SCHWITG - Schwing Stetter (UK)
SCHWITG - Schwing Stetter (UK)
SCHWITG Portable concrete pump BP 2800 BP 2800 - high-performancein the robust compact-class.Output 1OOm3/hand concrete pressure uF T h e B P 2 8 0 0 - " hg h e n d "m a chinein the compact-classwith 132 kW enginepower. Concretepuffps rn th s class are the true all rounderon everydayjobsit-.s,where the greatesttotal rnassof concreteis pumped day by day, woddwide. Thereforethe BP 2800 is des gned w th a who e row of excelentfeaturesin usua SCHWINGqualty. As on al SCHWINGconcrete p u m p s t. h e B P 2 8 0 0h a s an output-governed hydraulc pump that ensuresthat the pr me moverrs neverover oaded.The automaticgover nor splitsavailabe engine/ ffi @oe O HIF! t=r "rtl !.,' l=i: I {' ? *? motor outputoptimaly into oi f ow and oi pressureand allows the concretepump to run at the best poss ble output level.At the sametime,the manualde-strokervalvecan be The open circuit,cor-fbined w th the SCHWINGdes gned " H i - Fo w " s p o o lb o c k e n s u r e s m i n i m u mh e a tg e n e r aot n i n t h e hydraulcs, thereforenegligible outputlossesand min mum ' e6.l +^ .o+ +ho n 'mn +^ r rÄstressfor the hydraullccompoquiredfinetuningto set stroke nents. rateand outputindependent Duringshort breaks n pumpof the automaticgovernor. i n g ,t h e m a n c o n t r osl p o o i s sh fted to "id e circuit"so that r to 101bars. all of the oil comingfrom the As a secondfunction.the ma n hydraulicpump f ows pressure- spool also lso atesthe drive lessback to the tank,thereby cir-cuitsfro[r] lhe concrete makinga fufthercontribution puffrpsystern.In this way the towardskeepingoil tempera- concretecy indersare "parked" tureslow.On SCHWING and supportthe co umn of con pumps,there s no feed pump cretein the pipellne.No danger that runson continuallyand of the concreteslippingback, turnsvaluableenergyinto segregating and ovedlowing wastefulheat. out of the hopper. Rock valve The head of the concretepump is the Rockvalve,patentedin almosta I offersexemplarypump ing characteristics. wearing propertiesand operational sarery. t' Hydraulics Directhigh-torquedriveon to the agitatorshaft as well as robustdesignof all hydraulic componentsin conjunction with constantflow rnicro{filtering of the hydraulicoil ensure operationalreliabillty and a longservicelife. il The canopy The BP 2800 has a robust glass-fibre reinforcedcanopy. Such an impactresistantcover is rot and rust-proof, easy to keepcleanand is logically maintenancefree. Stabilizers Fourobliouesouare-tube stabilizersare anchored into the pump's main frame. They r ( t' ^r? I >/ t . :il"J15ii:läfl :i'"9:f ii" iliil"ill,3'3ä[ii.?|J'lä1,* available andhavetheircylinunder the 3:|;;t""#""iysarery L -Il t, H ) tlln Maintenance A centralbank of greasenipples suppliesgreaseto all of the lube points on agitator and Rockvalve. * g' \- Remote control The BP 2800 comes complete with a 10 m cableremote control as a standardfeature. D Et .Tl -d:r'- t F U 4r> Diesel engine The diesel version of BP 2800 utilizesthe newest generation of Deutz diesel engines.They are characterizedby low noise emission,low fuel consumption and exhaust levelscomplying with the EuropeanDirective EU-RL 97168. D Technical Data Portableconcretepump Model parameter Technical BP 2800 200/120E 132 kW BP 2800 200/120D 132 kW 3300 3300 Engine/motor capacity 132 Nominalspeed minr Pumpingcylinder,@x stroke 1500 2300 200x 1600 200x 1600 Strokevolume,2 cylinders 50.27 Diff.cylinders,O x stroke 120/80x1600 120l80x1600 Diff.cylinder drive pistonside rod side pistonside rod side Max.numberof strokesper min. 18 32 19 33 58 100 Max.theor.concreteoutput m3/h 56 97 Max.concretepressure bars 101 56 Capacity of charging hopper Deadweightincl.oil and fuel kg DeliverylineO up to '101 320/570 320/570 5000 5000 150 tcu 56 Dimensionsin mm o SCHUITG in the Subiectto modificaiions SCHWINGGmbH pO. Box 200362 interestoJtechnicalprogress. D - 4 4 6 4 7 { 9 ! n e | G e | m a n y D e t a i | s o f t h e s t a n d a r d h e x t e n t o f s u p p | y Heerstr.9-27 . D-44653 Herne @ \0)2325/987-0 Fax (0)2325/72922 httpr// -