The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA PLANNING
The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA PLANNING
The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA ____________________________________________________________ PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 02, 2015 OPEN SESSION COMMENCING AT 1:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 26 FRANCIS STREET, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, K9V 5R8 MEMBERS Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Andy Letham Isaac Breadner Brian S. Junkin Gord Miller Patrick O'Reilly Heather Stauble Emmett Yeo MEETING # PC2015-13 1 1.0 CALL TO ORDER AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2.0 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.0 PUBLIC MEETING 3.1 PLAN2015-098 4 - 13 Ian Walker, Planner II An application to amend the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law 12-95 to rezone a portion of the land from Environmental Protection (EP) Zone to Agricultural Exception ** (A1-**) Zone on a vacant lot described as Part of Lot 21, Concession 7, Geographic Township of Fenelon, City of Kawartha Lakes, Country Lane (MITOV - Planning File D06-15-021) 4.0 BUSINESS ARISING FROM PUBLIC MEETING 5.0 DEPUTATIONS 6.0 CORRESPONDENCE 7.0 CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES REPORTS 7.1 PLAN2015-070 14 - 42 Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator Application for Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (16CD-09505) to permit a plan of vacant land condominium subdivision consisting of 16 residential units together with a common element area for passive recreation/parkland and environmental protection being vacant land on Sturgeon Point Road, City of Kawartha Lakes (2185396 ONTARIO INC./STURGEON LAKE CLUB) 7.2 ENG2015-015 43 - 51 Christina Sisson, Supervisor, Development Engineering Assumption of Churchdown Gardens Subdivision, City of Kawartha Lakes 2 7.3 PC2015-13.7.3 52 - 52 Juan Rojas, Acting Director of Development Services Verbal Report Valdor Engineering Inc. Request on Behalf of Bromont Homes Regarding Proposed Subdivision Agreement - 90 Logie Street, Lindsay 8.0 ADJOURNMENT 3 The Gorporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes Planning Gommittee Report Report Number PLAN2Oí 5-098 Date: December 2,2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Ward Community Subject: ldentifier: Ward 6 - Fenelon An application to amend the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law 1295 to rezone a portion of the land from Environmental Protection (EP) Zone to Agricultural Exception ** (41-..¡ Zone on a vacant lot described as Part of Lot 21, Conc. 7, geographic Township of Fenelon, City of Kawartha Lakes, Country Lane (MITOV - Planning File D06-15-021). Author/Title: Ian Walker, Planner ll S nature: Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2015-098, respecting "MITOV D06-1 5-021", be received; - Application THAT the application respecting Application D06-15-021 be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time that all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Department Head: Gorporate Services Director / Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 4 Report #PLAN-2O15-098 D06-15-021 (MTTOV) Page 2 of 6 Background: The applicant has submitted an application to rezone a portion of the vacant lot in order to allow a detached dwelling. Approximately 5 ha. of the southeast corner of the property is zoned Agricultural (41) Zone, but does not have access to an improved public street. As such, the owners are seeking to permit the use at an alternate site on the lot. Owners: Valeri and Roumiana Mitov Applicant: EcoVue Consulting Services lnc., Kent Randall Legal Description: Part of Lot21, Conc. 7, geographic Township of Fenelon Designation: Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection, City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zone:' Agricultural (41)Zone and Environmental Protection (EP) Zone on Schedule 'A', Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law No. 12-95 Lot Area: Site Servicing: 43 ha. [100.0 ac. Unserviced Existing Uses: Vacant Land Adjacent Uses East: South: West: - MPAC] North, Forest/Wetland, Agricultural ForesUWetland Country Lane, ForesUWetland Rationale: The lot is located on the east side of Country Lane, to the northeast of Cameron. The applicant proposes to rezone a portion of the lot to allow a detached dwelling and accessory uses. While the Prime Agricultural designation in the Official Plan (OP) permits single detached dwellings, the portion of the lot identified for the proposed residential use is zoned Environmental Protection (EP) Zone, which does not permit residential uses. A Zoning By-law amendment is necessary to permit the use on this portion of the lot. The applicant has submitted the following reports and plans in support of the application, which have been circulated to various City Departments and commenting Agencies for review. 1. Planning Justification Report prepared by EcoVue Consulting lnc., dated September 17,2015. The report discusses and assesses the proposal in context of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, and the Council adopted City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. 2. Scoped Environmental lmpact Study Report prepared by Snider's Ecological Services, dated June 2015. 5 *"ïiJi$);1il,?3i3 Page 3 3. of6 ConceptualPlanlZoning Sketch prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services lnc., dated October 7,2015. The Environmental Protection (EP) Zone must be amended to an Agricultural Exception (41-**) Zone to allow a dwelling as a permitted use. Refer to Appendix 'B'. Staff has reviewed the Planning Justification Report filed in support of the proposed zoning by-law amendment. Staff cannot determine the appropríateness of the proposal at this time as responses from other City Departments and commenting Agencies have not been received. Staff recommend that the application be referred back to staff until such time as commenting Agencies and/or City Departments have submitted comments, and any concerns have been addressed, and to permit discussions with the applicant respecting conformity to applicable policies. Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: This application conforms to the Growth Plan (GP). Section allows that development may be permitted in rural areas in accordance with Section, which directs development to settlement areas, except where related to the management or use of resources, resource-based recreational activities, and rural land uses that cannot be located in settlement areas. This is an existing lot of record located in the rural area, which cannot be located in the settlement area. The proposed use is a dwelling, therefore, this application does not conflict with the GP. Provincial Policy Statement, 201 4 (PPS): Section provides that in rural areas, permitted uses and activities shall relate to the management or use of resources, resource-based recreational uses, limited residential development, and other rural land uses. Section provides that development that is compatible with the rural landscape, and can be sustained by rural service levels should be promoted. Section provides that agricultural and other resource-related uses should be promoted and protected, and non-related development should be directed to areas where it will minimize constraints on these uses. A Scoped Environmental lmpact Study (ElS) has been submitted. This report is currently being reviewed by Kawartha Region Conservation Authority (KRCA), ín accordance with the Wise Use and Mangement of Resources - Section 2; and Protecting Public Health and Safety - Section 3 policies of the PPS. KRCA comments have yet to be received by the Planning Division. 6 Report #PLAN-2015-098 D06-15-021 (MTTOV) Page 4 of 6 Official Plan Gonformity: The lot is designated Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection in the City's Official Plan (OP). Section 15.1 of the Official Plan provides that agricultural land that is primarily Class 1-3 shall be protected from fragmentation, development and land uses unrelated to agriculture. The establishment of an area outside of the Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) protects the potential for agricultural use. This application proposes no change to the existing agricultural land uses or to the existing Environmental Protection designated areas. The applicant has stated that there had previously been a dwelling on this lot. Further, the proposed dwelling will meet the Minimim Distance Separation (MDS) criteria from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (oMAFRA). Therefore, thís application conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. Zoning By-Law Compliance: The lot is zoned Agricultural (41) Zone and Environmental Protection (EP) Zone in the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law 12-95. The portion of the lot identified to be rezoned is zoned EP. The EP Zone does not permit residential uses. The applicant has submitted a Scoped EIS to confirm that the proposed residential use will not negatively impact the natural heritage features and functions which are protected by the EP Zone. The minimum lot area required for the Agricultural (41) Zone is 25 ha. The portion(s) of the property to be rezoned are approximately 2.32 ha. The applicant proposes a site specific Agricultural Exception (41-**) Zone to recognize the deficient minimum lot area. As noted above, the Scoped EIS has been submitted and is currently being reviewed by KRCA, in accordance with the Natural Heritage (Section 2) and Hazard (Section 3) policies of the PPS. The Scoped EIS has delineated the wetland boundaries and other natural heritage features, based on field verification, and recommends that the rezoning of the areas from the EP Zone to an A1 Zone will not result in a negative impact to the natural features. lf the KRCA agrees with this recommendation, the application will comply with all other relevant provisions of the Zoning By-law. Other Alternatives Gonsidered : No other alternatives have been considered 7 Report #PLAN-2O15-098 D06-15-021 (MlrOV) Page 5 of 6 Fi nancial Considerations : There are no financial cons¡derations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. ln the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendations To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Visíon of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with all three (3) priorities: it attracts new residents, provides recreational opportunities, and provides for balanced and healthy natural systems. Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City. Servicing Gomments: The lot is unserviced. The proposed single detached dwelling will be serviced by a private sanitary sewage disposal system and individual well. ln accordance with Section of the PPS, individual services may be used provided that site conditions are suitable for the long-term provision of such services with no negative impact. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to landowners within a 500 metre radius, plan-review agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. To date we have received the following comments: Aoencv Review Comments: The Building Division provided on November 9, 2015 that it has no concerns with respect to the application. Development Services - Planning Division Gomments: The appropriate background studies in support of the application have been submitted and circulated to the appropriate Agencies and City Departments for review and comment. At this time, comments have not been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments. Staff recommend that the application be referred back to staff until such time as comments have been received from 8 *"03å'Jl$);1i1,?3i3 Page 6 of 6 all circulated Agencies and City Departments, and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Conclusion: ln consideration of the comments and issues contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time as comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments, and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Attachments: Appendix'A' El- - Location Map Þ Appendix A, pdf Appendix 'B' El- - Sketch for Zoning Amendment - dated October 7,2015 Þ AppendÍx B.pdf Appendix'C' @l'l - Aerial Photo Þ Appendix C.pdf Appendix'D'- Aerial Photo with PSW - Official Plan Schedule'B' ElÞ Appendix D. pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 ext.1368 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1368 E-Mail: iwal ker@city. kawa rtha lakes. on. ca Department Head: Juan Rojas, Acting Director Department File: D06-15-021 9 Geographic Township of Fenelon APPENDIX to REPORT Lot22 o n Pril-izots- FILE NO. c(ú A t5-02\ Bear Rd J l.l-, c o O = SUBJECT LAND Lot 21 LO cf) ñ -c = (unope ned road al lowance) #837 Lot 20 #796 Con. 6 Concession 7 I 10 .9) - Ar€a of Prcpoæd Bu¡ld¡ng Site l-'¡t 2? Lai 22 s i,rln 7 5 +709m Uplånd Argas to bê R€zonêd I 15m Rad¡us From P@posod Wel¡ Lol 21 Tank Proposed Drilled Well I Proposod Sêptic Bed Area (25mx2om = 5OOm2) Éntranæ ilon E l-s1,7-1 6 Dêtâil 5.0 t620 to Seasonal Dwelllng q : J l-o1 20 i-ai Con Crn I .4 9 ?¡.1 ßflr'"ri¡\¡Fn ft&È.rn ! r, Ì.-{r ocÏ ? t r Crty 2()l5 I ¿ (' oj K¡w¡('r' DeveloPmenl Sorv¡'ê' Plùnninq Dr!lsroh Detail PROJÊCTNO: É@vu'cd'u*n!!'d-.'c r å ÆYüt'';i#'H#tu, 1+1501 CHECKED BYi DATE: FIGURENO, od7 2015 2 \Aler¡ Mitov Pruertv Pai!,ot 21 conJts¡on z P U fEneton Tofifi'fhio concetlJar eran rfli"é sR,"r, f; U \) A (ri Ilc erì . 11 x lcY l> lg t.- ytò O =4 l.n l.-s ül Country Lane, Part Lot 21, Conc. 7, geographic Township of Fenelon rifi^*1@ coN LOT 7 21 coò¡ 7 LOl n Legend : tr o coN 6 t-oT 2L Propose d A1 Z ones (a proxi mate Road Centreline Upper Municipalities Populated Places Water Labels Property ROLL# coN 7 n LOT 2T Lots and Concessions Citations CON 7 LOT2l ,! :D z o 'n c Pibposed Building Envelop e coN vo 7 LOT 1g 6-. I Subject Property rloN 6 LÕT 2Lì r^ I O yJ Notes 0.54 Kilometers WGS_1 984_Web_Mercalor_Auxiliary_Sphere O City Of Kawartha Lakes l¡oFfl{ ^. This map is a user generated stâtic output from an lnlernet mapping s¡te and is lor reterence only. Data layers thal appear on this map may or may not be accurale, current, or otheMìse reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR LËGAL PUPOSES 12 m -Ð :U --l lç lz lc.J lc l1 lc L-0 w -u o -il m z U x o Gountry Lane, Part Lot 21, Conc. 7, geographic Township of Fenelon ß*:::@ :.*iAg. tl. cot¡ I' 7 LOÏ21 col.¡ LAT 7 N Legend coN Wetlands 6 LOT 22 Locally S¡gnifi €nt Wetlands Provincially Signif iænt Wetlands Propose d A1 Zone S (approxi mate coN : n e 7 LOT 2O Road Centreline Upper Municipalities Populated Places Water Labels Property ROLL# I CO¡¡ Lots and Concessions Citations 7 LoT21 rm ÐÞ m *-i9 -T.lou o Åq ft Prbposed Bu¡lding Envelop e coN ots z 7 LOT 19 ,4 Subject Property û t va ÏE tç lr IF Notes OP Schedule B - PSW (Green) 0.54 Kilometers WGS_1 984_Web-Mercator-Auxiliary_Sphere @ Cily Of Kawarlha Lakes ^ôr IOFH This map is a user generêted stat¡c output from ân lnlernet mapping site and ¡s lor refeÍence only. Data layers thal appear on this map may or may not be accurate, currenl, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR LÊGAL PUPOSES 13 L X ç1 The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN2015·070 Date: December 2, 2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Ward Community Identifier: Ward 6 Subject: Application for Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (16CD09505) to permit a plan of vacant land condominium subdivision consisting of 16 residential units together with a common element area for passive recreation/parkland and environmental protection being vacant land on Sturgeon Point Road, City of Kawartha Lakes. (2185396 ONTARIO INC./STURGEON LAKE CLUB) Author: Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator Signature: 9Qeny L'"({:,e8 Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN20 15-070, respecting Applications D04-29-002 and 006-29-052, being Part of Lots 17 and 18, Concession 10 and Part of Lot 17, Concession 11, geographic Township of Fenelon, now City of Kawartha Lakes and being vacant land on Sturgeon Lake, be received; THAT Zoning By-law Amendment, Application 006-29-052, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "F" to Report PLAN2015-070 be approved and adopted by Council; THAT the Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (16CD-09505), Application 004-29-002, as shown on Appendix "B" and the conditions substantially in the form attached as Appendix "G" to Report Plan 2015-070, be approved and adopted by Council; THAT pursuant to Section 34( 17) of the Planning Act, Council deems the change to the proposed By-law to be minor and no further public notice is necessary; and Department Head: Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 14 Report PLAN2015-070 2185396 ONTARIO INC./ STURGEON LAKE CLUB, 004-29-002 & 006-29-052 Page 2 of 10 THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Background: The statutory public meeting was held by the Planning Committee on April14, 2010 and following resolution was passed: Moved by Councillor Luff, seconded by Councillor McGregor, RECOMMEND THAT Report OEV2010-027, "2185396 Ontario Inc./Marmora Mortgage Corporation- OPA, ZBA and Draft Plans of Subdivisions and Common Element Condominium, respecting Files 00116-181, 004-29-002, 005-29-027 and 006-29-052", be received; THAT the applications respecting the proposed official plan amendment to the Victoria County Official Plan, zoning by-law amendments to the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law, draft plan of subdivision 16T-05504 and draft plan of common element condominium 16CD-09505 be referred back to staff until such time that the draft plans of subdivision and condominium have been revised to reflect: a. the 248.4 mASL floodplain line for Sturgeon Lake, which demonstrates that the proposed lots will not extend into the floodplain; b. the 15 metre natural vegetative buffer on either side of the watercourse which KRCA has identified as a warm water fish habitat; THAT the Owner has addressed the engineering concerns raised by KRCA being: c. The 100-year flood elevation at this location is 248.4 mASL. KRCA requires a freeboard of 0.3 above this elevation, for 248.7 mASL. The consultant is incorrectly basing the design on a flood elevation of 248.7 mASL and adding the 0.3 freeboard to this. d. Figure 3 of the Niblett report should show the proposed draft plan. This would provide greater clarity of the limits of the environmentally sensitive vegetation communities within the proposed development. e. According to the hydrogeological report, the groundwater elevations on Lots 1 and 3 will not accommodate the proposed finished floor elevations. It is understood that Lot 13 will have no basement, but it may be that the high groundwater elevation may require a different finished floor elevation for the slab-ongrade foundation. 15 Report PLAN2015-070 2185396 ONTARIO INC./ STURGEON LAKE CLUB, 004-29-002 & 006-29-052 Page 3 of 10 THAT the Owner has addressed the concerns raised by Engineering regarding stormwater management, grading and drainage, and reflect the correct floodplain elevation for Sturgeon Lake. THAT the Municipality is in receipt of the completed peer review of the Updated Hydrogeological Assessment Report and it be demonstrated by the Owner that the shallow aquifer which is to supply the proposed development can be adequately protected. THAT Planning staff be part of the meeting between the applicant and the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority. CARRIED PC2010·014 Owner: 2185396 ONTARIO INC. c/o Paul Durst Applicant: TO Consulting c/o Tom de Boer Legal Description: Part of Lots 17 and 18, Concession 10 and Part of Lot 17, Concession 11, geographic Township of Fenelon, now City of Kawartha Lakes. Official Plan: Designated Shoreline and Rural on Schedule "A" of the Victoria County Official Plan and identified as containing a Sensitive Area on Schedule "B"- Sensitive Area Mapping. Zone: Agricultural (A 1) in The Town ship of Fenelon Zoning By-law No.12-95. Total Area: Approximately 40.24 ha. Site Servicing: Proposed servicing is individual wells and private sewage disposal systems. Condominium roadway is proposed. Existing Use: Vacant Land Adjacent Uses: North: West: South: East: Undeveloped bush/scrub and agricultural lands. Sturgeon Lake and additional undeveloped land owned by 2185396 Ontario Inc. Undeveloped bush/scrub and agricultural lands. Shoreline residential development along Sturgeon Lake. (Blythe Shore Road, Gold, Bronze, Crystal and Silver Streets) Rural residential, undeveloped bush/scrub and agricultural lands 16 Report PLAN2015-070 2185396 ONTARIO INC./ STURGEON LAKE CLUB, 004-29-002 & 006-29-052 Page 4 of 10 Rationale: The subject land consists of 40.24 ha. and is located on the west side of Sturgeon Point Road and adjacent to Sturgeon Lake. See Appendix "A" attached. Applications for zoning by-law amendment and draft plan of subdivision were originally filed in August of 2005 byE-Landmark Corporation to permit a residential plan of subdivision consisting of 33 residential lots with a minimum lot area of 0.4 ha. together with parkland and environmental protection blocks. A public meeting was held October 18, 2005 and the matter was referred back to staff to address agency concerns regarding proposed lots in the floodplain of Sturgeon Lake, recognition of wetland areas, stormwater management issues, and water quality and quantity issues. In February of 2009, IBI Group on behalf of the current owner, 2185396 Ontario Inc. /Sturgeon Lake Club, submitted a revised draft plan of subdivision consisting of 16 residential lots with a minimum lot area of 0.9 ha. The revised plan of subdivision contained a 25 ha. parkland/environmental protection block and a road widening block along Sturgeon Point Road. Access to the lots was proposed via a common element condominium road from Sturgeon Point Road with the maintenance to be the responsibility of the property owners within the plan of subdivision. The revised applications were considered by the Planning Committee on June 10, 2009 wherein they were referred back to staff as preliminary comments identified the requirement for an official plan amendment to the Victoria County Official Plan (VCOP) to permit the creation of 16 contiguous residential lots that each had waterfront (Section 6.7.2). The applicant submitted an official plan amendment for a special policy area together with a planning justification report that supported the request. The applications were further revised and returned to Planning Committee on April 14, 2010. Kawartha Conservation did not support lot creation in the floodplain of Sturgeon Lake and requested that the plan be revised to remove development from the floodplain. As a result of a subsequent revision andre-submission, it was determined that an official plan amendment was no longer required, as the development would be considered cluster development in accordance with the VCOP. In addition, the following issues were to be addressed: 1. A Lake Capacity Study be undertaken with respect to the development and reported back to Committee. This request is no longer required as the environmental evaluation undertaken in support of the application concluded that the revised development would have no significant impact on the lake, sensitive areas or the locally significant Sturgeon Lake #14 Wetland. 2. A Hydrogeological Study be conducted, at the expense of the applicant. At the time, an Updated Hydrogeological Assessment Report was forwarded to Malroz Engineering for peer review as they were the City's peer reviewers for the original proposal. Comments regarding servicing are addressed later in the report. 17 Report PLAN2015-070 2185396 ONTARIO INC./ STURGEON LAKE CLUB. 004-29-002 & 006-29-052 Page 5 of 10 3. Fish spawning areas at this location be reviewed. The applications were circulated to the Department of Fisheries and at the time of drafting of the previous report, no comments had been received. The development proposal has been revised to ensure that the shoreline and floodplain area will now be in common ownership under the Condominium Corporation. 4. Kawartha Conservation advised that the floodplain elevation for Sturgeon Lake is 248.4 mASL and requested a revised site plan illustrating that the proposed lots will not extend into the floodplain. 5. Kawartha Conservation identified engineering concerns regarding the flood elevation, the limits of the environmentally sensitive vegetation communities within the proposed development, and groundwater elevations with respect to Lots 1, 3 and 13. 6. Kawartha Conservation recommended that the 30 m. wetland buffer, the floodplain, and the watercourse buffer (i.e. 15m. from either side of the watercourse) be zoned Environmental Protection (EP). Since 2010, the applicant has been working to achieve a satisfactory hydrogeological assessment for the development of the land. The City's peer reviewer continues to be Malroz Engineering. In addition, through further investigation of the comments and concerns raised by KRCA, it was determined that the lots were still proposed within the floodplain and within environmentally sensitive areas. A wetland compensation plan was submitted to KRCA and received Board approval in late 2014. Further, the applicant introduced the development concept of a vacant land condominium as being an alternative development process for the property. In May of 2015, the applications for Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision were withdrawn and the applicant is now requesting approvals of a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (VLC). Section 34(17) of the Planning Act permits Council to consider changes made to a proposed zoning by-law after the holding of a public meeting and determine whether any further notice is to be given. The applicant submitted a solicitor's opinion that no further public meeting under the Planning Act is required. The development proposal of creating 16 residential lots has not changed, just the mechanism to create the lots. As a result of the change in the development concept, the applicant took a comprehensive approach to the resubmission and updated all the background reports. The resubmission included the following: 1. Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (VLC) prepared by TD Consulting and dated February, 2015. The draft Plan illustrates the proposed 16 residential units on the condominium plan. See Appendix "B" attached. 2. Draft Reference Plan prepared by Ivan B. Wallace and dated September 16, 2015. The draft Reference Plan illustrates the common elements to the VLC which include the road, wetland blocks, passive recreation area, drainage 18 Report PLAN2015-070 2185396 ONTARIO INC./ STURGEON LAKE CLUB, 004-29-002 & 006-29-052 Page 6 of 10 easement and trails for controlled access to the shoreline through the sensitive floodplain area. See Appendix "C" attached. 3. Planning Justification Report (PJR) prepared by Josh Morgan of Morgan Planning & Development Inc. and dated March 31, 2015. The report provides the planning justification for the development proposal in the context of provincial legislation and the municipal framework. 4. Environmental Evaluation prepared by Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. and dated January, 2015. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the potential impacts of the development on Sturgeon Lake and the locally significant Sturgeon Lake #14 Wetland. 5. Wetland Compensation Plan prepared by TD Consulting and dated July, 2014. The Plan received KRCA Board approval late 2014 and illustrates the wetland area to be compensated and the wetland area to be created (within the proposed passive recreation area). See Appendix "D" attached. 6. Updated Hydrogeological Assessment Report 2 prepared by GHD. The report concludes that provided the sewage disposal systems are properly constructed, the proposed residential development is expected to have a negligible impact of the existing base-flow conditions and on the water quality of the principal aquifer system. Further, the report concludes that the use of properly drilled wells that are certified should be sufficient to provide ample potable groundwater while preserving the water quality of the aquifer complex. 7. Preliminary Site Plan prepared by TO Consulting and dated December, 2014. The Site Plan illustrates the location of building envelopes, septic systems, drilled wells together with preliminary road and drainage channel cross sections and preliminary grading for the wetland compensation area. See Appendix "E" attached. Applicable Provincial Policies: Staff reviewed the Planning Report submitted in support of the applications and accepts the planning rationale contained in the report with respect to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) and the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). The applications serve to permit residential development that is recreational and resource based. The owners of the units will have controlled access to the shoreline area through a trail network that will be constructed and maintained by the Condominium Corporation in accordance with the recommendations agreed to by the City, KRCA and the TSW and these recommendations will form part of the Site Plan Agreement and/or Condominium Agreement. City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan: The City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan was adopted by Council on September 19 Report PLAN2015-070 2185396 ONTARIO INC./ STURGEON LAKE CLUB, 004-29-002 & 006-29-052 Page 7 of 10 2 1, 201 0 and approved by MMAH on June 8, 2012. The applications were submitted prior to the adoption of City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan therefore. the policies of the Victoria County Official Plan prevail. Official Plan Conformity: The land is designated Shoreline and Rural on Schedule "A" of the Victoria County Official Plan and identified as containing a Sensitive Area on Schedule "B" - Sensitive Area Mapping. Residential development is proposed within the Shoreline designation while the passive recreation and wetland compensation area are located within the Rural designation. The land identified as being within the Sensitive Area of the Official Plan will be zoned Environmental Protection (EP) to protect the sensitive features. The applicant has submitted the appropriate background studies to demonstrate conformity with the Victoria County Official Plan. Zoning By-law Compliance: The land is zoned Agricultural {A 1) on Schedule "A" of the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law. The applicant has requested a zoning amendment to Rural Res idential Type One (RR1) to permit the residentia l use. The proposed lot area and frontage maintain the development standards of the RR1 Zone. In addition , two Environmental Protection Exception (EP**) Zones are requested to identify the passive recreation area which includes the wetland compensation area and permits the private condominium road . The second EP** Zone will encompass the entire western area adjacent to the proposed residential units. This EP** Zone will incorporate the floodplain area, the buffer area for the Sturgeon Lake #14 Wetland and the drainage/watercourse area between units 12 and 13 and will permit the access trails to the shoreline. The access trails are identified as Parts 10, 14, 16 and 18 on the draft reference plan attached as Appendix "C". Staff also recommends that a Holding {H) provision be applied to the land until such time that the required Site Plan Agreement and Condominium Agreement are executed and registered on title to the property. The applicant can then apply to have the H provision removed . Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives were considered at this time. Financial Considerations: There are no financial considerations unless Council's decision respecting the approval or refusal of the zoning amendment or draft approval request of the plan of condominium is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board . In the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. 20 Report PLAN2015-070 2185396 ONTARIO INC./ STURGEON LAKE CLUB, 004-29-002 & 006-29-052 Page 8 of 10 Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. These applications align with the Prosperity and Quality of Life priorities in that new residents will be attracted to the City with the creation of a rural residential development that will have access to passive recreational areas and the shoreline of Sturgeon Lake. Review of Accessibility Implications of Any Development or Policy: The accessibility standards established in the Building Code will be shown on the subsequent construction drawings, which must be approved by the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. Servicing Comments: As previously noted, the applicant has been working to achieve a satisfactory hydrogeological assessment for the development of the land. At issue, is water quality and the requirement for water treatment, water quantity in seasonal dry years and the water source which is from a shallow aquifer that is not well protected (i.e. external factors such as road salt and other de-icing materials and spills may affect groundwater). Both the applicant's Hydrogeologist and the City's peer reviewer acknowledge the risk and advise that the risk can be mitigated through draft plan conditions which will be incorporated into the Site Plan Agreement and/or Condominium Agreement between the owner and the City. Staff is recommending that Offers of Purchase and Sale include the recommendations of the Hydrogeologist. These recommendations/conditions include no heating oil or geothermal systems, no bulk storage or application of herbicide/pesticide, no bulk storage of fuel, fully raised septic beds installed down gradient of any wells, well installation by licensed well contractors and each well to be pump tested by qualified hydrogeological personnel prior to the issuance of a building permit and water treatment equipment on a lot by lot basis. See Appendix "G". It is also recommended that the implementing Zoning By-law apply a Holding provision to the property until such time that the necessary agreements are registered on title to the property. Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium conform to the Growth Plan and are consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement. Conformity with the Victoria County Official Plan has been demonstrated. Staff respectfully requests that the applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium together with 21 Report PLAN2015-070 2185396 ONTARIO INC./ STURGEON LAKE CLUB, 004-29-002 & 006-29-052 Page 9 of 10 recommended conditions of draft plan approval be referred to Council approval and adoption. Attachments: Appendix "A" - Location Map Appendix 'A' Locatlon Map. pdf Appendix "B"- Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium dated February, 2015 Appendix 'B'- Draft Plan of vacant L:tnd < Appendix "C"- Draft Reference Plan dated September 16, 2015 Appendix 'C' - Draft Reference Plan. pdf Appendix "D"- Wetland Compensation Plan dated July, 2014 Appendix 'D' • Wetland Cornpensatie Appendix "E"- Preliminary Site Plan dated December, 2014 Appendix 'E' Prelirrinary Site Plan., Appendix "F11 - Draft Zoning By-law Appendix 'F' - Draft ZOning By-law. pdf 22 Report PLAN2015-070 2185396 ONTARIO INC./ STURGEON LAKE CLUB, 004-29-002 & 006-29-052 Page 10 of10 Appendix "G" - Proposed Draft Plan Conditions Appendix 'G' Proposed Draft Plan< Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1331 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1331 E-Mail: Department Head: Acting Director of Development Services, Juan Rojas Department Files: 004-29-002 and 006-29-052 23 APPENDIX " A " to Location Map 'GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF VERULAM' Other land owned by applicant t . Sturgeon Lake N + 24 0 125 250 500 MeteB ~ Q z w 0... CL c( BLOCK 1 RECEIVED ~ 0 0 cc 0 a: r STURGEON LAKE CLV8 PART" OF lOlS tl ~ 1a_ COf~CESSICtt tO, AND PART Of \.OT 17, z AUG 2 4 2015 Ll City of Kawattlla La~es Developm~nt Services Planning Division w _J CL UJ 0.184hQ. CITY OF KAWARTHA I..AJ<ES DRAFT PLAN OF VACANT LAND CONDOMINIUM CONCE.SSI:IH 11 G'EOG=tAoPHIC TOWJ'~$HIP OF FENE1.0/Il <:r"'Of.KAWARJ'lol.A.l.A'<iS t tOT II ~~~ - .......- ,., .... .-_...,..........,.,..~-...w.- ...o,._ ~_:g:::--~ W11? :.:= . . ..._. ~II ::::-~ ~.,.. ~00~"'1 ......~-~~-.......,. ...........c.~~,.... - -...~ !:.=r"':~':':---~--.IM'QI,'I' CKnN.I\ _ _. . . . . , _ c~-~~-..---~-.~~--------- ~--- L()T 18 !XWa:ss:Klfil ,, - ,~ '"'-"-"··"-"'~=------ _ -- ~-- ...... -"""' -· __ _._ . . -- ---_.., ... tift TD Consulting wr ttJ CCNc£s5>0N "' 25 ..- ·--···- ........... _:_:........... 1 ..__ I -~~:..11~ 1.. _ • PART 1 :; PART I Ri .,:, -~-· ·:' ...,,.,.,.\ ....... PAPT 6 lOT COHC!:SSJCIN ... "' ',..,=E.=E:~'-~ ____..;z..~.:.=~~ ;~ ~~.;~'l~l"flCo\'lt: JJ rn ~.r .. -o 0 JJ -i •;;;,r. •'.! :."'t 0 J> -o '1J m z 0 x . 26 • rJ «<I'IMJ' ,.... . ? r t A X 5 z w 0.. 1-- 0 a.. ..... < d a: .::.. l.i..· 0 0... w a: u .,.. . ...... .... _ ,._"C"'o_ .. -..........·- ----__,_. ~ ~ -"--ru•- ,-·-.... . ~ ....,. ,0...., L .J T ·-, \ I -- ~!=::.;.""::.t.--..,...c..........ICloi .. O- ... .,11-'-'- 1 \ '.,.· \ 1 t\.OOOPUIN ~'i~M - .~ -.,... - -,.... \ i \ . \ ....._¥~-··- ..~·-· \ TD ConsuHing 27 I DbSfUI':~.otl I I t --D Q LfJT t() " .__.._....,..,.. (.0/I':!S~OII .1; ...-.c .....,..,. ~ il~~ ~~'" ~ ·>~~· ( - oN-. •( ...,.... :,:~:.:···:-"'"' ~;-.c~1;l ~ •o:» v."t••"' S'ft9 ~ _...J,.... =?~=: = ~:::: /~ ~~...:~-::~ · ,.. •t'ft!IIUN!tt-~d • • .... , ..... ... .... .. n .. • ""•*""' C';Io' ¥~.L """t" • ~ ~ ...- ...... ""."~ ...n ... ~ ·-··~ ~"':O!H ...... ! ) ..,.. . ... ;,~ ~..•; ·~ .... •:·,.,. ...... .. ,:., .... '( :•'f!'7' .'1:~~= :<;:•;) 1':1¥' ... lNII.W!t ~·~·· •)'·~t' ~~ .... :l =~ "~ ;.o<: ~· -..~:: ·~=· '"" :l.:!l .. ~~ •''·' ...... £X:5111>'C ;~t-.fM.nn:.u ~Slii>G: FlX'OPl~ ELCV ?4&-UJ TD Consulting ..... -~,..,..--~ ~ ·~ST:JRGEON -..AKE CLUB 5 ruRce:o'-~ ~-~.:.!.0!1 28 APPENDIX II to -----• THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWART~Ai.AKES I} ... 1 ~A t.PORT ..fLII"~oolfj - Cf]p • BY-LAW 2015- tj. 9 ~ O?Q t; IL - ~~o~ A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF FENELON ZONING BY·LAW NO. l"2:g TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File 006-29-052, Reports PLAN2005-167, DEV2009-047, DEV2010-027 and Pl.AN2015-070 respecting Part Lo1s 17 and 18, Concession 10 and Part Lot 17, Concession 11, geographic Township of Fenelon, and being vacant land on Sturgeon Point Road- 2185396 ONTARIO INC.ISTURGEON LAKE CLUB] Recitals: 1. Section 34 of the Pfenning Act authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2. Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to permit a 16 unit residential plan of vacant land condominium together with common element areas for passive recreation/par1dand and environmental protection. 3. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. 4. Council deems It appropriate to rezone the Property. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the Clly of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015·_. ISection 1:00 Zoning Details 1 .01 Property Affected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as the Part of Lots 17 and 18, Concession 10 and Part of Lot 17, Concession 11 , geographic Township of Fenelon, now City of Kawartha lakes, being vacant land on Sturgeon Point Road. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 12-95 of the Township of Fenelon is further amended by adding the following sections to Section 5.3: 5.3.6 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION EXCEPTION SIX HOLDING (EP-6(H) Zone Notwithstanding the permitted uses in Section 5.1 , on land zoned EP-6(H) no boat ramps, boathouses or dredging is pennitted although the EP-6(H) Zone shall permit recreational trails. On land zoned EP·6(H), the removal of the {H) shall be in accordance with the following: a) The owner shall enter into a site plan agreement and a condominium agreement with the City for any development on the land. 5.3.6 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION HOLDING (EP-7(H) Zone EXCEPTION SEVEN Notwithstanding the permitted uses in Section 5.1, land zoned EP-7(H) shall permit a private condominium road and include a KRCA approved wetland compensation area. On land zoned EP-7(H), the removal of the (H) shall be in accordance with the following: 29 · b) The owner shall enter into a site plan agreement and a condominium agreement with the City for any development on the land. On land zoned RR1(H), the removal of the (H) shall be In accoo:lance with the following: c) The owner shall enter into a site plan agreement and a condominium agreement with the City for any development on the land . 1.03 Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law No. 12·95 is further amended to change the zone category from the Agricultural (A1) Zone to Rural Residential Type One Holding (RR1(H), Environmental Protection (EP), Environmental Protection Exception Six Holding (EP·6(H) and Environmental Protection Exception Seven Holding (EP-7(H) Zones, for the land referred to as 'RR1(H)', 'EP', 'EP-6(H)', and 'EP· 7(H)'. I Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-la w read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this •• day of December, 2015. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Cunins, City Clerk 30 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW _ THIS _ MAYOR _ _ __ _ DAY OF - ____ _ _ _ PASSED - - - - 2015. CITY CLERK - - - - - - - Geographic Township of Fenelon Con. 11 Lot18 E C\l 3 L.. Q) > LO ~ 0 .Q- "C EP-7(H) ro 0 0:: ~ C/) c 3: _j 0 ~ Iu ·-c. Lot 17 ~ ~ C'l 0 Q) C) EP-7(H) ... 'U 0:: c:: ·o Sturgeon Lake 0.. c 0 (1) ~ Lot 16 31 ::J ..... (j) Draft Plan o1 Vacant Land Conditions 2185396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon Lake Club 1scoogsos.A~~~j5(.oo2 /"::.' t..1 • CONDITIONS OF DRAFT PlAN APPROVAL· 2185396 ONTARICiaNC. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This approval applies to the draft plan of vacant land condorl)lr.t)4fi116CD- l\ot.f 09505 for Part of lots 17 and 18, Concession 10 and Part of'll0tl:4f;JO. f:::0lp Concession 11, in the geographic Township of Fenelon, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes, prepared by TD Consulting, Drawing Number DP-1, dated February. 2015, which shows 16 units to be registered as a vacant land condominium corporation owning and sharing the use of the roadway, a passive recreation area, a wetland compensation area, and environmentally protected areas which include trails to the shoreline of Sturgeon Lake on the adjacent balance of the 32.73 ha. of land owned by the owner and described as Parts 2 to 20 both inclusive on a draft reference plan prepared by Ivan B. Wallace. OLS and dated September 16,2015. 2. All conditions shall be fulfilled and satisfied, and final approval shall be given or this draft plan approval shall lapse after three (3) years from the date the Notice of Decision is sent out with respect to this draft approval. 3. The City reviews the vacant land condominium description plan for final approval before it is registered. 4. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, a Site Plan Agreement shall be entered into and executed by the owner and the City to satisfy all financial, legal, and engineering matters, including the design, provision and installation of roads, illumination, tree plantings, walkways, daylight triangles. road signs, stonnwater management facilities and drainage works, and all recommendations contained in related technical reports approved by the City. 5. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, a Condominium Agreement shall be entered Into and executed by the owner and the City to satisfy all conditions, financial and otherwise of the City of Kawartha Lakes. 6. The owner agrees, in wnting, to the registration of the Condominium Agreement against the land to which it applies once the plan of vacant land condominium has been registered. 7. All Agreements of Purchase and Sale shall contain those provisions identified in the Condominium and/or Site Plan Agreement. 8. The vacant land condominium corporation's Declaration and Rules shall contain those prohibitions and provisions identified in the Site Plan Agreement. 9. The roadway shall be named to the satisfaction of the City. 1o. Civic addressing shall be assigned on the basis of units being registered in the future, to the satisfaction of the City, and that the assignment of civic addressing be included in the Site Plan Agreement. ZONING 11. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director. the Planning Division shall confirm that any amendment to the Zoning By-law necessary to implement this plan has been approved and is in effect. 12.An Ontario Land Surveyor shall confirm that the proposed lot frontages and areas appealing on the final plan confonn to the requirements of the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law. SITE SERVICING 13. The Condominium Agreement contain wording acceptable to the City, wherein the owner agrees that any abandoned wells shall be decommissioned in accordance with the MOECC regulations and the requirements of the Ontario Water Resources Act under Ontario Regulation 903. 32 --~!:~2.2... -, v;..~._ Draft Plan of Vacant Land Conditions 2185396 Ontario lrte./Sturgeon Lake Club 16CD09505, File No. 004-29-002 14. The Condominium Agreement contain wording acceptable to the City, wherein the owner agrees to the following: a} No heating oil and geothermal heating/cooling systems are permitted; b) No bulk storage or application of herbicide/pesticide are permitted: c) No bulk storage of fuel is permitted; d) No bulk storage of road de-icing materials are permitted and application of de-icing materials should be conducted with best management practices; e) Fully raised septic system beds are to be installed a minimum of 30m. down gradient of any wells with less than 6 m. of sealed casing and 15m. down gradient of any wells with 6 m. or more of sealed casing. Down gradient is located on the lake side {west side} of the Lots. Wells should be installed on the east side of the Lots. f) Decommissioning of wells due to poor water quality encountered in the wens by a licenced well contractor In accordance with Ontario Regulation 903 of the Ontario Water Resources Act. This includes test wells TW-1 and TW-3 and piezometers that are to be abandoned when no longer needed. g) Wells are to be installed by a person under the employment of a licenced wen contractor in accordance with Ontario Regulation 903 of the Ontario Water Resources Act. Drilled wells into the underlying bedrock are suitable for the water supply for the proposed residential dwellings. Shallow (<3m.) wells in the overburden materials are not suitable. Wells are to be at least six metres deep, unless the only useful aquifer available necessitates a shallower well, in which case the person constructing the well shall ensure that the well is at least three metres deep. The person constructing the well shall ensure that any annular space, other than annular space surrounding a well screen, is sealed to prevent any movement of water, natural gas, contaminants or other material between subsurface formations or between a subsurface formation and the ground surface by means of the annular space. h) Each constructed well should be pump tested by qualified hydrogeologic personnel prior to issuance of a building permit. The following items should be included in the pump test: i} Each well must be developed by conventional techniques to obtain a minimum of 70% efficiency. ii) Before completion of the well test a water sample must be collected and analysed by an accredited laboratory for a general water chemistry package plus Total Coliform, E.Coli and Fecal Coliform and UV Transmittance and compared to the O.D.W.S. iii) During the pump tests water levels of surrounding wells should be measured and an assessment of interference completed to assess negative impacts to onsite and off-site wells. iv) Recommend water treatment equipment on a lot by lot basis. v) A summary letter report for each lot detailing the well construction, pump test data, well interference assessment, water quality analysis, an assessment of the potential for season water level fluctuations and recommendations for water treatment. 15. The Site Plan Agreement and/or Condominium Agreement contain wording acceptable to the City, wherein the owner acknowledges that all sewage systems will be constructed as fully raised Class 4 sewage systems and in accordance with the recommendations contained in the Updated Hydrogeological Assessment Report prepared by Geologic and dated February, 2015. The sewage systems will include but are not limited to the following: 33 Draft Plan of Vacant Land Cood~ions 2185396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon Lake Club 1 16CD09505, File No. 004-29-002 a) Organics are to be stripped from the entire sewage system envelope b) The exposed subgrades below the tile bed should be trimmed and scarified, and provided with a 0.5% slope In the direction of the mantle; c) Sewage systems are to be installed as fully-raised type beds to a minimum of 1m. above original grade; d) Sewage systems are to be installed with a 15 m. mantle provided in the direction of effluent flow horizontally; e) The sewage system should be kept clear of surface drainage swales. roof leader drains, and other sources of surface water; and f) The sizing of the tile bed will allow for the construction of a single family dwelling only. g) Sand fill with a percolation rate of 10 minutes per em is to be imported in the leaching bed area for construction of the sewage systems; and h) A constructed loading rate area with a minimum 15m. mantle in the direction of effluent flow horizontally from the last pipe of the leaching bed is to be provided on each property and must be maintained clear of structures, driveways, etc. 16.The Site Plan Agreement and/or Condominium Agreement will include a lot plan that defines the location of the dwelling, well and sewage system and the area of the defined sewage system must allow for a minimum 3000Liday total daily sewage flow. 17.An overall lot grading and drainage plan shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Engineering Department and shall be Incorporated Into the Condominium Agreement, the plan shall also conform to the overall lot grading and drainage plan prepared for the Condominium Agreement. NEW AND EXPANDED PUBLIC ROADS 18.The owner shall convey to the City, at no cost, the land comprising daylighting triangles and a 3.05 metre widening, as shown on the draft plan prepared by Ivan B. Wallace and dated September 16, 2015. Such land to be free and clear of all encumbrances. These lands shall be dedicated as public highways. 19. The owner shall provide for the design and construction of the proposed new streets and any alterations required to existing streets, at no cost to the City. 20. The Site Plan Agreement and/or Condominium Agreement between the owner and l.tle City contain a provision that the owner and future Condominium Corporation will not request or expect that City resources will be used to maintain the common element road and such maintenance of the road is the responsibility of the owner and future Condominium Corporation. 21. The owner and the future Condominium Corporation shall enter into a license agreement with the City over portions of the road allowance between Concessions 10 and 11, in the geographic Township of Fenelon and adjacent to Part Lots 17 and 18. for the sole purpose of foot traffic only to utilize the trail network over a common area owned by the future Condominium Corporation. 22. The license agreement will renewal annually and will require that the future Condominium Corporation improve the designated areas only as outlined in the agreement. That these areas will be maintained at the expense of the future Condominium Corporation and that the corporation will provide a Certificate of Insurance annually to the City for the utility of the road. Further, this agreement does not allow exclusive use to the future Condominium Corporation for the parts indicated in the agreement and there will be no 34 Draft Plan of Vacant Land Conditions 2185396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon Lake Club 16CD09505, File No. 004-29-002 registration on title of the agreement as the future Condominium Corporation will not be granted a registered interest In our property. CONVEYANCE OF LANDS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES 23. The owner shall convey Block 1 to the City free and clear of encumbrances for a road widening. PARKLAND 24. The owner agrees that the City, pursuant to subsection 51.1 {3) of the Planning Act, ac~pts payment in lieu of the 5% conveyance of parkland. For the purpose of determining the amount of any such payment, the value of the land shall be determined by an accredited appraiser. The date of this appraisal shall be no later than the day before the date of the notice of decision to grant draft plan approval or the date of the most recent extension pursuant to subsection 51(33) of the Planning Act, to the approval of the draft plan of vacant land condominium. The City is not required to accept the appraisal report and reserves the right to have the appraisal report peer reviewed and to negotiate the cash-in-lleu payment. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 25. The Site Plan Agreement and/or Condominium Agreement between the owner and the City contain the following provisions. in wording acceptable to the City and Kawartha Conservation: a) No development and/or site alteration take place within common element areas along the shoreline (i.e., Parts 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, and 20 on the draft reference plan prepared by Ivan B. Wallace and dated September 16, 2015) with the exception of works required to establish a water access trail network as illustrated on the same draft reference plan (i.e .. Parts 10. 14, 16, and 18}. b) Prior to any site alteration, construction, or final approval of the Plan. the owner shall provide a plan for physical demarcation (e.g., fencing, landscaping stone, etc.) of the common element areas that are to be protected from development to the satisfaction of Kawartha Conservation. c) Development adheres to all of the recommendations provided within the Environmental Evaluation prepared by Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. and dated January, 2015. d) The Proposed Wetland Compensation Plan (2014) contained in Appendix Ill of the Environmental Evaluation prepared by Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. (2015) be implemented on-site by a qualified Environmental Professional prior to any construction taking place on units 9 through 16 on the Draft Plan. e) Prior to any site alteration, construction, or final approval of the Plan, the owner shall provide a monitoring and maintenance plan for the wetland compensation area (i.e., Part 3 on the draft reference plan) to Kawartha Conservation for review and approval. This plan should: (1) be prepared by a qualified professional; (2} demonstrate how the wetland will be maintained and monitored following its construction to ensure establishment; (3) include indicators of successful and unsuccessful wetland establishment: and (4) include a plan for restoration and/or enhancement measures to be applied in the event that the wetland establishment is unsuccessful. f) Prior to any site alteration, construction, or final approval of the Plan. the owner shall provide a detailed design submission (report) for the proposed stormwater management (SWM) strategy prepared by a qualified Professional Engineer in accordance with the applicable standards and guidelines to the satisfaction of the Kawartha Conservation. 35 Draft Plan of Vacant Land Conditions 2185396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon Lake Club 16C009505, File No. 004·29-002 Note: Kawartha Conservation supports a LID (low impact development) treatment train approach for SWM, in accordance with provincial policy (i.e., Policy 1.6.6. 7 of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement). As such, we strongly encourage the implementation of source and conveyance controls in the detailed SWM design. The 2010 "Low Impact Development Stormwater Planning and Design GuideH developed by Credit Valley Conservation and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is a useful resource when considering LIDs. g) Prior to final approval, the owner shall submit a phosphorous assessment prepared by a qualified professional identifying pre-development loadings. anticipated post-development loadings, and opportunities for phosphorous reduction (e.g., best management practices for stormwater management) to Kawartha Conservation for review. This assessment should endeavour to quantify best efforts in terms of striving to achieve no net increase from pre-development levels and may form part of the detailed SWM report. Note: The Sturgeon Lake Management Plan, completed in 2014 by Kawarlhe Conservation in partnership with the City of Kawarlha Lakes speaks to reducing phosphorus loading to Sturgeon Lake by 23% to achieve loads of approximately 8, 500 kg/year. New developments which result in increased phosphorus loadings hinder the ability to accomplish this goal. Thus it is important that every new development make eve!Y effort to reduce phosphorus loading from pre-development levels, or at a minimum, strive to achieve no net increase from pre-development levels to post-development levels. h) Prior to any site alteration, construction, or final approval of the Plan, the owner shall provide a detailed channel realignment design for the watercourse traversing through units 12 and 13 on the Draft Plan. This design must be prepared by a qualified Professional Engineer to the satisfaction of the Kawartha Conservation and include the following components: • • • i) sufficient hydraulic capacity (Including freeboard) to safely convey all flows to the lake; use of erosion protection, if required; and, natural channel design elements. Prior to any site alteration, construction, or final approval of the Plan, the owner shall provide a sediment and erosion control plan prepared by a qualified professional In accordance with the applicable standards and guidelines to the satisfaction of the Kawartha Conservation. The plan should detail the measures that will be implemented before, during and after construction to minimize soil erosion and sedimentation. To reduce potential post construction slope failures and/or erosion effects, the sediment and erosion control plan should also include measures for re· vegetation of disturbed soils immediately following site disturbance. Note: Kawartha Conservation supports a proactive mulff·barrier approach to erosion and sediment control, with emphasis on erosion control rather than solely relying on sediment control measures (e.g., silt fence). For detailed design submlss;on requirements, the owner should refer to the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) Area Conservation Authorities' 2006 "Erosion and Sed;ment Control Guideline for Urban Construction': j) The finished floor/lowest opening elevations of all buildings be elevated at least 0.3 metres above the flood plain elevation of Sturgeon Lake of 248.4 metres above sea level (mASL). k) Prior to any site alteration. construction, or final approval of the Plan, the owner shall provide detailed lot grading plans to the satisfaction of Kawartha Conservation consistent with the proposals for SWM (including phosphorous reduction measures), sediment and erosion control, channel realignment, physical demarcation of the common element areas along the shoreline, and wetland compensation. These plans will need to clearly identify the volume and nature of any imported fill material. 36 Draft Plan of Vacant land Coodltions 2185396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon Lake Club 16CD09505, File No. 004·29.002 I) In the event that fill required for the development exceeds 500 cubic metres within areas regulated pursuant to Ontario Regulation 182106 (Kawartha Conservation: Regulation of Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and WaterCOul'$eS) on the subject property, the Owner shall provide a fill management plan to ensure suitable quality of all imported fill material to the satisfaction of Kawartha Conservation ptior to any site alteration, construction, or final approval of the Plan. m) The owner agrees to implement all measures identified in the reports/plans referenced above. Once deemed satisfactory, these reports/plans should be referenced in the agreements; n) The owner agrees to implement all of the mitigation measures and recommendations outlined in section 9.0 of the Environmental Evaluation developed by Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. and dated January 2015; o) The owner agrees to implement the Proposed Wetland Compensation Plan (2014) contained in Appendix Ill of the Environmental Evaluation prepared by Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. (2015}: p) The owner agrees to employ all stormwater management. erosion and sediment control structures in a functional manner prior to site disturbance and maintain these structures operating in good repair during and after the construction period, until such time as all disturbed soils surfaces have become stabilized and/or revegetated. OFFER OF PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT CLAUSES 26. That the Site Plan Agreement and/or Condominium Agreement shall contain a provision that states that the owner, agrees that each Offer of Purchase and Sale Agreement shall contain the following clauses: a) Sewage systems require a building permit prior to development and all sewage systems must comply with the Ontario Building Coda. b)AII sewage systems will be constructed as fully raised leaching beds with the extended loading rate area and mantle provided in the direction of flow horizontally across the natural slope. c) The report prepared by Geo-logic Inc. entitled, Hydrogeologic Assessment Report dated December 2008 and all supplementary addenda and updated reports including the Updated Hydrogeologic Assessment dated February, 2015 will be made available to lot purchasers by the vendor/developer as a guide to development. d) Wells should be located and constructed in accordance with the recommendations of the above noted hydrogeological reports and updates and the approved site development plan. e) Supervision of well construction by the proponent's hydrogeological consultant is required to ensure that wells are constructed In accordance with the recommendations of the hydrogeological report. Failure to construct wells according to the hydrogeological report may result in unacceptable water quality. f) Each constructed well should be pump tested by qualified hydrogeologic personnel prior to issuance of a building permit. The following items should be included in the pump test: i. Each well must be developed by conventional techniques to obtain a minimum of 70% efficiency. ii. Before completion of the well test a water sample must be collected and analysed by an accredited laboratory for a general water chemistry package plus Total Coliform. E.Coll and Fecal Coliform and UV Transmittance and compared to the O.D.W.S. 37 Draft Plan of Vacant Land Conditions L;~ke Club 16CD09505, File No. 004-29-002 2185396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon iii. During the pump tests water levels of surrounding wells should be measured and an assessment of interference completed to assess negatiVe impacts to onsite and off-site wells. iv. Recommend water treatment equipment on a lot by lot basis. v. A summary letter report for each lot detailing ltle well construction, pump test data, well interference assessment, water quality analysis, an assessment of the potential for season water level fluctuations and recommendations for water treatment. g) Purchasers, builders and other persons with an interest in the property are advised that the approved site development plan is to be followed in locating buildings, wells and sewage systems. Conformity with this plan will be required at the time of development. h) Heating oil and geothennal cooling/heating systems are not permitted in this Condominium development. EASEMENTS AND AGENCY SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 27. That such easements as may be required for utility anci/or drainage purposes shall be granted to the appropriate authority. 28. That satisfactory arrangements, financial and otherwise, shall be made with Bell Canada for any Bell underground facilities serving the subdivision. 29. That the owner agrees in the Condominium Agreement with the City to grant Bell Canada any easements that may be required for telecommunication purposes. 30. That if there are any conflicts with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements. the owner/developer shall be responsible for rearrangements or relocation. 31. That owner shall agree in the Condominium Agreement. in words satisfactory to Bell Canada, to grant to Bell Canada any easements that may be required for telecommunication services. Easements may be required subject to final servicing decisions. In the events of any conflict with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the owner/developer shall be responsible for the relocation of such facilities or easements. 32. The owner is hereby advised that prior to commencing any wort< within the Plan, the owner must confirm that sufficient wire-line communication/telecommunication Infrastructure is currently available within the proposed development to provide communication/telecommunication service to the proposed development. In the event that such Infrastructure is not available, the owner is hereby advised that the owner may be required to pay for the connection to and/or extension of the existing communication/telecommunication infrastructure. If the owner elects not to pay for such connection to and/or extension of the existing communication I telecommunication infrastructure, the owner shall be required to demonstrate to the municipality that sufficient alternative communication/telecommunication facilities are available within the proposed development to enable, at a minimum, the effective delivery of communication/telecommunication services for emergency management services (i.e., 911 Emergency Services). 33. That prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Hydro One Networks Inc. 34. That the owner enters into a Condominium Servicing Agreement for Electrical Servicing with Hydro One Networks Inc. This Servicing Agreement will specify all the terms, conditions, and financial obligations to facilitate the extension of electrical servicing to these lands. Hydro One may as part of its Electrical System Servicing Agreement, require a type of Development 38 Draft Plan of Vacant Land Conditions 2185396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon Lake Club 16CD09505, File No. 004-29-002 Charge or Systems Capital Contribution Fee towards the provision of system(s) capacities expansion outside of the development but necessary to ensure the integrity of the Company's Power distribution grid. 35. The Owner will consult with Canada Post to determine suitable permanent locations for the Community Mail Boxes. The Owner will then indicate these locations on the appropriate seiVicing plans. 36. The Owner agrees, prior to offering any Blocks, Lots, dwellings, commercial units for sale, to display a map on the wall of the sales office in a place readily accessible to potential homeowners that indicates the location of all Community Mail Boxes within the development, as approved by Canada Post. 37. The Owner agrees to include in all offers of purchase and sale a statement which advises the purchaser that mall will be delivered via Community Mail Box. The Owner also agrees to note the locations of all Community Mail Boxes within the development /subdivision, and to notify affected homeowners of any established easements granted to Canada Post to permit access to the Community Mail Box. 38. The Owner will provide a suitable and safe temporary site for a Community Mail Box until curbs, sidewalks and final grading are completed at the permanent Community Mall Box locations. canada Post will provide mail delivery to new residents as soon as the dwellings I units are occupied. 39. The OWner agrees to provide the following for each Community Mail Box site and to include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: a) any culvert and granular access subject to municipal requirements; b) any required walkway across the boulevard, per municipal standards: and c) any required curb depressions for wheelchair access, with an opening of at least two metres (consult Canada Post for detailed specifications). 40. The Condominium Agreement between the owner and the City contain the following provisions, in wording acceptable Trent Severn Waterway a) A 30m. vegetative buffer zone shall be established and maintained along the water and wetland boundaries. Within this zone, no disturbance of soil mantle and vegetation is permitted. Application of pesticides or fertilizers is not permitted within the 30 m. buffer zone. b) Any trails through the floodplain to access the shoreline must be limited to a width of no more than 2m. and surfaced with wood chips or other permeable materials. Paths should not be linear and their creation must not involve any removal of vegetation from the buffer area. c) No storage of vehicles or stockpiling of materials Is permitted within 30 m. of the wetland and shoreline. d) No removal of debris and vegetation, including fallen trees and stumps, from the shoreline or the water is permitted. a) All in-water and shoreline works require an approved wori< permit from the Trent-Severn Waterway Office of Parks Canada before work can commence. All proposed in-water and shoreline works must adhere to Pari<s Canada's Policies for tn-Water and Shoreline Works and Related Activities. Boathouses, boat ramps and dredging are not permitted. Application for a dock or shoreline stabilization/alterations will be reviewed to ensure protection of shoreline spawning areas for walleye and smallmouth bass. 41. The owner shall carry out an Archeological Assessment of the subject property and mitigate, through preseiVation or resource removal and documentation, adverse impacts to any significant archeological resources found. No grading, related to preparation of the site for the draft plan of subdivision, shall take place on the subject property prior to the approval authority and the Ministry of Culture confirming that all archeological resource concerns have met licensing and resource conservation requirements. 39 Draft Plan of Vacant Land Conditions 2165396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon Lake Club 16CD09505, File No. 004-29-002 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 42. Subsequent to the execution of the Condominium Agreement by the owner and prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the City Treasurer shall confirm in writing to the Director that all financial obligations and payments to the City, as set out in the Condominium Agreement, in accordance with condition 3, have been satisfied including. but not limited to: a) all applicable Development Charge payments in accordance with the requirements of all applicable Development Charge By-laws, b) all applicable Capital Charge payments In accordance with the requirements of all applicable Capital Charge By-laws, c) all applicable Local Improvement payments in accordance with the requirements of all applicable Local Improvement By-laws, d) all applicable fees payable in accordance with the requirements of all applicable municipal by-laws, including fee by-laws, e) the form and amount of the securities that the owner is required to have posted to secure its obligations under the Condominium Agreement, including the identification of any reduction in such securities that has already been incorporated into the Condominium Agreement, f} where there has bean such a reduction in such securities, a Statutory , Declaration submitted on behalf of the owner confirming payment of all accounts for material. labour and equipment employed In the installation of the services on whose completion such reduction has been computed and applied, and g) any financial obligations with which the owner's compliance has been deferred or from which the owner has been exempted pursuant to the terms of the Condominium Agreement. It is acknowledged that prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, a copy of the Condominium Agreement will be forwarded to Planning Committee for endorsement which will include a Planning Report along with the financial reporting as outlined above. CLEARANCE CONDITIONS 43. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner will ensure that clearance letters from the appropriate authorities have been submitted to the Planning Division so as to confirm how conditions 1 to 42 have been satisfied. 44. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the Development Services Division shall confirm that conditions 1 to 16, 21, 22, 25 and 26 have been satisfied. 45. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the Engineering Department shall confirm that conditions 17, 18, 19, 20, 23,25 and 27 have been satisfied. 46. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner shall provide to the Planning Division a clearance latter from the Taxation and Revenue Division indicating how condition 42 has been satisfied. 47.Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director. the owner shall provide to the Planning Division a clearance letter from the Community Services Division indicating how condition 24 has been satisfied. 48. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner shall provide to the Planning Division a clearance letter from the Public Works Division indicating how conditions 18. 19. 20 and 23 have been satisfied. 49. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner shall provide to the Planning Division a clearance letter from the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority indicating how condition 25 has been satisfied. 40 Draft Plan of Vacant Land Cooditions 2185396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon Lake Club 16C009505, File No. 004-29..002 50. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner shall provide to the Planning Division a clearance letter from the Trent-Severn Waterway (Parks Canada) indicating how condition 40 has been satisfied. 51. Prio( to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner shall provide to the Planning Division a clearance letter from the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Sport indicating how condition 41 has been satisfied. 52. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner shall provide to the Planning Division a clearance letter from Bell Canada indicating how conditions 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 have been satisfied. 53. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner shall provide to the Planning Division a clearance letter from the Canada Post Corporation Indicating how conditions 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39 have been satisfied. 54. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the Director, the owner shall provide to the Planning Division a clearance letter from Hydro One Networks Inc. indicating how conditions 33 and 34 have been satisfied. NOTES TO DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL of 16CD-09505 (004-29.002) 1. Clearance Letters It is the Owner/applicant's responsibility to fulfill the conditions of draft approval and to ensure that the required clearance letters have been forwarded by the appropriate agencies I utility companies to the City of Kawartha Lakes to the attention of the Director of Development Services quoting the above noted file. For your information the following are the contacts: Ron Taylor, Director Development Services City of Kawartha Lakes 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, ON K9V 2Y6 Tel: 705.324.9411 , ext. 1239 Fax: 705.324.4027 Juan Rojas Manager of Engineering Public Works Department City of Kawartha Lakes 12 Peel Street, Lindsay, ON K9V 3L8 Tel: 705.324.9411 ext.1151 fax: 705.328.3122 Brian Robinson, Director Public Works Division City of Kawartha Lakes 12 Peer Street, Lindsay, ON K9V 3L8 Tel: 705.324.9411 ext. 1143 Fax: 705.324.3122 John Bellman, Manager Bell Canada Right Of Way Control Centre 100 Borough Drive, Floor 5 Scarborough, ON M1 P 4W2 41 Craig Shanks, Director Community Services Department City of Kawartha Lakes 50 Wolfe Street, Lindsay, ON K9V 2J2 Tel: 705.324.9411 ext. 1307 Fax: 705.324.2051 Mark Pankhurst, Fire Chief Kawartha lakes Fire Rescue Service 9 Cambridge Street North, Lindsay, K9V 4C4 Tel: 705.324.5731 Fax: 705.878.3463 Dan Bernie (Fenelon Falls) Hydro One Networks Inc. 913 Crawford Drive, Peterborough, ON K9J 3X1 Mark Majkrowski Kawartha Region Conservation Authority 277 Kenrei Road, R.R. #1 Lindsay, ON K9V 4R1 Draft Plan of Vacant Land Conditions 2185396 Ontario Inc./Sturgeon Lake Club 16CD09505, File No. 004-29..002 Diana (DeDe) Adamowicz Delivery Planning Officer Canada Post Corporation 41 Temperance Street, Suite 207 Bowmanville, ON L1C 3AO 2. Conveyances and 0.3 m. Reserves If land is to be conveyed to the City we suggest that the description ot such parcels shall be by reference to either the Lot or Block on the Registered Plan or by Part on a Reference Plan of survey. We further require the owner give to the City an undertaking to deposit with the Clerk a properly executed copy of the conveyance concurrent with the registration of the final plan, as signed by the Director. If a 0.3 m. reserve Is required along the side of either an existing or proposed road allowance, the 0.3 m. reserve shall be placed inside the public road allowance- eg. the final public road allowance would be 20.1 m. and be comprised of two (2) parts, the 19.8 m. wide road allowance and the 0.3 m. reserve. The latter would be deeded to the City in trust. 3. lands Required to be Registered under land Titles Act We suggest that you make yourself aware of section 144 of the Land Titles Act and subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act. Subsection 144(1) of the land Titles Act requires that a plan of subdivision of land that is located In a land titles division be registered under the land Titles Act. Exceptions to this provision are set out in subsection 144(2). Subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act requires that a plan of subdivision of land that Is located only in a registry division cannot be registered under the Registry Act unless that title of the owner of the land has been certified under the Certification of Titles Act. Exceptions to this provision are set out in clauses (b) and (c) of subsection 78(10). 4. Sewage Works Approvals for sewage systems are required under the Building Code Act, 1992 as amended and the Ontario Building Code 332/12. 5. Water Works Approvals for on site water are required under the Ontario Water Resources Act. 6. Clearance of Conditions A copy of the Site Plan Agreement and Condominium Agreement should be sent to public bodies with conditions covered under the Agreements. This will expedite clearance of the final plan. Please do not send a copy to the Min istry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. 42 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES Planning Gommittee Report Report Number ENG2Oí 5-01 5 Date: Time: December 2,2015 1:00 p.m. PIace: Council Chambers Ward Community ldentifier: 12 Subject: Assumption of Churchdown Gardens: Gity of Kawartha Lakes Development Engineering Author/Title: Christina Sisson, Supe s¡ nature: Recommendation(s): RESOLVED THAT Report ENG2015-015, "Assumption of Churchdown Gardens Subdivision, Gity of Kawartha Lakes", be received; THAT the Assumption of Churchdown Gardens Subdivision, City of Kawartha Lakes, be approved; THAT an Assumption By-Law, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "A" to Report ENG2015-015 be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Gorporate Services Director / Other: Ghief Administrative Officer: 43 Repoñ ENG2015-015 Assumption of Churchdown Gardens Subdivision Page 2 of 5 Backg rou nd: a Subdivision Agreement with Churchdown Gardens lnc. for the subdivision known as Churchdown Gardens in the summer of 2006. The owner, Churchdown Gardens Inc. is seeking assumption of the Subdivision. The City of Kawartha Lakes entered into The servicing and the final lift of asphalt for the development have now been completed and inspected to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division. All mandatory maintenance periods have lapsed and in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement (registered August 16th, 2006), all public services are eligible for assumption. The subdivision Churchdown Gardens included the construction of Ellis Crescent to full urban standards with all urban services. ln addition, the agreement identified upgrades at no expense to the City as follows: To construct Brock Street to full urban standards To construct a storm sewer on Parkside Drive, from Brock Street to the west side of Logie Street To construct a Storm Water Management Pond on the unopened road allowance lying to the west of Logie Street o o o At this time, the storm water management pond is being used as a temporary sediment and erosion control pond for the remaining phases of development continuing and is not being assumed. The Owner has committed $25,000.00 of the remaining security for the completion of the pond following completion of all development (cleanout, revegetation, etc.). Ellis Crescent and Brock Street, Registered Plan No. 8P, were conveyed and dedicated to the City upon the registration of Plan 57M-770. The City, pursuant to the Subdivision Agreement, is now obliged to assume the roads shown as Ellis Crescent, Plan 57M-770 (PlN: 63232-0118(LT)) and Brock Street, from south of Parkside Drive to the south limit of Ellis Crescent (240 metres as part of this phase), (PlN: 63232-_(LT)). A copy of Plan 57M-770 has been attached as Appendix'B'. ln addition, the park was dedicated as Block 71, Plan 57M-770 (PlN: 632320116(LT)) and will be assumed. Rationale: The services in this development have been constructed and installed according to the plans and specifícations as outlined in the Subdivision Agreement. Staff most recently carried out an inspection of these subdivisions on Ñovember 10th, 2015 at the request of the Owner, in anticipation of the assumption (formal request for assumption received October 2015). To date, all deficiencies have 44 Repoñ ENG2015-015 Assumption of Churchdown Gardens Subdivision Page 3 of 5 been corrected and the roads are now in a condition to be assumed. The Owner has provided all documentation required to proceed with assumption of the roads. In addition, the park created through the subdivision will be assumed. During previous inspections, damage to four bays of sidewalk has been documented. Security is held by the municipality for this section of Brock Street which was built upon by a separate builder and covered by a separate agreement (Development Agreement with 2143372 Ontario lnc., 2007). lt is recommended that the builder be contacted to confirm remediation of the sidewalk. Alternatively, staff recommend using the security to rep¡ace the sidewalk bays. Other Alternatives Considered : Council could decide not to proceed with assumption of the roads identified; however, this would not be consistent with our commitment through the Subdivision Agreement previously supported and is therefore, not recommended or supported by staff. Financial Considerat¡ons : The costs of registering the release for each subdivision is the only cost associated with this work and will be borne by Churchdown Gardens lnc. The current letter of credit in the amount of $166,000.00 that remains for this development shall be reduced by $141,000.00 following the passing of an Assumption By-Law. A statutory declaration dated November 12th, 2015 has been received confirming that all items in relation to the construction and services provided for in the Subdivision have been paid for in full. A copy of the statutory declaration is attached as Appendix "C". The Owner has posted security for the completion of the pond. The City will hold $25,000.00 until sufficient As Builts, certification, maintenance logbook, and statutory declaration are received. The separate agreement will be reviewed to ensure the replacement of the four damaged bays of sidewalk by either the builder (person securing within the agreement) or by the City. Upon assumption of the Subdivision, the City will be responsible for the general maintenance of the streets and services (in addition to services already provided), and of the park, and associated funds will need to be allocated in future budgets. 45 Assumptionorcnurcn¿o*rSpaorÍe:r!3::J:r,::"I Page 4 of 5 Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the prosperity priorities in that new residents will be attracted to the City with the development of housing options that have connectivity to retail services and parks and open space. Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: The Subdivision has been completed to the City's standards at the time of execution of the Agreement. Servicing Comments: The Subdivision has been serviced in accordance with the approved design. This Subdivision consists of approximately 829 metres of sanitary sewer, 823 metres of storm sewer, 819 metres of watermain, and 830 metres of road. Consultations: Planning Division Finance Division Parks, Recreation and Culture Division Public Works Department Attachments: Appendix A - Draft Assumption By-Law EJ AppendixA Draft By-Law to Assume Ellir Appendix B - Plan 57M-770 - Plan of Subdivision, Churchdown Gardens E! L: 57M-770.pdf 46 Repoft ENG2015-015 Assumption of Churchdown Gardens Subdivision Page 5 of 5 Appendix C - Statutory Declaration Ër )'' November 12,20L5 Sbt Dec,,pdf Phone: (7051324-941 1 Ext. 1152, 1 -888-822-2225 ext. 1152 E-Mai I : csisson@citv. Department Head: Juan Rojas, Acting Director of Development Services Department File: 47 APPENDIX to REPORT THE CORPORATTON OF THE C|TY OF KAWARTHA LAKFf,E Í Éuê-" NO. BY-LAW 2015 - A BY-LAW TO ASSUME ELLIS CRESGENT PLAN 57M-770 (PlN: 63232-0118(LT)), AND BROCK STREET PLAN (PlN: 63232-_(LT)), AND PARK BLOCK 71, PLAN 57M-770 (PlN: 63232-0013(LT)), GEOGRAPHIC TOWN OF LINDSAY, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES. Recitals 1 2 3 Subsection 31(4) of lhe Municipal Act,2001 authorizes Council to assume unopened road allowances or road allowances shown on registered plans of subdivision for public use, by by-law. Council now deems it desirable to assume Ellis Crescent, Plan 57M-770, and Brock Street, Registered Plan No. 8P, Geographic Town of Lindsay, the Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes as public highways in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Council now deems it desirable to assume the Park, Plan 57M-770, in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Accordingly, the Council of The Gorporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015--. Section 1.00: Definitions and lnterpretation 1.01 Definitions: ln this by-law, "Gity", "C¡ty of Kawartha Lakes" or "Kawartha Lakes" means The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes. "Gity Clerk" means the person appointed by Council to carry out the duties of the clerk described in section 228 of the Municipal Act, 2001; "Council" or "City Council" means the municipal council for the City 1.02 lnterpretationRules: (a) The Schedules attached to this by-law form part of the by-law, and are enforceable as such. 48 t <-ot{ (b) The words "include" and "including" are not to be read as limiting the meaning of a word or term to the phrases or descriptions that follow. 1.03 Statutes: References to laws in this by-law are meant to refer to the statutes, as amended from time to time, which are applicable within the Province of Ontario. 1.04 Severabilitv: lf a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction declares any portion of this by-law to be illegal or unenforceable, that portion of this by-law shall be considered to be severed from the balance of the by-law, which shall continue to operate in fullforce and effect. Section 2.00: Assumption of Services 2.01 a) Assumption: The following highways are assumed by the City The roads known as Ellis Crescent, Plan 57M-770 and Brock Street, Geographic Town of Lindsay, City of Kawartha Lakes. b) The Park, Plan 57M-770, Geographic Town of Lindsay, City of Kawartha Lakes Section 3.00: Effective Date 3.01 Effective Date. This By-law shall come into force on the date it is finally passed By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this 2015. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Currins, Clerk 49 _ day of ffirc qgr¡!çqq!!4dtuu&nl¡@mNE l:¡)@rcEtDW&0.s* PL¡¡'I 57¡t- 770 ¡@hd.Ph¡L.& rñh@q@tu& 6.&dfr-lfutffiM.!7 d¿:¿5&-oìddh UL@úA¿ML .M od.ffi¡nhtudR&d Þtw tdj&sæ-"m(LÐ hütfrffi.Eebl¡ü ..MtuñbÆ311a A(ú*_ h @ùr it ûr. i'!-Åií iìî:o!:;Tr!ìi:D No, .\T Sl@ áSt ¿:ii' (tutu 6 MN ¡ PUN OÉ LOT 4 I LOT r 2 I t- -t -- LOT -*---*- (CLOSEÐ BY --l NÐ ã ì 3 4 I i a 't,+ 13 ¿ ! I - OF .Ain0 ir i.¡ s l6 ta t9 25 2,+ { 26 I ! .!5 ¡ 40, --f I t i I s l i: I ¡ ELLIS Ë () 3 f t 13 12 (j Æ e lI I 48 d d !, CRESCENT s { 50 49 d 5t 55 ii a 56 57 I Þ a ¡ E t iìÍ:(;!:;'rËiì!:i) Ê :< flil Nê. t sÈ ùõ r * i i /.\T bh ô @ @ tMd &d oi-Nrs61, sh s€-sÉdhk s-$deh&dhhr l- üdhd¡r&õu&tuãtub 67 -ø od ñ dñ ris tun 57R-eã2 wq O - tud Sry Moruñd + - Fdd SUE ¡dulMr h, E.k, Col¡l.@ o.Lt (1e)-(m)- xhbdrE.æ6dtrtu (,02) E b OWNER'S CERTIN&TE: _ tzl SCUH CF GECRGE Ì ..1 E.{).hd¡@ à ¿h.dmq&tui¡bqdtubhl:.¡Ñdhqd K.r.&lfud@bhiahrq, Ë tuhftdqdU,&. é L ffic@N, /y'=.:?-L __.1 æormlm mFx/ rßwffiþsNDftdhm Þ'M r¡c* *ún 51 d th tu¡d4 & tu .¿é_b d.A+da* . ma STFE¡-T TI R,so. 10 r- fn c,p, 1¡, z p /)n n r,-r E::-{ --\d: i_ m"*,hfH** 6J2:Ï-Aôtì(!f,) :Ð m -UO o Ð -l SURVEIOR'S CERIIFICqTEi ¡ .:'r¡i¿?: ila. Ep) w (NoT RAM) rl it AF EROC¡( SIREET AND PiÈ ila. ê.r1:t:l-æ1:(ir,| !"tt ,a í¡ÅRi' (aY reæ&Ð í2i' ,¡Ì \1 64 P!_n!,! ÞÀ EAS¡ 63 È ¡ Mgr.Ètub h odn6 I 58 ¿ I i LEGEND: ¡ a { ¡ BP tÈÈt_:=Ë_=i1*xr qflffi,(W È i t ¡ I T No. 70 d :ì: $ lil TOWN OF LINÐSAY NOW IN THE ì 28 d 5 Ë. o REGISTERED PLAN C¡TY OF KAWARTHA LAKES Sd 1: 7$ * I *14_.1 0F BRoCK SrRËFt AND SOUTH OF eEORcE SI.REEI) 7T (o ù) CECROE d Þ t (EAST BLffi 4 STREFT) PART OF PARK LOT B' I 15 a R AND a i¡è. ôi2i!-æN(l.i) lil I I No. 2OO5-149, tNSr. No. R672BS) (EASf OF EROCK STREfl AND NORTH OF GEffiGE t* q tr-lÁW PART OF PARK LOT I ¡ ¡ SUBD|V|S|ON OF PART OF GEORGE STRETT torl s T LOT LOT 7 LOT 8 *n @ñptu Fd d fr æ-@qú) -r (AY DOESAN sTFEÊI gY-UW Nd gg-5A NST. Nd '' TJ|W^:{..#î:-*ãH-",L-.,trtr"õ",#_i,.*Hit R55J817) 6.,2.tiì-aæ:a(i 2, f,ì tu ¡uq ro. æmÞtr o tu M: ! J!ry 4. 21 2@ COE, F¡SHER. üMERON d q d Juú, æ. t-, o! Q, .[-r-L m z çl x I *: rR lÞ IT IG lS.. 50 Þ Ìl-o v\ ¡ i APPENDIX to REPORT STATUTORY DECLARATION CANADA PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ) ) ) ) ) ) ¡N THE MATTER .lr. FILE No.a Subdivision Agreement dated June 2, 2006 betureen Dunster lnvestments lnc. and the Gorporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes with respect to Registered Plan 57M-770 CKL l, Roger A. Cunnington, of the Town of Grimsby in the Province of Ontario SOLEITINLY DECLARE THAT I am President of Dunster lnvestments lnc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Subdivide/') and as such have knowledge of the matters hereinafter deposed to. 2. All materials have been supplied and all services and works have been. completed upon the Lands described herein with respect to the installation of the underground servicing, their appurtenances and connections; 3. That all accounts for work or service performed or materials placed or furnished upon or in respect of the said lands have been fully paid and satisfied and no one is entitled to claim a lien under the Construction Lien Act against the said lands or any part thereof; 4. 5. That there are no judgements or executions filed against the Subdivider; 6. That the Subdivider has not made any assignment for the benefit of creditors, nor has any receiving order been made against it under The Bankruptcy & lnsolvency Act, nor has any petition for such an order been served upon the That nothing is owing by the subdivider or claimed against it for employment insurance deductions, lncome tax deductions or by way of contribution or assessment under the Workplace Safety & lnsurance Act; Subdivider; 7. That forty-five (45) days have passed since the completion of the construction and installation of the Works. AND I MAKE THIS SOLEMN DECLARATION conscientiousty betieving it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath. DECLARED BEFORE ME at the City of Lakes Y,IU# day of Kawartha ) ) in the Province of Ontario this ) ) November,2015 ) RogerA. Cunnington A Commissioner, etc. Èäl¡r¡Cffiq¿Cøiùr,¡h, fuin ot0u4 ht Iì¡tSrrptPrdsidìdCd¡$lo, Þlùt¡lSú!. dfiÈttqqAl! 51 '-' OF TO WIT: 1 &tas-o,ç ---- t¡ 52