7.00am Eucharist - St Alban's and St Aidan's


7.00am Eucharist - St Alban's and St Aidan's
St Alban’s
Anglican Parish,
Our Vision: To be a Worshipping, Recognisably Anglican, Multi-racial, All-age,
Gathered, Christian Community - ’a city on a hill’
4th Sunday after Epiphany
1 February 2015
The Liturgy begins on page 119 of the service books
,at St Alban’s
7.00am Eucharist
Reader: Ruth Shatford
Preacher: The Reverend Ross Weaver
8.00am Eucharist
Reader: Dorothy Gilling
Hymns: SP 25 see pg 2, SP 28 see pg 2, 364
Organ music: Pieces from the Second Suite for organ: Clerambault
Preacher: The Reverend Ross Weaver
10.00am Choral Eucharist
Reader: Kerin Brown
Hymns: 206, SP 25 see pg 2, SP 28 see pg 2, 364
Motets: Ye that do your Master's Will (Gibbons); O food of all men wayfaring
Organ music: Variations on a chorale: J. S. Bach
Preacher: The Reverend Ross Weaver
6.00pm Evening Prayer
The Reverend Ross Weaver
+ at St Aidan’s
8.30am Eucharist
Reader: Maria Allerdice
Hymns: NEH 206 see pg 2, SP 25 see pg 2, SP 28 see pg 2, 153
Preacher: The Reverend Paul Weaver
In Covenant with the communities of the Roman Catholic Parish of Epping & Carlingford,
Epping Uniting Church, West Epping Uniting Church, Carlingford Baptist Church and Epping
Baptist Church
Welcome to St Alban's
and St Aidan's
We warmly welcome you today as we join together to worship our Risen Lord.
If you are a new parishioner please collect a Welcome Folder and leave the
information card with one of the Welcome Group or Parish Staff.
Please stay and join us after our morning services at St Alban's and St
Aidan's for tea and coffee, or breakfast after the 8.00am service at St
For your Prayers
Beecroft - St John the Evangelist; Macquarie - St George and St Dunstan;
Epping Baptist Church
LifeWay Lutheran Church Epping
Bush Church Aid Society (Mission of the Month)
In our World:
We give thanks that Rosie Batty was made Australian of the Year. Let us pray
that solutions might be found to address the appalling rate of domestic violence
and that families and children might be kept safe.
Pray for all children and students beginning school and university that they might
have a good year and every success.
Those recently deceased:
Tony Moon
Those being married:
Ian Arnold and Peggy Sanders on 7 February
Anniversary of Death:
Berryl Matthews; Ronald Joseph; John Oliver; Anthony de Boos 1/2;
John Chapman 2/2; Irene Middleton 3/2; David Bryant 4/2
Mission of the Month
Bush Church Aid Society of Australia
The Bush Church Aid Society of Australia has a priority in mission to the isolated, remote
urban and rural people of Australia. The BCA is an association within the Anglican Church
whose vision is ‘Australia for Christ’.
For more information about the BCA, please refer to the display on the Narthex board, or
visit website www.bushchurchaid.com.au
To make a donation to the Bush Church Aid Society, please place your gift in the ‘Beyond
the Parish’ side of your offertory envelope (please write ‘BCA’ next to the stamped date) or
in a plain envelope marked ‘BCA’. For those who electronically transfer their offertory,
please consider making a separate EFT for mission giving.
The Strategic Plan for the Anglican Parish of Epping
After the services today, the Strategic Planning Committee will be distributing a Survey.
It will take about 15 minutes to complete and is anonymous. By returning your
completed Survey (either the paper one or online) you will have played a small but vital
part in helping to determine where and how the Parish is placed now and its direction
in the next two to five years. An inclusive and stimulating workshop, to be held at St
Alban’s at 12 noon on Sunday 8 March, will be a major component in the formation of
strategic objectives. We are privileged to have Fr Martin Davies as the facilitator.
Based on the information arising from the Survey, the objectives developed in the
Workshop and by specially formed Task Groups post-Workshop, a draft Strategic Plan
will be formulated. At this stage, parishioners will have the opportunity to give
feedback. With this bulletin, you will have received an Expression of Interest form.
The Strategic Planning Committee need to have an indication of the number of people
expected to attend the workshop. This is not a firm commitment; official registration
will be available towards the end of February.
The link for accessing the online version of the Survey can be found at
Note that the link contains two lowercase L’s. The only numeral is the’2’ before yroM.
Please place your completed Survey (the paper version) and Expression of Interest
form for the workshops in the box at the back of the Church by 15th February at the
latest. To maintain statistical integrity, would couples please each complete a survey.
With thanks from the Committee:
Ian Arnold, Margaret Byron, Glyn Evans, Amanda Pearson and Penelope Thompson.
Taize Service commences next Sunday at 6.00pm
Taize services are times of reflective worship: singing of simple chants based on
verses of scripture, with Bible readings, prayers and a time of silent reflection. The
services are based on the style of worship used in the ecumenical Christian
community of Taize in France, which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. Our
services are usually about 45 minutes in length, and a time of fellowship over
refreshments follows the service.
Everyone is invited to share in this quiet and refreshing time together. For further
information contact Paul Weaver on 8819-2883.
Children the Future of our Church
The education of young people in the faith is very important. Basically if it was not for
others encouraging us in the faith as children, most of us would not be here. It is our
responsibility to, as it said in a recent gospel reading, to “Come and see”. We cannot
neglect the children in our midst. We need to provide them with appropriate Christian
There will be a meeting TODAY after the 10am Eucharist to determine the future for
the Sunday School and other initiatives. Please be present if you are concerned for
the future of the church and our children's faith development. Fr Ross will chair the
Annual General Meetings of Parishioners
will be held this year as follows.
St Aidan's: Sunday 23 March at 10am
St Alban's and Parish: Monday 16 March at 7.45pm
AGM Reports
Parish organisations are invited to submit brief reports for publication.
It would be greatly appreciated if these reports are forwarded to the office by
Friday 20 February.
Wednesday 18
at St Alban’s
7am and 12noon Eucharist and
7.45pm - Solemn
Eucharist and
Ecumenical Lenten Services
at 7.45pm
Please make every effort to attend
as many as possible as part of our joint Lenten discipline.
Tuesday 24 February
St Alban’s Anglican Church
Tuesday 3 March
West Epping Uniting Church, 35 Orchard Street West Epping
Tuesday 10 March
St Gerard’s Catholic Church, 543 North Rocks Road Carlingford
Tuesday 17 March
Epping Uniting Church, 9 Chester Street
Tuesday 24 March
Epping Baptist Church, 1-5 Ray Road
Family Group Planning for 2015
The first gathering will be a BBQ luncheon TODAY from 12.30 onwards, to be held at
Mark & Margie Edmondson's home, 5 Beattie Ave, Denistone East, during which we
will plan and finalise our calendar of activities for 2015. If you have been thinking of
coming along to some Family Group gatherings this year this would be a great way to
start. We usually have around ten activities a year, mainly luncheon gatherings at
someone's home. It’s a no pressure fellowship that simply meets and enjoys each
others company and provides an opportunity to get to know one another a little better.
If you would like some more information about the Family Group, or would like to be
included on our email distribution list, please see Kim or Amanda Turner.
Congratulations to Iris and Lance Futcher. They married at St Alban’s, Five Dock on
1st February 1947. Today they celebrate their 68th Wedding Anniversary.
Congratulations also to Graeme Watts who was awarded an honour AM in the
Australia Day awards for significant service to people with disabilities - particularly to
wheelchair sport and Health Science education.
Recommences on Tuesday 3 February
11am in the Seminar Room
St Aidan’s Friendship Group … will begin the year with a Eucharist at 10am on
Wednesday 4 February, followed by the Annual General Meeting.
At the conclusion we will have morning tea, and then follow with the ordinary monthly
meeting. All parishioners most welcome to attend.
Enquiries: Enid Telfer (President) 9807-5969 / Margaret Cummins (Secretary) 96804865
The first RLT meeting for 2015 will be held on Thursday 5 February at Christine's
home, starting at 7.30pm.
Men's Group
The next BBQ will be held on Thursday 5 February at 7pm in the Rectory
yard. All men are welcome.
Please bring something to eat and something to drink.
MU meeting in February
Our first meeting for 2015 will be on Tuesday 10 February. We will meet in the church
at 11.30am for a communion service.
Please bring a sandwich for your lunch which we will have together in the seminar
room after the service. This will be followed by our AGM and general meeting. We
would welcome any women who would like to join us. Jan Boyley Coordinator 98040695
Ian Arnold and Peggy Sanders thank the Saint Alban’s community for their
support and encouragement for their forthcoming marriage, and ask for your
continuing prayerful support. Ian and Peggy will be married at Saint Alban’s
at 10am on Saturday 7 February 2015, and members of the congregation are
welcome to attend. Parking will be available in the Westpac Carpark.
St Alban's Women’s Nexus
Ladies, we invite you to help us decide if we should continue our Nexus meetings this
year. Nexus is an informal group, open to all ladies of all denominations, where we
meet together to share morning tea & interesting conversation on the fourth
Wednesday of alternate months throughout the year.
The first meeting for this year would be on Wednesday 25th February, in St. Alban's
lower hall from 10am - 12 noon.
If you would like the meetings to continue & are prepared to make an effort to attend,
please phone Helen Cooper 9876 1939 or Margaret Pearson 9875 2583 to express
your interest. All ladies welcome.
Next Sunday's
Monday 2 February
5th Sunday after Epiphany
8 February 2015
Parish Office Closed
5.00pm Evening Prayer
Tuesday 3 February
7.00am Eucharist
1st Anglican service at Sydney Cove
English Conversation Group
Be Still & Know Meditation Group
Bible study & discussion group
Evening Prayer
Preacher: The Rev’d Paul Weaver
Blessing of all involved in education
Commissioning of Master Servers
Anskar missionary bishop in Sweden
St Aidan’s Friendship Group
Evening Prayer
Choir Practice
Preacher: The Rev’d Paul Weaver
6.00pm Taizé Service
at St Aidan's
Thursday 5 February
Martyrs of Japan, crucified at Nagasaki
8.00am Eucharist
10.00am Sung Eucharist
Wednesday 4 February
Preacher: The Rector
8.30am Eucharist
Healing Eucharist
Evening Prayer
Men’s Group
RLT at Christine’s home
Preacher: The Rector
Office Arrangements
Friday 6 February
Fr Ross will be on leave for two weeks
from tomorrow.
The Rector’s day off
If you would like to directly debit your weekly offertory,
the church bank account details are:St Alban’s: BSB No: 032 081 Account No: 000024
St Aidan’s: BSB No: 032 081 Account No: 810086
Please indicate on transfer which service you attend.
If you wish some of your giving to go to the Mission of the Month or any other specific
cause, please indicate it on your Direct Transfer, or make a separate Transfer.
During the blessing of the gifts, we acknowledge the offertory
made to the Parish by direct transfer.
Funeral Directors
301 Pennant Hills Rd, Thornleigh
24 hours 9484 3992
Quiet Day Planner:2015
This year we will have 4 Quiet Days, spaced to coincide with the Liturgical Seasons.
The days offer the opportunity to spend some “time-out” with the God of our own
spirituality. There are 2 input sessions, the chance for some individual spiritual
direction and an “Emmaus Walk”, where we can share our sense of the God in our
lives with one other person. The days end with a Eucharist. The venue is the Chapel
in the St Alban’s Church.
A sheet where you can register to attend will be placed in the Church 2 weeks prior to
each of the days, which are: Feb 21, May 30, Aug 1 and Nov 7. For any additional
information, call Jane Chapman on 0412353010. You may also wish to enquire of
those people who have attended the Quiet Days this year as to what they are like.
Community Hymn Singing
Ecumenical Service Volunteers
This year on three fifth Sunday Needed
evenings we begin a series of
singing our favourite hymns. Could
you send to the office a list of hymns
that you would like to be sung .
The dates are as follows:
29th March, 31st May, 30th August
St Alban's will be playing host at the Lenten
Ecumenical Service on 24 February 2015 at
7.45pm. Volunteers are needed to serve tea,
coffee and biscuits afterwards. If you can
help, please see Graeme Durie or email him
on 1947gjd@gmail.com.
Mission of the Month giving received for:
The Christmas Bowl (December) = $525
The Outback Fund (current) = $190
Don’t forget to write the name of the Mission on your envelope! (see Missions notice)
Please send items to be considered for the bulletin next week by
Wednesday at 2.30pm.
Parish Directory
Parish Office is open Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1 pm
Address - 3 Pembroke Street Epping 2121 (PO Box 79 Epping 1710)
St Aidan's Church - 30 Downing Street, West Epping
Phone - 9876 3362 Fax - 9876 4046 Website - www.eppinganglicans.org.au
Office email - office@eppinganglicans.org.au
The Reverend John Cornish - john@eppinganglicans.org.au
Associate Priest
The Reverend Ross Weaver - ross@eppinganglicans.org.au
Parish Secretary
Mrs Denise Pigot
Choir Director
Mr Kent Maddock
Mr Neil Cameron
Honorary Clergy
The Reverend Jane Chapman
The Reverend Dr Alan Friend
The Reverend Val Tibbey
The Reverend Paul Weaver
The Reverend Dr Philip Blake