2015 OCEANSIDE VILLAGE PASSES We want to wish everyone a


2015 OCEANSIDE VILLAGE PASSES We want to wish everyone a
Volume 1
We want to wish everyone a Happy
New Year and hope they had a great
In the packet you received with this
newsletter you will find all the forms
needed to be completed to apply for
your car, golf cart, family and frequent visitor passes. Take a minute
to look over these forms. Please fill
out the forms completely to ensure
the process can be expedited.
It is very important that the Homeowner Pertinent Information and the
Next of Kin forms are fill out completely. These forms are important
to the management office in case of
emergency. The more contact information we have gives us the best
way of contacting the homeowner.
Homeowners may fill out the forms
and send them in by mail anytime
after receiving the packet or they
can be dropped off at the Oceanside Village management office.
The passes will be mailed to you,
or, if you choose, they can be held
at the office to be picked up. If you
mail in your pass forms and would
like us to hold the passes in the office, please note this on the forms.
The passes will be ready for distribution on January 19, 2015. The
2014 passes will expire on February
28, 2015.
A reminder to all homeowners: In
order to receive your passes, you
must be up-to-date on all lease
and amenities and any other fees
owed to the Village.
For any homeowner not on direct
draft, your 2015 lease and amenities
payment book is enclosed in the
packet as well. For any homeowner on direct draft, you may call the
office at (843) 650-4440 for your
new rates. For people who use online bill paying, please be sure to
change your amounts in January.
A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall
Let it be said I’ve played the
Have lived and loved and labored
And made of it a happy year.
~Edgar Guest
lee Chesnutt, daughter of Lee and unteer work by volunteering at the
Michelle Chesnutt and granddaugh- UNC hospital this past fall.
ter of John and Judy Chesnutt at 254
Beginning January 5, 2015, home- George’s Bay Road.
Baylee also was a member of the
owners will be able to renew their
UNC Dance Marathon Supply and
fitness center memberships. The Baylee is attending the Univer- Logistics committee. Their comrenewal cost for homeowners is sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill mittee was responsible for soliciting
$20.00 per person per calendar year. where she hopes to major in Exer- supplies and donations for the maraWe ask that the homeowner bring in cise Science with a minor in Busi- thon, along with setting up and voltheir ID badges and entry cards.
ness. This will allow her to go on unteering during the actual event.
to become a Physician’s Assistant, This was the most rewarding group
Children of a homeowner between and practice pediatric surgery. Her she has volunteered with, as they
16 and 18 years of age wishing to time at UNC will help her accom- ultimately raised over $500,000 to
obtain a membership must bring in plish this goal by providing her donate to the NC Children’s Hostheir driver’s license.
with the education and background pital. She said it was great to see
she needs to gain her Masters de- the impact the marathon had on the
You will be able to renew your gree and practice medicine. While patients and families of the hospimemberships Monday through Sat- this is the career she has chosen, tal. The money they raised went
urday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
she also hopes to accomplish many towards things like gas gift cards,
other things, both while in college electricity bills, and special parent
If you decide not to renew your and afterward. UNC will help her dinners the hospital puts on. They
membership to the fitness center we by stretching her mind and exposing also donated to the Ronald McDonask that you return your entry card her to new things and experiences, ald House, which has just begun to
to the OSV office so that we may such as studying in another coun- expand. The UNC Dance Marathon
assign the card to another individual try. UNC will also provide her with is a meaning full cause and has made
in an effort to cut down costs.
many opportunities to volunteer and a huge impact on Baylee’s life.
participate in community services.
If you have any questions, please Ultimately, her goal in life is to help We want to congratulate Baylee for
contact Susan or Sandra at (843) others and leave a lasting imprint on all her hard work and wish her the
the world and the people in it. Her best in her future endeavors.
education will help her achieve that
goal, as it will help her pursue a career in the health field, help her find
her passions, and expose her to various philanthropic endeavors.
Baylee is working as a hostess at
Southern Roots Restaurant and Catering in Jamestown, NC. She is also
working as a waitress at Sup Dogs
in Chapel Hill, NC. She has participated in many volunteer activities,
such as Moses Cone Hospital and
the UNC Dance Marathon. As a
hospital volunteer, she was responsible for answering patient phone
calls and tending to their needs, filing paperwork, delivering supplies,
Our female recipient of the Huns- and cleaning beds and equipment.
berger scholarship award was Bay- She planned on continuing her vol2
Our male recipient of the Hunsberger scholarship award was James
Patrick Fossler, better known as JP.
JP is the son of Michael Fossler and
Robanne Palmer, homeowners at
410 Sanddollar, and the grandson of
Richard and Suzann Palmer at 227
Melody Gardens Drive.
JP plans to pursue a degree in Physical Therapy at the University of
Maryland-Baltimore County, with
a minor in Psychology. After college he plans to work as a Physical
Therapist in a clinic and eventually
would like to own and manage a
physical therapy clinic. With the
help of this scholarship, he will be
able to attend college, which will
give him the knowledge and skills
he needs to be a successful Physical Therapist. All Physical Therapist programs are now doctorates,
meaning four years of undergraduate study with a transfer to a three
year doctorate program.
For the past four years JP has
worked at the Fairfield Crest Swim
Club in Newark, Delaware as a Red
Cross Certified Lifeguard. During
his employment at the pool, he life
guarded, worked the snack stand,
and carried out general maintenance
and upkeep of the aesthetics of the
pool and its property. He was responsible for the general well being of their members and ensuring
they have a safe, enjoyable visit to
the pool with their family. An additional aspect of his job that he
particularly enjoyed was teaching
swimming lessons to very young
members, many of whom had never
swam previously. JP said it was so
rewarding to help them feel comfortable in the water and build their
swimming skills to be competent
swimmers and, more importantly,
learn about water safety.
which included, among many other
activities, feeding the homeless at
the local soup kitchen, delivering
Christmas dinners to families in
need and educating the school on
the dangers of Melanoma, and even
giving blood. He has been an active
member in the Key Club for two
years. While in college, he will be
looking for ways to continue this record of service since he enjoys these
(843) 748-9024
As part of JP’s involvement with Boy
Scout Troop 443 in Maryland, he
had countless opportunities to serve
his community from flag retirement
ceremonies, food drives for local
pantries, grounds keeping for local
parks, to working in their local soup
kitchen. Within his troop, he held
most all leadership roles including
Senior Patrol Leader, where he was
responsible for the planning and coordinating the entire troop’s activities and patrols. On November 12,
2013, he had the honor of earning
Scouting’s highest rank, the Eagle,
proving to himself that he can set a
long term goal and achieve it.
District 7
Steve Barbour - 2071 Avocet
(843) 921-7365
District 5
James Stanton - 1782 Gannet
(843) 650-6869
District 6
Danny Faulk - 454 Sanddollar
(843) 957-1456
District 8
Alice Lewis - 463 Oceanside Drive
(843) 650-8353
District 9
Edward Maurer - 358 Meadowlark
(843) 215-3527
District 10
Gary McCormick - 1675 Mason
Congratulations to JP for all he has (843) 492-0005
accomplished and all he hopes to osvdist10rep@gmail.com
accomplish in his future endeavors.
District 11
Roger Reed - 270 Melody Gardens
(843) 957-0359
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce your new Advisory District 12
Board members for 2015-2016.
Linda Riggles - 139 George’s Bay
Districts 1 & 2
(843) 750-0684
Jeff Wood - 170 Oceanside Drive
(843) 333-8212
At Large
JP also volunteered with his school’s
Charles Ford - 1984 Lark
Key Club, where he helped orga- Districts 3 & 4
(843) 650-0767
nize and carry out service projects, Marie Power - 2025 Dipper
Mr. Permenter introduced Charles
Ford to discuss the Blood Drive and
Flu shots. The Blood Drive was
held on October 25th, where they
Oceanside Village held its 25th An- had 39 people sign up and 28 pints
nual Town Meeting on Saturday, were collected. On October 30th we
October 18, 2014 at the community offered flu shots to our homeowners and 16 people took advantage of
this opportunity.
The meeting was official called
to order by Bill Devilbiss. Dennis Ms. Gaskins introduced Cheryl CatPermenter welcomed all the home- ton and Sue Poulakos who repreowners to the meeting, appreciating sented part of the staff at Rose Real
their time and participation. Mr. Estate.
Permenter indicated the purpose of
the meeting was to inform the residents of ongoing projects and financial matters within the community.
Mr. Permenter introduced Jeff Wood,
who gave the invocation, and then
introduced Richard Palmer, who led
the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Tupelo Bay golf passes
Michelle Chesnutt, 254 George’s
Bay Road.
2. $20.00 Kangaroo gas card
French O’Shields, 216 Flamingo
3. OSV tote and cap
Lynniece Hart, 423 Hazelwood
4. $20.00 Lowes gift card
Sue Crytzer, 426 East Lake
5. Two OSV T-shirts
Glenn Pemberton, 220 Melody Gardens Drive
6. $25.00 Bi-Lo Gift Card
Philip McCauley, 449 Pampas
Next on the agenda was the review Ms. Gaskins announced the winners
and approval of the 2013 Town of the Annual Hunsberger ScholarMeeting minutes.
ship Award, and Ms. Gaskins presented Baylee Chesnutt and James
Mr. Permenter introduced Miriam P. Fossler each with a check for
Gaskins who recognized the Advi- $3,000.00.
sory Board members and thanked
them for the great job they do. She
then recognized the Oceanside Village staff members and introduced
the newest member of the management staff, Sandra Faulk. Ms.
Gaskins introduced Don Hershberger as the oldest member of the staff,
having been with the company for
34 years.
Ms. Gaskins gave a special thank
you to Alice Lewis, Carol Botkins,
and Mary Heffler, who organized
the serving of the refreshments and
decorations for the meeting, and
to Angie Sensenich and Ellie Serra who acted as our greeters. Ms.
Gaskins requested all volunteers
to stand and be recognized for the
great job they all do.
called out the winning numbers.
The winners were:
7. Memorial Brick
Roger Reed, 270 Melody Gardens
8. $25.00 Belk gift card
Camille Skwiers, 254 Melody Gardens Drive
9. Memorial Brick
Ed Maurer, 358 Meadowlark
10. $50.00 Sara J’s gift card
Suzann Palmer, 227 Melody Gardens Drive
11. $50.00 Wal-Mart gift card
Patricia McCormick, 1627 Mason
Ms Gaskins introduced the new
neighborhood watch chairperson,
12. RCA 20” HDTV/DVD Combo
Danny Faulk. Mr. Permenter stated
Sandra Stanton, 292 Flamingo
the neighborhood watch is very important to the community and they
13. Kindle Fire
are always looking for volunteers.
Charles Ford, 1894 Lark
One of the best parts of the meeting
was the door prizes. Ms Gaskins (continued on page 6)
looking for candidates for this program for the future, and if anyone
knows of anyone who could use a
little help, to please contact Dennis
Permenter or Miriam Gaskins.
Next, Mr. Permenter reported on
projects completed in 2014, ongoing projects, and proposed projects
Mr. Permenter announced the win- for 2015.
ner of the Lifetime of Service Award
provided by Rose Real Estate. This Some of the projects completed
year’s winner was Dr. Charles Ford, were the Hickory pool storage room,
handrail installation at the wet pool,
1894 Lark.
the Oasis pool resurfacing and pool
deck repair, the beachfront walkover
and tennis court were repaired, and
a beautiful bridal room was added
to the community center.
The annual Volunteer of the Year
award was presented to Mary Heffler, 1695 East Lake, who received a
standing ovation in appreciation for
all the work she has done.
Ms. Gaskins gave an update on our
houses in disrepair project, stating
that most of the previous top ten had
been worked on or have pulled out.
Mr. Devilbiss provided an update
on security congratulating Captain
Avant and his staff for their hard
Mr. Permenter discussed the rental
procedures for long term renters at
Oceanside Village
Mr. Permenter reviewed details of
the Good Samaritan project, by stating that this is a program that was
started about twelve years ago. In
the past we have helped people with
a new kitchen floor, badly needed
prescription eye glasses, a house
ramp, and false teeth. We are now
stalled to begin their term beginning
in January 2015. The new officers
President - Jerry Johnstone
Vice President - Dennis Montague
Treasurer- Pam Bailey-Spink
Secretary - JoAnne Giampietro
Carol Botkins, again, chaired the
Halloween party and it turned out
great. She does a wonderful job
with the help of a great group of
helpers. Mary Margaret, Ruth,
Helen, Mary, Alice and many others combine to make this a successful event. We served over 180
hotdogs and then everyone roasted
marshmallows and made s’mores.
The kids were entertained by our
Magician Charlie Ford who did a
Projects to be completed in
spectacular job. Everyone enjoyed
2014/2015 include repairs to the
his magic show and then the kids
bocce court, carpet and tile work in
enjoyed the costume contest. The
the community center, and security
judges had a rough time as all the
camera installation in various locations. Rose Real Estate is having costumes were wonderful. The winnew homes placed on some of the ners of the costume contest were:
empty lots.
Ages 3 to 5
Mr. Permenter presented the 2013 First Place - Luke Watson (Dracufinancial statements that were au- la), 1798 Egret
dited by the accounting firm of M. Second Place - Benjamin Sloan
(Batman) Rose Real Estate
Timothy Hucks and Associates.
Third Place - Kingsley Self (Tootsie
This was followed by a question and Roll), 231 Flamingo
answer period after which the meet- Ages 6 to 12
First Place - Taylor Brook (Prining was adjourned.
cess), 511 Oceanside Drive
Second Place - K K Phoebus (MinTHE ENTERTAINMENT
ion) 238 Melody Gardens Drive
By Jerry Johnstone
Third Place - Shelby Montague
(Princess), 282 Melody Gardens Dr
Here we are again moving into a new Ages 14 to 18
year. When you read this 2014 will Dylan Murphy, 281 Meadowlark,
be gone and 2015 will bring new Grandson
friends, new adventures and fun activities. The last quarter of the year We would like to see more children
always brings some changes to the turn out and maybe next year that
entertainment committee. Our elec- will happen. We then took the kids
tions were held at the October 2014 on a hayride down our haunted street
meeting. The new officers were in- where giant spiders and witches
came out of the sky and ghosts came
out of the cemetery. We made four
trips and everyone got a scare. It
was an overwhelming success and
it is impossible to thank all the people that gave of their time to make
this an enjoyable night for the kids.
However, I will name a few, Pete
Skwiers set up the haunted area on
Avocet, Ron Thornton handled the
hotdogs and feeding everyone with
the help of Carl Blake and too many
more to mention.
and the staff of Nancy McCormick,
Mary Heffler and Pam Spinks with
the help of Peggy, Diana, Kathy,
Helen, Carol, Mary Margaret, Ron,
George, Bobbie, Donna, and, again,
too many more to mention, made it
a great morning.
Veterans’ Day was November 11th
and this is always a nice ceremony.
We planned a soup and sandwich
luncheon after the Village chorus
performed at the Mary Orr Bridge.
They then moved inside the comWe then went on to a planned break- munity center where again they
fast on the 15th of November but performed patriotic music and
did not get the turnout we expect- performed each of the five service
ed. However, everything was great fight songs. The program goes on
to let everyone know that Veterans’
Day is to honor all Veterans of all
wars. The Veterans then introduced
themselves and had a group picture
taken. This year we missed a few
of our comrades that couldn’t attend
but they were remembered. Also,
we honored two World War II veterans, Nick Rittweger and Matt Zawtocki. Both of these old soldiers
deserved to be honored for their
Thanksgiving dinner was a wonderful success serving 160 diners. We
had a traditional meal and, as in the
past, everyone had a great time.
(continued on page 10)
mick and Jan Bonadonna. They always have a fun time doing this. We
went Christmas caroling and then
selected the winners of our home
On December 7th we held our an- Christmas lighting contest, which
nual Christmas covered dish dinner. will be named in the next Inside
After dinner, Santa arrived. George Oceanside.
Moore has been doing Santa for us
for so long we don’t even talk to Again, our New Year’s Eve Party
him about it. He just hooks up his was a success. We had a full house
reindeer and flies in. It just hap- and enjoyed the music of the Party
pened that this was also the anniver- Favor Band. It’s always great to
sary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor watch the ball drop in Times Square
so we had a moment of silence to and to see a new year begin.
remember “A Day That Will Live In
There are many events planned
for the new year. Please check the
We had an ornament and cookie ex- monthly update for these activities.
change chaired by Nancy McCor10
(continued from page 7)
I’ll close with challenging all of you
to come to our meetings the first
Monday of each month, bring new
ideas and help us make plans for
making 2015 a special year.
We need a type of patriotism that
recognizes the virtues of those
who are opposed to us..... The old
“manifest destiny” idea ought to
be modified so that each nation
has the manifest destiny to do
the best it can - and that without
cant, without the assumption of
self-righteousness and with a desire to learn to the uttermost from
other nations.
~Francis John McConnell
Paving – We have completed several small paving projects
this fall, as well as the repaving of
As most of you are aware, this is Mason
enthe time of year that we initiate our tirety in The Keys section.
special projects to improve Oceanside Village for our homeowners and
guests. Some items are upgrades,
some are additional facilities, and
then others are maintenance items.
Below are the items that we are currently working on with a brief description of each.
Ibis Canal Project – Approximately 250 feet of bulkhead
has been installed along the east
side of the Ibis Canal. By using
a bulkhead we can transfer more
storm water outside of Oceanside
than conventional piping. After the
bulkhead was constructed additional fill and sod were installed. See
picture on page 15.
Smoke Test Sewer Lines
– We just completed our first phase
of smoke testing of sewer lines with
ARS. The entire section of terra
cotta pipe has now been tested and
repairs are being made. We may
have the remainder of the historic
section of Oceanside smoke tested
over the next couple of months. We
will update you regarding this decision.
New Whirlpool – Construction is near complete on a whirlpool
at the Hickory Grove Pool Complex,
which will accommodate 16 people.
This work, being performed by
Quality Pools, should be complete
by the end of the year, but, because
of the winter season, we will probably wait until March to make it
available to our homeowners.
Fitness Center Upgrades
– We are in the process of enlarging
the fitness center to accommodate
several pieces of new equipment
including a cable machine, rowing
machine, abdominal and two additional pieces of cardio equipment.
There will also be a new look with
painting and recovering of the vinyl
on the existing equipment. We also
plan to replace one of the treadmills
with one that has a floating deck,
which makes it more comfortable for
the runners who live in Oceanside.
Trees and Drainage – We
are working through all of our Homeowner Concern Forms regarding trees and drainage. Many have
been addressed and corrected but
we still have several left to do, especially in the area of drainage.
We hope to have this work completed by the end of March 2015.
Bocce Court Renovations
– We have so much homeowner activity at the Bocce Court we want to
make absolutely sure that it is in the
best possible condition. We are redoing the drainage, adding brick pavers
and carpet to make this very popular amenity the very best it can be.
Community Center – It is
our plan to have the carpet replaced
in the community center and some
additional tile work for the foyer
area. We want to continue to upgrade this very important community asset for our homeowners and
Dog Park – We plan to
have a section of the green area
designated for a dog park. It is my
understanding from many homeowners that one section should be
designated for large dogs and one
for small dogs. Pets have become
very popular with the Oceanside
residents over the last several years
and this will be a welcome addition.
Oceanside Village is a very unique
community and one that is special
to us all. We strive for “continuous
improvement” every year and believe that the best days of Oceanside
are in the future.
- Dennis Permenter
With Christmas fast approaching,
our loved ones, especially our children, are always asking, “What can
I get you for Christmas?” The older
we get, it seems the less we need. If
we want something during the year
we simply go to the store and purchase it. If you are asked this question, you may consider suggesting
an engraved brick to honor or memorialize a family member. Besides this being a loving gesture that
has permanence, it’s also something
that you don’t have to dust or return
to the mall!
You may really and truly find that
an engraved brick could be the perfect Christmas gift for a member of
your family. As you know, the cost
is $45.00, and for more information,
please contact the Oceanside Village
management office at 650-4440.
We would like to take this opportuWINNERS DREAM
nity to recognize two World War II
By Bill McDermott
veterans, Nict Rittweger and Matt
Zawtocki, both homeowners in
New in our library is a book entitled Oceanside Village.
“Winners Dream: A Journey from
I like to see a man proud of
Corner Store to Corner Office”
the place in which he lives. I
written by Bill McDermott, son of
like to see a man live so that
Kathy and Bill McDermott. He
his place will be proud of
dedicated the book in honor of his
mother Kathy. It is a very good read
~Abraham Lincoln
and can be purchased on Amazon.
OSV Office
OSV Maintenance 650-6000
OSV Security
Rose Real Estate
State Police
OSV Web Site:
E-mail: oceansidevillage@aol.com
Time Warner (843) 446-9259
Oceanside Village
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
With Limited Service
Become a volunteer. OSV is looking for good residents who would
like to become volunteers. We need
volunteers to help man the security
gate during the peak hours. We also
needs volunteers to help with painting projects. If you would like to
help, please contact the OSV management office at (843) 650-4440.
Prep Time: 35 min.
Cook Time: 20 min.
Yield: 4 (6-inch) pizzas (or 2 12inch pizzas)
(Basic Pizza Dough and Lamb Sausage and Caramelized Onions recipes follow)
8 tablespoons olive oil
Basic Pizza Dough:
- 2 ¼ teaspoons active dry yeast
- 1 ½ cups warm water (about 110
degrees F)
- 3 ½ cups all-purpose flour, plus
additional for rolling dough
- 2 teaspoons kosher salt
- ½ teaspoon ground white pepper
- 1 scant tablespoon honey
- 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive
oil, plus some additional for coating the bowl/greasing the trays
ter of the oven until the pizza has
finished cooking, 5 to 8 minutes.
Repeat with remaining dough and
Basic Pizza Dough:
In a large bowl, combine the yeast
and warm water. Stir to dissolve the
yeast and allow the mixture to rest
for 5 minutes.
Using a sieve or strainer, “sift”
about half of the flour over the yeast
mixture and blend until smooth
with your hands. Add the salt, pepper and honey and mix to blend.
Sift in the remaining flour and mix
to blend.
Lightly flour a cutting board or flat
Lamb Sausage and Caramelized surface. Turn the pizza dough onto
Onions Topping:
the floured area and knead for 3 to
- 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil, 5 minutes. The flour should feel
plus more for drizzling
smooth and the ingredients fully
- 12 ounces spicy lamb sausage, integrated. Place the dough inside a
casings removed
lightly oiled large bowl. Cover with
- 2 small red onions, peeled and plastic wrap and let rest in a warm
thinly sliced
place, about 1 ½ hours or until dou- ½ teaspoon honey
bled in volume.
- 1 cup mozzarella cheese, cubed
- 1/2 cup basil leaves, stemmed, Press gently on the dough and turn
washed and dried
it onto a floured surface. Divide
the dough into 4 equal parts, rollDirections
ing each quarter into a loose ball.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In Cover with a clean kitchen towel
a cast iron skillet large enough to and allow the dough to rest for an
hold 1 of the pizza rounds, heat additional 15 minutes. Flatten each
about 2 tablespoons of the olive ball, 1at a time, and roll into a 6oil. When the oil begins to smoke inch round. Place each round in a
lightly, turn heat off and add 1 of single layer on a lightly greased
the pizza rounds. Use a spatula to baking sheet.
press gently on the top of the round
to keep it relatively flat as it cooks. Tip for topping the pizza: Brushing
When you see it is slightly brown the dough with olive oil can create
on the underside, season the top a barrier that will help to prevent
lightly with salt and pepper and flip the topping from making the crust
the round on its second side. Sea- soggy.
son it with salt and pepper and top
with the onion sausage-onion mix- Recipe courtesy of Alex Guarture and place the skillet in the cen- naschelli of the Food Network