ku|tur natten - St Alban`s Church, Copenhagen
ku|tur natten - St Alban`s Church, Copenhagen
Welcome to Kulturnat 2009 at StAlban'sAnglican Church KU|TUR NATTEN 9.0KTtltsER e00g 'The Earth is the Lord's' Welcorne to St.AlbansChurchfor Kulturnat2009.Tonightthe churchis dedicated to the idea that the Earth,and indeedall of creation,belongsto 6od. In the churchyou will be ableto see exhibits,displaysand artisticperformances that place you relateto this theme.Nearthe altar,the holiest in the church, can see threeobjectsarrangedin a basketon a bed of sand:a stonetakenfrom a melted glacierin Greenland; corn on the cob witheredand parcheddue to droughtsin Malawi;and bleachedcoralspickedup from the beaches of FUi,wherethe rising temperatureof the sea is upsettinglevelsof acidity,killing the coralsof the Pacific, anddisruptingthe ecological balanceof marinelifethere. Thesethreesymbolsof climatechangeand its consequences arepartof the green church climate relay initiative,an initiativesupportedby St. Albansand other churchesin Denmark,The relayis makingits way from churchto churcharound the countryin the buildup to the Copenhagen Summitandthe specialecumenical serviceat Copenhagen Cathedral that will be takingplacetherein December. In the narthexyou can see displaysaboutwhat is beingdone at this churchand otherchurches to changeour outlookon andattitudesto the environment. fnside the churchyou can see flowerarrangements inspiredby the elements,On the walls of the churchyou will see picturesof natureand creation,and man's interaction with them.Youwill alsobe ableto readpassages takenfrom the Bible which relateto nature,creationand the environment, and to man's role and interactionwith all living things on _theEarth.We inviteyou to use the quiet spacesin the churchto reflecton thesewordsand images. The bells of St Alban'swill be rung beforethe hour announcingthe performancesat: | 8.OO Skovserballettenballet school Balancing elements The ballet schoolSkovserballetten from Skovshoved will performchoreography aboutthe four elements:eafth,wind,fire and air. The balletpieceis abouthow the elements respond to human distortion, how harmony transformsto dominanceand war, and how this again can transformto harmonyif human natureis awareof the environment. Thedancersof the balletschoolwill represent the elements andshowtheirskillswithinthisframe. | 9.00 DanishHildegardEnsemble The DanishHildegardEnsemble was foundedin 1997 to mark the 900th year anniversary of the mystic Hildegardof Bingen.Made up of six singers,the ensemblespecializes in religiousmedievalmusicfrom differentcenturiesand traditions. the musicof by Hildegardof Bingen,the ensemblealsosingssongs Celebrating by the Swedishsaint,Brigittaof Vadstenaand Cregorianmusicboth from the RomanMassand from the Bookof Hours.The voicesbring a spiritualityand stillnessthroughtheirgentleharmony. 20.00 Quartetof Harps Harptetis a newlyformedharp ensembleof studentsfrom the Copenhagen area. For the studentswho all haveperformedindividually,this new ventureis very exciting. This Kulturnatperformance wilf be Harptet'spublic debut with a programmeof musicdrawnfrom folk musicfrom aroundthe worldarrangedfor harpensemble. 21.00 Organ RecitalSusanneThesbjerg Susanne Thesbjergis the assistantorganistat St. Albanschurchand is currently studyingat the RoyalDanishMusicConservatory under ProfessorHans Fagius. Shehas previouslystudiedmusicin Londonwhereshe was the organistat the Danishchurch.Sheleavesnext yearfor a furtheryear'sstudyin Paris,and will alsobe the organistat the Danishchurchthere. performance Theevening's will includea diverseprogramof musicby manyof the greatestcomposers, rangingfrom Bachto Frenchromanticism and on to modern popularmusicthat is not normallyplayedon the organ.A lively programto remindus that'theearthis Lord's'. 2?,.OA Compline The final churchseruiceof the day in the Christiantraditionof canonicalhours. The Engfish word Complineis derivedfrom the Latin completorium,as Compline is the completionof the working day, Catholic,EasternOrthodox,Anglican, Lutheranand ceftain other Christiandenominationswith liturgical traditions prescribe Complineservices. Complineis a contemplative servicethat emphasizesspiritualpeacebeforethe silenceof the night. The Bellsof 5t Alban's St Alban'shasa set of eightHarrington tubularbellsset highin the towerthat we believeare the only examplein Denmark.Theyare the originalset, installedin November I887. Whiletubularbellsmay havebeenusedin Franceas earlyas the 1850s,in the English-speaking world, they got their start whenJohn Harrington,of Coventry patenteda clock-chime of tubularbellsin | 884. Lessexpensive than traditional bellsand not requiringthe samespace,the bellswere marketedas havingthe advantageof: a mellowandpuretone,whatever sizeis use, a fractionof the priceof ordinarychurchbells, do not requirea speciallyconstructedtower, there beingno swingingmotion,with its subsequent strain on the building, H AR R I N GT ON '$ they could be placed in any bell tower without necessitating anystructuralalteration. PATENT TUBULAR BELTStheycouldbe rungby one person, HsFd.d H ljtr{||{ry |[!.R tlrfur h tr.d.st &td.dlr fiilil |trur]fledlEr ].t|f, orr- ro slr I r(r ldtr s (H;!DI. ' b{ h ciLd I ci{hu hB !t €! tr{{xl l'<rr .(rtrf l Foql{ rftt tu.t Clrdr ttj.im ril f LIdl lMrrr!. q rrp |rrN&l ^SHrrrnl t.m.n,.or'ifiG-tn** |{ARRtNoroN,LATHAT$ & CO. eovf,rrfir., rioLAl|D, l{[rs& ,Sflr-trl tvt&tt ||!r,l, nrdr ilrrt:.,| !t n il Ix. lt, trur kAtO. {,M I fr. hri&qa, i.1, andtheyare not liableto crackinganddo not get out of tune. everytube is accurately tunedto concertpitch. The bellscanbe heardeverySundayand oftenon a Saturday for weddings We hopethat you enJoyyour.visit to St Alban'sand look forward to welcomingyou backsoon. WeeklyServices (April-October) Sunday 09:00HolyCommunion l0:30 SungEucharist Wednesday l0:30 HolyCommunion Chaplain The Reverend JonathanLloyd Tef: 39 62 77 36 Email:chaplain@st-albans.dk StAlban'sChurch Churchillparken 6 1263Copenhagen K St Alban's is situated in Churchillparken,just next ta the GefionFountain, and between The Llttle Mermaid and Amalienborg. The closest train station is Osterport or take buses IA, | 5 19 www.st-albans.dk