minutes of the county commission meetings
minutes of the county commission meetings
Ste. Genevieve County Commission Minutes MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2011 17th Day of the January Term. The Commission Met Pursuant to Adjournment. Present were Presiding Commissioner Dave Gegg, Associate Commissiqners Garry Nelson and Ray Gettinger and Deputy County Clerk, Cindy Kertz. THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY PRESIDING COMMISSIONER GEGG AT 8:00 A.M. THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 22, 2011 MEETING WERE READ. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER GETTINGER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS PRESENTED. COMMISSIONER NELSON SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION PASSED. . THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WERE READ. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER NELSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS PRESENTED. COMMISSIONER GETIINGER SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION PASSED. Commission were notified by Kenny Williams that a location has been established for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to set up trailers for residents to dispose of their old tires. Williams advised that the Missouri Department of Transportation has agreed to allow use of their property on the outer road south in Ozora. Commission contacted Richard Allen with DNR to authorize his department to proceed with the tire disposal program which is scheduled for April 22nd - 29th, 2011.· Commission contacted Alan Wells, 911 Director for St. Francois/Ste. Genevieve County Joint Communications Center, concerning the transition of the Ste. Genevieve County 911 Dispatch operations with St. Francois County. Wells advised that everything is ready with the exception of the radios which Motorolla is working on and AT&T is working on the trunklines. He stated that he is co-staffing both locations at the present time to familiarize his employees with the county. Wells stated that he has been receiving good positive feedback from some of the fire departments concerning the dispatching operations. He further advised that he has been working to get an inter-governmental lease agreement signed with the City of Bloomsdale to have the repeater moved over from the tower owned by Bloomsdale Excavating (B.E.) (which will be torn down by B.E.) to the Bloomsdale Water tower. Commission informed him that Barb Midkiff questioned if the copy machine at the 911 Center was needed as the lease agreement is up in mid March. Wells advised that he would look at it, but that the majority of copies would be made at the St. Francois County location. Ste. Genevieve County Commission Minutes A Public Hearing was held at 10:00 AM. to amend Ste. Genevieve County's Floodplain Management Ordinance. This ordinance amendment ado(?tsthe new countywide Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) that will become effective on July 4, 2011. Present for the hearing were Ron Inman and Tim Dobbelare with Tower Rock Stone Company, Dick Greminger, Mayor for the City of Ste. Genevieve, Brenda Schloss, Planning and Zoning Administrator for the City of Ste. Genevieve and Chauncy Buchheit, representing the New Bourbon Regional Port Authority. After review of the amendment, a motion was made by Commissioner Nelson to approve the amendment as presented. Commissioner Gettinger seconded the motion. Commissioner Nelson yea. Commissioner Gettinger yea. All in favor. Motion passed. The approved amendment was signed by Commis.sioner Gegg and Commissioner Gettinger, Floodplain Manager, which was forwarded to Karen McHugh, Floodplain Management Officer with the State Emergency Management Agency,Jefferson City, MO. McHugh will submit it to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for final approval. (copy in commission record supplement) Commission met with Brad Arnold, Community Center Director, Steve Abts, Community Center Board Member, Rick Griffard with Saxony Securities, Larry Roderman, Bob Palmer and Paul Flynn, representing the Bank of Bloomsdale. Abts informed the Commission that George Blackmon with U.S. Bank has been unable to make a firm commitment for financing the Geo-Thermal project for the Ste. Genevieve County Community Center as originally discussed, therefore other financing options are being looked at. Officials from the Bank of Bloomsdale will present a request for a six to nine month construction loan to the Banks loan committee for approval on Thursday and will advise of their decision. A letter was' received from Frank Reedy, representing KEB (Kerber, Eck & Braeckel) Certified Public Accountants, St. Louis, MO, concerning services provided by their firm to assist the county with Holcim (US) project additions to the Holcim Ste. Genevieve project for the year ending December 31,2010. The agreement was signed and returned to KEB. (copy on file) Ste. Genevieve County Commission Minutes THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2011 18th Day of the January Term. The Commission Met Pursuant to Adjournment. Present were Presiding Commissioner Dave Gegg, Associate Commissio~nerGarry Nelson and Deputy County Clerk, Cindy Kertz. Commissioner Gettinger absent - vacation. THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY PRESIDING COMMISSIONER GEGG AT 8:00 A.M. THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WERE READ. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER NELSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS PRESENTED. COMMISSIONER GEGG SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION PASSED. Notice was received from Karen McHugh, Floodplain Management Officer for the State of Missouri Emergency Management Agency, acknowledging receipt of the Amendment to Ste. Genevieve County's Floodplain Management Ordinance. The amendment was forwarded to Connie Wisniewski, Mitigation Specialist with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (copy in commission recordsupplement) Commission met with Alan Wells, 911 Director for St. Francois/Ste. Genevieve County Joint Communications Center and Deputy Emergency Management Director for St. Francois County. Wells has agreed to assist with oversight management as the Emergency Management Director for Ste. Genevieve County until a replacement is hired. A test was conducted of the existing emergency siren on the courthouse roof, which did sound during the test. The Statewide tornado drill is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 1:30 P.M. (New sirens are on order through Whelen Enginerering Company - Outdoor Warning Systems) Ste. Genevieve County Commission Minutes James Drury, met with Commission requesting that the county maintain a section of Ditch Road. [The county currently maintains Ditch Road to the end of the blacktop where it meets the gravel part] Drury stated that the section of road has not been maintained for many years, even though he has a recorded deed that states that it is a county road and he feels that since he is a taxpayer in this county, it should be maintained by the county. Larry Roth, Road Foreman, was also present for discussion, and advised that he has been employed with the county for 36 years and it has not been maintained by the county for that period of time. Commission informed him that they will take a look at the area but cannot guarantee that the county will extend maintenance on the road. He was further advised that per Missouri Statutes any road not used by the public or maintained by the county for a period of five years is considered an abandoned road. Drury was also advised that there are many private roads in the county in which residents have requested that the county take over maintenance, however, with the funding that the county has to work with, it is not financially feasible for the county to take over maintenance of private roads. John Pfaff, Fire Chief for the Bloomsdale Fire Department, met with Commission concerning the Emergency Management position. Commission provided him with basic job duties that are involved with the position. Art Armbruster, former Emergency Management Director, was also present for discussion. Pfaff will meet with the County Commission on Thursday, March 10,2011 for a formal interview for the position. Robin Reynolds and Steven Brewen, representing East Missouri Action Agency, met with Commission to discuss possible federal budget cuts that would affect the local East Missouri Action Agency office here in Ste. Genevieve. Brewen advised that the Community Services Block Grant, that is subject to the proposed cuts, provides funding for staffing the office and various services that are available to the community. Brewen and Reynolds stated that potential programs that could be lost include: Back to School Fair, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), Utility Assistance, Food Pantry Assistance, Jump Start Program (Business/Job Training), Ufe Skills Classes, and the Community Garden, just to name a few. Residents are asked to voice their concerns by contacting their local legislators asking them to keep the funding in place for supporting the local East Missouri Action Agency offices. Residents may contact U.S. Senator Roy Blunt at either www.blunt.senate.gov or Tom_Schulte@blunt.senate.gov. Senator Claire McCaskill at http://mccaskill.senate.gov , and Congressman Russ Carnahan at Carnahan.house.gov. Steve Abts and Dave Weber, Community Center Board Members, met with Commission for follow-up discussion concerning the financing of the Geo-Thermal Heating and Cooling project for the Ste. Genevieve County Community Center. Abts stated that he received a commitment letter from the Bank of Bloomsdale for financing the project and may also be receiving a commitment letter from George Blackmon with U.S. Bank, Farmington, MO. Abts advised that Murray Company will be notified to proceed with the project.
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