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Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution Archives Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Extracted on Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 The Smithsonian Institution thanks all digital volunteers that transcribed and reviewed this material. Your work enriches Smithsonian collections, making them available to anyone with an interest in using them. The Smithsonian Institution welcomes personal and educational use of its collections unless otherwise noted; - If sharing the material in personal and educational contexts, please cite the Smithsonian Institution Archives as source of the content and the project title as provided at the top of the document. Include the accession number or collection name; when possible, link to the Smithsonian Institution Archives website. - If you wish to use this material in a for-profit publication, exhibition, or online project, please contact Smithsonian Institution Archives or transcribe@si.edu For more information on this project and related material, contact the Smithsonian Institution Archives. See this project and other collections in the Smithsonian Transcription Center. Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[front cover]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives M = Catalo. Mammals B = " [[Ditto for: Catalo.]] birds D.c. Directions for coll. 3' ed. with [[egg?]]f [[carcaslas?]] 1. List - [[due?]] Birds Cape St. Lucas. Xantus. Baird [[two columns of writing - first column]] [[strikethrough]] Th. Preschr. 331. 12' N. near [[/strikethrough]] N. [[strikethrough]] Dr. H. Allen [[/strikethrough]] N.E. corner 4'& D. [[strikethrough]] Geo. Gibbs 355 H.S.[[/strikethrough]] Mrs. Hood S. Acton Chimney Sweeper Care Radfords Grocery. 19' St. & Penn. Av. . 65 Prof. Newcomb Box 785 P.U. Wash [[strikethrough]] Dr. Bryant, 10 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 13 [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] RW exchange Court [[Aqure?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] U. S Morgan 66 [[Lervman?]] Avenue Bost.[[/strikethrough]] [[subscript]] new 65 [[/subscript]] [[strikethrough]] W S [[Lender?]] [[/strikethrough]] 448 [[superscript]] 448 [[/superscript]] 18 st. N. bet. G. & H. streets [[strikethrough]] Peter Bryan. 11' st. near I. next [[/strikethrough]] [[in?]] ship Dr. Hayden. [[strikethrough]] 303 South St. near NY. av. Mr. N.B. Bartlett. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Prof. Poesche D [[?]] [[and?]] Vermont Avenue [[/strikethrough]] S. Moulthrop. 12' O st. [[Moaith?]] [[strikethrough]] E.P. House. 2 M [[Gean?]] Office. 39 1/2 S. av. bet 21. 22. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Smiley [[Chase?]]. 520 Pa. Av. bet. 2' a 3'. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] H.H. Nichols. 932 I. [[/strikethrough]] St. [[strikethrough]] S.J. Barrow. 1227. L. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Ray [[Expn?]] care L.H. Hopkins. 908 Penns. [[/strikethrough]] Av. [[strikethrough]] W F Rhus 826 12 " A [[/strikethrough]] Joseph Bubert. 1414 28th st. bet. O. P J.V. Gluemen. 217 10' Street H.G. Rockwell 930 P. Street. Clarence [[Poste?]] 1107 10' St S.C. Parrish 111 C. St. N.E. [[circled]] 73 [[/circled]] [[deals?]] Pub. Dr Mrs Puerche 1224. 12'. T. Fischer, 616 5' St. [[strikethrough]] [[Gumill?]] of [[Park?]] [[office?]] [[/strikethrough]] 603. P [[strikethrough]] [[Clifford?]] [[Cone?]] 1321 N [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Prof. Clark. 807 H. St. [[/strikethrough]] W.R. Smith: Supt. Botanic Garden J.S. Kellogg [[strikethrough]] 150 P. av. S.E.[[/strikethrough]] 215 P. Av. S.E. [[circled]] 75 [[/circled]] P.O. [[box?]] 717. dealer in docum [[Athar?]] 1317. 110 N. W. Wilkinson. 5' St. Let E. and G. S. E. [[Baird?]] Upholsterer Sheldon [[Umes?]] 614. D. St. Dr. E. M. Schaeffer 816. 21' St. Geo. C. Maynard 919. I [[/first column]] [[second column]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Costa Rica Mail leavs [[NY?]] 13' see. 1566 Areleque 28 Jamaica 22 [[line]] Steamer leaves St. Thomas [[afr?]] Panama monthly after 4 days arriving between 20 - 22 of month - thence direct to Vera Cruz, by about 27. Then to [[Lampico?]] : and back to Vera Cruz. It leave for Havana l [[superscript]] st [[/superscript]] of month arriving there about 6' or 7'. A Spanish steamer leaves ^ [[insertion]] Havana [[/insertion]] on the 8 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] [[strikethrough]] for Havana. [[/strikethrough]] for Sisal. [[Jamaica?]] and Vera Cruz, returning on the 23. by same route for Havana arriving about the beginning of following month T. [[Probat?]] & Co. .Feb 13. 65 [[line]] This steamer reaches Sisal About the 11 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]], from Jamaica and returning from Vera Cruz. Reaches Sisal again about the 25 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]]. [[Line]] Manzanita [[?]] 16' of [[M.?]] of. 65 Steamer for California leav 10. 19:30. [[Mr.?]] S. Vaux. [[Car?]] Brown. Shipley [[?]] Liverpool E. P. House. [[?]] Gen. offices [[strikethrough]] D. Leech. 565 12' St. 18. Wash [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 371 L. bet. 15 & 16. [[/strikethrough]] 1300 [[strikethrough]] H. E. Rockwell ^ [[insertion]] 1121 [[/insertion]] 8. St. bet to N[[I?]] [[/strikethrough]] 328 [[E St.]] Capt H. Diebitsch 1429. 9' St bet O. & P. [[strikethrough]] H. E. Rockwell 921. 12' St[[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] D. Leech 1506 6' St Dec 71 2034 G. St.[[/strikethrough]] Agnes De Leon 1330 I. [[strikethrough]] Miss Marianne P. Clark. 338 Missouri Avenue [[/strikethrough]] Miss Richardson 630 N. Carolina Avenue bet. 6 st - 7 Lt. G. M. Wheeler. Lock box 93. Washing. R. Oldberg. 300 I St. NW C. Abbe [[strikethrough]] 1417. G. St [[/strikethrough]] 1825 I. N.W [[strikethrough]] T. C. Dickinson 1319 St. av. 1" Comptroller Off [[/strikethrough]] Prof. Otis T. Mason. Columbia College, [[Assgrea tablet?]] Major J W Powell 910 M. St [[strikethrough]] H. Jacobson 12117 11 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] St [[/strikethough]] J. C. Dickinson 1319 [[St.?]] Av [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Dr. Lincoln. 1329 [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[circled]] 74 [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] Gordan Hubbard. 711. [[/strikethrough]] 14' [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] J. Carl Urben.. Care A. Hart. 517. [[?]][[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] also 132 Green St. Georgetown Dr [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] D. Leech Penna. Ar. bet 19' & 20 1907 Pa [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] D. Mendeleff - 936 F. St. [[strikethrough]] Capt. Beard [[Flo?]] 825 [[?]] Av [[/strikethrough]] [[/second column]] [[end page]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] [[two columns of writing - first column]] George Anderson (Sodder 53 Cedar St. bet 13 - 14 and S. - T. Peter Burger - Care S. T. Stewart 1209 H.N.N.U bet 12 - 13 114 Jan 76 [[strikethrough]] Col. W. B. Lane 1534 I.A. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Dr [[Edward?]] Maynard 1321 [[F?]] St [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Dr Padder 8 Grants [[Place?]] [[/strikethrough]] T. C. Dickinson 1211 O. St. bet 9 - 10 [[strikethrough]] Lt [[insertion]] Com B. M. Green 2018 F. [[?]] [[Wolf?]] Oct 76 ) [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Dr R. J. Macconn 1513 R. I. [[?]] (79) [[/strikethrough]] Prof. E. S. Holden 2137 F. St. John G. Olberg. National Hotel Hamlakes Scandinavian Dead H. H. Nichola Marion St bet 6 - 7 2. -R C. Barlew 17 E St N. Co Connster 77 James Sands. 326 Penn ac Taxidermi Maurice Joyce [[Sterolyphl?]] and engineer [[strikethrough]] govt. Printing office [[/strikethrough]] 406 H. St. N. E. J. [[Z?]]. Pearson 1311. M. Street [[strikethrough]] Cap. Kellogy 1406 G? [[/strikethrough]] D. N. H. Lincoln 1415 H. St. NW. [[strikethrough]] J. Temple Brown Room 33 5 floor [[Conoran?]] Boulders [[?]] has 425 [[/strikethrough]] J. Edwards Page. 1626 O St. went [[?]] [[service?]] Alphonso D. de Gomes 222 2d St birds [[strikethrough]] J. F. Brown. 1229 L N [[circled]] Oct 28. 75 [[/circled]] [[/strikethrough]] P. Murray [[concreter?]] 307 N. N. W. concerter John W. Hendley (wax man) John A. Clark Cabin steward Speedwell '78 643 S. C. Ave S.E. Dr. Comb 1619 K [[strikethrough]] Major Powell. 201 East [[Capelve?]] St N. G. [[strikethrough]] Commander Green 2018 G St. [[/strikethrough]] E.S. Holden 1923 N. St. John. C. S. Richardson [[strikethrough]] [[Hatchman?]] 1106 4 St. 342. D. St office J. J. Johnan Paul D. Conner 1445 P. St replaces of telephones n [[second column]] Frank OBrian 576 13 Dead Ref 6 Painter his wife [[?]] by Chas. Oneill as attendant in [[?]] [[strikethrough]] T. T. Brown 1614. 14 St Oct 79 [[/strikethrough]] Capt. J McGreen 1638 R [[?]] Ave Nov 79 R. Hessel 514 10' St. H. Jackson 21 H St. N. W. Dec 80. A. O. Brummel 115 St. S St [[Mar?]] Forestville Md Pump [[?]] 15 [[line]] G. W. Baird 1013 156 March 20. 82 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] [[all text on page handwritten]] [[column 1 of 3]] Name of Country | Page[[two columns]] Map | Names (British) Canada | 21 | 23 Novia Scotia | 27 | 23 Newfoundland | 27 | 23 New Brunswick | 27 | 24 Rest of British America | 16 | 24 Russian | 16 | 24 Maine | 27 | 29 New Hampshire | 27 | 31 Vermont | 27 | 33 Massachusetts | 27 | 35 Rhode Island | 27 | 37 Connecticut | 27 | 39 New York | 45 | 41 New Jersey | 45 | 47 Pennsylvania | 45 | 49 Delaware | 45 | 51 Maryland | 45 | 53 District Columbia | 45 | 57 Virginia | 45 | 55 N. Carolina | 45.63 | 59 S. Carolina | 63 | 65 Georgia | 63 | 67 Florida | 63 | 69 Alabama | 63 | 71 [[column 2 of 3]] Name of Country | Page [[two columns]] Map | Names Mississippi | 63 | 73 Louisiana | 63 | 75 Texas | [[strikethrough]] 63 [[/strikethrough]] 84 | 79 Arkansas | 63 | 77 Ind. Territory | 21 | 78 Missouri | 88 | 85 Kansas | 20 | 106 Tennessee | 63 | 81 Kentucky | 89 | 91 Ohio | 89 | 93 Indiana | 89 | 95 Illinois | 89 | 97 Michigan | 107 | 99 Wisconsin | 107 | 101 Iowa | 89 | 103 Minnesota | 21 | 105 Nebraska | 20 | 106 New Mexico | 21 | 109 Utah | 21 | 109 California | 21 | 109 1/2 Oregon | 21 | 109 3/4 Washington | 21 | 110 Mexico | 113 | 113 Central America | 113 | 113 West Indies | 113 | 112 South America | 117 | 115 [[column 3 of 3]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Name of Country | Page [[two columns]] Map | Names Norway | 120 | 12[[?]] Sweden | 120 | 12[[?]] Denmark | 120 | 121 Great Britain | 123 | 125 Germany | 128 | 129 Switzerland | 128 | 129 France | 131 | 130 Spain | 131 | 130 Portugal | 131 | 130 Italy | 131 | 130 Russia | 133 | 133 Asia | 136 | 137 Africa | 139 | 138 [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[G-w]] [[handwritten in top right margin of page]] [[all other text printed]] MITCHELL'S SCHOOL ATLAS: COMPRISING THE MAPS AND TABLES DESIGNED TO ACCOMPANY MITCHELL'S SCHOOL AND FAMILY GEOGRAPHY. MAPS. [[two columns]] [[column 1 of 2]] 1. World Equatorial Projection. 2. World Polar Projection. 3. Antarctic Regions. 4. North America. 5. United States. 6. Gold Region of California. 7. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. 8. New England States. 9. Vicinity of Boston and Providence. 10. Vicinity of New Haven and Hartford. 11. Middle States. 12. Southern States. 13. State of Texas. 14. Western States. 15. Michigan and Wisconsin. 16. Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. [[column 2 of 2]] 17. Isthmus of Nicaragua. 18. Isthmus of Tehuantepeo. 19. South America. 20. Isthmus of Darien. 21. Europe. 22. Great Britain and Ireland. 23. Germany, Switzerland, and Northern Italy. 24. France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. 25. Greece and the Ionian Islands. 26. Asia. 27, Palestine, or the Holy Land Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 28. Africa. 29. Egypt. 30. Republic of Liberia. 31. Oceanica. 32. Sandwich, or Hawaiian Islands. GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES. [[two columns]] [[column 1 of 2]] 1. Statistics of Physical Geography, showing the area of the principal Islands and Lakes, heights of Mountains and Volcanoes, and length of principal Rivers in the world. 2. Extent and Populations of the different countries in the world. 3. Population of the principal cities of the world. 4. Area and Population, Civil and Political Statistics, and Religious Denominations of the United States, in 1850. [[column 2 of 2]] 5. Agricultural Products, and Manufactures of Cotton, Iron, and Wool, in the United States, by the Census of 1850. 6. Historical and Educational Statistics of the United States. 7. Railroads and Canals in the United States. 8. Population of all the counties of the Eastern, Middle, and Southern States, by the census of 1850. 9. Population of all the counties of the Western States, by the census of 1850. PHILADELPHIA: H. COWPERTHWAIT & COMPANY. 1855. Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1852, by S. Augustus Mitchell, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives ^[[2]] GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES --- NO. I. [[line across page]] [[three columns]] [[first column - left of page]] SURFACE OF THE EARTH. The surface of the earth consists of unequal portions of land and water: the area of the former to that of the latter being nearly 1 to 3. The land in the Northern Hemisphere greatly predominates over that in the Southern; if we consider the whole to be divided into 100 equal parts, that in the first will be represented by 78 such parts, and that in the other by 22. The solid portions of the earth's surface consist of a number of detached sections, or islands, each being surrounded by water. The two larger masses are, for the sake of distinction, termed Continents; of which one is the Eastern, and the other the Western. If the whole were divided as before into 100 equal parts, the two continents would be represented by 82 parts, and the Islands, by 18; or, in other words, the continental portion is about 4 1/2 times more extensive than the insular. The terms Eastern and Western, in this case, refer to Ferro, one of the Canary Islands, and the westernmost land known to the ancients. Immediately after the discovery of America, the geographers of that age, in compiling their maps of the world, adopted the meridian of Ferro as the line of separation between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Ferro was then believed to be in longitude 20 west from Greenwich; but it is now known to be some distance eastward of that meridian. [[line across column]] PRINCIPAL ISLANDS, [[two columns]] [[first column]] AMERICA. | Square miles. Newfoundland..... 46,200 Cuba............. 42,000 Iceland.......... 30,000 Hayti............ 29,000 Vancouver Island.. 13,500 EUROPE. Great Britain..... 87,000 Ireland........... 32,000 Sicily............ 10,500 Sardinia.......... 9,300 ASIA. Niphon........... 100,000 Jesso............ 62,600 Saghalien........ 47,000 Kiusiu........... 28,300 Sikof............ 21,200 [[second column]] ASIA - Continued. Square Miles Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Ceylon.......25,000 Formosa......15,000 AFRICA. Madagascar ....225,000 Socotra..........1,000 OCEANICA. Australia...........3,120,000 Borneo................300,000 Papua, or New Guinea..260,000 Samatra...............150,000 New Zealand............95,000 Celebes................70,000 Luzon..................58,000 Java...................50,000 Mindanao...............35,000 Van Diemon's Land......28,000 Hawaii..................4,000 [[line across column]] MOUNTAINS. Mountains are classed according to their height in feet above the level of the sea. Those of the lowest class rank from 2,000 to 10,000 feet;those of the second, from 10,000 to 20,000; and those of the first class, from 20,000 upwards. Elevations under 2000 feet are commonly denominated hills. For many years, Mount Dhawalageri, one of the Himalaya range, was regarded as the culminating point of the globe; but in the year 1847, Kunchinginga, an adjacent peak, was ascertained to be 176 feet higher. Chimborazo was long considered the tallest peak of the Andes; but in 1838, Sorato and Illimani, in Bolivia, were measured, and reported to be several feet higher. Subsequently, however, it was found that an error in computing their elevation, greater than the alleged difference, was committed. Aconcagua, a volcano in the Chilian Andes, is now regarded as the most elevated point of the on the Western Continent. The snow line, or line of perpetual congelation on mountains, is that part of the surface where the temperature is always at the freezing point; here the snow commences, and envelopes all the upper portions in a continual wintry covering. Under the Equator, the snow line is estimated at from 15,750 to 16,000 feet above the level of the sea; thence towards either pole, it gradually descends until it reaches the surface of the earth, which, in the Northern Hemisphere, occurs at about latitude 80, and in the Southern at a somewhat lower parallel. The snow line is not in all cases uniform; it differs considerably, from local causes, in equal latitudes, and even on opposite sides of the same range of mountains. In latitude 30 it is estimated at about 12,000 in 40 at 9000, and in 60 at 5,000 feet above the level of the sea. Heights of the principal Mountains in the World [[line across column]] NORTH AMERICA Feet. Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Mount St.Elias,Russian America..........................17,800 Popocatapetl,Mexico.............................................17,735 Mount Brown, Rocky Mountains.........................16,000 Sierra Nevada, or Snowy Range of California...............15,500 Mount Hood, Oregon Territory..............................14,000 Fremont's Peak, Rocky Mountains........................13,470 Long's Peak, do. .................................12,500 Cibao Mountains, Hayti..............................8,000 Sierra del Cobre, Cuba...............................7,200 Black Mountain, highest of the Blue Ridge, North Carolina..............6,470 Mt. Washington, White Mountains, New Hampshire................6,231 Mount Tahawus, or Marcy, New York............................5,300 SOUTH AMERICA Aconcagua, Chili..........................................23,100 Chimborazo, Ecuador.......................................21,420 Sorato, Bolivia...........................................21,288 Chuquibamba, Peru.........................................21,000 Tolima, New Grenada.......................................18,200 Cerro de Potosi, Bolivia..................................16,150 Organ Mountains, Brazil....................................7,000 EUROPE Elbrus, the highest of the Caucasus Mts, Russia...........17,776 Mont Blanc, highest of the Alps...........................16,068 Mulhacen, highest of the Sierra Nevada, Spain.............11,678 Mount Maladetta, highest of the Pyrenees..................11,400 Monte Corno, or Cavallo, highest of the Apennines.........10,154 [[line across column]] [[begin footnote section of first column]] Questions. What is said of the surface of the earth? The solid portions? Continents? How much does the continental exceed the insular portion? Which is the largest Island in the world? Which division embraces the greatest number of large islands? What is said of mountains? Hills? Of Mount Dhawalageri? Kunchinginga? Chimborazo? So[[/end footnote section of first column. Note: continued in second column]] [[end of first column-left side of page]] [[middle column - middle of page]] Heights of Mountains, continued. [[line across page]] EUROPE--Continued. Feet. Mount Scardus, highest of Balkan Mts., Turkey.............10,000 Mount Ruska Poyana, highest of the Carpathian Mts..........9,912 Mount Skagtlos Find. highest of Dofrafield Mts.............8,070 Konjakofski Kamen, Ural Mts................................5,397 Ben Nevis highest of the Grampian Mts., Scotland...........4,365 Snowdon, highest mountain in Wales.........................3,571 Macgillicuddy's Reeks, highest mountain in Ireland.........3,404 ASIA. Kunchinginga, Himalaya Mts................................28,176 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Dhawalaghiri do. ................................28,000 Hindoo Koo, or Koosh, Cabul...............................20,000 Mount Ararat, Turkey in Asia..............................17,210 Mount Lebamon, Syria, Jeb-el Makmel.......................12,000 Mount Olympus, Turkey in Asia..............................9,100 Mount Sinai, Arabia........................................7,497 AFRICA. Abba Yarol, Abyssinia.....................................15,200 Piton des Neigres, Isle of Bourbon........................12,300 Talba Waba, Abyssinia.....................................12,000 Mount Milixia[[?]], highest of the Atlas, Morocco.........11,400 Snowy Mountains, Cape Colony..............................10,000 Peak of Pico, Azores.......................................7,618 OCEANICA. Mount Ophir, Sumatra......................................13,842 Semero Mountain, Island of Java...........................13,000 Mount Otahefte, Georgian Isles.............................10,200 Mount Kosciusko, New South Wales...........................6,600 Mount Humboldt, Van Diemon's Land..........................5,520 [[line across column]] VOLCANOES. Volcanoes are mountains that are connected with the internal fires evidently existing beneath the surface of the earth, and the which they serve as chimneys, or vents. They are found in every quarter of the globe, from the island of Jan Mayen, in the extremity of the Northern Hemisphere, to Victoria Land, only 12 of latitude distant from the South Pole. Until recently, Volcanoes were supposed to exist only in the immediate vicinity of the Ocean; but it is now ascertained that there are several in the very centre of Asia, 1500 miles distant from any part of the sea. The number at present known is 427, of which 270 are active. In America there are 173 volcanoes, in Oceanica 163, in Asia 67, in Africa 17, in Europe 5, and in Victoria Land 2. PRINCIPAL ACTIVE VOLCANOES. Feet. Gualatheri, Peru...........................21,907 Araquipa, or Gugua Putiax, Peru...........................20,325 Antisana, ...............................19,240 Cotopaxi, Ecuador........................19,140 Pichiucha, Ecuador.......................16,000 Kliutchowekaja, Kamtachatka..................15,763 Volcan de Fuego, Central America......................14,000 Mauna Kea, Hawaii, Sandwich Islands......................13,753 St. Helen's, Oregon.......................13,300 Indrapura, Sumatra......................12,300 Peak of Teneriffe, Canary Islands......................12,482 Erebas, Victoria Land.........................12,400 Cartage, Central America......................11,480 Etna, Sicily.................10,874 Hoela, Iceland..............................................5,116 Soufriere, Guadaloupe.......................................5,108 Jorullo, Mexico.............................................4,203 Vesuvias, Naples............................................3,918 [[line across column]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives THE OCEAN. The Sea, or Ocean, is estimated to extend over a space of 150 million square miles, or three-fourths of the surface of the earth. The different parts are distinguished by different names: the most important being the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic Oceans. There are also various Inland Seas, Bays and Gulfs of considerable extent: as the Mediterranean, Baltic, Caribbean and China Seas, the Gulf of Mexico, Hudson's Bay, the Bay of Bengal &c. These are regarded as portions of the oceans with which they are connected The [[italics]] Pacific Ocean [[/italics]] is that area of water bounded by America on the one side, and Asia and Australia on the other. Measured on the equator, it extends east and west; 100 degrees of longitude, or about 11,000 miles, varying materially in width in other quarters. From north to south it occupies 126 degrees of latitude, reckoned from about the 60th parallel south the the 66th north, or about 8,700 miles, and has an area estimated at eighty-three million square miles. The [[italics]] Atlantic Ocean [[/italics]] occupies the space between Europe and North America, and Africa and South America, with about the same extent north and south as the Pacific. It is more than a third as large as the Pacific, the are being reckoned at 30 million square miles. Both these oceans are divided by the Equator into Northern and Southern. The [[italics]] Indian Ocean [[/italics]] extends from Africa to Australia and from the shores of Asia southward to a line supposed to be drawn from the Cape of Good Hope to the southern extremity of Van Diemen's Land. It is about one-fourth the size of the Pacific Ocean, having an area of 21 million square mile. The [[italics]] Arctic or Northern Ocean [[/italics]] includes the basin extending around the North Pole. The [[italics]] Antarctic or Southern Ocean [[/italics]] comprises the tract of sea lying around the South Pole, and southward of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The Arctic and Antarctic Oceans contain together about a ninth part of the waters on the globe; the first has an area of three million, and the other thirteen million square miles. [[line across column]] LAKES. Lakes are found in all quarters of the globe, but are more numerous in North American than elsewhere. The water of lakes is generally fresh; in a few instances it is salt, but varying in degree, being some[[line across column]] [[begin footnote section of second column]] [[continued from footnote section of first column]] rato? Aconcagua? Which division of the Western Continent has the highest mountains? Of the Eastern Continent? Which is the highest mountain south of the equator? An. Which is the highest insular mountain shown in the table? Or. What is said of volcanoes? Where are they found? How many are now known? Active? How many in America, &c.? In what country is the highest volcano? The highest Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[/end footnote section of second column]] [[end middle column-middle of page]] [[last column-right side of page]] times only slightly saline or brackish. The Caspian and Aral, with some other lakes, are usually called seas from their superior dimensions, and from their waters being salt, like those of the ocean. In elevation and depression of level, also, lakes differ essentially. Among those remarkable for elevation of surface, are Lake Superior, 600 feet; the Lake of Brient, 1,900; the Great Salt Lake, 4,200; and Lake Titicaca, 12,795 feet above the level of the sea. Among the most conspicuous of the depressed or sunken lakes are the Caspian, Aral, and Dead Seas; the two former being sunk to the depth of about 83 or 84 feet each, and the latter to the depth of 1312 feet, below the level of the Mediterranean. Salt lakes have no outlet to the ocean; and, though they all receive fresh-water streams, yet, from the constant solar evaporation, their waters remain unchanged. ESTIMATED AREAS OF SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL LAKES. [[two columns]] [[First column]] Sq. miles. Caspian Sea..........145,000 Sea of Aral..........20,000 Lake Superior..........31,500 Lake Michigan..........23,150 Lake Huron..........23,100 Lake Baikal..........14,000 Great Slave Lake..........11,500 [[Second column]] Sq. miles. Lake Erie..........7,800 Lake Ontario..........6,900 Lake Winnipeg..........6,500 Lake Ladoga..........6,190 Lake Nicaragua..........4,000 Lake Titicaca..........4,000 Great Salt Lake..........1,875 [[line across column]] RIVERS. Rivers may be classed either according to their length or course, or according to the extent of country drained by their waters. Regarded in the first point of view, the Mississippi, including its principal tributary, holds the highest rank; but if according to the second, the Amazon takes decided precedence of all other streams. From the head of the Missouri, which rises on the east side of the Rocky Mountains, to the Balixe[[?]] at the mouth of the Mississippi, the entire stream, measured so as to include all its windings, is, according to one account, 4350, and, by another, about 4100 miles. But if estimated by the length of the valley, omitting all except the chief bends, the extent is not less than 2600 miles; being, in either case, the longest river in the world. The Amazon in South America and the Obe in Asia, each water Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives valleys about 2300 miles in length, estimated so as to exclude the smaller windings. The basin or region drained by the Amazon and its tributaries, being the entire region enclosed by a line connecting the sources of all its branches, is estimated at 2,160,000 square miles, a tract of country equal to two-thirds the extent of Europe. The Obe, estimated in the same matter, drains a basin of 1,260,000 square miles; and the Mississippi and Missouri, a basin of 1,100,000 square miles in extent. Lengths of the Principal Rivers in the World. NORTH AMERICA. Missouri, to its junction with the Mississippi..........2,900 do. to the sea, forming the longest river in the world..........4,100 Mississippi proper..........2,800 Mackenzie's..........2,500 St. Lawrence..........2,200 Rio Grande..........1,800 Nelson and Saskatchewan..........1,600 Columbia..........1,300 Colorado, of California..........1,100 Brazos, Colorado of Texas..........600 Alabama..........600 Apalachicola and Chattahoochee..........550 Susquehanna, Potomac, James, Roanoke, Savannah..........500 St. John's of New Brunswick, Connecticut, Great Potec, Trinity..........450 Great Whale, Delaware, Alatamaha, Sacramento..........400 Penobscot, Hudson, Cape Fear, Pearl, Nueces, Sabine..........330 Severn, Kennebec..........300 SOUTH AMERICA. Amazon..........3,600 Rio de la Plata..........2,250 Orinoco..........1,500 St. Francisco..........1,300 Tocantins and Araguny..........1,100 Colorado..........1,000 Magdalena, Parnaiba..........900 EUROPE. Volga..........2,000 Danube..........1,000 Don, Dnieper..........1,000 Rhine..........950 Dwina..........700 Petchora, Elbe, Loire..........600 Vistula, Tagus..........550 Dniester, Guadiana..........500 Oder, Douro, Rhone, Po, Seine..........450 Mezene, Desna, Bog, Guadalquivir..........400 Duna, Niemen, Ebro..........350 Dahl, Bug, Weser, Garonne..........300 Thames..........233 ASIA. Yang-tse-kiang..........2,800 Lena..........2,600 Obe, Hoang-Ho..........2,500 Yenesei..........2,300 Amoor..........2,200 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Cambodia..........2,000 Indus, Irrawaddy, each..........1,700 Ganges..........1,600 Brahmapootra..........1,500 Euphrates..........1,400 Amoo, or Oxus, and Salwen..........900 Tigris, Nerbuddah, Melusin..........800 AFRICA. Nile..........3,000 Niger or Jolita..........2,600 Senegal..........1,200 Orange..........1,000 Gambia..........700 OCEANICA. Murray..........1,900 [[line across column]] [[begin footnote section of third column]] [[continued from footnote section of second column]] in the Eastern Hemisphere? Is Aconcagua north or south of the Equator? What is said of the sea, or ocean? The Pacific? Atlantic? Indian? Arctic, &c.? What is said of lakes? Of the Caspian, &c.? Of elevation, &c.? Depressed lakes? Which is the largest salt lake? The largest fresh-water lake? How are rivers classified? What is said of the Mississippi? Amazon? Ole? [[/end footnote section of third column]] [[End Last column-right side of page]] [[End page]] [[Start page]] ^[[3]] GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES -- NO. II. [[line across page]] [[three columns with varying sub-columns]] [[first column-left side of page]] EXTENT AND POPULATION OF THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. [[line across column]] [[Begin table with 5 sub-columns]] [[Begin sub-columns 2-5 headers]]Areas in sq. miles. Total population. Pop total. sq. mile. When numbered.[[/End sub-columns 2-5 headers]] [[Begin table section]]NORTH AMERICA. [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Russian America. 450,000. 54,142. 1 in 7. 1846. Danish " [[ditto for: America]]. 750,000. 80,000. 1 in 9. " [[ditto for: 1846]] British " [[ditto for: America]]. 2,816,700. 2,551,000. 4 in 5. 1852. United States. 3,023,400. 23,191,876. 8. 1850. Mexico, including Yucatan. 668,000. 7,137,972. 11. 1843. Central America. 199,819. 2,141,097. 11. 1845. Hayti {Empire of Hayti } {Republic of Dominica}. [[combined]] 29,000. [[Empire]] 800,00 [[RD]] 150,000. [[combined]] 45. " [[ditto for: 1845]]. Cuba (Spanish). 42,383. 1,247,000. [[combined with "Porto Rico" below]] 25. 1850. Porto Rico. do. [[ditto for: (Spanish)]] 3,805. 420,000. [[combined with Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives "Cuba (Spanish)" above]] 25. " [[ditto for: 1850]] Jamaica (British). 5,468. 379,000. [[ combined with the subsequent 24 nations]] 70. 1848. Trinidad. do. 2,009. 59,814. [[ combined with the previous nation and subsequent 23 nations]] 70. " [[ditto for: 1848]]. Barbados. do. 166. 135,289. [[combined with the previous 2 and subsequent 22 nations]] 70. 1851. Grenada, &c. do. 138. 28,923. [[combined with the previous 3 and subsequent 21 nations]] 70. 1842. St. Vincent. do. 131. 27,248. [[combined with the previous 4 and subsequent 20 nations]] 70. 1846. Tobago. do. 99. 13,208. [[combined with the previous 5 and subsequent 19 nations]] 70. 1844. St. Lucia. do. 300. 23,583. [[combined with the previous 6 and subsequent 18 nations]] 70. 1851. Antigua. do. 168. 36,300. [[combined with the previous 7 and subsequent 17 nations]] 70. 1836. Montserrat. do. 43. 7,365. [[combined with the previous 8 and subsequent 16 nations]] 70. 1850. St. Christopher. do. 68. 23,133.[[combined with the previous 9 and subsequent 15 nations]] 70. " [[ditto for: 1850]]. Nevis. do. 20. 10,200. [[combined with the previous 10 and subsequent 14 nations]] 70. 1851. Virgin Islands. do. 137. 9,000.[[combined with the previous 11 and subsequent 13 nations]] 70. 1842. Angullia. do. 35. 2,934. [[combined with the previous 12 and subsequent 12 nations]] 70. 1842. Dominica. do. 291. 22,200. [[combined with the previous 13 and subsequent 11 nations]] 70. 1851. Babxina Islands [[?]]. do. 5,424. 25,292.[[ combined with the previous 14 and subsequent 10 nations]]70. " [[ditto marks denote "1851"]]. Bermuda Islands. do. 20. 11,602.[[ combined with the previous 15 and subsequent 9 nations]]70. " [[ditto marks denote "1851"]]. Guadeloupe, c. (French). 615. 127,574.[[ combined with the previous 16 and subsequent 8 nations]]70. [[no date]]. Martinique. do. 322. 117,906.[[ combined with the previous 17 and subsequent 7 nations]]70. 1847. St. Martin's (Dutch and French). 32. 6,500.[[ combined with the previous 18 and subsequent 6 nations]]70. " [[ditto marks denote "1847"]]. Curacoa, &c. do. 255. 18,684. [[ combined with the previous 19 and subsequent 5 nations]]70. " [[ditto marks denote "1847"]]. St. Eustatius. do. 190. 1,903. [[ combined with the previous 20 and subsequent 4 nations]]70. " [[ditto marks denote "1847"]]. Santa Cruz, (Danish). 105. 35,000.[[ combined with the previous 21 and subsequent 3 nations]]70. " [[ditto marks denote "1847"]]. St. Thomas. do. 43. 12,850.[[ combined with the previous 22 andsubsequent 2 nations]]70. " [[ditto marks denote "1847"]]. St. John's. do. 42. 3,000.[[ combined with the previous 23 and subsequent nation]]70. " [[ditto marks denote "1847"]]. St. Bartholomew's (Swedish). 25. 9,000.[[ combined with the previous 24 nations]]70. " [[ditto marks denote "1847"]]. [[line after number values denotes total area in sq. miles.]] 7,979,372 [[line after number values denotes total population.]] 38,766,634 [[line after number values denotes total population per sq. miles.]] 5 [[no value listed for "When numbered" column]] [[End columnar entries]] [[End table section]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[Begin table section]]SOUTH AMERICA. [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Venezuela, inc. Margarita. 410,000. 945,247. 2. 1830. New Granada. 457,180. 1,686,000. 4. 1838. Ecuador. 269,000. 600,000. 1839. Bolivia. 480,000. 1,000,000. 2. " [[ditto marks denote "1839"]] Peru. 549,000. 1,400,000. 2. 1848. Chili. 170,000. 1,250,000. 7. 1842. Buenos Ayres. 820,000. 1,600,000. 2. 1841. Uruguay. 70,000. 250,000. 4. " [[ditto marks denote "1830"]] Paraguay. 74,000. 270,438. 4. 1830. Brazil. 2,724,000. 7,050,000. 3. 1843. British Guiana. 86,000. 127,005. 1. 1851. Dutch Guiana. 48,000. 53,821. 1. 1839 French Guiana. 35,000. 21,170. 1. [[no date]] Patagonia and adjacent islands. 320,000. 120,000. [[fraction?]] in 2 1/2. [[no date]] [[line after number values denotes total area in sq. miles.]] 6,512,190 [[line after number values denotes total population.]] 16,301,371 [[line after number values denotes total population per sq. miles.]] 2 1/2 [[no value listed for "When numbered" column]] [[End columnar entries]] [[End table section]] [[Begin table section]]EUROPE. [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Sweden and Norway. 252,440. 4,762,274. 16. 1849. Russia (in Europe). 2,095,000. 60,417,000. 29. 1840. Denmark, inc.*Holst'n and Lauren. 21,500. 2,296,597. Netherlands, inc. pt. *Lux. and Lita. 13,390. 3267635. 105. 1850. Belgium. '' '' '' [[ditto marks denote "inc. pt. *Lux. and Lita."]] 11,313. 4,357,090. 385, 1849 Great Britain and Ireland. 448,948. 27,619,[[?]]. 232. 1851. France. 293,738. 35,781,628. 174. 1851. Spain, including Andorra. 176,670. 14,223,219. 81. 1849. Portugal. 34,500. 3,412,500. 99. 1841. *Austria, inc. Lombardy and Venice. 257,830. 37,358,456. 145. 1851. *Prussia, inc. Hohenzollern, Pr.&c. 107,300. 16,316,625. 152. 1849. *Bavaria. 28,435. 4,599,515. 159. 1850. *Wirtemberg. 7,558. 1,502,232.[[ combined with the subsequent 28 nations]]192. 1850. *Hanover. 14,000. 1,758,847. [[ combined with the subsequent 27 nations]]192. 1848. *Saxony. 5,795. 1,894,431.[[ combined with the subsequent 26 nations and the previous 2 nations]]192. 1849. *Baden. 5,742. 1,382,774. [[ combined with the subsequent 25 nations and the previous 3 nations]]192. 1849. *Hesse-Cassel. 4,450. 754,290. [[ combined with the subsequent 24 nations and the previous 4 nations]]192. 1846. *Hesse-Darmstadt. 3,761. 252,324.[[ combined with the subsequent 23 nations and the previous 5 nations]]192. 1849. *Hesse-Homburg. 236. 24,293. [[ combined with the subsequent 22 nations and the previous 6 nations]]192. 1846. Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives *Saxe-Welmar-Eisenach. 1,403. 274,370. [[ combined with the subsequent 21 nations and the previous 7 nations]]192. 1851. *Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 799. 149,753. [[ combined with the subsequent 20 nations and the previous 8 nations]]192. 1842. *Saxe-Altenbearg. 491. 131,780. [[ combined with the subsequent 19 nations and the previous 9 nations]]192. 1850. *Saxe-Meiningen-Hillburghauren. 968. 163,323. [[ combined with the subsequent 18 nations and the previous 10 nations]]192. 1849. *Brunswick. 1,525. 268,943. [[ combined with the subsequent 17 nations and the previous 11 nations]]192. 1846. *Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 4,701. 543,328. [[ combined with the subsequent 16 nations and the previous 12 nations]]192. 1851. *Mecklenburg-Strelitz. 901. 96,292. [[ combined with the subsequent 15 nations and the previous 13 nations]]192. 1848. *Oldenburg, including Kulphsusen. 2,470. 278,020. [[ combined with the subsequent 14 nations and the previous 14 nations]]192. 1851. *Nassau. 1,735. 428,218. [[ combined with the subsequent 13 nations and the previous 15 nations]]192. 1851. *Anhalt-Dossau. 519. 85,200. [[ combined with the subsequent 12 nations and the previous 16 nations]]192. 1849. *Anhalt-Bernburg. 498. 71,971. [[ combined with the subsequent 11 nations and the previous 17 nations]]192. 1850. Schwartzburg-Sondersbausen. 358. 66,002. [[ combined with the subsequent 10 nations and the previous 18 nations]]192. 1840. *Schwartzburg-Rudolstadt. 403. 69,650. [[ combined with the subsequent 9 nations and the previous 19 nations]]192. 1849. *Lichtenstein. 52. 6,351. [[ combined with the subsequent 8 nations and the previous 20 nations]]192. 1842. *Reuse-Greitz. 130. 34,800. [[ combined with the subsequent 7 nations and the previous 21 nations]]192. 1845. *Reuse-Schleitz. 438. 77,375. [[ combined with the subsequent 6 nations and the previous 22 nations]]192. 1845. *Lippe-Dotmold and L. Schauenb'g. 650. 133,461. [[ combined with the subsequent 5 nations and the previous 23 nations]]192. 1840. *Waldeck. 455. 58,219. [[ combined with the subsequent 4 nations and the previous 24 nations]]192. 1850. *Frankfort. 91. 70,244. [[ combined with the subsequent 3 nations and the previous 25 nations]]192. 1849. *Lubeck. 142. 47,742. [[ combined with the subsequent 2 nations and the previous 26 nations]]192. 1841. *Bremen. 412. 79,047. [[ combined with the subsequent nation and the previous 27 nations]]192. 1849. *Hamburg. 149. 188,054. [[ combined with the previous 28 nations]]192. [[no date]]. Switzerland. 25,251. 2,390,446. 156. 1850. Italy. excl. Lombardy and Venice. 100,439. 19,365,032. 193. [[no date]]. Ionian Islands. 1,097. 399,000. 209. 1852. Greece. 18,241. 998,265. 55. 1851. Montenegro. 450. 100,000. 222. 1850. Turkey. 189,470. 15,509,000. 87. 1844. [[line across sub-columns 2-4 denotes totals for each category]] [[area in sq. miles]] 3,757,950. [[total population]] 235,395,448. [[population/ sq. mile]] 70. [[no total given for "When numberred"]] *Germanic Confederation. [[notes meaning of "*" from previous 29 countries]] [[End columnar entries]] [[End table section]] [[line across entire left column]] [[Begin footnote section of first column]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Questions - Which country in North America contains the greatest number of square miles? Which is the next in size? The next? Which has the largest population? The smallest? The largest population to the square mile? The least? Repeat these questions [[/end footnote section of first column. Note: continued in footnote section of second column.]] [[second column, middle of the page]] Table of Extent and Population continued. [[line across column]] [[Begin table with 5 sub-columns]] [[Begin sub-columns 2-5 headers]]Areas in sq. miles. Total population. Pop total. sq. mile. When numbered.[[/End sub-columns 2-5 headers]] [[Begin table section]]ASIA. [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Asiatic Russia, inc. Georgia &c. 5,336,000. 4,532,056. 1/2. 1846. Independent Tartary. 790,000. 6,590,000. 8. [[no date]]. Turkey. Syria and Palenstine. 437,000. [[Turkey]]8,000,000. [[Syrai and Palestine]] 2,000,000 21. est. Arabia. 1,200,000. 8,000,000. 6. " [[ditto marks denote "est."]] Persia. 470,000. 9,000,000. 29. [[no date]]. Afghanistan. 3000,000. 6,000,000. 29. [[no date]]. Beloochistan. 150,000. 1,500,000. 10. Hindoostan and Ceylon. 1,250,000. 130,000,000. 104. Anam (Farther India). 350,000. 9,000,000. [[?]][[no date]]. Birmah (Farther India). 254,000. 5,350,000. 23. [[no date]]. British Birmah (Farther India). 77,000. 1,400,000. 18. [[no date]]. Siam (Farther India). 184,000. 3,800,000. 24. [[no date]]. Malsoca[[?]] (Farther India). 55,000. 450,000. 9. [[no date]]. Chinese Empire. 5,200,000. 230,000,000. 44. [[no date]]. Japan. 200,000. 30,000,000. 115. [[End columnar entries]] [[lines across sub-columns denote total for each sub-column]] [[total area in sq. miles]] 16,313,000. [[total population]] 455,562,068. [[pop. total per sq. mile]] 28. [[no date for "When numberred"]]. [[End table section]] [[Begin table section]]AFRICA. [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Morroco (Barbery). 220,000. 8,500,000. 18. Algeria (Barbery). [[9]]0,000. [[2,828,881.]] 31. Tunis (Barbery). [[58,]]000. 2,[[2]]00,000. [[38.]] Tripoli, Inc. Bares[[?]] (Barbery). 150,000. 800,000. 5. [[best guess]]Beled el Jerbi (Barbery). 140,000. 900,000. 6. [["Barbery" appears after a close-bracket encompassing the above five locations.]] [[Open-bracket encompasses numerical values for above five locations, followed by close-bracket]] [[Close bracket encompassing values for above five locations, indicating year "When numberred"]] 1847 Egypt. 180,000. 2,[[925,]]000. 16. Nubia. 320,000. [[5]]00,000. 1 1/2. Abyssinia. 280,000. 3,000,000. 10. Great Desert. 2, [[600,]]000. 300,000. 1 in 8. Soudan. 1,[[300,]]000. 10,000,000. 8. Bergoo, Darfur, &c. 540,000. 1,200,000. 2. [[best guess]]Senegambia. 360,000. 7,000,000. 20. Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Upper Guinea. [[280,]]000. 5,500,000. 29. Lower Guinea. 200,000. 4,500,000. 17. Cape Colony and Natal. 128,000. 400,000. 3. 1850. Country of the Hottentote. 200,000. 100,000. 1 in 2. Eastern Africa. [[000,000]]. 3,000,000. 5. Ethiopia. 3,110,000. 3,000,000. 1. African Islands. 230,000. 5,100,000. 22 [[End columnar entries]] [[lines across sub-columns denote total for each sub-column]] [[total area in sq. miles]] [[10,936,]]000. [[total population]] 61,[[604,281]]. [[pop. total per sq. mile]] 5. [[no date for "When numberred"]]. [[End table section]] [[Begin table section]]OCEANIA. [[Begin sub-section]]Malaysia. [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Sumatra (Sunda Islands). 150,000. 3,000,000. 20. est. Java (Sunda Islands). 50,000. 9,[[530,781]]. 189. 1845. Borneo (Sunda Islands). 300,000. 3,000,000. 10. est. [[Close-bracket encompasses above three locations]]Sunda Islands Philippine Islands. 120,000. 3,000,000. 25. " [[Ditto "est."]] Celebes. 70,000. 2,000,000. 28. " [[Ditto "est."]] Spice Islands, Sooloo Islands, &c. Timor, Floris, Sumlawa, &c. [[Close-bracket encompasses above two location lines]] [[values apply to bracketed locations above]]70,000. 1,000,000. 16. " [[Ditto "est."]] [[End columnar entries]] [[lines across sub-columns denote total for each sub-column]] [[total area in sq. miles]] 700,000. [[total population]] 21,[[590,781]]. [[pop. total per sq. mile]] 28. [[no date for "When numberred"]]. [[End sub-section]] [[Begin sub-section]]Australaria. [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Australia, or New Holland. 3,120,000. *624,000. 1 in 5. 1853 [[1853]] Tasmania, of Van Diemen's Land. 28,000. [[special character elongated cross as asterisk denoting footnote.]]100,000. 3 1/2. " [[Ditto "1853"(?)]] New Zealand. 95,000. [[Double vertical asterisks denoting footnote]]145,000. 1 1/2. " [[Ditto "1853"(?)]] New Guinea, New Britain, &c. New Hebrides and New Caledonia [[Close-bracket encompasses above two location lines]] [[Values for bracketed locations above]] 300,000. [[combined value]] 400,000. [[New Guinea, New Britain, &c. value]] 200,000. [[New Hebrides and New Caledonia value]] [[Close-bracket encompassing above two values]] 2. est. [[End columnar entries]] [[lines across sub-columns denote total for each sub-column]] [[total area in sq. miles]] 3,500,000. [[total population]] 1,409,000[[?]]. [[pop. total per sq. mile]] 1 in 2 1/2. [[no date for "When numberred"]]. [[End sub-section]] [[Begin sub-section]]Polynesia. Sandwich Islands. 6,000. 78,487[[?]]. 12. 1853. [[Begin bracketed grouping of locations]] Society and Georgian Islands. [[see combined value below]]. 16,581. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Ladrone Islands. [[see combined value below]]. 10,000. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] Caroline Islands. [[see combined value below]]. 20,000. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] Central Archipelago. [[see combined value below]]. 12,000. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] Washington and Marquesas Isl's. [[see combined value below]]. 18,000. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] Cook's, Austral, Paumeta Isl, &c. [[see combined value below]]. 17,000. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] Navigator's Islands. [[see combined value below]]. 100,000. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] Vavon Habeal, and Tonga Isl's. [[see combined value below]]. 18,000. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] Fejee Islands. [[see combined value below]]. 107,000. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] The remaining groups and islands. [[see combined value below]]. 61,504. [[see combined value below]] [[est.]] [[End bracketed grouping of locations]] [["Area in sq. miles" combined value for bracketed group above]] 144,000. [["Pop. to sq. mile" combined value for bracketed group above]] 2 1/2. [["When numberred" value for bracketed group above]] est. [[End columnar entries]] [[lines across sub-columns denote total for each sub-column]] [[total area in sq. miles]] 160,000. [[total population]] 445,641[[?]]. [[pop. total per sq. mile]] 3. [[no date for "When numberred"]]. [[End sub-section]] [[End table section]] [[line across second column]] [[Footnotes]]* British, 520,000[[?]]. [[special character elongated cross]] Wholly British. [[special character double vertical asterisk]]British, 40,000. [[End table with 5 sub-columns]] [[Begin table with four sub-columns]] POPULATION OF THE WORLD [[line across entire second column]] [[sub-columns 2-4 headers]] Area in square miles. Population. Pop. to sq. mile. [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] America. 14,491,000. 66,071,000. 4. Europe. 3,757,000. 305,365,000[[?]]. 70. Asia. 116,313,000. 455,502,000[[?]]. 28. Africa. 10,536,000[[?]]. 61,604,000[[?]]. 5. Oceania. 4,500,000. 23,485,000[[?]]. 5[[?]]. [[lines across sub-columns 2-4 denote total for each sub-column]] [[total Area in square miles]] 49,997,000. [[total Population]] 801,077,000. [[total Pop. to sq. mile]] 17. [[End table with four columns]] [[line across entire second column]] [[Begin table with four sub-columns]] AUSTRIAN EMPIRE, IN DETAIL. [[sub-columns 2-4 headers: Area in square miles. Population. Pop. to sq. mile. -- not repeated in this subsection of the table.]] [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] [[open-bracket label, printed sideways]]GER. PROV. [[Begin bracketed grouping]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[special character: open-bracket]] Austria Proper. 18,052[[?]]. 2,277,524[[?]]. 152[[?]]. Styria. 8,070. 953,744[[?]]. 113. Tyrol. 10,900. 1,252,831[[?]]. 117. Bohemia. 20,293[[?]]. 4,279,189[[?]]. 211. Morovia and Silesia. 10,239[[?]]. 2,223,729[[?]]. 208. [[End bracketed grouping]] Hungary, Croatia, and Sclavonia. 89,040. 12,079,334[[?]]. 137. Military Frontier. 15,479[[?]]. 1,220,503[[?]]. 25[[?]]. Translyvania. 21,390. 2,108,406. 79. Dalmatia. 5,907[[?]]. 401,540[[?]]. 147. Galicia. 33,538[[?]]. 4,910,029[[?]] 274. [[While the open bracket stops at Moravia..., all of the above locations are indented to same depth.]] [[Flush with left column border]]Lombardy and Venlee. 17,511. 4,903,289. 89. [[lines across sub-columns 2-4 denote total for each sub-column]] [[total Area in square miles]] 287,830[[?]]. [[total Population]] 37,383,416[[?]]. [[total Pop. to sq. mile]] 145. [[End table with four columns]] [[line across entire second column]] [[Begin footnote section of second column]] for South America and the Other Great Divisions. Also for the World. Which is the largest division of the Austrian empire? Most populous? Repeat these questions for the Russian, British, and Chinese empires. Which is the largest empire? The second in extent? The third? [[End footnote section of second column.]] [[end second column]] [[third column, right side of the page]] Table of Extent and Population continued. [[line across column]] [[Begin table with four sub-columns]] RUSSIAN EMPIRE, IN DETAIL. [[line across column]] [[Sub-columns 2-4 headers]]Area in square miles. Population. Pop. to square mile. [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Russia in Europe. 2,120,307. 60,708,502. 29. Siberia {Russia in Asia}. 5,261,000. 2,937,066[[?]]. 1 to 2. Georgia &c. {Russia in Asia}. 75,000. 1,625,000. 22. Russian America. 450,000. 61,000. 1 in 8. [[lines across sub-columns 2-4 denote totals for each column]] [[Area in square miles]] 7,906,267[[?]] [[Population]] 65,221,508[[?]]. [[Pop. to square mile]] 8. [[End columnar entries]] [[line across entire third column]] [[Continue table in four-column format without column headers for subcolumns 2-4]] BRITISH EMPIRE, IN DETAIL [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Great Britain and Ireland. 118,948. 27,619,866. 232. Ionian Isles, Malta, Gibraltar, &c. 1,192. 354,797. 297. British North America. 2,816,760. 2,290,363. 4 in 5. West Indies and Colonies in Gulana. 90,445. 930,430. 10. Cape Colony, Natal, &c. 128,000. 400,000. 3. British India. 1,113,812[[?]] 127,778,981. 112. Ceylon. 24,664. 1,421,661. 58. Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Australian Colonies and New Zeal'd. 3,243,000. 809,000. 1 in 3. [[lines across sub-columns 2-4 denote totals for each column]] [[Area in square miles]] 7,566,821[[?]] [[Population]] 161,665,008. [[Pop. to square mile]] 21. [[End columnar entries]] [[line across entire third column]] [[Continue table in four-column format without column headers for subcolumns 2-4]] GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, IN 1851 [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] { England. 50,387. 16,734,647. 332. Great Britain { Scotland. 28,895. 2,870,784. 99. { Wales. 7,425. 1,188,121. 160. Ireland. 31,874. 6,515,794. 204. {Army and Navy, and merchant {seamen, afloat. [[no value]]. 167,004. [[no value]]. Channel Islands. 266. 142,916. 390. [[lines across sub-columns 2-4 denote totals for each column]] [[Area in square miles]] 118,938. [[Population]] 27,619,865. [[Pop. to square mile]] 232. [[End columnar entries]] [[line across entire third column]] [[Continue table in four-column format without column headers for subcolumns 2-4]] BRITISH AMERICA, IN DETAIL [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] New Britain. 2,358,000. 63,930. 1 to 36. Canada East. 206,800. 890,261. 4. Canada West. 143,760. 952,004. 5 1/8. New Brunswick....25,000. 123,800[[?]]. 8. Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island. 18,800. 276,117. 15. Prince Edward's Island. 2,200. 62,675. 26. Newfoundland. 46,500. 101,606. 2. Belize or British Honduras. 15,800. 10,800. 2 in 3. [[lines across sub-columns 2-4 denote totals for each column]] [[Area in square miles]] 2,816,700. [[Population]] 2,551,000. [[Pop. to square mile]] 1. [[End columnar entries]] [[line across entire third column]] [[Continue table in four-column format without column headers for subcolumns 2-4]] CHINESE EMPIRE, IN DETAIL [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] China. 1,640,000. 204,000,000. 124. Tibet,&c. 600,000. 8,000,000. 13. Corea. 48,000. 7,000,000. 145. Little Eucharia. 282,600. 4,000,000. 17. Soongariz. 200,000. 2,000,000. 10. Mongolia. 1,200,000. 2,000,000. [[1 1/2 ?]]. Mantchooria. 1,2300,000. 3,000,000. [[2 1/4?]] [[lines across sub-columns 2-4 denote totals for each column]] [[Area in square miles]] 5,2000,000. [[Population]] 230,000,000. [[Pop. to square mile]] 44. [[End columnar entries]] [[line across entire third column]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[Continue table in four-column format without column headers for subcolumns 2-4]] ITALY, IN DETAIL [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Lombardy and Venice. 17,511. 4,803,285. 274. Sardinia. 28,820. 4,916,687. 170. Tuscany and Lucca. 8,712. 1,761,140. 802. States of the Church. 17,048. 2,008,115. 170. Naples, or The Two Sicilies. 41,521. 8,681,289. 206. Parma. 2,184. 497,313. 227. Modena. 2,073. 536,458. 283. San Marino. 21. 7,600. 362. Monaco. 50. 7,000. 140. [[lines across sub-columns 2-4 denote totals for each column]] [[Area in square miles]] 117,950. [[Population]] 24,068,317. [[Pop. to square mile]] 211. [[End columnar entries]] [[line across entire third column]] [[End table in four-column format]] [[Begin table in five column format]] CIVIL AND POLITICAL STATISTICS, Table showing the Military and Naval Power, with the Public Debt, of the principal civilized States. States. Number of Army. Vessels in Navy. No. of Guns in Navy. Amount of Public Debt. [[5 columns across]] [[Begin columnar entries - period delimited]] Russia. 784,982. 175. 7,660. $733,000,000. Gr. Brit. and Irel'nd. 138,709. 678. 18,000. 3,700,000,000. France. 502,715. 328. 8,000. 1,330,000,000. Denmark. 24,823. 33. 1,120. 80,000,000. Netherlands. 56,000. 125. 2,500. 731,000,000. Belgium. 94,900. 5. 26. 165,000,000. Austria. 414,000. 65. 510. 479,100,000. Prussia. 137,000. 47. 114. 180,000,000. Bavaria. 53,500. [[no value]]. [[no value]]. 73,000,000. Sweden and Norw'y. 62,970. 306. 2,900. 1,500,000. Spain. 160,000. 50. 721. 1,300,000,000. Portugal. 38,000. 36. 700. 160,000,000. Sardinia. 38,000. 60. 900. 120,000,000. Tuscany. 5,500. 5. 434. [[no value]]. States of the Ch. 17,000. 3. [[no value]]. 34,000,000. Naples. 48,882. 60 [[no value]]. 16,060,000. Greece. 4,000. 33. [[no value]]. 10,000,000. Turkey. 200,000. 74. 4,000. 36,000,000. Brazil. 17,095. 67. 359. 68,000,000. Mexico. 19,000. 10. [[no value]]. 102,550,000. United States. 10,344. 75. 2,045. 52,312,980. [[End columnar entries]] [[End table]] [[line across page denotes footnoted section below]] Which is the largest in population? The second? The third, &c.? Which European State has the largest army? The largest navy in ships and guns? The greatest debt? The second? The third, &c.? Repeat these questions for the American States. [[End page]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives ^[[4]] GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES -NO. III POPULATION OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD [[column 1 of 5]] NORTH AMERICA. BRITISH AMERICA. Montreal, C.E | 57,517 | 1852 Quebec | 42,057 | " [[ditto for: 1852]] Toronto, C.W. | 30,762 | " [[ditto for: 1852]] St. John,N.B. | 20,000 | " [[ditto for: 1852]] Halifax, N.S. | 19,000 | " [[ditto for: 1852]] Kingston, C.W. | 10,000 | " [[ditto for: 1852]] Eytown | 7,000 | " [[ditto for: 1852]] UNITED STATES. EASTERN STATES. Boston, Mass. | 136,881| 1850 Providence, R.I | 41,511 | " [[ditto for: 1850]] Lowell, Mass | 33,383 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Portland, Me | 20,815 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] New Haven, Conn | 20,315 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Salem, Mass | 20,264 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Roxbury | 18,364 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Charlestown | 17,216 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Worcester | 17,049 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] New Bedford | 16,413 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Cambridge | 15,213 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Bangor, Me | 14,482 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Lynn, Mass | 14,257 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Manchester, N.H. | 13,932 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Hartford, Conn | 13,555 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Springfield, Mass | 11,766 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Taunton | 10,441 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Norwich, Conn | 10,265 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] MIDDLE STATES. New York, N.Y. | 515,547|1850 Philadelphia, Pa | 468,762|" [[ditto for: 1850]] Brooklyn, N.Y. | 96,838 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Albany | 50,763 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Pittsburg,Pa | 46,601 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Buffalo, N.Y. | 42,261 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Newark, N.J. | 38,394 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Rochester, N.Y. | 36,403 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Williamsburg | 30,780 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Troy | 28,785 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Syracuse | 22,271 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Allegheny City Pa | 21,262 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Utica, N.Y. | 17,565 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Reading, Pa | 15,743 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Wilmington, Del | 13,979 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Poughkeepsie,N.Y. | 13,914 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Lancaster, Pa | 12,369 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Lockport, N.Y. | 12,323 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Onrego | 2,265 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Newburg | 11,415 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Paterson, N.J. | 11,324 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Kingston, N.Y. | 10,232 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] New Brunswick,N.J. | 10,012 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives SOUTHERN STATES. Baltimore,Md | 109,054 | 1850 N.Orleans, inc Lfayette |133,631 | " [[ditto for: 1850]] Charleston, S.C. | 32,985|" [[ditto for: 1850]] Washington City, D.c.|40,000|" [[ditto for: 1850]] Richmond, Va | 27,570 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Mobile, Ala | 20,515 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Savannah, Ga | 15,312 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Norfolk, Va | 13,324 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Petersburg | 10,010 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Wheeling | 13,176 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] WESTERN STATES. Cincinnati, O | 169,054|1850 St. Louis, Mo | 133,651|" [[ditto for: 1850]] Louisville, Ky | 42,194 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] San Francisco, Cal | 31,876 |1852 Chicago, Ill | 20,263 |1850 Detroit, Mich | 21,019 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Milwaukee, Wis | 20,061 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Columbus, O | 17,882 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Cleveland | 17,034 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Dayton | 10,977 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] Nashville, Tenn | 10,165 |" [[ditto for: 1850]] MEXICO. Mexico (est.) | 200,000| Guadalaxara |(?)60,000| San Luis Potoel |55,000 | La Puebla | 50,000 | Queretaro | 40,000 | Guanaxuato | 34,000 |1835 CENTRAL AMERICA. New Guatimala (est)| 50,000 | Leon | 25,000 | San Jose | 18,000 | St. Salvador (est.)| 16,000 | Old Guatimala | 12,000 | WEST INDIES. Havana |150,000 |1848 Puerto Principe | 49,000 |1845 Matanxas | 45,795 |" [[ditto for: 1845]] Kingston (est) | 35,000 | St. Jago de Cuba | 26,739 |1845 St. John's, P.R. | 20,050 |" [[ditto for: 1845]] Port au Prince |(?)20,000| Bridgetown, Bar | 19,362 |1844 St. Domingo | 15,000 | [[column 2 of 5]] SOUTH AMERICA. NEW GRANADA. Bogota (est.) | 40,000 | Popayan | 20,000 | Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Socorro (?)| 12,000 | Carthageon | 10,000 | Panama | 6,000 | VENEZUELA. Caraccas (est.) Valebela (est.) Maracaybo Languayra Merida | | 40,000 | | 16,000 | | 14,000 | | 6,000 | 6,000 | EQUADOR. Quito (est.) | 50,000 | Guayaquil | 25,000 | Cuenca (?)| 20,000 | GUIANA. Georgetown | 26,000 |1851 Paramaribo (est.) | 20,000 | PERU. Lime Cuzco Arequipa Guamanga | 55,000 | | 46,000 | | 25,000 | (?)| 20,000 | BOLIVIA. Cochabamba | 30,000 | Chuquisaca | 25,000 | La Pas | 20,000 | CHILI. Santiago Valparaiso | 65,000 |1830 | 30,000 |1838 BRAZIL. Rio Janeiro | 170,000 |1843 Bahia. or St. Salvador | 100,000 | 1840 Pernambuco | 65,000 | Maranham (?)| 30,000 | San Paul | 22,000 | Villa Bella | 15,000 | 1845 Para | 10,000 | BUENOS AYRES. Buenos Ayres | 81,000 | 1845 Cordova | 14,000 | Mendoza | 12,000 | PARAGUAY. Assumption | 10,000 | URUGUAY. Montevideo (?)| 12,000 | _______________________________ Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives EUROPE. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Stockholm | 91,000 | 1840 Gottenburg | 29,000 | 1843 Christiania | 26,000 | 1845 Bergen | 26,000 | " [[ditto for: 1845]] RUSSIA. St. Petersburg |478,000 | 1846 Moscow |350,000 | " [[ditto for: 1846]] Warsaw |163,000 | 1845 Odessa | 78,000 | " [[ditto for: 1845]] Riga | 71,000 | 1838 Kazan | 57,000 | 1833 Cronstadt | 53,000 | Kiev | 45,000 | 1846 Saratov | 45,000 | " [[ditto for: 1846]] Astrachan | 45,000 | 1843 Tula | 40,000 | Wilna | 35,000 | 1834 Orel | 33,000 | 1846 Savastopol | 30,000 | DENMARK. Copenhagen |133,000 | 1847 Altona | 32,000 | " [[ditto for: 1846]] HOLLAND. Amsterdam Rotterdam The Hague Utrecht Gromingen |229,000 | 1841 | 90,000 | | 66,000 | 1841 | 45,000 | " [[ditto for: 1841]] | 31,000 | 1840 BELGIUM. Brussels Ghent Antwerp Liege |136,000 | 1851 |107,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] | 89,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] | 78,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] ENGLAND. London |2,362,000 | 1851 Liverpool |384,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] Manchester, inc. Salford |316,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] Birmingham, inc. Ashton |242,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] [[column 3 of 5]] Leeds |152,000 | 1851 Bristol, inc. Clifton |144,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] Sheffield |104,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] Plymouth |102,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] Newcastle | 89,000,| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Portsmouth | 73,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] Norwich | 68,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Leicester | 61,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] Nottingham | 58,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] Hull | 50,000 | " [[ditto for: 1851]] SCOTLAND. Glasgow |367,000| 1851 Edinburgh |158,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Dundee | 79,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Aberdeen | 72,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Paisley | 48,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Greenock | 37,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Leith | 31,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Perth | 24,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] IRELAND. Dublin Belfast Cork Limerick Waterford Galway Kilkenny Drogheda Carrickfergus |255,000| 1851 |100,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] | 86,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] | 55,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] | 27,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] | 25,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] | 20,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] | 17,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] | 8,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] FRANCE. Paris |1,063,000| 1851 [[ditto for: 1851]] Lyons |219,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Marseilles |195,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Bordeaux |190,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Rouen |100,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Nantes | 83,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Toulouse | 72,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Lisle, or Lille | 68,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Strasburg | 52,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Melz | 42,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Rheims | 42,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Orleans | 42,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] Toulon | 39,000| " [[ditto for: 1851]] SPAIN. Madrid Barcelona Seville Valencia Granada Malaga Cadiz Murela Cordova Saragosa Carthagena Corunna Alicant |200,000| 1846 |120,000| 1845 | 85,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 71,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 70,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 66,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 54,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 48,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 42,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 40,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 28,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 19,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] | 19,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] PORTUGAL. Lisbon |241,500| 1845 Oporto | 80,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] Coimbra | 15,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives AUSTRIA. Vienna |477,000| 1846 Pesth, inc Buda |125,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Prague |124,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Limberg | 75,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Trieste | 71,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Debretkin [[?]] | 63,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Gratz | 50,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Brumn | 44,000| 1842 Cracow | 43,000| 1849 PRUSSIA. Berlin |442,000| 1846 Breslau |104,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Cologne | 92,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Konigsberg | 70,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Dantzie | 58,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Magdeburg | 57,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Aix-la-Chapelle | 46,000| 1845 Stettin | 42,000| 1846 Posen | 36,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] Elberfeldt 35,000} Barmen 33,000} | 68,000| " [[ditto for: 1846]] BAVARIA. Munich Nuremberg |112,000| 1846 | 45,000| " HANOVER. Hanover Gottingen | 42,000| 1845 | 11,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] SAXONY. Dresden Leipzig | 91,000| 1843 | 65,000| 1846 WIRTEMBERG. | 29,000| 1845 Ulm | 13,000| 1846 [[column 4 of 5]] FREE CITIES. Hamburg |149,000| 1848 Frankfurt | 58,000| 1846 Bremen | 53,000| 1845 Lubec | 25,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] SWITZERLAND. Geneva | 25,000| 1838 Basle | 24,000| 1837 Berne | 22,000| SARDINIA. Turin Genoa |135,000| 1838 |120,000| " [[ditto for: 1838]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives LOMBARDY AND VENICE. Milan |151,000| 1846 Venice |172,000| 1842 Padua | 00,000| 1846 Verona | 48,000| Mantua | 26,000| 1845 PARMA AND MODENA. Parma | 41,000| 1844 Modena | 27,000| 1843 TUSCANY AND LUCCA. Florence |102,000| 1845 Leghorn | 80,000| " [[ditto for: 1845]] Lucca | 24,000| 1839 Pisa | 22,000| 1845 STATES OF THE CHURCH. Rome |172,000| 1846 Bologna | 75,000| 1844 Acona | 40,000| NAPLES. Naples Palermo Messina Catanis Trapaui GREECE. Athens Syra |417,000| 1838 |180,000| 1844 | 84,000| 1831 | 54,000| 1836 | 24,000| | 28,000| 1845 | 14,000| TURKEY. Constantinople |786,000| Adrianople |100,000| Salonica | 75,000| Bucharest | 61,000| Sophia (?)| 40,000| Serajevo (?)| 40,000| Belgrade | 30,000| Seres | 27,000| Widin | 35,000| Jaxsy (?)| 20,000| _______________________________ ASIA. RUSSIA IN ASIA. Teflis | 50,000| 1843 Tomsk | 18,000| " [[ditto for: 1843]] Trkoutsk | 18,000| 1840 Tobolsk | 15,379| 1835 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives TURKEY IN ASIA. Smyron |150,000| est. Damascus | 90,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Aleppo | 70,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Bassorah | 60,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Brusa | 60,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Bagdad (?)| 55,000| Erzerum | 40,000| est. Diarbekir | 40,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Mosul | 35,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Trebisonde | 30,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Jerusalem | 25,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] ARABIA. Sana | 40,000| Muscat (?)| 40,000| Mecca (?)| 30,000| Aden (British) | 20,000| 1842 Medina | 18,000| PERSIA. Isphan Teheran Reshd Meshid Yezd |150,000| | 60,000| | 60,000| est. | 50,000| | 40,000| AFGHANISTAN. Cabul | 60,000| est. Candahar | 50,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Peshawur | 50,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Herat | 45,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Khelat | 12,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] TARTARY. Bokhara Khokan Tashkent |150,000| est. (?)| 80,000| (?)| 40,000| [[column 5 of 5]] HINDOOSTAN. Benares (?)|000,000| est. Madras |400,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Patna |284,000| 1837 Bombay |230,000| 1845 Calcutta |220,000| 1837 Dacca |200,000| est. Hyderabad |200,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Lucknow |200,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Delhi |200,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Surat (?)|160,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Nagpore |125,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Umritsir |115,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Lahore |110,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Poonah |110,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Ahmedabad |100,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Oojein |100,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Baroda (?)|100,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] FARTHER OR CHIN INDIA. Saigon |180,000| est. Kesho (?)|100,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Hue | 60,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Bangkok | 50,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Singapore | 50,000| 1849 Ummerapoora | 30,000| Rangoon | 20,000| est. Malnoca | 12,000| CHINESE EMPIRE. Pekin (?)|1,500,000| est. Canton (?)|1,000,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Toentsin (?)|700,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Scotehow (?)|700,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Hangtehow (?)|500,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Nankin |500,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Kingtehing |400,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Voutehang |400,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Nangtehang |350,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Singan |300,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Amoy |250,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Jigagungar (Thibet)|100,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Goulja, or Ili | 40,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] JAPAN. Jedo |1,300,000| est. Miaco |500,000| Oraca |150,000| est. _______________________________ AFRICA. BARBARAY. Tunis Morocco Algiers Fez Mequinez Kairwan Constantina Tripoli |100,000| est. |100,000| 1844 | 97,000| 1849 | 80,000| " [[ditto for: 1849]] | 60,000| " [[ditto for: 1849]] | 50,000| | 21,000| 1847 | 15,000| " [[ditto for: 1847]] EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. Cairo |300,000| est. Alexandria | 60,000| Damietta | 25,000| est. Siout | 20,000| " [[ditto for: 1847]] Khartoom | 15,000| SOUDAN. Sockatoo Zaria Sego Kano Angornou | 60,000| est. | 40,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] | 30,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] | 30,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] | 30,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Jenme Boussa Timbuctoo | 15,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] | 13,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] | 12,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] GUNIEA AND SOUTH AFRICA. Abbeokuta | 80,000| est. Coomassie | 25,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Abomey | 24,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Cape Town | 23,000| 1842 St. Salvador | 20,000| est. Benin | 15,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Freetown, Sierra Leone | 13,000| " [[ditto for: est.]] Monrovia, Liberia | 4,000| AFRICAN ISLANDS. Port Louis, Mauritius | 35,000| Ponte Delgada, Azoree | 22,000| Funchal, Madeira | 18,000| Zanzibar, Zan | 15,000| St. Denis, Bourbon | 12,000| Orotava, Canary | 8,000| 1835 _______________________________ OCEANICA. Manilla, Phillipines |140,000| Batavia, Java |118,000| Sydney, New South Wales | 60,000| 1850 Aeheen, Sumatra | 30,000| Hobarton, Tasmania | 21,000| Samarang, Java (?)| 20,000| Padang, Sumatra (?)| 20,000| Melbourne, Australia | 15,000| 1845 Nonolulu, Sandwich Isl | 7,000| _______________________________ QUESTIONS - Which is the most populous city in North America? In what country is it? How many cities number over 200,000 inhabitants? Over 250,000? Over 100,000 Ho many in the United States are over 100,000? Which is the largest city in South America? The next? How many are over 100,000? Which is the largest city in Europe? the next in size? How many in Europe are over 500,000? Over 200,000? Which two European cities exceed New York in population? Lu,Ps Which three are nearest to Philadelphia in population Ns., Va adn Bm. Which is the largest city in Asia? The next? Which country has the greatest number of cities with a population of more than 400,000? Which is the larges African city? The next? The largest in Oceanica? Which is the largest city in the world? [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[5]] GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES---NO. IV. AREA AND POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1850, AND Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives POPULATION BY EACH CENSUS. [columns 1-2 of 15] Names of States. |Capitals. ---------------------------------Maine |Augusta New Hampshire |Concord Vermont |Montpellier Massachusetts |Boston Rhode Island|Providence & Newport Connecticut|Hartford and New Haven New York |Albany New Jersey |Trenton Pennsylvania |Harrisburg Delaware |Dover Maryland |Annapolis District of Columbia Virginia |Richmond North Carolina |Raleigh South Carolina |Columbia Georgia |Milledgeville Florida |Tallahassee Alabama |Montgomery Mississippi |Jackson Louisiana |Baton Rouge Texas |Austin Arkansas |Little Rock Tennessee |Nashville Kentucky |Frankfort Ohio |Columbus Michigan |Lansing Indiana |Indianapolis Illinois |Springfield Missouri |Jefferson City Iowa |Iowa City Wisconsin |Madison California |Sacramento City Minnesota |St. Paul Oregon inc. Washington Ter. |Salem Utah |Fillmore City New Mexico |Santa Fe Nebraska and Kansas Indian Territory ---------------------------------Total [columns 3-4 of 15] Sq. miles | White pop. ---------------------32,854 | 581,313 9,250 | 317,456 10,212 | 313,402 7,800 | 935[[?]],450 1,306 | 143,875 4,674 | 363,699 47,000 | 3,01[[?]]8,323 8,393[[?]]| 465,500 60 | 37,941 61,352 | 594,500 50,000 | 553,028 23,000 | 274,563 69,000 | 521,572 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 69,268 | 47,203[[?]] 60,722 | 420,514 47,156 | 295,718 46,131 | 255,491 237,321 | 154,032 52,198 | 162,189 45,600 | 756,536 37,650 | 761,413 39,954 | 1,933,030 56,243 | 295,071 33,809 | 977,151 55,405 | 846,034 67,380 | 592,004 50,914 | 191,881 53,924 | 2[[?]]04,756 188,081 | 91,635 166,000 | 8[[?]],083 341,463 | 13,087 187,923 | 11,330 257,744 | 61,6[[?]]25 482,000 | 68,000 | ---------------------3,033,460 | 19,553,068 [columns 5-6 of 15] Free col'd| Slaves ---------------------1,356 | 520 | 718 | 9,064 | 3,670 | 7,093 | 49,069 | 23,810 | 236 53,026 | 18,073 | 2,200 74,723 | 90,368 10,059 | 3,087 54,333 | 472,528 27,463 | 288,538 8,960 | 384,984 2,931 | 381,682 932 | 39,310 2,265 | 342,844 930 | 309,878 17,462 | 244,809 397 | 58,161 608 | 47,100 6,422 | 239,459 10,011 | 210,981 25,279 | 2,583 | 11,262 | 5,436 | 2,618 | 87,422 333 | 635 | 902 | 39 | Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 207 21 22 | | 26 | | | ---------------------434,495 | 5,204,313 [[column 7 of 15]] Total pop. 1850. ---------------------683,100 317,976 314,120 994514 147,545 370,792 3,097,394 489,555 2,311,786 91,352 583,034 51,687 1,421,661 800,039 668,507 906,185 87,445 771,623 606,525 517,762 212,592 209,897 1,002,717 982,405 1,983,329 397,654 988,416 851,470 682,044 192,214 305,391 92,597 6,077 13,294 11,380 61,547 ---------------------23,191,876 [[columns 8 and 9 of 15]] Rep's. | Pop. to sq. m. ---------------------6 | 19 3 | 34 3 | 30 11 | 126 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 2 4 33 5 25 1 6 | 108 | 79 | 65 | 60 | 50 | 44 | 62 | 851 13 | 23 8 | 17 6 | 23 8 | 16 1 | 1 1/2 7 | 15 5 | 13 4 | 11 2 |1 2 |4 10 | 22 10 | 26 21 | 50 4 |7 11 | 29 9 | 15 7 | 10 2 |4 3 |6 2 |1 | 1 to 28 | 1 to 25 | 1 to 16 | 1 to 4 | | -------------234 | 8 [[columns 10, 11, 12 of 15]] Pop. 1790. | Pop. 1800. | Pop. 1810 -----------------------------------96,540 | 151,719 | 228,705 141,899 | 183,762 | 214,360 85,416 | 154,465 | 217,713 378,717 | 423,245 | 472,040 69,110 | 69,122 | 77,031 238,141 | 251,002 | 252,342 340,125 | 586,756 | 959,019 164,139 | 211,949 | 245,556 434,373 | 602,365 | 810,091 59,098 | 64,273 | 72,674 319,728 | 341,548 | 380,546 ..... | 14,093 | 24,023 748,303 | 880,200 | 974,622 393,751 | 478,103 | 555,500 249,073 | 345,591 | 415,115 82,548 | 162,101 | 252,433 ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | 8,850 | 40,352 ..... | ..... | 76,556 ..... | ..... | ..... Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives ..... | ..... | ..... 35,791 | 103,602 | 251,727 73,077 | 225,955 | 406,511 ..... | 45,365 | 230,760 ..... | ..... | 4,762 ..... | 4,875 | 24,520 ..... | ..... | 12,282 ..... | ..... | 20,845 ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | ..... | ..... ..... | ..... | ..... -----------------------------------3,929,827 | 5,305,941 | 7,239,814 [[columns 13, 14, 15 of 15]] Pop. 1820. | Pop. 1830. | Pop. 1840 -----------------------------------298,335 | 390,435 | 504,703 244,161 | 200,328 | 284,574 235,764 | 280,652 | 291,045 523,287 | 610,408 | 732,609 83,059 | 97,199 | 106,830 275,302 | 207,675 | 309,978 1,372,812 |1,918,608 |2,428,921 277,575 | 320,823 | 373,306 1,649,578 |1,348,233 |1,724,033 72,749 | 76,748 | 78,085 407,350 | 447,040 | 470,019 33,030 | 39,834 | 43,712 1,065,379 |1,211,405 |1,230,797 638,829 | 737,987 | 753,419 502,741 | 581,185 | 591,398 340,987 | 516,823 | 601,302 ....... | 31,730 | 54,477 127,901 | 309,527 | 590,756 75,448 | 136,621 | 375,651 153,407 | 215,739 | 352,411 ....... | ....... | ....... 14,273 | 30,388 | 97,574 422,813 | 681,904 | 829,210 564,317 | 687,917 | 779,828 581,434 | 937,903 |1,519,467 8,806 | 31,639 | 212,267 147,178 | 343,031 | 685,806 55,211 | 157,445 | 476,183 66,586 | 140,455 | 383,702 ....... | ....... | 43,112 ....... | ....... | 30,945 ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives -----------------------------------9,638,191 |12,186,020 |17,000,453 ____________________________________ * Including 40,000 square miles of territory, obtained by the Gadsden Treaty, 1854. CIVIL AND POLITICAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES FOR 1850. [[columns 1, 2, and 3 of 16]] States and Territories | No. of farms in cultivation. | No. of dwellings. ------------------------------------Maine | 46,760 | 95,802 New Hampshire | 20,220 | 57,330 Vermont | 29,687 | 56,421 Massachusetts | 34,235 | 152,835 Rhode Island | 5,385 | 22,379 Connecticut | 22,445 | 64,043 New York | 170,621 | 473,936 New Jersey | 23,905 | 81,064 Pennsylvania | 127,577 | 386,216 Delaware | 6,063 | 15,290 Maryland | 21,869 | 81,708 District of Columbia| 264 | 7,917 Virginia | 77,013 | 165,815 North Carolina | 56,963 | 104,996 South Carolina | 29,960 | 52,642 Georgia | 51,759 | 91,011 Florida | 4,304 | 9,022 Alabama | 41,964 | 73,070 Mississippi | 33,900 | 51,681 Louisiana | 13,422 | 49,101 Texas | 12,193 | 27,958 Arkansas | 17,758 | 28,252 Tennessee | 72,712 | 129,419 Kentucky | 74,777 | 130,760 Ohio | 143,887 | 236,098 Michigan | 34,080 | 71,616 Indiana | 93,896 | 170,178 Illinois | 76,208 | 146,544 Missouri | 54,458 | 95,849 Iowa | 14,806 | 32,962 Wisconsin | 20,177 | 56,316 California | ....... | 23,742 Minnesota | 156 | 1,002 Oregon inc. Washington Ter.| 1,164 | 2,374 Utah | 926 | 2,322 New Mexico | 3,750 | 13,453 --------------------------------------------Total |1,448,335 |3,362,337 [[columns 4, 5, and 6 of 16]] No. of families. | Manufac'g estab'ts, producing over $500. of exports. --------------------------------------------103,333 | 3,682 | $1,556,912 62,287 | 3,301 | 8,927 58,573 | 1,835 | 440,905 102,675 | 9,637 | 10,681,763 24,216 | 1,144 | 216,265 | Amount Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 73,448 | 3,913 | 241,900 566,809 | 23,823 | 52,712,789 89,080 | 4,374 | 1,656 468,427 | 22,035 | 4,501,006 15,439 | 513 | ....... 87,284 | 2,863 | 6,967,353 8,213 | 426 | 80,588 167,500 | 4,432 | 3,415,646 105,451 | 2,528 | 416,501 52,937 | 1,473 | 11,447,800 91,417 | 1,407 | 7,551,943 2,107 | 121 | 2,023,624 73,786 | 1,022 | 10,544,858 52,107 | 806 | ........ 54,112 | 1,021 | 38,105,350 28,377 | 307 | 24,958 28,416 | 271 | ........ 130,001 | 2,780 | ........ 132,029 | 3,471 | ........ 348,514 | 10,550 | 217,632 72,631 | 1,979 | 132,045 171,564 | 4,326 | ........ 149,153 | 3,090 | 17,069 100,890 | 3,030 | ........ 83,517 | 452 | ........ 57,008 | 1,278 | ........ 24,507 | ....... | ........ 1,016 | 5 | ........ 2,374 | 51 | ........ 2,322 | 16 | ........ 13,453 | 20 | ........ --------------------------------------3,598,240 | 123,083 | $151,898,720 [[columns 7, 8, 9 and 10 of 16]] Amount of imports. | No. of ships built. | No. of steam'ts built. | Total No. of vessels built. --------------------------------------$856,411 | 127 | 6 | 326 49,079 | 6 | ... | 10 463,002 | .... | 1 | 1 30,374,684 | 51 | 2 | 121 258,303 | 5 | 1 | 14 372,300 | 3 | 1 | 47 111,123,524 | 25 | 32 | 224 1,494 | 1 | 3 | 57 12,666,154 | 7 | 31 | 185 ........ | .... | 1 | 16 6,124,301 | 16 | 4 | 150 50,519 | .... | ... | 8 426,509 | 1 | 5 | 34 323,692 | 1 | 5 | 33 1,933,785 | .... | ... | ... 636,254 | .... | 3 | 5 95,709 | .... | ... | 2 965,262 | .... | ... | 3 ........ | .... | ... | ... 10,760,499 | 1 | 4 | 24 25,630 | .... | 1 | 1 ........ | .... | ... | ... 27,965 | .... | ... | ... Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 190,957 | .... | 34 | 34 582,504 | .... | 16 | 31 144,102 | .... | 3 | 14 ........ | .... | ... | ... 15,705 | .... | 1 | 13 359,643 | .... | 5 | 5 ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | 2 ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | ... ----------------------------------$178,138,318 | 247 | 159 |1,300 ----------------------------------[[columns 11, 12, and 13 of 16]] Tonnage of vessels built during year. | Total State debt. | Total State property, exclusive of School Fund. ----------------------------------91,211 | $600,500 | $700,000 6,914 | 76,000 | ....... 77 | None | ....... 35,836 | 6,259,930 | 10,336,257 3,587 | None | ....... 4,819 | 91,212 | 406,000 58,342 |23,463,838 | 35,155,237 6,201 | 71,810 | 1,027,656 21,409 |40,316,362 | 32,392,735 1,848 | None | 190,000 15,964 |15,424,380 | 23,252,540 288 | ....... | ....... 3,584 |15,196,856 | 13,112,831 2,651 | 977,000 | ....... ..... | 2,061,292 | 5,000,000 683 | 1,828,472 | 25,635 79 | None | ....... 113 | 8,559,110 | 2,866,907 ..... | 7,271,707 | 2,000,000 1,592 |11,492,556 | 2,416,938 105 |12,435,982 | ....... ..... | 1,566,562 | ....... ..... | 3,352,856 | 5,408,820 6,460 | 4,397,637 | 6,000,000 5,214 |18,744,504 | 18,000,000 2,061 | 2,529,872 | 628,000 ..... | 6,775,522 | ....... 1,091 |16,027,509 | 5,000,000 1,353 | 922,241 | 382,034 ..... | 79,442 | ....... ..... | 12,802 | ....... ..... [[columns 13, 14, 15 of 15]] Pop. 1820. | Pop. 1830. | Pop. 1840 -----------------------------------298,335 | 390,435 | 504,703 244,161 | 200,328 | 284,574 235,764 | 280,652 | 291,045 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 523,287 | 610,408 | 732,609 83,059 | 97,199 | 106,830 275,302 | 207,675 | 309,978 1,372,812 |1,918,608 |2,428,921 277,575 | 320,823 | 373,306 1,649,578 |1,348,233 |1,724,033 72,749 | 76,748 | 78,085 407,350 | 447,040 | 470,019 33,030 | 39,834 | 43,712 1,065,379 |1,211,405 |1,230,797 638,829 | 737,987 | 753,419 502,741 | 581,185 | 591,398 340,987 | 516,823 | 601,302 ....... | 31,730 | 54,477 127,901 | 309,527 | 590,756 75,448 | 136,621 | 375,651 153,407 | 215,739 | 352,411 ....... | ....... | ....... 14,273 | 30,388 | 97,574 422,813 | 681,904 | 829,210 564,317 | 687,917 | 779,828 581,434 | 937,903 |1,519,467 8,806 | 31,639 | 212,267 147,178 | 343,031 | 685,806 55,211 | 157,445 | 476,183 66,586 | 140,455 | 383,702 ....... | ....... | 43,112 ....... | ....... | 30,945 ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... ....... | ....... | ....... -----------------------------------9,638,191 |12,186,020 |17,000,453 ____________________________________ * Including 40,000 square miles of territory, obtained by the Gadsden Treaty, 1854. CIVIL AND POLITICAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES FOR 1850. [[columns 1, 2, and 3 of 16]] States and Territories | No. of farms in cultivation. | No. of dwellings. ------------------------------------Maine | 46,760 | 95,802 New Hampshire | 20,220 | 57,330 Vermont | 29,687 | 56,421 Massachusetts | 34,235 | 152,835 Rhode Island | 5,385 | 22,379 Connecticut | 22,445 | 64,043 New York | 170,621 | 473,936 New Jersey | 23,905 | 81,064 Pennsylvania | 127,577 | 386,216 Delaware | 6,063 | 15,290 Maryland | 21,869 | 81,708 District of Columbia| 264 | 7,917 Virginia | 77,013 | 165,815 North Carolina | 56,963 | 104,996 South Carolina | 29,960 | 52,642 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Georgia | 51,759 | 91,011 Florida | 4,304 | 9,022 Alabama | 41,964 | 73,070 Mississippi | 33,900 | 51,681 Louisiana | 13,422 | 49,101 Texas | 12,193 | 27,958 Arkansas | 17,758 | 28,252 Tennessee | 72,712 | 129,419 Kentucky | 74,777 | 130,760 Ohio | 143,887 | 236,098 Michigan | 34,080 | 71,616 Indiana | 93,896 | 170,178 Illinois | 76,208 | 146,544 Missouri | 54,458 | 95,849 Iowa | 14,806 | 32,962 Wisconsin | 20,177 | 56,316 California | ....... | 23,742 Minnesota | 156 | 1,002 Oregon inc. Washington Ter.| 1,164 | 2,374 Utah | 926 | 2,322 New Mexico | 3,750 | 13,453 --------------------------------------------Total |1,448,335 |3,362,337 [[columns 4, 5, and 6 of 16]] No. of families. | Manufac'g estab'ts, producing over $500. of exports. --------------------------------------------103,333 | 3,682 | $1,556,912 62,287 | 3,301 | 8,927 58,573 | 1,835 | 440,905 102,675 | 9,637 | 10,681,763 24,216 | 1,144 | 216,265 73,448 | 3,913 | 241,900 566,809 | 23,823 | 52,712,789 89,080 | 4,374 | 1,656 468,427 | 22,035 | 4,501,006 15,439 | 513 | ....... 87,284 | 2,863 | 6,967,353 8,213 | 426 | 80,588 167,500 | 4,432 | 3,415,646 105,451 | 2,528 | 416,501 52,937 | 1,473 | 11,447,800 91,417 | 1,407 | 7,551,943 2,107 | 121 | 2,023,624 73,786 | 1,022 | 10,544,858 52,107 | 806 | ........ 54,112 | 1,021 | 38,105,350 28,377 | 307 | 24,958 28,416 | 271 | ........ 130,001 | 2,780 | ........ 132,029 | 3,471 | ........ 348,514 | 10,550 | 217,632 72,631 | 1,979 | 132,045 171,564 | 4,326 | ........ 149,153 | 3,090 | 17,069 100,890 | 3,030 | ........ 83,517 | 452 | ........ 57,008 | 1,278 | ........ 24,507 | ....... | ........ 1,016 | 5 | ........ | Amount Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 2,374 | 51 | ........ 2,322 | 16 | ........ 13,453 | 20 | ........ --------------------------------------3,598,240 | 123,083 | $151,898,720 [[columns 7, 8, 9 and 10 of 16]] Amount of imports. | No. of ships built. | No. of steam'ts built. | Total No. of vessels built. --------------------------------------$856,411 | 127 | 6 | 326 49,079 | 6 | ... | 10 463,002 | .... | 1 | 1 30,374,684 | 51 | 2 | 121 258,303 | 5 | 1 | 14 372,300 | 3 | 1 | 47 111,123,524 | 25 | 32 | 224 1,494 | 1 | 3 | 57 12,666,154 | 7 | 31 | 185 ........ | .... | 1 | 16 6,124,301 | 16 | 4 | 150 50,519 | .... | ... | 8 426,509 | 1 | 5 | 34 323,692 | 1 | 5 | 33 1,933,785 | .... | ... | ... 636,254 | .... | 3 | 5 95,709 | .... | ... | 2 965,262 | .... | ... | 3 ........ | .... | ... | ... 10,760,499 | 1 | 4 | 24 25,630 | .... | 1 | 1 ........ | .... | ... | ... 27,965 | .... | ... | ... 190,957 | .... | 34 | 34 582,504 | .... | 16 | 31 144,102 | .... | 3 | 14 ........ | .... | ... | ... 15,705 | .... | 1 | 13 359,643 | .... | 5 | 5 ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | 2 ........ | .... | ... | ... ........ | .... | ... | ... ----------------------------------$178,138,318 | 247 | 159 |1,300 ----------------------------------[[columns 11, 12, and 13 of 16]] Tonnage of vessels built during year. | Total State debt. | Total State property, exclusive of School Fund. ----------------------------------91,211 | $600,500 | $700,000 6,914 | 76,000 | ....... 77 | None | ....... 35,836 | 6,259,930 | 10,336,257 3,587 | None | ....... 4,819 | 91,212 | 406,000 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 58,342 |23,463,838 | 35,155,237 6,201 | 71,810 | 1,027,656 21,409 |40,316,362 | 32,392,735 1,848 | None | 190,000 15,964 |15,424,380 | 23,252,540 288 | ....... | ....... 3,584 |15,196,856 | 13,112,831 2,651 | 977,000 | ....... ..... | 2,061,292 | 5,000,000 683 | 1,828,472 | 25,635 79 | None | ....... 113 | 8,559,110 | 2,866,907 ..... | 7,271,707 | 2,000,000 1,592 |11,492,556 | 2,416,938 105 |12,435,982 | ....... ..... | 1,566,562 | ....... ..... | 3,352,856 | 5,408,820 6,460 | 4,397,637 | 6,000,000 5,214 |18,744,504 | 18,000,000 2,061 | 2,529,872 | 628,000 ..... | 6,775,522 | ....... 1,091 |16,027,509 | 5,000,000 1,353 | 922,241 | 382,034 ..... | 79,442 | ....... ..... | 12,802 | ....... ..... | 1,630,320 | ....... ..... | ........ | ....... 122 | ........ | ....... ..... | ........ | ....... ..... | ........ | ....... ------------------------------------278,218 |$302,056,484|$164,792,490 ------------------------------------[[columns 14,15, and 16 of 16]] Ordinary expenses, exclusive of schools. | Militia. | Emigr'ts arrived. -----------------------------------$150,000 | 50,003 | 4,248 80,900 | 27,867 | 65 100,000 | 243,915 | ..... 500,000 | 101,781 | 20,835 50,000 | 15,037 | 165 115,000 | 57,719 | ..... 750,000 | 224,065 | 184,582 90,000 | 39,171 | 10,515 11,000 | 9,229 | ..... 17,000 | 46,864 | 7,584 ....... | 1,249 | ..... 600,000 | 123,733 | 34 75,000 | 79,448 | ..... 115,000 | 55,202 | 1,617 131,000 | 57,312 | 151 45,000 | 12,122 | 133 100,000 | 58,048 | 613 130,000 | 36,034 | 515,000 | 43,823 | 34,080 100,000 | 19,756 | 794 35,000 | 17,157 | ..... 165,000 | 71,252 | ..... 250,000 | 87,007 | ..... 200,000 | 176,435 | ..... Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 125,000 | 63,938 | ..... 80,000 | 53,913 | ..... 125,000 | 83,231 | ..... 110,000 | 61,000 | ..... 25,000 | ...... | ..... 20,000 | 32,203 | ..... 500,000 | ...... | 43,615 ....... | ...... | ..... ....... | ...... | ..... ....... | ...... | ..... ....... | ...... | ..... -----------------------------------$5,812,000|2,006,456 | 315,333 ____________________________________ RELIGIOUS STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES, BY CENSUS OF 1850. [[columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 of 1 States. | Churches. | Clerg'men. | Church Accommodations. | Value of Ch. Property. Maine | 915 | 928 | 321,167 |$1,725,845 New Hampshire | 626 | 649 | 237,417 | 1,405,786 Vermont | 500 | 619 | 234,534 | 1,216,125 Massachusetts | 1,475 | 1,662 | 691,823 |10,206,184 Rhode Island | 228 | 193 | 101,210 | 1,254,400 Connecticut | 734 | 705 | 307,299 | 3,555,194 New York | 4,134 | 4,290 | 1,913,854 |21,134,207 New Jersey | 813 | 630 | 345,733 | 3,680,236 Pennsylvania | 3,506 | 2,789 | 1,574,873 |11,586,115 Delaware | 180 | 79 | 55,741 | 340,345 Maryland | 909 | 453 | 379,465 | 3,947,884 Dist. of Columbia | 46 | 94 | 34,120 | 363,000 Virginia | 2,383 | 1,087 | 856,436 | 2,856,076 North Carolina | 1,795 | 747 | 572,921 | 905,553 South Carolina | 1,182 | 474 | 460,450 | 2,172,246 Georgia | 1,862 | 715 | 627,197 | 1,369,359 Florida | 177 | 83 | 44,960 | 165,400 Alabama | 1,373 | 702 | 432,005 | 1,131,616 Mississippi | 1,016 | 471 | 204,104 | 755,642 [[columns 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of 14]] States. | Churches. | Clerg'men. | Church Accommodations. | Value of Ch. Property. Louisiana | 306 | 229 | 109,615 |$1,782,470 Texas | 341 | 508 | 63,575 | 294,930 Arkansas | 362 | 233 | 60,226 | 89,315 Tennessee | 2,014 | 1,081 | 625,595 | 1,216,101 Kentucky | 1,845 | 931 | 671,053 | 2,252,448 Ohio | 3,035 | 2,440 | 1,457,294 | 5,723,009 Michigan | 390 | 557 | 120,117 | 723,000 Indiana | 2,032 | 1,063 | 709,655 | 1,529,585 Illinois | 1,223 | 1,023 | 486,576 | 1,482,185 Missouri | 850 | 814 | 251,058 | 1,561,610 Iowa | 193 | 248 | 43,083 | 177,425 Wisconsin | 365 | 401 | 97,773 | 353,900 California | 28 | 35 | 10,209 | 267,800 Minnesota Ter | 3 | 32 | 100 | 900 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Oregon inc.Wn.T| 9 | 29 | 3,133 | 76,520 Utah | 9 | 3 | 1,200 | 51,000 New Mexico | 73 | 24 | 28,650 | 94,100 __________________________________________ Total | 38,051 |26,842 |14,234,825 |$87,328,801 [[columns 11, 12, 13, 14, of 14]] Denominations. | Churches.|Ch. Accommodations.|Val. of Ch. Property _________________________________________________________ _________ Methodists | 13,280 | 4,343,579 | $14,822,870 Baptists | 9,375 | 3,247,029 | 11,020,855 Presbyterians | 4,824 | 2,079,650 | 14,543,789 Congregationalists| 1,706 | 801,835 | 7,970,195 Episcopalians | 1,459 | 643,598 | 11,375,010 Roman Catholics | 1,221 | 667,823 | 9,256,758 Lutherans | 1,217 | 534,250 | 2,854,286 Christians | 853 | 300,005 | 847,036 Friends | 726 | 286,323 | 1,713,767 Union | 008 | 202,624 | 644,715 Universalists | 529 | 214,115 | 1,752,316 Free | 386 | 114,780 | 263,005 German Reformed | 338 | 158,932 | 275,080 Dutch Reformed | 330 | 180,636 | 4,096,880 Moravians | 528 | 109,237 | 411,667 Unitarians | 242 | 136,417 | 3,173,822 Minor Sects | 639 | 203,532 | 1,516,160 |__________|___________________|_____________ Total........| 38,061 | 14,234,825 |$ 87,328,801 * The Census of 1850 does not state the numbers of the clergy and members of the various religious denominations in the United States. The clergy comprises a body of 26,542 individuals. [[End page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives ^[[6]] GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES-NO.V EMPLOYMENTS OF THE FREE MALE POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES OVER FIFTEEN YEARS OF AGE, BY CENSUS OF 1850. [page 1] STATES Commerce, Trade [Column 1 of 12] manufactures Agriculture Labor,not agrMechanic art [column 3 of 12] icultural. and mining [column 4 of 12] [column 2 of 12] Maine 38,247 77,082 26,833 New Hampshire 27,935 47,440 14,953 Vermont 17,063 48,327 22,907 Massachusetts 146,002 55,690 57,942 Rhode Island 21,004 8,482 2,206 Connecticut 38,663 31,881 16,813 New York 312,697 313,280 196,613 New Jersey 46,514 32,831 38,313 Pennsylvania 266,927 207,495 163,623 Delaware 6,633 7,884 6,663 Maryland 47,616 28,688 32,102 District of Columbia 6,128 421 2,535 Virginia 52,675 107,364 48,338 North Carolina 29,613 81,252 28,560 South Carolina 13,205 41,202 8,151 Georgia 20,715 83,332 11,505 Florida 2,380 5,977 2,003 Alabama 16,690 68,635 7,683 Mississippi 12.053 60,284 6,194 Louisiana 32,879 18,689 15,264 Texas 7,327 25,299 6,194 Arkansas 4,296 28,912 5,684 Tennessee 23,482 118,979 17,540 Kentucky 35,408 115,017 28,413 Ohio 142,087 270,302 92,706 Michigan 22,375 65,815 15,002 Indiana 45,318 163,229 20,851 Illinois 36,232 141,029 29,778 Missouri 30,095 65,501 20,391 Iowa 9,255 32,779 5,392 Wisconsin 20,526 40,990 13,196 California 60,007 2,059 3,771 Minnesota Territory 656 563 751 Oregon Territory 1,097 1,704 551 Utah Territory 823 1,681 622 New Mexico Territory 1,054 7,956 6,950 total 1,596,265 2,400,683 993,020 Army Sea and river Law, medicine Other pursuit [column 5 of 12] navigation and divinity requiring ed[column 6 of 12][column 7 of 12] cation. [column 8 of 12] 114 15,649 2,212 1,727 89 578 1,642 1,425 ...... 159 1,827 1,113 73 19,593 4,702 5,371 ...... 2,033 558 881 ...... 4,801 1,614 2,162 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 1,406 ...... 101 ..... 07 91 274 ..... ..... 18 423 .... .... 45 584 33 .... 584 .... 148 .... .... 305 71 77 140 163 289 .... 655 5,370 23,243 4,361 9,051 743 9,740 182 2,263 1,659 816 282 708 807 292 4,263 321 106 258 1,027 4,100 1,220 1,725 1,644 2,471 163 561 617 4 190 18 2 110,311 14,258 11,104 1,731 2,467 9,951 10,830 251 581 2,050 2,442 350 436 4,701 5,022 2,263 3,447 1,829 3,161 2,815 3,912 357 302 2,610 676 2,322 3,489 1,827 4,420 1,868 8,263 911 1,092 3,363 3,031 3,811 2,071 9,001 8,263 2,007 1,002 4,229 3,031 3,307 2,071 2,893 3,147 1,077 425 1,477 800 876 198 68 37 99 48 26 48 45 58 24,515 25,814 Government Domestic ser- Other occupaTotal. Civil service servants. -tions. [col.12 of 12] [col.9 of 12] [col.10 of 12] [col.11 of 12] 419 232 196 162,711 305 47 31 94,564 129 34 127 92,226 1,506 1,375 2,972 205,200 176 774 209 48,471 189 220 677 97,010 4,985 6,324 3,628 888,234 373 404 1,963 128,740 3,719 4,431 4,495 680,644 124 69 113 22,061 263 1,021 278 124,876 659 607 16 11,200 1,491 79 1,978 206,875 550 46 217 137,887 1,491 149 34 68,549 570 15 173 323,243 372 12 42 13,135 416 42 97 100,407 208 69 231 75,082 325 508 488 77,168 377 .... 90 42,855 811 .... 27 40,785 677 10 345 168,240 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 110 766 902 1,218 337 677 701 767 103 185 100 50 40 12 266 24966 212 1,167 220 184 376 1,488 10 191 710 15 710 15 40 .... 1,292 22,243 471 1,219 167 449 181 1,149 40 146 123 20 6 .... 1 191,075 690,792 108,978 248,696 215,359 128,175 49,315 78,189 77,631 2,336 3,874 17,478 3,135 22,159 5,371,876 MANUFACTURES OF COTTON AND IRON IN THE UNITED STATES COTTON. [FIRST TABLE] [[Columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 of 10]] STATES | No of establishm's. | Amount of Capital invested. | [[Bales of cotton used ?]]. Maine | 12 | $3,329,700 | 31,531 New Hampshire | 44 | 10,950,500 | 83,926 Vermont | 9 | 202,590 | 2,243 Massachusetts | 213 | 28,455,630 | 223,007 Rhode Island | 158 | 6,675,600 | 50,713 Connecticut | 128 | 4,219,100 | 39,483 New York | 86 | 4,176,920 | 37,778 New Jersey | 21 | 1,483,300 | 14,437 Pennsylvania | 208 | 4,528,925 | 41,162 Delaware | 12 | 400,100 | 4,730 Maryland | 34 | 2,236,600 | 23,325 Virginia | 27 | 1,908,900 | 17,785 North Carolina | 28 | 1,058,800 | 13,617 South Carolina | 18 | 857,200 | 9,929 Georgia | 55 | 1,736,158 | 20,230 Florida | ... | 80,000 | 600 Alabama | 12 | 651,900 | 5,208 Mississippi | 2 | 38,000 | 499 Louisiana | ... | ...... | ..... Texas | ... | ...... | ..... Arkansas | 3 | 16,560 | 176 Tennessee | 33 | 600,000 | 6,411 Kentucky | 8 | 289,000 | 3,706 Ohio | 8 | 297,000 | 4,270 Michigan | ... | ....... | ..... Indiana | 2 | 43,000 | 675 Illinois | ... | ....... | ..... Missouri | 2 | 102,000 | 2,160 Iowa | ... | ....... | ..... Wisconsin | ... | ....... | ..... California | ... | ....... | ..... District of Columbia | 1 85,000 | 960 ------------------------------------------------------- Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Total | 1,091 | 74,501,031 | 641,240 ------------------------------------------------------[[columns 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of 10]] Value of raw material. | No. of males employed. | No. of females employed. | Average wages of males per month. | Average wages of females per month. | Value of entire products. $1,573,110 | 780 | 2,950 | $29 35 | $12 15 | $2,596,356 4,839,429 | 2,911 | 9,211 | 25 45 | 13 47 | 8,830.619 114,413 | 94 | 147 | 15 55 | 12 67 | 106,100 11,289,309 | 9,293 | 19,437 | 23 01 | 13 55 | 19,712,561 3,484,579 | 4,959 | 5,916 | 18 61 | 12 95 | 6,447,120 2,500,062 | 2,708 | 3,478 | 19 08 | 11 81 | 4,257,522 1,985,973 | 2,632 | 3,688 | 18 33 | 9 68 | 3,591,989 606,645 | 616 | 1,096 | 17 98 | 9 56 | 1,100,521 3,152,530 | 3,564 | 4,099 | 17 86 | 9 91 | 5,322,202 312,008 | 413 | 425 | 15 55 | 11 59 | 538,439 1,165,579 | 1,008 | 2,014 | 15 42 | 9 53 | 2,120,564 828,375 | 1,275 | 1,688 | 10 15 | 6 98 | 1,486,384 531,903 | 442 | 1,177 | 11 66 | 6 13 | 831,342 295,971 | 309 | 620 | 13 94 | 8 30 | 748,338 900,419 | 573 | 1,390 | 14 57 | 7 30 | 2,135,054 30,000 | 28 | 67 | 32 14 | 5 00 | 49,920 237,081 | 346 | 359 | 11 71 | 7 98 | 382,200 21,500 | 19 | 17 | 14 21 | 5 34 | 30,500 ....... | ..... | ...... | ..... | ..... | ....... ....... | ..... | ...... | ..... | ..... | ....... 8,975 | 13 | 13 | 14 61 | 5 88 | 16,637 297,500 | 310 | 581 | 10 95 | 6 42 | 510,624 180,907 | 181 | 221 | 14 62 | 9 36 | 273,430 237,000 | 132 | 209 | 16 00 | 9 05 | 394,700 ....... | ..... | ...... | ..... | ..... | ....... 28,239 | 38 | 57 | 13 00 | 6 77 | 44,200 ....... | ..... | ...... | ..... | ..... | ....... 86,445 | 75 | 80 | 10 94 | 10 00 | 142,900 ....... | ..... | ...... | ..... | ..... | ....... ....... | ..... | ...... | ..... | ..... | ....... ....... | ..... | ...... | ..... | ..... | ....... 67,000 | 41 | 103 | 14 02 | 8 01 | 100,000 ------------------------------------------------------------$34,835,056 |33,150 |59,135 | $16 77 | $9 18 |$61,800,184 ------------------------------------------------------------IRON [[second table]] [[columns 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of 10]] No. of establishm's. | Amount of capital invested | Tons of iron ore used | Tons of pig iron made. | Tons of [[we't ?]] iron made. [[Maine]] | 26 | $364,100 | 2,927 | 1,481 | ..... [[New Hampshire]] | 29 | 238,700 | 500 | 200 | 110 [[Vermont]] | 37 | 415,930 | 10,301 | 3,200 | 2,045 [[Massachusetts]] | 80 | 2,578,350 | 27,900 | 13,287 | 6,720 [[Rhode Island]] | 21 | 636,500 | ...... | ...... | 2,650 [[Connecticut]] | 91 | 1,335,900 | 35,450 | 13,420 | 6,325 [[New York]] | 401 | 6,358,752 | 91,027 | 23,022 | 13,636 [[New Jersey]] | 108 | 2,577,003 | 65,815 | 24,031 | 8,102 [[Pennsylvania]] | 631 |19,613,415 | 877,283 | 285,702 | 182,506 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[Delaware]] | 15 | 388,500 | ...... | ...... | 550 [[Maryland]] | 51 | 2,559,750 | 90,856 | 43,611 | 10,000 [[Virginia]] | 122 | 1,776,171 | 67,312 | 22,163 | 15,328 [[North Carolina]]| 26 | 130,500 | 5,550 | 400 | 850 [[South Carolina]]| 5 | 185,700 | 2,800 | ...... | ...... [[Georgia]] | 10 | 70,200 | 5,189 | 900 | 90 [[Florida]] | ... | ........ | ...... | ...... | ...... [[Alabama]] | 14 | 220,125 | 1,838 | 522 | 100 [[Mississippi]] | 8 | 100,000 | ...... | ...... | ...... [[Louisiana]] | 8 | 255,000 | ...... | ...... | ...... [[Texas]] | 2 | 16,000 | ...... | ...... | ...... [[Arkansas]] | ... | ........ | ...... | ...... | ...... [[Tennessee]] | 81 | 1,915,950 | 103,011 | 30,420 | 10,348 [[Kentucky]] | 45 | 1,002,900 | 72,010 | 24,245 | 3,070 [[Ohio] | 229 | 4,187,450 | 142,610 | 52,658 | 14,416 [[Michigan]] | 64 | 210,450 | 2,700 | 600 | ...... [[Indiana]] | 19 | 171,900 | 8,350 | 1,850 | 175 [[Illinois]] | 31 | 325,400 | 5,500 | 2,700 | ...... [[Missouri]] | 13 | 818,100 | 37,000 | 19,250 | 963 [[Iowa]] | 3 | 5,500 | ...... | ...... | ...... [[Wisconsin]] | 10 | 131,350 | 3,000 | 1,000 | ...... [[California]] | 1 | 5,000 | ...... | ...... | ...... [[District of Columbia]]| 2 | 14,000| ...... | ...... | ...... ------------------------------------------------------------------[[Total]] |2,190|$49,258,006|1,667,946| 561,755 | 278,044 ------------------------------------------------------------------[[columns 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of 10]] Tons of castings made | No. of males employed | Average wages per month. | Value of raw materials, fuel, &c. | Value of entire products. 3,691 | 314 | $25 50 | $127,609 | $301,616 5,764 | 390 | 27 68 | 187,600 | 388,100 5,000 | 538 | 27 13 | 206,572 | 692,817 32,074 | 2,119 | 26 96 | 1,404,833 | 2,959,078 8,558 | 1,020 | 27 82 | 370,017 | 951,105 11,210 | 1,464 | 28 47 | 990,374 | 2,064,560 104,588 | 7,467 | 26 15 | 3,663,109 | 7,913,868 10,259 | 1,926 | 24 36 | 954,765 | 1,876,247 57,810 | 20,831 | 25 46 | 11,993,285 | 25,329,301 3,630 | 300 | 23 77 | 173,352 | 322,462 6,244 | 2,090 | 24 03 | 1,259,426 | 2,512,831 5,577 | 3,220 | 18 73 | 1,046,869 | 2,451,335 172 | 214 | 13 94 | 62,355 | 92,347 1,286 | 153 | 13 59 | 29,128 | 87,683 415 | 200 | 18 74 | 43,778 | 118,834 ...... | ..... | ..... | ........ | ....... 1,915 | 266 | 22 52 | 111,855 | 301,126 924 | 112 | 37 91 | 60,370 | 117,400 1,570 | 347 | 35 00 | 75,900 | 312,500 200 | 35 | 43 43 | 8,400 | 55,000 ...... | ..... | ..... | ........ | ....... 3,384 | 2,705 | 15 33 | 730,650 | 1,611,043 5,888 | 2,586 | 25 73 | 736,485 | 1,648,053 37,399 | 5,881 | 28 47 | 2,434,320 | 5,401,392 2,070 | 362 | 31 84 | 105,865 | 300,697 1,757 | 253 | 26 39 | 95,743 | 219,190 4,100 | 482 | 25 28 | 187,830 | 511,385 5,200 | 732 | 24 64 | 254,990 | 719,795 71 | 17 | 32 35 | 2,524 | 8,500 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 1,342 | 288 | 28 37 | 95,180 | 243,195 75 | 3 | 23 33 | 8,630 | 20,740 512 | 27 | 27 05 | 18,100 | 41,696 ----------------------------------------------------------322,745 | 57,021 | $26 02 | $27,649,753 | $54,601,006 [[ double line noting end of table]] [[table split in two halves with identical column headings]] WOOLLEN MANUFACTURES IN THE UNITED STATES [[first half of table]] [[column headers]] STATES. | No. of establishm't. | Amount of capital invested | [[?]] of wool used | Value of raw material. | No. of males empl'd. | No. of females empl'd. | Avr'ge wages, males. | Avr'ge wages, females. | Value of entire products. [[/column headers]] Maine .......... | 36 | $467,600 | 1,438,434 | $495,940 | 310 | 314 | $22 57 | $11.77 | $753,300 New Hampshire .. | 61 | 2,437,700 | 3,001,103 | 1,207,329 | 926 | 1,292 | 22 84 | 14 51 | 2,127,745 Vermont ........ | 72 | 886,300 | 2,528,100 | 830,684 | 683 | 710 | 24 50 | 11 80 | 1,579,161 Massachusetts .. | 119 | 9,082,342 | 22,229,932 | 8,071,071 | 6,167 | 4,963 | 22 95 | 14 22 | 12,770,565 Rhode Island ... | 45 | 1,013,000 | 4,103,370 | 1,463,900 | 987 | 771 | 20 70 | 15 18 | 2,381,825 Connecticut .... | 140 | 3,773,950 | 9,414,100 | 3,325,700 | 2,907 | 2,581 | 24 12 | 13 25 | 6,465,216 New York ....... | 249 | 4,459,370 | 12,538,780 | 3,838,292 | 4,262 | 2,412 | 21 46 | 11 41 | 7,039,604 New Jersey ..... | 41 | 494,274 | 1,510,289 | 548,357 | 411 | 487 | 25 02 | 8 59 | 1,161,440 Pennsylvania ... | 380 | 3,005,064 | 7,560,379 | 3,282,718 | 3,490 | 2,236 | 19 20 | 10 40 | 5,321,866 Delaware ....... | 8 | 148,500 | 393,000 | 294,172 | 122 | 18 | 18 79 | 17 33 | 251,019 Maryland ....... | 38 | 244,000 | 430,300 | 165,568 | 262 | 100 | 18 60 | 11 89 | 295,140 Virginia ....... | 121 | 392,610 | 1,554,110 | 488,899 | 478 | 190 | 18 15 | 9 90 | 841,013 North Carolina . | 1 | 18,000 | 30,000 | 13,950 | 15 | 15 | 18 00 | 7 00 | 23,750 Georgia ........ | 3 | 68,000 | 153,816 | 30,302 | 40 | 38 | 27 47 | 14 10 | 88,750 [[end first half of table]] [[second half of table]] [[column headers]] STATES. | No. of establishm't. | Amount of capital invested | [[?]] of wool used | Value of raw material. | No. of males empl'd. | No. of females empl'd. | Avr'ge wages, males. | Avr'ge wages, females. | Value of entire products. [[/column headers]] Texas ................. | 1 | 8,000 | 30,000 | 10,000 | 4 | 4 | $20 00 | $20 00 | 12,300 Tennessee ............. | 4 | 10,900 | 6,200 | 1,675 | 15 | 2 | 17 66 | 4 00 | 6,310 Kentucky .............. | 25 | 219,520 | 673,900 | 265,287 | 256 | 62 | 15 29 | 11 11 | 318,819 Ohio .................. | 130 | 876,220 | 1,657,725 | 578,423 | 903 | 298 | 20 14 | 10 44 | 1,111,027 Michigan .............. | 15 | 94,000 | 162,239 | 43,402 | 78 | Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 61 | 21 65 | 11 47 | 96,242 Indiana ............... | 33 | 174,515 | 413,350 | 120,486 | 189 | 67 | 21 81 | 11 06 | 205,802 Illinois .............. | 16 | 154,500 | 396,964 | 115,364 | 124 | 64 | 22 00 | 12 62 | 206,572 Missouri .............. | 1 | 20,000 | 80,000 | 16,000 | 15 | 10 | 32 00 | 6 50 | 68,000 Iowa .................. | 1 | 10,000 | 14,500 | 3,500 | 7 | ... | 11 42 | ... | 18,000 Wisconsin ............. | 9 | 31,225 | 134,200 | 32,630 | 25 | ... | 22 45 | ... | 87,792 District of Columbia .. | 1 | 700 | 5,000 | 1,630 | 2 | ... | 30 00 | ... | 2,400 [[line across bottom of table]] Total ................. |1,559 | $28,118,650 | 70,862,829 |$25,755,988 |22,678 |16,574 | $21 66 | $11 76 |$43,207,566 [[end of table]] [[end page]] [[start right page]] GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES - NO. VI. [[line across page]] [[start table]] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES, ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF 1850. [[column headers, columns 1, 2,and 3]] STATES. | Acres land in farms | Value farms and impl'ts | [[column subheaders]] | Impro ed | Unimproved | Cash value of farms | Implements, &c. | Maine ................ | 2,939,596 | 2,515,797 | $54,864,748 | $2,284,657 New Hampshire ........ | 2,251,488 | 1,740,926 | 55,245,997 | 2,314,125 Vermont ........ | 2,001,409 | 1,521,413 | 63,207,227 | 2,730,282 Massachusetts ........ | 2,133,436 | 1,222,576 | 109,076,347 | 3,209,584 Rhode Island ........ | 356,487 | 197,451 | 17,070,802 | 497,201 Connecticut ........ | 1,768,178 | 615,701 | 72,726,422 | 1,802,541 New York ........ | 12,408,964 | 6,710,120 | 564,546,642 | 22,084,926 New Jersey ........ | 1,767,991 | 984,955 | 120,237,511 | 4,125,503 Pennsylvania ........ | 8,628,619 | 6,204,728 | 407,876,020 | 14,722,541 Delaware ........ | Maryland ........ | District of Columbia . | Virginia ........ | North Carolina ........| South Carolina ....... | Georgia ........ | Florida ........ | Alabama ........ | Mississippi ........ | Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Louisiana ........ | Texas ........ | Arkansas ........ | Tennessee ........ | Kentucky ........ | Ohio ........ | Michigan ........ | Indiana ........ | Illinois ........ | Missouri ........ | Iowa ........ | Wisconsin ........ | California ........ | Minnesota Territory .. | Oregon Territory ..... | Utah Territory ....... | New Mexico Territory.. | Total ........ Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives ^[[8]] GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES - NO. VII. EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF 1850. States [[1st column]] PUBLIC SCHOOLS [[Next column with 4 subdivisions]] ACADEMIES AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS [[Next column with 4 subdivisions]] COLLEGES [[next column with 4 subdivisions]] Total annual expenditure for educational purposes Total number attending schools, colleges, &c Persons over 20 years of age unable to read and write. [[First two columns: States, Public Schools]] No. of./Teachers/Pupils/Annual expense Maine............. 4,012 5,590 192,815 $315,426 New Hampshire..... 2,381 3,013 75,643 166,944 Vermont........... 2,731 4,173 93,457 176,111 Massachusetts...... 3,679 4,443 176,475 1,006,795 Rhode Island...... 416 518 23,130 109,481 Connecticut....... 1,656 1,787 71,269 231,220 New York..........11,580 13,965 675,221 1,472,657 New Jersey........ 1,479 1,590 78,205 216,992 Pennsylvania...... 9,061 10,024 413,709 1,414,530 Delaware.......... 194 214 8,970 43,861 Maryland.......... 907 1,005 33,234 220,148 District of Columbia.. 22 34 2,109 14,232 Virginia.......... 2,937 3,005 67,438 314,625 North Carolina.... 2,657 2,730 104,695 158,364 South Carolina.... 724 789 17,838 200,000 Georgia........... 1,251 1,265 32,705 182,231 Florida........... 69 73 1,878 22,386 Alabama........... 1,152 1,195 28,380 315,602 Mississippi....... 782 826 18,746 254,159 Louisiana......... 664 822 23,046 349,679 Texas............. 349 300 7,946 44,088 Arkansas.......... 353 355 8,493 43,763 Tennessee......... 2,067 2,804 103,651 195,443 Kentucky.......... 2,234 2,306 71,429 211,852 Ohio.............. 11,661 12,886 484,153 743,074 Michigan.......... 2,714 3,231 110,455 167,806 Indiana........... 4,822 4,800 161,500 314,467 Illinois.......... 4,054 4,252 125,790 349,350 Missouri.......... 1,570 1,620 51,754 160,770 Iowa.............. 742 830 29,616 51,492 Wisconsin......... 1,423 1,529 58,817 113,135 California........ ... 2 2 49 3,600 Minnesota Territory.. ... ... ... ... Oregon Territory... 3 4 80 3,927 Utah Territory..... 13 ... .... 11,512 New Mexico Territory.. ... ... ... ... [[lines across columns to indicate totals]] 80,991 92,000 3,354,173 9,591,530 [[Third column: ACADEMIES AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS]] No. of./Teachers/Pupils/Annual income Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 131 / 232 / 6,648 / $51,187 167 / 183 / 5321 / 43,282 118 / 257 / 6,864 / 48,935 381 / 521 / 12,774 / 310,177 46 / 75 / 1,001 / 32,748 202 / 329 / 6,906 / 145,967 883 / 3,130 / 49,202 / 810,332 219 / 437 / 9,569 / 226,388 824 / 914 / 23,751 / 467,848 65 / 94 / 2,011 / 47,832 224 / 489 / 10,677 / 242,229 47 / 126 / 2,333 / 84,040 363 / 539 / 8,983 / 234,372 272 / 403 / 7,822 / 187,648 292 / 333 / 7,467 / 205,489 34 / 49 / 1,251 / 13,089 166 / 390 / 8,290 / 164,165 171 / 297 / 6,628 / 73,717 143 / 354 / 5,328 / 193,077 97 / 137 / 3,398 / 39,384 90 / 126 / 2,407/ 27,937 260 / 401 / 9,517 / 156,842 330 / 609 / 12,712 / 252,617 206 / 474 / 15,052 / 149,392 37 / 71 / 1,619 / 24,947 131 / 233 / 6,185 / 63,520 81/ 156 / 4,179 / 40,488 204 / 368 / 8,829 / 143,171 31 / 44 / 1,051 / 7,980 58 / 86 / 2,723 / 18,796 6 / 5 / 170 / 14,270 1 / 1 / 12 / 140 29 / 44 / 842 / 20,888 13 / ... / ... / 2,050 1 / 1 / 40 / ... [[line across columns to indicate totals]] 6632 / 12,207 / 261,362 / 4,653,842 [[Fourth column - COLLEGES]] No. of. / Professors. / Pupils / Annual income 3 / 21 / 282 / $14,000 1 / 18 / 273 / 11,000 5 / 30 / 461 / 21,558 6 / 85 / 1,043 / 107,901 1 / 11 / 150 / 3,500 4 / 56 / 738 / 53,639 18 / 174 / 2,673 / 148,258 4 / 49 / 470 / 79,700 21 / 125 / 3,286 / 282,205 2 / 16 / 144 / 17,200 11 / 91 / 902 / 101,714 2 / 36 / 218 / 24,000 12 / 73 / 1,343 / 159,790 5 / 29 / 513 / 40,700 8 / 43 / 720 / 104,790 13 / 84 / 1,535 / 105,430 ... / ... / ... / ... 5 / 55 / 567 / 41,225 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 11 / 55 / 567 / 41,255 5 / 35 / 469 / 766,250 2 / 7 / 165 / 1,000 3 / 14 / 150 / 3,100 11 / 61 / 1,069 / 43,350 6 / 35 / 442 / 13,300 9 / 65 / 1,009 / 79,528 2 / 4 / 109 / 2,000 2 / 8 / 75 / 4,500 ... / ... / ... / ... ... / ... / ... / ... ... / ... / ... / ... 1 / ... / ... / ... ... / ... / ... / ... [[line across columns to indicate totals]] 234 / 1651 / 27,159 / 1,916,028 [[Fourth, fifth and sixth columns]] Total annual expenditure for educational purposes / Total number attending schools, colleges, &c. /Persons over 20 years of age unable to read and write $380,623 / 186,222 / 6,282 221,146 / 88,221 / 3,009 246,604 / 92,242 / 6,240 1,424,873 / 222,220 / 28,345 136,729 / 28,910 / 3,667 430,826 / 83,697 / 5,306 2,431,247 / 633,321 / 98,722 523,080 / 83,697 / 5,306 2,164,578 / 504,610 / 76,272 108,893 / 14,463 / 10,181 564,091 / 62,063 / 41,877 122,272 / 6,570 / 4,671 708,787 / 109,775 / 88,520 386,912 / 100,808 / 80,423 510,879 / 40,373 / 16,564 206,644 / 77,016 / 41,667 35,475 / 4,812 / 4,129 521,022 / 62,849 / 33,992 370,276 / 48,803 / 13,528 619,006 / 34,067 / 24,610 84,472 / 19,389 / 10,583 74,800 / 23,361 / 16,935 425,792 / 146,200 / 78,619 595,930 / 131,255 / 69,706 1,018,258 / 514,809 / 66,620 206,753 / 105,961 /8,281 421,337 / 220,961 / 72,710 383,460 / 95,285 / 36,778 61,472 / 35,473 / 8,153 136,229 / 56,421 / 6,453 17,870 / 953 / 5,235 140 / 209 / 639 24,815 / 466 / 25,089 13,562 / 2,035 / 154 ... / 1,877 / 162 [[line across columns to indicate totals]] 16,162,000 / 4,089,507 / 1,053,420 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives LIBRARIES, OTHER THAN PRIVATE, IN THE UNITED STATES, ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF 1850. [[Table in two sections - first section - 6 columns;]] [[1st column]] States [[2nd column - two subcolumns]] Public No. Vols. [[3rd column - two subcolumns]] School No. Vols [[4th column - two subcolumns]] College No. Vols [[5th column - two subcolumns]] Ch. and S. Sch. No. Vols [[6th column - two subcolumns]] Total No. Vols [[1st, 2nd & 3rd columns]] States // Public. // School. / no. / Vols. // no. / Vols. Maine ... 77 / 51,439 // 11 / 2,225 New Hampshire ... 47 / 42,017 // 3 / 1,260 Vermont ... 30 / 21,051 // 16 / 9,700 Massachusetts ... 177 / 257,737 // 792 / 101,645 Rhode Island ... 26 / 42,007 // 12 / 5,814 Connecticut ... 42 / 38,609 // 4 / 5,039 New York ... 43 / 197,220 // 10,802 / 1,388,729 New Jersey ... 77 / 43,903 // 10 / 4,080 Pennsylvania ... 90 / 184,666 // 30 / 17,161 Delaware ... 4 / 10,250 // ... / ... Maryland ... 17 / 54,750 // 8 / 6,335 District of Columbia ... 7 / 66,100 //... / ... Virginia ... 21 / 32,595 // 8 / 6,335 North Carolina ... 4 / 2,500 // 1 / 1,500 South Carolina ... 16 / 73,758 // 3 / 2,750 Georgia ... 3 / 6,560 // 3 / 2,750 Florida ... 1 / 1,000 // 2 / 800 Alabama ... 4 / 3,848 // 32 / 3,500 Missisippi ... 4 / 7,251 // 163 / 3,650 [[4th, 5th & 6th columns]] College. // Ch. and S. Sch. // Total. No. / Vols. // No. / Vols. // No. / Vols. 8 / 39,625 // 140 / 28,680 // 121,969 3 / 19,975 // 76 / 22,507 // 129 / 85,759 9 / 23,280 // 41 / 10,600 // 96 / 64,641 18 / 141,400 // 475 / 180,233 // 1,462 / 684,015 1 / 31,000 // 57 / 25,521 // 96 / 104,342 8 / 82,000 // 116 / 39,070 // 164 / 165,318 25 / 138,870 // 143 / 35,992 // 11,013 / 1,700,820 4 / 24, 660 // 37 / 8,952 // 128 / 80,883 21 / 77,050 // 232 / 84,523 // 89 / 30,163 1 / 5,600 // 12 / 2,700 // 17 / 17,950 10 / 33,792 // 89 / 39,165 // 124 / 123,042 2 / 32,500 // ... / ... // 9 / 98,000 14 / 50,856 / 13 / 2,395 // 51 / 88,162 5 / 21,598 // 28 / 3,999 // 38 / 29,592 7 / 38,964 // ... / ... //26 / 107,472 9 / 21,500 // 15 / 1,988 // 38 / 31,788 ... / ... // 4 / 860 // 7 / 2,680 5 / 7,560 // 15 / 5,775 // 56 / 29,623 4 / 10,033 // 6 / 730 // 117 / 21,737 [[Table in two sections - second section - 6 columns;]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[1st column]] States [[2nd column - two subcolumns]] Public No. Vols. [[3rd column - two subcolumns]] School No. Vols [[4th column - two subcolumns]] College No. Vols [[5th column - two subcolumns]] Ch. and S. Sch. No. Vols [[6th column - two subcolumns]] Total No. Vols [[1st, 2nd & 3rd columns]] States // Public. // School. / no. / Vols. // no. / Vols. Louisiana ... 5 / 9,800 // 2 / 12,000 Texas ... 3 / 2,100 // 3 / 499 Arkansas ... 1 / 256 // ... / .... Tennessee ... 9 / 5,373 // 2 / 5,100 Kentucky ... 47 / 40,424 // ... / ... Ohio ... 65 / 65,703 // 13 / 9,665 Michigan ... 280 / 65,116 // 119 / 31,427 Indiana ... 58 / 46,238 // 3 / 1,800 Illinois ... 33 / 35,982 // 29 / 5,875 Missouri ... 13 / 23,166 // 13 / 17,150 Iowa ... 4 / 2,650 // 4 / 160 Wisconsin ... 9 / 12,040 // 33 / 2, 163 California ... }[[Curly bracket encapsulating this and next four entries]] no returns { Minnesota Ter. ...}{ Oregon Ter. ...}{ Utah Ter. ... }{ New Mexico Ter. ... }{ [[line across columns to indicate totals]] Total ... 1,217 / 1,446,915 // 12,057 / 1,647,104 [[4th, 5th & 6th columns]] College. // Ch. and S. Sch. // Total. No. / Vols. // No. / Vols. // No. / Vols. 3 / 5,000 // ... / ... // 10 / 26,800 1 / 100 // 5 / 1,600 // 12 / 4,230 ... / ... // 2 / 170 // 3 / 420 5 / 9,925 // 18 / 2,498 // 34 / 22,826 11 / 33,225 / 22 / 5,817 // 80 / 79,468 22 / 56,573 // 252 / 54,885 // 352 / 186,826 3 / 7,900 // 15 / 3,500 // 417 / 107,943 4 / 8,700 // 86 / 11,665 // 151 / 68,468 4 / 7,800 // 86 / 12,829 // 152 / 62,489 4 / 19,700 // 67 / 15,100 // 97 / 75,056 ... / ... // 24 / 2,980 // 32 / 5,790 2 / 1,800 // 28 / 5,017 // 72 / 21,020 ... / ... // ... / ... // ... / ... ... / ... // ... / ... // ... / ... ... / ... // ... / ... // ... / ... ... / ... // ... / ... // ... / ... ... / ... // ... / ... // ... / ... [[line across columns to indicate totals]] 213 / 948,321 // 2118 / 600,671 // 15,615 / 4,635,411 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives HISTORICAL TABLE [[Table with 8 columns]] [[First column]] States and Territories [[Second column]] When settled [[Third column]] Where settled [[Fourth column]] By whom settled [[Fifth column]] When adopted the Constitution [[Sixth column]] When submitted into the Union [[Seventh column]] Troops in Revolution [[Eighth column]] Memorable Events [[1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns]] Virginia / 1607 / Jamestown / English New York / 1614 / Albany / Dutch Massachusetts / 1620 / Plymouth / English New Hampshire / 1624 / Dover / English New Jersey / 1624 / Bergen / Dutch and Danes Delaware / 1627 / Cape Henlopen / Swedes and Finns Connecticut / 1638 / Windsor / Emig'ts from Mass. Maryland / 1634 / St. Mary's / English Rhode Island / 1636 / Providence / Roger Williams North Carolina / 1663 / Albemarle / English South Carolina / 1670 / Port Royal / English Pennsylvania / 1682 / Philadephia / English Georgia / 1733 / Savannah / English Florida / 1565 / St. Augustine / Spanish New Mexico / 1594 / Sante Fé / Spanish Maine / 1625 / Bristol / English Wisconsin / 1669 / Green Bay / French Michigan / 1670 / Detroit / French Arkansas / 1685 / Arkausas Post / French Texas / 1690 / S. Antonio de Bexar / Spanish Indiana / 1690 / Vincennes / French Louisiana / 1699 / Iberville / French Alabama / 1711 / Mobile / French Mississippi / 1716 / Natcher / French Illinois / 1720 / Kaskaskia / French Vermont / 1725 / Fort Dummer / Emig'ts from Mass. Tennessee / 1757 / Fort Loudon / Emig'ts from N. Ca. Missouri / 1764 / St. Louis / French California / 1769 / San Diego / Spanish Kentucky / 1775 / Doonsboro' / D. Boone and asso Ohio / 1788 / Marietta / Emig'ts from N. E. Oregon / 1811 / Astoria / Enig'ts from Eastern St's Iowa / 1833 / Burlington / Emig'ts from Eastern St's Minnesota / 1846 / Saint Paul / Emig'ts from Easertn St's Utah / 1848 / Salt Lake City / Mormon emigrants Washington / / ... / Emig'ts from Eastern St's Nebraska and Kansas / / ... / ... [[5th, 6th, 7th and 8th columns]] June 26, 1788 / ... / 26,678 / Washington born Feb. 22, 1732 July 26 , 1788 / ... / 17,781 / Burgoyne surrendered, Oct. 17, 1777 February 6, 1788 / ... / 67,907 / Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives June 21, 1788 / ... / 12,497 / Made a separate Province by Charles I., 1679 December 18, 1787 / ... / 16,726 / Battle of Trenton, Dec. 26, 1776 December 7, 1787 / ... / 2,386 / Surrendered to the English and named Delaware, 1664 January 9, 1788 / ... / 31,959 / Yale Coll. founded, 1769; removed to N. Haven, 1717 April 28, 1788 / ... / 13,912 / Battle of North Point, Sept. 12, 1814 May 29, 1790 / ... / 5,908 / State Constitution adopted, 1842 November 21, 1789 / ... / 7,2638 / Mecklenburg Decl'n of Ind., proclaimed May 1775 May 23, 1788 / ... / 6,417 / Battle of Fort Moultric, June 28, 1776 December 12, 1787 / ... / 25,678 / Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 January 9, 1788 / ... / 2,589 / Province surrendered by trustees to the King, 1752 ... / March 3, 1845 / ... / Ceded to the United States by Spain, 1818 ... / ... / ... / Organized as a Terriotory, 1840 ... / March 16,1820 / ... / Separated from Massuchusetts, 1820 ... / May 29, 1849 / ... / Black Hawk's war 1832 ... / January 26, 1837 / ... / Territorial government established, 1805 ... / June 15, 1836 / ... / " " " [[Ditto for: Territorial government established]] 1819 ... / December 24, 1845 / ... / Battle of San Jacinto, April 21, 1836 ... / December 11, 1816 / ... / Battle of Tippecanoe, Nov. 7, 1811 ... / April 8, 1812 / ... / Battle of New Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815 ... / December 14, 1819 / ... / Territorial Government organized, 1817 ... / December 10, 1817 / ... / Southern part ceded by Spain, 1788 ... / December 3, 1818 / ... / Territorial government established, 1809 ... / March 4, 1791 / ... / Battle of Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777 ... / June 1, 1796 / ... / Territorial government established, 1794 ... / August 10, 1821 / ... / Purchased from France, 1803 ... / Septermber 7, 1850 / ... / Gold discovered, February, 1848 ... / June 1, 1792 / ... / Separated from Virginia, 1786 ... / November 29, 1802 / ... / Wayne's treaty with the Indians, 1794 ... / ... / ... / Organized as a Territory, 1848 ... / March 3, 1845 / ... / Territorial government estalished, 1838 ... / ... / ... / Organized as a Territory, 1849 ... / ... / ... / " " [[Ditto for: Organized as a Territory]] 1850 ... / ... / ... / " " [[Ditto for: Organized as a Territory]] 1853 ... / ... / ... / " " [[Ditto for: Organized as a Territory]] 1854 [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[9]] POPULATION OF ALL COUNTIES IN THE UNITED STATES, IN THE YEAR 1850 -- NO. VIII EASTERN STATES MAINE * 1 Arooittok ... 12,529 2 Cumberland ... 79,538 3 Franklin ... 29,027 4 Hancock ... 34,372 5 Kenmebee ... 62,521 6 Lincoln ... 74,875 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 7 Oxford ... 39,763 8 Peuebucot ... 63,089 9 Piscataquis ... 14,735 10 Somerret ... 35,581 11 Waldo ... 47,230 12 Washington ... 38,811 13 York ... 60,098 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 583,169 NEW HAMPSIRE. * 1 Belknap ... 17,721 2 Carroll ... 20,157 3 Cheshire ... 30,144 4 Coos ... 11,803 5 Grafton ... 42,343 6 Hillsborough ... 57,478 7 Merrimack ... 40,337 8 Rockingham ... 49,194 9 Strafford ... 29,374 10 Sullivan ... 19,375 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 317,976 VERMONT. * 1 Addison ... 26,549 2 Bennington ... 18,589 3 Caledonia ... 23,595 4 Chittenden ... 29,036 5 Essex ... 4,650 6 Franklin ... 28,586 7 Grand Isle ... 4,145 8 Lamoille ... 10,872 9 Orange ... 27,206 10 Orleans 15,707 11 Rutland ... 33,659 12 Washington ... 24,654 13 Windham ... 29,062 14 Windsor ... 38,325 [[line indicating total]] Total... 314,120 MASSACHUSETTS. * 1 Barnstable ... 35,276 2 Berkshire ... 49, 591 3 Bristol ... 76,192 4 Dukes ... 4,540 5 Essex ... 131,300 6 Franklin ... 39,870 7 Hampden ... 51,283 8 Hampshire ... 35,732 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 9 Middlesex ... 161,383 10 Nantucket ... 8,452 11 Norfolk ... 78,892 12 Plymouth ... 55,697 13 Suffolk ... 141,517 14 Worcester ... 139,782 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 994,514 RHODE ISLAND. * 1 Bristol ... 8,514 2 Kent ... 15,068 3 Newport ... 29,007 4 Providence ... 87,526 5 Washington ... 16,430 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 147,545 CONNECTICUT. * 1 Fairfield ... 59,775 2 Hartford ... 69,967 3 Litchfield ... 45,253 4 Middlesex ... 27,216 5 New Haven ... 65,588 6 New London ... 51,821 7 Tolland ... 20,091 8 Windham ... 31,081 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 370,792 MIDDLE STATES NEW YORK. †1 Albany ... 93,279 2 Allegliany ... 37,808 3 Broome ... 39,600 4 Cattaraugus ... 38,950 5 Cayuga ... 55, 458 6 Chantaugue ... 59,493 7 Chemung ... 28,821 8 Chenaugo ... 40,311 9 Clinton ... 40,047 10 Columbia ... 43,073 11 Cortland ... 25,140 12 Delaware ... 39,834 13 Datehess ... 58,902 14 Erie ... 100,993 15 Essex ... 31,148 16 Franklin ... 25,102 17 Fulton ... 29,171 18 Genevee ... 28,488 19 Greene ... 33,126 20 Hamilton ... 2,186 21 Herkimer ... 38,244 22 Jefferson ... 68,123 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 23 Kings ... 138,882 24 Lewis ... 24,564 25 Livingston ... 59,873 26 Madison ... 43,072 27 Monroe ... 87,564 28 Montgomery 31,992 29 New York ... 515,517 30 Niagara ... 42,276 31 Oneida ... 90,506 32 Onondaga ... 85,800 33 Ontario ... 43,920 34 Orange ... 57,145 35 Orleans ... 28,501 36 Oswego ... 62,198 37 Otsego ... 48,638 38 Potmam ... 14,138 39 Queens ... 38,834 40 Rensselaer ... 73,363 41 Richmond ... 15,061 42 Rockland ... 16,962 43 St. Lawrence ... 68,617 44 Saratoga ... 45,646 45 Schenectady ... 20,654 46 Schoharie ... 33,548 47 Senera ... 25,088 48 Steuben ... 63,771 49 Suffolk ... 36,922 50 Sullivan ... 25,088 51 Tioga ... 24,880 52 Tompkins ... 38,746 53 Ulster ... 50,384 54 Warren ... 17,199 55 Washington ... 44,750 56 Wayne ... 44,953 57 Westehester ... 58,263 58 Wyoming ... 31,981 59 Yates ... 29,500 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 3,097,391 NEW JERSEY. †1 Atlantic ... 8,961 2 Bergen ... 14,725 3 Burlington ... 43,203 4 Camden ... 25,422 5 Cape May ... 6,433 6 Cumberland ... 17,189 7 Essex ... 73,950 8 Gloucester ... 14, 635 9 Hudson ... 21,822 10 Hunterdon ... 28,900 11 Mercer ... 27,992 12 Middlesex ... 28,635 13 Monmouth ... 30,313 14 Morris ... 30,158 15 Ocean ... 10,032 16 Passale ... 22,569 17 Salem ... 19,467 18 Somerset ... 19,692 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 19 Sussex ... 22,989 20 Warren ... 22,358 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 489,555 PENNSYLVANSIA. †1 Adams ... 25,981 2 Alleghany ... 138,290 3 Armstrong ... 29,360 4 Beaver ... 26,682 5 Bedford ... 23,052 6 Berke ... 77,129 7 Blair ... 21,777 8 Bradford ... 42,831 9 Bucks ... 56,991 10 Butler ... 56,991 11 Camlaria ... 17,773 12 Carbon ... 15,686 13 Centre ... 23,855 14 Chester ... 63,483 15 Clarion ... 23,565 16 Clearfield ... 12,586 17 Clinton ... 11,257 18 Columbia ... 17,710 19 Crawford ... 37,849 20 Cumberland ... 34,327 21 Dauphin ... 35,754 22 Delaware ... 24,979 23 Elk ... 3,531 24 Eric ... 38,742 25 Fayette ... 29,112 26 Franklin ... 39,264 27 Fulton ... 7,567 28 Greene ... 22,156 29 Huntington ... 24,786 30 Indiana ... 27,179 31 Jefferson ... 13,518 32 Junista ... 13,029 33 Lancaster ... 98,944 34 Lawrence ... 21,079 35 Lebanon ... 26,071 36 Lehigh ... 32,479 37 Luxerne ... 56,072 38 Lycoming ... 26,257 39 McKean ... 5,254 40 Mercer ... 33,172 41 Mifflin ... 14,950 42 Monroe ... 13,270 43 Montgomery ... 58,261 44 Montour ... 13,259 45 Northampton ... 40,235 46 Northumberl'd ... 23,272 47 Perry ... 20,088 48 Philadelphia ... 408,762 49 Pike ... 5,881 50 Potter ... 6,048 51 Schuyikill ... 60,713 52 Somerset ... 24,416 53 Sullivan ... 3,094 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 54 Susquehanna ... 28,668 55 Tinga ... 23,987 56 Union ... 26,063 57 Venango ... 18,310 58 Warren ... 13,671 59 Washington ... 44,939 60 Wayne ... 21,890 61 Westmoreland ... 51,726 62 Wyoming ... 10,555 63 York ... 57,450 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 2,311,786 DELAWARE. [[symbol]] 1 Kent ... 22,816 2 New Castle ... 42,780 3 Sussex ... 25,936 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 91,532 SOUTHERN STATES MARYLAND 1 Albeghany ... 22,769 2 Ann Arundel ... 32,393 3 Baltimore ... 216,646 4 Calvert ... 9,646 5 Caroline ... 9,692 6 Carroll ... 26,616 7 Cecil ... 18,269 8 Charles ... 16,102 9 Dorchester ... 18,877 10 Frederick ... 40,987 11 Harford ... 19,356 12 Kent ... 11,386 13 Montgomery ... 15,863 14 Prince George ... 21,549 15 Queen Ann's ... 14,484 16 St. Mary's ... 13,698 17 Somerset ... 22,456 18 Talbot ... 13,811 19 Washington ... 30,848 20 Worchester ... 18,859 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 583,634 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1 Georgetown ... 8,306 2 Washington ... 40,001 Remainder of the District ... 3,320 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 51,687 VIRGINIA Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 1 Accomack ... 17,593 2 Albemarie ... 25,800 3 Alexandria ... 19,008 4 Alleghany ... 3,515 5 Amelia ... 9,770 6 Amherst ... 12,699 7 Appomattox ... 9,193 8 Augusta ... 24,640 9 Barbour ... 9,055 10 Bath ... 3,426 11 Bedford ... 24,080 12 Berkeley ... 11,771 13 Bosne ... 3,237 14 Boletourt ... 14,908 15 Braxton ... 4,212 16 Brooke ... 5,054 17 Brunswick ... 13,894 18 Buckingham ... 13,837 19 Cabell ... 6,209 20 Campbell ... 23,245 21 Caroline ... 18,456 22 Carroll ... 5,900 23 Charles City ... 5,200 24 Charlotte ... 13,955 25 Chesterfield ... 17,489 26 Clarke ... 7,352 27 Culpepper ... 12,282 28 Cumberland ... 9,751 29 Dinwiddle ... 25,318 30 Doddridge ... 2,739 31 Elizabeth City ... 4,586 32 Essex ... 10,206 33 Fairfax ... 10,082 34 Fauquier ... 20,868 35 Fayette ... 3,955 36 Floyd ... 6,458 37 Flovanlia ... 9,187 38 Franklin ... 17,430 39 Frederick ... 15,975 40 Giles ... 6,570 41 Gilmer ... 3,475 42 Gloucester ... 10,527 43 Goochland ... 10,352 44 Grayson ... 6,677 45 Greenbrier ... 10,022 46 Greene ... 4,400 47 Greenville ... 5,639 48 Halifax ... 25,962 49 Hampshire ... 14,036 50 Hancock ... 4,050 51 Hanover ... 15,153 52 Hardy ... 9,543 53 Harrison ... 11,728 54 Hanrico ... 43,572 55 Henry ... 8,872 56 Highland ... 4,227 57 Isle of Wight ... 9,353 58 Jackson ... 6,544 59 James City ... 4,020 60 Jefferson ... 15,357 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 61 Kanawha ... 15,353 62 King George ... 5,971 63 King William ... 8,779 64 King and Qu'n ... 10,319 65 Lancaster ... 4,708 66 Lee ... 10,267 67 Lewis ... 10,031 68 Logan ... 3,020 69 London ... 22,679 70 Louien ... 16,491 71 Lunenburg ... 11,692 72 Madison ... 9,331 73 Marion ... 10,552 74 Maraball ... 10,138 75 Mason ... 7,539 76 Matthews ... 6,714 77 Mecklenburgh ... 29,630 78 Mercer ... 4,222 79 Mobilesex ... 4,391 80 Monogalia ... 12,387 81 Monroe ... 10,201 82 Montgomery ... 8,359 83 Morgan ... 3,557 84 Nansemond ... 12,283 85 Nelson ... 12,758 86 New Kent ... 6,664 87 Nicholas ... 5,963 88 Norfolk ... 33,636 89 Northampton ... 7,498 90 Northumberl'd ... 7,346 91 Nottoway ... 8,437 92 Ohio ... 18,606 93 Orange ... 10,067 94 Page ... 7,600 95 Patrick ... 9,509 96 Pendleton ... 5,795 97 Pittsylvania ... 28,796 98 Pocahontas ... 3,598 99 Powhatan ... 8,178 100 Preston ... 11,708 101 Prince Edward ... 8,129 102 Prince George ... 7,596 103 Prince William ... 8,129 104 Princess Anne ... 7,669 105 Pelaski ... 5,118 106 Petuam ... 5,335 107 Raleigh ... 1,765 108 Randolph ... 5,243 109 Rapperhannock ... 9,782 110 Richmond ... 6,448 111 Ritchie ... 3,992 112 Rocooke ... 8,477 113 Rockbridge ... 16,045 114 Rockingham ... 20,294 115 Russell ... 11,919 116 Scott ... 9,829 117 Shenamdoah ... 13,768 118 Smythe ... 8,102 119 Southamptom ... 13,521 120 Spottsylvania ... 14,911 121 Stafford ... 8,102 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 122 Surry ... 5,679 123 Sussex ... 9,820 124 Taylor ... 5,367 125 Tamwell ... 9,942 126 Tyler ... 5,498 127 Warren ... 6,607 128 Warwick ... 1,546 129 Washington ... 14,612 130 Wayne ... 4,760 131 Westmoreland ... 8,680 132 Wetzel ... 4,284 133 Wirt ... 3,353 134 Wood ... 9,450 135 Wyoming ... 1,645 136 Wythe ... 12,024 137 York ... 4,460 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 1,421,661 NORTH CAROLINA 1 Alamance ... 11,444 2 Alexander ... 5,220 3 Anson ... 13,479 4 Ashe ... 8,777 5 Beaufort ... 13,816 6 Bertie ... 12,851 7 Bladen ... 9,767 8 Brunswick ... 7,272 9 Buncombe ... 13,425 10 Burke ... 7,772 11 Calurras ... 9,747 12 Caldwell ... 6,317 13 Camden ... 6,049 14 Carteret ... 6,989 15 Caswell ... 15,269 16 Catawha ... 8,862 17 Chatham ... 18,449 18 Cherokee ... 3,385 19 Chowan ... 10,174 20 Cleveland ... 10,596 [[Footnote at end of table]] In States marked * the Counties are subdivided into Towns; thus, †, into Townships; thus [[symbol]] into Hundreds. Sumter District S.C. is divided into Clarendon and Clermont Counties; the respective population of which is not given by the Census. SOUTHERN STATES - CONTINUED 21 Columbus ... 5,909 22 Craven ... 14,769 23 Cumberland ... 20,610 24 Currituck ... 7,236 25 Davidson ... 15,320 26 Davis ... 7,866 27 Dupdin ... 13,514 28 Edgecomb ... 17,189 29 Forsyth ... 11,168 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 30 Franklin ... 11,713 31 Gaston ... 8,073 32 Gates ... 8,426 33 Granville ... 21,249 34 Greene ... 6,619 35 Gullford ... 19,754 36 Halifax ... 16,589 37 Haywood ... 7,074 38 Henderson ... 6,853 39 Hertford ... 8,142 40 Hyde ... 7,636 41 Iredell ... 14,719 42 Johnson ... 13,726 43 Jones ... 5,638 44 Lenoir ... 7,828 45 Lincoln ... 7,746 46 McDowell ... 6,289 47 Macon ... 6,240 48 Martin ... 8,307 49 Meeklenb'rgh ... 13,914 50 Montgomery ... 6,872 51 Northampton ... 13,335 52 Onslow ... 8,283 56 Orange ... 17,056 57 Pasqnotank ... 8,960 58 Perquimans ... 7,332 59 Person ... 10,781 60 Pitt ... 13,397 61 Randolph ... 15,832 62 Richmond ... 9,818 63 Roleron ... 12,826 64 Rockingham ... 14,425 65 Rowan ... 13,870 66 Rutherford ... 13,650 67 Sampson ... 14,583 68 Stanly ... 6,922 69 Stokes ... 9,206 70 Surry ... 18,443 71 Tyrrel ... 5,133 72 Union ... 10,051 73 Wake ... 24,888 74 Warren ... 13,912 75 Washington ... 5,664 76 Watauga ... 3,400 77 Wayne ... 13,486 78 Wilkes ... 12,099 79 Yancey ... 8,203 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 802,039 SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICTS. 1 Abbeville ... 32,318 2 Anderson ... 21,475 3 Barnwell ... 26,608 4 Beaufort ... 38,805 5 Charleston ... 72,805 6 Chester ... 18,038 7 Chesterfield ... 10,790 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 8 Colleton ... 39,505 9 Darlington ... 16,830 10 Elgefield ... 29,382 11 Fairfield ... 21,404 12 Georgetown ... 29,647 13 Greenville ... 20,156 14 Horey ... 7,645 15 Kershaw ... 14,473 16 Lancaster ... 10,988 17 Laurens ... 23,407 18 Lexington ... 12,930 19 Marion ... 17,407 20 Marlborough ... 10,789 21 Newberry ... 20,143 22 Orangeburg ... 23,582 23 Pickens ... 16,501 24 Richland ... 20,243 25 Spartansburg ... 26,400 26 Sumter ... 33,220 27 Union ... 19,532 28 Williamsburg ... 12,447 29 York ... 19,433 [[line indicating total]] Total ...668,507 GEORGIA. 1 Appling ... 2,949 2 Baker ... 8,120 3 Baldwin ... 8,148 4 Bibb ... 12,099 5 Bryan ... 3,424 6 Bullock ... 4,300 7 Burke ... 16,100 8 Butts ... 6,488 9 Camden ... 6,319 10 Campbell ... 7,232 11 Carroll ... 9,357 12 Cass ... 13,300 13 Chatham ... 23,901 14 Chattoogn ... 6,815 15 Cherokee ... 12,800 16 Clarke ... 11,119 17 Ciinch ... 637 18 Cobb ... 13,843 19 Columbia ... 11,961 20 Coweta ... 13,635 21 Crawford ... 8,984 22 Dabe ... 2,080 23 Decatur ... 8,202 24 De Kalb ... 14,328 25 Dooly ... 8,361 26 Early ... 7,246 27 Effingham ... 3,864 28 Elbert ... 12,959 29 Emanual ... 4,577 30 Fayette ... 8,700 31 Floyd ... 8,266 32 Forsyth ... 8,850 33 Franklin ... 11,513 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 34 Gilmer ... 8,440 35 Glynn ... 4,933 36 Gordon ... 5,984 37 Greene ... 13,068 38 Gwinmett ... 11,257 39 Habersham ... 8,895 40 Hall ... 8,713 41 Hancock ... 11,578 42 Harris ... 14,721 43 Heard ... 6,923 44 Henry ... 14,721 45 Houston ... 16,450 46 Irwin ... 3,334 47 Jackson ... 9,768 48 Jasper ... 11,496 49 Jefferson ... 10,224 50 Jones ... 9,131 51 Laurens ... 6,442 52 Lee ... 6,600 53 Liberty ... 7,926 54 Lincoln ... 5,598 55 Lowndes ... 7,714 56 Lumpkin ... 8,935 57 M'Intosh ... 6,627 58 Macon ... 7,652 59 Maillson ... 5,763 60 Marion ... 10,280 61 Merriwether ... 16,476 62 Monroe ... 16,985 63 Montgomery ... 2,154 64 Morgan ... 10,744 65 Murray ... 14,433 66 Muscogee ... 18,578 67 Newton ... 13,206 68 Oglethorpe ... 12,259 69 Paulding ... 7,639 70 Pike ... 14,306 71 Pulaski ... 6,627 72 Putnam ... 10,794 73 Rabun ... 2,448 74 Randolph ... 12,868 75 Richmond ... 16,246 76 Seriven ... 6,847 77 Stewart ... 14,027 78 Sumter ... 10,322 79 Talbot ... 16,534 80 Taliaferro ... 5,146 81 Tatnall ... 3,227 82 Telfair ... 3,026 83 Thomas ... 10,163 84 Troup ... 16,879 85 Twiggs ... 8,179 86 Union ... 7,234 87 Upson ... 9,424 88 Walker ... 13,109 89 Walton ... 10,821 90 Ware ... 3,888 91 Warren ... 12,425 92 Washington ... 11,766 93 Wayne ... 1,499 94 Wilkes ... 12,167 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 95 Wilkinson ... 8,296 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 906,185 FLORIDA. 1 Alachua ... 2,524 2 Benton ... 926 3 Calhoun ... 1,377 4 Columbia ... 4,808 5 Dade ... 159 6 Duval ... 4,539 7 Escambia ... 4,351 8 Franklin ... 1,561 9 Gadsden ... 8,784 10 Hamilton ... 2,511 11 Hillsboro ... 2,377 12 Holmes ... 1,205 13 Jackson ... 6,639 14 Jefferson ... 7,718 15 Leon ... 11,442 16 Levy ... 465 17 Madison ... 5,490 18 Marion ... 3,338 19 Monroe ... 2,645 20 Nassau ... 2,164 21 Orange ... 487 22 Putnam ... 687 23 St. John ... 2,525 24 St. Lucie ... 139 25 Santa Rosa ... 2,883 26 Wakulla ... 1,955 27 Walton ... 1,817 28 Washington ... 1,950 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 87,445 ALABAMA 1 Autauga ... 15,023 2 Baldwin ... 4,414 3 Barbour ... 23,632 4 Benton ... 17,163 5 Bibb ... 9,909 6 Blount ... 7,397 7 Butler ... 7,397 8 Chambers ... 23,960 9 Cherokee ... 13,684 10 Choctaw ... 8,380 11 Clarke ... 9,786 12 Colke ... 8,910 13 Conecuh ... 2,322 14 Coosa ... 14,543 15 Covington ... 3,645 16 Dale ... 6,382 17 Dallas ... 29,727 18 De Kalb ... 8,245 19 Fayette ... 9,681 20 Franklin ... 22,610 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 21 Greene ... 31,4[[??]] 22 Hancock ... 1,542 23 Henry ... 9,019 24 Jackson ... 14,088 25 Jefferson ... 8,989 26 Lauderdale ... 17,172 27 Lawrence ... 15,258 28 Limestone ... 16,483 29 Lowndes ... 21,915 30 Macon ... 26,898 31 Madison ... 26,427 32 Marengo ... 27,831 33 Marion ... 7,833 34 Marshall ... 8,846 35 Mobile ... 27,600 36 Monroe ... 12,013 37 Montgomery ... 29,741 38 Morgan ... 10,125 39 Perry ... 22,285 40 Prekens ... 21,512 41 Pike ... 15,920 42 Randolph ... 11,581 43 Russell ... 19,548 44 St. Clair ... 6,829 45 Shelby ... 9,536 46 Sumter ... 22,250 47 Talladega ... 18,624 48 Tailapoosa ... 15,584 49 Tuscaloosa ... 18,056 50 Walker ... 5,124 51 Washington ... 2,743 52 Wilcox ... 17,352 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 771,623 MISSISSIPPI. 1 Adams ... 18,601 2 Amite ... 9,694 3 Attaia ... 10,991 4 Bolivar ... 2,577 5 Carroll ... 18,491 6 Chickasaw ... 16,369 7 Choctaw ... 1,402 8 Chiborne ... 14,911 9 Clarke ... 5,477 10 Couboma ... 2,780 11 Copiah ... 11,794 12 Covington ... 3,338 13 De Soto ... 19,042 14 Franklin ... 5,904 15 Greene ... 2,018 16 Hancock ... 3,672 17 Harrison ... 4,875 18 Hinds ... 25,240 19 Holmes ... 13,928 20 Issaquena .. 4,478 21 Itawamba ... 13,528 22 Jackson ... 3,196 23 Jasper ... 6,184 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 24 Jefferson ... 13,193 25 Jones ... 2,164 26 Kemper ... 12,517 27 La Fayette ... 14,069 28 Lauderdale ... 8,717 29 Lawrence ... 6,478 30 Leake ... 5,533 31 Lowndes ... 19,544 32 Madison ... 18,173 33 Marion ... 4,410 34 Marshall ... 29,689 35 Monroe ... 21,172 36 Neshoba ... 4,728 37 Newton ... 4,465 38 Noxula ... 16,290 39 Oktibbeba ... 9,171 40 Panola ... 11,444 41 Perry ... 2,488 42 Pike ... 7,300 43 Pontotoe ... 17,112 44 Rankin ... 7,227 45 Scott ... 3,951 46 Simpson ... 4,734 47 Smith ... 4,071 48 Sun Flower ... 1,102 49 Tallahatchie ... 4,643 50 Tippah ... 20,741 51 Tishomingo ... 15,490 52 Tunica ... 1,314 53 Warren ... 18,126 54 Washington ... 8,389 55 Wayne ... 2,892 56 Wilkinson ... 16,914 57 Winston ... 7,956 58 Yalohusha ... 17,258 59 Yaroo ... 14,418 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 606,526 LOUISIANA PARISHES. 1 Ascension ... 10,752 2 Assumption ... 10,538 3 Avoyelles ... 9,326 4 Blenville ... 5,539 5 Bossier ... 6,952 6 Geddo ... 8,884 7 Caleasieu ... 3,914 8 Caldwell ... 2,815 9 Carroll ... 8,789 10 Cataboula ... 7,132 11 Chalborne ... 7,471 12 Concordia ... 7,758 13 De Soto ... 8,023 14 E. Baton Rough ... 11,977 15 East Fallciana ... 13,598 16 Franklin ... 3,251 17 Iberville ... 12,278 18 Jackson ... 5,566 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 19 Jefferson ... 25,003 20 Lafavette ... 6,720 21 [[L?]] ... [[?]] 22 Livigston ... [[?]] 23 Madison ... 8,473 24 Morehouse ... 5,914 25 Natchitoches ... 14,225 26 Orleans ... 119,400 27 Pisquemines ... 7,290 28 Point Coupee ... 13,830 29 Rapides ... 16,561 30 Sabine ... 4,515 31 St. Bernard ... 3,,802 32 St. Charles ... 5,120 33 St. Helena ... 4,561 34 St. James ... 11,068 35 St. John Baptist ... 7,317 36 St. Landry ... 22,253 37 St. Martin's ... 11,761 38 St. Mary ... 13,097 39 St. Tememnany ... 6,264 40 Tensas ... 9.010 41 Terre Bonne ... 7,724 42 Union ... 8,203 43 Vermillion ... 3,400 44 Washita ... 5,008 45 Washington ... 2,408 46 W. Baton Rouge ... 6,270 47 West Feliciana ...13,245 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 517,762 TEXAS. 1 Anderson ... 2,884 2 Angelina ... 1,165 3 Austin ...3,841 4 Bastrop ... 3,000 5 Bexar ... 6,052 6 Bowie ... 2,912 7 Brazoria ...4,841 8 Brazos ... 614 9 Burleson ... 1,713 10 Caldwell ... 1,329 11 Calhoun ... 1,110 12 Cameron, 13 Starr, and 14 Webb ...8,541 15 Cass ... 4,001 16 Cherokee ... 6,673 17 Collin ... 1,950 18 Colorado ... 2,257 19 Comal ... 1,724 20 Cook ... 220 21 Dallas ... 2,743 22 Denton ... 641 23 De Witt ... 1,716 24 Ellis ... 789 25 Fannin ... 3,788 26 Fayette ... 3,788 27 Fort Bend ... 2,533 28 Galveston ... 4,529 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 29 Gaudalupe ... 1,511 30 Gillespie ... 1,240 31 Goliad ... 648 32 Gonzales ... 1,492 33 Grayson ...2,048 34 Grimes ... 4,008 35 Harris ... 4,068 36 Harrison ... 11,822 37 Hays ... 287 38 Henderson ... 1,747 39 Hopkins ... 2,623 40 Houston ... 2,721 41 Hunt ... 1,525 42 Jackson ... 996 43 Jasper ... 1,707 44 Jefferson ... 1,936 45 Kaufman ... 1,047 46 Lamar ... 3,978 47 Lavacca ... 1,571 48 Leon ... 1,946 49 Liberty ... 2,522 50 Limestone ... 2,608 51 Maingorda ... 2,124 52 Medina ... 909 53 Milam ... 2,907 54 Montgomery ... 2,584 55 Nacogdoches ... 5,193 56 Navarro ... 2,190 57 Newton ... 1,689 58 Nueces ... 608 59 Panola ... 2,871 60 Polk ... 2,348 61 Red River ... 3,906 62 Refugio ... 288 63 Robertson ... 934 64 Rusk ... 8,148 65 Sabine ... 2,498 66 San Augustine ... 3,648 67 San Patricio ... 200 68 Shelby ... 4,230 69 Smith ... 4,292 70 Tarrant ... 664 71 Titus ... 3,635 72 Travis ... 3,128 73 Tyler ... 1,894 74 Upshur ... 2,894 75 Vanvandt ... 1,348 76 Victoria ... 2,010 77 Walker ... 3,951 78 Washington ... 5,983 79 Wharton ... 1,702 80 Williamson ... 1,408 [[line indicating total]] Total ... 212,142 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives POPULATION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN THE UNITED STATES.-Continued. No IX. WESTERN STATES. [[first column, left of page]] OHIO. 1. Adams.......18,883 2. Allen.......12,109 3. Ashland.....28,813 4. Ashtabula...28,707 5. Athens......18,215 6. Auglaire....11,388 7. Belmont.....31,000 8. Brown.......27,332 9. Butler......30,780 10. Carroll.....17,655 11. Champaign...10,782 12. Clark.......22,178 13. Clermont....30,465 14. Clinton.....18,838 15. Columbiana..33,621 16. Coabeton[?].25,671 17. Crawford....18,177 18. Cuyaboga....18,090 19. Darke.......20,276 20. Defiance.....6,956 21. Delaware....21,817 22. Erie........18,568 23. Fairfield...20,254 24. Fayette.....12,768 25. Franklin....42,909 26. Fulton.......7,781 27. Gallia......17,061 28. Grauga......17,827 29. Greene......21,916 30. Guernsey....50,488 31. Hamilton...150,841 32. Hancock.....16,751 33. Hardin.......8,251 34. Harrison....20,157 35. Henry........2,134 36. Highland....25,781 37. Hocking.....14,119 38. Holmea......20,452 39. Huron.......31,203 40. Jackson.....12,719 41. Jefferson...20,133 42. Knox........28,872 43. Lake........14,654 44. Lawrence....15,246 45. Licking.....33,846 46. Logan.......12,162 47. Lorain......26,086 48. Lucas.......12,363 49. Madison.....10,015 50. Mahoning....23,735 51. Marion......12,618 52. Medina......24,441 53. Melgs.......17,971 54. Mercer.......7,712 55. Miami.......24,999 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 56. Monroe......28,351 57. Montgomery..38,218 58. Morgan......28,585 59. Morrow......20,250 60. Muskingum...46,619 61. Ottawa.......3,398 62. Paulding.....1,766 63. Perry.......20,775 64. Pickaway....21,996 65. Pike........10,953 66. Portage.....24,419 67. Preble......21,786 68. Patusm.......7,221 69. Richland....33,879 70. Ross........32,074 71. Sandusky....14,305 72. Scioto......18,428 73. Seneca......27,104 74. Shelby......13,258 75. Stark.......39,878 76. Summit......27,485 77. Trumbull....20,490 78. Tuscarawas..31,761 79. Union.......12,201 80. Van Wert.....4,763 81. Vinton.......9,353 82. Warren......25,560 83. Washington..29,510 84. Wayne.......32,981 85. Williams.....8,018 86. Woods........9,157 87. Wyandott....11,194 ______ Total..1,980,329 ILLINOIS. 1. Adams.......26,508 2. Alexander....2,484 3. Bond.........6,444 4. Boone........7,621 5. Brown........7,198 6. Bureau.......8,841 7. Calhoun......3,281 8. Carroll......4,595 9. Cass.........7,253 10. Champaign....2,680 11. Christian....3,903 12. Clarke.......9,532 13. Clay.........4,259 14. Clinton......5,159 15. Coles........9,333 [[second column]] 16. Cook........43,385 17. Crawford.....7,135 18. Cumberland...3,718 19. De Kalb......7,540 20. De Witt......3,002 21. Du Page......9,290 22. Edgar.......10,002 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 23. Edwards......3,521 24. Effingham....3,709 25. Fayette......8,075 26. Franklin.....5,681 27. Fulton......22,508 28. Gallatin.....5,448 29. Greene......12,420 30. Grundy.......3,023 31. Hamilton.....6,362 32. Hancock.....14,652 33. Hardin.......2,887 34. Henderson....4,612 35. Henry........3,807 36. Iroquois.....4,149 37. Jackson......5,862 38. Jasper.......3,220 39. Jefferson....8,109 40. Jersey.......7,354 41. Jo Daviess..18,604 42. Johnson......4,114 43. Kane........16,703 44. Kendall......7,739 45. Knox........13,279 46. Lake........14,226 47. La Salle....17,815 48. Lawrence.....6,121 49. Lee..........5,292 50. Livingston...1,552 51. Logan........5,128 52. McDonough....7,616 53. McHenry.....14,978 54. McLean......10,163 55. Macon........3,988 56. Macoupin....12,355 57. Madison.....20,441 58. Marion.......6,720 59. Marshall.....5,180 60. Mason........5,921 61. Massac.......4,092 62. Menard.......6,349 63. Mercer.......5,246 64. Monroe.......7,679 65. Montgomery...6,277 66. Morgan......16,054 67. Moultrie.....3,254 68. Ogie........10,020 69. Peoria......17,547 70. Perry........5,278 71. Piatt........1,606 72. Pike........18,819 73. Pope.........3,975 74. Pulaski......2,265 75. Putnam.......3,924 76. Randolph....11,079 77. Richland.....4,012 78. Rock Island..6,937 79. St. Clair...20,180 80. Saline.......5,588 81. Sangamon....19,228 82. Schuyler....16,573 83. Scott........7,914 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 84. Shelby.......7,807 85. Stark........3,710 86. Stephenson..11,605 87. Takewell....12,052 88. Union........7,615 89. Vermillion..11,492 90. Walach.......4,090 91. Warren.......8,176 92. Washington...6,953 93. Wayne........6,825 94. White........8,925 95. Whitesides...5,361 96. Will........16,703 97. Williamson...7,216 98. Winnebago...11,773 99. Woodford.....4,415 ______ Total.....851,470 KENTUCKY. 1. Adair........9,898 2. Allen........8,742 3. Anderson.....6,260 4. Ballard......5,496 5. Barren......20,240 6. Bath........12,115 7. Boone.......11,185 8. Bourbon.....14,466 9. Boyle........9,116 10. Bracken......8,903 11. Breathitt....3,785 12. Brockenbridge.10,583 13. Bullitt......6,774 14. Butler.......5,755 15. Caldwell....13,048 16. Callaway.....8,096 17. Campbell....13,127 18. Carroll......5,526 19. Carter.......6,211 20. Casey........6,556 [[third column]] 21. Christian...19,550 22. Clarke......12,683 23. Clay.........5,421 24. Clinton......4,889 25. Crittenden...6,351 26. Cumberland...7,005 27. Davies......12,362 28. Edmonson.....4,688 29. Estill.......5,935 30. Fayette.....22,735 31. Fleming.....13,914 32. Floyd........5,714 33. Franklin....12,462 34. Fulton.......4,446 35. Gallatin.....5,137 36. Garrard.....10,237 37. Grant........6,531 38. Graves......11,397 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 39. Grayson......6,837 40. Greene.......9,060 41. Greenup......9,654 42. Hancock......3,853 43. Hardin......14,525 44. Harlan.......4,268 45. Harrison....13,064 46. Hart.........9,003 47. Henderson...12,171 48. Henry.......11,442 49. Hickman......4,791 50. Hopkins.....12,441 51. Jefferson...29,831 52. Jessamine...10,240 53. Johnson......3,873 54. Kenton......17,838 55. Knox.........7,050 56. La Rue.......5,850 57. Laurel.......4,745 58. Lawrence.....6,281 59. Lesecher.....2,512 60. Lewis........7,902 61. Linodin.....10,023 62. Livingston...6,578 63. Logan.......10,581 64. M-Cracken....6,067 65. Marison.....13,765 66. Madison.....15,327 67. Marshall.....5,209 68. Mason.......18,344 69. Mewle........7,393 70. Mercer......14,067 71. Monroe.......7,756 72. Montgomery...9,903 73. Morgan.......7,620 74. Muhlenbugli..9,903 75. Nelson......14,789 76. Nocholse....10,361 77. Ohio.........9,740 78. Oddham.......7,629 79. Owen........10,444 80. Okley........3,771 81. [pendlots]...6,774 82. Perry........3,692 83. Pike.........5,365 84. Polsak......14,195 85. Rock Castle..4,007 86. Russell......5,349 87. Scott.......14,916 88. Shelby......17,025 89. Simpson......7,733 90. Spensor......6,812 91. Taylor.......7,250 92. Todd........12,263 93. Trigg.......10,129 94. Trimble......5,963 95. Union........9,012 96. Warron......15,123 97. Washington..12,194 98. Wayne........8,092 99. Whitley......7,447 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 100. Woodford...12,423 Total........982,405 TENNESSEE. 1. Anderson......6,988 2. Bedford......21,511 3. Benton........6,315 4.[Blodsce]......5,959 5. Bloant.......12,421 6. Bradley......12,259 7. Campell.......6,968 8. Cannon........8,982 9. Carroll......15,967 10.Carter........6,296 11.Clarlorne.....9.369 12.Cocke.........8,360 13.Coffee........8,351 14.Davidson.....38,882 15.Decatur.......6,663 16.De kald.......8,016 17.Dikson........8,404 18.Dyer..........6,361 19.Fayette......26,719 20.Fentressa.....4,454 21.Franklin.....13,768 22.Gilson.......12,518 23.Gilos........25,919 [fourth column] 24.Granger.....12,370 25.Greene......17,824 26.Grundy.......2,773 27.Hamilton....10,075 28.Hanceek......5,660 29.Hardiman....17,456 30.Hardin......10,328 31.Hawking.....13,370 32.Haywood.....17,250 33.Henderson...13,164 34.Henry.......18,233 35.Hikman.......2,397 36.Humphreys....8,422 37.Jackson.....15,673 38.Jefferson...13,204 39.Johnson......3,706 40.Knox........18,807 41.Landerdale...5,169 42.Lawrence.....9,250 43.Lewis........4,488 44.Lincoln.....23,492 45.M'Mion......13,966 46.M'Nairy.....12,864 47.Macon........6,218 48.Madison.....21,470 49.Marison......6,314 50.Marshall....15,616 51.Maury.......20,590 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 52.Meigs........4,879 53.Monroe......11,874 54.Montgomery..21,045 55.Morgan.......3,430 56.Obdon........7,633 57.Orenton.....11,211 58.Perry........5,821 59.Polk.........6,338 60.Rhes.........4,415 61.Reene.......12,185 62.Robertson...16,145 63.Rutherford..29,122 64.Scott........1,905 65.Sevier.......6,520 66.Shelby......31,157 67.Smith.......18,412 68.Stewart......9,719 69.Sullivan....11,742 70.Sumner......22,717 71.Tmpton.......8,857 72.Van Buren....2,674 73.Warren......10,170 74.Washington..13,861 75.Wayne........8,170 76.Weakley.....14,608 77.White.......11,444 78.Wiliamson...27,201 79.Wilson......27,443 Total......1,002,717 MICHIGAN. 1 Allegan.......5,125 2 Barry.........5,072 3 Berrien......11,417 4 Branch.......12,472 5 Calboun......10,162 6 Cass.........10,907 7 Chippewa........808 8 Clinton.......5,102 9 Eaton.........7,058 10 Genesee.....12,031 11 Hillsdale...16,159 12 Houghton.......708 13 Huron..........210 14 Ingham.......8,631 15 Ionia........7,597 16 Jackson.....19,431 17 Kalamazoo...13,170 18 Kent........12,016 19 Lapeer.......7,029 20 Lenawee.....26,372 21 Livingston..13,482 22 Macomb......15,630 23 Marquette......136 24-45 Michillimackinac and 21 unorganized Counties 3,598 46 Mason...........93 47 Midland.........64 48 Monroe.......14698 49 Montcalm.......891 50 Newago.........510 51 Oakland.....31,270 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 52 Oceana.........560 53 Ontonagon......382 54 Ottawa.......5,387 55 Saginaw......2,609 56 Sanline......2,112 57 St. Clair...10,420 58 St. Joseph's.12,725 59 Schoolcraft......16 60 Shiawassee....5,230 61 Tuscola.........291 62 Van Buren.....6,800 63 Washtenaw....28,756 64 Wayne........12,756 Total.........397,654 [[Line across bottom of columns 1-4]] QUESTIONS. - Which State has the greatest number of counties? Which the least? Which of the Eastern States has the greatest number? Which the least? Of the Middle States? Southern? Western? How many counties has your own State? What is the population of the county in which you [[top of page - right side]] WESTERN STATES - Continued. [[5th column]] INDIANA 1 Adams..........5,797 2 Allen.........16,919 3 Bartholomew...12,428 4 Benton.........1,144 5 Blackford......2,860 6 Boone.........11,631 7 Brown..........4,846 8 Carroll.......11,615 9 Cass..........11,621 10 Clark........15,828 11 Clay..........7,944 12 Clinton......11,809 13 Crawford......6,524 14 Davies.......10,352 15 Dearborn.....20,166 16 Decatur......15,107 17 De Kalb.......8,231 18 Delaware.....10,843 19 Dubois........6,321 20 Elkhart......12,090 21 Fayette......10,217 22 Floyd........14,875 23 Fountain.....13,253 24 Franklin.....17,968 25 Fulton........5,982 26 Gibson.......10,771 27 Grant........11,002 28 Greene.......12,313 29 Hamilton.....12,684 30 Hancock.......9.698 31 Harrison.....15,586 32 Hendricks....14,083 33 Henry........17,005 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 34 Howard........6,637 35 Huntington....7,850 36 Jackson......11,017 37 Jasper........3,540 38 Jay...........7.047 39 Jefferson....23,916 40 Jennings.....12,096 41 Johnson......12,101 42 Knox.........11,084 43 Koselusko....10,243 44 Lagrange......8,387 45 Lake..........3,991 46 Laporte......12,145 47 Lawrence.....12,097 48 Madison......12,375 49 Marion.......24,103 50 Marshall......5,318 51 Martin........5,941 52 Miami........11,504 53 Monroe.......11,280 54 Montgomery...18,084 55 Morgan.......14,576 56 Noble.........7,946 57 Ohio..........5,318 58 Orange.......10,809 59 Owen.........12,166 60 Parke........14,968 61 Perry.........7,268 62 Pike..........7,720 63 Porter........5,234 64 Posey........12,549 65 Pulaski.......2,595 66 Putnam.......18,615 67 Randolph.....14,725 68 Ripley.......14,820 69 Rush.........16,445 70 St. Joseph...10,954 71 Scott.........5,885 72 Shelby.......15,502 73 Spencer.......8,616 74 Stark...........557 75 Steuben.......6,104 76 Sullivan.....10,141 77 Switzerland..12,932 78 Tippecanoe...19,377 79 Tipton........3,532 80 Union.........6,944 81 Vanderburgh..11,414 82 Vermillion....8,661 83 Vigo.........15,289 84 Wabash.......12,138 85 Warren........7,387 86 Warwick.......8,811 87 Washington...17,040 88 Wayne........25,320 89 Welts.........6,152 90 White.........4,761 91 Whitley.......5,190 Total........988,416 MISSOURI Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 1 Adair..........2,342 2 Andrew.........9,433 3 Atchison.......1,678 4 Audrain........3,506 5 Barry..........3,467 6 Bates..........3,669 7 Benton.........5,015 8 Boone.........14,979 9 Buchanan......12,976 10 Butler........1,616 [[6th column]] 11 Cahlwell......2,316 12 Callaway.....13,827 13 Camden........2,338 14 Cape Girardeau.13,912 15 Carroll.......5,441 16 Cass..........6,090 17 Cedar.........3,361 18 Chariton......7,514 19 Clarke........5,527 20 Clay.........10,332 21 Clinton.......3,786 22 Cole..........6,696 23 Cooper.......12,950 24 Crawford......6,397 25 Dade..........4,246 26 Dallas........3,648 27 Davies........5,208 28 De Kalb.......2,075 29 Dodge...........375 30 Dunklin.......1,229 31 Franklin.....11,021 32 Gaseonade.....4,996 33 Gentry........4,248 34 Greene.......12,785 35 Grundy........3,006 36 Harrison......2,447 37 Henry.........4,052 38 Hickory.......2,329 39 Holt..........3,237 40 Howard.......13,969 41 Jackson......14,000 42 Jasper........4,223 43 Jefferson.....6,928 44 Johnson.......7,464 45 Knox..........2,891 46 Laclede.......2,498 47 Lafayette....13,690 48 Lawrence......4,850 49 Lewis.........6,578 50 Lincoln.......9,421 51 Linn..........4,058 52 Livingston....4,247 53 McDonald......2,236 54 Macon.........6,565 55 Madison.......6,003 56 Marion.......12,230 57 Mercer........2,691 58 Miller........3,834 59 Mississippi...3,123 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 60 Moniteau......6,004 61 Monroe.......10,541 62 Montgomery....5,489 63 Morgan........4,650 64 New Madrid....5,541 65 Newton........4,268 66 Nedaway.......2,118 67 Oregon........1,432 68 Osage.........6,704 69 Ozark.........2,294 70 Perry.........7,215 71 Pettis........5,150 72 Pike.........13,609 73 Platte.......16,845 74 Polk..........6,186 75 Pulaski.......3,993 76 Putnam........1,635 77 Ralls.........6,151 78 Randolph......9,439 79 Ray..........10,373 80 Reynolds......1,849 81 Ripley........2,830 82 St. Charles..11,454 83 St. Clair.....3,556 84 St. Francois..4,964 85 St. Genevieve.5,313 86 St. Louis...104,978 87 Salina........8,843 88 Schuyler......3,287 89 Scotland......3,782 90 Scott.........3,182 91 Shannon.......1,199 92 Shelby........4,253 93 Stoddard......4,277 94 Sullivan......2,983 95 Taney.........4,373 96 Texas.........2,312 97 Warren........5,860 98 Washington....8,811 99 Wayne.........4,518 100 Wright.......3,387 Total........682,044 ARKANSAS 1 Arkansas.......3,215 2 Ashley.........2,058 3 Benton.........3,710 4 Bradley........3,829 5 Carroll........4,614 6 Chicot.........5,115 7 Clark..........4,070 8 Conway.........3,583 9 Crawford.......7,960 10 Crittenden....2,648 11 Dallas........6,877 12 Desha.........2,911 13 Drew..........3,276 [[7th column]] 14 Franklin......3,972 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 15 Fulton........1,819 16 Greene........2,593 17 Hempstead.....7,672 18 Hot Springs...3,609 19 Independence..7,767 20 Izard.........3,213 21 Jackson.......3,086 22 Jefferson.....5,834 23 Johnson.......5,227 24 Lafayette.....5,220 25 Lawrence......5,274 26 Madison.......4,823 27 Marion........7,308 28 Mississippi...2,368 29 Monroe........2,049 30 Montgomery....1,958 31 Newton........1,758 32 Perry...........978 33 Phillips......6,935 34 Pike..........1,861 35 Poinsett......2,308 36 Polk..........1,263 37 Pope..........4,710 38 Prairie.......2,097 39 Pulaski.......5,657 40 Randolph......3,275 41 St. Francis...4,479 42 Saline........3,903 43 Scott.........3,083 44 Searcy........1,979 45 Sevier........4,240 46 Union........10,298 47 Van Buren.....2,864 48 Washington....9,970 49 Washita.......9,591 50 White.........2,619 51 Yell..........3,341 Total........209,897 WISCONSIN 1 Adams............187 2 Brown..........6,215 3 Calumet........1,743 4 Chippewa.........615 5 Columbia.......9,565 6 Crawford.......2,498 7 Dane..........16,639 8 Dodge.........19,138 9 Fond du Lac...14,510 10 Grant........16,109 11 Greene........8,566 12 Iowa..........9,525 13 Jefferson....15,317 14 Kenosha......10,734 15 Lafayette....11,531 16 Lapointe........489 17 Manitoowoe....3,702 18 Marathon........508 19 Marquette.....8,641 20 Milwaukee....31,077 21 Portage.......1,250 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 22 Racine.......14,973 23 Richland........903 24 Rock.........20,750 25 St. Croix.......624 26 Sauk..........4,371 27 Sheboygan.....8,379 28 Walworth.....17,802 29 Washington...19,485 30 Waukesha.....19,258 31 Winnebago....10,167 Total........505,391 IOWA 1 Allemakee........777 2 Appanoose......3,131 3 Benton...........672 4 Black Hawk.......135 5 Boone............735 6 Buchanan.........517 7 Cedar..........5,941 8 Clark.............79 9 Clayton........3,873 10 Clinton.......2,822 11 Dallas..........854 12 Davis.........7,264 13 Decatur.........965 14 Delaware......1,759 15 Des Moines...12,958 16 Dubuque......10,841 17 Fayette.........825 18 Fremont.......1,244 19 Henry.........8,707 20 Iowa............822 21 Jackson.......7,210 22 Jasper........1,280 23 Jefferson.....9,904 24 Johnson.......4,472 25 Jones.........3,007 26 Keokuk........4,822 27 Lee..........18,861 28 Linn..........5,444 29 Louisa........4,939 [[8th column]] 30 Lucas............471 31 Madison........1,479 32 Mahaska........5,989 33 Marion.........5,482 34 Marshall.........338 35 Monroe.........2,884 36 Muscathie......5,731 37 Page............ 651 38 Polk...........4,513 39 Pottawatomie...7,828 40 Poweshiek........615 41 Scott..........5,986 42 Tama...............8 43 Taylor...........204 44 Van Buren.....12,270 45 Wapello........8,471 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 46 Warren...........961 47 Washington.....4,957 48 Wayne............210 49 Winnesbiek.......546 Total.........192,214 CALIFORNIA 1 Butte...........8,572 2 Calaveras......20,192 3 Contra Costa....2,745 4 Colual............612 5 El Dorado......40,000 6 Klamath...........630 7 Los Angeles.....7,831 8 Marin...........1,026 9 Mariposa........8,969 10 Mendocino........416 11 Monterey.......2,728 12 Napa...........2,116 13 Nevada........21,365 14 Placer........10,781 15 Sacramento....12,589 16 San Diego......2,932 17 San Francisco.36,151 18 San Joaquin....5,029 19 San Luis Obispo..984 20 Santa Barbara..2,131 21 Santa Clara....6,064 22 Santa Cruz.....1,219 23 Shasta.........4,650 24 Sierra.........4,835 25 Siskiyou.......2,240 26 Solano.........2,835 27 Sonoma.........2,337 28 Sutter.........1,207 29 Trinity........1,764 30 Tuolumne......17,657 31 Tulare.........8,575 32 Yolo...........1,907 33 Yuba..........22,005 Total (in 1852)..264,497 MINNESOTA. 1 Benton............418 2 Dakotah...........584 3 Itasco.............97 4 Mankatah..........158 5 Pembina.........1,131 6 Ramsey..........2,227 7 Wabashaw..........243 8 Wabnahta..........160 9 Washington......1,056 Total...........6,077 OREGON 1 Benton............814 2 Clackamas.......1,869 3 Clatsop...........402 4 Linn..............994 5 Marion..........2,749 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 6 Polk............1,061 7 Washington......2,642 8 Yam Hill........1,612 Total..........12,093 WASHINGTON 1 Clarke............643 2 Lewis.............558 Total...........1,201 UTAH 1 Davis...........1,134 2 Iron..............360 3 Salt Lake.......6,157 4 San Pete..........385 5 Tocele............152 6 Utah............2,026 7 Weber...........1,186 Total..........11,580 NEW MEXICO 1 Bernallito......7,751 2 Rio Arita......10,668 3 Santa Anon......4,045 4 Santa Fe........7,713 5 San Miguel......7,074 6 Taos............9,000 7 Valencia.......14,189 Total...........61,547 [[Line across bottom of columns 5-8]] reside? Which is the most populous county in the United States? Which is the next in population? How many counties have a population of 100,000 and upwards? How many have a population of more that 50,000? [[End page]] [[Start page]] [[blank page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives The track laid down in Map No.1 is that of the U.S Exploring Expedition in the voyage around the World performed in the years 1838,31,10,11 and 12. The arrows indicate the direction sailed. No. 1 THE WORLD on an Equatorial Projection MAP of the EASTERN & WESTERN HEMISPHERES. [[two maps, side by side]] Western Hemisphere. [[image - map of western Hemisphere]] Eastern Hemisphere [[image - map of eastern Hemisphere]] No.3. MAP OF the most recent ANTARCTIC DISCOVERIES. American discoveries are coloured yellow. British red French blue [[image - map of "southern ocean" and "antarctic continent"]] RECENT ANTARCTIC DISCOVERIES. [[following text accompanies map No.3 above]] Until the year 1819, no land was known to exist to the southward of the 60th deg of south latitude. In that year, South Shetland in 1821 South Orkney, in 1831 Enderby's Land in the year following Graham's Land, and in 1839 Sabrina Land, and the Balleny Islands, were all discovered by British navigators. In 1821, the islands of Alexander I. and Peter I. were discovered by the Russians. In August 1838, the U.S. Exploring Expedition, consisting of the Vincennes, Peacock, and some smaller vessels, under the command of Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, sailed from Norfolk. On the 19th of January, 1840, a continent situate about 2,000 miles south of Australia, was discovered by the expedition, and explored for a distance of 1.700 miles from East to West, comprising the greatest extent of land yet discovered in this quarter. On the same day, a part of the same coast was seen by Commodore D'Urville, with the French Exploring Corvettes Astrolabe and Zelec. In 1841, Captain J.C.Ross, commanding the British ships Erebus and Terror, discovered and explored a line of coast, extending southward to within 830 miles of the South Pole, being the nearest approach yet made to that point the globe. All these regions are barren and desolate, and without inhabitants: the land is all the time covered with ice and snow, and the coasts are for the most part bordered with vast masses of ice. Mount Erebus, near the most southern point reached by Capt.Ross, is an active Volcano,12,400 feet high. Mount Terror, in the vicinity, is 12,000 feet, and Freeman's Peak, in one of the Balieny Islands, is about the same altitude. No. 2. THE WORLD on a Polar PROJECTION MAP of the NORTHERN & SOUTHERN HEMISPHERES. [[image - map of NORTHERN HEMISPHERE]] [[ image - map of the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE]] Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1852 by Augustus Mitchell in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 14 [[end page]] [[start page]] 15 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] [[image - map of "Russian America", "British America (new britain)", "Greenland", "United States", "Mexico", "West Indies", "Central America", and surrounding bodies of water]] EXPLANATION. The Capitals of Countries are represented thus * The figures attached to the Cities and Towns indicate the number of thousands of the population thus New York 516 signifies 516,000 inhabitants. The figures attached to the Rivers indicate the number of hundred of miles of their length of course thus the Mississippi River 4I signifies 41,00 miles long. The words underscored are the names of hidden Tribes. Matrimony Stations. No. 4 MAP OF NORTH AMERICA Engraved to illustrate [[italics]] MITCHELL'S [[/italics]] School and Family Geography Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1852 by S. August Mitchell in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 18 [[end page]] [[start page]] 19 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 20 21 No. 5 MAP OF THE UNITED STATES Engraved to Illustrate [[italics]] MITCHELL'S [[/italics]] School and Family Geography. EXPLANATION. The Capitols of Countries are represented thus * of States [[image circle]] Rail Roads [[image - dotted line]] Canals [[image - straight line]]. The figures attached to Cities and Towns indicate the number of thousands of the population thus New York 526 signifies 526,000 inhabitants. The figures attached to Rivers indicate the number of hundreds of miles of these length of course thus the Mississippi River 41 signifies 41,000 miles long. These characters [[images of three arrows pointing down, right, and down]] signify steam boat ship and sloop navigation the distance of which from the sea in miles is pointed out by the annexed figures. The words underscored are the names of Indian Tribes. [[image - double page map of the United States, with additional inset map of the "gold region" of California]] Engraved by [[?]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 22 James Anderson (a) Hon. Hudson Bay Co, care Sir George Simpson. Lachine [[A G?]] [[pencil]] (now at Mingan. C. [[G?]]) [[/pencil]] Prof Geo. Lawson Ph. D. Univ. Queens College Kingston [[(Bot)?]] Wm. Hunter. Taxidermist Rooms Nat. Hist. Soc. Montreal [[checkmark]] J. M. LeMoine. Solicitor Quebec De. b. Birds 1. E. M. Hopkins, Hudson Bay House. Lachine (see) Jas. L. Clouston. " " " [[Ditto for: Hudson Bay House. Lachine]] Prof. J. W. Dawson. Montreal. 1. Sir Geo. Simpson. Lachine James Hubbert. Toronto. Insects. Clifton, Colo C. Krieghoff. Quebec. Painter of birds. George Bush. Coldwater C. W. (birds eggs.) T. W. M Huraith [[Hamilton?]] Canad. Beverly R. Moins. M.D. Toronto. Insect. Chas. B. Wood M.D. H.M.S. Hecate, Vancouver Island. Birds Mr. Booth Niagara Falls Thos. Reynold. Great Western RR. Hamilton. Lepidopt. W. Saunders. London. C.W. Entom. Coleopt. Rev. L. Provancher, St. Joachim below Quebec Entomol. 4.25.62 Thos. Devine, Head of Surveys of Upper Canada, Quebec. Entomol. Geo. Barnston, 4 Inkermann Place, Montreal. (July 1860) Denis Gale (of 3 Rivers) Quebec. (Eggs) P. P. Carpenter [[strikethrough]] box 1934. P.Q. [[/strikethrough]] 508 Grey St. Montreal. Nov. 65 "House" [[strikethrough]] 418 Grey St.[[/strikethrough]] Jas. Farquhar. Sable Island / care J. R. Nellis Halifax P. S. [[strikethrough]] Judd [[/strikethrough]] Esq. Dodd " [[ditto marks below Sable Island]] Rev. John Ambrose. Rectory St. Margarets Bay. N.S. birds Dr. Ed. Van Cortlandt. Ottawa. Fishes 10.62 John J. Coleman. Ottawa Taxidermist 10 62 W. J. Winton. Cross Roads. Upper Stewiake. N.S Sharhon James. P.G.G. 413 [[strikethrough]] Berisch [[?]][[/strikethrough]] 413. Toronoto Jan. Lockhart Care (R. F. Lacklow. Onlane Bark. Whitby C. W. John Benmore 301 Upper Peel St. [[?]] hill April 67 [[strikethrough]] Abb [[/strikethrough]] Abdebbi Care HBC. Jal Lillian Lac des Allurnelles. Guaw Rus [[?]] B.R. Ross [[strikethrough]] Mal [[/strikethrough]] Rufort Home [[?]]. Care HBC. Mallatua [[strikethrough]] Ch [[/strikethrough]] Canada Eaf Guawn R.C. [[?]] Dr. P. Fortin. La Praine near Mentual [[?]]: Le summe sarte [[?]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 23 [[pencil]] British [[/pencil]] British & Russian America Canada Richard Nettle, govt. sup. [[Livharne?]], Quebec. 4 St. Ursule [[St?]]. Owen Jones Prof J. N. Daveson, Principal McGill College, Montreal B Thos [[strikethrough]] Broome [[/strikethrough]], [[strikethrough]] Little [[/strikethrough]] St. James [[St?]]. be " [[Ditto for: Montreal]] B. Dead L.S.H. Latour " [[Ditto for: Montreal]] Thomas Barnet Falls of Niagara, D. Canada, B. Sidney Barnet address Niagara Falls, m. NY. Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Dr. Walter Simpson, 66 Regent St. Quebec [[Messine]] L. Villeneuve, Pretne, Dominaire de St [[Sulpice?]], Montreal Ottawa [[Athenaeum?]] T. Billings [[strikethrough]] Ottawa [[/strikethrough]] Montreal Dr. A. Hall Montreal Delos. W. Beadle, St. Catharines [[Car?]], 43 Wall st, [[wall?]] [[Max?]]. 1. [[Entom?]], D. [[Leped?]] John H. Sangster, Hamilton, C. W. [[Enlin?]] [[Cateau?]] James Anderson (a) [[Guvan?]] Brae. [[Sarguire?]] Lake [[Sumicoe?]] C.W [[check mark]] W. Couper [[strikethrough]] [[Carledon St. Innot?]] [[/strikethrough]] Comm. [[Mal?]] De. B Rev. W. Heneks, Loronte 75 St. [[Pafe?]] St [[?]] Andrew Russell. [[Commis?]] Crowno Laude [[Leafaut?]]. Nova Scotia Henry Poole, Albion Mines, Pictone Andrew [[Douerde?]] [[?]] Halifax M. B De M. [[Lanes]] Halifax Prof. A. P. S. Stuart, Acadia College, Wolfville John R. [[Urllis?]], Halifax, B. de Dr. I. Bernard Gilpin, Halifax, M. B. De Captain ^[[insertion]] Campbell [[/insertion]] Hardy, R. A. Halifax, (Jun) (after April. 60) W. G. De Winton [[insertion]] Eastville [[/insertion [[strikethrough]] Halifax [[/strikethrough]] Bird ch upper [[Slecuracke?]] (70 miles fr. Halifax) Care Messers West, Merchants Halifax Newfoundland Dr. Henry, ^[[insertion]] H [[/insertion]] Stabb, St. Johns, m. B. De Dr. Mackenzie Skues, Staff Asst. Surgeon. St. Johns m [[strikethrough in blue pencil]] C. [[insertion]] P. [[/insertion]] F. [[Eschmecler?]]. [[Urne?]] Harbor, [[Groupbow?]] [[/strikethrough]] Co. N.S [[(Scfl, 69)?]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 24 New Brunswick Prof. Jas. Robb, Fredericton Rev. Jas. Fowler, Richibucto (Nov. 70) Prof. S. W. Bailey, Fredericton (70) W.C. Hannah, Upper Maccan , Cumberland N.S. [[1873?]] - Moose & Caribou H.B. Territory Donald Gunn, Red River Settlement 50°.6 + 97° B. De Hon. Chas Elliott, Governor of Bermuda Wm. McTavish, Fort Garry, Red River Settlement, AB,via Pembina B De John Isbister, Nelson River B De B.R. Ross Chief Trader McKenzie River Dist. (Fort Simpson) care H. B. Co's agent, Pembina, [[Mn?]] De [[strikethrough]] [[Ian?]] George Barnston Esq. [[/strikethrough]] Michipicoten. L. Superior (Zool. Bot Sault St. Marie) care of Wemyss Simpson. H. B. House. Richard Hardisty Esq. [[agent?]] in charge [[Fort??]] Carlton Saskatchewan Mr. J. McKenzie ([[strikethrough]] Moose Factory care J. S. Watt. H.B.C. agent Fort William Ottawa R [[/strikethrough]] Michipicoten 1862 be there 1st May - 1st December) Mr. A. McDonald. Little Whale River Severn House: Trout Lake Station Mr. Henry Conolly. Rigolet, Esquimaux Bay, Labrador Mr. Thos. Richards, Metawagamingue; care of J. W. Simpson Esq. Temiscamingue. Ottawa River C. Q. (collects [[?]] ++++ +++ [[end page]] [[start page]] 25 Horatio Hale Clinton Ontario Ap. 70. D. P. Fortin [[underline]] [[Lapaine?]] near Montreal [[/underline]] James Bissell. Ap. H B. Co. Montreal, Cana. 187[[5?]] James Stewart. Winipeg [[(1873)?]] Mr. Gladmon Rupert House Mr. Jas. Anderson [[strikethrough]] Little Whale River [[/strikethrough]] Moose Factory 1862 Mr. Mactavish. Albany Fort Mr. Clare. is in charge of Ft. Churchill District (is a collector himself) John Schultz M.D. Red River Settlement Zool [[strikethrough]] B. R. Ross. Mingan: care [[Harriet?]] Brock "Quebec" [[/strikethrough]] [[Colon?]] Rankin Chicoutime. Saguenay. North Shore. [[Below?]] Quebec. Donald A. Smith (Labrador) B. R. Ross Rupert House Care H B Co. N. William Ottawa [[Res.?]] [[A?]] Dec. 66. Strachan Jones. Little Slave Lake (July 67) J. H. Mactavish [[sic, should be McTavish]]. H B Co. Ft. Garry. Winipeg (1875?) Henry Hague. St. Catharines, Ontario. 1875 [[end page]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives ^[[27]] [[top-left of page]] [[map of New Brunswick]] [[on the bottom of the New Brunswick map]] No. 7 MAP OF NEW BRUNSWICK NOVA SCOTIA AND NEWFOUNDLAND [[/New Brunswick map]] [[center of page]] [[map of New England]] [[on the bottom of New England map]] No. 8 MAP OF THE NEW ENGLAND OR EASTERN STATES Engraved to illustrate MITCHELL'S, School and Family Geography. [[/New England map]] [[bottom-right of page]] Steam Ship from Boston to Liverpool via Halifax. To Halifax 450. Liverpool 2000 Total 2550 miles. No. 9 VICINITY OF BOSTON & PROVIDENCE [[map of city of Boston and Providence]] [[map of New Haven and Hartford]] No. 10 VICINITY OF NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD [[/map of New Haven and Hartford]] [[along the bottom of the map]] Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1852 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania. Drawn and Engraved by J.H. Young. ^[[26]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 28 blank page [[end page]] [[start page]] 29 [[underlined]] Maine [[/underlined]] J. D. Parker, Steuben, Washington Co B De Rev. S.H. Merrill, Blue Hill Hancock Co Joshua Bartlett, Whitehead Dr. Wood, Portland Dr Augustus C. Hamlin, Bangor Rev. Jos. Blake, Cumberland Centre. Botany A. J. Packard Jr., Brunswick. [[Reptiles?]], Insects B. A. E. Verrill. Norway. Me. De Orthoptera In. [[Geomet??]] [[?]] J. P. Cilley, Thomaston General De Dr. Cushman, Wiscasset Birds De. Henry Willis, Portland " De Rev J. W. Hanson, Gardiner. Birds De Prof. Chadbourne, Brunswick " De S. B. Beckett, Portland, Me. [[birds?]] B.e. R. E. Farnham, Woolwich. De. Thos. Lincoln. Denisville, Me. De. b. Geo. Emerson Brackett,Belfast. e. Saml. R Carter, Paris, Oxford Co Insects - [[M?]] J. F. Pratt, M.D. New Sharon, Franklin Co. De. b Eggs Albert S Bickmore, Tenants Harbor, Lincoln Co ^[[Temporarily Box 105 Hanover , N.H]] ort " Geo. A Boardman [[circled]] Milltown[[/circled]] ^[[Calais P.O. Washington Co]] (Residence St. Stephen N.B) ( Care of Gorham Boardman 115 [[Walt?]] Peters, Chasewater Boston) Lt. A. S. Hyde. Rev. Culler Jackson Eastport Shells C. L. [[Goold? Gould?]]. Cape Elizabeth Light, Oakhill, Me. Birds Rev. Marcus R. Keep. Ashland, Aroostook Co Henry Reynolds, East Wilton. A Animals B. F. Stevens, Waterville, Birds. x. 64 Geo. F. Talbot. 69 Park St. Portland (x.69) [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 30 Capt. U. S. Neal. Eastport. Me (Oct. 67) Capt. Muhener " " Lewis Snow Pleasant Point near Eastport (Indian hunter) Charles G. Atkins, Augusta. Fishery commissioner/ 1869 C. S. Weld. Olamon Penobscot Co. Me. Dealer in live animals Rev. R. R. McLeod. Houlton. Me.([[bndr.? birds?]] 74) Geo. H Haven, Box 817, Portland Me. egg collector 76 [[end page]] [[start page]] 31 New Hampshire [[underlined]] New Hampshire[[/underlined]] Dr. Wm. H. Prescott, Concord[[^Lynn. Nian? Mass?]],Merrimac Co. M. B De Rev. L. W. Leonard, Exeter, Buckingham Co. Entom. R. C. Mack, Londonderry, Rockingham Co. Saml. C. Eastman. Concord, John W. [[strikethrough]] Phelps[[/strikethrough]]Dodge Hampton Falls Arthur Chase Claremont, N. H [[?]] Chas. H. Pitman. North Barnstead. [[birds? et?]] T. W. [[underlined]]Walt[[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Nashua. N. H.[[/strikethrough]Medford Mass. (Engraver) Oct. 66 [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 32 [[end page]] [start page]] Vermont 33 [[underlined]] Vermont [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Rev. Z. Thompson, Burlington [[/strikethrough]] Dead David Buckland, Brandon, Rutland Co Jus. P. Cunningham, Woodstock L. E. Chittenden, Burlington, I Birds B. De E. Marsh Goodwin, South Woodstock. Shells [[?]] De Char. S. Paine Esq., [[strikethrough]] Randolph [[/strikethrough]] East Bethel Vt. De L. M. Dixon, Bostwick House, Underhill. Prof. Leonard Marsh, Burlington Gw. P. Marsh. Burlington. 1 Prof. Las. Torrey Burlington. 1 Las. K. Toby, Montpelier. Vt. Buet S. May. Montpelier. Birds Prof. Henry Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury. Vt. (or [[strikethrough]] Dartmouth [[/strikethrough]] Hanover N.H. birds & [[?]] Russell R. Dorr. C. Rutland. Egp - VI 65 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 34 Mrs. Caroline A. Dall. [[striketrhough]] 70 [[/strikethrough]] 141 Warren Avenue Boston. III. 67 S. Tillson. Hudson. Mar. of. 69 Brewer & Tileston. [[strikethrough]] 17 Milk [[/strikethrough]] St. Boston. (Feb. 1870) 114 Washington St. [[blue checkmark]] Francis L. Lea [[strikethrough]] 174 [[strikethrough]] 254 Beacon St. Boston. Dec. 70 S.H. Sendder. Care Dutrochet fils. Montreux. Switzerland. May 71. [[blue checkmark]] Isaac C. Sherman. Taxidermist. 19 Bedford St. N Bedford. Aug. 71 Calvin S. Lane. care R. A. Howes & Co. 57 Commercial St. Boston: Box 2274. (Dealer = [[?]]) Moses Williams Jr. 5 Fremont St. Boston: has charge of Int [[Commesar?]] legalities Baze M. Filton: Chilmark. M. Vineyard. Fisherman Oct. 71 Jason Luce. West Fisbury. " [[Ditto for: M. Vineyard]]. Rev. Dr. Stevens. Vineyard Haven. Mar Capt. Hatzel Handy. Hyannis [[blue checkmark]] Geo. H. Palmer. New Bedford / 1363 Fremont St. Boston Highlands. [[strikethrough]] Messes [[/strikethrough]] G. P. Whitman. Rockport, Mass. [[circled]] 72 [[/circled]] [[blue checkmark]] Capt. G. S. Holmes. Care H. W. Peabody: 41 India Wharf. Boston [[blue checkmark]] F.C. Foster 33 School St. Boston [[circled]] 73 [/circled]] S. M. Spencer. 117 Hanover St. Boston ([[S?]] [[?]]. 1874) Mt. Washington [[Bix?]]: Parker Merrill. Apt. Boston E. E. Small. Provincetown, [[strikethrough]] Mass. Dealer in ( [[/strikethrough]] Professor. Blackpatch) Sept. 74 Dr. W. Rimmer. 98 [[strikethrough]] Chelsea St [[/strikethrough]] Chestnut St. Chelsea.([[Aquaner?]]) Dr. H. J Bowditch: Dr. Knight. 113 Boylston St. Boston Edward E. Small. Provincetown. Mass. ([[Professor [[Feb.?]] 74) W. A. Coffin. 8 Oliver St. Boston (Copper cls. Pembroke. Salmon hatchery) J. M. Brewer 133 Beacon St. Boston (Mar. 76) Dr. G. N. Walton 6 Beacon St. Bost. (Oct. 84) [[end page]] [[start page]] 35 [[pencil]] Massachussets [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Massachusetts [[/underlined]] Boston 25 Hon. Mm. Mitchell. Nantucket [[blue checkmark]] J. W. P. Jenks. Middleboro 2. B. be. .1 Dr. I. M. Brewer Boston 2 B 1 133 Boylston St [[1830?]] Dr. Augustus A. Gould " [[Ditto for: Boston]] B 1 [[blue checkmark]] [[blue pencil]] Dr [[/blue pencil]] Samuel Cabot Jr. B 1 Francis L. Lee. [[strikethrough in blue pencil]] Brookline [[/strikethrough]] mB1 Henry D. Thoreau Concord Prof. L Sagapiz Cambridge B. 1 Prof. J. Wyman " [[Ditto for: Cambridge]] Dr. Sea Gray " [[Ditto for: Cambridge]] 1. [[blue checkmark]] Dr. H. Wheatland Salem m. B .1 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Roswell Field Greenfield [[strikethrough]] Dead [[/strikethrough]] Capt. Nath. E. Atwood Provincetown Mass. De. 1 Dr. D. H. Storer Boston [[strikethrough]] Prest Ed. Hitcherek, Amhersh [[/strikethrough]] B Dr. Charles Pickering Boston William Savery. South [[underlined three times]] C [[/underlined]]arver, Plymouth Co. B [[insertion]] via S W P Leah. [[Middlebas?]] Samuel H. Scudder. [[strikethough]] Williamstown Mass [[/strikethrough]] 3 Myrtle St. Bosten Entomology [[small blue line]] Dr. R. P. Stevens. North Egremont. De W. B. Clark. Agl [[strikethrough]] Son [[/strikethrough]] S.S. Line. 54 Kelly St. Boston [[blue checkmark]] Nathe. Trekary. Lynn. Taxidermist B : be. 1. agent in Boston Jas. S. Fay Esq. Dr. Henry Bryant, Boston. B be. 1 94 Mt. Vernon St. [[small blue line]] E. Samuel [[strikethrough]] Mattafar [[/strikethrough]] B. De. 1 631 West St. Boston Wm. H. Floyd. Weston, Mass. Entomology De F. G. Sanborn Care C. L. Flint. Boston Eulen. J. Burt Wilder, Brookline. [[Kuler?]] - Lefid. ? Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 36 J.S. Kingsley. Williams College. Williamstown (Expedition.) 1874 Archibald Hopkins. Williamstown Mass Dc Dr. E.C. Bidwell. Monterey, Berkshire Co. Dc E.S. Wheeler. Berlin. Dc. B (Eggs).1 John Orne Jr. Laurence. Eaton [[strikethrough]] Charles S. Paine. East Berlin. [[/strikethrough]] eggs Miss Lizzie Brewster. Kingston, Dc. [[Zool?]] Chas D Lincoln North Raynham Taunton P.O. Dc D.N. Couch. Taunton. Norwich Conn.[[image - design drawn with dots]] Calvin W. Poole. Westfield, Mass Eggs etc. Tolles R. B. Room 30 No 40 Hanover St. Boston. James U. Hunt, Lynn. Dc. " [[ditto for: eggs]] E.P. Barrows Jr. Andover eggs Geo. M. Morse. MD. Clinton Mass Birds & Ins. E.A. Samuel. Ag. rooms State House. Boston Taxid. Letters to 352 Freemont St Geo Welsh. Lynn Alfred Ordway. Cambridge Jas. G. Shute. Woburn, Mass. [[blue checkmark]] Theo. Lyman. Brookline. in winter 44 Beacon St. Boston Thos. S. Greenwood. Keeper of Ipswich Light, Ipswich Mass. eggs Rev. J W Hansen. Haverhill, Mass W.F. Hall. Boston (Copper Harbor Mich. Sept. 63) Eggs John H. Thomson. New Bedford. Shells P.O. Box 500; House 10 South 6' St C.H. Hitchcock. Amhurst (4 - 62) (for summer of 1862 care S.L. Goodale, Saco, Me. Arthur F. Whitin Whitinsville (4. 25. 62) birds Rev H.W. Parker. New Bedford - to New York Charles L Blood. Taunton. birds nov. 63 T.P. Ritchie. Brookline. Eggs Dec. 1863 Isaac C. Sherman. 19 Bedford St. New Bedford. Mass. Oct. 65. Taxid [[blue checkmark]] Jona. S. Leach. Taxidermist: Scotland. Plymouth Co. Dec. 1863 Prof. Henry James Clark former Shepard Avon St. Cambridge. Dec. 63 R.B. Hildreth. Springfield. Mass. Eggs 1864 [[end page]] [[start page]] 37 [[pencil]] Rhode Island [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Rhode Island [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Geo Thurber Providence [[/strikethrough]] Gilbert P. Whitman, Lansdale. Clarence Risy. Box 195 Newport ap 67 Capt. John G. Baker Steamer [[Moccason?]]. Newport (70) Captain. Mary. Collector [[customs?]] Newport J Snowdon Howland. Box 206 Newport. (74) [[line across page]] Amory L. Baberek. Taxidermist. Sherborn. Mass T. 64. [[insertion]] dead [[/insertion]] Rev. S. Barden. Rockport. (Near Gloucester) Mass [[bird?]] Edwin H. Lincoln Yarmouth Post VIII. 64 Bird J. A. Allen. Springfield. Bird C. F. Eschweiler. 110 Springfield St. Boston II. 66 Major I W T. Gardiner. Box 1864 P.O. Boston Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Dr. [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] [[Eedwin?]] Mayberry. Edgartown. Mass Mrs. Caroline W. Dall. [[strikethrough] 70 [[/strikethrough]] 141 Warren Avenue. Bost. Jas. G. Swan. [[strikethrough]] 91 [[/strikethrough]] 98 Newton St. Boston. T. 67 Wm. S. Perry Jr. P.O. Box 62 [[Muncey?]] Mass (Father's office house 3 Commercial St. upstairs T. 67. Boston Jos. S Fay. 13 Exchange St. Boston V.67. [[insertion]] house [[/insertion]] 88 Mt. Vernon St. Jos. W. Watt. Medford. (V.67) care G. W. Boynton 257 Washington St. Bost E. J. Maynard. [[circled]] Newtonville. [[/circled]] Oct.67 birds, Ipswich. Oct.74 Col. J. W. T. Gardiner. Lambert Avenue. Rexbury Dr. Chas. Palmer. Ipswich. M [[blue checkmark]] John B. Smith: 68 Elm St. N Bedford. [[SW?]] J. A. P. Allen, collector [[curios?]] N [[Bedford?]] M. Washington Box Co. 77 State St. Boston (74) Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 38 [[end page]] [[start page]] 39 [[underlined]] Connecticut [[/underlined]] Prof. J. D. Dana, New Haven B. [[check mark]] Chas. H. Olmsted, Hartford Dr. O. Plumb, Salisbury Ct. De [[strikethrough]] Edward C. Henrick, New Haven [[/strikethrough]] (Ent) [[check mark]] Dr. W. Wood. East Windsor Hill B. De. [[(Orn)?]] Edward Norton, Farmington De Entom (Lep. Hymen. Ortho.) Capt. O. N. Brooks, Keeper Faulkners Isl. Light. Guilford, Ct.[[?]] James Rankin. Saybrook. Conn. [[check mark]] Dr. S. G. Moses 611 N. Main [[St.?]] Hartford Birds Rev. E. R. Beadle. Hartford (shells fossils minerals) [[check mark]] Henry Champion W Haven x 64 Birds David F. Peirce. South Britain. 1870. Collects skulls Rev. W. Clift, Mystic, Conn. Fish [[?]] [[check mark]] [[strikethrough]] WS [[/strikethrough]] W. S. Palmer. Stonington. Interested [[against??]] [[pounds??]] George Gibbs. 77|Wall St. New Haven. Apr. 1871 Wm. E. Spicer. Noank. Conn. [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] James Terry. Terryville, Conn. Ethnol. Coll. 75 [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 40 New York Prof. L. A. Lattimore. Genesee College. Lima. shell [[blue checkmark]] Rev. H. W. Parker Auburn (Oct. 20. 67) shells:(Land) rocks Robert B. Toller Canastola NY microscope maker [[blue checkmark]] J. Ruszets 157 Broadway Fur dresser 1864 (a clean marker who [[insertion]] a [[?]] dressed [[/insertion]] for 10 [[m?]] Mrs. Capt. J. Tulner. 200 West 14 Street. NY Thos. Bland. 42 Pine St. NY (ap. 64) F. H. Churchill. 33 Pine St. 74 East 22d St. NY (May. 64) Fred. Habinshaw. Astoria Ln. [[Whoft?]] x.64 Capt. Chas. S. Bulkley. Care John Horner Carter. Am. Fil. Co. NY and John J. Haley. San Francisco [[blue checkmark]] James H. Roome. 55 Carmine St. Near Bedford. NY. Tax [[Fred?]] Probst. [[Cha.?]] 55 Broad St. NY: have [[apucier?]] in [[Fimpies:?]] Vera Cruz: [[Guaymax?]] Ms. Zatlan: ^ [[insertion]] Manzaville. [[Colimes?]] [[/insertion]] Acapulco: La Union. Salvader. Guatemala. & Peru. [[?]] send through [[there?]] E. G. Squeer [[strikethrough]] 105 [[/strikethrough]] 135 East 39' St. NY Gilbert Burling: 126 East 12 St. Studio 25 University Building NY VI. 65 W. S Church Jr. 32 West 37 St. NY. S. W. T. White [[strikethrough]] 104 [[/strikethrough]] 102 East 24 St. New York Dec 65 [[blue checkmark]] Henry E Holland. Galway Saratoga Co. Jan. 66 [[strikethrough]] Cap C C Churchill 74 East 22 St [[/strikethrough]] [[blue checkmark]] G. T. Totten M.D. 7. East 31 St. NY R. Pumpelly 324 Fifth Avenue NY [[blue checkmark]] Dr. T. A. Emmet. 73 Madison Avenue (Private Hospital 79) [[strikethrough]] Mr F. H. Cultery 50 West [[/strikethrough]] 45 St. NY Jos. S. Blatchford. 21 W. 12 St. NY Samley [[?]] Dr. E. [[Nollum?]] 115 Cedar St. [[strikethrough]] Col. G. S. [[Sibly?]] 241 West 54 St. NY [[/strikethrough]] Dr. J. S. Newberry 7 West 39' St. NY. (T. 67.) [[blue checkmark]] Dr. S. J. Parker [[Ithaca?]] NY fossils shells etc [[blue checkmark]] W. A. Harnes 378 Broadway: 177 Madison Avenue NY. II. 67 H. R. Helper. Care. Col. Julien Allen 172 Water St. NY II. 67 Geo. Mackenzie General [[Lansathentee?]] Company. 58 Broadway: Pier 50 N.R. deliver cargo day before sailing Clarence King. Care R. M Olephant 114 [[Pepil?]] St I. Buchanan 9 West 17' St. NY. ([[?]]) Dr Besenat 130 East 48' St E. G. Squares 135 E 39' St Geo. Thurbes 110 2. 83' St [[and?]] an agriculturalist [[blue checkmark]] W. J. Hays Studio building 10th [[?]] 6 [[St?]] ( 57 West 15 St) Dr. W. A. Hammond [[strikethrough]] 102 W. 34' St. NY [[/strikethrough]] 43 West 54' St. NY D. Frank W. Reilly 46 East 14' St. NY [[end page]] [[start page]] Henry Union Agent [[Intertropreal?]] Co ) [[?]] to [[?]] [?]] N. J. Room 23: 66 Broadway New York. nw 67 will have collection made Ben Holladay California Oregon Mexico S. S. Co 33 William St NY [[checkmark]] Dr. S. S. Cuttury Cau Samuel Hater & Son [[insertion]] [[?]] 5961 [[/insertion]] 115 Franklen St NY [[insertion]] Dc 67 [[/insertion]] W. A. Dermith & Bros 16 N William St NY Bird eyes V. 68 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Delricks & Co. 68 Broad St P.O. Box 137 Wallace & Hollingsworth 16 No William St. NY Taxidermist [[?]] 68 S. K. Holman P. M. S. S. Co. NY. Hermann Hügel Care Prof. H. D. Urage 298/ 446. W. 14' St NY ms 68 W. M. Wemmer. Wood block maker 113 Nassu St. NY Horace Perkins (105 Nassan St) house 84 [[?]] - 1 [[?]] avenue. Yorkville H. H. Nichols brother in law outstanding service Charles Hinbee 45 Beekman St last window A. S. Bickmore P.O. box 5917 NY (office with Dodge & Co Brown Bros building 59 Wall St NY [[blue checkmark]] Col. Ches. C. Jones Jr 212 Clinton St Brooklyn NY [[insertion]] Augusts St [[/insertion]] (X. 69) H. M. Alden. Ed. Harpers [[strikethrough]] Weekly [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Monthly [[/strikethrough]] Bazaar Mag Care Harpers Bu 1861 A. H. Guernday Miss Mary J Booth D. G. Elliot Care Munro [[?]] 7 Rue [[Icube?]] Paris Dr. J. J. Hayes 20 East 15' St. NY [[circled]] ap 70 [[/circled]] [[blue checkmark]] W. A. Conklon Central Park NY ap. 70 [[annuity?]] [[blue checkmark]] W. J. Blodgelt [[strikethrough]] 267 [[/strikethrough]] 252 Pearl St. F. H. Churchill 126 East 22' St office 33 Pine ap. 70 [[strikethrough]] Capt. C. C. Churchill 35 W 18' St m [[/strikethrough]] [[blue checkmark]] Genio C Scott 171 Broadway NY. John Wallace 19 N. William N. NY Bagent Brothers 47 Ann St. NY Dr. H Berenat 236 East 48' St NY [[circled]] ap. 72 [[/circled]] Amory Edwards Box 1108: office 202 Broadway: Jan. 73 S. S. Cutting 247 President St. Brooklyn [[circled]] Mar 73 [[/circled]] [[blue checkmark]] Caleb Lyon Russville, Staten Island (care Amer Express 67 Cortlandt St. for [[parcels?]] Dc 74 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Frank H. Cushing. Medina. NY. [[circled]] Ledyard May 74 [[/circled]] Wotherspoon & Co. Phoenix Plaster Mills: 426 West 13' St. NY John D. Hicks Old Westbury, Long Island Ny. (Fish) Aug. 74 Patterson Brothers 27 Park Row. Hardware dealers Ny 74 Kirby Brothers: 90 Fulton St. NY Make boxwood ruler any size 74 Napoleon Sarony 680 Broadway [[?]] Photograph Oct 74 W. C. Wyckoff 62 Monroe St. Brooklyn 1874 Barnet Phillips 41 Troy Avenue " [[Ditto for: Brooklyn]] Christian Börs. Swedish - Norwegian Consul NY Demuth & Brs. 91 Walker St. NY Birds eggs Julius Stoerzer 89 Eighth Avenue NY. Nov. 74 Rudolf Hessel care Mr. Prud'homme 108 Canal St. NY Robert L. Stuart 154 Fifth Avenue - 169 Chamber St. NY 74 Thomas W. Fraine 6 Joslyn Park Rochester Professional taxidermy Thomas Bland: room 28. 45 Exchange Place NY (office Met. Mus. Art 74) D. G. Elliott 23 East 38' St. NY 74 Genio C. Scott 615 Broadway NY (75) P. Weber. Glass Shades 50 Barclay St [[line across page]] Adolf [[Bouesky?]]. 220 East 51 St. New York 1875 Dresser of Furs He agrees to do work in best manner Treadway & Co. 506 Broadway dealers in fur seal skins A. Isaacs & Co. 52 Cedar St. Ny. Dealer in sponges Geo.H. Shaffer 243 Fulton Market NY Dealer in [[aples?]] Edward C. Boughton 3 Howard St. Furrier I. A. Baskowitz 137 Mercer St. [[Jns?]] Ruszitz 457 Broadway Furrier Dr. Geo. Duryee 240 Broadway Greenbaum Brothers 45 Murray St. NY James Green. 20 West 4' St (Jul 75) Dr. E. H. Davis 175 East 82 87 NY (Aug. 75) Miller & Coates [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] 279 Pearl St. [[File?]] James Tinker, 60 Wall St. Agent Alaska Commercial [[b? Co?]] Rudolf Hessel care Mr. Frantz 17 Eldridge St. NY. (June 13. 76) Sewall S. Cutting 150 Nassau St. NY. [[circled]] 76 [[/circled]] Dr. Kidder 1380 Paufe St. Brooklyn (76) Churchill C. Cutting. Slater Woolen Co. 83 - 85 Thomas St. NY P.O. box. 1176 (Oct 76) Dr. W. A. Hammond 43 West 54 St. ny F. H. Churchill [[strikethrough]] 27 East 24th St. NY (77) [[/strikethrough]] 126 East 22' St 1878 [[end page]] [[start page]] New York Robert R. Wiseman. 121 Howard Avenue. Utica NY. Fish Artist [[protege?]] of Geo. Seymore Joseph C. Willetts. Skaneateles NY T. B. Ferguson 18 West 38' St NY. 77 (when in NY Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives John Gilbert. Penn Yan. Yates Co. Birds June 70 J. W. Putnam. Putnam Mfg Co. 13 Hatt St. New York Prof. G. F. Comfort. Care Harpers N.Y. W. J. Hays. Studio Building. 51 West 10' St. New York. May 71 E. Bierstadt. 932 Broadway. Albertype printer May. 71 [[checkmark]] L. E. Chittenden 25 West 38' St. NY. Mar. 71 [[checkmark]] Edwin. N. Dickerson. 7 Warren St. NY. House 62 East 34' St. Dr. Berendt. 236 E. 48' St. Capt. C.C. Churchill. 49 West 32' St. NY Oct. 71 Wendt [[&?]] Rammelsberg. Box 529. 40 Broadway. Agent for Baltic Lloyd Stettin American mail S.S. Co. [[bull?]] Send parcels free of [[?]] [[Au?]] [[layi?]] Charges of [[?]] 60 shilling 15.00 for ten: Dr. J.J. Hayes Care Union League Club. NY: [[parcels?]] to Studio Building 51 [[?]] [[checkmark]] H.S. Fuller. Rural New Yorker. Baron R. Ostensacken. 39 East 19' St. or Union Club NY. [[Jul.? Feb.?]] 72 John Byrne. 630 Fifth St. New York [[checkmark]] Geo. Shepard Page. 10 Warren St. New York [[checkmark]] Prof. Hamilton L. Smith. Hobart College: Geneva NY Rev. S.S. Cutting. Box 5961. NY. [[checkmark]] Gorham Boardman 115 [[strikethrough]] Franklin St. [[/strikethrough]] Wall St. NY R. August Witthaus Jr. 34 West 35' St. New York .73 J.W. Hone. Foreman Composing room. Periodicals Harpers Bro [[strikethrough]] R.R. Henry [[/strikethrough]] [[Hitch?]] Marsh " " [[Ditto for: Foreman Compsing]] Books " [[Ditto for: Harpers]] R.R. Sinclair. Manuscript Clerk A.J. Drummond. 194 Montgomery St. Jersey City. (photo engraver) [[checkmark]] Amory Edwards. 1 Banley St. P.O. box 1758 Ap. 73 Caleb Lyon. Rossville. Staten Island NY [[checkmark]] E.G. Squier. 5 Stevens House. 4 W. 27' St. NY June 73 Dr. E.H. Davis. 76 Meserole Avenue: Greenpoint East Brooklyn. June 73 [[checkmark]] Marshall [[Cowing?]] 137 East 46' St. NY Oct 73 Dr. C. Rau 335 Broome St. NY. [[checkmark]] Joseph H. Batty. Bath. Kings Co. NY Also care of American [[Apunchurch?]] [[?]] [[checkmark]] Dr. H. Carrington Bolton. Box 5. Station Z. NY. House 49 West 51' St. I. Stoerzer (J. Stoerzer, [[strikethrough]] Ulrich & Riedeb. [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] 16 N. William St. NY. Taxidermist. 1873 F. S. Webster 58 [[?]] Avenue. [[?]] NY. (Taxid) [[checkmark]] John Burroughs. Middletown. NY. Rudolf [[Herrl?]]. [[strikethrough]] 66 Eldridge St. NY Care Mr. Simon. 109 Hester St. NY [[/strikethrough]] W. E. [[Garrit?]]: American [[Shilsmy?]] Co 72 Park Place. NY. Ap. 74 W.P. Garrison. The Nation. 5 Beekman St. NY. 74 Hollender. Wood [[cases?]] 64 [[Crosby?]] St. NY [[end page]] [[start page]] 41 [[pencil]] New York [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] New York [[/underlined]] Prof. O.W. Morris. New York Geo. N. Lawrence " [[Ditto for: New York]] House [[strikethrough]] 39 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 45 [[/insertion]] E. 21st St. [[insertion]] N. Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[Sud?]] [[/insertion]]. Store corner [[insertion]] 172 [[/insertion]] Pearl Pine [[insertion]] B [[/insertion]] [[Blue checkmark]] Jno. G. Bell " [[Ditto for: New York]] [[insertion]] 1 [[/insertion]] B. 1 [[strikethrough]] 339 [[/strikethrough]] 335 Broadway Jno. H. Redfield, 16 South St Dr. Jno. Lorrey. US. Assay Office B .1 Dr. Jno. C. Jay. Mamaroneck NY. 1 Jacob P. Girard Poughkeepsie B. Dc. 1 [[Blue checkmark]] [[strikethrough]] Carcon C. [[/strikethrough]] J.Carson Brevoort, [[insertion]] 15 [[Halsey Bloch?]] [[/insertion]] Bedford near Brooklyn [[insertion]] Care Jas. Lefferts 44 Broad St. NY [[/insertion]] B. Dc. Thos. B. Arden. Garrisons. Putnam Co. (Ent) [[insertion]] [[underlined]] 15 Halsay Building. 335 Fuller St. [[?]] [[/insertion]] [[Blue checkmark]] Prof. James Hall Albany Jno. Gebhard Jr. " [[Ditto for: Albany]] [Blue checkmark] Jno. E. Gavilt " [[Ditto for: Albany]] NewYork Prest. Am. Bank Note Co. Dr. Safford E. Hale Elizabethtown Essex Co. m B. Dc. Jno. F. Boynton. Syracuse Milote Baker Saranac lake m Dc E. A. Dayton Madrid St. Lawrence Co W. E. Guest Ogdensburg Dc H. Davis [[strikethrough]] Waterville [[/strikethrough]] [[Remiven?]] Miss Susan F. Cooper Geneva NY m B. [[strikethrough]] D. N. Couch. care Geo. A. Cracker 32 Cliff Street NY [[strikethrough]] [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] Baulay & Couch 72 John St. NY [[/insertion]] [[/strikethrough]] Milltown NY Dc [[blue checkmark]] Robert Howell, Nichols, Tioga Co. m B. Dc. [[strikethrough]] Dr. R. P. Stevens, [[Ceres?]] Allegheny Co. [[/strikethrough]] Mass. Dr. H. P. Sartwell, Pen^[[insertion]] n [[/insertion]]yan, Yates Co Dc Prof. E. S. H. Allen Troy Bot Dr. J Hexamer Maier 133 Franklin street [[strikethrough]] Geo. B. Warren. Troy Dc B 1 [[/strikethrough]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 42 [[strikethrough]] E. W Hubbard. Bentley, Staten Isl. Ny. [[/strikethrough]] [[Cretaceous ?]] [[foruliy?]] [[NJ ?] Geo. W. Oakley. Scipio[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]ville Cayuga Co. [[strikethrough]] Prof. Wm. Hopkins, Lima B Dc l [[/strikethrough]] see N.J. W.A. Thomas, Irvington West Chester Co. (Ent) [[blue checkmark]] Dr. G. J. Fisher, Sing Sing (Ent) B Dc Dr. H. O. Tallmadge Kees[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]]ville [[strikethrough]] Dr. A. J. Skilton, Troy m [[/strikethrough]] Dead [[blue checkmark]] James Lewis, Mohawk Dc [[strikethrough]] Prof. J. W. Bailey Military Academy Westpoint [[/strikethrough]] Dead Thomas Barlow, Canastota (Ent) [[blue checkmark]] Robert H. Brownne, New York 302 West 43' St Prof. Chester Dewey, Rochester Dc Prof. E. Emmons, Albany m Dr. Asa Fitch [[strikethrough]] Salem Westchester Co [[/strikethrough]] East Greenwich Washington Co. Dc C. A. Spencer, [[strikethrough]] [[Canastota?]], Madison Co [[/strikethrough]] Albany Ledyard Lincklaen, Cazenovia [[strikethrough]] Col. Jewett Albany B [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Theo. Gill ( 255 Dean St. Brooklyn care Jno. G. Bell NY) Fish [[blue checkmark]] Peter Reid [[strikethrough]] Lake P.O., Washington [[/strikethrough]] Co. [[strikethrough]] [[Battenville?]] Co [[/strikethrough]] East Greenwich Wash. Co [[orn?]] - [[?]] m Dc [[blue checkmark]] W. J. Weeks Yaphank Taxidermist B. Dc. [[black checkmark]] Wm. F. Steel Macedon Centre, (Birds) B. Dc [[blue checkmark]] J. H. Norton, Plainville Onondaga Co. m Eggs B. Dc [[blue checkmark]] J. Akhurst 92 Prospect St Brooklyn [[Orn?]] Ent B Thomas Bland [[strikethrough]] 108 Wall St 26 Burling Street [[/strikethrough]] NY 34 1/2 Pine St Oct. 68 [[malacologist???]] W. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] H. Edwards. [[?]] New York & Newburg Ent. B Dc (40 wall St. pro tem) [[strikethrough]] V. G. Audubon [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] [[Geo?]] B [[Wassen?]] Troy Dc [[/strikethrough]] Stephen Calverly. Adelphi St. Brooklyn Entom. W. A. Rousseau. 250 River St. Troy Dc [[blue checkmark]] James Eastman, Washington Mills. Oneida Co. [[Jn?]] J. B. Ashton, North White Creek. Washington Co. NY Lepidop. Carl. Fried Jung Care G. Irene. Barclay St. NY. Lepidop Dc Prof. Jaeger, 379 Adelphi St. Brooklyn. Entom. Edward Norton. Custom House, and 44 Irving. Place. NY. (Care NY mail S.S. Co. N. Orleans Ap. 64. [[Lep?]] Dc [[end page]] [[start page]] 43 Capt. J. M. Dow [[strikethrough]] 57 Seventh Avenue [[/strikethrough]] NY 69. 7' [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] Avenue (Oct 69) Henry A. Danker 113 Ninth St. Troy B Birds Edward Dunham [[of?]] Dunham [[Co.?]][[underlined]] 13 William St. NY Dc [[orn?]] B Wm. H. Wickham [[strikethrough]] Office Cale S.S. Co. [[Care? Corner?]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives West [[Warren?]] NY. [[/strikethrough]] Mr. Raymonds locum tenens. June /[[69?]] David B. Taylor. U.S. Despatch Agent. 130 Nassau St. NY [[blue checkmark]] Chas. P. Davis 357 Genesee St. Utica Dc. Eggs .1. C. D. Budd. P. M. Turin Lewis Co. Dr. J. G. Cooper 404 Fourth St. NY. Dr. D. C. Peters 196 West 23' St. NY [[&?]] J. L. Bode. 15 North William St. NY Taxidermist Rev. R. J. W. Buckland. Sing Sing. Shells Dc Jas. Trent [[strikethrough]] 380 S. 4' St. Jersey City [[/strikethrough]] Room 17 No 37 [[Park Row?]] NY (1864) J. W. Raymond. Prest. N. Atlantic S.S.Co. 88 Wall St. Box 2275. NY G. A. Raymond. Brooklyn. Care Tappen & Starbuck 77 Water St. NY [[blue checkmark]] Geo. B. Warren. Troy Dc. B. 1 [[checkmark]] J. Lewis. Granville Corners Washington Co. Dc. b. Birds E. L. Graef[[strikethrough]] f.[[/strikethrough]] 181 Livingston St. Brooklyn. [[underline]] Entom [[/underline]] [[checkmark]] F. H. Wolcott. Astoria L.I. 1. Temple Prime. Care Prime Co. [[strikethrough]] 54 Wall St. [[/strikethrough]] 26 Broad St. ([[? 65?]]) NY. House 113 W. 14' St. [[bird? conch?]] D. G. Elliot, [[strikethrough]] 25 East 114 St. NY [[/strikethrough]] 27 [[West?]] 33rd De. B. [[pencil]] New Hamburg NY [[/pencil]] bird [[blue checkmark]] W. T. Goldsmith. Rochester. Dc. b. Dr. E. W. Hubbard. Bentley. Staten Island NY. Shells [[vertical line]] Packages care of J. F. Trippe & Co. 90 Warren St. NY Entom Dr. N. C. Husted. 217 West 42' St. Ny. Ento C. Dimmick. Brockport. [[?]] [[Pal.?]] Bot. Ent. Lorenzo Stratton. Little Valley. NY. A. J. Dallas. [[underlined]] Central Park Office [[/underlined]] [[Aripp?]] in Chief. New York James Angus. West Farms West Chester Co. NY Insects etc [[blue checkmark]] Henry Rousseau. Troy. Shells Buel Conklin. Cold Spring. L. I. [[red line]] Wm. A. Mason. Box 2895 Buffalo [[underlined]] shells [[/underlined]] Ch. W. A. Hermann. 170 13th St. [[bet?]] 1' - 2' av NY Dealer in mammals Wm. Zimmermann. Care G. Zimmermann Pine Hill Nursery. Buffalo. [[research?]] birds [[strikethrough]] Wm. T. Nason. [[/strikethrough]] P Panama RR. Ships. Care Jas. F. Jay Pier 17 East River [[foot?]] of Pine J. A. Lintner. Schoharie. NY. ([[Lepidop.]]) J. W. Weidemeyer. 19 Joralemon St. Brooklyn [[Lepid.?]] Wm. Gray. Care of E. [[Corning?]] Jr. Albany. 1. [[Lepidop?]] Thom B. Heinstreet. Troy Birds Ch. W. A. Herrmann. 627 Broadway Minerals Geo. Gibbs. 261 Greene St. NY [[blue checkmark]] Philo Cowing. Seneca Falls NY. Birds Thos. Egleston Jr. 10. 5' St. NY Theo. T. Johns[[strikethrough]]ton[[/strikethrough]]on. Sec. P. M. S.S. Co. NY. Arthur M. Edwards. [[strikethrough]] 93 Liberty St. NY [[/strikethrough]] see N Jersey [[?]] [[strikethrough]] 49 Jane St. 314 W 34' St. [[/strikethrough]] [[blue checkmark]] A. J. Cotheal East River Ins. Co. NY House 319. 5' Av NY Baron R. Ostensacken. 291 5th Avenue. NY W. H. Edwards 40 Wall St. NY. (Nov 62) Temple Prime 113 W. 14' St. NY Care Prime [[Co?]] 54 Wall St Aug. R. Grote. Box [[strikethrough]] 3944 [[/strikethrough]] P.O. NY. Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[Tesford?]] Box 6167. NY J.H. & T. S[[strikethrough]]antor[[/strikethrough]] Sauter Naturalists. 15 Frankfort St. NY. Ap. 66 Frank L. Pope "Telegrapher" 16 Broad St. NY [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [from the top to bottom] [map of the state of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia] [right-bottom of the map] No11 Map OF THE MIDDLE STATES AND PART OF THE SOUTHERN. Engraved to Illustrate MITCHELL'S School and Family Geography. EXPLANATION. The Capital of states are represented thus * Country Towns Rail Road_____ Canals______ The figures attached to the Cities and Towns indicate the number of thousands of the population thus New York 516 signifies 516.000 inhabitants. The figures attached to the Rivers indicate the number of hundreds of miles of their length of course thus the Hudson River 35 signifies 350 miles long. These characters [some symbols] signify steam boat,ship and ship navigation the distance of which from the sea in miles is pointed out by the attached figures. Remarkable battles are pointed out by a flag thus [a symbol of flag] the attached figures indicate the year which they took place. Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[F?]] 46 Dr. J. H. Slack: Troutdale. Bloomsbury, N. J. Prof. Arthur Mead Edwards 241 Broad St. Newark NJ May 72 A. I. Nafis. Agr Pittsburg & Western Company. Refrigerator Line. 192 Green St. Jersey City (R.C. Meldrum corn Randolph & LaSalle N. [[Ches?]] Antonio Gibson. Port Monmouth N. J. fisherman: will collect Milton Holmes Supt. Ocean Front Factory Port Monmouth. NJ Prof W.H.B. Thomas [[Newlen?]] Sussex Co. (74) Thomas Donaldson 346 N. 40 St Corner of Baring. (1884) [[end page]] [[start page]] 47 [[pencil]] New Jersey [[/pencil]] Yh Yh [[underlined]] New Jersey [[/underlined]] Chas. Ashmead, Beesley's Point, Cape May Co. B Dc Dr. W. Kitchell, State Geologist, Newark Prof. Robert L. Cooke, Bloomfield N.J. [[blue checkmark]] Prof. Geo. H. Cook, New Brunswick (chem) [[blue checkmark]] Rev John H. Brakeley,. Bordentown, Dc Dr. S. T. Locke " [[ditto for: Bordentown]] Dc [[blue checkmark]] Dr. Geo. C. Brown. Mt. Holly. Birds reptiles & B. Dc [[strikethrough]] William Cooper, Hoboken [[/strikethrough]] m .B Dr. P.D. Knieskern Shark River, Monmouth Co, Dc [[blue checkmark]] Rev. Samuel Lockwood, Keyport, Monmouth Co, Dc Thos. Beesley [[strikethrough]] Denisville [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Gashen Cafe NY Co [[/strikethrough]] Cafe May C.H. (1867) N.J. Dc. [[strikethrough]] Samuel Ashmead Beesley M. [[/strikethrough]] B. Dc. 1. [[red mark]] O. R. [[Wiltes?]], Freehold. Monmouth Co. c [[blue checkmark]] Wm. G. Binney 111 Union St. Burlington Jas. Trent 380 . S. 4' St. Jersey City [[blue checkmark]] E. A. Carman. Newark. Dc. b. birds et [[blue checkmark]] Chas. H. Kain, Marlton, Burlington Co. Eggs sp [[blue checkmark]] Ed. F. Roberts. South Amboy. Dc. Reps & eggs [[strikethrough]] Edward Harris. Morristown. " [[ditto for: Dc]][[/strikethrough]] Nathl. H. Bishop, Pointsville, Burlington Co. Eggs [[strikethrough]] W. G. Binney , Burlington [[strikethrough]] J. A. Wood , Crosswicks, N.J. Prof. W. Hopkins, Metuchen, Middlesex Co. Birds. Dr. Charles Siedhof. N. Hoboken, Hudson G. (General) Nov. 62 Rich. E. Galbraith, West Hoboken. Tax. Oct. 64 C.N. Riotte . [[strikethrough 273 Bloomfield [[/strikethrough]] St. 74 Garden St. Hoboken (VI. 67) Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 48 [[blue checkmark]] Dr. H. C. Wood Jr. 1706 Chestnut St. Phila. [[circled]] Dec. 71 [[/circled]] Charles J. Cohen J. H. Jenkins. Northumberland, Pa} Steuben Jenkins, Wyoming. Pa } Collection of Antiquities to be [[deposited] in S.I. [[Feb? June?]] 74 Elwood R. Norny. 136 N. 2' St. Phila. [[Rastpub.?]] [[Mar.? Nov.?]] 11. 74 Schneider, Pachtman & Kraus. 232 Carter St. Phil. (Aug.74) [[Turners?]] bird [[Stands?]] Prof. Geo. F. Barker. [[strikethrough]] 408 South 41' St. Phila. 74 [[/strikethrough]] 3909 [[Louis?]] John Wagner. Chairman Zool. Soc. Philade. [[strikethrough]] 35 [[/strikethrough]] 230 South Third St. H. W. Smith. Falls Schuylkill. Phil. has [[?]] things will exchange for [[newest?]] Charles E. Hall (Son of Prof Hall) 1008 Clinton St. Phila. Edwin Sheppard. 2025 N. 17 St. Phila. (75) Dr. Gervin 3924 Walnut St. W. Phil. 76 Mr. Beal. 153 N. 4'. Glan [[strikethrough]] Shule?[[/strikethrough]] & Carl Maher [[line across page]] Pennsylvania [[blue checkmark]] J. D. Sergeant [[strikethrough]] 420 Walnut St. Phila. [[/strikethrough]] 342 South 15 [[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] [[strikethrough]] along new [[spread?]] [[/strikethrough]] Phila J. Aitken Meigs M.D. [[strikethrough]] 1531 Lombard St.[[/strikethrough]] Phil. 423 S. Broad St. (May 68) [[Minchin?]] & Thompson 243 Arch. Phila [[blue checkmark]] Rev. E. R. Beadle. [[strikethrough]] 1824 Delancey Place. [[/strikethrough]] Phil. [[line]] May 64 [[strikethrough]] 205 South 6 [[/strikethrough]] St 8 ' St. below Walnut Phila Dr. J.H. Slack. 1701 Spruce Phil (T. 65) R. Dougan. Washington, Pa. ([[Microscope?]]) T. 65 [[check mark]] Geo. W. Kendrick. Box 349. Lancaster Pa. Birds Henry Cohen. 507 Chestnut St. Phil. Successor to [[underlined]] Allyn Bacon Box maker T. 65 [[/underlined]] [[Christ.]] Ward. 34 N. 13' St. Phila N.J. Wemmer [[insertion]] & son [[/insertion]] 215 Pear St. Phila. Buchard III. 66 Dr. H. Allen. 21 North 10' St. Phila W.J. Turnbull | 101 South [[?]] [[insertion]] Front [[/insertion]] St. [[Ph?]] W. Butcher 701 South 10 St. Phil. T. 67 Tryon Reakirt 355 N 31 St " [[Ditto for: Phil.]] Haller & Samuel. Fruit Jars 459. N. 2' St. Phil. 67 - Make quart to 5 gallon Edwin Sheppard. [[strikethrough]] 1835 [[insertion]] 1734 [[/insertion]] Colombia Avenue. Phil May 69 [[/strikethrough]] No. 17' St [[[below?]] diamond [[?]] Henry Horan. 1721 Thompson St. Phila [[end page]] 49 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [start page]] [[underlined]] Pennsylvania [[/underlined]] [[Jno. Cakin Phila?]] Philadelphia Dr. J. M. da Silva Coutinho. 122 N. 32' St Prof. E. D. Cope. [[to]] 900 [[insertion]] 2102 [[/insertion]] Pine St. Phila Prof. J B. Reis 925 Vine St. Phila (ap. 77) C. Rovere. 3222 Spring Garden St. Phil late of Portuguese Comm[[.]] dealer in Portuguese[[wine??]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 48 Dr. H.C. Wood Jr. -- 1706 Chestnut St, Phila. (Dec. - 71) Charles J. Cohen. Collection, [[???**]] **Aulegusters** [[**???]] to be detailed [[Sample preprinted letterhead]] BOARD ----Col. S. C. LYFORD, War Dept., Chairman Adm'l THORNTON A. JENKINS, Navy Dept. Hon. R. W. TAYLER, Treasury Department, Gen. JOHN EATON, Interior " Dr. C. F. MACDONALD, Post Office " WILLIAM SAUNDERS, Esq., Agricultural Dept. Prof. SPENCER F. BAIRD, Smithsonian Institution and Commission of Food Fishes. WM. A. DECAUDRY, Secretary ----Col. JOSEPH S. CONRAD, U.S.A., Div's, Officer International Exhibition, 1876. ----BOARD ON BEHALF U.S. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION U.S. Government Building, Centennial Grounds, West Philadelphia, Pa.,...............1876 [[** END of Letterhead **]] Henry Horan., 1721 Thompson St. Phila [[NEW PAGE]] Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ============ Jno. Cassin, Phila. B |1 713 Jayne St. Bowen Cr. Dr. Jos. Leidy " B Maj. Jno. Leconte " B| Dr. Jno. L. Leconte " 1. Jno. Kreider " B A. Galbraith " B Prof S.S. Haldeman, Columbia B Dr. F.E. Melsheimer, [[overstrike**]] Dover York Cir. [[**end overstrike]] Davidsburg, York 6 Wm. M. Baird, Reading B.D: 1. Prof. T.C. Porter, Lancaster Pa. Easton Pa. J.F. Thicksteen, Meadville Pa. bc Prof. L.D. Williams " bc Dr. Wm. Darlington, Westchester Pa. m.b.1 Geo. Smith, Upper Darby, Delaware Co. (my mrkt) B. D. DC T.A. Conrad, Care Sol. C. N.W. corner Trout Market Phila Isaac Lea. Phila. B 1 1622 Locust St. [[overstrike**]] Samuel Ashmead [[**end overstrike]] Beeslyn Point, N.J. O.S. Long, Meadville [[overstrike**]] Dr. Alfred T. King, Greensburg [[**end overstrike]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Philade., Dead Rev. Thos. P. Hunt, Wyoming, Pa. Dr. Ezra Michoner, Avondale, Chester Co. B. De. 1 Fehelon Darlington Jacob Stauffler Marrot Joy m b. D. Wm. S. Vaux, Phila. [[overstrike**]] Spruce [[overstrike**]] Arch St. Jos. A. Clay " Vincent Barnard, Kennett Square P.O. Chester Co. birst Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 50 James Wood. West Haverford Carlton R. Moore. N. 3 [[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] St. Philada H. J. Beyerle. M.D. Nippenose. Lycoming Co. Dc [[strikethrough]] [[H./Lt?]] G. Binney Germantown, Pa. Germantown RR [[/strikethrough]] Burleigh N.J. 4' Station Turnpike Bridge second on right and take [[/strikethrough]] 2nd house on right Dr. J.C. Morris. 613 Spruce St. Phila. Ichth C. Dexler. 22 almond St. below Front [[strikethrough]] Philada. Taxidermist [[/strikethrough]] [[Washington?]] H.A. Brickenstein Nazareth Hall. Northhampton Co. D Jas. Mae Minn. Williamsfort B Dc Samuel Brugger. Fleming Centre Co. Dc [[strikethrough]] Dr Ezra Michener. Avondale Chester Co. Pa [[/strikethrough]] Brackenridge Clemens M.D. Easton. Entom. Lepidoptera dead E. D. Cope [[strikethrough]] Care J.B. Garrett E.C & J. Biddle. Miner St Phila. [[/strikethrough]] Herpetology [[strikethrough]] (Box 2120 P.O.) [[/strikethrough]] Box 746 P.O [[strikethrough]] 1 Walnut St. Phil [[/strikethrough]] 578 South 13 Dec 62 E.T. Cresson [[strikethrough]] Penna RR office. [[/strikethrough]] Phila. [[Ent?]] 1 ( [[strikethrough]] 728 Erie St. Phil) 1310 South [[/strikethrough]] St (Oct. 61) J.D. Rhoads. Carlisle. Care of Alex. H. Barnitz 120 North St. Balt [[care Liam Frendly? Lundy? - w?]] Dr. Wm. Hartman. West Chester. Entomol. H.V. Bocking, Olivia, Blair Co. Bot. Mam. Dc John Jay Libhart, Marietta Pa. Zool. D. S. Giering, Emaus. Lehigh Co. Gm N.H D. George Newman. [[insertion]] 1242 [[/insertion]] South St. below 13. Phila. Entom. James Ridings. South St. West of 13 Entom. [[strikethrough]] S. Giering, P.M. Emaus [[Penn.?]] Zool [[/strikethrough]] Charles B. Sheppard. Westchester. eggs. D. J.F. Knight. Philada. Entom. Wm. S. Wood. Corner [[Oak &?]] Rose St. West Philadelphia [[insertion]] Margaret Pearsall [[/insertion]] John Pearsall. 1328 South 2d St. Phila. Taxid. Entom. Coll Robert Jack, 1302 South St. Phila. Entom. P.W. Sheafer. Pottville Dc W.T. Abbott. Reading. Taxid Dc Jas H. B. Bland. 134 Market St. Phil. Entem. [[Coleop?]] Y. Schafhert. Kulpsville, [[Montgr?]] Co John [[Kinder?]]. corner 2nd [[Chestnut?]] Dr. Van der Weyde 1714 Gerard Avenue. Phil. VI .67 [[end page]] [[start page]] 57 [[pencil]] Delaware [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Delaware [[/underlined]] Dr. S. W. Woodhouse. Fort Delaware Dr. J. M. Cardeza Claymont Dr. A. L Heermann 921 Market St. Wilmington Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives T. G. Cochrane Chester eggs [[line across page]] Pennsylvania [[strikethrough]] H. J. Biddle 1024 Walnut St. Phil office 326 Walnut [[/strikethrough]] Thos. Baird Carlisle 1 James Hamilton Carlisle 1 J. D. Sergeant 131 South 5' St. Phil. 342 S. 15 Prof. J Ennis [[NW?]] corner 12' Chestnut [[strikethrough]] Lewis Schneider, 814 Wood St. S. W. Corner 90 South St. Ph III 66 [[/strikethrough]] Phil [[strikethrough]] care Harvey & Ford Goldsmith Hall [[/strikethrough]] [[Library?]] St. J. H. Cooper [[strikethrough]] 413 N. 7th St. Ohio [[/strikethrough]] 1834 Brandywine St. [[strikethrough]] 2' door E. of 79' [[/strikethrough]] Phila. (or to 56 N. 7 St) Thos. Scattergood 50 Callowhill Phila. [[Herp?]] Hands line Steamers Phila to Georgetown Thos Webster Jr 14 N. [[Whawa? wharves?]] Phila leaves Saturday 12 m. (Georgetown Friday morning [[6 cents?]] for [[first?]] R. Murphy Tile cutter 226 N. 4' St. Phil Calvin Wadhams Wilkesbarre reptiles [[blue checkmark]] Geo. Hensel Lancaster Birds [[blue checkmark]] Issac E. Windle Westchester Pa. [[checkmark]] birds, eggs etc R. G. Curtin 219 N. Water St. Phila. reptiles John Brees Wyoming Pa birds [[blue checkmark]] J. Sharpe Nixon Druggist. Chambersburg, Pa. birds etc. Joseph C. Martindale. M.D. Fox Chase Pa [[blue checkmark]] Dr. F. Saurmann Bustleton Phila birds [[blue checkmark]] W. G. Grash Marietta Pa [[ditto mark under birds]] Wm. Richardson Tile cutter Adam [[Street?]] Frankford Phila Thos. Llewellyn Old Log Cabin Wissahickon. Phila Jas. H. B. Bland 134 Market St. Phila (Ent.) [[blue checkmark]] S. S. Rathvon :Lancaster Pa Entom. Thos. Scattergood Box 536 P.O. Philada. Reptiles Geo. W. Tryon 625 Market St [[blue checkmark]] J. H. [[McHram? McIlvain?]] Corner [[strikethrough]] 34' & Market. West Phila. [[/strikethrough]] [[blue pencil]] Slot [[/blue]] H. G. Bruckert and J. B Erhleman Lancaster [[Ins?]] [[blue checkmark]] D. Robert L. Walker [[strikethrough]] Moorehead [[/strikethrough]] Mansfield P.O. [[Alleghejny?]] Co. Pa. birds etc W. T. Hariss. Woods Mine Kirks Mills P. O. Lancaster Co. / Express [[direct? director?]] Oxford Station P & Balt Central RR Chester Co [[blue checkmark]] J. P. Norres 1424 Walnut St. Phila. Eggs Geo. P. Pilling Blowpipe maker [[strikethrough]] 21 S 7' St Phil [[/strikethrough]] 701 Chestnut St Phl [[blue checkmark]] Mrs M. D. Biddle 1623 Walnut Robert Swift 1618 [[Locust?]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 52 J. Rea 701. N. 19 St. Phil. bird [[Engraver?]] ap 66 Edum Sheppard [[strikethrough]] 232 N 2' St. 1834 Master St Phil. ap. 66 [[/strikethrough]] V. 67 1835 [[Columbia?]] Avenue Geo. H. Horn M.D. 876 N.4' St. Phila VI. 66 Rev. E. R Beadle. 205 South 6' St. Phila Aug 66 [[blue checkmark]] Prof. T. C. Porter. Lafayette College Easton. Pa. Oct. 66 [[blue checkmark]] Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. 1332 Walnut St. Phila (1867) J. H. Richard [[strikethrough]] 123 South 3d St, [[/strikethrough]] Phila Oct. 68 N.[[strikethrough]] [[W]] [[/strikethrough]] W. corner Harmony Court & [[Hudson?]] St. Jules Bailly [[strikethrough]] 253 South 6' St. Phila [[Strikethrough]] 216 South 10' St. Phil. (Mar 70) [[blue checkmark]] J. H. M. [[Hvaan?]] #3305 Baring St. [[blue strikethrough]] W. Phila office 3711 Lancaster [[/blue strikethrough]] Avenue / 1869 / Dr. H. B. Butcher 838 N. 19' St. Phil. Dec. 69 S. S. Haldeman Chickies Lancaster Co. (Nov. 70) [[a vertical line to the right of the above two entries]] W. A. Long. Oxford. [[Chester Co. Pa. has Indian Coll [[blue checkmark]] Dr. Joseph. Ludy. 1302 Filbert St. [[blue checkmark]] W. S. Washburn. care [[J R?, J N?, M?]] Lippincott. Phila. John H. Richard 3502 ^ [[insertion]] Ridge Wood [[/insertion]] Falls Schuylkill. Phila. Mrs. S. Bowen. 1843 Mervine St. Philad. Prof. G.F. Barker [[strikethrough]] 408 S. 41st St. Phila [[/strikethrough]] (Univ. Penn) 1873 3909 Locust St. 1875 Dr. John L. Leconte 1625 Spruce St. Phil. (ap. 74) [[blue checkmark]] F.S. Strecker, Reading. Penn V. 71 Schneider, Pachtmann & Kraus. 232 Carter St. Phila. ([[May?]] 74) [[?]] Dr. Montroville W. [[strikethrough]] Dickens [[/strikethrough]] Dickeson, 211 Lombard St. Phil 1874 Waller Van Fleet. Watsontown. [[Northumb. Co]] Taxidermist. Edwin Sheppard. 2025 N. 17' St. Phil. Saml. Baird 1080 Spruce (Oct 75) Theo. L. Harrison. 1112 Walnut (221 South 18') office 10 N Merrick St. opp. Public building Thomas Donaldson. [[strikethrough]] 3829. Lancaster Avenue [[/strikethrough]] West Philad 132 N. 40' St. Corner 41' - [[Baring??]] Dr. H. Brynt Bay. 341. 32' St. Corner Hamilton. West Phil. Lieut. H. Metcalfe 3517 Hamilton St. West Philada. W. P. Blake. Corner Preston and Hutton St. (bet. 40 - 41) West Phila. Professer Archer. 41'a Myrtle St. West Philada Dr. Wm. H. Wahl. Forrest building 119 South 4' St. Philadelphia Lt. Chas. M. Thomas U.S.N. 1816 Rittenhouse Square. Phil. [[circled]] Mar.77 [[/circled]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[in pencil]] Maryland [[strikethrough]] District Columbia [[/strikethrough]] [[/in pencil]] 53 [[underlined]] Maryland [[/underlined]] B. O. Lowndes Bladensburg Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Rev. Dr. Jno. G. Morris, Baltimore [[insertion]] 106 Green St. [[/insertion]] m. B. J Jacob Bowers, 510 West Sanatoga Street. B Wm. D. Breckenridge, Germantown near Balto. [[blue checkmark]] John Donnell Smith. 85 Park St. Balt. [[strikethrough]] Wm. B. Blaney. 95 Smiths Wharf, Balt [[/strikethrough]] [[blue checkmark]] Philip R. Uhler. 162 [[strikethrough]] 164 [[/strikethrough]] Franklin St. (IV. 67) Baltimore. [[insertion in blue]] Peabody [[Smallville?]] Entom. [[Neuwrop. Hemip.?]] [[vertical line through entries below]] Ed. Whilant Balt B. D. I R. L. Chaney, West River, Md. Gn D. Dr. ^[[insertion]] A [[/insertion]] McWilliams. Leonardtown, Md Dc [[strikethrough]] Rev.[[/strikethrough]] O. H. Tiffany, 275 West Lexington St. Balt. [[strikethrough]] Alex. Wollah. Taxidermist. Corner Broadway [[Hassen?]] St. Balt [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Dr. W.A. Hammond 36 Franklin St. Balt [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Rev. W Hamilton 22 Calhoun St. Balt [[/strikethrough]] Franklin corner of Poppleton [[/vertical line]] Dr. Ed. Foreman. [[strikethrough]] Catonsville [[/strikethrough]] [insertion]] 256 East Baltimore St. [[may?]] 71 [[/insertion]] Balt Co. (Nov. 63) [[blue checkmark]] Alex. Wolle No 30 / Second St. Baltimore. Taxidermist IV. 65 [[blue checkmark]] Dr. J. Lee McComas. Oakland. Allegheny L. Ind. 1868 [[blue checkmark]] Oliver N. Bryan. Marshall Hall P.O. Hunter Davidson, Commissioner Maryland Fishery Force. Cambridge Md. [[blue checkmark]] T. B. Ferguson. 192 N. Charles St. Balt. [[circled]] Feb.74 [[/circled]] Alexander Kent. 219 East Baltimore St. Baltimore. Oct. 74 Rev. R. G. Chaney. 262 Lanvale St. Balt. Mar. 76. R. Hessil. Care Supt. Faul. Druid Hill Park. Letters to [[strikethrough]] care A. Wolls 2 Eaton St. Balt [[/strikethrough]] care J. D. Sauerberg. 29. N. Charles St Balt My 76 John Bishop. Cavetown. Washington Co. Md L. E. McComas Hagerstown Md W. L. Bailie: Eng. U.S.N. 317. Landvale St. Baltimore / Nov [[?4]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 54 [[pencil]] Dist. Columbia [[/pencil]] Rev. J. N Davis. New Creek Station. W. Va. will collect facts about fish Walter Staples. Christiansburg Montgomery [[W. Va?]] [[blue ]] W. H. Edwards. Coalburg Kanawha Co. [[W. V?]] Parcels to care John A. Robinson 69 W, 4th St.[[Cinncinnati?]] [[blue ]] Jas. E.A. Gibbs. Steels Tavern. Virginia. [[end page]] [[start page]] 55 [[pencil]] Dist. Columbia Virginia [[/pencil]] [[underline]] Virginia [[/underlined]] Lt. R. F. Astrop. Crichtons store, Brunswick Co Dc. Marshall McDonald [[strikethrough]] Wood Lea Hampshire Co. B [[/strikethrough]] Lexington [[blue ]] Thos. N. Kercheval, Romney Jedediah Hotchkip, Massey Creek, Augusta Co. B Dr. [[insertion]] A. F. [[/insertion]] Grinnan, [[strikethrough]] Madison C.H. [[/strikethrough]] Orange Coll. V. Rev. Chas. Mann, Gloucester C.H. .w. D. Dr. W.B. Beck U.S.N. Fredericksburg Dr. Thos. M. Patton, Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co. Jno. A. Kniesly. White Post Clarke Co. Col. Jos. Luley Millwood " [[Ditto for: Clarke Co.]] Dead Wyndham Robertons, Richmond [[strikethrough]] John Eoff, Wheeling [[/strikethrough]] Dead Rev. Jos. R. Wilson. Prince Edward C.H. x Dr. G. W. Cabanip. Jeffreys store Nottoway Co. Dc Asher Brakeley [[strikethrough]] Rolesburg [[/strikethrough]] Rowleysburg Preston [[insertion]] D [[/insertion]] Co M B W. Massenburg. Hampton, Va. P. M. Dc Dr. John S. Little. Richmond, Va. Tho. R. Joynes, Jr. Accomac Coll. D. x A. W. Massey: [[strikethrough]] Clover Green [[/strikethrough]] Mount Pleasant P. O. Spottsylvania Co. [[Mamm?]] M Dc. Thos. B. Dorset. M.D. Mattoax Station. Amelia Co. Va T. Stanley Beckworth, Garysville P.O. Prince George Co. Fossil Mail [[blue ]] W. J. Allen. Rippon [[insertion]] (Berryville Clark Co. Po) [[/insertion]] P.O. Jefferson Co. Birds. Dc. 1 [[blue x]] Dr. G. A. Williams, Moorfield. Hardy Co. Fossils W. Gilham. Lexington, Va. Plants [[Pasuls?]] Dc Nathl. E. Janney, Hellsborough, Loudoun Co. Va Bird Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 56 [[blue checkmark]] C. O. Sanford. Prest. Petersbury R.R. Petersbury Va Nov.66 Dr. John G Potts. Supt. [[Cafe?]] Charles Sq. H. Smiths Island. [[Northampton?]] Co. Va. Nr Eastville Dead Carlton R Moore. Bridgeton Pill, (Near Eastville)Northampton Co. Va. V.67 W.H. Edwards. Coalburg. Kanawha Co. Va / Express to care I.D. Hunt 36 Walnut St. Cincinnati [[blue checkmark]] [[Gen? Gov?]]. D.N. Couch. Concord Church. [[strikethrough]] Marron [[/strikethrough]] Mercer Co. W.Va. Feb.69 Dr. W.B. Ball Midlothian. Va/ [[Vrpasine?]] Commissioner [[Lrhuer?]] Ap.15 71 Dr. A. Wall. Winchester. Va. Dr. Joshua Ewing. Rose Hill. Lee Co. Has [[?]] Leonidas Fulkerson, Boones Path, Lee Co.Va. Dr. S.K. Jackson MD. Norfolk. Interested in [[Tribe?]] 1874 Hon O.M. Dorman Prof M.G. Ellgey. Blacksburg. Montgomery Co. Va. (fish) [[blue checkmark]] W.S. Morgan Care G H Morgan. 66 Louisiana Avenue. West Dec 1865 [[new line but relates to line above]]Care H.J. McClean. Moundsville. Marshall Co. West Virginia 66 Paul Lipos 227 Penn St. opposite Wellands Dec 66 Wallingford 427 Main Av. [[eng?]] 7' St. 2' der [[S.Sd?]] [[Milb?]] [[Ma?]] E.j. Ward. 123 G.St. South. [[West?]] 6'. 7'. [[? in USA?]] [[strikethrough]] Rev Lt. Chas M. Thomas U.S.A. 1816 S. Rittenhouse Square. Phila. [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 57 [[pencil]] North Carolina Virginia [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] District of Columbia & miscellaneous [[/underlined]] Dr Rodney Glisan U.S.A Dr. Thos. Wilson Jr U.S.A Dr. W. W. Anderson U.S.A Dc 1 Maj G. H. Thomas U.S.A; Ft. Belknap Tex Dc Dr. R. P. Abbott U.S.A Lt. F. E. Patterson U.S.A 1st artillary Capt. W. H. Palmer U.S.A Maj. J. H. Carleton U.S.A Dc .1 Dr. W. A. Hammond U.S.A 1 Maj. Hagner U.S.A Capt J. P. McCowan U.S.A Maj. B. Alword U.S.A [[strikethrough]] Gustavus Wurdemann [[/strikethrough]] R. D. Cutts Lt. W. P. Trowbridge U.S.A m Dr. J. F. Head U.S.A Dr. R. W. Jeffrey U.S.A Maj. E. S. Sibley U.S.A Capt. S. van [[Viliet?]] U.S.A Dc Lt. G. R. Warren U.S.A 1. Dr. S. Wylie Crawford U.S.A Dc .1 Dr. E. Abadie U.S.A Dr. D. C. Peters U.S.A Lt. J. D. Kurtz U.S.A Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Dr J. E. Semple U.S.A San Jacinto (over) Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 58 Capt. Ed. A. Yorke USS Schooner Pharos Capt. E.R. Smith U.S.A. Purser E.A. Raymond, Steamer Grenada Dr. Geo. Suckley, U.S.A. Dr. J.G. Cooper Hoboken Arthur Schott John H. Clark Dr. C.B.R. Kennerly Dr. P.A. Quinan U.S.A. Dr. A.J. Myer U.S.A. Dr. D.W.C. Peters U.S.A. Capt. R.B. Marcy Capt. A.W. Bowman, 3 [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] Infantry U.S.A. 11 Dr. Wall U.S.A. m Dr. Jos. R. Smith U.S.A. [[vertical line through following 11 entries]] Dr. Ed. P. Vollum. U.S.A. m Capt. E.K. Smith. 2[[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] Cavalry m Dr. J. Cooper M'Kee U.S.A. Fort [[strikethrough]] Massachusetts [[/strikethrough]] Defiance (Birds) Dc Dr. A.J. Foard. U.S.A. Fort Davis. Birds, B Lt. W.R. Terrill. Care E. & G. Co. Blunt, Burling Slip. NY Dc Capt. Woodbury, Care Lt. L.A. Gillmore, 3 Bowling Green. Dc Capt. J.B. Hummer 1[[superscript]] st [[/superscript]] Inf. Dc [[strikethrough]] Capt. J. [[/strikethrough]] Lt. W.L. Lathrop Dc. b Dr. ^ [[insertion]] Chas [[/insertion]] Brewer, U.S.A. Dc. b Dr. B. Norris, U.S.A. Dc. b Dr. Ryland U.S.A. Dc. b 1 [[/end vertical line]] [[strikethrough]] Dr [[/strikethrough]] Commander Pickering U.S.N. Light House Dept. Key West Dc. Skulls Dr. C.G. Hollenbush Patrick Duffey, Hosp. Steward. Camp Stocken Tax W.J. L'Engle U.S.A. Dr. C.H. Alden Chas. Keyser, Asst. U.S.C.S. Southwest Pass. [[Mun?]] D.J. Parkmen, Hosp. Steward. [[Lathorb?]] Elijah Ward, Photographer [[end page]] [[start page]] Officers of Army & Navy Dr. Elliot Conel U.S. [[pencil]] Columbia S.C. Jan. 67 [[/pencil]] Dr. H B Butcher a.a. U.S.A. [[pencil]] Laredo. Tex Dec. 66 [[/pencil]] Dr. J. Saunders a. a. Serj. U.S.A. [[pencil]] N. Mason. Tex Dec. 66 [[/pencil]] Capt. Geo. B. Sanford. 1[[superscript]] st [[/superscript]] U.S. Cavalry. N.M. Dowell Ar. Nov. 66 Dr. C.C. Gray USA. Fort Randall D. I. III. 67. [[Insul?]] : H. Stevenson Dah via St. Paul - Devils Lake [[?]] Oct. 67 Dr. E. Cowles US.A. (Asst. Serj) Chief Med. Officer. Brownsville. Tex. V. 67 Dr. L. L. Dorr. A. A. S. USA. [[Tubac?]] Arizona Sept. 67 Lt. Gn. P. Beldon. U.S.A. Fort McPherson. Nebrask. Dec. 68 Dr. Elliot Conal U.S.A. Ft. Macon New Beaufort. N.C. Feb. 69 Dr. S.A. Storrow. U.S.A. Ft. Jefferson. Fl ap. 70 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Dr. H. C. Yarrow. A. A. S. Ft. Macon. N.C. 5.71 Capt. Chas Bendire, 1[[superscript]] s [[/superscript]] Cas. Camp Harney. Canyon City Grant Co. Oregan Oct.75 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 59 [[pencil]] North Carolina [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] North Carolina [[/underlined]] Rev. Frederick Fitzgerald, Goldsboro Dc J. I. Lineback, Salem Dc. [[pencil]] m [[/pencil]] J. C. McNair, Summerville? Robeson Inst. St. Pauls [[pencil]] m [[/pencil]] Dc. Jas. L. Bridge, Yarboro B Dc Dr. S. J. Wheeler, Murfrasboro, Hertford Co. Dc Dr. W. C. Warren, Edenton Dc R. Davis Jones, Blue wing. Granville Co. Dc [[strikethrough]] Capt. D. P. Woodbury U.S.A. Wilmington [[/strikethrough]] Left Dr. E. H. Andrews, Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. ([[Min & bot?]]) Dc Dr. John H. Gibbon, Charlotte (Nat hist) B Dc Dr. Harrison Hardy, Scuppernong, Washington Co Dc Dr C. L. Hunter, Cottage Home. Lincoln Co B DC Minerals O.S. Dewey. Smiths Creek. Portsmouth P.O. (36 miles below Newbern [[insertion]] Dc [[/insertion]] Fossil bones found on his farm. G. Hardison, Care of Nelson Whitford, Newbern. (6 miles from N.[[insertion]] Dc [[/insertion]] very rich marl beds Col. Andrews, Goldsboro. will collect [[birds?]] J. Charllotte Dc Wm. Beal, Murphy, Cherokee Co. Dc R.S. Agnew, Scuppernong, Dc Dr. Mc Dowell. Warm Springs. Buncombe Co. Dc George F. Moore M.D. [[underlined]][[strikethrough]] Green Plains [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] Gaston. [[Nalkasufla a?]] [[/insertion]] Rept Dc 1 [[strikethrough]] Rev. M.A. Curtis. Hillsboro. N.C. [[/strikethrough]] Dead Sergeant ^ [[insertion]] Wm [[/insertion]] Alexander. Fort Macon. Beaufort. [[I?]] N.B. Webster. Kenansville. Duplon Co. 1 Jan. 68 plants etc Admiral Chas. Wilkes. High Shoals. Gaston Co. III. 68 Rev. G.M. Forbes Newbern. N.C. V. 68 Geo. W. Nason p. Editor Republic Courier. Newbern (73) John W. Etheridge. Manteo. Roanoke Co. Great [[shad seene?]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 60 [[end page]] [[start page]] 61 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[image - preprinted map of states of Arkansas, Tennessee, North Caroline, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana]] [[Bottom - center of the map]] The Mississippi river is 2800 and the Missouri 2900 miles in length. The Missouri though considered a tributary is properly the main river. It joins the Mississippi 1200 miles from the sea and forms a continuous stream 4200 miles long. [[/Bottom - center]] [[on the right of map]] No. 12 MAP OF THE CHIEF PART OF THE SOUTHERN STATES AND PART OF THE WESTERN. Engraved to illustrate MITCHELL'S School and Family Geography. EXPLANATION The Capitals of States are represented thus [*] Country Towns [o] Rail Roads [_______] Canals [===========] The figures attached to the Cities and Towns indicate the number of thousands of the population thus New Orleans 133 signifies 133.000 inhabitants. The figures attached to the Rivers indicate the number of hundred of miles of their length of course thus the Mississippi River 28 signifies 2800 miles long. These characters [double-dagger anchor, right facing anchor, singledagger anchor] signify steam boat ship and sloop navigation the distance of which from the sea in miles is pointed out by the attached figures. Remarkable battles are pointed out by a flag thus [flag glyph] the attached figures indicate the year in which they took place. [[/right of map]] [[below map]] [[left side]] Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1854 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. [[/left side]] [[right side]] Engraved by W. Williams [[/right side]] [[/below map]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[pencil]] 9 [[/pencil]] 64 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[pencil]] South Carolina [[/pencil]] 65 [[underlined]] South Carolina [[/underlined]] - Dr. J. B. Barratt, New Market P.O. Abbeville m B Dc - Dr. S.W. Barker, Charleston m Dc. Prof. L.R. Gibbes " [[Ditto for: Charleston]] ' Dc 1. Dr. R.W. Gibbes, Columbia S.C. Dr. J.E. Holbrook, Charleston B Dc 1. Dr. Jno. Bachman " [[Ditto for: Charleston]] B Dc Prof. F. S. Holmes " [[Ditto for: Charleston]] m B Dc .1. Macready " [[Ditto for: Charleston]] Dc Dr. Jas. W. Morrow, Bordeau, Abbeville J. Dyson Jr., Fulton, Sumters Dist. Plants. Dc - Plowden C. J. Weston, Hagley House near Georgetown m. Dc H. W. Ravenel, Aiken Dc [[strikethrough]] Mrs. M. E. Daniel, Anderson C.H. Dead [[/strikethrough]] - Dr. C. Kollock, [[Cheran?]] S.C. Dc Edward Ravenel, Charleston Dc - Hon. Wm. Elliott, Adamsville Colleton Dist B [[strikethrough]] B. [[/strikethrough]] Dc - Dr. W. W. Anderson, Statesburg B Dc Joseph T. Zealey, Orangeburg Dc Rev. M. A. Curtis, [[strikethrough]] Society Hill [[/strikethrough]] Hillsboro. N.C. m B Dc Dr. Jno. A. Young, Camden Dc - Joshua Nicholls, Atschepoo Ferry Colleton Dist. Dc Dr. C. Zimmerman Columbia; S.C. m Dc - E. J. Mims M.D. Edgefield C.H. Dc. Dr. S. N. Wilson. 238 King St. Charleston 1866 (Care Pratt - B) [[insertion]] [[Wilson Br?]] [[/insertion]] Walter [[Hexie?]] Ladies Island, near Beaufort, S.C. birds [[Society?]] Terry & Nolen [[bird?]] Dealer. Charleston. Oct. 71 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 66 Arthur Middlelow. Eq. Georgetown S.C. Dr. St. I. Ravenel Dr. J. C. Cain Asheville N.C. [[blue checkmark ]] Dr. Gabriel E. Manigault. Curator Charleston Mus. [[blue checkmark]] Dr. W. W. Anderson Staitsburg. S.C. T. W. Woodward. Winnsboro. (Interested Ind Culture ap. 74) [[end page]] [[start page]] 67 [[pencil]] Georgia [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Georgia [[/underlined]] R. R. Cuyler, Savannah Dr. W. Lewis Jones [[strikethrough]] Rueboro [[fr?]] [[/strikethrough]] Dc Washington Dr. Jas. Leconte, [[strikethrough]] Macon? [[/strikethrough]] Columbia S.C. Dc Jas. P. Postell, Darien Ga. [[strikethrough]] Hamilton [[/strikethrough]] St. Simons Isl [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] m. B. Dc J. Hamilton, Couper " " [[Ditto for: Darien Gn. Hamilton Dc Dr S. D. [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] Wilson Dariens " [[Ditto for: Hamilton]] B . Dc .1. Dr. E. M. Pendleton, Sparta Hancock Co. Dc Thos. P. Cleveland, near Waynesboro, Burke Co. Dc Wm. B. Carr, Madison Dc Wm. Phillips, Augusta Dc H. M. Neisler, [[strikethrough]] Columbus [[/strikethrough]] Butler Dc Col. T. C. Downie, Frederica B Dc Bishop Elliott, Savannah Dc Dr. A. Means, Oxford Dc Prof. Jno. Darley, Culloden [[(Ala)?]] Dc Dr. W. C. Daniels, Decatur : Dc P. B. Cullen, Perry Houston Co. Dc Richard T. Gibson, Whitemarsh isld., [[Pl?]], Dc Dr. ^ [[insertion]] Wm. [[/insertion]] Gesner, Columbus, Ga m Dr. E. W. Harker, Augusta m B Dc Prof. Jno. D. Easter, Athens [[red mark]]Arthur C. Ford, Augusta (m) B Dc L. B. Mercer, Chenuba Terrel Co. Herb. Dc Richard Peters, Atlanta Dc 1 [[strikethrough]] Dr. [[/strikethrough]] Alex Gerhardt,[[blue mark]] Varnell Station [[insertion]] Whitfield [[Co.?]] [[/insertion]] Georgia. Eggs - bird Dc. B. Henry Smith, Darien. Eggs [[ck e?]] I. Avery Skilton, Savannah, Planter. Dc Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 68 J.D. Watson, Newman "curiosities" G. Noble, taxidermist, Box 532, Savannah. June '69 Col. W. G. McAdoo, Milledgville. Son in law of Col Floyd who had large collection Indian relics). [[Bolaunt?]] June 72 Rev C. W. Lane Milledgville Ga. [[Bolaunt?]] [[strikethrough]] Terry Nolon [[/strikethrough]] Int D Col Chas. C. Jones Augusta June 77 [[end page]] [[start page]] 69 [[pencil]] Florida [[/pencil]] [[ggs?]] sent [[underlined]] Florida [[/underlined]] Dr. D. ^ [[insertion]] W. [[/insertion]] Whitehurst, Keywest B Dc F. Wallington " [[Ditto for: Keywest]] B Dc Lt H. G. Wright U.S.A " [[Ditto for: Keywest]] Judge Aug. Steele, [[Atseena Otie?]] Cedar Key B Dc. dead Capt. J. C. Casey U.S.A. Tampa Bay Dead Dr A. J. Baldwin, Jacksonville m. Dc Dr E. S. Gaillard, Waukeenah, Jefferson Co. Middle [[?]] Dc Dr Wm S. Bogart, Jacksonville Dc William Davis, Tallahassee Dc D. C. Ambler, Jacksonville Dc O. M. Dorman, St Augustine Dc 1. [[blue pencil]] Norfolk [[/blue pencil]] W. Savery " [[Ditto for: Savery]] Care of George Ward. St Augustine. Dr Rodgers. Fort Deynaud via Tampa. Dc Mr. [[Clapp?]] Key West Dc. Henry Prucius, Fort Myers, [[via?]] Key West Dc Dr Jas. B. Bean Micanopy Fl. Dc. B. dead G. W. Mastin, Captiva Key, care W. H. Wall Co. Key west. Dc Tidal Observer. Collects for [[Wunderman? Wiedeman?]] Benj. F. Whitner, Tallahassee, Bot Dr J. B. Holder, [[Inteyor?]] 1 [[blue pencil]] NY [[/blue pencil]] W. C. Andrews, [[Deputy?]] Collector, Cedar Key Fla. v 67 [[Atseena otie?]] Capt. John Isom Indian reser. P.O. Enterprise collect eggs Capt. Jacob Brock " [[Ditto for: P.O. Enterprise]] John G. Webb, Spanish Point: Little Sarasota Pass. Manatee P.O. May 68 Henry Clarke. Cedar Key [[Jul? May?]] 68 [[Entomol?]]. Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 70 D. Branch Tampa Bay | cut a drain in his place at Manatee in which were found Mylodon? bones Capt. Nelson. P.M. Manatee will dig for [[Branch?]] bones. Ap. 69 D. S. M. Rothhammer. Tampa Bay. Fl P. G. Pearson. New Smyrna [[strikethrough]] Collects skulls June 1870 [[/strikethrough]] [[blue checkmark]] Henry Peters [[strikethrough in blue]] (Englishman) [[/strikethrough]] New Smryma. Volusa Co. Eggs & Birds Nov. 70 Saml. N. Chamberlin. Port Orange: East Florida will collect [[Alcoholics??]] etc. can express via Jacksonville fide Mr Clark. Ap. 71 H. Wells. Tallahassee Fla. Ap. 74 will look after fish [[circled]] 724. 13' St. [[Wash?]] [[/circled]] Geo. J. Alden. New Smyrna: parcels care Commandant Brooklyn Navy Yard by [[live oak?]] schooners to N.S. H. W. Smith L. H. Keeper. [[Egmont?]] Key via Manatee, Fla. (74) [[end page]] [[start page] 71 [[pencil]] Alabama [[/pencil]] [[underline]] Alabama [[/underline]] B. Pybas Tuscumbia Dc [[strikethrough]] Prof. M. Tuomey. Tuscaloosa Dead [[/strikethrough]] Dr. J.C. Nott Mobile Dc H. Tutweiler, Greene Springs Greene Co. Dc Chas. Pillichody, Mobile Dc Thos. M. Peters, Moulton Dc Dr. J. Hendree, Selma Dc Prof. F. A. P. Barnard, Tuscaloosa [[pencil]] (Mirrors) [[/pencil]] Dc NY Benjamin F. Halley, Mokaville Talladega co. [[pencil]] mechan [[/pencil]] Dc Dr. Stephen B. North, Mobile Dc Daniel P. Forney. Jacksonville Dc Robert B. Waller, Greensboro. Fish Dc Prof. W. C. L. Richardson, Summerfield Dallas Co. e [[small red line]] Geo. Stewart Hardaway Macon Co. bird et W. Walter care Chas. P. Pollard Montgomery ([[Coleopt?]]. birds Lepid. etc) also care of Mr. Newman.[[Phila?]] Dr. E. R. Showalter, Uniontown, Ala. (shells) Dr. Gladney, Carthage, Tuscaloosa Co. Ala T.C. Hardwick, Carthage, Hale Co. III. 48. eggs et. Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 72 [[end page]] [[start page]] 73 [[pencil]] Mississippi [[/pencil]] [[Eggs?]] [[underlined]] Mississippi [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] Col. B. L. C. Wailes, Washington m; B De Prof. L. Harper, Oxford Lafayette Co. A. E. Edgeworth, Dayton De. Rev. Benj. Chase, Natchez De. Dr. Wm. Spellman, Columbus m. .De Andrew Brown, Natchez De. Prof. J. Boyd Elliott, Port Gibson De A. J. Edgerton, Grenada, Yalobusha Co. Wm. H. Waddell " [[Ditto for: Grenada]] Thomas Oakley, Jackson De N. W. Phillips, Edwards [[pencil]] Planter [[/pencil]] De James H. Vincent, Gainsville Hancock Co. De [[small red line]] C. Bellman, Biloxi m B De [[strikethrough]] S. D. Golder M. D. Charleston [[/strikethrough]] Dr. Thos. S. Savage, Pass Christian De B.1 [[blue checkmark]] T. J. S. Keenan, Brookhaven, Laurence Co. Miss. De. 67 Samuel A. Agnew, Guntown Arehard, fossil shell De. 68 H. W. Lewis. Fruitland Farm; Osyka P.O. will coll. releas De. 70 [[blue checkmark]] Charles Foster. Crystal Springs, Copiah Co. (18 years old wants books) June 70. Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 74 [[end page]] [[start page]] 75 [[pencil ]] Louisiana [[/pencil]] [[Eggs?]] [[underlined]] Louisiana [[/underlined]] Prof. J.L. Riddell, New Orleans Dc. Col. J.R. Jennings, 72 Magazine Strt. N. Orl. Dc [[checkmark]] Jas. Fairie, Prairie Mer Rouge, Morehouse Prsh Dc. St. Louis Jas. W. Ware, Jeananettes, St Mary's Parish Dc G.B. Shepherd, Franklin, Holmes Co [[(Mortiory)?]] Dr. Bennett Dowler, New Orleans Dr. A. LeMat, Corner of Orleans & Dauphine St. N. Orleans Dc N. Orleans D.C. Lowber, New Orleans Dc J.C. Brooks, Lisbon P.O. Claiborne Parish Dc [[small red line]] Simon Richard, Opelousas, St. Landry Parrish n B (orn Dc [[strikethrough]] Dr. Thos. S. Savage, Pass Christian B Dc [[/strikthrough]] Rev. F. [[insertion]] A. [[/insertion]] Blanc. S. T. St. Charles College, [[insertion]] Grand Coteau [[/insertion]], S I Landry Dc. Zool [[small red line]] J. W. Wallace, Waterproof, Tensas Parish birds Edward Merrill, Trinity " [[Ditto for: birds]] [[blue checkmark]] [[small red line]] Rev. F. A. Vialleton, St. Charles Coll, Grand Coteau L. [[?]] [[el?]] G. W. Palfrey, Care Coleman. Britton & Withers N. Orleans Birds [[blue checkmark]] [[small red line]] Gustav Kohn, 15 Rampart N. N. Orleans Birds et R. C. Kerr, Lib. N. O. [[Acad?]] N St New Orleans [[Lipid?]] ap. 1843 [[checkmark]] L. von Ruzenstein Care of above " " [[Ditto for: [[Lipid?]] ap. 1843]] J. H. Caldwell, Fort Jesup ap. 67. Sabine Parish John E. Leet. Mandeville, St Tammary Parish (Jul [[?]] 74 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 76 [[end page]] [[start page]] 77 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] SQ 1085 [[/strikethrough]] Arkansas (Indian Territory, over) [[underlined]] Arkansas [[/underlined]] Dr. Geo. G. Shumard, Fort Smith Walter L. Nicholson, Camden [[be.?]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 78 [[pencil]] Indian Territory [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Indian Territory [[/underlined]] Rev. J. Burke Chaplain U.S.A. Fort Washita Dc [[end page]] [[start page]] 79 [[pencil]] [[strikethrough]] Arkansas [[/strikethrough]] Missouri [[/pencil]] Eggs [[underlined]] Texas [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Dr. S. K. Jennings, Austin [[/strikethrough]] Travis Co. Dc Prof. L. C. Ervendberg New Wied Comal Co. J. F. Heard Washington Dc Dr. A. L. Heerman, San Antonio m B. Dc Dr. D. R. Diffenderfer, Franklin El Paso Co. Dc + Ferdinand Lindheimer, New Braunfels Co. Dc B. 1. Denis Meade, San Antonio Dc Col. Jas. Henderson, San Antonio Dc Prof W. C. Somerville, Huntsville Dc E. B. Nichols & Co. Galveston} [[curly bracket encapsulating this and next entry]] Agents for [[Harris?]] Morgan Steamers H. N. Caldwell, Powder Horn Indianola Dc Prof. C. G. Forshey, Rutersville, Fayette Co. m. B. Dc. B. F. Rucker Washington Dc Dr. J. C. Perry, Supt. State Lunatic Asylum Austin m B Dc J. T. Cleveland Cypress Springs Hays Co (F Post office address Round Mountain [[strikethrough]] Hays Co [[/strikethrough]] [[pencil]] Blanco [[/pencil]] Tex. Dc Mammals Dr. E. W. Walker Gonzales, Gonzales Co. Head of Guadalupe R. Pal. Ent. Dc Thos. H. O Callaghan Indianola, Zool Dc b [[red line]] F. S. Wade [[strikethrough]] Cross Road [[/strikethrough]] Port Oak Island Williamson Co. [[gn?]] Dc F. Kellogg, Wheelock. Robertson Co. Dc. Birds Insects Dr. Thos. R. Chew. Southerlands Springs Bexar Co. Wm. H. Gantt M.D. Union Hills Tex nests T. Gibb Huntsville Dc R. B. Wells Gatesville Coryell Co. Insects Plant IV. 68 Jno. A Clarke. Goliad. Dc. Jno. P. Ford Dep. Coll. Custom. Roma. Starr Co. Tex Dr. B. F. Shumard Austin Care Price, Converse & Co. N. Orleans: Forbes & McKee Lanaca. Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 80 Rev. [[strikethrough]] F [[/strikethrough]] T. H. Michell, Chaplain U.S.A. Ft. Chadbourne - I. M. Glasco, [[strikethrough]] Gilmer [[/strikethrough]] Box Spring, Upshur Co. Lat 32.46 : Long. 17.50 (snakes) Patrick Duffy. Hospital Steward. Camp Hudson. Tex. Col. Ed. Laurence. [[Cross?]] Road, Williamson Co. birds Dr. H B Butcher [[strikethrough]] Laredo [[/strikethrough]] [[Moulton?]] III. 66 Care Augustine Selinas Laredo V. 67. Dr. [[strikethrough]] Lincercum. [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion below]] Dr Gideon Lincecum [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] Long Point Texas. (Washington Co) Oct. 66 express [[parcels?]] 'care E. H. Norton. Brenham, Tex III. 68. John H. Allen St. Marys Refugio Co. (XII. 66) Teacher. Jno. W. Glenn (of J. W. Glenn & Co) Lavacca Tex : Care Hopkins Dwight & Trowbridge 134 [[Pearl]] St. NY will [[deliver?]] to us fowarding = [[six?]] Aug. 67 George W. Lincecum Long Point [[Wash.?]] Co. ap. 68 Dr Gideon Lincecum Tuxpan. Mex. Care F. Gonzales. Galveston [[circled]] Dec. 1869 [[/circled]] [[blue checkmark]] R. S. Jackson Cheneyville. Rapides Parish La. office to collect birds, relics [[?]] Jan. 70 [[pencil]] sent up up to Mitchell [[/pencil]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 81 [[pencil]] Tennessee [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Tennessee [[/underlined]] Prof Wm M. Stewart, Clarksville Montgomery Co. Maj. R. Owen, Tyree springs or Nashville m Prof. Johnson Prof J. M. Stafford Lebanon Prof. J. B. Mitchell Knoxville Rev. E. Thompson Baird, Washington College Prof. Linsley Nashville Prof. J. C. McNiell Trenton Gibson Co. Robert Schimmel Colonie Wartburg. Morgan Co. Bot. T. C. Barber Pulaski. Giles College N. H. Samuel C. Eastman [[strikethrough]] Nashville [[/strikethrough]] now Concord N. H. [[NH?]] C. L. Goellez Mossy Creek Jefferson Co. ap. 71 mam Smith Bros. Columbia Maury Co. Indian relics Nov 74 Joshua Haile [[?]] Flynns Lick. Indian relics " [[Ditto for: Nov 74]] Dr. W. M. Clark. Franklin. Tenn. [[Etmol?]] (75) [[?]] [[models?]] of [[mamm?]] [[?]] of [[birds?]] [[end page]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 82 [[end page]] [[start page]] 83 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 84 [[preprinted Map of the State of Texas]] No. 13 Map of the STATE OF TEXAS Engraved to Illustrate MITCHELL'S School and Family Geography. [[end page]] [[start page]] 85 [[pencil]] Texas [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Missouri [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] Dr. Geo. Engelmann St Louis B. 1 Dr. B. F. Shumard " [[Ditto for: St Louis]] Prof. G. C. Swallow " [[Ditto for: St Louis]] B F. B. Meek " [[Ditto for: St Louis]] Dr. H. Prout " [[Ditto for: St Louis]] O. H. P. Lear, Hannibal Marion Co. Dc John D. Hoy, Lexington Dr. A. F. Jeter, Palmyra Prof. John M. Ordway, Trenton Grundy Cr. [[pencil]] n t [[/pencil]] Prof. J. T. Jacobs, Columbia x William Baldwin, Platte City Dr. Stephen Johnson " Dr. D. L. Henry St. Josephs. Dr. S. D. Golder Charleston Miss. Co. Francis B. Ray. Hannibal Dc James Fairie. Care Jonathan Jones Com. College, St Louis Dc Wm. H. Horner, Hornersville Dunklin Co. [[?]] Charles Vogel Rhineland [[Ent?]] [[blue checkmark]] J. J. Up De Graff. Box 966 St. Louis Dc. B. 1. Birds [[blue checkmark]] J. T. Irwin. Ravanna Mercer Co. Dc eggs [[nests?]] [[red line]] L. A. McDowell Greenfield Dade Co. R. O. Thompson Brookfield. Linn Co. III. 68. N. H. [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 86 [[end page]] [[start page]] 87 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 88 [[Image - Map of part of the USA, spans two pages]] 89 No. 14 MAP OF THE Chief Part of the WESTERN STATES INCLUDING WESTERN VIRGINIA. Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 8 90 [[end page]] [[start page]] 91 [[underlined]] Kentucky [[/underlined]] [[check mark]] Dr. Geo. R. Bibb, Russelville m De. Prof. J. E. Farnam. Georgetown Dr. L. P. Yandell, Louisville [[strikethrough]] E. L. Berthoud, Maysville zool.[[/strikethrough]] Dr. J. Miller, Millersburg, Bourbon Co. Rev. J. D. Shane, Lexington Dr. John Swain, Ballardsville Oldham Co. John E. Younglove, Bowling Green De Jno. Kirkpatric. M.D. Cynthiana (Fish) James Stevenson, Covington. birds De. 1 Hon. Allen A Burton. Lancaster. Ky [[ap?]] 67 [[check mark]] J. Parish Stelle M.D. Caseyville, Ky. De 67. Geo. & Bot [[check mark]] J. B. Bowman Lexington [[check mark]] Prof. N. S. Shaler. Newport [[?]] 74 [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 92 J.W. Hammitt. College Hill, Ohio. Indian axes. Dec. 67 [[blue checkmark]] W.R. Limpert. Groveport, [[Franklin?]] Co. Ohio III.68 Birds S.J. Kirkwood. Tiffin. Ohio. General Nov.68 Lewis Ulbrich " [[Ditto for: Tiffin]] Zoologist. [[?]] Nov.68 W. Anderson, Brownsville, [[insertion]] Murphy [[?]] [[?]] [[/insertion]] Indian relics, explorer [[mammals? minerals?]] May.73 ([[I.? J.? Dille? Dills?]]) W. Kinney. Portmouth. Ohio. Archeology. 74) Rau D.G.S.B. Hempstead " " " " [[Dittos for: Portmouth Ohio Archaeology 74)]] [[Blue checkmark]] Charles Dury. 124 Main St. Cincinnati eggs Oct.74 S.A. Miller No. 8 West Third Street. Cincinnati (Pal. 74 [[blue checkmark]] Dr H.H. Hill 5 Race St Cincinnati / Archaeol. 74) Rau [[blue checkmark]] Thos. [[strikethrough]] H Clennesy [[/strikethrough]] Cleneay ([[strikethrough]] care S. A. Miller above) [[/strikethrough]] 402 West 6' St. Cin archaeol. 74 Rau C.B. Dyer Care Les Boutilliere Bros Cincinnati. Archaeol. R.W. Mercer 148 Main St. Cincinnati. dealer in Indian relics [[blue checkmark]] Dr. C.A. Miller [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] S.W. Corner Court & Baymiller St. Cin. (Pal. Ethnol) 75 Prof I.F. Judge N.W. Cerrus Court & Cutler St. Cin. R.B. Moore 173 Laurel St. Cin. Ethnol. 75 [[end page]] [[start page]] 93 [[pencil]] Ohio [[/pencil]] [[This sheet possibly in a different hand?]] [[underlined]] Ohio [[/underlined]] [[blue checkmark]] Dr. J. P. Kirtland, East Rockport Cuyahoya Co. B Dc .1 Dr. J. S. Newberry, Cleveland [[blue checkmark]] R. R. Winstow " [[Ditto for: Cleveland]] Dc .1 [[blue checkmark]] Wm Case " [[Ditto for: Cleveland]] B J. Brainerd " [[Ditto for: Cleveland]] Capt. Howard Stansbury U.S.A. N. Paul bird John W. Vancleve, Dayton Dead? [[blue checkmark]] M. C. Reed, Hudson [[pencil]] (Orn.) [[/pencil]] Dc Lewis Gronemey, Germantown [[pencil]] (Zool) [[/pencil]] [[blue checkmark]] A. C. Ross, Zanesville m. B. D. Ebenezer Lane, Sandusky, Erie Co. [[pencil]](Entom) [[/pencil]] Dr. J. M. D. Matthews, Hillsboro, Highland Co. Dc [[blue checkmark]] Prof. Gen N. Allen, Oberlin Col [[pencil]] (Orn.) [[/pencil]] B Dc [[blue checkmark]] Dr. J. C. Wormley Columbus B. 1. Leo Lesquereux " [[Ditto for: Columbus]] James Sullivant " [[Ditto for: Columbus]] Prof S. N. Sanford, Granville Licking Co. Dc David Christy, Oxford David J. W. Andrews, Marietta B C. A. Ely, Elyria Lorain Co. Dr. Edwin Kelley " " [[Ditto for: Elyria Lorain Co.]] (orn) Dc J. G. Anthony Cincinnatti .1 [[blue checkmark]] Dr. J. A. Warden [[Ditto for Cincinnati]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives J. W. Ward " [[Ditto for: Cincinnati]] Robert Clarke " [[Ditto for: Cincinnati]] Joseph Clark " [[Ditto for: Cincinnati]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 94 10 [[blue checkmark]] Thomas Kite, Cincinati 489. W 4' St Dr C. C. Boyle, Columbus [[blue check mark]] John Kirkpatrick, [[strikethrough]] Ohio City [[/strikethrough]] Cleveland. [[pencil]] (orn) [[/pencil]] Entom B. Dc C. F. Kirtland, Poland Dc [[strikethrough]] Dr Jas. C. Fisher, Dayton [[/strikethrough]] to Philada. Frank Higgins, Columbus Dc Dr J. M. Bigelow, Lancaster Robert Buchanan, Cincinnati T. C. H. Smith, Marietta, Shells [[strikethrough]] Dr Jas. C. Fisher, Dayton [[/strikethrough]] now in Phila. D. M. Johnson Coshocton, Coshocton Co. Ohio. Shells Dc (very ignorant) S. M. Luther, Garretsville, Portage Co. Shells. Dc Miller Po. Arrowsmith, Urbana, Champaign Co. Fish A. J. Williams, Painsville. Lake Co. Insects Birds Dc [[Blue checkmark]] B. F. Abell Welshfield Geauga Co. Birds. Mammals & B. Dc. [[strikethrough]] Wm. H. and [[/strikethrough]] J. N. Myers Loudonville Ashland Co. Entomology [[Blue checkmark]] Wm A. Brown. McConnelsville mammals birds Dc [[Blue checkmark]] G. G. Walker. Milan. Erie Co. Birds Dc. Dr. J. B. Trembley, Toledo, Ohio. [[Refl.]] Dc. [[Blue checkmark]] Dr. H. C. Beardslee Painesville Ohio birds etc D. [[Blue checkmark]] Wm Holden. Care Jas. Holden. Marietta. O. birds Dc. R. Henry Bliven. Toledo. Birds insect [[?]] Dc. B F. A. Bassard. Toledo. Insects Dc. [[Blue checkmark]] Smith B. McMillan E. Fairfield. Columbiana Co. Ohio. Zool. [[Blue checkmark]] A. C. Smith M. D. Medina. O. Zool. Chas. Buffett, Cleveland. Birds E. Walker. Toledo. Birds [[Blue checkmark]] P. M. Cowles Chardon Geauga Co. eggs [[Blue checkmark]] Thos. Hewitt M.D. Akron Ohio birds Hermann Flugel 641 Central Avenue animals [[Blue checkmark]] J. M Wheaton, Columbus O. (birds) Wm. M. McLain Urbana Champaign Co. A. G. White Vails x Roads. Morrow Co. Entomol. (Oct. 61) [[Blue checkmark]] B. Z. Abell Welchfield Geauga Co eggs John Bolton Portsmouth insects [[Blue checkmark]] N. A. Chapman. [[Furnsburg? Furnsbury?]]. Geauga Co. nest eggs [[Blue checkmark]] A. C. Younglove Cleveland ([[Hagh?]] 81. 65) [[Blue checkmark]] W. R. Limpert. Groveport. Franklin Co. Oh.[[May?]] 68 Eggs [[end page]] [[start page]] 95 [[pencil]] Indiana [[/pencil]] Dr. D. D. Owen, New Harmony Dead Dr. J. G. Norwood " [[Ditto: New Harmony]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives W. W. Austin, Richmond Wayne Co. [[blue pencil]] Dr. Rufus Haymond, Brookville B. D. Dc [[blue pencil]] Dr. John Plummer, Richmond Wayne Co. m Prof. Joseph Lingley. Greencastle E. J. Cox, New Harmony Ind. Henry E. Oakes Elkhart [[blue pencil]] George Spangler Jr Madison Dr H. J. Beyerle. Syracuse Kosciusko Co. Dc W. H. Myer M.D. Fort Wayne Fish Dc Dr. O. P. Baer. Richmond [[conchol.?]] [[Palmer? Paleon.?]] Dc [[blue checkmark]] G. M. Levette Indianapolis (Taxid) Dc 1 [[blue checkmark]] Thos Vagnier Notre Dame. St Joseph Co. Eggs B. Dc Kirk Mendenhall [[insertion]] Box 28 [[/insertion]] Richmond 10. 62 Send nests, fossils, plants [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 96 [[preprinted note attached to page]] Illinois Natural History Society. ESTABLISHED JUNE 20, 1858 OFFICERS President, -- J.B. TURNER, Jacksonville. Vice Presidents. J.H. McCHESNEY, Springfield. EDMUND ANDREWS, Chicago. FREDERICK BRENDEL, Peoria. M.L. DUNLAP, Urbana. B.M. WILEY, Anna. B.G. ROOTS, Tamaroa. A.M. GOW, Dixon. S.B. MEAD, Augusta. Wm. LeBARON, Geneva. Secretary, -- RICHARD HOLDER, Bloomington. Treasurer, -- E.R. ROE, " Superintendent, -- C.D. WILBER, " Curator, -- CYRUS THOMAS, Murphysboro. Executive Committee. C.D. WILBER, IRA MOORE, C.D. BRAGDON, Geo. VASEY, CYRUS THOMAS. COMMISSIONS. ----I. Botany...........Geo. Vasey, Ringwood. Frederick Brendel. S.B. Mead. II. Geology..........C.D. Wilber. J.D. McChesney. Ira Moore, Bloomington. III. Entomology......Cyrus Thomas B.D. Walsh, Rock Island. IV. Conchology.......E.R. Roe. D.S. Sheldon, Davenport, V. Ornithology, -- Richard Holder VI. American Antiquities, -- C.D. Bragdon, Chicago. [[/preprinted note]] Edwin A. Clifford. Evanston [[geo. WH?]] William Blackburn. Rockford. (orn. taxid.) orn 62 [[blue checkmark]] Phil. M. Springer. Springfield. (Birds In) [[blue checkmark]] Dr. J. W. Velie. Rock Island. Birds. [[neo.?]] 63 Henry Shimer. Mt. Carroll Sem. Carroll Co. Birds. 11. 64 1 G. W. Belpage. Walnut Grove (or Altoona) Knox Co. Entom. Collector Dr. W. Stimpson. P.O. box [[strikethrough]] 2138 [[/strikethrough]] Chicago. Box 1430 (68) 263 Wabash Av. Joel Reeves, Eq. Ainsworth. Cook Co. yr. 10. 65 [[Flint?]] Kennicott Grove Cook Co. G. W. Belpage 87 Ohio St. Chicago Eula. Coll Dr. Jno. M. Woodworth [[strikethrough]] 276 [[/strikethrough]] Wabash Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Avenue. Chicago T. 67. John H. Clark. Noble. Richland Co. W. B. Ridgway. Mount Carmel. Wabash Co. [[blue checkmark]] Geo. C. Walker [[strikethrough]] 201 [[/strikethrough]] 274 Michigan Avenue. Chicago Jul 68 T. M. Perrine. Anna, Union Co. archaeol. 73 [[blue checkmark]] F. S. Benson Taxidermist Freeport. (Oct. 73) new Dr. J. F. Snyder. Virginia. Cass Co. Ethnol. 74 [[end page]] [[start page]] 97 [[pencil]] Illinois [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Illinois [[/underlined]] Robert Kennicott Grove [[strikethrough]] West Northfield care Ian Redfield 752 P.O. Chicago [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Room 27 Metropolitan Blvd. Chicago. 1866 [[/insertion]] Cook Co. Dc. [[strikethrough]] Wm. J. Shaw, Tremont Tazewell Co. [[/strikethrough]] Dead Joel Hall, Athens Menard Co. Dr. S. B. Mead, Augusta Hancock Co. J. O. Harris, Ottawa LaSalle Co. Dc Dr. J. W. Freer, Chicago [[strikethrough]] Col. L. W. Ashley, Duquoin Perry Co. [[/strikethrough]] C. A. Aneely, Elida Winnebago Co. Lewis J. Germain, Galena Dubuque Co. Rev. Addison Lyman, Genesee Henry Co. [[pencil]] (nat hist) [[/pencil]] A. H. Worthon, Warsaw Hancock Co. Wm. [[insertion]] M. [[/insertion]] F. [[strikethrough]] N. [[/strikethrough]] Arny ^ [[insertion]] Hyatt, Anderson Co., Kansas [[/insertion]] Bloomington. McLean Co. [[blue checkmark]] Dr. Frederick Brendel. Peoria B. Dc. 1 Dr. E. R. Roe Bloomington. Ill. Col. S. W. Ashley, Anna. " [[Ditto for: Bloomington?]] Union Co. Cyrus Thomas. Murphysboro, Jackson Co. Insects. Fred. Kaempfer. Box 1392. Chicago. B Dc Taxidermist Thos. E. Blackney. Chicago. Dc. 1 orn [[strikethrough]] Dr. W. A. Gordon. Warsaw. Ill. B [[/strikethrough]] e [[blue checkmark]] J. W. [[strikethrough]] Salmon [[/strikethrough]] Tolman Winnebago [[insertion]] Depot. [[/insertion]] Ill. eggs B. Dc.1 Master J. C. Tolman. care of above " [[Ditto for: Master]] George Beard " " [[Ditto for: care of above]] [[blue checkmark]] Benjamin Whitaker, Warsaw, Birds B. Dc Benj. D. Walsh Rock Island Entom. 1 Dead Richard Holder Bloomington, Dc. [[b? h?]] Dr. H. Sherman, Channahon Will Co. (Supt. Pub. Inst.) general Dc. N. R. D. Farley. Jerseyville. shell [[blue checkmark]] Wm. S. Johnston Prest. Audobon Club. Chicago Emil Haenser. Galena min [[blue checkmark]] Wm. M. Reid. Waukegan Birds Jno. M. Woodworth. [[strikethrough]] Box 678 [[/strikethrough]] P.O. Chicago [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 98 [[blue checkmark]] Louis Watson. M.D. [[Zumey?]] Ill. birds W. LeBaron Geneva [[Entomological?]] Dept. [[blue checkmark]] Rev. S.W. Marston. Plainfield Will Co moved from Burlington [[June?]] Bird Lucien M. Turner. Mt. Carmel (Mary Turner wife) [[underlined]] S. W. Black. Lebanon St. Clair Co. (Ethnol. Dec 74) A. Booth. Chicago. Ill. [[?]] dealer 1875 Geo. Escol Sellers. Bowlesville. Gallatin Co. Ill. 76. Ethnol. Salt pans [[end page]] [[start page]] 99 [[pencil]] Michigan [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Michigan [[/underlined]] Dr. A. Sagen. Ann Arbor m B 1. Prof A. Winchell " [[Ditto for Ann Arbor]] m B. 1. Thos Whilpley, Brest Monroe Co. Dc L. H. Strong [[strikethrough]] Saugatuck Allegan Co [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Ottawa 1 [[/strikethrough]] Holland Ottawa Co. Dc Lives near Pigeon roost or pigeon [[creek?]] [[a?]] [[mile?]] [[off?]] Mar 1861 [[strikethrough]] J. J. Strong, St James Beauer Isld bird [[/strikethrough]] Richard Penney, Pontiac [[blue checkmark]] George Clark, Ecorse Wayne Co (near Detroit) Alfred [[strikethrough]]O [[/strikethrough]] C Currier, Grand Rapids (shells) Dr Edmund Andrews [[strikethrough]] Ann Arbor [[/strikethrough]] Detroit [[Ch?]] [[insertion]] (not first) [[/insertion]] [[blue checkmark]] Daniel Clark M. D. Flint Genesee Co. B orn Dc [[blue checkmark]] Dr. Miles. Flint. 1 B Dc Chas. Shepard. Grand Rapids [[blue checkmark]] J. S. Comstock, Farmers Creek Lapeer Co. Birds & B. D. Prof D. P Mahew. Ypsilanti, Mich. m. B. Dc [[blue checkmark]] H. B. Wilcox [[strikethrough]] New Buffalo [[/strikethrough]] Berrien Berrien Co. Dc nests eggs Daniel Beaser: P.M. Garlick Ontonagon Co. via Warsaw Ill. [[blue checkmark]] J. W. Cadmon. Kalamazoo. Birds J. A. McNiel Grand Rapids Shells [[blue checkmark]] Henry. H. Mapes [[strikethrough]] Mattawan [[/strikethrough]] South Haven Van Buren Co. Birds (6. 1862) Chas. K. Marvin M.D. Ithaca. Marion C. Gen. T. 63 E. F. Brigham Hought[[on?]] L. Superior T. L. Chadbourne [[strikethrough]] [[Eagle?]] Harbor " [[Ditto for: L. Superior]] [[/strikethrough]] Houghton L.S.I. Oct 69 [[strikethrough]] Geo. C. Walker 201 2 [[/strikethrough]] W. H. Collins 153 Woodward Av. Detroit. (Birds 74) [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 100 [[end page]] [[start page]] 101 [[pencil]] Wisconsin [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Wisconsin [[/underlined]] [[blue checkmark]] Rev. A. C. Barry, [[strikethrough]] Madison [[/strikethrough]] Racine B Samuel Sercomb " [[Ditto for: Madison]] Dead Wm. Dudley " [[Ditto for: Madison]] [[blue checkmark]] Dr. P. R. Hoy, Racine B Dc 1 [[blue checkmark]] Thos. Kümlien, Albion Dane Co. B. Dc [[blue checkmark]] J. A. Lapham, Milwaukie B. Dc J. L. Pickard, Platteville Grant Co. E. Pletschke, Portage Lake, Lake Superior S. W. Hill, Eagle Harbor Dc Edward Daniels, Ceresco [[blue checkmark]] Dr. B. F. Mills, Baraboo, Sauk Co. (orn) B. Dc. Rollin R. Child, Albion, Dane Co. [[strikethrough]] B [[/strikethrough]] P. P. Livermore, Lima Centre, Rock Co. Dc B. A. Hooper, Houghton. L. Superior Dc Dr. W. A. Gordon - Warsaw B. Dc [[blue checkmark]] Dr. Moses Barret, Wantoma, near Milwaukee, Waushara Co. B. [[Mam?]] S. Armstrong, Pardeeville, Columbia Co. eggs Albert G. Hay, Racine Birds Chas. H. Schmidt. Care Hiram Moore. Brandon. Wisconsin. birds & eggs Fredrick Deckner. Green Bay, II. 64. Chas. Lindley. Lox Lake. Dodge Co. II. 65. eggs [[blue checkmark]] B. F. Goss. Pewaukee. Waukesha Co Wisc (20 miles w. of Milwaukee) Sep 66 [[blue checkmark]] J. E. Breed. Embarrass. Waupacca Co. 10.67 ([[Ins?]] birds) L. W. Bliss. Waupacca. Wisc. Ethnol. III. 68 [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 102 [[end page]] [[start page]] 103 [[pencil]] Iowa [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Iowa [[/underlined]] Dr. Asa Horr, Dubuque Dr. J. H. Ranch, Burlington m [[[blue checkmark]] Dr. C. C. Parry, Davenport B Dr. E. C. Bidwell, [[strikethrough]] Quasquiton, Buchanan Co. [[/strikethrough]] B Monterey, Berkshire Co. [[Mar? Mam?]] W. E. Moore, Ft. des Moines T. [[strikethrough]] L. [[/strikethrough]] S. Parvin, Muscatine B. F. Odell, [[strikethrough]] Plum Spring Delaware Co. | see Minn. [[/strikethrough]] Daniel McCready, Fort Madison Lee Co. D. E. Reed, St. Mary E. H. A. Scheeper, Pella Marion Co. N. H. Parker, Davenport S. S. Farwell, Cascade Dubuque Co. Andrew J. Stevens Ft. Des Moines M Dr. J. M. Shaffer. Fairfield. Jefferson Co. Rep. B Dc. John Daskam, Jr. Twin Springs Winneshiek Co. Iowa Dc Alfred Sanders, Davenport. Bot. Ent. [[blue checkmark]] Rev. S. W. Marston, Burlington University, Burlington. Bird De 13 .1. H. Davis. McGregor Elwood Finley, Davenport. Simon Barrows. Holaday. Adair Co. Fossils Dr. Themie. Burlington. Entom [[blue checkmark]] - Dr. A. T. Hudson. Lyons. Clinton Co. birds Robt. H. Wolcott. Clinton Gen. N. H. 1 x 64 Charles and George Blackburn. [[strikethrough]] Strawberry Point. Clayton Co. [[/strikethrough]] Wards Corners, Buchanan Co Bull. III. 65 Rev. A. B. Kendig. Marshalltown : Marshall Co. univalve shells. T. 661 O. M. Schee. Knoxville. II. 66. shells [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 104 [[strikethrough]] Rev [[/strikethrough]] Prof H. W. Parker [[strikethrough]] Iowa College Grinnell (I. 67) Amherst Min .73 [[blue checkmark]] Peter Melendy. Cedar Falls. Black Hawk Co. Agricultural Coll. [[Iowa?]] John Krider Jr. Lake | Mills. Winnebago Co. Dead Son of [[Phil?]] [[J?]] H. C. Cowgill, Albion. Marshall Co. (Feb. 3. 73) can get plants living [[whits?]] grey cranes; swans; pelican etc. [[end page]] [[start page]] 105 [[pencil]] Minnesota [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Minnesota [[/underlined]] Chas Cavileer [[insertion]] St. Joseph [[/insertion]] Pembina Co. [[strikethrough]] care of [[/strikethrough]] B. Rev. S. R. Riggs Lacquiparle Dc. Alfred Riggs " [[Ditto for: Lacquiparle]] Dr. C. F. Anderson, St. Anthony's Falls Rev. S. W. Manney, Ft. Ripley m Dc David B. Spencer. St Joseph Pembina Co. Dc O. A. Kellum " " [[Ditto for: St. Joseph Pembina Co.]] Rev. J. B. Culver, Sandy Lake Rev. R. B. Kinney, Cap Lake - (Red River settlement. & Lake Superior) Rev. S. Spates, Sandy Lake Rev. Daniel B. Spenser, Grand Cote' W. of Pembina Rev Benj. F. Odell. [[strikethrough]] Belle Prairie fall Aug 1886 then [[/strikethrough]] Cass Lake Mission (Lake Winnibegashish) m Dc [[strikethrough]] N. B. Ritson [[/strikethrough]] St. Paul. Norman W. Kittson St. Paul B. George ^ [[insertion]] B [[/insertion]] Clitherall Ojibbeway (Register or receiver) Dc O. E. Garrison. P. M. Princeton. Benton Co. Dc. A. H. Murray H. B. Fur Co. Pembina, Minn. Dc. C. H. Snow. St. Anthony Falls Dc A. G. Fuller. Sioux Falls City [[Darola? Dakota?]] Dc. Mr. Lynde Indian Agent e Thos. Clark 2^ Beaver Bay, Lake Co. (Lake Superior) De John Clements. Fur Trader. Rainy Lake 48. 35 / 93. 25/ Care of [[Mead?]] Ira. S. Smith Mankato. Blue Earth Co. Dc. B. Jas. L. Anderson. Minneapolis Dc. J. F. Thickstun, Chatfield Fillmore Co. [[gn?]] Dr. H. M. Murdock. Taylors Falls Chisago Co. [[meat?]] etc birds [[et?]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 106 [[pencil]] Nebraska Kansas [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Nebraska & Kansas [[/underlined]] A. [[Arkbaugh? Arhbaugh?]]. [[Arkbaugh? Arhbaugh?]] House. Topeka. Kansas May 73 has Indian relics Dr. F. V. Hayden Ed. T. Denig Fort Union (Deceased) Alexander Culbertson Peoria Ill. Dc. Chas. E. Watson, Bellevue, Douglas Co. [[Amb.?]] notice [[underlined]] Alexander [[/underlined]] Harvey, Ft. Benton (dead.) Col. Alfred Vaughan Chas. E. Galpin. Fort Clark Books. Papers [[not.?]] Wm. Hodgekiss Fort Clark. newspaper Samuel McElderry Fort Berthold Andrew Dawson. Fort Benton - [[pencil]] [[Eden trace?]] paper num. books. [[/pencil]] Ewing McKenzie. Fort William month Yellows. [[pencil]] noticed [[?]] with newspaper [[?]] [[/pencil]] Robert Meldrum. Crow Post. ([[Mouth Bighorn) Mr. Bouis Fort Clark [[insertion]] [[pencil]] news paper [[/insertion]] [[/pencil]] [[strikethrough]] Louis de Vesey Fort [[/strikethrough]] Riley Fort Lyon Dr Ed. Palmer [[strikethrough]] Highlands Doniphan Co [[/strikethrough]] Leavenworth City [[insertion]] Stranger Creek [[/insertion]] Island Platte [[strikethrough]] [[Renew?]] Omaha City [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] W. D. Seymour Rio Grande City. via Columbus [[/strikethrough]] Neb [[?]] [[checkmark]] [[red line]] B. F. Goss Neosho Falls K.T. Dc [[?]] Warson [[?]] Lat 38.03 Lon 95.31 [[margin]] [[pencil]] [[list of birds?]] [[/pencil]] [[/margin]] Henry Brandt. [[strikethrough]] Fort Riley [[/strikethrough]] Junction City [[?]] K. T. Dc. Ent. & [[?]] E. L. Berthand. Leavenworth Dc .1 D. C. Collier Denver City. Arapahoe Co. Kansas Dc W. M. [[strikethrough]] Mr. [[/strikethrough]] Hinman. [[strikethrough]] Laramie Peak via Ft. Laramoe [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Box Elder [[/strikethrough]] Cottonwood Springs 90 West of Kearney Dc [[red line]] Edgar W. Winans Williamsport. Shawnee Co. Mar m. B. Dc W. M. F. Arny. Hyatt P.O. Anderson Co. K.T. Dc 1. R. W. Furnas Brownville Nemaka Co. K.T (Editor Dc) [[gar? gen?]] Major B. S. Schoonover. Indian Agent Upper [[M?]] C U [[Yellen?]] Dr. W. S. Latta Rock Bluff Nebraska I. F. Allen. Omaha. will collect birds J. B. Jones. Denver City Agt. Pike Peak Exp. Co to [[?]] small parcels for S.I. P. F. Wilson ([[Receiver?]]) Omaha [[?]] ([[birds]] [[hunter?]]) F. Fuller. Laurence 1. Birds Chas. Kessler } George Roberts} Ice spray Mail station South Pass City will collect fide Bela M. Hughes Henry [[strikethrough]] Hugh [[/strikethrough]] Sweeney Ft. Riley Kas W. J. Howard Golden City Colorado S. G. Leonard P.M. South Pass City [[Neb?]] (6.8.62) minerals etc Charles H. Sternberg. Fort Harker. Kan. ap. 70 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[end page]] [[start page]] 107 [[preprinted map of Michigan & Wisconsin]] No. 15 Map of the States Micheigan & Wisconsin Engraved to Illustrate Mitchells School and Family Geography Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 108 [[strikethrough]] Jefferson [[/strikethrough]] Colorado D. C. Collier. [[strikethrough]] Denver City [[/strikethrough]] Central City. Hon. Geo. M. Willing. Denver City. Delyal Dr. E. L. Berthoud. Golden City E. W. Raymond. La Porte (formerly Colona) Cache le Poudre Simon Whiteley. U.S. Ind. Agt. Denver City. Col Tex James Luttrell Montgomery [[Aih?]] Co. II. 64 R. Borcherdt. Denver. Col. (Furrier Taxid. g Ch. [[Acct? Agent?]] Frederick Botteler: Bottelers Ranch. Yellowstone: Via Bozeman: Montana can furnish wild animals address of brother Phillip Botteler. Ceresco. Iowa. Nebraska R.O. Thompson. Syracuse. Otoe Co. Neb [[insertion]] [[missonary?]] [[/insertion]] [[?]] may collect animals nov 62 W.H.R. Lykins Laurence Kans. [[Insects??]]. Dec. 62 Col. W. O. Collins 11 Regt. Ohio. Vol. Cavalry. Ft. Laramie. ( m. 1863 Lamar K. Hayhurst. Leavenworth. Kansas. Birds Allen Crocker, Burlington Coffey Co. Kansas II. 65. Birds. [[strikethrough]] Thomas T. Minor. M. D. Winnebago Reservation. Winnebago [[Nov.? Neb?]] v. 67 New Haven Oct 1867. [[/strikethrough]] J. M. Grant Crowelton, Buffalo Co. Neb [[boxed]] Oct. 75 [[/boxed]] Birds [[plants?]] Dakota M.K. Armstrong. [[overwrite]] D [[/overwrite]] Yankton. VI.65. John Kerler. F. Randall In charge of [[?]] [[?]] Dr. Washington Matthews. Ft. Stevenson. Via Sioux City Iowa. & Fort Rice. Dak Oct. 67. Dr. C. C. Gray " [[Ditto for: Ft. Stevenson]] via St. Paul & Devils Lake Nevada Aug. H. Hawk. Jone. Nye Co. ( has Nat. Hist. [[Me.?]]) May 66 Alaska Charles Brown. Fort Wrangell. Near Stickeen River. Can collect shell heap [[articles?]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 109 [[pencil]] New Mexico and (Utah [[strikethrough]] Iowa [[/strikethrough]] ) [[/pencil]] Utah Albert Carrington, Great Salt Lake Dc W.W. Phelps. G. S. L. City Dc. .1 Andrew L. Siler. [[strikethrough]] Franklin grove San Pete Co (P.O. address in St. George P.O. Washington Co [[/strikethrough]] Oct 63 Vinelands Nurseries. Washington Washington Co. Dec. B New Mexico & Arizona Dr. B. I. D. Irwin U.S.A. [[strikethrough]] Ind [[Deframer?]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[/strikethrough]] N. Buchana m De Dr. F. Kavanaugh. Santa Fe. will probably collect birds etc Dc John E. Ureber. Fort Defiance. Dc. 1 Wins. J. Howard. Santa Fe. [[insertion]] Denver City [[/insertion]] Dc. B. 1. general [[Ins?]] Hon. Jos. S. Knapp. Assoc. Judge Wm. Barkleys Fort Near N. Union. N.M. I. 63 [[Reff? Rept?]] Chas D. Porton. Supt. Ind. Affairs Arizona: Care Hooper & Co. Ft. Yuma W. T. Coleman & C. S. Francisco Nov. 63 Eng. Lt. S. Wakefield. M.D | (Magdalena. Sonora Mex.) P.O. Tuba. Ariz. Care Esteban Ochoa. Tuba [[His?]] private address E.S.S. Guardacampo. Magdalena. Encomendade al C. Capeton del Puerto. Guaymas de necesarios or Uliter para la Hertora National de Linora. (ap. 67) Anspe. Sonara (Certirgano de los Campanias Presideales) or care Gen. J.S. Morales. [[Gua?]] O.H. Wordworth M.D. La Mesilla, New Mexico My. 67 [[Line]] Lieut. Chas. Bendire. (1 Lieut.[[insertion]] 1st [[/insertion]] U.S.A Cav) Camp Independence: Inyo Co Cal via Aurora Nevada [[blue checkmark]] Lorenzo G. Yates. Centerville. Alamida Co. Col. ap. 67 Birds. Michael Rosenhammer. [[Rattlesnake?]]. Placer Co Col. (Ap. 70) [[blue checkmark]] William A. Cooper. Santa Cruz. California. Mar. 72 [[blue checkmark]] Mrs. G.B. Crane St. Helena. Napa Co. Cal Thomas Donaldson. Care Geo. W. Grayson 509 California St. S. [[Fr.?]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 109 1/2 [[pencil]] California [[/pencil]] B.D. Wilson. Los Angeles 1 1 A.J. Cork Richland. Sacramento Co. Cal. [[west?]] II. 64 Michael Rosenhammer California III. 64 Care Chas. Hailer Tolson Brewery Tolson Cal [[strikethrough]] U. T. Brigham Care Chas. W. Brick & Co Sa [[Indian?]] (agents Birds. Sue. with mamm) [[underlined]] California [[/underlined]] J. Hepburn. San Francisco Bird A. S. Taylor [[strikethrough]] Monterey [[/strikethrough]] Santa Barbara B [[strikethrough]] E. Samuels, Petaluma, Sonora Co. [[/strikethrough]] Dr. W. O. Ayres, San Francisco B. S. M. Bowman " [[Ditto for: San Francisco]] R. E. C. Stearns Box 1435 S. Fr.(1870 [[strikethrough]] Lt. W. P. Trowbridge U.S.A [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Capt. D.C. Farragut, Navy Yard [[/strikethrough]] Dr. T. W. Hatch, Sacramento Dr. Robt. [[strikethrough]] R [[/strikethrough]] K. Reid, Stockton Dc 1 [[strikethrough]] J. F. Hammond U.S.A. San Diego [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Dr. Wm Hammond San Francisco [[/strikethrough]] W. F. Langton (Langton's express) B Volney J Ballou, Bodega Dc Dr Albert J. Baldwin, Shasta Dc 1 Dr. W. E. Gibbons San Francisco 1 W. P. Blake Box 2077 S. Nausur [[strikethrough]] Rev. Israel S. Diehl Sacramento City Dc [[strikethrough]] A. J. Grayson San Jose 1 (orn) B [[/strikethrough]] D. S. Marvin Forest City. Sierra Co Dc C. D. Gibbes See. Cali. Soc. N. H. Stockton Andrew Cassidy. San Diego Cal. m B Dc .1 [[blue checkmark]] Ferdinand Gruber corner [[insertion]] 626 California St ap. 66 [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] Sansom & California St [[/strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] 148 Clay st 223 Sacramento St. [[/strikethrough]] 626 Bemis Building California Street S. W. San Francisco Cal Dc commercial naturalists & birds stuffed B Colbert A. Canfield M.Dc Monterey Cal. [[Verteb?]] plants B L. V. de Vesey [[blue checkmark]] California Society of Natural History Stockton 1 W. A. Wallace Care of Alta California San Franscisco 1 Rev. Jos. Rowell San Francisco Dc 1 Mrs David Spence. Monterey eggs Mrs Thos. W. Day " " [[Ditto for: Monterey eggs]] [[Neeva?]] N. [[Wines?]]. Light House Keeper [[Laralloner?]] San Francisco Dc 1 Mr F. Hepburn San Francisco ornithology Dc Dr. D. S. Skinner Stockton Dc 1 B. D. Wilson Los Angeles 1 [[end page] [[start page]] [[written on blue page beneath white page]] Lt. Geo. M. Wheeler. Box 1194 S. Francisco May 1871 P.S. Knight. Salem. Oregon [[circled]] 72 [[/circled]] Birds eggs [[/blue page]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start of white page]] California [[checkmark]] Henry Hemphill: San Diego Oct. 73 Office Marine [[?]] A. W. Chase. Asst. U.S. Coast Survey San Francisco Cal Paul Schumacher P.O. box 1222 San Francisco J. C. Merrill & Co 204 California St. S. Franscisco Mar. 74 agents [[Australasian?]] S. S. Co. J. E. Eldridge Crescent City Del Norte Co. Cal. [[Ethnol.?]]1874 H. Somes Orleans Bar Klamath Co. Eal " [[Ditto for: Ethnol.? 1874]] Robert Gordon Auburn Placer Co. Cal " [[Ditto for: Ethnol.? 1874]] John Fairchild Yreka Cal " [[Ditto for: Ethnol.? 1874]] Robert Whittle care of above Dr. J. G. Cooper Haywood. Alamdea Co. Cal. [[circled]] 75 [[/circled]] Wyoming Chas. H. Terry Cheyenne [[circled]] Box 189 [[/circled]] Oct. 73 wants trout spawn [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Oregon, Washington and Alaska Chas. P. Dyer. Smiths Island Light House, via Port Townsend W. T. eggs et [[nov.?]] 74 D. P. Thompson Portland Oregon (salmon canner. Mar. 77) [[end page]] [[start page]] 109 3/4 Lt. Geo. M. Wheeler, Box 1194 S. Francisco May 1871 [[pencil]] [[strikethrough]] California [[/strikethrough]] Oregon [[/pencil]] P. S. Knight. Salem Oregon [[circled]] 72 [[/circled]] Birds & eggs [[underlined]] Oregon [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Dr. J. Evans, Portland Oregon City [[/strikethrough]] John F. Noble [[Wyeletpoo?]] via Walla Walla Dc Frances Panton, Oregon City. Dc T. J. Dryer, Portland [[W?]]. H. Tappan, St. Helens Dc 1 [[strikethrough]] J. K. Cardwell, Corvallis. Benton Co. [[strikethrough]] Animals Dc. R. W. Dunbar. Port Orford O. V. Dc 1 H. Catley Hospital Steward U.S.A St. Umpqua Dc M. J. Ryan. AM. Prest. Columbia College. Eugene City. Dr. J. R. Cardwell. Portland Oregon Prof. D. C. Taft. Pacific University [[?]] II. 64 Ed. Norton of Wells [[Jays? Tays?]] etc Portland Henry Cummins Eugene City F.H. Crawford Sublimity. (II. 64) [[underlined]] California [[/underlined]] John S. Kittell Office Alta California S. Fr Dr. John A. [[Neateh?]] S Fr. 1 Daniel Hill, Santa Barbara 1 J. R. A. Stanley Los Angeles Lt. John Feilner [[strikethrough]] Sergeant Comp. [[A? F?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[First?]] [[Dragoons?]] Fort Crook via Red Bluff Ed. Hutchins Cala. Magazine, San Francisco Ed. Heskeram W. Murray Lock Box 1327 S. Francisco Plants Wm. Vaille Yreka Siskyou Co. Care of Chas. Ritter Taxidermist [[?]] Judge Rosborough Yreka has charge of Modoc and Silas Indians. [[camp?]] there to collect eggs W. Burling Esq San Francisco. Cal (trader to the [[amour?]] Jas. H. Jenkins. Care Heath & Green. San Francisco Dr. D. F. Parkinson [[strikethrough]] Hosp. Steward. Ft. [[Crook?]] [[/strikethrough]] Tehama Cal J. Sloane Collector San Diego Dr. G. A. Hoon camp independence [[Owens?]] valley [[no?]] [[Esalin?]] Keysville Tulare Co. R. E. C. Stearns Lock Box 1449 San Frans. [[Archeol?]] W. F. Schwarz Care H. N. Bolander Lock Box 1996. S. Fr. Birds Dc 65 [[?]] Dr. D. F. Parkinson Tehama Cal. ap. 67. [[blue checkmark]] Dr. Lorenzo Y. Yates. Centreville Alameda Co. Cal. eggs. 1867 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 110 [[pencil]] Washington [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Washington [[/underlined]] & British Columbia Dr. N. F. Tolmie Ft. Nisqually [[insertion]] Vancouver Island, via Port Townsend [[/insertion]] m Dc. Jas. R. Lum, Grand Mound B George Gibbs Steilacoom m B.1. Mr. Gerrish Light House Keeper. Cape Flattery B 1 Capt. Boyling Light House Keeper New Dungeness Str Fuca Dc 1. Lt. J. W. White. Rev. Cutter Jeff. Davis[[insertion]] [[Lincoln]][[/insertion]]. Port Townsend Dc James G. Swan [[strikethrough]] Port Townsend Neeah Bay via Port Townsend [[/strikethrough]] Dc Port Townsend May 67. Shells Dr. C B Kennerly. Colville. Care U.S. [[F?]] [[m?]] Vancouver WT J. D. Carroll. Victoria. Dr. Wood. RN. HMS Hecate [[Esquimalt.?]] Vancouver Isl. (Books to care of British Consul San Francisco W.H. Tappen. St. Helens. W. T L.L. Blake. Olympia (Member [[strikethrough]] ( [[/strikethrough]] [[legislature?]] Naturalist & [[Sportsman?]]) Nov.62 Dr. D. Walker, Care [[Jamon? ]] Green. Victoria b.I. II.63 [[blue checkmark]] James G. Swan [[/strikethrough]] Neeah Bay. via Port Angeles [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Port Townsend [[/insertion]] W.T. (Oct. 65) Alden W. Huson [[insertion]] N. end Vancouver Is [[/insertion]] Care U.S. Consul. Victoria. b.I. [[ap?]]. 67 Henry W. Elliot. care A. Bruckman Tel. Office New Westminster Br. Col. V.67 [[blue checkmark]] Dr. Thos. T. Minor. Port Townsend. [[Dc?]] 68 [[[end page]] [[start page]] 111 Mr Manuel Grigo. Hermosillo, Sonora Has wagon train to supply Arizona posts. These brought down Tucson meteorite to Guaymas. for S.I. free of charge. His agent in San Francisco is M. Ainsa. Esq Mr. A. Ainsa. of Hermosillo has change of trains. Chas. D. Parton. Ind. Agent. Tucson via Sante Fe for letters: care Geo. H. Hooper. & Co S. Francisco & Ft. Yuma Tuscon for parcels Valdemar Knudsen. Waimea, Kauai, Sandwich Islands 1868 [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 112 [[image - map of Mexico Central America and the West Indies, with additional inset maps of Isthmus of Nicaragua and Isthmus of Tehuantepec]] [[preprinted]] No. 16 Map of Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies [[underlined]] Remarks [[/underlined]] The West Indies comprise the Great Antillos, the Little Antilles, the Bahama islands and the Caribbec Islands. The Great Antilles are Cuba, Hayti, Jamaica, and Porto Rico. The Little Antilles be along the coast of Venezuela: of those Curacoa and Margarita are the largest. The Bahama Islands lie north of Cuba and Hayti comprising Abaco, Elenthera, Guanaham and others. The Caribbec Islands extend from Porto Rico to Trinidad, including the latter. those which lie north of latitude 15° are called the Leeward and those south, the Windard Is. [[underlined]] Distances from New Your to San Francisco [[/underlined]] Via [[?]] and Panama (Panama route) 6350 m Via San Juan del Norte and [[?]] del Sur (Nicaragua route) 6225 m Via [[?]] R and La Ventura (Tehuantopu route) [[5200?]] m Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1862 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the custom district of Pennsylvania. [[/preprinted]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Mexico [[et?]] Münzenberger and Kapp; Musquiz. Mex: Care of Wm. Schuchardt, Eagle Pass, Texas (have meteorite III.1871 Carlos Schuchardt, Mazapil. Zacatecas. Care of W. Schuchardt, Eagle Pass. Tex. mining engineer III. 1871 Señor Antonio Peñafiel, curator of Nat. Mus. Mex.. III.71 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 113 Mexico & Central America Dr. Autemieth, Panama Don Juan Potts, Mexico Don Juan Bobadilla, Cure de Parras. Mex Joseph Hawes, Panama [[strikethrough]] Joseph Rowell, Panama [[/strikethrough]] Don. Edwardo Arosemena, Panama P. Thuillier, Vera Cruz, Agent Harris & Morgan Steamers Licenc. [[superscript]] do [[/superscript]] Pascal Almazan, Puebla Sr. Don Charles Sartorius, Mirador care M. d'Oleire Prussian Consul, Vera Cruz recommended by H. D. Saussure F. Glennie, City of Mexico Entomologist I. H. Steinbergh, Panama. Insect L. C. Ervendberg, address [[strikethrough]] Sen. D. Trineo Jaunigui [[/strikethrough]] / Colonia de Wartenburg [[strikethrough]] Sr. Santo [[Fuller?]] [[/strikethrough]] para entregar / al Sen. Prof. L.C. Ervendberg, Santoyuca care of H.M. Ruge & Co. Tampico Mexico He lives on a small farm on the River of Calabozo about 40 leagues S. of Tampico and 30 leagues (90 miles) w. of Tuspan / fide Frauenstein. Boston. R. Montes D'Oca. Jalapa. Professional collector of birds Captain I.M. Dow. 2 Steamer Panama RR Co care M. Smyth, P.R.R. office [[strikethrough]] Mr [[/strikethrough]] Jas. M. Leannan, [[insertion] Frijole [[/insertion]] Panama R.R. Collects birds Dr. Charles Dorat. La Union. N.J? B.J. Dorsey. Panama, Agt. RR. Dr. Vastbinder, Mazatlan English Phys. [[strikethrough]] Chas. Laszlo, Minatitlan [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] also San Juan Bautista, Laborer [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] Louisiana [[Selmancepec?]] Co. Packages care of Welsh & Allen, [[/strikethrough]] F. Rair Capt. C.P. Stone, care of L. W. Fisher, of John Sims & Co. San Francisco Sen. Don Nicolas Jose Gutierrez, Panama. conchologist, Union Dr. I. Gundlach, care Sr. Don Simon de Cardenas, Calgada del Cerro 546. / ap. 70 Havana Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 114 [[pencil]] West Indies [[/pencil]] Don Felipe Paey. Calle [[strikethrough]] de 1'Amistad 118 del Aguila 157 120 [[/strikethrough]] de San Nicolas 96 [[new?]] Havana D.c Charles Booth Esq. Cardenas: Cuba Dc Don. John [[strikethrough]] Henry [[/strikethrough]] Harvey Darrell, Chief Justice of Bermuda Dc Care Middleton & Co. NY (ap. 63) [[strikethrough]] Thomas [[/strikethrough]] Richard Hill Spanishtown Jamaica D.C 1. [[bracket encasing next five entries]] Chas. Wright Care M. Lescaille. [[strikethrough]] Monte Verde [[/strikethrough]] Sta. Catalina de [[Guantanamo?]] Cuba Dc James B. Arnold Shelby Bay. Bermuda J. A. Hieto, Cordoba. Mex Dr. T. F. W. Du Pree U.S. Vice Consul Aspenwall D Bressler & Giraudy Santiago de Cuba for Mr (Chas.) Wright. Mr. Anthony Trott Bermuda [[Lives?]] [[near?]] ([[Gumets?]] Head Rock) Charles Keane ([[Druggist?]]). Bermuda Skin birds German Berendt M.D. [[strikethrough] Vera Cruz [[/strikethrough]] San Juan Bautista de Tabasco Dec. 63 will collect Dc Para [[strikethrough]] care of Señor Don José Gonsalez de Cueto, Vera Cruz [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Sr. Don Carlos Sartorius (Vera Cruz, Huatusco, Mirador Dc. B) Dr. W. F. [[insertion]] T [[/insertion]] White [[Lehman?]] Panama Care of Pan. R.R. Co. 88 Wall St. J. Matthew Jones. Bermuda Dr. A. H. Rüse. St. Thomas, W.I. Care of Schieffelin. Bros. NY Mon. F. Germain Santiago de Chile. commercial Naturalist Don Launto R. Peña " " [[Ditto for: Santiago de Chile]] Calgado del Cerro 546 [[strikethrough]] del Cal [[/strikethrough]] Sr. Don. Simon de Cardenas Calle [[strikethrough]] de la Reine 61. [[strikethrough]] Havana [[strikethrough]] del Campanario 186 [[strikethrough]] [[circled]] august [[/circled]] Dr. J. Gundlach Care [[strikethrough]] Prof. Pavy [[/strikethrough]] Havana Dr. [[insertion]] Izett W [[/insertion]] Anderson, Kingston Jamaica Wm. Thos. [[strikethrough]] W. W. [[/strikethrough]] March. Spanishtown Jamaica Bird [[strikethrough]] Hon. Richard N [[/strikethrough]] Dr. Breton. Lapez. June. [[Bolany? Botany?]] Don Carlo Sartorius, Mirador, [[insertion]] (60 miles fr. Vera Cruz) [[/insertion]] care of Señores A. C. Doormann e Hijo. Vera Cruz. [[insertion]] Huatasco. Vera Cruz, June 67 [[/insertion]] agent in NY. [[strikethrough]] Theo Rich Theodor Victor & Duckwitz [[/strikethrough]] Dr. Breton. Lapaz Care Capt. C. B. Smith [[Lapaz Mex.]]? has large coll. plants[[in]] 85 [[?]] [[?]] Prof. L. C. Errendberg. Colonia Warteberg, Tantoyuca. Care H. M. Ruge et Comp. [[superscript]] e [[/superscript]] Tampico [[insertion]] 1 [[St?]] Victor & Duckwitz NY [[/insertion]] C. N. Riotte. U.S. [[Member?]] Costa Rica. San Jose. (29 Bayard St. NY) Professor el Colegio Nacional Francois Sumichrast. Care Lucien Biart, botica francesa. [[Angarra? Anzara?]] Marquis L. Hine. U.S. Consul. San Jose. Costa Rica. Care [[Colheal? Co.]] NY (Oct. 61) David M. Corwine Capt. Par. RR. Panama Señora Ohlmayor y Rock, Manzanitta } para entregar a Señor Don Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Roberto G. Loweree, Guadalaxara, Republica Mexicana steamer [[to? fr.?]] S. J. 21' [[y? of?]] [[memb? month?]] Dr. A. von [[Frantzius]]. San Jose de Costa Rica. Bird. L. Daser " " [[Ditto for: San Jose de Costa Rica.]] (Till Oct. 62 Stuttgart) Henry Hague. San Geronimo. Guat. VII. 65 Dr Kluge. Aspinwall ([[Surgen??]] P.[[RR Co?]] [[Succush? succeeds?]] [[Do.? Dr.?]] [[Whale? White?]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 115 [[preprinted map of South America]] No. 19 MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA Engraved to Illustrate MITCHELL'S School and Family Geography EXPLANATION The Capitals of Countries are represented thus [[symbol]] The figures attached to Cities and Towns indicate the number of thousands of the population thus Rio Janciro 170 signifies 170,000 inhabitants. The figures attached to the Rivers indicate the number of hundreds of miles of their length of course thus the Amazon River 36 signifies 3600 miles long. These characters [[two symbols]] signify ship and sloop navigation the distance of which from the sea in miles is pointed out by the attached figures. The words underscored are the names of Indian Tribes [[Inset map in upper right corner of Isthmus of Darien]] No. 20 Map of the ISTHMUS of DARIEN Showing the route of the Railroad from Aspinwall to Panama [[Bottom of map]] Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1852 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Engraved by J. H. Young [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 116 Mr Galody Esq. U.S. Consul Antigua (Jan. 63) [[insertion]] (mail made up in N York on 28 of each month [[/insertion]] E. C. Townsend. Isl. La Vache (Haiti) with [[contraband?]] colony I. 63 Señor Licenciado Don Eugenio M [[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] Aguirre [[Saltillo?]] Mex [[scientific?]] G. Gables II. 10. 63 Alexis A. Julien Sombrero Island Care Ross Wood & Son 90 Front St. NY X. 63 N. H. Bishop Remedios Cuba Care of Wm. A. [[strikethrough]] D [[/strikethrough]] Towner care Danford Knowlton & Co. 110 Front St. NY for small parcels D. B. van Brunt Agent P.M.S.S.G. [[Acapulco?]] [[Mex.?]] II. 1864 Geo. C. Edwards Puerto de Napo near [[Aubidener?]] Eastern Ecuador Care Mr. F. Hassaurek U.S. Minerals will collect birds [[fide?]] C. R. [[Buchalar?]] Dec. 1863 Lieut C. L. I. Fitzgerald H. M. 1 st W.I. [[Regt?]] [[strikethrough]] Nassau NP [[/strikethrough]] Port Royal Ja XII. 1864 (III. 64) Int [[ch?]] Fred Hecks [[Chanandegu?]] [[me?]] care Cap. Dow [[Panama?]] D. German Strebel [[strikethrough]] care of [[Sres?]] Leffmann & Guthiel Veracruz Mexico (collects [[molluscs?]]) his agent in New York Messars Fred. Probst 55 Broad St. New York send [[?]] names of contacts. Can send for [[Sartorius?]] also Dr. Agustin Ghiesbreght care of Sres Gutierrez v. [[?]] Villa del Carmen (Laguna.) Earl Flint M.D. Granada Nicar. Care Gr [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] Shipley : Cornith. m Señor D. Salazar y Larnegui. Governor of Yucatan Merida Sr Dr. Arturo Schott Merida Yucatan Louis Bonhole ([[?]] [[?]] Notz) Mexico Care [[?]] [[Legation?]] Wash. Leffmann & Gutheel. Vera Cruz. Care F. Probit & Co. 55 Broad S. N. L. [[Call?]] & Co. Havana Daniel Sargent St [[Inagua?]] Bahamas via Nassau Chs. Lazglo. Frontera de Tabasco Care B. F. Small & Co. NY. II. 65 Sr. Antonio del Castillo. Coliseo Viejo No. 21. Mexico. minerals III. 65 Harry E. Holland Chief Eng. C. Am Transit Co. San Juan del Norte Me. [[insertion]] see NY [[/insertion]] IV. 65 [[bracket encompassing this and three next entries]] Care [[Carrington? Cavanagh?]] NY Frank [[Ragur?]] " " [[Ditto for: C. Am Transit Co. San Juan del]] Sud " [[Ditto for: Me.]] W. S. Gregory Gen. [[Agnt?]] " " " [[Ditto for: C. Am Transit Co. San Juan del]] Norte [[Ditto for: Me.]] Dr. F. J. Deizman " " " " [[Ditto for: C. Am Transit Co. San Juan del Norte Me.]] [[strikethrough]] M. Am [[/strikethrough]] M. Aniceto Moreno Director College national [[Nizahi?]] wishes to exchange specimens ([[Summat?]] Nov 26) Dr. Earl Flint Granada Nicar. I. 66 William Holland. San Juan River mc Care C. A. [[?]] Co (Engraver?) birds I. 1864 Emilie Schlaening Calle de la Palma 6. Mexico Bird [[?]] 10. 66 Dr. A. Leotand Port of Spanis. [[Frundar?]] Theodore Ames. Care Don Pio Benito Guatemala City (Texas & Lake [[Allplay?]] Dr. J. W. Livingston. La Union. San Salvador Oct. 64 Moss Schramra Point au [[Pitre?]] Guadalupe A. H. Alexander. Port of Span. Trinidad Dec. 66 Geo. Latimer SI John. Porto Rico Care I. V. Onativia & Co 47 South St. Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives NY Hugo Finik Prussian Vice Consulate Cordona [[M?]] Dr. G. Berend Care A. C. M Levy Belize Henry Hague San Geranmo Care of [[strikethrough]] Viton [[/strikethrough]] Viteri Everalla Co Guatemala City (send by Steamer of 21' of [[M]] Geo. Harderman Care Kerford Nephew & Son. San Salvador Aug. 67. bird D. Dr. Albert Koller. Palenque Casa Don Pedro Requeña. Villa del Carmen (Laguna) Mex. II. 65 Augustin Vilaseca San Juan Bautista. Pro. F. [[Sumchrast?]] Care Alexander de Gyrves [[Tuchitex?]] [[Schuanlope?]] Care Leffmaman - [[Guthssl?]] Vera Cruz July 68 Iztallepec ([[Isth.?]] Tehuantepec) ap. 31. 71 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[scan of page blurry, especially on left side and toward bottom of page]] [[strikethrough]] Prof. Franciose Sumichrast Rancho de Icaid [[insertion]] Cacprieto [[/insertion]] prieto. Chiapas care of Mr. Juan Liljehult, Tuchitan for letters care of Mr Will Deck minaletlan for books et Ap. 72 Prof F. Sumukrast Sta Efigenca. Tehuantepec. care Ant. Nivon for letters For parcels Care Thomas Carlock Agent P.M.S.S. Co ^ [[insertion]] Salina Cruz [[/insertion]] Tehuantepec via Panama. (Aug. 16.1874) (Feb. 1976) Andrew Garrett Tahile: Society Islands Care Turner [[Randle?]] S. Fr 74 R. Montes de Oca Hospital Real No. 3. Mexico Frederico Albaquerque Caixa no Correio N. 418. Rie de Janeiro [[circle]] nov. 74 [[/circle]] Prof. C. F. Hartt Care Sñr Major A. C. James P. surelanso da Commissão Geollogica Caixa no Correio No. 126. Rio do Janeiro Baron Pimenta Bueno. Director da Companbra fluvisle Par'l can [[?]] guarana so other vegitable & animal forwarding the amazon. [[River?]] to Dr. S. M. S. de Continha as confirmal Nov. 76 F. Gaudencio da casta & Co. Pará also in amazon [[?]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 117 [[pencil]] South America [[/pencil]] South America Dr. H. W. Kennedy, [[insertion]] Pay sender Uraguay. [[/insertion]] Care of Hughes, Bros. [[insertion]] Buenos Ayres or [[/insertion]] Montervideo. of Reynolds & Cushman. 74 Broad St. NewYork Don Jacinto [[insertion]] R [[/insertion]] Peña, Santiago, Chile Mr. [[insertion]] Allan [[?]] [[/insertion]] Burton U.S. Minister. Bogota. [[strikethrough]] Rev. A. G. Carothus. Care Vatable & Reynal. 67 Water St. NY. [[/strikethrough]] Oct. 62 D. B. Parsons Belize. Bul. Henderson. Care Theo Gray 203 Pearl St. Ny. nov. 1862 Philip a de Creny Sta [[strikethrough]] Esperitu [[/strikethrough]] Martinique Dec. 62. Reptiles Care Vatable & Reynal. NY. 67 Water St Geo. Crowther. Bogota Professional bird collector Dr. C. J. Hering. Govt. plantation Rustenburg [[Surenani?]]: Care Van. Praag & Co. Boston Dr. Villevicencio. [[Zuite?]] Ecuador Pry. W. Jameson " [[Ditto for: [[Zuite?]] Ecuador]] Dr. H. Burmeister Buenes Ayres C. A. Philippi Santiago de Chile Sn. Frederica. Albuquerque Rio Grande do Sole Birds Dr. Aaron Young Jr. U.S. Consul Rio Grand de Sol. Brazil Care of [[strikethrough]] Joseph [[/strikethrough]] John Bento [[insertion]] & Co [[/insertion]] NY. Aug 1864 159 Front St Front Henry Sawyer. U.S. Consul. [[Paramaribo?]] Walter S. Church C. G. Lima (birds) II. 65 Antonio F. G. Lacerda Jr. Bahia Brazil Dr. Otto Wucherer " [[Ditto for: Bahia Brazil]] Rev. C. G. Nicolay " [[Ditto for: Bahia Brazil]] T. Adamson Jr. Consul [[Pernanibuco?]] C. H. Laekr [[insertion]] Canal [[/insertion]] Puerto Cabello Prof. Antonio Raimondi Care Dr. Don Miguel Colunga Escuela de [[Medians?]] Lima. Peru - Birds Dr. F. L Burlamaqui Director Brazil N.H. Mus. Rio [[Jamin?]] [[strikethrough]] Walter S. Church [[/strikethrough]] W. [[Nation?]] Lima (Birds) (Church Mar 28. 65) August Luschnath, 49 Rua do Corpo. Santa [[Bahea?]] Brazil Dealer in birds William Byrne Cali. State of Cauca. Colombia. will aid in purchasing birds W. H. Weir Tumaco. Cauca (American) [[?]] G. C. Crane. U.S. Vice Consul. Bogota. will buy without [[ammesa?]] any birds: has done this before See letter Allan A. Burton ap. 25. 65 (63 28) Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 118 Mr Goodwin Pernambuco (collects birds) Oct. 65 A. C. [[Younglove?]] P.' au [[Prince?]] Care R. Murray [[Jr?]] 269 Cherry St NY C. E. Leland U.S vice Consul Cayenne. William H. Hudson [[circled]] Conchitaz [[/circled]] [[insertion]] Calle Bolivar 314 [[/insertion]] Buenos Ayres Care Rev. Wm. Goodfellow Buenos Ayres [[.?]] 67 [[strikethrough]] Green [[/strikethrough]] Le [[Rossignol Co.?]] 85 Buenos Ayres for money sendings. George E. Corey. Care Capt. Geo. Davis. Tumbez. Peru. (II. 1867) E. P. Larkin, Guyaquil: Care J. Bishop & Co 32 Beanes St. NY. V. 67. Constantine Telski. Naturalist. a Cayenne. II. 67. G. A. Ernst. Caracas. Ven. care Dallet & Co. [[Phil?]] sep. 67. [[Botanist?]] will send anything [[want?]] Govt. [[Sci pubs?]]: P. R.R. S. Pat. Off. [[reps?]] [[?]] Lorenzo Dire ([[Monteria?]] Sinu River) care Tracy Robinson & Co. [[Colon Aspinwall?]] XI. 67. J. B. Austin. Care Griffith & Co. 52 Exchange Place NY/ Ciudad Bolivar Orinoco river : has work on the Uruari [[insertion]] Yuruary [[/insertion]] river 250 miles S. E. of Bolivia A. Wildebor. Barbados. Professional Collector m. 67 Dr. Alcide Destruges. Guyaquil collect. m. 67 John W. Dowsing M. D. Care [[Senor Pimente Buino?]] Para. R. W. S. Rasin 32 South St. Baltimore. Agent Navassa Phosphate Co. Geo. H. Brown. M.D. Saba (Dutch W.I) care [[insertion]] Capt. Raphael Hasself [[insertion]] sse [[/insertion]] Schooner Lauren Pride [[/insertion]] Jones & Lough. 52 Exchange Place. NY Hauxwell. Pebas. Peru. via Para. [[strikethrough]] E. [[/strikethrough]] Capt. M. B. Porteaux. Care Jas. M. Putnam. Belize. via N. Orleans Feb. 69. offer services to collecting animals live & dead J. F. Reeve Guyaquil. B. Lechmere Guppy [[insertion]] [[possible shorthand notation?]] [[/insertion]](Care Robt. Swift. St. Thomas) [[insertion]] for parcels [[/insertion]] Trinidad. ap. 69 Dr. Bernoville. Antigua. Guatemala (collect zoological [[sp.? &?]] sells (Dr Frantzser Ap. 27 69 Henry Meiggs. Lima H. Schuber. Panama Frances G. Sang. Care of Hockmeyer & Rittscher. Guatemala. Books care H. Hague [[strikethrough] Mr. [[/striketrhough]] Manuel M. Chazaro. Care of Don Guillermo Fitzmaurice. Vera Cruz. corresponded Dr Sartorius. Lives on large estate S. of Vera Cruz [[botanical?]] - [[M?]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 119 [[end page]] Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 120 No. 21 Map of Europe Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family Geography [[Image - map of Europe]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 121 [[pencil]] Norway Sweden Denmark [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Norway, Sweden, Denmark [[/underlined]] Holland [[checkmark]] Prof. C. J. Sundevall, Stockholm 1. [[checkmark]] Chr. Drewson, Copenhagen [[checkmark]] N. Hall, Naes Ironworks, Christiania [[strikethrough]] Schach Steenberg, Elsinore [[/strikethrough]] Dead [[checkmark]] C. F. Lütken [[insertion]] [[Univasiteat?]] [[/insertion]] Zoologisk Museum. Copenhagen [[checkmark]] J. J. Steinstrup " [[ditto for: Copenhagen]] [[checkmark]] Dr. J. N. Reinhardt Royal Museum " [[ditto for: Copenhagen]] [[checkmark]] Dr. H. Kroyer [[checkmark]] Alfred Benzon. Copenhagen birds & eggs Heron. Baars. Bergen gallery rep Fishery exposition of [[Thule?]] [[strikethrough]] Le [[/strikethrough]] Lensmand A. Brün care Apotheker Brün owner of the Lap. coll. 1876 [[strikethrough]] Trondj [[/strikethrough]] Throndhjem Norway C. J. Bottemanne Superintendent of Holland Fisheries Ministry of Finance. Dept. Domains. The Hague. 1877 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 122 [[end page]] [[start page]] 123 No. 22 Map of Great Britain and Ireland Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family Geography [[image - map of Great Britain, Ireland, and associated islands]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 124 [[end page]] [[start page]] 125 [[pencil]] Great Britain & [[Ireland?]] [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Great Britain [[/underlined]] [[blue checkmark]] Sir. W. Jardine, Lackerby St. Britain 1 dead H. Denny, Leeds [[blue checkmark]] John Gould ( [[strikethrough]] 94 Gt. Russell Street, Bloomsbury. W.C. London ( 2 [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] 0 Broad St. Golden Square London. [[/strikethrough]] 20 Charlotte St. Bedford Square, London WC (T. 63) [[blue checkmark]] [[blue pencil]] Prof [[/pencil]] Alfred Newton. [[strikethrough]] Elveden Hall. Thetford. [[/strikethrough]] 1 Magdalene College. Cambridge (Nov. 63) Birds & Eggs [[blue checkmark]] J. H. Gurney M.P. Cotton Hall. Norwich Raptors 1 [[insertion below]] care A. B. - D. Sand NY [[/insertion below]] Hugh Cuming. 80 Gower St. London Dead [[blue checkmark]] Philip Lutley Sclater [[strikethrough]] 49 Pall [[/strikethrough]] Mall [[insertion]]11 Hanover Square [[/insertion]] London Rev. Robert Sutton, 1. Wiseton Hall, Bawtrey, Yorkshire (Lady Napiers egg friend) [[blue checkmark]] Wm. H. Whitely. Taxidermist 28 Wellington St. Woolwich London (S.E) [[blue checkmark]] Capt. I. Blakeston. [[strikethrough]] R.A. [[/strikethrough]] Woolwich London (care of above) Oct. 62 [[(a)?]] A. Noble R.A Secretary Royal Artillery Institution Woolwich [[blue checkmark]] Thomas Moore. Derby Museum, Free Public Library. Liverpool. J. Evrard Surgical instrument maker. 35 Charles St. Middlesex Hospital London [[blue checkmark]] Andrew Murray [[strikethrough]] 1 Scotland St. Edinburg [[/strikethrough]] 67 Bidford Gardens. Kensington London/Care of Agent Bank of British N. America 52 Wall St. NY [[strikethrough]] (Rev [[/strikethrough]] Dr. P. P. Carpenter [[strikethrough]] Warrington [[/strikethrough]] care Robt. Gaskell Penketh near 2 Trafford Place [[strikethrough]] mar [[/strikethrough]] Stratford Road Manchester (III. 63) Boxes to [[?]] Museum (boxes to Care of Morrell & Woodward, Canning Place Liverpool Sir John Richardson. Lancrigg. Grassmore. Westmoreland Dead Osbert Salom, [[strikethrough]] 11 Hanover Terrace Regents Park London [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Morr [[/strikethrough]] Moorgate. near Rotherham Yorkshire (June 64) G.B. Sowerby. 32 Great Russell St. Bloomsbury [[insertion]] Cambridge [[/insertion]] London [[blue checkmark]] Rev. H. B. Tristram, Greatham [[strikethrough]] Hospital [[/strikethrough]] Vicarage. Stockton on Tees. [[insertion]] Tees. [[/insertion]] (Eggs) [[blue checkmark]] Lt. Col. [[insertion]] Edward [[/insertion]] Cooper. Grenadier Guards. 5 Bryanston Square. London Birds I.63 Dr. I. Barnard Davis. Skelton. Hanley. Staffordshire. Skulls [[human?]] II. 63 H. E. Dresser [[strikethrough]] 7 New Broad Street London [[/strikethrough]] 1 St. Helens Place. G.L. Dec. 69 (Birds) m 64 Louis Fraser. dealer. The Green. Knightsbridge S.W. London II. 65. Dr. P.L. Sclater 11 Hanover Square (office) 64 Charlotte St. Rathbone Place. London ([[Home?]]) V. 65 [[blue checkmark]] John S. Stevens Nat. Hist. Agency Office. 24 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Bloomsbury St. London W.C. Dec. 65 W. Wesley 81 Fleet St. London Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 126 [[blue checkmark]] Arthur William Crichton. 11 Eaton Place, Belgrave Square, London [[Egp?]] T. 67. St. George Mivart, 7 North Bank; St. John's Wood, London Barthold Seemann 57. Windsor Road. [[underlined]] North [[/underlined]] London. V. 67 Rev. W. W. Kirkly. Church Miss. House. 14 Salisbury Square, London Oct. 68 [[blue checkmark]] William Blackmore. Founders Court Lothbury, London m 68 Museum [[master?]] at Blackmore Museum, Salisbury, Eng. Rev. Moncure D. Conway. 14 Millborne Grove. West Brampton London. Mar 69 Sir John Lubbock. 15 Lombard St G.C. London Feb.71 Edward Bartlett. 70 Delan[[strikethrough]] cy [[/strikethrough]]cey Street. Regents Park. London ap.71 [[blue checkmark]] Lord Walsingham. Merton Hall. Walton, Norfolk. [[market for plants?]] [[blue checkmark]] Sir Victor Brooke. Bart. Colebrooke, Lisnaskea, Fermanagh, Ireland [[blue checkmark]] Alfred W. Bennett. 6 Park Village East. Regents Park, London [[may?]] 71 Augustus W. Franks. Christy Collection 103 Victoria St. London Ernest Griset. 3 Patshull Place. Kentish Farm, N.W. London [[blue checkmark]] John Henry Gurney. Marldon, Totnes, England James G. Bertram. Glasgow New. 67 Hope St. Glasgow [[blue checkmark]] J. E. Harting. 24 Lincoln Inn Fields, London [[circled]] 1873 [[/circled]] [[blue checkmark]] H. E. Dresser. 6 Tenterden St. Hanover Square, London (1874) Frank Buckland: Salmon Fisheries office 4. Old Palace Yard. S.W. London [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] Isaiah Pierce 12 Beaufort Gardens London 1 76 [[Int Ref?]] [[checkmark]] Prof. St. George Mivart. Catholic University College. Kensington. W. London (1874) Osbert Salvin. Brooklands Avenue Cambridge [[Eng?]] Robert Day, Jr. 3 Sidney Place. Cork Ireland (Jan. 75) B. Fawcett. East Lodge Driffield. (made plates for Bree's Birds [[Gen?]] will do for [[SNB?]] see letter C. R. Bree, 1870 [[end page]] [[start page]] 127 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 128 [[preprinted map of German states]] MAP OF GERMANY, SWITZERLAND AND NORTHERN ITALY. Engraved to illustrate MITCHELL'S School and Family Geography. Scales of Miles. GERMAN STATES. States Rank Capitals 1.Austria Empire Vienna 2.Prussia Kingdom Berlin 3.Bavaria Kingdom Munich 4.Wirtemberg Kingdom Stuttgard 5.Hanover Kingdom Hanover 6.Saxony Kingdom Dresden 7.Baden Grand Duchy Carlsruhe 8.Hesse Cassel Electorate Cassel 9.Hesse-Darmstadt Grand Duchy Darmstadt 10.Hesse Homburg Landgraviate Homburg 11.Holstein [&c] Duchy Kiel 12.Luxemburg Grand Duchy Luxemburg 13.Saxe Weimar Grand Duchy Weimar 14.Saxe Coburg Gotha Duchy Coburg 15.Saxe Altenburg Duchy Altenburg 16.Saxe Meiningen Hilburghausen D. Meiningen 17.Brunswick Duchy Brunswick 18.Mecklenburg-Schwerin Gr Duchy Schwerin 19.Mecklenburg-Strelitz Gr Duchy New Strelitz 20.Oldenburg Grand Duchy Oldenburg 21.Nassau Duchy Wisbaden 22.Anhalt Dessau Duchy Dessau 23.Anhalt Bernburg Duchy Bernburg 24.Anhalt Cathico Duchy Codon 25.Reuss-Greitz Principality Greitz 26.Reuss-Schleitz Principality Lobenstein 27.Lichtenstein Principality Vaduz 28.Schwarzburg-Sondershausen Pr. Sondershausen 29.Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt Principality Rudolstadt 30.Lippe-Schaumburg Principality Bückeburg 31.Lippe Principality Detmold 32.Waldeck Principality Arolsen 33.Hamburg Republic Hamburg 34.Lubeck Republic Lubeck 35.Bremen Republic Bremen 36.Frankfort Republic Frankfort The people of the states underscored are chiefly Catholics,those of the others are Protestants. The governments of the states marked thus* are Absolute the others are Limited or Republican. Germany extends N and S from the Adriatic to the Baltic Sea and from France, Belgium and Holland on the W to Polish Prussia and Galicia on the E. Greatest length 680 miles. Greatest width 620 miles. Area 245000 square miles. Population 11,200,000 . Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [on the bottom-right] EXPLANATION The capitals of Countries are represented thus [[symbol]] The Free Cities thus [[symbol]] The figures attached to the Cities and Towns indicate the numbers of thousands of the population thus [[symbol]] 420 signify 420.000 inhabitants. The figures attached to the Rivers indicate the number of hundreds of miles of their length of course thus: the [[Dercot?]] River signifies [[?]] miles long. Remarkable [[battles?]] are [[returned?]] out by a flag thus [[symbol of flag]] the attached figures indicate the year in which they took place. [[C?]] [[line]] [[? Roads]] [[dotted line]] Universities and Colleges [[symbol]] [[/preprinted]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 129 [[pencil]] Germany & Switzerland [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] Germany [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] Dr. Geo. Hartlaub, Bremen. D.c. l Dr. J. Cabanis, Berlin l Johanns'ter Strasse 6. (Dec. 69) H. B. Möllhausen, Potsdam [[strikethrough]] F [[/strikethrough]] Dr. J. W. Sturm, 709 Panier Strasse, Nurnberg l Madame Therese Xantus de [[strikethrough]] L [[/strikethrough]] Szidnay Nonnengasse, Buziasy [[schos?]] Haus gegenüber der Nonnenkloster [[strikethrough]] Chez Mr. Alexandre d'Oswald, procureur, [[/strikethrough]] Raab. (Hungary) Austria [[strikethrough]] Pápa (Hungary) Austria [[/strikethrough]] .l. H. de Laussure, Geneva. l Mr. Le Comte Coloman Lázár,[[Szaswaror.?]] [[(Bross)?]] Transylvania, via Vienna. Ornithol. friend of Xantus l. Dr. [[strikethrough]] Henry [[/strikethrough]] Hermann Hagen, 24 Vorder Rossgarten, Königsberg. Prussia Dr. C. Felder, Kohlmarkt, 1149, Wien. Lepidoptera Maximilian, Prince of Wied. Neuwied Dr. Rudolph Kner. Wien. [[?]] Dr. Benno Matthes. Elbberg No. 3. Dresden [[blue checkmark]] Prof. W. Peters. Director Zool. Mus. Univ. Berlin Dr. Carl Scherzer. 2 Liechtensteingasse. Wien (1863) [[blue checkmark]] Dr. August von Pelzeln, Custor Adjuncton am K. K. Zoologischen [[Rabonete?]]. Wien (Birds) mar. 63 W. Klaeger. Nadlermeister. Lindenstrasse No. 35. Berlin ([[Price cork?]] 25 [[sbg.?]] 1000 No 1, 2, 3, 4 [[wants?]] [[blue checkmark]] Dr. A. von Frantzius Care | Dr. Emil Joos. Schaffhauson. Switz VII. 68. [[blue checkmark]] T. von Hellwald VIII Paradeplatz 171 Floriangasser, Vienna [[Mar?]] 69. Dr. Lindeman Mendestrasse 8. Breman R. Parkinson. Helegoland (Care 7 Lübeck & Schildkneckt. Altona. via Hamberg, Steamer Dr. A. von Frantzuis 23 Karlsplatz, Freiburg i B. Oct 75 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 130 [[pencil]] France Spain Portugal & Italy [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] France [[/underlined]] - Italy A. Aug. Dumeril, Paris 1 Ct. Sallé. 13 Rue Guy de la Brosse 1 E. Laporte. Officier d' administration de la Marine Rue du cerf volant 4. Bordeau wishes American Unionidae, [[in?]] exchange for minerals, lepidoptera, shells of China, India, Europe & S.A. Charles Reinwald : 15 Rue des St. Père, Paris Agent of [[Bloesluniumer?]] & Co. NY Jules P. Verreaux. [[strikethrough]] 17 Rue St Louis [[/strikethrough]] 45 Rue de Luzerne (au Marais) Paris 1 Maison ^ [[insertion]] Edward P. [[/insertion]] Verreaux, Place Royale 9. 1 " [[Ditto for: Paris]] Madame Drouet, Naturaliste 10 Rue Richelieu, Paris 1 E. Parzudaki, Rue du Bouloi, 2. Paris, 1 E. Bourgeau, 14 Rue St. Claude Au. Marais, Paris 1 Dr. C. Girard 11 Rue de St. Arnaud, Hotel de l Alma, Paris. Guerin Méneville [[strikethrough]] 4 Rue des Beaux Arts [[/strikethrough]] 30 Rue Bonaparte, Paris. l'abbe Joseph Stabile, Rue St. [[Maunlis ?]] 3422. Milan. Freshwater land Shells Editori del Politechnico Milan, Care of A. Repetti, 594 Broadway. Pucheran. D. M. P. Rue Cuvier, 20. Paris A. C. [[Jounighur?]] Care J. Munroe [[& Co.]] 5 Rue de la Paix Paris. VII. 66 [[strikethrough]] Mons le Doct. [[/strikethrough]] Mons. le Doct. Lucien dell Acqua. Reale Istitute di Sc. el. Palais di [[Bsera. ?]] Milan X. 67 Agent S.I. for Italy A. Boucard. 7. Rue Guy de la Brosse. Paris [[Dec?]] 68 Wm. H. Riggs, 22 rue d'Aumale, Paris May 70. G. Bassange. Rue du [[strikethrough]] Dix Decembre [[/strikethrough]] 4' Septembre 16. Paris. Nov. 74 [[Blue checkmark]] Prof. Henry H. Giglioli 36 Tung'arno Nuovo, Firenze (R. Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturele) Feb. 72 H. de la Blanchère, 39 Rue des Ecoles, Paris. (76) [[end page]] [[start page]] [[DP?]] 131 [[image - preprinted map of France, Spain, Portugal & Italy]] [[map title]] [[underlined]] No. 24 [[/underlined]] Map of France, Spain, Portugal & Italy. Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family Geography. [[/map title]] [[appearing below map title]] For explanation of character & see Map No.20 [[text appearing at bottom left of map image]] Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1862 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the [[eastern?]] District of Pennsylvania. [[/bottom left]] [[text appearing at bottom right of map image]] Drawn & Engraved by J H Young [[/bottom right]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 132 [[end page]] [[start page]] 133 [[pencil]] Russia [[/pencil]] [[underlinee]] Baron R. Ostensacken [[/underlined]] Maison du Ministère des affaires étrangères, St. Petersburg Prof. Lou. Esmark. Director, [[insertion]] Univ [[/insertion]] [[Zool.?]] Mus. Christiania L. Watkins. 10 Admiralty Place St. Petersburg. [[B?]] [[diamond box]] R.W. [[/diamond box]] St. Petersburg. Care Mr. Suhrberg. Hamburg. Oct - 71 Capt. L. Nicholsky. Mining School. St. Petersburg. Minerals | 1876 Spain Col. Don Juan J. Marin, Direccion General de Ingenieros Madrid. [[circled]] 76 [[/circled]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 134 [[end page]] [[start page]] 135 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 136 [[Image - Map of Asia]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 137 [[underline]] Asia[[/underline]] Japan R.J. Napper, Manilla D.P. Bleeker, Batavia Dr. H. Ernst Schmid, Missionary P. Ep. Church Japan Nagasaki, Japan, care Rt. Rev. J. W. Boone D. D. Shanghai, China, care Rev. J. D. Denison, 19 Bible House NY Rev. G. Verbeek. Nagasaki Dr. Pfeiffer. Nicolaefsky. Amour River. Society Naval Physicians Care of Medical Dept. of Imperial Russian Navy St. Petersburg Kubo Kiromichi. Tokio Museum. Tokio, Japan Botanist and in charge Zool. Mus. Send package to care of Japanese Consul, San Francisco Cal Dec. 76 [[date is circled]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[start page]] 138 [[underline]] Africa [[/underline]] Rev. J. Roy Scott, Cape Palmas Alphonso Taylor, care Taylor & Kemp, Port Elisabeth, South Africa (via Capetown: steamers leave England 10' - 25' each month - 35 days to S. Africa Japan Tokio Museum, Care Kubo Hiromichi Jan. 77. care Japanese Consul San Francisco [[end page]] [[start page]] 139 [[underline]] No. 28 [[/underline]] Map of Africa Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family Geography [[Image - map of Africa takes up rest of page, with inset detail maps: No. 29 Map of Egypt and No. 30 Map of Liberia]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 140 [[end page]] [[start page]] 143 [[Image - map of Oceanica]] [[end page]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 144 [[end page]] [[start page]] 145 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 146 [[end page]] [[start page]] 147 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives 148 [[end page]] [[start page]] 149 Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives [[back cover]] Spencer Fullerton Baird Index of Correspondence, 1850s-1870s Transcribed and Reviewed by Digital Volunteers Approved by Smithsonian Staff Extracted Dec-10-2015 03:18:46 Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution Archives The mission of the Smithsonian is the increase and diffusion of knowledge - shaping the future by preserving our heritage, discovering new knowledge, and sharing our resources with the world. Founded in 1846, the Smithsonian is the world's largest museum and research complex, consisting of 19 museums and galleries, the National Zoological Park, and nine research facilities.Become an active part of our mission through the Transcription Center. Together, we are discovering secrets hidden deep inside our collections that illuminate our history and our world. Join us! The Transcription Center: https://transcription.si.edu On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SmithsonianTranscriptionCenter On Twitter: @TranscribeSI Connect with the Smithsonian Smithsonian Institution: www.si.edu On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smithsonian On Twitter: @smithsonian Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center, Smithsonian Institution Archives
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