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Ste. Genevieve County Commission Minutes MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2011 Regular Day of the April Term. The Commission Met Pursuant to Adjournment. Present were Presiding Commissioner Dave Gegg, Associate Commissiooers Garry Nelson and Ray Gettinger and Deputy County Clerk, Cindy Kertz. THE MIEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY PRESIDING COMMISSIONER GEGG AT 8:00 A.M. THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WERE READ. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER GETIINGER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS PRESENTED. COMMISSIONER NELSON SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION PASSED. . Commission contacted Nancy Willham with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, concerning complaints about the odor coming from the Lagoon near the Ozora Truck Stop. She advised that it is on the list for routine inspection and plans to conduct a full test once the rains stop in order to get an accurate reading. Terry McDaniel met with Commission requesting that the Commission approve a Resolution showing the county's support for the East Missouri Action Agency to continue receiving Community Services Block Grant funding and other funding leveraged from that source to efficiently provide services and opportunities to low-income and unemployed residents throughout the county. A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson to approve a Resolution supporting this funding. Commissioner Gettinger seconded the motion. Commissioner Nelson yea. Commissioner Gettinger yea. All in favor. Motion passed. Resolution No. 040411 was passed on this date. (copy in commission record supplement) A pre-bid meeting was held with banking institutions concerning the Bank Depository Bids for the County. The bid proposals are due May 2, 2011 at 11:00 A.M. Present for the meeting were Judy Thomas, Treasurer, Phyllis Vessell, Collector, Paul Flynn and Ron Bollinger with the Bank of Bloomsdale, Paul Roth, Regions Bank, Pam Palmer with MRV Banks, Joan Noll, with U.S. Bank, Denise Steffens and Dennis Bohnert with First State Community Bank (representing the St. Mary branch) Thomas explained the bid process and advised that each firm will receive a bid packet. . 8te. Genevieve County Commission Minutes THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2011 2nd Day of the April Term. The Commission Met Pursu~n~to Adjournm.ent. Present were Presiding Commissioner Dave Gegg, Associate CommlsslQoers Garry Nelson and Ray Gettinger and Deputy County Clerk, Cindy Kertz. THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY PRESIDING COMMISSIONER GEGG AT 8:00AM. THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WERE READ. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER NELSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS PRESENTED. . COMMISSIONER GEGG SECONDED THE MOTION. A~L IN FAVOR. MOTION PASSED. Several residents of Salem School Road met with Commission concerning the proposed road· closure of State Route 0 by the Missouri Department of Transportation for bridge repairs beginning on May 2. Residents are concerned over the increase in traffic that is expected to detour onto Salem School Road during the closure. Andy Meyer with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDot) and Gary Stolzer, Sheriff were present during the meeting. Meyer advised that MoDot has agreed to allocate one half of the cost (up to $10,000.00) towards the expense for a form of dust control to be applied on the road. Commission obtained a quote for a Magnesium Chloride DustGard Solution from Scotwood Industries, Inc. The cost to deliver and apply the product to the three mile length of road is $18,187.00. Commission advised that with past experience of having the product applied on Straughn and Pinkston Roads, it provided dust control for approximately one year The residents also requested that the speed limit be reduced on the road during the construction period and asked for increased law enforcement to monitor the speed of motorists. Sheriff Stolzer agreed to provide deputies to patrol the area and will also set up a speed radar trailer along the road. A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson to accept the proposal from Scotwood Industries, Inc. for the material, delivery and application of Magnesium Chloride for dust control on Salem School Road. Commissioner Gettinger seconded the motion. Commissioner Nelson yea. Commissioner Gettinger yea. All in favor. Motion passed. . .. . A letter was received from Larry Watson, Deputy Chief Elevator Inspector for the Department of Public Safety, Jefferson City, MO, advising that according to their records, there has not been an annual safety inspection of the elevator located in the courthouse. The letter advises that an inspection must be performed no later than May 4, 2011. Commission contacted Dan Daniels, Missouri Licensed Inspector. He was unavailable and a message was left for him to return the call on Monday, April 11, 2011. Kerry Baugher and Kari Unterbrink, representing Baugher Financial & Associates, to introduce themselves as the new Broker of Record for the county's health insurance through United Healthcare. Wendy Herman with Wolk's Insurance was also present. Baugher spoke of various services and benefit plans provided by their firm. Unterbrink will be the account representative for the county. .
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