

Church of Christ ~ New Albany, Mississippi
May 20, 2014
We are happy to secure the services and fellowship in the Lord’s work for the summer of Cody Hardin. Cody is somewhat a local resident, being from Itawamba County and the Fulton, MS area. He is the
son of Eddie and Katy Hardin. He is the younger of two children.
Cody is a 2011 graduate of the Itawamba Agricultural High School and attended the Itawamba Community College. He is presently majoring in Youth Ministry at Freed-Hardeman. He has a diversity of
interests and background experience. He played sports while in high school, participating in: basketball,
cross country, baseball and track. As time allows, he remains athletically involved while in college. He
was a member of Future, Business Leaders of America and Fellowship of Christian Athletes and has finished strong academically in his educational career to date. He will be serving as chaplain for Xi Chi
Delta service club next semester at FHU.
He has worked during his growing up years for a boat and RV repair shop, a summer for a construction company, Itawamba Community College Fitness Center, and Tremont Floral. Last summer he
worked as a youth intern for the Senatobia church of Christ. During his time at Freed-Hardeman, he has
worked for the Gum church of Christ located in Itawamba County. He assumed preaching responsibilities one week out of the month. If not mistaken, Cody worked with the congregation where April
Pounders and Kim Clayton’s families worship. They have spoken very highly of him in preparation for
his coming to us.
Cody has indicated that he is really looking forward to being a part of the congregation and working
with our youth. He made this statement about a week ago regarding his coming, “I'm really excited to get
started this summer. The youth group has really impressed me with their intelligence and maturity. I'm
really excited to teach their class going through Romans and really excited to get to know them.”
It is true that Cody has come here to help us with our youth, but has also come to help the adults, the
entire congregation. Let me encourage you to help him become acquainted with our congregational
“community” as soon as possible. He has left all of his family and college comrades behind for the summer, we need to love and fellowship him, have him into our homes and support his every effort to
strengthen our youth. I like what he had to say about his objective on his resume, “My objective is to obtain a youth ministry position where I can help grow teens spiritually.” He has come to the right place;
let’s help him accomplish his and our objective for the summer and beyond!
Keely Chunn
Congratulations to Our
Jamie Crow
High School Seniors
Hunter Jennings
Rachel Peeler
Ashlee Weaver
They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With
their rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt.
Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away tears.
This class would NOT pray during the commencements, not by choice, but because of a
recent court ruling prohibiting it.
The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by
the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine
guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.
The speeches were nice, but they were routine until the final speech received a standing ovation.
Then, a solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and
then, it happened... All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED!
The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said, 'GOD BLESS YOU'. And he walked off the
The audience exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval.
~ copied ~
For daily devotional & updates call NEWSLINE @ 534-0016
Pat Reed was admitted to the Tupelo
Hospital Sat. night, room 3349, with chest
pains. She has three arteries blocked and
must have open heart surgery as soon as it
can be scheduled.
Maxine Dunlap, grandmother of Nicki Weaver is not
expected to live much longer.
Harvey Lovelady, father of Nicki Weaver is suffering from heart problems again.
Phillip Young will have surgery on his hip
Wednesday, in Nashville.
Joel Holley father of Kim Clayton has shown a slight
improvement. He may possibly be moved to another
rehab in the future. He still remains in very serious
Billy Smith, brother of Carl Smith has been in the
Tupelo Hospital with a serious kidney infection and is
also recovering from back surgery. He is at home now.
Nancy Petrowski, daughter of Harold and Deloris
Crowe was taken back to the Vanderbilt Hospital due
to complications from chemo.
Continual Prayer list:
J. L. Eaton, Darrell Crow, Tetterian Wilson, Tony
Cross, Glen Jumper, Joyce Gilmore, Eulene Hooper,
Alicia Dukes, Rivers Robertson, Hudson Grisham,
Kelly Fryar, Donna & Roy Crow, Hugh Collins, Jack
Dunlap, Prebble Foster, Terry & Betty Young
Jean Drummond, Billy Joe Garner, Tauso Branch,
Claudia Senter
Nursing Home/Assisted Living:
Grace Anderson, Mattie Golden, Laura Mae Harris,
Louise Holcomb, Jennie Frohn
Military List:
David & Barry Wilhite, Tiffany Erwin, Aaron Raines,
Raegan Cole, Derek Bradley, Jesse Stroud
Wise Thoughts
May 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lea Anne McMillen
May 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will Bowlin
May 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olen Clark
May 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shelia King
The annual church picnic at the Walls’
Lake is scheduled for Saturday, May
24th. You may come in the afternoon and
fish or just visit. The meal will be served around
6:00pm. Please remember to bring your lawn chair.
Thanks so much to Randy, Christy, Erin, and Thomas for opening their home to all of us for this wonderful time of fellowship.
‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ is
scheduled for Sat. evening May 31st. If
you would like to participate please sign
the list in the foyer. Please indicate if
you would be willing to host a meal or come as a
guest. Everyone is encouraged to participate. If you
have any questions please see Lonnie Weaver.
There will be a Youth Devo Sunday night, May
25th following evening services. The Smitheys
and Parks will be hosting.
The next Area Wide Youth Meeting will be
held June 8th, at the Mayfield Church of Christ.
The van will leave at 5:50.
Thanks to all who came and helped us honor
our graduating high school seniors. It was a
great evening!
Starting next week our summer youth intern
Cody Hardin, will be writing the Youth News.
“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of
Visit our website @ http://www.nacoc.us
Email: nacoc15s@gmail.com Church Text # 662-854-0053
Sunday School...................9:30
Morning Worship............10:30
Evening Worship...............6:00
Wednesday Bible Study....7:00
Mike King ................ 507-0625
Home ....................... 534-6872
Office ....................... 534-4649
May 20, 2014
Volume 20
Postage Paid
Church of Christ
New Albany, MS
511 Hwy. 15 South, P.O. Box 148
New Albany, Mississippi 38652
POSTMASTER: Send address changes
(Form 3579) to: The Informer, P.O. Box
148, New Albany, MS 38652
Richard Jennings ......534-6671
Troy Robertson ........534-3491
Greg Clayton ............ 252-9762
Roger Clayton .......... 538-8195
Brad Pounders...........316-7931
Harold Russell .......... 507-1180
Randy Wall ............. 316-9255
Lonnie Weaver ......... 801-8448
Scripture..............Burrell Walton
A.M. Prayer........Troy Robertson
Closing Prayer..........Gary Turner
P.M. Prayer..........Roger Clayton
Closing...................Thomas Wall
Wed.5/28..............Greg Harrison
Wed.5/28..................Alvin Parks
Usher & Lock........Greg Clayton
Greeter..............B & A Pounders
Sunday School.....................103
Sunday A.M........................ 130
Sunday P.M..........................121
Wednesday.......................... 113
Pet Milk
Barry Elliot
“And these are the names of the mighty men who David had” (2 Sam.
Certainly there is a time for the remembering and recognition of those who serve their country faithfully. David
had a valiant army of men who were led by devoted captains.
But as a great military leader, he knew the value of recognizing his men.
Within the context of mentioning of these men, there is an indication of the
kind of loyalty and devotion his men has for David. David remembers how
the water from a well in Bethlehem tasted and longed for it. Three mighty
men of David broke through the lines of the Philistines and brought David
some water from the well.
David realized the serious nature of what had taken place and he could
not drink the water. Instead, he poured the water out in worship to God.
Such devotion and bravery brings one to give himself up for the one he
What could we do in the service of the Lord if we had such devotion and
bravery? So you love the Lord?
Each month of May, the U.S. pauses to remember the gallant and brave
men and women who have given their lives for this great country. Americans enjoy the blessings of living in a free democracy. Let us be thankful for
those who have given their lives and those who help preserve our freedoms.
Yet, at the same time, may we rekindle our allegiance to the One who
died to set us free from sin.