Qualifications When I first entered BBYO, I was doing it for all the
Qualifications When I first entered BBYO, I was doing it for all the
Qualifications Jason'slife... my mom and When I first enteredBBYO,I was doingit for all the wrong reasons.Basically, brothertold me to join, and I thought l'd be lettingthem down if I didn't go becausemy brotherwasvery involved.Butthen it happened; that momentwhen an alephrealizes that this is not just any organization,but a home filledwith brothers,brotherswho sharea bondthat is incomparableand not to.be broken.lt wabat a separatesprogramwith the pastGAGBrandon Rattiner.I don't know what it was about it, but at that moment I realizedthat there was no placel'd rather be in the world.As soonasthis happened,I got as involvedas I possiblycould.I was electedthe YoungMembershipChairon my chapterboard,and helpedrecruitabout20 new membersfor my chapterwhile I was only a freshman.Thefollowingyear I ranfor Chapter Moreh and won, and eventuallyfinishedthe yearwith 64 rnembers.Thencamethe yearthat definedmy AZAexperiencethus far. I hadto makea decision:run for RegionalGodolor ChapterGodol;the RAGelectioncamefirst. I caucused, went throughmeet the candidates, and when they calledmy nameto ensurethat if I waselectedlhat I would serve;, I responded, thazak is my home,and they needme most...fornow that is where I shallstay."Thiswasthe bestdecisionI haveevermade.As a chaptergodolthis year, I am ableto rnosteffectivelyhelp my chapter,the most intimatesectof MA, and the root of all membership,I alsohavethe opportunityto helpchapterssurrounding me who were not doingaswell in termsof membership, suchas LongBeachAZAand M l'm currentlya Juniorat Oceanside HighSchool,and when l'm not doingBBYOstuff, l'm usuallydoingwork for the O-ceanside Recycling Club, hangingout with friends, 'playing lacrosseand basketball, and listeningto music.l'm on the VarsityLacrosse Teamat Oceanside Highand l'm an AP HonorRollStudent.I lovethe movies,"The Replacements," "StepBrothersr"and "GoodWill Hunting,"and my favorite musicians are Bruce Springsteen, Dispatch,and KanyeWest {althoughthe new albumis iffu). I alsotry to visit my CLTC/ItTC/Kallah friendsas muchaslcan {Cherry Hill/Columbus/CRE) andgo into NYCpretty often with my friendsbackhome.And.ifyou BvA asadaAZA.My experiencegaveme regionalexperiencebecauseI workedwith several chapters,but more importantly,it gaveme the apexof membershipexperience;for a second year,I was ableto reallyget a goodgraspon how membersare recruitedand retained.I witnessedfirsthandwhat workedand what didn't, and as a chapterleaderstill obtained substantial regionalexperience. I personally went to a JCCand handedout flyersto parentsat a basketballgame.I personallywrote lettersto 40 8thgradeprospects.I havelearnedone importantthingin my experience: is not obtainedthroughthe region,but membership throughthe chapter.Currently,with half a yearstill to go, my chapteris 57 membersstrong, about45 of which arevery involved.l'm continuingto work with the strugglingchapters lounterparts RegionalMoreh MonthlyCheckup ChapterCheckupsfor variouschapters coordinatedwith regionalcheckups Bi-weekly MembershipLetter to both Chapterand RegionalMorim Constantavailability for anyonewho needsmy assistance. ConnectMorim of similarregionsto work alongsideeach other (aswell as chapters) € THEPTANS ) Recruitment/Retention/Reed ucation r . o o o ". . Seriesof competitionsbetweenchaptersand regions throughoutthe yearsuchas "MarchMembership Madness." Increasedincentivesfor thosewho meetgoalssuchas money,a free trip, banner,etc. Setmultiplegoals,.notjust for the end of the year,but for variouskeytimes duringthe programmingyear. Goals=Greatness makemembersl focuson chapters-chapters Reestablish Work with eachregional/chapterMorehto creategoals and a planthat fits for their specificregion/chapter. Createa new-memberPowerpointand a parentfriendlyPowerpointto teachthem what AZAis reallyall about into the ChapterLevel lnstituteAITOvernights/Classes for a more intimateexperience. there's can'tfind me anywhere, a goodchancethat |tmat Moe's SouthWest Grillmunching down a tasty20 oz. "Homewreckef burrito." CLTC a Createa media campaign through videoswith live footage of CLTCfor publicity MonthlyCLTC chats uponreturninghome to ensurethat chapter leadersareusingwhat they learned Increase scholarships so that CLTCis rnade more affordable Includepastattendees of CLTCin structuring new CLTCs gelffeffu q*,€"s*u +f:-;-,.11'ltr1,T% 1=r.ie.=.,r}iffi.*"I ffl'nai *'ri*fu Yeerth #ngaelieatian JasonWry Steinfierg Candidatefor th_eHig\ 1nq HonorablePositionof GrandAlephMoreh zakAZA# 2300lnvolvement Chazak lnvolvement lnvolvement lnvolvement Resional Resional Nassau-Suffolk I Nassau-Suffolk t | | | | . | . e ChapterMorehChair WeeklyBoardMeetings counterpartCalls Bi-weekly o Steered AIT Overnight | o Steered AIT Classes o PerfectProgramAttendance (2xamonth) | I Raisedover 5500this year | o o 58 ChapterGodol {mid-year: members) ChapterMoreh(60+ members) r o o r . e . . I I . '08I' SpringConvention1'06,'07, 'Ot}*" o DormLeaderat5of6 .onventions t Bus Leader at 5 of 6 I I ' .onventions CurrentlyAttend Regional BoardMeetings I ' Regionallyrecognizedby I | r .- ProjectHope(x5){Local communityserviceProject) o lsraeliDayParade'07 AZA'AParticipantsince8thgrade with communication Consistent MorehandGodoltas Regional well as other chaptergodolim . o | I I I I lnvolvement lnternational l . . Training ChapterLeadership Conference(CffC 5'07) o Chapter/DormGodol Training Leadership International Conference'08 . . Kallah'08 tnternational '08* Convention International . International Convention o o Treeof LifeAward(Pending) Shieldof DavidAward" . HenryMonskyAward'' with Communication Consistent Moreh CurrentInternational r '09* RegionalKickoff{'06''07"08) BrotherhoodOvernight{'05, '08) o denotespendingaward All Positionsareyear-longterms MorehChair Regional | '06 A[ Overnight/Classes | SteeredAITOvernight/Classes I 'Ol I Training RegionatLeadership I '07'08) (RLTI tnstitute I ('06,'07, WinterConvention | o directoras"idealchapter" HenryMonskyAward" Goalof 85 membersat the end of the year I ^ denotessteeringprogram(s)at this event *denotesvotingdelegatestatus andmorim) Fraternallysubmitted,with undyinglove for NSR# 19, my heartand my home,ChazakAZA#2300,and everyregion,chapter,and memberof the internationalorder, I remainalephJasonRorySteinberg