open house - Canarsie Courier
open house - Canarsie Courier
• Canarsie • Marine Park • Mill Basin • Georgetown • Gerritsen Beach • Bergen Beach • • Kings Plaza • Sheepshead Bay • Flatlands • Flatbush • East New York • Spring Creek • Vol. 93 No. 45 Thursday, November 7, 2013 44 Pages 50¢ Story on page 3 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 • Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 • Email: Photo courtesy of Alan Maisel’s District Office CLICK BLUE BUTTON ON OUR WEB SITE TO BUY OUR PHOTOS Canarsie Courier 2 xx IN THIS ISSUE Residents Branch Out For Free Trees Page 12 Marathon Runner From Our Neck Of The Woods Page 16 Democratic Dinner Honors Best Of The Best November 7, 2013 These Kids Sure Have A Lot Of Character! Every year, students, teachers and staff at P.S. 115 do their part to “celebrate” Halloween while also dressing up for a good cause – their Character Day Parade, which supports the American Cancer Society. Last Thursday, almost everyone at the East 92nd Street elementary school dressed up as a character from one of their favorite books. As is tradition, everyone marched around the schoolyard, showing off their costumes and getting in the Halloween spirit. There was even a pumpkin patch in the schoolyard, complete with scarecrows and stacks of hay. You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting Just click on the blue button. Page 17 Photos and text by Dara Mormile SECTIONS Action Classified...............39 Business Card Corner.........27 Business Directory...............35 Community Guide...............29 Medical Update...................30 Religious News..................32 Personal Finance..............28 FEATURES What’s Your Opinion...........24 COLUMNS Little Old Canarsie..............15 Telling It Like It Is................ 6 These students are frightfully adorable. Everyone chose a unique costume for the day. One class couldn’t wait to get their pumpkins! Teachers pose at the “pumpkin patch.” An Independent Newspaper Since 1921 We are not affiliated with any other news organization or publication. Founded April 22, 1921 by Walter S. Patrick Serving Canarsie, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Georgetown, Bergen Beach, East New York, Flatlands, Flatbush, Gerritsen Beach, Sheepshead Bay & Spring Creek 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 e-mail: Donna Marra Publisher Catherine Rosa Business Manager The Late Charles Rogers Managing Editor Dara Mormile Associate Editor Linda Steinmuller Staff Reporter Lennox Clarke Shawn Thomas Dunleavy Jonathan Gies Production Department Lynn Gerbino Eileen Melecio Classifieds William O’Neill Telemarketing Sam Akhtar, Jason Linetsky, David Rybstein, Nicolette Tucker, Linda Steinmuller, Jerry Del Priore & Ramiro S. Fúnez Writers Ellis Washington, Dave Lewin, Darryl C. Madison, Phil Robinson, Kwambé Price, Sonny Maxon, Oronde I. Bell & Arthur DeGaeta Photographers The Canarsie Courier (USPS 088-040) is published weekly by the Canarsie Courier Publications Inc., 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are $20 per year in Brooklyn ($40 everywhere else). U.S. periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, New York. Postmaster: Send address changes to Canarsie Courier, 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are nonrefundable and payable in advance. The Canarsie Courier reserves the right to edit, classify, index, or reject any and all material (copy, ads, photos, letters, etc.) not consistent with the policies of this publication. All articles, letters, pictures, advertisements and other materials herein are the exclusive property of Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission of the Publisher. All materials contained herein are copyrighted ©2011 by Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. Views of columnists contained herein are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or principles of the owners of the Canarsie Courier. The advertisements in the Canarsie Courier are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate representations of the products and services offered. However, no endorsement by the Canarsie Courier is intended or implied. All ads are read back to the advertiser, who is responsible for checking the published ad after the first insertion. Credit will only be given for the space occupied by the error for the first week. Credit will not be given after first insertion for any reason. Only original contest and sweepstakes coupons will be accepted. Prizes must be claimed in person by the winner no later than 14 days from the date of publication. November 7, 2013 3 Canarsie Courier Brooklyn Dems Sweep NYC Elections By Sam Akhtar It’s official. Bill de Blasio beat out Joe Lhota to become the next mayor of New York City. For the first time in about 20 years, a Democrat will be living at Gracie Mansion. Polls closed by 9 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5th. Within minutes, media outlets were comfortable enough to declare de Blasio the winner. The Park Slope resident was well ahead of the Republican in most polls. De Blasio easily crushed Lhota by an overwhelming 50 percent. De Blasio will be sworn into office in January. In other notable election news, Letitia James easily won the Public Advocate office. James, also from Brooklyn, ran in three contests during this election season. She barely missed winning the primary by the required 40 percent to avoid a runoff. On October 1st, she beat Daniel Squadron in a contest more discussed for its cost to taxpayers than the actual candidates. In case anything happens to the mayor, the advocate is next in line even though its office isn’t well funded. Longtime Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes lost a convincing race to Kenneth Thompson. Hynes originally lost the Democratic primary to Thompson on September 10th and originally pledged a smooth transition. However, Hynes, who was in office for 24 years, changed his mind and ran on the Republican and Conservative lines. Hynes’ loss is historic. It is the first time in decades a sitting District Attorney has lost. In other races: Scott Stringer is the new Comptroller. Eric Adams officially becomes the new Brooklyn Borough President replacing term-limited Marty Markowitz. Alan Maisel beat Anthony Testaverde to win the City Council seat. Lew Fidler is leaving due to term limits. There were also six proposals voters were asked to vote for. Voters approved the building of more casinos. Four will be upstate with the potential for more casinos in New York City seven years from now. Already, there is a Resorts Casino in Queens. Voters shut down the proposal to raise the age of judges. The proposal called for the age limit to be raised to 80. Currently, judges are required to retire once they reach 70. For more information on the other proposals, visit: NYCHA’s Nonsense Continues As Breukelen Houses Crumble R IE R U CO VE I E SI US R L NAEXC A C Breukelen resident Palmira Toro, sick of her living conditions, points to broken wall in her bathroom where one of many leaks began. supervisors come and go from her Photos and text by Dara Mormile The minute you step into Palmira apartment without sending contractors Toro’s first floor apartment at to complete any work. She’s frustrated Breukelen Houses, the stench of that Housing expects her to pay rent mildew and moisture take over your for an apartment that’s a health hazard senses. With cracking walls and ceil- to occupy. The problem began with leaks in ings, blackened and moldy floor tiles, her home is in deplorable condition – her closet and bathroom. Maintenance and the New York City Housing crews busted up a portion of her bathAuthority (NYCHA) doesn’t seem to room wall to locate a damaged pipe and discovered that there were leaks care that it’s falling apart. “It’s disgusting in here,” she told coming from above her apartment as the Canarsie Courier in an exclusive well as in the basement. “I’ve even got flies and gnats cominterview this week. When Toro moved into her apart- ing up from the basement because ment at 930 Williams Avenue in 1997, there’s dirty water down there,” she the only problem she had was mice – said, revealing bite marks on her arms and maintenance patched up a hole from the gnats. “I see these gnats where the vermin were coming from. coming up from the sink and I’m itch“I didn’t have any problems until ing like crazy!” Despite having gone through three recently – and if I had a problem back then, their maintenance crews would cans of bug spray and having Housing exterminate on several occasions, go to it in no time.” Toro is more than aggravated that gnats and flies continue to swarm her kitchen. “I love to cook, so this is awful. I have to make sure I clean everything extra carefully.” What’s worse is that her uncle Steven, who is homebound, lives with her and requires medical attention for open wounds. “He has a nurse who comes here every day and these conditions aren’t healthy for him.” She’s lived in different apartments throughout Breukelen for over 50 years but has never had to live in this kind of environment. She blames NYCHA’s overall management for ignoring tenants’ needs. “I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, spinal stenosis and I’m being treated for joint disease,” Toro said. “I plan to take Housing to court and I don’t care if I owe them back rent – let 250 Broadway come out here to see what’s going on with us!” she added, referring to the Housing agency’s headquarters in the city. As far as Toro knows, tenants living above her have leaks in their walls as well and tell her that their walls are bubbling. “Where are the contractors to do all of this work? The supervisors come in to look at the problem, tell me what needs to be done, and then no one shows up.” Piles of clothes have been stacked on top of Toro’s couch for months since she can’t keep them in her closet. “I think they should relocate me and just gut the whole apartment instead of doing patchwork.” She’s currently looking to get a transfer to the Smith Houses in Manhattan, but is also afraid of the long wait. The aggravated tenant said top Housing officials should either replace their current administration or continued on page 28 Above photos show moldy closets, cracked walls and decaying paint that Housing maintenance has yet to repair. Canarsie Courier 4 November 7, 2013 Seniors Love Masquerading Around In Their Finest Costumes The Midwood Active Adults Program hosted its annual Masquerade Ball on Friday, November 1st, proving that no matter what age you are, it's fun to get dressed up! Hundreds attended the festive party wearing all different costumes, including witches, ghouls and even politicians how scary! Members enjoyed a day of dancing at the center, at 4815 Avenue I, as the staff kept them busy on their feet. The ball was proof that, having a good time keeps the heart young! Photos courtesy of Midwood Senior Center/ Millennium Development John Benanti poses as Halloween ghoul at Midwood’s Annual Masquerade Ball on Friday, November 1st. Angela Rivera (Pink Poodle Lady) (right) and Helen Weiss (Honey of Honolulu) pose for a snapshot. King of Midwood Yves Lundy poses as President Monique Bouzy poses as Wicked Witch at An- Vito Stancanelli and Maddy Bracco (Devil Lady) Obama with a member of the center. nual Masquerade Ball. dance at Midwood’s Annual Masquerade Ball. ATTENTION RESIDENTS!!! IF YOU SEE IT.....SNAP IT! If you see an accident, fire or any other shocking happening in the community – we want a photo! We will publish AND PAY YOU for your picture. You will also receive photo credit! YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE A HIGH-TECH CAMERA. JUST BE AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME! information! more information! CanarsieCourier Courier forformore Canarsie Call the Call the 718-257-0600 718-257-0600 Stuart Schwartz, D.D.S YOUR FAMILY DENTIST 2 Paerdegat 15th Street (cor. Paerdegat Avenue North near Seaview Avenue) ALL INSURANCE PLANS & MEDICAID ACCOMMODATED “Where’s Rosa?” Our Business Manager Catherine Rosa is hidden somewhere in this issue of the Canarsie Courier. Every week, her face will be photoshopped and placed in a RANDOMLY SELECTED PHOTO SOMEWHERE IN THE PAPER. Find Rosa’s face and you can win a three-month subscription to the community’s best newspaper! One lucky resident will be picked each week – new subscribers only! All you have to do is circle Rosa and mail the page, along with your name and address to: Canarsie Courier, 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn NY 11236. You can also bring the page where you find Rosa into our office. Happy Rosa Hunting! LEGAL PROBLEM? I KNOW HOW TO WIN FOR YOU! For Appointment Call 241-3754 Joseph B. Maira, Esq. Painless Air Abrasion 1229 Ave. Y, Suite 5C, Bklyn. Office Hours SUN 7 AM - 3 PM, MON 9AM - 5PM, TUES 9AM - 7PM, THURS 9 AM - 5 PM, FRI 8AM - 3PM SUMMER HOURS VARY 718-938-3728 If you see a photo that catches your eye or of someone you know, after reading your copy of the newspaper every week, you can now buy individual copies of almost every picture that is published and many more that never made it in that edition, due to space limitations. Just go to our Web site ( and click on the bright blue button near the top left hand corner and follow the simple directions. Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 5 Captain Grandstaff Takes The Helm At The 69th Precinct Photo and text by Dara Mormile If there’s one man you’re going to be glad to see hitting the streets of Canarsie – it’s Captain Norman Grandstaff, the new commanding officer of the 69th Precinct. Although Grandstaff only started last week, he knows he’s ready to serve the community and looks forward to maintaining a close relationship with those who influence change. “I want to be everywhere I can be,” Grandstaff recently told the Canarsie Courier. “I want to meet with all of the key leaders in Canarsie and try to be at every event. It’s important I make myself visible so residents know I’m open to them and that I’m available to tend to their concerns. I don’t want them to have to wait until the next Community Council meeting to speak to me – they can come into the precinct any time and bring their problems to me.” The Staten Island native always knew he wanted to be a police officer and help people. He’s been on the force for 15 years and began his career at the 15th Precinct in Manhattan, where he was stationed for two years. Afterward, he served precincts throughout Brooklyn such as the 90th Precinct in Williamsburg, the 79th Precinct in Bedford Stuyvesant and most recently the 75th Precinct in East New York. “The 75th Precinct is one of the busiest and biggest precincts in Brooklyn, so coming to the 69th Precinct is a nice change,” he said. “Here, I can focus a little more and follow up on crimes.” Captain Grandstaff said the most diverse community he’s worked in was the 70th Precinct in the Midwood area. “I was there for four and a half years and saw so many different cultures and backgrounds – but everyone wants the same thing – to feel safe in their community and to know that the police are looking out for them,” the captain said. One of the crimes he said that needs to be tackled in the 69th Precinct is rooftop burglaries wherein thieves break into the roof of an establishment and steal money or break into an ATM. “These burglaries have been happening along Flatlands Avenue and if we have to bolster different platoons, it’s critical to meet with supervisors and make changes.” When Grandstaff isn’t on the job, he enjoys spending time with his family. He has three children and coaches his son’s basketball team. “That’s the one thing I enjoy the most when I’m home.” The love of law enforcement also runs in his family, as he has four brothers – and three are police officers. “It’s not so much a competition – we learn from each other,” he said with a laugh. Grandstaff precedes Deputy Inspector George Fitzgibbon, who was the commanding officer at the Canarsie precinct for over two years. “I would like to thank Deputy Inspector George Fitzgibbon for leaving the command in good shape Captain Norman Grandstaff and for helping me with this transition,” he said. “I also want to thank Roxanne Persaud, president of the 69th Precinct Community Council – she’s been very warm towards me and I look forward to working with her and the rest of the council.” Fitzgibbon formally introduced the new captain at the October Community Council meeting, during which time Grandstaff welcomed input from everyone. Parents To DOE: Not Everyone Wants A Slice of The Pie! Photo and text by Dara Mormile Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned pizza party? That delicious mozzarella cheese layered on top of tomato sauce and fresh bread... If you ask members of the Community Education Council (CEC), and a large percentage of parents, their kids are NOT happy with “Pizza Fridays,” which is designated by the Department of Education (DOE) and School Food & Nutrition Services. “It’s horrible!” one board member said. “My kids don’t like it and I don’t know who’s asking what these students actually eat.” At the October meeting of CEC 18, which took place Monday evening, audience members sounded off to Keith Graham, School Food & Nutrition Services representative, about their dissatisfaction with the pizza that’s served to their children. School pizza is not made with your average ingredients, said Graham. “The pizza we serve has a quarter of the sodium and fat that regular pizza has – and we have to follow dietary guidelines when making these foods,” he told the crowd. “However, there’s a high demand for Pizza Fridays. The food we serve has to meet an 80 percent approval rating and most of our students surveyed say they like the pizza.” Parents mumbled under their breath, saying most kids throw away the tasteless pizza they’re given – which can’t be accounted for in any city survey. Graham said that once the slice makes it onto a tray, it’s counted as a “choice” the student has made for their lunch. School Food & Nutrition Services representative Keith Graham. “The only other thing they can choose from on Fridays is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich – of course they’re going to pick the pizza, but I’m not hearing anything good about it,” another board member said. Some were also upset that the fruit given to their children, such as pears, is hard and cold – and nearly inedible. Graham noted that, regardless of which fruit a student takes, all of the nutritional food groups has to be present on their tray before they leave the lunchroom. “We’re also working on putting more salad bars in schools where there’s room for them. Also, our aim this year is to use products without any high fructose corn syrup,” he said. “The only problem is that it’s hard to find things like ketchup and jelly without corn syrup that’s cost effective to our agency.” In addition, the School Food & Nutrition Services is going to increase students’ access to water. “We have water jet machines that we’re looking to install in various schools – they’re more sanitary than water fountains.” Another speaker at the CEC meeting was the DOE’s Nick Farrell, who formally introduced the new kindergarten enrollment application method. “This new streamlined process for 2014 will help parents pick the right kindergarten program for their child and make the whole experience easier,” he said. In the past, families were required to apply in person and submit paperwork to each school of interest. As a result, some students received multiple offers while others received no offers until the end of the school year. “Now, families only have to submit one application,” he said. The new application process begins in January and allows families to go online to apply for a kindergarten program. There are three ways to apply: •Online, using Kindergarten Connect at •In person at an enrollment office (from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday) and •Over the phone by calling 718935-2400 (from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday) Kindergarten Connect makes schools in all 32 districts across the city accessible to parents and priority is given to students for their zoned schools as well as those who already have a sibling going to that public school. “While most parents will receive an offer from their child’s zoned school, the new application process helps them explore their options,” said the representative. The timeline for the 2014 kindergarten admissions is as follows: •From October through December, before the application period, families should learn about their zoned schools, sign up for Gifted and Talented testing, if interested, and review information about their options. •From January through February, during the application period, families should go to school tours and open houses and then apply online, over the phone or at an enrollment office. •Finally, from April through June, after offers go out, families should pre-register at the school and provide the child’s documentation and if a school is able to offer the parent’s child a seat from the waiting list, they will be contacted directly. “There are as many as 20 program choices and if you don’t know what your child’s zoned school is, you can go to the DOE’s web site and put in your address to find out,” Farrell said. While junior high school and high school applications are based on academics, placement for kindergarteners is governed by the administrative process and some may be chosen through a random lottery. “We conducted a pilot program earlier this year and this process worked,” he told the crowd. The next CEC meeting will take place on Monday, December 2nd from 7 to 9 p.m. at 1106 East 95th Street. For more information, call 718-5666011. November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 6 I’m Fed Up With The Feds And Their Treatment Of The Pier despite Gateway National Recreation Area (the feder- were probably convinced that Sandy had her way with agency who operates the site) refusing to make the the building – so it took a natural disaster for them to Telling It alparcel of land more attractive to visitors. The feds – do what thousands were requesting for years!). make a dinky spot in our community attractive? Second, Gateway's ownership of the site makes it Like It Is Please... nearly impossible to go through the red tape so that By Dara Mormile E veryone has memories of that one hangout spot from when they were a child. Whether it's a community park, someone's stoop or backyard, or a street corner where everyone met up and “chilled out.” For some residents in Canarsie, the pier was one of those hangout spots – and it still might be...Okay, it’s not quite the way it was back in the day, but plenty of fisherman still call Canarsie Pier their second home. During my recent trips down there, a decent amount of bike riders made the pier a rest stop. The pier sees a lot of traffic and it's not abandoned – Protect Your Vision Prompt And Professional Eyecare To The Entire Family BOARD CERTIFIED EYE SURGEONS • State Of The Art No Stitch Cataract Surgery • • Glacoma Surgery • Neuro Ophthalmology • Diabetes • • Laser Surgery • Eyelid Surgery MAJOR INSURANCE ACCEPTED SILVIA PAGANELLI - D’AMBROSIO, M.D. 1452 East 98th Street, Corner of Avenue M 718-531-0055 What impressed me last week was that Gateway FINALLY demolished the old Abbracciamento building that was crumbling to nothingness. Our community was begging and pleading, with whoever they could, to have the dilapidated building torn down. I remember when the restaurant was open and there was a real community feel to the pier – there were boats stationed at a dock and families would gather for a day near the water. The feeling was just different even though the railings were old and wooden and so were the benches. Now, when I go to the pier, there are foundational improvements that need to be made despite the “modern” benches and barriers put there by Gateway years ago. One of the things that bothers me personally about being at the pier is not being able to sit in peace and quiet. Yeah, I get it – it's a public place and it's not supposed to be quiet. But why do complete strangers feel the need to sit next to me and talk to me when I'm trying to GET AWAY from everything? Also, there are obnoxious visitors who blast their car stereos in the parking lot as if they're making the pier their own personal “club.” This brings me to the next challenge: now that Gateway tore down the unsightly “memory” that was once part of Canarsie's history, what can be put in that space that will be appreciated by passersby as well as the handful of 'obnoxious' visitors? What will accommodate the masses? First of all, if it wasn't for Hurricane Sandy, Canarsie Pier wouldn't have received the funds needed to demolish the abandoned restaurant (the feds something sensible can be put at the pier. How discouraging does this sound: You have to have A LOT of money to lease federal property and whatever is placed at the site has to follow Gateway's recreational guidelines, which means your business has to be one of “recreational nature.” You can have a food vendor or concessionaire with this “recreational business” but it all starts with applying for an RFP – a Request For Proposal. The RFP will outline the nature of your business, which probably won't even fit in the small space that's now flattened concrete. Let's get real! The federal government will probably make it next to impossible for someone like you or me to invest in and lease their property. How much will it cost to build and maintain something on federal land? Of course it will all depend on how big the facility is and I can't imagine what would fit on that small parcel of land. Is Gateway making it difficult to lease that land, or are interested parties thinking it’s not worth investing money in a waterfront location where the visitors aren’t always courteous? I think the feds need to open their options for what can be put at the pier. Most people want something simple and food-oriented there, but Gateway won't easily allow for a sandwich or coffee shop to set up in the small space. Come on – some of us don't want to go to Rockaway Parkway to hunt for a snack! Shame on Gateway, I say, for making it so difficult to bring a quality business to one of our favorite hangout spots. Now, most of our pier memories, as well as our childrens', will be an empty space. Thanks Gateway! ALL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC AUTO REPAIR We Are Dedicated To Excellent Service All Work Guaranteed • 24 Hour Towing Available! NYS Reg. Repair Shop • NYS Lic. 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Since then, Sarrabo has been busy spreading the word advocating in the name of lung cancer awareness. Supporters gathered for a “Sip and Breathe” tea time on Wednesday, November 6th at First Medcare, located at 8707 Flatlands Avenue. For more information, Photo and text by Sam Akhtar visit: 11/21/13 10/09/13 9/16/13 Front row left to right: Norine Medas, Jacqueline Daniel, Yolanda D. Brunson-Sarrabo, Yveline Marcellus. Back row left to right: Cherise Jones, Julie Brown, Linda McKeiver, Jennifer Coreano. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS TUESDAY AT 4:00 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 9 November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 10 Owner Agrees To Meet With Stakeholders; Protest Canceled By Sam Akhtar One way to stop unwelcomed visitors to your home is to agree to meet with them. Or, in the case of a controversial women’s shelter, the owner of the land agrees to sit down with community stakeholders postponing a protest at the eleventh hour. The protest was scheduled to begin at Glenwood Road and Schenectady Avenue and a bus was going to shuttle protestors to the Avenue J residence of Ayal Horovitz on Sunday, November 3rd. Horovitz is listed as the owner of the property at 4612 Glenwood Road – the site of the Women’s In Need (WIN) shelter. However, the protest was called off early Sunday morning after all parties agreed to a meeting. Local resident and activist, Troy Thompson said, “Sitting down with Mr. Horovitz, WIN, DHS (Department of Homeless Services), property owners and City Councilman Jumaane Williams to discuss options related to this proposed shelter is what we’ve wanted all along.” He continued, “We will call off this protest and sit down with Mr. Horovitz to negotiate, but everyone must do so in good faith.” At stake is the multi-million dollar MONUMENTS & INSCRIPTIONS project that is supposed to house more than 180 families in a fourstory building. Construction on the site began months ago but has not been without its share of controversy. The Department of Buildings has issued several stop work orders but each time, the owner either paid fines or reconciled concerns to resume construction. Residents have logged numerous complaints with 311 due to the noise and dust that accompanied the construction. Councilman Williams said, “We are pleased that Mr. Horovitz has chosen to take this step. From the beginning, I have been clear about the need to sit down and discuss the details of the shelter, as it is out of size and scope for the neighborhood.” The site has seen its fair share of protests. In August, residents felt they were left out of the planning process and weren’t informed. (Canarsie Courier, “Flatlands Area Women’s Shelter Gets Big Thumbs Down,” August 15, 2013). The project is an “As of Right” endeavor meaning developers do not have to take suggestions from the public during the planning and buildContinued on page 28 When Only The Best Is Good Enough For Your Loved Ones: Canarsie, Evergreen, Cypress Hills, Holy Cross & Springfield Cemeteries ALL BROOKLYN, QUEENS, L.I. & N.J. CEMETERIES Overseas Shipping Granite • Bronze Plaques CARBONE MEMORIALS SINCE 1917 7 1 8 - 4 55 - 6 1 2 2 Providing Services In Many Areas, Including: • Enteral Nutrition • Tracheostomy Care • Respiratory Services • Pain Management • Wound Care • Coma Care • Hospice Care • Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies • I.V. Therapy • Short Term Rehab • Long Term Care • Respite Care • Recreation Programs • Alzheimers Unit • Support Service For The Entire Family To find out more about us, call: Merine Mornan, Director of Admissions (718) 240-3130/3132 MAIN ENTRANCE TO EVERGREEN CEMETERY 23 CONWAY STREET (CORNER OF BROADWAY) • BROOKLYN, NY 11207 .CARBONE_MEMORIALS@LIVE.COM 611 East 103rd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 LOCAL TRAINS: L, J, Z, A, C LOCATED AT (BROADWAY JUNCTION & EASTERN PARKWAY We accept Medicare, Medicaid, pending Medicaid, HMOs and most private insurances. November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 11 Canarsie Courier 12 November 7, 2013 More Trees Will Grow In Brooklyn Photos and text by Linda Steinmuller Superstorm Sandy uprooted many of Canarsie’s trees. Some that are still standing suffered root damage caused by salt water and sewage when the storm surge flooded our streets just over one year ago. To beautify our area, Project Hope, Visiting Nurse Service of New York and the Canarsie Recovery Coalition hosted a tree giveaway last Sunday outside Holy Family Church, located at 9719 Flatlands Avenue. The event was hosted in conjunction with the New York Restoration Project and the Million TreesNYC initiative. It provided over 100 free trees to Canarsiens, who had their choice of four trees: Sweetbay Magnolia, American Hornbeam, Serviceberry or Hackberry trees. A total of 50 events will be hosted this fall. Tree recipients must plant their tree in one of the five boroughs and NOT along streets, city parks, in containers, terraces, balconies or on roofs. They can be planted on residential lawns, commercial properties, community gardens or around faithbased centers. Wherever the new tree owners plant their trees, it’s sure to make our community greener and the more trees that grow in Brooklyn, the better! Leanne Evelyn shows off her new tree. Samples of free trees. Sunday Program Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages 4-6 7-12 7-12 4-6 7-12 Ballet Ballet Hip-Hop Tap/Jazz Tap/Jazz 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 PM - 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - 4:00 PM PM PM PM PM Left to right: Elijah Hardison with Millennium’s Young Men’s Initiative, Millennium Development Coordinator, Thomas Ortiz and Barbara Abram with her new tree. CANARSIE COURIER MAGICAL MYSTERY Ticket Sweepstakes In our latest ticket giveaway, we can’t tell you what popular event it’s for, but we’re sure you will not be disappointed if your coupon is selected. Don’t delay enter today. Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: CANARSIE COURIER MAGICAL MYSTERY MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: 11/7/13 Canarsie Courier, 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: Canarsie Courier No photocopies please! CANARSIE COURIER MAGICAL MYSTERY Ticket Sweepstakes November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 13 14 Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 The Active Consumer By Dara Mormile Mormile It's been a rough year since Hurricane Sandy wiped out homes across the city, and many Canarsie residents are still dealing with the aftermath of the superstorm. If you want to find out how to make a fresh start, join the Bridge Street Development Corporation on Saturday, November 9th from 6 to 8 p.m. to find out your rights as a homeowner. Don't be a victim of foreclosure! If you or your neighbor is concerned about being late on your mortgage, head to Jamaica Bay Library at 9727 Seaview Avenue and join the Bridge Street Development Corporation for their Fresh Start Clinic, which is FREE. Their specialists will provide all the resources you need to find out about legal and insurance issues. To register for the clinic, call 718-636-7596 (ext. 214). You can also e-mail Bridge Street Development Corporation at Get all the information you need about your options to retain your home or transition out of your home. Don't be a victim anymore - get a fresh start now!... There's another way you can start your life over – go back to school! But where? With all the choices, it can be hard to pick a college that's right for you. Don't worry, New York School of Career and Applied Studies (NYSCAS) offers courses in Network Administration and Security, Psychology, Education, Digital Multimedia Design, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Paralegal Studies and more! You can obtain your Associates and/or Bachelor's degrees. NYSCAS, a division of TOURO College, has a campus conveniently located at 1390 Pennsylvania Avenue. You can call 718-642-6562 or visit to find out about their other campuses in Bensonhurst, Brighton Beach and the Flatbush area. Your future is only a phone call away!... It's that time of year again – time to extend holiday greetings to everyone in the community! But it's unrealistic to personally wish everyone a happy holiday, so why not say it with an ad in the Canarsie Courier! We are currently in the process of preparing for our annual Chanukah Greeting supplement, which will be published on Wednesday, November 27th. To all those interested in publishing a Chanukah greeting, this is your chance to extend well wishes to everyone! All you have to do is call the Canarsie Courier at 718-2570600 and ask for Catherine – she'll give you rates and sizes. Show the community you care and let us help you get those sentiments out! Give us a call before November 20th so we can save you a spot! November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 15 Little Old Canarsie: The Next Generation – Sailing Into The Past By Ken A. Rogers Captain Martin “Marty” Nessel was a longtime resident of Little Old Canarsie. He lived with his wife, Louise, and son James at 1107 East 92nd Street. At Canarsie Pier he was known as “Old Rubber Legs.” In 1968, Captain Marty wrote for the Canarsie Courier’s “Little Old Canarsie.” He described what life was like when the Canarsie port was home to over 50 commercial fishing boats. In “Little Old Canarsie” published on August 28, 1968, he wrote, “When people start to write about Little Old Canarsie, they tell about the great fishing off the waters of Canarsie.” One of the grand commercial fishing boats to sail out of Canarsie was the Zoraya, which was owned by Frank and Helen McAvoy. Before the Depression of the 1930s, the Zoraya was a private yacht moored off of the resort town of Breezy Point. When the owners were forced to let her go, the McAvoys converted her into a commercial fishing boat. During the first half of the 20th century, Canarsie was home port to the finest fishing boats of the day such as: The Fidus, Ocean City, Wildwood, Rose B, Tambo, Pioneer, Al John, Water Island, Lillian P and other oyster, clam and party fishing boats. When I was a young boy, in the 1960’s, old timers at the pier still talked about The Nancy B. She was built in 1910 and was owned and piloted by Captain Charles Burton. At times, it was a ferry to Breezy Point, a commercial fishing boat, a party boat and, during World War I, was commissioned by the Coast Guard to patrol the waters of southeast Brooklyn. In 1925, she was relocated to Manhattan and then to Sheepshead Bay. In Beth Israel’s Chaim Bernstein, MD, Honored Chaim J. Bernstein, MD, FCCP, (center) was recently honored by Beth Israel Brooklyn. His family joined him in accepting the prestigious 2013 Wholeness of Life Award. Above photo: Bernstein holding a special commemorative plaque as recipient of the HealthCare Chaplaincy (HCC) 2013 Wholeness of Life Award, with family and colleagues from Beth Israel Medical Center: (l-r) Rabbi Sheldon Goldsmith, Rhona Hetsrony, his mother-in-law Sally Muschel, wife Anne Bernstein, Dr. Bernstein, Beth Israel President Harris M. Nagler, MD, Rev. Paul Rickert, HCC Rep Jess Geevarhese and Rabbi Jacob Hoenig. Photo courtesy of Beth Israel Brooklyn the 1960’s, she was still operating and was the most successful party boat to sail out of Brooklyn. I recall summer days as a young boy at the pier listening to Captain Marty and others, as they called themselves, “Old Cronies.” They told stories about when Canarsie was the finest fishing port on the East Coast. They told of the hard-working fishermen of Canarsie like John Hitcher, who at the time was operating a rowboat concession on the west side of the pier. Captain Marty and his old cronies might have been getting on in age but their memories of Izzy Bauman, captain of the Elaine B, and the crew of the Fidus - “Dutch” Otto, Walter Rainier, Carl Derring, Charles Rouch - and the other crews who sailed out of Canarsie were as clear as the waters when they were at the helm. In 1968, when Captain Marty wrote in the Canarsie Courier, Conrad Rank was still operating the White Eagle and John Bonsignor piloted the Old Pal out of Canarsie Pier. Those two boats were the last to sail from Canarsie. Captain Marty and his fellow old cronies knew that an era was coming to an end. In his last column, Captain Marty wrote, “I may have spelled some names incorrectly but it is still all about Little Old Canarsie.” Generations come and go and they look back to their time as the “good old days.” The days of Captain Marty were great days for Canarsie, but there were problems such as the Great Depression and a growing pollution in Jamaica Bay that eventually put an end to the fishing industry in Canarsie. Each generation has had its glory days and times of despair. There is no reason not to believe that great days are still ahead for Little Old Canarsie. 16 Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 Canarsie Resident Goes The Distance For NYC ING Marathon Photos and text by Dara Mormile “Running is a victory – and it’s pure elation,” said East 92nd Street resident Jonathan Eustache. “When I run, it takes me to a place where I can be by myself in my own space – and that’s one of the most rewarding parts of training.” Eustache, 42, worked and trained hard over the past few months so he could complete the NYC ING Marathon last Sunday. But the race was about more than just feeling the rush of running. The athlete is also hoping to raise awareness and help support the rebuilding efforts in his native Haiti, which was devastated by an earthquake in 2010. While working in collaboration with the grassroots organization Community2Community, he hopes the support he received through the marathon will assist with developments that are still underway. He visited Haiti last year, which further motivated him to run for the cause. He’s lived in Canarsie for almost 13 years but as a youngster, he attended basic school in Haiti. Then, he and his family moved to Brooklyn and they resided in East Flatbush. Eustache attended Tilden High School, John Jay College and then St. Francis College before going into the military. “In the military, we had to run two miles a day for eight weeks,” he said. “When I came home, I thought I naturally had to stop running. I loved playing ball and I’m a big sports fanatic, but it was only after I suffered a back injury that I started running again.” He attributed his back ailment to wear and tear, but, after trying acupuncture and pain killers, there was one solution he decided to try: run it off. “I was told to either have back surgery or lose weight, so I started running again a couple of years ago and I noticed a big difference in how I felt mentally and physically. I even lost 45 pounds in four months,” Eustache said. Since he is a competitor at heart, he’s been running mini-marathons throughout the city and New Jersey as often as he can. Small marathons, he said, helped him build up his strength and stamina for the NYC ING Marathon. Running the 10-mile stretch along the Belt Parkway – from Canarsie Pier to Plumb Beach and all the way to Cross Bay Boulevard helped him prepare for the marathon. He woke up every morning at about 6 to start his running routine and stretched for about 20 to 25 minutes. The week before the marathon, he took off from work to go full force and prepare his body for the ultimate test. “I’m a full time 911 operator, working citywide, so it’s very stressful and I needed a full week to focus on training.” His goal for the NYC ING Marathon was to complete the stretch in four hours, but he won’t get his final time results for another couple of weeks. He said he felt ecstatic when he was finished with the race even though he had a blister on his foot midrace. “Running is a lifestyle now,” said Eustache, who also chose to be a vegetarian three years ago as part of his health regimen. His advice to others who want to go the distance is to be motivated. “I meet guys who are in their 20s and I tell them it’s a lot of hard work and it takes time to build yourself up for a marathon.” Eustache proudly shows off a sweatshirt designed to support the cause for his native Haiti. Eustache’s marathon medal. Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 17 Dignitaries Celebrate And Honor The Community’s Best At Dinner Dance The Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club (TJ Club) hosted a dinner dance at the El Caribe Country Club last Sunday. The well-attended 58th annual event honored outstanding members of the TJ Club and the community. Awards were given to Lenny Fogel for Man of the Year and Jean Joseph for Woman of the Year. The Bernard Catcher Memorial Award went to former City Councilman Lew Fidler for all of the work he has done for the community as well as his civic services for the City of New York. Fidler’s wife and son accepted the award on his behalf, as he was unable to attend the ceremony. Mitchell Partnow was presented with an award for his hard work with the TJ Club’s Young Democrats. Various politicians, including Brooklyn Democratic Leader Frank Seddio, were in attendance to congratulate the award winners. Also attending were New York City Comptroller John Liu, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, Assemblyman Nick Perry and newly elected Councilman Alan Maisel, Councilwomen Yvette Clarke and Inez Dickens and newly elected Mayor Bill de Blasio. You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting Just click on the blue button. Photos and text by Darryl C. Madison Left to right: Seddio, Markowitz, Maisel and State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. TJ Club President Henry Bolus, left, and Liu. Left to right, President of the 69th Precinct Community Council Roxanne Persaud, Mayor de Blasio and activist Jamie Williams. Councilmembers Jumaane Persaud accepts flowers from Left to right: TJ Club co-leader Roberta “Man of the Year” Lenny Fogel, left, and new Brooklyn D.A. Ken de Blasio. Williams and Dickens. Sherman, Senator Eric Adams and Seddio. Thompson. The Maisels Clarke, left, gives “Woman of Fidler’s wife Robin, center, and the Year” Jean Joseph a cita- son Max, right, accept award from tion. Maisel. Seddio and his wife Joyce with BP Markowitz. Assemblyman Perry. Left to right: Seddio, Sherman, Williams, Persaud, Fogel and Ian Gaynor. Young Democrats leader Partnow with proud mother Sue Ann. Seddio and Jeffries. Canarsie Courier 18 November 7, 2013 Do Or Die Chiefs Fight Their Way Into Playoffs With Win Over Midwood By Jerry Del Priore Canarsie’s regular season came down to the final game. If the Chiefs beat Midwood, they would secure a playoff spot. If not, it would be another long offseason for the once storied football program. So no one could blame head coach Kyle Allen, who endured an arduous first year at the helm in 2012, the rest of the team and fans alike for wildly celebrating after outlasting the Hornets, 22-16, Friday night at Aviator Field in Brooklyn. As for the elated Allen, he feels making the postseason is Canarsie’s chance to restart and make some noise the rest of the way. “I feel great for the kids, I feel great for the program,” Allen said. “Now we’re here. We didn’t quit, we didn’t back down. The season starts over. We get to press reset. Everybody’s 0-0; anything can happen.” The Chiefs (4-5) jumped out to an 8-0 lead on a 41-yard touchdown run by Ramshar Clarke. But Midwood respond- ed by returning the ensuing kickoff to tie contest at 8. Junior Kamari Jones Hunter’s power running helped Canarsie reclaim its advantage at 16-8 in the second quarter. Clarke, who rushed for 91 yards on 13 carries, punched in his second TD of the tilt on a 19-yard score to increase the Chiefs’ lead to 22-8 with 1:28 left in the third period. But the Hornets (5-4) would not go quietly as they grinded out a touchdown to slice the deficit to 22-16 with 3:50 remaining in the game. After a quick four and out, the Chiefs punted the ball to Midwood’s 12-yard with a little more than two minutes to go. Much to the Hornets dismay, however, they had already burned all their timeouts, and Canarsie’s defense was able to hold on for the triumph and assure a playoff berth as time ticked away on the clock. Senior Justice Scott led the Chiefs’ defense with 13 tackles while Clarke and Jones Hunter contributed 12 and nine, respectively, with a sack apiece. Glenville Bell (four tackles and a sack) and Jones Hunter are among the PSAL’s best defenders, Allen noted. Though he wholeheartedly believes the talented players are grossly underrated by the rest of the league, the second-year coach feels they’re invaluable assets, performing a great deal of the heavy lifting for Canarsie, especially when it matters most. “He’s (Jones Hunter) a hell of a player. He’s second in the city in sacks. Glenville Bell is leading the city in sacks,” he said of his stars. “And these kids don’t get enough credit. They’re monsters in the trenches.” The victory garnered Canarsie the fourteenth seed and a first playoff matchup against number 3 Tottenville on Saturday, November 9th at noon in Staten Island. Canarsie junior wide receiver Festus Oziegbe lines on line of scrimmage. Canarsie players raise helmets in post-game celebration after beating Midwood, 22-16, Friday at Aviator Field in Photos by Jerry Del Priore Brooklyn. Canarsie player covers Midwood receiver late in Friday’s game. Chiefs junior Ronald Dyer jogs off gridiron in second half of game versus Midwood. Members of the Terror Squad – former faithful Canarsie football players who come to support the Chiefs week after week – and fans before big game against Midwood. Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 19 Week 9 PSAL Football Round-Up By Jerry Del Priore In the final week of the PSAL regular season, area football teams went 2-1, with two of the squads facing each other. Only two programs will advance to the first round of the playoffs, which kicks off this weekend. South Shore 38, Lafayette 0 South Shore (9-0) amassed a total of 591 yards of offense, and only allowed 161 on defense en route to 38-0 rout of La- fayette, the team’s fifth shutout of the year. Dupreme Robinson put on a tremendous show, rushing for 184 yards on just four carries, with two touchdowns, and led South Shore’s defense with nine tackles. Freshman quarterback Jason Martin completed four of nine passes for 72 yards, with two TDs. Next Game: The Vikings, the top seed in the Bowl Con- Pet Of The Week Ben is a handsome and very friendly tuxedo kitty, only about two years old, who was brought to Animal Care & Control of NYC (AC&C) along with several other cats when his previous owner passed away. Meet Ben at AC&C’s Brooklyn Care Center (2336 Linden Boulevard). For more information, visit SLAM (STREB LAB FOR ACTION MECHANICS) Ticket Sweepstakes ONLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: SLAM (STREB LAB FOR ACTION MECHANICS) 51 NORTH 1ST ST. BROOKLYN, NY 11249 866-811-4111 WWW.STREB.ORG MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: 11/07/13 Canarsie Courier 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: No photocopies please! Canarsie Courier FOR ACTION MECHANICS) SLAM (STREB LAB Ticket Sweepstakes ference, host number 8 Springfield Gardens High School Sunday, November 10th at noon in the first round of the playoffs. Sheepshead Bay 36, Thomas Jefferson 20 Host Sheepshead Bay ended Thomas Jefferson’s miserable winless season with a 3620 defeat Saturday in a City Division tilt. The Sharks finished the year at 3-6, missing the playoffs as well. Orange Wave junior running back Eugene Qualls had an impressive game, running for 163 yards on 15 attempts, with a touchdown. FDR 28, Tilden Educational Campus 16 FDR running back Tristan Thomas victimized Tilden (54) for 246 yards on 13 touches, with three scores, leading the Cougars (7-2) to a 28-16 win over the Blue Devils Saturday at Midwood HS Athletic Complex in Bowl Division action. Tilden gave up a total of 480 yards, all rushing, in defeat. Next Game: The Blue Devils, seeded seventh, travel to Staten Island to take on number 2 McKee/Staten Island Tech Sunday, November 10th at 12.00 p.m. in the first round of the Bowl Conference playoffs. 20 High CO Levels Found In Canarsie Home Two Canarsie residents suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning last Thursday at a private home located at 1298 East 98th Street. Local FDNY firefighters and paramedics responded to the scene after a call was placed to 911 stating that one of the residents was unconscious. FDNY EMS supervisors checked the meter readings at the private residence and found that the carbon monoxide levels were excessively high – registering at over 500 ppm (parts per million). Nine ppm is considered a hazardous environment. The two civilians, who were taken to area hospitals, were in serious condition with non-threatening injuries and two firefighters had minor injuries. As New Yorkers turned back their clocks last weekend, the New York City Departments of Health and Environmental Protection (DEP) reminded citizens to change the batteries in their carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to help protect themselves from carbon monoxide, an odorless, poisonous gas that can cause serious illness and death. Exposure to carbon monoxide can happen year round, but the risk for carbon monoxide poisoning increases during the heating season (October 1st to May 31st), when people begin using home heating systems. During this time of year, there’s a greater chance of a heating system malfunction that could November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier East 98th Street home where high carbon monoxide levels were detected. release carbon monoxide into a home, or residents may decide to use stoves or other unsafe heating sources to stay warm. According to Dr. Thomas Farley, New York City Health Commissioner, “Early signs of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, nausea, and sleepiness. If carbon monoxide levels are high enough, it can kill.” As the weather gets colder, the DEP recommends that New Yorkers have their heating systems inspected by a professional to ensure they are operating properly. For more information on carbon monoxide, call 311 or visit HA PP Y 6TH BI RTH D A Y to a special little boy, Michael Blynn, who will be celebrating his day on Tuesday, November 12, 2013. We are so proud of how well you are doing in first grade! You are a smart little boy and we love you to pieces. Can’t wait to see you in action at your bowling party! Love, Grandma & Poppa Happy Birthday to our little man Michael Blynn. We love you. Mommy, Daddy & sister Maycen Special greetings to you from Florida! Aunt Deb, Uncle John, John & Dominc Happy Birthday to our great grandson Michael Blynn, who celebrates his day on November 12, 2013. We are so proud of you and love you very much. Love, Nana, Poppy, Aunt Lucy, and Uncles Frankie & Rick Photo and text by Linda Steinmuller ATTENTION: CANARSIE RESIDENTS ALL URGED TO ATTEND AN IMPORTANT PUBLIC MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2013 –– 7:30 PM CONGREGATION AAA SFARD 1385 EAST 94TH STREET (BETWEEN AVENUES K & L) LET’S SHOW OUR APPRECIATION FOR PROMISES KEPT BY: BROOKLYN DEMOCRATIC LEADER – HONORABLE FRANK SEDDIO N.Y.C COMPTROLLER – JOHN LIU ATTORNEY – ADAM KALISH CANARSIE COURIER’S MANAGING EDITOR THE LATE CHARLES ROGERS AND ASSOCIATE EDITOR DARA MORMILE THEY HELPED US GET MONETARY SETTLEMENTS FOR PROPERTY DAMAGES TO LOCAL HOMES CAUSED BY “DEP TAKES BLAME FOR FLOODING WOES” IN AUGUST 2011, (REPORTED 09/29/11 PG. 1, PG. 3) FROM FOUR THUNDERSTORMS AND TROPICAL STORM IRENE COME FIND OUT HOW HOSTED BY HONORABLE MELBA P. BROWN 58TH DISTRICT LEADER AND SCCA VICE PRESIDENT STEVEN H. KAYE SOUTH CANARSIE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. VOICE FOR ALL CANARSIE FOR INFORMATION: MARYANNE SALLUSTRO: PRESIDENT 718-251-7145 Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 21 Four Seasons Recognizes National Breast Cancer Month In recognition of October being National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, staff and residents at Four Seasons Nursing and Rehabilitation Center dressed casual in “Pink and Denim” to make strides to end breast cancer last week. Throughout the month of October, the facility, located at 1555 Rockaway Parkway, provided literature concerning healthy living tips, prevention and encouragement to participate in the Annual Breast Cancer Walk at Prospect Park. A special thanks goes out to all the great staff, residents and family members who wore pink on “Pink and Denim” Day and made the event a huge success. Members of the Four Seasons staff and the Recreation Department coordinated the Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Photos and text courtesy of Four Seasons DISASTER MUSICAL Ticket Sweepstakes ONLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: DISASTER MUSICAL ST. LUKE THEATRE 308 WEST 46TH STREET NY, NY10036 MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: Canarsie Courier 11/7/13 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: Canarsie Courier DISASTER MUSICAL Ticket Sweepstakes No photocopies please! Canarsie Courier 22 November 7, 2013 Shopping Strip Turns Into One “L” Of A Halloween Celebration! On a typical Thursday afternoon Avenue L is all about business as usual. However, October 31st – Halloween - was not an ordinary Thursday afternoon. That’s because the Avenue L business owners and 1Youth At A Time Inc. transformed the shopping strip into a “Nightmare on L Street.” There were monsters, princesses and even a Nicky Minaj sighting. Spiderman was spotted emerging from one of the delis. One of the biggest “problems” of the afternoon was when the Joker came out of a crowded grocery store while Batman was waiting right outside! There weren’t any incidents, but at April’s Dance-N-Feet, the owner April and dance instructors Unysha Jones and Ashley Coldros were not taking any chances. They thought it would be a good idea to teach everyone how to perform Michael Jackson’s Thriller just in case any other strange characters were seen walking along Avenue L. The thought was that if they could join together as one big group, they could defend Avenue L against any poten- Paul Curiale, left, and Emily James, fourth from left, in front of the Avenue L Spa with trick or treaters from the neighborhood. Harry Potter visits Avenue L. Xiomara Duhaney is the “Baby Monster” tial threats! Thanks to Emily James, owner of Avenue L Salon & Spa, for organizing the successful event, which gave Canarsie’s children a safe place to trick-or-treat. Happy Halloween! You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting Just click on the blue button. Photos and text by Darryl C. Madison (Left to right) David Pierre, Terry Swady, Brandon Otabor (Spider-Man) and Benjamin Otabor. (left to right) Shawn Yearwood (Power Ranger), Sydney Corbblah (Supergirl) and Maya Corbblah (the clown) James with Avenue L trick or treaters. James, right, and Natasha Meyerowitz from “Children of the Future Day Care.” Heaven Sy. Cyrus as the Beautiful Princess. Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 23 Seniors Help With Trick Or Treating Fun In Bergen Beach On Halloween night, seniors from the JASA Senior Center (Jewish Association for Services for the Aged) pitched in to help with Halloween giveaways in front of 6509 Avenue T. Bergen Beach guys and ghouls, sporting creative and scary costumes, trick or treated at the festively decorated house, which was adorned with ghosts, goblins, skeletons and things that go bump in the night. You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting Just click on the blue button. Photos by Dave Lewin Canarsie Courier 24 THE POINTING FINGER B Y D R . S T E P H E N F INGER Is Ninety-Five the New One Hundred? “Timmy, how can you lie to me like that?” “But mommy, I tell the truth 95% of the time.” “You’re not the President of the United States, young man. Go to your room. No dessert for you tonight.” “If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan, 95% of the time. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, 95% of the time.” Isn’t that, more or less, what the president told us during the 2012 campaign? more or less? when repeal was an issue? 95% of the time. 100% of the time. Always? SomeLegal Notice Saint Wai Brothers LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/31/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Taylor Wai, 138 27th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11214. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice BRACHA LIFE LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 7/29/13. Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 5104 17th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11024. General Purposes. October 17, 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 2013. THOCEK IS L ! ! ! G C CKIN TI DON’T MISS OUR CLASSIFIED DEADLINE ! ALL C L A S S I F I E D A D S MUST BE RECEIVED BY TUESDAY @4PM times? Never? To quote our most-traveled Secretary of State as she was testifying during the Benghazi hearings, “What difference does it make?” (Isn’t that what we all want to teach our kids?) Just when most people are starting to understand that ‘50 is the new 30,’ and ‘60 is the new 40’ and ‘70 is the new 50’, it’s now, ‘95% is the new 100%,’ i.e. 95% means the same as what 100% used to mean. You can use them interchangeably. Depends on the weather. Or maybe it’s all in the wrist. Speaking in Boston last week, the president explained that 95% of Americans would be able to keep their healthcare plans and that the remaining ‘small sliver’ would be getting a ‘much better’ plan, that they would be getting rid of their ‘substandard’ plans, sold by those ‘rip-off’insurance companies (even though millions of people seemed to like them and wanted to keep them). “It’s a good deal. Do the math. It’s a good deal. Continued on page 28 Legal Notice Notice of Qualification of BROOKLYN HEALTHCARE INVESTORS, LLC. Authority filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/15/13. Office location: Kings County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 09/05/13. Princ. office of LLC: 7101 W. 78th St., Ste. 100, Minneapolis MN 55439. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE 19808. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State, 401 Federal St,. #3, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. October 24, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. Legal Notice 1622 Realty LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/31/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1622 Coney Island Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11230. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice AFT Custom Marble & Granite, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 01/09/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 77 Lombardy St., Brooklyn, NY 11222. General Purposes. October 10, 17, 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 2013. D EADLINE F OR C LASSIFIED A DS IS T UESDAY AT 4:00 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS THEN H IET T N WE Y Y T TUR L R N EA CE Canarsie’s 69th Precinct stationhouse wasn’t always located on Rockaway and Foster avenues. The original police station was in Willett’s Hotel (originally Lehman’s Hotel), located on the northwest corner of Conklin Avenue and East 95th Street (which later became the site of the Knights of Columbus Hall, which present-day Canarsiens may recall). In 1894, a wood stationhouse was built to replace the temporary police station in Willett’s Hotel. That building was located on Glenwood NOW 3 1 20 Road between East 94th and East 95th Streets. Not far from the police station – on Glenwood Road about 150 feet east of East 92nd Street - was a horse stable belonging to the 166th Mounted Squad of the NYPD. It’s unclear when the 69th precinct’s stable closed but we know by 1960, it was no longer in use and by the mid 80s, the building was torn down. Today, the old horse barn is now occupied by a three-story brick residential building. Compiled by Linda Steinmuller November 7, 2013 ? Compiled by Bill O’Neill Question: In an effort to snuff out smoking at a young age, the New York City Council voted to hike the legal age for buying cigarettes to 21 years old. Do you think this will help curtail teen smoking? Why or Why not? “No, it won’t. If someone wants something, they will get it. Cigarettes are already high priced. People still buy them. The price of an item - or the age required to purchase an item - will not discourage people from buying that item. The teens will still get the cigarettes.” Tia B., Canarsie “It won’t curtail teen smoking. Because of peer pressure, kids get involved with a lot of things that are not good for themsmoking, drugs, drinking and street violence. To curtail teen smoking, you have to go much deeper than raising the age to 21. You have to insure that kids have strong parental guidance at home which steers them away from teen smoking.” Fauanaude Matthews, Spring Creek “No, it won’t help. As long as there are people willing to buy cigarettes for them, they will get the cigarettes. And store owners don’t even proof the kids. I’ve seen it. Plus, you can buy loose cigarettes on the street for fifty cents.” Doreen Willis, “If we raise the age, there will be less smoking in general. And less people will be interested in smoking. So yes, it will curtail teen smoking a little bit.” David J., Canarsie 6/13/13 November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 25 Raven Kids Show Off Their Halloween Costumes Photos and text by Linda Steinmuller Children from the Raven’s School, located at 1102 East 92nd Street, celebrated Halloween by dressing up in a variety of colorful costumes. The kids, excited to show off their outfits, paraded around the block wearing everything from Superhero costumes, like Superman, Batman and Spiderman to other popular characters such as Thomas the Train and Minnie Mouse. The staff at the Raven School said it’s their way of showing the children how to safely enjoy the holiday. You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting Just click on the blue button. Scaring Up Fun At Four Seasons In the spirit of Halloween, the staff at Four Seasons Nursing & Rehabilitation Center dressed up in various costumes and provided the residents with their very own “Halloween Costume Parade.” Staff from the Nursing, Rehab and Recreation Department went to the units handing out candy, providing music and putting smiles on the residents faces. A good time was had by all! Later on in the afternoon, residents, family members and staff were treated to a “Halloween themed” musical entertain- ment and costume contest. Residents were able to sing along and tap their feet to familiar tunes and get a chance to judge the best costume worn by staff and guests. Music was provided by Michael Harley and Jennifer. Thanks to all the staff, volunteers and family members who dressed up for the events, made it a success and put smiles on the faces of residents. The Halloween Parade and Costume Party was coordinated by the Recreation Department. Photos and text courtesy of Four Seasons Canarsie Courier 26 November 7, 2013 Gerritsen d r a w r o F Beach: Moving Gerritsen Beach Residents Stitching Through The Storm Photos and text by Linda Steinmuller Superstorm Sandy changed Gerritsen Beach forever. The worst storm in the city’s history destroyed homes, cars, trees and businesses. Discussions about the superstorm often revolve around the physical aspect of the devastation – how much water flooded your basement or the personal possessions you may have lost. But the hurricane also took an emotional and spiritual toll on those who suffered the traumatic events of October 29, 2012. To help with the emotional distress caused by Sandy, Project Hope and Visiting Nurse Service of New York hosted “Stitches of our Success” at the Gerritsen Beach branch of the Brooklyn Public Library last week – a day after the one-year anniversary of the hurricane. Gerritsen Beach resident Gina Wasson attended the event with her two daughters and said, “The program was great. It really makes you feel better and it’s great to have an ear to listen.” All ages benefitted from “Stitches of our Success,” from children as young as four-year-old Jamie Wasson to teenagers and adults. Miranda Gescheit, an 11th grade student at Edward R. Murrow High School, said the storm brought the community much closer together and that the volunteer fire department worked hard with rescue efforts when the storm struck. Project Hope crisis counselors invited participants to draw pictures and write a poem or a story to reflect their experiences with Sandy. Each attendee was given a cuddly teddy bear to take home with them. Once everyone’s personal mural was com- pleted, they were stitched together on a giant quilt that is on display in the library. Project Hope has been an integral part of the healing process since the storm hit Gerritsen Beach. The organization offers support, information and resource linkage to help survivors with their recovery. Their services are free of charge. According to Project Hope, people handle stressful events differently. Stress reactions can appear immediately after a traumatic event or may not appear for weeks or even months later - Recovery doesn’t wear a watch. If you would like to talk about lingering reactions to Hurricane Sandy, call Project Hope at 718-8886950 or 1-800-LIFENET, a free confidential helpline for New York City residents, available 24/7. Dalia Bayoumy and her five-year old son, Karim. Vernon Hudson and David Gissendanner. Standing: Gina Wasson with her two daughters: Molly, 7, and Jamie, 4. Maribel Martinez, Project Hope; Nicolette Miranda Gescheit and Ashley Pupkin, 11th Project Hope gave stuffed bears to everyone who McKenna; Danielle Dora, Project Hope. graders who attend Edward R. Murrow High attended the event. School. One of the inspiring messages written by a Sandy survivor. The completed quilt now on display at Gerritsen library. Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 27 ATTORNEY CAR SERVICE FENCES LAW OFFICES OF CHIDI EZE & ASSOCIATES SEAT & GO CAR & LIMO CAR SERVICE MICHAEL CERVERIZZO & SONS INC. CIVIL RIGHTS FALSE ARREST • FALSE IMPRISONMENT • MALICIOUS PROSECUTION • POLICE HARRASSMENT • POLICE BRUTALITY DO NOT SIT BACK WHILE YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED. WE ARE DEDICATED TO PROTECTING AND PRESERVING YOUR RIGHTS. WE HAVE RECOVERED $M ILLIONS FOR OUR CLIENTS. YOU PAY NOTHING U NLESS WE RECOVER MONEY FOR YOU. CONSULTATIONS ARE FREE TOO REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE CLAIM DENIALS Tel: 718-643-8800 $1.00 DISCOUNT FOR LOCAL CALLS $5.00 DISCOUNT LONG DISTANCE CALLS • R ELIABLE • UNBEATABLE PRICES • WE A CCEPT C ORPORATE A CCOUNTS • MINI VANS AVAILABLE TAXI 255 LIVINGSTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR, BROOKLYN, NY 11217 ATTORNEY Social Security/SSI Disability Convenient to All Boroughs & Long Island • NO FEE Unless Successful • Over 40 Years Experience • Personal & Friendly Service Michael D. Schoffman 26 Court Street 718-852-0900 718-975-5002 OR 5003 Workers Compensation & Social Security Disability We are the only lawyers in South Brooklyn that offer these services (corner of Ave. J) Office 718-732-0855 Fax 718-444-5768 Brooklyn, NY 11234 WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM A GES 4 – 6 $25 PER DAY You Can Bring Your Own Toys Or Use Ours HARLENE MILDER IS MSW SOCIAL WORKER & SUBSTITUTE TEACHER 718-490-3586 718-649-3109 AWNINGS SERVING OUR COMMUNITY WITH SINCERITY, HONESTY & CARE FOR OVER 54 YEARS 718-649-3839 718-272-4760 MARCIA FAMILY GROUP DAYCARE MILL BASIN PHARMACY LICENSED BY NY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH • WE PROVIDE FRESH MEALS DAILY • AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM DAILY • WE ACCEPT VOUCHERS 5829 AVE. T (CORNER OF E. 59TH ST. & AVE. T) BROOKLYN, NY 11234 Tel: 718-676-6675 • Fax: 718-676-6268 WWW.MILLBASINPHARMACY.COM WE ACCEPT MOST MAJOR INSURANCE PLANS HOURS MONDAY – FRIDAY 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM 930 RALPH AVENUE (BETWEEN CHURCH AVE & SNYDER AVE) 347-365-7754 GOLD DEALER AFTERSCHOOL HARLENE MILDRED PERNICE AFTERSCHOOL PLAY GROUP PHARMACY Located Conveniently In Georgetown 2004 Ralph Avenue 9502 Flatlands Ave. (corner of E. 95th St.) DAYCARE EMAIL: MARCIASDAYCARE7754@GMAIL.COM Levine Law Firm, PLLC Chain Link Fences & Supplies Gates-Wire-Posts-Fittings PVC-Wood FREE ESTIMATES OPEN 24 HOURS SERVING CANARSIE, FLATBUSH, MIDWOOD AREAS • Fax: 718-643-8814 60 Years Of Serving Our Community Legal Notice Notice of Formation of 307 GARFIELD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/20/12. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Eaton & Van Winkle LLP, Attn: Maura Murphy, Esq., 3 Park Ave., 16th Fl., NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful activity. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of TENDER LOVING HAIR CARE LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/12/2013. Office location Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THANDIWE M. MYKE, 956 EAST 230TH ST., BRONX, NY 10466. October 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County on 10/10/2013, bearing Index Number NC-001162-13/KI, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11201, grants me the right to assume the name of Yamilka Esther Estevez. My present name is Yamilka Esther Tavarez Gomez AKA Yamilka Esther Estevez Castillo AKA Yamilka Esther Estevez. My present address is 383 Logan St., Brooklyn, NY 11208. My place of birth is Dominican Republic. My date of birth is March 11, 1989. November 7, 2013. INCLUDING EXPRESS SCRIPTS AND MEDCO FREE PRESCRIPTION PICK UP AND DELIVERY DAILY SENIOR IN 10 MINUTES CITIZEN DISCOUNT GUARANTEED! or less EXCLUDES PRESCRIPTIONS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Legal Notice Notice of Formation of LL Creative, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 10/11/13. Office location: Kings County. Princ. bus. addr.: 431 Clinton St., Apt. 2, Brooklyn, NY 11231. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o CT Corporation System, 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd. agent upon whom process may be served. Purpose: all lawful purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of REGINA’S PLAYSCHOOL LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/26/2013. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC Legal Notices Notice is hereby given that a license, Serial #1274449 for beer & wine has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer & wine at retail in restaurant known as Inaka 83 Sushi upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THE LLC, 296 5TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11215. October 17, 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 2013. Legal Notice PCF Enterprises LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/06/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Richard J Weston, 169 Lott St., Brooklyn, NY 11226. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, Legal Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, NUMBER TO BE ASSIGNED HAS BEEN APPLIED FOR BY NEW CHINA 1 OF HENRIETTA LLC TO SELL WINE AND BEER AT RETAIL IN A RESTAURANT FOR ONPREMISES CONSUMPTION UNDER THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL LAW AT 3118 EAST HENRIETTA ROAD, HENRIETTA, NY 14467. November 7, 14, 2013. Legal Notice Bay Parkway Pharmacy, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/06/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 8506A Bay Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11214. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Corp DBA: Inaka Japanese Fusion. Under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 8318 3rd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11209 for on-premise consumption. October 31, 2013; November 7, 2013. November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 28 Ridge Abstract Corp. Established 1980 Title Insurance throughout New York State • Title insurance arranged in New Jersey and other states • Computer hook-up with NYC Tax Office & Register’s Office • Totally computerized office with personal service • Closing conference room for your convenience • Recording documents • Violation searches • Real estate forms FRANK, J. MARTINO, President BENJAMIN J. MARTINO, JR., Vice President PAUL J. INTERLANDI, Sr. Vice President CHRISTOPER M. BECK, Director of Operations ANDREW NUNZIATO, Sr. Title Officer 1967 McDonald Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11223 Tel. 718-338-0065 • Fax 1-718-692-3767 Protest ... Continued from page 10 ing process. Nevertheless, residents, activists and electives have pledged to continue their fight to renew discussions. A month later, protestors continued to pile on the pressure and again gathered at the site (“Protestors NYCHA ... Continued from page 3 sell the failing development to a private company who can better tend to the buildings. “I’m going to keep taking them to court,” she said. “I’ve already called State Senator John Sampson’s office to see if he can help me and I want to reach out to City Councilman Charles Barron.” In addition to contacting the Canarsie Courier, she’s contacted various media outlets who have not yet exposed the grimy situation Toro has to deal with every day. While NYCHA would not offer a statement about Want Answers For Shelter Construction,” September 19, 2013). Last month, about 50 people gathered at the Tropical Reflections banquet hall at 4501 Glenwood Road to plan strategy to curb the construction. (“Residents ‘Walking’ To Be Heard On Shelter Construction, October 17, 2013). Toro’s apartment and when she can expect repairs to finally take place, the agency has been in more hot water despite the need to take care of yearold repair tickets. Just last week, the Daily News reported that a single mother of three has lived without hot water in her East Harlem building for two years. According to the Daily News, Manhattan Housing Court Judge Phyllis Saxe found NYCHA “in contempt of court and fined it $19,205” for making the resident and children struggle without hot water. Unfortunately, Toro is another victim of NYCHA’s inability to finance and complete critical repairs. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS TUESDAY AT 4:00 PM– NO EXCEPTIONS Social Security Serves Those Who’ve Served On November 11th, we honor our program covers general information Nation’s veterans for their service to about Social Security disability beneAmerica. What better time than now to fits as well as topics unique to woundtell you - and for you to help spread ed service members. The online video the word - about the many benefits and is less than three minutes and a great wealth of information Social Security introduction to disability benefits for has available for veterans and military veterans and active duty military. personnel? On the same webpage, you’ll also Social Security recognizes those find links to useful Veterans Affairs who put their lives on the line for our and Department of Defense websites. freedoms. Members of the armed The requirements for disability beneforces receive expedited processing of fits available through Social Security their Social are different than those Security disabiliOCIAL ECURITY from the Department of ty applications. Veterans Affairs and BY BEPPIE SIBLEY The expedited require a separate appliprocess is avail- Canarsie Office District Manager cation. able for any miliMilitary service memtary service member who became dis- bers are covered for the same Social abled during active duty on or after Security survivors, disability, and October 1, 2001, regardless of where retirement benefits as everyone else. the disability occurs. Some dependent Although the expedited service is relachildren and spouses of military per- tively new, military personnel have sonnel may also be eligible to receive been covered under Social Security benefits. since 1957, and people who were in Visit our website designed specifi- the service prior to that may be able to cally for our wounded veterans: get special credit for some of their service. riors. There, you will find answers to To learn more about Social a number of commonly asked ques- Security for current and former militions, as well as other useful informa- tary service members, read Military tion about disability benefits available Service and Social Security. It’s availunder the Social Security and able in our digital library at Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. Please pay special attention But first, take a look at the woundto the fact sheet available on that web- ed warrior page at www.socialsecurisite, Disability Benefits for Wounded The webiWarriors. nar, fact sheet, and pertinent links will You’ll also find a webinar that brief you on everything you need to explains the faster disability process know to “maneuver” your way available to wounded warriors. The through the Social Security process. S S good to be the king. Semper 95% Fi ! Dr. Finger practices medicine (Otolaryngology) in Brooklyn. He ran for Congress in ‘06 on Libertarian and Republican lines. Visit our blog at: www.ThePointing Finger.Blog spot .com Dr. Finger ... Continued from page 22 Do the math. It’s a...” Not a good time for the math phobic. But don’t worry, at least the president gets dessert whenever he wants dessert. He can even get seconds. It’s CONSUMER MONEY RATES National trends National yields Data shown are the minimum amounts required to open an account, earn interest and/or buy a certificate of deposit. Rates as of Tuesday. Institution City, State MONEY MARKET ACCOUNTS/SAVINGS Phone open Rate Ann. Yld. Safety Rating Chicago, IL Wilmington, DE Chicago, IL Salt Lake City, UT Midvale, UT 877-319-7722 888-720-8756 855-730-7283 877-505-9926 888-906-2559 $10000 $0 $0 $25000 $0 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.86 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.86 4 5 5 4 4 Zions Direct Doral Direct EH National Bank GE Capital Bank AloStar Bank of Commerce Salt Lake City, UT Wilmington, DE Beverly Hills, CA Chicago, IL Birmingham, AL 800-524-8875 855-513-6725 888-392-5265 855-730-7283 877-738-6391 $10000 $500 $10000 $500 $1000 1.00 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.75 1.00 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.75 4 1 2 5 4 GE Capital Bank Nationwide Bank Colorado Federal Savings Bank The Palladian PrivateBank AloStar Bank of Commerce Chicago, IL Columbus, OH Greenwood Village, CO Chicago, IL Birmingham, AL 855-730-7283 877-422-6569 877-484-2372 877-448-6500 877-738-6391 $500 $500 $5000 $10000 $1000 1.04 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.05 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 5 4 3 4 4 1 YEAR CDS 2.5 YEAR CDS 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.63 0.50 0.23 0.38 0.25 0.13 0.00 9/ 11 /2 9/ 01 18 3 /2 9/ 01 25 3 /2 10 01 /2 3 /2 10 01 /9 3 /2 10 01 /1 10 6/ 3 /2 20 10 3/ 13 National yields /3 20 0/ 13 20 30-yr fixed mortgage GE Capital Bank Lone Star Bank Discover Bank Intervest National Bank USAA Chicago, IL Houston, TX Riverwoods, IL New York, NY San Antonio, TX 855-730-7283 713-358-9400 888-728-3151 212-218-8383 800-583-8295 $500 $1000 $2500 $2500 $1000 1.19 1.09 1.09 1.07 0.85 1.20 1.10 1.10 1.08 0.85 5 2 5 4 5 GE Capital Bank Barclays Intervest National Bank GE Capital Retail Bank VirtualBank Chicago, IL Wilmington, DE New York, NY Morristown, NJ Miami, FL 855-730-7283 888-720-8756 212-218-8383 866-226-5638 877-998-2265 $500 $0 $2500 $25000 $10000 1.99 1.98 1.93 1.93 1.90 2.01 2.00 1.95 1.95 1.92 5 5 4 5 4 5 YEAR CDS 0.88 0.75 The Palladian PrivateBank Barclays GE Capital Bank CIT Bank Ally Bank 6 MONTH CDS About the listings All rates and yields are provided by, which specializes in reporting rates and yields for U.S. consumer deposit and loan products. If you have questions, contact at 11760 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, FL33408 or online at www. or by phone, 800-327-7717 ext. 12013. 1-year CD National best standard credit card deals Best standard deals available among national issuers as of Tuesday. Annual For people who carry balances Phone % rate Amalgamated Bank of Chicago 800-723-0303 7.50 V Citizens Trust Bank 404-659-5959 9.25 V First Command Bank 888-763-7600 10.25 V iBERIABANK fsb 800-217-7715 10.25 V For people who pay off balances Citizens Trust Bank 404-659-5959 9.25 V First Command Bank 888-763-7600 10.25 V iBERIABANK fsb 800-217-7715 10.25 V Simmons First Natl Bank 800-636-5151 10.25 V 5.25 5.00 4.664.71 4.47 4.39 4.75 4.27 4.50 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 9/ 11 9/ /2 18 01 3 9/ /2 25 01 3 10 /2 /2 01 3 10 /2 /9 01 3 10 /2 /1 01 3 10 6/ /2 20 13 Fixed-rate mortgage trends are compiled by surveying the 100 largest lending institutions in the top 10 U.S. housing markets. 10 3/ /3 20 13 0/ 20 CDs Vs. treasuries 2.00 Annual fee 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grace period 25 B 25 B 25 B 25 B 25 B 25 B 25 B 25 B 1.75 1.50 1.32 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.07 0.14 0.11 6−month 0.23 1−year Treasury 5−year CDs 13 Credit cards Rates apply to purchases only. Additional fees may be charged for exceeding a credit line, making a late payment, obtaining a cash advance, making an ATM transaction, or if a check is returned. F = fixed rate; V = variable rate; B = days from billing. Tip: 0.80 0.75 Yields are based on Bankrate. com survey of the minimum amounts required to open a deposit account. Safety ratings are based on quarterly data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the Office of Thrift Supervision. The most desirable is (5). A (NR) rating indicates the institution is too new to rate. National trends 4.42 4.27 4.41 13 How does your bank rate?’s Safe & Sound® service is a proprietary system designed to provide information on the relative financial strength and stability of U.S. institutions. Visit for more information. November 7, 2013 IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS POLICE: 69th Pct. Switchboard..........................................(718) 257-6211 69th Pct. Community Affairs................................(718) 258-4444 63rd Pct. Switchboard...........................................(718) 258-4411 Housing Police (24 hrs.)...............................(718)386-5357 FBI..........................................................................(212) 384-1000 EMERGENCIES (Police/Fire/Ambulance)............................911 REPRESENTATIVES & LEGISLATORS: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand 780 Third Avenue, NYC 10017........................................(212) 688-6262 Senator Charles Schumer 757 Third Avenue, Room 1702, NY 10017.......................(212) 486-4430 Congressman Hakeem Jeffries 55 Hanson Place, Bklyn NY 11217................................(718) 237-2211 State Senator John L. Sampson 1226 East 96th Street, Bklyn NY 11236...........................(718) 649-7653 State Senator Martin J. Golden 7408 5th Avenue, Bklyn NY 11209...................................(718) 238-6044 State Senator Kevin Parker 1300 Flatbush Avenue, Bklyn NY 11210................(718) 629-6401 State Assemblyman Alan Maisel 2424 Ralph Avenue, Bklyn NY 11234.............................(718) 968-2770 State Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein 3520 Nostrand Ave, Bklyn NY 11229...............................(718) 648-4700 State Assemblyman Nick Perry 942 Utica Avenue, Bklyn NY 11203.................................(718) 385-3336 State Assemblywoman Inez Barron 669 Vermont Street, Bklyn NY 11207...................(718)257-5824 Borough President Marty Markowitz Borough Hall, Bklyn NY 11201........................................(718) 802-3700 City Councilman Lewis Fidler 1402 East 64th Street, Bklyn NY 11234...........................(718) 241-9330 City Councilman Charles Barron 718 Pennsylvania Ave., Bklyn NY 11207..................(718) 649-9495 City Councilman Jumaane D. Williams 4517 Avenue D, Bklyn, NY 11203.........................(718) 629-2900 CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS Bayview Houses Community Assoc.....................(347) 216-5909 Community Board 18............................................(718) 241-0422 Marine Park Civic Assoc.......................................(718) 336-7343 Mill Basin Civic Assoc..........................................(718) 968-2777 South Canarsie Civic Assoc..................................(718) 251-7145 69th Pct. Community Council...............................(718) 257-6205 63rd Pct. Community Council...............................(718) 258-4444 United Canarsie South Civic Assoc.......................(718) 531-8130 Community Education Council (CEC)..................(718) 566-6008 Glenwood Houses Residents Association.............(917) 319-0480 Friends United Block Association (FUBA)...........(718) 508-2311 HOTLINES: Alzheimer’s Resource Center...........................................(212) 442-3086 AC&C-Animal Rescue ....................................................(212) 788-4000 ASPCA-To report abuse...................................................(212) 876-7700 American Red Cross.........................................................(718) 330-9200 Air/Noise/Water/Sewer Complaints...................................................311 AIDS Hotline (HASA)...........................................311 or (718) 557-1399 Domestic Violence Hotline..............................................1-800-621-4673 Canarsie Historical Society................................................(718)531-0886 Child Abuse Information.................................................1-800-342-3720 Consumer Complaint...........................................................................311 Community Education Council - District 18....................(718) 566-6008 Dept. of Environmental Protection...................................(212) 637-3000 Dept. of Youth and Community Development..................(212) 442-6006 F.E.M.A. (Disaster Assistance)...................................1 (800) 621-FEMA Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)........311 or 1 (800) 692-0557 Heat Complaints..................................................................................311 Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit........................................................311 MEDICAID / SNAP.........................................................(718) 557-1399 MEDICARE....................................................................1-800-633-4227 NYC Dept. for the Aging.....................................................................311 Parking Regulations (Daily)................................................................311 Parks Department.............................................................(646) 613-1200 Pest Control.........................................................................................311 Poison Control..................................................................(212) 764-7667 Pothole Repair......................................................................................311 Public Advocate................................................................(212) 669-7250 Sanitation Dept....................................................................................311 Social Security.................................................................1-800-772-1213 Street Light Repair (D.O.T.) ...............................................................311 Suicide Help Line..........................................................1 (800) 273-8255 Taxi & Limousine Comm. Complaints................................................311 Traffic Lt. Complaints (D.O.T.) ..........................................................311 Victims Services Hotline..................................................(212) 577-7777 Veterans Administration..................................................1-800-827-1000 29 Canarsie Courier Keep Us In-The-Know! Invite the community to your next civic meeting! Just send us the details by any Tuesday at 4 p.m. Fax the information to us at 718-272-0870 or e-mail: CLUBS / MEETINGS Friends United Block Association The Friends United Block Association (FUBA) meeting takes place on the first Thursday of every month. The next meeting will be tonight at 8 p.m. at Temple Shaare Emeth, located at 6012 Farragut Road. For more information, call 718-5082311. Mill Basin Civic Assoc. What’s going on in Mill Basin? Find out on Tuesday, November 12th at 8:00 p.m. at the Mill Basin Civic Association meeting, held at Mary Queen of Heaven Church, located at 1395 East 57th Street, between avenues M and N. For more information, call 718-968-2777. United Canarsie South Civic Association Come meet and greet your community neighbors and friends at the United Canarsie South Civic Association meeting Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 p.m. at the H.E.S., 9502 Seaview Avenue (entrance on East 95th Street). Hear and be heard. Call 718-531-8130. South Canarsie Civic Association Canarsie residents are urged to attend this Important Public Meeting to show appreciation for our local leaders, who helped the community get monetary settlements for property damages to Canarsie homes caused by four thunderstorms and Tropical Storm Irene. The meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13th at Congregation AAA Sfard Synagogue, located at 1385 East 94th Street and will be hosted by 58th District Leader Melba Brown. For more information, call Maryanne Sallustro at 718-251-7145. Glenwood Residents Association The Glenwood Houses Residents Association will have their next general meeting on Tuesday, November 19th at 6:30 p.m. at the complex’s community center, located at 5816 Farragut Road. Tenants and nearby residents are encouraged to attend and address quality of life issues. Community Board 5 Starrett City and East New York residents are invited to the next Community Board 5 meeting on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:30 p.m. at 127 Pennsylvania Avenue, 3rd floor. For more information, call 718498-5711. Community Board 18 The next meeting of Community Board 18 will take place on Wednesday, November 20th at 7 p.m. at the John Malone Community Center, located at 2335 Bergen Avenue (between avenues W and X). Please note this is a new location. Meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday of the month. In addition to the regular agenda, the disposition of Yeshiva Rambam, located at 3340 Kings Highway, will be discussed. For more information, call 718-2410442. 69th Precinct Community Council The next scheduled meeting of the 69th Precinct Community Council will take place on Tuesday, November 26th at 8 p.m. at St. Alban’s Church, 9408 Farragut Road. The public is encouraged to attend and bring quality of life issues to the council for discussion. For further information, call 718-2576205. EVENTS Brooklyn Children’s Museum Celebrate Native American Heritage Month during November with a variety of different activities. On Friday, November 8th, kids can explore a new style of art with Art Kids and touch a starfish, horseshoe crab or sea snail in their Touch Tank. On Saturday, November 9th and Sunday, November 10th, kids can learn about Totem Poles and listen to Native Turtle Tales. Every Thursday, the museum has FREE hours from 3 to 5 p.m. Visit for program times and more information. The museum is located at 145 Brooklyn Avenue. Contact info: 718-735-4400. Thunderbird American Indian Dancers Enjoy a performance by the Thunderbird American Indian Dancers at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum on Saturday, November 9th at 1 p.m. The resident NYC Native American dance company features a diversity of dance forms that reflect the group’s multicultural tribal membership. The museum is located at 145 Brooklyn Avenue. Contact info: 718735-4400. Get A Fresh Start At Bridge Street Development Corp. Are you concerned about being late on your mortgage or need information about post-Sandy resources? Attend a free Fresh Start Clinic and learn about your rights as a homeowner in New York’s Foreclosure Process. There will be two clinics: Saturday, November 9th from 6 to 8 p.m. at Jamaica Bay Library, 9727 Seaview Avenue, and Wednesday, December 4th from 6 to 8 p.m. at Canarsie Library, 1580 Rockaway Parkway. Call 718-6367596, ext 214 to register or email Conservatory Singers At Brooklyn College On Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 p.m., The Conservatory Singers will present “Northern Lights,” featuring European choral music from across the centuries. Admission is free. The concert will take place at Brooklyn College, 2900 Bedford Avenue, in Studio 312, Roosevelt Extension. Fall Lecture Series At Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge The Fall Lectures Series, canceled because of the federal government shutdown, has been rescheduled for November. This year’s series will focus on the effects of Hurricane Sandy on Jamaica Bay and the shore community. The free programs are held on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, located on Cross Bay Boulevard in Queens. November 13th - Diamond Back Terrapins in Jamaica Bay. November 20th - NY After Sandy: Lessons, Questions and Planning for Resilience. For more information, call 718-3814340. Christmas Fair At St. James Avoid the rush and start your holiday shopping early at St. James Church. They’re having their annual Christmas Fair on Friday, November 15th from 2 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, November 16th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. St. James Church is located at 2776 Gerritsen Avenue in Gerritsen Beach. SENIORS JASA Senior Center at H.E.S. Join seniors at H.E.S., 9502 Seaview Avenue for painting, dancing, sing-along, crafts, current events, seniorcise, and cancer support group. Hot lunch served daily. For information, call Sue Ann or Lillian at 718-251-3700. OTHER Catholic Charities In Canarsie Affected by Hurricane Sandy? Catholic Charities bilingual (Creole/English) Case Managers are available at Our Lady of Miracles Church on Tuesday and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 718-722-6001 for an appointment. Preschool And Teen Time At Jamaica Bay Library Jamaica Bay Library has story time for preschool children every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. and Teen Time (ages 1317 only) from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. For information on other events, call 718-241-3571. The Jamaica Bay Library is located at 9727 Seaview Avenue. Please be advised that we must receive information on your community meetings/functions TUESDAYS before 4 p.m. In order to provide coverage of your event, we must be notified at least two weeks in advance. Canarsie Courier 30 November 7, 2013 PUT YOUR FEET IN THE RIGHT HANDS In the hands of experience…Diplomate American Board Podiatric Surgery Fellow American College of Foot Surgeons • Board Certified Foot Surgeon • Member American Podiatric Medical Association • Member American Academy Podiatric Sports Medicine • Full Hospital Privileges • Instructor and Lecturer to new podiatric physicians In the hands of concern…Dependable, gentle surgical and non-surgical care for corns, calluses, bunions, hammer toes, ingrown nails, warts • Comprehensive treatment for geriatric conditions, sports injuries, arthritis • Infant and child care • Emergency care for infections, diabetics • Prompt, courteous attention from office staff Dr. Marc Brenner Dr. Shibu Kinatukara In the hands of skill and technology…Thousands of corrective surgical procedures performed to treat almost any foot deformity • State-of-the-art surgical techniques • Fully equipped Operating Room Suite • Custom made orthotics to relieve pain without surgery • X-Rays, Blood tests, complete Doppler and circulatory analysis performed in office. • Extended Hours 6 Days a Week • Available for Lectures to Community Groups • Medicare, GHI, Blue Shield, Privates and Others Accepted In the hands of… Dr. Marc A. Brenner Diplomate American Board Podiatric Surgery Board Certified in Foot Surgery 1899 Rockaway Parkway (btwn. Ave M & N) 1-718-251-1122 Why Different Fees? RY GA Why do fillings vary in cost from one-surface restoration. If it affects dentist to dentist, or even the same several surfaces, the result is a multidentist? The answer is simple. Like ple (two, three or even a four) surface snowflakes and fingerprints, no two filling. Sometimes decay may stretch fillings are alike. to an adjacent tooth, in which case a The reason for making a filling may well involve the filling is to remove and preparation of more than one replace a diseased or tooth. Usually, the fee for a VIEW S ON decayed tooth’s crown DE N TAL filling depends on the number structure. The crown, of HEALTH of surfaces affected, the comcourse, is roughly a cube plexity of the cavity, the type with five surfaces, a top of filling material used, and and four sides. .S the time required to complete Decay causes cavities, S. RAFAL, D. D the procedure. and it can strike any of these The office of Gary S. Rafal is five surfaces. If the decay afflicts a located at 9915 Seaview Avenue. For single surface, the filling is called a an appointment, call 718-763-7799. . • House Calls Available Adult Vaccination: Protect Your Health CDC recommends people with asthma, COPD, or other conditions that affect the lungs get a yearly influenza (flu) vaccine and a pneumococcal vaccine, once as an adult before age 65 years of age and again at age 65. •People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of Hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatitis B can be spread through sharing of blood glucose meters, finger stick devices, or other diabetes care equipment such as insulin pens. Adults with diabetes (type 1 or type 2) ages 19 through 59 should receive the Hepatitis B vaccine as soon as possible after being diagnosed with diabetes. If you are 60 years or older and have diabetes, talk to your doctor to see if you should get the vaccine. •Diabetes, either type 1 or type 2, can weaken the immune system's ability to fight the flu. People with diabetes, even if well managed, are more likely than those without diabetes to have complications from the flu such as pneumonia, that can lead to hospitalization. November 7, 2013 31 Canarsie Courier Anorexia Nervosa: Starving Yourself To Death Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating weight or becoming too fat, even disorder that involves a drive for thin- though the person is underweight. ness through starvation. If untreated, it 3. A disturbance in the way in which can result in death. Anywhere one’s body weight, size or shape is between 5 and 20% of the individuals experienced. The individual feels and suffering from this eating disorder die believes he or she is fat, even when each year. e m a c i a t e d . Anorexia is more By Michael Feld, L.C.S.W. Sometimes a particcommon among ular part of the body Certified Psychoanalyst, women than men. is believed to be too Licensed Psychotherapist Ninety-five percent fat, such as one’s of the reported legs or thighs. cases are women and five percent are The absence of the menstrual perimen. The disorder frequently afflicts ods in women, usually missing three people between the ages of ten and periods in a row. In men, a diminished thirty. sexual interest and an inability to perPeople who suffer from anorexia form sexually. have an uncontrollable desire to be Some psychoanalytic theories on thin at any cost. They are often anorexia nervosa believe that at its root extremely hungry but keep themselves is the inability in childhood to approfrom taking in any food. In some priately express angry or hostile feelcases, they exercise excessively or ings, usually toward one’s parents. induce vomiting in order to keep from The presence of such feelings jeopardbecoming “fat.” We can say that izes the child’s safety, and requires anorexia is a weight or fat phobia, an him or her to keep them hidden. Guilt extreme uncontrollable fear over gain- over harboring these raging “bad” ing weight. The primary characteris- thoughts toward one’s caretakers sets tics present in anorexia are: in, and this causes self-hate in the form 1. A refusal to maintain body weight of the self-inflicted punishment of not over a minimal normal weight for eating. Though self-starvatic, the perone’s age and height. Or weight loss son hopes to atone for his or her angry leading to a body weight of fifteen per- thoughts until they go away, or until he cent below the normal body weight; a or she achieves perfection and once self-inflicted severe loss of weight, again secures the love and attention of either through the avoidance of foods mother and father. This is similar to considered to be fattening, self- the religious principle behind the rituinduced vomiting, abuse of laxatives al of fasting as a way of repentance. or excessive exercising. Whatever the cause, anorectic peo2. A phobia-like fear of gaining ple often exhibit the following two qualities: 1. Obsessive compulsive behavior in an DEPRESSED? ANXIOUS? FEEL LIKE YOU’RE GOING NOWHERE? MID-LIFE CRISIS? MARITAL PROBLEMS? PROBLEMS AT WORK? MICHAEL FELD L.C.S.W. CERTIFIED PSYCHOANALYST LICENSED PSYCHOTHERAPIST Psychodynamic Psychotherapy offered to individuals, couples & families. GHI, HIP, METROPLUS, TRICARE, HEALTH NET (MHN), OXFORD, EMPIRE & MEDICARE ACCEPTED Call For Consultation: 718-444-8560 attempt to achieve perfection; 2. Depression alternating with hyperactivity. Through psychoanalytic psychotherapy, the anorectic individual can uncover his or her inner thoughts and feelings in a safe, benign environment. They can learn to diminish their guilt, lessen their self-hate and open themselves up to self-nurturance in all its forms—including the intake of food. Prepared as a public service from the office of Psychotherapist Michael Feld, L.C. S.W. (718) 444-8560 877-EARLOBE (327-5623) 866-KELOIDS (535-6437) Canarsie Courier 32 ~ Rest In Peace, Oshi ~ Our sincere condolences to the Hebrew Educational Society on the loss of Oshi (Oshrat) Vainer. Oshi was a pleasure to deal with on a weekly basis, and was always accomodating to us. Oshi was on top of her game when we were on deadline and needed her assistance. She will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, Oshi. Condolences to her sister Shiran. St. Bernard Of Clairvaux Church 2055 East 69th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 763-5533 Rev. Msgr. Jamie J. Gigantiello, Pastor Mass Schedule: Saturdays at 5 p.m.; Sundays at 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Monday–Friday at 8:30 a.m.; Saturdays at 9 a.m. Summer: Saturdays at 9 a.m. & 5 p.m.; Sundays at 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Holy days: Vigil Mass at 7:30 p.m., Holyday at 8:30 a.m. & 10 a.m. The Rectory Office is now open in the evenings, Monday through Friday until 8 p.m. Weekend hours are currently Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please call before coming while we work out coverage and scheduling. Note that the Rectory Office is closed each day between the hours of 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. for lunch. This Monday, November 11th, we celebrate Veterans’ Day. This is a day set aside to honor the brave men and women of our military, and to let them know that we appreciate their loyalty and dedicated service to our country, and the sacrifices they make to keep our country free and safe. In honor of Veterans’ Day, the Rectory Office and the School Office will be closed. However, emergency calls can be phoned in at any time. If you love to sing, and would like to audition for the Adult Choir, please call the Rectory Office and leave a message for our music director, Mr. Ernest Buckley. The Choir sings every Sunday at the 10 a.m. Mass, from midSeptember to mid-June. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the church. Saint Bernard School is looking for some holiday angels. Did you receive a Catholic education that you are thankful for? Did your children receive a Catholic education that you generously gave them and are now thankful that you did? Are you willing lies are welcome to the Parish and encouraged to become actively involved in parish societies and activities. New parishioners should register at the Rectory as soon as possible. Parishoners are asked to us the weekly envelopes in making their contributions. St. Alban’s Church 9408 Farragut Road, Brooklyn, NY 11236 (718) 257-0706. Sunday services at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Rectory: Reverend Canon George L. Bonner, BA, MSc (Hons) ~ The staff of the Canarsie Courier Mary Queen Of Heaven Church to help other families give their children a Catholic Education at Saint Bernard School? If so, please consider being a Holiday Angel and making a gift to Saint Bernard School. No donation is too large or small. Your donation will be used to help defray part of a current student’s tuition payment. Calling all photographers! We are looking for a nice picture of St. Bernard with the church decorated for Christmas. If you have such a picture, either inside the church or outside, please speak to Msgr. Jamie. Rectory: (718) 763-5533; fax: (718) 763-0224 Rectory Office Hours: MondayFriday: 9 a.m.–12 noon and 1 p.m.– 5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: Closed. National holidays: rectory closed. Devotions: Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays – Novena after the 8:30 a.m Mass. Rosary: Monday–Friday after 8:30 a.m. Mass, Saturday after 9 a.m. Mass. First Fridays: Exposition – 9 a.m. – noon in Chapel. Baptisms: Scheduled for the last Sunday of the month at 12:30 p.m. Parents are required to schedule an appointment with a priest or deacon at least six weeks prior to Baptism. Marriages: Arrangements must be made with a priest or deacon at least six months before the wedding. PreCana information can be found at Sick calls will be made at any time. Please call the Rectory to arrange a Communion call to the sick or elderly, or a pastoral visit to a hospitalized loved one. Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Vocations: Anyone seeking information regarding the priesthood, permanent deaconate, religious life or about serving in our parish as a lay minister should speak to Msgr. Jamie, Fr. Tim, Deacon Frank or Deacon Chris. Parish membership: All new fami- Mass Schedule: Saturday - 5 p.m.; Sunday - 8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon Weekdays: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. - Holidays: Vigil: 7:30 p.m.; Day: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. Confessions: Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Sunday, November 3rd: Rosary Society – 12 p.m. Mass, monthly meeting to follow in the Parish Hall; Clothing Drive – from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. in front of the Church; Confirmation – 2 p.m. in the Church. Sunday, November 10th: Hospitality Day – In the Parish Hall following each of the Masses. Monday, November 11th: Veterans’ Day – Rectory Office closed. Friday, November 15th: Night at the Races – 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. $25 per person. Sunday, November 17th: Thanksgiving Liturgy – 10 a.m. Mass. Monday, November 18th: Monday Afternoon at the Movies – 3 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Thursday, November 28th–29th: Thanksgiving Day – Rectory Office closed. Baptisms: Last Sunday of the month, 1p.m. An appointment must be made with Father Thomas Leach, Pastor. Bereavement Support Group: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. Charismatic Prayer Group: 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, 7 p.m. in the Parish Center. La Legion de Marie: 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month, 1 p.m. in the Parish Center. 2nd Saturday of each month, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. committee members in the Parish Center. Line Dancing: Wednesdays, Parish hall, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ($7 per person.) Prayer Group Cenacle: Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. Youth Group: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Parish Center Youth Room. Devotions at a Glance: Exposition & Benediction: 1st Fridays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon in the November 7, 2013 Parish Center Chapel. Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays, Novena & Benediction following the 8 a.m. Mass. Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday, 7:45 a.m., Saturdays 8:45 a.m. Rosary: Monday to Friday after the 8 a.m. Mass, Saturday after the 9 a.m. Mass. It is not too early to start thinking about donating to our Thanksgiving Food Pantry. Frozen turkeys and fixings are needed to provide for approximately 60 families. Food items can be left in the boxes at the doors of the church. Turkeys should be brought to the Rectory Office. It’s back!!! Our next Friday Night at the Races will be held on Friday, November 15th at 7:30 p.m. A great time was had by all at our May 10th event. This one will be even better! Please help our school by saving your box tops from all General Mills products. You can place them in the collection box in the back of the church, or you can bring them to the school office. Make a difference for our school. Every time you buy groceries, look for box tops on hundreds of your favorite General Mills products and we can earn cash for our school! Marriages: Please speak with Fr. Tom or Den. Jean Baptiste at least 9 months before your wedding. Access to obtain Pre-Cana information. Please call the Rectory Office to arrange a communion call to the sick or elderly, or a pastoral visit to a hospitalized loved one. Parish Phone Numbers: Rectory: 718-763-2330 Fax: 718-763-6592 School: 718-763-2360 School of Religion: 718-763-2590 Parish Web Site: Rectory Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon and 1–8 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.; National Holidays: Rectory closed. Plymouth Congregational Church We the members of Plymouth Congregational Church extend Christian greetings to all. You are welcome to attend our weekly fellowship and worship services for the preaching of the gospel and exposition of Holy Scripture. Our senior Pastor is Rev. Albert R. Morrison. We are located at 1223 East 96th Street, Brooklyn, NY, between Avenue J and Flatlands Avenue Church: (718) 649-5962 Fax: (718) 649-3702 E-mail: Plymouthcongc Order of services: Sunday Morning: 9:30 a.m. Youth and Adult Sunday School; 11 a.m. Devotional period; continued on next page 33 Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 Religious News... continued from previous page 11:15 a.m. -Worship Service. Monday: 7 p.m. - “Hour of Prayer” Meeting. Tuesday: 7 p.m. Choir Rehearsal. Wednesday Evening: 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. 1st Sunday ~ Communion Observance. 2nd Sunday ~ Youth Ministry. 3rd Sunday ~ Men's Fellowship. 5th Sunday ~ Missionary Service. Temple Emanu-El Of Canarsie Rabbi Joshua Minkin, President Leonard Strum, the Officers and Trustees, extend the Congregation’s invitation to join us for Sabbath Services, Friday evening at 8 p.m., and Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Following Friday services, please join us for an Oneg Shabbat, and after Saturday services, you are invited to join us for a Kiddush. We are a Modern Egalitarian Congregation offering a place within our Sanctuary for all who wish to pray with us. If you are not fluent in Hebrew, that’s okay. You will be able to participate in English in much of our service. Come meet old friends and make some new ones when joining us in service. On Monday November 25th at 7:30 p.m., the annual Brotherhood Service before Thanksgiving will be held. This year, this Ecumenical/Non Denominational Event, hosted by the Canarsie Lions will be held in our sanctuary. Please plan to join us. We wish good health to all who are ailing. If you would like to add a loved one to our Mi Shebeirach list, please call the Temple office. Temple Emanu-El recognizes the Jewish Community’s commitment to Canarsie, and its surrounding areas. We follow the belief that our Temple is a house of prayer for ALL people and all who come in peace are greatly welcome. New members are always invited, and for those who need it, our building is handicapped accessible. Please feel free to visit us at 1880 Rockaway Parkway between avenues M and N, Telephone (718) 251-0450 or E-mail us at Temple1880@aol. com. New Covenant Worship Center New Convenant Worship Center (Centre D’Adoration De La Nouvelle Alliance): Please come and experience the presence of God through a time of praise and worship. Guest preacher: Rev. Dr. Luis Carlo.We will be meeting every Sunday at 11 a.m. at P.S. 66. Come join us as we celebrate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Join us for: Sunday School: 10–11 a.m.; Sunday Service: 11–2 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study: 7:30–9:30 p.m.; Friday Prayer Service: 7:30–9:30 p.m.; (Bible Study & Prayer Service meet at 1415 East 99th Street, between Avenue N and Seaview Avenue) Rev. Yonel Jacques, Pastor /Rev. Venise Jacques, Co-Pastor. Phone (718) 4157097; Fax (718) 513-6430; Congregation Beth Tikvah Rabbi Jacob Greenberg and Rebbetzin Malka Greenberg welcome you to Beth Tikvah’s services daily and on Shabbat. We are located at 8800 Seaview Avenue, across the T HE DEADLINE FOR RELIGIOUS N E W S IS TUESDAYS AT 4:00 P.M. Obituary Listings Are Free There is no charge for the Canarsie Courier’s obituary listings. If you would like your loved ones to be remembered, contact the Canarsie Courier at 718-257-0600 for more information. street from the park. Weekday morning prayers are at 7 a.m. at the Young Israel. Mincha and Maariv are at Beth Tikvah (8800 Seaview Avenue) starting 2:40 p.m. and 6 p.m. Davening on Saturday begins at 9 a.m. and again approximately two hours before the end of Shabbat. On Sunday mornings we daven at 7:30 a.m., after which we have a wonderful Mishnayot class led by Elie Borenstein. Saturday evenings, ladies read Tehillim and learn. Our weekly and special events include learning sessions, movie nights at no charge, special dinners, and much more. If you would like to receive further information, please email Sharon at More general information can be found at our website, We have a friendly, eclectic congregation of all ages, and we love newcomers. Young Israel Of Canarsie Rabbi Baruch M. Leibowitz, as well as the officers and congregants of YIC, welcome the community to join with us for services throughout the year. Candle lighting for Friday evening parshas VAYETZE is at 4:27 pm. Services begin with Mincha at 4:35 p.m. Shabbos morning services begin at 9 a.m. Rabbi Leibowitz’s sermon is at 10:30. Our Sisterhood hosts this week’s Kiddush, and the congregation is cordially invited to participate. Shabbos afternoon youth groups for boys meet at 4:00 p.m. All youngsters are invited. Mincha is at 4:30 followed by seudah shelishis. Shabbos ends with Maariv and Havdala at 5:27 p.m. Monday, November 11th is Veterans’ Day. Please take a moment out of your daily activities to remember all those veterans who served our country throughout its history. Services for this coming week will be conducted each evening at 4:20 p.m., Sunday at 8 a.m. and Monday through Friday at 7 a.m. We are located at 1265 East 108th Street, corner of Avenue M. Our telephone number is (718) 251-2600. Attend services as often as possible. You are always welcome. WANT TO ADVERTISE WITH US? Call (718) 257-0600 Congregation AAA Canarsie & Sephardic Jewish Center Rabbi Myron Rakowitz, President Jeff Beja, Hazan Isac Faineh and Sisterhood President Hermosa Behar cordially invite you to attend our Religious and Educational programs. Everyone is invited to attend our Kiddush this Shabbat after services. The Sephardic Jewish Center of Canarsie conducts regular Shabbat services at Congregation AAA of Canarsie on Glenwood Road and East 95th Street. Services are also conducted on Sunday morning at 8 a.m. At Shabbat services, Rabbi Rakowitz delivers his sermons. A Kiddush follows the service. We thank all the officers and members of AAA Canarsie for their continued hospitality and friendship. The telephone number remains the same – (718) 2570400. Cong. Beit Hillel Rabbi and Rebbitzin Fine would like to welcome you to our shul, a place where every Jew feels connected. We are an Orthodox synagogue that has proudly served the Georgetown and Mill Basin communities for over 40 years. We provide: Daily Minyanim, Weekly shiurim (adult classes), Hebrew reading tutorials, Youth programming, Bar/bat mitzvah preparation, a spacious 300-seat auditorium, full Kiddush and simcha capability. Services Schedule: Shacharit on Sundays at 8:30 a.m, Shacharit on Monday and Thursday and Rosh Chodesh at 6:25 a.m, Shacharit on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:35 a.m, Mincha Maariv weekday services at 4:15 p.m., Shabbat and Yom Tov Parasha Class by the Rabbi at 8:30 a.m., Shabbos men and ladies’ classes at 3 p.m., Shabbos Mincha at 4 p.m. Shacharit at 9 a.m., Ladies & Men study groups, 1 hour before Mincha, Saturday evening – Mincha and Seudah every Shabbos before Shabbos ends! We would be pleased to arrange for you a tour of our facility. We’re located at 2164 Ralph Avenue (corner of Avenue L), Brooklyn, NY 11234 – Phone: (718) 763-2400. www.beithil - Email: OR FAX US AT (718) 272-0870 November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 34 PUZZLEMANIA SUDOKU CROSSWORD PUZZLE Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9. Across 1. Hindu female principle 6. ___-bodied 10. Eyes, poetically 14. Infectious protein causing scrapie 15. “___ here long?” 16. Military rank below sergeant (abbrev.) 17. Financial security (2 wds) 19. Small ornamental ladies’ bag 20. “60 Minutes” network 21. Binge 22. Replace the insides of a coat 24. Capture 25. Deodorant type 26. Government workers (2 wds) 30. Cassandra, e.g. 31. Have the ___ for 32. “Chicago” lyricist 35. Kind of store 36. Copy cats? 37. Get-up-and-go 38. Death on the Nile cause, perhaps 39. Bridges of Los Angeles County 41. Consecrate 43. Not having life 46. Bravery 48. Catch, in a way 49. “Mourning Becomes Electra” playwright 50. Bowed 51. Hale 54. Fellows (slang) 55. Lacking professional skill 58. Highlands hillside 59. Barn topper 60. African antelope 61. Adjusts, as a clock 62. Units of work 63. Consumed Down 1. Particular, for short 2. Kuwaiti, e.g. 3. Smooch 4. Cracker Jack bonus 5. Load 6. Rub away 7. “Cold one” 8. “Malcolm X” director 9. Beseech 10. Feral feline 11. Motor-driven spit 12. ___ Mars, singer 13. Pitch 18. Perfect, e.g. 23. Coastal raptors 24. Vermin 25. Acknowledge 26. Conclusion 27. Western blue flag, e.g. 28. Blood-feeding nocturnal flyer (2 wds) 29. Eye’s watery discharge 33. Containers 34. Horses’ digestive disease 36. Wing, say 37. Cram, with “up” 39. Get-out-of-jail money 40. Subjugate 41. Agreeing (with) 42. Roman sea god 44. “___ Off,” film 45. Sharp, narrow mountain ridges 46. ___ Angel of Death, Australian metal band 47. Accustom 50. [Just like that!] 51. Decree 52. “Cast Away” setting 53. Comparative word 56. Fold, spindle or mutilate 57. Swedish shag rug The answers for Sodoku can be found in the Classified Pages WORD SEARCH The answers for Crossword Puzzle are in the Classified Pages Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to elections. BCNEURPLIA Active Adjusted Admiring Advertisement Again Alien Aware Beauty Bleed Businessmen Cellar Chord Darkest Easel Eleven Enemy Engines Eraser Faded Flats Infinite Intent Loudly Members Moths Naked Parks Punch Quacking Quick Respectable Rings Salads Scary Seems Sentry Single Sings Snows Started Status Sticks Study Stuns Swiftly Thread Today Tones Unlike Venus ANSWER: Republican November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier ALARMS 35 ELECTRICIAN FLOORS GENERAL CONTRACTING C.J.M. CONTRACTING INC. Chris Mullins SECURITY SYSTEMS GENERAL CONTRACTING BATHROOM & KITCHEN RENOVATIONS BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN!!! — Yes, Even FREE — EXPERTS IN FIXING LEAKS, Carpentry, Basements, Attics, Masonry, All Renovations, Stoops, Brickwork, Waterproofing, Pointing, Quality & Service since 1984 DORMERS & EXTENSIONS & INSURED 800-B4-U-R-ROB (800 248 7762) FREE ESTIMATES. LICENSED Lic #0982130 Workers Comp, Liability, Disability Not A Mass Marketer COMPUTER CONTROLLED SECURITY 5% OFF Roofing, Flat Shingles, Windows & Siding WITH MENTION OF AD Call 718-276-8558 APPLIANCE REPAIRS LICENSED AND INSURED PAYLESS APPLIANCE REPAIR • RANGES • REFRIGERATORS • WASHERSAND DRYERS • MICROWAVES • AIR CONDITIONER • DISH WASHER QUEENS, LONG ISLAND, BROOKLYN • INTEGRITY • HONESTY • RELIABILITY 347-351-9356 917-627-4171 CLEANING SERVICE HARRIS PROFESSIONAL CLEANING INC. SPECIALIZING IN OFFICE CLEANING DAILY • WEEKLY • MONTHLY • OFFICES • BANKS • MEDICAL BUILDINGS • SCHOOLS • CHURCHES • SUPERMARKETS GENERAL CLEANING, CARPET & UPHOLSTERY, FLOORS STRIPPED, SEALED, FINISHED & BURNISHED, DUSTING, TRASH REMOVAL & MORE. CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE FULLY INSURED & BONDED 917-701-5008 Legal Notice Notice of Formation of NNRC LLC, a domestic LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 9/12/13. Office location Kings Co. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 199 Lee Avenue Suite, 192, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. October 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. Legal Notice EXPRESS CABLE LLC. Art. of Org. Filed Sec. of State of NY 08/05/2013. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY to mail copy of process to The LLC, 2801 Beverly Road, Apt 3F, Brooklyn, NY 11226. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. October 10, 17, 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 2013. FOR THE BEST PRICES ON LEGAL NOTICES CALL THE CANARSIE COURIER Call: (718) 257-0600 For Details LICENSED ELECTRICIAN A COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE COMPANY • 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE • FIXTURES & FANS HUNG • AC WIRING • ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS UPGRADED • GARDEN LIGHTING • MARINE ELECTRIC & DATA • MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 220 ELECTRIC PANELS • MEMBER NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION • GENERATORS • RESTORE POWER • INSTRUCTOR HEATING CAUCIG UTILITIES, INC. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Let’s talk turkey. Will your heating system work when you turn it on? Call us to make sure it will. From Service Calls To Hi-Tech Design WRITTEN GUARANTEES ON Heating • Radiant Infloor Heating • • Air Conditioning • Ductless Mini Split Systems • Residential • Commercial ALL WORK • SERVING 5 BOROUGHS 718-749-1151 Fully Insured • Bonded Call Legal Notice 664 Sterling Place, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 10/23/12. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 662 Sterling Pl., Brooklyn, NY 11216. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice CITATION – File No. 2011211/A – PA. No. 137393 – SURROGATE’S COURT, KINGS COUNTY – THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent. TO: Attorney General of the State of New York, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, New York City Human Resources Administration, 723 Realty LLC, Consolidated Edison Company of New York – The spouse, if any, and any and all unknown distributees and creditors of MICHAEL E. CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL EDGAR CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHELE EDGAR GERDUK, deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown and if any of the aforesaid persons be dead, to their heirs at law, next of kin and distributees whose names and places of residence are unknown and if the persons died subsequent to the decadent herein, to their executors, administrators, legatees,Legal devisees, Noticeassignees and successors interest NOTICE is herebyingiven that whose names and places of a license, Serial # Pending for residence are unknown and to beer & wine has been applied all other heirs at law, next of for by the undersigned to sell kin andwinedistributees beer & at retail in of a MICHAEL E. CHAHIN, a/k/a restaurant known as Ginza MICHAEL EDGAR CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHELE EDGAR GERDUK, the decadent herein, whose names and places or residence are unknown and cannot after due diligence be ascertained – A petition having been duly filed by the Public Administrator of Kings County, who has offices at 360 Adams Street, Room 144A, Brooklyn, New York 11201, United States. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Kings County, at 2 Johnson Street, Room 319, Brooklyn, New York on December 17, 2013 at 9:30 o’clock in the fore noon of that day, why: (a) The account of proceedings of the Public Administrator of Kings County as Administrator of the estate of MICHAEL E. CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL EDGAR CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHELE EDGAR GERDIJK, a summary of which is has been served herewith, should not be judicially settled; (b) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be paid his commissions to Sushi X Inc. pursuant under the SCPA $2307 in the amount of Alcoholic Beverage Control $1,890.26, as set forth in Law at 2809 Ocean Ave, Schedules C-1 and I of the Brooklyn, NY 11229 for onAccount; (c) consumption. The Public premise Administrator September 12, 19, of 2013.Kings County should not be paid his administrative expenses pursuant to SCPA §1106(3) in the amount of $378.05, as set 718-646-8800 2315 Voorhies Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11235 CAUCIGUTILITIES.COM D EADLINE F OR C LASSIFIED A DS IS T UESDAY AT 4:00 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS forth in schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (d) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the legal fees of Cullen and Dykman LLP, counsel to Petitioner, in the amount of $2,268.32 as shown in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (e) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the disbursements of Cullen and Dykman LLP in the amount of $6.00 as shown in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (f) The claim of 723 Realty LLC by Lilmor Management LLC for rent arrears in the amount of $2,198.23, as set forth in Schedule D, should not be allowed; (g) The claim of Consolidated Edison Company of New York by M&M Recovery Services, LLC for services rendered in the amount of $399.91, as set forth in Schedule D, should not be rejected; (h) The claims of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the New York City Human Resources Administration, if any, should not be fixed and determined; (i) The Petitioner should not be permitted to distribute so much of the net estate to the decedent’s distributees, as now known or hereafter determined, as their interests may appear, and to deposit any amount not so distributed with the Commissioner of Finance of the City of New York to be held for the benefit of decedent’s unknown distributees or for the benefit of any distributees of the decedent who are under disability for whom no guardian of the property has been appointed; (j) The Petitioner, upon fully complying with the Decree to be made in this proceeding, should not be released and discharged of and from any and all liability, responsibility and accountability with respect to the Petitioner’s acts and proceedings as Administrator as set forth and embraced in said account and the Court grant such other and further relief as it deems just and proper. Dated, Attested and Sealed, October 23, 2013, Hon. Margarita López Torres, Surrogate, Doreen A. Quinn, Chief Clerk. Attorney, Richard H. Freeman, Esq., Cullen and Dykman LLP, 44 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005-2407 (212) 701-4175. NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you, and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney. November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. Canarsie Courier 36 PLUMBING MOVING SUPER VAN MAN November 7, 2013 ROOFING VOTED #1 BY TIMEOUT NY ROOFING & SIDING SPECIALIZING IN ROOF REPAIRS SHINGLE & RUBBERIZED ROOFS SIDING/SOFFIT/CAPPING/GUTTERS Serving The Community For Over A Generation FREE ESTIMATES Family Owned & Operated LICENSE #1349130 718-938-8646 PLUMBING WWW.RKELLYROOFING.COM Legal Notice NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: TINYRAMP I, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 08/22/13. Office location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of the process to the LLC, c/o Tesser Ryan & Rochman, LLP, 509 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10022. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. October 17, 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 2013. tant 60 ft. Easterly from property located at a point on the Northerly side of Avenue B, distant 60 ft. Easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of 95th St., and the Northerly side of Avenue B; being a plot 100 ft. x 26 ft. Approx. amt. of judgment is $620,440.76 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. JEROME D. COHEN, Referee. COHN & ROTH, Attys. for Pltf., 100 East Old Country Rd., Ste. 28, Mineola, NY #83236. October 17, 24, 31, 2013. November 7, 2013. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of FENG SHENG, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/13/2013. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THE LLC, 8011 18TH AVE, BROOKLYN, NY 11214. October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 2013. Legal Notice PROBATE CITATION – File No. 2011-4434 – SURROGATE’S COURT – KINGS COUNTY CITATION – THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent – TO NAOMI KOSOWSKA and any unknown issue of ANN KOSOWSKA a/k/a ANN KOSOWSKA THOMAS and any and all unknown persons whose names or parts of whose names, and whose place or places of residence are unknown, an cannot, after due diligent inquiry, be ascer- tained, distributees, heirs at law and next of kin of said SOPHIE KOSOWSKA and if any of the said distributees, heirs at law or next of kin of deceased, be dead, their legal representatives, their husbands or wives, if any, distributees and successors in interest whose names and/or places of residence and post office addresses are unknown. A petition having been duly filed by KEVIN KALES who is domiciled at 948 New Haven Court, Northville, Michigan 48167 – YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE SAMMARTINO, deceased, Citation whereabouts are – File No. 2012 – 2719/A – whose PA. No. 141192 – SURRO- unknown and if any of the GATE’S COURT, KINGS aforesaid persons be dead, to COUNTY – THE PEOPLE their heirs at law, next of kin OF THE STATE OF NEW and distributees whose names YORK, By the Grace of God and places of residence are Free and Independent. TO: unknown and if the persons Joseph Mari, Annette Mari died subsequent to the deceNewell, Annette from Birnberg, Continued page dent 35 herein, to their executors, legatees, Peter Mari, Joseph Mari, administrators, Theresa Petito, Alfred devisees, assignees and sucNapolitano, Lucille Sparrazza, cessors in interest whose Maria Presa, Annette names and places of residence Caudiano, Paula Caudiano, are unknown and to all other Madeline Caudiano, Janet heirs at law, next of kin and Rigatti, Attorney General of distributees of MADELINE a/k/a the State of New York, New SAMMARTINO York State Department of MADELINE MADDALENA Taxation and Finance, New SAMMARTINO, the deceYork City Human Resources dent herein, whose names and Administration. The spouse, places of residence are if any, and any and all unknown and cannot after due unknown distributees and diligence be ascertained: A creditors of MADELINE petition having been duly filed SAMMARTINO a/k/a by the Public Administrator of MADELINE MADDALENA Kings County, who has offices at 360 Adams Street, Room 144A, Brooklyn, NY 11201, United States. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Kings County at 2 Johnson Street, Room 319, Brooklyn, New York, on December 03, 2013 at 9:30 o’clock in the fore noon of that day, why: (a) The account of proceedings of the Public Administrator of Kings County as Administrator of the estate of MADELINE SAMMARTINO a/k/a Madeline Maddalena Sammartino, a summary of which has been served herewith, should not be judicially settled; (b) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be paid his commissions pursuant to SCPA §2307 in the amount of $6,753.16, as set forth in Schedules C-1 and I of the JOSEPH PRESTIA HEATING & MECHANICAL • Gas Boilers • Water Heaters • • Wall-Hung Tankless Water Heaters • • Sales & Installation • • Alterations & Repairs • Boiler Rewiring & Troubleshooting • • Zone Valves • Thermostats • Circulator Pumps • GO GREEN!! Change Your Old Gas Boiler & Receive $500 Rebate 718-382-7648 • 917-796-0063 H.I.C. LIC#802801 F IND Notice of Sale SUPREME COURT: KINGS COUNTY. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON F/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF CIT MORTAGE LOAN TRUST 2007-1, Pltf. vs. HILDA LEWIS, LESTER LEWIS, Defts. Index #7501/09. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered Sept. 3, 2013, I will sell at public auction in Room 224 of the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams St., Brooklyn, NY on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013 at 2:30 p.m., prem. k/a 9509 Avenue B, dis- ME AT WWW. JPRESTIACONTRACTORS . COM Money Mgmt... THIS WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS ARE… Account; (c) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be paid his administrative expenses pursuant to SCPA §1106(3) in the amount of $1,438.29, as set forth in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (d) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the legal fees of Cullen and Dykman LLP, counsel to Petitioner, in the amount of $8,629.73 as shown in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (e) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the disbursements of Cullen and Dykman LLP in the amount of $52.00 as shown in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (f) The claims of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the New York City Human Resources Administration, if any, should not be fixed and determined; (g) The Petitioner Legal Notice 210 NORTH HENRY ST., LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 8/16/13. Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 57 Hausman St., Brooklyn, NY 11222. General Purpose. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice WHOSEYOURLANDLORD, LLC. Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 9/6/13. Office in Kings Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 413 Halsey St., Brooklyn, NY 11233, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. October 17, 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 2013. D EADLINE F OR C LASSIFIED A DS IS T UESDAY AT 4:00 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS before the Surrogate’s Court, Kings County, at 2 Johnson Street, Room 319, Brooklyn, New York, on December 17, 2013 at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, why a decree should not be made in the estate of SOPHIE KOSOWSKA lately domiciled at 1871 West 5th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11223 admitting to probate a Will dated August 24, 2010 as the Will of SOPHIE KOSOWSKA deceased, relating to real and personal property, and directing that Letters Testa-mentary issue to: KEVIN KALES. Dated, Attested and Sealed, October 30, 2013. HON. Margarita López-Torres, Surrogate, Doreen A. Quinn, Chief Clerk – Conners and Sullivan, Attorney for Petitioner 7408 Fifth Avenue – Suite 2, Brooklyn, New York 11209 (718) 238-6500. [NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you.] November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. should not be permitted to distribute so much of the net estate to the decedent’s distributees, as now known or hereafter determined, as their interests may appear, and to deposit any amount not so distributed with the Commissioner of Finance of the City of New York to be held for the benefit of decedent’s unknown distributees or for the benefit of any distributees of the decedent who are under disability for whom no guardian of the property has been appointed; (h) The Petitioner, upon fully complying with the Decree to be made in this proceeding, should not be released and discharged of and from any and all liability, responsibility and accountability with respect to the Petitioner’s acts and proceedings as Administrator as set forth and embraced in said account and the Court grant such other and further relief as it deems just and proper. Dated, Attested and Sealed, September 26, 2013, Hon. Margarita López Torres, Surrogate, Doreen A. Quinn, Chief Clerk; Attorney: Richard H. Freeman, Esq., Cullen and Dykman LLP, 44 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005-2407 (212) 701-4175. NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you, and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney. October 17, 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 2013. November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 37 38 Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 HELP WANTED FOR SALE DAYCARE PERSON NEEDED, must have CPR & first aid experience. Please call Miss Mary (917) 704-2494 Secretary, part time, must have Microsoft Excel & Office knowledge. Call (917) 337-6702 Nice living room set & decor, price negotiable. Call (516) 8286852 PLUMBERS & PLUMBERS HELPERS NEEDED WITH DRIVER’S LICENSE. Matthew (718) 649-0317 (917) 731-6208 POSITION WANTED HELP WANTED Reliable, hard working lady looking to clean your apartment. Call (347) 867-0788 OFFICE FORFOR SALE RENT E. Flatbush: Commercial space available, good for any business. Prime location! $650 monthly. Cutting Edge R.E. (718) 2881101 DEADLINE AUTO WANTED $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ Canon MP47U $ $ Color $ $ printer/copier/scanner. CASH TOP $ $ Requires driver & D OLLAR ON THE software download $ $ SPOT! PAID! from online. $ $ Mint condition! Any Car, Any Condition. Asking $50. $ $ Call Dara Free Pickup Service! * * $ $ (718) 257-3999 $ DRIVEWAY AVAILABLE $ OPEN HOUSE (917) 560-0033 $ $ E86/Flatlands/J: Private driveway for rent, $80 monthly. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (718) 649-1966 JUNK CARS WANTED! (718) 755-5965 AUTO SALE OPENFOR HOUSE Nissan SUV, 2000 w/stereo. Good condition! 1 owner. Highway mileage. (718) 5314202 FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: 4PM TUESDAYS!!! Anecdote 39 FLASHBACK Originally published 6/25/2009 “All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal, opportunity basis.” by Jonathan Gies PUZZLE SOLUTIONS solution 11/7 CROSSWORD CROSSWORDsolution SUDOKU solution 11/7 THIS WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS ARE ... CANARSIE COURIER MAGICAL MYSTERY JENNIFER TERSTENYAK SLAM (STREB LAB FOR ACTION MECHANICS) HOWARD FORTE LIZZETTE SANTIAGO MICHELLE KARON MONDAY NIGHT RAW TINA ESTRADA Please be advised that tickets will be forfeited if winners do not redeem them within a week after being notified. © 2013 Jonathan Gies contact: 40 Canarsie Courier OPEN OPENHOUSES HOUSE HOUSES FOR SALE OPEN HOUSES Saturday 1–4pm 966 Hemlock Street (Stanley Ave & Wortman) Cypress Hills: New construction! 2 family brick semi-detached, 3 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms with 1 bedroom walk-in apartment. Garage! Asking $479,000. Saturday 1–4pm 1102 E 38 Street (btwn Ave I & J) East Flatbush: New listing! 3 family semidetached 4 bedroom duplex over 3 bedrooms. Eat-in kitchen, living and dining room, walk-in finished basement. November 7, 2013 Sunday 12–3pm 332 E 59 Street (Beverly & Clarendon) East Flatbush: Estate sale! Brick 1 family, 2 bedrooms – large rooms! Kitchen, bath, garage, private driveway, enclosed porch & rear deck! Sunday 2–5pm 1041 Remsen Avenue (Farragut & Bedella) Canarsie: Renovated! 2 family semi-detached, 3 bedrooms over 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, living room, dining room & finished basement. Saturday 1–4pm 1148 E 82 Street (btwn Ave K & L) Sunday 1–4pm WE HAVE 1429 E 98 Street MANY MORE (btwn Ave L & Ave M) Canarsie: Brick Beauty! 1 family, 3 bedroom duplex with custom kitchen & bath, private driveway, beautiful bkyd & finished basement. Canarsie: Totally remodeled! Large 2 family semiattached, 6 1/2 over 6 1/2 bedrooms, finished FOR SALE!basement. Driveway in front. Call for Asking only $499,000. 1, 2 & 3 FAMILY HOMES information! Canarsie: 2 family home, 2,640 square feet. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Good area! Well kept! By Owner (917) 650-3300 OMB: 1 family brick 3 bedroom duplex. Walk-in studio, 3 baths, spacious backyard & parking. Broker (917) 312-7775 Georgetown: Attached 2 family duplex, 3 over 1 over 1. $649,000. Broker (631) 8776610 E 57 ST /FARRAGUT ROAD 2 family brick, needs work! 6 1/2 over 4 1/2, finished basement & 2 car garage. High $400s. Call Broker (347) 423-4322 OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Thursday 5–7pm; Sunday 2–4pm 1812 E 92 Street (btwn Skidmore & Schenck) Canarsie: WOW! Move-in condition! Huge semi-detached 2 family brick, with 3 bedrooms over 3 bedrooms. Owner enjoys a 3 room walkin. Private driveway & garage. Price break! Only $539,000. Fin #329033 Saturday & Sunday 1–3pm 105-17 Avenue K FILLMORE R.E. (718) 253-2500 HAVE YOUR AD SEEN. Canarsie: Brick 1 family. 4 bedroom, 3 bath duplex in move-in condition! $399,000. Call HOME EXPRESS REALTY (917) 975-1569 BOLD I T ! OPEN HOUSE Sunday 12–3pm 5916 Ave T (btwn E 59 & E 60 St) Old Mill Basin (East 50s & Ave T):. Beautiful 1 family brick, renovated mother/daughter. 6 1/2 room duplex featuring 3 large BRs, FDR, modern kitchens & baths, full 3 room walk-in bsmt, private driveway & garage. Near shops, transportation & schools. Priced to sell at $495,000! Agent on Premises: Joe (646) 522-1838 (718) 692-4020 KINGS HIGHWAY / E 55 STREET 1 family, newly renovated, large 3 bedroom duplex. Parking, porch & backyard! BROOKLYN REAL PROPERTY Anita: (917) 328-0321 Ray: (917) 543-4200 Canarsie: 2 family brick, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, balcony & backyard. $1,350. Call Owner (347) 651-5318; (718) 927-0403 Canarsie: 1 family, 3 bedroom duplex, parking & backyard. Beverly, Fillmore Real Estate (718) 922-2200 Canarsie: $2,000, good income/ credit. Broker (917) 995-7489 ROOMS FOR RENT CANARSIE CANARSIE Fully furnished and beautiful 2 separate rooms. Large, modernized and newly renovated, with lots of closet space! Private bath, private secured entrance. No smoking/pets. Each has electric, gas, heat, and hot/cold water included. Immediate occupancy. Credit and background check. $987–$1,075. A must see! 2 separate rooms: Small: $350 Large: $600 Owner THIS WEEKEND’S OPEN HOUSES HOUSE FOR RENT (718) 444-3559 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen & bath, no smoking/pets. $180. (718) 763-4948 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. $165 weekly. (347) 494-9503; (718) 484-0822 Canarsie: Large unfurnished, no pets/smoking, $165 weekly. (917) 847-9959; (718) 614-5562 Canarsie: Furnished, shared utilities, no smoking. Julitte/John (718) 781-1041; (646) 533-0446 E. Flatbush: Unfurnished room, $525. Exit All Seasons R.E. (347) 782-8571 Canarsie: Furnished, share facilities, no smoking/pets. Call Owner (347) 866-2715 (646) 797-0378 OMB: Furnished room, share kitchen & bath, $175 wkly w/utilities. Owner (718) 764-7939 Canarsie: Luxury! Shared bath, $600 monthly. No smoking. Owner (917) 319-9732 Canarsie/E87 Street: Large furnished, share kitchen/bath, $700. Call (718) 251-3486 Canarsie: 1 bedroom, private bath, no cooking. $650 monthly w/electricity. 2 months security. (347) 424-7631 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen & bath. $700 monthly w/all utilities. (347) 598-0497 Canarsie: Furnished, share bathroom/kitchen, $150 weekly. Call Owner (347) 874-7420 Canarsie: Furnished, share facilities, $170 weekly. No smoking/pets. (718) 763-7449 Brownsville (near Brookdale Hospital): Large furnished, share kitchen & bath. $175. Katich Realty (917) 803-0652 Subscribe to the JOIN NOW and save over 30% off the OUR newsstand price! FAMILY! Just call (718) 257-0600 Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 41 OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENC E We Have The BEST PRICE D Property! ! GRAND OPENING OF OUR NEW CANARSIE LOCATION!!! 2 LOCATIONS Visit Ask for Jean-Paul TO BETTER SERVE YOU: Corporate Canarsie Office 389 Atlantic Avenue (between Hoyt & Bond Street) Brooklyn, NY 11217 9201 Flatlands Avenue (corner of East 92 Street) Brooklyn, NY 11236 (718) 875-8899 Fax: (718) 875-8895 (718) 272-8988 / (718) 288-9601 Fax: (718) 272-7888 We handle sales, rentals, management, short sales & all your real estate needs! • Landlords – list your apartment with us – NO FEES!! • Landlord protection guarantee program! • Free professional pictures & floor plan! • FREE advertisement! • We KNOW & specialize in SONYMA, FHA, FHA 203K, NACA, NSP2 & many grant programs! PROUD MEMBER OF 2 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES! - BROOKLYN NY MLS & MANHATTAN MLS OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE 1171 E 87 Street (btwn Ave L & Ave K) Fully detached legal 2 family. 3 BRs over 2 BRs, plus LR, EIK & new bath. Full basement with separate entrance. Huge bkyd & parking (easement from pvt lane). Full vacancies! New roof (3 yrs old), windows & HWH, plus much more! Will not last at this price! Don’t miss out! Asking $300s. ID #23-159 OLD MILL BASIN OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 2–4pm 105-74 Avenue N (btwn E 105 & E 108 St) Seaview Village: Newly renovated legal 2 family Waxman split. Huge LR, 3 BRs, 1/2 bath in MBR. FDR & EIK over vacant 1 BR apt w/LR, EIK, FDR & den with 3/4 bath & laundry room! New boiler, baths, roof, siding, concrete partition wall, kitchen & much more! Huge 50x100 w/pvt driveway & backyard. Will not last at this price! Asking $500s. ID #23-048 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2:30–4pm 102-08 Avenue L (btwn E 102 & E 103 St) Brick 2 family, 2 bedrooms over 1 bedroom. Move-in condition! 3 year old roof, new boiler & hot water. Private driveway, 1 car garage & huge backyard. Asking $300s. ID# 23-081 OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Saturday 3–5pm Sunday 12–2pm 1137 E 103 Street (btwn Ave L & Ave M) Canarsie: Back on the Market! Estate Sale! Brick 2 family duplex with 3 BRs over 2 large BRs, plus full basement! Huge LR & FDR, huge BRs, 2 1/2 baths. Laundry is in owner’s unit! New modern bath, Andersen window, roof, boiler & HWH, HWFs, pointing & much more! 2 car parking. Huge price break! NOT a short sale! Don’t miss out! Fully vacant. Asking $400s. ID #12-813 OPEN HOUSE Fully detached all brick legal 3 family (we have C/O). Walk-in apartment with 1 bedroom (owner), + 2 bedrooms in immaculate condition with new eat-in kitchen, bath & balcony (owner). 2 bedroom (or small 3 bedroom) rental w/LR, eat-in kitchen & 1 bath, + balcony. (No lease $1,500/mo. Private bkyd & 2 car garage. New roof, windows, HWH, fence, brick front & more! a showplace! Priced to sell! ID #23-026 Saturday 2:30–4pm 1295 E 92 St (btwn Ave J & Ave K) 2 family semi-detached, 3 bedrooms plus 1 bedroom & hospitality suite for mom. Eat-in kitchen, private parking & backyard. Asking $500s. ID# 23-092. OPEN HOUSE Canarsie (E89/Glenwood & Farragut): Semi-attached UNIQUE brick 2 family with hospitality suite. 3 BRs over 3 BRs & 1 BR, plus full bsmt. Building size 21x66, lot 33x101. 3 electric meters & separate heating boiler on 3rd floor, 1 car garage & huge backyard. ID# 23-004. Saturday & Sunday 2–4pm 566 Drew Street (btwn Glenmore & Pitkin Ave) Highland Park: HOT! Totally newly renovated semi-att’d, 3 BRs over 3 BRs over 1 BR. LR, FDR & modern EIK. HWFs! 2 zone heating. Parking for 3 cars in bkyd & driveway! Fully vacant. Like buying a brand new house! Near shopping & more! Will not last! Great income producer! Live rent free! High quality finish! ID #23-137 Saturday & Sunday 3–5pm Sunday 12:30–2pm 1147 E 100 Street 2 family brick, 2 BRs over 1 BR, move-in condition. 1 car garage & large backyard. Beautiful treelined block! Close to school & transportation. Hurry and make an offer! ID# 23-102 Sunday 12–2pm 10827 Seaview Ave, Unit #36D (btwn Flatlands 9 & E108) Seaview Estates: Best priced duplex! 2 BR condo – short sale! Waterview unit! Well-maintained. Great amenities: Gym, pool, tennis ct, laundry rm, indoor parking,& much more! Call broker for all appointments. Sold as is! Subject to short sale approval. Indoor parking! Asking $100s. ID#23-122 OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12:30–2pm 8610 Avenue L, #501 Canarsie: Rochelle Garden condo! Huge studio with indoor garage. Totally newly renovated! New kitchen, new bath, new boiler. Low common charge. Close to school, shopping & transportation. Why pay rent? Owning is cheaper! Motivated owner! ID #23-153 Sunday 2–4pm 954 E 95 Street (btwn Foster & Farragut Ave) Canarsie: Fully det’d 1 family duplex. 3 BRs, huge LR & FDR, plus den. Huge EIK! 1 1/2 baths. Fin bsmt with 3/4 bath and separate entrance. Huge pvt bkyd! HWFs. Cheaper than a condo! FHA & SONYMA qualified! Will not last. Owner is very motivated! Asking $300s. ID #23-115 CAN YOU USE $45,000* IN GRANTS FOR YOUR NEXT HOME PURCHASE? WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE REAL ESTATE COMPANY NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR THE $30,000* GRANT FOR HOMEOWNERSHIP, WHICH CAN BE COMBINED WITH THE HOME FIRST GRANT FOR $15,000!* FIND OUT IF YOU QUALIFY TODAY BEFORE $$$ RUNS OUT! IMAGINE FINDING OUT LATER AFTER PURCHASING THAT YOU MISSED OUT! STOP BY AT ANY OF OUR BROOKLYN REAL PROPERTY OFFICES, OR CALL TODAY. DON’T MISS OUT! *Subject to program qualification, restriction, guidelines & available funds. Qualification condition to 3rd party approval. Our 40+ SALESPEOPLE FREE speak Creole, French, Chinese, Spanish & more!!! NO OBLIGATION HONEST & FAIR MARKET ANALYSIS! ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED APT. E84/Foster: Fully furnished room, share kitchen & LR, private bath. $250 weekly, negotiable, w/utilities. Clive, Fillmore R.E. (917) 889-1800; (718) 272-6666 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath, $450 monthly w/utilities. Call (347) 218-1523 Canarsie: Large unfurnished, share bathroom/kitchen, $650 monthly. (917) 684-4055 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. Owner (718) 444-5628 Canarsie: Furnished, warm, clean & cozy, near all. $150. (718) 272-0393; (917) 873-9945 Georgetown: Furnished, share bath, $150 weekly. No smoking/pets. (718) 844-4907 Canarsie: Furnished, $145 weekly. Share kitchen & bath. No smoking/pets. Owner (917) 592-4983 Canarsie: Large furnished, private bathroom, shared kitchen, light cooking. (718) 495-2824 E. Flatbush: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. $450. (718) 431-5315 Canarsie: Share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. $550 monthly. (646) 523-9147 Canarsie: Furnished, $170 weekly, cable/internet included. Share kitchen & bath. (347) 861-1612 Canarsie: Furnished, $160 weekly w/utilities. Share facilities. (917) 716-7080 (after 4pm) Canarsie: Furnished, $200 weekly, utilities included. No smoking/pets. Share bath/kitchen. Owner (914) 261-2331; (718) 407-4258 Spring Creek: Unfurnished, no smoking/pets. Call (718) 5131086; (347) 422-2107 Canarsie: Furnished, $640 w/cable. No smoking/pets. Call (347) 598-7061 Canarsie: Large, furnished, share kitchen & bath. $675, utilities included. (347) 792-4118 OMB: Furnished, $175 weekly, 1 week rent, 2 weeks security. No smoking. (718) 377-5116 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. Owner (347) 339-5430 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. $165 wkly. Owner (917) 865-9002 Canarsie: Unfurnished, $650, share bathroom & kitchen. No smoking/pets. (347) 729-8231 Canarsie: Furnished, $650 w/cable. Cutting Edge R.E. (718) 877-8036 Flatbush/E50s: Share bathroom & kitchen, $160 weekly, no smoking/pets. (347) 788-9822 OMB: Large, furnished, share kitchen & bath. Utilities included. 2 weeks rent/security. Owner (347) 742-9828; (347) 453-7962 Georgetown: Unfurnished, share bath/kitchen, no smoking. No brokers. $730 monthly. Big room, walk-in closet! (347) 307-7198 E. Flatbush: 1 1/2 rooms, unfurnished, share bath & kitchen, no smoking. $725 monthly. No brokers. (347) 307-7198 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen, private bath. $700 monthly. Owner (347) 240-6196 Canarsie: Beautiful, unfurnished, share bath/kitchen. No pets. $500 monthly. Broker (347) 393-9403 E. Flatbush/E58: Large 1 bedroom, newly renovated, no smoking/pets. (917) 496-5911 Howard Beach: 1 bedroom furnished walk-in, $1,200. Broker (631) 877-6610 Queens: 1 bedroom, furnished, private entrance. Near all transportation. (347) 268-3720 HAVE YOUR AD SEEN. BOLD IT! UNFURNISHED APT. CANARSIE Studio, $900 monthly with gas & electric. ********************* OLD MILL BASIN 3 bedrooms, move-in condition! $1,800. Near transportation and shopping. VILLAGEVIEW REALTY (718) 531-3585 APARTMENT WANTED Looking for a clean & furnished studio bsmt apt to rent, Canarsie or Flatbush area. $700–$800/ mthly. (347) 525-6146 Is Tuesday at 4 P.M. November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 42 HOUSES SALE OPEN FOR HOUSE “Experience The Difference” 8604 Flatlands Avenue • Office: 718-272-6500 • Cell: 917-952-7771 • Fax: 718-257-3539 FOR SALE OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1–4pm 1196 E 98 Street (btwn Flatlands & Ave J) Canarsie: Absolutely beautiful 2 fam brick house, 2 BRs over 2 BRs over finished bsmt. Built-in garage. Both kitchens are new with granite countertops. Both baths also new. New roof, windows, heating system, floors and much more! You must come and see this beautiful house! Ready to sell! Reasonable price! Ref #341 Canarsie: Beautiful 3 story semi-detached 2 family brick. 3 BRs duplex over 2 BRs over semi-finished basement. Newly renovated kitchens with granite countertops, renovated baths, parquet floors, new roof & boiler. Built-in garage, private driveway & much more! Ref #340 Old Mill Basin: Beautiful 2 family brick, 2 bedrooms over 1 bedroom over finished bsmt. Builtin garage, private drive & private backyard. New kitchen with granite countertop, new stainless steel appliances, parquet floor, new bathroom & much more! Ref #335 Canarsie/Seaview: Beautiful, well-kept, nice and clean! 2 family brick with 3 BR duplex over 2 BRs over walk-in finished bsmt. New roof. Large rooms! Built-in garage, private driveway & private backyard. Great house, great location! Near all! Ref #337 Canarsie: One of the biggest, nicest houses around! 2 family semidetached, 4 BRs over 2 BRs over finished walkin basement. Built-in garage, private driveway, private backyard. New kitchen, updated baths, large BRs, parquet floors & much more! Great location – near all! Ref #338 UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT BO’S PRIME REALTY Canarsie: Studio, $850 monthly w/G&E. 2 security deposits. (347) 424-7631 Canarsie/Paerdegat 15 St: Studio, $900 monthly, G&E included. Owner (917) 913-9306 Canarsie: Studio, Yves, Exit All Seasons Realty (646) 286-7580 Paerdegat: Studio, separate bedrooms, $850 monthly w/G&E included. Cutting Edge R.E. (718) 288-1101 Canarsie: Beautiful studio, $900, all utilities included. Broker (718) 207-3917 Canarsie: Beautiful 1 bedroom, $1,150. How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 E. Flatbush: Large 1 bedroom, newly renovated. Working Section 8. Broker (718) 7242606 Rockaway Pkwy/Ave A: 4 family 1st floor. 1 bedroom, $1,050. Credit & background check. owner (718) 864-3648 Canarsie: 1 BR bsmt, $850 monthly w/G&E. 2 months security. No pets. (347) 424-7637 Canarsie/E94/Foster: Small 1 BR, pvt house, 2nd flr. $1,100. Call Owner (917) 325-9087 E92/Ave D & Foster: Large 1 BR, $1,200, everything included. Ventour R.E. (917) 4843074; (718) 484-9300 Canarsie: Large 1 bedroom, newly renovated, no smoking. $900 monthly. (917) 684-4055 Flatbush (near Bklyn College): 1 bedroom, newly renovated. Call (917) 330-5924 Canarsie: 1 BR basement, $850 monthly w/G&E. 2 months security. No pets. (347) 424-7631 Marine Park/E34/L: 1 bedroom, renovated, $1,100. PATTI, Fillmore R.E. (718) 258-5616 STARTING FROM: Studio $900 monthly 1 bedroom $1,000 monthly 2 bedrooms $1,200 monthly 3 bedrooms $1,500 monthly 8604 Flatlands Avenue APARTMENTS FOR RENT CANARSIE Studio, newly renovated...............$900 ************* CANARSIE Studio, back entrance...................$800 ************* CANARSIE 2 bedrooms................................$1,450 gas & parking included ************* E. FLATBUSH (AVE D) No fees to landlord! We do FULL credit, criminal, VOE, background & eviction search! Nice 3 bedrooms.......................$1,600 Call Beautiful 3 bedrooms................$1,700 gas included (718) 272-8988 or stop by 9201 FLATLANDS AVENUE ************* CANARSIE **************************** MORE APARTMENTS AVAILABLE IN OTHER AREAS! ************************** Call us! CANARSIE / SPRING CREEK Brand new 2 bedrooms, immediate occupancy! $1,400. Broker (917) 541-3679 OPEN HOUSE (718) 272-6500 (917) 952-7771 OLD MILL BASIN Beautiful 1st floor 3 bedrooms & 2 full baths. Hardwood floors. New construction in nice neighborhood! Near all. $2,000, utilities not included. 1 month rent/security. A must see! Call owner for Appointment (646) 281-1417 Saturday 5–6pm 877 Empire Boulevard (btwn Schenectady & Utica Ave) FLATBUSH APARTMENT BUILDING! Crown Heights: 1 & 2 BRs for rent in elevator building. 1 bedroom, newly renovated, new appliances, security cameras & laundry room. $1,300. For more info call: Bertram Babb (718) 251-6077 (after 6pm) KINGS REALTY PROFESSIONALS (347) 526-3501 P L A C E Y O U R C L A S S I F I E D A D ONLINE!! E-mail Ads to: UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. Canarsie: 1 bedroom, newly renovated, $950 monthly. Broker (347) 393-9403 Canarsie/E86 (btwn Glenwood/ Flatlands: 1 bedroom, $1,100, utilities included. LICENSED BROKER (646) 515-4794 Canarsie: 2 BRs, near transportation. No pets/smoking. $1,550. Background & credit check. Owner (347) 607-2330 Canarsie: 2 BRs, $1,500. Exit All Seasons R.E. (347) 782-8571 Canarsie: Lovely 2 bedrooms, $1,400. How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 Canarsie: Beautiful 2 bedrooms, 1st floor. Available immediately. Clean! $1,400. 2 months security. (718) 608-5018 OMB: 2 BR bsmt, $850 monthly w/G&E. No pets. Needs 2 months security. (347) 424-7631 E. Flatbush: 2 bedrooms. Call Yves, Exit All Seasons Realty (646) 286-7580 OMB: 2 bedrooms, quiet block. Private home. $1,550. Owner (646) 259-5673 Rutland: 2 bedrooms, $1,400. Ventour R.E. (917) 484-3074; (718) 484-9300 Canarsie/Paerdegat 3: Beautiful 2 BRs, parquet floor, mint condition! $1,350. LICENSED R.E. BROKER (646) 515-4794 Canarsie: 2 BRs, Yves, Exit All Seasons Realty (646) 286-7580 OMB: Newly renovated 2 bedrooms. Luxury apartment! Mr. Martin (347) 678-4419 Canarsie: 2 bedrooms, newly renovated, no pets/smoking. (718) 531-9209 Linwood: Blvd: 2 bedrooms, near transporation, $1,300. Broker (917) 865-0787 OMB: Large 2 BRs, excellent condition. Close to all! $1,500. Cutting Edge R.E. (718) 877-8036 Canarsie/E105: Modern 2 BRs, $1,550. Credit check required. (646) 764-9945 Canarsie: 2 bedrooms, carpeting, no pets/smoking. $1,400. (718) 251-5814; (718) 314-4002 E. Flatbush: 2 BRs, $1,400, utilities included. Broker (718) 724-2606 Canarsie: 2 BRs, 1st floor, $1,400, heat included. Broker: Leonite (718) 207-3917 OMB: Hot 2 bedrooms, $1,450. 1st floor. Good income/credit. Broker (917) 995-7489 Near Prospect Park: 2 bedrooms, separate DR. HWFs. 1st floor. $1,500. Broker (347) 393-9403 OMB: 2 1/2 BRs, large EIK, private house, 2nd floor. No washer. $1,600. Owner (646) 2425958; (347) 578-4953 Canarsie (E. 104 & Flatlands): 2 1/2 BRs, $1,400. PATTI, Fillmore R.E. (718) 258-5616 Crown Heights: 3 BRs, fully renovated. 2 full baths & HWFs. Gas included. Owner (917) 9132666. Section 8 welcomed! Canarsie: Beautiful 3 bedrooms, $1,700. How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 Flatlands/OMB: 3 BRs, LR/DR, + 3 room attic. Renovated. New appliances. Balcony! Master Plan R.E. (718) 252-6700; (347) 873-9000 ENY/Linden/Cleveland: 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, $1,500. Broker (917) 400-9037 E. Flatbush: 3 BRs, 2 baths, $1,700, negotiable. Broker (347) 712-8016 E92 & Farragut: Large 3 bedrooms, $1,800. Ventour R.E. (917) 484-3074; (718) 484-9300 Eastern Pkwy/St. Johns: 3 BRs, Section 8 only. Ventour R.E. (917) 484-3074; (718) 484-9300 Canarsie/E80s: Renovated 3 BRs, HWFs, 1 1/2 baths, new appliances. $1,850, utilities included. Broker (917) 361-5914 Canarsie: Beautiful 3 bedrooms, $1,900. No smoking/pets. Owner (718) 251-1917 CANARSIE: 3 bathroom dplx, 2 baths, terrace. $1,800. Broker (718) 498-3200 Canarsie: 3 bedrooms, newly renovated, $1,900. Call Owner (718) 444-3675; (347) 444-8630 Canarsie: Large 3 BRs, 2 baths. No pets. Asking $1,900 monthly. Broker (917) 710-1241 Canarsie: New large 3 BRs, 2 full baths. Balcony! $1,650 + utilities. Broker (917) 361-5914 Rockaway Ave: 3 BRs, $1,700. Near transportation. Programs & cash welcome. Sovereign Home Realty (646) 377-6814 Canarsie: 3 bedrooms, $1,600. Near transportation. Broker (917) 865-0787 Canarsie: 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, freshly painted. $1,700 w/gas. (718) 763-1739 E. Flatbush: 3 1/2 bedrooms, 1st floor, near transportation. $1,650. Broker (347) 393-9403 E. Flatbush: 4 bedrooms, HWFs, all programs accepted. $2,200. Cutting Edge R.E. (718) 2881101 Elmont: Carpeted 4 bedrooms, $1,750, all utilities included. Broker: Leonite (718) 207-3917 Take advantage of our special offer! Buy 2 weeks’ ad space and get a 3rd week * FREE! * WANT TO ADVERTISE WITH US? CALL US AT 718-257-0600. OR FAX YOUR AD TO US AT 718-272-0870 Canarsie Courier November 7, 2013 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2–4pm 126 E 88 Street (btwn Ave A & Ave B) Canarsie: 1 family duplex, extra large room 4 1/2 apartment! Full finished basement with separate entrance. New roof, garage & drive, front porch, rear steel deck leading to large bkyd. $13,000 down for qualified buyers! Fin #302022 (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1–3pm Sunday 2–4pm 361 Atkins Street (btwn Blake & New Lots) East New York: New construction! 2 BRs over 2 BRs, plus full fin bsmt with pvt entrance. Guaranteed full vacancy. 2 separate heating systems, all new appliances, porch & top terrace. Asking only $16,500 for qualified buyers. Fin #302028 Saturday 1–3pm Sunday 2–4pm 1255 E 52 Street (btwn Ave I & Ave J) Flatlands (E50s): Huge price break! Detached 1 family, huge 54x100 lot. Used as a reverse duplex. Extra large rooms. Many possibilities! Nice, quiet Flatlands location. A must see! Only $15,000 down payment for qualified buyers! Fin #302015 (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE (718) 272-6666 Canarsie: 2 family brick semi-detached, 2 BRs over 1 BR, 2 car garage with huge bkyd! Fin #302043 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 2 family detached. 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, hardwood floors, ceramic tiles. Move-in condition! Finished basement. Fin #302038 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 1 family plus a 5 room apartment, and a fully equipped dental office with 5 rooms & full basement! Busy Flatlands Avenue location. Excellent situation for a professional. Fin #302021 East Flatbush: 1 BR co-op apt. Spacious! Parquet flrs, big closets. Close to trains, buses, shops & park! Fin #302027 (718) 272-6666 (718) 272-6666 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 2 family semidetached. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge 40x100 lot. Large rooms, full finished basement, private driveway for 3 or 4 cars. Move-in condition! Walk to subway & buses, minutes from Belt Parkway. Fin #302047 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Clean & large 2 bedroom co-op in prime Brigham Park building! Loads of storage. Vacant and ready to sell! Fin #308061 East Flatbush (East 50s): 1 family detached on a 40x100 lot. House is 20x50 with 6 1/2 rooms plus huge full finished basement! Parking for 3 cars. Nice backyard! Priced to sell. Only $14,000 down payment for qualified buyers. Fin #302033 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: Huge 2 family semi-detached in prime Canarsie location! 2 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms, plus finished basement. Fin #308053 (718) Saturday 12–2pm 123-99 Flatlands Ave Apt. #5D (btwn Jerome & Elton St) Spring Creek: 3 bedroom condo with huge master bedroom, granite kitchen counters with stainless steel appliances, and much more! Fin #308066 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12–2pm 971 Jerome Street, Unit #6L (btwn Flatlands & Cozine) Beautiful 2 BR condo in Meadowwood at Gateway. Unit comes with frosted glass cabinets, dishwasher, microwave, bamboo flooring & 3 ACs! Extremely desirable development! Fin #308038 Beautiful semi-detached 3 bedroom duplex, with hardwood floors throughout. Kitchen is 1 year old and has granite countertop and stainless steel appliances, along with entrance to the back porch! Fin #308070 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1–3pm 715 E 85 Street Apt #210 (btwn Glenwood & Flatlands) Warm and cozy 2 bedroom 2 bath condo, with balcony off master bedroom! Private driveway & garage. Fin #308069 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 12–2pm 811 Ashford Street (btwn Linden Blvd & Stanley Ave) East New York: Excellent condition 2 family! 2 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms over finished basement, large backyard, parking for 5 cars, private driveway. Fin #308083 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1–3pm 286 E 38 Street (btwn Church & Snyder) (718) 922-2200 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 1 family attached 3 BR duplex. Living room, dining room, 2 1/2 baths, plus garage, parking & front porch! Fin #308084 (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12–2pm 10568 Avenue L (btwn E 105 St & E 108 St) Saturday 12–2pm 2165 Brigham Street, #2E (btwn Ave U & Ave V) OPEN HOUSE (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 2–4pm 9728 Flatlands Avenue (btwn Rockaway Pkwy & E 98 Street) Sunday 2–4pm 1722 Rockaway Parkway (btwn Ave K & Ave L) HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 2 family brick, 4 BR duplex over 2 BRs, with full finished bsmt. Pvt driveway & garage. Bsmt is totally redone. Too many upgrades to mention! Motivated seller! Fin #202059 OPEN HOUSE 43 (718) 922-2200 Flatbush: New construction! Hardwood floors, large. Over 1,000 square foot apartments! Private parking & balcony. Each unit has own boiler & hot water heater. Fin #308037 (718) 922-2200 HOUSE FOR SALE Huge, extra wide 2 family duplex, 6 1/2 over 4 1/2, plus finished basement. Top floor duplex has been completely gutted and is waiting for a handyman or investor to come in and fix to their liking! There is also a private driveway with parking for 1 car. Fin #308072 (718) 922-2200 November 7, 2013 Canarsie Courier 44 HAVE HEALTHY, CAVITY-FREE TEETH! EXCELLENT DENTISTRY WITH THE LATEST TREATMENTS ENSURE HEALTHY TEETH AND GUMS FALL SPECIAL SURGICAL IMPLANTS JUST $750 YOU WILL EXPERIENCE GENTLE DENTISTRY IN A PROFESSIONAL, COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT WHERE OUR PATIENTS LOVE TO REFER THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS INVISALIGN BRACES NEW PATIENT OFFER 69 $ Reg. Value $140 • • • • EXAM • X-RAYS (BITE WINGS) REGULAR CLEANING & POLISHING ORAL CANCER SCREENING PERSONAL CONSULTATION WITH DOCTOR Limited Time Offer Dr. Ella Dekhtyar & Dr. Ilya Freyberg 718-763-9118 718-693-5455 1763 Rockaway Parkway (Cor. Ave. L) 789 Flatbush Avenue (Cor. Lenox Road) COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION WWW.CANARSIESMILE.COM OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK We Accept Most Insurance & Union Plans • Medicaid • Payment Plans
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