Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes


Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes
Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes
Recorded audio ls avatlable OIl compacl disk upon request 10 the Barton County Clerk's Office, 1400 Mair - Room 202, Greal Bend, Kansas 67530.
Phone (620) 793-1835 t Fax (620) 793-1990 \ Ema I cler1<@banoncoumv-org
Requests 10 be made pursuanllo the Kansas Open Records Act and County Policy Estimated oost of disk - Rve Dollars ($5.00).
November 18, 2013
The Board of Barton County Commissioners convened this 18th day of November 2013, at the Barton
County Courthouse.
Members present:
Don Cates, Commissioner, 4th District, Chairman
Kenny Schremmer, Commissioner, 1st District (aleimlaDPn>-TetJI)
Homer Kruckellbelig, Commissioner, 2nd Dist
Don Davis, Commissioner, 3rd District
Jennifer Schartz, Commissioner, 5th District Chairman
Donna Zimmerman, County C'lerk
Richard Boeckman, County Counselor/Administrator
Commissioner Cates called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.
Commissioner Kruckenberg moved to approve the agenda.
Commissioner Cates asked the motion to be amended to move Item A New Business before Item A Old
Commissioner Kruckenberg agreed to the amendment.
Commissioner Schartz seconded the motion.
All voted aye. Motion passed.
Commissioner Schremmer moved to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2013 Regular Meeting.
~ommissioner Davis seconded the motion .
.I voted aye. Motion passed.
-An Accounts Payable Register will be submitted to the Commission for the period of November 4,2013,
and ending November 18, 2013.
Commissioner Schremmer moved to approve appropriations for the period of November 4,2013 to
November 18,2013. Authorize the Chairman to sign on behalf of the Commission.
Commissioner Davis seconded the motion.
All voted aye. Motion passed.
A. PROCLAMATION 2013-15: Ellinwood High School Boys Cross Country Team, 2013 2A State
·The Ellinwood High School boys cross country team, including Pedro Montoya, Kyle Oglesbee, and
Devin Ramsey, Seniors; Morgan Feemster, Junior; Avery Pike, Sophomore; and Jacob Kasselman and
Noah Leon, Freshmen, Head Coach Lyles Lashley, Assistant Coach Lisa Phillips, Athletic Director Kip
Wilson, and Principal Shawn Henderson won the 2013 2A State Championship. In light of their
accomplishment, the Commission is asked to consider declaring Monday, November 18, 2013, as
Ellinwood High School Boys Cross Country Team State Champions Day. Of special note, the EHS Girls
Cross Country team placed third, receiving their fourth consecutive trophy at the State meet.
Head Coach Lyles Lashley introduced the students and staff to the Commission and reported on the
team's accomplishments for the season.
1mmissioner Kruckenberg moved to adopt Proclamation 2013-15, Ellinwood High School Boys Cross
vountry Team, 2013 2A State Champions. Ellinwood High School Boys Cross Country Team including
Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes
Recorded audio is available on compact disk upon request 10 the Barton County Clerk's Office. 1400 Mair - Room 202, Great Bend. Kansas 675
Phone (620) 793-1835 \ Fax (620)793-1990' EmaIl der1<
Requesls 10 be made pursuant (0 the Kansas Open Records ACt and County Policy. Estimated cost 01 disk - Rv Dollars ($5.00).
i'edro Montoya, Kyle Oglesbee and Devin Ramsey, Seniors; Morgan Feemster, Junior; Avery Pike,
Sop,homore; Jacob Kasselman and :Noah Leon, Freshman; Head Coach lyles Lashley, Assistant Coach
Lisa Phillips, Athletic Director Kip Wilson and Principal Shawn Henderson. In light of their
accomplish ment, the Comm ission declares !Monday, INovember 18, 2013 as Ell inwood Hig h School Boys
Cross Country Team State Champion Day, On specia~ note, the EllinwQod High School Girls Cross
Country leam placed 3ro . r;eceiving the'ir 4th consecutive trophy at the State Meet.
Commissioner Davis seconded the motion.
Commissioner Cates then read the proclamation.
All voted aye. Motion passed.
-With the Environmental Management Department relocating to the Courthouse, the Commission will
discuss th e continued use of th e An nex, located at 352 W 12th, Hoisington.
Richard Boeckman, County Counselor/Administrator, said the County acquired the annex building in 2006
from the First Christian Church. The County's original intent was for the building to house non-profit
agencies, which never happened. The building has several costly repair issues. The heating and air
conditioning is not in good condition, the roof needs to be replaced and there are likely asbestos issues.
Boeckman spoke to Jonathan Mitchell, Hoisington City Administrator, about getting the property rezoned
from residential to commercial, since it has been used as such since the County acquired it. Rezoning
would help sell the property.
Jmmissioner Schartz and Commissioner Schremmer both expressed apprehension in selling the
Commissioner Davis suggested the proceeds from the sale be donated to non-profit agencies in the area
since the property was a gift Commissioner Schartz said any proceeds would help in recouping the cost
that the County has spent for the last 6 years.
Commissioner Davis moved to sell the Hoisington Annex located at 352 W. 1ih Street, Hoisington,
Kansas. because the Annex is no longer required for county use. Since the property has a value of less
than $50,000,00, direct the County Counselor/Administrator to initiate the process to sell the Annex by
public or private sale, or by negotiation, as provided by KSA 19-211. Authorize the
Counselor/Administrator to work with Hoisington officials to request a zoning change from residential to
Commissioner Cates seconded the motion.
All voted aye. Motion passed.
Boeckman said he request rezoning before advertising the property for sell.
B. SOCIAL MEDIA: Reaching Citizens through Social Media Sites:
-Barton County is expanding its use of social media as a means of providing citizens instant access and
information. The County uses Facebook (Barton County KS) and Twitter (@BartonCountyKS) with the
Sheriff's Office on Facebook (Barton County Sheriff's Office). Mr. Boeckman will provide a briefing on the
use of Social Media by County departments.
-- 'chard Boeckman, County Counselor/Administrator, showed a video regarding social media. Boeckman
",aid Diana Watson writes the posts for his approval before it is posted. Watson reported the County has
Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes
Recorded audio is available on compact disk upon request 10 the Bar10n County Clerk's Office. 1400 Mai - Room 202, Great Bend, Kansas 67530.
Phone (620) 793-1835 \ Fax (620) 793-1990 \ Email delil@barfOl1COUlltV.Org
Requests 10 be made pursuant to the Kansas Open Records Acl and County Pobcy Estimated cosl of disk - Five Dollars (55.00),
020 fans 011 Facebook. Boeckman. said this i"s the wary to reach the younger population because they pay
more attention to Facebook 'and Twitter. Boeckman thanked Watson for her work on the projects.
Commissioner Cates said the statistics were impressive and he thanked them for their work.
Commissioner Davis said this may be a way to get the younger people interested and involved in county
Information Only. No Action Required.
C. SHERIFF'S TRAINING RANGE: Demolition of a Dilapidated Building:
-Sheriff Brian Bellendir has suggested that a dilapidated garage at the Training Range, located near the
Landfill, be demolished. The Sheriff plans to use trustees for the labor and equipment borrowed from the
Landfill for the project. If the building is to be demolished, the Commission must find that the building is
no longer of use to the County.
Sheriff Brian Bellendir said the garage was an old pole barn covered in corregated sheet metal. Bellendir
said he would use trustee labor, along with equipment from the landfill, to demolish the building.
Demolition costs should be minimal. Bellendir said they will salvage any material that can be used in the
future at the range and noted they would like to build a classroom for training at the range in the future.
Commissioner Schartz said, having determined that the garage at the Sheriff's Training Range is of no
public use, I move to authorize the Sheriff to demolish the building with some help. The cost of demolition
to be handled by the Sheriff.
1mmissioner Davis seconded the motion .
. ,II voted aye. Motion passed.
1. Announcements
2. Appointments
There was no other business.
Commissioner Kruckenberg made a motion to adjourn at 9:59 A.M.
Commissioner Davis seconded the motion.
All voted aye. Motion passed.
Barton County Clerk
Don Cates, Chairman
EllInwood High School Boys Cross Country Team
20132A tate Champions
WHEREAS, the County Commissioners of Barton County, Kansas, recognize the Im­
portance of sporHng activities j1n crafting the self-worth of youth; and
WHEREAS, when a team brings positive recognition to Barton County, it is essential that
the Commission recognize the team members, their coach and administrative staff
for their commitment to excellence; and
WHEREAS, the Ellinwood High School boys cross country team, including Pedro Mon­
toya, Ky1le Oglesbee and Devin Ramsey, Seniors; Morgan Feemster, Junior; A very
Pike, Sophomore; and Jacob Kasselman and Noah Leon, Freshmen, won the 2013
2A State Championship; and
WHEREAS, Pedro Montoya took 1sf in every raCe he ran In during the season; and
WHEREAS,. the boys, along with Head Coach Lyles Lashley, AssistCUit Coach Lisa Phillips,
Athletic Director Kip Wilson and Principal Shawn Henderson have brough1t honor to
EHS, the City of Ellinwood and to Barton County.
OW, THEREFORE BE IT PROClA~MED that the Ellinwood High School boys cross country
team is recognized as the 2013 2A Cross Country State Champions; and
FURTHER, that the Barton County Commission declares Monday, November 18, 2013, as
Ellinwood High School Boys Cross Country State Champions Day: and
FURTHER, that all Counfy citizens are urged to congratulate the cross country tea.m, their
coach, their school and their families for the commitment to high school athletics
and for the time, talenf and tra:ining that led to this vlictory.