July Newsletter 2015 - Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
July Newsletter 2015 - Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
The Shepherd’s Fold-er Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd “Where Strangers Are Welcomed as Friends!” July, 2015 Inside This Issue: The Pastor’s Pen . . . . . . . . . .pp. 1-2 Worship & Education . . . . . . . pp. 3 Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pp. 4-9 Youth News . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 9-10 At Good Shepherd. . . . . . .pp. 11-16 In Our Community . . . . . .pp. 16-17 Anniversaries & Birthdays . . . . p. 18 Serving in July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 19 July Calendar of Events. . . . . . .p. 20 Worship & Church Information: Sunday Schedule: 8:15 a.m. - Worship Service 9:00 a.m. - Coffee Hour 9:15 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service 11:30 a.m. - Coffee Hour 22 Fisher Road Brevard, North Carolina 28712 Phone: (828) 883-3680 Fax: (828) 883-4815 lcgs@comporium.net lutheranchurchbrevardnc.com https://www.facebook.com/lutheransinbrevard Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Pastor Mary Hinkle Shore (828) 808 - 5447 pastormary@comporium.net THE PASTOR’S PEN Among Friends: Prayers for Small Group Ministry About 25 years ago, Jan Hansen, Carla Lockett and I were part of a small group at Olivet Lutheran Church in Fargo. Without the group to bring us together, we might never have become friends. Carla was in her 50s or 60s (to me back then, it was all the same), lived on a shoestring, and ran a daycare out of her home. Jan was the mother of “tween”-aged children, and I was a full-time professional, still single and in my 20s. Our life situations were different, but the experience of being together with a few other people from church showed us we had more in common than we thought. We talked, read Bible stories, and prayed for each other. We learned we could depend on each other in the ups and downs that are part of life and faith. We are beginning small group ministry at Good Shepherd. The groups will be a place to share Scripture, prayer, food and conversation. They will connect us more closely to each other and help us explore faith as part of daily life. Here is how you can help. (cont’d) 1 THE PASTOR’S PEN (cont’d) 1. Pray. Between July 1st and August 9th, we will engage in 40 days of prayer around the ministry of small groups at Good Shepherd. During the first week, as you are drawn to do so, you might hold this budding ministry in prayer using these prompts: 1. Pray for our congregation. 2. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead those planning this ministry. 3. Pray for those who will lead a small group. 4. Pray for those who will join a group. 5. Pray for the new friendships that will be formed through the groups. 6. Pray that small groups may deepen our sense of belonging to God. 7. Pray that small groups may deepen our awareness of the ways faith and life are connected. 2. Talk to the Steering Committee. The group working on this ministry includes these members and friends of Good Shepherd: Chris Bergner, Bill Johnson, Margarette Kennerly, Ruth Lentz, Sebring Lewis, Tom Lewis, Caroline Smith and myself. We have ideas about what small groups will look like here, but the reason for 40 days of prayer is to be as open as we can to the ways that the Spirit will speak through all the rest of you as we plan next steps. We would love to know if you have hopes, questions, concerns, or experiences to share with us that can help shape this ministry. 3. Consider Your Call. Is this a time in your life when you could join a small group? Or lead one? Group leaders will go through eight weeks of training, in the context of their own small group. Could God be drawing you or someone you know to the work of leading, co-leading, or hosting a group? Are there friends of yours— inside or outside the fellowship of Good Shepherd — who might like to be part of a group? Whom might you invite? Over the next six weeks, we will all have opportunities to hear about what is being planned and to help shape it. I and the other members of the steering committee thank you for your partnership in this work. 2 WORSHIP & EDUCATION ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES Classes meet in the Education Wing and begin at 9:15 a.m. Current Class Series On July 5 , the two current Sunday School classes will conclude: Rob Bell Video Series, in Room 5 th July 5 : “Kickball” - Why don’t we always get what we want? th Study of World Religions, Conference Room July 5th: Zoroastrianism & Islam - Dr. Paul Cooper New Class Series th Starting on July 12 , a four-week series entitled “Current Issues in Old Church History” will begin in the Conference Room. These information and discussion sessions will be moderated by Bill Moore: July 12th: “Outsiders: Anglo-Saxons, Jews, & Muslims” - Bill Moore July 19th: “Just or Unjust Warfare” - Ed Barrett July 26th: “Varieties of Musical Worship” - David Gresham August 2nd: “The Problem of Authority” - Bill Moore ADULT FORUM SERIES A SUCCESS The four week Adult Forum series, “Live Well and Die Faithfully” was very well attended by our members and the community. The four week series included a panel discussion of Being Mortal, by Atul Gawande, M.D.; discussion of Christian practices such as lament, compassion and gratitude; advice from Caroline Knox who is an elder care lawyer and ended with discussion on whether the Village-to-Village concept of helping people remain in their homes longer could work in Brevard. We had over 40 people who indicated they either wanted to be kept abreast of the “Brevard Village” project or indicated they were willing to help with getting a project like this started in Brevard. A big “thank you” to Leigh Ann for providing the tasty meals and to all those who helped bring about a successful series! 3 STEWARDSHIP WALK FOR WATER This information is from elca.org/walk4water. This year, ELCA youth will join together for ELCA World Hunger’s Walk for Water. The goal is to raise $500,000 for ELCA World Hungersupported water projects around the world. Through these gifts, local communities will be equipped to provide water for drinking and growing crops, sanitation and hygiene, as well as ongoing health education, training and maintenance. And, thanks to a generous family in the ELCA, all gifts toward this goal will be matched – dollar for dollar – up until we hit a grand total of $1 million! Together we make a difference – creating healthier families, stronger economies and a future filled with hope. Why Water? The global water crisis doesn’t always make headlines. But the truth is that it claims more lives each year than war. Globally, 1.8 billion people – that’s about one out of every four people – drink from contaminated water sources. Unsafe water leads to illnesses that claim the lives of 840,000 people each year, almost half of whom are children under the age of five. What’s more, women and children spend hours each day collecting water. This keeps them from school, work and time with family. This keeps families and communities from learning, earning an income and contributing to the local economy. (cont’d) 4 WALK FOR WATER (cont’d) Water facts Research in eastern Uganda found that a family spends an average of 660 hours a year collecting water. This represents two full months of labor. Water-related illnesses result in the loss of 443 million school days each year. Close to half of all people in developing countries are suffering at any given time from a health problem caused by contaminated water or unsanitary conditions. 2.5 billion people live without basic sanitation. More people have access to a mobile phone than a toilet. On average, women in Sub-Saharan Africa walk more than three miles each day to fetch water for their families. A traditional fivegallon jug, usually used for this purpose, weighs 40 pounds when full! Where will the money go? Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger support projects in nearly 60 countries around the world, including the U.S. Many of these projects help provide clean water for drinking, sanitation, hygiene and agriculture to those in need. If you would like to donate to the ELCA’s Walk for Water Campaign, please write a check to The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, and indicate Walk for Water on the memo line. Please turn in donations by July 12th, so that our youth who attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit in mid-July can hand them in while there. Thank you for your support! 5 MARCH AND RALLY FOR VOTING RIGHTS This letter is from the NC Synod website, nclutheran.org. On July 13th the federal court in Winston-Salem will take up the case brought by the NAACP against North Carolina’s monster voter suppression law. The North Carolina law is the “first and worst” passed since the Shelby v. Holder ruling. The outcome of this trial will impact not only North Carolina but also set legal precedence across the country. It has been called the most important battle for voting rights since the 1960’s. On July 13th, civil rights activists from across the state and nation will be coming to Winston-Salem to march for the full restoration of voting rights. We as Lutherans have a powerful opportunity to join with brothers and sisters from other faith traditions and come together in a very public way to express support for the over-turn of North Carolina’s voter suppression law. Ginny Hultquist, from First Lutheran Church, Greensboro (ginnylee511@yahoo.com 336-707 6781) has graciously offered to help coordinate our Lutheran presence. A location will be selected as a gathering point for any who wish to be identified as a part of our Lutheran witness. Please be in touch with her with any questions and for last minute details and information. This time it’s different. Just by sharing this invitation with our congregations we are bearing witness against the toleration of racism. And by our presence and participation, we can help our church find its voice and take its place alongside brothers and sisters from across the family of God. This time we can face the fact that what we do, or don’t do, can have real life and death consequences for brothers and sisters in Christ. Praying, Rev. Gordon H. Myers 6 TRANSPORTATION TO VOTING RIGHTS RALLY Bus transportation from Asheville to Winston-Salem is being arranged through Mountain Voices Alliance. The buses will leave at 1:30 p.m. on July 13th, arriving around 4:00 p.m. in Winston-Salem. To purchase bus tickets, send a check for $25 per person to Mountain Voices Alliance, P.O. Box 8052, Asheville, NC 28814. THE RIMMERS Pastor Chad and Natalie Rimmer, along with their children Paul Michael and Luke, are the missionary family in Senegal that Good Shepherd began sponsoring this year. This spring, the Rimmers visited sponsoring churches of the ELCA’s Grand Canyon Synod. Pastor Chad and his family may be able to visit Good Shepherd later this summer. If not, they will plan to visit us in the summer of 2016. The family hopes to return to Senegal sometime during the summer. Natalie Rimmer speaking with children at a Grand Canyon Synod church this spring. NC MISSION SUPPORT Part of your offering to Good Shepherd is shared with the NC Synod. One of the ways this money is used is to provide resources and curator services for those seeking information for congregational ministry, through the Heilig Resource Center. Staff and others at Good Shepherd often borrow materials from the Heilig Resource Center, particularly for Sunday School classes. 7 FOOD FOR THE HAVEN People from Good Shepherd make food for the residents of The Haven two weekends out of the year. Good Shepherd’s second weekend this year to prepare food for The Haven will be July 31st to August 2nd. If you would like to help, please contact Annette Blum (blumay1@gmail.com or 885-2376). Thank you. GIVING MADE EASY In an effort to assist you in making contributions to our various ministries and projects simple, on-line giving is available through our church website at lutherandchurchbrevardnc.com. Click the “Give Now” button at the top of our home page to take you to our on-line giving page. Also available for those who give to the general fund through electronic on-line giving, there are light green cards in the pew racks that say “I give electronically” to place in the offering plate so you can still incorporate giving as a part of your worship experience. THANKS AND PRAISE Without a doubt, our church would not nearly be as effective without the loving financial support of our members and friends. Your willingness and ability to give of your finances and your time make things happen here at Good Shepherd. So thank you for your continued support! RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE On July 23rd, from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., the American Red Cross will host a blood drive at Good Shepherd. Please visit redcrossblood.org or call 1800-REDCROSS to schedule a donation appointment. Thank you! 8 MISSION ENDOWMENT FUND GRANT Good Shepherd received a letter from Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry (LPGM), thanking Good Shepherd for a $5,000 grant that we gave them in November of 2014. The grant supported the Arcot Lutheran Church Community College at Parangipettai, in Tamil Nadu, India, specifically providing “much needed equipment for their Four Wheel Mechanism (engine repair) program.” The letter goes on to say: “Since our last update, the Community College has undergone some incredible changes. Phase II of the construction phase has progressed more rapidly than expected - it will be completed and dedicated in late June 2015. Student enrollment has jumped from about 70 students last year to 115 this year. And, the Arcot Lutheran Church and college administration is now focusing on improving the long-term budgeting and operations.” LPGM is an organization that Good Shepherd has supported through Mission Endowment Fund grants for several years. The organization is connected with the ELCA and works in India, Africa and South America. The Mission Endowment Fund Committee meets quarterly to discuss the distribution of grants to both local and international organizations. If you would like to know more about the work of the committee, or would like to find out how to support the fund, please speak with Larry Fogdall, chair, or Bob Milligan, financial secretary. Thank you. YOUTH NEWS RISE UP TOGETHER “Rise Up Together” is the theme for this year’s ELCA national youth gathering. More than 30,000 Lutheran youth and adults will be in Detroit from July 15th to 19th. From our congregation, Brighton McConnell and Rhea Jones are attending along with adults Carolyn Smith and Pastor Mary. (cont’d) 9 RISE UP TOGETHER (cont’d) We are traveling by bus with the youth group of Nativity Lutheran in Arden and St. Mark’s Lutheran in Asheville. We have met with Nativity’s group for the past six months, getting to know each other and preparing with Bible Study, history lessons about Detroit, games and more. We are ready to go! One of the days of the trip will be a service day somewhere in Detroit. We don’t know what we’ll be doing, but we have been told to bring work gloves and sturdy shoes along! Another day will be spent with the hundreds of others from around the NC Synod who will be there. Each day includes everything from mass gatherings at Ford Field to the “Final 15,” our small group check-in just before lights out. Thank you, Good Shepherd, for supporting youth fund raisers like the Steve Smith Memorial Barbecue and July 4th parking over the last three years. Your generosity makes it possible for us to be part of all the learning, fun and work that we will share with Lutheran youth and adults from all over the country. SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Confirmation-age youth and younger kids are all in one Sunday School class together this summer. Instead of focusing on Bible stories from the lectionary, this summer we are learning about The Lord’s Prayer and the ELCA youth-oriented initiative, Walk for Water. The kids will help make a series of banners which illustrate The Lord’s Prayer. The kids have started making hymnal markers and have made cards and pictures for people on Good Shepherd’s prayer list. They’ve taken one behindthe-scenes tour of Good Shepherd so far (Pastor Mary’s office and the Sanctuary), and two more tours (the sacristy and the choir room/choir area in the sanctuary) are planned. As always, the class begins at 9:15 a.m., with music with David and Kathye Gresham. 10 AT GOOD SHEPHERD GOOD SHEPHERD’S PRAYER LIST In an effort to have adequate room for more immediate prayer requests on our prayer card, “Those in Military Service” and “Those in Overseas Service” are listed in the newsletter each month. Those in Military Service Mary Katherine Miller, Adelaide Kersh’s daughter Greg Gresham, David Gresham’s brother Lucas Millsap, Mike & Yamile Millsap’s son Jennifer Lentz Moore, daughter of Ruth Lentz Victor Ristau, friend of Mike & Yamile Millsap Jon Van Donsel, son of Karen Van Donsel Those in Overseas Service Andrea Kuhlman, daughter of Marci & Dave Kuhlman Jennifer Meyer, daughter of Barbara & Dwight Meyer MILITARY SUPPORT COMMITTEE A new committee has been formed to provide support and ministry to Good Shepherd family members and relatives/close friends who serve in the military, mission agencies or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). We want to minister to those stationed in the U.S., as well as to those abroad. The committee is currently assessing the needs of service people and their member families who we know about through a short questionnaire. Subsequent to the return of the information, we will make the congregation aware of support requested by this community. First action steps will include sending cards and letters (via email or snail mail) to those far from home, especially at times such as birthdays and holidays. If anyone is interested in working with this new committee or knows an individual or family who could benefit from this support, please call or text Sandra Ostermeier (828-384-2444) or email Yamile Millsap (cyfmillsap@gmail.com). Thank you. 11 CARE CALENDARS CareCalendar is an online tool that helps coordinate care for a particular person or family. Care Calendars have been set up for Bill and Patty Evans Johnson and Beverly Martin. To sign up to help, visit carecalendar.org and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces: Bill & Patty: Beverly: Calendar ID: 214458 Security code: 5931 Calendar ID: 212194 Security code: 8609 Once you log in, you will see a calendar that shows what assistance is needed (in red type). To sign up, click on the assistance you would like to provide and fill in your contact information. If you need help or have questions, please call the church office (883-3680). Thank you. NEW NURTURING PROGRAM Would you like someone from Good Shepherd to call you each day? Would you like to call others? Maybe you live alone and you’d appreciate someone checking on you. Or maybe you’d like to reach out to others at Good Shepherd. If you would like to help with this new endeavor, please contact Marilyn Carlson (cacarlson@comporium.net or 884-2756). Thank you. GOOD NEWS “Good News” is a new section of Good Shepherd’s monthly newsletter, a way for us to share good news and exciting happenings with others at Good Shepherd. So if you’ve won an award, are performing in a play, made the honor roll, are going on a fun vacation, etc., let us know and we’ll celebrate with you! Send your good news to lcgs@comporium.net or call the church office at 883-3680. Thank you! 12 JUNE COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS Pastor Mary read from Ephesians 2 and led the meeting in prayer. Treasurer’s Report: Receipts exceeded the budget and expenses were within budget. Pastor’s Report: Worship attendance in May was lower compared to 2014, but June attendance is increasing. Sandra Ostermeier joined the Church in May. The “Being Mortal” adult forum series drew between 45 to 65 people each week, many from outside LCGS. The Church is using the website, www.carecalendar.org, to organize volunteers to help others in the congregation. Team Reports: Facilities - the AC is not working in the Education wing. (The thermostat had failed and was replaced after this meeting.) Finance & Stewardship – A congregational annual report will be available in November. The annual meeting will be held in January. Education – Summer Sunday School has started. Bill Moore will lead a series of classes about Church history. A survey will be taken in July to determine where our members are spending their time and money outside of Good Shepherd. In August we will hear from different local charities, likely during Sunday School. World & Community - The monies given to the India Creche through LCGS are tax deductible according to Ruth Lentz; LCGS is a “pass through” for these funds. We may send the funds to the crèche via “help-kids-india.org” rather than doing a direct transfer to India because the transfers are charged a fee. Worship & Music – On June 28th LCGS will host the church picnic on LCGS’ property. There will be one worship service at 10:00 a.m. The food will be potluck. The Fauré Requiem will be sung on November 1st, All Saints Day, during both services. Seven musicians will accompany the choir. 13 JUNE COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS (cont’d) Memorial Gifts – A new brochure with a broader statement is being developed. Fellowship – Nurturing is coordinating transportation for those who need help getting to services. Marilyn will ask the Carpenters to help with the picnic. Old Business: Updates on Strategic Planning Objective #1, Fostering Spiritual depth/belonging – This group wants to start small groups that will meet for about eight weeks of spiritual growth and fellowship. The group envisions 40 days of prayer, publicity, a retreat, and eight weeks of leader training, followed with small group meetings. Council agreed that this effort should move forward. Objective # 3 Freeing Up Resources – This group looked at three different consultants for fund raising, and decided on Charis Group. The first meeting will be on June, 20th, at which time the results of a feasibility study on whether our capital campaign goal is achievable will be discussed. The total cost will be $15,000 over three years. This recommendation was unanimously approved by a Council vote. The LCGS Youth Scholarship - The scholarship funds will be held with the other Memorial Gifts funds. The Education Committee will receive applications and evaluate candidates for this scholarship and will recommend awards to the Council for their approval. Donations can be made to Memorial Gifts. New Business: The proposed Audit Committee for 2015, Gloria Larson, Ruth Lentz and Jim Trefz, was approved and will do the annual audit during July through August. Council has reviewed requests from outside organizations to use Good Shepherd facilities through June of 2016. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. with The Lord’s Prayer. 14 I WONDER WHY . . . Here are answers to your questions from last month: 1. We have a Nurture Committee. Why do we not have a description of this committee in the Constitution Bi-Laws? The Constitution and Bylaws list the basic committees we must have to successfully function; but we can, and do, create and end additional committees as needed. There is no requirement that we validate the existence of a committee by naming it in the Bylaws. Changing the Bylaws requires Congregational approval so changes are rare and are usually saved for voting at the Annual Meeting in November. There is no particular reason for not naming the Nurturing Committee in the Bylaws and the Council could consider this Bylaw change before the next Annual Meeting--but then we would be requiring ourselves to keep the Nurture Committee active indefinitely. 2. The Constitution Bi-Laws show one of our committees to be the Evangelism Committee. Why do we not have an Evangelism Committee? The committee in the bylaws is actually called Evangelism and Membership. Its role is to reach out to people who are new to the congregation, to help them make friends and become involved in programs within the congregation and community, and to stay in contact with all members to determine how we can be a caring Christian community for each other. Since Thelma Erickson's death, we have not found a new chair. When a chair is in place, the committee will begin meeting again. Do you have questions about Good Shepherd? No question is too small. Please contact the church office (883-3680 or lcgs@comporium.net) to ask a question. Chances are good that you aren’t the only one wondering why. Thank you! NAME TAGS & MAILBOXES If you would like a name tag or church mailbox but don’t have one, please let Kimberly Dunbar in the church office know. Thank you. 15 WEEKLY PRAYER CARDS To have someone’s name added to the prayer card, please contact Pastor Mary or Kimberly Dunbar in the church office, by phone or email, to make this request. Names on the prayer card will be removed after two weeks, unless otherwise requested. IN OUR COMMUNITY LIVE AFTER FIVE AT ANTLER HILL VILLAGE Biltmore Estate annual passholders can now take a carload of guests to free outdoor concerts on Friday and Saturday nights. If you are interested in going to this fun-loving event, on either July 18th, 25th or 31st, please call Marilyn Carlson (884-2756) or Jean Rumph (890-8149). Thank you. HIKING CLUB NEWS Summer hiking club is underway! Plan to join other hikers on these “moderate” hikes. We’ll meet at the church at 10:30 a.m. to carpool to the trailheads. All hikes will have both a “leader” to get us where we’re going and a “sweep” to assure we don’t misplace anyone! Mark your calendars! July 2nd (rain date July 3rd): Sam’s Knob; 3 miles; moderate; 635 elevation change. Lunch atop one of the two knobs. July 16th (rain date July 17th): Whitesides Trail between Cashiers and Highlands; 2 miles (easy); possibly lunch in Cornucopia in Cashiers afterward. August 6th (rain date August 7th): Pilot Cove/Slate Rock Loop; 4.2 miles; moderate. August 20th (rain date August 21st): Skinny Dip Falls; 1.4 miles total in and out; moderate. Bring a snack to enjoy at the falls. Swimming suits are optional!! (Graveyard Fields was originally scheduled this day. Because of the heat and few trees on the trail we're opting for something shadier and cooler.) 16 PASTOR TIM SMITH ELECTED NC SYNOD BISHOP This letter is from the NC Synod website, nclutheran.org. The Rev. Timothy M. Smith, senior pastor of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Atlanta, Georgia, was elected May 30th as bishop of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) at the 2015 NC Assembly. He was elected on the fifth ballot. There were 577 votes cast, and 290 votes were needed for an election. Pr. Smith received 301 votes and the Rev. Mark Fitzsimmons, senior pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Nativity in Arden, North Carolina, received 276. Smith succeeds the Rev. Leonard H. Bolick who has served as the synod’s bishop since 1996. Bolick is retiring this summer. The synod assembly, the chief legislative authority of the NC Synod, met from May 28th to 30th at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro. The theme for the annual assembly was "Forward Together in Christ." “As the world changes around us there are more opportunities to be clear about who we are as the church. The church has always been about mission,” Smith told the assembly shortly before his election. Prior to becoming synod bishop, Smith served as pastor for two congregations in North Carolina and one in Georgia. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Drew University Theological School in Madison, New Jersey, a Master's of Divinity degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, and a Bachelor's degree in religion from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Smith will begin his ministry as bishop on August 1st, 2015. He will be installed on September 12th, at Christ Lutheran Church in Charlotte. Information about the assembly and all its actions is available at www.nclutheran.org. 17 ANNIVERSARIES Jean & Don Rumph . . . . . . . . July 11 Lee & Peter Covell . . . . . . . . . . July 13 Barbara & Dwight Meyer . . . . . .July 15 Kim & Carlos Owen . . . . . . . . . .July 20 Lauren & Fred Weed . . . . . . . . .July 28 Bobo & Buz Van Horne . . . . . . July 29 Nora Johnson & Lisa Rodke . . . July 31 BIRTHDAYS Don Rumph . . . . . . . July 2 Wanda Waters . . . . . July 16 Diana Winch . . . . . . .July 5 Jim Bollini . . . . . . . . .July 17 Rowena Tripp . . . . . .July 6 Lisa Trefz . . . . . . . . . .July 19 Hal Galloway . . . . . .July 10 Phyllis Waters . . . . . . .July 19 Larry Fogdall . . . . . .July 13 Jerry Calendrillo . . . . July 20 Jane McKeown . . . . July 15 Emma Patrie . . . . . . . .July 22 Rich Handschin . . . .July 16 Bob Pemberton. . . . . .July 27 Ed Hennig . . . . . . . .July 16 18 SERVING IN JULY . . . DUTY: TIME: July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 8:15 AM Gail Leon Lauren Weed Larry Fogdall Bob Landwehr 10:30 AM TBD Karen Anderson Bill Johnson Laurie McDowell 8:15 AM Gail Leon Lauren Weed Lauren Weed Bob Landwehr 10:30 AM TBD TBD TBD TBD 8:15 AM Caroline Smith P.J. Larson Stephanie Anne Smith Ruth Lentz 10:30 AM Carolyn Smith Buz Van Horne Bobo Van Horne Forrest McConnell 8:15 AM Gail Leon Robert McKeown Annette Bum Karen Anderson Robert McKeown Jamie Lancaster Annette Blum Gail Leon 8:15 AM Sandra Ostermeier Henry & Darrell Dixon Cherie & Ed Hennig Ginny Landwehr & Diana Winch 10:30 AM Sheila & John Swancara Karen & Rich Handschin Brenda & Bob Knott Frank & Zia McConnell Debbie & Paul Cooper ASSISTING MINISTERS: ACOLYTES : READERS: CANTORS: 10:30 AM GREETERS: 8:15 AM Debbie & Paul Cooper Debbie & Paul Cooper Debbie & Paul Cooper 10:30 AM Hal Galloway & Ken Aarsund Hal Galloway & Ken Aarsund Hal Galloway & Ken Aarsund NURSERY CARE: 10:30 AM Zia McConnell Zia McConnell P.J. Larson Diana Winch Mike Anderson & Jane McKeown Mike Anderson & Jane McKeown Mike Anderson & Jane McKeown Mike Anderson & Jane McKeown 8:15 AM TBD TBD TBD TBD 10:30 AM Sheila Swancara Sheila Swancara Sheila Swancara Sheila Swancara 8:15 AM Sandy Ostermeier Jan Wallace Susan & Mike Becker Ruth Lentz Jacky & Gene Shonka, Elaine & Carl Ehmann Peggy & Walt Schneider, Rachel & Loren Schwab Marilyn Fogdall Ed Hennig USHERS: COUNTERS: ALTAR CARE: COFFEE HOUR HOSTS: DOORKEEPER OF THE DAY: 10:30 AM Kathie & Carl Blozan, Arthur Raynolds, CarKimberly Dunbar ol Barrett, Marilyn Carlson Henry Dixon Marilyn Carlson 19 Hal Galloway & Ken Aarsund JULY CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 1 7 - Choir Rehearsal 2 8 - Cent. Prayer 9:30 - Cent. Prayer 10:30 - Hiking Club 5 - Getting Ahead 6:30 - Emotions Anonymous 3 Church office closed 4 8 - TMUG iDevice Mtg 9 - TMUG iDevice Leaders Mtg 10 11 8 - TMUG MacUsers Mtg 9 - TMUG MacUsers Leaders Mtg 5 8:15 — Worship 9 - Coffee Hr 9:15 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship 11:30 - Coffee Hr 6 9 - Staff Mtg 1:30 - World & Community Cmte Mtg 7 9 - LWR Quilters 4 - Contemp. Prayer 8 9 8 - Cent. Prayer 9:30 - Cent. Prayer 6:30 - Emotions Anonymous 12 8:15 — Worship 9 - Coffee Hr 9:15 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship 11:30 - Coffee Hr 13 9 - Staff Mtg 7 - Compassionate Friends Mtg 14 9 - LWR Quilters 9:30 - Finance Cmte Mtg 10:45 - Executive Council Mtg 4 - Contemp. Prayer 5 - NAACP Mtg 15 9 - Mission Endowment Fund Cmte Mtg 9:30 - Stewardship Cmte Mtg 16 17 8 - Cent. Prayer 9:30 - Cent. Prayer 10:30 - Hiking Club 6:30 — Emotions Anonymous 18 19 8:15 — Worship 9 - Coffee Hr 9:15 - Sunday School for all ages 10:30 - Worship 11:30 - Coffee Hr 4 - Cent. Prayer 20 9 - Staff Mtg 22 9 - Carpenters 10 - Worship & Music Cmte Mtg 23 24 8 - Cent. Prayer 9:30 - Cent. Prayer 12 - Dining for Women 1:30 - Red Cross Blood Drive 6:30 — Emotions Anonymous 25 29 30 8 - Cent. Prayer 9:30 - Cent. Prayer 6:30 — Emotions Anonymous 21 9 - LWR Quilters 9 - WNC Quilters **Deadline to 9 - Adopt-Aturn in inforHighway mation for the 10 - Council Mtg August Newslet- 4 - Contemp. ter Prayer 26 27 8:15 — Worship 9 - Staff Mtg 9 - Coffee Hr 9:15 - Sunday School for all ages 10:30 - Worship 11:30 - Coffee Hr 4 - Cent. Prayer 28 9 - LWR Quilters 4 - Contemp. Prayer 20 31 Food for The Haven
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