February 2012 - Congregation Beth Judea


February 2012 - Congregation Beth Judea
February 2012
Purim is one of the most joyous days in the
Jewish year. The holiday, which falls on the 14th of
Adar (beginning the evening of March 7th this year),
celebrates the threat against Persia’s Jews by the evil
Haman, his plot to annihilate them, and their salvation
by the beautiful Esther, a Jew who becomes queen
and reveals her identity just in time to save her people.
We read the story from the megillah each year,
celebrating our deliverance with song, plays, drinking
and general carrying on, but we rarely get a chance to
think about some of the values that the holiday and its
customs represent. We are usually too busy
First, we send gifts to one another in commemoration
of surviving the threats of old, as well as our continuing
survival as a people, by sending mishloakh manot.
These gift baskets or boxes include at least one
cooked item and, usually, something sweet as a
symbol of the sweetness of life. Beth Judea makes it
possible for us to fulfill this mitzvah by providing the
mishloach manot that we send to one another. Just fill
out the form on line or on paper, and indicate whom
you would like to receive your gift. This not only fulfills
a religious obligation; it also builds connections
between us. And you never have to worry about
missing someone if you choose to reciprocate with all
those who send to you! The boxes will be available for
pickup at the shul beginning on the night of the Purim
Masquerade, March 3rd.
(continued next page)
Rabbi’s Reflections …………………………………..…. 1
Mishloach Manot ……………………………………….. 2
Notes from the Cantor …………………………………. 4
President’s Message …………………………………... 5
Mission Statement ………………………………………. 5
B’nai Mitzvah Bios ………………………………………. 6
Focus on Families ………………………………………. 9
Education ..……………………………………………... 10
Youth …………………………………………………….. 13
Men’s Club ……………………………………………… 15
Keruv …………………………………………………..... 16
Interpretive Minyan ……………………..……………… 16
Social Action & Israel Affairs ………..………………... 17
Sisterhood …………………………………….………… 18
Adult Education ………………………………………… 20
MT Nesters ……………………………………………... 22
College Connections ……………….………………… 23
Community Connections ……………………………… 23
Sisterhood Gift Shop ………………………………….. 23
BJE ……………………………………………………… 24
SHALVA ………………………………………………… 24
Bikur Cholim …………………………………………….. 25
Birthdays and Anniversaries ………………………….. 28
Yahrzeits……………………………………………….… 29
Tributes………………………………………………..… 31
February Calendar ………..…………………………….. 34
Index of Flyers and Advertisers……………….……… 35
Shabbat Prayers
February 3, 2012 – 7:30 pm
Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of
February will be recognized at our service on February 3rd. Our
worship will begin at 7:30 pm and will conclude by 8:15 pm.
Children of every age are welcome!
February 2012
Second, like many holidays, Purim is an opportunity to
engage in tzedakah, giving matanot l’evyonim, gifts to
the poor, in order for them to properly celebrate the
holiday. One way to do that is by donating to our
Congregational Support Fund, which makes it possible
for those who cannot afford to pay full dues to remain
members of Beth Judea. By helping them in this way
we make it possible for them to maintain their
connection to the shul and to Judaism.
We should also address the drinking we do on
Purim. Drunkenness has always run counter to Jewish
sensibilities, yet we use wine to sanctify Shabbat and
the holidays as well as small amounts of liquor to
celebrate many occasions. The typical restraint with
which we approach alcohol puts its abundant use on
Purim into stark relief; this is truly an unusual thing, not
something to engage in at other times. There may be a
connection between the masks we wear on Purim and
our permissiveness when it comes to drinking. Wearing
a mask or drinking turns us into versions of ourselves
that we ordinarily do not reveal. Both practices ritualize
behavior that would be otherwise unacceptable,
enabling us to celebrate our relief in surviving an
existential threat.
Mishloach Manot for All
Orders Due by Sunday, February 17, 2012
Rabbi Pivo’s article this month talks about the obligation
of Jews to give gifts or schlach manot on the holiday of
Purim. Gift giving adds to the joy of this wonderful
holiday, and elevates the spirit of both the giver of the gift
and the recipient of the gift.
We’ve made this process simple, easy, inexpensive, and
best of all, WE DO ALL THE WORK!!
to Download additional information and the
Order form.
If you need another recipient list, please contact the
synagogue office.
Purim is a time to be silly, but its silliness
should be in service to the larger values of recalling
Jewish survival, enabling others to take part in Jewish
life and deepening our relationships with one another. I
look forward to celebrating Purim at Beth Judea for the
first time and hope to see you in shul for megillah
reading, the Purim carnival and the Purim Masquerade.
Hag Purim Same’akh,
Get Flyer
Rabbi Jeff Pivo
Sunday, March 4, 2012
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
(see next page for more info)
The Word February 2012
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For more information visit www.cbjpurimparty.org
The Purim Masquerade and Auction promises to be a memorable event that will go down in Beth Judea history! It is a time
for our community to join together and celebrate Beth Judea and to honor this year's Purim King and Queen - Rabbi and
Lisa Pivo!
Come Honor our Purim King & Queen
Rabbi Jeff & Lisa Pivo
Saturday Evening March 3, 2012
at Beth Judea - 8:00 - 11:30 pm
Special Donor & Sponsor Reception at 7:30 pm
You can honor Rabbi Jeff and Lisa Pivo in a few ways...
1. Attend the Purim Masquerade on Saturday Evening March 3, 2012.
2. Purchase an ad for our event program for the following...
• Download the Program / Ad Book Contribution Form
• Honor Rabbi Jeff and Lisa Pivo
• Highlight your business to all of our expected Purim Masquerade attendees
• Honor the other professional staff
• Send a personalized greeting to one of our congregants, clergy, or staff.
3. Donate Auction Items: Ask anyone and everyone for a gift!
• Download a 50/50 Raffle Form
• Sports Tickets
• Professional Services
• Gift Certificates
• Airline Tickets
• Hotel/Condo Stays
• Birthday Parties
• Theater Tickets
• Other Products and Services
$65 per person - $55 per ticket if received by February 6, 2012
Donor: $125 per person Sponsor: $250 per person
Please R.S.V.P. by February 15, 2012
This event is for those who are 21 and older
Donor tickets include a one line message in the event program. Sponsor tickets include a 1/4 page ad in the event program.
Both include an invitation to a special receiptiuon at 7:30 pm with our Honorees.
The Word February 2012
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We have seen a steady growth at Beth Judea in the number of members, both adults and children, who have acquired the skill
of becoming Ba’alei Kri’ah, Torah readers. It is an incredibly rewarding pursuit, and in addition to our regular Shabbat morning
services, the opportunities to practice this skill are ample. We read on major and minor holidays, on Monday mornings,
sometimes on Shabbat afternoons as well. I found the letter below, written just weeks ago and posted by a cantorial colleague
of mine, particularly moving. I hope you will take a moment to read it:
Five years ago, when my parents died and I first started to come to daily minyan to say Kaddish, reading Torah was the
farthest thing from my mind. Up to then, I was only a casual attendee at synagogue. As I became more proficient in reading
Hebrew, I was encouraged by the ritual director to learn to lead the daily services. Then, after the High Holy Days in 2007, the
ritual director gave a Torah reading class. I had been at Shabbat services during the previous year when one of the regular
minyan attendees had read Torah for the first time and I thought it was something I would like to do for my parents’ yarhzeits
in 2008. The Shema was used to learn the basic tropes and then we were asked to pick a date with significance for us and
each person in the class was given a Torah portion for that date. I picked my parents’ wedding anniversary in April, 2007. We
each got copies of our portions with and without vowels and trope signs and a tape. Each Monday we would come to class
and review the tropes and our portions.
I practiced mine along with the tape every evening line by line, first with the pointed text and then without. In December, about
three weeks after I had been given the portion, I chanted it in its entirety without the vowels and trope signs. I sat there
stunned that I had done it, and I burst into tears. It was one of the most profoundly moving moments of my life. The next day,
I chanted the portion for the ritual director, and since it was still going to be four months before I would do the portion on
Shabbat, he gave me one to do in February for my mother’s birthday. When I went up on the bimah on that Shabbat to read
from the Torah for the first time, I did not know what to expect. I was nervous, but not frightened. I remember the people
around the Torah on the bimah. I remember walking up to the Torah. However, when I began reading it was as if no one
else existed in that space and time. It was just me and the words on the scroll, and I was so totally absorbed in the reading,
that I was actually somewhat disoriented when I finished. I knew then that I had been given a gift beyond value, and I knew I
wanted to read from the Torah again.
I read on Shabbat several other times that year, and in the fall of 2008, I did read Torah for both of my parents’
yahrzeits. Since I had chosen to continue attending daily minyan after their first yarhzeits, I decided to try to learn some of the
weekday readings. At this point I still needed a recording, but toward the end of 2009, something clicked and I realized that I
now knew the trope well enough to learn the readings on my own. Since that time, I have read Torah almost every week and I
have read in every parsha except Vayeilech, which I hope to do this year.
Reading Torah has added a new dimension to my life as a Jew. People are always searching for a spiritual experiences in
synagogue. I can think of nothing more spiritual than reading those same words that our people have been reading for almost
2500 years. As Judaism changes and adapts for modern times, Torah is there as a constant.
I am grateful that I belong to a synagogue where congregants are encouraged to study and read Torah. Reading Torah is a
reachable goal for adults who have never read before or have not read since their bar or bat mitzvah. I had no special skills or
knowledge prior to 2007. I had not even seen the inside of a Torah until my 50 th birthday, and was 61 years old when I did my
first reading. I was once asked how I learn one or more readings every week. I had no answer. As I said at the beginning,
perhaps I was given a gift.
If you think you might wish to study Torah reading and become a ba’al or ba’alat kri’ah, please let me know. Perhaps it could
change your life as well, whatever your age! It is a profound and sacred undertaking, and I would be delighted to add a class
to our adult studies program if enough of you are interested.
See you in Shul,
Hazzan Roger Weisberg
Reminder: It is not too late to sign up for our summer 2012 trip to Jewish Russia,
departing on July 4. Professor Stephen Berk, who chairs the Jewish Studies and
Holocaust departments at Union College in New York and author of numerous
books and articles related to Russian Jewry, will be guiding
us on this one-week, incredible journey to St. Petersburg and Moscow.
For more info, please contact me or download the flyer below:
The Word February 2012
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Rabbi Transition Committee:
This year we formed a Rabbi Transition Committee in order to acclimate Rabbi
Jeff Pivo and his family into Beth Judea and our community. I am pleased to
report that this committee has successfully completed its role, and that Rabbi
Pivo is fully integrated into our Beth Judea family. I would like to express our
gratitude to the Transition Committee for all their time and effort and thank
each committee member as follows:
Rhonda Wenner, Chairperson and past President
Bruce Entman
Cindy Lipka
Mindy Gold
Evan Rumack
Gloria Hernandez
Merle Rumack
Rebecca Karlin
Michele Sussman
Andy Levitt
Sandy Victor
If you have not had an opportunity to individually or as a group to meet Rabbi
Pivo, please feel free to schedule a meeting directly with the Rabbi. He would
be more than happy to meet with you.
Office: 847-255-0500
Home: 847-537 3388
Cell: 847-208-3345
E-mail: rjdraz@rjdrazner.com
Congregation Beth Judea is an
accepting egalitarian synagogue
whose mission is to create a warm
and inviting home that serves the
lifelong spiritual, educational and
fellowship needs of our members.
Consistent with the principles of the
Conservative/Masorti Movement, we
embrace our responsibility to serve
and support the greater Jewish
community, the community at large,
and the State of Israel.
Click Here to Download A List of All the
Award Recipients, New Officers and
Directors that were installed at our Annual
Dinner on June 24, 2011
Membership Boot Camp:
Thank you to all our congregants who attended our Membership Boot Camp.
The purpose of this program was to provide each member with an opportunity
to learn about every aspect of our synagogue and to get more involved. Many
of you responded to the Kol Nidre Spiritual Pledge Cards and committed to get
more involved in our Beth Judea family. If you have not honored your pledge
yet, please contact us to join a committee of your choice, to join an auxiliary
group of the synagogue, help in the kitchen, or attend the daily minyan or
Shabbat services more frequently. The more to choose to give or involve
yourself in the synagogue, the more you will benefit as a congregant and the
more we will benefit as a congregation.
Purim Masquerade Ball:
The committee is very hard at work at planning an outstanding social program
and major fundraiser for the synagogue on March 3, 2012. Save the date! This
will be the major event of the year. First, we want you to get involved by
committing to attend the Ball. It will be a very casual evening, during which
you can come in costume or mask and have a great time, share good food and
drink (open bar!), dance to a live band, and share the camaraderie of your
follow congregants. There will also be a raffle, silent and live auction, prizes
and many surprises. We also encourage you or a business that you frequent to
place an ad in the program Ad Book. You can also qualify for a free ad in our
next synagogue directory by placing an ad in the Purim Ball Ad Book. Come
out and support the King and Queen of the Ball, none other than Rabbi Jeff and
Lisa Pivo. The Purim Ball even has its own website: cbjpurimparty.org. Be
sure to follow all the updates and excitement of this great program. If you want
to get more involved contact Michael Gluck, the chairperson of the event at:
Rick Drazner
CBJ President
The Word February 2012
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B’nai Mitzvah Bios
Brooke Rachel Wenk will be
called to the Torah as a Bat
Mitzvah on February 11, 2012.
She is a 7th grader at Twin
Groves Middle School.
Brooke is an avid reader who
loves mysteries, romance and
fantasy novels. Brooke drew
upon her love of reading as the
cornerstone for her Mitzvah
project. She is extremely
proud of helping to organize
two successful book drives at
her school along with collecting
books from friends and family
to benefit Bernie's Book Bank.
Bernie's Book Bank is an organization that provides books to at
risk children in the Chicagoland area.
She has been taking jazz, tap, hip hop and ballet classes since
the age of 3. She also participates in track & field for Twin
Groves Middle School and enjoys hanging out with her friends.
Brooke and her Dad have also been active in delivering food
with Maot Chitim for the last several years.
She has spent three awesome summers at B'nai B'rith Beber
Camp in Mukwonago, WI and is looking forward to the
upcoming summer.
Brooke is the last B'nai Mitzvah of Hazzan Weisberg's inaugural
Jr. Yad Squad class.
Joining in Brooke's special day are her extremely proud parents,
Hillary & Brian, sister, Shaina, Grammie Susan Stouber, and
many more family and friends.
Brooke would like to thank Hazzan Weisberg for helping
prepare her for this wonderful occasion. A special thanks, as
well, to Rabbi Pivo.
Isaac Lucas will be called to
the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on
February 25, 2012.
Isaac and his whole family are
looking forward to his Bar
Mitzvah. He is usually busy
with baseball, basketball and
wrestling. This special day
comes as a thrill to his parents
Mindy and Fred Lucas, his
brother Tommie and all his
proud grandparents Fran and
Paul Bulmash and Pearl and
Milt Lucas.
Hannah Sally Epstein will
be called to the Torah as a
Bat Mitzvah on Saturday,
February 18, 2012.
Hannah is a seventh grader
at West Oak Middle School in
Family and friends are most
important to Hannah and she
is honored to be surrounded
by many on this day. Hannah
will be celebrating her Bat
Mitzvah with her siblings
Sammy and Emma, along
with parents Jamie and
Dustin. Also proud to be
there are grandparents Wes and Renee Brown and Arnold and
Linda Epstein, as well as Dorothy Neal and Don Neal. Hannah
is honored that so many of her family and friends are able to
join her from as far away as Michigan, Indiana, Arizona, New
Mexico, Pennsylvania and California.
Hannah has always loved softball and currently plays on the 12
U Vernon Hill's Stinger fast pitch softball team. In addition, she
loves cheerleading and, just recently, volleyball. Because of
her love of sports, Hannah has chosen to support "The Shed"
for her mitzvah project. The Shed is a nonprofit agency
dedicated to giving low-income children the opportunity to
engage in sports and physical activity. Hannah is collecting
new and used sports equipment which will be donated to The
Hannah wants to thank all of her Hebrew school teachers and
Anna Besser for all of their great instruction over the past five
years. She is deeply indebted to her tutor Natalie Gurin for her
patience and dedication to her. Hannah also thanks Rabbi
Pivo and Hazzan Weisberg for their guidance and assistance
in preparing for her Bat Mitzvah.
Beth Judea and the Council of Jewish Elderly are hosting a special
lunch on Friday, February 3, 2012. Volunteers are needed to help
serve the lunch, which will be held at Temple Chai in Long Grove,
from 10:00 a.m. through about 1:30 p.m. The Rabbi will offer a brief
D'rash, and the Hazzan will provide entertainment.
The Ark is providing mishloach manot baskets for its clients in the
North and Northwest suburbs. Please help volunteer to deliver the
baskets on Sunday, March 4, 2012. Packages will be picked up
from the Ark's Northbrook office at 9:30 a.m., and each
volunteer/family will be asked to deliver four to five packages.
They synagogue sponsors a family through the Ark by providing
groceries on a monthly basis. Volunteers are needed to shop
and/or deliver or just to contribute to the cost of the groceries. You
may volunteer on a one-time basis or more frequently, whichever
works for you.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of these projects, please
phone Marilyn Green-Rebnord at 847-821-7740 or email to
The Word February 2012
Page 6
(First issue)
Howie and Suzanne
Goodman were valued
members at Beth
Judea until they
decided to make aliyah
in 2009. The
Goodmans have
agreed to provide us
with a blog on their
experiences as new
olim in Israel. Though
we continue to miss
the Goodmans, we can
all look forward to
reading about their
adventures in Israel
through the blog.
We are very excited to share our experiences as new olim in Israel. Since we are in our mid-60’s, our trials,
tribulations, and exultations are going to be extremely different from those of younger or older olim.
We were both retired when we decided to make aliyah. We thought our first installment would explain how we
happened to make aliyah.
I am now writing as Howie Goodman. My wife, Suzanne, converted to Judaism at 20 so she didn’t have
childhood experiences related to Israel. My first memories of Israel probably go back to the early 1950s. I saw
movies about the Halutzim (pioneers clearing swamps, etc) and “Exodus” as well as “Cast a Giant Shadow.”
We remembered Israel when we celebrated Tu B’Shevat. My family participated in Israel Bond Drives. The
Mideast wars in 1956, 1967, 1973, and the 1980’s were all times to think about Israel.
I once won a small scholarship to visit Israel through the Conservative movement but did not go because of my
parents’ concerns about my safety in Israel. I had no relatives in Israel. In my childhood, I did not know
anyone who had gone to visit Israel.
Our daughter was the person who really renewed our interest in moving to Israel. She was 15 in 1989 and
went to Israel on a high school trip. When she returned she wanted to move permanently to Israel. In 1991,
she went to Hebrew University as a 17-year-old freshman. We visited her that December with other parents of
students in the program. Our son also went to Israel with a group from his university. We were hooked. Israel
was more than we had expected, and we wanted to experience it more.
We travelled to Israel over 10 times between 1991 and 2009. Three times we were part of “Volunteers for
Israel” under the Sar El Program (www.sar-el.org). Volunteers live on military bases, wear uniforms, eat on the
base, and sleep in barracks. Married volunteers separated and had to live in the barracks with fellow men or
women. We did activities that normally would have been done by reservists, which saved the Israeli
government money. We paid for our travel and other costs except for the room and board on the bases. In July
of 2001, we decided to go to Israel because the program was not getting the normal number of volunteers due
to 9/11. (continued on next page)
The Word February 2012
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ALIYAH IN YOUR 60’s (continued from previous page)
In 2002 we toured Israel with Jewish War Veterans from all over the world. We even visited Gaza on one of
the day tours.
In 2007, I lost my job and Suzanne retired early due to coping with breast cancer. Our daughter had made
aliyah in 2006. She married an Israeli and was living in Eilat. We went to visit them in the spring of 2008. In the
fall our grandson was born. We arrived one day after he was born and stayed for a number of weeks in an
apartment. It was then that we decided to start our paperwork for making aliyah through Nefesh B’ Nefesh
(www.nbn.org.il). We thought the process would take a number of months and we also needed to sell our
Arlington Heights home in a terrible housing market. In April of 2009, I was responsible for the first Israel Bond
Drive at Beth Judea. We had purchases of over $400,000.
Finally, in the summer of 2009 our application was approved. We put our home up for sale expecting to sell it in
perhaps a year. Our daughter wanted us to come to Israel to help her with Erez, our grandson. So we decided
it would be easier to move early than staying in our home with showings and the inconvenience of marketing.
We went and stayed in our daughter and son-in-law’s home in Eilat. While we were in Eilat, we received an
offer, countered, and wham, our home was sold! We knew our daughter and son-in-law were going to move
near Haifa with a new job opportunity. They had a place in Caesarea and had room for us until we decided
where to live permanently.
The big problem was we only had a few weeks to sort through 20 years of accumulations, close on our home,
and load our clothes, books, furniture, and other belongings in a container going to Israel by ship. We also
needed to say our goodbyes. To receive our free one-way plane ticket, we ended up staying in a hotel for a
number of weeks before making aliyah. We then drove to Philadelphia to say goodbye to our son, daughter-inlaw, and three grandchildren. We had decided to leave our mini-van with our son and daughter-in-law as well
as our bicycle rack, bicycles, and accessories.
Beat up and exhausted, we arrived at Ben Gurion on December 1, 2009. Someone met us from AACI
(Association of Americans and Canadians In Israel). We had requested this since we were not with a Nefesh B’
Nefesh charter flight. We went to an immigration office at the airport, filled out some paperwork, and received
some money. We were told what offices we needed to go to in Hadera (the closest large city to Caesarea).
We were then asked where we wanted to go and put in a free cab ride to Caesarea.
In Hadera, we went to various agencies and received our Israeli ID cards, class assignment for Ulpan to learn
Ivrit (Hebrew Aleph), and Israeli travel documents. We then had to open a checking account at a bank so we
could receive our one-year stipend for being new olim.
When we look back at the process, it was relatively quick given you are an Israeli citizen with all the rights and
obligations in a very short time. We can vote in municipal and parliamentary elections, pay 19% VAT (tax) on
almost everything, complain about anything and everything concerning Israeli politics and life, and laugh and
cry at ceremonies and events. We can be proud to say we are Israeli’s. We always said we would not say
anything about decisions made in Israel unless we were citizens. Now we are!
We want to share our experiences in such future articles as: how do you obtain a driver’s license? Which
passport do you use and when? What if you don’t speak Ivrit? What benefits are you entitled to as new olim?
What about the conservative (Masorti) movement in Israel? How much do groceries, cars, etc. cost? What
about friends and family left behind?
Please contact us at howieg@aol.com or call us on a Vonage line, which is the same as a local USA call 847259-7524. Please remember we are 8 hours ahead of Chicago time. We also invite anyone who will be
visiting Israel to come to Caesarea for a personal tour. We’ve already had visits from Ann, Mitch, and Seth
Lerman; Kitty and Bruce Hoffman; Tsipi Ladin Gross; Sherry and Dan Weinberger; and Mookie and Sue
Sternberg. Hazzan and Audrey Weisberg as well as Sandy and Andy Levitt visited us in January. So let us
know if you will be here and we can at least give you some “insider” tips on your trip. Shalom!
Howie and Suzanne Goodman
The Word February 2012
Page 8
Family Programs
Congregation Beth Judea
Family Events – February 2012
All events are open to the community and are free of charge (unless otherwise noted).
For more details & to RSVP for all programs, contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777 or visit
www.bethjudea.org (click on “Register for an Event”)
Feb. 3
5:45 pm – Family Shabbat Pray and Play
Join us for Shabbat dinner at 5:45 pm followed by Tot Shabbat services and Parsha playtime at 6:30 pm.
The 30-min. family Shabbat service is perfect for families with children 8 and under. We will use our special
Tot Shabbat Siddur and follow along with kid-friendly translations and familiar Shabbat songs. Shabbat play
will explore the weekly Torah portion through drama and hands-on Shabbat appropriate activities.
Cost for dinner: $15 per family; $20 for non-member families
Please RSVP by Jan. 31.
Feb. 12
10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Gan Shalom
Gan Shalom is a monthly pre-Kindergarten program focusing on Jewish holidays, heroes, and mitzvot for children age 5
and under accompanied by an adult.
This month’s theme: “Totally Trees!”
Cost: $5 per session or $40 for the 9-session series. Each class includes art, stories, music, and snack.
Registration is required by Feb. 6. For more info, please contact Anna Besser at 847-634-8380.
Feb. 16
Feb. 23
2:00 pm – Challah Chaverim (afternoon session)
6:30 pm – Challah Chaverim (evening session)
Join us for challah making, story time with Rabbi Pivo and a Shabbat song session with
Cantor Weisberg. Registration is required by Feb. 14.
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, March 4
Shushan Wonderland and Purim Carnival with special Tot Hour
Every Shabbat Sat. Morning, 10:30 – 11:30 am, Gan Shabbat
Gan Shabbat is a Shabbat service specially designed for children ages nine and under along with their families.
After Gan Shabbat, participants are welcomed at the main service and the community Kiddush.
For more information about family programming, please contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777.
Congregation Beth Judea, 5304 RFD, Long Grove, IL - 847-634-0777
Click on the Links Below to View the Flyers
February 3, 2012
February 12, 2012
February 16, 2012
February 23, 2012
5:45 pm
10:30 am
2:00 pm
6:30 pm
Every Shabbat Morning
10:30 AM
February 2012 Flyer
Familly Shabbat Dinner/Pray & Play
Gan Shalom
Challah Chaverim
Challah Chaverim
Gan Shabbat
View Our Gan Shalom Schedule
View Our Challah Chaverim Schedule
Check out our full calendar of events here.
Like what you see in family programming and want to
help keep it going? Please consider volunteering to
help with one of our programs this year
L’hitraot! See you soon!
Mindy Gold mindygold@sbcglobal.net
Click Here to Join us on Facebook
The Word February 2012
Page 9
Dreaming Big about School Transformation
It’s important to dream big, to indulge in what kind of school we’d like to send our kids to, a 21 st Century Jewish
Religious School. Recently, I’ve begun to dream. To imagine what kind of school we can become.
We’re fortunate that 2 generous donations have come in specifically earmarked for Religious School changes.
With this money, the Education Committee and I will be tackling the school environment. The right
environment can make or break a Religious School class. The way in which classrooms are laid out can have
a major impact on how our students think and interact with the lesson, their peers, the teachers and the overall
theme. This spring and summer, we will be redesigning the classrooms – purchasing new furniture (tables,
storage, chairs), painting the rooms, and installing white boards.
But this just one part of our dream. What does a 21st Century learning community look like? Here are some
elements of the dream:
A school is a Pre-Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade community
Classrooms are vibrant and encourage collaboration and group work
Technology savvy lessons are part of the norm
Homework is a family affair; it’s a tool to help reinforce the classroom learning
Teachers get paid for lesson planning and preparation, collaborative meetings, observing
colleagues and professional development
Families engaged in life-long learning – from preschool age children to adults
Adults talk to each other kindly, with compassion, listening first to understand
The site is a bright, artistically-rich, student-centered, clean, calm place to be. People smile and are
grateful to be a part of it
In order to make other changes, we still need your help. Technology, Life-Long Learning, School Connections,
Family programs are all areas still needing donations.
Yes, I’m a dreamer. But with your help, the dream for Beth Judea’s Religious School can become a reality.
Computer knowledge and application is an integral part of our children’s education. Our students are
bombarded with media sources on a daily basis. We are at a crossroads in Jewish Education. If we do not
keep up with the trends in secular education, then we will be doing a disservice to our students. We are in
need of establishing a completely interactive classroom. The latest forms on engagement and delivery of
information are a key component of how we teach in the classrooms.
The Word February 2012
Page 10
Life-Long Education:
Life-long learning begins years before a child enters Religious School and continues past their B’nai
Mitzvah. We need to create programs that foster a family connection to the synagogue from an early
age. Programs such as Story Time w/the Clergy, Challah Chaverim, Gan Shalom and Family Holiday
celebrations. Through these programs, we get families excited about their Jewish identity and nurture them to
view the synagogue as a “second home.”
At the other end of the spectrum, we need to offer programs for our teens and adults. Our Adult Education has
expanded over the past few years. To continue its growth, to have series with local scholars/professors, to
bring in speakers, view Israeli films and have panel conversations would be a wonderful opportunity. The more
we can offer our congregation, the more likely our congregants will find a way to continue their personal
School Connection:
The years a child attends Beth Judea Religious School is the optimum time to foster their Jewish
identity. Being able to celebrate Shabbat, Sukkot, Purim, Pesach and other holidays together, takes
coordination and a curriculum designed to engage each individual child. Integrated programs between the
Religious School and Youth Groups will help build community within our synagogue. To provide these
opportunities to our students will allow us to put into practice what we teach.
B’Yahad: a monthly joint Religious School and Youth Department program that combines
Kadinkers/Kadima grades together to celebrate Shabbat, Havdalah or other Holidays.
Mifgash: One Sunday in the year, each grade meets to hold a unique program for parents and
student together that we call Mifgash, which can be translated from the Hebrew as an encounter.
Mifgash provides quality time for parents and students to interact Jewishly, through enjoyable
hands-on activities and discussion: parent-student and parent-parent.
Our goal is to build understanding that Judaism is not merely a set of laws about religious aspects of
life, but a way of living and thinking that influences all aspects of life. We celebrate the fact that modern
Jewish families are members of numerous communities (school, work, sports, etc.) and we seek to find
connections between our Jewish and secular lives.
Upcoming School Events:
World Wide Wrap
Coming up on Sunday, February 5th, Dalet and Heh students and their families are invited to participate in
Men’s Club World Wide Wrap at 8:30 am. Dalet students have been working on creating their own Tefillin and
will show off their wrapping skills with the rest of Men’s Club this Sunday morning. Please join us for this event!
School Calendar:
Men’s Club World Wide Wrap
No Gimel Shabbat
No Religious School Classes
Purim Carnival – regular dismissal time (12 pm)
Heh Class Picture
Bet Family Shabbat Dinner
Aleph Class Family Program
Saturday 3/24 – Saturday 3/31
No Religious School – Spring Break
Download Gan Shalom Flyer
The Word February 2012
Page 11
I went to Paris with my family over winter break. The trip was great. We did so many different
activities and tours. We stayed at a very small hotel on the left bank. It was right on a road that had tons
of shops and food places. Everyday I would walk from our hotel to Starbucks to get a drink.
The first weekend I read Torah and led services at the conservative synagogue in Paris. Most
of the tunes were the same, but there were some differences. I had to read the whole k’riah, not just the
triennial reading, so it was very long. I felt very special that I could lead services in a whole different
My favorite part of Paris was
definitely Euro Disney. It was just like
Disney World in Florida, but this one
was better. I went on rides such as
Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain,
and an Aerosmith rollercoaster. We
also got to see a really cool stunt show.
This included gun fights, car jumps,
and wicked racing. We were at Disney
for the entire day, but it quickly ended.
I wanted to go back, but we didn’t have time.
On our trip I also enjoyed going to
Normandy. It was really interesting learning
about D-Day there. I like reading about war,
so this was just my place. We saw Omaha
beach which is the most famous of the 5 landing spots on D-Day. At the beach, we also saw all of the
graves where the soldiers were buried, and it was HUGE.
I also saw famous landmarks and paintings. These included the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de
Triumph, and the Mona Lisa. There were easily 50 people surrounding the Mona Lisa. It was kind of
weird because I thought the painting was big, but it was extremely small.
The food was also excellent in France. I had at least one crepe everyday. I had really good
salmon and steak. Of course there was also cheese, bread, and nutella at every meal, and I got to drink
the wine. My parents thought I had a little too much sometimes, but they’re just being parents. I really
didn’t have a lot. Overall I would definitely want to go back to France. There was so much I didn’t see
and would like to see again. I hope you have the choice of going to France because it is great.
USCJ Annual Concert Supporting CHUSY Region USY & Kadima
Sunday, March 11, 2012 – 7:00 pm
Click here to download flyer
The Word February 2012
Page 12
Dear Congregants,
This past month I had the opportunity to travel to Los Angeles, California for the JYDA (Jewish Youth Directors
Association) annual conference. It was such a thrilling experience for me as I networked with other professionals
similar to myself and got to hear some amazing speakers. One of the speakers who really resonated with me
was Dr. Ron Wolfson. Dr. Wolfson spoke about how we can make our synagogues open and welcoming places.
During Dr. Wolfson’s speech I found myself not only drawn in to everything he was saying, but also spinning my
wheels about how our Beth Judea family can become more like what he described. He went on to talk about
how we live in a day in age where we have to lock doors to synagogues and have security monitors. He stressed
the fact that it is especially important now, in a time where we do have to be so secluded, to throw our arms
around members and non-members alike and welcome them into our community. Dr. Wolfson spoke about
handshakes and hugs when someone new comes into the building. Instead of pointing someone to a prayer
book when they walk into the sanctuary, hand them yours with the page open. Instead of shunning those who
make waves, welcome them to get involved and act on their ideas. All in all bring the synagogue back to a place
of community. Perhaps coffee and doughnuts for parents during Hebrew School time for them to hang out and
socialize, or a Saturday evening program with members of our congregation, the fact remains the time is now to
bring people back to the synagogue. Make it a second home and create a sense of community where the
synagogue is no longer just a place one has to go, or can go, but becomes once again THE place to go.
In other news our second Take Stock in Our Youth program is currently underway. Pledge cards should already
be in your mailbox, or feel free to click the pdf version on here to make a donation. In addition, I along with the
entire BJUSY family would like to send out a special toda raba (thank you) to our very own Beth Judea
Sisterhood and Beth Judea Men’s Club for their co-sponsorship of this year’s BJUSY basketball team. It is
through their support along with the support of the entire Beth Judea community that our youth program was able
to win the prestigious honor of the International Socail Action/ TIkun Olam chapter of the year at the recent
International convention.
Besides winning awards, the youth community and all those supporting it can help give back to the Sisterhood
and Men’s Club by getting involved in their various programs. The Sisterhood currently offers all-occasion cards
that they sell and not only are they a great way to send someone a special message, but purchasing them also
helps support the youth of the synagogue. Men’s Club offers monthly opportunities to help out at a senior center
as well as breakfast opportunities at some Sunday morning minyans. Both opportunities are great ways to get
involved and can be rewarding experiences.
Overall we have a ton of exciting things going on in our BJUSY family as well as the CBJ family as a whole.
Please check out all of our exciting upcoming programs and as always if you have any questions, comments, or
concerns please feel free to contact me.
Marc Sender
Youth Director
Congregation Beth Judea
5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047
Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114
Cell: (847)-334-8639
Email: YouthDirector@bethjudea.org
Check us out on Facebook and Twitter!
Take Stock
in Our Youth
Click Here to
Please Consider making a donation to the
Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to
help USYers go to regional programs and Israel.
The Word February 2012
Page 13
The BJUSY Family would like to extend their
heartfelt gratitude to the Beth Judea Men’s Club and
Beth Judea Sisterhood for their co-sponsorship of
this year’s BJUSY basketball team!
Download a PDF Version of the February Calendar
Feb. 12
BJUSY, USY and KADIMA go to Xtreme Trampolines – download flyer
Feb. 20
BJUSY Kadinkers President’s Day Off at Rinkside Sports – download flyer
The Word February 2012
Page 14
Hi Everyone:
Thank you for all your donations made for the Hanukkah
candles. We appreciate your support. It’s not too late if you
want to mail in a contribution. Thank you for all who helped
feed the homeless with Pads.
Every year we elect a Men’s Club man of the year. This year
he is Jerry Sakol. Jerry is a great guy and a hard worker. But
it’s his commitment to helping others that put him in a special
category. Congratulations Jerry. The Midwest Region of the
Federation of Jewish Men’s Club’s will be honoring Jerry and
others at brunch on February 19, 2012. We will are
encouraging those of you who know Jerry to come. Rabbi Pivo
and Cantor Weisberg are both coming.
On February 3, 2012 as part of the Keruv Program the
Synagogue will honor our non-Jewish spouses, parents and
grandparents to thank them for all their support.
Our next breakfast will be Sunday February 12, 2012. Feel free
to drop your kids off at school and join us for coffee, bagels
and sweets. We welcome everyone.
We volunteer at Lieberman Geriatric Health Care Center by
helping the residents get to and participate in services. The
upcoming dates are 2/11/12, 3/10/12 and 4/7/12. Please
contact Robert Weissman or Jerry Sakol.
Fred Rabinowitz
Therefore, you cannot have donated elsewhere after December 25, 2011.
Call Fred Rabinowitz to make
an appointment at 847-398-5488
or email at Rabino49@aol.com.
Download Blood Drive flyer
We are starting our Hearing Men’s Voices program on
February 15, 2012. The two topics will be “Children Younger
than Middle School Age and Non-Dependant Children”. This is
a chance to sit down with other men and talk about issues that
are affecting our lives. Please see the flyer for further
information or contact Mark Travis or Evan Rumack.
Our meetings are on the first Wednesday of every month.
Guests are invited.
Please keep in mind that Life Source, the people who run the Blood Drive,
require a photo ID when you fill out your paperwork. Please bring a state ID
or driver’s license because they will not allow anyone to give blood or
attempt to give blood without proper ID. Also, make sure you have
something to eat before you arrive. Refreshments will be provided.
Your donated blood is used in many ways, including removing platelets and
other by-products for various surgical procedures and other medical
The world wide wrap is set for February 5, 2012. Join us and
Jews throughout the world in participating on Teflin. Help will
be available.
Our annual blood drive has been changed to February 26,
2012. Please plan on donating.
The Men’s Club
is once again sponsoring a
Blood Drive
through Life Source on Sunday, February 26, 2012
from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Social Hall.
February 5
February 11
February 12
February 15
February 19
February 26
World Wide Wrap
Lieberman Home
Java Judea
Hearing Men’s Voices
Man of the Year Brunch
Men’s Club Blood Drive
Regular monthly meeting is the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Download Flyer
The Word February 2012
Page 15
Interpretive Library Shabbat Minyan
Please Join Us for a Special KERUV Program...
February 3, 2012
To Our Beth Judea Family –
As Conservative Jews, we are devoted to Jewish tradition and to
engagement with the world beyond the walls of our synagogue.
We affirm the values of hospitality and respect for all people,
regardless of religion. In addition to being strong supporters of
interfaith initiatives in our region, we recognize that many Jewish
families include non-Jewish members - spouses, grandparents,
in-laws - who support their Jewish family's traditions and
synagogue affiliation. Our outreach to those families is called
Keruv, and it is an important facet of the work that the Federation
of Jewish Men's Clubs does.
On Friday, February 3, we will honor those non-Jewish spouses,
parents and grandparents of our members at a special Keruv
service at Beth Judea. We invite all extended members of our
interfaith families to join us in thanking them for the commitment
they have made in joining our synagogue, to raise Jewish
children and for all they do to support Beth Judea. Services
begin at 7:30 pm and are approximately one hour. Please join
us for the oneg dessert following services.
If a non-Jewish member of your family will be joining us that
night, please contact the Beth Judea office so that we can
properly honor them. I look forward to seeing you that night.
Rabbi Jeff Pivo
Of course you’d go to services more often but
they’re mostly in Hebrew, difficult to follow, and
very long. You’d love to spend some part of
Shabbat morning in a meaningful service, but you
are just not comfortable regularly attending the
Congregation’s main service. The easy answer
you give to yourself….wait until next week.
Suppose there was a service that lasted a little
more than an hour. Suppose that service included
in English everything that was said in Hebrew.
Suppose further, that at least a half an hour of that
time was spent discussing, in laymen’s terms, the
Torah portion, the upcoming holiday, or some other
topic of relevance.
Would you go? Our twice a month Interpretive
Minyan in the Library does all that and more. It
provides an alternative minyan to let mourners and
those observing Yahrzeit, who share the same
attitudes about traditional Shabbat morning
services as you, to say Kaddish. It gives an
opportunity to build a new chavurah (group of
friends) with those who share the same feelings
about attending services. It provides an
opportunity to share experiences and to learn
about our rituals, our traditions and our practices.
All are invited to join our new dynamic
community which meets on the first and third
Shabbat of every month. We start at 10:30 and
finish well before noon – in time to hear Rabbi
Pivo’s comments in the main sanctuary. Our
service is designed to build community by
providing a passionate, meaningful and spiritual
Shabbat morning experience in which participation
is encouraged and accessible. Our minyan group
is friendly and welcoming to all who choose to join
us. We are lay led, and we invite questions and a
free flowing discussion. We are co-sponsored by
Beth Judea’s Men’s Club and Education
Department. Please come if you can. The warmth
of our community will cause you to forget the hectic
week just finished.
The only prerequisite is a desire to participate in
services, experience Shabbat and learn a little
Torah. It doesn’t matter how well or how fast you
read Hebrew. It doesn’t matter how learned you
are in Torah. All that matters is that you have the
willingness to join us and to be a part of this new
and exciting minyan experience.
The Word February 2012
Page 16
Men’s Club Note Cards Available
Have you ever wondered what to give your hosts when you go
for a Shabbat or holiday dinner? Do you have the right note
cards for birthday, anniversary or gift checks?
Beth Judea Men's Club is proud to announce that all occasion
note cards are now available in the Sisterhood Judaica Shop.
The note card, pictured above, is a montage of the stained glass
windows and art from the Midwest Region Men's Clubs member
Proceeds from these blank cards will help both Men's Club and
Sisterhood in their efforts to support Beth Judea. These cards
are a great alternative to wine or candy and can even be
presented as packaged.
Cards are sold in sets of 10 for $18 at the Gift Shop.
Social Action
Ark Family
Beth Judea supports a family in need through the Ark by
supplying them with groceries on a monthly basis.
Designated congregants shop, deliver, and/or contribute
financially for the month for which they have volunteered.
Please contact Marilyn Green-Rebnord at
drebnord@comcast.net to help out with this project.
The Social Action Committee is always looking for members.
We generally meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:45
p.m. (right after minyan). For more information or to confirm
a meeting time, please contact Marilyn Green Rebnord at
The Word February 2012
The ARK is very pleased to
announce the opening of
The ARK Northwest: A Safe
Harbor for the Jews of the
Northwest Suburbs. The new office
is located in the Dundee Place Corporate Center, 3100
Dundee Rd., Suite 204; Phone (773) 973-0011. This
new satellite office, at the northeast corner of Dundee
and Landwehr in Northbrook, will provide increased
access to The ARK’s vital human services in the
northwest suburbs-where the greatest growth in
Chicagoland’s Jewish population has occurred in the
past 10 years.
Hours at the new location are:
Monday, 9:00 am – 7:30 pm and
Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Page 17
January was a busy month for Sisterhood at Beth Judea. We had
many fun programs, led a Shabbat service, attended training
sessions, and read a few books.
Upcoming events- Mark your calendars
February 8 – Education Program
February 13 – Z’Havah Night Out – Color Me Mine!!
February 25 – Nosh-A-Nite
February 29 – Education Program (Purim)
March 18 – Wine Tasting with Men’s Club
March 21 – Passover Event
We had a wonderful turn out for our Challah Baking Program. I
think you can still smell the challahs baking in the kitchen! Thank
you to Sherry Weinberger for planning the event. She was “up to
her elbows in dough” getting it all ready so we could complete our
tasty treats in an evening program.
Synagogue Members Needed:
Volunteers for PADS
Sisterhood Shabbat proved to be a special day for all attending.
Thank you to Melissa Chudnoff and Natalie Gurin for coordinating
the service. Thank you to Heidi Sakol for planning the kiddish
following the service. All the participants did a wonderful job! Thank
you to Rabbi Pivo, Cantor Weisberg, Lisa Nieman, and Debbie
Frager for all their help.
Volunteers are needed to help serve food at the south Arlington
Heights PADS location on the first Thursday of any month October
thru May from 6:15 pm to 8:15 pm.
Thank you to Elizabeth Ladin-Gross for facilitating the evening
Page Turners in January. Be looking for the flyer with a new title for
April. The Afternoon Page Turners had a great discussion, but we
would love to have a larger group. Anyone interested- please join
one or both book groups. You do not have to come every month.
Anyone interested can contact Kitty Hoffman directly at (847) 2592512 or (847) 606-8877 (cell). You can also email her at
If you can’t volunteer to serve food, we also need volunteers that
can provide breakfast food supplies on the first Thursday of each
month October thru May. The link for the supply list is below.
Arrangements can be made fro drop off or pick up of supplies
Click Here to Download the Supply List
Women’s League sent an international trainer to work with our
Sisterhood. We have so many new ideas and plans to implement
at Beth Judea. Be looking for flyers, emails, and articles in THE
Come Join Us for the Sisterhood
Progressive Nosh A Night!
February 25, 2012
Download flyer
February has much to offer as well. We have our famous Nosh-aNight—an opportunity for husbands or significant others to join in
socializing and food. You travel to three different locations for
delicious appetizers and desserts. The charge is only $5 per
person. Please see the flyer since the deadline is getting close.
The nominating committee is working to fill our Board positions.
The executive board positions are held for 2 years while all the
directorships are one-year commitments. We are attracting new
faces to the meetings and would like to continue expanding our
members’ involvement in Sisterhood. If you are interested please
contact our parliamentarians Rhonda Cohn and Laurie
A special thank you to our technology expert, Theresa in the office.
You can now click on our free events to reply. Don’t worry we take
the old-fashioned phone calls or emails as well. Don’t forget to
checkout THE WORD and emails for our flyers and dates of
events. There is also a Sisterhood section on the drop down menu
when sending a card or making a donation from Beth Judea on the
website or calling the office on the phone.
Mary Brickman and Debbi Green
Sisterhood Co-Presidents
The Word February 2012
Need some new ideas for everyday
cooking? L’CHAIM, TOO! Can help!
Click here to learn more
All Occasion Cards - click here for flyer
L’Chaim Cookbook – click here to get your free recipe
Torah Pin – (see below)
What do the Torah Fund, teenagers
& Lady Gaga’s wardrobe have in common?
They are all misunderstood! Torah Fund is not a fund to support the writing or
renovation of Torah Scrolls, but rather a fund to support the education of our rabbis,
cantors, teachers, academic scholars & social workers so that Judaism can thrive &
grow. The Women’s League of Conservative Judaism Torah Fund’s tagline is “Women
ensuring Conservative/Masorti Jewish Education.” The “Torah” in Torah Fund” is
striving to obtain the knowledge found in the Torah and to keep future Jewish
generations strong by teaching & educating those leaders who are involved with Jews
around the world. In other words, your donation will help make possible a strong
Jewish future. How can you argue with that?! The theme for 5772 is “Hiddur Mitzvah,”
the concept of embellishing a mitzvah through aesthetics. An example might be to use
a beautifully hand decorated Challah cover as part of the Shabbat celebration, thus
allowing the sacred object & activities to become more precious. Our beautiful Torah
Fund pin, (which can also be worn as a necklace) is awarded with a minimum donation
of $180, however ANY donation is greatly appreciated! Contact Pam Herstein at 847634-2743 or at Pammy327@aol.com.
Page 18
Dear Sisters:
We are forming the nominating committee to determine the upcoming slate of Sisterhood officers. Additionally, it is
desirable to reach out to women who are not currently active or are Sisterhood board members. Please respond to
anything that applies.
I am interested in…
Serving on the nominating committee myself or providing the name of someone who would be a good
committee member.
Recommending a particular woman to hold a Sisterhood office or chair a committee.
Keeping my current Sisterhood board position of_______________________.
Becoming a Sisterhood board member. My area of interest is_______________________.
Becoming a Sisterhood board “member-at-large” (3 openings)
Please respond to: lauri@laurirosenbloom.com. As I receive many emails on a daily basis, the subject line of all
correspondence must read “Sisterhood Nominating Committee.” Please respond by February 2, 2012.
Below is the list of Sisterhood board/committee positions. Please include your name, phone and email
address. Indicate your top three choices.
Two-Year Executive Positions
Executive VP
Fundraising VP
Membership VP
Programming VP
Education VP
All Occasion Cards
Annual Fundraiser (co-chairs)
Book Club
College Care Cards
Count Your Blessings
Entertainment Books
Judaica Arts
Judaica Shop Manager
Judaica Shop Scheduler
New Member Liaison
Rewards and Recognition
Rummage Sale/Committee
Sisterhood Shabbat
Sisterhood Membership Dinner/Committee
Social Action
Torah Fund
Women’s Seder/Committee
Board Member at Large
The Word February 2012
Page 19
Click Here
to View
Our New
Congregation Beth Judea offers a variety of meaningful
Jewish learning opportunities through classes, lectures
and informal sessions on Jewish Law, Torah, prayer and
other topics of interest that will intrigue and inspire you.
All classes (unless otherwise noted) are held at
Congregation Beth Judea.
Visit our
Adult Ed
page by
for classes
online –
click here
For a listing of adult education classes offered here at
CBJ, you can download our Adult Ed brochure by
clicking here.
“When I pray,
I speak to God;
When I study,
God speaks to me.”
-quote by Rabbi Louis Finkelstein
Interpretive Minyan in the Library
Service Leader: Norm Kurtz
You are invited to join the Interpretive Minyan in the
Library the first and third Shabbat of every month. Our
minyan is designed to build community by providing a
passionate, meaningful and spiritual Shabbat morning
Our minyan is friendly and welcoming to all who choose to
attend. We meet in the synagogue library on the second
floor from 10:30 until 11:45.
Shabbat shalom,
Norm Kurtz
These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time.
Wednesdays – 8:00 pm – Sweet Taste of Torah: Torah Study
Saturdays – 9:00 am – Shabbat Torah/Haftarah Study
Sunday – 8:00 am – Words of My Mouth: Talmud Study
The Word February 2012
The Great Debate Society is a delightful evening of
thoughtful discussion and personal perspective on a
variety of topics with a view to the Jewish values
inherent in the theme.
Join the Rabbi and others for lively discussions on
varied topics of interest to Jews!
Meetings are the last Wednesday of the month at 8:00
p.m. from October through May in the Social Hall.
Feb. 29
Norm Kurtz
Redeeming Hostages..At What Price?
This past October the Israeli government agreed to release
more that 1,000 prisoners (among whom were known
terrorists and murderers) in order to secure the safe return of
Israeli staff sergeant Gilad Shalit. Some say this was the right
thing to do. Others maintain the price was too high and the
resultant risks too great.
What is the "Jewish" perspective? What would you do if
you were Prime Minister Netanyahu faced with this
challenge? Join Norm Kurtz to explore this moral and ethical
Page 20
Six Jewish Approaches to God
Jews and American Politics
Rabbi Pivo
Mondays Afternoons at 12:30 pm at Beth Judea
Examining three pre-modern and three modern Jewish
theologies, we will explore the ever changing Jewish
relationship with the divine. Sessions include: God in
the TORAH, God in the Tamud, Rambam’s God,
Buber’s God, Kaplan’s God, Heschel’s God.
Dates: Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb. 6 & 13
Just Desserts – Jewish Style
Debbie Frager
Tuesday evenings at 8 pm
Who doesn’t love desserts?
Each week we will focus a
different PARVE Jewish
dessert to create – ones
that don’t taste like Parve!
Join us for this fun filled
class and learn to make
some amazing desserts!
Dates: Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7 & 14
Hebrew Literacy II – Classes Begin Feb. 7th
Dates: February 8 and 15, 2012
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Location: Temple Chai
Click Here to Download Flyer
Coming Up: Genesis and the Study of Torah
Begins February 22
Tax or Spend: Judaism and the Welfare State
Rabbi Pivo - Sundays at 11:00 am
To what degree is a society responsible for the well-being of
its citizens? What should the individual conytribute toward
the upkeep of public institutions and the support of
strangers? Looking ahead to the 2012 election cycle, this
class will examine Jewish sources that inform our thinking on
these and related topics.
Dates: Jan. 15, 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12 & 26
Jews and the Civil War
Marc Herwitz – Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 – 8:00 pm
Did you know that Jews fought on both
sides of the Civil War? While the Jews
were small in number, they played a
significant role in politics and battle.
Join us for a presentation by Marc Herwitz.
To register for classes or to find out more
information about the Adult Education
programs, contact Anna Besser at (847)
634-0777 or at abesser@bethjudea.org
NEXT SESSIONS: Jan. 12th and Feb. 9th at 8:00 pm
The Word February 2012
Page 21
Dear Congregants,
Our Congregation Beth Judea’s new website is here.
Visit us at www.bethjudea.org. On our website you can
now make online donations, register for events, view
calendars and schedules and now as you shop you can
help support Beth Judea 3 ways:
Amazon.com – Just click on the link and you will
be taken to the Amazon website. You need to
access Amazon through this link so that Beth
Judea receives a percentage of your sales.
Escrip – Just click on the link on the home page
of our website, click on sign up and type in
“Congregation Beth Judea” under Group Name.
The rest of the on-screen instructions are easy to
Purchase gift cards through Beth Judea. On the
home page of the website there is a link to
download a copy of the gift card order form.
Simply print the form, order your cards and send
back to the synagogue. We will call you when the
gift cards arrive.
Download Book Order Form
We’re still here!! We’re getting younger every year!!
Where are you?
Seriously – this is a great way to meet and hang out
with your contemporaries.
The MT Nesters is open to the community and our
annual dues are still at $20. However, there’s a
special deal for Beth Judea members – the dues for
your first year membership in MT Nesters is NONE - - ZERO.
We meet once a month, usually on Sunday evening,
except for February and the summer months. Call
Carol at (847) 537-3566 or Sam at (847) 459-0316.
(see the bottom of page 5 of this edition of The Word for
more information)
The Word February 2012
Page 22
Koach Outreach Program for College Students
JUF Right Start is a gift program that gives a one-time
grant of $500 - $1000 per family to offset the cost of
tuition to a local Jewish preschool made the first year
a child is enrolled. It is not based on need. For more
information go to http://www.juf.org/rightstart
Koach is the Conservative Movements' outreach program for
college students. The Koach website at www.koach.org always
has interesting and helpful information.
For those of you who are about to begin your college
experience, Koach has produced a wonderful guide that you
should view and refer to in the coming weeks. You will find it at
Helpful Links and Resources
JUF NW Suburban News
Jewish United Fund
Jewish Vocational Services
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Jewish Child and Family Services
Jewish Community Centers
Council for Jewish Elderly
JUF Northwest Suburban News
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Judea's Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of Judaica and gift items such as tallitot, kippot, Seder
plates, Chanukah menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, mezzuzah cases, books, toys, games and teacher gifts and nonreligious gift items. They carry Gary Rosenthal, Nambe and a large number of items that are imported directly from Israel. The shop also
carries special seasonal items and gift baskets. In addition, they can special order about anything you may want.
Stop by when the shop is open: Sundays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and by appointment. Karen Nagel is the Gift Shop Manager.
The Gift Shop has lots of
new merchandise,
including great High
Holiday and other holiday
gift items, as well as
Bat/Bat Mitzvah and
wedding gift items.
Check out their own
L'CHAIM TOO! Cookbook, filled with special
recipes for all your holiday
needs or as a great gift
for any occasion. They
accept MC, VISA. and
The Word February 2012
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop
(Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF
Coupon must be present at time of purchase
Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls, consignment items.
Nambe Discount Limited to 10% / No Discount on Michael Aram
One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires February 29, 2012
Page 23
The Face of Domestic Abuse is not always
easy to recognize. It could be your daughter,
your sister, your best friend.
Look What’s Happening at the Board of Jewish
Education Early Childhood Center!
We have been very busy these last several weeks! Our threefour year old classes have just completed their Israel unit. They
learned about Israel and the people that live there. They will
culminate this unit with a “trip to Israel”. The day of the trip, the
children will come with their suitcases in tow, packed with the
necessary items for a long plane ride. As they arrive at the El Al
ticket counter, they will pick up their passports and their tickets.
On the plane, they will see slides of Israel. When they land, their
rooms will be transformed. They will visit a shuk (Israeli market)
where they will eat falafel, and squeeze their own oranges for
fresh orange juice. They will go to Hadassah Hospital as well as
Safed, where their original works of art will be on display and
available for “purchase”. Some children will visit a Kibbutz where
they will milk a cow and pull some vegetables. This is truly a
magical experience for the children as well as their parents.
The Pre-K classes have also culminated their study of Israel.
They were focusing more on the land of Israel. They began by
learning how the Jewish people came back to resettle the land of
Israel. We have also been studying the water shortage in the
Negev. The children will explore hands on different ways to
reclaim water and make it viable. In conjunction with this, the
children did extensive planting. Each child kept a journal of their
bean plant, charting its growth. They took a fieldtrip to the
Botanic Gardens where they studied the different greenhouses,
especially focusing on the Cactus Greenhouse. The children
each sketched a cactus, paying careful attention to the size,
shape and color. The children came back and using clay,
recreated a cactus they had seen. We looked at various citrus
fruits and compared and contrasted them, sorted them in many
different ways and counted the seeds in the different fruits. The
children and their families celebrated the culmination of this unit
of study with a feast of the fruits of Israel. A wonderful time was
had by all!
We take great pride in our early literacy program as well as our
pre-math program. Our cutting edge curriculum prepares the
children for a lifetime of learning. The BJE schools leave the
children with a strong foundation of learning and social skills as
they prepare for kindergarten and beyond.
New for the 2012-2013 School Year!
We will be offering many different extended day options for the
children in our 3-4 year old classes and our pre-k classes. We
offer classes for children aged 15 months-5 years of age. We
will also be offering early morning hours beginning at 7:30 a.m.
For more information about our school or to schedule a tour
please call Janet Sear at 847 634-0363 or visit our website at
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone at
any time. One in four women will experience
domestic abuse at some point in her lifetime.
90% of children are aware of the abuse
directed at their mothers.
Abuse can take many forms: verbal,
emotional, financial, sexual, physical and
SHALVA has helped over 4,000 Jewish
women since 1986 and is specifically certified
by the State of Illinois to provide domestic
violence counseling. We are the oldest
independent Jewish domestic violence agency
in the United States.
SHALVA offers free confidential domestic
abuse counseling services to the Chicago
Jewish Community.
SHALVA’s free, confidential services include:
24 hour crisis-line 773-583-4673 (HOPE)
Culturally sensitive individual & group
Legal information & court support
Financial assistance
Rabbinical & community advocacy & training
Information and referrals
Community prevention & educational programs
Page 24
The Word February 2012
If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth,
engagement or wedding, we would like to know about it
so that this milestone can be included in The Word.
If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would
like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be
said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the
Bikur Cholim committee can be notified and be of
If there is a death in your family, we would like to know
about it so that we can offer our support, can share this
information with our congregation, and so that we can
add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records.
We firmly believe that reaching out to others
benefits not only the recipient, but the person
providing help as well. This is, without a
doubt, a win-win situation for all involved.
If you are interested in making a difference,
please contact one of the committee
members below.
Rabbi Pivo
Wendy Wunsch
Evan Rumack
Please call the synagogue office with this information.
Do not assume that someone else will have notified the
synagogue staff.
Congregation Beth Judea
Bikur Cholim Committee
Please complete the following form to notify the committee of a person who is ill, hospitalized or in a rehabilitation facility,
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Location ______________________________________________________________________________
Contact person/phone number: ____________________________________________________________
Your name: ___________________________________________________________________________
□ Please contact this person
□ Please ask the clergy to contact this person
Please return this card to the office before or after Shabbat. You may also fax the information to (847) 634-8055,
call the Rabbi or contact our committee chairs,
Wendy Wunsch
The Word February 2012
Evan Rumack
(847) 253-4130
Beth Judea Office
(847) 6 34-0777
Page 25
The Word February 2012
Page 26
The Word February 2012
Page 27
We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family:
February 1
Daniel Kurtz
Elisa Nusinow
February 14
Stuart Kersky
Dean Klassman
February 2
Fern Dembo
Todd Lichtenstein
Tamara Lorber
Kenneth Redfern
Michael Savitt
February 15
Rabbi Howard Lifshitz
Helen Peters
Beth Pollard
Hyman Riebman
February 16
February 3
Marlene Greenberg
Kenneth Margules
Gary Mills
Lisa Goldberg
Brenda Levin
Marc Lewison
Charlotte Seltzer
February 4
Ellen Lerner
Liz Schachter
February 18
Barbara Julis
February 19
February 5
Arlene Ament
Ana Goldman
Gregory Kalisky
Seymour Stoller
Audrey Taxer
Scott Finkle
Charles Lustig
Sherry Weinberger
February 20
Irving Lieberman
February 21
Lance Pacernick
Teri Pulver
February 22
Elizabeth Ladin-Gross
February 6
Robert Antman
Scott Horwitz
Arlene Moses
February 7
Susan Mandell
Carrie Shultz
Wendy Weinger
February 23
Patricia Feldman
Joey Hoffman
Miriam Krieberg
February 9
Fred Hakimi
Alan Palmer
February 24
Scott Landau
February 25
February 10
Jason Allen
Judith Levitan
Sheri Lippman
Elizabeth Rosin
Ellene Lammers
Jerrold Lazar
February 26
Georgianne Oman
Lynda Sachs
Andrea Warren
February 27
Wendy Frost
Glenn Goldstein
Steven Leibach
Jeffrey Wener
February 28
Alyssa Horwitz
February 11
Barbara Buhai
Selma Emalfarb
Gary Friedlander
February 12
Joshua Kahn
February 13
Natalie Gurin
Kendra Rosen
We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family:
February 2
Jerome and Marlene Gothelf
Allen and Karey Rosenston
February 17
Steven and Beth Brooks
February 4
David and Debra Simon
February 21
Jeffrey and Rhonda Wener
February 12
Herman and Faye Hefler
February 24
Gary and Sheri Weisbaum
February 14
Layne and Ellyn Pollard
February 26
Arthur and Carol Schechter
February 16
Sandy and Denise Stelzer
Allan and Mary Wernick
Stuart and Rona Wolf
February 27
David and Bonnie Neubauer
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration.
NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word February 2012
Page 28
February Yahrzeits
February 3
Bruce Abrams
Gerald Bernstein
Charles Frank
Charlotte Herstein
Irv Kaufman
Ethan Levitan*
Louis Peck
Shirley Schechtman
Ethan Sulkin
Julius Abrams
Marion Borden
Sarah Frankel
Rose Howard
Estelle Kerstein
Louis Margolis
Mandel Perl
Helen Schwartz*
Milton Weiss
Anna Berkovitz*
Abe Cooper*
Samuel Goldman*
Robert Isenberg
Anette Kessler*
Sheila Moskowitz
Margaret Pinkus*
Dora Stein*
Roselin Berman
Aubrey Dembo
Era Greiman*
Ann Karno
Lillian Leafstone
June Pearlman*
Melvin Reback
Joseph Stone
February 10
Bernice Abraham
Diane Brown*
Morris Damsky
Sidney Freed
Hyman Karafin
David Rosenfeld*
Betty Wasserman
Leo Abrams
Betty Cohn
Mitchell Davis*
Lena Grossman
Rachel Levin
Elizabeth Rosenthal*
Clara Weisberg
Edward Bohm
Gregorio Copelovitz
Louis Engel
Anna Hershtein
Adelyn Nixon
Rose Secler
Eva Wittenberg
Alfred Braun*
Steve Croft
Sarah Finkelstein
Stuart Julis
Jacob Rizman*
Morris Spiegel
February 17
Jack Babbitt*
Irwin Dritz
Bertha Feldman*
Sol Ganellin*
Shirley Harris
Sylvia Katz*
Albert Levin
Jackie Max
Hyman Polonsky
George Sherman*
Arthur Westerman*
William Bernstein
Sam Emalfarb
Ceil Feldstein
Norman Goldberg
Sheldon Hurtig
Gary Korn
Norman Liebold
Jules Mellow
Mary Alice Ryan
Seymour Shub*
Milton Zimmerman
Irene Chatow
Muriel Epstein*
Irving Fenton
Edith Gordon
Dorothy Hyman
Wolf Kovel
Howard Jay Lorber*
Ann Nemser*
Jerome Schneider*
Bernard Stouber
Robert Cohen*
Arthur Fierer
Moe Forman*
Marvin Harris*
Gloria Katz
Sam Lemsky
Sidney Lorber*
David Polakow*
Rose Sher
Bernard Weisberg
February 24
Dorothy Becker*
Jack Cohen
Lillian Freedman
Lena Kagan*
Emily Kron
Meyer Pagowsky
Max Rosenblatt
Joseph Shefsky*
Bertha Watchman
Morris Braverman*
Alice Copeland*
Corrine Gill
Louis Kalisky
Leona Levey
Jacob Petrynek*
Philip Rothstein
Rywka Slomowicz
Florence Zablen*
Becky Cohen
Shirlee Davis*
Elizabeth Goldenberg
Samantha Keeshin*
Monte Levitt*
David Popilsky*
Steven Schmeisser*
Jerome Sohn
Leslie Zucker*
David Cohen
Harold Dobrikin*
Benjamin Golyer*
Rita Kravitz
Victor Nahum*
Dorothy Rose*
Hyman Schwartz*
Marshall Sylvan
The Word February 2012
Page 29
March Yahrzeits
March 2
Dan Bauer*
James Corenman*
Emanuel Fagman
Sherry Gerber
Manny Indes*
Ruth Lifshitz*
Ann Robinson
Vivian Schneider*
William Steres*
Clara Charlat*
Victor Croft
David Feldheim*
Foster Gould
Minnie Kahn
David Marder
Edith Rockwell
Carl Shapiro*
Frances Stern
Mary Cohen
Henry Eisenhammer
Frances Friedlander
Anna Haberman*
Burton Kolman
Rose Pollack
Marcella Rumack*
Diane Shapiro*
Jerome Waitz
Rose Coll
Rose Elisco
Evelyn Ginsburg
Joseph Hockfield*
Sidney Leibowitz
June Reback
Barbara Sachs*
Anne Soll*
Ellin Wener*
March 9
Robert Block*
Marvin Cohn
Hanna Fierer
Leo Greenberg*
Solomon Klein
Ann Levin*
Ronald Marcus
Harry Rosenberg
Lucille Weisberg*
Betty Blumenthal
Lester Copeland*
Harold Glassman
Harold Gross*
Wanda Komisarz
Leonard Levitan*
Helen Mills
Barbara Seider
Peter Weisberg
Helene Borkan*
Russell Davis*
Lillian Goldstein*
Charles Haberman*
Hymen Krieberg
Michael Lindenbaum
Bessie Mordoh*
Ben Silverman*
Richard Welch
Riva Chiet*
Mildred Faldberg
Meyer Goldware*
Seymour Keeshin*
Dan Kwasman
Sofia Magill
Sylvia Perl*
Harvey Stein*
March 16
Esther Arnold
Nadine Feader
Jacob Hammer
Leonard Levy*
Abraham Lippman
Morris Rotman
Jill Waitz
Louis Bardos*
Rhonda Feder
Bernard Kurtz*
Cecilia Lerner*
Minnie Muffson
Sheri Schneiderman-Litskin
Morris Walcer*
Gerald Brownfield
Sondra Gartenberg*
Steven Landau*
Esther Levin*
Dora Nechamkin*
Michael Spivak*
Jeffrey Weisberg*
Samuel Cohen*
Lillian Gold*
Lee Lazar*
Ben Levin*
Cynthia Rafal*
Esther Waddell
Mindy Zolno
March 23
Celia Abelson*
Mac Brown
Miriam Ferber
June Handler
Rhea Klein
Irving Ludwig
Morris Nathan*
Louis Reznick
Ruth Schwartz
Doris Warman
Caesar Wollheim
Rose Altman*
Celia Cohen
Hans Freeman
Sam Harris
Alexander Kleine
Solomon Lustig
Leo Nochimson*
Ida Rodinger
Minnie Shane
Howard Weinert
Abraham Wortell*
Susan Berliner
Beatrice Dennis
Milton Geller
Abe Henning
Harry Krulewich
Judith Mazur
Louis Polakow
Carl Rosenthal*
Beatrice Silver
Beatrice Weisz
David Zoller*
Harry Bernstein
Eve Engel
Frances Goodman
Beulah Henning
Frieda Lieberman*
Michael Minnen
Esther Pomerantz
Max Schwartz*
Jean Silver
Louis Wener
March 30
Gilbert Agrest
Faina Brudnoy
Carol Dern
Ida Freeman
Kay Goodman
Sylvia Harris
Jerry Kaplan*
Abe Levin*
Lev Podkovik
Faye Schwartz
Bertha Weinberg*
Ronald Wolff
Benjamin Berkovitz*
Henry Burdeen*
Carl Elvove*
Lenore Gluskin*
Marlene Green
Robert Hazan
Becky Kekst
Edith Levine*
Harold Poll
Carol Sheiner
Sam Weinberg*
Peter Brenner*
Hillary Chusid
Charles Faingold
Joyce Goldberg
Joseph Greenberg*
Bernard Hefler
Jack Krivitzky*
Jack Neimark
Sandra Portnoy
Gloria Silver
Mary Weisz
Sarah Brown
Sonia Copelovitz
Charles Falk*
Jeanette Goldenson
Paul Grobman*
Lipty Holtzman
Rochelle Lerner
Abe Orloff
Jack Rotman
Joseph Steiner
Esther Wolf*
The Word February 2012
Page 30
TO PAGES 70, 71 & 72 OF YOUR
Congratulations to:
Sherry & Marty Krawitz on the birth of their
granddaughter Sophie Emery Pinkus.
Prayers have been said for the
recovery of:
Joel Mosak
Lois & Stew Margolis on the marriage of
their son Lee to Juliana Cheatheam.
Condolences upon the death of:
Harriet Ament
Mother of Rickey Ament
Karen & Phil Nagel on the birth of their
grandson Henry Nagel Mermel.
Carol & Craig Levin on the birth of their
granddaughter Avery Julia Levin.
Cheryl Meltzer on her engagement to David
Sarajane & Chuck Orloff on the birth of their
grandson Jonah Oliver Bosco.
Daniel Brown
Brother of Lee Brown
Uncle of Lisa Neiman
Lynne & Jerry Shkolnik on the birth of their
granddaughter Alexa Brynn Kolman
Robert Allan Brown
Father of Michael Brown
Sheri Cooper
Daughter of Ronald Cooper
Joseph Green
Father of Alan Green
Speedy Recovery Wishes:
David Pluda
Mike & Renee Malter
Mother of Luba Brin
Arlen Litwin
Brother of Burton Litwin
In Appreciation of:
Rabbi Pivo’s help in the funeral of my
father, Joseph Green.
Alan & Debra Green
Fred Moskowitz
Husband of Mari Moskowitz
Rabbi Pivo’s hospital visit and prayers for a
full recovery for Elsie Halperin.
The Halperin Family
Tatyana Ioffe
Peter Stark
Cousin of Albert Stark
Cousin of Barry Stark
Newton Truger
Father of Aileen Simons
Father of Susan Heald
June Walcer
Rabbi Pivo, with deep gratitude for his
support and officiating on behalf of our
mom, Shirley Stern’s, funeral.
Nancy Manewith and Family
In Memory of:
Paul Sapoznik, beloved husband of Evelyn
Mike &Renee Malter
Mother of Chuck Walcer
Grandmother of Cheryl Barnett
Grandmother of Marcy Kostis
Joseph Green, beloved father and
Marty & Nanci Karlin and Family
Lewis Zimmerman
Father of Karen Bakst
Arline Holman and Hyman Holman
Pam Herstein
Congratulations to:
Josh Andreoli on his marriage to Elizabeth
Bakki. Mazel Tov to their parents Cindy
Andreoli and Patricia Baaki.
Roz & Seth Eisner on the birth of their
grandson Bennett Elias Eisner.
Harold Mayeroff, loving father of the Spitz
From your friends in the Lerman household
In Appreciation of:
Cantor Weisberg’s hospital visit and
prayers for a full recovery for Elsie
The Halperin Family
In Appreciation of:
Cantor Weisberg, with deep gratitude
for his support and officiating on
behalf of our mom, Shirley Stern’s,
Nancy Manewith and Family
In Honor of:
Ellen and Jeff Gluskin on the
engagement of their son Michael to
Taryn Brickman.
The Pervos Family
In Memory of:
Arline Holman
Hyman Holman
Pam Herstein
Newton and Donna Truger, our
beloved parents.
Aileen & Steve Simons
Susan & David Heald
Julie & David Baum
Bernard Kramer, beloved grandfather
and father
The Pervos Family
Lewis Pervosky
Richard, Gayle, Stefanie
and Lonnie Pervos
June Walcer, with our deepest
sympathy to Chuck Walcer and family.
Claudia & Mark Travis
In Memory of:
Sam Kanter
Herb & Kathleen Kanter
Newton and Donna Truger, our beloved
Aileen & Steve Simons,
Susan & David Heald
Julie & David Baum
June Walcer
The Kovich Family
The Word February 2012
Lewis Zimmerman, beloved father and
grandfather of the Bakst family.
Janet & Myron Reicher
Page 31
In Honor of:
Jerry Sakol, Beth Judea Men’s Club Man
of the Year.
Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt
In Memory of:
Adorea Goodman, mother of Laurie B.
Melissa & Aron Chudnoff
Upon the Yahrzeit of:
Seymour Klein
Bobbie & Floyd Babbitt
In Honor of:
For Hanukkah, in honor of my Aunt
Denise and Uncle Orin.
Maya Rotman-Zaid
Asher Dylan Newman, grandson of
Janice and the late Stuart Weiner and
son of Justin and Susan Newman.
Elliott & Carla Bankendorf
Mazel Tov to Sherry and Marty
Krawitz on the birth of their
granddaughter, Sophie Emery
Carol & Harold Rosen
In Honor of:
The birth of Sophie Emery Pinkus,
daughter of Penny & Glenn Pinkus and
granddaughter of Sherry & Marty
Debra & Alan Green
Carol & Harold Rosen
In Memory of:
Daniel Brown, beloved brother of Lee
Brown and uncle of Lisa Neiman.
Arnie & Lee Goldberg
In Honor of:
Mazel Tov to Karen & Phil Nagel on the
birth of their grandson Henry Nagel
Sandy & Andy Levitt
In Memory of:
June Walcer, mother of Chuck Walcer
Linda & Ira Lippman
Joseph Green, father of Alan Green
Michael & Susan Mangurten
Bernard Kramer, beloved father of
Randy Kramer.
Sheryl & Michael Bauer
In Memory of:
Bernard Kramer, father of Randy
Bill & Linda Kramer and Family
Upon the Yahrzeit of:
Max Halperin
The Family of Elsie Halperin
Sophie Momet and
Joseph Pressburger
Barbara Pressburger
Darrell Pollack
Tammy, Elliott, Jennifer
and Garrett Pollack
Lewis Zimmerman, father of Karen Bakst
Kitty & Bruce Hoffman
Linda & Ira Lippman
Marla Feld
Adorea Goodman, mother of Laurie
B. Davis
Elliott & Carla Bankendorf
In Honor of:
Mazel Tov to Phil & Karen Nagel on
the birth of their grandson Henry
Nagel Mermel.
Irv & Evy Gurin
Enrique Ribot, father of Manny Ribot.
Steve, Karen & Stu Almeleh
In Memory of:
Peter Stark, our very dear cousin.
Linda & Albert Stark
In Memory of:
Max Clamage
Michael Schwartz, my dearly loved
and cherished newphew. Love, Aunt
Linda Stark
Suzanne Stark, our cherished neice
who is remembered with love and
Linda & Albert Stark
In Memory of:
Newton Truger, beloved father and
Scott Bauer & Family
June Walcer, grandmother of Cheryl &
Russ Barnett and Marcy & Jeff Kostis.
Joan & Lew Smith
Lewis Zimmerman, father of Karen
Sherry & David Weinberger
Harold Mayeroff, beloved father of
Linda Spitz.
Shirley Fisher
Newton Truger, father of Aileen
Simons and Susan Heald.
Zhanda Long
Upon the Yahrzeit of:
Philip Meltzer
Elliott & Carla Bankendorf
The Word February 2012
Page 32
Speedy Recovery Wishes:
Marilyn Victor, warmest wishes for a
speedy recovery!
Marti & Morry Rizman
In Honor of:
Corey Barnett on his birthday.
Chuck Walcer on his birthday
Carol Finder
In Honor of:
Mazel Tov to Floyd Babbitt in honor
of his Outstanding Service Award.
Marti & Morry Rizman
Chuck Walcer’s 70th birthday.
Lou & Louise Barnett
In Memory of:
Robert Weiss
Michael & Debbie Chorpash
and Family
Mazel Tov to Jerry Sakol in honor
you’re your Men’s Club Man of the
Year Award
Marti & Morry Rizman
In Memory of:
Daniel Brown, brother of Lee
Brown - with deepest condolences
on the loss of your brother.
Sam & Leah Chiprin
Upon the Yahrzeit of:
Morris Schwartz, beloved father and
Sue-Ellen, Fred, Michael,
Jason and Eric Duboe
Mazel Tov to Howard Levy on the
wedding of his daughter Risa to
Richard Cohen.
Marti & Morry Rizman
Joseph Green
Bess Walcer
Ruth Duboe, beloved mother and
Sue-Ellen, Fred, Michael
Jason and Eric Duboe
In Memory of:
Daniel Brown, beloved brother of Lee
Brown and uncle of Lisa Neiman.
Susie Rizman & Family
Upon the Yahrzeit of:
Jerry Berenson and
Sarah Singer
Stacy Berenson
Arlen Litwin, beloved brother and
Susie Rizman and Family
June Walcer, beloved mother,
grandmother and greatgrandmother of Chuck Walcer and
Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt
Carl & Sara Brommerich
Sam & Leah Chiprin
Carol & Barry Cohen
Arnie & Lee Goldberg
Debra & Alan Green
Carol Finder
Ellen & Marty Kander
Rita & Sid Mathias
Myron & Janet Reicher
Susie Rizman & Family
Rhonda & Jeff Wener
Dr. Jack Rizman, beloved brother,
brother-in-law and uncle of Marti &
Morry Rizman and Family.
Marti & Morry Rizman
June Walcer, in blessed memory of
an awesome cousin.
Beth Abrams
My dear son, Jack’s Yahrzeit. Your
mother never forgets you.
Pola Rizman
Sophie L. Harvis, beloved mother,
mother-in-law and grandmother of
Marti & Morry Rizman and Family.
Marati & Morry Rizman
Jack Rizman, beloved husband, father
and grandfather.
Susie Rizman and Family
Sam Rizman, beloved father, fatherin-law and grandfather of Marti &
Morry Rizman and Family.
Marti & Morry Rizman
Edythe Rosen, with our sincere
condolences to Carol and Harold
Rosen and family in memory of their
mother, mother-in-law and
Marti & Morry Rizman
The Word February 2012
Chuck Walcer
June Walcer, in loving memory of
my dear cousin.
Audrey Pyenson
Upon the Yahrzeit of:
Judy Walcer
Chuck Walcer
Page 33
7:30 pm Minyan
6:00 pm
8:00 pm Men’s Club Mtg
8:00 pm Torah Study
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
8:00 pm
8:00 am
8:00 am
Talmud Study 6:15 am
World Wide
12:30 pm
7:30 pm
9:00 am Minyan
8:00 pm
9:00 am Religious School 8:00 pm
11:00 am Tax or Spend
4:15 pm
Approch To God6:00 pm
6:15 pm
Adult B’Nai
7:00 pm
Education Mtg. 7:30 pm
8:00 pm
8:00 pm
8:00 pm
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
l9:15 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Talmud Study 6:15 am
12:30 pm
Religious School 7:00 pm
Java Judea
7:30 pm
Gan Shalom
8:00 pm
Tax or Spend 8:00 pm
BJUSY Kadima
8:00 pm
8:00 pm
4:15 pm
Approch to God 6:00 pm
Z’hava Program 6:15 pm
7:00 pm
Adult B’Nai
7:30 pm
Jews and the 8:00 pm
Civil War
8:00 pm
Ritual Mtg.
8:00 pm
Planning Mtg.
BJUSY Ski Trip 20
BJUSY Ski Trip21
8:00 am Talmud Study 6:15 am Minyan
9:00 am Minyan
7:30 pm Minyan
12:00 pm Kadinkers Prog. 8:00 pm Adult B’Nai
8:00 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
Blood Drive
Talmud Study
Religious Sch
Tax or Spend
4:15 pm
6:00 pm
6:15 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
6:15 am Minyan
7:30 pm Minyan
8:00 pm Adult B’Nai
4:15 pm
6:00 pm
6:15 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Tu B’Shvat 08
Religious Sch.10:00 am
7:30 pm
Heh Class 7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Just Desserts 8:00 pm
Hebrew Lit II
Soc. Act. Mtg.
Religious Sch.12:00 pm AJEC Prog. 2:00 pm Challah
7:30 pm Minyan
Heh Class 8:00 pm Torah Study
7:30 pm Minyan
8:00 pm Men’s Club – Sisterh’d PADS
Hearing Men’s
Just Desserts
Hebrew Lit II 8:00 pm Finance Mtg.
Ways &
Means Mtg.
Religious Sch 7:30 pm Minyan
8:00 pm Torah Study
Heh Class
Hebrew Lit II
7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Torah Study
9:30 am Shabbat Svcs.
9:30 am Hanna Epstein
Bat Mitzvah
9:30 am Lane AufRuf
10:30 am Gan Shabbat
10:30 am Interpret.Svc
6:30 pm Challah
7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat
9:00 am Torah Study
7:30 pm Minyan
9:30 am Shabbat Svcs.
8:00 pm Board Mtg.
9:30 am Isaac Lucas
Sisterh’d PADS
Bar Mitzvah
10:30 amGan Shabbat
7:00 pm Sisterhood
7:30 pm CBJ Bowling
Religious Sch 7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Heh Class
Hebrew Lit II
7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat
Exec. Mtg.
9:00 am Torah Study
9:00 am MC-Lieberman
9:30 am Shabbat Svcs.
9:30 am Brooke Wenk
Bat Mitzvah
10:30 amGan Shabbat
USY Exec. 6:30 pmTot Shabbat 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat
Board Mtg.
Pray & Play
w/Gimel to
lead Main Svc
Youth Mtg. 7:30 pmShabbat Svcs 9:00 am Torah Study
MT Nesters
9:30 am Shabbat Svcs.
10:30 amGan Shabbat
10:30 am Interpretive
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Sisterhood – 8:00 pm
Genealogy Prog
Torah Study
Membership Sisterh’d
Great Debate
Freedom at
What Price
Norm Kurtz)
You can now access our calendar with up to date
information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
Invitations, Etc.
Rhyme 4 All Reasons
PaNosh Catering
Sanders Court Pediatrics
Shalom Memorial
Purim Megillah Reading & Carnival
Purim Masquerade Ball
Cantor Weisberg & CBJ Russia Tour
CBJ Mission Statement
Focus on Families
Men’s Club
CJE Senior Life
Helpful Links and Resources
Interpretive Minyan
College Connections
Social Action & Israel Affairs
JUF Right Start
Men’s Club Note Cards
Adult Education
Order Rabbi Lifshitz’s Book
Sisterhood Gift Shop Coupon
Community Connections
Bikur Cholim
You can now access our calendar
with up to date information on our
website at www.bethjudea.org
(Song of Shabbat)
“Shiru Lashem Shir Hadash – Sing a New
Song to the Lord!” (Psalm 96)
Featuring musical participants Phil Beatty, Abby Fisher,
Bill Levitan, Jordan Sachs, Jerry Sakol and Andy Zarchy,
together with Rabbi Pivo, Hazzan Weisberg and others.
Current Dates for Erev Shabbat in 2012/5772:
January 6
February 17
March 9
May 18
June 15
Join us as we welcome Shabbat with warm and
spirited singing!
Hazzan Roger Weisberg
The Word February 2012
Page 35
5304 RFD
Long Grove, IL 60047
(847) 634-0777
E-Mail: info@bethjudea.org
Website: http://www.BethJudea.org
Rabbi Jeff Pivo
Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz
Cantor Roger J. Weisberg
President Rick Drazner
Executive Director Lisa Neiman
Educational Director Anna Besser
Youth Director Marc Sender
From The Editors
In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue
by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well.
We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing.
Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions
expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Candle Lighting Times
Worship Schedule
Conducted by
Rabbi Jeff Pivo and
Cantor Roger J. Weisberg
Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes
before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings
February 3
February 10
February 17
February 24
Monday Minyan……………………....... 6:15 a.m.
Daily Minyan…………………………....7:30 p.m.
Friday Night Services…………………...7:30 p.m.
Saturday Services………………………. 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Services…………………………9:00 a.m.
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is
Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech
Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav
Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the
universe, who has hallowed us through His
Commandments, and has commanded us to
kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.