ABEST21 eNews No.85


ABEST21 eNews No.85
ABEST21 e-News
No.85, May 2016
a 21st century organization
URL: http://www.abest21.org
TEL. 03-3498-6220
E-Mail: ABEST21@abest21.org
Editor: Fumio Itoh
ABEST21 Office Report
April 2016
・18th -- Meeting with the Office for Professional Graduate School, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
May 2016
・2nd -- Visit by Accreditation Task Team of Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
・17th -- ABEST21 Accreditation Seminar held at Universitas Indonesia (Jakarta)
・17th -- Meeting with Minister Mohamad Nasir, The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education of the Republic of Indonesia
・19th -- ABEST21 Accreditation Seminar held at Universitas Lampung (Bandar Lampung), Indonesia
・28th -- Participation in APMMI National Seminar at Universitas Hasanuddin (Makassar), Indonesia
・30th -- ABEST21 Accreditation Seminar held at International Islamic University Malaysia Center for
Strategic Continuing Education and Training (IIUM CRESCENT) (Kuala Lumpur), Malaysia
1. Quality Improvement and Peer Review System -27
Review on “KAIZEN Report”-2
The aim of preparing the “KAIZEN Report” is to check whether the Kaizen issues found in the analysis of
the Self-Check Report are solved according to the plan. Through this KAIZEN Report, the accredited
schools report the progress of the action plans every year for three years after accreditation. As a result of
accreditation, the schools will be given one of the following ranks:
A:The School’s educational and research activities satisfy all or most of the accreditation standards. The
School’s Kaizen plans are excellent, and quality maintenance and improvement of education and
research are very promising and excellent.
B:The School’s educational and research activities generally satisfy the accreditation standards. The
School’s Kaizen plans are good and quality maintenance and prospects for the improvement of
education and research are promising and good.
C:The School’s educational and research activities satisfy more than half of the accreditation standards.
However, there is room for KAIZEN in quality maintenance and prospects for the improvement of
education and research.
D:The School’s educational and research activities fail to satisfy many of the accreditation standards
and leave many kaizen issues in quality maintenance and improvement. The School will be
reviewed again after examining the result of one-year kaizen report.
As for schools with rank D, Peer Review Committee will continue the review and ask the school to report
the progress of the action plan in the Self-Check Report. Based on this report, the school is asked to
re-submit its Self-Check Report which will be reviewed by the Peer Review Team.
The reason why ABEST21 includes the review on Kaizen Report in the accreditation system is as follows:
To make sure that the accredited schools enhance their quality of education and research in the changing
environment, the Kaizen issues analyzed in the Self-Check Report must be solved according to the plan.
Unless it is confirmed that the issues are solved, the school will not be able to assure the stakeholders of
the quality of educational service. Accrediting institution shall review the KAIZEN Report prepared by the
accredited school to check the plans and the progress, to assure that the quality of education is improved
through the implementation of the plan.
Thus ABEST21 is responsible for the total review system from “eligibility of application” to “KAIZEN
Report”, and for assuring the society that the quality of education at accredited schools is enhanced
through PDCA cycle. Therefore, if an accredited school fails to submit the KAIZEN Report or does not
cooperate in the review activities, it means that the school abandons the responsibility of quality
assurance to the stakeholders. This is the worst case scenario where ABEST21 is compelled to retract the
Review method on Kaizen Report itself is going through kaizen procedure based on experience. Until
present, review on Kaizen Report relied on the desk review by the Peer Review Team who checked the
progress of the action plan. However, desk review is not enough to understand precisely whether
substantial improvement of the quality of education is made or not. Thus at the Board of Trustees
Meeting and the General Assembly held in March 2016, it was decided to introduce the on-site interview.
During fiscal 2015, on-site interviews for 11 schools were conducted as trials. The results had favorable
reactions; it was confirmed that the suggestions by Peer Review Team members have positive effects on
While the education and research environment change drastically, university must spare no pains to work
on its enhancement of education and research quality. If a university regards accreditation review merely
as an interim measure, low priority is given to the issue of enhancement of educational quality. Such
school wishes to put in minimum labor to pass the examination. The matter of accreditation is not for the
faculty alone, or administrative staff, or the university headquarters alone. In order for the university to
accomplish its mission, all related parties must work together. Unless the entire staff works as a team, the
school may not be able to leap over the hurdles of “preparing globalized education and research
environment”. (Fumio Itoh, President)
2. General Information
Visit to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of
On May 17, 2016, after the ABEST21 Accreditation Seminar held at Universitas Indonesia, President Itoh
visited the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia to meet
with Minister Mohamad Nasir, and with Dean Candra Fajri Ananda (FEB-UB), Vice Dean Anis Chariri
(FEB-UNDIP), and Dr. Yasmine Nasution (UI).
The status of ABEST21 accreditation in Indonesia was explained. With the recommendation of the Board
of Trustees to express a gratitude to Minister Nasir for all the support to ABEST21, Honorary Member
Certificate was handed to Minister Nasir (photo center). The meeting was also attended by Mr. Intan
Ahmad (Director General of Learning and Student Affairs, photo third from left) and Ms. Nada Marsudi
(Head Bureau, Cooperation and Public Communication, second from left).
3. Quality Improvement
1) Accreditation Seminars
A Seminar for the Accreditation Task Team of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas
Sriwijaya at ABEST21
On May 2, 2016, four members of the Accreditation Task Team of
the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang
visited ABEST21 office: Prof.Dr. Siti Herlinda (Head of Quality
Assurance, photo second from right), Drs. Bambang Bemby
Soebyakto (Vice Dean, Faculty of Economics, far left), Dr.
Mohamad Adam (Vice Dean, Faculty of Economics, second from
left) and Dr. Marlina Widiyanti (Head of Magister Management
Programs, Faculty of Economics, far right). Guidance was
provided for the preparation of “Quality Improvement Plan” to be
submitted in fiscal 2016. ABEST21 membership certificate was
handed to Vice Dean Dr. Mohamad Adam.
A Seminar at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
On May 17, 2016, ABEST21 Accreditation Seminar was held at MM
Program Building of Jakarta Campus, Universitas Indonesia. The
seminar opened with the speech by Dean Ari Kuncoro which
mentioned the importance of accreditation, followed by the
explanation by President Itoh on “Quality Improvement Plan”,
“Self-Check Report” and “Kaizen Report” for 2016. Then Dean
Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono (SBM-ITB) and Dean Candra Fajri
Ananda (FEB-UB) made their comments. There was a Q&A
session before closing of the seminar. The seminar included
detailed explanation on the accreditation of the Undergraduate Programs starting this fiscal year 2016,
and we received inquiries from some schools. We would like to express our gratitude to Director
Harryadin Mahardika of MM Program at Universitas Indonesia, who kindly supported our seminar.
A Seminar at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Lampung, Bandar
On May 19, 2016, ABEST21 Accreditation Seminar was held at MM
Program Building of Universitas Lampung (UNILA) campus at
Bandar, Lampung. The seminar started with the explanation on
accreditation by Dean Satria Bangsawan based on the school’s
experience of ABEST21 accreditation, followed by the explanation by President Itoh on some changes
concerning “Quality Improvement Plan”, “Self-Check Report” and “Kaizen Report” for 2016. President
Itoh suggested the establishment of ABEST21 Sumatra Global Knowledge Network to extend the
promotion of management education from Java to Sumatra. There was a high level of interest in
accreditation for the Undergraduate Programs to be launched in 2016. We would like to thank Vice Dean
Dr. Mahrina Sar who acted as the master of ceremonies.
A Seminar at IIUM Center for Strategic Continuing Education and Training (IIUM
CRESCENT), Kuala Lumpur
On May 30, 2016, ABEST21 Accreditation Seminar was held at
MM Program Building of IIUM CRESCENT at Kuala Lumpur. Dean
and Professor Dr. Ainul Jaria Maidin (photo front row second
from left) explained in details the significance of accreditation.
Then President Itoh explained the changes to be made on
“Quality Improvement Plan”, “Self-Check Report” and “Kaizen
Report” in 2016, as well as the accreditation of Undergraduate
Programs starting this year. There was an active Q&A session.
2) Students’ Voice
Here are some students’ voices from the “Student Interview” conducted at schools accredited in March
Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University, Japan
Ms Lydia Oktarini
“I’m an Indonesian pursuing MBA in Kyoto University for career and self
development. Living and studying in Kyoto provided memorable
experience of a very nice environment combining modern society and
traditional culture of Japan. During my two years in GSM-KU, I learnt
many different perspectives from other international students with
different backgrounds, experience and cultures. Learning methods varied
from presentations, group discussions, assignments and case studies that
will enrich students’ skills and knowledge.
Many subjects are available to choose based on our interest - from basic,
specialized to business practice subjects. What I loved most at GSM-KU is
the opportunity to do intensive research through international project management workshop since
Japan is a world leading country on research and development. We can also freely choose our
workshop supervisor.
GSM-KU introduced point based system where students can enhance their knowledge through
additional lectures or seminars. Successful business persons and companies and researchers will
share their priceless experience for free. The GSM-KU’s administrative offices always provided full
support for each student. A bonus of free Japanese language course was provided for those who
might need it. I enjoyed studying at GSM-KU and would highly recommend it”.
Lomonosov Moscow State University Business School, Lomonosov Moscow State
University, Russia
Ms. Anastasia Nikitina
“Lomonosov MSU BS MSc in International Business and Strategy
Programme is a highly topical and hard-driving programme that provides
maximum opportunities for interacting and networking between students.
Huge quantities of interesting cases offered in the programme allowed us to
be involved in the real life work process. Foreign professors involved in the
teaching helped to build our knowledge not only on Russian experience of
running the business, but also on foreign. In my opinion, the programme
definitely helped me to develop relevant and contemporary competencies in
management and business administration”.
Mr. Alexander Samundzhyan
“Management education is extremely important nowadays in Russia as we
see the tendency of employing professional managers - not like in early
business ages in here. Diploma of a business school which has different
international accreditations is highly valuable. Besides, Lomonosov MSU BS
Masters Programme quality is well seen as teachers have both scientific and
practical experience and are passionate about management education
development. I strongly believe that the process of accreditation is crucially
important for any school as it provides a valuable opportunity to benchmark
itself and its educational process against the most up-to-date quality
Ms. Araksya Mirakyan
“I did not have any doubts that Lomonosov MSU BS Masters Programme
would be awarded with the Accreditation. It was a great honour for me to
participate in the process of the accreditation and together with the other
students to meet the ABEST21 International Peer Review Team in fall
2015. During the interview many topics that determine the distinctive
features of the MSU BS Master Program and the Business school itself
were discussed. We were very open to the Peer Review Team in answering
questions. We described and gave examples of highly qualified and
professional Russian and international faculty, including visiting professors
of well-established international universities and business schools,
experienced top-managers and practitioners. We talked about contemporary and flexible educational
programme that offers not only core courses to develop fundamental theoretical knowledge in the
field of management but also elective courses aimed at building specialized knowledge and skills;
applied and practice oriented focus of the programme; appropriate educational methods and
instruments, including group work and projects, case studies, Q&A sessions, etc; family-like
organizational culture; developed infrastructure and technologies and other aspects. Participation in
an interview with Peer Review Team was a really interesting experience that I liked”.
Master of Management Program, School of Economics & Business, Telkom University,
Ms. Nurul Mardhiah Sitio
“With years of experience in developing MM school, Tel-U is one of the best
universities in Master of Management Program. I am as a student of MM
Tel-U Program feeling so proud of being here. Discussion is used in learning
process in order to share our ideas with others. Besides that, case study is
always being a lesson to learn because through case study we could solve
the real problem based on the real business life. The lecturers are very
interactive and open in sharing their knowledge and ideas and giving their
best according to their subject.
Moreover, MM Tel-U mission which says "We nurture internationally
reputable leaders through our networking and stakeholders’ capabilities in
ICT industry" is very real for all of students. ICT is one of the prominent parts in Tel-U. Graduate
students are employable by the telecommunication industry and other industries that intensively use
ICT in business processes. Besides that, graduate students are able to manage an international or
own business through understanding ICT supported by international certificate.
I am also very proud and excited that MM Tel-U has received international accreditation of ABEST21
this year. Hopefully, this accreditation will make MM Tel-U become the leading postgraduate
management program nationally and internationally”.
Note: * Nurul Mardiah Sitio is student of Young Professional Program 2015 and is currently in the 2nd
semester of the program. She has attended the on-site interview in November 2015 at Telkom
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Students’ views and expectations of the school indeed serve as a great
input for the school improvement. Most of the students of Master Programs
in Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brawijaya (FEB UB) view
the uniqueness of the program as an added point of the study program
itself, for instance the multiparadigm approach used in Master program in
Accounting. Such approach offers the modern and diverse courses as well
as curriculum. In addition to the study program uniqueness, students
perceive that the infrastructure, the admission procedure, the quality of
lecturers and supporting staff, and the assistance of the heads of the
programs meet their needs. Furthermore, the students feel that they are in
the right path since the master programs have been internationally
accredited. It gives the students and alumni opportunities to be accepted
around the world.
To make the program even better, the students of the master programs in
FEB UB have highlighted several things to be improved: the need of
parking area enlargement, the increasing of internet bandwidth, additional
space and collection of FEB UB library, better collaboration between
university and the immigration department in terms of improving service to
the international students.
MM-programs, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Lampung
Mr. Yosef Soefian
“When I decided to continue my study and to enter the postgraduate
program, I was confused whether I should continue the study in Java or
remain on Sumatera. Due to family reasons I finally chose to study in
Sumatera, specifically in Magister Management of Lampung University
(MM UNILA). In MM UNILA, I get more interesting and challenging
experiences with the study process that prepare us to face the challenges
of the times. Supporting facilities such as attractive and comfortable
classrooms, library, wifi, etc., make us comfortable in the study process. In
2016 MM UNILA received the accreditation from ABEST21. I am proud to
be a part of great MM UNILA’s Family. I’m sure MM UNILA will become
even better in future”.
Ms. Rara
“Not only the programs cope with the current issues of management world
itself, but also the people, the lecturers, the classmates, showed me that
we, as management holders of our companies, need to always learn, be
surrounded by people who can share positive values together. And now,
after UNILA has received the Accreditation, I can feel more enthusiasm to
be better than before. It reflects on quality they try to improve at every
aspect of the Faculty. That enthusiasm makes the rest of the students of
the Faculty feel more positive energy for upholding the good name of
Mr. Anton
“I have been studying at Lampung University for almost nine months.
I give my testimony based on my experience during the past nine months
and referring to the business management postgraduate program. Firstly,
the curriculum and lecture materials are really comprehensive and
up-to-date which prepares us as students to become professionals in the
evolving business environment. The learning facilities such as library and
classrooms provided by FEB UNILA are good enough for creating positive
learning atmosphere. Overall, I realize that MM program still improves
continuously to achieve their goals in the future. With the spirit of
improvement and innovation which is embedded in the all faculty
members, I do believe that FEB UNILA is on the right path to achieve their goals.”
4. Global Knowledge Network
Participation in APMMI National Seminar
President Itoh was invited to the 2016 APMMI National Seminar
held on May 28, 2016 at the Faculty of Economics and Business,
Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Sulawesi (Celebes), Indonesia.
APMMI is a meeting of MM Program directors chaired by Dr. Arief
Daryanto (Director, Graduate Program of Management and
Business, Bogor Agricultural University). The theme for 2016 was
“Meeting the Challenges of Assurance of Learning: Business School
Perspectives”. Upon request by APMMI, President Itoh made a
speech on the “Role of Assurance of Learning Process: ABEST21
Perspectives” and explained the quality assurance system of ABEST21.
5. Membership Information
New school member
Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
(UTAR), Malaysia
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) was established in 2002 under the UTAR Education
Foundation, a non-profit organization. The establishment was timely with the recognition of the
private education industry by the Government of Malaysia as a vital engine in stimulating and
sustaining the growth of intellectual capital to meet the complex needs of an increasingly
knowledge-based and innovation-driven economy. Guided by its vision to be a premier University for
the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and expertise while emphasizing on the holistic
development of individuals for nation building, UTAR has made impressive strides in establishing a
strong reputation as a comprehensive University with dedication to achieving excellence in teaching
and research. Today, UTAR has two campuses: one located at Sungai Long (Klang Valley) and the
main campus at Kampar (Perak), Malaysia.
The Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR) serves as a central coordinating body for
the postgraduate programs in UTAR. It is responsible for promoting the programs by providing
counseling on course content, fees, entry requirements and financial aids, and for disseminating
good practices in postgraduate supervision, teaching and learning. It also provides the operational
support which includes admission, student & academic records, examination and postgraduate
IPSR serves on many of the University Committees to help promote high quality postgraduate
education at the University and to provide a channel of communication with the relevant external
bodies and institutions. IPSR also works to ensure that the University makes adequate provision
through its support services to enhance the postgraduate experience among the students. This is in
line with the requirement of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) for UTAR to have an entity
which will coordinate, plan and administer all postgraduate programs within the university. All this is
done to ensure that the postgraduate programs are well administered, monitored and assessed to
provide the best possible postgraduate experience.
The postgraduate programs offered by IPSR are designed with the philosophy of constantly keeping
abreast with the rapid changes in the business environment via regular monitoring of regional and
global business trends. IPSR also maintains frequent meetings and dialogues with industry and
education practitioners to ensure that the programs offered are current and relevant and the
graduates are of high-caliber, market driven, well-informed and marketable in their own fields of
studies. In summary, the business programs will have emphasis on:
Global Perspectives and Opportunities
Social Impact
Action Learning
Blended Approach
Director Faidz Abdul Rahman
Dr. Faidz Abdul Rahman is presently a Professor at Universiti Tunku Abdul
Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia. Currently, he is appointed as the Director of
Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR) that leads the
development of postgraduate programs and research activities in UTAR. He
has served in various capacities in agencies such as the National Professor
Council, Malaysia; Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation,
Malaysia; and Ministry of Education, Malaysia to look into the R&D policies
and proposals. His work has been published in more 80 international
journals, conference proceedings and book chapters. Due to his work and
contribution, he was appointed as Fellow to the ASEAN Academy of
Engineering and Technology.