2015 Minutes of the Board
2015 Minutes of the Board
2015 AGEDA & MINUTES OF THE BOARD PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY 2015 AGEDA & MINUTES OF THE BOARD PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY Presque Isle County Clerk Ann Marie Main County Clerk Ann M. Karsten Kathy A. Wisniewski Rose M. Przybyla Darrin C. Darga Deputies AGENDA PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Friday, January 2, 2015 9:30a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Oath of Offices Election of Chairman Election of Vice Chairman Adopt Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners Rules of Order as Amended Designation of Depositories Establish Regular Meeting Dates for 2015 Posting of Meeting Dates Weather/Emergency Closing - County Offices Out-of-State Conventions- Funding Spending Limitations and Bidding Policy Invitation to Bid -Approved as to Form 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 Fax: (989) 734-7635 3i1: piclerk@picounty.org 2015 Committee Appointments Special Appointments by the Chairman - Ratification Ratification of Chief Administrative Officer and Finance Committee Publishing of Minutes Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Presque Isle County Clerk Ann Marie Main County Clerk Ann M. Karsten Kathy A. Wisniewski Rose M. Przybyla Darrin C. Darga Deputies AGENDA PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Friday, January 2, 2015 9:30a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Oath of Offices Election of Chairman Election of Vice Chairman Adopt Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners Rules of Order as Amended Designation of Depositories Establish Regular Meeting Dates for 2015 Posting of Meeting Dates Weather/Emergency Closing - County Offices Out-of-State Conventions- Funding Spending Limitations and Bidding Policy Invitation to Bid -Approved as to Form 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 Fax: (989) 734-7635 3i1: piclerk@picounty.org 2015 Committee Appointments Special Appointments by the Chairman - Ratification Ratification of Chief Administrative Officer and Finance Committee Publishing of Minutes Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 -Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gapczynski District 3 - Michael Darga District 4 - Carl L. Altman District 5- Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell 0 COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main 0 AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting VVednesday,January14,2015 7:00p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda -Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of December 26,2014 & January 2, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 New Business: 1. Forester Introduction 2. Resolution to Borrow Against Delinquent Taxes 3. Resolution of Agency- County Treasurer 4. Virtual Back-up Agreement 5. Budget Amendments 6. Grant Application - MCWCF 7. Finance Committee Report 8. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 9. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 10. Personnel Committee Report Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 11ail: piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn c fML t: f2il;;;~ Carl L. Altman, Chairman Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS VICE-CHAIRMAN District 1 -Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gapczynski District 3 - Michael Darga District 4 - Carl L. Altman District 5 - Stephen Lang Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Friday, January 30,2015 9:30a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda- Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of January 14,2015 Treasurer's Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. Motion amendment New Business: 1. Sheriff 2. Probate Conference 3. Budget Amendment 4. Child Care Budget Amendment 5. Seminar - Equalization 6. MAC 7. Finance Committee Report 8. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 9. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 10. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 1ail: piclerk@picounty .org Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn c~ t: W:t;;o.:J Carl L. Altman, Chairman Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 -Robert D. Sctlell VICE-CHAIRMAN District 2 - Lee Gapczynski District 3- Michael Darga Distrlct 4-Carl L Altman District 5 - Stephen Lang RObert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSfONERS Ann Marie Maln ** NOTE- DATE CHANGE 'Jdr AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Tuesday,February10, 2015 7:00p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda - Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of January 30, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. 151 E Huron Ave. P 0. Box 110 Rogers City. Ml 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Jail: piclerk@ploounty.org New Business: 1. Auditor Bid Approval 2. Social Host Awareness Proclamation 3. Used equipment bid 4. Finance Committee Report 5. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 6. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 7. Personnel Committee Report Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn c. fML t: {2u;;~ Carl L. Altman, Chairman Presqu~Jsle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1- Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gapczynski District 3 - Michael Darga District 4 -Carl L Altman District 5 - Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell 0 COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main 0 AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Friday, February 27,2015 9:30a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda- Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of February 10, 2015 Treasurer's Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. Advertisement - Resource Guide New Business: 1. Dark Sky Park - Thompson Harbor 2. Committee Appointment 3. Veteran Flag purchase 4. Finance Committee Report 5. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 6. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 7. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 =ax: (989) 734-3288 piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn c fJA.L t: C!JJ;;;~ Carl L. Altman, Chairman Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 -Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gapczynski District 3 - Michael Darga Districl4 -Carl L Altman District 5 - Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell 0 COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main 0 AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Wednesday, March 11,2015 7:00p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda- Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of February 27, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 New Business: 1. Committee, Board Appointments 2. Budget Amendments 3. Nautical Festival - Use of Courtyard 4. Advertise for Property Insurance provider 5. Change order - Frontier 6. Finance Committee Report 7. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 8. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 9. Personnel Committee Report Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 11ail: piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn c rM.L t: {2u;y;-J Carl L. Altman, Chairman Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Garf L Al1man COMMISSIONERS Oistfd 1 -Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gape:zynsld DlsiJ1ct 3 - Michael Darga VICEQIAIBMAN Robert D Schell District.4 - Garl L Altman COUNT'( CLERK& CLERK TO THE BOARD Of COMMISSIONER$ Dislllct 5 - Stephen I.J:Ing AM Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Friday, March 27, 2015 9:30a.m. CaJI to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda- Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of March 11, 2015 Treasurer's Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. New Business: 1. John1S Plumbing & Heating Contract 2. Gas contract- lntegrys 3. Child Care - Enhanced Funding Agreement 4. Register of Deeds Conference 5. letter of Support - NEMCOG 6. Finance Committee Report 7. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 8. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 9. Personnel Committee Report 151 E.Huron Ave. P.O. Box110 Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Rogers City, Ml 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax {!189) 734-3288 mall piCiell@piCOIJnty.o'IJ Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll r Adjourn ( J.' \ ' at.Q_, Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners 0 CHAIRMAN Cart L Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1- Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gapczynski District 3 - Michael Darga District 4 -Cart L Ntman District 5 -Stephen lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Wednesday, AprilS, 2015 7:00p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda- Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of March 27, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. Scanning Bid - Register of Deeds New Business: 1. Remonumentation- Norm Quaine 2. Equalization Annual Report 3. Finance Committee Report 4. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 5. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 6. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports 11ail: piclerl<@picounty.org Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn ~~n.~rman~ Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L Allman COMMISSIONERS VICE-CHAIRMAN District 1 - Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gapcz:Ynski Robert D. Schell Districl3 - Michael Darga '- COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main District 4 - Carl L Allman District 5 -Stephen Lang AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Friday, April24, 2015 9:30a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the· Agenda -Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of AprilS, 2015 Treasurer's Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. New Business: 1. MSU-E Annual Report 2. Council on Aging - Project Authorization 3. Committee Appointment 4. Probate Judge conference 5. Swan Bay Energy - Letter of support 6. Finance Committee Report 7. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 8. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 9. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 )hone: (989) 734-3288 ax: (989.) 734-3288 piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner ReROrts Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn c tML t: {2u;;;;~ Carl L. Altman, Chairman Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 - Robert D. Schell VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gapczynski District 3 - Michael Darga COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF CQMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main District 4- Carl L Altman District 5 - Stephen Lang **"NOTE DATE CHANGE- AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Thursday, May 14,2015 7:00p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda- Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of April24, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 11ail: piclerk@picounty .org New Business: 1. Property/Uability Insurance - Award Bid 2. Marine Patrol Admin Contract 3. 9-1-1 Surcharge approval 4. MGT Contract 5. Prosecutor Diversion Program 6. Finance Committee Report 7. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 8. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 9. Personnel Committee Report Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn G&£., t a-Ltiit~ Carl L Altman, Chairman Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman • COMMISSIONERS District 1 - Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gapqynski District 3 - Michael Darga District 4 - Carl L Altman District 5 - Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell 0 COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main 0 .. AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Friday, May 29, 2015 9:30a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda -Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of May 14,2015 Treasurer's Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. CDC appointment New Business: 1. Budget Amendments 2. Payment of voucher - Pontem 3. 40 Mile Point - NOAA weather agreement 4. Equalization - Continued Education Classes 5. Community Corrections Resolution 6. Par Plan Grant Resolution 7. Finance Committee Report 8. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 9. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 10. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P 0. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax (989) 734-3288 1il: piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn c~ t: {ftt;;~. carl L. Altman, Chaarman . Presque Isle County Board ofCommissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 - Robert D. Schell District 2 - Lee Gapczynski District 3 -Michael Darga District 4 -Carl L Altman District 5 - Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main .. AGENDA Board of Commissioner's Meeting Wednesday, June 10, 2015 7:00p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda -Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of May 29,2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. New Business: 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 1. Public Hearing - 2015-2016 Budgets 2. Approval - 2015-2016 Budgets 3. Summer Tax Levy Resolution 4. Community Compliance Grant Extension 5. Drain Commissioner Annual Report 6. Finance Committee Report 7. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 8. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 9. Personnel Committee Report Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 lil: piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor's Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn c ~ t: {2u;;;;~ carl L. Altman, Chairman _ Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Friday, June 26, 2015 9:30 a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of June 10, 2015 Treasurer’s Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. New Business: 1. 9-1-1 Resolution (Change Fiber Optic provider) 2. Adoption of FOIA Policy & Procedure 3. Treasurer - Tax Foreclosure report 4. Treasurer Office - 40 hour work week 5. Target Alpena - Annual report 6. Finance Committee Report 7. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 8. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 9. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor’s Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main ** NOTE – DATE CHANGE ** AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Tuesday, July 14,2015 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of June 26, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org New Business: 1. MERS Conference 2. DHS Facility Closing 3. Radio Tower repair - Sheriff 4. MSU-E agreement 5. Resolution for MI Works 6. Foreclosed Property purchase 7. Contract Ratifications 8. Budget Amendment 9. Finance Committee Report 10. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 11. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 12. Personnel Committee Report Prosecutor’s Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Friday, July 31, 2015 9:30 a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of July 14, 2015 Treasurer’s Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. New Business: 1. Resolution - First Right of Refusal 2. Ratification of Steelworkers contract 3. Virtual Back up Agreement-Chowen 4. Finance Committee Report 5. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 6. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 7. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor’s Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn Page 2 July 16, 2015 _______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main COUNTY CLERK Susan M. Rhode AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Wednesday, August 12, 2015 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of July 31, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. MERS Conference New Business: 1. MSU-E - Introduction of New District Coordinator 2. Budget Amendments 3. Finance Committee Report 4. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 5. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 6. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor’s Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn _______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Friday, August 28, 2015 9:30 a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of August 12, 2015 Treasurer’s Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. New Business: 1. Advertise for Fuel Bids 2. MSU-E - Introduction of New District Coordinator 3. Courthouse Security - Concealed Weapons 4. Archeological Dig Study Report 5. Finance Committee Report 6. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 7. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 8. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Prosecutor’s Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session for purposes of pending litigation Steiger vs. Robert Paschke et al, 1:15-cv-12627 Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main *** NOTE – DATE CHANGE *** AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Thursday, September 10, 2015 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of August 28, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org New Business: 1. Finance Committee Report 2. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 3. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 4. Personnel Committee Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Friday, September 25, 2015 9:30 a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of September 10, 2015 Treasurer’s Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. New Business: 1. Child Care Budget Approval 2. Award Gas Bids 3. Finance Committee Report 4. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 5. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 6. Personnel Committee Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Wednesday, October 14, 2015 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of September 25, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. Board of Canvassers appointments New Business: 1. Millage Distribution 2. Advertise for Snowplowing 3. Finance Committee Report 4. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 5. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 6. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Friday, October 30, 2015 9:30 a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of October 14, 2015 Treasurer’s Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. New Business: 1. Presque Isle County Fair 2. Personnel Policy 3. Motorola contract renewal. 4. Apportionment Report - Equalization 5. Rescind June 10 motion appointing Kerry Kuznicki 6. Award Snowplowing Bid 7. Finance Committee Report 8. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 9. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 10. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell ***DATE AND TIME CHANGE**** COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Thursday, November 12, 2015 9:00 a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of October 30, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. New Business: 1. Veterans Grant Application 2. Finance Committee Report 3. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 4. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 5. Personnel Committee Report 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main ** NOTE DATE CHANGE ** AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Wednesday, November 25, 2015 9:30 a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of November 12, 2015 Treasurer’s Report Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. Resolution Establishing Brownfield Development New Business: 1. 2016 Salary Resolutions 2. Finance Committee Report 3. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 4. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 5. Personnel Committee Report Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman COMMISSIONERS District 1 – Robert D. Schell District 2 – Lee Gapczynski District 3 – Michael Darga District 4 – Carl L. Altman District 5 – Stephen Lang VICE-CHAIRMAN Robert D. Schell COUNTY CLERK & CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ann Marie Main *** NOTE TIME CHANGE *** AGENDA Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Wednesday, December 9, 2015 9:00 a.m. Call to Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Call Approval of the Agenda – Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of November 25, 2015 Claims Audit Citizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. 151 E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, MI 49779 New Business: 1. Northeast MI Community Mental Health - Annual update 2. 2016 Appointments - Boards, Committee's 3. Budget Amendment 4. Finance Committee Report 5. Public Health & Safety Committee Report 6. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 7. Personnel Committee Report Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: (989) 734-3288 Email: piclerk@picounty.org Other Government Officials District Commissioner Reports Other Business: 1. Correspondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn hesErcIsIehtrntA B o ord of Colrtmissionq s CHAIRMAN Carl L. Altman coMMlss/oNERs VICE-CHAIRMAN Robeil D. Schell Distrid 1 Distrid 2 Distrid 3 Distrid 4 - Robert D. Schell Lee Gapczynski Michael Darga Carl L. Altman Distrid5-Stephen Lang COUNTYCLERK& CLERKTOTHE BOARD OF * DATE CHANGE *** AGENDA Board of Gommissione/s Meeting Wednesday, December 30 9:30 a.m. Callto Order Pledge, Prayer and Roll Gall Approval of the Agenda - Additions/Deletions Minutes of the Meeting of December 9,2015 Glaims Audit Gitizens Appearing Before the Board Unfinished Business: 1. Salary resolutions 15'l E. Huron Ave. P.O. Box 110 Rogers City, Ml 49779 New Business: 1. 2016 Per Diem & Mileage Rates 2. Authorization of payment of Monthly bills 3. 9-1-1 coordinator Contract 4. Medical ExaminerAppointment 5. Finance Committee Report 6. Public Health & Safety Commiftee Report 7. Courthouse & Grounds Committee Report 8. PersonnelCommitteeReport Phone: (989) 734-3288 (Fax: EmaiI (989) 734-3288 piclerk@picounty.org Other Government Offi cials District Gomm issioner Reports Other Business: 1. Conespondence Executive Session Payroll Adjourn [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] The Board of Commissioners for the County of Presque Isle met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, January 2, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. for the purpose of organizing. County Clerk Ann Marie Main called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert D. Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl L. Altman and Stephen Lang. Commissioners excused: None The County Clerk gave the oath to the members elected to the Board of Commission. ELECTION OF A CHAIRMAN Commissioner Lang nominated Carl Altman for chairman. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to close the nominations and the clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Carl Altman as chairman for 2015. Motion carried by a majority vote. Carl Altman is elected Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for 2015 and took his chair. ELECTION OF A VICE-CHAIRMAN Commissioner Darga nominated Robert Schell for vice-chairman. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to close the nominations and the clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot electing Robert Schell as vice-chairman for 2015. Motion carried by a majority vote. Commissioner Schell took his seat as vice-chairman. PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RULES OF ORDER AS AMENDED Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adopt the 2015 Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners Rules of Order. Motion carried by a majority vote. RESOLUTION – DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES WHEREAS, under the laws of the State of Michigan, Act No. 40 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1932, 1st Extra Session, as amended (MCL 129.12), this Board is required to provide, by resolution, for the deposit of all public monies, including tax monies belonging to or held for the State, County or other political units coming into the hands of the County Treasurer in one or more financial institutions within the State, and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners as follows: 1. The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners hereby provides for the designation and deposit of all public money including tax money by the Presque Isle County Treasurer in the following financial institutions: Huron National Bank of Rogers City as General Depository Calcite Credit Union Awakon f/n/a Onaway Community Federal Credit Union Chemical bank f/n/a Independent Bank Morgan Stanley f/k/a UBS Financial Bank of Alpena First Federal of Northern Michigan – Alpena and Cheboygan 2. 3. The Treasurer and Finance Committee are authorized to enter into and execute on behalf of the County any contracts with any bank or trust company for the safekeeping or their party custodianship of any of the County’s securities which will be the subject of such safekeeping or third party custodianship arrangements, on such terms and conditions as the County Treasurer shall require, and The County Treasurer is authorized to rely on the continuing effect of this Resolution until amended or repealed by a subsequent resolution of this or a successor Board of Commissioners. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adopt the above resolution. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. MEETING DATES FOR 2015 ESTABLISHED Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang that the 2015 regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Presque Isle will be held on the second Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. and the last Friday at 9:30 a.m., a change due to a holiday, or unless otherwise called by the Chairman. Ayes: Motion carried by majority vote. DISCLOSURE RESOLUTION – COMMISSIONER SCHELL Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Robert D. Schell of Onaway, Michigan has been elected to the Board of Commissioners for a term of two years effective January 1, 2015, and WHEREAS, Mr. Schell is owner of Schell Auto Center, Inc. of Onaway, Michigan, owner of Schell’s Resort on Black Lake and a stockholder in Huron National Bank, Awakon Federal Credit Union, and Citizens National Bank of Cheboygan and WHEREAS, Huron National Bank and Awakon Federal Credit Union are used as depositories for funds of said county; THEREFORE, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners are fully cognizant of the fact that Mr. Schell is owner of Schell Auto Center, Inc., Schell’s Resort on Black Lake and a stockholder of said bank and credit union and does desire to continue business as usual with said businesses, banks and credit union. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. DISCLOSURE RESOLUTION – COMMISSIONER DARGA Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Michael Darga of Rogers City, Michigan has been elected to the Board of Commissioners for a term of two years effective January 1, 2015, and WHEREAS, Mr. Darga is a partner in Darga Brothers of Rogers City, Michigan, and owner of Mike Darga Builders of Rogers City, Michigan, and WHEREAS, Mr. Darga is a stockholder in Calcite Credit Union of Rogers City, Huron National Bank of Rogers City and Chemical Bank of Rogers City, and WHEREAS, Calcite Credit Union, Huron National Bank and Chemical Bank are used as depositories for funds of said county; THEREFORE, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners are fully cognizant of the fact that Mr. Darga is a partner in Darga Brothers of Rogers City, Michigan, owner of Mike Darga Builders, and a stockholder in said credit union and banks and does desire to continue business as usual with said businesses, banks and credit union. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. DISCLOSURE RESOLUTION – COMMISSIONER ALTMAN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Carl L. Altman of Hawks, Michigan has been elected to the Board of Commissioners for a term of two years effective January 1, 2015, and WHEREAS, Mr. Altman is owner of Night Hawk Inn of Hawks, Michigan, a stockholder in Huron National Bank of Rogers City and the Calcite Credit Union of Rogers City, and WHEREAS, Huron National Bank and Calcite Credit Union are used as depositories for funds of said county; THEREFORE, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners are fully cognizant of the fact that Mr. Altman is owner of Night Hawk Inn of Hawks, Michigan, and a stockholder in Huron National Bank and the Calcite Credit Union and does desire to continue business as usual with said business, bank and credit union. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. DISCLOSURE RESOLUTION – COMMISSIONER GAPCZYNSKI Moved by Commissioner Darga and supported by Commissioner Lang to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Lee Gapczynski of Rogers City, Michigan has been elected to the Board of Commissioners for a term of two years effective January 1, 2015, and WHEREAS, Mr. Gapczynski is a stockholder in Lee’s Ready Mix Concrete, INC of Rogers City, Michigan, a stockholder and member of the Board of Directors of Huron National Bank of Rogers City and stockholder of Calcite Credit Union of Rogers City, and WHEREAS, Huron National Bank and Calcite Credit Union are used as depositories for funds of said county; THEREFORE, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners are fully cognizant of the fact that Ms. Gapczynski is owner of Lee’s Ready Mix Concrete, INC of Rogers City, Michigan, and a stockholder in Huron National Bank and the Calcite Credit Union and does desire to continue business as usual with said business, bank and credit union. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion passed by roll call vote. DISCLOSURE RESOLUTION – COMMISSIONER LANG Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Stephen Lang of Presque Isle, Michigan has been elected to the Board of Commissioners for a term of two years effective January 01, 2015, and WHEREAS, Mr. Lang is a stockholder in Huron National Bank of Rogers City and Chemical Bank of Rogers City, and WHEREAS, Huron National Bank and Chemical Bank is used as a depository for funds of said county; THEREFORE, the Board of Commissioners of Presque Isle County are fully cognizant of the fact that Mr. Lang is a stockholder in Huron National Bank of Rogers City and Chemical Bank of Rogers City and does desire to continue business as usual with said banks. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. DISCLOSURE RESOLUTION – COUNTY CLERK Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Ann Marie Main of Millersburg, Michigan has been elected Presque Isle County Clerk effective January 1, 2013 for a term of four years, and WHEREAS, Mrs. Main is a stockholder in the Calcite Credit Union of Rogers City, Huron National Bank of Rogers City and the Awakon Federal Credit Union, and WHEREAS, the Calcite Credit Union, Huron National Bank of Rogers City and the Awakon Federal Credit Union are used as depositories for funds of said county; THEREFORE, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners are fully cognizant of the fact that Mrs. Main is a stockholder in Calcite Credit Union, Huron National Bank and the Awakon Federal Credit Union and does desire to continue business as usual with said credit unions and bank. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. DISCLOSURE RESOLUTION – COUNTY TREASURER Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Bridgit LaLonde of Rogers City, Michigan has been elected Presque Isle County Clerk effective January 1, 2013 for a term of four years, and WHEREAS, Mrs. LaLonde is a stockholder in Huron National Bank of Rogers City, and WHEREAS, Huron National Bank is used as a depository for funds of said county; THEREFORE, the Board of Commissioners of Presque Isle County are fully cognizant of the fact that Mrs. LaLonde is a stockholder in Huron National Bank of Rogers City and does desire to continue business as usual with said bank. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. POSTING MEETING DATES – APPOINTMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to appoint the County Clerk to be responsible for posting regular meeting notices and committee meeting notices of the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners for 2015. Motion passed by majority vote. WEATHER/EMERGENCY CLOSING – COUNTY OFFICES Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski that the chairman or the vice-chairman be responsible for closing the county offices in case of a weather emergency or any other kind of emergency and to notify the rest of the board members and the radio and local TV station of their decision. Motion passed by majority vote. OUT-OF-STATE CONVENTIONS – FUNDING Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell that no out-of-state conventions, conferences or meetings will be funded during 2015, except by prior approval of the Board of Commissioners. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays; None Motion carried by roll call vote. SPENDING LIMITATIONS, BIDDING POLICY AND TRANSFERS Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang that it shall be the policy of this Board that continuing for 2015, the limit for spending on supplies will be $100.00 for any one item or group of items and if the cost exceeds $100.00, authorization must first be obtained from the Finance Committee or the full Board. Food and medical supplies for the jail are an exception to this directive. Any elected official, department head or, with approval of the appropriate committee, any committee of this board, may spend up to $400.00 on capital outlay for any specific item with this expenditure being presented through Claims Audit and the Finance Committee. Any amount in excess of $400.00 but less than $1,500.00 must be presented to the Finance Committee in the form of a verbal or written request and must have verbal or written approval by the Finance Committee. Any amount in excess of $1,500.00 must be presented to the Finance Committee in the form of a written request and must have approval by a majority of the Board of Commissioners. Any amount in excess of $2,000.00 must have approval by a majority of the Board and be let out for bids. The solicitation of bids for purchases over $2,000.00 excludes professional services at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners. The Board may waive the bidding policy by appropriate action. It shall be the policy of this Board that two of the three members listed: the Chairman, ViceChairman or Finance Chairman can authorize emergency maintenance repairs or replacements up to $8,000.00. No adjustment or transfer of funds shall be allowed which will adjust any employee’s salary, bonus, compensation, or benefits, without the approval of the Board of Commissioners. No adjustment or transfer will be allowed so as to co-mingle funds, and no department adjustment or transfer will be allowed that requires the transfer of funds from other separate funds, either into the department budget, or out of the department budget, without prior approval of the Finance Committee. The transfer or movement of funds does not apply to separate funds established through grant monies received in accordance with grant requests prepared by each department. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang Nays; None Motion carried by roll call vote. INVITATION TO BID – LEGAL FORM Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to adopt the following proposed form of “Invitation to Bid” which meets legal requirements: INVITATION TO BID Notice is given that sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the Presque Isle County Clerk, P.O. Box 110, 151 E. Huron Avenue, Rogers City, Michigan 49779, on or before ____ (date) ____ at the hour of ______o’clock ___ p.m., to be opened ___ (specify date and time) _____ for: (Specifications) *Optional – a certified check in the amount equal to 10% of the total bid and made payable to Presque Isle County must accompany each bid as evidence of good faith and as guarantee that the bidder will comply with terms of the bid. *Optional – the plans and specifications of the work may be examined at the Office of the County Clerk weekdays from ____(time) ____. The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids (when appropriate add: or to accept any bid as a whole or in part) as in the exercise of discretion the Board may deem to be in the best interest of the County. Motion carried by majority vote. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Chairman Altman made the following committee appointments and special appointments. First named is committee chairperson. Executive Committee Finance and Auditing Committee Personnel Committee Courthouse & Grounds Committee Public Health & Safety Committee District Health Board Altman, Schell, Darga (alternate) Schell, Altman, Gapczynski (alternate) Lang, Schell, Darga (alternate) Darga, Gapczynski, Lang (alternate) Darga, Gapczynski, Lang (alternate) Altman, Lang, Schell (alternate) Gapczynski (alternate) Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to ratify the above committee appointments as presented by Chairman Altman for 2015. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS Chairman Altman made the following special appointments: 53rd Circuit Court Advisory Committee Northern Counties Association Michigan Works (Consortium) MI Townships Association Gapczynski, Altman Altman, Schell (alternate) Schell, Darga (alternate) Darga, Schell, Gapczynski (alt) Multi County Authority for Solid Waste Darga Department of Human Services Lang Mental Health *Nowak – *Citizen Appointment Community Corrections Advisory Bd. Altman, Schell NEMCOG Altman, Schell (alternate) CDC/EDC/Tourism Lang, Darga (alternate) Transit Authority Gapczynski Recycling Alliance Darga Conservation District Darga, Gapczynski (alt) Senior Citizens Darga, Lang (alternating members) NEMCSA ` Gapczynski, Altman (alternate) Citizens Advisory Committee-State Parks Lang Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Schell to ratify the special appointments as presented by Chairman Altman for 2015. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND FINANCE AND AUDITING COMMITTEE Chairman Altman appointed the Chairman of the Board as Chief Administrative Officer for Presque Isle County for 2015 and he appointed Commissioner Schell and Chairman Altman to the Finance and Auditing Committee for 2015 with Commissioner Gapczynski as alternate. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to ratify the appointments of Chief Administrative Officer and the Finance and Auditing Committee for 2015 as presented by Chairman Altman. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT Wayne Vermilya, Onaway resident, made a comment regarding the publishing of minutes. PUBLISHING OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Darga to post the minutes of the Board of Commissioner’s minutes according to Rules of Order adopted by this Board. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Darga, Altman. Nays: Gapczynski Motion carried by roll call vote. PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Altman to adjourn until Wednesday, January 14, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., subject to the call of the chair. Motion carried by a majority vote. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 10:17 a.m. DATE: January 2, 2015 ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Board of Commissioners for the County of Presque Isle met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Wednesday, January 14, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. Vice-Chairman Schell called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert D. Schell, Michael Darga, Lee Gapczynski and Stephen Lang. Commissioners excused: Carl Altman Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the minutes of December 26, 2014, as printed. Motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the minutes of January 2, 2015 as printed. Motion carried by a majority vote CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the Claims Audit of January 13, 2015 in the amount of $92,196.38. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Lang, Schell Nays: None Excused: Altman Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Gary Rickard addressed the board regarding a private campground FORESTER INTRODUCTION Ralph Stedman introduced Brittany VanderWall as the new Forester for Presque Isle and Cheboygan Counties. Ms VanderWall gave advised the board of upcoming projects. RESOLUTION TO BORROW AGAINST TAXES ANTICIPATED DELINQUENT 2014 REAL PROPERTY TAXES Commissioner Darga offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lang. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Presque Isle (the “County”) has heretofore adopted a resolution establishing the Presque Isle County Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund ( the “Fund”) pursuant to Section 87b of Act No. 206, Public Acts of Michigan, 1893, as amended (“Act 206”); and 1 WHEREAS, the purpose of the Fund is to allow the Presque Isle County Treasurer (the “County Treasurer”) to pay from the Fund any or all delinquent real property taxes that are due and payable to the County and any school district, intermediate school district, community college district, city, township, special assessment district, the State of Michigan or any other political unit for which delinquent tax payments are due; and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined to be necessary for the Country to borrow money and issues its notes for the purposes authorized by Act 206, particularly Sections 87c, 87d and 87g therefore; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that the total amount of unpaid 2014 delinquent real property taxes (the “delinquent taxes”) outstanding on March 1, 2015, will be approximately $_________, exclusive of interest, fees and penalties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Presque Isle, State of Michigan, as follows: Authorization of Borrowing 1. Pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Act 206, Public Acts of Michigan, 1893, as amended, and especially Sections 87c, 87d and 87g thereof, the County shall borrow the sum of not to exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) and issue its notes (the “notes”) therefor for the purpose of continuing the Fund for the 2014 tax year. The exact amount to be borrowed shall not exceed the amount of delinquent taxes outstanding on March 1, 2015, exclusive of interest, fees and penalties. The County Treasurer shall designate the exact amount to be borrowed after the amount of the 2014 delinquent taxes outstanding on March 1, 2015, or the portion of the 2014 delinquent taxes against which the County shall borrow, has been determined. Note Details 2. Pursuant to provisions of applicable law and an order of the County Treasurer, which order is hereby authorized, the notes may be issued in one or more series; shall be known as “General Obligation Limited Tax Notes, Series 2015: with a letter designation added thereto if the notes are issued in more than one series; shall be in fully registered form in denominations not exceeding the aggregate principal amounts for each maturity of the notes; shall be sold for not less than 98% of the face amount of the notes; shall bear interest at fixed or variable rates not to exceed the maximum interest rate permitted by applicable law; shall be dated, payable as to interest and in principal amounts, be subject to redemption in whole or in part prior to maturity, including any redemption premiums, and be subject to renewal, at such times and in such amounts, all shall be designated in the order of the County Treasurer. Notes or portions of notes called for redemption shall not bear interest after the redemption date, provided funds are on hand with the note registrar and paying agent to redeem the same. Notice of redemption shall be given in the manner prescribed by the County Treasurer, including the number of days’ notice of redemption and whether such notice shall be written or publish, or both. If any notes of any series are to bear interest at a variable rate or rates, the County Treasurer is hereby further authorized to establish by order, and in accordance with law, a means by which interest on such notes may be set, reset or calculated prior to maturity, provided that such rate or rates shall at no time to be excess of the maximum interest rate permitted by applicable law. Such rates may be established by reference to the minimum rate that would be necessary to sell the notes at par; by a formula that is determined with respect to an index or indices of municipal obligations, reported prices or yields on obligations of the United States or the prime rate or 2 rates of a bank or banks selected by the County Treasurer; or by any other method selected by the County Treasurer. Payment of Principal and Interest 3. The principal of and interest on the notes shall be payable in lawful money of the United States from such funds and accounts as provided herein. Principal shall be payable upon presentation and surrender of the notes to the note registrar and paying agent when as the same shall become due, whether at maturity or earlier redemption. Interest shall be paid to the owner shown as the registered owner on the registration books at the close of business on such date prior to the date such interest payment is due, as is provided in the order of the County Treasurer. Interest on the notes shall be paid when due by check or draft drawn upon and mailed by the note registrar and paying agent to the registered owner at the registered address, or by such other method as determined by the County Treasurer. Note Registrar and Paying Agent 4. The County Treasurer shall designate, and may enter into an agreement with, a note registrar and paying agent for each series of notes that shall be the County Treasurer or a bank or trust company that is qualified to act in such capacity under the laws of the United States of America or the State of Michigan. The County Treasurer may from time to time designate a similarly qualified successor note registrar and paying agent. Alternatively, the County Treasurer may serve as note registrar and paying agent if so designated by written order of the County Treasurer. Disposition of Note Proceeds 5. The proceeds of the sale of the notes shall be deposited into a separate account in the Fund and shall be used to continue the Fund. The County Treasurer shall pay therefrom from unpledged funds in the Fund, uncommitted funds in the County General Fund and/or any other legally available funds, if the notes are sold at a discount, the full amount of the delinquent tax roll against which the County has borrowed, delivered as uncollected by any tax collector in the County and that is outstanding and unpaid on or after March 1, 2015, in accordance with the provisions of Act 206. If the notes are sold at a premium, the County Treasurer shall determine what portion of the premium, if any, shall be deposited in the 2015 Collection Account established in Section 6 hereof. 2015 Collection Account 6. There is hereby established as part of the Fund an account (hereby designated the “2015 Collection Account”) into which account the County Treasurer shall place delinquent taxes against which the County has borrowed, and interest thereon, collected on or after March 1, 2015, all County property tax administration fees on such delinquent taxes, after expenses of issuance of the notes have been paid, any premium as determined pursuant to Section 5 hereof, and any amounts received by the County Treasurer from the County , State of Michigan and any taxing unit within the County, because of uncollectibility of such delinquent taxes. The foregoing are hereby established as funds pledged to note repayment. The County Treasurer shall designate the delinquent taxes against which the County shall borrow for each series of notes. 3 Note Reserve Fund 7. There is hereby authorized to be established by the County Treasurer a note reserve fund for the notes (the “2015 Note Reserve Fund”) if the County Treasurer deems it to be reasonably required as a reserve and advisable in selling the notes at public or private sale. The County Treasurer is authorized to deposit in the 2015 Note Reserve Fund from proceeds of the sale of the notes, unpledged moneys in the Fund, uncommitted funds in the County General Fund and/or any other legally available funds, an amount not exceeding ten percent (10%) of the face amount of the notes. Security for Payments of Notes 8. All of the moneys in the 2015 Collection Account and the 2015 Note Reserve Fund, if established, and all interest earned thereon, relating to a series of notes are hereby pledged equally and ratably as to such series to the payment of the principal of and interest on the notes and shall be used solely for that purpose until such principal and interest have been paid in full. When moneys in the 2015 Note Reserve Fund, if established, are sufficient to pay the outstanding principal of the notes and the interest accrued thereon, such moneys may be used to retire the notes. If more than one series of notes is issued, the County Treasurer by order shall establish the priority of the funds pledged for payment of each such series. In such case the County Treasurer may establish sub-accounts in the various funds and accounts established pursuant to the terms of this resolution as may be necessary or appropriate. Additional Security 9. Each series of notes, in addition, shall be a general obligation of the County, secured by its full faith and credit, which shall include the County’s limited tax obligation, within applicable constitutional and statutory limits, and its general funds. The County budget shall provide that if the pledged delinquent taxes and any other pledged amounts are not collected in sufficient amounts to meet the payments of principal and interest due on each series of notes, the County, before paying any other budgeted amounts, will promptly advance from its general funds sufficient moneys to pay that principal and interest. The County shall not have the power to impose taxes for payment of the notes in excess of constitutional or statutory limitations. If moneys in the 2015 Collection Account and the 2015 Note Reserve Fund, if established, are not sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the notes, when due, the County shall pay the same in accordance with this section, and may thereafter reimburse itself from the delinquent taxes collected. Release of Pledge of 2015 Collection Account 10.Upon the investment of money in the 2015 Collection Account in direct non-callable obligations of the United States of America in amounts and with maturities that are sufficient to pay in full the principal of and interest on the notes when due, any moneys in the 2015 Collection Account thereafter remaining may be released from such pledge created pursuant to Section 8 hereof and may be used to pay any or all delinquent real property taxes that are due the County and any school district, intermediate school district, community college district, city, township, special assessment district, the State of Michigan or any other political unit to which delinquent tax payments are due for any year or for any other purpose permitted by law. 4 Sale of Notes 11.The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to offer the notes at public or private sale as determined by order of the County Treasurer and to do all things necessary to effectuate the sale, delivery, transfer and exchange of notes in accordance with the provisions of this resolution. Notes of one series may be offered for sale and sold separately from notes of another series. If the notes are to be sold publicly, sealed proposals for the purchase of the notes shall be received by the County Treasurer for such public sale to be held at such time as shall be determined by the County Treasurer and notice thereof shall be published in accordance with law, once in The Bond Buyer or the Detroit Legal News, both of which are hereby designated as being a publication printed in the English language and circulated in this State that carries as a part of its regular service, notices of sale of municipal bonds. Such notice shall be in the form prescribed by the County Treasurer. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to cause the preparation of an official statement for the notes for the purpose of enabling compliance with SEC Rule 15c2-12 (the “Rule”) and to do all other things necessary to enable compliance with the Rule. After the award of the notes, the County will provide copies of a final official statement (as defined in paragraph (e)(3) of the Rule) on a timely basis and in reasonable quantity as requested by the successful bidder or bidders to enable such successful bidder or bidders to comply with paragraph (b)(4) of the Rule and the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. Continuing Disclosure 12.The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to execute and deliver in the name and on behalf of the County (i) a certificate of the County to comply with the requirements for a continuing disclosure undertaking of the County pursuant to subsection (b)(5) or (d)(2) of the Rule, as applicable, and (ii) amendments to such certificate from time to time in accordance with the terms of such certificate (the certificate and any amendments thereto are collectively referred to herein as the “Continuing Disclosure Certificate”). The County hereby covenants and agrees that it will comply with and carry out all of the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. The remedies for any failure of the County to comply with and carry out the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate shall be as set forth therein. Execution and Delivery of Notes 13.The County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute the notes for the County by manual or facsimile signature and the County Treasurer shall cause the County seal or a facsimile thereof to be impressed or imprinted on the notes. Unless the County Treasurer shall specify otherwise in writing, fully registered notes shall be authenticated by the manual signature of the note registrar and paying agent. After the notes have been executed and authenticated, if applicable, for delivery to the original purchaser thereof, the County Treasurer shall deliver the notes to the purchaser or purchasers thereof upon receipt of the purchase price. Additional notes bearing the manual or facsimile signature of the County Treasurer and upon which the seal of the County or a facsimile thereof is impressed or imprinted may be delivered to the note registrar and paying agent for authentication, if applicable, and delivery in connection with the exchange or transfer of fully registered notes. The note registrar and paying agent shall indicate on each note that it authenticates the date of its authentication. The notes shall be delivered with the approving legal opinion of Dickinson Wright PLLC. 5 Exchange and Transfer of Fully Registered Notes 14.Any fully registered note, upon surrender thereof to the note registrar and paying agent with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the note registrar and paying agent duly executed by the registered owner or his or her duly authorized attorney, at the option of the registered owner thereof, may be exchanged for notes of any other authorized denominations of the same aggregate principal amount and maturity date and bearing the same rate of interest as the surrendered note. Each note shall be transferable only upon the books of the County, which shall be kept for that purpose by the note registrar and paying agent, upon surrender of such note together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the note registrar and paying agent duly executed by the registered owner of his or her duly authorized attorney. Upon the exchange or transfer of any note, the note registrar and paying agent on behalf of the County shall cancel the surrendered note and shall authenticate, if applicable, and deliver to the transferee a new note or notes of any authorized denomination of the same aggregate principal amount and maturity date and bearing the same rate of interest as the surrendered note. If, at the time the note registrar and paying agent authenticates, if applicable, and delivers a new note pursuant to this section, payment of interest on the notes is in default, the note registrar and paying agent shall endorse upon the new note the following: “Payment of interest on this note is in default. The last date to which interest has been paid is (place date).” The County and the note registrar and paying agent may deem and treat the person in whose name any note shall be registered upon the books of the County as the absolute owner of such note, whether such note shall be overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment of the principal of and interest on such note and for all other purposes, and all payments made to any such registered owner, or upon his or her order, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 hereof shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid, and neither the County nor the note registrar and paying agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. The County agrees to indemnify and save the note registrar and paying agent harmless from and against any and all loss, cost, charge, expense, judgment or liability incurred by it, acting in good faith and without negligence hereunder, in so treating such registered owner. For every exchange or transfer of notes, the County or the note registrar and paying agent may make a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchange or transfer, which sum or sums shall be paid by the person requesting such exchange or transfer as a condition precedent to the exercise of the privilege of making such exchange or transfer. The note registrar and paying agent shall not be required to transfer or exchange notes or portions of notes that have been selected for redemption. Book Entry System 15.At the option of the County Treasurer and notwithstanding any provisions of this resolution to the contrary, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with a custodian or trustee for the purpose of establishing a “book entry” system for registration of notes to be fully registered. Pursuant to the provisions of such agreement, the notes may be registered in the name of the custodian or trustee for the benefit of other persons or entities. 6 Such agreement shall provide for the keeping of accurate records and prompt transfer of funds by the custodian or trustee on behalf of such persons or entities. The agreement may provide for the issuance by the custodian or trustee of certificates evidencing beneficial ownership of the notes by such persons or entities. For the purpose of payment of the principal of and interest on the notes, the County may deem payment of such principal and interest, whether overdue or not, to the custodian or trustee as payment to the absolute owner of such note. Pursuant to provisions of such agreement, the book entry system for the notes may be used for registration of all or a portion of the notes and such system may be discontinued at any time by the County. The note registrar and paying agent for the notes may act as custodian or trustee for such purposes. Issuance Expenses 16.Expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the notes, including without limitation any premiums for any insurance obtained for the notes, note rating agency fees, travel and printing expenses, fees for agreements for lines of credit, letters of credit, commitments to purchase the notes, remarketing agreements, reimbursement agreements, purchase or sales agreements or commitments, or agreements to provide security to assure timely payment of the notes, fees for the setting of interest rates on the notes and bond counsel, financial advisor, paying agent and registrar fees, all of which are hereby authorized, shall be paid by the County Treasurer from County property tax administration fees on the delinquent taxes, from any other moneys in the Fund not pledged to the repayment of notes and general funds of the County that are hereby authorized to be expended for that purpose. Replacement of Notes 17.Upon receipt by the County Treasurer of satisfactory evidence that any outstanding note has been mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen, and of security or indemnity complying with applicable law and satisfactory to the County Treasurer, the County Treasurer may execute or authorize the imprinting of the County Treasurer’s facsimile signature thereon and thereupon, and if applicable, a note registrar or paying agent shall authenticate and the County shall deliver a new note of like tenor as the note mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen. Such new note shall be issued and delivered in exchange and substitution for, and upon surrender and cancellation of, the mutilated note or in lieu of and in substitution for the note so destroyed, lost or stolen in compliance with applicable law. For the replacement of authenticated notes, the note registrar and paying agent shall, for each new note authenticated and delivered as provided above, require the payment of expenses, including counsel fees, which may be incurred by the note registrar and paying agent and the County in the premises. Any note issued under the provisions of this section in lieu or any note alleged to be destroyed, lost or stolen shall be on an equal basis with the note in substitution for which such note was issued. Chargebacks 18.For any principal payment date of the notes on or after January 1, 2018, the delinquent taxes on property foreclosed and sold pursuant to the provisions of Act 206 and against which the County has borrowed shall, if necessary to ensure full and timely payment of principal of and interest on the notes when due, be charged back to the taxing jurisdictions in such manner as determined by the County Treasurer. The proceeds of such chargebacks shall be deposited in the 2015 Collection Account as security for payment of the notes as described in Section 8 hereof. The provisions of this section shall not limit the authority of the County 7 Treasurer under the laws of the State of Michigan to charge back delinquent taxes under other circumstances or at other times. Purchase of Notes by County 19.All or any portion of the notes may be purchased or otherwise acquired by the County if the County Treasurer by order deems such purchase or acquisition to be in the best interest of the County. In such case, the County Treasurer is authorized to take such actions to effectuate the purchase or acquisition, including without limitation entering into an agreement to purchase or repurchase the notes. The purchase or other acquisition of notes by or on behalf of the County does not cancel, extinguish or otherwise affect the notes and the notes shall be treated as outstanding notes for all purposes of this resolution until paid in full. Issuance of Refunding Notes 20.The County shall refund all or part of the notes authorized hereunder and/or notes previously issued by the County to continue the Fund for prior tax years if and as authorized by order of the County Treasurer through the issuance of refunding notes (the “Refunding Notes”) in an amount to be determined by order of the County Treasurer. Proceeds of the Refunding Notes may be used to redeem such notes and to pay issuance expenses of the Refunding Notes as authorized and described in Section 16 hereof. The County Treasurer shall have all the authority with respect to the Refunding Notes as is granted to the County Treasurer with respect to the notes by the other Sections hereof, including the authority to select a note registrar and paying agent, to apply to the Michigan Department of Treasury for approval to issue the Refunding Notes, if necessary, to cause the preparation of an official statement and to do all other things necessary to sell, execute and deliver the Refunding Notes. The Refunding Notes shall contain the provisions, shall be payable as to principal and interest and shall be secured as set forth herein and as further ordered by the County Treasurer. The Refunding Notes may be sold as a separate issue or may be combined in a single issue with other obligations of the County issued pursuant to the provisions of Act 206 as shall be determined by the County Treasurer. The County Treasurer is authorized to prescribe the form of Refunding Note and the form of notice of sale, if any, for the sale of Refunding Notes. Form of Notes 21. The notes shall be in the form approved by the County Treasurer, which approval shall be evidenced by the County Treasurer’s execution thereof. After discussion the vote was: Ayes: Darga, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski Nays: None Excused: Altman A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Resolution to Borrow to Against Anticipated Delinquent 2014 Real Property Taxes was adopted. Motion carried by roll call vote. 8 RESOLUTION OF AGNECY PURSUANT TO SECTION 87c OF ACT 206 Darga: The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of this County has heretofore adopted a resolution establishing the Presque Isle County Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund, pursuant to Section 87b of Act No. 206, Public Acts of Michigan, 1893, as amended (“Act 206”); and WHEREAS, this Fund has been designated as the 100% Tax Payment Fund (the “Fund”) by the County Treasurer; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Act 206, upon creation of the Fund the County Treasurer is to act as agent for the County to administer the Fund; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County has adopted a Resolution to Borrow Against Anticipated Delinquent 2014 Real Property Taxes to continue the Fund for 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF PRESQUE ISLE, STATE OF MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. Pursuant to Section 87c of Act 206, the County Treasurer’s office shall receive for administrative expenses in connection with the Fund and the issuance of General Obligation Limited Tax Notes, Series 2015 by the County such sums as are provided by law. 2. As agent for the County, the County Treasurer shall act pursuant to Act 206 and as further provided in the Resolution to Borrow Against Anticipated Delinquent 2014 Real Property Taxes heretofore adopted by the County Board of Commissioners. After discussion the vote was: Yeas: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None. Excused: Altman A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Resolution of Agency Pursuant to Section 87c of Act 206 was adopted. Motion carried by roll call vote. VIRTUAL BACK-UP AGREEMENT – CHOWEN’S Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to authorize the ViceChairman to sign the contract between Chowen and Associates for the Virtual Back-Up Agreement for 2015. Money is to come from the Communications budget. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Lang. Nays: None Excused: Altman Motion carried by roll call vote. 9 BUDGET AMENDMENT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to increase the Health Department Appropriations by $3410.00 to cover the fee increase for 2015 until the end of the current budget year. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Excused: Altman Motion carried by roll call vote. GRANT APPLICATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to allow the County Clerk to apply for a 100% reimbursable grant through the Michigan Counties Workers Compensation Fund. Ayes: All, Motion carried by majority vote. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY TREASURERS CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow the County Treasurer to attend the Michigan Association of County Treasurers Conference at Traverse City, February 811, 2015 and to pay necessary registration and travel expense. Money is to come from the Treasurers Tax Administration Budget. Ayes: Darga, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Altman Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE No report PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Public Health & Safety will meet on January 27, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle Sheriff Dept. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS Courthouse and Grounds will meet on January 27, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the meeting room of the Courthouse. Commissioner Darga advised the board about continued meetings regarding the recycling program. AIRPORT AND PARKS Airport & Parks will meet on January 27, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Presque Isle Board of Commissioner’s Room. 10 PERSONNEL No report PROSECUTOR’S REPORT Prosecutor Steiger reported on the recent court hearings and is requesting to purchase a new computer. COMPUTER PURCHASE – PROSECUTORS OFFICE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize the Prosecutors Office to purchase a new computer through Chowen and Associates in amount not to exceed $730.00. Money is to come from the Prosecutors budget. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Altman Motion carried by roll call vote. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Clerk Ann Marie Main reported on the an upcoming election, the progress of the new phones and attending the MTA meeting County Treasurer reported on attending the MTA meeting. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Darga – reported on a phone conference with UPEA regarding the courthouse Lang – reported on PICCoA meeting. Gapczynski– reported on attending a NEMSCA meeting Schell – no report CORRESPONDENCE Copies of the following were given to board members for review: - Minutes of NEMCOG meeting Correspondence from NEMSCA 9-1-1 quarterly report Correspondence from Gary Rickard PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Lang. Nays: None Excused: Altman Motion carried by roll call vote. 11 ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adjourn until Friday, January 30, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Motion carried by a majority vote. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 7:48 p.m. DATE ________________________ ________________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ________________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk 12 The Board of Commissioners for the County of Presque Isle met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, January 30, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert D. Schell, Michael Darga, Lee Gapczynski, Carl Altman and Stephen Lang. Commissioners excused: None Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the agenda with the following additions: 1. CDC Appointment 2. Petty Cash – Probate Office 3. Prosecutor’s Office – Conference 4. Deficit Elimination Plan 5. Building and Zoning Classes Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the minutes of January 14, 2015 as printed. Motion carried by a majority vote TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of December 31, 2014. Motion carried by majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Mary Pritchard addressed the board regarding an upcoming opportunity to show off Presque Isle County on the PBS station on television program “Under the Radar”. UNFINISHED BUSINESS RESCIND MOTION OF DECEMBER 10, 2014 “BUDGET AMENDMENTS (GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS)” Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to rescind the motion on December 10, 2014 titled “Budget Amendments (General Fund Transfers)”. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Abstain: Gapczynski Motion carried by roll call vote. BUDGET AMENDMENT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to amend the General Fund Transfers budget by decreasing the Resource Recovery (101-104-999.06) line item in the 1 amount of $5000.00 and increasing the Ocqueoc Outdoor Center (101-104-999.08) and authorize the Treasurer to transfer that money to the Ocqueoc Outdoor Fund (508-000-699) Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS INTRODUCTION OF DEPUTY DONALD MCLEAN Sheriff Paschke introduced the newly hired deputy Donald McLean and had Dep. McLean give a brief background on himself. The Board welcomed Mr. McLean and wished him well. COURT ADMINISTRATION ORIENTATION CONFERENCE (PROBATE) Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to allow Jennifer Warwick to attend the Court Administration Orientation Conference in Lansing, March 3-5, 2015 and to pay necessary registration and travel expense. Money is to come from the Probate budget. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. BUDGET AMENDMENTS DATA PROCESSING Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to increase the Data Processing budget by $200.00. Money is available in the Data Processing checking. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. MEDICAL EXAMINER Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to increase the Medical Examiner budget by $2000.00. Money is to come from the General Fund balance. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CHILD CARE BUDGET AMENDMENT Jennifer Warwick is requesting an amendment to the Child Care Budget in order to receive additional reimbursement. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to amend the Child Care budget in the amount of $139,590.83. 2 Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ASSESSORS SEMINAR - EQUALIZATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow Sharyn Malone, David Brege and Mary Zinke to attend an Assessors Seminar in West Branch, February 5, 2015 and to pay necessary registration and travel expense. Money is to come from the Equalization budget. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize to pay for registration and travel expense for any Commissioner who wishes to attend the Michigan Association of Counties Conference to be held in March 30 – April 1, 2015. Money to come from the Commissioner budget. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CDC/EDC BOARD APPOINTMENT Commissioner Darga nominates Jerry Browning. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Jerry Browning to the CDC/EDC Board for the remainder of the term to expire 12-31-2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. PETTY CASH – PROBATE OFFICE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to increase the petty cash for the Probate office from $50.00 to $100.00 and eliminate the petty cash in the Family Division office. Money for the increase to come from the Probate budget. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE – CHILD SUPPORT CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow Lori Wirgau and Vicky Kowalewsky to attend the Child Support Conference in Acme, March 18-20, 2015 and to pay necessary registration and travel expense. Money is to come from the Prosecutors budget. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang 3 Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. DEFICIT ELIMINATION RESOLUTONS LAW LIBRARY FUND WHEREAS, the County of Presque Isle’s Law Library, had a $888.00 deficit fund balance as of June 30, 2014; and WHEREAS, Act 140 of the Public Acts of 1971 requires that a Deficit Elimination Plan be formulated by the local unit of government and filed with the Michigan Department of Treasury; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the County of Presque Isle’s legislative body adopts the following as the County of Presque Isle’s Law Library Deficit Elimination Plan: Resource Recovery Fund Net Position (Deficit) 2012-2013 2013-2014 $(888.00) Prior Yr Bal. $101.62 Revenue: Amount Budgeted/Revenue Penal Fines Total Revenue: No Deficit $9,500.00 $2,500.00 $12,000.00 Expenditures: Books $12,989.72 Total Expenditures: $13,388.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Presque Isle’s Board of Commissioners submits the Deficit Elimination Plan to the Michigan Department of Treasury for certification Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adopt the above resolution Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. RESOURCE RECOVERY FUND WHEREAS, the County of Presque Isle’s Resource Recovery, had a $41.00 deficit fund balance as of June 30, 2014; and WHEREAS, Act 140 of the Public Acts of 1971 requires that a Deficit Elimination Plan be formulated by the local unit of government and filed with the Michigan Department of Treasury; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the County of Presque Isle’s legislative body adopts the following as the County of Presque Isle’s Resource Recovery Deficit Elimination Plan: . 4 Resource Recovery Fund Net Position (Deficit) 2012-2013 $(8,823) 2013-2014 $(41) Revenue: Prior Yr Balance (Checking) Amt Budgeted / Revenue $435.32 $44,000.00 $-8,822.84 $66,000.00 Total Revenue: $44,435.32 $57,177.16 Expenditures: Snow Removal Recyclable Pick Up $0.00 $37,251.66 $120.00 $38,850.60 Recyclable Processing $16,006.50 $13,497.40 Equipment Maintenance Total Expenditures: $0.00 $53,258.16 $4,750.00 $57,218.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Presque Isle’s Board of Commissioners submits the Deficit Elimination Plan to the Michigan Department of Treasury for certification. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt the above resolution Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. OCQUEOC OUTDOOR CENTER FUND WHEREAS, the County of Presque Isle’s Ocqueoc Outdoor Fund, had a $2,236.00 deficit fund balance as of June 30, 2014; and WHEREAS, Act 140 of the Public Acts of 1971 requires that a Deficit Elimination Plan be formulated by the local unit of government and filed with the Michigan Department of Treasury; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the County of Presque Isle’s legislative body adopts the following as the County of Presque Isle’s Ocqueoc Outdoor Fund Deficit Elimination Plan: Resource Recovery Fund Net Position (Deficit) Revenue: Prior Yr Bal. (Checking) Revenue Total Revenue: 2012-2013 $(243.00) 2013-2014 $(2,2236.00) $7,414.71 $4,950.00 $12,364.71 $-243.68 $8,600.00 $8,356.32 5 Expenditures: Postage Printing Food Bldg Maintenance Supplies Equip. Maintenance Supplies Grounds Maintenance Supplies Custodial Supplies Custodian Contract Garbage Pick Up License Fee Water Sample Testing Telephone Insurance Bldg Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Rental Deposit Refund Equipment Rental Machinery & Equipment Furniture & Bunkhouse Supplies Total Expenditures $34.65 $1,351.71 $100.00 $23.94 $247.40 $64.13 $5.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $26.65 $306.60 $3.937.00 $198.95 $495.00 $218.69 $288.47 $1,208.00 $1,816.57 $0.00 $200.00 $195.00 $0.00 $1,755.00 $453.28 $370.81 $3,505.00 $362.10 $173.00 $240.14 $40.00 $394.00 $0.00 $350.00 $200.00 $0.00 $899.00 $544.82 $350.00 $12,608.39 $10,592.27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Presque Isle’s Board of Commissioners submits the Deficit Elimination Plan to the Michigan Department of Treasury for certification. Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adopt the above resolution Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. BUILDING AND ZONING CONTINUING EDUCATION SEMINAR Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to allow Jim Zakshesky to attend continuing education classes in Washtenaw, February 4, 2015 and pay necessary registration and travel expenses. Money is to come from the Building and Zoning budget. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. 9-1-1 SURCHARGE BALLOT LANGUAGE RESOLUTION RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO A VOTE OF THE ELECTORATE AUTHORIZATION OF THE TELEPHONE SURCHARGE FOR CONTINUING ENHANCED EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SERVICES (911 SERVICES) 6 WHEREAS, Presque Isle County has established a county-wide system of emergency telephone and dispatch services for the benefit of the citizens of the County; and WHEREAS, 911 emergency telephone and dispatch services are of substantial benefit to the citizens of the County of Presque Isle; and WHEREAS, pursuant to MCL 484.1401b(1) of the Emergency 9-1-1 Service Enabling Act, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners seeks, with voter approval, to authorize a telephone surcharge of up to $1.00 for each service user, except for users of a prepaid wireless telecommunications service, for recurring emergency telephone operational costs and charges; and WHEREAS, under the Emergency 9-1-1 Service Enabling Act, the County is currently authorized to charge up to $.42 for each service user; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following proposal be submitted to the qualified voters of the County of Presque Isle at the next State Special Election to be held in said County on Tuesday, May 5, 2015: PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY 911 OPERATING SURCHARGE AUTHORIZATION PROPOSAL Shall the County of Presque Isle, Michigan, be authorized to assess a 9-1-1 charge at a rate not to exceed $1.00 each month, subject to reduction as provided by law, to each service user located within the geographic boundaries of Presque Isle, Michigan, for a period of five (5) years, July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2020, both inclusive, to maintain and operate the 9-1-1 system in the County of Presque Isle, Michigan. YES NO BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this question is hereby certified to the County Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Public Officials of the County of Presque Isle, State of Michigan, and all Governmental units thereof, within such time as shall be required by law, are directed to perform all acts which shall be necessary to be performed in order to submit the above stated proposition to the duly qualified voters of the County at the State Primary Election to be held in the County on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt the above resolution upon final review of the Prosecutor. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. 7 FINANCE COMMITTEE No report PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Commissioner Darga reported on the committee meeting held January 27, 2015 at the Presque Isle Sheriff Department for Public Health and Safety. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS Commissioner Darga reported on the committee meeting held January 27, 2015 at the Presque Isle County Courthouse for Courthouse and Grounds. Commissioner Darga also reported on the Recycling Committee meeting held January 28, 2015. The next meeting for Recycling Committee is on February 20, 2015. AIRPORT AND PARKS PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang reported on a meeting with several attorneys PROSECUTOR’S REPORT Prosecutor Rick Steiger informed the Board of recent cases and on the dog neglect restitution hearing. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Clerk reported on the new FIOA requirements, upcoming election and new programs being implemented. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Schell – advised on an upcoming meeting with Onaway City Commission Darga – reported on the plans for the archeological dig study at the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse Lang – reported on attending the Health Department meeting Gapczynski – no report Altman – reported on attending the NEMCOG and Health Board meeting RESCIND MOTION OF JANUARY 14, 2015 “BUDGET AMENDMENT” Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to rescind the motion on January 14, 2015 titled “Budget Amendment” for the purpose to correct the amount. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. 8 BUDGET AMENDMENT – HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to increase the Health Department Appropriations by $1,705.00 to cover the fee increase for 2015 until the end of the current budget year. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CORRESPONDENCE Copies of the following were given to board members for review: - Huron Pines Thank You letter Letter from Crawford County Administrator Northern MI Community Corrections Advisory Board minutes Northeast MI Regional Council on Aging minutes Health Board minutes NEMCOG minutes Northeast MI Community Mental Health Authority Board minutes PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adjourn until Tuesday, February, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Motion carried by a majority vote. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 11:30 a.m. DATE ________________________ ________________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ________________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk 9 The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Stephen Lang, Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, and Carl L. Altman. Commissioners excused: None. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the agenda with one addition. 1. Under the Radar proposal Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Gapczynski and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the minutes of January 30, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the claims of February 10, 2015 in the amount $108,057.11. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD No one appeared before the Board. UNFINISHED BUSINESS UNDER THE RADAR Mark McLean, Rogers City Chamber of Commerce member presented the Board with a proposal for advertisement with the Under the Radar program. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to underwrite the deficit in an amount up to $15,000.00 for advertisement on the Under the Radar Program. Money is to come from the CDC/EDC budget and will be paid over two budget cycles. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS AUDITORS BID AWARD Two bids were received for a three year contract for the Presque Isle County financial audit for fiscal year ending 2015, 2016, and 2017. Bids were reviewed by the Finance Committee and were as follows: Anderson Tackman & Company at a rate not to exceed $16,500 - $17,500 per year Straley, Lamp & Kraenzlein at a rate not to exceed $21,000 - $22,000 per year Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to contract for the fiscal audit services with Anderson, Tackman for the fiscal years ending 2015, 2016 and 2017. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PROCLAMATION - SOCIAL HOST AWARENESS MONTH APRIL 2015 IS SOCIAL HOST AWARENESS MONTH WHEREAS, adults who provide alcohol to those below the legal drinking age of 21 are placing those youth at risk for health, safety and legal problems, and WHEREAS, alcohol is the drug of choice among America’s adolescents and is used by more young people than tobacco or illicit drugs. More than one fifth of youth begin drinking before age 13: and WHEREAS, underage drinking contributed to a wide range of costly health and social problems, including motor vehicle crashes (the greatest single mortality risk for underage drinkers); suicide; interpersonal violence (e.g. homicides, assaults, rapes); unintentional injuries such as burns, falls, and drowning; brain impairment; alcohol dependence; risky sexual activity; academic problems; and alcohol and drug poisoning; and WHEREAS, on average, alcohol is a factor in the deaths of approximately 4,700 young people in the United States per year, shortening their lives by an average of 60 years; and WHEREAS, Research shows that young people’s brains keep developing well into their 20s. Alcohol can alter this development, potentially affecting both brain structure and function. This may cause cognitive or learning problems and/or make the brain more prone to alcohol dependence. This is especially a risk when people start drinking young and drink heavily; and WHEREAS, according to the 2014 Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth report, of 14 counties of northern Michigan who participated, an average of 23.8% of 9th graders and 49.6% of 11th graders have been drunk in their lifetime. Of these reporting students, who drank recently, 58.9% reported that they usually drank alcohol at another person’s home during the past 30 days. WHEREAS, one-hundred percent of any alcohol consumed by a minor came from an adult. At one time, an adult over the age of 21 was in control of the alcohol and a minor gained access to it, and WHEREAS, it is illegal for adults to knowingly allow their child’s friends to drink alcohol in their home, even with the permission of the friends’ parents, and adults have the authority and should have the responsibility to take steps to reduce the likelihood that their homes will become venues for underage drinking, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, we the Board of Commissioners of Presque Isle County do hereby proclaim that April 2015 is Social Host Awareness Month, We also call upon all parents, citizens, homeowners and property owners to host gatherings responsibly and take measures to eliminate access of alcohol to persons under the age of 21. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adopt the above proclamation and authorize the Chairman to sign. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. USED PROPERTY BID Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to accept the bid from Marie Wisniewski for a used 2 drawer file cabinet in the amount of $10.00. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Commissioner Altman reported on the Finance Committee meeting held February 10, 2015. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Public Health and Safety will meet on February 24, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Courthouse and Grounds will meet on February 24, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners Room. AIRPORT AND PARKS Airport and Parks will meet on February 24, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Commissioners Room. RECYCLING Recycling Committee will meet on February 20, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Commissioner s Room. PERSONNEL No report given. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor was not available, no report given. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS The County Clerk reported on the progress of the new phone system and the training on the ATM program. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on attending the Onaway City Commissioner meeting. Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – no report Commissioner Gapczynski – reported on attending the NEMSCA meeting. Commissioner Altman – no report CORRESPONDENCES - Target Alpena update of activities PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until February 27, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 8:12 p.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, February 27, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Stephen Lang, Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, and Carl L. Altman. Commissioners excused: None. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with one addition. 1. Voucher payment Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the minutes of February 10, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of January 31, 2015. Motion carried by majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD 106th District State Representative Peter Pettalia addressed the board on committees he will be sitting on for this term, issues he will be working on and some of the current bills before the House and State. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENT AD Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to pay for a full page ad in the Presque Isle Newspaper Visitors’ and Resource Guide booklet in the amount of $712.50. Ayes: Lang, Schell Nays: Darga, Altman, Gapczynski Motion failed by roll call vote Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to pay for a half page ad in the Presque Isle Newspaper Visitors’ and Resource Guide booklet in the amount of $356.25. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Darga Nays: Gapczynski Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS DARK SKY PARK – LETTER OF SUPPORT Blake Gingrich, DNR Parks and Recreation Supervisor, gave a brief presentation on the designations of Dark Sky Preserves for Thompson Harbor State Park and Rockport State Recreation Area. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt a resolution and letter of support and authorize the Chairman to sign supporting the designation as a Michigan Dark Sky Preserve for Thompson’s Harbor State Park, Rockport State Recreation Area, and Negwegon State Park. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS Commissioner Darga nominated David Zolnierek. After three calls for further nominations and there being none a motion was made by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing David Zolnierek to the Building Board of Appeals for three-year term expiring 03/31/2018. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. VETERAN FLAG / MARKER BIDS Three bids were sought for the flags and markers for the veteran graves. Carrot Top Industries $2916.43 Martin Flag Company $2592.34 Eagle Flag Company $2054.80 Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to purchase 164 dozen flags and 22 bronze markers from Eagle Flag Company in the amount of $2054.80. Money is to come from the Veterans Budget (101-682). Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. VOUCHER PAYMENT – RADIO NORTH Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to pay the voucher in the amount of $461.30 to Radio North. Money is to come from the Sheriff Department budget (101-301). Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. Chairman Altman request to be excused for the remainder of the meeting. Vice-Chairman Schell presides. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on March 10, 2015 at 9 a.m. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Public Health and Safety meeting held February 24, 2015 at the Presque Isle County Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Courthouse and Ground Committee meeting held February 24, 2015 at the Presque Isle Courthouse. AIRPORT AND PARKS Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Airport and Parks meeting held February 24, 2015 at the Presque Isle Courthouse. PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang reported on ongoing discussion regarding Comp Time. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor Steiger reported on upcoming trials, the recent restitution hearing and suggested the Clerk submit a bill for the remaining costs to the dog owner. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Undersheriff Brewbaker advised the Board of a recent meeting with their corrections staff. Register of Deed, Cathy Idalski, will be getting bids for scanning of the record books in her office and purchasing new glass for a reader. The County Clerk reported on the progress of the new phone system DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on attending the Michigan Works meeting. Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – reported on attending Health Department meeting, PICCoA. Commissioner Gapczynski – CORRESPONDENCES - Recycling Guide Northeast MI Community Mental Health Authority Board Northeast MI Community Service Agency Northeast MI Regional Council on Aging Presque Isle County Historical Museum newsletter PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until March 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 10:48 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Altman gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Stephen Lang, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, and Carl L. Altman. Commissioners excused: Robert Schell. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the agenda with additions. 1. Airport mowing advertisement 2. Archeological Study contract 3. Clerk’s conference Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the minutes of February 27, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the claims of February 10, 2015 in the amount $88,621.63. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Excused: Schell. Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Irene Seeley addressed the Board regarding the recycling program. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS Commissioner Lang nominated Jeff Whitsitt. After three calls for further nominations and there being none a motion was made by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Jeff Whitsitt to the Building Board of Appeals for three-year term expiring 03/31/2018. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. SOIL EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Commissioner Darga nominated Lester Buza. After three calls for further nominations and there being none a motion was made by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Lester Buza to the Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Advisory Committee for three-year term expiring 05/31/2018. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. JURY BOARD APPOINTMENTS Motion by Commissioner Darga and supported by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the recommendation of 53rd Circuit Judge Scott Pavlich appointing Lila Wenzel to the Jury Board for a six year term commencing May 1, 2015 through April 30, 2021. Motion carried by a majority vote. VETERAN’S COUNSELOR APPOINTMENT Motion by Commissioner Lang and supported by Commissioner Darga to re-appoint Lisa Homan as the Veteran’s Counselor for a two year term retroactive to January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. BUDGET AMENDMENTS Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to amend the Drunk Driving (228) budget by increasing in amount of $400.00. Money is available in revenue. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to amend the Senior Citizens Fund (297) revenue and expenditure in the amount of $163,378.00 to match the additional amount passed by a millage increase approved by voters in the November 2014 election. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Gapczynski, Darga. Nayes: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. NAUTICAL CITY FESTIVAL, INC. – COURTHOUSE GROUNDS USE Motion by Commissioner Darga and supported by Commissioner Lang to authorize exclusive use to the Nautical City Festival, Inc. to utilize the courthouse lawn and parking lots for the Arts and Crafts Show and food booths for the dates of August 5, 2015 through August 9, 2015, contingent upon a meeting between the Nautical City Festival Committee and head custodian Mike Libby and further, Presque Isle County shall be included as an additional insured on the liability insurance policy of the Nautical City Festival, Inc. Ayes: Lang, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman Excused: Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADVERTISE FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to advertise for bids of Property and Liability Insurance in the two local papers for one week and on the county website. Bids are due by April 29, 2015. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. CHANGE ORDER – PHONE EQUIPMENT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the change order in the amount of $3717.50 for the purchasing of additional equipment and authorized the chairman to sign. The Finance Committee will determine which budget it will be paid from. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. ADVERTISE FOR BIDS – AIRPORT MOWING CONTRACT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to advertise for airport mowing bids of the Onaway Airport in the Presque Isle Advance and the Onaway Outlook for one week and on the county website, money to come from the Airport Fund. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY CONTRACT FOR ARCHEOLOGICAL STUDY Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the contract between Central Michigan University and the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners and 40 Mile Point Lighthouse Society for the Archaeological Research at the 40 Mile Point Light Station. The county shall pay up to an amount of $2177.00 plus additional lodging costs if necessary. Ayes: Lang, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote CONFERENCE - MICHIGAN ASSOCITATION OF COUNTY CLERK’S Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow the County Clerk to attend the Michigan Association of County Clerk’s Spring Quarterly in Midland, April 24-25, 2015 and to pay necessary travel expenses. Money is to come from the County Clerk’s budget. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Commissioner Altman reported the Finance Committee meeting and also a meeting with the Sheriff about the pending resignation of the K9 Officer. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Public Health and Safety will meet on March 24, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Courthouse and Grounds will meet on March 24, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners Room. AIRPORT AND PARKS Airport and Parks will meet on March 24, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Commissioners Room. RECYCLING Recycling Committee will meet on March 18, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commissioner s Room. PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang reported union grievances. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor Steiger reported on upcoming trial. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Clerk reported on the pending retirement of an employee and resigning from the Jury Board Secretary. JURY BOARD SECRETARY APPOINTMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to appoint Darrin Darga as the Jury Board Secretary effective April 1, 2015. Salary will remain at $12.00 per hour. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. PERSONNEL POLICY UPDATE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to expend up to $2000.00 for the firm of Cohl, Stoker, & Toskey, PC to review and revision the current personnel policy. Money is to come from the Commissioners budget. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Gapczynski Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – no report Commissioner Gapczynski – reported on attending the NEMSCA meeting. Commissioner Altman – no report CORRESPONDENCES - Huron Pines Annual Report MAC 2013-2014 Legislative Review PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Lang, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until March 27, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 8:34 p.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, March 27, 2015 at 9:30 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Altman gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Stephen Lang, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, and Carl L. Altman. Commissioners excused: Robert Schell. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the agenda with additions. 1. Probate Conference 2. Clerk’s office – New Hire 3. Republic Service contract approval 4. Scanning Bids – Register of Deeds 5. Vehicle Repair – MSU-E Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of March 11, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of February 28, 2015. Motion carried by majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD None NEW BUSINESS JOHN’S PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to enter into a service agreement with John’s Plumbing & Heating in the amount of $1675.00 for one (1) year beginning March 27, 2015 through March 27, 2016. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. INTEGRYS GAS CONTRACT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to enter into an agreement with Integrys, formerly Enercom, for the remaining months of the contract ending April 2017, at a fixed rate for gas in the amount of .399 ccf and authorize the chairman to sign said contract. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. ENHANCED FUNDING AGEEMENT FOR SCHOOL PREVENTION PROGRAMMING BETWEEN POSEN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS AND PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the agreement between the Posen Consolidated School and Presque Isle County for Enhanced Funding Agreement for School Prevention Programming and authorize the Chairman to sign said agreement. Ayes: Lang, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. CONFERENCE – REGISTER OF DEED Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow the Cathy Idalski to attend the Register of Deeds Conference in Holland, MI, April 27 -29, 2015 and to pay necessary travel expenses. Money is to come from the Register of Deeds budget. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. LETTER OF SUPPORT NORTHEAST MICHIGAN RECYCLING EDUCATION COLLABORATIVE GRANT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to sign a letter of support for the Northeast Michigan Council of Governments (NEMCOG) in their effort to secure funding for the Northeast MI Recycling Collaborative grant proposal being submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. REPUBLIC SERVICES CONTRACT FOR SERVICES Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve a contract with Republic Services for 26 dumpsters at a cost of $53,000 annually and a 1.5% annual increase thru 12-31-2017, and Republic Service must present a reminder letter 90 days prior to the end of the contract. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. CONFERENCE - PROBATE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to allow the Jennifer Warwick to attend the Probate and Juvenile Register Conference in Frankenmuth, June 9 - 12, 2015 and to pay necessary travel expenses. Money is to come from the Probate budget. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. REGISTER OF DEEDS – SCANNING BIDS No action taken, matter to be placed on next meeting agenda. TEMPORARY 40 HOUR WORK WEEK – REGISTER OF DEEDS Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to allow the employees in the Register of Deeds office to work up to 40 hours per week through April 30, 2015 at the discretion of the Register of Deeds. Ayes: Lang, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW HIRE – CLERKS OFFICE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow the County Clerk for fill the vacancy in the office being created by the retirement of Ann Karsten with Arlene Wojda. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. BUDGET AMENDMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to amend the MSU-E budget by an increase of $275.00 to cover the cost of a vehicle repair. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on April 7, 2015 at 9 a.m. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Commissioner Darga reported on the Public Health & Safety committee meeting held March 24, 2015. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Commissioner Darga reported on the Courthouse & Ground committee meeting held March 24, 2015. BUDGE AMENDMENT – COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to increase the courthouse and grounds budget by an amount of $630.00 to cover repair costs to the entry door on the north end of the courthouse. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. AIRPORT AND PARKS No meeting was held RECYCLING No meeting was held PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang reported union grievances and will be meeting with elected officials on April 1, 2015 to discuss upcoming contracts. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor Steiger reported on new programs for mentally ill inmates and a diversion program he is looking into through the prosecutor’s office. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Clerk reported on the budget worksheets and an update on the phone installation. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – reported on the attending the Health Board meeting Commissioner Gapczynski – reported on attending the Active Shooter Training Commissioner Altman – reported on the new Sanitarian for the Health Dept. APPOINTMENT – THUNDER BAY NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARY ADVISORY COUNCIL Commissioner Lang nominates Nancy Kinney. After three calls for further nominations and there being none a motion was made by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to nominate Nancy Kinney to be appointed to the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. CORRESPONDENCES - District Health Board minutes Presque Isle Newspaper – letter to subscriber PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until April 8, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 11:37 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Wednesday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl L. Altman and Stephen Lang. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with additions. 1. Airport mowing bid 2. Offer for used patrol vehicle 3. Under the Radar payment of $7500 Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of March 27, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the claims of April 7, 2015 in the amount $110,278.83. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS REGISTER OF DEEDS – SCANNING BIDS Three bids were received for scanning of record books in the Register of Deeds Office. Xerox Business Services, LLC $66,000.00 US Imaging $ 8,105.00 Michigan Office Solutions $ 3,956.00 The Register of Deeds is recommending US Imaging. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to award the bid to US Imaging in the amount of $8,105.00 and allow the Register to make arrangements for 24 hour access to the office. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote NEW BUSINESS REMONUMENTATION County surveyor Norman Quaine presented to the Board a status of remonumentation program for the county. The county will need to appoint a grant administrator for the project as the previous administrator has resigned. Mr. Quaine is recommending Heidi Tulgestke for the position. REMONUMENTATION GRANT ADMINISTRATOR Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to appoint Heidi Tulgestke as Grant Administrator for the 2015 Remonumentation grant. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. REMONUMENTATION PEER GROUP MEMBERS Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to appoint Travis Horrocks, Wayne Lewis, Mark Herman and Ron Bischer as the Peer Group members for the 2015 Remonumentation grant. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. REMONUMENTATION SURVEYORS Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to authorize the chairman to sign the contracts with Porter Survey, Bischer Survey and Huron Engineering and Surveying for the 2015 Remonumentation grant year. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. EQUALIZATION ANNUAL REPORT Sharyn Malone presented the Annual Equalization Report for the county. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the 2015 Equalization Report. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. ONAWAY AIRPORT MOWING BID One bid was received for the mowing contract of the Onaway Airport. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to award the bid to Mel Perkins pending proof of liability insurance. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote OFFER TO PURCHASE USED POLICE PATROL VEHICLE One offer was received on a used sheriff department vehicle. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to accept the bid of $200.00 from Mark Main for the used 2008 Crown Vic patrol vehicle. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. BUDGET AMENDMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to amend the Commissioner’s budget by an increase of $7500.00 to cover the cost of the Under the Radar advertisement payment. Money is to come from the General Fund balance. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Schell reported on the Finance Committee meeting. The Friend of the Court is requesting to purchase two desks, and an offer was received to purchase used telephone equipment. OFFICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to authorize payment of $1,398.00 to H & P Installations for the purchase of office furniture for the Friend of the Court office. Money is to come from the Friend of the Court budget. Ayes: Schell, Darga, Altman. Lang. Nays: Gapczynski Motion carried by roll call vote SALE OF USED TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga sell the used Toshiba telephone equipment to Telephone Support Systems for a sum of $3,700.00. The purchase will include the phones and related equipment. Ayes: All, Motion carried by majority vote. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported that the Public Health and Safety committee will meet April 21, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle County Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported that the Courthouse and Grounds committee will meet April 21, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the Courthouse. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported that the Airport and Parks committee will meet April 21, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Courthouse. RECYCLING COMMITTEE Commissioner Darga will set up a meeting in the future for the Recycling Committee and have it posted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Lang reported on a meeting with elected officials. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor Steiger reported he is still working on a prosecutorial diversion program. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS No other reports DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – no report Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – reported on a meeting with Senator Stamas. Commissioner Gapczynski – no report Commissioner Altman – reported on attending the Michigan Association of Counties Conference. CORRESPONDENCES - Minutes from NEMSCA Minutes from Mental Health Board EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations, after a brief recess. Mr. Steiger excused himself from the session. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. Meeting was in recess at 8:37 p.m. Meeting reopened to public at 9:04 p.m. A roll call was taken and all board members were present. PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until April 8, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 9:05 p.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, April 24, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Deputy Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl L. Altman and Stephen Lang. Commissioners excused: None. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the agenda with one addition. 1. Building and Zoning vehicle purchase Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of April 8, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of March 31, 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Beth Budnik appeared to report on the Under the Radar Michigan Tourism Initiative and provide the commissioners with an update of other funding sources and current activities. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION ANNUAL REPORT Kelly Heimstra, Mary Schalk, James DeDecker and Patti Spinella presented the board with a year review of the functions of the Michigan State University Extension office. PROJECT AUTHORIZATION FY2015 SPECIALIZED SERVICES – OPERATING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the Project Authorization FY 2015 Operating Assistance Program between Presque Isle County and the Michigan Department of Transportation, Agreement Number 2012-0153 and to authorize the chairman to sign said contract. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT OCQUEOC RIVER WATERSHED COMMISSION Commissioner Darga nominated Tom Stawiarski. After three calls for further nominations and there being none a motion was made by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to close the nominations and the Deputy Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Tom Stawiarski to the Ocqueoc River Watershed Commission for the remaining term to expire December 31, 2017. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. PROBATE JUDGE CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to authorize the probate judge to attend the Michigan Probate Judge’s Association 2015 Summer Conference at Treetops Resort in Gaylord June 2124, 2015 and pay costs totaling $220.00. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. VEHICLE PURCHASE – BUILDING AND ZONING Commissioner Darga reported that additional vehicles options were explored from several local sources and a 2011 GMC Sierra pickup from Rogers City Chevrolet Buick was the best option. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to purchase vehicle from Rogers City Chevrolet Buick for $18,700 with the trade-in of the 2007 Chevrolet Colorado pickup being used by Building and Zoning. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. SWAN BAY ENERGY – LETTER OF SUPPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell sign the letter of support for Swan Bay Energy and to authorize the chairman to sign said letter. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: Altman Motion carried by roll call vote FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on May 12, 2015 at 9 a.m. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Public Health and Safety meeting held April 21, 2015 at the Presque Isle County Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Courthouse and Ground Committee meeting held April 21, 2015 at the Presque Isle County Courthouse. AIRPORT AND PARKS Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Airport and Parks meeting held April 21, 2015 at the Presque Isle Courthouse. PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang reported on they have met with both Police Officer’s Labor Council units and have an upcoming meeting with the United Steelworkers. There has also been meetings with other elected officials and attorney John Gretzinger. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor Steiger was absent do to preparations needed for an upcoming trial. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Treasurer Bridget LaLonde requested that a better method be implemented for discussion and communication amongst department heads regarding security and financial issues that impact them. The chair directs the personnel committee to talk with department heads and appointed officials and make a recommendation. Register of Deeds, Cathy Idalski, requested her office be included in the designs for security enclosures being constructed for various offices in the building. Advised the board she is in need of two new computers for her office and will be soliciting bids. COURTHOUSE SECURITY DESIGN BID Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize payment of $800$1000 to Redstick Designs for designing specifications for security enclosures around counters in 89 th District Court, the Clerk’s office and the Register of Deeds office. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on attending the NEMCOG meeting. Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – reported on attending Health Department meeting. Commissioner Gapczynski – reported on attending the NEMSCA meeting. - CORRESPONDENCES Lighthouse Letter DEQ Recycling Summit Health Board Meeting minutes H.U.N.T Report Huron Pines Letter Medical Examiner Annual Report/Letter PAYMENT OF MEDICAL EXAMINER Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize payment of $3,000 to Dr. Michael Fairbanks and $2,000 to Ted Beck for Medical Examiner services. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until May 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 11:25 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Darrin C. Darga, Deputy County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Thursday, May 14 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga and Carl L. Altman. Commissioners excused: Stephen Lang. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to approve the agenda with additions. 1. Blight Grant – Treasurer 2. Presque Isle Conservation payment 3. Airport project Resolution 4. Committee Appointment 5. Chair re-upholstery – Circuit Court Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Gapczynski and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the minutes of April 24, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the claims of April 7, 2015 in the amount $85,497.11. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Schell. Nays: None Excused: Lang. Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Beth Budnik, Rogers City Chamber of Commerce Board member, addressed the Board regarding the Pure Michigan campaign and requested funding. She also informed the Board that the chamber will not need the whole amount of the original $15,000.00 pledge for the Under the Radar program. PURE MICHIGAN CAMPAIGN ADVERTISEMENT Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Darga to pay $1000.00 to the Rogers City Chamber of Commerce for advertisement costs with the Pure Michigan Campaign. Money is to come from the Commissioners budget. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Schell. Nays: Gapczynski Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. Sue Rhode requested to reserve her right to comment until the board addresses the 9-1-1 surcharge agenda item. Granted by the chairman. NEW BUSINESS PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE BID AWARD Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to accept the bid for the 20152016 Property and Liability Insurance policy to Lappan Agency in the amount of $64,169.00. Ayes: Altman, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. 2015 UNDERSHERIFF MARINE CONTRACT - MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Sheriff of Presque Isle County wishes to employ his Undersheriff in a marine patrol capacity; and WHEREAS, marine patrol functions are additional to those duties which would normally be pursued by the Undersheriff; and WHEREAS, the Undersheriff is a salaried employee who would otherwise not be entitled to overtime compensation; BE IT NOW UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that in consideration of the performance by the Undersheriff of Marine Patrol functions in addition to his other duties during the months of May, June, July, August, September and October, 2015, that: 1) The Undersheriff shall receive an additional $200.00 compensation for each of said months. 2) The Undersheriff shall work an average of 20 hours marine duty for each of said months; documenting his hours with the Sheriff and the payroll clerk, with a time sheet to be turned in prior to compensation being given. 3) This contract may be modified by agreement or terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the above agreement for Undersheriff Joseph Brewbaker and authorized the chairman to sign. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. 9-1-1 SURCHARGE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to increase the local 9-1-1 Surcharge to collect the amount of $.70 cents per line on all communications service providers from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Sue Rhode was allowed to speak as permitted by Chairman Altman as to the validity of the ballot language. Commissioner Darga rescinded his motion and Commissioner Gapczynski rescinded his support of the motion. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to continue the collection of the local 9-1-1 Surcharge in the amount of $.42 cents with no change to this amount as currently approved on all communications service providers from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Schell. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. MGT CONTRACT – ACCOUTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY DASHBOARD Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to enter into an agreement with MGT Consulting Services for the Development and Maintenance of the Accountability and Transparency Dashboard and to pay the Initial Development fee of $3500.00 and annual updates as written in the contract. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. PROSECUTORIAL DIVERSION PROGRAM Prosecutor Steiger presented the Board with information regarding a Prosecutor Diversion Program he will be running through his office and is requesting money to start the program. Motion by Commissioner Altman and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to transfer an amount not to exceed $5000.00 to the Prosecutor Diversion Program budget from the General fund. The Prosecutor agrees to give the board updated reports on how the program is working. Ayes: Altman, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: Darga Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. BLIGHT GRANT APPLICATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize the chairman to draft and sign a letter of support allowing the County Treasurer to apply for a Blight Grant through Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) on foreclosed properties. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. CONSERVATION DISTRICT APPROPRIATION DISTRIBUTION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the request for distribution to the Conservation District in the amount of $5000.00. Money is to come from the General Transfer budget. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by a majority vote. AIRPORT RUNWAY RESURFACING PROJECT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 2015-17 Resolution adopting and approving the execution of the Sponsor Contract Agreement between the Presque Isle Board of County Commissioners, Michigan, and the Michigan Department of Transportation, Office of Aeronautics, for the purpose of obtaining state and federal funding for Runway 9/27 Rehabilitation, including partial taxiway and apron at the Rogers City/Presque Isle County Airport, under Contract No: FM-71-C23/B-260135-1713 in the amount not to exceed $365,000.00 with County participation not to exceed $18,250.00. Be it resolved by the Presque Isle Board of County Commissioners, Michigan: Section I. That the Presque Isle Board of County Commissioners, Michigan shall enter into a Grant Agreement for the development of the Rogers City/Presque Isle County Airport, and that such Sponsor Contract Agreement shall be as set Forth hereinafter. Section II. That the Chair/Clerk of the Presque Isle Board of County Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Sponsor Contract Agreement on behalf of the Presque Isle Board of County Commissioners, Michigan, and the Chair/Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest said execution, contingent upon receipt and those dollar amounts not exceeding those stated above. Section III. That the Sponsor Contract Agreement referred to herein shall be sent to the Michigan Department of Aeronautics with this resolution. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to adopt the above resolution and authorize the Chairman to sign. CDC/EDC BOARD APPOINTMENT The Board received a letter of interest from Darrin C. Darga to fill the vacancy on the CDC/EDC Board. Commissioner Darga nominated Darrin Darga but withdrew his nomination to allow time for the Prosecutor to review any conflict of interest issues as he is also an employee of the county. Matter to be placed on the next regular meeting agenda. JURY CHAIR UPHOLSTERY BIDS Two bids were received to upholster the jury chairs in the Circuit Courtroom. Marie’s Fabrics Northern Custom Interiors $840.00 $1940.11 Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to award the bid to Marie’s Fabrics in the amount of $840.00. Money to come from the Probate budget. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. PROSECUTOR DIVERSION PROGRAM COORDINATOR HIRE Motion by Commissioner Altman and seconded by Commissioner Schell to allow the Prosecutor to hire a person as the Diversion Program Coordinator to work no more than 19 hours per week and at a rate of $12.00 per hour. This individual is not subject to retirement and insurance benefits. Ayes: Altman, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: Darga Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Schell reported on the Finance meeting held May 12, 2015. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported that the Public Health and Safety committee will meet May 26, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle County Sheriff Department. Commissioner Darga reported on a meeting held with Diane Rekowski from NEMCOG and others regarding the future of the Sheriff Work Program which is slated to be cut from state funding grants. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported that the Courthouse and Grounds committee will meet May 26, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the Courthouse. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported that the Airport and Parks committee will meet May 26th, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Courthouse. RECYCLING COMMITTEE Commissioner Darga will have to cancel the meeting set for May 19th and will set up a meeting in the future for the Recycling Committee and have it posted. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Schell reported that they have ongoing meetings with the unions and will need executive session. PROSECUTORS REPORT Mr. Steiger reported on the recent trial. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Treasurer, Bridget LaLonde, reported on an upcoming seminar regarding Land Banks. County Clerk, Ann Marie Main, reported on the new county directories are available and that the phone system is completely installed and they are continuing to work on any issues. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Gapczynski – reported on attending the NEMSCA meeting Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Schell – no report Commissioner Altman – no report CORRESPONDENCES - Minutes from NEMSCA Minutes from Community Corrections Advisory Board Minutes from Northeast Michigan Regional Council on Aging EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations, after a brief recess. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. Meeting was in recess at 9:27 p.m. Meeting reopened to public at 9:55 p.m. A roll call was taken and all board members were present. NEGOTIATION AUTHORIZATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize the Personnel Committee to offer to the union the wages and benefits as presented to the board in the closed session. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Schell. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Schell. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adjourn until May 29, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 10:00 p.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, May 29, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl L. Altman, Stephen Lang, and Robert Schell. Commissioners excused: None. AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with three additions. 1. Northeast Michigan Consortium - Letter of Support 2. Upholstery Voucher 3. County Fair booklet Ad Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESCIND/EXPUNGE MOTION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to rescind and expunge the motion made on May 14, 2015 titled “Negotiation Authorization”. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Abstain: Lang – was not present at May 14, 2015 meeting Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to approve the minutes of May 14, 2015 with corrections. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of April 30, 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD None UNFINISHED BUSINESS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD (1) Commissioner Lang nominated Darrin Darga. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Darrin Darga to the Economic Development Board for remaining term expiring 12/31/2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. NEW BUSINESS BUDGET AMENDMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to amend the County Elections budget (120) by increasing the expenditures by $12,100.00. Money is available in the account balance. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PAYMENT OF VOUCHER – PONTEM SOFTWARE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to pay the Pontem voucher in the amount of $18,704.50. Money is to come from the following budgets: Clerk’s, Treasurer’s, Equalization and the Building and Zoning office. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. 40 MILE POINT – NOAA WEATHER AGREEMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the lease agreement No. 062KWC06039 (with no fees assessed) between the U.S. Department of Commerce – NOAA and the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners to install a Wind Temperature monitoring system at the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse and to authorize the chairman to sign said agreement. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PAYMENT OF VOUCHER – EQUALIZATION CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASSES Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to pay the registration fee and dues to the Upper Peninsula Assessors Association in an amount of $105.00 for the continuing education classes of Sharyn Malone, David Brege and MaRy Zinke. Money is to come from the Equalization budget. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. RESOLUTION – COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS WHEREAS, the Northeast Michigan Council of Governments (NEMCOG) serves as the Northern Michigan Community Corrections Advisory Board’s (NMCCAB) fiscal agent and manager, and WHEREAS, the County is a member of the Northern Michigan Community Corrections Advisory Board, has been served by its programs, and wishes to continue participation with the Board’s programs and services in the future, and WHEREAS, an application in the amount of $190,663 for the general program has been prepared by NEMCOG to continue the Community Corrections programs in Cheboygan, Crawford, Oscoda, Otsego and Presque Isle counties, and WHEREAS, the Northern Michigan Community Corrections Advisory Board, has approved this proposal, and recommends it approval by the member counties, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this County hereby approves the Northern Michigan Community Corrections Advisory Board Grant Application prepared by NEMCOG for Community Corrections funding in the annual amount of $190,663 for the general program for Fiscal years 2016. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adopt the above resolution and authorize the chairman to sign said resolution. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PAR PLAN GRANT RESOLUTION Michigan Township Participating Plan Risk Reduction Grant Program Taser Equipment Procurement – Presque Isle Sheriff Department WHERE AS, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners recognizes the need to provide law enforcement with tools to protect the citizens of Presque Isle County, and WHERE AS, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners recognized the need to provide law enforcement with the tools to protect themselves in the line of duty, and WHERE AS, it is recognized the tool of a taser in the hands of trained law enforcement can prove to be effective tool both for citizens and for officers, and WHERE AS, assistance in the purchase of these tasers will be beneficial in allowing these funds to be used on other essentials within the county; NOW THEREFORE, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners does hereby approve this application to the Michigan Township Participating Plan for the Risk Reduction Grant Program. Motion by Commissioner Lang and supported by Commissioner Darga to adopt the above resolution and authorize the chairman to sign with the understanding that there is no matching requirement for the county. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. NORTHEAST MICHIGAN CONSORTIUM – LETTER OF SUPPORT Motion by Commissioner Lang and supported by Commissioner Darga to authorize the chairman to sign a letter of support to the Northeast Michigan Consortium supporting their effort to add the counties of Roscommon, Iosco and Ogemaw to the current Northeast Michigan Prosperity Region 3 area. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. UPHOLSTERY VOUCHER Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to pay the remaining balance due of $420.00 to Marie’s Fabric for the reupholster of the Circuit Courtroom jury chairs. Money is to come from the Probate budget. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. COUNTY FAIR BOOK AD Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to purchase a full page ad in the 2016 County Fair book in an amount not to exceed $270.00. Money is to come from the Commissioners budget. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on June 9, 2015 at 9 a.m. COMPUTER PURCHASE – REGISTER OF DEEDS Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Altman to allow the Register of Deeds to purchase three computers from Design Teams Consultant in the amount of $1398.00. After discussion the motion was withdrawn by Commissioner Darga and Commissioner Altman withdrew his second in order to allow the Register to gather more information on the specifications. VETERANS COUNSELOR ANNUAL REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the Veteran’s Counselor report of services provided for the period May 1, 2014 to April 30, 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Public Health and Safety meeting held May 26, 2015 at the Presque Isle County Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Courthouse and Ground Committee meeting held May 26, 2015 at the Presque Isle County Courthouse. BACKFLOW PREVENTER INSTALLATION BIDS Two bids were received for the installation of backflow preventers in the county building sprinkler system. John’s Plumbing and Heating - $2975.00 Zgorski-Micketti, Inc - $3850.00 Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to award the bid to John’s Plumbing and Heating for the installation of the Backflow Preventers in an amount of $2975.00. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ROOFING BIDS – CLERKS VAULT Only one bid was received for the replacement of the roof over the Clerk’s vault. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to award the bid to Chappa Construction in an amount of $7000.00. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. AIRPORT AND PARKS Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Airport and Parks meeting held May 26, 2015 at the Presque Isle Courthouse. Commissioner Darga did want a special mention for Jeff Prell for donating the lumber necessary to make three new couches out at the Ocqueoc Outdoor Center. CHEBOYGAN FLYERS RC CLUB – PERMISSION TO USE ONAWAY AIRPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow the Cheboygan Flyers RC Club to use the Onaway Airport for their events and that the County be named as an additional insured. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang reported on the status of the union negotiations. He also reported on a meeting with insurance providers for the health care plan. HEALTH INSURANCE THIRD PARTY ADMINISTER 2015-2016 Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to use 44 North (formally CIC Benefits) as the Third Party Administer for the plan period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor Steiger reported on an upcoming trial and the closing of the Rogers City DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) office due to budget cuts from the state. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Treasurer, Bridget LaLonde reported on a meeting with MGT for the new dashboard link that they are creating/maintaining for the county. County Clerk, Ann Marie Main, reported on the recent elections, the completion of the proposed 2015-2016 budget and working on the new FOIA policy due by July 1, 2015. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Darga – will be looking for funding from the county for a Hazardous Waste pick up day. Commissioner Lang – reported on the Health Department meeting Commissioner Gapczynski – no report Commissioner Altman – no report Commissioner Schell – no report CORRESPONDENCES - Alpena Chamber newsletter Gift of Life newsletter Health Board minutes of April 21, 2015 PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until June 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 11:37 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Lang led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Carl L. Altman, Stephen Lang, Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Commissioners excused: Michael Darga. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the agenda with additions. 1. Friend of the Court seminar 2. Payment of voucher – John’s Plumbing & Heating Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Commissioner Darga entered meeting at 7:07 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of May 29, 2015 with corrections. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the claims of June 9, 2015 in the amount $151,310.77. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Eric Klein commented on his concern for the upkeep at the Forty Mile Point Lighthouse. OLD BUSINESS COMPUTER PURCHASE – REGISTER OF DEEDS Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the purchase of two(2) computers for the Register of Deeds office from Design Team Media Consultants in the amount of $1336.00. Money is to from the Register of Deeds budget. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING FOR 2014-2015 BUDGET Chairman Altman declared the public hearing open at 7:14 p.m. No comments offered by the public Chairman Altman declared the public hearing closed at 7:15 p.m. ADOPTION OF 2015-2016 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adopt the 2014-2015 FY General Fund Revenue budget in the amount of $5,141,964.10 and the 2015-2016 FY General Fund Expenditure budget in the amount of $5,100,097.00 Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADOPTION OF 2015-2016 SPECIAL REVENUE AND ENTERPRISE BUDGET Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt the 2015-2016 FY Special Revenue and Enterprise fund budgets in the following amounts: FUND NAME AIRPORT FUND BUILDING & ZONING CHILD CARE FUND CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE CORRECTION OFFICER TRAINING FUND COUNTY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY PARK CONSTRUCTION COURTHOUSE CONSTRUCTION DATA PROCESSING DARE FUND DEPT. OF HUMAN SERVICE DRUG FORFEITURE FUND DRUNK DRIVING FUND ELECTIONS FUND EMERGENCY SERVICE – FIRE/AMB EMERGENCY SERVICES GRANTS FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND HOUSING COMMISSION JAIL TELEPHONE JUVENILE – COMMUNITY CARE GRANT LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND LAW LIBRARY 9-1-1 FUND OCQUEOC OUTDOOR CENTER PARKS & RECREATION PROSECUTORS DIVERSION PROGRAM REGISTER OF DEEDS TECH FUND RESOURCE RECOVERY FUND REVENUE SHARING RESERVE ROAD COMMISSION FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURE 53,437.35 80,400.00 90,200.00 114,784.00 474,514.00 533,628.00 7,500.00 3,050.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 26,500.00 23,280.00 0 4,050.00 0 300,000.00 22,377.76 10,600.00 0 2,194.73 7,000.00 6,275.00 500.00 4742.31 3,100.00 6,000.00 25,000.00 10,750.00 0 100,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 217,098.28 193,039.00 162,000.00 234,424.00 1,200.00 3,850.00 24,621.00 23,544.44 1,100.00 8,900.00 12,000.00 14,000.00 176,000.00 242,842.00 12,500.00 12,685.00 6000.00 5,775.00 15,600.00 12,144.00 31,000.00 42,300.00 80,000.00 67,300.00 278,400.00 278,400.00 5,451,767.00 5,451,767.00 SRO/K-9 SENIOR CITIZENS FUND SOLDIERS & SAILORS STATE GRANTS VETERANS TRUST FUND 196,484.00 696,923.00 16,337.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 223,775.00 696,923.00 16,685.00.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION IMPOSING 2015 SUMMER PROPERTY TAX LEVY PURSUANT TO PUBLIC ACT 357 OF 2004 AND NOTICE OF CERTIFICATION OF COUNTY ALLOCATED TAX LEVY WHEREAS, Presque Isle County is authorized under the General Property Tax Act, Public Act of 1893, as amended, to levy and collect county allocated property taxes; and WHEREAS, the General Property Tax Act has been amended by Public Act 357 of 2004, being MCL 211.44a, to require all Michigan counties to impose a summer tax levy, with the summer tax levies for 2005 and 2006 to be in the amount of 1/3 and 2/3, respectively, of the total county allocated tax, with the full amount of county allocated tax levied and collected as a summer tax levy in 2007; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Public Act 357 of 2004, the Presque Isle County allocated tax shall be levied and collected on July 1, 2015, at the rate allocated of 5.74; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Treasurer of each city, village and township in Presque Isle County is directed to account for and deliver all of the county allocated tax collections for 2015 in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 357 of 2004; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution constitutes certification of the levy of the county allocated tax and authorized collection of the county allocated tax on July 1, 2015, at the rate allocated of 5.74 mills; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk shall deliver a copy of this resolution by first class mail to the treasurer of each city, village and township in Presque Isle County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Presque Isle County Clerk cause publication of Notice of Public Hearing for the proposed FY 2015-2016 budget and the property tax millage rate proposed to be levied in accordance with Public Act 43 of 1963, as amended. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adopt the above resolution. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. COMMUNITY COMPLIANCE GRANT EXTENSION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow Danielle Streich to extend the Community Compliance Program through September 2015 and authorize the Chairman to sign the application for extension of the grant funds. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. DRAIN COMMISSIONERS ANNUAL REPORT Charles Lyon presented the Board with the Annual Drain Commissioners report and the fee schedule with no changes requested. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the Drain Commissioners Annual Report and fee schedule. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. FRIEND OF THE COURT CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to allow Mary Muszynski to attend the Friend of the Court Association Summer Conference in Midland, July 27-30, 2015 and to pay the registration fee and necessary travel expenses. Money is to come from the Friend of the Court budget. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PAYMENT OF VOUCHER – JOHN’S PLUMBING & HEATING Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to pay John’s Plumbing and Heating the sum of $3,037.22 for materials only for the sprinkler backflow preventer bid and jail toilet replacement. Ayes: Darga, Schell. Nays: Gapczynski, Altman, Lang. Motion failed by roll call vote. PAYMENT OF VOUCHER – JOHN’S PLUMBING & HEATING Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to pay to John’s Plumbing and Heating the sum of $1,487.50 for materials only for the sprinkler backflow preventer bid. Money is to come from the Courthouse and Grounds budget. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: Gapczynski. Motion carried by roll call vote. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Commissioner Land and seconded by Commissioner Darga to enter into executive session for the purposes of discussing pending litigation. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. Meeting reopens to the public at 8:35 p.m. with all members present. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to accept the recommendation for settlement in the Burgess v. Presque Isle County, et al. lawsuit. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Schell reported on the Finance committee meeting. Chairman Altman advised the board of a letter of resignation he received from Judge McLennan regarding Shelly Hyde, Assistant Public Guardian. Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Darga to authorize the chairman to sign a letter of recognition to Shelly Hyde for her years of service. Ayes: All, motion carried by roll call vote. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported that the Public Health and Safety committee will meet June 23, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle County Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported that the Courthouse and Grounds committee will meet June 23, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the Courthouse. Commissioner Darga reported that he received a request from the Building and Zoning office to change their office hours to match that of the other offices in the Annex building. OFFICE HOUR CHANGE – BUILDING AND ZONING Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow the Building and Zoning office to change their hours to 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported that the Airport and Parks committee will meet June 23, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Courthouse. RECYCLING COMMITTEE Commissioner Darga reported that the cans are being placed around the county and they will know in a few weeks if the placements will need to be adjusted. No meeting scheduled at this time PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Lang will be requesting an executive session and is requesting the adoption of the BCN Health Care plan. ADOPTION OF HEALTH CARE INSURANCE PLAN FOR 2015 PLAN YEAR Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to enter into an agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield to purchase the Blue Care Network (Option 2) plan to begin July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 for all eligible employees Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. EMPLOYMENT STATUS CHANGES – NORM SMITH AND KERRY KUZNICKI NORM SMITH Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to appoint Norm Smith as the Emergency Services Director effective July 1, 2015 with an annual salary of $13,000.00 and benefits to include employee health care upon eligibility, excluding dental. Shall not be subject to retirement benefits. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. KERRY KUZNICKI Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to appoint Kerry Kuznicki as the Assistant Head Custodian effective July 1, 2015 with a wage set at $14.86 per hour and benefits as included in elected/appointed division. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczyski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor Rick Steiger presented the board with a packet of information regarding the Prosecutorial Diversion Program and commented on the recent trial. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS No reports given. BUDGET AMENDMENTS – 2014-2015 BUDGET Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to authorize amendments to the FY 2014-2015 General Fund Budget and FY 2014-2015 Special Revenue and Enterprise Funds to reflect all funds received and expended through June 30, 2015, subject to review by the Finance Committee Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell reported on the information session held by the Treasurer regard Land Banks Commissioner Altman – no report Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang reported on the NEMSCA meeting Commissioner Gapczynski – no report CORRESPONDENCES - MERS Actuarial for 2014 NEMCOG minutes of February 20, 2014 NEMCOG membership meeting invite for June 18, 2015 Northeast MI Community Mental Health newsletter of May 2015, minutes of April 9, 2015 Northeast MI Counties Association minutes of May 18, 2015 EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations, after a brief recess. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. Meeting was in recess at 9:22 p.m. Meeting reopened to public at 9:36 p.m. A roll call was taken and all board members were present. PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adjourn until June 26, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 9:39 p.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, June 26, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Carl L. Altman, Stephan Lang, Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, and Michael Darga. Commissioners excused: None. AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the minutes of June 10, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of May 31, 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD None UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION PENINSULA FIBER FOR 9-1-1 SERVICE PROVIDER Whereas, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners ("Board") is authorized under Michigan's Emergency Telephone Service Enabling Act, 1986 PA 32, as amended ("Act") and under authority provided by its Emergency Telephone Services Plan ("911 Plan") to make administrative findings regarding among other things, the service suppliers providing 9-1-1 services within the 911 Plan's Service District; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Board hereby makes an Administrative Finding that Peninsula Fiber Network, LLC and or its affiliates shall be the primary 9-1-1 service supplier, employing a common network that enables all other service suppliers within the 911 Plan's Service District to be selectively routed and otherwise access the 9- 1-1 system and the primary PSAPs identified in the Plan; Be It Resolved, that all service suppliers shall cooperate with Peninsula Fiber Network, LLC in order to facilitate the switchover to its common network, Next Generation Selective Router and other Next Generation 911 services, features and offerings as may be applicable or required herein; Be It Further Resolved, that Peninsula Fiber Network, LLC and or its affiliates is authorized and directed to work with the 911 Plan's service suppliers, the Michigan Public Service Commission, State 911 Committee and State 911 Director and any other state, federal or local authority in order to effectuate and implement the provisions of this Administrative Finding, including but not limited to the identification for a specific date and time for the switchover to the Peninsula Fiber Network's or its affiliate's common network; Be It Further Resolved, that this Resolution shall augment, supersede, modify or replace any inconsistent prior resolution or motion; Be It Further Resolved, that the County Clerk shall send a copy of this resolution and its Administrative Findings to PFN and to each PSAP, and emergency service provider within the County. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt the above resolution and authorized the Chairman to sign. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) POLICY Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt the proposed Freedom of Information Act Policy and Procedures, the Public Summary of Freedom of Information Act Policy and Procedures, the following forms: Request for Public Records, Notice to Extend Response Time, Notice of Denial, To Appeal a Denial of Records, to Appeal an Excess Fee, and the Detailed Cost Itemization form effective July 1, 2015. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. APPOINTMENT OF FIOA (FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT) COORDINATOR Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to appoint the County Clerk as the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Coordinator for the county. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. TREASURER’S ANNUAL REPORT OF LAND SALE PROCEEDS ACCOUNTS Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the Treasurer’s Annual report of Land Sale Proceed Accounts. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. 40 HOUR WORK WEEK – COUNTY TREASURER’S OFFICE Motion by Commissioner Land and seconded by Commissioner Schell to allow the employees in the County Treasurer’s office to work 40 hour work weeks and to have their vacation, sick and personal time be calculated according to a 40 hour work week. This will be in effect from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. TARGET ALPENA ANNUAL UPDATE Jim Klarich presented to the Board an update on projects that Target Alpena has been working on behalf of Presque Isle County and a review of matters handled in the last year. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on July 13, 2015 at 9 a.m. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Public Health and Safety meeting held June 23, 2015 at the Presque Isle County Sheriff Department. ALARM WIRING – COURTHOUSE TO SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to have K & K Electric install a strobe light in the 9-1-1 Dispatch center as a direct line from the Courthouse fire alarm system to the 9-1-1 Dispatch Center in the amount of $1600.00. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Courthouse and Ground Committee meeting held June 23, 2015 at the Presque Isle County Courthouse. ADVERTISE FOR BIDS SECURITY ENCLOSURE’S Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to advertise for bids for the building of security enclosures in three offices of the Courthouse in the Presque Isle Newspaper for one week and on the county website. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. WALK BEHIND MOWER PURCHASE Maintenance Supervisor Mike Libby is requesting to purchase a walk behind lawn mower and has submitted four quotes for a 190 cc Engine, 21” cut with a bagger. Grulke Hardware – MTD Brand $350.00 Wayne’s Sharp All – Snapper Rogers City Ace Hardware – Craftsman Pine Lumber – Craftsman $529.00 $239.99 $239.99 Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Altman to allow Mike Libby to purchase a walk behind lawn mower from Pine Lumber in the amount of $239.99. Money is to come from Courthouse and Grounds budget. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. AIRPORT AND PARKS Commissioner Darga reported on a meeting with Pat Williams from the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse Society held June 23, 2015. ADVERTISE FOR BIDS – SIDEWALK REPAIR 40 MILE POINT LIGHTHOUSE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to advertise for sidewalk repair/replacement at the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse for one week in the Presque Isle Newspaper and on the county website. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang will be requesting executive session, he also reported on a meeting with the Sheriff regarding classifications changes. ELECTRICAL UPGRADES – SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to accept the quote from K & K Electric (only bid received) for an electrical upgrade to the Sheriff Department circuit panel in the amount of $1,380.00. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor Steiger apologized to the Board for the recent error during a jury trial and the financial burden placed on the county. Devin Pommeranke, the coordinator for the Prosecutors Diversion program gave the Board an overview of the program. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Register of Deeds, Cathy Idalski reported on the computer installation and the upcoming scanning project County Clerk, Ann Marie Main, reported on a securing a grant for five AED’s for the Sheriff’s Department, Courthouse and Annex building. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – has been attending committee meetings regarding negotiations Commissioner Darga – reported on the recycling program Commissioner Lang – no report Commissioner Gapczynski – no report Commissioner Altman – Reported on the Health Board meeting and NEMCOG meeting CORRESPONDENCES - 40 Mile Point Lighthouse flyer Business After Hours invite Health Department Agenda and minutes of May 19, 2015 Final 2015 Taxable Valuation for Presque Isle County NE MI Regional Council on Again minutes of April 27, 2015 and May 28, 2015. Presque Isle Road Commission 2014 Financial Audit Report EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to enter into executive session for the purposes of discussing current union contract negotiations. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote Meeting closed to public at 11:01 a.m. Meeting re-opened to public at 11:30 a.m. PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 11:31 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Lang led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl L. Altman, and Stephen Lang, Commissioners excused: none Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with additions. 1. Magistrate’s conference 2. Computer purchase – Prosecutor’s office 3. New Hire – Prosecutors Diversion program Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the minutes of June 26, 2015 as presented. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the claims of July 13, 2015 in the amount $208,620.76. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD No one appeared before the Board. NEW BUSINESS MERS CONFERENCE Matter tabled until the August 12, 2015 meeting to obtain additional agenda information. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES – BUILDING CLOSING John Vogelheim addressed the board requesting support in opposition to the closing of the Department of Human Services branch office located in Rogers City. LETTER OF SUPPORT IN OPPOSITION TO THE CLOSING OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ROGERS CITY BRANCH OFFICE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to authorize the chairman to sign a letter of support in opposition to the closing of the Department of Human Services Rogers City branch office and mail a copy to Governor Rick Steiger, Senator James Stamas and Representative Peter Pettalia. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. RADIO TOWER REPAIR Matter will be referred back to the Sheriff to obtain additional information. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION AGREEMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the contract between Michigan State University Extension and Presque Isle County for 2015-2016 for $79,048.00 and authorize the chairman to sign said agreement. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADOPTION OF AGREEMENT NORTHEAST MICHIGAN CONSORTIUM FIRST AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to adopt the Northeast Michigan Consortium First Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement and authorize the Chairman and County Clerk to sign said agreement. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. NORTHEAST MICHIGAN CONSORTIUM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT SUPPORTING COUNTY RESOLUTION WHEREAS the Parties desire to enter into this Interlocal Agreement, pursuant to the Urban Cooperation Act, Act 7 of the Public Acts of 1967, Ex. Sess, being MCL 124.501 et seq., as amended (the UCA); and WHEREAS the eight counties, Alcona, Alpena, Cheboygan, Crawford, Montmorency, Oscoda, Otsego and Presque Isle established the Northeast Michigan Consortium (NEMC) hereinafter referred to as Consortium or NEMC, as a separate legal entity under the Urban Cooperation Act (UCA) of 1967, as amended, Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 124.501 under an Interlocal Agreement dated August 25, 1983 for the purpose of operating programs under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and subsequent replacement legislation in the eight counties of the agreement; and WHEREAS in order to comply with provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and subsequent replacement legislation; and WHEREAS Iosco County, Ogemaw County and Roscommon County desires to join the consortium under the UCA for the purpose of providing for the administration of employment and training programs in those areas, because the Michigan Works! service delivery area has been expanded to include Iosco County, Ogemaw County and Roscommon County; and WHEREAS Alcona County, Alpena County, Cheboygan County, Crawford County, Iosco County, Montmorency County, Ogemaw County, Oscoda County, Otsego County, Presque Isle County and Roscommon County are all public agencies that are authorized to enter this Interlocal Agreement under the UCA, pursuant to resolutions of each of their governing bodies, which resolutions designate the officer authorized to sign this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of each public body; and WHEREAS the Counties agree that pursuant to authorities of Michigan Public Act 7 the Northeast Michigan Consortium is reestablished on behalf of the Counties by mutual consent of the respected chief elected officials of each county board of commissioners. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to authorities of Michigan Public Act 7, and in consideration of the First Amended Interlocal Agreement and Charter, effective date of October 1, 2015, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Presque Isle by the County Clerk, with the understanding that a copy of this resolution shall be added as an attachment to the Interlocal Agreement as referenced. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to adopt the above resolution and authorize the Chairman to sign. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PROPERTY PURCHASE County Treasurer Bridget LaLonde presented the board with the information to purchase a parcel of property listed as Parcel #150-001-000-090-00 located at 218 N. 2nd Street, Rogers City, Michigan commonly referred to as “Frank’s building”. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to authorize the County to purchase parcel #150-001-000-090-00 located at 218 N. 2nd Street, Rogers City, Michigan in the amount of $4000.00. Money is to come from the Tax Foreclosure Fund (515). Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. POLC-DEPUTIES UNION CONTRACT – RATIFICATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Altman to ratify the union contract between Presque Isle County and the Police Officers Labor Council-Deputies effective July 1, 2015 as presented for a term of three years, and to authorize the chairman to sign said contract. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. POLC-JAIL/DISPATCH UNION CONTRACT – RATIFICATION Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to ratify the union contract between Presque Isle County and the Police Officers Labor Council-Jail/Dispatch effective July 1, 2015 as presented for a term of three years, and to authorize the chairman to sign said contract. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. RATIFICATION OF AGREEMENT WITH NON-UNION COURT PERSONNEL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to ratify the agreement between Presque Isle County and the Non-Union Court Personnel effective July 1, 2015 as presented for a term of three years and authorized the chairman to sign said contract and the attached three letters of agreement regarding Health Care benefits, Wages and MERS. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. BUDGET AMENDMENT – SOLDIERS AND SAILORS RELIEF FUND Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to amend the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund (293) to add $15,000.00 to both the revenue and the expense budget. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. MAGISTRATE CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to allow Christina Delekta to attend the Michigan Association of District Court Magistrates 2015 Annual Conference September 23-25, 2015 in Thompsonville, Michigan. Money is to come from the District Court Budget. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. COMPUTER PURCHASE – PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to allow the Prosecutor to purchase a computer and required 2010 Microsoft Office software from Chowen & Associates in the total amount of $890.54. Money is to come from the Prosecutors budget. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW HIRE – PROSECUTOR’S DIVERSION PROGRAM Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize the Prosecutor to fill the vacant position for the Prosecutor’s Diversion Program with Annette Porter. Work hours will remain at no more than 19 hours per week and at $12.00 per hour. No additional benefits to be provided. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman Altman reported on finance meeting held July 13, 2015. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT The Public Health and Safety meeting will be moved from its regular scheduled day to Tuesday August 4, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT The Courthouse and Grounds meeting will be moved from its regular scheduled day to Tuesday August 4, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the Board of Commissioner’s room in the Courthouse. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT The Airport and Parks meeting will be moved from its regular scheduled day to Monday, August 3, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Board of Commissioner’s room in the Courthouse. (This meeting has been rescheduled to August 25, 2015) Commissioner Darga reported on the resurfacing project at the Rogers City airport. TRANSFER OF FUNDS Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to transfer $50,000.00 from the Courthouse Construction Fund( 470) to the General Fund(101), then to transfer $50,000.00 from the General Fund(101) to the Capital Projects Fund(401). Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. RECYCLING COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported on the progress the recycling program. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Lang reported on a meeting with Judge Maria Barton. PROSECUTORS REPORT No report given OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Register of Deed Cathy Idalski reported that the scanning project in her office will begin next week and will require 24 hour access to her office. She has made arrangements. County Clerk Ann Marie Main requested to deviate from the county policy for excess property disposal and place a list of excess equipment/furniture on the bulletin boards, bids will be taken to the finance committee for final approval of the sale of items. Board members agree. (no motion made) DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – no report Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – no report Commissioner Gapczynski reported on attending the MTA quarterly meeting at the Moltke Twp. Hall. Commissioner Altman – no report CORRESPONDENCES - PAR Plan Newsletter Northeast Michigan Community Mental Health Board minutes of 06-11-2015 and 05-14-2015 PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until July 31, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 9:53 p.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, July 31, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, and Carl Altman. Commissioners excused: Stephen Lang AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the agenda with three additions: 1. Payment of voucher 2. Conference – Clerk 3. Awarding of bids – Security Enclosure and Sidewalk replacement Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of July 14, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of June 30, 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD None UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL WHEREAS, the county of Presque Isle, has received a list of tax foreclosed parcels from the County Treasurer on April 12, 2015 and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Public Act 123, 1999 and Michigan Compiled Law 211.78m of the General Property Tax Act, the State of Michigan, Cities, Townships and Counties have the right of first refusal for all properties that were foreclosed by the Presque Isle County Treasurer, as of April 1 and WHEREAS, the County of Presque Isle has discussed the list of tax foreclosed properties by the County Treasurer, during a regular board meeting dated Tuesday, July 14, 2015, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners elect to accept our first right of refusal and purchase parcel # 150-001-000-090-00, with an address of 218 North 2nd St, Rogers City, MI 49779 for the minimum bid of $4,000, in accordance with MCL 211.78m (1). Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adopt the above resolution. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Schell Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. UNITED STEELWORKERS UNION CONTRACT – RATIFICATION Moved by Commissioner Schell and supported by Commissioner Darga to ratify the union contract between Presque Isle County and the United Steelworkers-Courthouse Employees for a term of three years upon final review and approval of corrections by the union and personnel committee and to authorize the chairman to sign said contract. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. VIRTUAL BACK-UP AGREEMENT – CHOWEN’S Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract between Chowen and Associates for the Virtual Back-Up Agreement for July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Ayes: Altman, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. PAYMENT OF VOUCHER Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to pay the voucher to the United States Postal Service for the Jury Board Post Office Box in the amount of $60.00. Money is to come from the Jury Commission budget. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY CLERK’S CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Darga to allow the County Clerk to attend the Michigan Association of County Clerk’s Conference in Harbor Springs, August 23-26, 2015 and to pay necessary registration and travel expenses. Money is to come from the Clerk’s Office Budget. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Schell. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. BID AWARDS COURTHOUSE OFFICES SECURITY ENCLOSURES Two bids were received for the security enclosures for the offices of the Register of Deeds, County Clerk and 89th District Court. The prices reflect the total cost of the project. Sunrise Side Construction, Inc $37,384.00 Fleis LLC $29,912.00 Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to award the bid to Fleis LLC for the total cost of $29,912.00. All work is to meet job specifications. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT – 40 MILE POINT LIGHTHOUSE Two bids were received for the replacement of sidewalks around the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse. Fleis LLC Chappa Construction: $18,804.00 $ 7,304.00 Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to award the bid to Chappa Construction for a total cost of $7,304.00. Ayes: Altman, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 9 a.m. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY The meeting scheduled for August 4, 2015 will be cancelled and the committee will meet at their next regularly scheduled time of August 25, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Sheriff Department. The Sheriff gave a brief report of matters at the sheriff department in place of the meeting minutes and submitted a written copy (correspondence). COURTHOUSE & GROUND The meeting scheduled for August 4, 2015 will be cancelled and the committee will meet at their next regularly scheduled time of August 25, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners Room of the Courthouse. Commissioner Darga gave a brief report of matters at the courthouse in place of the meeting minutes and submitted a written copy (correspondence). AIRPORT AND PARKS The meeting scheduled for August 3, 2015 will be cancelled and the committee will meet at their next regularly scheduled time of August 25, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners Room of the Courthouse. PERSONNEL No report given. PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecuting Attorney Rick Steiger reported on a recent jury trial and recent Supreme court rulings. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Register of Deed Cathy Idalski reported on the recent scanning project in her office. County Clerk Ann Marie Main reported on receiving the money from the sale of the Toshiba phone system. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on attending the Michigan Works meeting Commissioner Darga – reported on the recycling program Commissioner Gapczynski – reported on attending the Straits Regional Ride meeting Commissioner Altman – reported on the Health Board meeting and NEMCOG meeting CORRESPONDENCES - Report from Straits Regional Ride Report from the Sheriff Paschke Report from Head Custodian Mike Libby Northeast Michigan Regional Council on Aging minutes of June 22, 2015 District Health Department minutes of June 16, 2015 Thank you Card from Ardeane Kelley PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adjourn until Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 10:22 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Lang led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl L. Altman, and Stephen Lang, Commissioners excused: none Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with two additions and one deletion. 1. Conference – Crime Victims Advocate 2. To Fill Vacancy – Prosecutors Office Remove – Item # 1 under New Business: Budget Amendments. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Gapczynski and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the minutes of July 31, 2015 as presented. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to approve the claims of August 11, 2015 in the amount $115,168.10. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD No one appeared before the Board. OLD BUSINESS MERS CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to allow a Board member, the County Clerk and one employee to attend the MERS Conference in Grand Rapids October 8-9, 2015 and to pay all necessary registration and travel expenses. Money is to come from the Board of Commissioners budget. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS CRIME VICTIMS RIGHTS ADVOCATE ANNUAL CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to allow Marie Wisniewski to attend the Crime Victims Advocate Annual Conference, September 15-18, 2015 in Grand Rapids and to pay necessary expense. Money is to come from the Prosecutor’s budget. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE – TO FILL VACANCY Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow the Prosecutor to fill the vacancy that will occur upon the retirement of Marie Wisniewski and allow the new hire to start on September 28, 2015. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman Altman reported on finance meeting held August 11, 2015. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT The Public Health and Safety meeting meet on August 25, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT The Courthouse and Grounds Committee will meet on August 25, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners room of the Courthouse. Commissioner Darga reported on some issues addressed from the Maintenance Supervisor. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT The Airport and Parks Committee will meet on August 25, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners room of the Courthouse. RECYCLING COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported on the progress of the recycling program. RECYCLING CAN PURCHASE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to lease two (2) 4-yard dumpsters at a cost $82.40 per month with one to be placed in Posen and one in North Allis Township. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT No report PROSECUTORS REPORT Prosecutor Rick Stieger reported on an upcoming trial and the Diversion program. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Treasurer Bridget LaLonde reported on the upcoming Public Land Auction Sheriff Robert Paschke read a statement to the board and filed copy of a letter sent to the Michigan Attorney General’s office as correspondence. LETTER TO MICHIGAN ATTORNEY GENERAL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to send a letter to the Michigan Attorney General requesting the Attorney General assume supervision over the County Prosecutor’s office. Ayes: Darga Nays: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski Motion failed by roll call vote. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on the MI Works program Commissioner Darga – will be setting up a recycling meeting in the future Commissioner Lang – no report Commissioner Gapczynski-reported on the NEMSCA meeting. Commissioner Altman – no report CORRESPONDENCES - Letter from Sheriff Robert Paschke to the Michigan Attorney General William Schuette PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until August 28, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 7:49 p.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, August 28, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl Altman and Stephen Lang Commissioners excused: None AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with three additions: 1. Presque Isle Council on Aging – FY 2016 Program Project Authorization 2. Board Civil Counsel 3. 106th State Representative Peter Pettalia – regarding the Dept. of Health and Human Services Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of August 12, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of July 31, 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Beth Budnik updated the Board of Commissioners on the Under the Radar Program marketing initiative. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS UPDATE ON THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Representative Pettalia addressed the Board on the Department of Health and Human Services office located in Rogers City. The services will not be moving out of Rogers City, but will be moving to a different building within the city of Rogers City. ADVERTISE FOR FUEL BIDS Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to advertise for one week in the local newspaper and the county maintained website for bids for the October 2015 thru September 2016 fuel purchase on county owned vehicles. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. INTRODUCTION OF DISTRICT COORDINATOR FOR MSU-E Kelly Hiemstra introduced Lisa Anderson as the new District Coordinator for the Michigan State University Extension office. Ms. Anderson addressed the Board with a brief background. COURTHOUSE SECURITY ISSUES Matter tabled until a later date to be determined. ARCHEOLOGICAL DIG STUDY REPORT Joan Scheel addressed the Board and presented them with a written statement on the recent Archeological dig study performed at the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse properties. FY 2016 SPECIALIZED SERVICES OPERATING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROJECT AUTHORIZATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the Project Authorization FY 2016 Specialized Services Operating Assistance Program between Presque Isle County and the Michigan Department of Transportation, Agreement Number 2012-0153, Project Number 128253, and to authorize the chairman to sign said contract. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CIVIL COUNSEL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to name Haider Kazim with Cummings, McClorey, Davis and Acho PLC to act as civil counsel to the Board of County Commissioners on an as needed basis with no retainer fee necessary. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Darga. Nays: Gapczynski. Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 9 a.m. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Commissioner Darga reported on the Public Health and Safety meeting held August 25, 2015. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Commissioner Darga reported on the Courthouse and Grounds meeting held August 25, 2015. AIRPORT AND PARKS No meeting was held. PERSONNEL No report given. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Clerk Ann Marie Main reported on attending a recent Clerk’s conference and she is awaiting the arrival of new Tasers and AED’s (automatic external defibulaors ) awarded through grants. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – no report given. Commissioner Darga – no report given. Commissioner Lang – reported on attending the Health Board meeting. Commissioner Gapczynski – no report given. Commissioner Altman – reported on attending the NEMCOG meeting and a meeting held with Representative Pettalia regarding the Department of Health & Human Services building closure. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to enter into Executive session for the purpose of discuss pending litigation regarding Steiger v. Paschke, et al, File No: 1:15-cv-12627. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman Nays: None. Motion carried by roll call vote. The Board took a brief recess at 10:50 a.m. before entering executive session. The Public meeting re-opens at 11:50 a.m. CORRESPONDENCES - Report from the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse Society re: 2015 Archeological Research Investigation Report regarding the Under the Radar marketing initiative. Health Board Meeting minutes of July 21, 2015 Correspondence from Prosecutor Steiger to the Board of Commissioners. PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 11:53 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Lang led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, and Carl L. Altman. Commissioners excused: Stephen Lang Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the agenda with three additions. 1. Board of Canvassers appointments 2. Housing Commission – Lien requirements 3. Amended Disclosure – Commissioner Darga Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of August 28, 2015 as presented. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the claims of September 8, 2015 in the amount $88,384.09. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD No one appeared before the Board. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS BOARD OF CANVASSERS APPOINTMENT - REPUBLICAN Three names have been submitted by the Republican Party Chair for the Board of Canvassers appointment . Janet Lamb, Marcy Gordier, and Sheri LaFave A vote was taken of each member Gapczynski – Janet Lamb Darga Janet Lamb Schell Janet Lamb Altman Janet Lamb Janet Lamb is appointed by a majority vote to the Board of Canvassers – Republican seat for a four (4) year term of November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2019. BOARD OF CANVASSERS APPOINTMENT - DEMOCRAT Two names have been submitted by the Democratic Party Chair for the Board of Canvassers appointment . Theresa Heinzel and Thomas Guyer A vote was taken of each member Darga Theresa Heinzel Schell Theresa Heinzel Altman Theresa Heinzel Gapczynski Theresa Heinzel Theresa Heinzel is appointed by a majority vote to the Board of Canvassers – Democrat seat for a four (4) year term of November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2019. HOUSING PROGRAM – LIEN REQUIREMENTS Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt the following recommended lien requirement changes: For anyone in the Targeted areas: City of Rogers City, City of Onaway and Village of Millersburg, 50% of the loan will be forgiven over 5 years; the remaining 50% of the loan would be deferred (no payment) at 0% interest until the property is sold or transferred at which time they would have to pay back the loan, or if they no longer live in the property, they would have to pay the loan. Repayment is made to Presque Isle County. For anyone countywide not in the Targeted Areas, the loan would be 100% deferred (no payments) at 0% interest until sale or transfer of property, or if they no longer live in the property. Repayment is made to Presque Isle County. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Schell. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. AMENDED DISCLOSURE RESOLUTION – COMMISSIONER DARGA Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adopt the following amended resolution: WHEREAS, Michael Darga of Rogers City, Michigan has been elected to the Board of Commissioners for a term of two years effective January 1, 2015, and WHEREAS, Mr. Darga is a partner in Darga Brothers of Rogers City, Michigan, and owner of Mike Darga Builders of Rogers City, Michigan, and WHEREAS, Mr. Darga is employed at the Rogers City Area Senior and Community Center, and WHEREAS, Mr. Darga is a stockholder in Calcite Credit Union of Rogers City, Huron National Bank of Rogers City and Chemical Bank of Rogers City, and WHEREAS, Calcite Credit Union, Huron National Bank and Chemical Bank are used as depositories for funds of said county WHEREAS, the Rogers City Area Senior and Community Center does receive millage funding via an agreement with the Presque Isle County Council on Aging, and THEREFORE, the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners are fully cognizant of the fact that Mr. Darga is a partner in Darga Brothers of Rogers City, Michigan, owner of Mike Darga Builders, is employed at the Rogers City Area Senior and Community Center and a stockholder in said credit union and banks and does desire to continue business as usual with said businesses, banks and credit union. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Schell, Gapczynski Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Schell reported on the finance meeting held September 8, 2015. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT The Public Health and Safety Committee will meet on September 22, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT The Courthouse and Grounds Committee will meet on September 22, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners room of the Courthouse. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT The Airport and Parks Committee will meet on September 22, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners room of the Courthouse. RECYCLING COMMITTEE REPORT The Recycling Committee will meet on October 13, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners room of the Courthouse. SECURITY MEETING Commissioner Darga will call a security meeting for department heads to attend on October 12, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners room of the Courthouse. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Schell reported on meeting with the Sheriff. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Treasurer Bridget LaLonde reported on the upcoming training she will be having for posting on foreclosed properties. County Clerk Ann Marie Main showed the board the new AED’s (automatic external defibulator’s) that were received for the sheriff’s patrol cars and the county buildings through a grant. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – no report Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Gapczynski- no report Commissioner Altman – no report CORRESPONDENCES - Northeast MI Community Service Agency – minutes of August 7, 2015. PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Altman, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Lang Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adjourn until September 25, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 7:40 p.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, September 25, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Deputy Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl Altman and Stephen Lang. AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang (?) to approve the agenda with two additions and one correction: 1. Proposed Land Swap by DNR 2. Straits Regional Ride Correction to approve Minutes from the meeting of September 10, 2015 not August 10 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of September 10, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang (?) to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of August 31, 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD None UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS FY 2016 CHILD CARE FUND BUDGET APPROVAL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the FY 2015-2016 Child Care Fund Budget in the amount of $510,169.76 and authorize the Chairman to sign said budget summary. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. GASOLINE BIDS – COUNTY VEHICLES Two bids were received for the price of gasoline for county owned vehicles for the period of October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. Sealed bids opened at meeting. Basel Oil Co. $1.70 per gallon as of September 18 with adjustments made as the price increases or decreases. PERson Inc. $.05 over cost – price as of September 15, 2015 $1.643 Commissioner Darga stated that per phone call, PERson Inc. $.05 over cost amount also applies to fuel oil. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to accept the bid from PERson Inc. for $.05 over cost for gasoline and fuel oil. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PROPOSED LAND SWAP BY DNR Commissioner Schell reported on a potential land swap that is being considered by the DNR in Presque Isle County. Moved by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to draft a resolution opposing the transaction and authorize the Chairman to sign. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. STRAITS REGIONAL RIDE Commissioner Altman reported on a reduction in funding from mental health (Community Mental Health?) for Straits Regional Ride that would result in a shortfall that potentially would need to be absorbed in part by the county. No action is needed at this time. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the courthouse. PUBLIC HELATH & SAFETY Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Public Health and Safety meeting held September 22, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle County Courthouse. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Courthouse and Ground Committee meeting held September 22, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the Presque Isle County Courthouse. A Courthouse security meeting will be held Monday, October 12, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the courthouse. RECYCLING COMMITTEE The Recycling Committee will meet on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the courthouse. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT The Airport and Parks Committee scheduled for September 22, 2015 at 7 p.m. was cancelled. PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang reported that discussions will begin shortly for 2016 salaries and per diems for elected and appointed officials. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS None. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on attending the Michigan Works meeting Commissioner Darga – no report given. Commissioner Lang – no report given. Commissioner Gapczynski – reported on attending the NEMSCA meeting. Commissioner Altman – reported on the Health Board meeting. CORRESPONDENCES - Letter from Probate Judge regarding new hire. Health Board meeting minutes dated August 18, 2015 Michigan Works Consortium minutes dated July 20, 2015 PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., subject to call of the chair. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 10:45 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Darrin C. Darga, Deputy County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Wednesday October 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Michael Darga, Carl L. Altman, Stephen Lang, Robert Schell and Lee Gapczynski Commissioners excused: Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the agenda with one addition. 1. Veteran’s Counselor – letter of support Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of September 25, 2015 as presented. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the claims of October 13, 2015 in the amount $125,905.43. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Forester, Brittany VanderWall, from the Conservation District addressed the Board on the programs she has been active in or accomplished over past year. OLD BUSINESS In accordance with Election Law and the Open Meetings Act the Board of Canvasser’s Appointment was revoted on by a ballot vote and each member announced their vote openly. BOARD OF CANVASSERS APPOINTMENT - REPUBLICAN Three names have been submitted by the Republican Party Chair for the Board of Canvassers appointment. Janet Lamb, Marcy Gordier, and Sheri LaFave A vote was taken of each member Gapczynski – Janet Lamb Lang Janet Lamb Darga Sheri LaFave Schell Janet Lamb Altman Janet Lamb Janet Lamb is appointed by a majority vote to the Board of Canvassers – Republican seat for a four (4) year term of November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2019. BOARD OF CANVASSERS APPOINTMENT - DEMOCRAT Two names have been submitted by the Democratic Party Chair for the Board of Canvassers appointment. Theresa Heinzel and Thomas Guyer A vote was taken of each member Gapczynski Theresa Heinzel Darga Theresa Heinzel Schell Theresa Heinzel Altman Theresa Heinzel Gapczynski Theresa Heinzel Theresa Heinzel is appointed by a majority vote to the Board of Canvassers – Democrat seat for a four (4) year term of November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2019. NEW BUSINESS 2016 MILLAGE DISTRIBUTION – K9 / SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to fund the FY 2015/2016 School Resource Officer and K9 program from the 2015 millage funds to be levied on December 1, 2015 at the rate of .3000 mill. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Darga, Altman. Nays: Gapczynski. Motion carried by roll call vote. 2016 MILLAGE DISTRIBUTION – SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICES Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by commissioner Darga to fund the FY 2015/2016 Senior Citizens Services from the 2015 millage funds to be levied on December 1, 2015 at the rate of .7500 mill for services and .2500 mills for Senior Citizens Transportation services. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote 2016 MILLAGE DISTRIBUTION - RECYCLING Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to fund the FY 2015/2016 Recycling program from the 2015 millage funds to be levied on December 1, 2015 at the rate of .1000 mill. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote ADVERTISE FOR SNOWPLOWING BIDS Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize the Clerk to place an advertisement in the local paper for one week and on the county website to obtain bids for the snowplowing of the county buildings and airport for the 2015-2016 season. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. LETTER OF SUPPORT – VETERANS COUNSELOR Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize the chairman to sign a letter of support for the Veteran’s Counselor in order to receive grant funds with no additional funds needed from the county. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Schell reported on the finance meeting held October 13, 2015. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT The Public Health and Safety Committee will meet on September 22, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle Sheriff Department. Changed after the meeting by Commissioner Darga to October 27, 2015. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT The Courthouse and Grounds Committee will meet on October 20, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners room of the Courthouse. Changed after the meeting by Commissioner Darga to October 27, 2015. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT The Airport and Parks Committee will meet on October 21, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners room of the Courthouse. Changed after the meeting by Commissioner Darga to October 28, 2015. RECYCLING COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Darga reported on the Recycling meeting held October 13, 2016. SECURITY MEETING Commissioner Darga reported on a security meeting held on October 12, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners room of the Courthouse. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT The Personnel Committee will be meeting with officials regarding the 2016 salaries and wages on October 20, 2015. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS BUILDING AND ZONING ANNUAL REPORT Building and Zoning Official, James Zakshesky, presented the board with his annual report which was a 18 month report in order to coincide with the fiscal year. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the Building & Zoning Department Annual Report. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. County Treasurer Bridget LaLonde reported trainings she held regarding postings and an upcoming presentation for a Brownfield authority. County Clerk Ann Marie Main reported on attending the MTA meeting, appointingDarrin C. Darga as Chief Deputy, upcoming CPL training for all Clerk’s office staff. She also reported that the tower repair for the sheriff department is being covered by the insurance and that Board departments are doing well keeping the expenditures in line with or under budget so far the first quarter. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on the Land swap from the last meeting Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – no report Commissioner Gapczynski- reported on attending the NEMSCA meeting and the Straits Regional ride Commissioner Altman – reported on the Health Board meeting CORRESPONDENCES - PAR Plan newsletter District Heath Dept. No 4 minutes Northeast MI Community Mental Health Board minutes PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until October 30, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 8:48 p.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Friday, October 30, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Chief Deputy Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl Altman and Stephen Lang. AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with three additions: 1. Land Bank and Brownfield Development Establishment 2. Straits Regional Ride 3. Unreimbursed Medical Program Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of September 25, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Altman to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of September 30, 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD James Przybyla discussed concerns he has for the area with the closure of McLaren’s Rogers City Medical Group facility. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY FAIR Dolores Merchant addressed the Board of Commissioners regarding Presque Isle County Fair’s current budget shortfalls. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to pay $1682.89 of the Presque Isle County Fair’s advertising bills with money to come from the Commissioners’ budget. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PERSONNEL POLICY Clerk Ann Marie Main reported on a lack of progress with Cohl, Stoker and Toskey and recommended switching vendors for the project. Motion by Commissioner Gapczynski and seconded by Commissioner Darga to terminate the agreement with Cohl, Stoker and Toskey and have the Clerk notify them. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. MOTOROLA CONTRACT RENEWAL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with Tele-Rad, Inc. in the amount of $797.50. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. APPORTIONMENT REPORT - EQUALIZATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to receive and file the Equalization Director’s Apportionment Report for 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. RESCIND JUNE 10 APPOINTMENT OF KERRY KUZNICKI Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to rescind their motion made on June 10, 2015 appointing Kerry Kuznicki as the Assistant Head Custodian. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. AWARD SNOWPLOWING BID The one bid received was opened by Commissioner Darga at the meeting. The bid contained a copy of the vendors liability insurance. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to accept the bid and award the contract from Northeast Excavation, LLC. for $50 per hour for plow trucks, $70 per hour for loaders, $50 per plowing at the Rogers City Airport building and $150 per plowing at the Rogers City Airport Hangar. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. LAND BANK AND BROWNFIELD DEVELOPMENT County Treasurer Bridget LaLonde addressed the Board on a recent presentation on Brownfield Development and Land Banks. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize the Treasurer to work with Mac McClelland to establish a Land Bank/Brownfield Authority. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. STRAITS REGIONAL RIDE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to authorize the Chairman to sign the Letter of Understanding from Straits Regional Ride. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. UNREIMBURSED MEDICAL PROGRAM James Przybyla notified the board of an additional $50 per month compliance fee that will be assessed per month by WageWorks to administer the program beginning in 2016. He is looking at other options for the program and will present them to the Finance Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the courthouse. PUBLIC HELATH & SAFETY Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Public Health and Safety meeting held October 27, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Presque Isle County Courthouse. SECURITY ENCLOSURE UPGRADE – SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to bypass the bidding process and award the project to Fleis LLC for their bid of $2875.00 Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. COURTHOUSE & GROUND Commissioner Darga reported on the items discussed at the Courthouse and Ground Committee meeting held October 27, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the Presque Isle County Courthouse. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Gapczynski and Darga reported on the Airport and Parks Committee met October 28, 2015 at 7 p.m. WHEELS FOR AIRPORT SNOWPLOW Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to authorize up to $3500 for the purchase and installation of wheels for the Rogers City Airport snowplow. PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang reported that the committees’ recommendation for 2016 salaries and per diems for elected and appointed officials should be ready for the next meeting OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS None. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on the NEMCOG/Michigan Works merger Commissioner Darga – no report given. Commissioner Lang – no report given. Commissioner Gapczynski – reported on Northeast Michigan Recycling initiative Commissioner Altman – reported on the Health Board meeting, Landbank meeting and NEMCOG finance committee meeting. CORRESPONDENCES - DNR Regional Initiatives and Managed Public Land Strategy handouts FAA postcard regarding study conducted Thank you note from Marie Wisniewski PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until Thursday, November 12 at 9 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Thereupon the Board adjourned at _____ a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Darrin C. Darga, Chief Deputy Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Lang led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl L. Altman, Stephen Lang, and Robert Schell. Commissioners excused: none Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with one addition. 1. Jim Przybyla – Wage Works Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the minutes of October 30, 2015 with one correction. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the claims of November 10, 2015 in the amount $48,751.77. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD No one appeared before the Board. NEW BUSINESS FY 2014/2015 FINANCIAL AUDIT REPORT – PHIL WOLF Phil Wolf from Anderson, Tackman & Co. presented the final financial audit report for FY2014/2015. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the FY 2014/2015 Financial Audit Report as presented by Phil Wolf from Anderson, Tackman & Co. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. WAGE WORKS – JIM PRZYBYLA Jim Przybyla presented at the finance committee two options for the cafeteria program offered for the 2016 calendar year. The board will continue with the Wage Works program and agree to pay the new compliance fee for one year. COMPLIANCE FEE – WAGE WORKS Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to pay the $50.00 per month compliance fee to Wage Works for the 2016. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. VETERAN’S INCENTIVE GRANT AUTHORIZATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow the Veteran’s Counselor to submit for the Veteran Affairs Agency’s County Incentive Grant and authorize the chairman to sign. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. RESOLUTION’S INTENT TO AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A LAND BANK AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Presque Isle County (the “Commission”) has received and reviewed testimony that there are or may be certain tax delinquent, blighted, or challenged properties in the County of Presque Isle and that the continued existence of such property can limit, hinder or delay the redevelopment or revitalization within the County, and accordingly that it is in the best interests of the public to establish a Land Bank Authority to facilitate the redevelopment of these properties to promote revitalization within the County of Presque Isle; and WHEREAS, in order to further such interests, it is appropriate for the Commission to authorize the County Foreclosing Governmental Unit ( the County Treasurer) to enter into an interlocal agreement with the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority to provide for the creation and operation of a land bank authority (Land Bank Authority) within the County of Presque Isle pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Land Bank Fast Track Act, being Act 258 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan of 2003, as amended (the “Act”); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Commission hereby determines that is in the best interests of the public to promote the redevelopment of tax reverted, blighted, and other challenged properties of the County, and in order to do so, to authorize the establishment of a County Land Bank Authority. 2. The Commission hereby declares its intention to authorize the County Treasurer to enter into an interlocal agreement with the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Act Authority to create and provide for the operation of the Presque Isle County Land Bank Authority pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Act. 3. A public hearing shall be held before the Commission on December 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Presque Isle County Building, 151 E. Huron Avenue, Rogers City, Michigan, on the adoption of a resolution authorizing the creation of the Presque Isle County Land Band Authority. 4. Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners shall give notice to the public of the public hearing by causing notice to be published, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, in the Presque Isle County Advance, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the County of Presque Isle and by posting notice of the public hearing. Adopted this 12th day of November, 2015 Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to above resolution. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. INTENT TO CREATE AND PROVIDE FOR THE OPERATION OF A BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt the Resolution of Intent to create and provide for the operation of a Brownfield Redevelopment Authority. After discussion on the motion the motion was withdrawn by Commissioner Lang and support was withdrawn by Commissioner Darga. NORTHEAST MICHIGAN COMMUNITY SERVICE AGENCY, INC – LETTER OF SUPPORT Motion by Commissioner Gapczynski and seconded by Commissioner Darga to send a letter of support to the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MiSHDA) on behalf of the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency (NEMSCA) regarding their application for HOME funds. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Commissioner Schell reported on finance meeting held November 10, 2015. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT The Public Health and Safety meeting will be cancelled for November. Sheriff Paschke presented the board with a quote for approval from Tele-Rad to complete an engineering study regarding moving radio equipment to a different location. TELE-RAD QUOTE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the quote of up to $750.00 for an engineering study. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT The Courthouse and Grounds Committee will be cancelled for November. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT The Airport and Parks Committee will be cancelled for November. Commissioner Darga gave a brief report on the security enclosure project. RECYCLING COMMITTEE Commissioner Darga reported that the Conservation District office has agreed to be the phone contact number for questions regarding recycling. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Lang advised they should be ready to present the salary resolutions for 2016 at the next meeting. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on the MI Works program Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – reported on the Council on Aging meeting Commissioner Gapczynski-reported on the NEMSCA meeting. Commissioner Altman – reported on the Health Department. CORRESPONDENCES - Minutes of NEMSCA meeting held October 2, 2015 Educator Day invitation from Rogers City Area Schools PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to adjourn until November 25, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 10:46 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Chief Deputy Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Robert Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl Altman and Stephen Lang. AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the agenda as presented. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to approve the minutes of November 12, 2015 as printed. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the Treasurer’s report as presented for the county finances as of October 31, 2015. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD James McKindles, Bearinger Township citizen addressed the board regarding the Brownfield Authority agenda item. Nancy Shutes, Bearinger Township citizen addressed the board regarding the meeting notices on the website. UNFINISHED BUSINESS County Treasurer Bridget LaLonde presented the Board a resolution regarding the creation of a Brownfield Authority and replied to the questions presented at the meeting of November 25, 2015. RESOLUTION INTENT TO CREATE AND PROVIDE FOR THE OPERATION OF A BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Presque Isle County (the “Commission”) has received and reviewed testimony that there are or may be certain environmentally distressed, blighted, functionally obsolete, or historically designated properties (Brownfield properties) in the County of Presque Isle and that the continued existence of such property can limit, hinder or delay the redevelopment or revitalization within the County, and accordingly that it is in the best interests of the public to facilitate the implementation of Brownfield Plans relating to the identification and treatment of Brownfield properties so as to promote revitalization within the County of Presque Isle; and WHEREAS, in order to further such interests, it is appropriate for the Commission to create and provide for the operation of a brownfield redevelopment authority within the County of Presque Isle pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Act, being Act 381 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan of 1996, as amended (the “Act”); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Commission hereby determines that is in the best interests of the public to promote the redevelopment of Brownfield properties of the County, and in order to do so, to facilitate the implementation of Brownfield Plans relating to the designation and treatment of Brownfield properties within the County. 2. The Commission hereby declares its intention to create and provide for the operation of the Authority within the County of Presque Isle pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Act. 3. The Commission hereby declares that the Presque Isle County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority will exercise its powers with respect to Brownfield Eligible Property as defined in Act 381 only if the city, village or township in which the Brownfield Eligible Property is located concurs with the provisions of a Brownfield Plan for that Brownfield Eligible Property in accordance with the Act; and 4. A public hearing shall be held before the Commission in the Commission Chambers, Presque Isle County Building, 151 E. Huron Avenue, Rogers City, Michigan, on the adoption of a resolution creating the Authority within the County of Presque Isle. 5. Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners shall give notice to the taxing jurisdiction in the form attached to as Exhibit A and give notice to the public of the public hearing by causing notice to be published, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, in the Presque Isle County Advance, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the County of Presque Isle not more than 10 days before the hearing date and by posting notice of the public hearing. Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to adopt the above resolution. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS 2016 SALARY Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang that beginning with the first day of January, 2016, and until changed by this Board, the salary of the County Clerk shall be $41,500.00 per year, the salary of the County Treasurer shall be $41,500.00 per year, the salary of the Prosecuting Attorney shall be $90,000.00 per year, the salary of the Register of Deeds shall be $48,000.00 per year, the salary of the Sheriff shall be $57,300.00 per year, the salary of the District Judge shall be $9,144.80 per year, the salary of the County Surveyor shall be $1,045.00 per year, the salary of the County Drain Commissioner shall be $5,200.00 per year plus per diem for out-of-county business, and the salary of the County Road Commissioners shall be $3,200.00 per year each. Further, the salaries of the members of the County Board of Commissioners shall be $2,500.00 each plus per diem and mileage, and the salary of the Chairman of the Board shall be $3,000.00 per year plus per diem and mileage. The per diem rate shall be $80.00 for a full day, $40.00 per half day, and $20.00 per quarter day, plus mileage at the established rate for all commissioners including the chairman. All fees and monies collected by or through elected or appointed officials, their official county offices, employees or agents for official or required county services, work, functions or duties shall be retained by the County and deposited to the credit of the General Fund; PROVIDED, that this requirement shall not apply to appropriated and approved salaries and expenses duly allowed said county officials by this Board, and as recommended by the Personnel Committee and approved by this Board. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Darga, Altman Nays: Gapcznyski Motion carried by roll call vote. 2016 SALARIES/WAGES – APPOINTED OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Lang that beginning the first day of January, 2016, and until changed by this Board, the Head Custodian’s wages shall be $16.50 per hour, the Equalization Director’s wages shall be $23.40 per hour, the Building Official’s wages shall be $20.00 per hour, the Undersheriff’s salary shall be $52,200.00 per year, the 89th District Court Administrator/Asst. Magistrate’s salary shall be $39,183.00 per year, the 89th District Court Magistrate’s wages shall be $18.30 per hour, the Assistant Prosecutor’s salary shall be $51,000.00 per year, the salary of the Public Guardian shall be $26,000.00 per year. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. 2016 SALARIES – MISCELLANEOUS POSITIONS Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang that the 2016 salaries for the following positions be established as follows, the salary of the Veteran’s Counselor shall be $6,000.00 annually, the Jury Commission Assistant shall be $12.50 per hour, the Guardian Ad Litem shall be $12.00 per hour, the salary of the Housing Director shall be $31,000.00 annually, the salary of the 9-1-1 Coordinator shall be $11,500.00 annually, the salary of the Emergency Service Director shall be $13,000.00 per year and the Assistant Magistrate shall be $15.00 per hour. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee will meet on Monday, December 7, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the courthouse. PUBLIC HELATH & SAFETY No committee meetings were held for the month of November. Commissioner Darga reported on the Lock Down drill held in for the courthouse. COURTHOUSE & GROUND No committee meetings were held for the month of November. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT No committee meetings were held for the month of November. PERSONNEL Commissioner Lang commented on meeting with elected and appointed officials regarding the 2016 salaries and wages. OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS County Clerk Ann Marie Main reported on a recent Clerk’s conference and upcoming changes regarding the Concealed Pistol Licenses. Equalization Director Sharyn Malone reported the upcoming retirement of Mary Zinke and is requesting to fill the vacancy created by the retirement. The members gave the permission to post the position according to the union contract. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Schell – reported on the DNR information session held regarding Land Swaps Commissioner Darga – no report given. Commissioner Lang – reported on attending the Health Board meeting, will need a budget amendment regarding the 2016 increased appropriation. Commissioner Gapczynski – no report given. Commissioner Altman – no report given. BUDGET AMENDMENT – DISTRICT HEALTH APPROPRIATION Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to amend the General Fund Transfer Budget – Health Department line item by an increase of $770.50. Money is to come from the General Fund balance. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. CORRESPONDENCES - Health Board meeting minutes of October 20, 2105 Alpena Chamber invitation to Annual Dinner Alpena Chamber (Target Alpena) Quarterly report dated 10-23-2015 PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 9 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 10:55 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Darrin C. Darga, Chief Deputy Clerk The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Lang led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Altman gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, Carl L. Altman, Stephen Lang. Commissioners excused: Robert Schell Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with three additions. 1. Friend of the Court Conference 2. Publication of hearing – Treasurer 3. Committee pay cycles Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Gapczynski and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the minutes of November 25, 2015 as presented. Ayes: All, motion carried by a majority vote. CLAIMS AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the claims of December 7, 2015 in the amount $86,559.57. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD No one appeared before the Board. UNFINISHED BUSINESS PUBLICATION OF HEARING NOTICE Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded Commissioner Darga to authorized the County Treasurer to place a notice in the local paper for two weeks and on the county website regarding the holding of a public hearing for the Intent to Create and Provide for the Operation of a Brownfield Redevelopment Authority. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS NORTHEAST MICHIGAN COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH – ANNUAL UPDATE Ed LaFramboise presented the Board with the Northeast Michigan Community Mental Health Board Annual Report COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PLANNING COMMISSION (3) Commissioner Lang nominated Toby Kuznicki. Commissioner Altman nominated Michael Libby. Commissioner Gapczynski nominated Emilie Stawiarski. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Toby Kuznicki, Michael Libby and Emilie Stawiarski to the Planning Commission for three-year terms expiring 12/31/2018. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS (2) Commissioner Darga nominated Virgil Freel. Commissioner Gapczynski nominated Patricia Augustine. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Virgil Freel and Patricia Augustine to the Zoning Board of Appeals for three-year terms expiring 12/31/2018. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD (4) Commissioner Lang nominated Geraldine Mulka. Commissioner Darga nominated Darrin Darga. Commissioner Gapczynski nominated Melvin Perkins. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Geraldine Mulka, Darrin Darga and Melvin Perkins to the Economic Development Board for two year terms expiring 12/31/2017. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. OCQUEOC RIVER WATERSHED COMMISSION (3) Commissioner Gapczynski nominated John Roby. Commissioner Darga nominated Doris Parker. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing John Roby and Doris Parker to the Ocqueoc River Watershed Commission for a three-year term expiring 12/31/2018. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. DISTRICT LIBRARY BOARD (1) Commissioner Darga nominated Tom Stone. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Sorgenfrei to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Tom Stone to the District Library Board for a three-year term expiring 12/31/2018. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. BUDGET AMENDMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to amend the Capital Projects budget by increasing the overall budget by $51,000.00 to be split to the line items as necessary. Ayes: Lang, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. FRIEND OF THE COURT CONFERENCE Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to allow the Mary Muszynski to attend the Friend of the Court winter conference in Traverse City, February 16-19, 2016 and to pay registration and necessary travel expenses. Money is to come from Friend of the Court budget. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. COMMITTEE PAY CYCLES The board discussed the possibility of changing the pay cycles for committees and board members. No changes action taken. FINANCE COMMITTEE Commissioner Altman reported on the Finance committee meeting held December 7, 2015 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT Public Health and Safety will meet on December 29, 2015 at 8 a.m. at the Sheriff Department. COURTHOUSE AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT Courthouse and Grounds will meet on December 29, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners Board Room. AIRPORT AND PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT Airport and Parks will meet on December 29, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Commissioners Room. RECYCLING COMMITTEE Commissioner Darga reported on the changes happening at the transfer station located in in Rogers City. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner addressed the members regarding a wage increase of a Clerk’s office employee appointed to the Chief Deputy position. Because it was not approved by the Board any payments already made will be returned. The Clerk requested a raise to the 3 year step of the union contract. No action was taken. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Darga – no report Commissioner Lang – no report Commissioner Gapczynski - reported on the NEMSCA meeting. Commissioner Altman – reported on the Health Department. CORRESPONDENCES - Response letter from District Commander, Michael Caldwell, MSP 7th District Letter from Richard Steiger to Chief Matthew Quaine PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Gapczynski. Nays: None Excused: Schell Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn until December 30, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., subject to call of the chair. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 10:31 a.m. _________________________ Date ______________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ______________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk The Board of Commissioners for the County of Presque Isle met in the Commissioner’s Room of the Courthouse in the City of Rogers City on Wednesday, December 30, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Altman called the meeting to order and Commissioner Darga led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Schell gave the prayer and the Clerk called the roll. Commissioners present: Stephen Lang, Robert D. Schell, Lee Gapczynski, Michael Darga, and Carl L. Altman. Commissioners excused: None Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to approve the agenda with two additions. 1. CDC/EDC appointment 2. Vacation carry-over. Motion carried by a majority vote. Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to approve the minutes of December 9, 2015, as printed. Motion carried by a majority vote. COUNTY TREASURER’S REPORT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to receive and file the County Treasurer’s report and trial balance for November, 2015. Motion carried by a majority vote. CITIZENS APPEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Byron DeLong thanked the board for appointing him to serve on the various boards and committee’s for the many years and is looking forward to enjoying his retirement. LETTER OF APPRECIATION – BYRON DELONG Motion by Commissioner Schell and seconded by Commissioner Darga to send a letter of appreciation to Byron DeLong for his years of service to the board and authorize the Chairman to sign. Motion carried by a majority vote. OLD BUSINESS 2016 SALARIES ASSISTANT PUBLIC GUARDIAN Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to set the Assistant Public Guardian salary at $18,000.00 for the 2016 year. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. JURY BOARD ASSISTANT Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Schell to change the wage of the Jury Board Assistant from hourly wage to a salary of $2400.00 per year. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS 2016 PER DIEM AND MILEAGE RATES Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang that effective January 1, 2016, the mileage rate for all county personnel and appointed committee members shall be $.50 cents per mile. Maximum travel allowance for lodging shall be established at $125.00 per night, $7.50 for breakfast, $12.50 for lunch, and $20.00 for dinner. These totals include a 15% tip, with all alcoholic beverages excluded. The mileage rate of $.50 cents per mile shall also be paid to trial witnesses subpoenaed by the Prosecutor’s Office for appearance in court and for jurors summoned for the 53rd Circuit Court, 89th District Court and Presque Isle County Probate Court. Per Diem shall be $40.00 per half day and $80.00 per full day for the following committees: Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commission, Planning Commission, Building Board of Appeals, Zoning Board of Appeals, Resource Recovery Committee, Soil Erosion Advisory Committee, County Surveyor, Drain Commissioner, County Plat Board, County Election Commission and the CDC/EDC. The Jury Commission shall receive $40.00 per meeting. The Medical Examiner shall receive $175.00 per call plus mileage at the established rate. By statute, the Board of Canvassers shall receive the same rate as paid to the Board of Commissioners. Ayes: Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. PAYMENT OF MONTHLY BILLINGS – AUTHORIZATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to pay the following monthly invoices upon receipt in 2016: All communications invoices (phone, internet and cellular agreements), regular monthly appropriation payments, monthly utility invoices (gas, electric, water, cable), requests for postage and stamped envelopes, gasoline invoices, public defender appropriation, health insurance and short term disability insurance billings, monthly maintenance fee for HRA, payments to Cheboygan County for the District and Circuit Court agreements, vouchers from the Child Care Fund(292), Veterans Services(294) or Housing Administration Fund (28F), all juror and witness fees, monthly garbage pickup for the Courthouse and Jail, Public Guardian, contract payments, election cost reimbursements, Otis Elevator, and Lexis-Nexis, with exceptions to this policy based on cash flow and review by the Finance Committee. Ayes: Altman, Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. 2016 E9-1-1 COORDINATOR CONTRACT – RENEE SZYMANSKI Matter tabled until January 13, 2016 meeting MEDICAL EXAMINER APPOINTMENT Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Schell to appoint Dr. Donald Ramsay to as the Medical Examiner for a term of four (4) years from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2019. Ayes: Lang, Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. LETTER OF APPRECIATION Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Gapczynski to send a letter of appreciation to Dr. Michael Fairbanks for his years of services as the Medical Examiner and authorize the chairman to sign said letter. Motion carried by majority vote. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD (1) Commissioner Darga nominated Joel Kendzorski. After three calls for further nominations and there being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to close the nominations and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot appointing Joel Kendzorski to the Economic Development Board for two year terms expiring 12/31/2017. Ayes: All, motion carried by majority vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE No report PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY No meeting was held. Sheriff Paschke did report on the backup generator at the sheriff depart does need to be inspected as it has had some issues with the recent power outages. Will get contact information and prices. COURTHOUSE & GROUNDS No meeting was held. AIRPORT & PARKS No meeting was held. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Commissioner Lang reported on a request from 89th District Court personnel on longevity pay and personal days. No action will be taken. VACATION CARRY OVER Motion by Commissioner Lang and seconded by Commissioner Darga to allow any employee of the courthouse/annex to carry over unused a vacation or personal day that was scheduled for December 29, 2015 due to the closing of the courthouse until January 31, 2016 to use. Ayes: Schell, Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. OTHER GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIALS No reports given. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER REPORTS Schell – no report Darga – no report Lang – reported on attending the Health Board meeting Gapczynski – no report Altman – reported on the Health Board meeting, NEMCOG meeting and receiving a packet of information from the Historical Society regarding placing a millage proposal on the ballot. CORRESPONDENCE Copies of the following were given to board members for review: - Health Board Minutes November 17, 2015 Notice of Authorization – Wetlands permit # 15-71-0009-P PAYROLL Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to authorize per diem and mileage for this meeting. Ayes: Gapczynski, Darga, Altman, Lang, Schell. Nays: None Motion carried by roll call vote. ADJOURN Motion by Commissioner Darga and seconded by Commissioner Lang to adjourn. Motion carried by a majority vote. Thereupon the Board adjourned at 10:24 a.m. DATE ________________________ ________________________________ Carl L. Altman, Chairman ________________________________ Ann Marie Main, County Clerk