health planning management - USI


health planning management - USI
Tirana, Albania
2005 - 2008
University of Montreal
Ministry of Health of Albania
Institute of Public Health, Tirana
Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana
W i t h t h e f i n a n cial support of the Swis s Agency
f o r D e v e lopment and Cooperation
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
The Université de Montréal, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Albania, the
Faculty of Medicine and the Institute of Public Health, and with the support of the Swiss
Agency for Development and Cooperation, has organized a Training Program in Health
Planning and Management. This program offers a six-month training experience in the
techniques of health planning and management.
The general goal of the program is to:
Increase planning and management capacities at the national and sub-national levels in
Albania’s health sector, in support of more decentralized decision-making processes and
resource management within the public health system.
By the end of this program the following objectives will be achieved:
A group of health officers will have acquired deep and up-to-date knowledge in the
fields of health planning and management. Training will be focused on key areas, such
as health planning, public health issues, program evaluation, management of human
resources, and financial management, among others.
The planning and management capacities of the Albanian health system will be
further strengthened.
An important step will have been made towards institutionalizing training in health
planning and management in Albania, by bringing together expertise from all available
sources and in collaboration with a foreign university. This will be very useful for future
programs and possibly for a credited post-graduate course in the above fields.
The Health Planning and Management Program will contribute to the transformation of the Albanian health system, promoting fundamental changes in key areas:
This program offers training in planning and management techniques to central
institutions/agencies, to peripheral levels of the public health sector, and to other
categories of health professionals working in private programs and services. This will
help to promote a common vision about health planning and management, which is
paramount for the successful implementation of future health system modifications.
Strengthening of planning and management capacities is a key issue for the adoption of more decentralized forms of structures and decision-making.
These health professionals, with their new vision, knowledge and skills, will be instrumental in formulating and implementing Albanian health policies.
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
This program is composed of five blocks, each of which (with the exception of block 5)
includes several modules. The program contents can be summarized as follows:
Block 1 – Fundamentals in Public Health
Introduction to Health, Basic Concepts of Health and Public Health
Health Promotion and Education
Environmental Health
Reproductive Health (RH), including Mother and Child Health (MCH), Nutrition,
Family Planning (FP), HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health (SH)
Issues and Priorities in Public Health (communicable and chronic diseases,
tobacco, accidents/injuries, and gender-based violence).
Quantitative Methods (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) Used in Public Health.
Qualitative Methods Used in Public Health
Behavioral and Social Sciences in Public Health
Field Epidemiology
Applied Computer Science: Basic Computer Knowledge and Special Programs
Block 2 – Health Policy and Systems
Analysis of Health Systems and Health Insurance
Demographic and Health Indicators
Basic Concepts and Tools of Health Economics
Health Policy and Legislation
Block 3 – Health Planning
Introduction to Health Planning and Situation Analysis
Priorities and Objective-Setting
Strategy Development and Programming
Monitoring and Evaluation
Block 4 – Health Management
Financial Planning and Management
Human Resources Management
Special Topics in Logistics
Project Management
Block 5 – Field Exercise and Final Paper
During the last month of the course, trainees will return to their workplace in order to
prepare their final paper. They will review and assess their own work settings, services
and programs based on the knowledge gained during the theoretical part of the
program and will write a paper summarizing the results of their work.
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
The duration of this program is six months. The work schedule is confirmed on a weekly
Daily lectures are usually given in the morning. Trainees receive all teaching materials in
Albanian. Daily materials include the lecture notes written by trainers and additional
documents intended to complement the lecture. The additional documents are articles
or parts of chapters from textbooks, translated into Albanian. For those interested,
materials in their original language are also available for each lecture; these materials
and other books from the library can be photocopied upon request.
This is an intensive program which requires a full commitment from its participants.
Daily attendance at the course is mandatory.
The purpose of evaluation is: (1) to ensure participants are achieving the pedagogical
objectives and (2) to maintain a high standard of training.
The evaluation is based on trainees’ attendance, participation and performance. Performance evaluation is based on tests, exams, as well as personal and group work.
Trainees will be evaluated on each module by the trainer in charge of that module,
under the authority of the Academic Committee. The module evaluation is done on a
scale of 0 to 100 points. To promote full attendance at every module, each trainer is
entitled to calculate the final result on the basis not only of points received in the test for
a given module (80%), but also of attendance during the teaching time of that module
The passing grade for a module is 50 points. Below that score, a trainee may ask to have
a review of his/her exam, as well as a second evaluation, if his/her score is still under the
passing level. If a trainee does not succeed, he/she could ask to get additional evaluation
for two more modules at most. If after this second evaluation, a trainee still does not
succeed in a block evaluation, after a review of his/her case by the Academic Committee,
he/she will be excluded from the program.
All successful trainees will receive a certificate delivered by the Université de Montréal,
the Faculty of Medicine, the Institute of Public Health and the Ministry of Health of
Albania with the following mentions:
Score above 90: excellent
Score between 83 to 89: very good
Score between 75 to 82: good
Score between 60 to 74: average
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
The Training Program in Health Planning and Management is organized and directed
by the Université de Montréal. The program staff is composed of:
Program Director
Prof. Pierre Fournier
University of Montreal
Program Coordinators
Besim Nuri, MD, MScPH
Elona Nasufaga Skendaj
Alban Ylli, MD, MPH
Academic Committee
Pierre Fournier, director of the project
Alban Ylli, coordinator for the block of Public Health
Zamira Sinoimeri, coordinator for the block of Health Management
Besim Nuri, coordinator for the block of Health Systems and project coordinator in
5 Entela Shehu, coordinator for the block of Health Planning
6 Representative of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Albania
Team of Trainers
Alban Ylli MD, MPH, Institute of Public Health
Entela Shehu MD, MPH, consultant
Besim Nuri MD, MScPH, Université de Montréal
Eduard Kakarriqi MD, Master in Epidemiology, IPH, Tirana
Enver Roshi MD, MPH, Faculty of Medicine
Genc Burazeri MD, MPH, Faculty of Medicine
Eliona Kulluri Social scientist, Faculty of Social Sciences
Edlira Haxhiymeri Social scientist, Faculty of Social Sciences
Saimir Kadiu Economist, Master in Health Financing, MoH
Arjan Gjoncaj Lecturer, London School of Economics
Silva Mitro MPH, PH consultant
Valdete Bizhga MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Tirana Municipality
Zamira Sinoimeri MD, MPH, URC Project
Altin Malaj MD, STI specialist, University Hospital Centre
Flora Hobdari Economist, MSS, URC project
Arjan Harxhi MD, STI specialist, University Hospital Centre
Edlira Dajko MSc, Ministry of Health
Albana Ahmeti Economist, MPH, Institute of Public Health
Erol Como MD, Coordinator for the field work, Ministry of Health
Zhaneta Shatri MD, MA Public Health, USAID, Tirana office.
Erion Dasho MD, MPH, URC project
Gazmend Bejtja MD, Institute of Public Health
Roland Bani Institute of Public Health
Mariana Bukli MD, MPH, UNICEF-Tirana
Agim Koçiraj MD, Pro-Shendetit Project
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
Title: Introduction to Health, Basic Concepts of Health and Public Health
Lecturer: Besim Nuri
Duration: 4 days
Main Objective
At the end of the module, participants will understand the basic concepts of health and
disease and the most important determinants of population health status. They will gain
basic knowledge on important factors threatening the health of the Albanian people as
well as global health. Finally, the module will provide basic knowledge and skills to allow
participants to better understand the health status of the communities where they live
and work and to better explain factors that have an impact on the health of these
Learning Objectives
By the end of the module the participants will be able to:
provide some definitions of and comment on the broad concepts of health and disease;
describe and explain the most important factors that determine health and disease in a
population or community;
describe the most important factors threatening global health in today’s world;
describe the most relevant factors influencing and determining the health of
Albanians presently.
Title: Health Promotion and Education
Lecturer: Genc Burazeri
Duration: 3 days
Main Objective
The aim of the module is to introduce the basic principles and methods involved in
health promotion and health education strategies.
Detailed Objectives
At the end of the module, participants are expected to:
have an overall understanding of the basic principles underlying health promotion
and health education;
have acquired knowledge on selected methods of health promotion interventions
and their adaptation for the specificities of Albania;
have practical skills for implementing health promotion and health education interven
be able to identify the most common problems faced during the implementation of
health promotion programs;
give examples of health promotion strategies employed in Albania in the last decade;
prepare an outline for a health promotion intervention in the community;
prepare and organize a focus group discussion on selected health promotion
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
Title: Environmental Health
Lecturer: Valdete Bizhga
Duration: 2 days
Main Objective
This module will introduce students to environmental health concepts, principles and
their application, in order to guide a management rationale for environmental health
issues at the community level.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module students will be able to:
understand the basic relationship between environmental factors and health,
including an application of the interrelationship between economic development, the
environment and health in an ecosystem framework;
define the elements of risk assessment and understand the principles of risk
describe air quality, clean water, food safety as determinants of health;
understand the notion of thinking globally and acting locally in a specific situation.
Title: Reproductive Health (RH), including Mother and Child Health (MCH), Nutrition,
Family Planning (FP), HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health (SH)
Lecturers: Zamira Sinoimeri, Arjan Harxhi, Mariana Bukli
Duration: 6 days
Main Objective
This training module gives health planners and managers a practical orientation on how
to deal with reproductive health issues in their respective areas, emphasizing that
services must be tailored to fit the needs and capabilities of different kinds and levels of
service provision. The module is not intended as a substitute for academic training in
the field of reproductive health. This module enables the development of policies that
address gender inequalities and the promotion of rights. This module will demonstrate
how the organization and functioning of health systems impact differently on women
and men, often to the disadvantage of women, and also how to create gender-sensitive
health systems.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module students will be able to:
define reproductive health concepts;
explain the importance of reproductive health issues;
describe key differences in approaches to reproductive health over the years;
describe the benefits of reproductive health interventions;
explain the elements of safe motherhood programs and other reproductive health
programs at national and district levels;
explain the components of reproductive health and health sector reform;
describe the main findings of the Reproductive Health Survey in Albania;
explain the main components of sexual health.
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
Title: Issues and Priorities in Public Health (communicable and chronic diseases,
tobacco, accidents/injuries, and gender-based violence).
Lecturers: Alban Ylli, Enver Roshi, Eduard Kakarriqi, Eliona Kulluri
Duration: 10 days
Main Objective
This module provides participants with an overview of important health-related
problems, focusing mostly on infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms,
mental health, violence, injuries and tobacco smoking. Trends and the burden of disease
will be presented to enable students to adopt systematic and realistic approaches when
analyzing priorities among health problems in communities. Knowledge about known
risk factors, the prevalence of the exposure to them, the strength of their association
with diseases, and the potential for prevention are further discussed, so as to build
students’ analytical skills in designing, setting up and evaluating prevention programs.
The module aims to give students the necessary organizational skills and knowledge for
planning and managing related preventive programs and strategies. It also provides
students with the main concepts related to gender, gender roles and stereotypes, and
their implications in terms of personal and professional life. Students will understand
the importance of being informed and will be able to identify problems related to
gender violence and techniques of intervention in the context of public health.
Students will be introduced to models and strategies of intervention in public health to
prevent gender violence and trafficking.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module the students must be able to:
explain the epidemiological transition and its links with demographic transition;
describe major trends in cardiovascular disease and in the most important cancer
diseases and have an idea about their prevalence and mortality impact in Albania;
list main risk factors for cancers and give facts about their strength of relationship
as well as their potential for prevention;
summarize the principles of prevention of coronary heart diseases (primary and
secondary prevention);
prepare a short essay on the role of primary health care in tobacco smoking
discuss the burden of mental diseases and the risk factors for mental health, with
an emphasis on the Albanian population;
describe the reforms going on in the field of mental health services in Albania;
discuss the principles of infectious diseases surveillance;
present a schematic of information flow in the case of the Albanian national
surveillance program;
describe risk factors, transmission agents and other epidemiological concepts of
infectious diseases;
mention the best prevention strategies for different infectious diseases;
describe gender-based violence concepts and the basic skills necessary to address
such a problem in community;
discuss the main types of injuries which constitute a threat to public health;
list a number of strategies used in practice to prevent accidents and injuries;
understand general concepts on gender;
understand the consequences of gender roles and stereotypes on mental and
physical health;
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
analyze social and health problems from a gender perspective;
identify different forms of gender violence and their physical and psychological
consequences on women and children;
Title: Quantitative Methods (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) Used in Public Health
Lecturer: Alban Ylli, Genc Byrazeri, Gazmend Bejtja
Duration: 8 days
Main Objective
In this module, participants will learn how to investigate and define the health problems
of the community. They must be able to understand the history of community health
problems, to examine their present situation and, based on this analysis, to think about
appropriate strategies of control as well their efficacy. The module is designed to give
participants the necessary analytical skills for working as health managers at district or
community levels.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module participants must be able to:
discuss diagnosis of the community and compare it to the diagnosis of disease at
the individual level;
define different types of data and list possible sources able to produce data;
list possible problems that would interfere in the comparison of two indicators
produced in two different populations;
prepare simple graphs, figures and maps for a community health status report;
identify the advantages and limitations of existing sources of health data for
determining the health of communities;
calculate measures of frequency of diseases;
interpret different measures of association;
list criteria for a screening program in the community.
Title: Qualitative Methods Used in Public Health
Lecturer: Alban Ylli
Duration: 2 days
Main Objective
This module introduces students to the principles and methods of the qualitative
approach. Participants will learn about with the advantages offered by qualitative
methods in comparison with quantitative research and they will be oriented towards
participative approaches as an efficient tool for planning and evaluating services, as well
as for solving common problems when managing community health services.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module participants must be able to:
list strengths and weaknesses of qualitative methods in comparison with the
quantitative approach;
describe briefly the three main theories/approaches which form the basis of
qualitative methods;
identify the most common biases produced during a qualitative study;
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
read and comment on selected qualitative data;
identify the most common ethical problems encountered during qualitative research;
differentiate between analysis used in an epidemiological study and analysis used
in a quantitative approach;
give examples, from the health field, of where qualitative research may be used;
carry out a qualitative interview with another participant in the course;
prepare and organize a focus group on a specific issue.
Title: Behavioral and Social Sciences in Public Health
Lecturers: Edlira Haxhiymeri, Eliona Bimbashi
Duration: 5 days
Main Objective
At the end of this module students will have an understanding of concepts and theories
of social and behavioral sciences and their implications in public health, and will be able
to analyze the behavioral, social and psychological factors associated with health and
Learning Objectives
At the end participants should be able to:
describe the main concepts of social policy, welfare systems, the capacity of social and
health care services to meet the people’s needs and the fields of sociological research in
public health;
describe the role/impact of social and psychological factors in health and illness;
present some models and theories on individual human behavior;
discuss the impacts of stress and individual personality characteristics on health and
describe models and techniques of intervention for groups, especially vulnerable ones;
describe concepts and theories on community, community interventions and
programs, and social assistance systems in the context of mental health.
Title: Field epidemiology
Lecturer: Eduard Kakarriqi
Duration: 2 days
Main Objective
This module will provide students with knowledge and practical skills for defining an
outbreak of disease and developing an outbreak investigation.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session the participants will be able to:
define the term “field epidemiology” and list specific services;
list the reasons why health agencies investigate reported outbreaks;
list the steps of an outbreak investigation;
define a “line listing” and describe what it is used for;
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
follow and execute the initial steps of an outbreak investigation and develop
biologically plausible hypotheses;
draw the traditional epidemiological curve.
Title: Applied Computer Science: Basic Computer Knowledge and Special Programs
Part 1: Computer Applications for Health Management Professionals
Duration: 5 days
Instructor: [to be announced]
Main Objective
This module will present the tools necessary to enable health management professionals to
use computers in carrying out their duties.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this module participants will:
have experienced practical concepts and concrete usage of Windows;
be able to match information resources to their needs and experience;
have mastered the installation and starting of Microsoft Office in its latest versions;
have mastered the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access for everyday practice
and management problems;
know how to use Internet for medical purposes, and understand the role and the
necessity of EBP work;
understand networking concepts, LAN concepts and use.
Part 2: Introduction to Epi Info (version 6 and version 2000)
Lecturers: Alban Ylli, Roland Bani
Duration: 5 days
Main Objective
The course will introduce participants to the basics of the Epi Info package, so that they
are able to start using it in their work for creating simple databases and carrying out
simple data analyses. The course will be very practical and participants will work under
supervision on two real databases. Incorporated into the course will be a short training
on data presentation using PowerPoint.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course participants must be able to:
create in a word processing program an electronic database from a prepared
question naire or another form;
produce a simple descriptive analysis using commands like "freq" and "list";
create a categorical variable from a numerical one;
prepare simple graphs from the entered data;
export data from Epi Info to Excel and import data from Excel to Epi Info.
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
Title: Analysis of Health Systems and Health
Lecturer: Besim Nuri, Flora Hobdari
Duration: 5 days
Main Objective
This module will provide students with basic information on specific components and
dimensions of health systems and how they are applied in different countries. Students
will acquire a basic knowledge of health system financing and the essential elements of
health care insurance, as well as of health system performance and reforms. In particular,
students will learn about the most important components of the Albanian health
system, including their essential features, their functioning and their interrelationships.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this module the students are expected to:
describe the most important elements and dimensions of a health system, such as
health status and indicators, health financing, human resources, health services, as
well as the concepts of equity, accessibility, quality of care, etc.;
comment on different sources of health system financing and resource allocation;
discuss the essential elements of health care insurance, with a special focus on Albania;
comment on the most important elements of health system performance
evaluation and health system reforms in different countries;
describe the most important components of the Albanian health system, their
features and their functioning.
Title: Demographic and Health Indicators
Lecturer: Arjan Gjoncaj
Duration: 5 days
Main Objective
The purpose of this module is to provide participants with basic knowledge of health
and health service indicators and their utilization in managing health programs and
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module students should be able to:
understand and define important basic indicators of population change;
measure changes in demographic processes such as mortality, nativity, and
emigration, and their influence on population growth;
compile mortality tables and know their applications in the health field;
apply standardization methods for health and demographic indicators;
define morbidity indicators, such as prevalence and incidence of certain diseases;
compile and interpret indicators of health system utilization.
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
Title: Basic Concepts and Tools in Health Economics
Lecturer: Edlira Dajko
Duration: 3 days
Main Objective
This course offers insight into the role of health economics in the health care sector.
During this course, students will acquire a basic understanding of health economics as
the study of how scarce resources are allocated among alternative uses for the care of
illness and the promotion, maintenance and improvement of health. As the course
unfolds, students will learn that economics offers a global perspective intended to help
in understanding the many problems related to various types of scarcity. The three main
tasks of economics that will be covered in this course are description, explanation, and
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course students will have a better understanding of:
the basic relationship between demand and supply in the health care market;
the concepts of efficiency and equity;
economic evaluation as a process of identifying, assigning and selecting programs
aimed at helping decision-makers to make better choices;
the basics of markets and health care markets;
health care outputs and processes;
the production and cost of health care;
equity, efficiency and need;
cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis;
the health care market.
Title: Health Policy and Legislation
Lecturer: Erion Dasho
Duration: 4 days
Main Objective
This module will introduce basic concepts and principles on health policies and legislation. It will offer an insight on the process of policy making and law formulation. Finally,
the module will provide basic knowledge on the relation between health policies and
the process of health system reform.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course students will have a better understanding of:
understand the basic principles of health policies and legislation;
understand the design and formulation of approaches to health policies and
lawmaking, as well as the policy-making process;
relate policy and legislative interventions to governmental and administrative
priorities, changes in health/disease levels, and regional and international policies;
understand the role of policies and legislation in the process of continuous health
system reform.
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
Title: Introduction to Health Planning and Situation Analysis
Lecturer: Entela Shehu
Duration: 5 days
Main Objective
This module will provide students with an overview of the health planning process and allow
them to develop a framework of analysis that will enable them to understand and identify
central issues and problems in complex, comprehensive cases. Students will develop analytical skills to deal with complex conceptual problems. They will bridge the gap between theory
and practice by developing an understanding of when and how to apply concepts or
Learning Objectives
By the end of the module students are expected to:
understand health planning as an integrated process, identifying different aspects
of the planning process;
identify the scope and structure of planning;
understand the application of selected multidisciplinary methods;
describe the role and position of situation analysis in the framework of strategy
describe main concepts and principles of situation analysis;
gather and interpret key environmental data and indicators (focusing on the
demographic, epidemiological and economic methods);
perform, in a given situation, a comprehensive situation analysis.
Title: Priorities and Objective-Setting
Lecturer: Edlira Dajko
Duration: 4 days
Main Objective
In this module, students will develop a framework for analysis and will acquire conceptual and practical skills that will enable them to identify problems, establish priorities
and set objectives.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the module students are expected to:
understand the problem identification and priority establishment processes within
a planning framework;
identify the steps involved in the processes and the different priority-setting
mechanisms used;
understand and develop the ability to use information gathered during a situation
analysis and select appropriate techniques and methods;
understand and explain the difference between “Goal” and “Objective” in a program
apply the concept of SMART in defining objectives;
define goals and objectives in a program framework.
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
Title: Strategy Development and Programming
Lecturer: Zamira Sinoimeri
Duration: 4 days
Main Objective
In this module students will acquire conceptual skills and will learn about appropriate
elements of strategy formulation and programming in the health sector. They will also
acquire practical skills in designing an operations plan within the framework of strategy
development and programming.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this module students will:
understand the major steps involved in evaluating alternatives and selecting a strategy;
be able to identify the major criteria that strategic alternatives must meet;
know the major factors required for successful implementation of strategic decisions;
understand the steps involved in implementing a strategic planning process:
programming, budgeting, staffing, and procedures.
Title: Monitoring and Evaluation
Lecturer: Altin Malaj
Duration: 5 days
Main Objective
This module will introduce students to the concepts of monitoring and evaluation of
public health programs, and prepare them to understand and carry out monitoring and
evaluation procedures.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this module students will:
know the function of monitoring (definition, purpose, value);
understand the importance of planning monitoring activities and know the process
of monitoring, including its elements and related characteristics;
be able to identify the various types of monitoring and differentiate between routine
and short-term monitoring;
understand monitoring indicators and be able to select the relevant ones;
know the main steps in program monitoring;
know and differentiate between key concepts such as outcome evaluation, monitoring
and process evaluation, management information systems (MIS), external and internal
evaluations, and accountability questions;
understand the crucial influence / role of evaluation in program implementation.
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
Title: Financial Planning and Management
Lecturer: Saimir Kadiu, Flora Hobdari
Duration: 10 days
Main Objective
This module introduces participants to principles of financial planning and management in health care organizations.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this section, the trainees should be able to:
use an organization’s financial statements to become informed about its financial health;
use budgeting techniques and principles of financial management to make operating
and capital budgeting decisions and to analyze long-term financial options;
make decisions about the efficiency of alternative uses of resources for meeting the
long- term objectives of the health institution.
Title: Human Resources Management
Lecturer: Silva Mitro
Hours: 10 days
Main Objective
This module provides participants with clear concepts and basic skills related to human
resources management, based on the principle that the people who work for an organization represent an invaluable resource and asset.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this module participants should:
have a clear understanding of the role of human resources management in the
framework of the overall management of an organization;
have the basic knowledge and skills that will allow them to participate in the process
of human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation and development;
be able to set personal development objectives aimed at improving their leadership,
communication, problem–solving and change management skills;
be able to identify potential actions / interventions for resolving problems related to
human resources management.
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
Title: Special Topics in Logistics
Lecturer: Albana Ahmeti
Duration: 3 days
Main Objective
This module introduces participants to the principles of logistics management, such as
medical supplies management, systematic cost reduction, and transport management.
This course will also sensitize participants to the reality of medication misuse and
problems of irrational use of drugs.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the module, participants will be able to:
perform an ABC value analysis and explain at least three ways in which an ABC analysis
can be used to reduce costs or improve efficiency;
explain the VEN System (Vital, Essential, and Non-essential) for setting priorities in a
drug list and describe at least three ways in which the VEN System can be used to
reduce cost or improve efficiency;
review vehicle allocations;
plan and monitor a vehicle usage;
compare various options for transport management;
explain the key issues in management of the cold chain;
describe the distribution process of vaccines.
Title: Project Management
Lecturer: Enkelejda Sula, Zhaneta Shatri
Duration: 7 days
Main Objective
This module will introduce students to project management as an approach which is a
key part of the health planning process. Students will acquire basic competencies
(knowledge and instruments) to be applied in project management and will become
familiar with the main techniques applied in health projects management. They will
develop the capacities to conceptualise, implement and evaluate health projects.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course participants should be able to:
define the management of health projects;
define a health project and its characteristics, and distinguish a project from a program;
define the phases of a project;
define the relationship between project and needs;
define the concept of health needs;
recognise the main indicators of needs and the main techniques to analyse needs;
know the place of the planning process in the project cycle;
describe different types of project planning;
Training Program in Health Planning and Management
get to know the main techniques of prioritisation;
get to know how to evaluate the pre-feasibility of a project;
describe the steps in designing a pre-project;
describe the phases of a feasibility analysis;
know how to use a technique for environmental analysis;
describe objectives and project activities in operational terms;
use the PERT method of planning of a project on an operational basis;
understand the relationship between the project payments schedule and the activities;
know the basic principles how to define a budget;
understand the rules for follow-up and control of temporary financial resources, human
resources, and project performance;
get to know different types of evaluation and the identification of phases of the
evaluation process;
prepare for a critical reading of the relevance, feasibility and preparation (content and
articulation) of a health project;
use the logical framework method.