Potomac Assembly # 2204 February 2011


Potomac Assembly # 2204 February 2011
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
SK Clifford J. Conway
(703) 765-5251
DGK SK Richard Risdon
(703) 683-1282
SK FDD PFN PGK Dick Farwell
(703) 491-4735
3 Year
SK PFN Lee Wallis
(703) 971-2393
February 2011
SK PGK Ernie Graves
(703) 960-8756
Monday 21 Alexandria George Washington Parade Color
Corps members are ask to meet in St. Mary’s Cafeteria at 11 AM
to allow time to sign in, get into their regalia, have some light
refreshments before the parade and get their instructions. Those
who will be carrying Honor America Flags will not use their
swords and scabbards in the parade. Service Baldrics will be
worn by all. Those who are Honor Guards will need their
swords & scabbards. All Color Corps members who will march
in this parade should be using the new Color Corps pins. Dress
Warm. Suggest thermal underclothes.
Monday 28 Potomac Assembly Officers Meeting at 7:30 PM
Monday 28 Potomac Assembly Business Meeting at 8 PM
SK Paul R. Kayanan
(571) 276-7894
Inter Sentinel
SK PGK Peter Butler
(703) 780-4046
Outer Sentinel
SK Eric McVicker
(703) 765-6251
Color Corps Commander
SK PFN PGK David Lewis
(703) 354-6704
1 Year
SK PFN PGK David Lewis
(703) 354-6704
Upcoming Events
SK Jim Bona
(703) 799-4158
SK John J. Karpovich
(703) 255-3053
2 Year
SK PFN PGK Edward Jones
(703) 960-3513
March 2011
Saturday 5 10:00 AM St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Color Corps meet in Regalia at St. Mary’s Lyceum,
313 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA. 22314. Refreshments
after the parade at St. Mary’s Lyceum.
Monday 28 Time TBD Social/Dinner Meeting.
The Restaurant is TBD.
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Table of Contents
Page 1
February Upcoming Events
Page 2
Table of Contents.
Pages 3 & 4
Prayer List
Page 5
Prayer for the Sick & Prayer for Peace
Page 6
Updates from the Families
Pages 7
Reminder to Send in Your 2011 Dues
Page 7
SK Don H. Williams Memoriam
Pages 8
February Birthdays
Pages 9 –10
SK FDD PFN PGK Albert Anderson Jr. Permanent Deacon
Pages 11-14
Pictures from Mass at St. Joseph’s Commemorating
Martin Luther King’s Birthday
Page 15
Presentation of the 5 DVD Players to Walter Reed Ward 51
Page 16
Honorary Life Members
Page 17
Pictures from Social after the Renewal of Obligations
Page 18
Accomplishments last Month
Page 19
Faithful Navigator’s Comments
Please keep our Faithful Comptroller SK Jim Bona ((703) 799-4158;
bones@bona.net) informed of any changes to your phone number, email and
mailing address so that the Assembly may keep you informed of our activities,
to inform you of SKs and their families that need your prayers, and to let you
know of any last minute changes to our planned schedule of events.
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Prayer List
Please remember the following Sir Knights and their relatives in your prayers. If you know of a Brother
Sir Knight or relative to be placed on the Prayer List, please notify either the FN or the NAVLOG editor.
SK Sean F. Ackerson & his mother Elaine Ackerson
Deborah Bartus (Sister of SK Marvin E. Spychaj)
Donald Bartus (Brother-in-Law) of SK Marvin E. Spychaj
SK PFN Louis Beach
SK Frank R. Begovich
SK PFN PGK Richard “Dick” Bowman & his wife Lois Bowman
SK PGK Peter Butler
SK Ray Duff
SK PFN PGK Jim Dunn and his wife MaryAnn Dunn
SK Eugene Graniewski
Alide Gianotto (Mother-in-law of SK PGK Ernie Graves)
SK PGK Ernie Graves
Sharon Grice (Niece of SK Marvin Spychaj)
SK Ray High
Jean Horstman, (Daughter of SK FDD PFN PGK Dick Farwell)
Gary Hotka (Nephew of SK Marvin E. Spychaj
Louise Hotka (Niece of SK Marvin E. Spychaj)
Leslie Kayanan (Brother of SK Paul Kayanan)
Rupera Kayanan (Mother of SK Paul Kayanan)
Marti Kelly (Widow of SK PGK Walter H. Kelly, Jr.)
SK Robert Kleinworth III
SK Jerry Knittle
Josette McCabe (Mother of SK Kerry McCabe)
CDR Kathy McCabe (Wife of SK Kerry McCabe)
SK PGK Ben McCarter
James McCracken Sr. (Father of SK FDD PFN PGK James McCracken &
Grandfather of SK Joseph McCracken )
Tom McCracken ( Brother of SK FDD PFN PGK James McCracken Jr.) &
Uncle of SK Joseph McCracken)
Shirley McVicker (Mother of SK Eric McVicker)
Steve Mehler Son of SK Paul Mehler
SK Michael Mixon
SK Steve Niezgoda & his wife Elizabeth “Betsy” Niezgoda
Grandparents of SK Jason Poblete
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Prayer List Continued from Page 3
SK PGK Don Rogan
Lucia Sacks (Mother of SK Randy Sacks)
Kathryn Salgat (Mother-in-law of SK David Custodio)
Ann Sammartino (Widow of SK Frank Sammartino)
Claire Satta (Widow of SK PFN Frank Satta)
SK Thomas Sklopan
Sally Holmes Steele (Daughter of SK David Holmes)
Erika Kapneck Winkler (Daughter-in-law of SK David E. Winkler)
Yvonne Ann Perez y Valdez (Sister of SK Victor Perez)
The following are some State level people who can use your prayers :
For Successful return to health of: PFN PGK Wayne Gretencord (4th Degree
Team Captain; Bill Mulvihill PSD, PDS Rep.; and Lenny Pulizzi PSD.
Serious illness and surgery of Pauline Fortunato, wife of Anthony Fortunato,
State Advocate
Serious illness and surgery of Lena Restivo, wife of Johnny Restivo, District
Deputy # 14
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Prayer for the Sick
Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all,
we ask you to bless our brother Knights
and their relatives who are sick. Give them the strength
in body, courage in spirit and patience in pain.
Let them recover their health, so that, restored to the
Christian community, they may joyfully praise your
name, for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen
Mary, Queen of peace we turn to you our Mother.
Into your hands we place our prayers.
For our men and women serving in the military, protect them!
For innocent victims of war and violence, spare them!
For those who mourn and are injured, comfort them!
For people of all nations, unite them in the love and peace of
your Son, the Prince of Peace
Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us!
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Update on Steve Mehler son of SK Paul Mehler and Mary Ellen Mehler
January 18, 2011
Dear Brother Sir Knights and Friends,
My son, Steve, is fully recovered and is back at work in Austin, TX. (Steve was assaulted
and badly injured during a robbery that required surgery to his head). The only problem he
still has is that he doesn't hear well out of his right ear. He received a blow to his right side
of his head which required surgery. That part has healed very well. His ear doctor stated
that it may take some more time before his hearing is better.
We thank everyone for their prayers. I believe prayers helped him out of a near tragedy.
Paul Mehler
Update on SK PFN PGK Richard “Dick” Bowman
January 24, 2011
Dear Brother Sir Knights and Friends,
Dick‘s heart valve replacement surgery was successful. He stayed in the in the intensive
care unit at Fairfax Hospital for most of 4 days and then was placed in a step down unit.
The first day in the step down unit was hard for Dick., since they moved him there at 11
PM and he needed his rest. The doctors are now working on removing the fluid in his
chest and adjusting his coumadin levels.
Our thanks to you and all the Knights for all the prayers and encouragement. Please
keep your prayers coming. It is nothing short of miraculous that a man of 84 years can
have a heart valve successfully replaced.
His color in his cheeks has returned. We hope he will be released to a rehab soon.
Lois, Mary & John, Kristin, Meg, Victoria, Tod & Cathy.
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Please mail in Your 2011 Assembly Dues
Reminder, your 4th Degree dues are now due ( $ 20.00 per annum) for all Members
who have not reached the Honorary Status in the 4th Degree. Our Faithful Comptroller
has sent out the dues letters to the members based on the address of record. If you
have not received your letter, please contact our Comptroller SK Jim Bona ASAP
703-799-4158. Members who have been contacted but have not sent in their 2011
Potomac Assembly annual dues are asked to send it in ASAP to our Comptroller,
SK Jim Bona.
J. Lawrence Bona
PO Box 132
Mount Vernon, VA 22121-0132
When you send in your dues, a new membership card will be sent to you. Remember,
in order to be an remain an active 4th degree member, you are required by Supreme to
be current also in your council dues.
SK Donald Howard Williams
November 23, 1927 - January 11, 2011
May his Soul Rest in Peace
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
On behalf of Potomac Assembly # 2204
To Those who were born in the Month of February
May Your Birthday be Blessed!
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Sixteen Men from the Diocese of Arlington Become Permanent Deacons
St. Thomas More Cathedral January 15, 2011
L-R: Mr. Albert A. Anderson Jr (SK FDD PFN PGK Albert A. Anderson Jr) from Potomac Assembly; Mr. Dale R. Avery; Mr. Alberto G. Bernaola; Mr. Stephen J. Dixon; Mr. Thomas M. Fursman;
Mr. Paul A. Gregory; Mr. Jose J. Lopez; Mr. John J. McClay; Mr. Jeffrey M. Meyers; Mr. Cong T.
Nguyen; Mr. John P. Ochenkowski; Mr. William D. Powers; Mr. Joseph L. Santiago; Mr. Robert M.
Silva; Mr. John A. Wagner; Mr. Robert W. Warner Jr.
Photo Courtesy of Arlington Herald Professional Photographer
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Permanent Deacon Albert A. Anderson Jr.
Albert A. Anderson Jr., 65, was born in Norfolk, Va., and
has been a parishioner of St. Joseph Church in Alexandria for 20 years. He graduated from Norfolk Catholic High
School in 1963 and earned an associate’s degree in data
processing and accounting from Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale in 1982.
Anderson has worked in accounting throughout the Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C., area and currently is
senior accountant for the American Petroleum Institute in
He and his wife, Beverly, were married in 1969 and have
a daughter and a son.
Anderson graduated from the Education for Parish
Service program at Trinity University in Washington in
2006. He teaches confirmation classes at St. Joseph and
serves as an acolyte and lector. He is co-chair of the parish pro-life committee, chairman of the finance committee, ad hoc member of the parish council, and a Past Grand
Knight and current Knights of Columbus Trustee. He also assists with Arlington
diocesan Office of Multicultural Ministries ‘Black Catholic Ministries’. Anderson was
involved in the “New Beginnings” program at the Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention
Center in Alexandria and is a past board member of the Washington affiliate of the
National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life. 1
Note 1: Article above is a reprint from the Arlington Herald.
SK FDD PFN PGK Albert A. Anderson is a member and Past Grand Knight of
Fitzgerald Council # 459 and member and Past Faithful Navigator of the Potomac
Assembly # 2204 and Former District Deputy. Saturday 15 January 2011 Al Anderson
and 15 other men from the Arlington Diocese were Ordained as Permanent Deacons.
CONGRATULATIONS “Al” from all your Brother Sir Knights from
Potomac Assembly.
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Pictures from mass celebrating Martin Luther King’s Birthday
Con– celebrants - The Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde,
Bishop of Arlington and Rev. Francis M. Hull
Rev. Francis M. Hull, S.S.J.
Pastor of
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
Rev. Hull was the vesting
clergy for
Mr. Anderson
(On 15 January 2011) at the
Arlington Cathedral
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
711 North Columbus Street
Alexandria, VA.
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Pictures at Mass in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
In Honor of Martin Luther King
Honor Guard for Bishop Paul S. Loverde
Front to back (right Column) Color Corps Commander
SK PFN PGK David A. Lewis; SK PFN Lee Wallis;
SK Steward Reed; GK SK Alfred Flowers; Left column:
SK PFN PGK Edward Jones; SK Jim Bona and
SK PGK Ben McCarter
Permanent Deacon Albert Anderson Jr.
Carrying the Holy Book for the Mass
Bishop Paul S. Loverde Blessing the people
on the way the Altar
Honor Guard for Bishop Paul S. Loverde
Left Column Back to Front: SK PGK Alfred Flowers,
SK Stewart Reed Jr; SK PFN Lee Wallis, Color Corps Commander SK PGK PFN David A. Lewis; Right Column;
SK PGK Ben McCarter; SK Jim Bona and
PFN PGK Edward Jones
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Pictures from the Mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
In Honor of Martin Luther King on January 16, 2011
The Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde Bishop of Arlington
Blessing the people after mass
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Picture after the Mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
In Honor of Martin Luther King
The Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde
Bishop of Arlington
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Presentation of the 5 DVD Players Funded by the Potomac Assembly
To Walter Reed Pediatric Ward 51 on Christmas Eve
From left to right: Dr. Roberts (standing); Dr. Hack & 1st LT Stanley (both
kneeling); and Maj. Theo Kang
Maj Theo Kang has a daughter “Aimee “who is a cancer patient in Ward 51 at
Walter Reed. Maj Kang purchased the 5 DVD players at the PX with the funds
that Potomac Assembly provided to him.
“If some of the Potomac Assembly members wish to provide
individual contributions, then I would recommend
“Walter Reed Parents and Children Fighting Cancer".
Maj. Theo Kang
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Honorary Life Members
SK Michael F. Scanlon being congratulated by District Master Cy Alba. PSD
L-R: SK Rafael Genuino
being congratulated by
District Master Cy Alba, PSD
L-R: SK PFN PGK Paul Preston; Rev. Thomas P. Ferguson; Rev Richard Mullins;
SK Michael F. Scanlon; SK FDD PFN PGK Richard Farwell; and SK Rafael Genuino
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Social Gathering After the Renewal of Obligations
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
Accomplishments Last Month
Christmas Midnight Mass at St. Louis Catholic Church. The following Potomac
Assembly Color Corps members were Honor Guards for the Midnight mass;
Color Corps Commander SK PFN PGK David A. Lewis and our Faithful
Navigator SK Clifford J. Conway.
15 January 2011. The following Potomac Assembly Color Corps members were
part of the Honor Guard for the Ordination of 16 Permanent Deacons at St.
Thomas More Cathedral: our Faithful Navigator SK Clifford J. Conway; SK FDD
PFN PGK Jim McCracken, our Faithful Comptroller SK Jim Bona, and our Faithful
3 Yr Trustee SK PFN Lee Wallis. These were part of the larger Color Corps from
the Northern Virginia area which included Associate District Marshal SK PFN
PGK Michael Diewald from Assembly # 2411; from Assembly # 2331 Color Corps
Commander SK PFN PGK Steve Smith and SK Paul de Rosa; from Assembly
# 1894 SK Dan Turgeon, SK Don Wilkinson and SK Larry Brindra.
16 January 2011. The following Potomac Assembly Color Corps members were
Honor Guard for Bishop Paul S. Loverde and Fr. Francis M. Hull who concelebrated the mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Alexandria in celebration
of Martin Luther King Birthday. Color Corps Commander SK PFN PGK David A.
Lewis; SK Jim Bona; FN SK Clifford J. Conway; GK SK Alfred Flowers; SK PFN
PGK Edward Jones; SK PGK Ben Mc Carter; SK Stewart Reed and SK PFN Lee
Wallis. This year, it was even a more special occasion as this was the first Sunday that Deacon Albert Anderson Jr. assisted at the mass after his ordination as
Permanent Deacon. The Bishop additionally honored Deacon Anderson by allowing him to also give the Homily for the mass as his mother, wife and family and
friends were all there.
16 January 2011. Potomac Assembly and Mt. Vernon Council Members attended
the wake for SK Don Williams at the Demaine Funeral Home in Alexandria, VA.
including SK PGK Don Rogan with his wife Cassie; SK PGK Peter Butler; SK Joe
Selby with his wife Jane; SK FDD PFN PGK Jim McCracken, Jerry Knittle, Dr.
William Cavender with his wife Virginia and SK PFN Lee Wallis with his wife Joan.
As the family did not want a Honor Guard at the wake and Mass of Christian
Burial, SK FDD PFN PGK Jim McCracken did a great job of leading the rosary in
the Chapel.
24 January 2011. District Master Cy Alba, PSD with assistance from SK PFN
PGK Jim Reilly conducted the Renewal of Obligations for the Potomac Assembly.
Navigator’s Log
Potomac Assembly # 2204
February 2011
The Potomac Assembly needs your help in promoting, reaching out, and
recruiting the 3rd Degree Knights in your respective Councils to become new
4th Degree members. Once you have found a new candidate, please walk him
through the steps needed to becoming a 4th Degree Sir Knight.
Candidates must be a Third Degree member in good standing, having taken his
1st degree at least six months before the date he plans to take his 4th degree
2. Provide the candidate a Form 4 to fill out and then submit to his Council’s Financial Secretary to verify the date of his First Degree and certify that he is an active
member of that Council by signing and dating the Form 4. These forms may be
obtained from our Comptroller SK Jim Bona.
3. The completed Form 4 should then be given to our Assembly Comptroller, SK
Jim Bona ASAP. All applications received before the beginning of the Assembly
Business Meeting will then be Read-in and the voted on by the members at that
Business meeting.
Very Important: A Form 4 is needed to be completed as appropriate by the
applicant, reviewed and signed by the Applicant’s Council Financial Secretary and
forwarded to our Comptroller SK Jim Bona prior to the start of our April 25 business
meeting for the Spring 2011 4th Degree Exemplification which will be held on
Saturday May 28th in Charlottesville, VA. at the Doubletree Hotel.
On 24 January, we were privileged to have our District Master Cy Alba, PSD
conduct our Renewal of Obligations. He also congratulated our new Honorary Life
Members who were presented at the meeting.
Sir Knights, I ask for your continued prayers for our men and women defending our
freedom and our Country.
Vivat Jesus,
Clifford J. Conway
Clifford J. Conway, FN
Potomac Assembly # 2204