August 2015 Newsletter - Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
August 2015 Newsletter - Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
The Shepherd’s Fold-er Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd “Where Strangers Are Welcomed as Friends!” August, 2015 Inside This Issue: The Pastor’s Pen . . . . . . . . . .pp. 1-3 Worship & Education . . . . . .pp. 3-4 Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . .pp. 4-10 Youth News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p.10 At Good Shepherd. . . . . . .pp. 11-12 In Our Community . . . . . .pp. 12-13 Anniversaries & Birthdays . . . . p. 14 Serving in August . . . . . . . . . . . p. 15 August Calendar of Events. . . . p. 16 Worship & Church Information: Sunday Schedule: 8:15 a.m. - Worship Service 9:00 a.m. - Coffee Hour 9:15 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service 11:30 a.m. - Coffee Hour 22 Fisher Road Brevard, North Carolina 28712 Phone: (828) 883-3680 Fax: (828) 883-4815 Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Pastor Mary Hinkle Shore (828) 808 - 5447 THE PASTOR’S PEN As I write this, we and about 30,000 others have just returned home from the triennial ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, Michigan. You will hear more from our youth on Sunday, August 9th. Why Detroit? A powerhouse of heavy industry for more than 100 years, Detroit is like a lot of northern cities: trying to recreate itself in the aftermath of jobs leaving, residents moving to suburbs, and the 2008 mortgage and housing crises. But Detroit is open and its residents were happy to see us, even as we sometimes snarled traffic downtown! Service Projects in the City The Youth Gathering went to Detroit because we wanted to have a part in Detroit’s renewal. Most of us participated in a day of service while we were at the Gathering. ELCA groups cleaned vacant lots, boarded up abandoned properties, and delivered something like two million diapers to places around the city for distribution. (cont’d) 1 THE PASTOR’S PEN (cont’d) Our Global Project Together with the ELCA World Hunger Appeal and a matching gift of $500,000, our youth are raising $1,000,000 for clean water projects globally. We participated in the “Walk for Water,” an interactive exhibit at the Cobo Convention Center in which walkers reenacted the walk, averaging 3.7 miles, that many women in Africa take every day to get clean water for their families. Good Shepherd has raised more than $600 as part of this appeal, and we delivered a check when we were in Detroit. 30,000 People? Some people want to know why so many people in one place? (I wondered this myself more than once during the week!) I saw two benefits of such a huge event. First, such a large Gathering can attract very big name bands and dynamic speakers. The kids heard from people who are putting their faith into action every day, and from bands they knew before only as recording artists. Secondly— and I heard this from multiple kids—looking around a sports stadium and seeing tens of thousands of people your age who are Christians helps all the kids to know they are part of something bigger than themselves and their congregations. Thousands join them in the active, imaginative, thinking-and-feeling calling that is Christianity as it is lived out in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Bringing the Gathering Home Our youth prepared for the Gathering by being part of meetings with kids at the Lutheran Church of the Nativity in Arden, and we traveled and roomed with them and the group from St. Mark’s in Asheville. As we returned home, the three groups started talking about plans for service projects, hikes, and other group events together. We will also see each other next winter at the NC Synod Lutheran Youth Gathering. (cont’d) 2 THE PASTOR’S PEN (cont’d) Thank You Many of you have participated in youth fundraisers, like the Steve Smith Memorial Barbecue and July 4th Parking. The funds we raised in these events made our trip possible. On behalf of our youth who attended, Brighton McConnell and Rheanna Jones, and Carolyn Smith and I who accompanied them, thank you. WORSHIP & EDUCATION ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Current Class Series th On July 12 , a four-week series entitled “Current Issues in Old Church History” began in the Conference Room, moderated by Bill Moore. The remaining two classes will be: July 26th: “Varieties of Musical Worship” - David Gresham August 2nd: “The Problem of Authority” - Bill Moore Community Agencies Series The Christian life is a life of stewardship. The creation belongs to God and we are stewards or caretakers. We act out our stewardship in a variety of ways. The teachings of Jesus lay the foundation for our role as stewards and at the top of the list of ways to care for creation is the love of our neighbors. And when we ask, who is our neighbor that we are to care for, we realize that we are surrounded by neighbors – people we know and people we have never met. In an effort to learn more about our neighbors in Transylvania County, the Stewardship and Education Committees have invited four community agencies to come to our church in the month of August. Beginning on Sunday, August 9th, and continuing for four weeks, each of the agencies will tell us of the work they are doing in our community, (cont’d) 3 ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL (cont’d) caring for and supporting our neighbors. They will also share ways that we can help with their work, including volunteer activities. We may discover perfect matches between our various talents and our neighbors’ needs. Plan to come for these interesting and informative sessions. They will be held in the Education Wing, beginning at 9:15 a.m. Coffee and refreshments will be available. The schedule will be: August 9th August 16th August 23rd August 30th – – – – El Centro Rise and Shine Habitat for Humanity Schenck Job Corps Training Center SMALL GROUP FACILITATORS' TRAINING We are starting a small group ministry in which five to 10 people will meet in homes over several weeks and share fellowship, conversation and faith. An eight-week facilitators' training begins in August. The training will happen in a small group setting led by Pastor Tom Lewis. All facilitators will be going through training, though being part of the training does not commit you to leading a group. We are looking for people who can listen well, and help others to feel welcome and heard in a small group. Contact the church office to sign up or to learn more. STEWARDSHIP LET’S CLOSE THE CHILD HUNGER GAP It mattered to God that the Hebrew people, wandering in the wilderness, were hungry. God gave them manna. It mattered to Jesus that the people he was teaching were hungry. So he fed them. God cares deeply about physical as well as spiritual hunger. It matters to God that people are hungry today. It matters to us as Followers of Jesus. (cont’d) 4 LET’S CLOSE THE CHILD HUNGER GAP (cont’d) Each week we come as a community of Christians to worship, to be nourished at the table; and we go from this place strengthened by God’s grace in Jesus Christ - to help our neighbors, whether they live in the next house, the next state, or the next continent. Bread for the World is a non-partisan, collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. It was founded by a Lutheran pastor and is supported by the ELCA. It functions on the premise that our citizenship is a privilege and responsibility that we can use to help our neighbor by getting at root causes - changing the conditions that bring about hunger. Food insecurity in the United States remains at staggering rates: 49 million people live in food insecure households, as of 2013. One in five children live at risk of hunger every day. Federal nutrition programs stand in the gap of hunger. Nonprofits and faith communities that offer food assistance only provide one of every twenty grocery bags that those who are food insecure receive. Child Nutrition programs, encompassed in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, include the school breakfast and lunch programs, summer food service program, and child and adult care food program. It also includes the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance for Woman, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. This legislation expires on September 30th, 2015, and must be reauthorized before then. In order for legislators to have “eliminating hunger” as a national priority, to get it on their “values” list, citizens have to tell them that it is important for us – many citizens. The World and Community Committee is asking all of us to make a different kind of contribution, one that doesn’t involve money. It may be even harder than writing a check. We are asking you to write a letter to your representatives; to use your privilege as a citizen in our democracy to help build the political commitment that will make ending hunger a high priority. (cont’d) 5 LET’S CLOSE THE CHILD HUNGER GAP (cont’d) This is one thing you can do. Write letters to your three members of Congress sharing your concern that comes from your faith. Address, stamp and seal your letters and place them in the offering plate on Sunday, August 23rd, prayerfully giving them as your offering as a Christian citizen. We do this in order that all might have life and have it abundantly. IT’S NOT TOO LATE! If you haven’t yet completed a volunteering survey, you can still do so. Look for copies on the table in the commons. Return completed surveys to the church office or place them in Bill Johnson’s mailbox. This survey will help the Stewardship and Education Committees plan upcoming classes and opportunities. Thank you! NC & CHURCHWIDE MISSION SUPPORT In July, Good Shepherd received a certificate from the NC Synod of the ELCA thanking us for $15,508 “for Mission Support beyond the congregation for synodical and churchwide ministries” of the ELCA. Thank you, everyone, for your generosity. HELP WELCOME STUDENTS TO BREVARD COLLEGE Can you carry stuff and climb stairs? We need you! Our congregation has been invited to help students move into Brevard College on Saturday, August 15th, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. We will wear T-shirts with the ELCA tagline, “God’s Work. Our Hands.” on the front and “Good Shepherd” on the back. Sign up on the red bulletin board in the commons with your name and T-shirt size. You can’t schlep, but still want to be part of the welcome? We need you, too! We are putting together several dozen goody bags with a few treats for our new neighbors and information about Good Shepherd. Sign up on the red bulletin board in the commons to help make treats and snack bags for the students. Thank you! 6 WALK FOR WATER UPDATE As of this publication, Good Shepherd members and friends have donated $872 to ELCA World Hunger’s Walk for Water initiative. Thank you! The goal of this youth-driven campaign is to raise $500,000, which will be matched, and used to support water-related projects through the ELCA’s World Hunger program. Here’s a picture of Brighton McConnell at the youth gathering in Detroit, finding out first-hand how hard it is to carry water. MISSION ENDOWMENT FUND GRANT UPDATE In the July newsletter, you heard about a grant that the Mission Endowment Fund Committee had made late last year to Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry (LPGM) to support their Arcot Lutheran Church Community College at Parangipettai, in Tamil Nadu, India. Here are recent pictures of the school. LPGM is an organization that Good Shepherd has supported through Mission Endowment Fund grants for several years. The organization is connected with the ELCA and works in India, Africa and South America. 7 UPDATE ON DETAINED IMMIGRANT FAMILIES This article was published on’s News and Events page on July 16, 2015. Leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) expressed gratitude for a move by the Obama administration to begin releasing some detained mothers and children seeking asylum in the United States. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have begun the process of reviewing cases of families in detention and releasing women and children who have presented a credible case for seeking safety and other relief in the United States. “The release of mothers and children from detention centers aligns us as a country with our truer self,” said ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton. “We have always been a people who provide refuge for those seeking asylum.” “We are profoundly grateful that the United States is one step closer to fulfilling its responsibility and long-held value of protecting those fleeing persecution,” said Linda Hartke, LIRS president and CEO. “Children do not belong in jails – nor do their mothers who have acted only to protect their very lives. Detention is inherently traumatic and damaging, especially for people who have fled persecution and violence in search of safety,” she said in a July 13 LIRS news release. Based in Baltimore, LIRS is one of the nation’s leaders in welcoming and advocating for refugees and immigrants, working on behalf of the ELCA. “This is extraordinarily good news for mothers and children, some of whom we visited in detention centers along the United States-Mexico border,” said the Rev. H. Julian Gordy, bishop of the ELCA Southeastern Synod based in Atlanta. “I am grateful for the perseverance (cont’d) 8 UPDATE ON DETAINED IMMIGRANT FAMILIES (cont’d) and good work of LIRS, ELCA churchwide leaders and ELCA Conference of Bishops who signed the letter to President Barack Obama earlier this year.” In a March 27 letter to Obama, ELCA leaders joined U.S. faith leaders in urging the president to “end the harsh policy of family detention and employ alternatives to detention where deemed necessary.” “We believe this practice to be inhumane and harmful to the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of this vulnerable population. We also believe that it is inappropriate and unjust to seek to deter anyone, especially a woman and her children, from fleeing violence in their homeland to seek safe haven in the United States,” wrote the leaders. The day the letter was sent, Gordy, along with a group of other Lutheran and Catholic leaders, visited the Dilley Family Detention Center in Dilley, Texas, where they met with and heard stories of women who have fled violent situations in Central America. According to LIRS, more than 6,300 mothers and children have been incarcerated in government family detention facilities since July 2014. Some families have now been detained for more than a year. In June, the Department of Homeland Security signaled a change in policy was coming when it admitted that family detention – which is not required by law for many of the families now in detention – is an inefficient use of federal resources. THE RIMMER FAMILY The Rimmer family was able to return to Senegal earlier this month, after scans at Duke Hospital indicated Natalie’s cancer is in remission. Here is a picture from Rev. Chad’s facebook page, showing Natalie, Paul Michael and Luke with friends in Senegal. 9 CARE CALENDARS CareCalendar is an online tool that helps coordinate care for a particular person or family. Care Calendars have been set up for Bill and Patty Evans Johnson and Beverly Martin. To sign up to help, visit and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces: Bill & Patty: Calendar ID: 212194 Security code: 8609 Beverly: Calendar ID: 214458 Security code: 5931 Once you log in, you will see a calendar that shows what assistance is needed (in red type). To sign up, click on the assistance you would like to provide and fill in your contact information. If you need help or have questions, please call the church office (8833680). You can now also sign up on the red bulletin board. Thank you! YOUTH NEWS YOUTH KAYAKING TRIP On August 9th, the children of Good Shepherd, along with parents and Pastor Mary, will go kayaking on the BrevardDavidson River. Kids are welcome to invite a friend. If you haven’t signed up for this trip, but want to do so, please contact Kimberly Dunbar in the church office (883-3680 or SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL In August, the kids will finish learning about The Lord’s Prayer and will complete a banner to reflect what this prayer means. They will continue working on hymnal markers, make more pictures and cards for people on our prayer list and will take another behind-the-scenes tour of Good Shepherd - this time to the choir room and the choir/organ area of the sanctuary. 10 AT GOOD SHEPHERD GOOD SHEPHERD’S PRAYER LIST In an effort to have adequate room for more immediate prayer requests on our prayer card, “Those in Military Service” and “Those in Overseas Service” are listed in the newsletter each month. Those in Military Service Mary Katherine Miller, Adelaide Kersh’s daughter Greg Gresham, David Gresham’s brother Lucas Millsap, Mike & Yamile Millsap’s son Jennifer Lentz Moore, daughter of Ruth Lentz Victor Ristau, friend of Mike & Yamile Millsap Jon Van Donsel, son of Karen Van Donsel Those in Overseas Service Andrea Kuhlman, daughter of Marci & Dave Kuhlman Jennifer Meyer, daughter of Barbara & Dwight Meyer THE COMMITTEE FOR THOSE IN SERVICE The Committee for Those in Service has been formed to provide support and ministry to Good Shepherd family members and relatives/close friends who serve in the military, mission agencies, or national/ international philanthropic organizations (non-governmental organizations or NGOs, for short). We want to minister to those stationed in the U.S., as well as to those abroad. The committee is currently assessing the needs of service people and their member families who we know about through a short questionnaire. Subsequent to the return of the information, we will make the congregation aware of support requested by this community. If anyone is interested in working with this new committee or knows an individual or family who could benefit from its support, please call or text Sandra Ostermeier (828-384-2444) or email Yamile Millsap ( Thank you. 11 SAGE PLANNING MEETING If you would like to help plan upcoming SAGE outings, please join a meeting in the Conference Room after the 10:30 a.m. service on August 2nd. WEEKLY PRAYER CARDS To have someone’s name added to the prayer card, please contact Pastor Mary or Kimberly Dunbar in the church office (883-3680 or to make this request. Names on the prayer card will be removed after two weeks, unless otherwise requested. NAME TAGS & MAILBOXES If you would like a name tag or church mailbox but don’t have one, please let Kimberly Dunbar in the church office know. Thank you. COFFEE HOUR LEFTOVERS Please remember to take home any leftovers when you host Coffee Hour. This will help keep the church kitchen neat and clean. Thank you! IN OUR COMMUNITY HIKING CLUB NEWS Summer hiking is underway! Plan to join other hikers on these “moderate” hikes. We’ll meet at the church at 10:30 a.m. to carpool to the trailheads. All hikes will have both a “leader” to get us where we’re going and a “sweep” to assure we don’t misplace anyone! Mark your calendars! August 6th (rain date August 7th): Pilot Cove/Slate Rock Loop; 4.2 miles; moderate. August 20th (rain date August 21st): Skinny Dip Falls; 1.4 miles total in and out; moderate. Bring a snack to enjoy at the falls. Swimming suits are optional!! (Graveyard Fields was originally scheduled this day. Because of the heat and few trees on the trail we’re opting for something shadier and cooler.) 12 SAGES TO SEE THE TOURISTS On August 18th, all are invited to join this outing to Asheville to see a Tourists game and hear our very own Hank Shore sing the National Anthem. The group will eat dinner on the way to the game. Please sign up on the red bulletin board if you’d like to go. BOOK CLUB The LCGS book club will NOT meet in August. Too many people are on vacation or just too busy to attend. Please mark your calendars for the second Monday in September, the 14th. We will be discussing Left Neglected by Lisa Genova. All are welcome, so please join us and invite a friend. We meet at 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at Broad Street Wines in downtown Brevard. We are always looking for suggestions for future reads, and would appreciate any suggestions. DID YOU KNOW? The NC Synod publishes a bi-weekly electronic newsletter, and you can sign up to have this informative publication sent directly to your email. The newsletter contains: Messages from our new bishop Timely updates on ordinations, obituaries and disaster response opportunities News “flashes” via Special eNews Regular prayer list of joys and concerns Pastor transitions News from the ELCA, Synod, and congregations Learn about Lutheran agencies, partners, & institutions Global mission updates Event announcements, job openings, resources, and more! Get all of this and more in every eNews! Sign up at (scroll to “Sign Up for e-Publications”) or on the NC Synod Facebook page, 13 ANNIVERSARIES Lois & Jim Bollini . . . . . . . . . .August 6 Peggy & Walt Schneider . . . . .August 8 Frances & Gene Beck . . . . . .August 11 Jacky & Gene Shonka . . . . . August 13 Ginny & Jerry Nardone . . . . August 17 Pat & John Sheley . . . . . . . . August 19 Marilyn & Larry Fogdall . . . August 22 Connie & Terry Young . . . . August 24 BIRTHDAYS Tex Parish . . . . . . . . . . . . .August 1 Marci Kuhlman . . . . . August 10 Ann Propst . . . . . . . . . . . . August 1 Lamar Propst . . . . . . . August 14 Peggy Schneider . . . . . . . . August 1 Kathye Gresham . . . . .August 18 Ruth Anne Weisenauer. . .August 2 Rheanna Jones . . . . . .August 23 Barb Jackson . . . . . . . . . . .August 5 Walt Schneider . . . . . .August 25 Henry Dixon . . . . . . . . . . .August 7 Wanda Stephan . . . . . August 25 Rodney Stinson . . . . . . . . .August 9 Carl Ehmann . . . . . . .August 30 14 SERVING IN AUGUST . . . DUTY: TIME: August 2 August 9 August 16 August 23 August 30 ASSISTING MINISTERS: 8:15 a.m. Larry Fogdall Larry Fogdall Annette Blum Gene Shonka Lauren Weed 10:30 a.m. Jim Trefz Carolyn Smith Bonnie Clark Jamie Lancaster Buz Van Horne 8:15 a.m. Lauren Weed Debbie Cooper P.J. Larson Sandy Ostermeier Caroline Smith 10:30 a.m. Robert McKeown Barb Jackson Bill Moore Heidi Bullock Bob Milligan 8:15 a.m. Larry Fogdall Larry Fogdall Annette Blum Bonnie Clark Annette Blum 10:30 a.m. Jim Trefz Kathye Gresham Karen Anderson Jamie Lancaster Jim Trefz 8:15 a.m. Larry Fogdall Larry Fogdall Annette Blum Gene Shonka Lauren Weed 10:30 a.m. Joe Smith Rhea Jones Carly Onnink Raegan Eggleston Forrest McConnell 8:15 a.m. Debbie & Paul Cooper Lauren & Fred Weed Susan & Mike Becker Cherie & Ed Hennig Ginny Landwehr & Diana Winch 10:30 a.m. Gloria & Roy Larson Pat & John Sheley Linda & Terry Moore Jean & Don Rumph TBD 8:15 a.m. Henry & Darrell Dixon Henry & Darrell Dixon Henry & Darrell Dixon Henry & Darrell Dixon Henry & Darrell Dixon 10:30 a.m. Bill Stone & Bill Essig Bill Stone & Bill Essig Bill Stone & Bill Essig Bill Stone & Bill Essig Bill Stone & Bill Essig 10:30 a.m. Kimberly Dunbar Barb Weyhrauch Carolyn Smith Zia McConnell Zia McConnell Gail Leon & Marilyn Carlson Gail Leon & Marilyn Carlson Gail Leon & Marilyn Carlson Gail Leon & Marilyn Carlson Gail Leon & Marilyn Carlson Kate Reinke Kate Reinke Kate Reinke Kate Reinke Kate Reinke Susan & Mike Becker Caroline Smith Fred Weed Annette Blum Debbie & Paul Cooper Pat & John Sheley, Diana Winch, Chris Bergner Jean & Don Rumph, Barbara Weyhrauch, Bonnie Clark Else & Gerry Calendrillo, Martha Parsons Gloria & Roy Larson, Rachel Kahl, Laurie McDowell Kate & Tom Reinke, Betsy Propst Marci Kuhlman Roy Larson Brighton McConnell Kathleen Milligan Ed Hennig READERS: CANTORS: ACOLYTES: GREETERS: USHERS: NURSERY CARE: COUNTERS: ALTAR CARE: 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. COFFEE HOUR HOSTS: 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. DOORKEEPER OF THE DAY: 15 AUGUST CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 8:15 — Worship 9 - Coffee Hr 9:15 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship 11:30 - Coffee Hr 11:30 - SAGE Planning Mtg 4 - Cent. Prayer 3 4 9 - Staff Mtg 9 - LWR Quilters Quilters 4 - Contem. Prayer 5 9 - Mission Endowment Fund Cmte Mtg 10 - Cmte for Those in Service 4:30 - Choir Rehearsal 9 8:15 — Worship 9 - Coffee Hr 9:15 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship 11:30 - Coffee Hr 12:00 - Youth Kayaking Trip 4 - Cent. Prayer 10 11 12 7 - Compassion- 9 - Staff Mtg ate Friends Mtg 9 - LWR Quilters 9:30 - Finance Cmte Mtg 10:45 - Executive Council Mtg 4 - Contem. Prayer 6 8 - Cent. Prayer 9:30 - Cent. Prayer 10:30 - Hiking Club 6:30 - Emotions Anonymous 7 8 1 - Visitation & Memorial Service for Velma Aarsund 13 14 8 - Cent. Prayer 9:30 - Cent. Prayer 6:30 — Emotions Anonymous 15 8 - TMUG MacUsers Mtg 9 - TMUG MacUsers Leaders Mtg 9 - Brevard College MoveIn Day 16 17 8:15 — Worship 9:30 - Apple Ba9 - Coffee Hr sics User Group 9:15 - Sunday School for all ages 10:30 - Worship 11:30 - Coffee Hr 4 - Cent. Prayer 18 19 9 - Staff Mtg 9:30 - Steward9 - LWR Quilters ship Cmte Mtg 9 - WNC Quilters 9 - Adopt-AHighway 10:30 - Council Mtg 2 - Village to Village 4 - Contem. Prayer 7 - SAGEs to see Tourists game 20 21 8 - Cent. Prayer 9:30 - Cent. Prayer 10:30 - Hiking Club 6:30 — Emotions Anonymous 22 23 8:15 — Worship 9 - Coffee Hr 9:15 - Sunday School for all ages 10:30 - Worship 11:30 - Coffee Hr 4 - Cent. Prayer 25 9 - Staff Mtg 9 - LWR Quilters 4 - Contemp. Prayer 27 28 8 - Cent. Prayer 9:30 - Cent. Prayer 12 - Dining for Women 6:30 — Emotions Anonymous 29 24 Deadline for the September Newsletter 10 - Responding to Need Mtg 2 - World & Community Cmte Mtg 26 9 - Carpenters 10 - Worship & Music Cmte Mtg 30 31 8:15 — Worship 9 - Coffee Hr 9:15 - Sunday School for all ages 10:30 - Worship 11:30 - Coffee Hr 4 - Cent. Prayer 16
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