March 19, 2015 [PDF - 7.7 MB] - Regional District of Central Kootenay
March 19, 2015 [PDF - 7.7 MB] - Regional District of Central Kootenay
Regional District of Central Kootenay Regular Board Meeting Open Meeting Agenda Date: Thursday, March 19, 2015 Time: 9:00 am Location: RDCK Board Room, 202 Lakeside Dr., Nelson, BC Directors will have the opportunity to participate in the meeting electronically. are open to the public. Proceedings Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER & WELCOME 1.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The agenda for the March 19, 2015 Open Regular Board meeting be adopted with the addition of the addendum. 1.2 ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES 17 - 39 RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The minutes from the February 12, 2015 Open Regular Board meeting be adopted as presented. 1.3 DELEGATIONS 1.3.1 West Kootenay Human-Bear Conflict Working Group Gillian Sanders Jason Hawkes 1 1.3.2 Emergency Management BC • Johanna Morrow, Manager, Recovery and Funding Programs • Gundula Brigl, Regional Manager, Southeast 2. COMMITTEES & COMMISSIONS 2.1 FOR INFORMATION Committee/Commission Reports for information have been received as follows: 2.1.1 SILVERTON, NEW DENVER, SLOCAN & AREA H ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - minutes of January 29, 2015 SILVERTON, NEW DENVER, SLOCAN & AREA H ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - minutes of February 26, 2015 42 - 43 2.1.2 RECREATION COMMISSION NO. 10 - minutes of February 26, 2015 44 - 49 2.1.3 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT - minutes of February 3, 2015 50 - 57 2.2 40 - 41 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT - minutes of March 3, 2015 58 - 63 2.1.4 SANCA PARK WATER COMMISSION - minutes of September 5, 2014 64 - 65 2.1.5 SLOCAN LAKE RECREATION COMMISSION NO. 6 - minutes of March 3, 2015 66 - 67 WITH RECOMMENDATIONS 2.2.1 SLOCAN LAKE RECREATION COMMISSION NO. 6 The minutes of the Slocan Lake Recreation Commission No. 6 meeting held February 3, 2015 have been received. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The Board appoints the following individuals to Slocan Lake Recreation Commission No. 6 for terms to end December 31, 2016 2 68 - 73 in accordance with Bylaw No. 1273: Tim Sander (Area H representative) Daniel Hellyer (alternate Area H representative) RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The the Board allocate grant funds to the following organization in the amount indicated from the Slocan Lake Recreation Commission budget: Parkour (payable to Lucerne PAC) $800 2.2.2 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT 74 - 75 The minutes of the Riondel Commission of Management meeting held February 19, 2015 have been received. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE WEIGHTED) The RDCK and the Riondel Commission of Management draw up a lease agreement with the Eastshore Circle of Friends Society to lease the 235 Fowler Street building for a three-year term beginning in May of 2015. 2.2.3 CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT RECREATION COMMISSION The minutes of the Castlegar and District Recreation Commission meeting held February 24, 2015 have been received. RECOMMENDATION: (PO WEIGHTED) That the Castlegar and District Recreation Commission recommend its 2015 Financial Plan for the Community Complex Service 222 with a tax level of $1,697,871 and the Aquatic Centre Service 227 with a taxation level of $649,017. 3 76 - 78 2.3 MEMBERSHIP 2.3.1 ROSEBERY PARKLANDS & TRAILS COMMISSION 79 - 80 The letter dated February 18, 2015 from the Village of Silverton advising that it wishes to appoint Hank Hastings to the Rosebery Parklands and Trails Commission, has been received. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The Board appoints the following individual to the Rosebery Parklands and Trails Commission, for a term to end December 31, 2016 in accordance with Bylaw 2062: Hank Hastings (Silverton community member representative) ROSEBERY PARKLANDS & TRAILS COMMISSION The letter dated March 3, 2015 from the Village of New Denver advising that it wishes to appoint Richard Allin to the Rosebery Parklands and Trails Commission, has been received. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The Board hereby appoints the following individual to the Rosebery Parklands and Trails Commission for a term to expire December 31, 2016, as per Bylaw No. 2662: Richard Allin (New Denver community representative) RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the Chair send a letter to Tim Fox acknowledging his resignation from the Rosebery Parklands & Trails Commission and thanking him for his service to the commission. 4 81 - 81 2.3.2 RECREATION COMMISSION NO. 6 The letter dated March 3, 2015 from the Village of New Denver advising that it wishes to appoint Shannon Hodsall to Recreation Commission No. 6, has been received. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The Board hereby appoints the following individual to Recreation Commission No. 6 for a term to expire December 31, 2016 in accordance with Bylaw No. 1449: Shannon Hodsall RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the Board change the term of appointment for Recreation Commission No. 6 commissioner Chad Stubbs from December 31, 2015 to December 31, 2016. 2.3.3 RECREATION COMMISSION NO. 9 RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the Chair send a letter to Danielle Linn, acknowledging her resignation from Recreation Commission No. 9 and thanking her for her service to the commission. 2.3.4 CENTRAL KOOTENAY FIRE CHIEF'S ASSOCIATION RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the Board appoint one Director and one Alternate to attend Central Kootenay Fire Chiefs' Association meetings and to act as a liaison between the Association and the Board; and further, that stipend and usual expenses be paid from Rural Administration. 5 82 - 82 2.3.5 AREA A ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the Chair send a letter of condolence to the family of Shannon Nickisch, acknowledging her many contributions to RDCK commissions and to her community. 2.3.6 SUNSHINE BAY REGIONAL PARK COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That resolution 41/15 be amended to change the terms of the following commissioners from four years to one year (expiring on December 31, 2015): Ken Foot Ruth Posser Elaine Beaulac Lorie Dosenberger Scott Gain Jennifer Dehnel 2.3.7 KASLO AND AREA REGIONAL FACILITIES RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION NO. 2 RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The Board hereby appoints the following individuals to the Kaslo and Area Regional Facilities Recreation and Parks Commission No. 2 for terms to expire December 31, 2016 as per Bylaw No. 2004: Councillor Kellie Knoll Doug Yee Ken Butt 6 3. DIRECTORS' REPORTS 4. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES 4.1 CHILD CARE POLICY 83 - 89 The Board Report dated February 3, 2015 from A. Winje, Corporate Officer, presenting a draft child care compensation policy for consideration, has been received. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the Board direct staff to prepare and distribute a questionnaire to Directors to determine the level of support and collect information needed for the development of a child care compenstation policy. 4.2 PERMISSIVE TAX EXEMPTIONS 90 - 91 The Board Report dated February 11, 2015 from A. Winje, Corporate Officer, advising the Board on the cost implications of providing tax exemptions, has been received. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the Board direct staff to prepare a Permissive Tax Exemption bylaw for the year 2016, to be read and adopted by the Board before October 31, 2015. 4.3 FIRE SERVICE MINIMUM TRANINING STANDARDS referred from January 2015 Board meeting RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the RDCK adopt, as a minimum, the Exterior Operations level of service for all RDCK Volunteer Fire Departments effective January 1, 2015, and that the Board adopt the Interior Operations level of service for 7 92 - 117 all RDCK Volunteer Fire Departments effective January 1, 2017. 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 6. 7. The letter dated February 17, 2015 from the Village of Kaslo requesting that the RDCK financially contribute to the Kaslo Water Treatment Plant Controls project, has been received. 118 - 118 COMMUNICATIONS FOR INFORMATION 6.1 The letter dated January 29, 2015 from the Central Kootenay Regional Fire Chiefs' Association indicating support for the hire of a regional deputy fire chief for the RDCK. 119 - 119 6.2 The letter dated February 23, 2015 from Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, expressing appreciation for the RDCK's submission to "BC on the Move." 120 - 120 6.3 The email from the Village of Slocan advising that Council has adopted a no enforcement policy for the village building bylaw, has been received. 121 - 122 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 123 - 130 RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The Accounts Payable Summary for February 2015 in the amount of $2,351,897 is approved. 8. BYLAWS 8.1 BYLAW 2448: SALMO LIBRARY 131 - 131 RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE WEIGHTED) Salmo and Portion of Electoral Area G Library Financial Aid Service Amendment Bylaw No. 2448, 2015 is hereby read a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time by content. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE WEIGHTED) Salmo and Portion of Electoral Area G Library Financial Aid Service 8 Amendment Bylaw No. 2448, 2015 is hereby ADOPTED and the Chair and Secretary are authorized to sign same. 9. NEW BUSINESS 9.1 COMMUNITY SERVICES 9.1.1 APPROVAL TO AWARD NDCC TENDER The Board Report dated February 20, 2015 from J. Chirico, General Manager of Community Services, requesting that the Board grant authority to the Chair and CAO to award the contract for the NDCC pool renovation, has been received. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE - requires 2/3's vote) That the Board Chair and CAO be delegated the authority to award the Nelson and District Community Complex Pool Renovation contract. 9.1.2 LICENCE OF OCCUPATION: CRESTON REC CENTRE SIGN RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE WEIGHTED) That the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign a 10year licence of occupation with the owners of the property at 1908 Canyon Street, Creston for the purpose of the RDCK install an electronic message board for the Creston and District Community Complex, with costs to be borne by the Creton and District Community Complex service budget. 9.1.3 LEASE OF CRESTON BUILDING TO CRESTON LIBRARY RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE WEIGHTED) That the Chair and Secretary be authorized to sign the lease between the RDCK and the Creston Public Library Association for 9 132 - 133 a five-year term. 9.2 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 9.2.1 RIDGEWOOD ROAD WATER SERVICE AREA DISSOLUTION 134 - 137 The Board Report dated February 17, 2015 from Tanji Zumpano, Water Services Liaison, seeking the Board's approval to repeal Ridgewood Road Water Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2151, 2010 has been received. RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The Board hereby repeals Ridgewood Road Water Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2151, 2010. 9.2.2 JUNIOR PROJECT MANAGER Information will appear on the addendum. 9.3 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 9.3.1 MEMBERSHIP INVOICE: FCM RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE - WEIGHTED) The Board make/not make a contribution in the amount of $1,020.75 to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for a travel fund that supports the participation of elected officials from small communities in FCM's National Board of Directors, with funds to come from General Administration. 9.3.2 DIRECTORS' MOTIONS DIRECTOR DAVIDOFF RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) 10 138 - 139 That staff investigate and prepare a draft "Request for Expressions of Interest by Qualified Contractors and Suppliers" policy and procedure for Board consideration at the May 2015 Board Meeting RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That staff brief the Board with the provisions contained in the "Guide to First Nations Engagement on Local Government Statutory Approvals; the "Consultative Areas Database"; and the current protocols for engaging First Nations in RDCK functions. RECOMMENDATION: That staff investigate and report back to the Board at the April 2015 Board Meeting: 1. The cost of purchasing the George Cuff video series, "Good Governance by George"; and, 2. The cost of acquiring a print-based or digital copy, or otherwise making available to all Board members, the 160+ articles on good governance and other diverse topics written by George Cuff and published in Municipal World, Canada's Municipal Magazine." STAFF NOTE: The cost to access the video series for one year is $300 per video or $2,100 plus applicable taxes for the full set. Viewers are issued a password and can access the videos online for up to one year. The cost to purchase the three "Off the Cuff" books, which contain articles by George Cuff, cost $29.95 each plus tax. 9.3.3 SALMO LIBRARY REQUISITION 11 9.4 FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.4.1 BLEWETT FIRE CHIEF RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the Chair send a letter to retiring Fire Chief Paul Verigin recognizing his service to the Regional District of Central Kootenay fire service and to the community of Blewett. 9.5 GRANTS 9.5.1 DISCRETIONARY 140 - 171 RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) Discretionary grants out of the funds available for the following Electoral Area be approved as designated: Area B: Creston Valley Team Ropers: $500 Area C: East Kootenay Valley Ball Club: $1,000 Creston Valey Minor Hockey Assoc: $1,000 Creston Lions Club: $2,000 Creston Valley Hospice Society: $2,000 Creston Valley Judo Club: $2,000 Creston Museum Society: $2,000 Cresteramics Society: $2,000 Creston Valley Team Ropers: $3,000 Area F: AFKO: $200 Area G: Salmo Ski Club: $5,000 AFKO: $200 12 Salmo Baseball: $750 Salmo Valley Youth: $300 Salmo Girls Softball: $750 Salmo Valley Trails Society $500 Mavis Stachurski for Salmo Community Christmas $500 Area H: AFKO $200 Zone 6 BC Seniors Games: $300 Area I: Pass Creek Hall: $500 Area K: Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network $500 Village of Slocan: Village of Slocan (for Seniors Games) $400 Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice Society: $5,000 AFKO: $200 WEGCSS: $150 9.5.2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) Community Development grants out of the funds available for the following Municipalities/ Electoral Areas be approved as designated: Area E: West Kootenay Permaculture Co-op Assoc: $1,000 Redfish Elementary: $5,000 Columbia Basin Environmental Education 13 172 - 204 Network: $500 AFKO: $200 Area H: West Kootenay Permaculture Co-op Assoc: $5,000 Valley View Golf Course: $5,000 Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice Society: $5,000 Area I: West Kootenay Permaculture Co-op Assoc: $250 Area K: Royal Canadian Legion Branch 20: $1,840.65 Village of Nakusp: $2,000 9.5.3 AREA A: INVEST KOOTENAY PARTNERSHIP RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That staff be directed to pay $625 to Community Futures Centre Kootenay for the Area A contribution to the Invest Kootenay Partnership for the period January to March 2015, with funds to come from the Area A economic development service. 9.5.4 CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) That the Board approve paying a $1000 grant to the Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce to assist with its 2015 West Kootenay Trade Show and that it be charged to Service S115 Economic Development - Areas I and J. 9.5.5 AMEND 2014 CBT CIP GRANT RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) 14 205 - 205 That Resolution #288/14, being a resolution to allocate Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Project funds, be amended to change Kootenay Hiking Club $700 to Village of Slocan (for Hiking Brochure of Valhalla Area) $700 10. RURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Minutes and recommendations will appear on the addendum. 11. RDCK FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN Will appear on the addendum. 12. PUBLIC TIME The Chair will call for questions from the public and members of the media at 11:45 a.m. 13. IN CAMERA 13.1 RESOLUTION - MEETING CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) In the opinion of the Board - and in accordance with Section 90 of the Community Charter - the public interest so requires that persons other than DIRECTORS, ALTERNATE DIRECTORS, DELEGATIONS AND STAFF be excluded from the meeting; AND FURTHER, in accordance with Section 90 of the Community Charter, the meeting is to be closed on the bases identified in the following subsections: (c) labour relations or other employee relations; (d) the security of the property of the municipality; 15 (g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; 13.2 RESOLUTION - RECESS OF OPEN MEETING RECOMMENDATION: (ALL VOTE) The Open Meeting be recessed in order to conduct the In Camera Meeting. 14. MATTERS ARISING FROM IN CAMERA MEETING 15. ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION: That the meeting adjourn at ___ p.m. 16 February 12, 2015 Regional District of Central Kootenay OPEN REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The second regular Open Regular meeting of the Board of the Regional District of Central Kootenay in 2015 was held on Thursday, February 12th, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the Regional District of Central Kootenay Boardroom, 202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson, BC. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT: MUNICIPALITIES Acting Chair L. Chernoff Director R. Toyota Director S. Hewat Alternate Director U. Mueller Director D. Kozak Director A. Bunka Director S. White Director L. Main Director J. Lunn ELECTORAL AREAS Director G. Jackman Director T. Wall Director L. Binks Alternate Director J. Holland Director R. Faust Director T. Newell Director H. Cunningham Director W. Popoff Director A. Davidoff Director R. Smith Director P. Peterson STAFF PRESENT S. Horn A. Winje City of Castlegar Town of Creston Village of Kaslo Village of Nakusp City of Nelson Village of New Village of Salmo Village of Silverton Village of Slocan Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area I Area J Area K Chief Administrative Officer Corporate Officer 17 February 12, 2015 1. WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER Chair Chernoff called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed Alternate Directors Mueller and Holland to the meeting. 1.1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Moved By: Director Bunka and seconded, 53/15 The agenda for the February 12, 2015 meeting be adopted as circulated. Carried 1.2. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES Moved By: Director Kozak and seconded, 54/15 The minutes from the January 28, 2015 Open Special (Budget) meeting be adopted. Carried Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 55/15 The minutes from the January 15, 2015 Regular Board meeting be adopted as circulated. Carried 2. COMMITTEES & COMMISSIONS 2.1. FOR INFORMATION Committee/Commission Reports for information have been received as follows: 2.1.1. RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT - minutes of January 6, 2015 2.1.2. ARROW CREEK WATER TREATMENT AND SUPPLY COMMISSION - minutes of January 14, 2015 2.1.3. NELSON AND DISTRICT RECREATION COMMISSION NO. 5 minutes of January 14, 2015 2.1.4. ROSEBERY PARKLANDS AND TRAILS COMMISSION - minutes of January 22, 2015 2.1.5. CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT RECREATION COMMISSION - minutes of January 22, 2015 18 February 12, 2015 2.2. WITH RECOMMENDATIONS 2.2.1. WEST RESOURCE RECOVERY COMMITTEE The minutes of the West Resource Recovery Committee meeting held January 29, 2015 have been received. Moved By: Director Peterson and seconded, 56/15 The proposal from Score Construction dated January 22, 2015 to extend the contract for operations and maintenance of the Nakusp Landfill for a one-year period at an estimated annual cost of $175,354. be accepted; AND FURTHER, that the Board Chair and Secretary be authorized to sign the necessary documents. Carried 2.2.2. SOUTH SLOCAN COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT The minutes of the South Slocan Commission of Management meeting held January 15, 2015 have been received. Moved By: Director Popoff and seconded, 57/15 That staff be directed to prepare a surveyed and exclusive easement in favour of Smoky Creek Woodlot Licensee, Brent Petrick, across the NW corner of Lot 8249, to allow harvesting and other acceptable practices as requested, for ingress to and egress from the woodlot for the purposes of managing the woodlot; AND FURTHER, any expenses regarding surveying and boundary marking are to be at the Woodlot’s expense and right-of-way timber-removal values are to be negotiated and paid to the South Slocan Commission of Management's Watershed Account care of the Regional District of Central Kootenay. Carried 2.2.3. EAST RESOURCE RECOVERY COMMITTEE The minutes of the East Resource Recovery Committee meeting held February 5, 2015 have been received. Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 58/15 That the Board Chair and Corporate Secretary be authorized to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for Septage Treatment Facility with the Town of Creston. Carried 19 February 12, 2015 2.2.4. CENTRAL RESOURCE RECOVERY COMMITTEE The minutes of the February 11, 2015 Central Resource Recovery Committee meeting have been received. Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 59/15 Staff be directed to issue a Request for Expression of Interest for the front-load collection, transportation and processing of recyclable material in the Central Sub-region and issue a Request for Proposals based on the results. Carried Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 60/15 The 2015 Financial Plan for Service 187 Central Subregion Resource Recovery include funds for the Kaslo Transfer Station Upgrade in the amount of $535,000 and the Balfour Transfer Station Upgrade in the amount of $715,000; AND FURTHER that Staff be directed to issue a single Invitation to Tender for both projects. Carried Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 61/15 Funding in the amount of $474,000 be included in the 2015 Financial Plan for Service S187 Central Subregion Resource Recovery for the purchase of four TS400 Transtor Units; AND FURTHER that staff be authorized to undertake a sole source purchase with Rollins Equipment to supply four TS400 Transtor units for the Kaslo and Balfour Transfer Stations in the amount of $474,000 plus applicable taxes. Carried Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 62/15 Funding in the amount of $30,000 be included in the 2015 Financial Plan for Service S187 Central Subregion Resource Recovery for the capital lease through the Municipal Finance Authority of a new Highway Tractor; AND FURTHER that staff be authorized to issue an Invitation to Tender for a new Highway Tractor. Carried 20 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 63/15 Funding in the amount of $250,000 be included in the 2015 Financial Plan for Service S187 Central Subregion Resource Recovery for the purchase of a new or used compacting trailer; AND FURTHER that the authority for approving the sole source purchase of a new or used compacting trailer be delegated to the Chief Administrative Officer. Carried Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 64/15 Funding in the amount of $57,000 be included in the 2015 Financial Plan for Service S187 Central Subregion Resource Recovery for the purchase of a backup Highway Tractor unit; AND FURTHER that staff be directed to complete a sole source purchase of a 2012 Freightliner Coronado from James Western Star Freightliner in the amount of $57,000 plus applicable taxes.$57,000 be included in the 2015 Financial Plan for Service S187 Central Subregion Resource Recovery for the purchase of a backup Highway Tractor unit; AND FURTHER that staff be directed to complete a sole source purchase of a 2012 Freightliner Coronado from James Western Star Freightliner in the amount of $57,000 plus applicable taxes. Carried Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 65/15 Funding in the amount of $176,500 for the construction of the HB Dam Tailings Facility spillway retrofit project be included in the 2015 Financial Plan for the Central Subregion. Carried Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 66/15 The proposal from Tetra Tech EBA for tendering and construction supervision of the HB Dam Tailings Facility for $43,325 be accepted and the funds be included in the 2015 Financial Plan for the Central Subregion. Carried Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 67/15 Staff be directed to issue a Request for Proposal for qualified consultants to undertake a geotechnical investigation at the HB Dam Tailings Facility to evaluate the dam’s filter and core materials in accordance with the requirements outlined in the February 3, 2015 memorandum from Al Hoffman, P.Eng., Chief Inspector of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines. Carried 21 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 68/15 Staff be directed to issue an Invitation to Tender for the HB Dam Tailings Facility spillway retrofit project. Carried 2.3. DIRECTORS' REPORTS (VERBAL) Director Hewat: Director Binks: Director Faust: Director Davidoff: Director Kozak: Director Newell: LGLA session in Kimberley, BC Columbia Basin Trust Seniors Transit workshop Kootenay Booth Columbia River Treaty Local Govt Committee Taghum Hall renovation grand opening 2.4. MEMBERSHIP 2.4.1. SLOCAN VALLEY RECREATION COMMISSION The letter dated January 28, 2015 from the Village of New Denver requesting that Nadine Raynolds and David Hodsall be appointed to the Slocan Valley Economic Development and Recreation Commissions, has been received. Moved By: Director Bunka and seconded, 69/15 That the following individuals be appointed to the Slocan Valley Recreation Commission No. 6 for terms to end December 31, 2015 in accordance with Bylaw No. 1273: David Hodsall (Village of New Denver Council Representative) Carried Moved By: Director Bunka and seconded, 70/15 That the Board appoint the following individual to the Slocan Valley Economic Development Commission for a term to end December 31, 2015: Nadine Raynolds Carried 2.4.2. SCHOOL DISTRICT 8 APPOINTMENTS TO REC COMMISSIONS The letter dated January 22, 2014 from Chair Lenora Trenaman requesting the appointment of School District No. 8 representatives to Regional District commissions, has been received. 22 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 71/15 That the Board appoint the following School District No. 8 representative to the Kaslo and Area Recreation Commission No. 2 for a term to expire December 31, 2016: Trustee Dan Lang Carried Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 72/15 That the Board appoint the following School District No. 8 representative to the Salmo and Area G Recreation Commission No. 7 for a term to expire December 31, 2016: Trustee Bob Wright Carried Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 73/15 That the Board appoint the following School District No. 8 representative to the Slocan Valley South Recreation Commission No. 8 for a term to expire December 31, 2016: Trustee Sharon Nazaroff Carried 2.4.3. LUCAS ROAD WATER COMMISSION Moved By: Director Smith and seconded, 74/15 3. That the Chair send a letter of appreciation to outgoing commissioner Linda Swanson, thanking her for her service on the Lucas Road Water Commission. Carried CORRESPONDENCE 3.1. The letter dated January 15, 2014 from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers requesting the RDCK adopt a resolution to send to FCM regarding the cuts to Canada Post, has been received. 3.2. The letter dated January 28, 2015 from the Village of Nakusp requesting that the RDCK sponsor the 2015 AKBLG conference in Nakusp, has been received. 23 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Peterson and seconded, 75/15 That the RDCK communicate to the Village of Nakusp that it will be a Gold-level sponsor of the 2015 Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments' convention in Nakusp, with funds to come from General Administration. Carried 4. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 76/15 The Accounts Payable Report for January 2015 in the amount of $2,555,315. has been accepted. Carried 5. BYLAWS 5.1. BYLAW NO. 2422: Portion of Electoral Area H (Rec. #8) Recreation Program Moved By: Director Popoff and seconded, 77/15 That Portion of Electoral Area H (Rec. #8) Recreational Program Bylaw No. 2422, 2014 be ADOPTED and the Chair and Secretary are hereby authorized to sign same. Carried 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1. COMMUNITY SERVICES 6.1.1. NORTH SHORE HALL RENOVATION: TENDER AWARD The Board Report dated February 2, 2015 from J. Chirico, General Manager of Community Services, requesting the Board award a construction contract for the North Shore Hall renovation project, has been received. Moved By: Director Newell and seconded, 78/15 That the tender from NDB Construction Ltd. for the North Shore Hall Renovation Project at the total contract price of $206,250. (excluding GST) be accepted; AND FURTHER, that the Board Chair and Secretary be authorized to sign the necessary documents. Carried 24 February 12, 2015 6.1.2. REQUEST TO HIRE SUMMER STAFF FOR PARKS The Board Report dated February 2, 2015 from J. Chirico, General Manager of Community Services, requesting approval to hire two part-time summer parks employees, has been received. Moved By: Director Main and seconded, 79/15 That the Board approve the hiring of two part-time parks staff for a period of four months (May - August 2015) to be funded in a manner consistent with the allocation of Community Services fees and that the Regional Parks Operations Supervisor be directed to evaluate and report back to the Board on the effectiveness of such hires for the parks service. Carried 6.2. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 6.2.1. CAO AT FCM Moved By: Director Main and seconded, 80/15 The Board authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer, Stuart Horn, to attend the 2015 Federation of Canadian Municipalities conference in Edmonton, Alberta from June 5 - 8, 2015, with usual expenses to be paid from General Administration. Carried 6.2.2. APPLICATION FOR TENURE OVER CROWN LAND Moved By: Director Main and seconded, 81/15 The Board authorizes the Chair and the Corporate Officer to sign the licence for tenure over Crown land for that property legally described as that part of District Lot 8422, except part included in Plan NEP20747, and more commonly known as the Rosebery waste transfer station, for a 30-year term. Carried 6.2.3. DIGITIZATION DISPOSAL POLICY The Board Report dated January 26, 2015 from B. Bird, Records and Information Management Analyst, presenting a digitization disposal policy for the Board's consideration, has been received. 25 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 82/15 That the Board adopt Policy 200-06-02 – Digitization Disposal. Carried 6.2.4. LEGAL OPINION POLICY The Board Report dated February 3, 2015 from A. Winje, Corporate Officer, presenting a legal opinion policy for the Board's consideration, has been received. Moved By: Director Wall and seconded, 83/15 That the Board adopt Policy No. 200-01-09 - Legal Opinions. Carried 6.2.5. RESOLUTION FOR AKBLG Moved By: Director Faust and seconded, 84/15 Whereas mental health is a growing concern in the Province of BC and was a topic at the BC Mayors’ Caucus; Be it resolved that AKBLG request UBCM to work with the Ministry of Health to consider establishing a provincial task force to investigate funding levels, treatment and management of persons in emotional distress or who have active and pervasive mental health disorders. Carried 6.2.6. 911 CONTRACT: LIABILITY INSURANCE Moved By: Director Peterson and seconded, 85/15 That the Board approve the Municipal Insurance Association of BC to add the Regional District of Central Okanagan as an “Associate Member” to its policy for liability insurance purposes and authorize the Chair and Secretary to execute the Service Provider Agreement associated with the administration of the E-COMM 911 Contract. Carried 26 February 12, 2015 6.2.7. DELEGATION REQUEST The email from the West Kootenay Human-Bear Conflict Working Group requesting to appear before the Board as a delegation, has been received. Moved By: Director Faust and seconded, 86/15 That the Board grant the request of the West Kootenay HumanBear Conflict Working Group to appear before the Board as a delegation; AND FURTHER, that the Corporate Officer communicate with the Group to schedule the delegation. Carried 6.3. 6.3.1. FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACT WITH VILLAGE OF NEW DENVER Moved By: Director Bunka and seconded, 87/15 The Board authorizes the Chair and Secretary to sign a fire service protection agreement with the Village of New Denver for a term to end December 31, 2019. Carried 6.4. GRANTS 6.4.1. DISCRETIONARY Moved By: Director Faust and seconded, 88/15 Discretionary grants out of the funds available for the following Electoral Area be approved as designated: Area E: Nelson Blueliners Women's Hockey: $500. Giving Hands (Balfour Evangelical Covenant Church): $1,500. Area F: Giving Hands (Balfour Evangelical Covenant Church): $500 Taghum Community Hall Society: $5,000. Nelson Blueliners Women's Hockey: $500. Zone 6 Seniors Games: $400. Area G: Salmo Golf Course: Salmo Ski Team Society: Salmo Hospital Auxiliary: 27 $5,000 $1,000. $500. February 12, 2015 Area H: Lucerne PAC: Slocan District Chamber of Commerce: $500. $500. Area I: Cultural Interpretive Centre: Brilliant Cultural Centre: Glade Community Hall: Glade Recreation Commission: Kootenay Men's Group: Pass Creek Community Hall: Pass Creek Fire Department Social Club: Shoreacres Community Hall: Tarrys Community Hall: Tarrys Fire Department Social Club: West Kootenay Camera Club: Zone 6 BC Seniors Games: $250. $2,000. $1,000. $500. $250. $1,000. $1,000. $1,000. $1,000. $1,000. $250. $250. Area K: Zone 6 BC Seniors Games: $400. Carried 6.4.2. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Moved By: Director Peterson and seconded, 89/15 Community Development grants out of the funds available for the following Municipalities/ Electoral Areas be approved as designated: Area E: Selkirk College (Geospatial Research): Taghum Community Hall Society: Black Press - Area E Vacation Guide: Zone 6 BC Seniors Games: $5,000. $5,000. $134.86 $400. Area H: Arrow Lakes Search & Rescue: Selkirk College (Geospatial Research): $2,500. $5,000. Area I: School District 20 (purchase AED's): Selkirk College (MIR Centre): $675. $1,000. Area K: Nakusp & Area Youth Society: Royal Canadian Legion: Arrow Lakes Search & Rescue: Inonoaklin Valley Reading Centre: $2,000. $1,000. $5,000. $1,000. Carried 28 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Binks and seconded, 90/15 That Resolution 28/15, being a motion to allocate community development grant funds, be amended by changing: Area C Kootenay Region Association for Community Living $5,000.00 to: Area C Kootenay Region Association for Community Living $3,000.00 Carried 6.4.3. CRESTON VALLEY Moved By: Director Binks and seconded, 91/15 That the Board approve a grant in the amount of $10,000 to be paid to the Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce with funds to come from the Areas B Area C Economic Development Service and further, that $10,000 be paid to the Chamber for the Buy BC grant program. Carried 7. PUBLIC TIME The Chair called for questions from the public and members of the media at 9:46 a.m. 8. RURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE The minutes of the Rural Affairs Committee meeting held February 11, 2015 have been received. Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 92/15 The Secretary of the Regional District of Central Kootenay be directed to file a Notice at the Land Title Office in Kamloops, British Columbia, stating that a resolution has been made under Section 57 of the Community Charter by the Regional District Board relating to land at 7111/7105 Second Avenue, Ymir, Electoral Area G, currently owned by Ymir Community Association, legally described as The East 1/2 of Lot 10, Block 19, District Lot 1242, Kootenay District, Plan 640, and that further information respecting the resolution may be inspected at the office of the Regional District of Central Kootenay on normal working days during regular office hours. Carried 29 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 93/15 1. In accordance with Board Policy established by Resolution 08/05 Recommendation 7, the Engineering Reports prepared by Michael Walsh P. Eng. of Skmana Creek Consulting Ltd. in support of a Site Specific Exemption (RDCK File #4910-20-F1403J-07731.200) be ACCEPTED as satisfying the requirements of Section 11.0 of Floodplain Management Bylaw 2080, 2009; and FURTHER 2. That a Site Specific Exemption from RDCK Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2080, 2009 to reduce the required flood construction level (FCL) for Lower Arrow Lake as specified under Schedule 'C' Floodplain Table from 443.5 metres GSC to 442.5 metres GSC BE APPROVED for property located at 5382 Broadwater Road and legally described as Strata Lot 2, District Lot 4599, Kootenay District, Plan EPS370 (PID 028-683-617) SUBJECT TO the following condition: That the applicant, Mark Wigen, be required to register a restrictive covenant at the time of approval under Section 219 of the Land Title Act pursuant to Section 11.0 of Bylaw No. 2080, 2009 with the report prepared by Michael Walsh P. Eng. of Skmana Creek Consulting Ltd. and dated November 13, 2014 to be attached and forming part of the registered document. 3. That a Site Specific Exemption from RDCK Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2080, 2009 to reduce the required flood construction level (FCL) for Lower Arrow Lake as specified under Schedule 'C' Floodplain Table from 443.5 metres GSC to 442.5 metres GSC BE APPROVED for property located at 5390 Broadwater Road and legally described as Strata Lot 4 District Lot 4599 Kootenay District Plan EPS370 (PID 028-683-633) SUBJECT TO the following condition: That the applicant, Bert Franks, be required to register a restrictive covenant at the time of approval under Section 219 of the Land Title Act pursuant to Section 11.0 of Bylaw No. 2080, 2009 with the report prepared by Michael Walsh P. Eng. of Skmana Creek Consulting Ltd. and dated November 15, 2014 to be attached and forming part of the registered document. Carried Recorded opposed: Director Faust 30 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 94/15 In accordance with Board Policy established by Resolution 08/05 Recommendation 7, the Engineering Report prepared by Michael Walsh P. Eng. of Skmana Creek Consulting Ltd. in support of a Site Specific Exemption (RDCK File #4910-20-F1402J-07731.100) be ACCEPTED as satisfying the requirements of Section 11.0 of Floodplain Management Bylaw 2080, 2009; AND FURTHER the applicant be required to register a restrictive covenant at the time of approval under Section 219 of the Land Title Act pursuant to Section 11.0 of Bylaw No. 2080, 2009 with the report prepared by Michael Walsh P. Eng. of Skmana Creek Consulting Ltd. and dated October 2014 to be attached and forming part of the registered document for properties legally described as Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, District Lot 4599, Plan EPS370 and Lot 1, District Lot 4599, Plan NEP89229 Exc. Plan EPP11115 (PID 028683-609, 028-683-617, 028-683-625, 028-683-633 and 027-948820). Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 95/15 That Floodplain Management Amendment Bylaw 2444, 2015 is hereby read a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time by content. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 96/15 That Floodplain Management Amendment Bylaw 2444, 2015 is hereby ADOPTED and the Chair and Corporate Officer are authorized to sign same. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 97/15 That the Kootenay-Columbia Rivers Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2442, 2015 being a bylaw to amend the Kootenay-Columbia Rivers Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1157, 1996 is hereby given FIRST and SECOND reading by content and referred to a PUBLIC HEARING; AND FURTHER in accordance with Regional District of Central Kootenay Resolution 225/05 Electoral Area J, Director Rick Smith, is hereby delegated the authority to chair the Public Hearing on behalf of the Regional District Board. Carried 31 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 98/15 That the Regional District of Central Kootenay Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2443, 2015 being a bylaw to amend the Regional District of Central Kootenay Zoning Bylaw No. 1675, 2004 is hereby given FIRST and SECOND reading by content and referred to a PUBLIC HEARING; AND FURTHER in accordance with Regional District of Central Kootenay Resolution 225/05 Electoral Area J, Director Rick Smith, is hereby delegated the authority to chair the Public Hearing on behalf of the Regional District Board. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 99/15 That the Board accept the Parkland Dedication which would enable the applicant to proceed with finalizing the outstanding requirements of the subdivision: That the Regional District Board accept a $25,000 cash in lieu of parkland amount based on the land value of $500,000 as identified in the September 21, 2011 appraisal prepared by Richard T. Turner of Kootenay Columbia Appraisals for the 28 lot subdivision proposal on lands legally described Lot A, Sublot 10, District Lot 4598, Kootenay District, Plan 5292 (PID 014-496-801); AND FURTHER, that the applicant shall pay the Regional District the cash in lieu amount before final approval of the subdivision. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 100/15 That the Regional District of Central Kootenay Board of Variance Bylaw No. 1786, 2005 is hereby REPEALED, and further, that it be resolved that the Regional District of Central Kootenay Board of Variance Bylaw No. 2437, 2015 is hereby read a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time by content. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 101/15 That Regional District of Central Kootenay Board of Variance Bylaw No. 2437, 2015, is hereby ADOPTED and the Chair and Corporate Officer are authorized to sign same. Carried 32 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 102/15 That the Board endorse the RDCK Board of Variance Orientation Manual as a resource and as a supplement to the RDCK Board of Variance Bylaw No. 2437, 2015. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 103/15 That the Regional District of Central Kootenay Noise Control Bylaw No. 2440, 2015 is hereby read a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time by content. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 104/15 That the Regional District of Central Kootenay Noise Control Bylaw No. 2440, 2015 is hereby ADOPTED and the Chair and Corporate Officer are authorized to sign same. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 105/15 That the Regional District of Central Kootenay Bylaw Enforcement Notice and Dispute Adjudication System Bylaw No. 2441, 2015 is hereby read a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time by content. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 106/15 That the Regional District of Central Kootenay Bylaw Enforcement Notice and Dispute Adjudication System Bylaw No. 2441, 2015 is hereby ADOPTED and the Chair and Corporate Officer are authorized to sign same. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 107/15 That the Community Works Fund application for the Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School/Community Performance Space Blackout Drapes project in the amount of $12,791 BE APPROVED for disbursement from Community Works Funds allocated to Electoral Area A for the year 2015. Carried 33 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 108/15 That the Community Works Fund application for the Creston Community Auditorium Society Seat Replacement in Prince Charles Secondary School Theater project BE APPROVED for disbursement from the following Community Works Funds for 2015: - Electoral Area A in the amount of $27,000 - Electoral Area B in the amount of $15,000 - Electoral Area C in the amount of $15,000. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 109/15 That the Board endorsement of the establishment of the Regional Deputy Fire Chief (duties to be determined) for consideration in the 2015 budget process be REFERRED to the March 2, 2015 Budget meeting with funding method to be determined. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 110/15 That the Regional District of Central Kootenay Municipal Ticketing Information Amendment Bylaw No. 2415, 2014 is hereby read a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time by content. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 111/15 That the Regional District of Central Kootenay Municipal Ticketing Information Amendment Bylaw No. 2415, 2014 is hereby ADOPTED and the Chair and Corporate Officer are authorized to sign same. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 112/15 That the RDCK consider developing an education campaign, in collaboration with the Regional District Fire Chief’s Association, that highlights the importance of visibility, placement and style of house numbers for areas covered by RDCK fire services, with funds not to exceed $10,000 and to come from Rural Administration; AND FURTHER, the education campaign would occur during the summer and fall to catch absentee landowners. Carried 34 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 113/15 That staff be directed to consider amending the Regional District of Central Kootenay Volunteer Firefighter Bylaw No. 2170, 2010 and address house numbering standards. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 114/15 That staff incorporate volunteer fire fighter recruitment into the o outreach materials concerning house numbering. Carried Moved By: Director Cunningham and seconded, 115/15 That the Board direct Chief Swan to provide the Rural Affairs Committee with information about the financial commitment to Fire Department Management (FDM) and the progress of providing the program components to RDCK Fire Halls and if there are alternatives. Carried Moved By: Director Davidoff and seconded, 116/15 That the RDCK contribute $5,000 to help offset the costs of exhibiting the Kootenay Country Booth and booth-related materials at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and Union of BC Municipalities conventions in 2015, with funds to come from General Administration. Carried RECESS The meeting recessed for a break at 10:20 a.m. RECONVENE The meeting reconvened at 10:31 a.m. 9. IN CAMERA 9.1. RESOLUTION - MEETING CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 117/15 In the opinion of the Board - and in accordance with Section 90 of the Community Charter - the public interest so requires that persons other than DIRECTORS, ALTERNATE DIRECTORS, DELEGATIONS AND STAFF be excluded from the meeting; AND FURTHER, in accordance with Section 90 of the Community Charter, the meeting is to be closed on the bases identified in the following subsections: 35 February 12, 2015 (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; (c) labour relations or other employee relations; (g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality. Carried 9.2. RESOLUTION - RECESS OF OPEN MEETING Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 118/15 The Open Meeting be recessed in order to conduct the In Camera Meeting. Carried RECESS The open meeting recessed at 10:44 a.m. in order for the Board to conduct the In Camera portion of the meeting. RECONVENE The meeting reconvened at 11:44 a.m. 10. MATTERS ARISING FROM IN CAMERA MEETING Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 119/15 The Board appoints the following individuals to Recreation Commission No. 9, in accordance with Bylaw No. 1944, for the terms indicated: Herve Blezy (December 31, 2016) Farley Cursons (December 31, 2016) Joan Huiberts (December 31, 2015) Danielle Linn (December 31, 2015) Terry Turner (December 31, 2016) Doreen Zaiss (December 31, 2016) Carried Moved By: Director Popoff and seconded, 120/15 That the Board appoint Sharon Block as the Area H representative to the Nelson Public Library Board for a two-year term ending in December 31, 2016. Carried 36 February 12, 2015 Moved By: Director Popoff and seconded, 121/15 That the Board appoint Greg Maslak as the Area F representative to the Nelson Public Library Board for a two-year term ending in December 31, 2016. Carried Moved By: Director Popoff and seconded, 122/15 The Board appoints the following individuals to the South Slocan Commission of Management with terms to expire December 31, 2015: Peter Wood Gary Niminiken Kathy Loxam Ian McGovern Richard Catenacci Chris Campagnaro Wendy Niminiken Ann Wood (Alternate) Seathra Bell (Alternate) Carried Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 123/15 That the Board appoint the following individuals to the Area A Advisory Planning Commission, in accordance with Bylaw No. 1477, for terms to end December 31, 2018: Paris Marshall Smith Shannon Nickish Brian Philp Lois Wakelin AND FURTHER, that letters of appreciation be sent to outgoing commissioners Doug Carnegie and Roger Bennett. Carried Moved By: Director Smith and seconded, 124/15 That the Board appoint the following individuals to the Area J Advisory Planning Commission, in accordance with Bylaw No. 1477, for terms to end December 31, 2018: Audrey Repin Laurie Watson Dave Ackney Jeff Grant 37 February 12, 2015 Paul Tupholme Scott Moorey AND FURTHER, that the Chair send letters of appreciation to outgoing commissioners Bruce Kenneway, John Erickson, Katherine Markin, Jack Seville, Ken Hood, Carvil Moorey, Peter Yofonoff, Ray Bystrom, Ted Chernoff, Dean Mackinnon, Colin Mrkin and Keith Watson. Carried Moved By: Director Jackman and seconded, 125/15 The Board appoints the following individuals to the Area A Economic Development Commission for terms to end December 31, 2018: Robert Agnew Susan Dill Mike Jeffrey Wendy Miller Shannon Nickisch Lorna Robin Carried Moved By: Director Binks and seconded, 126/15 The Board appoints Ralph Moore as its representative on the Creston Community Forest Corporation for the year 2015. Carried Moved By: Director Smith and seconded, 127/15 The Board appoints the following individuals to the Lucas Road Water Commission for terms to end December 31, 2017 in accordance with Bylaw No. 752: Gordon Zaitsoff James Ryson Alberto Ambrosio Dave White Bob O'Connor Jeff Jones Carried Moved By: Director Kozak and seconded, 128/15 The 2014 Fourth Quarter Report of the RDCK be received. Carried 38 February 12, 2015 11. ADJOURNMENT Moved By: Director Bunka and seconded, 129/15 That the meeting adjourn at 11:45 p.m. Carried _________________________ Secretary _________________________ Chair 39 REGIONAL DISTRICT CENTRAL KOOTENAY OF SILVERTON, NEW DENVER, SLOCAN AND AREA H MINUTES Of a meeting held Thurs. Jan. 29th at 7:00 pm, Slocan Village Office COMMISSION MEMBERS: Leah Main- Chair, Director, Silverton Ann Bunka, Director, New Denver Jessica Lunn, Director, Slocan Walter Popoff, Director, Area H Corrie Traenenberg, Slocan Walter Swetlishoff, Area H Dustin Demontigny, Area H Carol Bell, Silverton Leonard Block, Area H Nadine Raynolds, New Denver ABSENT; Veronika Pellowski, Lorna Visser Area H GUEST: Lynda Lafleur, Community Liaison, Columbia Basin Trust SECRETARY/TREASURER: Sharon Butler The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIR: Leah Main was nominated Chair for 2015. 1) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: R 01/15 MOVED by L. Block, Seconded and Resolved to adopt the agenda with amendments. 2) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Nov. 27/ 14) R 02/15 MOVED by W. Popoff, Seconded and Resolved to approve the minutes as circulated earlier. 3) FINANCIAL REPORT & INVOICES: R 03/ 15 MOVED by W. Popoff, Seconded and Resolved that the Chair and Secretary meet with RDCK financial representative(s) before our next meeting to reconcile our YTD actuals and to provide a report. a) Secretary Timesheet: $ 425. R 04/15 MOVED by J. Lunn Seconded and Resolved to receive and approve payment of submitted invoice of $425 for the Secretary. b) Secure By Design: $32. 60 R05/ 15 MOVED by C. Bell, Seconded and Resolved to pay the invoice of $32.60 for website hosting by Secure by Design. 4) COMMUNITY DIRECTED FUNDS: 40 R06/ 15 MOVED by W. Popoff, Seconded and Resolved to move into Committee of the Whole for the purpose of discussing the Community Directed Funds. R07 /15 MOVED by C. Bell, Seconded and Resolved to nominate L. Main as Chair for the Committee of the Whole discussions. RISE AND REPORT: Recommendations to be Moved: R08/ 15 MOVED by D. Demontigny, Seconded and Resolved to make the consultant’s final report and a link to the youth video available on the website. R09/ 15 MOVED by W. Popoff, Seconded and Resolved that the Chair and Commissioner Raynolds draft a press release explaining the Slocan Valley CDF funds project to date that will direct readers to the website for further information. 5) BR & E FOLLOW-UP R10/ 15 MOVED by W. Popoff, Seconded and Resolved to have the all the BR & E meetings held at community halls. Opposed: N. Raynolds 6) BUDGET 2015 7) WEBSITE: 8) NEW BUSINESS: R11/ 15 MOVED by J. Lunn, Seconded and Resolved to appoint Commissioner Raynolds as SV EDC- Slocan Lake Chamber of Commerce liaison. 9) MEETING SCHEDULE: NEXT MEETING: to be held at 6pm in Slocan at the Village office. Thurs. Feb. 26, 2015 MEETING ADJOURNED 9:55pm 41 REGIONAL DISTRICT CENTRAL KOOTENAY OF SILVERTON, NEW DENVER, SLOCAN AND AREA H MINUTES Of a meeting held Thurs. Feb. 26th at 7:00 pm, Slocan Village Office COMMISSION MEMBERS: Leah Main- Chair, Director, Silverton Ann Bunka, Director, New Denver Jessica Lunn, Director, Slocan Walter Popoff, Director, Area H Corrie Traenenberg, Slocan Walter Swetlishoff, Area H Carol Bell, Silverton Leonard Block, Area H Nadine Raynolds, New Denver ABSENT: Dustin Demontigny, Area H; Lorna Visser Area H GUEST: Aimee Ambrosone, Chief Operating Officer, CBBC, Columbia Basin Trust PRESS: Art Joyce, Valley Voice Newspaper SECRETARY/TREASURER: Sharon Butler The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm 1) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: R 12/15 MOVED by W. Popoff , Seconded and Resolved to adopt the agenda with amendments. 2) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Jan. 26/ 15) R 13/15 MOVED by L. Block, Seconded and Resolved to approve the minutes. 3) COMMUNITY DIRECTED FUNDS: a) Presentation by Aimee Ambrosone, CBBC. 4) FINANCIAL REPORT & INVOICES: a) Secretary Timesheet: $ 525; Mileage: $59.04 b) Website: Collabo Consulting $162. R 14/15 MOVED by J. Lunn Seconded and Resolved to receive and approve payment of submitted invoices. The RDCK Financial statement for 2014 was presented. A discrepancy from the EDC records was noted. R15/ 15 MOVED by C. Bell, Seconded and Resolved to receive the RDCK Financial Statement for 2014 as presented and to follow up on the noted discrepancy. 42 R16/ 15 MOVED by W. Popoff, Seconded and Resolved to move into Committee of the Whole for the purpose of discussing the Community Directed Funds. R17 /15 MOVED by A. Bunka, Seconded and Resolved to nominate L. Main as Chair for the Committee of the Whole discussions. Discussed in Committee of the Whole: 3) COMMUNITY DIRECTED FUNDS: cont. RISE AND REPORT: Recommendations to be Moved: R18/15 MOVED by W.Popoff Seconded and Resolved to 1) form a subcommittee to develop generic criteria around CDF submissions for any project we choose and 2) to draft an Expression of Interest for the CDF Agriculture and Food Security submissions using the above generic criteria. R19/ 15 MOVED by C. Traenenberg, Seconded and Resolved that two proposals were received and they will be responded to by the Chair and Secretary. 5) BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION FOLLOW-UP: 6) BUDGET 2015 7) WEBSITE: R20/ 15 MOVED by W. Popoff, Seconded and Resolved to have the Secretary draft a press release regarding the website, to be approved by the Chair. 8) MEETING SCHEDULE: March 18, April 29, May 20, Sept. 30, Oct. 21, Nov. 25, 2015 at 6pm, Slocan Village office. R21/ 15 MOVED by J. Lunn, Seconded and Resolved to have the Secretary place an ad in the Valley Voice to advertise our meeting dates. MEETING ADJOURNED 9:18pm 43 RECREATION COMMISSION 10 MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 2015. 7:30PM @ HARROP HALL ATTENDING: Ramona, Bill, Melanie, Reg, Jenny, and Joe Chirico, General Manager, Community Services - Regional District of Central Kootenay MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:37pm Bill to chair meeting in Erin’s absence. 1. ACCEPT MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING Moved by Jenny, and seconded to accept minutes from December meeting. All in favour. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Melanie, and seconded to adopt agenda as presented. All in favour. 3. APPOINTMENTS Melanie and Reg both state intention to stay on as commissioners. Jenny to stay on but looking for alternate. Bill to stay on until a replacement is found. Rec 10 will need a Treasurer in the near future; Reg potential candidate for this position. 4. BUDGET The 2015 Financial plan for Recreation Commission 10 was presented by Joe Chirico and received by the Commission. $25,596 for 2015-2016. Motion put forward and approved to allocate $800.00 for interim coordinator position to ensure continuity of weekly calendar until full-time coordinator is hired. 5. COORDINATOR UPDATE Joe reports that the Coordinator role is being reviewed by Rebecca (Recreation Coordinator) and Marty (Facility Manager) and they are working on a Recreation Coordinator job description. Joe will forward job description to Recreation Commission 10 Commissioners for review. 6. SUE RAMSAY’S LOGO PACKAGE Rec 10 received logo package from Sue Ramsay. Decision to defer discussion for next meeting as there are many questions and further discussion needed regarding logo and other proposals. 7. SPRING GRANT RELEASE Rec 10 to advertise grants for first week of April, closing deadline is May 1st. Ramona to put advertisement in the Pennywise by Thursday March 26th. Rec 10 to review applicants in the first week of May. 44 8. SUMMER PROGRAMS Possible RDCK swimming and sailing lessons at Sunshine Bay Park this summer; tennis and bike skills training are other ideas. Joe to discuss ideas with Rebecca and Bronwyn. (RDCK Recreation staff) 9. NELSON & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COMPLEX Pool will be closing May 1st for approx. 8 months; rest of facility will be open. Discussion about NDCC user fees and Area E east taxation; RDCK master plan and public outreach for wider tax base contribution. 10. PROCTER PARTICIPATION Melanie will write letter to Procter Community Society to ask for a representative from their group to replace Pam Dykstra. Bill to invite member from Harrop-Procter Watershed Protection Society (HPWPS) to join Commission due to recreation aspects (trails, etc.) of both parties. 11. NEXT MEETING Next meeting is set for Tuesday, May 5th; location to be determined. 12. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Bill, and seconded to adjourn at 9:20. All in Favour. Signed: Melanie Harper, Secretary Bill MacPherson, acting Chair ACTION ITEMS: -Ramona to place ad for grant applications in Pennywise by Thursday, March 26. -Joe to forward coordinator job description to Rec 10 Commissioners; and discuss Sunshine Bay summer programs with staff. -Melanie to write letter to Procter Community Society to ask for representation. 45 46 47 48 Signed: Melanie Harper, Secretary Erin Fitchett, Chair ACTION ITEMS: Ramona to contact Joe Chirico regarding budget meeting. Ramona to look for reporting form. Ramona to recruit commissioner from Proctor Community Society. Erin to email Balfour Seniors regarding matching the capital grant funding, and email Proctor Gymnastics Club regarding the type of equipment and cost. Erin to send email to Recreation Commission 10 commissioners regarding the renewal of commissioner positions. Erin to send letter to request reports from past successful grant applicants. 49 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT OPEN MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 2015 Members in Attendance: Commissioner Muriel Crowe Commissioner Garth Saunders Commissioner Stephanie Sempf Commissioner Gerald Panio Director Garry Jackman Chairperson Vice Chairperson Area “A” Absent: Commissioner Danielle Linn (by teleconference) Staff in Attendance: Sherlynne Green Recording Secretary Public: 3 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. A. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MOVED by Commissioner Gerald Panio, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The Agenda for the February 3, 2015 Commission of Management meeting be adopted as amended: Additional Agenda Items: NEW BUSINESS 1. Commissioner Linn resignation letter dated February 2, 2015 2. Red Cross equipment loans B. REVIEW OF MINUTES MOVED by Commissioner Stephanie Sempf, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The minutes of the January 6, 2015 meeting be accepted as read. C. PUBLIC INPUT 1. Fran O'Rourke, representing the Riondel Seniors Association, asked for an update on the roof repairs to stop the leaks in the Seniors Room. Commissioner Sempf advised that Howard Sempf will begin patching the roof as soon as the weather permits. Commissioner Saunders advised that he is in the process of forming a committee to gather options for long term plans for the Community Centre building, which will be brought to the public later this year. Mrs. O'Rourke reminded the Commission that the Riondel Seniors Association is holding $5,000.00 in trust to be donated to the Community Centre repair fund once plans for the building have been finalized. .../2 50 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT FEBRUARY 3, 2015 MEETING MINUTES D. PAGE 2 OUTSTANDING BUSINESS 1. Danielle Linn's Petition. A petition received from Danielle Linn dated March 10, 2013 requesting a safe and healthy Community Centre through government laws and referendum was received. The RDCK board has reviewed the petition. The Riondel Commission recommends no further action requested to RDCK. 2. Danielle Linn's December 3, 2014 letter. A letter dated December 3, 2014 was received from Danielle Linn outlining her concerns over mistreatment and bullying while in a volunteer position, and her concerns about the health safety of the Riondel Community Centre. The RDCK board has reviewed this letter. The Riondel Commission recommends no further action requested to RDCK. 3. Playground. Commissioner Sempf will organize a committee to formulate plans for a new playground. She will request an official definition from RDCK about the Riondel Regional Park boundaries. This will allow a committee to look into whether the playground should be moved to a better location or change boundaries to be within the Regional Park area in order to take advantage of funding through the Regional Park service. Commissioner Panio suggested that the Crawford Bay School PAC could possibly offer information about playground equipment. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Commissioner Linn's Resignation. A letter of resignation was received from Commissioner Danielle Linn on February 2, 2015. The Riondel Commission will post notices asking for any interested persons to become a member of the Commission. 2. Credit Union Signing Authority. The new signers on the Credit Union accounts, Riondel Commission of Management - Rec Div and Riondel Community Centre Repair Fund, will be: Muriel Crowe, Garth Saunders, Gerald Panio and Sherlynne Green. 3. By-Law Workshop. The Commissioners will hold a closed workshop to work on the updated Commission ByLaws on Tuesday February 10 at 7:00 PM. .../3 51 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT FEBRUARY 3, 2015 MEETING MINUTES PAGE 3 4. Safety Check Schedule for Buildings. Commissioner Panio will arrange for Troy Life & Fire Safety to do a safety inspection of all the RDCK buildings as to emergency lights, fire extinguishers, etc. 5. Red Cross Loan Equipment. Commissioner Saunders will contact the Red Cross to talk with them about their possible return to the East Shore with their Red Cross Equipment Loan Service. Use of the equipment that has been left for the community will be discussed at the Commissioner's workshop. F. DIRECTOR AREA “A” REPORT Bruce Scott is planning to post interviews with area residents on the Riondel website ( to increase public awareness of current issues within the community. Director Jackman wants the public to be aware that although no Gas Tax grant money could be allocated to the Riondel Community Centre repairs unless there was a decision to keep the building for a minimum of ten years to meet the federal funding criteria, two allocations of funds totalling $20K were received in 2013 from the Community Development Fund. This funded the cleanup of the crawl space area in the basement and for the architect. Discussion with Director Jackman and the Commission resulted in a decision for Director Jackman to begin proceedings with RDCK for the option of a referendum to ask the Riondel tax base residents whether they want the Community Centre demolished. A specific cost will be calculated. The date for the possible referendum will be held for as long as possible to allow Commissioner Saunders time to form a committee to gather viable options to bring to the public before deciding on the building's future. G. COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS 921 – Water Commissioner Saunders announced that the water treatment plant has been set up and the installation should be complete this week. The plant should be operational within two weeks. In-depth monitoring of the water quality will be conducted and IHA approval sought before the plant can be fully incorporated into the water system. 265 – Drainage Commissioner Sempf is in contact with YRB to secure mapping and scheduling of work needing to be done on the drainage ditches. .../4 52 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT FEBRUARY 3, 2015 MEETING MINUTES PAGE 4 641- Recreation Facilities Commissioner Panio has arranged for Cozy Heating to repair the basement furnace which supplies heat to the Seniors and Historical rooms. Doug Anderson donated his time to review the problem and found that although the furnace would work for a short time, it would not reset once heated. Cozy Heating will also check all the furnaces in the Community Centre to ensure that they are working to maximum efficiency. Annual rentals for user groups were increased by 10% as per Motion 2012-04. The Commission will discuss possible changes to the rental rates for annual and single event usage at a future workshop. 636 – Regional Parks No report. Financial Issues Commissioner Sempf provided the following documentation: The Riondel Commission of Management - Rec Div account has a balance of $8,146.81 and the Riondel Community Centre Repair Fund has a balance of $9,777.24. H. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence for the period January 9 to 17, 2015 was reviewed. Commissioner Panio asked that an e-mail received from Shirley Wyngaard dated February 1, 2015 be discussed. Mrs. Wyngaard was concerned about gunfire at Bluebell Bay on Teck property, which she reported to the RCMP. Commissioner Crowe will contact Moss Giasson at Teck Cominco. The Commission will not take further action until the issue has been reviewed as to whether it is within their mandate. I. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accounts payable for the period January 1 to 21, 2015 was reviewed and accepted. J. REVENUE Revenue for the period January 10 - 11, 2015 was reviewed. K. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC INPUT Terry Turner asked whether RDCK has a policy on cleanup of fire damaged buildings. Director Jackman said that there is no by-law for Area A regarding this issue and it is up to the owner to clean up damaged buildings within a reasonable amount of time. .../5 53 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT FEBRUARY 3, 2015 MEETING MINUTES L. PAGE 5 NEXT MEETING DATE MOVED by Commissioner Stephanie Sempf, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The next open public meeting of the Riondel Commission of Management be held on March 3, 2015. M. ADJOURNEMENT MOVED by Commissioner Garth Saunders, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The February 3, 2015 Commission of Management meeting be adjourned at 8:50 PM. CERTIFIED CORRECT Chair, Riondel Commission of Management 54 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AS ADOPTED AT THE FEBRUARY 3, 2015 MEETING OF THE RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT. NO RECOMMENDATIONS 55 JANUARY 2015 EXPENSES DATE ON BILL EXPENSE CODE 01.01 12.19.14 1.13 1.26 Riondel Cable Lo-Cost Propane Inland Allcare Integra Tire 1.21 Gray Creek Store PURPOSE 641-30-2120-000 641-34-2520-000 641-34-2500-510 641-36-2500-000 921-36-2500-000 921-33-2500-000 AMOUNT Annual payment - messages Community Centre heating Garbage bags Truck repair PO #2182 Water Plant supplies $112.00 $1,163.86 $24.98 $558.50 $49.67 $1,909.01 JANUARY 2015 REVENUE REVENUE DATE ON CHEQUE 01.11 01.10 FROM Phone reimbursement to Jan 14 Refuse sticker sales Riondel Library Riondel Market AMOUNT $104.74 $275.00 $379.74 JANUARY 2015 CORRESPONDENCE IN DATE ON ITEM FROM RE: 01.09.15 M. Crowe, Riondel Library 01.12.15 G. Jackman 01.12.15 01.12.15 01.09.15 D. Linn S. Hulland M. Crowe 01.10.15 S. Sutcliffe 01.08.15 01.19.15 M. Dreher S. Wyngaard 01.17.15 01.16.15 G. Panio J. Chirico 01.17.15 G. Jackman Fwd D. Linn Riondel Community Centre Committee letter Query re: D. Linn Riondel Community Centre Committee Fwd: G. Jackman re deed to Community Centre Historical Society response to D. Linn letter Age Friendly request for reference from Commission Circle of Friends 2014 rental payment and 2015 rent plans NSF cheque re S. Fedun hall rent Fwd: Fairbanks Jan 14 letter to Building Committee Fwd: WorkSafe Oct 18, 2013 report Financial reports Fiscal year 2014 and Community Centre Dec 2014 Commissioner terms for 1 year submitted to RDCK NO CORRESPONDENCE OUT 56 Judy Madelung From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Riondel Commission <> February-06-15 12:00 PM Anitra Winje; Judy Madelung Riondel meeting minutes Minutes Feb 3 15 to RDCK.odt Hi: Here are the minutes from Tuesday Feb 3. Sherlynne ‐‐‐ This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. 1 57 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT OPEN MEETING MINUTES MARCH 3, 2015 Members in Attendance: Commissioner Muriel Crowe Commissioner Garth Saunders Commissioner Stephanie Sempf Director Garry Jackman Absent: Commissioner Gerald Panio Staff in Attendance: Sherlynne Green Chairperson Vice Chairperson Area “A” Recording Secretary Public: 7 A. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MOVED by Commissioner Garth Saunders, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The Agenda for the March 3, 2015 Commission of Management meeting be adopted as circulated. B. REVIEW OF MINUTES MOVED by Commissioner Garth Saunders, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The minutes of the February 3, 2015 meeting be accepted as read. C. PUBLIC INPUT 1. Jon Wyngaard presented an outline of a poll for the residents of the Riondel tax base area to voice their opinion with the way the RDCK deals with our community. He pointed out that many residents are dissatisfied and distrustful of the RDCK. He hopes this opinion poll would assist RDCK in their efforts. The poll could also be used to ascertain public opinion of the Riondel Commission. Commissioner Crowe said that the commissioners will look at and discuss the proposed poll as regards the RDCK and the Commission. 2. Tom Lang asked whether the Drainage Budget has been dissolved as discussed at a previous Commission meeting. Commissioner Crowe and Director Jackman stated that the Drainage Budget is still in use, and will be discussed at the RDCK Financial Budget public meeting March 4. Commissioner Sempf has been working with YRB to reinstate surface drainage maintenance in their scheduling. .../2 58 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT MARCH 3, 2015 MEETING MINUTES PAGE 2 3. Bill Wallace expressed concern about the amount of yard waste that is being dumped on Forestry Service roads in the Riondel area. This dumping encourages other items to be dumped such as construction material and household waste. He asked whether a common dumping site could be established for yard waste. Commissioner Saunders responded that previous attempts by the Commission to have a town composting site for yard waste was unsuccessful. Director Jackman advised that the Conservation Officer can ticket people reported to be illegally dumping waste and there are some Forest Lands funding that can be used to clean up these areas. He will assist the Commission in working to establish a free tipping fee month for yard waste. It was pointed out that many residents chip or burn their clippings in their own yards rather than dumping them. 4. Bernie and Myrna Seefeldt asked that the Commission look at the water drainage problem on Campbell Avenue that has flooded many basements. Commissioner Sempf will meet with the Seefeldt's to look at the specific areas in question and will then contact Marc Dale of Yellowhead Road & Bridge to have the surface drainage corrected. D. OUTSTANDING BUSINESS 1. Air Quality Testing. Commissioner Crowe reported that Richard Forget of Western Canada Safety Services Ltd. has arranged for air quality testing of RDCK owned buildings in Riondel to begin March 16. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Eastshore Circle of Friends Society Lease. This item referred to the April 7, 2015 meeting. F. DIRECTOR AREA “A” REPORT Director Garry Jackman gave the following report: • The Commission is encouraged to work with Joe Chirico to establish and define boundaries for the Regional Park in Riondel. This will help in receiving funding through the Regional Park Budget and may also help to reduce costs to maintain the area. He noted that two students will be hired to work in Regional Park areas this summer to provide labour for fencing the area. They could also help with installing the Bocce pits if the Commission can have a plan ready. .../3 59 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT MARCH 3, 2015 MEETING MINUTES PAGE 3 • Director Jackman has asked RDCK through a Director Priority Request to have a package ready by June or July for the option of a referendum to ask Riondel residents whether they want to demolish the Community Centre building. RDCK will also define the real costs of demolition. • Director Jackman has also asked RDCK to consider extending the Riondel Fire Service to Crawford Bay. G. COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS 921 – Water Commissioner Saunders reported that the new water plant is running Monday through Friday for testing, not yet connected to the existing water system. It will be connected to the water system as soon as possible subject to issue of an IHA operating permit. A full report from Simon Bamber is attached. 265 – Drainage Commissioner Sempf reported that YRB will begin ditching on Hearst Avenue next week. The water leakage on Galena Bay Wharf Road is still being investigated. Commissioner Sempf is working on obtaining drainage mapping. 641- Recreation Facilities Commissioner Crowe reported that the Many Bays Band will hold a fundraising concert with bands from Creston sometime in June. They have asked if the rental fee for the Community Centre could be waived. Commissioner Crowe will get details of the fundraiser before asking the Commission to decide on the rental fee. Commissioner Sempf reported that the Riondel Fire Department asked to use the Recreation Centre building for ladder practice. This was agreed to, however the firemen will be advised to walk on the roof as little as possible to avoid any further damage. Rental rates will be discussed at the next Commissioner's workshop. 636 – Regional Parks Commissioner Crowe will review information compiled for the Regional Park washrooms. Director Jackman advised the Commission to ask Cary Gaynor of RDCK to write off the existing playground equipment so that it can be removed. Commissioner Sempf reminded the Commission that the Parks Society has expressed interest in helping with fundraising for new playground equipment for the Regional Park. She will follow up with them. Financial Issues No report. .../4 60 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT MARCH 3, 2015 MEETING MINUTES H. PAGE 4 CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence for the period February 1 to 16, 2015 was reviewed. I. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Expenses for the period Jan 27 to February 20 was reviewed and accepted. J. REVENUE Revenue for the period February 1 to 15 was reviewed. K. PUBLIC INPUT 1. Bernie and Myrna Seefeldt expressed concern about danger trees on Crown land behind their home. Commissioner Sempf will contact the Department of Highways in Nelson about removing these. H. NEXT MEETING DATE MOVED by Commissioner Sempf, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The next open public meeting of the Riondel Commission of Management be held on April 7, 2015. I. ADJOURNEMENT MOVED by Commissioner Sempf, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The March 3, 2015 Commission of Management meeting be adjourned at 8:05 PM. CERTIFIED CORRECT Chair, Riondel Commission of Management 61 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AS ADOPTED AT THE MARCH 3, 2015 MEETING OF THE RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT. No recommendations. 62 FEBRUARY 2015 EXPENSES DATE ON BILL EXPENSE 1.27 Crawford Bay Store 1.12 1.27 2.03 2.06 2.2 Lo-Cost Propane G. Panio Tim Faiers Inland Allcare Crawford Bay Store 2.09 2.18 Lo-Cost Propane Doug's Gas & Plumbing CODE PURPOSE 641-36-2500-000 921-36-2500-000 641-34-2520-000 641-34-2500-510 921-33-2500-000 921-33-2500-000 641-36-2500-000 921-36-2500-000 641-34-2520-000 641-34-2500-510 AMOUNT Gas $88.01 Community Centre heating Emergency light & battery Extra snow plowing @ water plant Bleach Gas $1,806.27 $157.87 $64.00 $1,102.92 $123.01 Heating – Community Centre Repairs to Community Centre furnace $1,286.56 $714.79 $5,343.43 FEBRUARY 2015 REVENUE REVENUE FROM AMOUNT DATE ON CHEQUE 2.01 2.05 2.1 2.08 2.09 1.31 2.15 2015 Annual Rental 2015 Annual Rental Room #8 Rental Phone reimbursement to Feb 14 2015 Annual Rental Refuse Sticker Sales 2015 Annual Rental Riondel Art Club Many Bays Band S. Green Riondel Library Riondel Library Riondel Market Riondel Seniors $695.75 $695.75 $82.50 $104.74 $1,300.75 $275.00 $1,300.75 $4,455.24 FEBRUARY 2015 CORRESPONDENCE IN DATE ON ITEM FROM RE: 02.01 02.03 02.01 02.03 S. Wyngaard D. Linn G. Panio J. Chirico 02.04 02.11 02.16 G. Jackman J. Chirico R. Miller, Troy Life & Fire Safety Gunfire Bluebell Bay area concern Resignation from COM COM Bylaw draft fwd to A. Winje Air quality report budget recommendations, Services agreement Western Canada Safety Services Air quality testing proposal re: J. Chirico Estimate Air Quality testing cost Preliminary quote for fire extinguisher/emergency lighting annual check FEBRUARY 2015 CORRESPONDENCE OUT DATE TO RE: 02.04 Moss Giasson, Teck S. Wyngaard letter re gunfire @ Bluebell Bay 63 Sanca Park Water Commission 10879 Sanca Park Road, Boswell, B.C. V0B 1A0 Ph 250-402-9796 Email The annual meeting of the Sanca Park Water Commission was held at the home of Dave & Gwen Burroughs on Friday, September 5th, 2014. Meeting was called to order at 3pm. Present were: Dave & Gwen Burroughs, Ed & Artis Williams, Dirk & Anna Pastoor, Pat Kelly, Ellen Samuelson, Ralph & Marilyn Perrin. The participants in the conference call were Cartwright and Huscroft. Previous year’s meeting minutes: There were no minutes to review from 2013, because there was no commission. Financials: Our current revenue is $12,400, total expenses to date $2500.00. We have $17,869 in our operating budget. Financials supplied by the RDCK were reviewed and tabled. We are under budget because there have been no upgrades or engineering as yet. Motion to approve financials, Ralph, seconded by Ed. Update on water quality: The RDCK is currently doing water testing, and then will go on to the engineering phase. Updates from Jason Mcdiarmid of the RDCK from Jan. 2nd and Sept 3rd 2014 were reviewed and tabled. As far as our easement, the RDCK hasn’t spoken to the new owners of the land in question yet, but as it stands, if we do have an easement, we are good to go for whatever upgrades are decided upon, but if there is no easement, then we will have to look into other alternatives e.g. Wells, or land expropriation. Ed (former caretaker and knows the system quite well) mentioned that a holding tank or settling pond would be a good suggestion at the intake. The Interior Health has been approached for their approval on P O E filtration which would be the most economical, but have not heard back from them yet. Pat Kelly reported that if we could get rid of the turbidity, it would make the system more operational. 64 He was also given approval to bill the RDCK for delivery of water samples for bacteria testing as it isn’t always feasible to incorporate delivery with a trip to Creston, given the time factor – amount of time from sample taken and hours of operation for point of delivery. The Creston Hospital is the delivery point and is only open limited days and hours to receive samples. It was tabled to have the standpipe and the 90 degree elbow at the Public Access dug up to remove blockages to clean out the line. Line restrictions at this point are getting worse. Pat is to consult with RDCK Utility Maintenance to see about scheduling. Other business: The date for next years’ meeting has been set for July 24th. Location and exact time still to be determined. The RDCK has gotten a one year extension from the Ministry of Health making our mandatory water treatment date not until 2016 (instead of 2015) The Nominations for next years’ commission are: Dave Burroughs (Chairman, Ellen Samuelson, Ed Williams and Ralph Perrin (Commissioners). Marilyn Perrin secretary. Artis moved and Gwen seconded to accept these appointments. Motion to adjourn by Marilyn, seconded by Dirk @ 3:50pm. 65 SLOCAN LAKE RECREATION COMMISSION #6 MINUTES 3nd March 2015 6.30pm Silverton BC V0G 2B0. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chair – Jason Clarke Commissioner Craig Besinque; Commissioner Shannon Hodsall; Commissioner David Hodsall; Commissioner Tim Sander; Commissioner Chad Stubbs; Commissioner K Sumrall. Secretary; Julie Fry Advisory: RDCK Leah Main CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 6.30pm ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MOVED by Commissioner T Sander, seconded and resolved that the agenda for the 3nd March 2015 meeting be adopted as circulated. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES MOVED by Commissioner D Hodsall seconded and resolved that the minutes of the last meeting held on 3rd February 2015 be approved. REPORTS Bigelow Bay. Bench. Commissioner D Hodsall updated the commission that Cary Gaynor from RDCK will contact Norma Fitzpatrick to see if she is interested in continuing with the maintenance position at Bigelow Bay again this year. Katrina will contact Lily’s family regarding the approval of the Memorial Bench. Fitness Centre. After the last meeting Joe Chirico and Walter Popoff took a tour of the New Denver Fitness Centre. A RDCK representative will take a look around the facility Wednesday 3.30pm and advise the commission. 66 Swimming Program/Soccer Program. The commission would like more information from RDCK on how to run the Soccer Program this year. Julie will report back to the commission at the next meeting. GRANTS IN AID / REQUEST FOR FUNDING Hill Nordic Ski – See attached letters. The commission acknowledge the letter of request for recurring funding from the Hills Nordic Ski Club. Also the commission’s intention is to support the Annual Gear Swap but require more information before funding will be considered. Julie will contact OTHER BUSINESS. Definition/Criteria/Process of Application of recurring funding. Recurring Programs. Wide Range of Appeal. 1st Application must be as Grant Application; a Letter of Request there after is sufficient. Yearly Report. TREASURER’S REPORT: Kootenay Savings Credit Union Account as at February 3rd 2015: Maximizer: $ Summit Savings Fitness Center: $Shares: $25 Total: $ Recommendation: MOVED by Commissioner and resolved that the Treasurers report be carried. , seconded (Due to unforeseen circumstances no Treasurers Report was made) NEXT MEETING. Wednesday 1st April 2015. 6.30pm Lucerne Elementary School Library. New Denver BC ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Commissioner C Besinque seconded and carried. Meeting adjourned at 7.07pm 67 ACER 2015-2-25 9:06 AM Comment [1]: Regional District of Central Kootenay Box 590, 202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson, B.C V1L 5R4 Attention: Anitra Winje February 12th 2015 Re: Minutes - February 3rd 2015 Enclosed please find the following: MINUTES February 3rd 2015 VOTE IN CHAIR Motion by Commissioner T. Sander, seconded and resolved that Jason Clarke will continue as Chair by acclimation. Carried VOTE IN AREA H REPRESENTATIVES. Motion by Commissioner Dan Rixon, seconded and resolved that Tim Sander and Daniel Hellyer (Commissioner Craig Besinque’s alternate) represent Area H. Carried. SWIMMING PROGRAM. Motion by Commissioner S Hodsall Seconded and resolved, that the Swimming program be extended to include other water education. Carried. PARKOUR. Motion by Commissioner D Rixon, seconded and resolved that the Commission fund Parkour $800 as per request. Carried. See attached Thank you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me 250 358 2317 Sincerely Julie Fry RecComm #6 Secretary 68 SLOCAN LAKE RECREATION COMMISSION #6 MINUTES 3 rd February 2015 6.30pm 206 Lake Ave. Silverton BC V0G 2B0. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chair: Jason Clarke Commissioner Shannon Hodsall; Commissioner David Hodsall, Commissioner Tim Sander; Commissioner Dan Rixon (Silverton resident) Alternate) Secretary: Julie Fry Advisory: RDCK Leah Main RDCK: Joe Chirico and Walter Popoff CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7.22pm VOTE IN CHAIR Motion by Commissioner T. Sander, seconded and resolved that Jason Clarke will continue as Chair by acclimation. Carried VOTE IN AREA H REPRESENTATIVES. Motion by Commissioner Dan Rixon, seconded and resolved that Tim Sander and Daniel Hellyer (Commissioner Craig Besinque’s alternate) represent Area H. Carried. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MOVED by Commissioner D Hodsall, seconded and resolved that the agenda for the 3rd February 2015 2014 meeting be adopted as circulated. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES MOVED by Commissioner D Hodsall seconded and resolved that the minutes of the last meeting held on 2nd December 2014 be approved. 69 REPORTS Bigelow Bay. Commissioner D Hodsall is firming up the exact location of the memorial bench. Both New Denver village and RDCK are supportive of the bench. Commissioner D Hodsall will also contact Cary Gaynor regarding the summer maintenance position. The commission would like to continue with Norma Fitzpatrick. FITNESS CENTRE. Number of users continues to stay steady. All is well. Swimming Program. Motion by Commissioner S Hodsall Seconded and resolved, that the Swimming program be extended to include other water education. Carried. Julie Fry to investigate options. GRANTS IN AID. SPRING: April 1st 2015. The Cup and Saucer Café. 7pm - $4000 Fall: October 1st 2015. The Cup and Saucer Café. 7pm - $5000 OTHER BUSINESS. Parkour. Funding request - See attached letter. Motion by Commissioner D Rixon, seconded and resolved that the Commission fund Parkour $800 as per request. Carried. Logo. The commission would like more options. Julie Fry will contact Theresa Tremaine. Sponsorship and Community Event Application’s. This will be discussed the next meeting. TREASURER’S REPORT: Kootenay Savings Credit Union Account as at February 3rd 2015: Maximizer: $4418.99 Summit Savings Fitness Center: $4565.98 Shares: $25 Total: $9009.97 Recommendation: MOVED by Commissioner T Sander, seconded and resolved that the Treasurers report be carried. 70 Judy Madelung From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Anitra Winje February-14-15 1:43 PM Judy Madelung FW: Minutes etc CoverLtrFeb3.pdf; Minutes3Feb15 (2).pdf; Parkour.docx For processing, please From: Recreation Commission #6 [] Sent: February-13-15 2:02 PM To: Anitra Winje Subject: Minutes etc Hi, Please find attached information from our last meeting. Regards Julie 1 71 Katrina Sumrall Box 105 Silverton BC V0G2B0 January 7, 2015 To the Directors of Rec Commission #6, I am writing to seek approval for sponsorship of a new program. Selkirk College brings Michael Garvey and Mateus Dachwitz instructors for Parkour to Lucerne School Gym starting this week Tuesday January 13Th- March 3rd. There will be eight sessions total with three age specific groups. There will be a class from 3:30 – 4:30 for 6 to 9 year olds, 4:30 -5:30 for 10 to 14 year olds and 5:30 – 6:30 for youth age 15 to adult. Bringing Parkour to New Denver is a huge undertaking. The equipment involved requires mats, bars poles, and a multitude of gymnastic equipment. The instructors will set up and take down each week which is why the cost of the program is set at $17.00 for each session. I have thirty interested youth from the ages of 6 – 18 and I believe I could have an additional eight who may be wish to participate. My desire would be to have each participant pay $7.00 and find funds to subsidise the additional $10.00. I have $300 from the Youth Center, $400 from Lucerne PAC and $400 from a class bottle drive. I am requesting funds from Hills Rec, Lucerne School, Silverton Community Club, Regional District, Kootenay Savings and the Villages. I have arranged with Selkirk College to invoice Lucerne PAC for the Parkour program. All grant funds will be given directly to Lucerne PAC and they in turn will pay Selkirk. I am asking that Rec Commission #6 sponsor this program with an $800.00 contribution. I am asking that if it is possible we do an email motion and agree to set aside these funds as a sponsorship. Parkour is a new way of self-discovery by overcoming obstacles, both external and internal. It is an exploration of body and mind through movement and reflection. Thirteen youth have been traveling to Nakusp to participate and the benefits of this program have been tremendous. I feel very strongly that this program has made a difference for some of our local youth. I am excited that it is now here in New Denver and I want it to be affordable for all who wish to participate. Thanks for your consideration, Katrina Sumrall 72 NEXT MEETING. March 3rd 6.30pm The Cup and Saucer Café. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Commissioner D Rixon seconded and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8.30 73 RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 19, 2015 Members in Attendance: Commissioner Muriel Crowe Commissioner Garth Saunders Commissioner Stephanie Sempf Commissioner Gerald Panio Chairperson Vice Chairperson Staff in Attendance: Sherlynne Green Recording Secretary Public: Members of the Eastshore Circle of Friends Society board: Fran O'Rourke Sherrie Sutcliffe Beth Alguire Nancy Ross A special meeting of the Riondel Commission of Management and the Eastshore Circle of Friends Society was convened at 6:30 PM. The Circle of Friends presented a proposal to lease the 235 Fowler Street building to use as an artisan shop. The proposal included a three year lease with the Circle of Friends responsible for: repairs and renovations approved by the Commission of Management, insurance & liability, partial electricity and seasonal upkeep of the grounds and building. It was agreed that the proposed lease could be similar to the current lease with the Riondel Curling Club. The members of the Eastshore Circle of Friends Society left the meeting at 6:55 PM. After discussion the Commission of Management put forward the following recommendation: MOVED by Commissioner Gerald Panio, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The RDCK and the Riondel Commission of Management draw up a lease agreement with the Eastshore Circle of Friends Society to lease the 235 Fowler Street building for a three year term beginning in May of 2015. Moved to adjourn by Commissioner Gerald Panio at 7:10 PM. CERTIFIED CORRECT Chair, Riondel Commission of Management 74 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AS ADOPTED AT THE FEBRUARY 19, 2015 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE RIONDEL COMMISSION OF MANAGEMENT. RECOMMENDATION #1 MOVED by Commissioner Gerald Panio, and seconded, AND Resolved that: The RDCK and the Riondel Commission of Management draw up a lease agreement with the Eastshore Circle of Friends Society to lease the 235 Fowler Street building for a three year term beginning in May of 2015. 75 REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL KOOTENAY CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES The second regular meeting of the Castlegar & District Community Complex & Recreation Commission was held on February 24, at 5:00 pm at the Castlegar & District Community Complex 2101 6th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. COMMISSION MEMBERS: L. Chernoff A. Davidoff K. Chernoff R. Smith City of Castlegar Area I Director City of Castlegar Area J Director J. Chirico J. Crockett A. Polovnikoff Manager of Community Services, RDCK Manager of Recreation, CDRD Recreation & Cultural Programmer, CDRD D. Rye V. Walker City of Castlegar Recreation Supervisor, CDRD STAFF REGRET A. Call Meeting to Order Director L. Chernoff, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. B. Adoption of the Agenda MOVED by Director Chernoff, seconded, AND Resolved that: The agenda for Castlegar & District Community Complex & Recreation Commission meeting of February 24, 2015 be adopted CARRIED C. Receipt of Minutes MOVED by Director Davidoff, seconded, AND Resolved that: The minutes of January 22, 2015 meeting of the Castlegar & District Recreation Commission be received. CARRIED 76 Page 2 ` Castlegar & District Recreation Commission Minutes – February 24, 2015 D. Delegation – Shirley Wanjoff and Jim Gido, tennis player representatives presented the following: • • • • • • • • E. Discussion on ways to preserve 4 tennis courts at the complex and to discuss locations and ways to develop Pickle Bal sport in Castlegar to benefit all Question asked about locations being considered for Pickle Ball Courts Letter sent in November expressing concerns Priority is to have tennis courts and fencing remain the same They realize that the commission will be looking at cost effective ways to support tennis and pickle ball Worse case scenario would be to lose 4th tennis court – consideration needed if this is the action: Uniquely fenced Sound consideration Visual background Letter written to the paper about pickle ball users was one specific individual and was not discussed with other tennis players Best case scenario to build courts for pickle ball users – possible location in the same area as the tennis courts Budget 2015 • Manager of Recreation outlined notable items for the 2015 Castlegar & District Complex and Aquatic budgets. MOVED by Director Davidoff, seconded, AND Resolved that: That the Castlegar & District Recreation Commission recommend it’s 2015 Financial Plan for the Community Complex Service 222 with a tax level of 1,697,871 and the Aquatic Centre service 227 with a taxation level of $649,017.00. Opposed: Councillor Kevin Chernoff, City of Castlegar CARRIED F. Adjournment • Meeting adjourned 7:10pm C:\Users\awinje.LAKESIDE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\K5QL1QZR\24Feb15.doc 77 Page 3 ` Castlegar & District Recreation Commission Minutes – February 24, 2015 RECOMMENDATIONS ARISING OUT OF THE February 24, 2015 CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING _____________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION 1 That the Castlegar & District Recreation Commission recommend it’s 2015 Financial Plan for the Community Complex Service 222 with a tax level of 1,697,871 and the Aquatic Centre service 227 with a taxation level of $649,017.00. C:\Users\awinje.LAKESIDE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\K5QL1QZR\24Feb15.doc 78 79 Judy Madelung From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Anitra Winje February-18-15 1:51 PM Judy Madelung FW: Scanned image from MX-2300N Village of Silverton administration@silverton.ca_20150218_144147.pdf For mail processing, please ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Melisa Miles [] Sent: February‐18‐15 1:06 PM To: Anitra Winje Subject: FW: Scanned image from MX‐2300N Village of Silverton Hi Anitra, Please find attached the recommendation from Silverton Council to have Hank Hastings appointed to the Rosebery Parklands and Trails Commission. Thanks, Melisa Miles Chief Administrative Officer Village of Silverton PO Box 14 Silverton, BC V0G 2B0 Phone ‐ 250‐358‐2472 Fax ‐ 250‐358‐2321 ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [] Sent: February‐18‐15 11:42 AM To: Subject: Scanned image from MX‐2300N Village of Silverton Reply to: <> Device Name: MX‐2300N Village of Silverton Device Model: MX‐2300N Location: office File Format: PDF (Medium) Resolution: 200dpi x 200dpi Attached file is scanned image in PDF format. Use Acrobat(R)Reader4.0 or later version, or Adobe(R)Reader(TM) of Adobe Systems Incorporated to view the document. Acrobat(R)Reader4.0 or later version, or Adobe(R)Reader(TM) can be downloaded from the following URL: Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Adobe PDF logo, and Reader are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other countries. 1 80 The Corporation of the Village of New Denver P.O. Box 40, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 • PHONE (250) 358-2316 • FAX (250) 358-7251 March 3, 2015 Regional District of Central Kootenay PO Box 590 202 Lakeside Drive Nelson, BC V1L 5R4 Attention: Angela Lund, Legislative and Committee Clerk VIA EMAIL: Dear Ms. Lund: RE: Community Representative Appointments to RDCK Commissions The following appointments were made by the Council of the Village of New Denver for the community representative positions: Position Appointee Name Appointee Contact Info Council Resolution # Recreation Commission # 6 – Village of New Denver Community Representative Rosebery Parklands and Trails Commission – Village of New Denver Community Representative Shannon Hodsall PO Box 246 New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 Phone: 250-358-7990(home) 80/2015 (February 24, 2015) Richard Allin 132 Auld Rd. New Denver, BC V0G 1S1 Phone: 250-358-2355 (home) 81/2015 (February 24, 2015) I trust this is the information you require. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Kind regards, Catherine Allaway Corporate Officer CA:am 81 The Corporation of the Village of New Denver P.O. Box 40, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 • PHONE (250) 358-2316 • FAX (250) 358-7251 March 3, 2015 Regional District of Central Kootenay PO Box 590 202 Lakeside Drive Nelson, BC V1L 5R4 Attention: Angela Lund, Legislative and Committee Clerk VIA EMAIL: Dear Ms. Lund: RE: Community Representative Appointments to RDCK Commissions The following appointments were made by the Council of the Village of New Denver for the community representative positions: Position Appointee Name Appointee Contact Info Council Resolution # Recreation Commission # 6 – Village of New Denver Community Representative Rosebery Parklands and Trails Commission – Village of New Denver Community Representative Shannon Hodsall PO Box 246 New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 Phone: 250-358-7990(home) 80/2015 (February 24, 2015) Richard Allin 132 Auld Rd. New Denver, BC V0G 1S1 Phone: 250-358-2355 (home) 81/2015 (February 24, 2015) I trust this is the information you require. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Kind regards, Catherine Allaway Corporate Officer CA:am 82 83 84 85 Chapter 7. Section 2. Subsection iii. Page 11 Reimbursement may be claimed for foreign currency exchange costs and reasonable expenses incurred that relate directly to foreign travel as follows (receipts must be provided): • car rental insurance (Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is automatically provided when a trustee uses an Islands Trust credit card to pay for the rental vehicle) • visa(s) and passport(s) • inoculation(s) • traveller's cheques • bottled water • preventive medication i.e., malaria tablets etc. • premiums for additional medical insurance to provide coverage equivalent to that available under the Provincial Medical Plan in BC (Note: Premium reimbursement is only provided if the trustee is not covered under the Islands Trust’s extended health plan which includes Travel Medical Insurance • additional baggage insurance • similar directly-related travel costs 3.9.4. Election expenses Travel expenses related to election campaigns are the personal responsibility of the trustee. 3.9.5. Discretionary Expenditures Trustees should exercise care, and use sound judgement when incurring discretionary expenditures that are not directly required to conduct Islands Trust business, as determined by: • the authority and jurisdiction of Islands Trust bodies, as indicated in the Islands Trust Act • work programs and resolutions of Islands Trust bodies. As trustees are accountable for effective management of Islands Trust finances, due regard must be given to the spirit and intent of the Islands Trust’s management and financial policies. Trustees should be aware of the public perception with respect to purchases, and use the utmost discretion prior to initiating the expenditure. 3.9.6. Dependent Care Expenses Expenses for care of a dependent that are incurred as a result of attending a meeting that requires an overnight stay or to conduct local trust committee business within a local trust area will be reimbursed in accordance with Schedule A, upon production of a receipt. The supporting receipt must be a signed statement indicating the date(s) being charged, the hourly rate of pay, the total hours of care provided, the caregiver/agency and the total amount charged. This reimbursement is not considered a taxable benefit, rather, a reimbursement of reasonable travelling expenses of the trustee. (These amounts must not be claimed as a childcare expense on an individual's personal income tax return). ISLANDS TRUST POLICY MANUAL 86 Chapter 7. Section 2. Subsection iii. ALLOWABLE EXPENDITURE Page 12 Schedule A Trustee Expense Allowance Chart RECEIPT RATE REQUIRED (YES/NO) NOTES Accommodation Actual cost Yes Trustees are responsible for utilizing accommodations where there is a BC Government negotiated rate where applicable. Private Accommodation Per diem for each full day on travel status No At the BC Government published rate. Meals Per diem for each full day on travel status No At the BC Government published rate. Specific travel expenses (ie. Ferry, taxi, water taxi, parking, etc.) Actual cost Yes Incidental travel expenses (ie. Laundry, phone calls) Per diem for each full day on travel status No At the BC Government published rate. Vehicle mileage Actual mileage No At the BC Government published rate. Rental Vehicles Actual cost Yes Trustees are responsible for requesting the BC Government negotiated rental rate. Auto Insurance – personal vehicle Actual differential Evidence to be provided Water travel – personal motor vessel Actual mileage at $3.00 /km. No Air Travel Actual cost Yes Dependent Care Up to $135 per day Yes When required to attend business/ meeting with overnight stay. Up to $80 per day Yes When required to attend local/on-island business/meeting. Differential between “Business Use” and “To and From Work” or “Pleasure Use”. ISLANDS TRUST POLICY MANUAL 87 POLICY MANUAL Number: 300-07-11 CHAPTER: FINANCE SECTION: EXPENDITURES – BOARD SPECIFIC SUBJECT: DEPDENDENT CARE COMPENSATION BOARD RESOLUTION: /15 EFFECTIVE DATE: 2015 1.0 REVISION DATE: Purpose The objective of this policy is to remove the barriers which may prevent citizens who have dependent children or intend to have children from seeking political office. The policy also intends to facilitate elected officials’ attendance at Board-approved meetings, conventions and events. 2.0 Scope This policy applies to elected officials. Alternate Directors may apply for reimbursement of dependent care expenses if they have attended a meeting, convention or event in place of and with the permission of their Director or the Board Chair. 3.0 Definitions 3.1 Dependent For the purposes of this policy, a dependent shall be defined as: a) a child under the age of 12; b) a child up to the age of 18 if the child has special needs. 3.2 Care Provider For the purposes of this policy, a care provider shall be defined as: a) someone other than a family member who provides care for the dependent. 88 POLICY MANUAL 3.3 Number: 300-07-11 Elected Official For the purposes of this policy, an elected official shall be defined as: a) a Director; b) an Alternate Director. 3.4 Eligible Expense(s) For the purposes of this policy, an eligible expense shall be defined as: a) dependent care expenses that are provided by a non-family member; b) dependent care expenses that are incurred due to an elected official’s attendance at a Board-approved meeting, convention or event; c) dependent care expenses that are supported by a receipt and an attached claim form that indicates: i) ii) iii) iv) 4.0 the date(s) and hour(s) during which the care was provided; the name of the care provider; the total number of hours charged the total amount charged. Reimbursement Rate: $____ per hour to a maximum of 10 hours per day OR $______ maximum per day. 5.0 Procedure Eligible expenses will be reimbursed upon submission of the dependent care form and accompanying receipt(s). 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later. Get Adobe Reader Now! 121 122 Financial Expenditure Report for February 2015 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2015 5,000,000 4,000,000 All Other Vendors 3,000,000 Grants Services 2,000,000 Employees Exp 1,000,000 Directors Exp Feb- Jan- Dec- Nov- Oct- Sep- Aug- Jul- Jun- May- Apr- Mar15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Number of Cheques 639 Value $2,351,897 55 584 Total 1,882,690 469,207 $2,351,897 Number of Cheques 639 Value $2,351,897 Payments to Directors Payments to Employees (For Details - See Page 3) 17 15 Subtotal 3,274 3,772 7,047 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% Discretionary and Community Development Grants Other Vendors (For Details - See Page 4) 14 593 Subtotal 114,000 2,230,850 2,344,850 4.8% 94.9% 99.7% Total $2,351,897 100% Top 80% of payments by value Remaining 20% of payments by value (For Details - See Page 2) % of Total 80% 20% 100% % of Total PAYROLL 2015 Pay - Volunteer Fire 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 - Pay - Hourly/Salary Pay - Directors Feb- Jan- Dec- Nov- Oct- Sep- Aug- Jul- Jun- May- Apr- Mar15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Number of Cheques Directors Hourly/Salary Honorariums Volunteer Fire 12:22 PM 12/03/2015 123 1 Value $579,783 % of Total 100% 41,907 537,875 0 0 7.2% 92.8% 0.0% 0.0% Summary AP report Feb 15.xls Accounts Payable Top 80% of Payments for February 2015 Total Cheques 639 Top 80% of payments by value Number of Cheques 55 Alpine Disposal & Recycling (Interior Division) Ltd Balfour & Area Business & Historical Association - Grants Bc Transit Bi Purewater Brenntag Canada Inc Bruce Carscadden Architect Inc Burton Community Hall Association - Grants Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce Clayton Creek Improvement District - Grants Custom Dozing Ltd Dave´s Plumbing Ltd Fairbank Architects Fig´s Plumbing and Gasfitting FortisBC - Electricity Fortisbc - Natural Gas Grs Contracting Ltd Hywood Truck & Equipment Ltd Kal Tire (Nelson) Lidstone & Company Mayday Electric Ltd McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd McNally Excavating Inc Medical Services Plan Of Bc - Revenue Services Of Bc/Msp Nelson Hydro Nelson, City Of Newalta Corporation Nufloors Creston One time Electrical Ootischenia Improvement District Pitneyworks Quality Interior Kontracting Ltd. RC Strategies Inc. Receiver General Riverside Farm Rocky Mountain Phoenix Startec Refrigeration Services Ltd. Telus Communications Inc Tetra Tech EBA Inc Waste Management Westek Controls Ltd Western Canada Safety Services Ltd Wood Wyant Inc Yahk-Kingsgate Firefighters Fund Remaining 20% of payments by value 12:22 PM 12/03/2015 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Number of Cheques 584 124 1 Total Value $ 2,351,897 Value % of Total $1,882,690 80% 60,613 8,000 272,002 24,016 7,812 63,928 57,000 24,184 34,500 21,887 8,444 8,022 15,408 49,448 69,040 151,138 19,725 6,633 9,751 7,735 21,762 20,559 13,153 33,541 17,449 64,723 15,373 15,655 25,000 8,400 8,505 8,663 324,439 7,762 115,432 58,212 11,943 26,934 43,749 82,475 6,656 8,066 24,953 Value % of Total $469,207 20% 80 20 AP report Feb 15.xls Directors Binks, Larry J Bunka, Catherine A Chernoff, Lawrence D Cunningham, Hans Davidoff, Andrew Faust, Ramona Hewat, Suzan Jackman, Garry Lunn, Jessica Main, Leah Newell, Thomas Peterson, Paul Popoff, Walter A Smith, Ricky Toyota, Ron Wall, Tanya Watson, Aimee Employees Bebelman, Brian Bullis, Christie Burnett, Deborah Colley, Jay Craft, Al Dye, Cynthia Fehr, Carol Fleck, Cory Gulka, Raechel Janzen, John Scanlon, Kenneth Shaw, Donna Sudan, Sangita Wheeler, Rebecca Winje, Anitra 12:22 PM 12/03/2015 Accounts Payable for February 2015 Total Cheques Total Value Breakdown by Type of Payment 639 $2,351,897 Number of Cheques 17 Value $3,274 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 560 228 114 37 75 446 105 99 196 15 141 75 456 141 234 173 179 Number of Cheques 15 Value $3,772 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 30 1,442 33 116 250 139 30 50 77 51 134 160 1,065 180 125 1 % of Total 0.1% % of Total 0.2% Empl Dir Payments AP report Feb 15.xls Discretionary, Community Development, and Other Grants Number of Cheques 14 Balfour & Area Business & Historical Association Burton Community Hall Association Clayton Creek Improvement District Creston Curling Club Creston Valley Jr Hockey Society Hidden Garden Gallery Society Hills Nordic Ski Club Kootenay Region Association for Community Living Mount Sentinel Secondary School Silverton Community Club Slocan Valley Seniors Housing Society 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All Other Vendors Number of Cheques 593 5 Point Operations Inc A Break In Time Caffe A&G Supply Ltd Abell Pest Control Inc ACE Courier Services Adam Robertson Elementary School Agi´s Cleaning and Janitorial Service AGO Industries Inc Ainsworth Recreation Association Air Liquide Canada Inc Aldo´s Dry Cleaners Alligator Pie Catering Alpine Disposal & Recycling (Interior Division) Ltd Andex Equipment Rentals Andre´S Audiotronic Annunziello, Bryant Aon Reed Stenhouse Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of BC Aquam Inc Arcright Plumbing & Heating Arrow & Slocan Lakes Community Services Arrow Building Supplies Atomic Crayon Auto Kaczmarek B&L Security Patrol (1981) Ltd Balfour & District Business & Historic Association Balfour Gill And Gift Barth, Anna BC Air Filter Ltd Bc Fire Training Officers Association BC Hydro & Power Authority BC Institute of Agrologists BC One Call BC Safety Authority Bc Transit Bi Purewater Big Steel Box Bigfoot Security Systems Bill´s Heavy Duty Enterprises Ltd Biznet Signs & Solutions Black Press Group Ltd Block, Sharon Boswell & District Emergency Volunteers Brenntag Canada Inc Bruce Carscadden Architect Inc Buchanan, James Cal-Gas Inc Canada Post Corporation - Remittance Processing Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce Canadian Pacific Railway Canadian Red Cross Society (Calgary) Canwest Propane Partnership Caro Analytical Services Castle Fuels (2008) Inc Castlegar, City Of 12:22 PM 12/03/2015 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 126 1 Value % of Total $114,000 4.8% 8,000 57,000 34,500 2,100 500 300 3,000 5,000 100 500 3,000 Value % of Total $2,230,850 94.9% 5,106 2,269 909 98 32 773 198 1,351 50 243 343 551 61,237 146 716 30 1,278 352 147 539 697 35 404 231 130 75 531 300 123 400 5,322 125 98 398 272,002 24,016 5,733 92 695 405 5,862 270 214 12,593 69,106 100 134 4 27,104 2,295 1,548 4,420 284 393 3,440 Other Payments AP report Feb 15.xls Cherry Hill Coffee Inc Child Care Resource and Referral Chinook Scaffold Systems Ltd Cibc Wood Gundy - Donna Schmidt Memorial Society Cimco Refrigeration Cintas Canada Ltd Location 889 Cleartech Industries Inc Clement, Gabrielle Clover Fire & Safety Coca-Cola Bottling Company Coleman Excavating Columbia Truck Centers Inc Columbia Wireless Inc Comfort Welding Ltd Corix Water Products Inc Cowan´s Office Supplies Cranbrook Express (1980) Ltd Crawford Bay Hall & Parks Board Crawford Bay Store Create Contract Painting And Decor Creston & District Community Complex Creston Card & Stationery Creston Curling Club Creston Tree Service Creston Valley Thunder Cats Creston, Town Of Crissy Isabelle & Associates Crocker Equipment Co Ltd Ctf Contracting Ltd Cupe Local 2262 Cupe Local 748 Custom Dozing Ltd CWMM Consulting Engineers Ltd. Dave´s Plumbing Ltd DB Perks & Associates Ltd De Leeuw, Roderick Devin, Lindsay DHC Communications Inc Digerati Computing Dobkins, Dan Dombrowski, Yeo Dominion Govlaw LLP Doug Thompson Services East Shore Internet Society East Shore Mainstreet Eecol Electric Ltd Endress & Hauser Eng Environmental Environmental Operators Certification Program Epiphany Cakes Erickson Elementary School Expresslane Deliveries Fairbank Architects Fas Gas Oil - Parkland Industries Federated Co-Operatives Ltd Fig´s Plumbing and Gasfitting Finning Canada Inc First Registry Services Ltd FortisBC - Electricity Fortisbc - Natural Gas Four Star Communications Inc Fred Surridge Ltd Frontline Fire Department Training Inc Ge Water & Process Technologies Canada Geo H Hewitt Co Ltd Gigabytes Printing & Signs Giza, Tony Glacier Valley Tree Care Ltd Globalstar Canada Satellite Co Goat Mountain Enterprises Ltd Good Water Warehouse Gray Creek Store Gray´s Contracting 12:22 PM 12/03/2015 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 6 2 10 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 127 2 669 30 793 415 1,368 319 4,260 100 840 935 883 260 1,680 6,571 8,341 4,418 20 75 195 4,515 161 889 2,796 1,733 1,200 3,694 3,938 113 158 3,340 851 21,887 515 8,612 2,032 2,650 163 5,023 739 2,010 244 1,587 315 269 336 819 3,323 6,064 131 40 945 286 8,709 452 48 15,408 179 159 55,674 69,040 181 54 604 394 180 96 300 6,064 386 2,389 323 50 2,043 Other Payments AP report Feb 15.xls Green Thumb Contracting Greyhound Courier Express Grs Contracting Ltd Guille, Pam Guillevin International Inc H A Y Maintenance Services Hall´s Stationary & Gifts Ltd Harding, Grant Harlan Fairbanks Co Ltd Harshenin, Darren Heavy Metal Company Heritage City Appliance Hil-Tech Contracting Ltd Hipperson Hardware Hi-Pro Sporting Goods Ltd Holeshot Originals Hollis & Sons Tree Farm Hotel Creston Ltd Hufty´s Leasing Ltd Hume Hotel HuskyPro Hywood Truck & Equipment Ltd Icompass Technologies Inc Industrial Alliance Insurance Inland Allcare Integra Tire Auto Centre Creston Iridia Medical Irwin Air Ltd J/R Mackenzie Jet Cannon Johnny´S Grocery & Gas Sales Junipers Bistro Kal Tire (Nelson) Kaslo Building Maintenance Kaslo Infonet Society Kaslo, Village Of Kazakoff, Peter Kelly´s Maintenance and Services Kemlee Equipment Ltd Kennlyn Enterprises Kilburn, Jackie Kim´s Creations Kline, Rob KMac Kootenay Communications Ltd Kootenay Industrial Supply Ltd Kootenay Lake Computers Kootenay Lake Electric Ltd Kootenay Siding And Renovating Kravski, Gabby Lang Business Systems Lectric Ave Electronics Lesperance Mendes Lidstone & Company Lifesaving Society Local Government Management Association Lo-Cost Propane Loomis Express Lordco Parts Ltd Maglio Building Centre Mallard´s Source for Sports Marino Wholesale Ltd Martech Electrical Systems Ltd Martech Motor Winding Ltd Martin, Dan Maxxam Analytics Mayday Electric Ltd McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd Mclaren´S Bobcat Services Ltd McNally Excavating Inc Medi Chair Medical Services Plan Of Bc - Revenue Services Of Bc/Msp Medical Technology Inc 12:22 PM 12/03/2015 128 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 4 1 2 3 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 5,253 152 152,522 630 1,471 578 681 72 1,922 105 314 126 3,054 37 300 186 504 181 474 1,491 5,046 23,230 2,189 924 5,371 2,491 72 3,741 150 320 45 60 6,675 290 45 668 305 2,625 2,391 2,209 1,838 408 1,050 75 1,015 3,278 105 3,071 3,029 360 3,586 165 3,960 9,751 1,297 898 3,357 396 1,711 66 112 3,705 695 1,477 875 555 8,108 21,762 793 20,559 2,923 13,153 980 Other Payments AP report Feb 15.xls Mediquest Technologies Inc Metafore Technologies Inc Microsoft Corporation Minister of Finance Minister Of Finance - Product Distribution Centre Ministry of Transporation and Infrastructure Mitchell Supply Ltd Moore, Lynnda MS Steel Design Mts Maintenance Tracking Systems Inc Multi-Tech Systems Municipal Insurance Association Of BC Nakusp Building Department Petty Cash Navigata Communications Nelson Building Centre Ltd Nelson Chrysler A Division of City Auto Ltd Nelson Farmers Supply Ltd Nelson Hydro Nelson Star Nelson, City Of Newalta Corporation Nice Pipes Plumbing & Heating Norlock Refrigeration North Shore Water Utility Nufloors Creston One time Electrical Ootischenia Community Hall Ootischenia Improvement District Orkin Canada Corporation Oso Negro Overland West Freight Lines Ltd Passmore Laboratory Ltd Peak Safety Services Pennywise Pereversoff, Peter Pharmasave Home Health Care Pine Grove Industries Pitney Bowes Pitneyworks Plumb Local Plumbing Prestige Lakeside Resort Purolator Inc Pyramid Building Supplies Quality Interior Kontracting Ltd. Raeanne Gow Ramtech Environmental Products Ray´S Garbage Pick-Up Ltd RC Strategies Inc. Receiver General Recreation Facilities Association Of Bc Renwick Ventures Inc - Nelson Toyota Reynolds, Ellie Rfs Canada Ricoh Canada Inc Riondel Cable Society Riverside Farm RJames Management Group Ltd Rk Schepers Holdings Ltd Robson Volunteer Fire Department Rocky Mountain Agencies Rocky Mountain Phoenix Rosebery Parklands and Trail Commission Ryks, Leonard Salmo Valley Youth & Community Centre Secure By Design Selkirk College (Nelson) Selkirk Security Services Ltd Sfj Inc Shanahans Shaw Cable Sheep Creek Crane Ltd Shell Canada - Blue Wave Energy Silverton Building Supplies Ltd 12:22 PM 12/03/2015 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 1 1 5 3 1 3 1 4 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 6 1 1 1 129 4 248 4,928 4,032 839 384 71 339 270 641 1,008 1,601 964 2 235 3,904 2,481 104 36,606 1,600 17,994 64,723 4,615 1,997 742 16,800 15,655 150 25,000 95 133 3,353 720 431 191 711 113 8,169 619 8,400 2,682 3,064 438 46 8,505 300 4,401 1,269 14,438 329,439 121 75 494 2,067 3,614 2 10,370 691 326 190 6,615 120,010 67 200 2,600 141 749 957 6,627 506 3,464 2,063 692 12 Other Payments AP report Feb 15.xls Sitek, Les Sitkum IT Ltd Sk Electronics Ltd Skyway Hardware Slocan Lake Recreation Commission #6 Slocan Park Community Hall Society Slocan Valley Recreation Petty Cash Slocan Volunteer Fire Department Petty Cash Smokey Creek Salvage Society Of Composers, Authors & Music Publishers Speedpro Signs Spencer, Monica Stan Baker Trucking Ltd Startec Refrigeration Services Ltd. SterlingBackcheck Canada Corp. Strong Refrigeration Consultants Inc Studio 9 Architecture & Planning Ltd Studio Janitorial Services Sundry Vendor Tailored Engineering Ltd Tarrys Volunteer Fire Department Taylor-Wilton Nelson Ltd Telus Communications Inc Telus Services Inc Tetra Tech EBA Inc The Prophet Corporation Thermal Environmental Comfort Association Thread Bear Designs Trans-Care Rescue Ltd Tratech Mechanical Ltd Treadmill Factory, The True Blue Hardware Tu-Dor Lock & Safe Ltd Turlock Electrical Contracting Ltd Twin River Controls Ltd Twisted Thyme Catering Uline Canada Corporation Ups Canada Valley Voice Ltd Van Bynen, John Van Houtte Coffee Services Van Kam Freightways Ltd Versa-Task Services Vicom Design Inc VMS Technical Inc Walmart St# 3060 (Nelson) Waste Management Wastrodowski, Quinton Wesco Distribution-Canada Inc West K Sand & Gravel Ltd. Westek Controls Ltd Western Canada Safety Services Ltd Wildland Consulting Inc Wood Wyant Inc Wynndel Foods Ltd Wynndel Irrigation District Yahk-Kingsgate Firefighters Fund Yahk-Kingsgate Volunteer Fire Dept Yellowhead Road & Bridge Ymir Community Hall Association Young, Anderson Zap Welding Zone West Enterprises Ltd 12:22 PM 12/03/2015 1 1 7 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 13 1 1 6 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 3 3 1 2 9 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 130 5 125 269 2,219 57 16 1,279 147 53 389 1,101 1,904 28 2,762 58,212 152 5,509 2,633 600 4,861 761 1,300 1,994 12,226 3,534 27,141 1,001 1,193 632 570 7,026 410 797 756 4,879 326 1,055 751 14 143 420 196 698 870 379 4,280 2,667 43,749 233 642 268 82,475 6,656 5 10,664 233 3,731 24,953 149 1,687 100 720 1,135 778 Other Payments AP report Feb 15.xls REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL KOOTENAY BYLAW NO. 2448 A Bylaw to amend the Library Financial Aid Service for the Village of Salmo and a Portion of Electoral Area G. ________________________________________ WHEREAS the Board, by the adoption of Bylaw No. 791, being the “Salmo and Portion of Electoral Area G Library Financial Aid Service Bylaw No. 791, 1990” established the Local Service for Library Financial Aid for the Village of Salmo and a portion of Electoral Area G; AND WHEREAS the Board desires to increase the maximum amount that may be requisitioned in providing the service; AND WHEREAS consent has been received from at least 2/3 of the participants in the service to amend Bylaw No. 791; NOW THEREFORE THE REGIONAL BOARD OF THE REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL KOOTENAY IN OPEN MEETING ASSEMBLED, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. “Salmo and Portion of Electoral Area G Library Financial Aid Service Bylaw No. 791, 1990” is hereby further amended by deleting clause 4 and substituting the following therefor: 4. 2. The maximum amount that may be granted annually as financial aid for the service shall be Eighty-Nine Thousand, Six Hundred and EightySeven ($89,687.00) Dollars. This Bylaw may be cited as “Salmo and Portion of Electoral Area G Library Financial Aid Service Amendment Bylaw No. 2448, 2015”. READ A FIRST TIME this day of March , 2015. READ A SECOND TIME this day of March , 2015. READ A THIRD TIME this day of March , 2015. ADOPTED this day of March , 2015. _________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 MUNICiPXUTi&iS IVIembership Invoice 2015-2016 MUM Facture d'adhesion 24, rue Clarence Street Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5P3 T. 613-241-5221 F. 613-241-7440 INVOICE/FACTURE: 34711 DATE: 11/25/2014 ACCOUNT/COMPTE: 233 DUE DATE/DATE LIIVHTE: 03/31/2015 Mr. Brian Carruthers Regional District of Central Kootenay 202 Lakeside Drive P.O. Box 590 Nelson, BCV1L5R4 Canada AMOUNT/MONTANT ITEM/DESCRIPTION Membership Fee for April 1/15 to March 31/16 / Frais de cotisation du 10r avril 2015 au 31 mars 2016 $8,478.43 Municipal Dues Calculated with a base fee of $330.00 plus per capita fees of$8,148.43(fee population of 58,328 x 13.97 cents). Optional contribution towards a travel fund that supports the participation of elected officials from small communities in FCM's National Board of Directors (fee population of 58,328 x 1.75 cents). TOTAL: PAID AMOUNT/MONTANT PAYE: BALANCE DU/MONTANT DO: 138 $1,020.75 $9,499.16 $0.00 $9,499.16 Account Details / Details du compte ACCOUNT/COMPTE: 233 DATE: 11/27/2014 Regional District of Central Kootenay, BC MEMBERSHIP FEES PAID BY / FRAIS D'ADHESION PAYES PAR Regional District of Central Kootenay Population* Central Kootenay A 2,030 Central Kootenay B 4,464 Central Kootenay C 1,372 Central Kootenay D 1,413 Central Kootenay E 3,781 Central Kootenay F 3,976 Central Kootenay G 1,597 Central Kootenay H 4,289 Central Kootenay I 2,570 Central Kootenay J 2,996 Central Kootenay K 1,759 City of Castlegar 7,816 10,230 City of Nelson TownofCreston 5,306 Village of Kaslo 1,026 Village of Nakusp 1,569 504 Village of New Denver 1,139 Village ofSalmo Village of Silverton 195 Village of Slocan 296 58,328 *2011 Census / Recensement de 2011 139 E-Filed 23-FEB-15 D E F G H W Popoff 200 140 Conseil d’administration 2014-2015 Association des francophones des Kootenays Ouest Gareau Loyer, Justine Poste : présidente Adresse résidence: 624 Innes St., Nelson BC, V1L 5G2 Numéro de téléphone: 250-777-2196 Date début: 3 décembre 2013 Courriel : Dehnel, Patricia L. Poste : vice-présidente et liaison écoles Adresse résidence: 1512 Falls St., Nelson, BC, V1L 1J4 Numéro de téléphone: 250-352-1200 Date début: 16 avril 2009 Courriel: Larivière, Valérie Poste: secrétaire Adresse résidence: 524 Robson, Nelson, BC, V1L 5A4 Numéro de téléphone: 250-352-2816 Date début: 10 juin 2014 Courriel: Breton, Prudence-Elise Poste: trésorière Adresse résidence: 116 Union St., Nelson, BC, V1L 4A2 Numéro de téléphone: 250-509-0701 Date début: 26 septembre 2014 Courriel: Massé, Carole Poste: administratrice Adresse résidence: 3461 Bodard Dr., Nelson, V1L 6T3 Numéro de téléphone: 250-509-0470 Date début: 22 octobre 2014 Courriel: 141 27e Assemblée Générale Annuelle 7.3 Rapport financier 2013-2014 BILAN 31 MARS 2014 2013 DISPONIBILITÉS Encaisse Débiteurs Inventaire Frais payés d'avance 10,139 5,339 1,092 2,840 6,209 6,937 1,911 2,600 TOTAL ACTIF 19,410 17,657 3,267 3,267 3,389 550 3,939 16,143 16,158 13,718 13,718 19,410 17,657 ACTIF PASSIF EXIGIBILITÉS Créditeurs Revenus Différés ACTIFS NETS NON-AFFECTÉS TOTAL PASSIF ET ACTIFS NETS Approuvé par les Administrateurs Administrateur Administrateur 142 27e Assemblée Générale Annuelle États des résultats ANNÉE SE TERMINANT LE 31 MARS 2014 2013 65,000 65,000 0 0 Patrimoine canadien - Canada en fête 2,000 2,000 Patrimoine canadien - J CT 3,205 3,705 DRHCC - Emploi été Canada 6,451 8,090 BC Gaming 9,860 13,750 14,465 9,643 2,398 2,461 14,029 18,056 11 14 Gouvernement de la C-B - JCP - 2,673 Columbia Basin Trust - 500 2,459 0 119,878 125,892 Salaires et avantages sociaux 66,514 64,985 Loyer 18,360 18,360 Honoraires 7,398 11,580 Bibliobus ( sans honoraires) 3,582 3,022 Assurances 2,325 2,628 Cotisations et inscriptions 1,697 2,057 Déplacements (sans bibliobus) 635 690 Publicité 679 2,198 Téléphone et Internet 2,248 1,767 Bulletin "La voix des Kootenays" 1,034 1,008 Frais Postaux 485 581 Livres 940 754 11,450 14,228 105 293 117,452 124,151 2,426 1,741 REVENUS Patrimoine canadien - programmation Patrimoine canadien - projet 25ème Industrie Canada - CAPPY Cotisations annuelles Levée de fonds Intérêts TPS Remboursée (2 années) TOTAL REVENUS DÉPENSES Autres Coûts Opérationnels Assemblée Générale Annuelle TOTAL DÉPENSES SURPLUS DES REVENUS SUR LES DÉPENSES 143 Judy Madelung From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Patricia Dehnel <> February-21-15 8:23 PM Aimee Watson; Ramona Faust; Tom Newell; Hans Cunningham; Walter Popoff;;; Madeleine Perriere 'Direction générale'; 'Justine Gareau Loyer'; Judy Madelung RDCK Discretionary Grant - AFKO French film nights in Kaslo, Slocan and Nelson. 7.3 Rapport financier 2013-2014 -révisé.xlsx; Liste membres ca 2014-2015.docx; RDCK Request-AFKO2015.pdf Dear RDCK Directors Watson, Faust, Newell, Cunningham, Popoff and Mayors Kozak, Lunn and Hewat. AFKO, the francophone society is organizing a French Film night (with English subtitles) as social/cultural events in the communities of Kaslo, Slocan and Nelson (as well as Revelstoke outside of the RDCK). These are popular events enjoyed by many community members ‐ French and English speaking. We ask for a contribution of $200 from each area to support the film night. Please find the discretionary grant application form and supporting information attached. We are requesting $200 per director (or approximately $530 per community movie night). Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to your reply. Merci Lyne Chartier Directrice générale Association des Francophones des Kootenays Ouest (AFKO) 723, rue Ward, C.P. 210 Nelson, C‐B V1L 5P9 250.352.3516 1 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 1865-20-1 Discretionary Grant Application Form 10-MAR-15 REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL KOOTENAY BOARD 203 Lakeside Drive, Box S90, Nelson, B.C. V1L 5R4 Phone 250-352-6665 Fax 250-352-9300 Toli Free in B.G. 1.800.268-7325 a Contact Information: Date:Mareh920l5 Organization: pggg ^^ Community Hall Telephone: 250-365-7465 Fax: Presldent/Contect:p^, origin Email: Address: c/o Area I Director 1657 Hwy 3A RDCK Application Area: ,,y, Castlegar, BC RDCK Area Director: ^y ^.^ Postal Cotfe; V1N4N5 For office use: • . • _ • ' •••'• . i.-^'. "• Cheque to be issued to (circle we): f Qirwt^r Payee ••:.•:.,:.;: ;^Confcrct;;;;^\<..; About Your Organization: overview of Organizations Programs and Services offered in the community: Pass Creek Community HaH hosts diverse functions and events throughout the y$ar. If available, please attseh all or any of the following documents: Most recent Audited Financial Statement and current financial statement 'U'stcif'Di'fsctons, Struetwe of OrganizgtiCin including full time staff, part time staff, community volunteer Current Ysar Budget Number of Members snd M6ff)l)ershiR Fff6 (if applicable) Grant Appticatian: tdttal Grant Requested: $ 500 Note: Grants over SSOOO, 9ia subject to a 10% holdback What will this Grant be used for? Provide funds to assist the Pass Creek Community Mail with Its Energy Audit. Total Orant Approved: Signature - Applic' $ <„ ~BoaiSiAppfWaf,D3te!;.:':; ^;"^''.. <",;; "Prayiou!? GrantsRaceived: ^•^:^ 'f: ^.••^^l^^\^^->:^l^^^^i^w^ 20l.fl__^—,—_ ;2B09'.'.'.''.'"vi.;:'.": ^ •'" ": "-. ' BQW .R^0i(u£f0?:;''::?:..^.l.:''^'-:'.'.^;:::.';k^, 161 Td NUSt?:TT t?T0E 80 •-IBM 176£17-66E-0SE: •ON XUd jjaamya 'w nsaaNU: Naaj 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT Application Form 1865-20-1 REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL KOOTENAY 10 - MAR - 14 202 Lakeside Drive, Box 590, Nelson, B.C. V1L 5R4 BOARD Phone 250-352-6665 Fax 250-352-9300 Toll Free in B.C. I-800-Z6S-7325 FILE NO. 1865-20-_I Organization/Society Name: Feb 15 2015 The West Kootenay Permaculture Co-op Association RDCK Electoral Area/Member Municipality: Cheque PAYABLE* to: (*Reupient rerenring funding nmst be arte to deposit payment to their bank account): » Area - QSame as above * Municipality" QOTHER than above, payment to 6e issued to: Name of Contact; shaunaTeare ROCK Director: Organization Address: To be completed by RDCK Director Organization Phone # BOX 158, Wlnlaw BC VDG2JQ Andy Davidoff Cheque to be forwarded to: 250-226-7744 (check one and ensure address is Indicated) 'ctor Organization Fax # ^Organization iCoptact Person Organization Email: shauna@kootenayfood .corn Please provide an overview oforganizationsl programs and services offered in the community: please see attached brief, as space in this section is limited. Please atiaeh the following dowmwts (if avait&ble): * Most recent Waited financial statement wiri current financiffi statemeM * List of Directors, structure of wgmtiatlon includmgfull and part-time staff and eomiYiunlty volunteers * Current yearns budget • IVnmber of members afld meM^ershipfee (if pppllcaWe) Total Grant Requested: p) -"z^fo . ;=>-=> What will this grant be used for? Communication Liaison Position & Farm Food Fork, Raising the, Steaks Which funding criterialobjectives does this project meet? OSocial a^,on,o,Slc,,,, ,,ffl^^!^,"men^ilB Signature Total Grant Approved Lector $ Bos rd Approval Date: Previous Grants Re\eived: _2013 Resolution 8 2014 RbCK-lS65-rw-04-DEC-14 174 Td MUTe;TT t7T0E 80 '^N t?G£t?-GGE-0Se: -ON XUd jjeainua ~u nayaNU: Nayj 175 176 177 178 VALLEY VIEW GOLF CLUB Board of Directors/Executives 2015 Position Name Phone # Term End Present Jason McVean (250) 355-2426 2016 VP George Kennedy (250) 226-7686 2015 Secretary Ezra Buller (250) 355-2551 2016 Treasurer Tony Kolesnikoff (250) 355-2314 2015 Director Alf Anderson George Potter (250) 355-2252 (250) 226-7267 2016 2015 Committees: Clubhouse: Jason McVean Ezra Buller Greens: Alf Anderson Finance: Tony Kolesnikoff Michelle Garton Tournaments: Jason McVean Ezra Buller Promotions: Tony Kolesnikoff Judy Forsyth Grants: Tony Kolesnikoff Valley View Golf Club has Forty-Seven current Members 179 Judy Madelung From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Walter Popoff March-10-15 11:15 PM Anitra Winje Judy Madelung Area H CD Grant App Valley View Golf 15-03-10 CD GRant Area H Golf 001.jpg; 15-03-10 Valley View Golf Board of directors and executives 2015.doc; 15-03-10 Valley View Income statement part 2.pdf; 15-03-10 Valley View Income statement.pdf Hi Anitra Attached Area H Valley View Grant App for the March Agenda ( a bit late and my oversight, just a little busy lately) if you can get it on the March Agenda it would be greatly appreciated by all the valley golfers but if not the April will have to do. Thanks Walter Popoff RDCK Director Area H/Slocan Valley Ph: 250-359-7455 Fax: 250-359-7400 This e mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy this email. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the information contained in this email is prohibited. 1 180 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT Application Form REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL KOOTENAY 202 Lakeside Drive, Box 590, Nelson, B.C. V1L 5R4 Phone 250-352-6665 Fax 250-352-9300 Toll Free in B.C. 1-800-268-7325 FILE NO. 1865-20-___ Contact Information Organization/Society Name: Date: Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice Society Mar 3, 2015 Cheque PAYABLE* to: RDCK Electoral Area/Member Municipality: (*Recipient receiving funding must be able to deposit payment to their bank account): ✔ ___Same as above ___OTHER than above, payment to be issued to: Name of Contact: RDCK Director: Organization Address: Organization Phone # Organization Fax # Organization Email: Julius Halaschek-Wiener PO Box 9, Nelson BC, V1L 5P7 Area - H Municipality - Walter Popoff, To be completed by RDCK Director Cheque to be forwarded to: 250-352-7838 (check one and ensure address is indicated) 1-866-272-9070 ✔ __Director ✔ __Organization __Contact Person ✔ About Your Organization Please provide an overview of organizational programs and services offered in the community: The Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice represents family physicians in Castlegar, Christina Lake Please attach the following documents (if available): Most recent audited financial statement and current financial statement List of Directors, structure of organization including full and part-time staff and community volunteers Current year’s budget Number of members and membership fee (if applicable) Grant Application: Total Grant Requested: $ 5,000.00 What will this grant be used for? Funds will be used to purchase start-up supplies for a nurse practitioner (NP) to provide patient care services out of the Village of Which funding criterial objectives does this project meet? ✔ __Social __Economic __Environmental Authorization Signature of Area Director Total Grant Approved $ 5,000 Previous Grants Received: __2013 __2014 Board Approval Date: Resolution # W Popoff 181 RDCK-1865-rev-04-DEC-14 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 Community Futures Central Kootenay #201-514 Vernon Street, Nelson, BC V1L 4E7 250-352-1933 ext 102 INVOICE December 15, 2014 TO: Regional District of Central Kootenay – Area A RE: Invest Kootenay Partnership Contribution for the period of January to March 2015 As per earlier discussion, we are changing the billing cycle to match Community Futures’ and our Funders’ billing cycle, which is April to March. As such, this invoice is to cover 3 months only. Another invoice will follow in the spring for the period of April 2015 to March 2016. For your contribution towards core services, and activities as laid out in the work plan, Please, forward payment in the amount of $625. If you would make your cheque payable to Community Futures Central Kootenay 205