April 2015 - St. Alban`s
April 2015 - St. Alban`s
the epistle APRIL 2015 CONSTANT CHRIST/ CHANGING WORLD New Adult Sunday School starts April 12 Easter Book Club begins April 12 Jason Harrod Concert April 16 FROM THE RECTOR EASTER EVENTS Students/Children serve at Church Under Bridge FINANCIALS FROM THE RECTOR Mixing it up in the world I St. Alban’s Epistle APRIL 2015 Table of Contents From the Rector 2 Holy Week & Easter 3 Spiritual Formation 4-5 Children’s Ministry 6 Newcomers’ Ministry 7 Worship8 Parish Life 9 Music Ministry 10 Parish News 11 Men’s Ministry 11 Student Ministry 12-13 Malawi Update 14 Retreats15 Outreach Ministry 16 Women’s Ministry 16 Financials17 Lay Ministers’ Schedule 18 Calendar19 Cover image: Man with Bible, George Garrigues, Los Angeles, 1972. Used under Creative Commons license. ’ll never forget it. I was browsing in a Christian bookstore when I saw them. Christian breath mints. Testa-mints. (Get it?) Some Christians think the way to live in this broken world is to create a parallel Christian universe. Sure, our houses will look the same as those of our secular neighbors, and we’ll drive the same cars, and work similar jobs. But we’ll Christian-ize the rest: only listen to Christian music, wear Christian-branded clothing, hang so-called Christian art on our walls, and only patronize businesses that display a “Jesus fish” (called an icthys) in their logo. Such a withdrawal is based on two misguided beliefs. First, an un-Christian fear of the “wild world,” full of “a lot of bad” (Cat Stevens). Yes, there’s evil in the world—but it’s also in our hearts. So we can’t completely avoid it. Plus, Christ always said, “Do not fear,” then rolled up his sleeves and mixed it up in the world. Second, there’s an assumption that God isn’t working out there in the secular world. Wrong. It’s his world. He is aware of (and intimately involved with) the musician looking for the right melody, the actor wrestling with his lines, the executive weighing layoffs, the parent struggling with discipline, the retiree pondering her next chapter, and the laborer pouring concrete. It’s God’s world. They’re his people. Is God “out there” in the world, working, watching, getting involved? You better believe it. Easter is April 5. We will again recall Jesus’ rising from the tomb to bring his resurrection life to the world. Forty days later, as he ascends into heaven (Matthew 2 28), Jesus says “I will be with you always.” Jesus is still here through the Holy Spirit. Indeed, we are Christ’s body, in the world, still rolling up our sleeves and mixing it up. “In the world but not of it”— this is the way we are to relate to our culture (John 15:19 &17:14-16). This Easter season, there are lots of opportunities at St. Alban’s to explore how we, as Christians, can be in the world with our Lord. Jeremy and Elisabeth Uecker will be hosting a dinner group at their house, where they will read and discuss Eugene Peterson’s Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places. This wonderful book explores—with depth, wisdom, and candor—what it means to live out our faith. In addition, our new Adult Sunday School class, “Constant Christ/Changing World,” features a diverse array of top-notch speakers on ways we can stay rooted in Christ in the midst of a dizzying, violent, confusing world. There are opportunities to serve, like volunteering for Vacation Bible Camp or at Cedar Ridge Elementary. And we’re bringing NYC singer-songwriter Jason Harrod for a concert, an example of an artist who doesn’t diminish his craft by forcing it into some hackneyed understanding of the connection between theology and music. The Lord is risen! And he invites us to join him in the world: making, meeting, thinking, eating, playing, serving. Join us! Love, HOLY WEEK & EASTER H O LY W E E K AT S A I N T A L B A N ’ S Morning and Evening Prayer Monday-Friday, 7:00 AM and 5:30 PM, Higgins Chapel Maundy Thursday: April 2 7:00 PM - Holy Eucharist with Stripping of the Altar Join us for this moving service as we remember the night our Lord was betrayed and commemorate the Last Supper. This is the last time we have Communion until Easter. (Nursery available but must RSVP.) Good Friday: April 3 7:00 PM - Joint service of St. Alban’s, St. Paul’s, and Holy Spirit Commemorate the solemn day our Lord was crucified. Homilies by the rectors of all three parishes and a combined choir. Nursery available. At St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 601 Columbus Avenue. Easter events for children Great Friday, April 3, Noon to 3:00 PM at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church School-age children and their parents are invited to this hands-on Holy Week event. We will explore the story of Holy Week through songs, art, baking, planting and prayer. Contact jole@stalbanswaco.org Stuffing Easter Eggs, 10:00 AM, April 2, Parish Hall Join us in a fun family fellowship time as we stuff plastic eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. Flowering of Cross, Easter Sunday, April 5 Bring flowers from home or use ones provided at church. Easter Egg Hunt, After worship, April 5 All ages. Refreshments. On the Great Lawn 3 Constant Christ/Changing World New Adult Sunday School Series begins April 12 9:00 AM in the PARISH HALL What does it mean to live as a Christian today in such a rapidly changing world? The new Adult Sunday School Series will call upon experts in several fields to bring us historical, spiritual and cultural context for this compelling question. APRIL 12 - CAROL PERRY: “THE MAKING AND MEANING OF ICONS” From the Greek word for “image,” icons have traditionally been associated with the Eastern Church but have in modern times gained acceptance throughout the West. Higgins Chapel has several icon reproductions which can be seen at Morning and Evening Prayer, Monday-Friday. MAY 10 - AARON ZIMMERMAN: “THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER” The Book of Common Prayer has for hundreds of years been of great significance to Anglicans/ Episcopalians. However, most are not familiar with its variety and rich content beyond the services of The Holy Eucharist, Morning and Evening Prayer. Aaron will lead us through the BCP, and how it offers many uses for our daily devotions. APRIL 19, 26 - JERRY CAMPBELL: “BIBLE BASICS” The Bible is the world’s most widely-distributed and widely-read book. Christians read it as part of their spiritual journey/development. Many Episcopalians, however, struggle with a clear understanding of the contents. This class will offer clarity and opportunity for questions as the Holy Scriptures are presented in a clear, understandable format. MAY 17, 24 - CLINT CAPERS: “ANGLICAN SPIRITUALITY” Ephesians 4:13 tells us to “grow in maturity in Christ.” Living out this passage in our Anglican tradition takes several forms, some very ancient, which will be explored in the class sessions. St. Alban’s currently has two classes in intentional spirituality and more will be offered when requested. MAY 3 - PHILIP JENKINS: “THE MIDDLE EAST AND CHRISTIANITY” Professor Jenkins is a widely recognized expert on Middle Eastern events and problems both religious and geopolitical. His presentation will allow some time for questions. Come early for a seat! MAY 31 - ROBERT MINER: “ST. AUGUSTINE FOR OUR TIMES” Professor Miner is an authority on Augustine of Hippo, one of the Church’s early but most important theologians. St. Augustine’s writings are of major importance to our modern understanding of basic Christian beliefs and how, as disciples of Christ, we strive to live out the Gospel. Photo Credit: Jobas. Licensed under Creative Commons. Rector’s Wednesday Bible Study Join us in the Rector’s 10:00 AM Wednesday Bible Study in the Music Room. The study is for all levels of Bible learners, and all are welcome. UPCOMING SCHEDULE April 8: Conclude study of Genesis April 15 -May 6: The Book of Ruth May 13 - June 3: The Book of Jonah June-August: Summer Break September 2: Class resumes with the Book of Exodus 4 SPIRITUAL FORMATION New Book Club looks at Peterson’s recent offering 9:00 AM Sunday School Classes Godly Play (ages 4-7): Godly Play Rooms, Sunday School Building All are invited to the Castle Heights home of Jeremy and Elisabeth Uecker for potluck dinner and discussion on Sunday evenings, April 12-May 10, 5:30-7:30 PM. Over five weeks, we will read & discuss Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places by Eugene Peterson. A limited number of books are available upon request from the church office on a first-come, first-served basis; additional copies may be obtained from any online bookseller. Childcare for all ages will be available at the church.Please RSVP to the church office (hilary@ stalbanswaco.org) by Monday, April 6, so we know how many to expect and so that you have enough time to acquire the book. When signing up, please also indicate whether or not you would like childcare. Godly Kids (ages 8-10): “What’s in the Bible?”, Godly Kids Room, 2nd floor, Outreach Center Student Ministry (grades 6-12): Student Ministry Room, 2nd floor, Outreach Center Adults: “Constant Christ/Changing World,” Parish Hall (see story at left) No Sunday School Easter Sunday The Daily Office We offer daily Morning and Evening Prayer every weekday in the Higgins Chapel (entrance in the corner of the Courtyard) at 7:00 AM and 5:30 PM. These 20-minute lay-led services feature readings from the Bible and prayers. All are welcome! Questions? Contact Jeremy Uecker at uecker22@ gmail.com or 254-214-1096. Jason Harrod returns for April 16 Concert J ason Harrod is an American guitarist and singer who writes and performs bluegrass/folk music. Harrod’s first album, “Dreams of the Colorblind,” was released in 1992 with songwriter Brian Funck, with whom he played until 1998. The pair released three CDs, with their first studio CD making it to number 38 on the CMJ AAA top 40 chart. Harrod began his solo career in 1998 and since then he has released two albums and has won several bluegrass/folk competitions. He explores his April 16, 7:00 PM In the Church Suggested Donation $10 for Outreach Fund 5 Southern and traditional folk influences without abandoning the contemporary folk sound that characterized the Harrod & Funck albums. In April of 2000, Harrod won first place in the bluegrass category of the prestigious Chris Austin Songwriting Contest. Widely respected folksinger Gillian Welch, a previous contest winner, was among the judges. Less than a month later, Harrod released his first solo album, “Living in Skin.” (Evan Cater, wikipedia) CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Plan for Easter, VBC and a trip to the Mayborn S unday, April 5, Easter morning, we’ll have an Easter Egg Hunt after the 10:00 AM service in the Great Lawn behind the Parish Hall by the parking lot (where it was last year). Don’t forget to bring your baskets! We also will be flowering the cross for Easter Sunday. If you have pretty spring flowers in your yard, bring them with you. Otherwise, flowers will be provided. Rain Date for Museum Visit April 11 Mark your calendars for our trip to the Mayborn Museum to see the Ms. Frizzle exhibit. Meet in front of the museum at 10:00 AM and be ready to have a great time! Invite a friend to join you! D iscover His plan! Discover His purpose! In Camp Discovery, VBS, your children will learn that Jesus works in and through us. They’ll look into the Bible and explore five TREE-mendous Bible accounts where God works in His people to save them and through His people to serve. Jesus saves us, gives us faith, courage, and wisdom to serve Him and share His Good News with our neighbors and friends. Join us at St. Alban’s for VBS 9:00 AM to 12 Noon, June 15-19. For children from 3 years old up to 5th grade. Register online, fill out a form at the church office, or contact Jole Cromwell at jole@stalbanswaco.org or at (254) 752-1773. Volunteers Needed! We will need volunteers to help us give our children a GREAT VBS! We also need several items to use as props or for activities. They include: magazines, tents, sleeping bags, lanterns, stuffed forest animals, canteens, kayaks, paddle boats, and tree stumps—yes, tree stumps. CAMP SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY, JUNE 21, ON THE GREAT LAWN 6 NEWCOMERS MINISTRY ST. ALBAN’S NEWCOMERS’ PARTY 101 New Members/Confirmation Class Offered April 15 & 22 This class is for those who: • want to join St. Alban’s • want to be Confirmed (grade 8 and up) • want to learn more about St. Alban’s, the Epis- copal Church, and the Christian Faith. Join us Wednesdays, 6:00 to 8:00 PM, April 15 and 22 in the Parish Hall. Dinner and childcare will be provided. Call the church office to register or email hilary@stalbanswaco.org. CONFIRMATION: Confirmation (or, for those who were confirmed in another denomination, Reception) into the Episcopal Church will be offered at a special service with Bishop Dena Harrison at 5:00 PM on Sunday, June 14. May 7 7:00 to 8:30 PM If you are new (or new-ish) to the church over the last six months, Aaron and Andrea Zimmerman invite you to a Newcomers’ Party on Thursday, May 7, 7:00 to 8:30 PM. This casual, fun event will give you a chance to meet both new and long-time members of the parish and allow us to welcome you to St. Alban’s. Call the church office to RSVP or for directions: (254) 752-1773. HE IS RISEN! 7 ST. ALBAN’S WORSHIP Please Pray For ... Martha Appell Alayne Ballantine Jeanette Barkett Curtis Butcher Linnie Donnelly Foy du Bois Almuth Ewing Sunday Scripture Readings Phyllis Ewing April 5 April 19 Tony Henson Easter Sunday Isaiah 25:6-9 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Corinthians 15:1-11 John 20:1-18 Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48 Kenneth Scattergood April 12 April 26 Joshua Taylor Second Sunday of Easter Acts 4:32-35 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:5-12 Psalm 23 1 John 3:16-24 John 10:11-18 Emery Inwinkelreid Nancy Martin Beverly Mayfield Garry Miller Brad Thomas Carol Wenzel Pat Wortman The Daily Office Higgins Chapel, M-F Morning Prayer at 7:00 AM Evening Prayer at 5:30 PM WATCH AND WAIT Remember the Prayer Vigil Good Friday, beginning at 9:00 PM Spend an hour in contemplation and prayer. Sign-up sheet in the Narthex. 8 PARISH LIFE Happy Birthday Ronald Fadal Loren Hardie Jamie Hughes Tim McMahon Tommy Bundrant Daria Moore Rebecca Srygley Paul Stringer Martha Bancroft Robbie Moore Brenda Cornell Christine Steffy Annie Mae Smith Langston Wade Brooks Williams Craig Collins Jennifer Whiteley Jensen Escobedo Atalie McCarthy Bonnie Sneed Caren Hollis Alan Jones Steve Reilly Lynn Wisely 04/01 04/01 04/01 04/01 04/03 04/03 04/03 04/03 04/06 04/06 04/07 04/07 04/08 04/08 04/08 04/09 04/09 04/10 04/10 04/10 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 Beverly Snider Hannah Blount Rhett Cromwell Beth Richards Van Es Todd Heller Athan Zimmerman I. V. Garrett Di Word Stephanie Gleaves Ashley Escobedo Jeremy Uecker Susan Calhoun Dinka Poehl Nicholas Atkins Ross Hughes Sydney McCarthy Meredith Roberts Debbie Boyd Paula Campbell Rebecca Rusek Luther Brunson, Jr. Audrey Currin Stephanie Pieper David Tekell APRIL ALTAR FLOWERS 04/13 04/14 04/14 04/14 04/17 04/18 04/19 04/19 04/21 04/23 04/23 04/24 04/24 04/26 04/26 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/28 04/28 04/30 04/30 04/30 04/30 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Blake & Chrissy Browder Kurt Hulett & Jennings Sheffied, with children Kael and Gaige Hulett Aleah Nichols Finley & Emily Edwards, with Abigail, 5, and Anderson, 2 David & Cheryl Schroeder Bob & Florence Scattergood (Photos not available) April 12 - To the honor and glory of God and in thanksgiving for our family by the Stringer family. April 19 - To the honor and glory of God and in loving memory of Jackie Herty by Chuck Herty and family. April 26 - To the honor and glory of God and in loving memory of Billy and Doris Martin by Brenda, Kyle & Courtney Eastland and Debora and Casey Allen. If you would like to donate flowers in memory or honor of a loved one, please contact Beth Sartwelle at (254) 644-9200. ANNIVERSARIES John and Emily Tanner 04/06 Howard & Mary Ann Thompson 04/11 Bob and Betty Gianella 04/17 Sylvia & John Harrington 04/19 Joe and Freddie Bozarth III 04/20 Jim and Loren Hardie 04/20 Mike and Debby Kelley 04/20 Steve and Janet McClain 04/22 John and Laura Burton 04/25 Ronald and Mary Fadal 04/25 Seth and Sherri Morris 04/26 John and Joy Allovio 04/29 BEREAVEMENTS Joyce O. Gifford 9 MUSIC MINISTRY From the Choir Director GETTING TO KNOW: Howard L. Thompson A Sylvia Harrington I love singing with the St. Alban’s choir and am delighted that they let me! I’m not a trained singer by any means. It often takes me some hard thinking to learn the alto part, and I have been known to turn to YouTube played on “repeat” to learn a piece. Everything I know about singing, I have learned from eavesdropping on my daughter Emily’s voice lessons or from choir directors. I have sung in other church choirs for about 15 years and the highlight of my choir experience was a very moving trip to El Salvador singing Carlos Colon’s Requiem for Rufina Amaya. I grew up in Los Angeles and attended UCLA before moving to Texas. I retired from my career as a graphic designer last year, and I have been enjoying baking and gardening. The fiber arts—spinning, knitting and weaving—are my favorite evening activities. My husband, John, and I joined St. Alban’s a couple of years ago after attending Christmas Eve services “for the music” several years in a row. My favorite music to listen to is indie rock, but at church I much prefer traditional music. It helps me to really feel worshipful. It is one of my goals to never sing “Shine, Jesus, Shine” again. s we pass from Lent to Easter, we return to the more joyful music of the season. Our service music returns to the “normal” settings, we sing “Alleluia” again, and sing more upbeat and positive texts in the anthems. That said, I hope you have enjoyed hearing the movements from the Requiem by Fauré during the past six weeks. Even though we have sung it in the original Latin, I hope you have read the translations in the service leaflet. We now will return to singing in English! Even though we will be winding down our rehearsals in May for the summer, we always invite new members to join our number. If you enjoy singing good music and love the rehearsal experience, then please consider joining with us. Happy Easter! Chancel Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays, 6:00 PM Music Room JOIN US! When you sing, you pray twice 10 PARISH NEWS Our Ministries Need You! First Wednesday Lunch April 1 As the most powerful and poignant week of the church year approaches, one thing is thrown into sharp relief: St. Alban’s needs you! All of you who make up our core of volunteers for our many ministries work tirelessly, sometimes behind the scenes, sometimes right out in the open, to make our parish’s events and services run smoothly. The ranks have gotten a bit thin, however, and each ministry is seeking volunteers. If you’ve ever had an interest in serving the Children’s Ministry, serving the Holy Eucharist or reading during services, joining the Usher Team, or had any questions about any of our many ministries, please speak up! Contact Rebekah Hughes at (254) 644-0913 or Rebekah@stalbanswaco.org and she will put you in touch with the ministry leader of your choice. Thank you for helping our parish to proclaim to all, in word and deed, the grace of God in Jesus Christ. Your time and talents are invaluable and very appreciated. The First Wednesday Lunch will be 11:30 AM, April 1, in the Parish Hall, with food by Patti’s Kitchen. Please RSVP to the church office if you can, but drop-ins also are welcome. Or, come to the 10:00 AM Bible Study and stay for lunch. MEN’S MINISTRY Men’s Bible & Breakfast Thursdays 7:30 AM THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO HELPED AT ST. ALBAN’S WORK DAY MARCH 14! Join us on Thursdays at 7:30 AM for our weekly Bible & Breakfast group in the Parish Hall. We will dismiss by 8:15 AM. All men are welcome! We are currently studying the life and teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. 11 STUDENT MINISTRY Outreach Weekend meaningful, instructive Students volunteer at several sites around Waco S tudents from St. Alban’s and Church Holy Spirit Episcopal Church came together for Outreach Weekend in March. It was an opportunity for them to learn how to better love and care for people in their community. Students had the opportunity to volunteer with Mission Waco, the World Hunger Relief Farm, and Stillwell Retirement Center. The weekend ended as parents and siblings joined our group to attend Church Under the Bridge. This was a great way to educate and empower our students as we introduced them to new ways to serve and get involved with different organizations in Waco. UPCOMING Helping with Easter Egg Hunt April 5 Art on Elm Street, 11:00 AM, April 11 This is a special event that features local musicians, artists, and food vendors. All are welcome to celebrate the creative opportunities that make our community so unique! Dana Burton (above) cleaning the kitchen at Mission Waco’s Center for Children, The Rock. (Below) Students receive instructions for how to pull the “top crop” from one of the World Hunger Relief Farm fields and move it to compost piles. Serve Food at Church Under Bridge St. Alban’s Youth and Children’s Ministries (and parents) will serve lunch April 26. #WEEKLY We are studying James at MIDWEEK, Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and Psalms during SUNDAY SCHOOL at 9:00 AM. Our hope is that through these lessons we will be able to relate and apply what God teaches us in the Bible to our own lives. We want to support students in their faith by encouraging a healthy, honest, and personal relationship with Christ All events in Student Ministry Room, 2nd fl., Outreach Center. Contact Student Ministry Director Grace Brown at grace@stalbanswaco.org 12 STUDENT MINISTRY Students and parents join in the worship service at Church Under the Bridge to complete Outreach Weekend. McWhirter Scholarship Applications St. Alban’s awards scholarships in the amount of $1,000 for a limit of $5,000 (5 years) to eligible candidates. Eligibility is defined as follows: (1) One or more parents must be a confirmed member and active in the life of St. Alban’s. (2) The student must be a confirmed member and active in the life of St. Alban’s. (3) The applicant must submit the scholarship application (available in church office) Applications will be available on Monday, May 4, in the church office and are due no later than Friday, May 29 at 4:30 PM to the St. Alban’s church office. Notification will be mailed to all applicants by Monday, June 29. What a wonderful gift to our young adult members of St. Alban’s! 13 MALAWI UPDATE Flooding in Malawi ‘Considerable’ Danley reports after March trip P atrick Danley traveled to Malawi in March on mistic religion. Nonetheless, the growth of All Saints behalf of St. Alban’s and the Diocese of Texas to is a testament of the parish’s ability to successfully meet with leaders of All Saints and the Diocese of evangelize and meet the needs of the surrounding Southern Malawi. He reports that though the heavy community. rains and flood waters are receding, the damage to Fr. Kaminga and the executive committee comSouthern Malawi is considerable. From All Saints, 172 municated their short-term and long-term needs people are missing and 104 people are confirmed and goals. Short-term, Fr. Kaminga requested a cell dead. Crops have been destroyed, houses and livephone with Internet capabilities to facilitate commustock have been swept away, schools and at least nication within the Diocese of Southern Malawi and seven of the Diocese’s churchto St. Alban’s. He also requestes have been severely damed money to repair his motorThe growth of All Saints aged. The current estimate cycle. As these requests aid in is a testament of the parish’s our continued partnership and indicates that 42,962 houseability to successfully holds and 200,296 people the increasing expansion of All have been affected. evangelize and meet needs. Saints, Danley, on behalf of St. Danley met with Fr. LuAlban’s, purchased the phone cious Kaminga, the new rector of All Saints. Since for Fr. Kaminga and recommended to Fr. ZimmerDanley’s last visit in 2012, All Saints has grown by man to offer to pay for the repairs to Fr. Kaminga’s two additional outstations for a total of All Saints motorcycle. Fr. Zimmerman agreed. and six outstations. Since his installment, Fr. Kam At least 25 people were injured and 140 houseinga has met his monthly payments to the Diocese holds (980 people) were displaced due to the of Southern Malawi—a momentous milestone in that floods. In addition, one outpost church was damit is the first time in the history of the parish that aged. All Saints is requesting seeds, fertilizer, and All Saints has been able to do that. While All Saints water purification tablets to assist the affected peocontinues to thrive, Fr. Kaminga and the parish still Continued on page 15 struggle against “witchcraft,” the indigenous ani14 RETREATS Malawi Pennies for Malawi Pals (Continued) We are still collecting pennies for the children in Nambiti, Malawi. That region was hit by a devastating flood several weeks ago and our sister parish there has many needs. Penny jars will be placed in the Godly Play, Godly Kids and the Youth Ministry rooms. Let’s continue to help out our sister parish. ple. Our Shrove Tuesday/Ash Wednesday receipts will go for this purpose. In the long term, All Saints seeks to expand their apiary with the addition of hives. They also are interested in developing either a poultry or pig project to generate income and provide a local source of protein. Depending on their final selection and proposal, we will support this project with funds from the Mission Market. Given the state of the situation, we will postpone any mission trips to next summer. If you have questions, please ask Mission Committee members: Pat Danley, Tracey Kelly, Jeff Tanner, or Samantha Vo. Camp Allen Retreats Fishers of Women April 10-11 Ladies, get your rods ready for an overnight fly-fishing retreat! In addition to hours of fly-fishing on beautiful Lake Coffield, the retreat will include sessions on fly tying, Texas fly fishing, fly casting, and spiritual programming. Fisherwomen of all skill levels are welcome. The Adventure: A Parent/Teen Challenge Retreat April 10-12 Take teamwork to new heights at Camp Allen’s Challenge Course weekend designed specifically for parent/teen (ages 13-19) pairs. Experience the low and high Challenge Course as well as the new Adventure Summit Course, with its 480-foot dual zip line and 10-element circuit. Summer Camps It’s not too early to register! Get all the details online. www.CampAllen.org for more information and to register 15 OUTREACH MINISTRY WOMEN’S MINISTRY Volunteers Needed at Cedar Ridge We’re having a picnic! Cedar Ridge Elementary is seeking volunteers to help children one-on-one with a variety of subjects. For more information, call the school at (254) 756-1241. Or you may contact St. Alban’s member Nancy Merkh at nancy.merkh@wacoisd.org (Nancy is a teacher at Cedar Ridge) or Cedar Ridge/St. Alban’s liaison, Gail Baird, at gwbaird@hot.rr.com. The Women’s Lunch will be Outreach Center: Yoga Classes Join us for yoga Mondays and Wednesdays from noon to 1:15 PM in Mahan Commons. Mondays, with Cindy McAtee, focuses on safely and gently building strength, stamina, and flexibility. Visit Cindy’s website at http://youryogapath.com. Wednesdays, with Mari Howlett, focuses on breathing exercises, stretches, strength, balance, and mobility. Visit marihowlett@yahoo.com. All ages and experience levels are welcome, $5 for each session. No prior registration required. Enter through the alley doors (the red doors off the St. Alban’s parking lot, behind the Parish Hall). from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM April 16 at the Northern Gateway Playground in Cameron Park. Bring a picnic lunch, perhaps something yummy from nearby food trucks. And bring your children! We can play on the playground and enjoy what should be a bumper crop of Texas wildflowers! For more information, contact Elisabeth Uecker at ueckerhaus@gmail.com. Daughters of King News Monthly Meeting: There is no meeting in April because of Easter. Next meeting will be May 3 at 1:00 PM in the library of the Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, 1624 Wooded Acres. All women are welcome. Quiet Day: We will observe Quiet Day March 28 from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church. Garage Sale: DOK will host a garage sale from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM April 11 at Holy Spirit. Donations can be dropped at the Parish Hall April 9-10. Operation Christmas Child: We are collecting clothing items such as hats, socks, T-shirts, flipflops, Jelly shoes, and underwear The collection basket is in Parish Hall. If you have questions, con- April 16 ECW Meeting The ECW will meet at 10:00 AM April 16 in the music room with guest speaker Rev. Aaron Zimmerman. It is always informative and enjoyable to hear from our rector so we hope to see you then! Help for addictions ECW May Musicale May 21 Meetings for a variety of 12-step programs are held at the church throughout the week. Check the Calendar on page 15 of this newsletter for days and times. 16 Save the date to enjoy our concert, featuring some of St. Alban’s talented musicians. We’ll meet at 10:00 AM May 21. June Shipper and Doris and Dan Scott will perform. The concert will be followed by lunch in the Parish Hall where we will be joined by ECW members from St. Paul’s and Holy Spirit Episcopal churches. Please RSVP by May 18 to hilary@stalbanswaco. org or by calling the church office at 752-1773. FINANCIAL UPDATE Financial Snapshot: 2015 Update on St. Alban’s Debt Air Conditioning Loan Originated in 2013 in the amount of $127,430. Being paid back by the St. Alban’s Endowment Fund. Loan Balance $98,315.00 Annual Budget Income 618,319 141,390 110,901 Expense 618,319 91,511 85,654 49,879 25,247 Year-to-DateYear-to-Date Budget Actual Surplus (Deficit) 0.00 As of February 27, 2015 Giving With Joy: Stewardship 2015 Total Annual Pledged$488,539 Received Pledges Year-to-Date* 98,622 For month ending Feb. 27: Pledges Budgeted: Pledges Received: Assets Operating Account Memorial Fund Endowment Fund Organ Renovation $ 43,316 11,234 668,400 32,294 Total Assets Total Liabilities (A/C Loan) $724,167 (98,315) Excess of Fund Balance over Liabilities 40, 711 24,541 656,929 As of February 27, 2015 *Includes 2015 pledges paid in December 2014. Thank you for your giving towards 2015 Stewardship and your 2015 Pledge! Stewardship Numbers 2015 Total Annual Pledged$378,930 (as of October 22, 2014) Please remember to stay current on your pledge. For questions about ACH payments, planned giving, Endowment Fund, stock gifts, or your pledge, contact New Pledges: 5 Increase:32 Decrease: 5 Same:52 Total Pledges:94 Business Manager Karen Tanner at karen@stalbanswaco.org. ST. ALBAN’S HAS BEEN BLESSED WITH THESE GIFTS: Endowment Fund Organ Fund In Memory of Joyce Gifford Margie Allen In Memory of Liby Wortman Pat Wortman Memorial Fund In Memory of Joyce Gifford Dale & Caren Hollis In Memory of Meg Oates Smith Preston & Betty Kyle Moore 17 18 Rebekah Hughes Jerry Campbell Rebekah Hughes Jerry Campbell John Burton Guy Cox Mike Davidson Kathy Davidson Brandon Butler Dana Burton Kate Burton Bob Frahm Allan Dinsmore Jeff Ward Pat Atkins Kurt Hulett Lector Intercessor Altar Guild Ushers Torchbearers Crucifer Eucharistic Visitors Paula Campbell Maurice Hunt Pam Hunt Beth Richards Lisa Wright Erin Skelton & Rebecca Hartberg Nick Atkins Karlson Smith Abigail Zimmerman Jerry Campbell Paula Campbell Bill Aston Jeff Raimondo Tommy Bundrant John Merkh &Terry Randall-Wong Debbie McMahon Erin Skelton Regina Easley-Young (Lector) Korey Wright (Minister) Chris Peiper Pat Atkins Erin Skelton Pat Atkins Tom Smith Doug Smith 12-Apr Andy Wisely Lynn Wisely Andy Wisely Lynn Wisely Stewart Kelly Tim McMahon Lucy Murphy Connie Murphy Shannon Sneed Ragan Kelly Jackson Kelly Keith Poehl John Burton Ron Fadal Philip Price Charles Branch Glenda Branch Diana Whitely Jennifer Whitely JoAnn Stringer Carol Melis Rebecca Hartberg Sue Parrigin Foy du Bois Cathy Ratcliff Andy Wisely Sue Parrigin 19-Apr Schedule is available online at http://www.stalbanswaco.org/volunteers or from our home page. Go to Worship>Lay Minister Schedule Jacqueline Frahm Bob Frahm Jole Cromwell Sara Teichelmann Kenn Harding Candace Banning Korey Wright 7:30 AM Minister Eucharistic Ministers John Wood Jim & Beth Sartwelle VPOW SWaT Team 5-Apr APRIL 2015 WORSHIP SCHEDULE Peggy Aston Jeanie Hinshaw Ric Peavy Kathy Davidson Mike Davidson Heidi Buchanan Jim Sartwelle Kenn Harding Jim Sartwelle Kenn Harding Brenda Cornell David Tekell Tim McMahon Angela Tekell Stephanie Stringer JD Sartwelle Rachel Stringer Doug Smith Ric Peavy Bennie Buchanan Jay Hernandez Dean Riley Korey Wright Mary Fadal Heidi Buchanan 26-Apr PLEASE NOTE: DEADLINE FOR THE EPISTLE IS THE 15TH OF THE PRECEDING MONTH. Send text and photos to vicki@stalbanswaco.org and copy email to hilary@stalbanswaco.org. Thank you! 19 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID WACO, TEXAS Permit No. 386 305 North 30th Street Waco, TX 76710 254-752-1773 stalbanswaco.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 5 ril p yA da Hunt n u r S Egg ice e t r v s Ea aste r Ser E fte a St. Alban’s Staff St. Alban’s Vestry The Rev. Aaron M. G. Zimmerman, Rector aaron@stalbanswaco.org David Tekell, Senior Warden John L. Wood, Junior Warden Grace Brown, Youth Minister grace@stalbanswaco.org A Parish of the Diocese of Texas Jole R. Cromwell, Coordinator of Children’s Ministry & Parish Life jole@stalbanswaco.org IX Bishop of Texas The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle The Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher Hilary Gardner, Parish Administrator hilary@stalbanswaco.org Bishop Suffragan The Rt. Rev. Dena A. Harrison David Gilbreath, Organist Bishop Suffragan Rebekah Hughes, Newcomer Ministry rebekah@stalbanswaco.org Howard L. Thompson, Choirmaster howard@stalbanswaco.org Mary Ann Thompson, Carillonneur Rebecca Hartberg Liaison for Christian Formation Carol Melis Liaison for Pastoral Care Sue Parrigin Liaison for Parish Life Elaine Karban, Outreach Center Coordinator elaine@stalbanswaco.org Gabino Sanchez, Sexton Mary Fadal Liaison for Stewardship Debbie McMahon Liaison for Youth Ministry Vicki Kabat, Communications Coordinator vicki@stalbanswaco.org Karen Tanner, Business Manager karen@stalbanswaco.org Pat Danley, Clerk Liaison for Outreach & Mission As followers of Jesus Christ, we are One Church within the Anglican Communion and The Episcopal Church. All are sought and embraced in worship, mission and ministry in a spirit of mutual love and respect. And here at St. Alban’s, we carry out the above Diocesan Vision by Paul Thorp Liaison for Newcomers Bart Townsend Liaison for Adult Programs Andrew Wisely Liaison for Worship Jeremy Uecker Liaison for Children’s Ministry proclaiming to all, through word and deed, the grace of God in Jesus Christ. St. Alban’s Sunday Worship 7:30 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I • 9:00 AM Sunday School • 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II