic dispute. When police with the 75th Precinct arrived on the 14th floor at 1155 Pennsylvania Avenue, they found a 23-year-old with multiple gunshot wounds to his torso and a 64-year-old woman was grazed with a gunshot wound to her head. Police allegedly found a .25 caliber pistol inside the apartment. Police then found the alleged shooter, identified as Kenneth Williams, with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Williams was pronounced dead at the scene. The reported that the couple got married in October after being together for eight years – and that they recently moved into the Pennsylvania Avenue apartment together with her son. Police are still investigating the circumstances that led to the murdersuicide. Photos by Lloyd Mitchell A speeding van is believed to be responsible for a bus accident that injured 14 people Monday morning on East 102nd Street and Glenwood Road. According to officials, a Honda Odyssey slammed into a B6 bus that was traveling eastbound on Glenwood Road. Some witnesses said the van blew through a stop sign near the corner, causing its airbags to deploy when it hit the front of the bus. Two people were seriously injured – including the SUV driver, who was taken to Brookdale Hospital. Bus passengers were also taken to Brookdale. The accident is still Photos by Lloyd Mitchell under investigation. Police investigate Starrett City building where triple shooting took place. First Quarter Of 2015 Ends On A Positive Note For The 69th Precinct By Linda Steinmuller The 69th Precinct is working hard to keep the streets of Canarsie safe. A decrease in crime, additional police officers and the crackdown on a rash of robberies were some of the topics covered at the March meeting of the 69th Precinct Community Council. Commanding Officer Captain Norman Grandstaff presented five officers with Cop of the Month awards. There was recently a pattern of robberies involving pizza delivery men, mainly near East 82nd Street and Flatlands Avenue. The suspects, young men between 17 and 18 years old, would order pizza, give a fictitious address and then steal the food – and money – from the delivery person. On February 18th, five officers – Lt. Christopher Devaney, Alexis Bruno, Louis Villegas, Matthew Krauszer and Nicklas Yardan – were on anti-crime/ robbery patrol. They apprehended one male involved in the pizza scam, obtained a search warrant to enter his home and were successful in retrieving two guns. There is some good news for Canarsie after the sharp spike in crime that shook our community during 2014. The commanding officer reported that crime is down by 30 percent this year. “The decrease in crime in the 69th Precinct is the second biggest decrease in the city,” Grandstaff said. “We’ve had three shootings compared to eight last year at this time.” With the warm weather just around the corner, there’s always the fear that crime will rise along with the temperatures. Grandstaff reassured the crowd that the precinct has plans in the works to keep violence down during the summer months and will provide residents with more details at future meetings. The 69th Precinct also added 18 new officers fresh out of the police academy. The rookie officers, who graduated in January, will be assigned to mentors, who are specially selected for their experience and commitment. “These officers are the best of the best,” said Grandstaff. “Each officer selected will be assigned to two rookies.” Let’s hope that the recent decrease in crime continues throughout 2015 – and we have a peaceful summer – free of gun shots. The next meeting of the 69th Precinct Community Council is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, April 28th at 8 p.m. at the H.E.S., 9502 Seaview Avenue. Police officers accept March Cop of the Month Awards from precinct officials and community leaders. Canarsie Courier 4 April 2, 2015 Candlelight Dinner Sets The Mood At Four Seasons hen it comes to hosting an elegant shindig, the staff at Four Seasons Nursing and Rehabilitation Center at 1555 Rockaway Parkway know how to show their residents a classy time! On Wednesday, March 25th, the facility hosted its annual Black and Silver Candlelight Dinner – with a special dinner provided by their Dietary Department. In addition to scrumptious foods and endless glasses of sparkling cider, Carmelo and Terry from Harmony Entertainment got everyone moving. Guests even took to the dance floor! A special thanks was extended to the staff members who helped make the evening special. W “Where’s Rosa?” Our Business Manager Catherine Rosa is hidden somewhere in this issue of the Canarsie Courier. Every week, her face will be photoshopped and placed in a RANDOMLY SELECTED PHOTO SOMEWHERE IN THE PAPER. Find Rosa’s face and you can win a three-month subscription to the community’s best newspaper! One lucky resident will be picked each week – new subscribers only! All you have to do is circle Rosa and mail the page, along with your name and address to: Canarsie Courier, 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn NY 11236. You can also bring the page where you find Rosa into our office. Happy Rosa Hunting! Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 5 With the help of two Siberian Huskies - Rayza and Rocky - local resident Michael Rickenbacker discovered this strange-looking creature west of Canarsie Pier last week, but no one is quite sure what it is. Rickenbacker, who is a captain in charge of the Junior ROTC program, often performs drills with cadets along the Canarsie shoreline. He was walking on the beach, near the Paerdegat Basin Bridge, when his dog Rayza found the carcass, which must have washed up onto the shore. It’s hard to say how long the unidentified creature has been dead, but, from the looks of it, predators snacked on its remains. Rickenbacker told the he did some research on the internet to try to identify the amphibian but could not find an exact match. “From the claws and the prickly thorns on its tail, it looks like it might be a marine iguana,” he said. The will provide updates if the mystery of the mutant creature is solved. Meeting Maps Out Plans For Future Floods In Canarsie The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers revealed two possible structural solutions for protecting the Canarsie shoreline at a special town hall meeting Monday night. Hosted by Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, who represents the 9th Congressional District, the forum helped residents better understand flood maps, which reportedly went into effect this week. “While I'm doing these town hall meetings across my district, which covers parts of Queens and Brooklyn that were hit hard by Hurricane Sandy, I want to start the process in Canarsie,” Jeffries told the crowd that packed the auditorium at the Hebrew Educational Society. “I know Canarsie felt like it was ignored in the aftermath of the storm, but it's my responsibility to do everything I can to help you understand how you're going to be impacted by new flood maps and flood insurance.” The sympathetic congressman, who began his term after Hurricane Sandy tore many communities apart in October 2012, said the rebuilding efforts will include various resiliency plans that will be instituted by the city and federal government. Colonel Paul E. Owen, Commander and District Engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers, told residents that initial efforts to protect Jamaica Bay from storms have already begun. “We've been working to protect the Rockaway peninsula by building high dunes in the sand along the Rockaways,” he said. “In Canarsie, we're looking to do one of two things: blocking water from Kingsborough College to Breezy Point and blocking the inlets with a surge barrier. We could install floodgates that can be lifted when a big storm is approaching. Another idea is to raise the bulkheads and build a barrier closer to the homes – which is a more localized solution.” Col. Owen said that by August, the agency should have a clearer idea of which plan will work better for homes along the Canarsie shoreline as a result of their comprehensive resiliency study. He also noted that environmental impact studies need to be completed and studying specific points along the Atlantic shoreline are part of the process. Other presentations were provided by representatives from the mayor's office and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) about Flood maps provided at Monday night’s meeting. identifying Canarsie's risk for another storm. With the help of topography, landscape studies and models of previous storms, FEMA was able to calculate the base flood elevation, which in turn helps to calculate insurance rates. Jeffries told the audience that the new maps will benefit contractors and construction companies who now have to build homes in flood zones accordingly. They must abide by new codes. “Companies now have to work in partnership with the city and know how to build a home that's in a flood zone,” he said. Maps of new flood zones in Canarsie were also distributed and provided technical information about how much of the community is not considered part of the flood plain. The high-risk areas were darkened on the map. Homeowners – or those who were interested in buying a home in the high-risk locations were also able to get information on how the flood maps affect mortgages and the cost of homeowners' insurance. Various resources for homeowners were available at the town hall meeting. If you’d like to know when the next session will take place, call Jeffries’ district office at 718-237-2211. The Army Corps of Engineers’ Colonel Paul Owen speaks about resiliency studies. 6 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier A Life Lost: When Spending On Surveillance Doesn’t Pay It’s good to hear that 29 New York City Housing itively identified via technology. When it comes to scum-of-the-earth nutcases like Authority developments in the city will Telling It be getting (NYCHA) security cameras by the end of this year. Daniel St. Hubert, who brutally stabbed two innoLast week’s news of upgrades and additional instal- cent children in an elevator in the Boulevard Houses Like It Is lations will probably be well received by NYCHA in 2014, justice can’t come soon enough even though By Dara Mormile f I had the resources, the time – and maybe an intern’s detailed assistance – I would investigate how many arrests were made in Canarsie last year thanks to surveillance camera footage. How many unsolved crimes exist despite footage capturing someone in the act? To be specific, how many crimes in New York City Housing were thwarted, altogether, by the presence of cameras? A year ago, a young man shown on camera walking through Bayview Houses was apprehended for a rash of robberies shortly after his image was released. Maybe the arrest was a result of the new technology installed at the housing development. Maybe it was thanks to quick-acting residents who recognized the thug while he was walking the grounds. Really…how much are cameras really worth when you realize they might not prevent a crime from occurring. Yes, criminals may be deterred from committing an act if they know they’re on camera, but they could easily conceal their identity and get away with murder – literally – should they feel the need to commit one. Unless there’s a security guard behind the scenes, watching live video feed, who will act promptly before the suspect flees the scene, too many tragedies will occur with only a video camera in place. I tenants – but how effective will cameras be when it truly comes to crime prevention? What about inside buildings, elevators, hallways and areas where cameras won’t reach? In my opinion, it won’t be enough to spend millions upon million of dollars (NYCHA is reportedly providing $17 million) on installing cameras in city buildings, as per Mayor Bill de Blasio’s announcement last year. Let’s get real! When the media publishes the headline and story: “Shooter/stabber/robber caught on camera,” the horrific act has already been committed. A life has already been lost, changed or impacted…A wallet or phone has already been stolen and an attack has already traumatized the victim! We’ve seen plenty of camera footage on the news where a gunman opened fire in the middle of the street, outside of a club or house party. It’s great that we have those images of the reckless punks, but in many unfortunate cases, police were unable to respond fast enough to catch up with the suspects – who already left multiple people with wounds that perhaps scarred them for life – or cost them their lives! Chances are, arrests are made in those club and party house shootings as a result of someone coming forward with information. However, it’s satisfying knowing that justice will eventually be served and that a criminal will do time as a result of being pos- he was arrested within a few days of the stabbings. Would it have mattered if a camera were installed in those buildings while he was committing the heartless crime? Even if he knew he was on camera, I don’t think he was in a sensible, normal frame of mind to realize what he was doing in the first place. Reports stated that St. Hubert went back and forth with authorities on whether he was mentally fit to even stand trial! Please…A “normal functioning” person does NOT take a knife to two defenseless children! In this case, I don’t think all the cameras in the world – worth thousands of taxpayers’ dollars – would have saved those innocent kids. It seems like most criminals aren’t banking on getting arrested or being identified – or most of them wouldn’t be committing the crime in the first place. I know that’s a naïve way of thinking, but can we assume that a lot of criminals are somehow “mentally unfit,” which results in them making irrational decisions to commit crimes? Cameras stand no chance – anywhere, not just in NYCHA buildings – when it comes to ruthless scoundrels and their violent tactics. In my opinion, we need more HUMAN presence instead of machines and technology to simply observe a crime going down. Unfortunately, there’s not enough money in the world to hire enough manpower to patrol NYCHA to catch criminals and Continued on page 15 Ridge Abstract Corp. SERVICE ABOVE and BEYOND Established 1980 Title Insurance throughout New York State • Title insurance arranged in New Jersey and other states • Computer hook-up with NYC Tax Office & Register’s Office • Totally computerized office with personal service • Closing conference room for your convenience • Recording documents • Violation searches • Real estate forms FRANK, J. MARTINO, President BENJAMIN J. MARTINO, JR., Vice President PAUL J. INTERLANDI, Sr. Vice President CHRISTOPER M. BECK, Director of Operations ANDREW NUNZIATO, Sr. Title Officer 1967 McDonald Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11223 Tel. 718-338-0065 • Fax 1-718-692-3767 April 2, 2015 7 Canarsie Courier Since 1969 Original Pizza Of Avenue L In Canarsie (THE ORIGINAL ORIGINALS) Round Pie Sicilian Pie Our Famous Grandma Pie NOW SERVING Supreme Pie (with Fresh Mozzarella & Fresh Basil) Garlic Knots PASTA Penne Ala Vodka Pie TRY OUR PENNE ALA VODKA Buffalo Wings Zeppoles w/Powdered Sugar W/GRILLED CHICKEN Fresh Cheese Calzones OR OUR Chicken Rolls PENNE ALA VODKA Sausage Rolls PIZZA Pepperoni Rolls Mozzarella Sticks Rice Balls Delicious Fresh Caesar Or Garden Salads w/Grilled Chicken *Serving The Canarsie Community* For Over 46 Years We Deliver 7 Days A Week 9514 Avenue L Hours: 7 Days A Week 11am - 1:30am 718-531-3559 (Between East 95th & East 96th Street) We Now Accept All Major Credit Cards 8 Canarsie Courier The Roof Is On Fire! Firefighters responded to 1407 East 98th Street near Avenue M last week when a blaze broke out on the roof of the two-story home. No injuries were reported during the fire, which happened at around 5:25 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25th. The fire was brought under control within 45 minutes. A witness who lives nearby said construction was taking place on the roof before the fire broke out. April 2, 2015 Plenty Of Food On The Table For Passover The Jewish Community Council of Canarsie (JCCC) wants to make sure everyone has food on their tables for the upcoming Passover holiday. With the help of many volunteers, 1,800 packages of food were delivered to the area’s homebound and elderly. They contained items like matzo, grape juice, pickles, mayonnaise, jam, carrots and onions – all the ingredients needed for the Passover Seder table. The UJA-Federation also donated 70 bags for younger Jewish families. On Monday, sixth grade students from two schools, East Midwood Hebrew Day School and Solomon Schecter School of Long Island, worked together to prepare packages for distribution. Rabbi Avrohom Hecht, Executive Director of JCCC, told the Canarsie Courier, “It’s important for young people to get involved with volunteering. The most important lesson is learned by example.” The rabbi explained, “At the Passover table, we say, ‘All who are hungry, come and partake.’ It’s a Jewish tradition to take care of the poor, elderly and lonely.” In the true Passover spirit, his hope is that no one in By Linda Steinmuller the Canarsie area will go hungry this holiday. April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier H.E.S. SUMMER CAMP 2015 * FULLY LICENSED * SAFE * PROFESSIONAL STAFF OVER 35 YEARS CAMP EXPERIENCE LUNCH/SNACK * EXTENDED HOURS * TRIPS * OVERNIGHT * DAILY ACTIVITIES * DOOR TO DOOR TRANSPORTATION DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 718-241-3000 9502 Seaview Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11236 718-241-3000 WWW.THEHES.ORG Most Vouchers accepted ACD, HRA, 1199, MTA 9 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier 10 They’re Dedicated To “Cutting” Violence From The Community The anticipation of warm weather wasn’t the only reason Classic Barber & Beauty Salon teamed up with Beraca Community Development Corporation and the 69th Precinct to provide free haircuts. The shop hosted a special event on Saturday - providing haircuts to all male customers who joined the conversation about violence in our community. “Our goal is to bridge the gap between young black men and police officers,” said Pastor Sony Pierre of Beraca Baptist Church. “It’s about what has been happening the last six months - the violence and the shootings. We’re giving out free haircuts to everyone who comes by so they can have a dialogue with the police officers.” Those who wanted a free trim had to bring in a special coupon from Classic Barber, located at 1506 Rockaway Parkway, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. While the barbers kept the young men styling, Community Affairs Officer Eton White spoke about the NYPD, getting many to debate the positive and negatives of the department. “It’s good to see the police and community coming together,” said Havlis Roberts, who took advantage of the service. “It’s time to introduce the young folks to the police. It makes for a good relationship.” Pastor Pierre plans to hold the free haircut event again in the summer and is considering making it an annual event. For Classic Barber’s Viaman Placide, who has been cutting hair for over 20 years, holding the event is a welcome idea. “It feels very good to do free haircuts,” he said. LOBSTER DOCK RESTAURANT L OBSTER D INNER GENUINE STATE O’MAINE LOBSTER • GUARANTEED OVER 11⁄4 LB EA. 1 STEAMED OR 1 BROILED $ 19 • FULL 12 OZ. 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(ACROSS FROM THE UA MOVIES NEXT TO TGI FRIDAYS) JORDAN’S RETAIL MARKET LOBSTERS 11⁄4 ZAGAT RATED EXCELLENT TO 5 LBS EACH 1-800-404-CLAW FREE PARKING MORTUARY COSMETOLOGIST SERVING ALL RACES AND COMMUNITIES AMY JENNIFER SIEGEL 917.716.0259 Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 Cheering On Kingsborough Winners The Kingsborough Community College (KCC) Wave Cheerleading Team took second place in the 2015 CUNYAC Cheerleading competition on Thursday, March 13th. Held at York College, the competition KCC team consists of two men and 12 women who are all full time students. This is the first time they made it to the top two spot. The KCC team has been practicing the competition routine since December 2014. According to Kingsborough officials, the cheerleaders practice at least three days a week, four hours a day, including during holiday breaks and the weeks in between semesters. There were four other teams competing - all senior colleges - Brooklyn College, John Jay College, Lehman College and CCNY. Kingsborough was the first community college to enter the competition back in 2011. Assistant Coach Erica Jordan is new to the staff this year and was a competitive cheerleader at Maris College. She coordinated the stunting and choreography. Courtesy of kccathletics.com DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS TUESDAY AT 4:00 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS CALL TODAY FOR OUR SPRING SPECIALS • • • • • • • • Insulated Units Double Hung Windows Table Tops Shower Doors Storefront Glass Door Glass Window Screens Window Balances 11 12 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier Local Housing Development To Receive More Cameras SPECIALIZING IN: • PERIODONTICS • IMPLANTS & MINI IMPLANTS • INVISALIGN • CROWNS & BRIDGES • COSMETIC DENTISTRY • PORCELAIN LAMINATES We Offer A 5% Discount For • Patients Over 62 • Patients With A Military ID • Same Day Payments Of Services Greater Than $300 NEW PATIENT OFFER INITIAL EXAM, NECESSARY X-RAYS, INTRAORAL PICTURES & ROUTINE CLEANING VALUE $475 We Accept All Major Insurance You can find us on ZocDoc 5 Star Dentist Active Patients Who Refer 3 New Patients To Us Will Receive A Restaurant Gift Certificate Or An Electric Toothbrush worth of state capital funding was allocated by local elected officials – but only one third of the grounds were provided with cameras. Some residents said cameras are helpful in catching some criminals but many crimes take place in elevators and inside buildings where there is no surveillance. Announcement of the additional cameras came last week when Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office confirmed that 29 NYCHA complexes will receive surveillance upgrades or installations. City officials will allocate $17 million towards the project. Shortly after two children were stabbed inside of the Boulevard Houses elevator in June 2014, discussions about cameras deterring criminal activities were at the forefront of crime prevention. Discover How Beautiful Your Smile Can Be! 718-241-1203 (between Rockaway Parkway & East 98th Street) 9715 Avenue L ONLY $250 By Dara Mormile Bayview Housing officials, along with local politicians, celebrated the long-awaited installation of surveillance cameras in October 2012. Residents living in the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) development might be pleased to know that more buildings will be receiving security cameras by the end of this year. According to reports, the following NYCHA buildings in Brooklyn will be getting cameras: • Bayview Houses • Sheepshead/Nostrand Houses • Marlboro Houses • Gravesend Houses • Brevoort Houses and • Berry Street-South 9th Street Houses When Bayview Houses received the first round of cameras, $350,000 www.DanielWankdds.com (corner of East 58th Street) April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier 13 Armed Duo On The Loose In Starrett City By Dara Mormile A woman waiting for the elevator at her Vandalia Avenue apartment building was recently robbed of her iPhone, keys, necklace and earrings. Police are asking for the public’s help in tracking down the two ruthless thugs believed to be responsible for the crime. According to officials, the suspects followed a 26-year-old woman into her apartment building in Starrett City on March 21st at about 11 p.m. While she waited for the elevator, one of the men approached her, displayed a handgun and demanded her belongings. After she complied, she went outside of the building to see where they fled – only to realize that they used her car keys to steal her 2006 Ford Escape. There were no reported injuries during the armed robbery, and police released surveillance footage of the suspects while in the building. Anyone with information in regards to the incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS. The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Website at www.nypdcrime stoppers.com or texting their tips to 274637(CRIMES) then enter TIP577. Photo courtesy of NYPD EASTER SPECIALS MONDAY –– THURSDAY We Proudly Offer THE ONE & ONLY ORIGINAL free Dominican Treatment WITH ANY SERVICE BRAZILIAN BLOWOUT FOR FRIZZY HAIR TRY OUR BRAZILIAN BLOWOUT SMOOTHING TREATMENT The Most Popular Professional Smoothing Treatment In The World! CERTIFIED SALON RELAXER $30 / WASH & SET $13 • Prices Based Upon Length & Density Of Hair • We Do Flat Twist, Spiral Curls, Updos... • We Specialize In All Hair Types • Check Out Our Line Of Professional Products; Salern, Alphaparth, Alter Ego, Mizani, Dudleys, Paul Mitchell, Nexus, Sebastian, Moroccan & Much More. • We Do Brazilian Keratin Hair Strengthening Treatments CANARSIE LOCATION 1931 ROCKAWAY PARKWAY (CORNER OF AVE N) BKLYN NY 11236 718-531-3518 HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM – 6:30PM SATURDAY – 8AM – 6PM SUNDAY – 10AM – 2PM CROWN H EIGHTS 308 TROY AVENUE (BTW. U NION ST. & EASTERN PARKWAY) BKLYN NY 11213 718-774-5049 14 Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 Grumpy Neighbor Treats “Man’s Best Friend” More Like An Enemy Many animal lovers consider their pets part of the family. That’s why it’s hard to believe that someone would actually want to kill Frank Battaglia’s precious pooch, Snoopy, but the Gerritsen Beach resident has a video to prove it. Battaglia, who lives at 117 Canton Court, said his next-door neighbor tried to kill Snoopy with a bone. “Snoopy is a 100 percent Basset Hound with pure English markings. He comes from the best kennel in Pennsylvania,” Battaglia told the . “Why would anyone want to kill this adorable dog?” Battaglia is a former Canarsien who moved to Gerritsen Beach in 2007. Unfortunately, his neigh- bor does not share the same love for animals and, according to Battaglia, has thrown rocks and other objects at his defenseless dog. A chain-link fence separates the two properties. Video surveillance shows Battaglia’s neighbor kicking a small, sharp, jagged bone under the fence onto the dog lover’s property. As dogs love bones, Snoopy immediately chomped on the bone, but it got lodged in his throat. Fortunately, Battaglia was watching one of the video surveillance screens in his home at the time of the incident. When he noticed that Snoopy was acting strangely, he immediately ran outside and discovered that his beloved dog was choking. Battaglia took quick action and tried to retrieve the razorsharp bone from Snoopy’s throat. He managed to hook his finger around the bone and pull it out of the frightened dog’s mouth. That was back on September 25, 2014. “Snoopy threw up white acid and blood,” Battaglia said, describing the gruesome scene. Battaglia took Snoopy to his veterinarian, who examined the young dog who is not even three years old. In a report, the animal doctor stated: “Had the bone not been taken out of Snoopy’s throat by Frank Battaglia, Snoopy absolutely would have died by choking.” The distressed dog owner followed up on the incident with the 61st Precinct. Battaglia said that two police officers arrived at his house around midnight on the night of the attack. “They viewed the surveillance footage and told me, ‘We are going to arrest him.’ The next morning I got a call from one of the officers stating that my neighbor would be charged with animal cruelty and reckless endangerment.” The case was passed on to two detectives who also watched the incriminating video on October 6, 2014. According to Battaglia, one of the detectives told him, “He’s going down; we’re going to arrest him,” but Battaglia didn’t hear back from them, so he periodically called the precinct. And then something unexpected happened. “Two cops came back to my house – four months later – and said that the case was dropped. They said there was no criminal offense, and it’s now a civil matter,” a shocked Battaglia explained. Now, he plans to sue his dog-hating neighbor in small claims court. He wants reimbursement for the cost of his vet bill, which was $323. Battaglia also added plastic taping – costing $60 - along the bottom of his fence to prevent future incidents. “I’m fearful when I let my dog out. I don’t know what he has in store next. The detectives basically gave him carte blanche,” Battaglia said. He’s reached out to an animal rights advocacy group to see if they can assist and hopefully prevent similar attacks on other dogs. “If a person is insensitive to an animal’s wellbeing, who knows what they’ll do? If they can hurt a dog or any type of animal, they can hurt people too,” he said. In the meantime, Battaglia lives in fear of his Snoopy’s safety. Dogs may be “man’s best friend” to Battaglia and other dog lovers, but they are nothing more than enemies to others. Bone that was stuck inside Snoopy’s throat. Frank Battaglia with his Basset Hound Snoopy. April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier 15 Library Renovations Discussed At Public Meeting By Tess McRae The East Flatbush community took a first step toward rethinking their library on March 26th during a public outreach meeting. Parents, community leaders and stakeholders were invited to sit down with designer David Leven to discuss ideas about the East Flatbush library at 9612 Church Avenue. The ideas, while varied, each aimed for the same goal: making the library a better place. “To prepare for this project, we conducted a few studies and learned about the history of the library,” Leven said. “We’re interested in how you envision your library and how you see it fitting into your community.” The plan is still in the working stages; a rendering has yet to be composed and schematics have not been drawn. Instead, Leven and his partner shared some basic ideas they had for the space at Church Avenue and Linden Boulevard a busy intersection for both cars and pedestrians. At the top of the list is incorporating natural light into the overall design of the library branch. “One of the weakest parts of most libraries is that there is not a lot of natural light,” Leven said. “We’re looking to open the roof as much as possible maybe some skylights and opening the facade to glass. This opens the library up for visitors, but also allows people walking by to take a look inside from the street.” Leven and his team are also hoping to add softer seating, designated reading rooms and upgrade the library’s technology so that it can utilize modern-day tools such as self-checkout. Attendees were excited about the proposal, but they felt it was necessary to focus on youths. “This community has no facilities for young people in particular,” one father said. “We need to create a space for young adults.” The librarians wholeheartedly agreed. The building serves as a hangout spot for many middle school and high school students who want to finish their homework and those who are just looking to kick back with their friends. The library already offers a few programs for teens, including teen trivia and movie screenings, but they are held in a rundown room with fluorescent lighting and no windows. Other requests included incorporating the neighborhood’s cultural ties to the Caribbean and South America into some of the artwork or murals. Adults also asked that meeting rooms for small groups be included in future designs. Though Leven and his team were open to suggestions, they are limited in what they can build. The library, which is one floor, cannot be built up or down. Creating a green space or rooftop garden is also out of budget. However, the building will be LED friendly. Like It Is... repeat offenders. Preventing shootings will NEVER happen! Let’s see if the millions of dollars spent on installing cameras will spare the lives of thousands of victims who are waiting to be shot, stabbed, robbed and attacked. Instead, we’ll be looking at blurry and dark images of someone running from a crime scene. When crime decreases in buildings that already have cameras, we might have a chance to capture the moment – and the crook – before it’s too late. East Flatbush library will soon undergo renovations. 16 Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 Vandalia Houses Residents Boiling Mad At NYCHA’s Slow Response Time The lack of heat or hot water is an all-too-common complaint for those living in public housing – especially over the frigid winter months. What would you do if you had to deal with a broken boiler – for 15 years? That’s what residents at the Vandalia Houses in East New York are forced to live with, and they’re demanding answers from the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). Members of the Vandalia Houses Tenants Association voiced their concerns this week during an exclusive interview with the . The 10-story housing complex, which opened in 1983, is relatively small. It consists of two buildings (Numbers 17 and 77) and has a senior center situated in between the two buildings. To rent an apartment, you must either be 62 years old or 55 years old and disabled. Two boilers are used to heat the entire facility, but one of them has been broken since 2000. The lack of heat makes living conditions unbearable for Vandalia’s tenants. “If the pump goes on the working boiler, then we’re without heat for two or three days – and it’s always on the coldest days,” Mildred Carusillo, President of the Vandalia Houses Tenants Association and Tenant Patrol Supervisor, told the . Over the years, the association has made countless calls to NYCHA, but the boiler was never replaced. “We don’t want another 15 years of this. If we stop complaining, this issue will be put on the back burner,” Carusillo said. “The tenants on the ground floor and the top floors suffer the most,” Carusillo explained, stating that the heat doesn’t rise adequately to the ninth and tenth floors. There’s no heat in the hallways either. “It feels like Alaska in our hallways,” Harold Brady, Acting Vice President of the tenant association said. To make matters worse, tenants must juggle twice the amount of bureaucracy that other NYCHA tenants deal with. Vandalia is a federal building that’s managed by NYCHA, and residents complain that they get the runaround from both agencies. They say that each agency claims it is not their responsibility to fix specific problems. One example is cracked concrete, which is prevalent throughout the housing project. Patio concrete in the area behind the building is broken up and crumbling, which presents a dangerous situation for many seniors who use canes or walkers. Many of them use the patio area as a shortcut to walk to the nearby shopping center on Louisiana and Pennsylvania avenues. The front of the building is no better. Sidewalks are torn up, making it practically impossible to walk along Vandalia Avenue. The tenants association said that they were told that some of the sidewalk is on government property while other parts are on city property. In addition to boiler problems, there is only one drain in the basement for two buildings. “We have so much flooding here. Sometimes the water in the basement is up to your knees,” Carusillo said. There is also a nasty smell in the hallways due to constant flooding. As of press time, NYCHA did not respond to our inquiries. Vandalia Houses residents are waiting – and hoping – for answers. They’re hoping that next winter won’t be the 16th year without heat. Vandalia Houses Tenant Association: Seated, left to right: Annie Marcelle, Recording Secretary, Mildred Carusillo, President, and Harold Brady, Acting Vice President. Standing: Serge Bernard, Treasurer, and Fritz Ellis, Sergeant at Arms. Serge Bernard points to a crumbling section of sidewalk in front of Vandalia Houses. Belt Parkway Closure The Department of Transportation’s Division of Bridges recently announced that they are going to paint the Erskine Street overpass along the Belt Parkway from April 6th through May 1st. As a result, two lanes will be closed in both directions on the Belt Parkway twice a week in the early morning hours. At least one lane in each direction will remain open to traffic. April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier 17 Democrats Celebrate Outstanding Achievements At Annual Dinner Hundreds came out to honor some of the most dedicated and committed dignitaries on Thursday, March 26th, at Congregation Beth Shalom of Kings Bay. Members of the 41st Democratic Club honored dozens of politicians and civic leaders including Christine Quinn, Jeanne Mullgrav, Larry Spiewak and Jeffrey Rodus. Among those present for the annual awards dinner were Borough President Eric Adams, Brooklyn Democratic Leader Frank Seddio, Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein, Councilman Alan Maisel and former councilman Lew Fidler. Awards were doled out to those who have worked with different organizations across the city to make our community a better place to live. You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting www.canarsiecourier.com. Just click on the blue button. Photos by Darryl Madison Canarsie Courier 18 April 2, 2015 TAX TIME 2015 H&L ACCOUNTING Let Former IRS Tax Agents Take Care Of All Your Tax Needs PERSONAL & BUSINESS Receive The Biggest Refund. If You Owe Taxes, Let Us Negotiate On Your Behalf So We Could Save You Money & Aggravation 718-251-9561 718-986-5057 MENTION THIS AD FOR $10 INCOME TAX PREPARATION • INCOME & ESTATE TAX PLANNING • PERSONAL INCOME TAX PREPARATION DISCOUNT Making Foreign Electronic Payments International taxpayers who do not have a U.S. bank account may follow the instructions below to transfer funds from their foreign bank account directly to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for payment of their individual or business tax liabilities. Although this method of payment is available to anyone with a foreign bank account (which includes many types of financial institutions), it can be costly. Please consider other options, including paying by credit card, to avoid the high cost of international wire transfer. For more information on how to use the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) or other U.S. based payment methods, please visit the “Make a Payment” link through the IRS site. Note: Payments of U.S. tax must be remitted to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in U.S. dollars. In order to complete an international wire transfer through your foreign bank, you will need to complete the Same-Day Taxpayer Payment Worksheet with the proper Tax Type Code and tax period (year and/or quarter) so that the funds will be properly applied to your IRS tax liability. After you have completed the worksheet, take it to your bank to request international wiring. Your foreign bank must have a banking relationship with a U.S. bank, although the U.S. bank does not have to be an affiliate or otherwise related to the foreign bank. Small local banks may not be able to affect an international wire transfer but most large banks can. If your bank is able to transfer money to the U.S., it will ask you to complete an application for international wiring. You will need the Routing Transit Number (RTN), also known as the American Banking Association (ABA), number for the “Destination Bank”, sometimes referred to by banks as “Beneficiary’s Bank”. To complete a wire transfer you will need the following information: •A completed Same-Day Taxpayer Worksheet •IRS account number – 20092900IRS (optional) •IRS account RTN/ABA Number – 091036164 US TREAS SINGLE TX The IRS asks that you complete the Same Day Taxpayer Worksheet PRIOR to going to your bank. The information from the worksheet will be needed to complete the wiring application required by the bank. The financial institution may charge you a fee for the wiring service. If your foreign bank needs assistance, they may contact the Federal Tax Payment Service Customer Service at 314-425-1810 (Not toll free). If you have questions regarding international wiring, please contact your local office internationally for assistance. LAW OFFICES OF ALESSANDRO F. MARRA 1142 EAST 92ND STREET 718-649-4989 • CANARSIE • MARINE PARK • MILL BASIN • GEORGETOWN • GERRITSEN BEACH • KINGS PLAZA • SHEEPSHEAD BAY • FLATLANDS • FLATBUSH • EAST NEW YORK • SPRING CREEK 1142 EAST 92 STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11236 • TEL: 718-257-0600 • FAX 718-272-0870 • E-MAIL: CANARSIEC@AOL.COM TAX SEASON 2015 Special Income Tax Advertising Package FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL CATHERINE AT (718) 257-0600 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier 19 Local Guardian Angel Celebrates Milestone Former Canarsien Curtis Sliwa made history 36 years ago when he founded the Guardian Angels, an organization established to help keep communities safe. On Thursday, March 26th, Sliwa celebrated the Guardian Angels’ first subway ride as well as his 61st birthday. The anniversary – and Sliwa’s special day – was hosted at the Attic Rooftop & Lounge in Manhattan. There was also a fundraiser to help Sliwa, who grew up in Canarsie, and the Angels keep Long Island patrols going strong, as crime is rising east of the city. Guardian Angel-themed prizes were raffled off, and red velvet cupcakes were served as Sliwa thanked his fellow Angels for all of their diligent work over the decades. The Guardian Angels are in 130 cities and 18 different countries, touching the lives of millions of people around the world and providing avenues for youth engagement. You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting www.canarsiecourier.com. Just click on the blue button. 20 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier THEN 1984 Before discount shops popped up all over Flatlands Avenue, we had a slew of automotive businesses that thrived here. One of those shops was Aid Auto Supply at East 78th Street and Flatlands Avenue, just east of South Shore High School. Unfortunately, there was a wild fire at the one-story shop in September 1984. The blaze was so dangerous, firefighters had to battle the flames for nearly an hour from the exterior of the building before containing the fire inside. Fortunately, no one was injured in the afternoon blaze. Today, the store is home to a 99cent discount variety store/American and Caribbean grocery. If you are / were a resident who has old photos of homes /businesses in Canarsie and surrounding areas, we’d love to see them and share them with the community. Call 718-257-0600 or email canarsiec@aol.com for more information. Compiled by Linda Steinmuller NOW 2015 New 63rd Commanding Officer Honors Officers On Thursday, February 26th, police officers Rodolph Exil and Ricardo Jean-Baptiste responded to a call of a break-in at a home on East 66th Street between Strickland Avenue and Whitman Drive. When the officers arrived at the scene, they witnessed the victim chasing the suspect. Officers then took over the pursuit and were able to arrest the suspect. The thief allegedly had the stolen items on him when he was arrested. Police officers Exil and Jean-Baptiste were presented with Cop of the Month awards for March for making the arrest. By Jason Linetsky pet of the week This handsome feline with an adorable pinkbutton nose is about nine months old. Meet friendly Cnejok at AC&C’s Brooklyn Care Center, 2336 Linden Boulevard (open 128pm M-F, and 10am-6pm Saturdays and Sundays), or email “mailto:adoption @nycacc.org” Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 21 Children from all over Brooklyn eggcelled in finding tons of goodies last weekend when State Senator Marty Golden hosted his annual Easter egg hunt in Marine Park. The festivities included a chance to take photos with the Easter Bunny and children had their faces painted. There were also rides, Easter basket prizes and other eggceptionally fun activities! “I’m here to help out my community and celebrate with my community,” Senator Golden said. “I try to work hard to bring this event together every year. There is always a great turnout.” You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting www.canarsiecourier.com. Just click on the blue button. By Lloyd Mitchell 22 Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 C ONTRA CTOR S PRING S PECIAL April 2, 2015 We Accept Canarsie Courier 4100 Glenwood Road Brooklyn, NY 11210 (718) 859-6500 www.glenwoodmason.com BROOKLYN’S LARGEST INDOOR & OUTDOOR SHOWROOM 23 Like us on Facebook HOMEOWNERS WELCOME Pavingstones with Authorized Cambridge Dealer 24 Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 Local Hoopster Caps College Career With All-Star Appearance Louison waves to the crowd during All-Star introductions. Compiled by Bill O’Neill Question: “No, the cameras will not help. They already installed cameras in some parts of Bayview Houses - and they didn’t work. Just last week someone got shot right where the cameras were installed.” Tiffany Watson, Bayview Houses “The cameras will help cut down on a lot of thingslike police who don’t do their jobs properly. And people will commit less crimes, because they know they will get caught.” Terrence Watson, Bayview Houses By Jerry Del Priore After a stellar basketball career at St. Joseph’s College, an outpouring of fan votes helped David Louison earn the last spot on the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) Reese’s Division III College All-Star East team. The All-Star game, which took place last month at the Salem Civic Center in Salem, Va., was a great way for the East Flatbush native to closeout his outstanding collegiate basketball career. “It was exciting,” said Louison, who had four points, a team-high seven rebounds, an assist, and a steal in 19 minutes of action in a 105-94 defeat to the West squad. “It was just wonderful all around. It was an experience in itself.” Bears head coach Joseph Cocozello believes his standout forward’s play merited the All-Star nod. “The combination of Dave’s Godgiven ability and work ethic has made him a premier player at the Division III level and he is truly deserving of the AllStar Game selection,” Cocozello said. Louison excelled at St. Joe’s, scoring 1698 points and grabbing 1195 rebounds in his career, while garnering a number of accolades in the process —on and off the hardwood. Over the last month, the 6’ 2”, 21year-old collected CoSIDA/Capital One Academic All-America First Team, USCAA Student-Athlete of the Year, AD3I All-Independent First Team and HVIAC Player of the Year honors. But it was Louison’s contributions throughout his days at St. Joe’s that help the program reach new heights, going from 8-19 to 13-14 since joining the Bears as a freshman for the 2011-12 campaign. Following that season, St. Joe’s has really thrived, as he’s helped guide the team to three straight winning seasons and two USCAA National Championship appearances. “His many achievements on the court both individually and with his teammates speak for themselves,” Cocozello said. “Equally impressive is the pride he puts into his academics. He truly epitomizes the term student-athlete. Most impressive of all is his character. Dave is a gentleman both on and off the court and we are truly blessed to have had him represent St. Joseph’s College these past four years!” In addition to being a star studentathlete, Louison, who sports a 3.93 GPA, has been working as a student clerk in the civil division of the US Attorney’s Office since his sophomore year. He hopes to land a paralegal job there, but hasn’t ruled out playing professional basketball in the near future. After he’s accomplished either of those aspirations, Louison hopes to attend law school, and work on fulfilling his lifelong dream of being an attorney. But Louison said he’ll never forget his time on the court at St Joe’s, where he played a huge part in its recent success. “It’s honestly been humbling,” he said. “I’m glad I can look back years from now and say I’ve been a part of it.” Photos by David Louison “I think the cameras will help physically make things safer. If there is an emergency or crime, the cameras will pick it up right away.” Justin Smith, Bayview Houses “To me, the cameras are a good idea to identify crimes. But actually they will do no good unless there are staff around the clock to review the films.” Kevin J., Bayview Houses David Louison, who suited up for the East, goes to the hoop in the NABC Reese’s Division III College All-Star game, a 105-94 loss to the West, last month. April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier It’s Fun And Games With St. Bernard Church Who says you have to fly to Hollywood for a chance to win tons of fun prizes and have an awesome time at a game show? St. Bernard Church hosted its 10th annual Game Show Night on Thursday, March 26th, at El Caribe where hundreds enjoyed an exciting and competitive night! With games like Family Feud, Jeopardy, Wheel Of Fortune and Let’s Make A Deal – and Monsignor Jamie Gigantiello playing the host – participants had plenty of chances to win household appliances and cash prizes. Over $10,000 in cash prizes were awarded and, overall, the crowd won $15,000 in gift cards. There were also chances to win gift baskets filled with lots of goodies. About 500 residents attended the event and everyone is looking forward to the next Game Show Night, which is sponsored by the Bergen Beach church. You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting www.canarsiecourier.com. Just click on the blue button. Photos by David Frederick 25 26 Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 Robbery Suspect Wanted Police with the 63rd Precinct are looking for a man who they believe is responsible for a robbery that took place on March 24th. According to the 63rd Precinct, Lance Aponte, 25, stole an iPhone 6 and a pair of Gucci glasses from a victim who was walking near 5912 Glenwood Road at about 4:15 p.m. that day. Described as a black male, 6’, weighing 190 lbs. with black hair and brown eyes, Aponte is known to hang out at the Glenwood Houses. Anyone with information on Aponte is asked to call Detective Samuel Brown at 718-2584400 or call NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577TIPS. The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers Website at www.nypdcrimestoppers.com or texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577. Officers with the 63rd Precinct are circulating wanted flyers in the community in hopes that tips from the public will lead to his arrest. Courtesy of ©NYPD More Parents Now Applying For Seats On Local Education Council By Dara Mormile Nearly two dozen parents have applied for seats on District 18’s Community Education Council (CEC). The Department of Education (DOE) recently revealed that nearly 1,300 parents applied this year for spots on their local CEC boards. Of the thousands who applied, according to the Daily News, only 873 were eligible. In Brooklyn, there are 290 candidates, 191 in Queens, 185 in the Bronx, 180 in Manhattan and 27 in Staten Island. There are 21 candidates running for CEC 18, which encompasses all public schools in Canarsie. Candidates – including members who are already on the board – are parents, School Leadership Team members, former principals, Parent Teachers Association presidents, counselors and those who have special education backgrounds – also known as parents who have IEP (Individualized Education Program) children. While those who apply for positions on the CEC are simply required to have a child attending a NYC public school, the local council has had trouble recruiting candidates in the past. School officials try to recruit parents during public meetings as well as local CEC meetings in each district. District 18’s CEC has had a couple of vacancies over the past year – with two parent members needed and one seat open for English Language Learners. Family Advocate for Community School District 18 Ivie Bien-Aime said the first candidate forum was hosted Monday night. Another one will be held in May. During the sessions, CEC members and its executive board listened to various contributions and resources applicants have to offer. Voting will be held from mid-April to the beginning of May. New board members won’t be waiting until the 2015-2016 school year begins to get down to business – they’ll be joining the CEC in July to start the process of making important educational decisions. Before the summer begins, the local CEC will hopefully have a fully functioning board of parents and educators who will promote the achievement of educational standards, provide input on important policies and issues and hold hearings on capital spending. CEC board members serve a two-year term, with re-elections of current board members also taking place every two years. CEC 18 holds meetings on the first Monday of every month at their district office, 1106 East 95th Street, at 7 p.m. However, due to spring break, the council will meet on Monday, April 13th. For more information, call 718-566-6005. NOT Making Light Of Things At Bayview Houses Residents say a Salvation Army truck struck a light pole in front of 2105 Rockaway Parkway earlier this week and left the scene after the damage was done. Firefighters arrived at Bayview Houses to make sure the area near the downed light was cordoned off. They removed the broken fixture and no one was reported injured. That doesn’t mean residents will lighten up when it comes to quality of life complaints! Photos by R. Rivera April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier 27 Advanced Technology And Expertise At Maimonides Bone & Joint Center The Maimonides Bone & Joint Center is bringing the latest innovations in orthopedic care to adults and children in Brooklyn at their stunning new stateof-the-art facility located at 6010 Bay Parkway. “Brooklyn patients didn’t always have a place to go for complete orthopedic services,” said Dr. Jack Choueka, Chair of Orthopedic Surgery at Maimonides Medical Center. “Now you and your family can get everything you need under one roof, from diagnostic imaging to treatment and recovery – including ambulatory surgery – right here at the Maimonides Bone & Joint Center.” Over the past two years, the Center has established itself as a leading research facility, investigating new approaches to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cartilage Damage, Spinal Surgery and Osteoporosis. One of its most innovative accomplishments has been integrat- Dr. Jack Choueka, Chairman of Orthopedic Surgery At Maimonides Meing 3-D printing into specialized or- dical Center. thopedic care. their own hands, patients get a better premises to the finest imaging tech“We can create 3-D models of bone understanding of their illness and their nology for reliable diagnosis of orthotumors to help patients understand their upcoming surgery. And afterwards, the pedic injuries or illness, including: Xown unique anatomy before treatment,” 3-D models are used in the training of rays, Dynamic Ultrasound, Fluoroscopy says Musculoskeletal Oncologist & Or- future surgeons.” and Neuro-diagnostic testing, with CT thopedic Surgeon, Dr. Howard GoodPatients of the Maimonides Bone & Scans and Magnetic Resonance Imagman. “When they hold these models in Joint Center also have access on the ing (MRI) available at Pinnacle Diag- 2015 ALTERNATE SIDE PARKING SUSPENSION CALENDAR HOLIDAY DATE / DAY Holy Thursday..........................................................................................April 2, Thursday Good Friday..................................................................................................April 3, Friday Passover (First / Second Day)............................................April 4 – 5, Saturday / Sunday Holy Thursday (Orthodox).......................................................................April 9, Thursday Good Friday (Orthodox)...............................................................................................April 10, Friday Passover (Seventh / Eighth Day).......................................April 10 – 11, Friday / Saturday Solemnity of Ascension.........................................................................May 14, Thursday Shavuot (First / Second Day..............................................May 24 – 25, Sunday / Monday Memorial Day...........................................................................................May 25, Monday Independence Day.................................................................July 3 – 4, Friday / Saturday Idul-Fitr (First / Second / Third Day).....................July 17 – 19, Friday / Saturday / Sunday Feast of Assumption..........................................................................August 15, Saturday Labor Day........................................................................................September 7, Monday Rosh Hashanah (First / Second Day.....................September 14 – 15, Monday / Tuesday Yom Kippur..............................................................................September 23, Wednesday Idul-Adha (First/Second/Third Day).....September 23 – 25, Wednesday/Thursday/Friday Succoth (First / Second Day)................................September 28 – 29, Monday / Tuesday Shemini Atzereth.................................................................................October 5, Monday Simchas Torah.....................................................................................October 6, Tuesday Columbus Day....................................................................................October 12, Monday All Saints Day....................................................................................November 1, Sunday Election Day.....................................................................................November 3, Tuesday Veterans Day............................................................................November 11, Wednesday Diwali.......................................................................................November 11, Wednesday Thanksgiving Day........................................................................November 26, Thursday Immaculate Conception..................................................................December 8, Tuesday Christmas Day...................................................................................December 25, Friday *On major legal holidays, stopping, standing, and parking are permitted, except in areas where stop- ping, standing, and parking rules are in effect seven days a week (for example, “No Standing Anytime”). Parking meters are not in effect on major legal holidays. nostic in the same building. “Whether you need medical, surgical or therapeutic care, we have the expertise,” explains Dr. Choueka. “And whether it’s a recent injury or a recurrent condition, Maimonides orthopedic specialists will get you back to a more active and healthy lifestyle. Our team considers each patient’s unique situation and offers the most appropriate and least invasive care.” The Maimonides Bone & Joint Center has a national reputation for the entire spectrum of orthopedic sub-specialties, including: Upper Extremities (hand, wrist, arm, elbow and shoulder), Lower Extremities (foot, ankle, leg, knee and hip), Neurosurgery, Sports Medicine, Joint Replacement and Musculoskeletal Oncology. Additionally, the Center provides care from Rheumatologists, Podiatrists, Pain Management Specialists, and Physical and Occupational Therapists. For more information on the Maimonides Bone & Joint Center please visit http://www.mai monidesmed.org/ /Orthopedics/Ortho.aspx. To make an appointment, please call (718) 283-7400. ©Courtesy of Maimonides Medical Center Ryder Elementary Voices Educational Concerns Teachers and administration from various public schools came out in full force in mid-March to protest Governor Andrew Cuomo’s educational policies. Some donned signs while marching inside of their schools and others picketed outside buildings, demanding that Cuomo come to the community and see what every school’s individual needs are. Teachers and UFT representatives are most concerned with the evaluation process. Last week, teachers at P.S. 114, located at 1077 Remsen Avenue, took an opportunity to express their discontent with Cuomo – demanding respect and to save their school. Some signs read, “Come out of your fantasyland and visit our school!” P.S. 114 UFT Chapter Leader Scott Schwartz joined staff before classes on Wednesday, March 25th, to take a stand and hopes Cuomo hears their concerns. Courtesy of Scott Schwartz/P.S. 114 28 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier MEDICAL UPDATE Follow these safe food-handling practices while you shop. •Carefully read food labels while in the store to make sure food is not past its “sell by” date. •Put raw packaged meat, poultry, or seafood into a plastic bag before placing it in the shopping cart so that its juices will not drip on – and contaminate – other foods. If the meat counter does not offer plastic bags, pick some up from the produce section before you select your meat, poultry, and seafood. •Buy only pasteurized milk, cheese, and other dairy products from the refrigerated section. When buying fruit juice from the refrigerated section of the store, be sure that the juice label says it is pasteurized. •Purchase eggs in the shell from the refrigerated section of the store. For recipes that call for eggs that are raw or undercooked, when the dish is served use either shell eggs that have been treated to destroy Salmonella by pasteurization or pasteurized egg products. When consuming raw eggs, using pasteurized eggs is the safer choice. •Never buy food that is displayed in unsafe or unclean conditions. •When purchasing canned goods, make sure that they are free of dents, cracks, or bulging lids. (Once you are home, remember to clean each lid before opening the can.) •Purchase produce that is not bruised or damaged. April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier MEDICAL UPDATE Maintaining Space . .S GA A primary tooth (sometimes called occlusion, or “crooked teeth.” If teeth a “baby” tooth) normally stays in place drift and become crooked, plaque will until the permanent tooth is ready to be hard to remove. This can result in tooth decay, and will contribute to replace it. If your child’s tooth is Periodontal (gum) disease. lost too soon, your dentist may recommend inserting a “space Prevention of malocclusion maintainer” to hold the space caused by early loss of a pri mary tooth is simple. On the open until the permanent other hand, if nothing is done to tooth can erupt in the proper RY position. maintain the open space, the re.D S If a space maintainer is not . RAFAL, D sulting crooked teeth could lead to used, over a period of time, teeth on more complicated and expensive oreither side often drift into the empty thodontic treatment. space. When it is time for the permanent tooth to come in, there is not enough room. This is one cause of mal- Have You Resigned From The World To Avoid Anxiety? Resignation is the term psychoanalyst Karen Hor- life. What’s most appealing ney used to describe the unconscious process with- to them is that in fantasy drawing from active living. Resigned people live in they can accomplish everyemotional isolation. They detach themselves from in- thing without having to put volvement with people in order to avoid conflict and forth any real effort. Depending on the individual, the fantasies can anxiety. This means living a life of emotional disrange from changing existing situations to having tance from people. Resigned people are very restricted and live con- grandiose fantasies of being a novelist, movie director stricted lives. They avoid tension, trouble, irritation, or sports hero. Resigned people have few aspirations upsets and friction, all in the hope of keeping anxiety away. In cut- By Michael Feld, L.C.S.W. or goals, and exert little effort because, in living in the imagination, they need ting off uncomfortable feelings and avoiding unpleasant situa- neither of these two constructive human qualities. Instead, they demand that life tions, they lose touch with their own richness and eventually numb themselves to all should be easy, painless and effortless, and that they feelings. They often seem expressionless, without should not be bothered by people or life. They have passion or interest. They are people who don’t like given up on life. They have traded away living a life to be bothered by others. They are our “couch pota- on earth with conflict, struggle, love, passion and peotoes,” or those among us who appear aloof or “high ple for the glory of their imagination. Resigned people see their ability to detach, distance and mighty.” Resigned people are terrified of change. In order and withdraw from people and life as proof of their to keep from changing, they avoid becoming involved self-sufficiency, independence and freedom. But they in their own lives. They are unable to exert any effort suffer nevertheless, feeling awkward, uncomfortable, on behalf of themselves because effort requires in- coerced and anxious whenever people impose on their volvement and both of these actions lead to change. world. At the same time, they may realize the loneliWhat results is that they are literally frozen, stuck in ness and isolation of their lives, which may move their position and place in life. This inertia often re- them to seek out help. sults in a feeling of hopelessness. If they are successPsychoanalytic psychotherapy helps resigned peoful in life or in work, it is usually in spite of ple realize they are not really free. They are in fact themselves. They are generally unproductive and prisoners of their imagination, locked away from a often appear to be tired or suffering from chronic fa- rich life of intimacy with themselves and human intigue. They have a pessimistic outlook on life and a teraction with people. To be truly free and alive in life is to learn about ourselves, our feelings, wishes, general feeling of “what’s the use.” Because real life for resigned people is so empty, passions and thoughts, and to live among people in boring, lonely and hopeless, they live mainly in their friction and in love. imagination, in fantasy. In their imagination and fan tasy, they are everything they are unable to be in real 29 30 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier Child Life Specialists Help Hospitalized Kids At Maimonides While in the hospital, children can forget to smile and laugh. Family life gets disrupted, and childhood development can be affected. The Maimonides Infants & Children's Hospital confronts these issues head-on. “The Child Life Specialists at Maimonides are there for you and your child whenever you feel overwhelmed,” said Dr. Danielle Laraque, Chair of Pediatrics at Maimonides Infants & Children’s Hospital (MICH). “Their vital role goes hand-inhand with our family-centered care philosophy.” March is Child Life Awareness Month, and Maimonides annually celebrates these professionals by highlighting the innovative work they do yearround. This year, we encourage everyone to use social media to contribute photos and video and join us in honoring the Child Life Specialists who empower children and families to master the challenging events related to their healthcare. To view a Child Life video and share your family’s story of positive care experienced at the Maimonides Infants & Children’s Hospital, you can visit our website at http://www.maimonidesmed.org/Main/VideoLibrary /A-Day-in-the-Life-of-a-Child-Specialist-137.aspx. “We offer a wide range of services,” pointed out Lenia Batas, Director of the Child Life Program at Maimonides. “We’re there at the patient bedside in the units, and we’re with you and your family in CLINTON THE MUSICAL Ticket Sweepstakes Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: CLINTON THE MUSICAL NEW WORLD STAGES, 340 WEST 50TH ST. BTW. 8TH & 9TH AVENUES NEW YORK NY 10019 • TELECHARGE.com MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: Canarsie Courier 4-2-15 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Brooklyn and serves more pediatric patients than any other hospital in the borough. Located on the Medical Center’s main campus, MICH’s care teams are focused on the best treatment for each and every patient, and keep the family involved throughout the process. To learn more about the Maimonides Infants & Children’s Hospital, visit http://www.maimonidesmed.org/Pediatrics/MICH.aspx. Staffers at Maimonides Infants & Children’s Hospital and team members from the Maimonides Child Life Program celebrate a donation from Spirit Halloween. Courtesy of Maimonides Medical Center ONLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD 212-239-6200 Radiology, at the Cancer Center, in the ER – anywhere your child may receive care and need specialized support.” Child Life Specialists at Maimonides provide patients with age-appropriate preparation for medical procedures, pain management and coping strategies. In addition, the Child Life Creative Arts Therapy & Education Program provides emotional and social support for hospitalized children and their families, and features art and music therapy. “We help the patient’s siblings, too,” added Ms. Batas. “Sometimes young family members are fearful of the hospital setting, and we help them understand what is happening in a variety of ways.” The Child Life Creative Arts Therapy & Education Program offers a wide range of services, including bedside activities, age appropriate activities, special guests and entertainment. March isn’t the only time when the community is thinking about the children in the hospital. This past year, the costume shop Spirit Halloween collected $240,104 through their Spirit of Children program. This was a whopping 30 percent more in contributions than the prior year and Maimonides was thankful to be the recipient of this donation just in time for Child Life Month. That means while shopping for Halloween costumes this past October, residents of Brooklyn were even more inspired to help make the hospital experience less scary for our young patients and their families. The Maimonides Infants & Children’s Hospital is the only fully accredited children’s hospital in Police are asking for the public’s help in locating 13year-old Allysh Dorgelan, who was last seen on Wednesday, March 25th. Allysh is described as a black female, 5’4”, weighing 180 pounds with a heavy build, a dark complexion, black hair and brown eyes. She was last seen leaving her East 82nd Street home at about 5 p.m. the day she went missing and was wearing a brown jacket and a white dress. Anyone with information about Allysh is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at www.nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577. ©NYPD Zip Daytime Phone # Email: Canarsie Courier No photocopies please! Ticket Sweepstakes CLINTON THE MUSICAL Canarsie Middle School Slam Dunks Competition 4-2-15 On Saturday March 21st, P.S /I.S. 66 defeated Roy H. Mann Junior High School by a score of 41-36 to capture their first Brooklyn Borough Championship in the New York City Middle School Basketball League at a March Madness event. The East 96th Street intermediate school was led by point guard DaMarco Watson, who scored 20 points, and power forward Kareem Welch, who added 15 points. With this win, I.S. 66, coached by Michael Donzelli, advances to the City Championship where they will play the Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens and Bronx champions to determine who will be the best middle school basketball team in NYC. Courtesy of P.S./I.S. 66 Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 ATTORNEY AWNING ATTORNEY FORM I 693 $175 INCLUDING VACCINATIONS Convenient to All Boroughs & Long Island • NO FEE Unless Successful • Over 40 Years Experience • Personal & Friendly Service REPORT GIVEN IN 2 DAYS CALL DR. ROMULUS EXCELSIOR MEDICAL GROUP Michael D. Schoffman 26 Court Street 718-852-0900 1428 FLATBUSH AVENUE (NEAR FARRAGUT ROAD) (718) 434-2900 • (718) 434-4422 1-877-616-5290 2015 NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW Ticket Sweepstakes 0NLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD By Dara Mormile Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: 2015 NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW • APRIL 3 – APRIL 12, 2015 JACOB K JAVITS CONVENTION CENTER – BETWEEN 34TH & 35TH STS AT 11TH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY 04-02-15 Canarsie Courier 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: Canarsie Courier No photocopies please! Ticket Sweepstakes 2015 NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW 50 SHADES! THE MUSICAL PARODY Ticket Sweepstakes ONLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: 50 SHADES! THE MUSICAL PARODY THE ELECTRA THEATRE – 300 WEST 43RD ST. (BTW. 8TH & 9TH AVES.) NEW YORK, NY 10036 • 866-811-4111 MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: 04-02-15 Canarsie Courier 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: Canarsie Courier Ticket Sweepstakes IMMIGRATION IMMIGRATION PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Social Security/SSI Disability MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: 31 No photocopies please! 50 SHADES! THE MUSICAL PARODY Making your home more cozy can be a lot of work! Making sure you don’t spend too much money making the outside look inviting can be hard too – that’s why Glenwood Mason Supply is having a contracting spring special with a full line of building materials that will get your yard or lawn looking like it’s from one of those fancy catalogs! Located at 4100 Glenwood Road, Glenwood Mason Supply has Brookl yn’s biggest showroom with bricks, tiles, pavers and all types of materials that will add just the right amount of pizzazz to your next landscaping project. Glenwood Mason Supply also carries indoor tiles, making those home improvement possibilities endless! Call their shop at 718-859-6500 and find out more about their in-door and outdoor showrooms!... Here’s another business that will help you prepare yo ur home for the warmer weather – Flatlands Finest Windows & Glass Inc.! Specializing in window repair and installation, Flatlands Finest will fix those window screens and shower doors. Own a storefront? They’ll fix your glass real good! Emergency service is available 7 days a week, 24 hours and Flatlands Finest provides FREE estimates! Got scratchy table tops that are starting to look unsightly? Flatlan ds Finest will bring them back to life too! They’re located at 9106 Flatlands Avenue and they’re open every day except Sunday. You can give them a buzz at 437-464-0691, 347-464-0692 or 347-464-0693. Their staff is ready to get that glass looking good as new!... When you want your loved ones to feel as good as new, call 718-240-3100 and let the caring professionals at Atrium Center for Rehabilitation and Nu rsing take care of your needs. With an Alzheimer’s Unit, short-term rehabilitation and long term care, their newly renovated facility is located at 611 East 103rd Street. Formerly River Manor Care Center, Atrium Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing will provide all the services you and your family need to get through those difficult times. Don’t wait until you need to find a compassionate center to tak e care of your family’s rehabilitative needs – call Atrium Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing today! 32 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier RELIGIOUS NEWS 9719 Flatlands Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11236. Phone: (718) 257-4423. Served by Reverend Edward R. P. Kane, Pastor. Rectory Office Hours: Weekdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon; 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Rectory: (718) 257-4423. Masses: Weekdays 9 a.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m., Vigil Mass at 5 p.m.; Sundays 8, 9:15 (Creole), 11:15 a.m. (Children’s Choir) & 12:45 p.m. (Adult Choir); Holy Days of Obligation 9 a.m., noon and 7:30 p.m. Holy Week Masses: Thursday, April 2nd – Mass 9 a.m., Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Procession 8 p.m., Private visits to Blessed Sacrament Repository Until 11 p.m.; Good Friday, April 3rd – Private Devotions and Visits 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Liturgy of the Passion and Communion Service at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. (bi-lingual), Private veneration of the Cross until 9:30 p.m.; holy Saturday, April 4th – No 5 p.m. Mass, Solemn Easter Vigil and Mass 8 p.m.; Easter Sunday, April 5th – Masses 8 a.m., 9:15 a.m. (Creole), 11:15 a.m. & 12:45 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the Church; Weekdays: In Rectory by appointment. Baptisms: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in English, 1st Sunday in Creole at 1:45. Parents must make an appointment to see a priest at the rectory for an interview, presentation of child’s birth certificate, and attend instructions prior to the ceremony. Both godparents must be practicing Catholics. Marriages: By Diocesan Directives, arrangements must be made at least six months prior to any marriage commitment by a parish. For your convenience, please phone for an appointment with a priest. Ministry to the Sick: Urgent calls will be responded to at any time. Parishioners who through sickness or old age are unable to attend Mass should receive Holy Communion once a month at home. It is not fair for your loved ones if they have to wait until the last minute to receive God’s life-giving Sacraments. Kindly call the Rectory to make arrangements for a priest to administer the Sacraments to the sick. Eucharistic Adoration: Holy Hour each First Friday following the 9 a.m. Mass. Haitian Prayer Group: Wednesday, 7 p.m. in Church. Mothers Prayer Group: Friday 7 p.m. Chapel. Rosary Devotions: Each weekday following the 9 a.m. Mass. Religious Education: 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. (includes 11:15 mass) Early Childhood: This group (known as “Little Catholics”) serves children between the ages of four and five. Middle School Division: This division serves students in grades six through eight and prepares them for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation at the completion of their second year. RCIA adapted for Children – preparing older children to receive the sacraments of baptism, penance, Eucharist & confirmation. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult) – is a process in which men and women are guided and cared for as they awaken in faith and are gradually introduced to the Catholic way of life. Youth Group: 2nd & 4th Fridays @ 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bereavement Group: You are invited to join a group that is meant to provide healing for the mind, body and spirit. This group is for all of us who have lost someone or something important in our lives; whether through death or separation. Personal loss may apply to a person, a pet, a job, a house, or anything else that has been lost. We will get together to talk about the loss as well as to help us process this experience. The bereavement group at Holy Family provides a safe and confidential environment for us to develop a supportive network and build coping skills to help us through challenges of grief and loss through our daily lives. Maureen Welsh will conduct the bereavement group. Each group will consist of 8-10 members. Please call the rectory (718) 257-4423 to sign up and leave your information. The bereavement facilitator will contact you in a timely manner. Sister in Spirit: Every 1st Sunday after 11:15 Mass in chapel.; Men’s Group: Every 1st Saturday of the month after 5 p.m. Mass; Rosary Society: Meets every 3rd Sunday of the month, after the 12:45 p.m. Mass in the chapel.; English Prayer Group: Tuesdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the church. 1395 East 56th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234 Rev. Thomas F. Leach Pastor Mass Schedule: Saturday - 5 p.m.; Sunday - 8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon - Weekdays: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. - Holidays: Vigil: 7:30 p.m.; Day: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. - Confessions: Saturday: 4:30 p.m. April 2nd, Thursday HOLY THURSDAY, Mass of the Last Supper, 7:30 pm, Church, Solemn Adoration, 9:00 pm-12:00 am, Church; April 3rd, Friday GOOD FRIDAY, Stations of the Cross, 8:30 am-9:00 am, Church, Exposition & Benediction, 10:00 am12:00 pm, Parish Center, Good Friday Service, 3:00 pm, Church; Outdoor Stations of the Cross, 4:00 pm, Church Parishioner’s Homes; April 4th, Saturday HOLY SATURDAY Easter Vigil Mass, 8:00pm10:15 pm, Church; April 5th, Sunday EASTER SUNDAY No Religious Education Classes; April 19th, Sunday Boy Scouts Cake Sale After all of the Masses, Church Vestibule Afternoon at the Movies, “Romero”, 3:00 pm, Parish Center Lounge Room; April 24th, Friday Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby 6:00 pm, Parish Hall; April 26th, Sunday SVDP Clothing Drive 8:00 am-12:00 Noon, In Front of Church Bereavement Support Group: Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Charismatic Prayer Group: Second and Fourth Friday of each month, 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center Cub Scouts: Every Friday, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Parish Center Basement Girl Scouts: Most Sundays, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Parish Center. Kindergarten-Grade 12. For more information: Jeanne Cirone 917-601-3460, jmcirone@gmail.com Holy Name Society: Monday after the 2nd Sunday, 8:00 p.m., Parish Center La Legion de Marie: First and Third Sunday of each month, 1:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Second Saturday of each month, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Committee Members in the Parish Center. Line Dancing: Wednesdays, Parish Hall, 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Prayer Group Cenacle: Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., Parish Center Rosary Society: First Sunday of each month, 1:00 p.m.-3:00p.m., Parish Hall Young Adults: First Sunday of each month, 3:00 p.m.-5:00p.m., Parish Hall Youth Group: First and Third Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. in the Parish Center Youth Room Exposition & Benediction: First Fridays, 10 a.m. to 12 Noon in the Parish Center Chapel Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays, Novena & Benediction following the 8 a.m. Mass Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday, 7:45 a.m., Saturdays 8:45 a.m. Rosary: Monday to Friday after the 8 a.m. Mass, Saturday after the 9 a.m. Mass Please join us in this celebration at Mary Queen of Heaven as we gather together singing and praising God. Sunday, April 12th, 1:00 pm until 3:30 pm. Includes: Opening Prayer, Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration, Sacrament of Reconciliation (available), Rosary, Prayer & Song, Act of Consecration & Benediction Message of Divine Mercy by Fr. Timothy J. Lambert Chaplet of Divine Mercy by Karen Caponiti OUTDOOR STATIONS OF THE CROSS to those who offered their residence for our Outdoor Stations of the Cross during the Good Friday Procession, April 3rd. The Youth Ministry will be selling Custom Made Easter Baskets, Cookie/Candy Packages and more on Easter Sunday, April 5th. Proceeds will help the World Youth Day Fund. Please join us in this celebration at Mary Queen of Heaven as we gather together singing and praising God. Sunday, April 12th, 1:00 pm until 3:30 pm. Includes: Opening Prayer, Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration, Sacrament of Reconciliation (available), Rosary, Prayer & Song, Act of Consecration & Benediction Message of Divine Mercy by Fr. Timothy J. Lambert Chaplet of Divine Mercy by Karen Caponiti The Ministry to the Homebound of our parish is a ministry that assists our homebound parishioners. Among the services being provided are friendly and special prayer, home visits or phone calls, running small errands, lighthouse keeping and caregiver support. If you are interested in being a volunteer to this special outreach program, please contact the Rectory Office. Parish Phone Numbers: Rectory: 718-763-2330 Fax: 718-763-6592 School: 718-763-2360 School of Religion: 718-763-2590 Parish Web Site: www.mqhchurch.net Rectory Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon and 1–8 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.; National Holidays: Rectory closed. Come and enjoy one of our inspiring worship services. Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m., Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. While you are visiting, inquire about some of our community programs: • Joshua’s Army for Boys (8-16 yrs.) • Women’s Support Group • Family Counseling • Résumé Writing Workshops • Praise Dancing for Girls 1880 Rockaway Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11236 (between Avenue M & Avenue N). (718) 763-2744. April 2, 2015 33 Canarsie Courier RELIGIOUS NEWS Continued from previous page 2055 East 69th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 763-5533 Rev. Msgr. Jamie J. Gigantiello Pastor Mass Schedule: Saturday at 5:00 p.m.; Sundays: 8:30 a.m. — 10:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.; Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m.; Saturday at 9:00 a.m.; Summer: Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.; Holydays: 8:30 a.m.; Evening Mass at 7:30 p.m.; Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Mrs. Casatelli, Director of Religious Education is available on Wednesday afternoons from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Direct Phone Number — 718-444-4674 If you need immediate assistance, please call Linda at 718-241-6040 There will be NO Rosary Mass or Meeting in April. We wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Easter. There will be no meeting in May; however, please join us for our Mass on Sunday, May 3rd at 10:00 a.m. followed by recitation of the Rosary. Tickets for our end of year luncheon to be held on Sunday, June 7th at 12:30 p.m. can be purchased in the Rectory Office. Luncheon is $50 per person and all are welcome! On Sunday, May 3rd we will have our annual “Baby Shower.” Unwrapped baby items (new and gently used) can be left in the back of the Church beginning tomorrow, Monday April 6th through Sunday April 26th. Pampers and baby wipes are always needed! : On behalf of the whole Parish Staff, I want to wish all of you and your families a very blessed Easter Season. You and your loved ones will be remembered at all of my Easter Masses. I ask all of you to be Easter people. People filled with the risen Christ. People filled with joy, knowing that death has been conquered and salvation won. People filled with the knowledge that the suffering of the cross will always be followed by the joy of Easter. People filled with the spirit of love, knowing that good will always win out over evil. Divine Mercy Sunday is NEXT Sunday, April 12th. Beginning at 1:00 p.m. in the Church there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, Songs, Message of Divine Mercy, Chaplet Prayers of the Divine Mercy and Benediction. There will also be opportunity for confession. Holy Week Schedule - Holy Thursday - 8:30 a.m. - Morning Prayer (No Mass), 7:30 p.m. - Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Solemn Adoration from 9 p.m. to Midnight; Good Friday - 8:30 a.m. - Morning Prayer (No Mass), 3:00 p.m. - Good Friday Service, 4:15 p.m. Outdoor/Indoor Stations Following the Indoor Stations there will be a Priest available in the Church for individual confession.; Holy Saturday - 9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer (No Mass), 8:00 p.m. - Easter Vigil; Easter Sunday Masses: 8:30 a.m.— 10:00 a.m.— 11:30 a.m. Holy Thursday Adoration: On Holy Thursday, April 2nd, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated at 7:30 p.m. in the Church. At the conclusion of the Mass the Blessed Sacrament is carried to a place of repose. All parishioners are encouraged to continue adoration before the Blessed Sacrament for some period of time until midnight. Members of the following groups are asked to consider being present at the hour designated for their group. 9pm - 10pm Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Guild, Rosary Society, Ushers, Choir 10pm - 11pm - Parish Catechists, Lectors, Scouts, Teachers 11pm - 12 Midnight - Knights of Columbus, Sports Coaches/Leaders, C.A.B. Members Holy Saturday Food Blessing: We will have a special blessing in the Church at 12:00 p.m. on Holy Saturday of any food items or desserts you will be serving on Easter Sunday. All are invited to bring items from their meal to be blessed. Weather permitting, we will have Outdoor Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, April 3rd beginning at approximately 4:15 p.m. following the 3:00 p.m. Church service. We will process throughout the neighborhood, stopping outside the homes of parishioners to recall and reflect upon each of the stations. In order to accomplish this, we need parishioners to volunteer their homes to be used as a station. If you would like to have your house considered as a station, you are asked to call the Rectory Office to make arrangements. Once the route is made you will be contacted to pick up a cross if your house is chosen. You may decorate the cross if it is not already. Please note that if your house is chosen, you or someone from your family will “take up the cross” and continue the procession with us. SCHOOL NEWS - Registration is ongoing at Saint Bernard School for the 2015/2016 academic year. Registration packets are available in the school office. Please call 718-241-6040 for more information. Jr. Pre-Kindergarten Child must turn 3 in 2015; PreKindergarten Child must turn 4 in 2015; Kindergarten Child must turn 5 in 2015; All Other Grades Limited Openings Marriages - Arrangements must be made with a Priest or Deacon at least 6 months before the wedding. Pre-Cana information can be found at www.precana.org. Sick Calls - Please call the Rectory to arrange a Communion call to the sick or elderly, or a pastoral visit to a hospitalized loved one. Reconciliation - Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Vocations - Anyone seeking information regarding the Priesthood, Permanent Deaconate, Religious Life or to serve in our Parish as a Lay Minister should speak to Msgr. Jamie, Fr. Ilyas or Deacon Frank. Parish Membership - All new families are welcome to the Parish and encouraged to become actively involved in parish societies and activities. New parishioners should register at the Rectory as soon as possible. Parishioners are asked to use the weekly envelopes in making their contributions. Rectory Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon and 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; National Holidays – Rectory Closed 1677 Canarsie Road, Brooklyn New York 11236 (718) 763-6300 Rev. Msgr. John Delendick, Pastor School: 1696 Canarsie Road 241-6633 Nursery PreK - Kindergarten to Grade 8 Mrs. Arlene Barcia, Principal Religious Education Office (C.C.D.) 209-1479 Ms. Helen Teifer - Religious Education Administrator St. Jude Novena: Thursday 7:30 PM, recitation of the Novena Prayers, Benediction and individual veneration of the relic of St. Jude. Reconciliation: Confessions Saturday 4:00 PM 5:00 PM, and on request after weekday Masses. Baptisms: Third Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM. You must register at least one month before. Weekend Masses in the Canarsie Cluster Parishes Holy Family, Rockaway Parkway & Flatlands Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11236: Saturday 5:00 P.M English, Sunday 8:00 A.M English, 9:15 A.M French/Creole, 11:15 A.M English, 12:30 P.M English. St. Laurence, 1020 Van Siclen Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11207: Sat. 5:00 P.M English, Sunday 9:00 A.M English, 10:30 A.M Spanish, 12:00 P.M English. Our Lady of Miracles, East 86th & Flatlands Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11236: Saturday 5:30 P.M English, Sunday 9:00 A.M English, 10:30 A.M English, 12:00 P.M French/Creole HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE 2015 - Holy Thursday April 2nd - 8:10 A.M Morning Prayer; 7:30 P.M Solemn Mass of the Lords Supper; Good Friday April 3rd - 8:10 Morning Prayer; 12Noon Stations of the Cross for Children; 3:00 & 7:30 P.M Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our Lord & Holy Communion; Holy Saturday April 4th - 8:10 A.M Morning Prayer; 11:00 A.M Blessing of Food and Baskets; 1:00 P.M Easter Egg Hunt for children; 8:30 P.M Easter Vigil & Mass of Resurrection; Easter Sunday April 5th - 8:30, 10:00 11:30 A.M Mass; 1:00 P.M. Mass. The Holy Name Society is once again sponsoring its annual “Basket of Love” Easter outreach program for needy families in our community. Parishioners are asked to bring Easter baskets, stuffed toys, grass and candy to the church office. May we please count on you once again to assist us in this most worthy cause? Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday April 4th at 1:00 P.M in the School auditorium. Tickets can be purchased in the Church office or at the door the day of the hunt. Each Saturday at the 8:10 A.M Mass we will celebrate the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Let’s have a deeper understanding of this healing sacrament. It is not Last Rites, at the moment of death. As Jesus ministered to the sick, so does the Church. It is for anyone who is seriously sick. So it is intended for those with an ongoing condition (Cancer, Sickle cell, Asthma etc.) those who are going into hospital during the month for an operation, elderly whose health is slipping and for those with a mental illness like depression. We, the members of Plymouth Congregational Church, extend Christian greetings to all. You are welcome to attend our weekly fellowship and worship services for the preaching of the gospel and exposition of Holy Scripture. Our senior Pastor is Rev. Albert R. Morrison. We are located at 1223 East 96th Street, Brooklyn, NY, between Avenue J and Flatlands Avenue. Church: (718) 649-5962 Fax: (718) 649-3702 Email: Plymouthcongc@aol.com Maundy Thursday Communion Service: Thursday, April 2nd at 7:30 p.m.; Good Friday Service: Friday April 3rd at 9:30 a.m.; Easter Sunday Services Sunrise Service 7:30 a.m.; Resurrection Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday Morning: 9:30am—Youth and Adult Sunday School; 11:00 a.m.—Devotional period; 11:15am—Worship Service. Monday: 7:00pm— “Hour of Prayer” Meeting. Tuesday: 7:00pm— Choir Rehearsal. Wednesday Evening: 7:30pm—Prayer and Bible Study. 1st Sunday ~ Communion Observance. 2nd Sunday ~ Youth Ministry. 3rd Sunday ~ Men’s Fellowship. 5th Sunday ~ Missionary Service 34 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier RELIGIOUS NEWS Continued from previous page 5316 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203 between East 53rd & East 54th Street. White door to the left of Riki Di Studio upstairs 2nd floor. Every Sunday 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. We invite you for bible study prayer. Salvation healing and deliverance, Jesus never fails! (347) 7433473 Pastor Rubin. CELEBRATING 75 YEARS IN THE MILL BASIN COMMUNITY 2368 Ralph Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 241-0736 “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Kingslawn Presbyterian Church - the first Church within the Presbytery of New York City to commission a Ruling Elder as Pastor, Peter Parris, CRE. Kingslawn Church is on the threshold of new and exciting programs and events in its history and we, the members invite you to come worship and fellowship with us. We are located at 2368 Ralph Avenue between Avenues M and N and our church is easily accessible by car or the B41 or B47 buses. Come visit us and be a part of our church family which includes our fastest growing group of children and young adults. We encourage you to come see why the history that started over 75 years ago continues today- “We’ve Come This Far By Faith”. Order of Service: Sunday – 10:00 – 10:45 am - Sunday school and praise and worship Sunday – 11:00 am Worship service Wednesday – 7:00 pm - Bible Studies Upcoming special services on the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:Maundy Thursday April 2nd -6:30 pm Good Friday- April 3rd - 3:00 pm Resurrection (Easter Sunday Sunrise Service)April 5th-7:00 am Note: There will be no 11:00 am service. All are welcome so please join us! We are “The Village Church in the Big City!” Do you ever weary of our urban environment, and the often impersonal flavor of life in New York City? Come and experience Christian community in a congregation where everyone knows your name. We follow the traditional liturgy, with hymns and songs both old and new. A brief children’s sermon is offered every Sunday, along with preaching based on the Bible readings appointed for that Sunday. Sunday school, for kids of all ages, begins about 12:30. We proclaim and celebrate the gift of salvation through faith in Christ alone. We gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 11:15, at 1187 East 92nd Street in Canarsie — that’s right off of Flatlands Avenue, between Flatlands and Avenue J. Call Pastor Christoph Schulze at (718) 649-1879 for information on Sunday School, Friday night youth group, “Courageous Dads” men’s group, Sunday and Saturday Bible studies, and receiving God’s priceless gifts of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. The sanctuary is open each Tuesday night at 7 p.m. for prayer. Each Sunday at 9 a.m. there is a service in the French language, led by Pastor Jean Cenat, who shepherds our French-speaking Lutheran congregation. Please call (718) 649-1879 to leave a message for Pastor Cenat. Saturdays at 3 p.m., “Into The Garden” (an eleventh-step group of Alcoholics Anonymous, or A.A.) meets downstairs in our church building. The only requirement for membership in A.A. is a desire to stop drinking. Our congregation also hosts a full-time, Christian day school: Great Commission Christian School. The focus of our school is on forming disciples of Jesus Christ who will be well prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities the world will offer them. For information on enrolling your 1st through 6th grader, please call Mrs. Rhonda Schulters, the Principal, at (718) 257-8783. Come, join us for worship at St. Matthew’s... and be assured that you will receive a warm welcome at “The Village Church in the Big City.” 9408 Farragut Road, Brooklyn, NY 11236 (718) 257-0706. Sunday services at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Rector: Reverend Canon George L. Bonner, BA, MSc (Hons). Rabbi Baruch M. Leibowitz, as well as the officers and congregants of YIC extend best wishes to the community for chag kosher v’sameach, a very happy and kosher Passover holiday. Our schedule for Passover is as follows: Thursday evening April 2nd is bedikas chametz, the search for any remaining chametz. The search should begin immediately after dark. Friday morning, April 3rd, erev Pesach services begin at 7:00 followed by the siyum for the firstborn. Candle lighting for Friday evening, the first seder night is at 7:04 PM. The seder should begin shortly after 8:00PM. Mincha is at 7:30PM and Shachris Saturday and Sunday mornings are at 9 AM. Rabbi Leibowitz’s Sermons are at 10:30. There will be a Kiddush each morning following service. Candle lighting for Saturday evening, the second night of Passover is not before 8:05 p.m. No preparations for the second seder should be done prior to candle lighting. Mincha Sunday afternoon at 7:30 Yom Tov ends with maariv and havdala at 8:10. Chol Hamoed services Monday through Thursday at 7 a.m. Candle lighting for the concluding days of Passover, Thursday and Friday evenings April 9 & 10 is at 7:10. Mincha will be at 7:20 p.m. both evenings and Shachris is at 9 a.m. Shabbos morning Shir Hashirim, King Solomon’s Song of Songs will be read as part of the morning service. Rabbi Leibowitzz’s sermon is at 10;15. Yizkor memorial services at 10:30. Yom Tov ends Saturday night at 8:12 p.m. No chametz may be used before 9 p.m. YIC is located at 1265 E. 108th Street corner Avenue M. Our telephone number is (718) 251-2600. Attend services as often as possible. You are always welcome. Good Yom Tov to all. Rabbi Joshua Minkin, President Leonard Strum, the Officers and Trustees, extend the Congregation’s invitation to join us for Sabbath Services, Friday evening at 8PM, and Saturday morning at 10AM. Following Friday services, please join us for an Oneg Shabbat, and after Saturday services, you are invited to join us for a Kiddush. We are a Modern Egalitarian Congregation offering a place within our Sanctuary for all who wish to pray with us. If you are not fluent in Hebrew, that’s okay. You will be able to participate in English in much of our service. Come meet old friends and make some new ones when joining us in service. The first Passover Seder will be observed this Friday evening April 3. There will be a Yizkor service, and matzo brei Kiddush on Saturday, April 11th at 10AM. We wish all of you a most Happy & Healthy holiday. Please consider joining the adult education classes that are now in progress. Before services on Saturday, learn to read Hebrew, and after services join the Rabbi in Torah study. We wish good health to all who are ailing. If you would like to add a loved one to our Mi Shebeirach list, please call the Temple office. Temple Emanu-El recognizes the Jewish Community’s commitment to Canarsie, and its surrounding areas. We follow the belief that our Temple is a house of prayer for ALL people, and all who come in peace are greatly welcome. New members are always invited, and for those who need it, our building is handicapped accessible. Please feel free to visit us at 1880 Rockaway Parkway between Avenues M & N, Telephone (718) 251-0450 or E-mail us at Temple1880@aol.com. Rabbi and Rebbitzin Fine would like to welcome you to our shul, a place where every Jew feels connected. We provide: Daily Minyanim, Weekly shiurim, (adult classes), Hebrew reading tutorials, Youth programming, Bar/bat mitzvah preparation, a spacious 300-seat auditorium, full Kiddush and simcha capability. Services schedule: Shacharis - Monday through Friday at 6:20 a.m.; Mincha Maariv – weekdays at 7:30 p.m.; Talmud class on Shabbos at 7 p.m.; Mincha on Shabbos at 8 p.m. Shabbat and Yom Tov Parasha Class by the Rabbi at 8:30 a.m., Shabbos men and ladies’ classes at 3 p.m., Shabbos Mincha at 4 p.m,, Shacharit at 9 a.m., Ladies and Men study groups, 1 hour before Mincha, Saturday evening – Mincha and Seudah every Shabbos before Shabbos ends! Rabbi Yair Fine can be reached for questions and consultation at (347) 407-1842 or yairfine@msn.com. Visit us on the web at www.beithillel.org We would be pleased to arrange for you a tour of our facility. We’re located at 2164 Ralph Avenue (corner of Avenue L), Brooklyn, NY 11234 – Phone: (718) 7632400. www.beithillel.org - Email: vairfine@msn.com The congregation welcomes everyone to daily services. Beth Tikvah is located at the corner of Seaview Avenue and East 88th Street. For information regarding services, special events and classes please call 347 893-6476 or email yosefyossi@yahoo.com. April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier ALARMS GENERAL CONTRACTING SECURITY SYSTEMS MI-JO CONTRACTING BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN!!! — Yes, Even FREE — YOUR LOCAL CONTRACTOR Quality & Service since 1984 800-B4-U-R-ROB (800 248 7762) Not A Mass Marketer COMPUTER CONTROLLED SECURITY We Specialize In Concrete Work • DECORATIVE PAVERS • MASONRY RESTORATION • DRIVEWAYS • PORCHES • SIDEWALKS • PATIOS • WALKWAYS • BACKYARDS NYC MOVING COMPANY WE ARE OFFERING UP TO 20% OFF ON FINAL QUOTES TRUCKS & VANS AVAILABLE CALL US 646-326-9047 FREE ESTIMATES COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL CELL: 646-423-0143 OFFICE: 718-241-0726 License # 1310716 Michael Ciccullo Celebrate Spring With Free Trees National Arbor Day is Friday, April 24th, and the Arbor Day Foundation is making it easy for everyone to celebrate the annual tree-planting holiday. Join the Foundation in April and receive 10 free shade trees. By joining the Foundation in April, new members receive the following trees: red oak, sugar maple, weeping willow, bald cypress, thornless honey locust, pin oak, river birch, tulip tree, silver maple, and red maple. The free trees are part of the Foundation’s Trees for America campaign. “These trees provide shade in the summer and vibrant colors throughout the fall,”said Matt Harris, HOME IMPROVEMENT CEMENT, BRICKWORK & ROOFING MOVING WITH 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE 35 chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Through the simple act of planting trees, one person can make a difference in helping to create a healthier and more beautiful planet for all of us to enjoy.” The trees will be shipped postpaid with enclosed planting instructions at the right time for planting in April or May. The six- to 12-inch trees are guaranteed to grow or they will be replaced free of charge. To become a member of the Foundation and receive the free trees, send a $10 contribution to TEN FREE SHADE TREES, Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Avenue, Nebraska City, NE 68410, by April 30th or visit arborday.org/april. L&B MECHANICAL ONE STOP FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS (LICENSED & INSURED) • ROOFING & WATERPROOFING • FINISHED BASEMENTS • INSTALL KITCHENS & BATHROOMS • CEMENT WORK 15% OFF • PAINTING MENTION • TILEWORK THIS AD FREE ESTIMATES 718-974-2720 PLUMBING PLUMBING RUBBISH REMOVAL JUNK REMOVAL WILL CLEAN OUT UNWANTED ITEMS FROM • HOUSE CALL: WAYMON • APARTMENT • GARAGE • BASEMENT AND OFFICE • WILL ALSO BROOM SWEEP (NO DIRT OR CONCRETE) 917-330-2854 Happy Birthday to Alessandro Marra, Jr. who will be celebrating his special day today, April 2nd. Thanks for all your creative input. Canarise Courier Crew. Happy Birthday to Mom Rosa who will be celebrating her big day on April 3rd. You are very special to us. Stay healthy. We love you. Hubby, sons Frank, Michael & Rick, sister Lucy, “daughter” Catherine, granddaughter Toni & great grandchildren Michael & Maycen. • 718-444-1877 TO SEE ALL OUR UNPUBLISHED PHOTOS, VISIT US ONLINE AT CANARSIECOURIER.COM AND CLICK THE BLUE BUTTON 36 Canarsie Courier IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS 69th Pct. Switchboard..........................................(718) 257-6211 69th Pct. Community Affairs................................(718) 258-4444 63rd Pct. Switchboard...........................................(718) 258-4411 Housing Police (24 hrs.)...............................(718)386-5357 FBI..........................................................................(212) 384-1000 (Police/Fire/Ambulance)............................911 REPRESENTATIVES & LEGISLATORS: 757 Third Avenue, Room 1702, NY 10017.......................(212) 486-4430 780 Third Avenue, NYC 10017........................................(212) 688-6262 55 Hanson Place, Bklyn NY 11217................................(718) 237-2211 1226 East 96th Street, Bklyn NY 11236...........................(718) 649-7653 7408 5th Avenue, Bklyn NY 11209...................................(718) 238-6044 1300 Flatbush Avenue, Bklyn NY 11210................(718) 629-6401 3520 Nostrand Ave, Bklyn NY 11229...............................(718) 648-4700 942 Utica Avenue, Bklyn NY 11203.................................(718) 385-3336 persaud@assembly.state.ny.us.............................................(518) 455-5211 Borough Hall, Bklyn NY 11201........................................(718) 802-3700 2424 Ralph Avenue, Bklyn NY 11234...........................(718) 241-9330 718 Pennsylvania Ave., Bklyn NY 11207..................(718) 649-9495 4517 Avenue D, Bklyn, NY 11203.........................(718) 629-2900 CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS Bayview Houses Community Assoc.....................(347) 216-5909 Community Board 18............................................(718) 241-0422 Marine Park Civic Assoc.......................................(718) 336-7343 Mill Basin Civic Assoc..........................................(718) 968-2777 South Canarsie Civic Assoc..................................(718) 251-7145 69th Pct. Community Council...............................(718) 257-6205 63rd Pct. Community Council...............................(718) 258-4444 United Canarsie South Civic Assoc.......................(718) 531-8130 Community Education Council (CEC)..................(718) 566-6008 Glenwood Houses Residents Association.............(917) 319-0480 Friends United Block Association (FUBA)...........(718) 508-2311 HOTLINES: AC&C-Animal Rescue ....................................................(212) 788-4000 Alzheimer’s Resource Center...........................................(212) 442-3086 ASPCA-To report abuse...................................................(212) 876-7700 American Red Cross.........................................................(718) 330-9200 Air/Noise/Water/Sewer Complaints...................................................311 AIDS Hotline (HASA)...........................................311 or (718) 557-1399 Domestic Violence Hotline..............................................1-800-621-4673 Canarsie Historical Society................................................(718)531-0886 Child Abuse Information.................................................1-800-342-3720 Consumer Complaint...........................................................................311 Community Education Council - District 18....................(718) 566-6008 Dept. of Environmental Protection...................................(212) 637-3000 Dept. of Youth and Community Development..................(212) 442-6006 F.E.M.A. (Disaster Assistance)...................................1 (800) 621-FEMA Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)........311 or 1 (800) 692-0557 Heat Complaints..................................................................................311 Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit........................................................311 MEDICAID / SNAP.........................................................(718) 557-1399 MEDICARE....................................................................1-800-633-4227 NYC Dept. for the Aging.....................................................................311 Parking Regulations (Daily)................................................................311 Parks Department.............................................................(646) 613-1200 Pest Control.........................................................................................311 Poison Control..................................................................(212) 764-7667 Pothole Repair......................................................................................311 Public Advocate................................................................(212) 669-7250 Sanitation Dept....................................................................................311 Social Security.................................................................1-800-772-1213 Street Light Repair (D.O.T.) ...............................................................311 Suicide Help Line..........................................................1 (800) 273-8255 Taxi & Limousine Comm. Complaints................................................311 Traffic Lt. Complaints (D.O.T.) ..........................................................311 Victims Services Hotline..................................................(212) 577-7777 Veterans Administration..................................................1-800-827-1000 April 2, 2015 CEC 22 Meeting Keep Us In-The-Know! CLUBS / MEETINGS Friends United Block Association Meeting CEC 18 Meeting Community/Police Forum United Canarsie South Civic Association Bergen Beach Civic Association Community Board 18 Marine Park Civic Association Glenwood Residents Association Manhattan Beach Community Group Community Board 5 Community Board 15 63rd Precinct Community Council EVENTS Canarsie Community Seder DOT Bike Tour Of Floyd Bennett Field Plumb Beach Cleanup Celebrate NYC’s Oldest House On Landmarks Day NYC Safe Disposal Event Golden’s Free Shredding Event Please be advised that we must receive information on your community meetings/functions TUESDAYS before 4 p.m. In order to provide coverage of your event, we must be notified at least two weeks in advance. LEGAL NOTICES Canarsie Courier April 2, 2015 37 Legal Notice File No.1996 / 2463/A PA. No. 122625 CITATION SURROGATE’S COURT, KINGS COUNTY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent TO: Tavajah S. Stiles a/k/a Tavajah Shakeen Stiles Shawndae Dial Attorney General of the State of New York New York State Department of Taxation and Finance New York City Human Resources Administration Warden-Five Points Correctional Facility Becker & D’Agostino, P.C. Louis R. Rosenthal. The spouse, if any, and any and all unknown distributees and creditors of TAVAJAH STILES, deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown and if any of the aforesaid persons be dead, to their heirs at law, next of kin and distributees whose names and places of residence are unknown and if the persons died subsequent to the decedent herein, to their executors, administrators, legatees, devisees, assignees and successors in interest whose names and places of residence are unknown and to all other heirs at law, next of kin and distributees of TAVAJAH STILES, the decedent herein, whose names and places of residence are unknown and cannot after due diligence be ascertained, A petition having been duly filed by the Public Administrator of Kings County, who has offices at 360 Adams Street, Room 144A, Brooklyn, New York 11201, United States. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Kings County, at 2 Johnson Street, Brooklyn, New York, on April 28, 2015 at 9:30 o’clock in the fore noon of that day, why: (a) The account of proceedings of the Public Administrator of Kings County as Administrator of the estate of TAVAJAH STILES, should not be judicially settled; (b) The court should not approve the settlement in the amount of $50,000.00 in connection with the causes of action against the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation, allow the Petitioner to discontinue the action for conscious pain and suffering and deem and hold the entire recovery to be one for wrongful death; (c) The Court should not approve payment to Becker & D’Agostino, P.C. of $3,012.00 as and for its disbursements and $13,626.52 as and for its legal fees, as Trial Counsel; (d) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be paid his commissions pursuant to SCPA §2307 in the amount of $1,668.08, as set forth in Schedule I of the Account; (e) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be paid his administrative expenses pursuant to SCPA §1106(3) in the amount of $500.00, as set forth in Schedule J of the Account; (f) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the legal fees of counsel to the Public Administrator in the amount of $2,001.69 as set forth in Schedule J of the Account, and allocate the full amount thereof to Cullen and Dykman LLP, current counsel to the Public Administrator, and award no fees to Louis R. Rosenthal, Esq., prior counsel to the Public Administrator; (g) The claims of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the New York City Human Resources Administration, if any, should not be fixed and determined; (h) The Petitioner should not be permitted to distribute the net proceeds remaining from the settlement of the cause of action for wrongful death in accordance with EPTL §5-4.4 and Matter of Kaiser, 198 Misc. 582, as follows: 49.09% to Tavajah S. Stiles a/k/a Tavajah Shakeem Stiles and 50.91% to Shawndae Dial; (i) The Petitioner, upon fully complying with the Decree to be made in this proceeding, should not be released and discharged of and from any and all liability, responsibility and accountability with respect to the Petitioner’s acts and pro- ceedings as Administrator as set forth and embraced in said account and the Court grant such other and further relief as it deems just and proper; Dated, Attested, and Sealed, March 10, 2015 Hon. Margarita López Torres, Surrogate Doreen A. Quinn Chief Clerk Joseph J. Borges, Esq. Cullen and Dykman LLP (212) 7014175 (212) 742-2129 44 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005 NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you, and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney. March 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 2015 Legal Notice File No. 2005 ñ 04880/A PA. No. 133529 CITATION SURROGATEíS COURT, KINGS COUNTY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent TO: Barbara A. Young Harold B. Lewis Attorney General of the State of New York New York State Department of Taxation and Finance New York City Human Resources Administration The spouse, if any, and any and all unknown distributees and creditors of ROSEMARIE MORRISON a/k/a MARIE MORRISON, deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown and if any of the aforesaid persons be dead, to their heirs at law, next of kin and distributees whose names and places of residence are unknown and if the persons died subsequent to the decedent herein, to their executors, administrators, legatees, devisees, assignees and successors in interest whose names and places of residence are unknown and to all other heirs at law, next of kin and distributees of ROSEMARIE MORRISON a/k/a MARIE MORRISON, the decedent herein, whose names and/or places of residence are unknown and cannot after due diligence be ascertained, A petition having been duly filed by the Public Administrator of Kings County, who has offices at 360 Adams Street, Room 144A, Brooklyn, New York 11201, United States. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Kings County, at 2 Johnson Street, Room 319, Brooklyn, New York, on May 5, 2015, at 9:30 oíclock in the fore noon of that day, why: (a) The account of proceedings of the Public Administrator of Kings County as Administrator of the estate of ROSEMARIE MORRISON a/k/a MARIE MORRISON, a summary of which has been served herewith, should not be judicially settled; (b) The Public Admi-nistrator of Kings County should not be paid its commissions pursuant to SCPA ß 2307 in the amount of $13,585.52, as set forth in Schedule I of the Account; (c) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be paid its administrative expenses pursuant to SCPA ß1106 (3) in the amount of $3,195.18, as set forth in Schedule J of the Account; (d) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be reimbursed the amount of $3,397.63 in loans advanced as set forth in Schedules C-1 of the Account; (e) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the legal fees of Cullen and Dykman LLP, counsel to Petitioner, in the amount of $19,171.06 as shown in Schedule J of the Account; (f) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the disbursements of Cullen and Dykman LLP, counsel to Petitioner, in the amount of $6.00 as shown in Schedule J of the Account; (g) The claim of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the New York City Human Resources Administration, if any, should not be fixed and determined; (h) The Petitioner should not be permitted to distribute the net estate to the decedentís distributees, as now known or hereafter determined, as their interests may appear, and to deposit any amount not so distributed with the Commissioner of Finance of the City of New York to be held for the benefit of decedentís unknown distributees or for the benefit of any distributees of the decedent who are under disability for whom no guardian of the property has been appointed; (i) The Petitioner, upon fully complying with the Decree to be made in this proceeding, should not be released and discharged of and from any and all liability, responsibility and accountability with respect to the Petitionerís acts and proceed- ings as Administrator as set forth and embraced in said account and the Court grant such other and further relief as it deems just and proper; Dated, Attested, and Sealed, March 10, 2015 HON. Margarita Lopez Torres, Surrogate Doreen A. Queen Chief Clerk Joseph J. Borges, Esq. Cullen and Dykman LLP (212) 701-4175 44 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005-2407 Address NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you, and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney. April 2, 9, 16, 23, 2015. Legal Notice QZF Management LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 01/07/15. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 246 51st St., Brooklyn, NY 11220. General Purposes. March 12, 19, 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 2015. Legal Notice Zoro Capital LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/15/11. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 4565 E 17th St., Brooklyn, NY 11235. General Purposes. March 12, 19, 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 2015. Legal Notice ALLURE SJA, LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 02/17/2015. Office loc: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 199 Lee Ave Ste 182, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. March 12, 19, 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 2015. Legal Notice RMG Management LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 01/02/15. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 329 Mayfair Dr., N, Brooklyn, NY 11234. General Purposes. March 12, 19, 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 2015. Legal Notice Notice of Qualification of 147 RIDGE LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/18/15. Office location: Kings County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 07/22/14. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Maryann Iannuzzo-Calabro, 1647 E. 32nd St., Brooklyn, NY 11234. DE addr. of LLC: Corporation Service Co., 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Secy. of State, Div. of Corps., P.O. Box 898, Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: Any lawful activity. March 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2015. Legal Notice Signature Design Floral & Home Decor LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/18/14. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Iryna Hevko, 1967 McDonald Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11223. General Purposes. March 12, 19, 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 2015 Legal Notice Legal Notice Notice of Formation of J Weingarten LLC, Articles of Organization filed Secretary of State (SSNY) on 02/17/2015. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The Limited Liability Company, 121 Clymer Street, BROOKLYN, NY 11211. March 12, 19, 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 2015. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Carpenter Hill, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State (SSNY) on 1/29/2015. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: C/O United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Ave., Suite 202, BROOKLYN, NY 11228. March 19, 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 2015. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of The Baby Whisperers, LLC, Art. of Org. filed Secy of State (SSNY) 02/11/2015. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to THE BABY WHISPERERS, LLC, 85 Adams Street, BROOKLYN, NY 11201. February 26, 2015; March 5, 12, 19, 26, 2015. TO SEE ALL OUR UNPUBLISHED PHOTOS, TO SEE ALL OUR UNPUBLISHED VISIT UP S ONLINE AT HOTOS, CANARSIE C OURIER .COM A AND VISIT US ONLINE T CLICK THE B LUE B UTTON CANARSIECOURIER.COM AND CLICK THE BLUE BUTTON Canarsie Courier 38 Don’t Let Your Age Keep You From Volunteering Advertisers like to portray gray- but does require dedication to make it haired seniors as smiling couples en- happen. But creating a more active joying beautiful sunsets. Unfortunate- social life can be a challenge for many ly, the reality is that getting older may people. And that’s where volunteering bring numerous issues, problems and, can make a real difference. Regardless of where one lives, there often, lots of stress. We all face stress, of course. Whether most likely are numerous volunteer it’s a school spelling test or an impor- opportunities. Some may call on past skills, talents and tant business presentation, the re- Counseling Corner work experiences, sult is worry and while others might allow you to learn stress. But those types of stress have deadlines, after new skills. Often it simply means bewhich the stress ends. One can also ing a helpful body when assistance is reduce such stress — studying those needed. But in all cases, volunteering spelling words again or rehearsing provides an opportunity to meet new people, help others, and feel more posharder for that presentation. But stress faced by an older person itive about yourself – all great stress often has no set ending. Problems for reducers everyone can use. seniors might be deteriorating health, Compared to taking on a new hoban ill spouse, waning financial resour- by or job, volunteering is usually quite ces or fear of losing independence. easy. A call to your local school, hosSuch ongoing issues can mean high pital, YMCA, Red Cross, animal stress levels in the face of problems shelter or other non-profit will usualusually impossible to make disappear. ly provide plenty of opportunities or The result can be serious depression, suggestions. And there are online serone of the most common health is- vices, such as VolunteerMatch.com, sues facing America’s senior citizens that link volunteers to local non-profit needs. today. Volunteering is a great way to stay While many of the problems facing the elderly aren’t avoidable, it’s still active, get more involved, and reduce possible to manage the stress and ne- stress, regardless of your age. Find out who needs your help today and see how gative effects they can produce. Mental health experts commonly helping others can also really help you. advise seniors facing problems to try and live a more active life. That usu- ally means more physically activity and having a more fulfilling social life. Getting more exercise isn’t difficult, Legal Notice On April 20th 2015 at 1pm, Secure Self Storage, located at 120-15 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207, will hold a lien sale. The contents of the storage units listed below will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. For more information please call (718)251-7867. 0131 McClean, Hugh C.; 0163 Louison, Angelique; 0166 St. Paul, Jeannick F.; 0174 Scott, Gina; 0187 Stewart, Harold; 0223 BLANCHARD BERHA, FABIENNE; 0309 Bowen, Martin; 0336 Perez, Blanca N.; 0399 Coutain, Todd C; 0531 Montague, Jennifer; 0539 Raymona Tilliss; 0544 Rivers, Chasity; 0598 Olurotini, Abasi Gani; 0614 Hull, Raju; 0629 Spence, Deshaun; 0640 Hamid, Ahmed A; 0670 Rapp, Cedric; 0686 ALEXIS, JERRIMY; 0687 Spearman, Elisa; 0688 Porter, Gregory; 0823 Jacques, Altagracia; 0841 CHIRSE, DJUANA; 0886 Desire, Yva; 0912 Sharpe, Donnette L; 0914 Walker, Randy; 1011 Morrison, Crystal; 1028 Newman, Florence; 1040 Saunders, Sheneka; 1054 Abdal-Rahim, Aladdin; 1059 Griffith, Michele; 1069 Murray, Luvy; 1093 Harper-Brown, Doris; 1101 Victorin, Steve; 1117 Sanders, Mark; 1122 Walker, H; 1134 Myrie, Maza T.; 1136 Victor, Jacques; 1201 AbdalRahim, Aladdin; 1259 Elie, Vania; 1261 MCGILL, DEVERA; 1303 Allonce, Deborah; 1309 O’Brien, Marilyn; 1316 1319 Murray, Dexter; Johnson, Ronald; 1412 Fonville, James; 1428 Brown, Jeanne; 1507 Marshall, Robert; 1559 Alfred, Clarence; 1560 Kellam, Milton; 1572 Barnett, Tashana; 1582 Campbell, Traci; 1595 Maiorca, Dominic; 1619 Maiorca, Dominic; 1628 Kelly, Ronald; 1645 Wright, Regina; 1768 FOSTER, ADRIAN; 1797 Atkins, Darnella; 1842 Lowry, Tina; 1852 Dawson, Kadeidra; 2012 Williams, Michelle; 2104 LEWIS, DEXTER; 2168 Stephenson, Yolanda; 2179 WALKER, DONNA; 2201 Henry, Crisalida; 2217 Jones, Doris; 2247 Maiorca, Dominic; 2248 Fowler, Shameka; 2263 Mason, Maryah; 2277 Bell, Ieasha; 2311 THOMAS, ROXANNE~; 2312 KING GEORGE, MARILYN; 2313 KING GEORGE, MARILYN; 2342 Sanchez, Jennifer; 2350 Burke, Kishmir L. April 2, 2015 April 2, 2015 Join Social Security Online For World Book Day More than 100 countries will par- prefer a good, old-fashioned printed ticipate in World Book Day on April copy, you can call us at 410-96523rd, encouraging people to explore 2039 and ask us to mail you a copy. the pleasures of reading.At Social Social Security has been serving the Security, we invite you to explore our American public since 1935, the online library anytime to curl up for same year that paperback pioneer a good read with our electronic pub- Penguin Books released its first lications. In our virtual library, you title. can learn The differmore about ence is that, Social Secunow, the publications we rity, our proBY BEPPIE SIBLEY provide are grams, and CANARSIE OFFICE DISTRICT MANAGER available in what our programs mean to you and your family. more than just paper form. Whether Browse through our collection of you prefer print, electronic, audio, publications at www.socialsecuri- or an alternative format, Social ty.gov/pubs. Search our online cata- Security has a good read for you. log by typing a title or topic in the Don’t have a lot of time for reading? library’s search box, and sort your Don’t worry. Our publications are a results by a publication’s date, num- much easier read than Tolstoy’s ber, or title. Many of our publications classic, War and Peace. We write in are available in up to 17 different plain language so that the information is easy to understand. When languages. Our library also gives you access you’re going through a life-changing to audio recordings of our publica- event and need our services, having tions. While the fastest and most access to information on every one convenient way to get one of our of our benefit programs will help publications is by visiting make your next chapter one for the www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs, if you books! SOCIAL SECURITY Place your Ad Here Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County on 03/27/2015, bearing Index Number NC-00031515/KI, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, grants me (us) the right to assume the name of Jacob Paer. My present name is Yaakov Peer AKA Jacob Paer. My present address is 6610 Avenue T, Brooklyn, NY 11234. My place of birth is Israel. My date of birth is September 29, 1959. April 2, 1985. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Web Idea US LLC Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 1/29/2015. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Viktoriia Malyshkina, 1923 Benson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11214. Purpose: Any lawful activity. March 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2015. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of A.D. Fit For Life LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 1/16/2015. Office Location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to C/O UNITED STATES CORPORATION AGENTS, INC. 7014 AVENUE, SUITE 202, BROOKLYN, NY 11228. March 5, 12, 19, 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 2015. Legal Notice KYD MULTI-SERVICES SOLUTION, LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 11/14/2014. Office loc: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 207 Clarkson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11226. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. March 12, 19, 26, 2015; April 2, 9, 16, 2015. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS TUESDAY AT 4:00 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS Legal Notice Notice of Formation of 769 59TH STREET LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/20/14. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC whom process against may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 769 59th St, Brooklyn, NY 11220. Purpose: all lawful activities. April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2015; May 7, 2015. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County on 3/25/2015, bearing Index Number NC-000304-15/KI, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, grants me the right to assume the name of Teerani Ramdeen. My present name is Teerani Jagnarine AKA Teerani Ramdeen. My present address is 131 Warwick Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207. My place of birth is Guyana. My date of birth is September 02, 1997. April 2, 2015. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of M & A Realty Services, LLC, Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 7/13/2009. Office location: Kings County. SSNY desig- nated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC, 1614 Neptune Avenue, 2nd floor, BROOKLYN, NY 11224. April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2015; May 7, 2015. Legal Notice Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Fumay LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 2/20/2015. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to Fumay LLC, 1860 Bay Ridge Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204. March 26, 2015; April, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2015. April 2, 2015 39 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED Pick-up & Delivery Person Must be responsible with own car and a clean license. Part time. Call after 4:30pm (718) 485-9810 AUTO WANTED DRIVERS WANTED F/T, P/T, with or without car. TLC license required. (718) 444-1111 Expd secretary part time, Monday - Friday, 10am-3pm flexible, must know computers. (718) 3772171; 24hrs (917) 337-6702 TRAILER FOR RENT Office Trailer 12x60, bathroom, AC & heat, also good for storage. (718) 763-4100 TIMESHARE FOR SALE Palms Country Club & Resort in Orlando Florida. $2,500 Broker (631) 877-6610; (718) 763-4454 POSITION WANTED Single mature responsible female available for after school pickup, cleaning, babysitting. Day/night. Excellent references. (347) 7854668 40 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE CONDO FOR SALE Top Dollar For Your Home Georgetown FREE REPORT REVEALS HOW TO SET YOUR ASKING PRICE WHEN SELLING YOUR HOME FREE RECORDED MESSAGE 1-800-219-6570 ID #1016 DAVIS & ASSOCIATE REALTY (718) 805-2400 ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS! Need Help With Eviction Papers? By appointment only. Servicing Brooklyn, Bronx & Queens. Give Us A Call! MARKOWITZ GENERAL SERVICES (347) 435-5185 Do you need help with property management & eviction paperwork? Servicing Brooklyn & Queens. CALL (347) 985-5975 Sunday, April 12 1:00PM 9201 Flatlands Avenue Sunday, April 19 1:00PM 4405 Avenue D Sunday, April 26 1:00 PM 389 Atlantic Ave RSVP Call 718-875-8899 Visit www.BrooklynREALProperty.com for next schedule seminar We can help you wherever you are in your process: • Free Pre-Approvals • New Home Buyer Specialists • FHA & Home Renovation Financing, SONYMA, Conventional Loans, VA Loans, Jumbo Loans, Portfolio Loans & much more! • Second homes, Investment & Vacation homes • Refinance today before rates go up-Lock in! • Cash out refinance Call Ben W. at Mid-Island 516-348-0646 MLS# 20075 MLO #20075 Call Susan at Mid-Island 516-348-0674 MLS# 161479 Legal ©2000-2015 Mid-Island Mortgage Corp.® All Rights Reserved. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions Apply. Licensed Mortgage Banker-NYS Departmenl of Financial Services; MA Licensed Mortgage Lender/Broker #MC1259; Licensed by the NH Banking Department; RI Lisensed Lender/Broker; Licensed by the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance; FL Mortgage Lender/Servicer. Virginia State Corporation Commission #MC-4685; ME Supervised Licensed Lender; Licensed by the PA Department of Banking and Securities: Licensed by the Delaware State Bank Commissioner to engage in business in this State. License #9680: CT. MD & MN Licensed Mortgage Lender; SCBOFI Mortgage Lender/Servicer. Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee; Licensed with the North Carolina Commissioner of Banks; ND Money Broker; SD Licensed under; DC Mortgage Dual Authority licensee: NMLS #1259 (www.nmlsconsumcracccss.org) Well kept, large, sunny 3 bedroom, 2 bath condo on 3rd floor with 2 terraces, vaulted ceiling, skylight, washer, dryer, 3 A/C units, storage in basement. C.C. $207 includes outside & common area maintenance. $339,000. HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie/E100s High hampshire, quiet treeline block. S/detd 1 family, 3 BRs, 1 1/2 baths, garage, driveway, boiler/HWH, new deck, washer/dryer, near transportation & shopping. Showings by appointment only. Mid $400s. Move right in. Howard L. Ramlal Licensed R.E. Salesperson Halstead Brooklyn, LLC BRIGHT HORIZONS REALTY (718) 615-1441 (718) 613-2004 (917) 414-4896 Canarsie/E80s: 1 BR, mint. Maintenance $175, asking $140,000. Broker (917) 3615914 Remsen Village: Beautiful 2 family brick, move in condition. 519k. Tameka Isaacs H.P. Greenfield RE (347) 524-5994 CO-OP FOR SALE Brooklyn College Large studio, EIK, foyer, laundry, night security, close to 4 & 5 trains, shopping, clean quiet building. $139,000 neg. OUTREACH RE (718) 531-3995 HOUSE FOR RENT Brownsville: Very clean 3 bedroom duplex, basement, $1,850. Broker (347) 880-3680 April 2, 2015 41 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED THIS WEEKEND’S OPEN HOUSES OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 2-4 pm 1362 E 94 Street (btwn Avenue L & M) OPEN HOUSE Saturday 2-4 pm 2902 Beverly Road (btwn Nostrand & E 29 St) Canarsie: Totally Renovated, income producer. Semi-attached 5 + 5 1/2 + 4 rooms. Driveway & backyard. New appliances, siding, roof, plumbing, windows, and electrical! Don’t miss out! Buy this house with warranty & live rent free! Fully vacant! Asking $400’s. Flatbush: 2 family, 3 over 2 corner property, 2 car garage, basement w/bath & separate entrance, balcony, close to 2/5 trains, lots of windows, HWFs, close to Brooklyn College, near shopping & buses. Priced to sell fast! Broker (516) 544-8155 (718) 531-3995 (917) 836-6137 Outreach Real Estate OPEN HOUSE Thursday 5-7 pm 1189 Schenectady Avenue E. Flatbush/East 40s: 1 family, s/detached, 3 BR duplex w/2 full baths, gorgeous new kitchen w/top of the line appliances, oversized LR & DR, finished basement w/separate entrance. OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1-4 pm 1570 E 51 Street Old Mill Basin: Renovated 1 family detached 3 BR duplex, 2 1/2 baths, finished basement, pvt drive. Owner (718) 573-7300 Talk Of The Town Realty (718) 251-7400 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT E51/Rutland & Remsen: Furnished, share kitchen & bath. Eleganza RE (917) 592-4983 Brownsville: Furnished, share kitchen/bath. $175 weekly. Owner (347) 798-6168 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen & bathroom, $165. No smoking/pets. (347) 856-2572 Canarsie: Large furnished, WI closet, no smoking. $210 weekly. (347) 927-1605 Remsen Ave: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath, no pets/smoking. $160 weekly. (347) 385-2523 Mill Basin: Furnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. $175 weekly. (646) 724-3810 Mill Basin: Nice house, unfurnished, large, no cooking. $600. (917) 595-0207 Canarsie: Unfurnished w/bathroom & shower. Yves, Exit all Seasons (646) 286-7580 E. Flatbush: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath, no pets/smoking. $600. Broker (347) 393-9403 Canarsie: Large unfurnished, share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. (917) 627-5312 Canarsie: Furnished 1 room. Share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. (718) 251-0332 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen & bath, no smoking/pets. (718) 531-2740; (917) 669-1600 Georgetown: Furnished, $600 w/utilities, W2 form, work reference. (718) 844-4907 Canarsie: Unfurnished, $170. Share kitchen/bath. No pets/smoking. Mature roomate. 1 week rent/2weeks security. (917) 741-9576 Bergen Beach: Unfurnished, $675 neg. Share kitchen/bath. No smoking. No broker. (347) 3077198 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen & bath. $650, no brokers. (917) 816-8177 Mill Basin: Furnished, $170. Share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. (321) 304-1182 E. Flatbush: Furnished, share kitchen/bath. No smoking/pets. (718) 986-3129 Canarsie: Large furnished, share kitchen & bathroom, $700 monthly. (347) 598-7472 THIS WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS ARE... Canarsie Courier Magical Mystery EDIE MITGANG 50 Shades! Disenchanted DEBBIE STEPHENS DEBORAH WARD FRANCE MILLER 2015 New York International Auto Show DAVID ALLEN HOWARD FRANK SHARON MEADE Please be advised that tickets will be forfeited if winners do not redeem them within a week after being notified. 42 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT “Experience The Difference” 8604 Flatlands Avenue • Office: 718-272-6500 • Cell: 917-952-7771 • Fax: 718-257-3539 FOR SALE Canarsie: 2 family brick house. 2 bedrooms over 1 bedroom. Great location, quiet block. Ready to go! Ref #368 Canarsie: 2 family brick! 3 BRs over 3 BRs over finished walk-in basement. Nice updated kitchens, bathrooms. Nice quiet block. Private driveway and backyard. Near to all. Priced to sell. Ref #374 East New York: Nice 1 family 3 bedroom duplex over semi-finished basement. Private driveway, laundry area and much more. Ref #356 Canarsie: Nice 2 bedrooms 2 bath condo. Located on first floor. Private backyard and porch. Low maintenance, great location. Near all! Ref #351 Canarsie: Very nice and clean 1 family detached. 2 BRs over finished basement. In the heart of Canarsie. Large kitchen w/dining area, 2 bathrooms, big backyard, garage and much more. Asking only 300’s. A must see! Ref #372 APARTMENTS WANTED UNFURNISHED APT. ATTENTION LANDLORDS HOMEOWNERS • 1 BR, newly renovated, HWF, plenty of closets..............$1,200 Get 4 months rent today and $1,000 bonus with 1 month security voucher. NO MORE PROBLEMS COLLECTING RENT Let us rent your apartments or rooms to the Linc Programme. Choose your tenant from families already screened Apartment Room 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Monthly rent $800 $1,268 $1,515 $1,956 $2,197 Family size 1 or 2 persons 3 or 4 persons 5 or 6 persons 7 persons KEISER ENTERPRISES INC Call 718 284-6400 www.KeiserEnterprisesInc.com APARTMENT WANTED UNFURNISHED APT. I am looking for basement/studio in Canarsie/East New York, $900. (347) 319-2999 FURNISHED APT. Canarsie: Studio, furnished, everything new. $1,000 w/G&E, available immediately, credit check, references required! No brokers. (347) 5863899 Ocean Hill: Studio, furnished, pvt entrance, near transportation & shopping. (917) 213-1814 UNFURNISHED APT. E45/Ave H&I: Walk in, mint condition, beautiful, spacious studio. Quiet neighborhood, parquet floors. $950 utilities included. (646) 515-4794 Canarsie: Beautiful studio, near transportation/shopping. $900 w/utilities, credit report required. (718) 927-3658 Canarsie: 1 bedroom, $1,150 light & gas not included. No pets. (347) 450-5769 Canarsie: 1 BR, near transportation, all included. No smoking. (347) 587-7621 E. Flatbush: 1 bedroom, good condition, close to all, $1,350. Cutting Edge Real Estate (718) 717-9604 Marine Park: 1 bedroom studio. $900 light & gas included. Broker (347) 880-3680 Canarsie: 1 bedroom, $1,350. No smoking/pets. Available April 1st. (347) 528-8431 Seaview/Canarsie: 2 BR, $1,600. Walner, Fillmore RE (917) 4009037; (718) 643-0040 : All new 2 BR. Confidential Realty (718) 498-3200; (718) 216-2273 Canarsie/Remsen/M: 2 BRs, $1,450. Fillmore RE E93/Lenox & Clarkson: 2 BR. No washing machine/pets, close to transportation/shopping. $1,400. Eleganza RE (917) 592-4983; (917) 559-0685 Canarsie: 2 BRs. Yves, Exit All Seasons (646) 286-7580 E. Flatbush ENY • 3 BRs, newly renovated, HWF, plenty of closets..............$1,650 Rapid Realty (718) 820-2061 OMB: 2 BR, 1st floor, new kitchen/bath, SS appliances, dishwasher. Excellent income. $1,650 (917) 995-7489 Canarsie: Newly renovated large 2 bedrooms. No smoking/pets. $1,400 (917) 789-9129 Flatlands: 2 bedrooms, 2nd floor, private home, Flatlands area. $1,350 separate cooking/electricity. Working, no programs. Broker (646) 543-5441 OMB: Fully renovated 3 bedroom duplex. $2,100 water, heat, gas included. Broker (718) 971-0943 Mill Basin/Bergen Beach: Quiet neighborhood, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, excellent school district. $1,900. (347) 554-1924 E. Flatbush: 3 bedrooms, LR/DR/kitchen, 1 bath. $2,000. All-Budget Real Estate (718) 3638800 : All new 3 BR, $1,800. Confidential Realty (718) 498-3200 E86/Flatlands: 3 BR, $1,800. Brooklyn Pride Realty (718) 7957961 Canarsie/E89/Foster: 3 BRs, 1 1/2 baths, HWFs, $1,800. Fillmore RE Georgetown/M&E73: 3 BR house rental w/studio, 3 baths & garage. $2,200. Fillmore RE Canarsie: Newly renovated 3 bedrooms, 2nd floor, $1,850. Broker (718) 419-4408 STARTING FROM: Studio $1,000 monthly 1 bedroom $1,200 monthly 2 bedrooms $1,500 monthly 3 bedrooms $1,800 monthly No fees to landlord! We do FULL credit, criminal, VOE, background & eviction search! Call (718) 272-8988 or stop by 9201 FLATLANDS AVENUE www.BrooklynRealProperty.com Canarise: 3 bedrooms, good condition, close to all. $1,800. Cutting Edge Real Estate (718) 717-9604 Canarsie: 3 bedrooms, HWFs. $1,780, cooking gas included. Cutting Edge Real Estate (718) 717-9604 Ralph Ave/Georgetown: 3 BR, 2nd floor, 1 1/2 bath, sliding glass door, huge backyard, $2,300 gas included. 1 month rent, 1 month security. No programs. Available April 1st. Denise (954) 328-5260 UNFURNISHED APT. BO’S PRIME REALTY 8604 Flatlands Avenue APARTMENTS FOR RENT REMSEN VILLAGE 1 bedroom, walk in...................$1,100 utilities included ************* CANARSIE 2 bedroom................................$1,500 + utilities ************* OLD MILL BASIN 2 bedroom................................$1,300 + utilities ************* CANARSIE 3 Bedrooms, All New, 2 baths...$1,800 + utilities ************* CANARSIE 3 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths...........$1,850 + utilities ************************* MORE APARTMENTS AVAILABLE IN OTHER AREAS! ************************* Call us! (718) 272-6500 (917) 952-7771 E. Flatbush: Large newly renovated 3 bedrooms, $1,800. Broker (347) 880-3680 E. Flatbush/E59: 4 BRs, HWF, 2nd floor, $2,000. Broker (917) 864-5866 April 2, 2015 43 Canarsie Courier ACTION CLASSIFIED CONDO FOR SALE ENY: Tastefully decorated and meticulously maintained 1 BR, 1st floor w/unobstructed view of the manicured lawn and well maintained garden. FIN #408080 (718) 922-2200 CONDO FOR SALE Spring Creek: MIC! 2 BRs and 2 full baths, large EIK w/granite counter top, SS appliances, washer/dryer, Central Air, heating, private patio, storage and parking space includ(718) 922-2200 ed. Fin #408085 CO-OP FOR SALE Canarsie: Beautifully renovated 1 bedroom coop. Unit is spacious and has SS appliances. Lots of closet space. Quick access to Gateway Center Mall, near buses, tains and places of worship. Unit comes with a parking spot. This is a must see!. Fin #508014 (718) 922-2200 CONDO FOR SALE Canarsie: First floor 2 BR unit w/2 baths, Large LR w/DR. Nice sized BRs and parking. Fin #508004 (718) 922-2200 CO-OP FOR SALE C a n a r s i e : Beautiful 1 & 2 BR Co-op, new kitchen, double closets, laundry facilities, secure parking, super on premises. Fin #408065 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE HOUSE FOR SALE 9218 Foster Avenue (btwn E 92 & E 93) Canarsie: Detached 1 family in good condition w/4 bedrooms + full standup attic. Clean basement, large kitchen pantry. (718) 922-2200 Fin #408087 E. Flatbush: Co-op 1 BR, very spacious, parquet floors, big closets, close to shops, train, buses & park. Priced to sell quickly. Fin #502007 (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE HOUSE FOR SALE Saturday 2-4 pm Thursday 3-5 pm 400 Cozine Avenue (9C) (btwn Jerome & Elton) Canarsie: Fully renovated 2 BR unit on the ninth floor in a most desirable building with views of the Manhattan Skyline from the DR or the spacious balcony, kitchen is equipped with SS appliances, granite counter tops w/breakfast area. Fin #408090 (718) 922-2200 CONDO FOR SALE Spring Creek: Beautiful spacious 1 BR with office space, Kitchen has wood cabinets, SS appliances, and granite counter tops. Balcony, HWFs. Common charges include heat, hot water & gas. Owner only pays electric. Fin #508005 (718) 922-2200 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 2 Family perfect starter home, 2 BRs over 1 BR w/full porch, first floor needs some work, full basement, partially finished w/full bath, new boiler & hot water heater. FIN #508013 (718) 922-2200 HOUSE FOR SALE Two family attached brick, 3 BR duplex over 2 BR rental, community drive, one parking space in the rear. Very large rooms and a deck at the back of the duplex unit, house needs some TLC but w/minor upgrades. The right buyer will have a beautiful home. FIN #508007 (718) 922-2200 Canarsie: 1 family brick 41x100 lot, fully detached ranch, 3 BRs, 1 1/2 baths and finished basement w/1/2 bath & private entrance. 3 car private parking, huge backyard, country living prime Canarsie location. Only $14,000 down to qualified buyers. Fin #502004 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Bayswater, Queens: Huge 2 family, being used one family. 9 BRs, 4 1/2 baths, 2 garage, additional parking, full finished basement w/separate entrance, back & front porch & yard, ceramic tile kitchen. Fin #402010 (718) 272-6666 CO-OP FOR SALE Sheepshead Bay: Coop 2 BRs, walk to shops, transportation & schools. All redone, HWFs, laundry area, security guard 8pm4am. Co-op freshly painted. Asking $129,900, 20% down minimum. Fin #402025 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 2 family attached brick duplex, 4 BRs, 2 baths, new windows, new front porch & railings, too many extras to mention. Guaranteed full vacancy. A must see. Prime Location! Fin #402013 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: Excellent MIC! Minutes to Belt Pkwy, public transpor tation, shopping & schools. Swimming pool & gymavailable. Low maintenance, $200 monthly. Fin #502003 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 1 family duplex, 4 1/2 xlg room apt, full finished basement w/ separate entrance, new roof, garage & Driveway. Rear porch, rear steel deck leading to large backyard, 13,000 down to qualified buyers. Fin #402021 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 2 family brick attached 4 BRs, 2 baths, house in move in condition, near Brookdale Hospital, transportation& shopping. Owner is looking for a reasonable offer. Fin #502005 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE CONDO FOR SALE Cambria Heights: Fully detached 1 family duplex, 2 BRs, full finished basement, detached garage & private parking. Move in condition, beautiful treelined private block. Asking 389,900. Fin #502008 (718) 272-6666 Canarsie: 1 family duplex, 3 BRs, 1 1/2 baths. Move in condition. Too many extras to mention. Close to schools, shopping & transportation. (718) 272-6666 Fin #502006 44 April 2, 2015 Canarsie Courier HAVE HEALTHY, CAVITY-FREE TEETH! SPRING SPECIAL SURGICAL IMPLANTS JUST $750 EXCELLENT DENTISTRY WITH THE LATEST TREATMENTS ENSURE HEALTHY TEETH AND GUMS YOU WILL EXPERIENCE GENTLE DENTISTRY IN A PROFESSIONAL, COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT WHERE OUR PATIENTS LOVE TO REFER THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS INVISALIGN BRACES NEW PATIENT OFFER 69 $ Reg. Value $140 • • • • EXAM • X-RAYS (BITE WINGS) REGULAR CLEANING & POLISHING ORAL CANCER SCREENING PERSONAL CONSULTATION WITH DOCTOR Limited Time Offer Dr. Ella Dekhtyar & Dr. Ilya Freyberg 718-763-9118 718-693-5455 1763 Rockaway Parkway (Cor. Ave. L) 789 Flatbush Avenue (Cor. Lenox Road) COME VISIT US AT OUR OTHER LOCATION WWW.CANARSIESMILE.COM OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK We Accept Most Insurance & Union Plans • Medicaid • Payment Plans
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