Summer 2008 - Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve
Summer 2008 - Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve
Quarterly Newsletter of the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve, Inc. Calendar Events Ste. Genevieve Garden Walk When: May 17th & 18th Felix Valle SHS Open House When: Sat, Jun 14th Ste. Genevieve’s French Heritage Days When: Jun 7th & 8th Ste. Genevieve FREEDOM Celebration When: July 4th Where: Pere Marquette Parc Ste. Genevieve County Fair When: Jul 11th thru 13th Jour De Fete Festival When: Aug 9th & 10th Meetings Program Meeting When: Sun, May 18th at 5 p.m. Where: Guibourd-Vallé Garden Board of Director’s Meeting When: Thu, Jun 19th at 7:00 p.m. Where: Kiel-Schwent House Annual Membership Mtng When: Sun, Jul 20th at TBD Where: TBD Summer 2008 Memorial Cemetery Update The Foundation for Restoration recently completed the Save America’s Treasures grant for partial restoration of the Cemetery. The Foundation’s Cemetery Committee has been developing plans for the next phase of the Restoration. The landscaping plan has been bid and awarded to Huck’s Landscaping, which will include the planting of 25 trees and shrubs this spring as well as maintaining the plantings that were installed last year. A contract has also been established with Booker Rucker to complete the recordation regarding the tombstone restoration. Bids for completion of the fence and stone wall on the west border and tuck pointing of the existing stone wall are also being solicited. A 50 year easement with the National Park Service was recently signed by the City of Ste. Genevieve and recorded. This easement is a requirement of the Save America’s Treasures grant. Its primary purpose is to insure that any future work will follow the guidelines under which the recent SAT project was performed. Volunteers from the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve spent Saturday morning, March 8th cleaning up the old Memorial Cemetery in Ste. Genevieve. Nine loads of leaves and limbs were taken to the city disposal area. Volunteers included Jack and Mickey Koetting, Jack Donze, John Orem, Sam Ewing, Chuck Houchin, John Karel, Bob Kist, and Bob Mueller. The Foundation was assisted by local cemetery neighbor, Lonnie Medley who provided time and equipment. VALLÉ HIGH Students Volunteer for the Foundation On Friday, April 18th, twelve Vallé High School students performed volunteer work for the Foundation of Restoration. Megan Basler and Katlyn Kertz helped by cleaning the Kiel-Schwent House. Wade Kraenzle and Jeremy Abts worked at the GuibourdVallé House. Carol Naeger, Jacob Grass, Kory Donze, Garrett Gertzemeyer, Lindsey Orr, Seanice Evans, Ally Suiter, and Kayla Meyer all participated in a cleanup at the Memorial Cemetery. Mario Pace, a teacher at Vallé High School, also helped out. Thanks to all of these fine young teenagers who are giving back to their community. Their support and efforts are greatly appreciated. Board of Directors Meeting When: Thu, Aug 21st at 7:00 p.m. Where: Kiel-Schwent House Subj: Election of Officers NOTICE The May Board Meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 18th at the GuibourdVallé House. Please RSVP with your payment of $7.50 per person for dinner to FRSG NLT May 14th. Photo by Robert Kist Pictured with the students are Mario Pace, Mickey Koetting, and Joann Schremp Page 2 Quarterly Newsletter of the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve, Inc. Clean-up Day Saturday, March 18th was a clean-up day at the Guibourd Vallé House in anticipation of the season opening on March 29th. Thanks to GV House Committee Chairperson Bonnie Samuelson and Mickey Koetting, Sandra Cabot, Ellie Douglas, John Wibbenmeyer, Al Kaiser, Joann Schremp, Bob Mueller, Chuck Houchin, John Karel, Bob Kist, and Frank Myer for their efforts. The Guibourd-Vallé House held a free open house during Ste. Genevieve’s Spring Into Ste. Genevieve event on March 29th. After the open house, Bob Kist of the Cemetery Committee provided a history of the cemetery restoration project and a description of plans for the next phase. The event concluded with a trip to the Cemetery where Mickey Koetting gave a short talk on those buried in the cemetery and the French Marines from Fort de Chartres fired a salute in honor of the Ste. Genevieve’s pioneers buried there. Guests were invited to view the restoration efforts completed to date. Bonnie Samuelson, Chairperson of the Guibourd-Vallé House Committee is looking for volunteers who would like to serve on the committee. Areas of interest include the garden, furnishings, in-door and out-door maintenance, gift shop improvement, long range planning, marketing and historical interpretation. If interested, please contact Ann Casada at the Foundation headquarters on 573-883-9622 or email the Foundation at Seeking Tour Guides We are looking for someone who would like to work every Saturday throughout the 2008 Season. The hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We are also looking for someone to work as a “substitute” during the week or on Sundays when one of the regular staff is unable to work. The house is closed on Wednesdays. The pay is $6.00 per hour. If you are interested in being a Tour Guide this year at the Guibourd-Vallé House, please contact Ann Casada at the Foundation headquarters at (573) 883-9622. Sale at the Guibourd-Vallé Gift Shop Numerous items are currently on sale at up to 50% off at the Guibourd-Vallé Gift Shop. The sale will continue through the French Heritage festival in early June. Stop by and purchase a gift for someone and help promote the operation of the Guibourd-Vallé House. Mecker Research Library Happenings Book Sale Library Donations The Mecker Research Library held a Book Sale at the Foundation Office on Saturday March 29th as part of the Spring Into Ste. Genevieve event. Thanks goes out to all the Foundation members and the general public who donated books for this event. Some recent donations to the library include: Thanks also to Janet Leonard, Ellie Douglas, Joann Schremp, Linda Mueller and Bob Mueller for providing the labor to setup the sale. A special thanks to Chris Nohr of Missouri Molding and Glass for providing assistance on signage for the event. Janet Leonard, Ann Casada, Sarah Menard, Ellie Douglass and Linda Mueller all helped out to run the day of the sale. Approximately $250 was collected and will be used to buy additional books and hardware for the library. Board Member Donna Charron has agreed to become chairperson of the Foundation’s Mecker Research Library Committee replacing Frank Rolfe. Those individuals interested in serving on the Committee should contact Donna via the Foundation’s Office at 573-883-9622. John Jay Audubon by Richard Rhodes The Family Genealogy Series by Rob Beckerman Jokerst Family Wipfler Family Baum and Falk Families Beckermann Families Eichenlaub Family Herzog Family CD of Dozen Distinctive Destination Presentation “Resource Guide to Ste. Genevieve Genealogy” Keil-Schwent sign photo Quarterly Newsletter of the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve, Inc. Page 3 Foundation Flag Now Flying The Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve now has a flag that can be flown on Foundation buildings and at the Island of Flags in the Ste. Genevieve City Square. We will also be able to use our flag during parades and promenades. Thanks to Chuck and Carrie Houchin for providing various designs and then working the details out with the flag manufacturing company to have the design selected made. A flag raising ceremony was held on Saturday, March 29th during the Spring Into Ste. Genevieve event. President Mickey Koetting spoke about the Foundation and the flag and a ‘hurrah’ was given by the crowd and the Company of French Marines from Fort de Chartres. Photo by Bob Mueller Memorial Cemetery cleanup crew (left to right): Jack Donze, John Orem, John Karel, Mickey Koetting, Sam Ewing, Bob Kist, Chuck Houchin Foundation Board of Director Changes Frank Rolfe, a Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve Board of Directors member has submitted his resignation due to increased family activities. We thank Frank for his past contributions as a Board member and as Chairman of the Mecker Research Library Committee. Frank indicated that he is still very supportive of the Foundation’s initiatives. At the March Board meeting, the Foundation’s Board of Directors elected Chuck Houchin to fill out the remainder of Frank Rolfe’s term on the Board. Chuck and his wife, Carrie, have been supporting the Foundation’s activities since moving to Ste. Genevieve in October 2007. Ways to Improve Our Community’s Appearance Protect: • Entryways and roads that have outstanding scenic or historic importance. • Scenic vistas: bury utility wires, screen unsightly intrusions. • Trees and landscape character: plant street trees, landscape parking lots. • Billboards: limit the size, height, and number of other outdoor signs. Encourage: • Tourist support facilities (hotels, motels, restaurants and shops) to locate in historic buildings or to build new structures that are architecturally compatible with the community but not imitative of your town’s authentic historic buildings. Excerpt from “Community Appearance and Tourism: What’s the Link” by Ed McMahon Photo by Charles Mueller Mickey Koetting and Bob Mueller hoisting the new Foundation flag at the Isle of Flags with the French Marines in formation. In Memoriam John McCammon - Elaine Scherer The families and friends of recently deceased long time Foundation members, John McCammon and Elaine Scherer provided a lasting memorial to their loved ones by making donations to the Genevieve Memorial Cemetery Restoration Fund. We thank them for their generosity and please remember them in your thoughts and prayers as you walk through the Cemetery. Mark your Calendar The annual general membership meeting of the Foundation for Restoration will be held on Sunday, July 20, 2008 in the afternoon. The specific time and place will be announced in June. This is a good time to meet fellow Foundation members, hear about the happenings of the Foundation over the last year, enjoy a St. Genevieve related program, and meet the newly elected members of your Board of Directors. Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve, Inc. P.O. Box 88 Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670 U.S.POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #88 STE. GENEVIEVE, MO 63670 Published Quarterly by the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve, Inc. P.O. Box 88 Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670 573-883-9622 email: 2008-2009 Officers and Board Mickey Koetting, President Bob Mueller, 1st Vice Pres Sandra Cabot, 2nd Vice Pres Bob Mueller, Treasurer Ann Casada, Secretary Jan Brans Donna Charron Ellie Douglass Tom Greminger Clarence Hill Michael E. Horrell, CPA John Karel Robert Kist Frank Myers Charles Houchin Bonnie Samuelson John Wibbenmeyer Cover art: Detail of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri mural on the Missouri State Capitol. Any article submitted for inclusion in this publication must be made in writing, either hardcopy or electronically, to the FRSG no later than Feb 1st (Spring issue), May 1st (Summer issue), Aug 1st, (Autumn issue) or Nov 1st (Winter issue). Submissions must be approved by the FRSG and may be edited for content at their discretion. Publicite is produced by ICE HOUSE Conceivery, and Wehmeyer Printing. Copyright © 2008 Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be copied or reprinted without the expressed written consent of the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve, Inc..