10:00 AM June 4, 2015 AGENDA 1 of 45
10:00 AM June 4, 2015 AGENDA 1 of 45
1 of 45 MECOSTA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DAY SESSION – 10:00 A.M. June 4, 2015 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER & QUORUM: Bill Routley _____ District 7 Eric O’Neil _____ District 6 Marilynn Vargo _____ District 1 Linda Howard _____ District 3 Ray Steinke _____ District 4 Art Adleman _____ District 5 Jerrilynn Strong _____ District 2 2. REVIEW & APPROVAL OF AGENDA – ADDITIONS 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Board Minutes May 21, 2015 4. PUBLIC MATTERS & COMMENTS: (5 MINUTES PER PERSON LIMIT) 12. MINUTES & REPORTS: 1. Mecosta County Park Commission – April 21, 2015 2. Planning Commission – May 7, 2015 3. Building & Zoning – May 21, 2015 4. EMS – May 21, 2015 5. Personnel – May 26, 2015 #. Finance 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 13. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Huron County 05-26-2015, #15-72 6. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Community Corrections Plan & Application, FY 2016 2. FOIA Policy Amendment 7. FINANCIAL MATTERS: Pre-approved Bills: $528,369.79 Non-approved Bills: $44,643.11 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 9. ADMINISTRATORS REPORT: 10. PUBLIC MATTERS & COMMENTS: (5 MINUTES PER PERSON LIMIT) 11. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Mecosta Conservation District – May 13, 2015 Minutes 14. MISCELLANEOUS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: 15. ADJOURNMENT: SCHEDULED APPEARANCE 2 of 45 CP 3-1 MECOSTA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MAY 21, 2015 Chair Bill Routley called the afternoon session of the Mecosta County Board of Commissioners to order at 3:00 P.M. in Commission Room 102 of the County Courthouse. All those present stood and recited the pledge of allegiance to the United States Flag. Commissioners present on roll call: Bill Routley, Marilynn Vargo, Jerrilynn Strong, Linda Howard, Ray Steinke, Art Adleman and Eric O’Neil. Others present: Mindy Taylor, Finance Officer and Marcee Purcell, Mecosta County Clerk. REVIEW & APPROVAL OF AGENDA – ADDITIONS: M. Vargo moved to approve the Agenda with additions to New Business 6.3 – 2015 Remonumentation Grant; 6.4 – Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Resignation; and 6.5 - Mecosta County Resolution #2015-09 Naming Peninsula Fiber Network Primary 911 Provider. R. Steinke seconded; motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. Adleman moved to approve the May 7, 2015 Board Minutes as presented. J. Strong seconded; motion carried. PUBLIC MATTERS & COMMENTS: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: 6.1 MOTA BOARD APPOINTMENT E. O’Neil moved to reappoint Ray Steinke to the MOTA Board for a 3-year term. A. Adleman seconded; motion carried. 6.2 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT – GENESEE COUNTY PATHOLOGY SERVICES R. Steinke moved to approve and authorized the Chair to sign the Interlocal Agreement for Forensic Autopsy Services between the County of Genesee and the County of Mecosta. M. Vargo seconded; motion carried. Page 1 3 of 45 6.3 MECOSTA COUNTY SURVEY AND REMONUMENTATION GRANT 2015 E. O’Neil moved to accept the 2015 Mecosta County Survey and Remonumentation Grant and authorized the Register of Deeds to sign. J. Strong seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. 6.4 BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY – RESIGNATION R. Steinke moved to accept Henry Wayer’s resignation from the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority. J. Strong seconded; motion carried. 6.5 MECOSTA COUNTY RESOLUTION 2015-09 – NAMING PENINSULA FIBER NETWORK PRIMARY 911 PROVIDER Lauri Smalla, Director of Meceola Central Dispatch, appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions regarding Mecosta County Resolution 2015-09. R. Steinke moved to adopt and place on file Mecosta County Resolution 2015-09 – Naming Peninsula Fiber Network Primary 911 Provider. A. Adleman seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. SCHEDULED APPEARANCE: None FINANCIAL MATTERS: MMRMA Renewal and Net Asset Distribution E. O’Neil moved that the Administrator be authorized to sign the 2015-2016 MMRMA Annual Renewal form and that pro-rated refunds be made to Parks SR 508 of $12,251; EMS SR 210 of $18,062: and Building Dept. SR 249 of $2,447, with the balance retained in the MMRMA Loss Retention Fund. M. Vargo seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. Budget Amendment Request/Elections – County Clerk E. O’Neil moved to approve a budget amendment re quest for the Elections Budget in the amount of $19,000 to cover the recent Special Election with funds from Unreserved Contingency. R. Steinke seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. Drunk Driving Caseflow Assistance 2015 – Finance Officer E. O’Neil moved to approve a request from the Finance Officer to move $11,734.02, which was received for Drunk Driving Caseflow Assistance, to SR 214 Sobriety Court. M. Vargo seconded; motion carried. Financial Reports/March 2015 - Finance Officer E. O’Neil moved to accept and place on file the March 2015 Financial Reports. A. Adleman seconded; motion carried. Other Business: E. O’Neil moved to approve a request from Big Rapids Housing Commission to use program income on 2 out-of-county rehabs. M. Vargo seconded; motion carried. Page 2 4 of 45 Listed Vouchers – E. O’Neil moved to pay the pre-approved vouchers in the amount of $314,978.78 and approve and pay non-approved vouchers in the amount of $103,309.84. M. Vargo seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: J. Strong reported attending Fork Township Meeting, COA Meeting, Building & Zoning Committee, EMS Committee, Area Agency on Aging Meeting, Drain Tour and today’s Commission Meeting. L. Howard reported attending Wheatland Township Meeting, Morton Township Meeting, Mecosta Township Meeting, Drain Tour, Park Board Meeting, Building & Zoning Committee and today’s Commission Meeting. E. O’Neil reported attending Finance Committee, Parks Finance Committee, Parks Meeting and today’s Commission Meeting. M. Vargo reported attending Building & Grounds Committee, Grant Township Meeting, Green Township Meeting, Parks Concessions Meeting, Human Services Collaborative Meeting, Park Board Finance Meeting, Parks Meeting, Finance Committee and today’s Commission Meeting. A. Adleman reported attending Austin Township Meeting, Mecosta Township Meeting, COA Meeting and today’s Commission Meeting. R. Steinke reported attending Brady Lake Meeting, Central Dispatch Meeting, Hinton Township Meeting, Aetna Township Meeting, Deerfield Township Meeting, Health Department Interviews, Finance Committee, MOTA Meeting, Building & Zoning Committee, EMS Committee and today’s Commission Meeting. EMS: R. Steinke moved to approve the April contractual write-offs of $78,759.06, non-contractual write-offs of $2,432.43 and collections write-offs of $8,349.68. J. Strong seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. R. Steinke moved to approve Mr. Ladd’s request to purchase a refurbished cardiac monitor from Foremost Medical Equipment at a cost of $22,570. J. Strong seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. R. Steinke moved to approve Mr. Ladd’s request to purchase a Lucas Lifepak with batteries from Physio-Control at a cost of $13,230.25. J. Strong seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. R. Steinke moved to approve Mr. Ladd’s request to purchase a Road Safety System for the new ambulance at a cost of $3,188.42 from Quality Car & Truck. J. Strong seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. R. Steinke moved to approve Mr. Ladd’s request to add striping and decals to the new ambulance from Kodiak at a cost of $2,072. J. Strong seconded; roll call vote 7 yeas, 0 nays; motion carried. Page 3 5 of 45 R. Steinke moved to approve Mr. Ladd’s request to move Jenny Edstrom to the 5-year step and classify her as a critical care position. J. Strong seconded; motion carried. R. Steinke moved to approve Mr. Ladd’s request to fill a full-time paramedic vacancy. J. Strong seconded; motion carried. W. Routley reported attending Planning & Zoning Committee, Leadership Mecosta Graduation, Finance Committee, COA Meeting, County/FSU/City Meeting and today’s Commission Meeting. ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: No report. PUBLIC MATTERS & COMMENTS: None MISCELLANEOUS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: None COMMUNICATIONS, MINUTES & REPORTS, RESOLUTIONS: M. Vargo moved to accept and place on file Minutes & Reports #1-2 and Resolutions #1-3. J. Strong seconded; motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: R. Steinke moved to adjourn to the next regular scheduled meeting or call of the Chair. M. Vargo seconded; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:48 P.M. ____________________________________________ Marcee M. Purcell, Mecosta County Clerk and Clerk for the Board of Commissioners ____________________________________________ William Routley, Chair Mecosta County Board of Commissioners Page 4 1 of 45 CP 6-1 MECOSTA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS 400 ELM STREET ROOM 204 BIG RAPIDS, MI 49307 Phone: (231) 592-0126 (231) 592-0123 Fax: Angie Gray; Director May 21, 2015 To: Mecosta County Board of Commissioners From: Angie Gray Mecosta County Community Corrections Director Re: Comprehensive Community Corrections Plans FY 2016 Commissioners, I am requesting that the Board of Commissioners approve the attached FY 2016 Comprehensive Corrections Plans for Mecosta County. This is a yearly contract between Mecosta County and the State of Michigan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 592-0125. Thank You, Angi ray Director of Community Corrections 2 of 45 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Reentry Administration “Help Make Things Right” Office of Community Corrections Community Corrections Plan and Application Fiscal Year 2016 CCAB Name: Mecosta County Annual/Full Email the application to: Application Type: 1. MDOC-OCC@michigan.gov 2. Grant Coordinator DUE DATE: June 1, 2015 Page 1 of 12 3 of 45 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION – Name of CCAB: Mecosta County A: General Contact Information: Name: Title: Addres s: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: Federal I.D. Number: CCAB Chairperson 38-6005901 Contact Person (Manager) Angie Gray Director 400 Elm Room 204 Manager’s Direct Supervisor Todd Purcell Sheriff 225 Stewart Brian Thiede Prosecutor 400 Elm Room 206 Sherry Earnest Treasurer 400 Elm Room 133 Big Rapids MI 49307 231-592-0125 231-592-0123 agray@co.mecosta.mi .us Big Rapids MI 49307 231-592-0150 Big Rapids MI 49307 231-592-0141 Big Rapids MI 49307 231-592-0169 tpurcell@co.mecosta.mi .us bthiede@co.mecosta.mi .us searnest@co.mecosta.mi .us Type of Community Corrections Board: County Advisory Board Counties/Cities Participating in the CCAB: Mecosta Date application was approved by the local CCAB: May 22, 2015 Date application was approved by county board(s) of commissioners (and city council): Date application was submitted to OCC: May 22, 2015 Fiscal Agent June 4, 2015 B: CCAB Membership Representing: County Sheriff: Chief of Police: Circuit Court Judge: District Court Judge: Probate Court Judge: County Commissioner(s): Service Area (Up to 3): County Prosecutor: Criminal Defense: Business Community: Communications Media: Circuit/District Probation: General Public: City Councilperson: Workforce Development: Does your CCAB have Bylaws? Name Email tpurcell@co.mecosta.mi.us anerbonne@cityofbr.org kbooher@osceola-county.org pjaklevi@co.mecosta.mi.us Todd Purcell Director Andrea Nerbonne Judge Kimberly Booher Judge Pete Jaklevic Vancant William Routley routleyw@sbcglobal.net Kevin Wood kwood@co.mecosta.mi.us Brian Thiede bthiede@co.mecosta.mi.us Steve Benson scbensonlaw@gmail.com Catherine Beagle cbeagle@cmhcm.org Emily Grove-Davis Emily@pioneergroup.com Paula Garver garverp2@michigan.gov Roger Harrison rharrison59@hotmail.com Vacant Vacant Yes If yes, have they been revised within the last 2 years? (Please send copy) Page 2 of 12 No 4 of 45 Describe the contact and frequency of contact between the CCAB Manager and the Probation Supervisor: The CCAB meets quarterly through out the year. However the CCAB Manager has bi-weekly contact with the Probation Supervisor and daily contact with probation/parole agents. C: Summary - Briefly summarize the key points of your Community Corrections Plan: (all fields permit carriage returns) 1. What programs, practices and policies contribute to a reduction of (or maintenance of low) prison commitment rates: The community service placement program reduces the PRC by targeting those felons ordered to do community service that would otherwise go to prison. Jail work crew program allows group 2 straddle cell offenders to have their jail term reduced by 50% by giving them day for day credit. Day reporting program allows inmates to get out of jail on a PR bond with drug testing, daily PBT's, and job requirements. This program reduces the PCR by giving them the tools and accountablility to stay out of jail. Gatekeeper program is the review of inmates to place them into one of the programs above. This program is set in place to assure that all inmates are designated to the program that fits their needs. a. How do they contribute to reduced/maintained PCRs? These programs give alternatives to prison for those offenders that would otherwise be sent to prision if they did not complete the requirements. b. Explain what data/measures show your PA511 funded programs have contributed to reductions in your PCR: COMPAS CASE MANAGER 2. What programs, practices and policies contribute to improved recidivism as defined by the State Corrections Board? Community service, jail work crew, and day reporting programs a. How do they contribute to improved recidivism? b. Community service placement program helps the effort to rehabilitate offenders and reduce recidivism by teaching them to be productive members of society. Gives offenders a method to “give back” to the community they have harmed and thus has a restorative or rehabilitative effect on offenders, victims, and the community. c. Jail work crew program teaches the offender to carry out productive employment by putting them in job setting environment on a daily basis. d. Day reporting program holds the offender accountable for his/her actions on a daily basis. Mandating that the offender completes drug test, PBT, and job search for those unemployed. e. Explain what data/measures show your PA511 funded programs have contributed to improvements in local recidivism: f. COMPAS scores which will be given from the probation/parole agent at the time of referral. g. COMPAS NEEDS ASSESSMENT which will be preformed by the community corrections staff at the time of intake. h. Placement program for those felons assigned community service otherwise would sentenced to prison on a PV. i. Jail work crew program for inmates that would violate and be sent to prison. j. Day reporting program allows offenders to have report daily for drug test, pbts, and job searches. This program is designated to rehabilitate the offender with daily supervision. k. Tether program for offenders that need an assessment and monitored before they are sentenced, so that the Judge is aware of their progress with sobriety. Also includes GPS for those with victims involved. l. Gatekeeper programs have an impact on the jail population by utilizing jail beds for those group 2 straddle cell offenders to stay local that would otherwise be sent to prison. m. Assessement program to better service the offenders needs to assure that the offender is placed in the approportiate program. Page 3 of 12 5 of 45 SECTION II: ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC PLAN A: INTRODUCTION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR STRATEGIC PLAN: Strategic Issues, Goals, and Priorities have been established by the Office of Community Corrections in accordance with Public Act 511 and Key Performance Indicators. CCABs will be required to establish Objectives and Strategies based upon OMNI Felony Disposition, JPIS, CCIS and local data that will support State Goals and Priorities. Strategic Issues are identified as Felony Dispositions, Recidivism and Local Priorities. OCC will provide the CCABs with OMNI Felony Disposition and JPIS data. CCABs shall analyze this data along with local CCIS data (reports run locally from Case Manager) and develop Key Objectives and supporting Strategies that will lead toward attainment of Goals and Priorities established by the State Board and OCC, as well as local objectives and priorities promoted in the comprehensive plan. Page 4 of 12 6 of 45 A thorough review of the data should include: • Overall PCRs, rates within sentencing guideline ranges, PCRs within Group 1 and Group 2 offense categories, status at time of offense and technical probation violation PCRs • Reference to changes in PCRs compared to prior years • Other changes in your CCAB/area that influence changes (new stakeholders, policies, emerging crimes, offender characteristics, etc.) • Review your past OCC funding proposals for ideas Example: For the Strategic Issue of Felony Dispositions, consider the stated Goal and Priority as outlined on the following pages and complete an analysis of your county’s prison commitment rate data provided by OCC. Establish objectives related to prison commitment rates. For example: 1. Reduce PV commitment rate from 32% to 25% 2. Reduce the Group 2 Straddle rate to from 43% to 35% Under each OBJECTIVE outline in bullet form those STRATEGIES (steps) to be taken, including continuing, new and revised programs, or established and revised policies or practices, that will support the attainment of the objectives you have specified. Identify if these are “new”, “continuations,” or “modifications,” or for short term (this fiscal year) or long term implementation. Keep in mind that all of the programs for which you are requesting PA511 funding should be identified as strategies. Additionally, policies and practices you propose (such as targeting specific populations or characteristics) are also strategies. Strategies may apply to more than one objective and should be repeated under each objective as appropriate. For Example, the objective of “Reduce PV rate from 32% to 25%” may have the following strategies: 1. Initiate structured sentencing with jail followed by RS followed by community Cognitive Behavioral Treatment program that targets probation violators. (New, FY 2014) 2. Target PVs as priorities for Residential Services. (Continuation) The same strategies (with modifications) would be appropriate for the objective of reducing the PCR of Straddle Cell offenders. Further OMNI data analysis may support an additional strategy of: 3. Target CJRP eligible straddle cells, especially those from Group 2 without MDOC status, for local sanctions including ________________. B: Felony Disposition Analysis (NOTE: Regional CCABs should complete analysis for each county. Carriage returns are permitted in this section.) Strategic Issue: Felony Dispositions Public Act 511 of 1988 stipulates that counties shall develop a community corrections comprehensive plan and provide an explanation of how the county or counties’ prison commitment rate will be reduced by diverting nonviolent offenders, and promote recidivism reduction while public safety is maintained. The Act is intended to encourage the participation in community corrections programs of offenders who would likely be sentenced to imprisonment in a state correctional facility or jail, who would not increase the risk to public safety, have not demonstrated a pattern of violent behavior, and do not have a criminal record that indicates a pattern of violent offenses. Page 5 of 12 7 of 45 Goal: Priority: Reduce demand for prison resources and related budgetary requirements. Reduce prison commitment of offenders who can be safely and effectively sanctioned and treated in the community by following the principles of effective intervention (i.e., risk, need, responsivity). Your analysis forms the basis for your objectives and strategies. A weak connection between data analysis, objectives and proposed programming (strategies) may result in denial or conditional approval of your plan. B-1: Using OMNI Felony Disposition data supplied by OCC for FY 2013 and FY 2014: 1. Are felony dispositions increasing, decreasing, or stable? Increasing 2. Describe changes within SGL categories. Report rates with detailed explanation: OMNI data in 2013 stated that Mecosta County overall PCR was 18.1% with a total of 281 dispositions. The latest OMNI data for 2014 states PCR was at 17.3% with a total of 307 dispositions. From 2013 to 2014 there was a decrease in OUIL felony dispositions. In 2013 there was 25 offenders with 32% sentenced to prison and in 2014 there was 22 offenders with 13.6% sentenced to prison. This is a decease of 18.4%. The total overall dispositions has increased by 26 offenders, however the PCR has decreased due to in 2013 6 OUIL offenders sentenced to prison and in 2014 3 OUIL offenders sentenced to prison. 3. Can you attribute any changes to strategies/programs in your comprehensive plan? There has been an addition to the comprehensive plan by adding the assessement. This will assure that the offender is being referred into the proper program. There has been a decrease in the placement program due to the change in the PA511 requirement and target population. 4. Describe any changes in criminal justice system stakeholders that may have contributed to changes in rates: Sobriety Court was implemented in 2013 and continues to be an alternative to prison. 5. Describe any changes in felony populations that warrant a change in your plan: There has been a stable amount of population in the group 2 offenders with 213 in 2013 and 199 in 2014. However, in 2013 40 offenders were sentenced to prison and in 2014 23 group 2 offenders were sentenced to prison. 6. Provide additional analysis you feel necessary to explain your prison commitment rates: The target population for Mecosta County has been group 2 straddle cell offenders. Offenders that do not have a history of violent behavior or have a CSC conviction. OMNI data states Mecosta County has decreased the PCR for the target population. In 2013 there were 285 dispositions 51 were sent to prison 24 of those were group 2 straddle offenders. However, in 2014 there were 307 dispositions 53 were sent to prison 17 of those were group 2 straddle offenders. There has been an increase in dispositions and a decrease in the PRC from 2013 18.1% to 2014 17.3%, due to the programs that have been put in place with comprehensive plan. B-2: Felony Analysis Key Objectives and Strategies NOTE: • Five objectives are not required; objectives should be measurable and provide sufficient detail so progress can be monitored. • Each objective should be followed by at least one strategy (step, action, policy, and program) that will help you achieve your objective. • Your objectives and strategies should be supported by the analysis above. If you did not provide analysis for a PV or Group 2 population, you wouldn’t develop an objective related to that population. • Keep in mind that all programs for which you are requesting funding are considered strategies. Be sure to clearly identify them as strategies. 1. Objective #1 is intended to impact the overall prison commitment rate – please state the Objective: Reduce the PCR to 17% or less. Programs in support of Objective #1 (number and separate strategies by using carriage return [enter]): 1. Utilize residential services for an alternative to prison. Page 6 of 12 8 of 45 2. Placement program for those felons assigned community service otherwise would sentenced to prison on a PV. 3. jail work crew program for inmates that would violate and be sent to prison. 4. Day reporting program allows offenders to have report daily for drug test, pbts, and job searches. This program is designated to rehabilitate the offender with daily supervision. 5. Tether program for offenders that need an assessment and monitored before they are sentenced, so that the Judge is aware of their progress with sobriety. Also includes GPS for those with victims involved. 6. Gatekeeper programs have an impact on the jail population by utilizing jail beds for those group 2 straddle cell offenders to stay local that would otherwise be sent to prison. 7. Assessement program to better service the offenders needs to assure that the offender is placed in the approportiate program. 2. Objective #2 is intended to impact the Group 2 Straddle Cell rate – please state the Objective: Programs in support of Objective #2: B-3: Assessment • Use OMNI data to track changes in prison commitment rates that were identified as objectives. • Monitor and report on changes in local circumstances or offender populations/characteristics that prevent attainment of your objectives. • Use CCIS data to determine the utilization of your programs by your targeted populations. What steps will you take if you find that you are not meeting your objectives or your strategies are not being implemented as planned? According to the most recent OMNI data, the PCR for Mecosta County is at 17.3% which is above the key objective. However, is below the 2013 PCR of 18% . In order to continue to lower the PCR Mecosta County will increase awareness of resources that are available and will address the offenders needs, such as increasing the placement options of residential services. Working closely with probation/parole on straddle cell offenders to ensure that all available resources have been utilized before the offender is sentenced to prison. C: Jail Data Analysis: Using JPIS or local snapshot data, please provide information pertaining to the number of offenders on record as well as the ADP % of housed inmates for each of the categories below. (NOTE: Regional CCABs should complete analysis for each county.) Current Jail Utilization • County Mecosta General Information RDC Utilization as % of RDC Number of offline beds 97 97% 97 Felon Population Sentenced Felons Sentenced Prior to Admission Sentenced After Admission 96 38 56 Page 7 of 12 9 of 45 Unsentenced Felons 170 Misdemeanant Population Sentenced 85 Misdemeanants Sentenced Prior 41 to Admission Sentenced 44 After Admission Unsentenced 407 Misdemeanants 1. Does your county have a written county jail population management plan per PA 139 of 2007? No 2. In FY 2014, did your sheriff initiate a reduction in population because the jail exceeded 95% of RDC for 5 consecutive days per Public Act 140 of 2007? No. If YES, explain how this was carried out: N/A 3. In FY 2014 how many times did the county declare an official (in writing) jail overcrowding state of emergency (over 100% of RDC for 7 consecutive days) per Public Act 140 of 2007? 0 4. Does your jail submit JPIS data? Yes If not, please provide a rationale for not submitting JPIS data: N/A 5. What vendor or jail management software is used to report jail utilization? COMPAS C-1: Using JPIS data (or local data as available) provide an analysis of local jail utilization including the average daily populations/lengths of stay of jail populations including felon and misdemeanant utilization, sentenced and unsentenced populations, partially sentenced populations, boarders, and offense categories. (Regionals: use carriage return [Enter] to separate information by jail) 1. This application uses JPIS Data 2. Are bookings up, down, or stable? Down 3. Describe changes in ADP or AvLOS for the population groups reported above: The JPIS data for 2013 states that 596 inmates were housed in Mecosta County. However, according local data there were 2256 inmates housed and the ADP was 92.2 with AvLOS 14.9. The JPIS data for 2014 states that 899 inmates were housed and according to local data there were 2156 inmates housed and ADP was 88.4 with AvLOS 16.44. There was a decrease of 100 inmates and a decrease ADP by 3.8 with increase of AvLOS according to local data. 4. Provide additional information to explain your jail utilization here including changes in stakeholders, law enforcement priorities, bed closures, etc.: There has been 2 new Judges and 2 new prosecutors elected in Mecosta County this year. With this change there has been less inmates in jail. C-2: Describe policies and practices that influence jail population: 1. Does the jail have a “bed allocation plan”? Yes 2. Does the county have a “jail task force” in place to address jail utilization issues? No 3. How are sheriff’s good time and trustee credits awarded / forfeited? Sheriff's good time is awarded by the Lieutenant at the jail. If the inmate is eligible for the jail work crew then they will receive day for day credit. A letter is written to the jail advising them of the offenders new release date. If the offender violates any of the community corrections guidelines then the offender is terminated and all credit is lost and the original sentence is imposed. 4. Is the jail “closed” to certain types of offenses/offenders/warrants? No Page 8 of 12 10 of 45 5. Does the jail accept boarders from other counties? NoIf YES, what is the daily rate charged for a boarder? N/A 6. Does the jail have a county-imposed cap on local bed utilization to provide space for boarding? No If YES, report number of boarders and the % of the RDC for all boarders. N/A 7. Does the jail accept Parole Violators on MDOC detainers? Yes 8. Does the jail accept MDOC or Federal boarders under contract? No If YES, what is the daily rate charged for MDOC and/or Federal boarders? N/A 9. What was the revenue from boarders for CY 2014? N/A 10. What was the revenue from County Jail Reimbursement in CY 2014? $35,870.00 11. Does the jail operate a work release program (offenders leave the jail to work and then return to the jail)? No If YES, how many beds (number and % of RDC) are work release beds? N/A How much are offenders charged to be on work release? N/A. 12. Does the jail accept weekend sentences? Yes If YES, approximately how many weekenders book in each weekend? There is approximately 3 bed booked each weekend. 13. Provide additional analysis you feel is necessary to explain your jail utilization: There has been fewer low risk crimes being committed and fewer offenders in jail. This in turn lowers the amount of clients in the community corrections program. However, the amount of violent offenders is increasing. The jail has not been overcrowded, but the inmates are not eligible, due to being high risk to the community. This in turn will reduce the amount of enrollees into the programs. D: Recidivism Analysis The 2014 updated Public Act 511 mandates that CCABs “Provide improved local services for individuals involved in the criminal justice system with the goal of reducing the occurrence of repeat criminal offenses that result in a term of incarceration or detention in jail or prison.” As such, CCABs are required to address recidivism within their comprehensive plan, with a specific emphasis on how the plan is intended to impact the local recidivism rates. The State Board has defined recidivism as “Probation Violations, either technical or new sentence, resulting in prison,” and has identified Probation Violators as being indicative of performance in this area: i. Male Probation Violators with a new felony conviction resulting in a prison sentence ii. Female Probation Violators with a new felony conviction resulting in a prison sentence iii. Male Technical Probation Violators resulting in a prison sentence iv. Female Technical Probation Violators resulting in a prison sentence Please use the following table to report the number of Probation Violators that resulted in a prison disposition for each listed category. See the table for an example of how this should look – You may delete the sample data to insert your local data. Regional CCABs should list the Probation Violation Data for each County separately and provide a total, regional rate at the end of each row. **PLEASE NOTE** If you do not have a tracking process for probation violations you may use OMNI Disposition Report #3 for Probation Violation New Sentence data. D-1: Using OMNI Felony Disposition data supplied by OCC for FY 2014: 2014 Recidivism Rates Totals for County Name Mecosta Region: Probation Violation - New Sentence to Prison Male Page 9 of 12 11 of 45 Female Combined 25 25 Probation Violation – Technical to Prison Male Female Combined D-2: Using OMNI Felony Disposition data supplied by OCC for FY 2013 and FY 2014: 1. Are Probation Violations increasing, decreasing, or stable? Decreasing 2. Describe changes within the Probation Violation data from FY 2013 to FY 2014. Report rates with detailed explanation: In 2013 there was 32 probation violators and 13 parole violators. In 2014 there was 25 probation violators and 7 parole violators. There has been a decrease in violators due to targeting Probation/Parole violators. 3. Can you attribute any changes to strategies/programs in your comprehensive plan? There has been an addition to the programing with adding the assessement. In the past the probation department has completed an assessment before the offender is sent to the community corrections office. This will assure that the offender is utilizing the proper program. 4. There has been a decrease in the amount of offenders community service placement program. Due to the new PA511 guidelines the target population for this program has changed to only allow offenders with an OUIL3 charge or an offender that has a past felony conviction. 5. Describe any changes in criminal justice system stakeholders that may have contributed to changes in rates: In 2013 Soberity Court was implemented giving OUIL 3 offenders a chance to stay out of prison with rehabilitation. Community Corrections manager is a member of the Soberity Court Board. There was no changes in the stakeholders. However, in 2015 there has been 2 new Judges and 2 new Prosecutors. 6. Describe any changes in Probation Violation data that warrant a change in your plan: There has not been a significate change in the PV's to warrant change. 7. Provide additional analysis you feel necessary to explain your recidivism rates: The OCC has not supplied the data that is necessary to complete this analysis. This will be re-submitted once the data is received. B-2: Recidivism Key Objectives and Strategies NOTE: • Five objectives are not required; objectives should be measurable and provide sufficient detail so progress can be monitored. • Each objective should be followed by at least one strategy (step, action, policy, and program) that will help you achieve your objective. • Your objectives and strategies should be supported by the analysis aboveKeep in mind that all programs for which you are requesting funding are considered strategies. Be sure to clearly identify them as strategies. 1. Objective #1 is intended to impact recidivism by targeting: Probation Violators with a new sentence State the Objective: Reduce the PCR to 17% or less Programs in support of Objective #1: 1. Utilize residential services for an alternative to prison. 2. Placement program for those felons assigned community service otherwise would sentenced to prison on a PV. 3. jail work crew program for inmates that would violate and be sent to prison. Page 10 of 12 12 of 45 4. Day reporting program allows offenders to report daily for drug test, pbts, and job searches. This program is designated to rehabilitate the offender with daily supervision. 5. Tether program for offenders that need an assessment and monitored pre-sentenced, so that the Judge is aware of their progress with sobriety. Also includes GPS for those with victims involved. 6. Gatekeeper programs have an impact on the jail population by utilizing jail beds for those group 2 straddle cell offenders to stay local that would otherwise be sent to prison. 7. Assessement program to better serve the offenders needs and assure that the offender is placed in the appropriate program. 2. Objective #2 is intended to impact recidivism by targeting: Probation Violators with a new sentence State the Objective: Reduce Group 2 Straddle Cell offenders to 35% or less. Programs in support of Objective #2: 1. Assessment program to better serve the offenders needs and assure that the offender is placed in the appropriate program. 2. Day reporting program allows offenders to report daily for drug test, pbts, and job searches. This program is designed to rehabilitate the offender with daily supervision. 3. Tether program for those offenders that need an assessment and monitored pre-sentenced, so that the Judge is aware of their progress with sobriety. Also includes GPS for those that have victims involved. 3. Objective #3 is intended to impact recidivism by targeting: Choose an item. State the Objective: Programs in support of Objective #3: 4. Objective #4 is intended to impact recidivism by targeting: Programs in support of Objective #4: Choose an item. State the Objective: 5. Objective #5 is intended to impact recidivism by targeting: Programs in support of Objective #5 : Choose an item. State the Objective: 6. Objective #6 is intended to impact recidivism by targeting: Programs in support of Objective #6: Choose an item. State the Objective: E: COMPAS Criminogenic Needs Profile Please list the top 3 needs scales as identified within the COMPAS Criminogenic Needs and Risk Profile provided by OCC. Additionally, present both the local and OCC strategies that will impact the identified needs scales: 1. Financial problems. The local strategy is to provide the offender with the opition to complete community service in lieu of fines and cost. If the offenders is ordered to report daily then employment is manditory for those offenders. 2. Non-compliance history. The local strategy is to give the offender an assessement to assure that the cognitive behavior issues are being met. 3. Substance Abuse. The local strategy is to utilize Sobriety Court for all OUIL 3 offenders. If they complete the program then their sentence is reduced to an OUIL 2nd. F: Other Local Strategies Present any local priorities such as development of criminal justice coordinating councils, Specialty Courts, public education, etc., which have not been identified in the above sections, but have an impact on the performance indicators: There has been a change in Mecosta CCAB by adding 2 new Judges and new Prosecutor as Chair. Sobriety Court has targeted the OUIL 3rd offenders for rehabilitation, which has a new Judge. Page 11 of 12 13 of 45 There will be a new member of the CCAB to file the Workforce Development seat. This will assure that the offenders financial needs are able to be met. There has been a decrease in the amount of enrollments into community service placement program along with a decrease in funding, due to new PA511 requirements. However, there has been an increase in the assessment program to off set the funds. Community Corrections will now receive COMPAS scores from the Circuit Court Probation at the time of referral and will be put in the offenders file for further review. Page 12 of 12 14 of 45 atfloW 10(omoiliolli oto I.. .00) 1 2016 FY: CCAB: Mecosta County Administration — Administration is defined as those activities and related costs that have been incurred for the overall executive and administrative functions of the local office or other expenses of a general nature that do not relate solely to the operation of a specific program as defined/approved within the local plan. They are costs that by their nature are administrative in support of the overall duties and functions of the local OCC. This category must also include its allocable share of fringe benefits, costs, operation and maintenance expenses, and if applicable, depreciation and interest costs. NOTE: A SUPPLY has a life expectancy of less than a year (paper, toner, folders, urine testing supplies, etc.) while EQUIPMENT has a life expectancy of more than a year (fax machine, PBT, leaf blower). 1. Identify administrative staff and the duties and responsibilities of those staff: Name and title of CCAB manager: Angie Gray, Director of Community Corrections Name(s) and title(s) of clerical and/or administrative support staff: Trevor Daugherity, Placement Officer c. Is there a request for funding of administrative or support personnel such as IT, human resources, etc.? NO d. How frequently are CCAB meetings held? Quarterly e. Describe what is done to prepare/prepare board members for CCAB meetings and who (manager, clerical, etc.) does what: The manager sends a reminder email to all board members 2 weeks before the scheduled meeting another email is sent the day before. The agenda is also completed and phone canlls to verify attendance. f. Do your CCAB meeting agenda include the following items (please remember to forward agenda and meeting minutes to our office): i. Review of prison commitment rates/recent sentencing trends: Yes ii. Jail utilization/state of crowding: Yes iii. Program utilization in general and by targeted populations: Yes a. b. Status of contractual conditions (if applicable): No Status of contractual objectives: No Correspondence from Lansing Office of Community Alternatives: Yes Expenditures and reimbursements to date: No What other items are typically on your meeting agenda? Jail Diversion program with mental health, changes within the program, approval of purchases. g. Describe how expenditure reports are processed and forwarded to 0CC in Lansing: Total all program data and utilization and divide amount by 12. h. How often does the manager meet with, visit, and evaluate contracted programs? N/A Explain: Mecosta County does not have any contracts i. Answer the following two questions only if PA511 funds support the CCAB manager's salary: iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Page 1 of 3 15 of 45 119 j. k. I. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. i. How many staff does the manager directly supervise? 2 ii. How much time is spent training, evaluating or disciplining staff? .25 How often does the manager meet with probation supervisors/officers? Weekly Explain: Sobriety Court meeting and when there is a work crew client to be reviewed for the program. How often does the manager meet with the prosecutor? Monthly Explain: The only time prosecutor is involved with community corrections program is when an offender has been released ona PR bond to complete tether or day reporting. During the OCC grant application process the manager has weekly contact with the prosecutor. How often does the manager meet with judges? Weekly Explain: If there is an inmate that is in jail in need of a PR bond then a court order is completed by the manager and taken to the Judge for review of release. The is also a bi-weekly meeting that is scheduled with the Judge for Sobriety Court. How often does the manager meet with the sheriff/jail staff? 2 hours a week Explain: When an inmate is eligible for a community corrections program then the manager advises the jail of the inmate via letter and request that the inmate be released into that particular program. How often does the manager meet with financial support staff? Monthly Explain: At the end of each month a review of the community corrections budget to assure that no mistakes were made by the finance department. How often are CCIS data reports run and reviewed for accuracy? Quarterly Explain: CCIS report is ran by the manager and given to the placement officer for review that all files are closed and accurate. How much time is spent reviewing OMNI and jail data? 2 hours per day Explain: A review of all new inmates and entered into COMPAS. How much time is estimated to be spent developing the plan and application? One month Describe when and how the plan is developed: In May a review of PA 511. is done. A plan is put together to adjust to the present need of the community corrections programs with changes to the program utilization. Describe the involvement of other stakeholders or subcommittees in data analysis or plan/program development. The CCAB is advised of any changes in the programs. How are utilization and expenditures monitored? Every month a CCIS data report is completed and the expenditures are added and dispered accordingly. What actions are taken when programs are under- or over-utilized? When the jail work crew or day reporting program is under-utilized then a closer review of the jail roster is done. There is no action taken when community service is under-utilized due to the Judge not ordering community service. Who develops the subcontracts for CPS funded services? N/A No subcontracts at this time Who calculates jail bed days saved and how much time is devoted to that task? The manager and placement officer enter the data into COMPAS according to the policy. Tow hours a day is devoted to this task. What specific tasks are assigned to clerical support and what is the frequency and amount of time dedicated to those tasks? The placement officer completes the assessment, answers phones, prepares client files, records intakes into COMPAS, mail, Page 2 of 3 16 of 45 ilPirogitaam drug test, pbt testing, and answers clients questions, makes copies, ect. Mecosta County only bills the OCC for the assessment portion for this staff. If there is no clerical support, describe clerical tasks/frequency and time demands if performed by the manager: N/A x. Does the county have procurement or purchasing policies for contractual services, supplies, and/or equipment? Yes Describe: All purchases over $500.00 must be approved by the County Adminstrator. y. Please describe the county's policies on travel expense reimbursement (mileage, meal allowance, etc.): Mecosta County will reimbrse up to .57 cents per mile and up to $8.00 per meal. z. Does your county have the facilities to host training (such as for cognitive programs or application training)? NO How many can your facilities comfortably accommodate? N/A aa. Does your county have a computer lab available for computer-based training? NO How many can your computer lab comfortably accommodate? N/A Would you be interested in hosting training? NO Page 3 of 3 17 of 45 Prow-AIM 11)*sicri RirooRmill summary Shevit CCAB: Mecosta County FY: 2016 Select the program code and complete with the local program name. Clearly describe any acronyms. (You do not need to list Residential Services) Program 1: /1.19 - Community Service - Program 2: A25 - Work Crew - Inmate - Program 3: Dal - Day Reporting - Program 4: D08 - Electronic Monitoring - Program 5: 122 - Assessment - Program 6: 125 - Gatekeeper - Program 7: Choose an item. Program 8: Choose an item. Program 9: Choose an item. Program 10: Choose Program 11: Choose an item. all jiff)). Program 12: Choose an item. Program 13: Choose an item. Program 14: Choose an item. Program 15: Choose an item. Program 16: Choose an item. Program 17: Choose an item. Program 18: Choose an item. Program 19: Choose an item. Program 20: Choose an item. Page 1 of 1 18 of 45 Progra Diescription! comimmuiiiiiici CCAB: Mecosta County Local Program Name: Service Provider: sbniviiicvls!. For OCC Use Only: I FY: 2016 Commmunity Service Mecosta County Community Corrections CCIS Service Type: A1.9 - Community Service Placement Projected New Enrollment: 25 Projected LOS: Approved CCIS Code Approved Projected Enrollment: Budget Recommendation: Conditions: Coordinator: 365 days Does this program also use DDJR funding? NO If YES, how many OUIL 3rds are projected? 25 Program Location (select all that apply): Program Status: Jail: 111 Residential: • Community: • Modification Target population for this program has changed due to new PA511 If a modification, describe here: requirements. Misdemeanant community service workers will not be funded by the OCC only felons with the required 480 hours of community service. However, if a misdemeanant has a past felony conviction he/she may be allowed to participate in this program. List projected enrollment by member county: 22 Please remember that ALL OCC funded programs MUST identify a way in which they will DIRECTLY impact the local PCR and/or recidivism. Recommendation for OCC funding: target populations for Community Service - Placement (A19) are recommended as follows and shall be used in lieu of jail, not as a standard condition of probation: • Felony probation violators • Misdemeanor probation violators • Other: Specific Offense Group with documentation to support significant historic jail utilization (discuss with your grant coordinator first) Proposed minimum credit ratio: 1 day of credit per 3 days worked, results in potential for 25% reduction in jail sentence. The following definitions are used: o A19 - Community Service — Placement: Probationers assigned to complete work hours o o on an individual basis. A25 - Work Crew — Inmate: Inmates under the custody of the sheriff who leave the jail under supervision for a work assignment and then return to the jail. A26 - Work Crew — Community: Offenders who are assigned to an organized and supervised work crew while living at home. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS USING "NA" IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS PARTICULAR PROGRAM. 1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part I) that this program is designed to address: Which state(s): Reduce the PCR to 17% or less. a. Overall PCR Objective Which state(s): b. Choose im item. C. Choose an item. Which state(s): 2. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population? Page 1 of 4 19 of 45 Plrogram Dieserripboo 3. Complete a-o for WORK CREW programs. If not a WORK CREW go to #4: a. b. c. d. e. f. Is this a jail or community based program? If community based, do workers report to the jail or work site and work as a supervised crew? Is the crew transported off site for work? Explain: Do inmates work as a crew under supervision? Explain: Who supervises the crew? Who identifies, organizes, develops worksites? Are these duties funded by PA 511? g. Do inmate workers earn at least one day of credit for three days worked? Choose im item. h. What is the credit rate? i. How are credits monitored and new release date calculated? Who calculates credit and release date? j. Is the supervising probation officer/judge advised of the projected new jail release date? Choose ,in item. If YES, who provides that notification and how? k. How many offenders typically are on a crew? I. How many supervisors per crew? m. Based on your specific program design (including where offenders may be working) and your target population, what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? n. o. Choose on item. Do you have insurance for your workers? Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program. (Work Crew description is complete - Continue on to #5) 4. Complete the following for COMMUNITY SERVICE — PLACEMENT programs: a. Program is used in LIEU of jail time, including weekends: Yrc b. There is a policy giving employed offenders a certain number of days to complete each 10 hours of court ordered community service work. Yi.S How many? A minimum of 29 hours per month c. There is a policy giving unemployed offenders a certain number of days to complete each 10 hours of court ordered community service work. Yi S How many? A minumium of 29 hours per month d. Probation Order/Commitment Order reflects the number of hours of ordered community service work: YLC e. Probation Order/Commitment Order reflects the number of jail bed saved: No f. Based on your specific program design (including where offenders may be working) and your target population, what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? g. 1. Has a court order stating that community sevice is ordered. h. 2. Has no pattern of violent behavior. i. 3. Sentenced to the offense listed on the Judgement. YI:S j. Do you have insurance for your workers? Page 2 of 4 20 of 45 o.grarri Descri ption. c.our-viiroTtlinay, k. I. m. n. o. PA511-funded staff establishes work locations: YES PA511-funded staff place offenders and establish work schedules: YES PA511-funded staff monitors completion of ordered hours: WEEKLY Probation officer/referral source is notified of satisfactory compliance: WEEKLY CCAB has a policy/procedure for notifying probation officer/referral sources for noncompliance. YES The probation officer will screen each individual offender duing the pre-sentence investigation process. A recommendation will be done at the time for the offender to complete community service. After sentencing of the offender they are given a signed court order from the Judge stating that the offender has been ordered to do community service. All appropriate paperwork is signed by the offender and then reviewed for eligibility by community corrections. At the time of review a letter is written to the referring agent showing their progress or termination/completion. p. Summarize the placement, monitoring and notification process here: q. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program. Circuit Court Probation utilizes the COMPAS assessement program prior to sentencing. This program targets felons or misdememeants with a prior felony conviction. The COMPAS score will put in their files. 5. FOR ALL PROGRAMS: A program must meet at least one of the following objectives and there should be consistency between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of your application, your targeting and eligibility noted above and your response here. Will this this program reduce prison commitments? Yi S I. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Group 2 Straddle Cell PCR ii. Clearly describe how this program will impact the PCR: The target population for this program is those offenders that will be sentenced to prison if they do not complete their requirements. No b. Is this program intended to impact recidivism? i. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Choose an item. ii. Clearly describe how recidivism will be impacted: Community service placement program is for those felons assigned community service otherwise would sentenced to prison on a PV. Community service teaches the offender to have a responsibility of a job and give back to the community from which they have offended. They are given tools to succeed with different skills taught by the work crew supervisor. a. c. OCC recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in support of your objective(s). d. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s). e. Jail bed days saved. 6. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program such as number of hours worked, projects completed, public comment on services, etc., as you deem appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary. Page 3 of 4 21 of 45 PI usrci biesui LII0 .5.r-!1. 11. lIC;CA The required hours to be completed by an OUIL offender is 480 hours of community service. This service is completed at various organizations such as food pantries, parks, and other non-profit organizations. Thank you notes are received on a regular bases. Page 4 of 4 22 of 45 rogram :Diesterfptiluirt coma-111111o v s:urvilicc_Ns For OCC Use Only: 1 FY: 2016 CCAB: Mecosta County Local Program Name: Commmunity Service Approved CCIS Code Approved Projected Enrollment: Service Provider: Mecosta County Community Corrections Budget Recommendation: CCIS Service Type: /12!; - Work Crew (Inmate) Conditions: Coordinator: Projected New Enrollment: 50 Projected LOS: 45 Does this program also use DDJR funding? IV() If YES, how many OUIL 3rds are projected? Program Location (select all that apply): Jail: XI Residential: • Community: a Program Status: Continuation Target population for this program has changed due to new PA511 If a modification, describe here: requirements. Misdemeanant community service workers will not be funded by the OCC only felons with the required 480 hours of community service. However, if a misdemeanant has a past felony conviction he/she may be allowed to participate in this program. List projected enrollment by member county: 50 Please remember that ALL OCC funded programs MUST identify a way in which they will DIRECTLY impact the local PCR and/or recidivism. Recommendation for OCC funding: target populations for Community Service - Placement (A19) are recommended as follows and shall be used in lieu of jail, not as a standard condition of probation: • Felony probation violators • Misdemeanor probation violators • Other: Specific Offense Group with documentation to support significant historic jail utilization (discuss with your grant coordinator first) Proposed minimum credit ratio: 1 day of credit per 3 days worked, results in potential for 25% reduction in jail sentence. The following definitions are used: o A19 - Community Service — Placement: Probationers assigned to complete work hours on an individual basis. A25 - Work Crew — Inmate: Inmates under the custody of the sheriff who leave the jail o under supervision for a work assignment and then return to the jail. o A26 - Work Crew — Community: Offenders who are assigned to an organized and supervised work crew while living at home. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS USING "NA" IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS PARTICULAR PROGRAM. 1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part I) that this program is designed to address: Which state(s): Reduce the PCR to 17% or less. a. Overall PCR Objective Which state(s): b. Choose an Rem. Which state(s): c. Choose an item. 2. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population? Page 1 of 4 23 of 45 rogram Diescriptlioin cramoloriay Felons that are sentenced to more then 30 days in jail with a SGL of less then 24. 3. Complete a-o for WORK CREW programs. If not a WORK CREW go to #4: a. b. c. Is this a jail or community based program? Jail If community based, do workers report to the jail or work site and work as a supervised crew? N/A Is the crew transported off site for work? Explain: Yes, inmates are transported to the designated work site by the requesting agency. d. e. Do inmates work as a crew under supervision? Explain: Yes, some of the offenders are supervised by a corrections officer while others are supervised by the requesting agency. Who supervises the crew? Corrections staff or the requesting agency. Neither are OCC funded. f. Who identifies, organizes, develops worksites? Are these duties funded by PA 511? Manager g. h. i. j. Do inmate workers earn at least one day of credit for three days worked? YES What is the credit rate? Every day worked is a day off their sentence. How are credits monitored and new release date calculated? They are calculated by a calendar and by physically counting days. Who calculates credit and release date? Manager Is the supervising probation officer/judge advised of the projected new jail release date? YLS if YES, who provides that notification and how? A letter is written to Corrections advising them of the inmates new out date. A copy of that letter is given to the appropriate department. k. How many offenders typically are on a crew? 1-4 I. How many supervisors per crew? 1 m. Based on your specific program design (including where offenders may be working) and your target population, what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? n. o. p. q. 1. Is not engaged in work release 2. Has no personal protection order's against worker 3. Has no previous convictions of Criminal Sexual Conduct. YES Do you have insurance for your workers? Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program. This program reduces the AvLOS by 50%. It gives the inmate day for day credit while giving them an opportunity to succeed. (Work Crew description is complete - Continue on to #5) 4. Complete the following for COMMUNITY SERVICE — PLACEMENT programs: a. Program is used in LIEU of jail time, including weekends: b. There is a policy giving employed offenders a certain number of days to complete each 10 hours of court ordered community service work. How many? Page 2 of 4 24 of 45 Program Description Conalinitu c. y \plum. There is a policy giving unemployed offenders a certain number of days to complete each 10 hours of court ordered community service work. How many? d. Probation Order/Commitment Order reflects the number of hours of ordered community service work: e. Probation Order/Commitment Order reflects the number of jail bed saved: f. Based on your specific program design (including where offenders may be working) and your target population, what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? g. Do you have insurance for your workers? h. PA511-funded staff establishes work locations: i. PA511-funded staff place offenders and establish work schedules: j. PA511-funded staff monitors completion of ordered hours: k. Probation officer/referral source is notified of satisfactory compliance: I. CCAB has a policy/procedure for notifying probation officer/referral sources for noncompliance. in. Summarize the placement, monitoring and notification process here: n. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program. 5. FOR ALL PROGRAMS: A program must meet at least one of the following objectives and there should be consistency between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of your application, your targeting and eligibility noted above and your response here. a. Will this this program reduce prison commitments? Yl..ci i. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Overall PCR ii. Clearly describe how this program will impact the PCR: The target population are inmates that would otherwise going to prison if they do not complete this program. Yt% b. Is this program intended to impact recidivism? i. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Probation Violators with a new sentence ii. Clearly describe how recidivism will be impacted: It gives them an opportunity to reduce there time in jail while giving them tools to succeed in the community once released. c. 0CC recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in support of your objective(s). Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per d. Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s). e. Jail bed days saved. i 6. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program such as number of hours worked, projects completed, public comment on services, etc., as you deem appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary. The number of hours worked is 11,727 with 1303 bed days saved in FY2014, which has saved i Mecosta County $54,726.00. The projects that have been completed by inmates range from raking Page 3 of 4 25 of 45 IRrogroiro Descitipti 111 s:01 vkici:G% leaves to shoveling snow. This County would not be able to function properly without the help of he inmates doing the everyday work of an employee, which gives the inmates a positive influence. Page 4 of 4 26 of 45 ProgIratti .Diesicriptioni :Cliff For OCC Use Only: CCAB: Mecosta County 1 FY: 2016 Local Program Name: Intensive Supervison Approved COS Code Approved Projected Enrollment: Service Provider: Mecosta County Community Corrections Budget Recommendation: CCIS Service Type: 004 - Day Reporting Conditions: Projected Enrollment: 25 Coordinator: Projected Length of Stay: 90 Does this program also use DDJR funding? NO If YES, how many OUIL 3rds are projected? Program Location (select all that apply): Jail: 0 Residential: • Community: El Program Status (new, modification, continuation): Modification If a modification, describe here: The projected enrollments have decreased due to the Judges choosing to order electonic monitoring instead of day reporting. They feel that 24 hours monitoring would be more suitable for the offenders. List projected enrollment by member county: 25 SUPERVISION SERVICES — • Supervision programs include Day Reporting, Electronic Monitoring, Intensive Supervision and Pretrial Supervision. • It may be proposed that Day Reporting be eliminated as a program type since service typically delivered under DR could be funded under Case Management or Intensive Supervision. • PA511 funds can not be used to provide Electronic Monitoring Services for MDOC probationers unless it is for pretrial supervision of a probationer with a new charge (call your grant coordinator for exceptions). • When developing eligibility criteria, think about what behavior or characteristic in addition to addressing PCRs or recidivism that the program is intended to address. • Supervision programs are not intended to simply provide access to substance abuse testing absent other supervision activities. • Costs associated with Substance Abuse Testing may be incurred as "supply" costs in this program's budget if testing is part of the program design. • OCC requires that an objective pretrial assessment be used before defendants are referred for pretrial supervision. [ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS USING "NA" IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS PARTICULAR PROGRAM. 1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part 1) that this program is designed to address: Which state(s): To reduce the PCR to 17% or less. a. Overall PCR Objective Which state(s): b. c. ( liow,o an item. Which state(s): 2. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population? Presentenced/sentenced offenders that have been charged with a felony or a misdemeanor with a prior felony charge. . Describe the program: I Page 1 of 4 27 of 45 Program) Diescripboo S:GIIM)11C.:(4-3) a. b. Is an assessment or screen required to determine eligibility? Assessment If an assessment is used then provide the name of the assessment tool: COMPAS risk/needs assessment c. Based on what your program is intended to address within your targeted population, what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? Be sure to include assessment scores if applicable. d. e. f. 1. Has no pattern of violent behavior. 2. If a probation or parole violator, the underlying offense was non-violent offense. 3. Has no history of Criminal Sexual Conduct. g. Are recommendations for the program made in the PSI or PV sentence recommendation? YES How else are offenders identified and/or referred to the program? The PV hearing h. the sentencing Judge will order intensive supervison. i. Identify who is responsible for confirming eligibility and describe the process? Eligibility is identified by the Manager after a review of the offenders criminal history and all required paperwork is in the file. j. Describe your process for addressing referrals not meeting program target/eligibility. The manager would go to the referring agent and address the issue. If the offender is not eligible then they will not be able to be placed in the day reporting program. k. How is CCIS data gathered/entered? The offenders informatiuon is entered into COMPAS I. Are offenders supervised through (select all that apply): Office Visits: • EMS: • TX Reporting: MI TX System (e.g. OffenderLink): 0 Other (describe): n Field Contacts: rn. If using electronic monitoring or other technology (including phone systems) answer and clearly explain the following (use NA if not applicable to your program). NOTE: The MDOC charges $6.50 per day for radio frequency or Sobrietor units with monitoring, or, $7.75 per day for both. i. What kind of equipment/system: N/A ii. Vendor for equipment/service: N/A iii. Cost assessed by the vendor per unit/offender/day (clearly describe): N/A iv. Who does the equipment installation/retrieval? N/A v. Who sets up schedules and/or monitors compliance? N/A n. What is the frequency of reporting/contact with the offender? Daily o. How is frequency of reporting/contact determined? At the time of intake p. What happens during a typical "report" and how long is it estimated to take? Offender signs the daily log and reviews possible job opportunities, we go through their day and what they are goingt o do as wellas help them with education requirements if needed. Give PBT and drug screen. This process takes an estimated 10 minutes a day . q. r. Does the program design include collateral contacts with family, employer, school, treatment provider, etc.? YES, the offender's statements ..ire verified Icy contacting; the fdmily, employer, school, pct. Does the program assist offenders with securing identification and/or refer to additional social or supportive services? No If Yes, how? Page 2 of 4 28 of 45 Progra Desicriptijon Spwviiico-s s. Does the program monitor for new criminal activity? Yes If Yes, how? t. This program Provides drug/alcohol testing. u. Explain involvement in 'p' above including the frequency/cost of testing if provided: Daily PBT, and weekly drug screen. v. How are delivered services and offender progress and participation documented by the service provider? When an offender comes in daily they are asked about work, education, treatment, and daily task. They are then given a drug test or PBT. The daily activities are entered into their file. w. How is offender progress/participation reported to the probation officer or referral source? Include frequency of reporting positive and negative progress and types of reports provided such as intake, monthly, termination, etc. Depending on the offender's status, if they are pre-sentence then the progress report or positive results go to the Prosecutor's office. If a referring agent is the probation department then the results are submitted to the probation officer. A completion/termination is given to the appropriate office upon discharge. x. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program: If at any time an offender is positive then the Manager will write a letter to the referring agent and personally review whether or not the offender should be terminated from the program and a jail sentenced imposed, or given another chance to succeed. 4. A program must meet at least one of the following objectives and there should be consistency between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of your application, your targeting and eligibility noted above and your response here. Will this this program reduce prison commitments? Yi i. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Overall PCR ii. Clearly describe how this program will impact the PCR: This program target population is felons that if they violate they will go to prison. b. Is this program intended to impact recidivism? Y1 .S i. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Probation Violators a. with a new sentence ii. Clearly describe how recidivism will be impacted: By giving the offender tools needed to succeed outside of jail with accountablity, education, and job search. 5. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the status of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum: OCC recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in support of your objective(s). b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s). c. Track jail bed days saved if applicable to your program design. d. Track successful and unsuccessful terminations from the program. a. Page 3 of 4 29 of 45 Program! Desk-31i pt SAAr e. Track the successful /unsuccessful discharge from probation for program completions/failures. 6. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program design such as securing of identification, completion of other monitored programs and conditions, etc., as you deem appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary. All reporters must provide Community Corrections with a picture ID before they are entered into the program. Once the offender is enrolled they must maintain employment. This program targets pre-sentenced/sentenced felons and misdemeanants with a past felony conviction. These offenders are not engaged in other monitoring programs. In the recent year there has been a decrease in enrollments due to the tether program being implemented. However, the OCC funding for this program has also decreased. Page 4 of 4 30 of 45 Prop-aril .Dfescri ptioni S4111):III:VIISI111011r11 StAli V.IIIICOS CCAB: Mecosta County Local Program Name: For 0CC Use Only: I FY: 2016 Tether Approved COS Code Approved Projected Enrollment: Budget Recommendation: Conditions: Coordinator: Service Provider: Mecosta County Community Corrections CCIS Service Type: 1)08 .. Electronic Monitoring Projected Enrollment: 60 Projected Length of Stay: 60 Does this program also use DDJR funding? NO If YES, how many OU1L 3rds are projected? Program Location (select all that apply): Jail: • Residential: Community: u Program Status (new, modification, continuation): (:ontinuation If a modification, describe here: N/A List projected enrollment by member county: 50 SUPERVISION SERVICES — • • Supervision programs include Day Reporting, Electronic Monitoring, Intensive Supervision and Pretrial Supervision. It may be proposed that Day Reporting be eliminated as a program type since service typically delivered under DR could be funded under Case Management or Intensive Supervision. • PA511 funds can not be used to provide Electronic Monitoring Services for MDOC probationers unless it is for pretrial supervision of a probationer with a new charge (call your grant coordinator for exceptions). • When developing eligibility criteria, think about what behavior or characteristic in addition to addressing PCRs or recidivism that the program is intended to address. • Supervision programs are not intended to simply provide access to substance abuse testing absent other supervision activities. • Costs associated with Substance Abuse Testing may be incurred as "supply" costs in this program's budget if testing is part of the program design. • OCC requires that an objective pretrial assessment be used before defendants are referred for pretrial supervision. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS USING "NA" IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS PARTICULAR PROGRAM. 1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part I) that this program is designed to address: a. Overall PCR Objective Which state(s): Reduce the PCR to 17% or less b. choose an item. Which state(s): c. Choom, an item. Which state(s): 2. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population? 3. Describe the program: a. Is an assessment or screen required to determine eligibility? Assessment b. If an assessment is used then provide the name of the assessment tool: COMPAS risk/needs assessment Page 1 of 4 31 of 45 Program Descwiiptiioni c. Based on what your program is intended to address within your targeted population, what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? Be sure to include assessment scores if applicable. d. 1. Must be charged with or sentenced to an alcohol offense. e. 2. Must have con order stating that offender is ordered to be on electronic monitoring. f. 3. Must not be convicted of Criminal Sexual Conduct g. h. Are recommendations for the program made in the PSI or PV sentence recommendation? YES' How else are offenders identified and/or referred to the program? Prosecutor, defense attorney, probation officer, and Judge agrees that tether would benefit the offender while protecting the community. These referrals are not always made in the court room they are sometimes part of the plea agreement or a condition of bond. i. Identify who is responsible for confirming eligibility and describe the process? Manager reviews the court order and criminal history of the offender. j. Describe your process for addressing referrals not meeting program target/eligibility. The manager would go the referring agent and address the issue, if the offender is not eligible then the offender will not be able to be placed in the electronic monitoring program. k. How is CCIS data gathered/entered? A judgement or court order is given to community corrections office then the offender completes the information packet and it is put into COMPAS by the manager or placement officer. I. Are offenders supervised through (select all that apply): Office Visits: le EMS: 0 TX Reporting: • TX System (e.g. OffenderLink): 0 Field Contacts: • Other (describe): m. If using electronic monitoring or other technology (including phone systems) answer and clearly explain the following (use NA if not applicable to your program). NOTE: The MDOC charges $6.50 per day for radio frequency or Sobrietor units with monitoring, or, $7.75 per day for both. i. What kind of equipment/system: ScramX ii. Vendor for equipment/service: AMS iii. Cost assessed by the vendor per unit/offender/day (clearly describe): $4.40 per day iv. Who does the equipment installation/retrieval? Community corrections v. Who sets up schedules and/or monitors compliance? Community Corrections n. What is the frequency of reporting/contact with the offender? Weekly o. How is frequency of reporting/contact determined? Policy states that the offender must report weekly. p. What happens during a typical "report" and how long is it estimated to take? 15 minutes, the equipment is hooked up (downloaded) to the computer the results are reviewed to assure that the offender has not been drinking. If so, then there is a discussion on what they were doing and what time. The agent/Judge is notified immediately of the positive result and the referring agent schedules a violation hearing. q. Does the program design include collateral contacts with family, employer, school, Page 2 of 4 32 of 45 Plpgram D.escriptio) r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. treatment provider, etc.? YES, the offender's statements are verified by contacting the family, employer, school, act. Does the program assist offenders with securing identification and/or refer to additional social or supportive services? No If Yes, how? Does the program monitor for new criminal activity? Yes If Yes, how? This program Provides drug/alcohol testing. Explain involvement in 'p' above including the frequency/cost of testing if provided: NM How are delivered services and offender progress and participation documented by the service provider? Daily emails are sent from the service provider, AMS to community corrections. This tells the manager if there was any missed communications, positive alcohol test, or offender was in a restricted zone. The offender's name is written on a white board in the office. The placement officer reviews the list every morning to see who is scheduled to come in and download the information to the computer. If the offender is scheduled to come in then their file is set off to the side and reviewed once they arrive. All communication is written in the file regarding where they were, what time, if they were positive, ed. How is offender progress/participation reported to the probation officer or referral source? Include frequency of reporting positive and negative progress and types of reports provided such as intake, monthly, termination, etc. A positive report is sent immediately to the probation officer if the offender is on probation. If they are not sentenced then the report goes to the prosecutor's office. Once the offender has met the requirements of the court order then a completion letter is sent to the appropriate department. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program: This program is an alternative to jail every day that an offender is on tether is a day saved from jail. This program assures that offender that would otherwise be sent to prison will be able to stay local. If an alcoholic is being monitored with tether they are less likely to drink and drive, making a safer community. 4. A program must meet at least one of the following objectives and there should be consistency between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of your application, your targeting and eligibility noted above and your response here. a. Will this this program reduce prison commitments? Yi.S i. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Overall PCR ii. Clearly describe how this program will impact the PCR: The PCR will be impacted by the amount of successful completion of Sobriety Court which gives the offender the tools to stay sober and stay out of prison. Tether is used in this program to monitor their sobriety or OUIL r offfenders. If the offender completes the program then their charge is reduced and NO prison sentence will be imposed. This will be measured by the amount of completed Sobriety Court clients. b. Is this program intended to impact recidivism? YI 5 I. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Probation Violators with Page 3 of 4 33 of 45 Progra rn Diescri ptior SLIII):(21111PIN110:1I SPW a new sentence ii. Clearly describe how recidivism will be impacted: By monitoring the offender 24/7 it gives them a constant reminder not to break the law. The majority of tether clients are from sobreity court, which gives the offender the tools to be held accountable for their actions through treatment. 5. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the status of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum: a. OCC recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in support of your objective(s). b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s). c. Track jail bed days saved if applicable to your program design. d. Track successful and unsuccessful terminations from the program. e. Track the successful /unsuccessful discharge from probation for program completions/failures. 6. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program design such as securing of identification, completion of other monitored programs and conditions, etc., as you deem appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary. All offenders must provide community corrections with a picture ID before they are entered into the program. Once the tether is put on the offender's leg then all the rules are to be follewed according to participation agreeement. The offender must also pay the weekly/monthly monitoring fee that is put in place at the time of hook up. Page 4 of 4 34 of 45 Program IDescriiptiioni For OCC Use Only: CCAB: Mecosta County f FY: 2016 Local Program Name: Assessment Approved CCIS Code Approved Projected Enrollment: Service Provider: Mecosta County Community Corrections Budget Recommendation; CCIS Service Type: 122 - Assessment Conditions: Projected number of assessments (enrollment): 85 Coordinator: Does this program also use DDJR funding? Choose an item. If YES, how many OUIL 3rds are projected? Program Location (select all that apply): Jail: IN1 Residential: • Community: (ZI Program Status (new, modification, continuation): New Initiative If a modification, describe here: List projected enrollment by member county: 85 ASSESSMENT SERVICES - Provides for thorough assessment of offender needs: • COMPAS or other objective, commercial risk/need assessment • Assessment for substance abuse, mental health, or pretrial services eligibility • Assessments provided by different service providers will require separate program description forms • Funding under assessment also includes the task of using results to develop treatment plans and/or recommendations for available services • Assessment for entry into pretrial programming ?%NSWER ALL QUESTIONS USING "NA" IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS PARTICULAR PROGRAM 1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or recidivism analysis (Part I) that this program is designed to address: a. Overall PCR Objective Which state(s): Reduce the PCR to 17% or less. b. (Immo an item. Which state(s): c. ( lionse .in ilem. Which state(s): 2. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population? Offenders the are charged with a felony or misdememants that have a past felony conviction. 3. Describe the program: a. Describe eligibility criteria, including exclusionary criteria, for an assessment: 1. Must be court ordered into the day reporting program or tether program. b. What programs (PA511 and/or locally funded) require this assessment to determine eligibility? c. 1. Electonic monitoring program. d. 2. Day reporting program. e. What assessment instrument is proposed? To assure that the offender is in the appropriate program for the offenders needs. f. Is the assessment completed during the presentence investigation period (prior to sentencing)? NO g. How are offenders identified and/or referred for an assessment? The Judge or magistrate orders an offender into the program at the time of arraignment or Page 1 of 3 35 of 45 Program Destafiptibe sentencing. h. Is this service contracted to a vendor or does local community corrections staff complete the assessment(s)? Local community corrections staff will be completing the assessment. i. Describe the training, certification process, or credentials of the person(s) doing the assessment(s) which qualify him/her to do them — include dates of training/certification and who conducted the training: The training is completed by Northpointe COMPAS. The placement officer will be conducting the assessments, which has the certification from Northpointe. j. k. What is the cost of the instrument itself, per use? The price is included in COMPAS How much time is anticipated to complete one assessment (not including subsequent development of a recommendation or plan)? 3 hours I. Is the assessment completed through an interview with the offender or would the offender fill out a questionnaire for later scoring? An interview would be conducted m. Is subsequent verification of information required prior to making a recommendation or determining eligibility? YES, a criminal history will be completed n. Is the recommendation written? NO o. How much time is it estimated to take to put all information into a recommendation? 4 hours Explain your response. p. Does a substance abuse assessment result in a recommended level of care per ASAM criteria? Not Applicable q. How is the information gained from the assessment used in sentencing recommendations? If the assessment is done prior to sentencing then the assessement is given to the PSI agent. r. How is completion of assessment documented by the service provider? It is entered into COMPAS. s. How is information about the number of completed assessments entered into Case Manager and tracked for CCIS purposes? COMPAS tracks the number and puts them into the CCIS data. t. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program: This program has taken the place of the misdemeanant community service placement program, due to the new PA511 requirements. There is still community service placement program but only for those OUIL 3rd offender or offenders with past felony conviction. The assessment will suit the offenders needs and be able to assure that they are placed in the appropriate program. 4. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the status of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum: a. OCC recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in support of your objective(s). b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s). c, Track the percentage of assessments that result in placement in programming based on assessed risk and/or need. Page 2 of 3 36 of 45 iPlro.grairmi IDesieffiiptiluto ..6s-s4..m--iiriolelifli;.'$-It;•.Viiice;$ . Develop additional performance indicators based on your program as you deem appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary. The assessments have previously been done by the PSI agent whether it be District Court or Circuit Court. It is now ordered by the State that the assessment be done and put in the file. The training process has begun with Northpointe and will be able to be implemented by FY2016. This program is new and will need to be revised in the FY2017 grant application after a full year. Page 3 of 3 37 of 45 IVIrogrardifit Des(dipitioo Ck:liteplIk(Gb.4,-(1-9iilioldOla For OCC Use Only: CCAB: Mecosta County 1 FY: 2016 Local Program Name: Community Corrections Approved COS Code Approved Projected Enrollment: Service Provider: Mecosta County Community Corrections Budget Recommendation: CC'S Service Type: 125 - Gatekeeper Conditions: Total Projected Enrollment (for Gatekeeper): 1000 Coordinator: Does this program also use DDJR funding? NO If YES, how many OUIL 3rds are projected? Projected Early Jail Releases (for JPM): 750 Program Status (new, modification, continuation): New Initiative If a modification, describe here: This program is set in place in lieu of JPM List projected enrollment/release by member county: 750 Gatekeeper and Jail Population Monitoring are necessary processes or FUNCTIONS rather than programs as we typically think of them. GATEKEEPER — • Gatekeeping includes initial screening for program eligibility (not assessment) such as determining if the offender meets established target and preliminary eligibility criteria (SGLs, crime group, PV status, number of priors, etc.) and the subsequent referral and enrollment in programming as appropriate. In addition, gatekeepers may also complete CCIS data entry for program enrollment and may need to maintain waiting lists if programs are over utilized. • In CCABs where there are no outside contracts (all services are delivered by managers or CCAB staff) a Gatekeeper program description may not be necessary. Determining eligibility and enrollment into the program can be done at the individual program level. Contact the program section manager or your grant coordinator with questions. • Projections should be based on the total number of PA511 program referrals that will need to be screened for eligibility, referred, and enrolled in Case Manager. • Subsequent data entry such as termination/discharge from programming and calculating jail bed savings is a function under administration. JAIL POPULATION MONITOR (JPM) • Jail Population Monitoring is ONLY appropriate for jails with acute overcrowding where the primary function is to expedite EARLY release of offenders to avoid overcrowding emergencies. • A JPM is NOT to simply facilitate the movement of offenders into already-ordered programs (this could be Gatekeeping) but to expedite releases to immediately reduce the ADP of the jail. • JPM impact must be monitored so that local practices can be adjusted to AVOID the incarceration of those who are consistently released • Projected enrollment should not be all offenders booked into the jail but the number that are projected to be successfully moved out of the jail (not into jail-based programming). • OCC supports the following: o Counties seeking JPM funding should have a written jail population management plan per Public Act 139 of 2007. The plan should reflect the use of the JPM to address overcrowding. Page 1 of 4 38 of 45 liPtogrorom IDoscaiijvititoo 4,Joite.pirgooli,0110.01-1Joul o Funding should be limited to a period of years to permit local authorities to make policy changes to avoid jail crowding. !ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS USING "NA" IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS PARTICULAR PROGRAM-.1 The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs. 1. Complete "a-p" for GATEKEEPER. If JAIL POPULATION MONITOR go to #2 a. This service functions as a Gatekeeper for PA511 programs only. b. Are eligibility criteria for all PA511 funded programs established in Case Manager (or through some local system if not using Case Manager)? Explain: Yes, the eligibility is assessed once the offender is put into a PA511 program in the Case Manager c. List referral sources and how referrals are made for screening and enrollment: If an inmate is eligible for a program then the manager goes to the Judge or Magistrate to review the inmate for release into the proper program. A half sheet is signed by the Judge then taken to the jail. It is ordered that the offender is to go directly to the Community Corrections department for enrollment. d. How are offenders identified for program screening/enrollment? A review of the jail roster on a daily basis. This information is entered into COMPAS along with the program that the offender is ordered to complete. e. f. What proportion of program enrollment is via direct referrals rather than Gatekeeper initiated placements? 20% Describe the steps taken to determine offender eligibility for a program: A review of the offenders charge and days in jail. If an offender is in jail on a misdememant more then 5 days then the offender is able to be released. If the offender is in jail for more then 30 days on a felony charge and is not a violent offense then the offender is able to be released. g. Do all offenders ultimately enrolled in PA511 programming have judicial orders mandating participation? YI s Explain: There is either a half sheet/court order or a bond order. h. i. Estimate how long it takes to determine initial eligibility and complete Case Manager/CCIS data entry for a new offender: This process takes the manager 2 hours per day. For an established offender: 1 hour per day. Do you meet with the offender to do the screening or work from referral documents? Explain: Work from jail roster and get the required documents to place inmate in appropriate program then meet with offender from screening. j. What PA511 programs does this Gatekeeper screen/refer for? k. I. m. n. 1. Electronic monitoring 2. Day reporting 3. Jail work crew 4. Assessment o. p. Describe non-PA511 programs/services that offenders may be referred to: N/A Describe the process of referring an eligible offender to PA511 programs (what do you Page 2 of 4 39 of 45 lrogiv.)1.10) acopiwol piiitoromowil do) and how long it takes: Once the target offender is chosen then the manager reports to the magistrate, Judge, and prosecutor about the potential enrollee. If they agree to the release of the inmate then a court order is signed by the Judge and physically taken over to the jail by the manager. The offender is then release and ordered to report to Community Corrections. This process takes about an hour depending on the availiblity of the magistrate, Judge, and prosecutor. q. How is the referral source notified of offender enrollment or ineligibility? At the time of release then the appropriate Court is notified by given a copy of the order. r. What proportion of your requested CPS budget is in this line item? N/A s. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of this service not specifically identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this function: This program is put in place in lieu of JPM . In 2014 it was mandated that all JPM enrollees be put into COMPAS. Prior years it was not required thus in turn did not take as much time. The amount budgeted for this program was estimated and not fully known at that time. There is a request for increase of funding in FY2016, due to more time that is required to complete the task that is mandated by the State. 780 hours per year is the estimated amount of time spent on this program by the manager. (Gatekeeper description is complete — Go to #3) 2. For Jail Population Monitor complete : a. b. Does the County where this service is requested have a written jail population management plan per Public Act 139 of 2007? Choose an item. Identify the objective from your felony and/or recidivism analysis (Part I) that this program is designed to address: g. Choose an item. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population? What is the rated design capacity of the jail (s) prior to any bed closures? What is the current operational capacity of the jail (s) after bed closures? List the average daily population as a % of the rated design capacity of each jail where this service is requested: What data/information is used for targeting inmates for release? h. Describe circumstances under which you are called upon to recommend releases: c. d. e. f. i. Describe the process for identifying and recommending inmates for release and how long that process takes: j. Is the judge/probation officer notified of offender release? Choose an item, k. Describe how inmate releases, recommended releases, and inmate movement is documented: I. Do you track released inmates by characteristics such as crime class, offense type, legal status, guideline range, etc.? Choose an item. m. How do you report inmate movement to your CCAB and 0CC? n. Is information on inmate releases used for future planning such as bypassing jail with immediate program placement for specific offenses/offenders? Choose an item. Page 3 of 4 40 of 45 Program Ilosi:(1110A1-4.0113.1 o. What proportion of your requested CPS budget is in this program line? p. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the service not specifically identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this function: 3. FOR BOTH SERVICE AREAS: As Gatekeeping and JPM are not necessarily "programs", specific contributions toward the below objectives may not be obvious. Answer as appropriate being careful to not double count jail bed days saved in JPM or Gatekeeping AND in the programs offenders may be released /referred to. a. Will this this program reduce prison commitments? YES i. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Overall PCR ii. Clearly describe how this program will impact the PCR: Gatekeeping program is the review of all inmate's wether misdemeanants and felons that have the potential to be sent to prison. This program offers the offender an alternative to prison and rehabilitation services. b. Is this program intended to impact recidivism? NO i. If YES, by targeting which Key Performance Indicator? Choose an item. ii. Clearly describe how recidivism will be impacted: N/A 4. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the status of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum: a. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s). b. Track jail bed days saved if applicable to your program design. c. Percentage of program referrals/enrollments originating with the Gatekeeper or JPM rather than another source such as probation or a judge. d. CCIS data will be completely and accurately entered for all PA511-funded program enrollments. 5. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program design as you deem appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary. The Gatekeeping program will make daily inquiry concerning jail population and review all newly booked inmates. All non-violent and pre-sentenced inmates who have been previously screened and not sentenced to a PA511 component will be assessed and screened for referral. It will also serve to flag eligible offenders as early as possible in the criminal justice process. This program effort will focus on increasing program participation and program utilization . The county will not include mandatroy released from jail for health issues in the Gatekeeping numbers. Page 4 of 4 41 of 45 Pffogram DGIscrripsigibln 1nm mil Reslidatidefl SenAcca Revised 09/13 CCAB: FY: Mecosta County - 2016 In order for OCC to balance Residential Service contracts amongst all vendors we need a general idea of how may beds you anticipate using and at which program. You will still be able to access any program where there is a funded bed available but your thoughtful request for beds helps us plan: Vendor Projected ADP Alternative Directions 2 K-Pep Pine Rest .75 .25 Vendor Projected ADP Check with your coordinator to determine how much DDJR funding your County still has available. How many DDJR funded residential beds do you have: o If you use DDJR funds for residential beds, identify where you are using those beds. Be careful to not your total DOM set-aside including any 5-day housing or CPS-type programming. DDJR eligibility is: • Convicted of OUIL 3"I • Intermediate sanction cell, or, Straddle cell with a PRV of less than 35 I exceed Vendor Projected ADP Vendor Projected ADP Describe your Residential Services referral process: Are offenders assessed for type of residential placement (substance abuse treatment v. half-way house) prior to order/referral to the program? Explain: Yes, the assessment in completed by the MDOC Are referrals to residential processed by the local manager/staff or do probation officers make direct referrals to the program? Explain: The probation/parole officer makes direct referral to their choice of residential providers. Is residential enrollment captured in Case Manager? No Describe any use of CPS funds in your plan to support non-core services at residential programs. Clearly describe at which RS vendor and type of non-core service: N/A How is non-core service enrollment captured in Case Manager? N/A Do you count bed days saved for participation in residential programs? NO If YES, clearly describe how jail credit is awarded and documented for residential participation. N/A Page 1 of 1 42 of 45 Summary of Program Services For: MECOSTA COUNTY Program Code Administration A19 A25 004 DO8 125 122 ---------------_ --- Program & Service Type Administration Community Service Placement Work Crew - Inmate Day Reporting Electronic Monitoring Gatekeeper Actuarial Assessment Name of Program Administration Community Service Jail Work Crew Day Reporting Tether Jail Monitoring Assessment Projected Enrollments Continuations Total in Program n/a n/a n/a 25 36 25 60 1000 85 4 6 25 36 29 66 1000 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 of 45 Travel CPS Program Code Local/Other DDJR Totals Fee Revenue Description Administration - - - - Total Training CPS Program Code Local:Other DDJR Description Totals Fee Revenue Administration - - - - . • - Total Other CPS Program Code Local/Other DDJR 9,183 Administration Total 9,483 Fee Revenue Totals 9 483 - 9,483 Desuiption Personal, Social Security, Fica, Medicare, Mers, workman comp, ect. 44 of 45 Program Cost Descriptions For: MECOSTA COUNTY Salary & Wage Costs Position 1 Title: Director Name of Individual: Angie Gray Number of Hours Worked Per Year. (Full Time Is 2,080) 1950.00 FIE Equivalent 0.94 Funding Sources & Cost Allocation CPS Program Code/Name DDJR LocallOther Fee Revenue Totals Dulles and Responsibilities Client intakes, reviewing eligibility, reviewing CCH, tracking clients, A19 - Community Service 6,030 6000 completion notices, terminations, entering clients into COMPAS. A25 -Jail Work Crew 6,155 Interviewing clients for eligibility, reviewing CCH, discussing eligibility 6,156 with probation officer, tracking clients, entering clients into COMPAS, completing/terminating clients. 004 - Day Reporting 6,800 6,800 work records, drug testing, daily PBT's, entering client Information Into Recording daily events In file, assisting clients with job search, keeping COMPAS, enrolling clients, reviewing case for completion/termination. Reviewing case for eligibility, enrolling clients, reviewing rules, daily DOS - Tether 13,780 125 -Jail Monitoring 18,000 Totals 13,780 monitoring of clients, entering client Information Into COMPAS, putting tether on leg, reviewing case for completion/termination, sending Daily reviewing the jail roster, doing paperwork in order to release 18,000 offenders from jail, reviewing each individual case, reviewing with the 50335 Judge about potential Inmate release, entering all inmates into COMPAS. 50,736 - Position 2 Tille: Placement Officer Number of Hours Worked Per Year. (Full Time is 2,080) Name of Individual: Trevor Daugherty 1456. 00 CPS Program Code FTE Equivalent 0.70 Funding Sources & Cost Allocation Totals Fee Revenue DOJO LocauOther Duties and Responsibilities Training, interview clients for eligibility, entering information into 02 - Assessment 7,989 Sa lary Sn Totals 7,989 & Wage Totals 58,725 7,989 COMPAS, assessing the proper treatment program for client, review criminal history. • - 7,989 58,725 Supplies CPS Program code Administration DDJR tocauOther Fee Revenue Description TOWS 390 390 A19 - Community Service 400 Folders, pens, paper, postage, telephone, envelopes, post-it's, staples, 400 labels, cleaning supplies, note cards, log book, ect. A25 -Jail Work Crew 870 D04 - Day Reporting 440 870 440 2,500 Folders, paper, cleaning supplies, drug test, hreathlizer tubes, ect. 400 ect. 0 Total Folders, gloves, boots, paper, latex gloves, cleaning supplies, paper, ect. Folders, clips, batteries, cleaning supplies, postage, paper, latex gloves, 400 DOB-Tether Paper, pens, colanders, binder, staples, telephone, ect. • 2,500 45 of 45 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS FY 2016 FUNDING PROPOSAL for MECOSTA COUNTY Comprehensive Plans & Services Program Program Code Funding Request Approved Funding Total Funding Reserved Funding Recommendation Community Service Placement A19 6,400 Work Crew - Inmate A25 7,026 Work Crew - Community A26 Sub-Total - 13,426 - - Group-Based Programs BOO Education Employment B15 - Life Skills 016 - Cognitive CO1 Domestic Violence COS Sex Offender C06 Substance Abuse G18 - Other Group Services GOO - Sub-Total - - Supervision Programs Day Reporting 004 Intensive Supervision D23 Electronic Monitoring D08 14,180 Pretrial Supervision F23 - 7,240 - Sub-Total - 21,420 - - - Assessment Services Actuarial Assessment 122 Pretrial Assessment F22 7,989 - 7,989 Sub-Total Gatekeeper Jail Population Monitor 123 Gatekeeper 125 18,000 18,000 Sub-Total Case Management 124 Substance Abuse Testing G17 Other ZOO - 60,835 Program Total Administration Total 9,873 Total Comprehensive Plans & Services 70,708 - 0 0 0 Drunk Driver Jail Reduction Program Program Code Approved Funding Funding Request Assessment & Treatment Services ZO1 0 5-Day In Jail Housing Z02 0 Residential Servcices ZO3 0 Totals 0 0 Reserved Funding 0 Total Funding Recommendation 0 1 of 45 CP 6-2 COUNTY O F BOARD COMMISSIONERS OF MECOSTA 400 ELM STREET, BIG RAPIDS, MI 49307 Fax (231) 592-0121 Phone (231) 796-2505 www.co.mecosta.mi.us Marilynn Vargo To: Mecosta County Board of Commissioners District #1 District #2 From: Paul E. Bullock Controller/Administrator Linda Howard Date: May 27, 2015 Jerrilynn Strong District #3 Raymond Steinke Re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Policy Changes District #4 District #7 Attached you will find an exhaustive packet of material regarding changes to the Michigan FOIA that were passed late last year by the legislature. While it looks very daunting, in the final summation, the majority of the changes are in how we have to account for charging for FOIA requests. In addition we will have to post certain forms on line and it will behoove us to place additional resources on line to cut down on the time spent responding to FOIA requests. Paul E. Bullock The documents in your packet are as follows: Arthur Adleman District #5 Eric O’Neil District #6 William Routley Controller/Administrator • MAC Article describing the changes to FOIA (4 pages) • Proposed Mecosta County Resolution adopting policy and forms (1 page) • FOIA Policies and Guidelines (10 pages) • FOIA Request and Denial Forms (10 pages) • FOIA Detailed Cost Itemization (7 pages) • FOIA Public Summary (6 pages) • FIOA Operational Procedures (5 pages) This information will be sent as a separate packet with your Board packet. It will also be in hard copy form in your mail basket for your review. I am requesting that you adopt the resolution so we can begin scheduling training sessions for all departmental/office FOIA assistants. 2 of 45 MAC ARTICLE RECENT AMENDMENTS TO THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Prepared by: Peter A. Cohl Timothy M. Perrone Cohl, Stoker & Toskey, P.C. 601 N. Capitol Ave. Lansing, MI 48933 (517) 372-9000 Counties and other public bodies need to prepare for substantial changes to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that take effect July 1, 2015 under Public Act 563 of 2014. The statutory amendments affect the fees that may be charged for a request for public records, the documentation that must accompany a FOIA response and penalties that may be imposed. New statutory provisions also allow for a requester to challenge the fees charged. Most of the changes favor the requester, with additional significant burdens placed on the public body receiving a request for public records. This article summarizes the major changes to FOIA under Act 563. Public officials and employees who are familiar with the FOIA process will need to carefully review the amendments, as they detail new requirements for responding to public record requests. In an upcoming article, we will address specific suggestions for compliance. Procedures and Guidelines One of the major changes to FOIA is the requirement that, in order to charge a fee for a public record search, a public body must first establish and make publicly available free copies of its procedures and guidelines to implement the FOIA process, including the use of a standard form for detailed itemization of any fee amount in its responses to written requests for public records. A public body must also create and post on its website a written public summary of its procedures and guidelines relevant to the general public regarding how to submit written requests, and explaining how to understand the public body’s written responses, deposit requirements, fee calculations, and avenues for challenge and appeal. This written public summary (or a website link to it) must be included in the public body's response to a FOIA record request. Detailed Itemization of Fee Components The detailed itemization must clearly list and explain the allowable charges for each of the six fee components that comprise the total fee used for estimating or charging purposes in response to a FOIA request. The six fee components include (1) labor costs for searching, locating and examining public records; (2) labor costs for separating exempt from non-exempt information; (3) the actual and most reasonably economical cost of providing records on nonpaper physical media, e.g., computer discs or electronic records, if requested in that form and the public body has the technological capability of providing it in that form; (4) the actual total incremental cost of necessary duplication or publication of paper copies, not to exceed 10 cents per page for letter and legal size paper; (5) labor costs directly associated with duplication or publication of paper or electronic records; and (6) the actual cost of mailing at the least 3 of 45 expensive form of postal delivery. There is apparently no allowance for labor costs incurred in calculating the fees. With regard to the three categories of labor costs (i.e., searching, separating, and copying), the public body shall not charge more than the hourly wage of its lowest-paid employee capable of performing that task in the particular instance, regardless of whether that person is available or who actually performs the labor. However, a public body may use contract labor for the separation and redaction of exempt materials, and charge its actual contract labor costs, not to exceed six times the minimum wage. Labor costs shall be itemized in a manner that expresses both the hourly wage and the number of hours charged. The public body may also add up to 50% to the applicable labor charge amount to cover or partially cover the cost of fringe benefits, if it clearly notes the percentage multiplier used to account for benefits in the detailed itemization. Labor costs for searching and separating must be estimated and charged in increments of 15 minutes or more, with all partial time increments rounded down. Labor costs for copying may be in any increments of the public body’s choosing, but partial increments must be rounded down. A public body may not charge for redaction of documents that were already redacted in response to a previous FOIA request, if redacted copies remain in the public body’s possession. Waiver or Reduction of Fees The current requirement that a public record shall be furnished without charge for the first $20.00 of the fee for each request by an indigent person has been extended to a non-profit organization designated by the state for the protection and advocacy of persons with mental illness. If the requestor is eligible for a requested discount, the public body must note the discount on the detailed itemization. If a requestor is ineligible for the discount, the public body must inform the requestor of the specific reason for ineligibility in the written response. An individual is ineligible for this fee reduction if: (1) the individual has previously received discounted copies of public records from the same public body twice during that calendar year; or (2) the individual requests the information in conjunction with outside parties who are offering or providing payment or other remuneration to the individual to make the request. A public body may require a statement by the requestor in the affidavit that the request is not being made in conjunction with outside parties in exchange for payment or other remuneration. Fee Reduction for Failure to Timely Respond If a public body does not respond to a written request in a timely manner, the public body must reduce the charges for labor costs by 5% for each day the public body exceeds the time permitted for a response to the request, with a maximum 50% reduction, and fully note the charge reduction on the detailed itemization. 2 4 of 45 Public Records Available Online If the public body directly or indirectly administers or maintains an official internet presence, any public records available to the general public on that internet site at the time the request is made are exempt from any charges under FOIA. If the FOIA coordinator knows or has reason to know that all or a portion of the requested information is available on its website, the public body must notify the requestor in its written response that all or a portion of the requested information is available on its website. The written response, to the degree practicable in the specific instance, must include a specific webpage address where the requested information is available. On the detailed itemization, the public body must separate the requested public records that are available on its website from those that are not available on the website, and must inform the requestor of the additional charge to receive copies of the public records that are available on its website. Verbal Requests A public body may provide requested information available in public records without receipt of a written request. If a verbal request for information is for information that a public body believes is available on the public body’s website, the public employee shall, where practicable and to the best of the public employee’s knowledge, inform the requestor about the public body’s pertinent website address. Good Faith Deposits A public body’s demand for a good faith deposit (50% of the estimated fee) must also contain a best efforts estimate by the public body regarding the time frame it will take to provide the public records to the requestor. The time frame estimate is nonbinding, but should be reasonably accurate. If a public body has not been paid in full for copies of public records previously requested by an individual, the public body may require a deposit of up to 100% of the estimated fee before it begins a full public record search for any subsequent FOIA request from that individual, but only upon meeting several narrow conditions. Time of Receipt of Request If a written request is sent by electronic mail and delivered to the public body’s spam or junk-mail folder, the request is not received until 1 day after the public body first becomes aware of the written request. The public body shall note in its records both the time a written request is delivered to its spam or junk-mail folder and the time the public body first becomes aware of that request. Appeal of Fee Calculation The FOIA amendments will now allow for challenges to fees charged by a public body. If a public body requires a fee that exceeds the amount permitted by statute or under its publicly available procedures and guidelines, the requesting person may (1) appeal to the head of the public body, if such an appeal is provided for in the procedures and guidelines; or (2) commence a civil action in the circuit court for a fee reduction. 3 5 of 45 On an appeal, the head of the public body may waive the fee, reduce the fee, or uphold the fee. If the fee is not waived, the head of the public body must certify that the fee amounts comply with the statute and the public body’s procedures and guidelines. A court may uphold or reduce the fee. If the court reduces the fee by 50% or more, it may award the requester all or an appropriate portion of reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements. If the court determines that the public body arbitrarily and capriciously charged an excessive fee, the court shall order a civil fine of $500 against the public body. Civil Fines The amount of a civil fine that may be imposed by a court on a public body for refusal or delay in disclosing or providing copies of a public record has been increased from $500 to $1,000. Further, if a court determines that a public body willfully and intentionally failed to comply with FOIA or otherwise acted in bad faith, the court may order the public body to pay a civil fine of not less than $2,500 nor more than $7,500 for each occurrence, taking into account the public body’s budget and whether it was previously assessed penalties for FOIA violations. N:\Client\MAC\Articles\Article re Amendments to FOIA 1-2015.doc 4 6 of 45 MECOSTA COUNTY RESOLUTION #2015RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) POLICIES AND GUIDELINES, PUBLIC SUMMARY OF PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES, AND FOIA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES FOR MECOSTA COUNTY The following preamble and resolution were offered by Commissioner and supported by Commissioner : WHEREAS, the Michigan legislature adopted 2014 Public Act 563 enacting numerous amendments to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), being MCL 15.231 et seq, that require revision of the current County FOIA Policy; and WHEREAS, from time to time Mecosta County Departments will receive Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to adopt, and to post online, “FOIA Policies and Guidelines” and a “FOIA Policy Summary” to ensure that the FOIA requests are addressed in an efficient and consistent manner, and to comply with these FOIA statutory amendments; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to adopt FOIA Operational Procedures to implement these County FOIA Policies and Guidelines. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Mecosta County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts, effective from and after July 1, 2015, the attached: 1. “Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines,” including the FOIA Forms attached to these Policies and Guidelines; and 2. “Mecosta County FOIA Public Summary of Procedures and Guidelines”; and 3. “Mecosta County FOIA Operational Procedures.” BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of the “Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines,” including the attached FOIA forms, and the “Mecosta County FOIA Public Summary of Procedures and Guidelines” shall be posted on the County’s website. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Controller/Administrator is the County FOIA Coordinator for Mecosta County per the designation by the Board Chairperson. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the attached Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines, including the attached FOIA Forms, the Mecosta County FOIA Public Summary of Procedures and Guidelines, and the Mecosta County FOIA Operational Procedures will be effective July 1, 2015, and will supersede any previous resolutions setting FOIA policies or establishing formulas for the cost of FOIA requests. 7 of 45 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk will forward a copy of this resolution to each County Department. AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissioners: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. Marcee M. Purcell Mecosta County Clerk STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MECOSTA ) ) ss. ) I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the County of Mecosta, Michigan (the County) do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the County Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting on the day of , 2015. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto affixed my official signature on this of , 2015, A.D. Marcee M. Purcell Mecosta County Clerk day 8 of 45 Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Preamble: Statement of Principles It is the policy of Mecosta County that all persons, except those incarcerated, consistent with the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and employees. The people shall be informed so that they fully participate in the democratic process. The County’s policy with respect to FOIA requests is to comply with State law in all respects and to respond to FOIA requests in a consistent, fair, and even-handed manner regardless of who makes such a request. The County acknowledges that it has a legal obligation to disclose all nonexempt public records in its possession pursuant to a FOIA request. The County acknowledges that sometimes it is necessary to invoke the exemptions identified under FOIA in order to ensure the effective operation of government and to protect the privacy of individuals. Mecosta County will protect the public's interest in disclosure, while balancing the requirement to withhold or redact portions of certain records. The County’s policy is to disclose public records consistent with and in compliance with State law. The County Board of Commissioners has established the following written procedures and guidelines to implement the FOIA and will create a written public summary of the specific procedures and guidelines relevant to the general public regarding how to submit written requests to the public body and explaining how to understand a public body's written responses, deposit requirements, fee calculations, and avenues for challenge and appeal. The written public summary will be written in a manner so as to be easily understood by the general public. Section 1: General Policies The County Board of Commissioners, acting pursuant to the authority at MCL 15.236, designates Paul E. Bullock, Controller/Administrator as the FOIA Coordinator. He is authorized to designate other County staff to act on his behalf to accept and process written requests for the County’s public records and approve denials. If a request for a public record is received by fax or email, the request is deemed to have been received on the following business day. If a request is sent by email and delivered to a County spam or junk-mail folder, the request is not deemed received until one day after the FOIA Coordinator first becomes aware of the request. The FOIA Coordinator shall note in the FOIA log both the date the request was delivered to the spam or junk-mail folder and the date the FOIA Coordinator became aware of the request. The FOIA Coordinator shall review County spam and junk-mail folders on a regular basis, which shall be no less than once a month. The FOIA Coordinator shall work with County Information Technology staff to develop administrative rules for handling spam and junk-mail so as to protect County systems from computer attacks which may be imbedded in an electronic FOIA request. The FOIA Coordinator may, in his discretion, implement administrative rules, consistent with State law and these Procedures and Guidelines to administer the acceptance and processing of FOIA requests. Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 1 9 of 45 The County is not obligated to create a new public record or make a compilation or summary of information which does not already exist. Neither the FOIA Coordinator nor other County staff are obligated to provide answers to questions contained in requests for public records or regarding the content of the records themselves. The FOIA Coordinator shall keep a copy of all written requests for public records received by the County on file for a period of at least one year. The County will make this Procedures and Guidelines document and the Written Public Summary publicly available without charge. If it does not, the County cannot require deposits or charge fees otherwise permitted under the FOIA until it is in compliance. A copy of this Procedures and Guidelines document and the County’s Written Public Summary must be publicly available by providing free copies both in the County’s response to a written request and upon request by visitors at County offices. This Procedures and Guidelines document and the County’s Written Public Summary will be maintained on the County’s website at: www.co.mecosta.mi.us, so a link to those documents will be provided in lieu of providing paper copies of those documents. Section 2: Requesting a Public Record No specific form to submit a request for a public record is required. However the FOIA Coordinator may make available a FOIA Request Form for use by the public. Requests to inspect or obtain copies of public records prepared, owned, used, possessed or retained by the County may be submitted on the County’s FOIA Request Form, in any other form of writing (letter, fax, email, etc.), or by verbal request. Verbal requests for records may be documented by the County on the County’s FOIA Request Form. If a person makes a verbal, non-written request for information believed to be available on the County’s website, where practicable and to the best ability of the employee receiving the request, shall be informed of the pertinent website address. A request must sufficiently describe a public record so as to enable County personnel to identify and find the requested public record. Written requests for public records may be submitted in person or by mail to any County office. Requests may also be submitted electronically by fax and email. Upon their receipt, requests for public records shall be promptly forwarded to the FOIA Coordinator for processing. A person may request that public records be provided on non-paper physical media, emailed or other otherwise provided to him or her in digital form in lieu of paper copies. The County will comply with the request only if it possesses the necessary technological capability to provide records in the requested non-paper physical media format. A person may subscribe to future issues of public records that are created, issued or disseminated by Mecosta County on a regular basis. A subscription is valid for up to 6 months and may be renewed by the subscriber. A person serving a sentence of imprisonment in a local, state or federal correctional facility is not entitled to submit a request for a public record. The FOIA Coordinator will deny all such requests. Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 2 10 of 45 Section 3: Processing a Request Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the person making the request, the County will issue a response within 5 business days of receipt of a FOIA request. If a request is received by fax, email or other electronic transmission, the request is deemed to have been received on the following business day. The County will respond to a request in one of the following ways: • Grant the request. • Issue a written notice denying the request. • Grant the request in part and issue a written notice denying in part the request. • Issue a notice indicating that due to the nature of the request the County needs an additional 10 business days to respond for a total of no more than 15 business days. Only one such extension is permitted. • Issue a written notice indicating that the public record requested is available at no charge on the County’s website. When a request is granted: If the request is granted, or granted in part, the FOIA Coordinator will require that payment be made in full for the allowable fees associated with responding to the request before the public record is made available. The FOIA Coordinator shall provide a detailed itemization of the allowable costs incurred to process the request to the person making the request. A copy of these Procedures and Guidelines and the Written Public Summary will be provided to the requestor free of charge with the response to a written request for public records, provided however, that because these Procedures and Guidelines, and the Written Public Summary are maintained on the County’s website at: www.co.mecosta.mi.us a link to the Procedures and Guidelines and the Written Public Summary will be provided in lieu of providing paper copies of those documents. If the cost of processing a FOIA request is $50 or less, the requester will be notified of the amount due and where the documents can be obtained. If the cost of processing a FOIA request is expected to exceed $50 based on a good-faith calculation, or if the requestor has not paid in full for a previously granted request, the County will require a good-faith deposit pursuant to Section 4 of this policy before processing the request. In making the request for a good-faith deposit the FOIA Coordinator shall provide the requestor with a detailed itemization of the allowable costs estimated to be incurred by the County to process the request and also provide a best efforts estimate of a time frame it will take the County to provide the records to the requestor. The best efforts estimate shall be nonbinding on the County, but will be made in good faith and will strive to be reasonably accurate, given the nature of the request in the particular instance, so as to provide the requested records in a manner based on the public policy expressed by Section 1 of the FOIA. When a request is denied or denied in part: If the request is denied or denied in part, the FOIA Coordinator will issue a Notice of Denial which shall provide in the applicable circumstance: • • • An explanation as to why a requested public record is exempt from disclosure; or A certificate that the requested record does not exist under the name or description provided by the requestor, or another name reasonably known by the County; or An explanation or description of the public record or information within a public record that is separated or deleted from the public record; and Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 3 11 of 45 • • • An explanation of the person’s right to submit an appeal of the denial to either the County Board of Commissioners, or seek judicial review in the Mecosta County Circuit Court; and An explanation of the right to receive attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements as well actual or compensatory damages, and punitive damages of $1,000, should they prevail in Circuit Court. The Notice of Denial shall be signed by the FOIA Coordinator. If a request does not sufficiently describe a public record, the FOIA Coordinator may, in lieu of issuing a Notice of Denial indicating that the request is deficient, seek clarification or amendment of the request by the person making the request. Any clarification or amendment will be considered a new request subject to the timelines described in this Section. Requests to inspect public records: The County shall provide reasonable facilities and opportunities for persons to examine and inspect public records during normal business hours. The FOIA Coordinator is authorized to promulgate rules regulating the manner in which records may be viewed so as to protect County records from loss, alteration, mutilation or destruction and to prevent excessive interference with normal County operations. Requests for certified copies: The FOIA Coordinator shall, upon written request, furnish a certified copy of a public record at no additional cost to the person requesting the public record. Section 4: Fee Deposits If the fee estimate is expected to exceed $50.00 based on a good-faith calculation, the requestor will be asked to provide a deposit not exceeding one-half of the total estimated fee. If a request for public records is from a person who has not paid the County in full for copies of public records made in fulfillment of a previously granted written request, the FOIA Coordinator will require a deposit of 100% of the estimated processing fee before beginning to search for a public record for any subsequent written request by that person when all of the following conditions exist: • • • • • • The final fee for the prior written request is not more than 105% of the estimated fee; The public records made available contained the information sought in the prior written request and remain in the County’s possession; The public records were made available to the individual, subject to payment, within the time frame estimated by the County to provide the records; Ninety (90) days have passed since the FOIA Coordinator notified the individual in writing that the public records were available for pickup or mailing; The individual is unable to show proof of prior payment to the County; and The FOIA Coordinator has calculated a detailed itemization that is the basis for the current written request’s increased estimated fee deposit. The FOIA Coordinator will not require an increased estimated fee deposit if any of the following apply: • • • The person making the request is able to show proof of prior payment in full to the County; The County is subsequently paid in full for the applicable prior written request; or Three hundred sixty five (365) days have passed since the person made the request for which full payment was not remitted to the County. Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 4 12 of 45 Section 5: Calculation of Fees A fee may be charged for the labor cost of copying/duplication. A fee will not be charged for the labor cost of search, examination, review and the deletion and separation of exempt from nonexempt information unless failure to charge a fee would result in unreasonably high costs to the County because of the nature of the request in the particular instance, and the County specifically identifies the nature of the unreasonably high costs. Costs for the search, examination review, and deletion and separation of exempt from non-exempt information are “unreasonably high” when they are excessive and beyond the normal or usual amount for those services compared to the costs of the County’s usual FOIA requests, not compared to the County’s operating budget. The following factors shall be used to determine an unreasonably high cost to the County: • • • • • Volume of the public record requested Amount of time spent to search for, examine, review and separate exempt from non-exempt information in the record requested. Whether the public records are from more than one County department or whether various County offices are necessary to respond to the request. The available staffing to respond to the request. Any other similar factors identified by the FOIA Coordinator in responding to the particular request. The Michigan FOIA statute permits the County to charge for the following costs associated with processing a request: • • • • • • Labor costs associated with copying or duplication, which includes making paper copies, making digital copies, or transferring digital public records to non-paper physical media or through the Internet. Labor costs associated with searching for, locating and examining a requested public record, when failure to charge a fee will result in unreasonably high costs to the County. Labor costs associated with a review of a record to separate and delete information exempt from disclosure, when failure to charge a fee will result in unreasonably high costs to the County. The cost of copying or duplication, not including labor, of paper copies of public records. This may include the cost for copies of records already on the County’s website if you ask for the County to make copies. The cost of computer discs, computer tapes or other digital or similar media when the requester asks for records in non-paper physical media. This may include the cost for copies of records already on the County’s website if you ask for the County to make copies. The cost to mail or send a public record to a requestor. Labor costs will be calculated based on the following requirements: • • • • All labor costs will be estimated and charged in 15-minute increments, with all partial time increments rounded down. If the time involved is less than 15 minutes, there will be no charge. Labor costs will be charged at the hourly wage of the lowest-paid County employee capable of doing the work in the specific fee category, regardless of who actually performs work. Labor costs will also include a charge to cover or partially cover the cost of fringe benefits. The County may add up to 50% to the applicable labor charge amount to cover or partially cover the cost of fringe benefits, but in no case may it exceed the actual cost of fringe benefits. Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 5 13 of 45 • • Overtime wages will not be included in labor costs unless agreed to by the requestor; overtime costs will not be used to calculate the fringe benefit cost. Contracted labor costs will be charged at the hourly rate of $48.90 (6 times the state minimum hourly wage). The cost to provide records on non-paper physical media when so requested will be based on the following requirements: • • • Computer disks, computer tapes or other digital or similar media will be at the actual and most reasonably economical cost for the non-paper media. This cost will only be assessed if the County has the technological capability necessary to provide the public record in the requested non-paper physical media format. The County will procure any non-paper media and will not accept media from the requestor in order to ensure integrity of the County’s technology infrastructure. The cost to provide paper copies of records will be based on the following requirements: • • Paper copies of public records made on standard letter (8 ½ x 11) or legal (8 ½ x 14) sized paper will not exceed $.10 per sheet of paper. Copies for non-standard sized sheets of paper will reflect the actual cost of reproduction. The County will provide records using double-sided printing, if it is cost-saving and available. The cost to mail records to a requestor will be based on the following requirements: • • • The actual cost to mail public records using a reasonably economical and justified means. The County may charge for the least expensive form of postal delivery confirmation. No cost will be made for expedited shipping or insurance unless specified by the requestor. If the FOIA Coordinator does not respond to a written request in a timely manner, the County must: • Reduce the labor costs by 5% for each day the County exceeds the time permitted under FOIA up to a 50% maximum reduction, if any of the following applies: o The County’s late response was willful and intentional, o The written request conveyed a request for information within the first 250 words of the body of a letter facsimile, email or email attachment, or o The written request included the words, characters, or abbreviations for “freedom of information,” “information,” “FOIA,” “copy” or a recognizable misspelling of such, or legal code reference to MCL 15. 231, et seq. or 1976 Public Act 442 on the front of an envelope or in the subject line of an email, letter or facsimile cover page. • Fully note the charge reduction in the Detailed Itemization of Costs Form. Section 6: Waiver of Fees The cost of the search for and copying of a public record may be waived or reduced if in the sole judgment of the FOIA Coordinator a waiver or reduced fee is in the public interest because it can be considered as primarily benefitting the general public. The County Board of Commissioners may identify specific records or types of records it deems should be made available for no charge or at a reduced cost. Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 6 14 of 45 Section 7: Discounted Fees Indigence The FOIA Coordinator will discount the first $20.00 of the processing fee for a request if the person requesting a public record submits an affidavit stating that they are: • • Indigent and receiving specific public assistance, or If not receiving public assistance, stating facts demonstrating an inability to pay because of indigence. An individual is not eligible to receive the waiver if: • • The requestor has previously received discounted copies of public records from the County twice during the calendar year; or The requestor requests information in connection with other persons who are offering or providing payment to make the request. An affidavit is sworn statement. The FOIA Coordinator may make a Fee Waiver Affidavit Form available for use by the public. Nonprofit organization advocating for developmentally disabled or mentally ill individuals The FOIA Coordinator will discount the first $20.00 of the processing fee for a request from: • A nonprofit organization formally designated by the state to carry out activities under subtitle C of the federal developmental disabilities assistance and bill of rights act of 2000, Public Law 106-402, and the protection and advocacy for individuals with mental illness act, Public Law 99-319, or their successors, if the request meets all of the following requirements: o o o Is made directly on behalf of the organization or its clients. Is made for a reason wholly consistent with the mission and provisions of those laws under section 931 of the mental health code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1931. Is accompanied by documentation of its designation by the state, if requested by the public body. Section 8: Appeal of a Denial of a Public Record When a requestor believes that all or a portion of a public record has not been disclosed or has been improperly exempted from disclosure, he or she may appeal to the County Board of Commissioners, by filing an appeal of the denial with the office of the County Board of Commissioners. The appeal must be in writing, specifically state the word "appeal" and identify the reason or reasons the requestor is seeking a reversal of the denial. The County FOIA Appeal Form (To Appeal a Denial of Records), may be used. The County Board of Commissioners is not considered to have received a written appeal until the first regularly scheduled County Board of Commissioners meeting following submission of the written appeal. Within 10 business days of receiving the appeal the County Board of Commissioners will respond in writing by: • • • Reversing the disclosure denial; Upholding the disclosure denial; or Reverse the disclosure denial in part and uphold the disclosure denial in part; or Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 7 15 of 45 • Under unusual circumstances, issue a notice extending for not more than 10 business days the period during which the County Board of Commissioners shall respond to the written appeal. The County Board of Commissioners shall not issue more than 1 notice of extension for a particular written appeal. If the County Board of Commissioners fails to respond to a written appeal, or if the County Board of Commissioners upholds all or a portion of the disclosure denial that is the subject of the written appeal, the requesting person may seek judicial review of the nondisclosure by commencing a civil action in Circuit Court. Whether or not a requestor submitted an appeal of a denial to the County Board, he or she may file a civil action in Mecosta County Circuit Court within 180 days after the County’s final determination to deny the request. If a court that determines a public record is not exempt from disclosure, it shall order the County to cease withholding or to produce all or a portion of a public record wrongfully withheld, regardless of the location of the public record. Failure to comply with an order of the court may be punished as contempt of court. If a person asserting the right to inspect, copy, or receive a copy of all or a portion of a public record prevails in such an action, the court shall award reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. If the person or County prevails in part, the court may, in its discretion, award all or an appropriate portion of reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements. If the court determines that the County has arbitrarily and capriciously violated this act by refusal or delay in disclosing or providing copies of a public record, the court shall order the County to pay a civil fine of $1,000.00, which shall be deposited into the general fund of the state treasury. The court shall award, in addition to any actual or compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount of $1,000.00 to the person seeking the right to inspect or receive a copy of a public record. The damages shall not be assessed against an individual, but shall be assessed against the next succeeding public body that is not an individual and that kept or maintained the public record as part of its public function. Section 9: Appeal of an Excessive FOIA Processing Fee “Fee” means the total fee or any component of the total fee calculated under section 4 of the FOIA, including any deposit. If a requestor believes that the fee charged by the County to process a FOIA request exceeds the amount permitted by state law or under this policy, he or she must first appeal to the County Board of Commissioners by submitting a written appeal for a fee reduction to the office of the County Board of Commissioners. The appeal must be in writing, specifically state the word "appeal" and identify how the required fee exceeds the amount permitted. The County FOIA Appeal Form (To Appeal an Excess Fee) may be used. The County Board of Commissioners is not considered to have received a written appeal until the first regularly scheduled County Board of Commissioners meeting following submission of the written appeal. Within 10 business days after receiving the appeal, the County Board of Commissioners will respond in writing by: • • • Waiving the fee; Reducing the fee and issuing a written determination indicating the specific basis that supports the remaining fee; Upholding the fee and issuing a written determination indicating the specific basis that supports the required fee; or Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 8 16 of 45 • Issuing a notice detailing the reason or reasons for extending for not more than 10 business days the period during which the County Board of Commissioners will respond to the written appeal. The County Board of Commissioners shall not issue more than 1 notice of extension for a particular written appeal. Where the County Board of Commissioners reduces or upholds the fee, the determination must include a certification from the County Board of Commissioners that the statements in the determination are accurate and that the reduced fee amount complies with its publicly available procedures and guidelines and Section 4 of the FOIA. Within 45 days after receiving notice of the County Board’s determination of an appeal, the requesting person may commence a civil action in Mecosta County Circuit Court for a fee reduction. If a civil action is commenced against the County for an excess fee, the County is not obligated to complete the processing of the written request for the public record at issue until the court resolves the fee dispute. An action shall not be filed in circuit court unless one of the following applies: • • • The County does not provide for appeals of fees, The County Board of Commissioners failed to respond to a written appeal as required, or The County Board of Commissioners issued a determination to a written appeal. If a court determines that the County required a fee that exceeds the amount permitted under its publicly available procedures and guidelines or Section 4 of the FOIA, the court shall reduce the fee to a permissible amount. Failure to comply with an order of the court may be punished as contempt of court. If the requesting person prevails in court by receiving a reduction of 50% or more of the total fee, the court may, in its discretion, award all or an appropriate portion of reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements. The award shall be assessed against the public body liable for damages. If the court determines that the County has arbitrarily and capriciously violated the FOIA by charging an excessive fee, the court shall order the County to pay a civil fine of $500.00, which shall be deposited in the general fund of the state treasury. The court may also award, in addition to any actual or compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount of $500.00 to the person seeking the fee reduction. The fine and any damages shall not be assessed against an individual, but shall be assessed against the next succeeding public body that is not an individual and that kept or maintained the public record as part of its public function. Section 10: Conflict with Prior FOIA Policies and Procedures; Effective Date To the extent that these Procedures and Guidelines conflict with previous FOIA policies promulgated by County Board of Commissioners or the County Administration these Procedures and Guidelines are controlling. To the extent that any administrative rule promulgated by the FOIA Coordinator subsequent to the adoption of this resolution is found to be in conflict with any previous policy promulgated by the County Board of Commissioners or the County Administration, the administrative rule promulgated by the FOIA Coordinator is controlling. To the extent that any provision of these Procedures and Guidelines or any administrative rule promulgated by the FOIA Coordinator pertaining to the release of public records is found to be in conflict with any State statute, the applicable statute shall control. The FOIA Coordinator is authorized to modify this policy and all previous policies adopted by the County Board of Commissioners or the County Administration, and to adopt such administrative rules as he or she may deem necessary, to facilitate the legal review and processing of requests for public records made pursuant to Michigan's FOIA statute, provided that such modifications and rules are Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 9 17 of 45 consistent with State law. The FOIA Coordinator shall inform the County Board of Commissioners of any change these Policies and Guidelines. These FOIA Policies and Guidelines become effective July 1, 2015. Section 11: Appendix of Mecosta County FOIA Forms • • • • • • Request for Public Records Form Notice to Extend Response Time Form Notice of Denial Form Detailed Cost Itemization Form Appeal of Denial of Records Form Appeal of Excess Fee Form Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 10 18 of 45 County: Keep original and provide copy of both sides, along with Public Summary, to Requestor at no charge. Request Form Note: Requestors are not required to use this form. The County may complete one for recordkeeping if not used. Mecosta County 400 Elm S., Big Rapids, MI 49307 Phone: 231-796-2505 FOIA Request for Public Records Michigan Freedom of Information Act, Public Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.231, et seq. Request No.: __________ Date Received: ___________ (Please Print or Type) Check if received via: Email Fax Other Electronic Method Date delivered to junk/spam folder: _______________ Date discovered in junk/spam folder: _______________ Name Phone Firm/Organization Fax Street Email City Request for: State Copy Certified copy Record inspection Zip Subscription to record issued on regular basis Delivery Method: Will pick up Will make own copies onsite Mail to address above Email to address above Deliver on digital media provided by the County: ________________________________________________________________ Note: The County is not required to provide records in a digital format or on digital media if the County does not already have the technological capability to do so. Describe the public record(s) as specifically as possible. You may use this form or attach additional sheets: Consent to Non-Statutory Extension of County’s Response Time I have requested a copy of records or a subscription to records or the opportunity to inspect records, pursuant to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, Public Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.231, et seq. I understand that the County must respond to this request within five (5) business days after receiving it, and that response may include taking a 10-business day extension. However, I hereby agree and stipulate to extend the County’s response time for this request until: ________________ (month, day, year). Requestor’s Signature Date (Complete both sides) 19 of 45 Records Located on Website If the County directly or indirectly administers or maintains an official internet presence, any public records available to the general public on that internet site at the time the request is made are exempt from any labor charges to redact (separate exempt information from non-exempt information). If the FOIA coordinator knows or has reason to know that all or a portion of the requested information is available on its website, the County must notify the Requestor in its written response that all or a portion of the requested information is available on its website. The written response, to the degree practicable in the specific instance, must include a specific webpage address where the requested information is available. On the detailed cost itemization form, the County must separate the requested public records that are available on its website from those that are not available on the website and must inform the requestor of the additional charge to receive copies of the public records that are available on its website. If the County has included the website address for a record in its written response to the Requestor and the Requestor thereafter stipulates that the public record be provided to him or her in a paper format or other form, including digital media, the County must provide the public records in the specified format (if the County has the technological capability) but may use a fringe benefit multiplier greater than the 50%, not to exceed the actual costs of providing the information in the specified format. Request for Copies/Duplication of Records on County Website I hereby stipulate that, even if some or all of the records are located on the County website, I am requesting that the County make copies of those records on the website and deliver them to me in the format I have requested above. I understand that some FOIA fees may apply. Requestor’s Signature Date Overtime Labor Costs Overtime wages shall not be included in the calculation of labor costs unless overtime is specifically stipulated by the requestor and clearly noted on the detailed cost itemization form. Consent to Overtime Labor Costs I hereby agree and stipulate to the County using overtime wages in calculating the following labor costs as itemized in the following categories: 1. Labor to copy/duplicate 2. Labor to locate 3a. Labor to redact 3b. Contract labor to redact 6b. Labor to copy/duplicate records already on County’s website Requestor’s Signature Date Request for Discount: Indigence A public record search must be made and a copy of a public record must be furnished without charge for the first $20.00 of the fee for each request by an individual who is entitled to information under this act and who: 1) Submits an affidavit stating that the individual is indigent and receiving specific public assistance, OR 2) If not receiving public assistance, stating facts showing inability to pay the cost because of indigence. If a Requestor is ineligible for the discount, the public body shall inform the requestor specifically of the reason for ineligibility in the public body's written response. An individual is ineligible for this fee reduction if ANY of the following apply: (i) The individual has previously received discounted copies of public records from the same public body twice during that calendar year, (ii) The individual requests the information in conjunction with outside parties who are offering or providing payment or other remuneration to the individual to make the request. A public body may require a statement by the requestor in the affidavit that the request is not being made in conjunction with outside parties in exchange for payment or other remuneration. Office Use: Affidavit Received Eligible for Discount I am submitting an affidavit and requesting that I receive the discount for indigence for this FOIA request: Ineligible for Discount Date: Requestor’s Signature: Request for Discount: Nonprofit Organization A public record search must be made and a copy of a public record must be furnished without charge for the first $20.00 of the fee for each request by a nonprofit organization formally designated by the state to carry out activities under subtitle C of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 and the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act, if the request meets ALL of the following requirements: (i) Is made directly on behalf of the organization or its clients. (ii) Is made for a reason wholly consistent with the mission and provisions of those laws under section 931 of the Mental Health Code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1931. (iii) Is accompanied by documentation of its designation by the state, if requested by the County. Office Use: Documentation of State Designation Received Eligible for Discount Ineligible for Discount I stipulate that I am a designated agent for the nonprofit organization making this FOIA request and that this request is made Date: directly on behalf of the organization or its clients and is made for a reason wholly consistent with the mission and provisions of those laws under section 931 of the Mental Health Code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1931: Requestor’s Signature: (Form created by MTA, MAMA and CS&T, PC, May 2015) 20 of 45 County: Keep original and provide copy of both sides, along with Public Summary, to Requestor at no charge. Extension Form Mecosta County 400 Elm St., Big Rapids, MI 49307 Phone: 231-796-2505 Notice to Extend Response Time for FOIA Request Michigan Freedom of Information Act, Public Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.231, et seq. Request No.: __________ Date Received: ___________ Date of This Notice: _______________________________ (Please Print or Type) Check if received via: Email Fax Other Electronic Method Date delivered to junk/spam folder: _______________ Date discovered in junk/spam folder: _______________ Name Phone Firm/Organization Fax Street Email City State Zip Request for: Copy Certified copy Record inspection Subscription to record issued on regular basis Delivery Method: Will pick up Will make own copies onsite Mail to address above Email to address above Deliver on digital media provided by the County: ________________________________________________________________ Record(s) You Requested: (Listed here or see attached copy of original request) _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We are extending the date to respond to your FOIA request for no more than 10 business days, until ___________ (month, day, year). Only one extension may be taken per FOIA request. If you have any questions regarding this extension, contact ______________________________ at ___________________________________________________________________________ Estimated Time Frame to Provide Records: _________________________ (days or date) The time frame estimate is nonbinding upon the County, but the County is providing the estimate in good faith. Providing an estimated time frame does not relieve a public body from any of the other requirements of this act. Reason for Extension: 1. The County needs to search for, collect, or appropriately examine or review a voluminous amount of separate and distinct public records pursuant to your request. Specifically, the County must: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The County needs to collect the requested public records from numerous field offices, facilities, or other establishments that are located apart from the County office. Specifically, the County must coordinate documents from the following locations: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Other (describe): ________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of FOIA Coordinator: (Form created by MTA, MAMA and CS&T, PC, May 2015) Date: 21 of 45 [This page left blank on purpose.] 22 of 45 County: Keep original and provide copy of both sides, along with Public Summary, to Requestor at no charge. Denial Form Mecosta County 400 Elm St., Big Rapids, MI 49307 Phone: 231-796-2505 Notice of Denial of FOIA Request Michigan Freedom of Information Act, Public Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.231, et seq. Request No.: __________ Date Received: ___________ Date of This Notice: _________________ (Please Print or Type) Check if received via: Email Fax Other Electronic Method Date delivered to junk/spam folder: _______________ Date discovered in junk/spam folder: _______________ Name Phone Firm/Organization Fax Street Email City Request for: State Copy Certified copy Record inspection Zip Subscription to record issued on regular basis Delivery Method: Will pick up Will make own copies onsite Mail to address above Email to address above Deliver on digital media provided by the County: ________________________________________________________________ Record(s) You Requested: (Listed here or see attached copy of original request) _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All OR Part of your request for records has been denied. Please refer to this form for an explanation. If you have any questions regarding this denial, contact ______________________________ at __________________________________________ Reason for Denial: 1. Exempt from Disclosure: This item is exempt from disclosure under FOIA Section 13, Subsection ___________(insert number), because: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Record Does Not Exist: This item does not exist under the name provided in your request or by another name reasonably known to the County. A certificate that the public record does not exist under the name given is attached. If you believe this record does exist, provide a description that will enable us to locate the record: _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Redaction: A portion of the requested record had to be separated or deleted (redacted) as it is exempt under FOIA Section 13, Subsection ________ (insert number), because: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A brief description of the information that had to be separated or deleted: _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice of Requestor’s Right to Seek Judicial Review You are entitled under Section 10 of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.240, to appeal this denial to the County Board of Commissioners or to commence an action in the Circuit Court to compel disclosure of the requested records if you believe they were wrongfully withheld from disclosure. If, after judicial review, the Court determines that the County has not complied with MCL 15.235 in making this denial and orders disclosure of all or a portion of a public record, you have the right to receive attorneys’ fees and damages as provided in MCL 15.240. (See back of this form for additional information on your rights.) Signature of FOIA Coordinator: (Form created by MTA, MAMA and CS&T, PC, May 2015) Date: 23 of 45 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (EXCERPT) Act 442 of 1976 15.240.amended Options by requesting person; appeal; actions by public body; receipt of written appeal; judicial review; civil action; venue; de novo proceeding; burden of proof; private view of public record; contempt; assignment of action or appeal for hearing, trial, or argument; attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements; assessment of award; damages. Sec. 10. (1) If a public body makes a final determination to deny all or a portion of a request, the requesting person may do 1 of the following at his or her option: (a) Submit to the head of the public body a written appeal that specifically states the word "appeal" and identifies the reason or reasons for reversal of the denial. (b) Commence a civil action in the circuit court, or if the decision of a state public body is at issue, the court of claims, to compel the public body's disclosure of the public records within 180 days after a public body's final determination to deny a request. (2) Within 10 business days after receiving a written appeal pursuant to subsection (1)(a), the head of a public body shall do 1 of the following: (a) Reverse the disclosure denial. (b) Issue a written notice to the requesting person upholding the disclosure denial. (c) Reverse the disclosure denial in part and issue a written notice to the requesting person upholding the disclosure denial in part. (d) Under unusual circumstances, issue a notice extending for not more than 10 business days the period during which the head of the public body shall respond to the written appeal. The head of a public body shall not issue more than 1 notice of extension for a particular written appeal. (3) A board or commission that is the head of a public body is not considered to have received a written appeal under subsection (2) until the first regularly scheduled meeting of that board or commission following submission of the written appeal under subsection (1)(a). If the head of the public body fails to respond to a written appeal pursuant to subsection (2), or if the head of the public body upholds all or a portion of the disclosure denial that is the subject of the written appeal, the requesting person may seek judicial review of the nondisclosure by commencing a civil action under subsection (1)(b). (4) In an action commenced under subsection (1)(b), a court that determines a public record is not exempt from disclosure shall order the public body to cease withholding or to produce all or a portion of a public record wrongfully withheld, regardless of the location of the public record. Venue for an action against a local public body is proper in the circuit court for the county in which the public record or an office of the public body is located has venue over the action. The court shall determine the matter de novo and the burden is on the public body to sustain its denial. The court, on its own motion, may view the public record in controversy in private before reaching a decision. Failure to comply with an order of the court may be punished as contempt of court. (5) An action commenced under this section and an appeal from an action commenced under this section shall be assigned for hearing and trial or for argument at the earliest practicable date and expedited in every way. (6) If a person asserting the right to inspect, copy, or receive a copy of all or a portion of a public record prevails in an action commenced under this section, the court shall award reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements. If the person or public body prevails in part, the court may, in its discretion, award all or an appropriate portion of reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements. The award shall be assessed against the public body liable for damages under subsection (7). (7) If the court determines in an action commenced under this section that the public body has arbitrarily and capriciously violated this act by refusal or delay in disclosing or providing copies of a public record, the court shall order the public body to pay a civil fine of $1,000.00, which shall be deposited into the general fund of the state treasury. The court shall award, in addition to any actual or compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount of $1,000.00 to the person seeking the right to inspect or receive a copy of a public record. The damages shall not be assessed against an individual, but shall be assessed against the next succeeding public body that is not an individual and that kept or maintained the public record as part of its public function. History: 1976, Act 442, Eff. Apr. 13, 1977 ;-- Am. 1978, Act 329, Imd. Eff. July 11, 1978 ;-- Am. 1996, Act 553, Eff. Mar. 31, 1997 ;-Am. 2014, Act 563, Eff. July 1, 2015 24 of 45 Mecosta County County: Keep original and provide copy of both sides, along with Public Summary, to Requestor at no charge. Denial Appeal Form 400 Elm St., Big Rapids, MI 49307 Phone:231-796-2505 FOIA Appeal Form—To Appeal a Denial of Records Michigan Freedom of Information Act, Public Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.231, et seq. Request No.: __________ Date Received: ___________ Date of This Notice: _________________ (Please Print or Type) Check if received via: Email Fax Other Electronic Method Date delivered to junk/spam folder: _______________ Date discovered in junk/spam folder: _______________ Name Phone Firm/Organization Fax Street Email City State Zip Request for: Copy Certified copy Record inspection Subscription to record issued on regular basis Delivery Method: Will pick up Will make own copies onsite Mail to address above Email to address above Deliver on digital media provided by the County: ________________________________________________________________ Record(s) You Requested: (Listed here or see attached copy of original request) ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reason(s) for Appeal: The appeal must identify the reason(s) for the denial. You may use this form or attach additional sheets: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Requestor’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________Date: ______________ County Response: The County must provide a response within 10 business days after receiving this appeal, including a determination or taking one 10-day extension. County Extension: We are extending the date to respond to your FOIA fee appeal for no more than 10 business days, until ________________ (month, day, year). Only one extension may be taken per FOIA appeal. Unusual circumstances warranting extension: _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any questions regarding this extension, contact: ______________________________________________________________________ County Determination: Denial Reversed Denial Upheld Denial Reversed in Part and Upheld in Part The following previously denied records will be released: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice of Requestor’s Right to Seek Judicial Review You are entitled under Section 10 of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.240, to appeal this denial to the County Board of Commissioners or to commence an action in the Circuit Court to compel disclosure of the requested records if you believe they were wrongfully withheld from disclosure. If, after judicial review, the Court determines that the County has not complied with MCL 15.235 in making this denial and orders disclosure of all or a portion of a public record, you have the right to receive attorneys’ fees and damages as provided in MCL 15.240. (See back of this form for additional information on your rights.) Signature of FOIA Coordinator: (Form created by MTA, MAMA and CS&T, PC, May 2015) Date: 25 of 45 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (EXCERPT) Act 442 of 1976 15.240.amended Options by requesting person; appeal; actions by public body; receipt of written appeal; judicial review; civil action; venue; de novo proceeding; burden of proof; private view of public record; contempt; assignment of action or appeal for hearing, trial, or argument; attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements; assessment of award; damages. Sec. 10. (1) If a public body makes a final determination to deny all or a portion of a request, the requesting person may do 1 of the following at his or her option: (a) Submit to the head of the public body a written appeal that specifically states the word "appeal" and identifies the reason or reasons for reversal of the denial. (b) Commence a civil action in the circuit court, or if the decision of a state public body is at issue, the court of claims, to compel the public body's disclosure of the public records within 180 days after a public body's final determination to deny a request. (2) Within 10 business days after receiving a written appeal pursuant to subsection (1)(a), the head of a public body shall do 1 of the following: (a) Reverse the disclosure denial. (b) Issue a written notice to the requesting person upholding the disclosure denial. (c) Reverse the disclosure denial in part and issue a written notice to the requesting person upholding the disclosure denial in part. (d) Under unusual circumstances, issue a notice extending for not more than 10 business days the period during which the head of the public body shall respond to the written appeal. The head of a public body shall not issue more than 1 notice of extension for a particular written appeal. (3) A board or commission that is the head of a public body is not considered to have received a written appeal under subsection (2) until the first regularly scheduled meeting of that board or commission following submission of the written appeal under subsection (1)(a). If the head of the public body fails to respond to a written appeal pursuant to subsection (2), or if the head of the public body upholds all or a portion of the disclosure denial that is the subject of the written appeal, the requesting person may seek judicial review of the nondisclosure by commencing a civil action under subsection (1)(b). (4) In an action commenced under subsection (1)(b), a court that determines a public record is not exempt from disclosure shall order the public body to cease withholding or to produce all or a portion of a public record wrongfully withheld, regardless of the location of the public record. Venue for an action against a local public body is proper in the circuit court for the county in which the public record or an office of the public body is located has venue over the action. The court shall determine the matter de novo and the burden is on the public body to sustain its denial. The court, on its own motion, may view the public record in controversy in private before reaching a decision. Failure to comply with an order of the court may be punished as contempt of court. (5) An action commenced under this section and an appeal from an action commenced under this section shall be assigned for hearing and trial or for argument at the earliest practicable date and expedited in every way. (6) If a person asserting the right to inspect, copy, or receive a copy of all or a portion of a public record prevails in an action commenced under this section, the court shall award reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements. If the person or public body prevails in part, the court may, in its discretion, award all or an appropriate portion of reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements. The award shall be assessed against the public body liable for damages under subsection (7). (7) If the court determines in an action commenced under this section that the public body has arbitrarily and capriciously violated this act by refusal or delay in disclosing or providing copies of a public record, the court shall order the public body to pay a civil fine of $1,000.00, which shall be deposited into the general fund of the state treasury. The court shall award, in addition to any actual or compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount of $1,000.00 to the person seeking the right to inspect or receive a copy of a public record. The damages shall not be assessed against an individual, but shall be assessed against the next succeeding public body that is not an individual and that kept or maintained the public record as part of its public function. History: 1976, Act 442, Eff. Apr. 13, 1977 ;-- Am. 1978, Act 329, Imd. Eff. July 11, 1978 ;-- Am. 1996, Act 553, Eff. Mar. 31, 1997 ;-Am. 2014, Act 563, Eff. July 1, 2015. 26 of 45 Mecosta County County: Keep original and provide copy of both sides, along with Public Sumary, to Requestor at no charge. Fee Appeal Form 400 Elm St., Big Rapids, MI 49307 Phone: 231-796-2505 FOIA Appeal Form—To Appeal an Excess Fee Michigan Freedom of Information Act, Public Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.231, et seq. Request No.: __________ Date Received: ___________ Date of This Notice: _________________ (Please Print or Type) Check if received via: Email Fax Other Electronic Method Date delivered to junk/spam folder: _______________ Date discovered in junk/spam folder: _______________ Name Phone Firm/Organization Fax Street Email City State Zip Request for: Copy Certified copy Record inspection Subscription to record issued on regular basis Delivery Method: Will pick up Will make own copies onsite Mail to address above Email to address above Deliver on digital media provided by the County: ___________________________________________________________________________ Record(s) You Requested: (Listed here or see attached copy of original request) ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reason(s) for Appeal: The appeal must specifically identify how the required fee(s) exceed the amount permitted. You may use this form or attach additional sheets: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Requestor’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________Date: __________________ County Response: The County must provide a response within 10 business days after receiving this appeal, including a determination or taking one 10-day extension. County Extension: We are extending the date to respond to your FOIA fee appeal for no more than 10 business days, until _______________ (month, day, year). Only one extension may be taken per FOIA appeal. Unusual circumstances warranting extension: ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any questions regarding this extension, contact: _____________________________________________________________________ County Determination: Fee Waived Fee Reduced Fee Upheld Written basis for County determination: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notice of Requestor’s Right to Seek Judicial Review You are entitled under Section 10a of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.240a, to appeal a FOIA fee that you believe exceeds the amount permitted under the County’s written Procedures and Guidelines to the County Board of Commissioners or to commence an action in the Circuit Court for a fee reduction within 45 days after receiving the notice of the required fee or a determination of an appeal to the County Board of Commissioners. If a civil action is commenced in court, the County is not obligated to compete processing the request until the Court resolves the fee dispute. If the Court determines that the County required a fee that exceeded the permitted amount, the Court shall reduce the fee to a permissible amount. (See back of this form for additional information on your rights.) Signature of FOIA Coordinator: (Form created by MTA, MAMA and CS&T, PC, May 2015) Date: 27 of 45 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (EXCERPT) Act 442 of 1976 15.240a.added Fee in excess of amount permitted under procedures and guidelines or MCL 15.234. Sec. 10a. (1) If a public body requires a fee that exceeds the amount permitted under its publicly available procedures and guidelines or section 4, the requesting person may do any of the following: (a) If the public body provides for fee appeals to the head of the public body in its publicly available procedures and guidelines, submit to the head of the public body a written appeal for a fee reduction that specifically states the word "appeal" and identifies how the required fee exceeds the amount permitted under the public body's available procedures and guidelines or section 4. (b) Commence a civil action in the circuit court, or if the decision of a state public body is at issue, in the court of claims, for a fee reduction. The action must be filed within 45 days after receiving the notice of the required fee or a determination of an appeal to the head of a public body. If a civil action is commenced against the public body under this subdivision, the public body is not obligated to complete the processing of the written request for the public record at issue until the court resolves the fee dispute. An action shall not be filed under this subdivision unless 1 of the following applies: (i) The public body does not provide for appeals under subdivision (a). (ii) The head of the public body failed to respond to a written appeal as required under subsection (2). (iii) The head of the public body issued a determination to a written appeal as required under subsection (2). (2) Within 10 business days after receiving a written appeal under subsection (1)(a), the head of a public body shall do 1 of the following: (a) Waive the fee. (b) Reduce the fee and issue a written determination to the requesting person indicating the specific basis under section 4 that supports the remaining fee. The determination shall include a certification from the head of the public body that the statements in the determination are accurate and that the reduced fee amount complies with its publicly available procedures and guidelines and section 4. (c) Uphold the fee and issue a written determination to the requesting person indicating the specific basis under section 4 that supports the required fee. The determination shall include a certification from the head of the public body that the statements in the determination are accurate and that the fee amount complies with the public body's publicly available procedures and guidelines and section 4. (d) Issue a notice extending for not more than 10 business days the period during which the head of the public body must respond to the written appeal. The notice of extension shall include a detailed reason or reasons why the extension is necessary. The head of a public body shall not issue more than 1 notice of extension for a particular written appeal. (3) A board or commission that is the head of a public body is not considered to have received a written appeal under subsection (2) until the first regularly scheduled meeting of that board or commission following submission of the written appeal under subsection (1)(a). (4) In an action commenced under subsection (1)(b), a court that determines the public body required a fee that exceeds the amount permitted under its publicly available procedures and guidelines or section 4 shall reduce the fee to a permissible amount. Venue for an action against a local public body is proper in the circuit court for the county in which the public record or an office of the public body is located. The court shall determine the matter de novo, and the burden is on the public body to establish that the required fee complies with its publicly available procedures and guidelines and section 4. Failure to comply with an order of the court may be punished as contempt of court. (5) An action commenced under this section and an appeal from an action commenced under this section shall be assigned for hearing and trial or for argument at the earliest practicable date and expedited in every way. (6) If the requesting person prevails in an action commenced under this section by receiving a reduction of 50% or more of the total fee, the court may, in its discretion, award all or an appropriate portion of reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements. The award shall be assessed against the public body liable for damages under subsection (7). (7) If the court determines in an action commenced under this section that the public body has arbitrarily and capriciously violated this act by charging an excessive fee, the court shall order the public body to pay a civil fine of $500.00, which shall be deposited in the general fund of the state treasury. The court may also award, in addition to any actual or compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount of $500.00 to the person seeking the fee reduction. The fine and any damages shall not be assessed against an individual, but shall be assessed against the next succeeding public body that is not an individual and that kept or maintained the public record as part of its public function. (8) As used in this section, "fee" means the total fee or any component of the total fee calculated under section 4, including any deposit. History: Add. 2014, Act 563, Eff. July 1, 2015 28 of 45 Detailed Cost Itemization Mecosta County County: Keep original and provide copies of both sides of each sheet, along with Public Summary, to Requestor at no charge. 400 Elm St., Big Rapids, MI 49307 Phone: 231-796-2505 Freedom of Information Act Request Itemized Detailed Cost Itemization Worksheet Date: ___________ Prepared for Request No.: ____________________________ Date Request Received: __________ The following costs are being charged / estimated in compliance with Section 4 of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.234, according to the County’s FOIA Policies and Guidelines. If the County is seeking a 50% deposit prior to providing the public records sought, the estimate is itemized on this form, lines 1-5 below. If all or a portion of the requested information is available on the County’s website, the County is required to tell you it is available on the website and, where practicable, include a specific webpage address where the information is available. In this case None Some All of the requested material can be found at the following webpage(s): ________________________________________________________________, ________________________________________________________________, ________________________________________________________________, If the webpage is all the information you need, it is provided without charge. If, however, you still wish to receive a copy of material from the webpage, please let us know. The FOIA charges will apply if the County is required to produce copies of material from the webpage. Requestor has stipulated that some / all of the requested records that are already available on the County’s website but requests they be provided in a paper or non-paper physical digital medium and acknowledges that providing the records in that format shall be subject to the County’s normal charges outlined below. Mecosta County FOIA Detailed Cost Itemization Form Page 1 29 of 45 1. Labor Cost to Locate: This is the cost of labor directly associated with the necessary searching for, locating, and examining public records in conjunction with receiving and fulfilling a granted written request. This fee is being charged because failure to do so will result in unreasonably high costs to the County because of the nature of the request in this particular instance, specifically:_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ The County will not charge more than the hourly wage of its lowest-paid employee capable of searching for, locating, and examining the public records in this particular instance, regardless of whether that person is available or who actually performs the labor. These costs will be estimated and charged in15-minute time increments; all partial time increments must be rounded down. If the number of minutes is less than 15, there is no charge. Hourly Wage Charged: $________ Charge per ¼ hour: $_________ OR Hourly Wage with Fringe Benefit Cost: $________ Multiply the hourly wage by the percentage multiplier: ______% (up to 50% of the hourly wage) and add to the hourly wage for a total per hour rate. Charge per ¼ hour: $_________ [For records already available on the County’s website that Requestor has requested in a paper or non-paper digital medium, greater than the 50% limitation, not to exceed the actual costs may be used to calculate Fringe Benefit Costs to be added to the hourly wage]. To figure the number of increments, take the number of minutes: ____, divide by 15 -minute increments, and round down. Enter below: Number of increments 1. Labor Cost x __________ = $_________ Overtime rate charged as stipulated by Requestor (overtime is not used to calculate the fringe benefit cost) 2. Labor Cost for Copying / Duplication This is the cost of labor directly associated with duplication of publication, including making paper copies, making digital copies, or transferring digital public records to be given to the requestor on non-paper physical media or through the Internet or other electronic means as stipulated by the requestor. This shall not be more than the hourly wage of the County’s lowest-paid employee capable of necessary duplication or publication in this particular instance, regardless of whether that person is available or who actually performs the labor. These costs will be estimated and charged in 15-minute time increments as set by the County Board of Commissioners (for example: 15-minutes or more); all partial time increments must be rounded down. If the number of minutes is less than one increment, there is no charge. Hourly Wage Charged: $________ Charge per ¼ hour: $_________ OR Hourly Wage with Fringe Benefit Cost: $________ Multiply the hourly wage by the percentage multiplier: ______% (up to 50% of the hourly wage) and add to the hourly wage for a total per hour rate. Charge per ¼ hour: $_________ [For records already available on the County’s website that Requestor has requested in a paper or non-paper digital medium, greater than the 50% limitation, not to exceed the actual costs may be used to calculate Fringe Benefit Costs to be added to the hourly wage]. To figure the number of increments, take the number of minutes: ____, divide by 15 -minute increments, and round down. Enter below: Number of increments 2. Labor Cost x __________ = $_________ Overtime rate charged as stipulated by Requestor (overtime is not used to calculate the fringe benefit cost) Mecosta County FOIA Detailed Cost Itemization Form Page 2 30 of 45 3a. Employee Labor Cost for Separating Exempt from Non-Exempt (Redacting): (Fill this out if using a County employee. If contracted, use No. 3b instead). The County will not charge for labor directly associated with redaction if it knows or has reason to know that it previously redacted the record in question and still has the redacted version in its possession. This fee is being charged because failure to do so will result in unreasonably high costs to the County that are excessive and beyond the normal or usual amount for those services compared to the County’s usual FOIA requests, because of the nature of the request in this particular instance, specifically:_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ This is the cost of labor of a County employee, including necessary review, directly associated with separating and deleting exempt from nonexempt information. This shall not be more than the hourly wage of the County’s lowest-paid employee capable of separating and deleting exempt from nonexempt information in this particular instance, regardless of whether that person is available or who actually performs the labor. These costs will be estimated and charged 15-minute time increments; all partial time increments must be rounded down. If the number of minutes is less than 15, there is no charge. Hourly Wage Charged: $________ Charge per ¼ hour: $_________ OR Hourly Wage with Fringe Benefit Cost: $________ Multiply the hourly wage by the percentage multiplier: ____% (up to 50% of the hourly wage) and add to the hourly wage for a total per hour rate. To figure the number of increments, take the number of minutes: ____, divide by 15 -minute increments, and round down. Enter below: Number of increments 3a. Labor Cost x __________ = $_________ Charge per ¼ hour: $_________ [For records already available on the County’s website that Requestor has requested in a paper or non-paper digital medium, greater than the 50% limitation, not to exceed the actual costs may be used to calculate Fringe Benefit Costs to be added to the hourly wage]. Overtime rate charged as stipulated by Requestor (overtime is not used to calculate the fringe benefit cost) Mecosta County FOIA Detailed Cost Itemization Form Page 3 31 of 45 3b. Contracted Labor Cost for Separating Exempt from Non-Exempt (Redacting): (Fill this out if using a contractor, such as the attorney. If using in-house employee, use No. 3a instead.) The County will not charge for labor directly associated with redaction if it knows or has reason to know that it previously redacted the record in question and still has the redacted version in its possession. This fee is being charged because failure to do so will result in unreasonably high costs to the County that are excessive and beyond the normal or usual amount for those services compared to the County’s usual FOIA requests, because of the nature of the request in this particular instance, specifically:_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ As this County does not employ a person capable of separating exempt from non-exempt information in this particular instance, as determined by the FOIA Coordinator, this is the cost of labor of a contractor (i.e.: outside attorney), including necessary review, directly associated with separating and deleting exempt information from nonexempt information. This shall not exceed an amount equal to 6 times the state minimum hourly wage rate of _____ (currently $8.15). Name of contracted person or firm: __________________________________________________ These costs will be estimated and charged in 15-minute time increments (must be 15-minutes or more); all partial time increments must be rounded down. If the number of minutes is less than 15, there is no charge. Hourly Cost Charged: $________ To figure the number of increments, take the number of minutes: ____, divide by 15 -minute increments, and round down to: ___ increments. Enter below: Number of increments 3b. Labor Cost x __________ = $_________ Number of Sheets: Costs: x __________ = $_________ x __________ = $_________ x __________ = $_________ Charge per increment: $_________ 4. Copying / Duplication Cost: Copying costs may be charged if a copy of a public record is requested, or for the necessary copying of a record for inspection (for example, to allow for blacking out exempt information, to protect old or delicate original records, or because the original record is a digital file or database not available for public inspection). No more than the actual cost of a sheet of paper, up to maximum 10 cents per sheet for: • Letter (8 ½ x 11-inch, single and double-sided): _____ cents per sheet • Legal (8 ½ x 14-inch, single and double-sided): _____ cents per sheet No more than the actual cost of a sheet of paper for other paper sizes: • Other paper sizes (single and double-sided): ______ cents / dollars per sheet Actual and most reasonably economical cost of non-paper physical digital media: • Circle applicable: Disc / Tape / Drive / Other Digital Medium Cost per Item: ___________ The cost of paper copies must be calculated as a total cost per sheet of paper. The fee cannot exceed 10 cents per sheet of paper for copies of public records made on 8-1/2- by 11-inch paper or 8-1/2- by 14-inch paper. The County must utilize the most economical means available for making copies of public records, including using double-sided printing, if cost saving and available. Mecosta County FOIA Detailed Cost Itemization Form No. of Items: x __________ = $_________ 4. Total Copy Cost $_________ Page 4 32 of 45 5. Mailing Cost: The County will charge the actual cost of mailing, if any, for sending records in a reasonably economical and justifiable manner. Delivery confirmation is not required. • The County may charge for the least expensive form of postal delivery confirmation. • The County cannot charge more for expedited shipping or insurance unless specifically requested by the requestor.* Actual Cost of Envelope or Packaging: $__________ Actual Cost of Postage: $___________ per stamp $___________ per pound $_________ per package Actual Cost (least expensive) Postal Delivery Confirmation: $_________ *Expedited Shipping or Insurance as Requested: $________ Number of Envelopes or Packages: Costs: x __________ = $_________ x __________ = $_________ x __________ = $_________ x __________ = $_________ x __________ = $_________ x __________ = $_________ 5. Total Mailing Cost * Requestor has requested expedited shipping or insurance $_________ Subtotal Fees Before Waivers, Discounts or Deposits: Estimated Time Frame to Provide Records: _________________________ (days or date) The time frame estimate is nonbinding upon the County, but the County is providing the estimate in good faith. Providing an estimated time frame does not relieve the County from any of the other requirements of this act. Cost estimate Bill 1. Labor Cost to Locate: 2. Labor Cost for Copying: 3a. Labor Cost to Redact: 3b. Contract Labor Cost to Redact: 4. Copying/Duplication Cost: 5. Mailing Cost: $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ Subtotal Fees: $_________ Waiver: Public Interest A search for a public record may be conducted or copies of public records may be furnished without charge or at a reduced charge if the County determines that a waiver or reduction of the fee is in the public interest because searching for or furnishing copies of the public record can be considered as primarily benefiting the general public. All fees are waived OR All fees are reduced by: __________% Mecosta County FOIA Detailed Cost Itemization Form Subtotal Fees After Waiver: $_________ Page 5 33 of 45 Discount: Indigence A public record search must be made and a copy of a public record must be furnished without charge for the first $20.00 of the fee for each request by an individual who is entitled to information under this act and who: 1) Submits an affidavit stating that the individual is indigent and receiving specific public assistance, OR 2) If not receiving public assistance, stating facts showing inability to pay the cost because of indigence. If a requestor is ineligible for the discount, the public body shall inform the requestor specifically of the reason for ineligibility in the public body's written response. An individual is ineligible for this fee reduction if ANY of the following apply: (i) The individual has previously received discounted copies of public records from the same public body twice during that calendar year, OR (ii) The individual requests the information in conjunction with outside parties who are offering or providing payment or other remuneration to the individual to make the request. A public body may require a statement by the requestor in the affidavit that the request is not being made in conjunction with outside parties in exchange for payment or other remuneration. Eligible for Indigence Discount Subtotal Fees After Discount (subtract $20): $_________ Subtotal Fees After Discount (subtract $20): $_________ Date Paid: Deposit Amount Required: ____________ $_________ Discount: Nonprofit Organization A public record search must be made and a copy of a public record must be furnished without charge for the first $20.00 of the fee for each request by a nonprofit organization formally designated by the state to carry out activities under subtitle C of the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 and the federal Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act, if the request meets ALL of the following requirements: (i) Is made directly on behalf of the organization or its clients. (ii) Is made for a reason wholly consistent with the mission and provisions of those laws under section 931 of the Michigan Mental Health Code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1931. (iii) Is accompanied by documentation of its designation by the state, if requested by the County. Eligible for Nonprofit Discount Deposit: Good Faith The County may require a good-faith deposit before providing the public records to the Requestor if the entire fee estimate or charge authorized under this section exceeds $50.00, based on a good-faith calculation of the total fee. The deposit cannot exceed 1/2 of the total estimated fee. Percent of Deposit: _________% Mecosta County FOIA Detailed Cost Itemization Form Page 6 34 of 45 Deposit: Increased Deposit Due to Previous FOIA Fees Not Paid In Full After the County has granted and fulfilled a written request from an individual under this Act, if the County has not been paid in full the total amount of fees for the copies of public records that the County made available to the individual as a result of that written request, the County may require an increased estimated fee deposit of up to 100% of the estimated fee before it begins a full public record search for any subsequent written request from that individual if ALL of the following apply: (a) The final fee for the prior written request was not more than 105% of the estimated fee. (b) The public records made available contained the information being sought in the prior written request and are still in the County's possession. (c) The public records were made available to the individual, subject to payment, within the best effort estimated time frame given for the previous request. (d) Ninety (90) days have passed since the County notified the individual in writing that the public records were available for pickup or mailing. (e) The individual is unable to show proof of prior payment to the County. (f) The County calculates a detailed itemization, as required under MCL 15.234, that is the basis for the current written request's increased estimated fee deposit. Percent Deposit Required: The County can no longer require an increased estimated fee deposit from an individual if ANY of the following apply: (a) The individual is able to show proof of prior payment in full to the County, OR (b) The County is subsequently paid in full for the applicable prior written request, OR (c) Three hundred sixty-five (365) days have passed since the individual made the written request for which full payment was not remitted to the County. 14. Late Response Labor Costs Reduction If the County does not respond to a written request in a timely manner as required under MCL 15.235(2), the County must do the following: (a) Reduce the charges for labor costs otherwise permitted by 5% for each day the County exceeds the time permitted for a response to the request, with a maximum 50% reduction. _________% Deposit Required: Date Paid: $_________ ____________ Number of Days Over Required Response Time: ____________ Multiply by 5% = Total Percent Reduction: ____________ Total Labor Costs $_________ Minus Reduction $_________ = Reduced Total Labor Costs $_________ 15. Balance Due (Deduct amount on Line 14 from amount on Line 13c) Date Paid_________ Total Balance Due: $__________ The Public Summary of the County’s FOIA Procedures and Guidelines is available free of charge from: Website: www.co.mecosta.mi.us Email: BOC@co.mecosta.mi.us Phone: 231-796-2505 Address: 400 Elm St., Big Rapids, MI 49307 Request Will Be Processed, But Balance Must Be Paid Before Copies May Be Picked Up, Delivered or Mailed (Form created by MTA, MAMA and CS&T, PC, May 2015) Mecosta County FOIA Detailed Cost Itemization Form Page 7 35 of 45 Mecosta County Public Summary of FOIA Procedures and Guidelines It is the public policy of this state that all persons (except those persons incarcerated in state or local correctional facilities) are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and public employees. The people shall be informed so that they may fully participate in the democratic process. Consistent with the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Public Act 442 of 1976, the following is the Written Public Summary of the County’s FOIA Procedures and Guidelines relevant to the general public. This is only a summary of the County’s FOIA Procedures and Guidelines. For more details and information, copies of the County’s FOIA Procedures and Guidelines are available at no charge at any County office and on the County’s website: www.co.mecosta.mi.us . 1. How do I submit a FOIA request to the County? • A request must sufficiently describe a public record so as to enable the County to find it. • Please include the words “FOIA” or “FOIA Request” in the request to assist the County in providing a prompt response. • Requests to inspect or obtain copies of public records prepared, owned, used, possessed or retained by the County may be submitted on the County’s FOIA Request Form, in any other form of writing (letter, fax, email, etc.), or by verbal request. o Any verbal request will be documented by the County on the County’s FOIA Request Form. o No specific form to submit a written request is required. However a FOIA Request Form and other FOIA-related forms are available for your use and convenience on the County’s website at www.co.mecosta.mi.us , and at the County Board of Commissioners’ Office (“County BOC Office”), 400 Elm St., Big Rapids, MI 49307. • Written requests may be delivered to the County BOC Office in person or by mail: Attn: Paul Bullock, FOIA Coordinator, 400 Elm St., Big Rapids, MI 49307. • Requests may be faxed to: 231 592 0121 To ensure a prompt response, faxed requests should contain the term “FOIA” or “FOIA Request” on the first/cover page. • Requests may be emailed to: BOC@co.mecosta.mi.us]. To ensure a prompt response, email requests should contain the term “FOIA” or “FOIA Request” in the subject line. Public Summary of Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 1 36 of 45 2. What kind of response can I expect to my request? • Within 5 business days after receiving a FOIA request the County will issue a response. If a request is received by fax or email, the request is deemed to have been received on the following business day. The County will respond to your request in one of the following ways: • o o o o o Grant the request, Issue a written notice denying the request, Grant the request in part and issue a written notice denying in part the request, Issue a notice indicating that due to the nature of the request the County needs an additional 10 business days to respond, or Issue a written notice indicating that the public record requested is available at no charge on the County’s website • If the request is granted, or granted in part, the County will ask that payment be made for the allowable fees associated with responding to the request before the public record is made available. • If the cost of processing the request is expected to exceed $50, or if you have not paid for a previously granted request, the County will require a deposit before processing the request. 3. What are the County’s deposit requirements? • If the County has made a good faith calculation that the total fee for processing the request will exceed $50.00, the County will require that you provide a deposit in the amount of 50% of the total estimated fee. When the County requests the deposit, it will provide you a non-binding best efforts estimate of how long it will take to process the request after you have paid your deposit. • If the County receives a request from a person who has not paid the County for copies of public records made in fulfillment of a previously granted written request, the County will require a deposit of 100% of the estimated processing fee before it begins to search for the public record for any subsequent written request when all of the following conditions exist: o o o o o o • The final fee for the prior written request is not more than 105% of the estimated fee; The public records made available contained the information sought in the prior written request and remain in the County's possession; The public records were made available to the individual, subject to payment, within the best effort time frame estimated by the County to provide the records; Ninety (90) days have passed since the County notified the individual in writing that the public records were available for pickup or mailing; The individual is unable to show proof of prior payment to the County; and The County has calculated an estimated detailed itemization that is the basis for the current written request’s increased fee deposit. The County will not require the 100% estimated fee deposit if any of the following apply: o o The person making the request is able to show proof of prior payment in full to the County; The County is subsequently paid in full for all applicable prior written requests; or Public Summary of Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 2 37 of 45 o Three hundred sixty-five (365) days have passed since the person made the request for which full payment was not remitted to the County. 4. How does the County calculate FOIA processing fees? The Michigan FOIA statute permits the County to charge for the following costs associated with processing a request: • Labor costs associated with copying or duplication, which includes making paper copies, making digital copies, or transferring digital public records to non-paper physical media or through the Internet. • Labor costs associated with searching for, locating and examining a requested public record, when failure to charge a fee will result in unreasonably high costs to the County. • Labor costs associated with a review of a record to separate and delete information exempt from disclosure, when failure to charge a fee will result in unreasonably high costs to the County. • The cost of copying or duplication, not including labor, of paper copies of public records. This may include the cost for copies of records already on the County’s website if you ask for the County to make copies. • The cost of computer discs, computer tapes or other digital or similar media when the requester asks for records in non-paper physical media. This may include the cost for copies of records already on the County’s website if you ask for the County to make copies. • The cost to mail or send a public record to a requestor. Labor Costs • All labor costs will be estimated and charged in 15-minute increments, with all partial time increments rounded down. If the time involved is less than 15 minutes, there will be no charge. • Labor costs will be charged at the hourly wage of the lowest-paid County employee capable of doing the work in the specific fee category, regardless of who actually performs work. • Labor costs will also include a charge to cover or partially cover the cost of fringe benefits. County may add up to 50% to the applicable labor charge amount to cover or partially cover the cost of fringe benefits, but in no case may it exceed the actual cost of fringe benefits. • Overtime wages will not be included in labor costs unless agreed to by the requestor; overtime costs will not be used to calculate the fringe benefit cost. • Contracted labor costs will be charged at the hourly rate of $48.90 (6 times the state minimum hourly wage) Public Summary of Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 3 38 of 45 A labor cost will not be charged for the search, examination, review and the deletion and separation of exempt from nonexempt information unless failure to charge a fee would result in unreasonably high costs to the County. Costs are unreasonably high when they are excessive and beyond the normal or usual amount for those services compared to the County’s usual FOIA requests, because of the nature of the request in the particular instance. The County must specifically identify the nature of the unreasonably high costs in writing. Copying and Duplication The County must use the most economical method for making copies of public records, including using double-sided printing, if cost-saving and available. Non-paper Copies on Physical Media • The cost for records provided on non-paper physical media, such as computer discs, computer tapes or other digital or similar media will be at the actual and most reasonably economical cost for the non-paper media. • This cost will be charged only if the County has the technological capability necessary to provide the public record in the requested non-paper physical media format. Paper Copies • Paper copies of public records made on standard letter (8 ½ x 11) or legal (8 ½ x 14) sized paper will not exceed $.10 per sheet of paper. • Copies for non-standard sized sheets will paper will reflect the actual cost of reproduction. Mailing Costs • The cost to mail public records will use a reasonably economical and justified means. • The County may charge for the least expensive form of postal delivery confirmation. • No cost will be made for expedited shipping or insurance unless you request it. Waiver of Fees The cost of the search for and copying of a public record may be waived or reduced if in the sole judgment of the FOIA Coordinator a waiver or reduced fee is in the public interest because it can be considered as primarily benefitting the general public. The County Board of Commissioners may identify specific records or types of records it deems should be made available for no charge or at a reduced cost. Public Summary of Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 4 39 of 45 5. How do I qualify for an indigence discount on the fee? The County will discount the first $20.00 of fees for a request if you submit an affidavit stating that you are: • Indigent and receiving specific public assistance; or • If not receiving public assistance, stating facts demonstrating an inability to pay because of indigence. You are not eligible to receive the $20.00 discount if you: • Have previously received discounted copies of public records from the County twice during the calendar year; or • Are requesting information on behalf of other persons who are offering or providing payment to you to make the request. An affidavit is sworn statement. For your convenience, the County has provided an Affidavit of Indigence for the waiver of FOIA fees on the back of the County FOIA Request Form, which is available on the County’s website: www.co.mecosta.mi.us. 6. May a nonprofit organization receive a discount on the fee? A nonprofit organization advocating for developmentally disabled or mentally ill individuals that is formally designated by the state to carry out activities under subtitle C of the federal developmental disabilities assistance and bill of rights act of 2000, Public Law 106-402, and the protection and advocacy for individuals with mental illness act, Public Law 99-319, may receive a $20.00 discount if the request meets all of the following requirements in the Act: o o o Is made directly on behalf of the organization or its clients. Is made for a reason wholly consistent with the mission and provisions of those laws under section 931 of the mental health code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1931. Is accompanied by documentation of its designation by the state, if requested by the public body. 7. How may I challenge the denial of a public record or an excessive fee? Appeal of a Denial of a Public Record If you believe that all or a portion of a public record has not been disclosed or has been improperly exempted from disclosure, you may appeal to the County Board of Commissioners by filing a written appeal of the denial with the office of the County Board of Commissioners. The appeal must be in writing, specifically state the word “appeal,” and identify the reason or reasons you are seeking a reversal of the denial. You may use the County FOIA Appeal Form (To Appeal a Denial of Records), which is available on the County’s website: www.co.mecosta.mi.us. Public Summary of Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 5 40 of 45 The County Board of Commissioners is not considered to have received a written appeal until the first regularly scheduled County Commission meeting following submission of the written appeal. Within 10 business days of receiving the appeal the County Board of Commissioners will respond in writing by: • • • Reversing the disclosure denial; Upholding the disclosure denial; or Reverse the disclosure denial in part and uphold the disclosure denial in part. Whether or not you submitted an appeal of a denial to the County Board of Commissioners, you may file a civil action in the County Circuit Court within 180 days after the County's final determination to deny your request. If you prevail in the civil action the court will award you reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements. If the court determines that the County acted arbitrarily and capriciously in refusing to disclose or provide a public record, the court shall award you damages in the amount of $1,000. Appeal of an Excess FOIA Processing Fee If you believe that the fee charged by the County to process your FOIA request exceeds the amount permitted by state law, you must first appeal to the County Board of Commissioners by filing a written appeal for a fee reduction to the office of the County Board of Commissioners. The appeal must specifically state the word “appeal” and identify how the required fee exceeds the amount permitted. You may use the County FOIA Appeal Form (To Appeal an Excess Fee), which is available at the County Building and on the County’s website: www.co.mecosta.mi.us. The County Board of Commissioners is not considered to have received a written appeal until the first regularly scheduled County Commission meeting following submission of the written appeal. Within 10 business days after receiving the appeal, the County Board of Commissioners will respond in writing by: • • • • Waiving the fee; Reducing the fee and issue a written determination indicating the specific basis that supports the remaining fee; Upholding the fee and issue a written determination indicating the specific basis that supports the required fee; or Issuing a notice detailing the reason or reasons for extending for not more than 10 business days the period during which the County Board of Commissioners will respond to the written appeal. Within 45 days after receiving notice of the County Board of Commissioner’s determination of the processing fee appeal, you may commence a civil action in the County Circuit Court for a fee reduction. If you prevail in the civil action by receiving a reduction of 50% or more of the total fee, the court may award all or appropriate amount of reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements. If the court determines that the County acted arbitrarily and capriciously by charging an excessive fee, court may also award you punitive damages in the amount of $500. Public Summary of Mecosta County FOIA Policies and Guidelines Page 6 41 of 45 Mecosta County Operational Procedures–Freedom of Information Act I. PURPOSE: These Operational Procedures have been developed to implement the Mecosta County FOIA Procedures and Guidelines adopted by the Board of Commissioners. II. DEFINITIONS: A. FOIA: The Michigan Freedom of Information Act, codified at MCLA 15.321 et seq., as amended. B. County FOIA Coordinator: The County FOIA Coordinator, pursuant to MCL 15.236(1), is the Chairperson of the County Board of Commissioners. As used in this policy, the term “County FOIA Coordinator” shall mean the Chairperson of the County Board of Commissioners, or the Chairperson’s designee under MCL 15.236(3). C. Department FOIA Coordinator: The Department FOIA Coordinator is the person designated by an appointed County Department Head or by a County Elected Officer to coordinate with the County FOIA Coordinator in implementing the County FOIA Procedures and Guidelines and ensuring compliance with the Michigan Freedom of Information Act. D. Public Body: Public Body shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Controller’s Office, Finance Office, Information Technology, Community Corrections, Equalization Dept., Youth Attention Center, Maintenance Dept., Building and Zoning Dept., Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Management, Commission on Aging, Veterans Affairs, Cooperative Extension, Friend of the Court, District Court Probation, Juvenile Probation, Mecosta/Newaygo County Joint Morgue, Mecosta County Parks Commission. 2. Elected Officers: Mecosta County elected officers including the Board of Commissioners, Clerk, Register of Deeds, Treasurer’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, and Drain Commissioner’s Office. Exception: County Clerk and Clerk’s employees when acting as clerks of the Courts do not represent a Public Body. E. Public Record: A writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by a Public Body in the performance of an official function, from the time it is created. Exception: computer software. F. Redaction: Editing of a public record by deletion, masking or separation to remove exempt material from non-exempt material. Page 1 of 5 42 of 45 G. Requesting Person: An individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, firm, organization, association, governmental entity, or other legal entity. H. Writing: The written word, a photocopy, photograph, map, microfilm, sound, symbol, computer file, e-mail or digitally scanned image. III. FOIA COORDINATORS: A. Designations: The statutory County FOIA Coordinator, being the Chairperson of the County Board of Commissioners may, pursuant to MCL 15.236(3), designate another individual to act on his or her behalf in accepting and processing requests for the public body's public records, and in approving a denial of requests under FOIA. The Chairperson of the County Board of Commissioners has designated the Controller/Administrator to act on his or her behalf as the FOIA Coordinator. Each appointed Department Head, in conjunction with the County FOIA Coordinator, and each elected County Officer, may designate an individual to act as Department FOIA Coordinators. B. Responsibilities: The County FOIA Coordinator and, where applicable, the Department FOIA Coordinators shall be responsible for accepting and processing requests for the Public Body’s public records, and shall be responsible for granting or denying public records where appropriate. 1. Training: The County FOIA Coordinator and Department FOIA Coordinators shall receive training in the application of FOIA and the use of the required form packet, and shall be advised of amendments to FOIA as necessary. The County FOIA Coordinator and Department FOIA Coordinators shall seek the advice of County’s Attorney, when questions of legal interpretation arise. 2. Form Packet: The County FOIA Coordinator and Department FOIA Coordinators shall use the Mecosta County FOIA Forms adopted with the Mecosta County FOIA Procedures and Guidelines to process and respond to requests. 3. Filed Requests: The County FOIA Coordinator shall keep all FOIA requests, responses and appeals on file for no less than one (1) year from the date of final response or written decision on appeal, whichever is later. 4. Monitoring: The County FOIA Coordinator and Department FOIA Coordinators shall ensure that any FOIA requests he/she receive by electronic device or system are monitored and responded to by a responsible person when the County FOIA Coordinator or Department FOIA Coordinators will not have access to said device or system for more than one (1) business day. Page 2 of 5 43 of 45 IV. PROCEDURES: A. Receive Request: The requesting person shall provide the Public Body with a written request that describes a public record sufficiently to enable the Public Body’s FOIA Coordinator to find it. The written request may be transmitted by facsimile, electronic mail or other electronic means, but if it is transmitted by such means, it will be considered received by the Public Body one (1) business day after the transmission is made. B. Forward Request to FOIA Coordinators: All County officers and employees who receive a FOIA request shall note the date of receipt on the request and forward it within one (1) business day to the County FOIA Coordinator and, where applicable, the Department FOIA Coordinators for the department or agency where the records are kept. If a County officer or employee is unable to determine where to direct the request, it shall be submitted to the County FOIA Coordinator within one (1) business day of receipt. If the County FOIA Coordinator receives a FOIA request directly from a requestor, or from another Department FOIA Coordinator, a copy of the request shall be sent to the Department FOIA Coordinator that may possess the requested documents within one (1) business day. If the Department involved does not have an appointed Department FOIA Coordinator, the request will be sent to applicable Department Head. C. Review Request: After receiving a request and within sufficient time to ensure compliance with the FOIA response requirements, a Department FOIA Coordinator, or Department Head if there is no Department FOIA Coordinator, shall: D. 1. Determine if there is an existing public record that satisfies the request. 2. Determine if any requested records, in whole or in part, are available on the County’s website. 3. Determine if any requested records, in whole or in part, are subject to denial or exempt from disclosure. A requested record which is subject to denial or exempt from disclosure, in whole or in part, shall not be disclosed unless approved by County’s Attorney. Determine if Request Contains Grounds for Denial: 1. A FOIA request shall be denied if the requesting person is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a local, state or federal correctional facility. 2. A FOIA request shall be denied if the requesting person does not describe a public record sufficiently to enable the Public Body to find it. 3. A FOIA request shall be denied if it requires the Public Body to create a new public record or make a compilation, summary or report of information. Page 3 of 5 44 of 45 E. Examine Request for Exemptions: The requested public records shall be reviewed as to whether, in whole or in part, they are exempt from disclosure, and whether any portions of the records are subject to redactions prior to disclosure. Any questions concerning the general legal parameters of an exemption, redactions, or applicability in a particular situation, should be directed to County’s Attorney or the County FOIA Coordinator. F. Reporting Status: The Department FOIA Coordinator, or Department Head if there is no Department FOIA Coordinator, shall advise the County FOIA Coordinator within three (3) business days as to whether the requested records exist and whether they are, in whole or in part, available on the County website, and are subject to denial or exempt from disclosure. If additional time is necessary to provide this information, the County FOIA Coordinator will be advised and provided a good faith estimate of when the information can be provided. G. Redaction: If a public record contains both exempt and nonexempt material, the County FOIA Coordinator or Department FOIA Coordinators shall edit the record by deletion, masking or separation of the exempt from the nonexempt material, and shall then provide the nonexempt material to the requesting person. The County FOIA Coordinator shall generally describe the redacted material, unless the description would reveal its contents. H. Respond to Request: The County FOIA Coordinator shall respond to a request, using the required form packet, within five (5) business days from the date upon which he/she receives the request, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the requesting person. I. Process Response: If the requested record is not subject to one of the grounds for denial or an exemption, it shall be processed in the following manner: 1. Response Options: Within five (5) business days, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the requesting person, the County FOIA Coordinator shall do one of the following: a. Grant the request. b. Deny the request and provide the reason why the request is subject to denial or exempt. c. Grant the request in part and deny the request in part. d. Using the FOIA response form, provide notice extending the response deadline for not more than an additional ten (10) business days. The notice shall contain the reasons for the extension and the date by which the Public Body will respond to the request. Not more than one (1) notice of extension shall be issued. Page 4 of 5 45 of 45 J. Fees for Public Records: 1. Permissible Fees: The Public Body may charge a fee for copying public records for the requesting person or to enable inspection. A fee may also be charged for search, examination, review or redaction of public records, but only if failure to charge a fee would result in unreasonably high costs specifically identified by the Public Body. Collected fees shall be credited to the Public Body that incurred the cost of processing the request. 2. Calculation of Fees: The applicable fees shall be calculated by the County FOIA Coordinator in accordance with the County’s FOIA Procedures and Guidelines and using the Detailed Cost Itemization Form. The Department FOIA Coordinators shall assist in providing the applicable labor and copying costs to the County FOIA Coordinator. K. Deposit: If the total fee exceeds $50.00, the County FOIA Coordinator or Department FOIA Coordinators may require a deposit of not more than one-half of the fee. The Requestor will also be provided a good faith estimate of when the records will provided to the requester when a deposit is required. L. Fee Payment Enforcement: Once copies of the requested records have been made, the Public Body is authorized to require payment of fees in full before it delivers the records to the requesting person. Exception: If a deposit is required, the Public Body may refuse to process the request until the deposit is paid. M. Exceptions to Fee Procedure: 1. Public records may be provided without charge or at reduced charge if the Public Body determines that the record primarily benefits the general public, and it is in the public interest to provide it without charge or at reduced charge. 2. The first $20.00 of the total fee for requested records shall be waived if the requesting person submits an Affidavit of Indigence (contained in the required form packet). N. Appeal: A requesting person has the right to appeal the denial of a request for public records, or to appeal the fees charged. All such Appeals shall be filed with the County FOIA Coordinator and shall be processed in accordance with the Mecosta County FOIA Procedures and Guidelines. Page 5 of 5 05/28/2015 09:17 AM User: slee6 of 45 DB: Mecosta Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund MANAGEMENT Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund EXEMPTION Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund Total for fund 101 210 211 214 215 220 242 249 262 264 267 273 274 292 297 402 508 516 517 653 677 701 801 CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA CHECK DATE FROM 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 GENERAL OPERATING FUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES MEDICAL FIRST RESPONDERS DISTRICT COURT CASEFLOW FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND MORGUE BROWNFIELD REDEV. SPEC. PRO. FUN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CORRECTIONS OFFICER TRAINING FUND JAIL MAINTENANCE FUND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAM COMMISSION ON AGING MEALS COMMISSION ON AGING FUND CHILD CARE FUND RUNAWAY SERVICES ACCOUNTS FUND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FUND PARK/RECREATION FUND DELIQUENT TAX REVOLVING AUDIT OF PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE MAILING DEPARTMENT FUND HEALTH BENEFITS INSURANCE FUND TRUST & AGENCY FUND DRAIN FUND Pag e: 108,775.01 7,112.16 11,250.00 574.85 524.01 3,976.45 477.50 3,288.36 1,645.20 3,266.86 1,150.17 5,229.45 10,832.57 42,119.53 349.77 847.15 60,264.29 26,455.90 253.78 1,000.00 142,207.13 96,519.65 250.00 528,369.79 1/1 CP 7-1a 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee7 of 45 DB: Mecosta Page: GL Number INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. CP 7-1b Invoice Due Date Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Dept 101 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 101-101-728.000 DRY ERASE MRKRS/OFFICE SUPPLIES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 2966/P.BULLOCK/CRYSTAL MNTN,AMAZON,WALMART,USPS 2966/MAY15 05/20/15 101-101-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 89/1 BOARD OF COMMSSNRS/PAPER,RUBBERBANDS 101864 05/21/15 101-101-773.000 VGA ADAPTER/SUPPLIES/MINOR FIRST EQUIPMENT NATIONAL BANK 5153 2966/P.BULLOCK/CRYSTAL MNTN,AMAZON,WALMART,USPS 2966/MAY15 05/20/15 101-101-809.000 LDGNG DEPOSIT/CONFERENCE EXPENSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 2966/P.BULLOCK/CRYSTAL MNTN,AMAZON,WALMART,USPS 2966/MAY15 05/20/15 101-101-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE ART ADLEMAN REIMBURSE 148 MILES-GR AAWM EXECUTIVE APR27/2015 MTG 05/21/15 101-101-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE PAUL BULLOCK REIMBURSE 191 MILES-MECEOLA BRD MTG,NEWAYGO,GR-REGION APR13-MAY01 05/21/15 8 101-101-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE LINDA HOWARD REIMBURSE 170 MILES-GR/TIMBERLAND&WCM APR22-APR27 05/21/15 101-101-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE WILLIAM ROUTLEY REIMBURSE 180 MILES-COA ADVSRY BRD,GR-AAA APR15-APR27 05/21/15 101-101-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE RAY STEINKE REIMBURSE 42 MILES-LEPT MTG APR08/2015 05/21/15 101-101-821.000 PRIORITY MAIL/POSTAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 2966/P.BULLOCK/CRYSTAL MNTN,AMAZON,WALMART,USPS 2966/MAY15 05/20/15 101-101-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 05/20/15 101-101-826.000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/DATA PROCESSING BS & A SOFTWARE MECOSTACO/ANNUAL SRVC/SPPRT MAY 2015-MAY 1011462016 05/21/15 101-101-826.000 GENERAL LEDGER/DATA PROCESSING BS & A SOFTWARE MECOSTACO/ANNUAL SRVC/SPPRT MAY 2015-MAY 1011462016 05/21/15 101-101-826.000 PAYROLL/DATA PROCESSING BS & A SOFTWARE MECOSTACO/ANNUAL SRVC/SPPRT MAY 2015-MAY 1011462016 05/21/15 Total For Dept 101 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dept 131 49TH CIRCUIT 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-807.000 101-131-807.000 101-131-807.000 101-131-822.000 101-131-858.000 COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY TRANSCRIPTS/LEGAL TRANSCRIPTS/LEGAL TRANSCRIPTS/LEGAL TELEPHONE ON-LINE SERVICES DENNIS L. DUVALL C MCCARTHY/RSLVD,2HRS LGL ASST,RVW 49THCC/14-43792 DENNIS L. DUVALL E CONRAN/RSLVD,2HRS,2HRS LGL ASST,RVW,MLTPL 49THCC/13-7976 CNTS DENNIS L. DUVALL E DUFRESNE/RSLVD,RVW 49THCC/14-8312 DENNIS L. DUVALL S FOTHERGILL/RSLVD,RVW,MLTPL CNTS 49THCC/14-8165 DENNIS L. DUVALL S FOTHERGILL/RSLVD,MLTPL CNTS 49THCC/15-8387 DENNIS L. DUVALL S FOTHERGILL/RSLVD,CPYS 49THCC/15-8389 DENNIS L. DUVALL S FOTHERGILL/RSLVD,CPYS 49THCC/15-8388 JOHN W LEWIS E LEWIS/RSLVD,RVW,CPYS,POSTAGE 49THCC/15-8335 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE C GEISTER/DELAY 1 HR 49THCC/14-8016 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE J EARL/RSLVD,RVW,MLTPL CNTS 49THCC/14-8252 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE D SMITH/RSLVD DC LVL,RVW 49THCC/15-43594 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE M HEISTAND/1HR LGL ASST,4HRS,CPYS,PSTG 49THCC/15-22826 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE T GHOLSTEN/1 HR,CPYS,POSTAGE 49THCC/15-44848 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE R NEIGHORN/2.5 HRS PROBATION VIOLATION 49THCC/13-7851 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE C HILDABRIDLE/3 HRS 49THCC/14-8075 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE D KING/RSLVD,RVW,MLTPL CNTS 49THCC/14-8241 ELLEN GRUBAUGH 49THCC TRANS/G MOORE-19PGS MAY12/2015 ELLEN GRUBAUGH 49THCC TRANS/K PHILLIPS-28 PAGES MAY12/2015 SABRINA MARLETTE 49THCC TRANS/K PHILLIPS-22 PGS MAR12/2015 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 LEXISNEXIS 1433774 49TH CRCT CRT/ON LINE SRVCS/APRIL 1433774-20150430 COURT OFFICE SUPPLIES APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY TELEPHONE GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 92/1 77TH DSTRCT CRT/ENV,SHT PRTCTRS,4 101184 PT FORM SAMUELS LAW OFFICE 77THDC/APPOINTED ATTRNY POSTAGE COSTS MAY11/2015 DENNIS L. DUVALL 77TH DC-PUBLIC DEFENDER/MAY MAY/2015 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE 77TH DC-PUBLIC DEFENDER/MAY MAY/2015 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 PER DIEMS PER DIEMS JURY BOARD PER DIEM CATHY ARMSTRONG GERALD LINTEMUTH KIM WORTLEY JURY BOARD PER DIEM/MAY 11 JURY BOARD PER DIEM/MAY 11 JURY BOARD PER DIEM/MAY 11 MAY11/2015 MAY11/2015 MAY11/2015 4.24 3.25 5.82 142.74 85.10 109.83 97.75 103.50 24.15 5.75 33.44 1,884.00 2,353.00 2,684.00 211520 211645 211520 211520 211603 211615 211656 211699 211713 211520 211489 211614 211614 211614 474.30 784.30 396.48 570.90 516.00 347.00 345.00 420.00 70.00 591.80 281.98 321.69 73.19 178.92 210.00 594.38 44.65 65.80 51.70 106.19 140.00 211634 211634 211634 211634 211634 211634 211634 211666 211701 211701 211701 211701 211701 211701 211701 211701 211649 211649 211673 211489 211602 6,584.28 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/20/15 Total For Dept 136 77TH DISTRICT COURT Dept 147 JURY BOARD 101-147-705.000 101-147-705.000 101-147-705.000 Amount Check # 7,536.57 Total For Dept 131 49TH CIRCUIT COURT Dept 136 77TH DISTRICT 101-136-728.000 101-136-804.000 101-136-804.000 101-136-804.000 101-136-822.000 1/18 412.43 5.21 2,801.60 2,801.60 88.95 211645 211701 211786 211809 211489 6,109.79 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 25.00 25.00 25.00 211606 211669 211734 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee8 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Inv. Line Desc Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Dept 147 JURY BOARD Dept 148 18TH PROBATE 101-148-773.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-809.000 101-148-822.000 Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID COURT SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY CONFERENCE EXPENSES TELEPHONE Dept 149 PROBATE COURT JUVENILE DIVISION 101-149-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 101-149-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date Total For Dept 147 JURY BOARD GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 156/1 PROBATE COURT/WALL FILE 101845 05/21/15 STACY FLANERY S HITCHINGHAM/EVIDENTIARY HRNG,INVEST 18THPC/93-P-2815-DD 05/21/15 STACY FLANERY T MAGNUSON/CASE RESOLVED 18THPC/09-183-DD 05/21/15 SUSAN HAUT D PLATT/EVIDENTIARY HRNG,INVEST,RPRT18THPC/13-315-GA 05/21/15 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE C MAXSON/EVIDENTIARY HRNG,INVEST 18THPC/14-680-DD 05/21/15 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE J DEBELISO/EVIDENTIARY HEARING,INVEST 18THPC/99-P-3754-DD 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING B ROGERS/CASE RESOLVED 18THPC/13-237-GM 05/21/15 BAVARIAN INN LODGE & CONFERENCE 18THPC/MPJRA CNT CONF LDGNG-ROBBINS JUN10-JUN12 05/21/15 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 05/20/15 2/18 Amount Check # 75.00 35.00 275.00 200.00 237.50 200.00 200.00 125.00 228.90 30.47 Total For Dept 148 18TH PROBATE COURT 1,531.87 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 128/1 FAMILY COURT/WALL FILE,HIGHLIGHTERS 101844 05/21/15 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 128/1 FAMILY COURT/WALL FILE,HIGHLIGHTERS 101844 05/21/15 STACY FLANERY SNYDER MINORS/3 RVS HRNGS,DNNR W/MNR-6HRS,MILEAGE 49CCFAM/03-4589 05/21/15 STACY FLANERY TAYLOR MINORS/2 RVW HRNGS,DNNR W/MNR-12HRS,FTM,MILEAGE 49CCFAM/14-6116 05/21/15 STACY FLANERY T STILES/RSLVD,ADD HRNG 49CCFAM/14-6137 05/21/15 KYLE M GOULD C ALDRIDGE/CASE RSLVD,FTM 49CCFAM/15-6179 05/21/15 SUSAN HAUT T JOHNSON/ADD HRNG,RVW HRNG,FTM 49CCFAM/14-6154 05/21/15 SUSAN HAUT R,W,&K JENNINGS/RVW HRNG,MEET W/MINOR,MILEAGE 49CCFAM/14-6125 05/21/15 SUSAN HAUT B FRISBIE/RVW HRNG 49CCFAM/06-5069 05/21/15 SUSAN HAUT B PAYNE/RVW HRNG,MEET W/MINOR/FTM,MILEAGE 49CCFAM/14-6114 05/21/15 SUSAN HAUT A KARNES/RVW HRNG,MEET W/MINOR/FTM 49CCFAM/14-6175 05/21/15 DENISE E. NEWHALL C DRAYTON/REVIEW HEARING 49CCFAM/14-6113 05/21/15 DENISE E. NEWHALL A&Z GABLE/RVW HRNG,FTM 49CCFAM/06-5069 05/21/15 DENISE E. NEWHALL C SMITH/ADD HEARING 49CCFAM/13-6025 05/21/15 DENISE E. NEWHALL A STEPHENS/ADD HEARING 49CCFAM/13-6047 05/21/15 DENISE E. NEWHALL A WHALEN/RVW HRNG,DNNR W/MINOR,MILEAGE 49CCFAM/13-6014 05/21/15 DENISE E. NEWHALL M GAITHER/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/15-6180 05/21/15 DENISE E. NEWHALL A FOWLER/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/14-6130 05/21/15 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE LAFRANCE MINORS/ADD HRNG,2 DAYS TRIAL,2 49CCFAM/11-5781 FTM,DNNR W/MINOR 05/21/15 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE D PANZIO/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/12-5849 05/21/15 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE A NIEVES/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/10-5617 05/21/15 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE A NIEVES/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/10-5617 05/21/15 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE E BENNETT/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/12-5900 05/21/15 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE N MAROTZ/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/09-5505 05/21/15 JAMES J SIMS II FLAGG MINORS/MOTION HEARING 49CCFAM/13-6047 05/21/15 JAMES J SIMS II H KARNS/RVW HRNG 49CCFAM/14-6175 05/21/15 JAMES J SIMS II K BOYCE/REVIEW HEARING 49CCFAM/14-6156 05/21/15 JAMES J SIMS II R WARREN/FAMILY TEAM MEETING 49CCFAM/12-5869 05/21/15 JAMES J SIMS II MOORE MINORS/FAMILY TEAM MEETING 49CCFAM/14-6126 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING R ELING/REVIEW HEARING 49CCFAM/13-6037 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING BLACK&GEIGER MINORS/FAMILY TEAM MEETING 49CCFAM/14-6115 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING B MAREK/FAMILY TEAM MEETING 49CCFAM/15-6179 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING J GABLE/REVIEW HEARING 49CCFAM/06-5069 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING R BUSMAN/FAMILY TEAM MTG,MILEAGE 49CCFAM/15-6201 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING K GONZALES/REVIEW HEARING 49CCFAM/13-6008 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING CALDWELL MINORS/2-FAMILY TEAM MEETINGS 49CCFAM/11-5776 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING A ZEITS/REVIEW HEARING 49CCFAM/13-6018 05/21/15 CHERYL STERLING M CLEMONS/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/13-6042 05/21/15 7.49 17.50 639.25 1,081.73 275.00 400.00 287.50 194.00 75.00 294.00 225.00 75.00 175.00 75.00 75.00 283.99 200.00 200.00 1,724.20 200.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 200.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 153.11 75.00 200.00 75.00 200.00 211645 211640 211640 211652 211701 211701 211714 211721 211489 211645 211645 211640 211640 211640 211644 211652 211652 211652 211652 211652 211685 211685 211685 211685 211685 211685 211685 211701 211701 211701 211701 211701 211701 211707 211707 211707 211707 211707 211714 211714 211714 211714 211714 211714 211714 211714 211714 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee9 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Dept 149 PROBATE COURT JUVENILE DIVISION 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY MARGARET VAN BLACK L DEREVAGE/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/13-5992 101-149-809.000 NMJOA LDGNG/CONFERENCE EXPENSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 2883 J WALLACE/BAYSHORE RESORT 2883/MAY15 101-149-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 Due Date 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 Total For Dept 149 PROBATE COURT JUVENILE DIVISION Dept 151 CIRCUIT COURT PROBATION 101-151-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 05/20/15 Total For Dept 153 DISTRICT COURT PROBATION 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 Total For Dept 243 ASSESSING EQUALIZATION Dept 248 CENTRAL SERVICES 72.75 211489 734.78 809.70 76.60 27.04 211645 211645 211645 211489 49.74 226.00 568.75 32.00 211511 211689 211511 211489 876.49 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/15/15 05/15/15 05/15/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 Total For Dept 235 MIMEO & PHOTOCOPY Dept 243 ASSESSING EQUALIZATION 101-243-810.000 LDGNG-AMANDA/TRAVEL/MILEAGE FIRST EXPENSE NATIONAL BANK 5153 4657 S.KIANDER/MAA,HOLIDAY INN,ARBYS,APPLEBEES 4657/MAY15 101-243-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE SHILA KIANDER REIMBURSE 312 MILES-CLARE MAED X2,CADILLAC APR08-MAY01 NWMAA 101-243-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE AMANDA WETHINGTON REIMBURSE 524 MILES-MCAO CLASS&MCAT MAY02-MAY07 TRAINING 101-243-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE AMANDA WETHINGTON REIMBURSE 3 MEALS-MCAT TRAINING MAY06-MAY07 101-243-811.000 MCAT CLASS-AMANDA/TRAINING FIRST EXPENSES NATIONAL BANK 5153 4657 S.KIANDER/MAA,HOLIDAY INN,ARBYS,APPLEBEES 4657/MAY15 101-243-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 211725 211507 211489 1,648.12 Total For Dept 215 COUNTY CLERK Dept 235 MIMEO & PHOTOCOPY 101-235-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 89/1 BOARD OF COMMSSNRS/PAPER,RUBBERBANDS 101864 101-235-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 287/1 REG OF DEEDS/PAPER 101866 101-235-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 89/1 BOARD OF COMMSSNRS/PAPER 101822 101-235-852.000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS MICHIGAN OFFICE SOLUTIONS MC53:10C297 MSU EXTENSION ID#11419/APR09-MAY08 IN374085 101-235-852.000 PROBATE/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MICHIGAN CONTRACTS OFFICE SOLUTIONS MC30:107008 EQUALIZATION/APR10-MAY09IN375212 101-235-852.000 EQUAL/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MICHIGAN CONTRACTS OFFICE SOLUTIONS MC30:107008 EQUALIZATION/APR10-MAY09IN375212 101-235-852.000 SHERIFF/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED CONTRACTS IMAGING MC08/BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR15-MAY14 678459 101-235-852.000 BOC/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS APPLIED IMAGING MC08/BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR15-MAY14 678459 101-235-852.000 DRAIN/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED CONTRACTS IMAGING MC08/BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR15-MAY14 678459 101-235-852.000 ZONING/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED CONTRACTS IMAGING MC08/BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR15-MAY14 678459 101-235-852.000 PROSEC/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED CONTRACTS IMAGING MC08/BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR15-MAY14 678459 101-235-852.000 REG OF DEEDS/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED IMAGING CONTR MC08/BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR15-MAY14 678459 101-235-852.000 77THDC/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED CONTRACTS IMAGING MC08 BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR14-MAY14 678460 101-235-852.000 DC PROB/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED CONTRACTS IMAGING MC08 BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR14-MAY14 678460 101-235-852.000 CLERK/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED CONTRACTS IMAGING MC08 BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR15-MAY14 678461 101-235-852.000 49THCC/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED CONTRACTS IMAGING MC08 BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR15-MAY14 678462 101-235-852.000 PROSEC/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE APPLIED CONTRACTS IMAGING MC08 BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR19-MAY18 681235 200.00 78.75 20.10 72.75 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 81/1 77TH DSTRCT CT PROB/INK CART,TONER,4PT 101602 FORM 05/21/15 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 92/1 77TH DSTRCT CRT/DESK RETURN,CORNER,FILE,PEDESTAL 101042 05/21/15 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 81/1 77TH DSTRCT CT PROB/BUS CARDSLOT 101462 05/21/15 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 05/20/15 Dept 215 COUNTY CLERK 101-215-728.000 PENS,SCISSORS,ENV,ERASER/OFFICE FIRST SUPPLIES NATIONAL BANK 4362 7718 M.PURCELL/USPS,SHOPLET.COM7718/MAY15 101-215-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES PAKOR, INC 91377 CLERK/PASSPORT FILM 8012657 101-215-821.000 PRE-PAID ENV/POSTAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4362 7718 M.PURCELL/USPS,SHOPLET.COM7718/MAY15 101-215-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 Amount Check # 9,031.62 Total For Dept 151 CIRCUIT COURT PROBATION Dept 153 DISTRICT COURT PROBATION 101-153-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 101-153-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT 101-153-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT 101-153-822.000 TELEPHONE 3/18 56.00 62.99 140.00 84.29 42.22 39.10 64.37 37.03 13.72 13.99 38.75 7.14 26.70 62.40 31.96 43.85 3.31 211645 211645 211645 211481 211481 211481 211736 211736 211736 211736 211736 211736 211736 211736 211736 211736 211736 767.82 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 160.50 179.40 301.30 43.41 205.00 15.69 905.30 211515 211662 211732 211732 211515 211489 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee10 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Dept 248 CENTRAL SERVICES 101-248-855.010 SOFTWARE PROGRAMS AND UPDATES CITY OF BIG RAPIDS 00008/140 OUTLOOK LICENSES/MAY 9835 101-248-858.000 ON-LINE SERVICES CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 525 0021923/SRVCS BLDG CONNECT/MAY16-JUN15 231-592-4033 101-248-858.000 ON-LINE SERVICES CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0122361/CITY HALL CONNECT/MAY15-JUN14 231-250-9002 101-248-858.000 ON-LINE SERVICES/WIRELESS CITY OF BIG RAPIDS 00008/INTERNET CHARGES/MAY 9836 101-248-858.000 ON-LINE SERVICES/DISPATCH CITY OF BIG RAPIDS 00008/INTERNET CHARGES/MAY 9836 101-248-901.000 MISCELLANEOUS FIRST NATIONAL BANK 3503 6647 J.LANGELL/UPS-RETURN COMPUTER 6647/MAY15 Due Date 05/15/15 05/15/15 05/15/15 05/15/15 05/15/15 05/20/15 Total For Dept 248 CENTRAL SERVICES 05/20/15 05/21/15 Total For Dept 253 COUNTY TREASURER CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 PER PER PER PER DIEMS DIEMS DIEMS DIEMS MIKE CLINE DAVID MILLER LYNN THIEDE PATRICK TOBIN CANVASS CANVASS CANVASS CANVASS BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD PER PER PER PER DIEM/MAY05 DIEM/MAY05 DIEM/MAY05 DIEM/MAY05 231-592-0188 ELECTION MAY07/2015 ELECTION MAY07/2015 ELECTION MAY07/2015 ELECTION MAY07/2015 05/20/15 211484 211482 211483 211485 211485 211513 7.48 1,884.00 211489 211614 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 211489 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 211625 211680 211722 211723 100.00 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/22/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 05/20/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/22/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 Total For Dept 265 COURTHOUSE/BLDG/GROUNDS GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 85/1 PROSECUTOR/PHONE MESSAGE BOOK 101465 PEGGY MORLAN PROSEC TRANS/ORTIZ-20 PGS&94 PGS CPYD MAY12/2015 MECOSTA-OSCEOLA BAR ASSOCIATIO PROSEC/2015 DUES-THIEDE,HULL,CLAPP 2015 DUES AMY COLE REIMBURSE POSTAGE TO APPELLATE COURT-WILLIS MAY12/2015 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 100703696 PROSEC/SUBSCRIPTION CHRGS 831460646 19.74 19.74 Total For Dept 262 ELECTIONS Dept 265 COURTHOUSE/BLDG/GROUNDS 101-265-740.000 BUILDING MAINT.SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 69/1 BOARD OF CMMSSNRS-M/PPR TWLS,TRSH 101623 LNRS 101-265-740.000 BUILDING MAINT.SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 69/1 BOARD OF CMMSSNRS-M/PPR TWLS,TP101749 101-265-742.000 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 101-265-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT DISCOUNT VAC & APPLIANCE COURTHOUSE/BAGS&BRUSH ROLL FOR VACUUM 51633 101-265-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT STATE STREET HARDWARE, COURTHOUSE/BLANK INC. ELECT COVER 90152 101-265-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT STATE STREET HARDWARE, COURTHOUSE/SCREWS INC. 52644 101-265-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT STATE STREET HARDWARE, COURTHOUSE/CAULK,WD40 INC. 53418 101-265-773.000 WIRENUTS,PAINT,HARDWARE,GLASS/SUPPLIES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 5191 B.CASSIDY/LOWES,MENARDS,UNITED 5191/MAY15 GLASS 101-265-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 3253 R.CARLEY/MENARDS-SALT FOR 3253/MAY15 WATER SYSTEM 101-265-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 101-265-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR DTE ENERGY 4619417 00019 COURTHOUSE/APR10-MAY117372665 06 101-265-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR DTE ENERGY 4619431 00010 JAIL/APR13-MAY11 7505883 06 101-265-823.010 ANNEX UTILITIES BIG RAPIDS TOWNSHIP 314485 MC SERVICES BLDG/SEWER/APRIL APRIL/2015 101-265-823.010 ANNEX UTILITIES DTE ENERGY 4619403 00019 SVCS BLDG/APR10-MAY11 0881096 06 101-265-849.000 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CROSSROADS PEST CONTROLC31611 SRVC BLDG/PEST CONTROL/MAY 4332 101-265-854.000 OIL CHANGE/VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 5191 B.CASSIDY/LOWES,MENARDS,UNITED 5191/MAY15 GLASS 101-265-870.000 BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. BATTERIES PLUS MECOSTA COUNTY/6V&3V BATTERIES 386-101000-01 101-265-870.000 BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. CENTRAL HVAC SUPPLY 1098/PLEATED FILTERS 22269 101-265-871.000 ELEVATOR/FIRE SYSTEM INSPECTION ELEVATOR SERVICES, INC.OG-700/ELEVATOR MAINT/APRIL 47724 Dept 267 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY 101-267-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 101-267-807.000 TRANSCRIPTS/LEGAL 101-267-808.000 MEMBERSHIP/DUES 101-267-821.000 POSTAGE 101-267-822.000 TELEPHONE 101-267-830.000 BOOKS/PRINTED MATERIAL 747.20 715.13 554.05 509.67 475.00 19.10 1,891.48 Total For Dept 261 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION Dept 262 ELECTIONS 101-262-705.000 101-262-705.000 101-262-705.000 101-262-705.000 Amount Check # 3,020.15 Dept 253 COUNTY TREASURER 101-253-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 101-253-826.000 CASH RECEIPTING/DATA PROCESSING BS & A SOFTWARE MECOSTACO/ANNUAL SRVC/SPPRT MAY 2015-MAY 1011462016 Dept 261 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION 101-261-822.000 TELEPHONE 4/18 274.44 369.30 26.46 244.15 1.19 3.70 11.57 249.75 67.90 3.88 478.88 817.05 202.88 490.19 50.00 17.13 181.46 190.00 110.00 211645 211645 211762 211633 211711 211711 211711 211765 211802 211489 211784 211785 211774 211783 211781 211765 211607 211619 211637 3,789.93 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 5.65 63.20 105.00 17.90 72.95 340.50 211645 211683 211676 211627 211489 211729 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee11 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Dept 267 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date Total For Dept 267 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Dept 268 REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE 101-268-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 287/1 REG OF DEEDS/DVD-RW DISCS,ENV 101731I 101-268-810.000 MARD CONF LDGNG/TRAVEL/MILEAGE FIRSTEXPENSE NATIONAL BANK 5153 4079 K HAHN/USPS,CITYFLATS HOTEL 4078/MAY15 101-268-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE KAREN HAHN REIMBURSE 166 MILES-HOLLAND MARD CONF APR27-APR29 101-268-821.000 PRE-PAID ENV/POSTAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 4079 K HAHN/USPS,CITYFLATS HOTEL 4078/MAY15 101-268-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 281/1 DRAIN COMM/INK CART&BATTERY 101721 MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 MACDC NORTHWEST DISTRICT DRAIN COMM/REG FEE - FITZGERALD&MILLER MAY28/2015 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/22/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 211645 211517 211651 211517 211489 82.05 130.44 40.00 22.63 211645 211762 211671 211489 275.12 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 05/20/15 05/27/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 Total For Dept 301 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Dept 302 LAW ENFORCEMENT/ROAD PATROL 101-302-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/FLDRS,MRKRS 101655 101-302-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/PAPER 101622 101-302-742.000 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 101-302-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES CHARLIE PIPPIN REIMBURSE 5 MIEALS-SCHOOL MAY04-MAY08 101-302-811.000 MOHR LDGNG/TRAINING EXPENSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 3873 J TAYLOR/HOLIDAY INN,WHOLESALE 3873/MAY15 LOCKS 101-302-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL MCSHER/#C3C282792 OIL CHANGE 97711 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL MCSHER/#C3C282792 WIPER BLADES 97712 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL MCSHER/#C3E227252 97256 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL MCSHER/#C3C282791 OIL CHANGE 97126 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL MCSHER/#C3E227251 OIL CHANGE 97658 42.48 270.90 95.45 286.20 8.11 703.14 Total For Dept 275 DRAIN COMMISSIONER Dept 301 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 101-301-732.000 JAIL SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/STAPLES,FLDRS 101691 101-301-732.000 JAIL SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/STAPLES 101708 101-301-732.000 JAIL SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/STICK-IT NOTES,PAPER 101748 101-301-732.000 JAIL SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/BROOM,TP,PPR TWLS 101750 101-301-742.000 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 101-301-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARESHERIFF-JAIL/INMATE COMP INC HEALTH SRVCS/JUNE MI-0010MC0615 101-301-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES CANTEEN SERVICES JAIL/1527 MEALS MAY03-MAY09+8SNKS 50870 101-301-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES CANTEEN SERVICES JAIL/1520 MEALS MAY10-MAY16+0SNKS 51028 101-301-818.000 PRISONER TRANSFERS PTS OF AMERICA, LLC SHERIFF/TRANSPORT JAMES LAMSON FROM 95766 RUSHVILLE, IL 101-301-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE FOUR SEASONS EXTERMINATING 21055 SHERIFF/PEST CONTROL/MAY PC0231887 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE FERGUSON SUPPLY CO-BIG MECOSTA RAPIDS JAIL/TOILET PUMP 731224 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE FERGUSON SUPPLY CO-BIG MECOSTA RAPIDS JAIL/PLUMBING PARTS 732000 101-301-848.000 EARLY PAY DISC/PLANT MAINTENANCE FERGUSON SUPPLY CO-BIG MECOSTA RAPIDS JAIL/PLUMBING PARTS 732000 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT 82131230241700 CLERK/PAINT,TUBING,PAINT 14133SPPLYS 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE MCCARDEL CULLIGAN 1163381 JAIL/10-40 LB CUBES SALT 192091 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE MEDLER ELECTRIC CO. 2907 JAIL/BALLASTS&BULBS S3757099.001 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE STATE STREET HARDWARE, SHERIFF/PAINT INC. THINNER 90164 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE STATE STREET HARDWARE, JAIL/COTTER INC. PINS,HANDLE,CHAIN 53305 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE STATE STREET HARDWARE, JAIL/TOILET INC. PARTS 52627 101-301-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL MCSHER/#GCD179532 OIL CHANGE 97715 101-301-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CURRIE'S BP SHERIFF/CAR WASHES X10/APRIL APRIL/2015 Amount Check # 605.20 Total For Dept 268 REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE Dept 275 DRAIN COMMISSIONER 101-275-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 101-275-742.000 GAS/FUEL 101-275-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES 101-275-822.000 TELEPHONE 5/18 72.42 6.50 44.58 292.13 224.99 14,299.58 3,418.55 3,435.20 478.50 170.77 45.00 307.42 13.12 (0.26) 95.61 83.50 173.94 6.59 7.58 23.48 29.99 50.00 211645 211645 211645 211645 211762 211779 211488 211777 211695 211489 211494 211639 211639 211639 211670 211675 211677 211711 211711 211711 211608 211629 23,279.19 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/22/15 05/21/15 05/27/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 34.96 28.00 1,993.31 68.61 79.50 170.77 29.99 39.98 29.99 29.99 29.99 211645 211645 211762 211694 211803 211489 211608 211608 211608 211608 211608 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee12 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Dept 302 LAW ENFORCEMENT/ROAD PATROL 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 101-302-861.000 LAUNDRY Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL DENNY'S MUFFLER SHOP PETE'S CLEANERS MCSHER/#FMDF47722 OIL CHANGE SHERIFF/#5409 FRONT PADS&ROTORS SHERIFF/DRY CLEANING/APRIL 97659 29940 3381 Due Date 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 Total For Dept 302 LAW ENFORCEMENT/ROAD PATROL Dept 331 MARINE PATROL 101-331-751.000 MARINE SUPPLIES LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT 82131230241700 CLERK/TOW ROPE FOR BOATS 14477 05/21/15 05/22/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 Total For Dept 426 CIVIL DEFENSE MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 05/22/15 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 MAY/2015 05/27/15 231-592-0188 27.76 29.99 245.64 34.63 26.45 211762 211510 211510 211704 211704 129.88 211762 400.00 211819 05/20/15 4.60 211489 4.60 RANDY MAXWELL PLAN COMM/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY PC/MAY07 LARRY SREDERSAS PLAN COMM/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY PC/MAY07 GARY STOUT PLAN COMM/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY PC/MAY07 GARY SWIER PLAN COMM/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY PC/MAY07 MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 RANDY MAXWELL PLAN COMM/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY PC/MAY07 LARRY SREDERSAS PLAN COMM/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY PC/MAY07 GARY STOUT PLAN COMM/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY PC/MAY07 GARY SWIER PLAN COMM/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY PC/MAY07 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 THE PIONEER GROUP A0101580 BLDG&ZON/PUB NOTICE&ZNG AMENDMENT A0101580 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/22/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 Total For Dept 721 PLANNING COMMISSION Dept 999 APPROPRIATIONS 101-999-999.320 N.M.S.A.C (SUBSTANCE ABUSE) MID STATE HEALTH NETWORK APPROPRIATION/1ST QTR 2015 211670 400.00 Total For Dept 682 VETERANS AFFAIRS Dept 721 PLANNING COMMISSION 101-721-705.000 PER DIEMS 101-721-705.000 PER DIEMS 101-721-705.000 PER DIEMS 101-721-705.000 PER DIEMS 101-721-742.000 GAS/FUEL 101-721-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 101-721-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 101-721-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 101-721-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 101-721-822.000 TELEPHONE 101-721-828.000 PRINTING/PUBLICATIONS 81.45 129.88 Total For Dept 648 MEDICAL EXAMINER Dept 682 VETERANS AFFAIRS 101-682-822.000 TELEPHONE 211608 211631 211691 364.47 Total For Dept 430 ANIMAL CONTROL Dept 648 MEDICAL EXAMINER 101-648-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE DR. PAUL WAGNER, D.O. ME CONTRACT SERVICES/MAY 38.97 349.90 435.50 81.45 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 INK CART/SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4364 9928 S SCHROEDER/LD-INKJETS,MARRIOTT 9928/MAY15 HOME SECURITY LDGNG/CONFERENCE FIRSTEXPENSES NATIONAL BANK 4364 9928 S SCHROEDER/LD-INKJETS,MARRIOTT 9928/MAY15 CONFERENCE EXPENSES SCOTT SCHROEDER REIMBURSE 3 MEALS-HOMELAND SEC CONF MAY05-MAY06 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE SCOTT SCHROEDER REIMBURSE 46 MILES-MORLEY-TOWNSHIP MTG APR27/2015 Dept 430 ANIMAL CONTROL 101-430-742.000 GAS/FUEL Amount Check # 3,359.46 Total For Dept 331 MARINE PATROL Dept 426 CIVIL DEFENSE 101-426-742.000 101-426-773.000 101-426-809.000 101-426-809.000 101-426-810.000 6/18 1ST QTR/2015 211674 211710 211716 211717 211762 211674 211710 211716 211717 211489 211692 377.09 05/20/15 Total For Dept 999 APPROPRIATIONS 35,234.50 211504 35,234.50 Total For Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Fund 210 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Dept 000 210-000-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPLES ADVANTAGE 1036448 EMS/REMAN INK,P-TOUCH TAPE 8034091251 210-000-742.000 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 210-000-773.000 SHELVING/SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 3774 D.FARROW/MENARDS,HOLIDAY INN,AMAZON 3774/MAY15 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 19.43 35.65 20.70 16.10 64.98 12.53 107.70 108,775.01 05/21/15 05/22/15 05/20/15 90.38 445.69 291.45 211712 211762 211519 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee13 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date Fund 210 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Dept 000 210-000-809.000 EMS CONF LDGNG/CONFERENCE EXPENSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 3774 D.FARROW/MENARDS,HOLIDAY INN,AMAZON 3774/MAY15 05/20/15 210-000-809.000 HOMELAND SECURITY/CONFERENCE FIRST EXPENSES NATIONAL BANK 5153 3774 D.FARROW/MENARDS,HOLIDAY INN,AMAZON 3774/MAY15 05/20/15 210-000-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES DAN FARROW REIMBURSE 171.2 MILES&2 MEALS-EMS CONF APR23-APR25 ACME 05/21/15 210-000-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES DAN FARROW REIMBURSE 3 MEALS-HOMELAND SECURITY MAY05-MAY06 CONF 05/21/15 210-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE HAROLD K. MOORES, MD PMD CONTRACT SERVICES/MAY MAY/2015 05/27/15 210-000-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 05/20/15 210-000-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIV 81268000 EMS#2-5 MILE LAKEVIEW/APR14-MAY14 46564 05/27/15 210-000-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIV 6841800 EMS#3/APR08-MAY08 52962 05/27/15 210-000-831.000 COLLECTION AGENCY FEES CENTRAL PROFESSIONAL CREDIT 5017 TRUST SERVICE RECON&BILLING/APRIL 5017000351 05/27/15 210-000-852.000 EMS/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS MICHIGAN OFFICE SOLUTIONS MC30:107008 EQUALIZATION/APR10-MAY09IN375212 05/15/15 210-000-852.000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS VENTILATORS PLUS EMS/2 YEAR PM SERVICE VENTILATOR 13077 05/21/15 210-000-853.000 EQUIPMENT REPAIR CHROUCH COMMUNICATIONS,EMS/REMOVAL INC. OF RADIOS FROM AMBULANCES 117003710-1 05/21/15 210-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE QUALITY CAR & TRUCK REPAIR EMS/101X676 INC FUEL FLTR,HTR CNTRL VALVE,OIL 0081329CHNG 05/21/15 210-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE QUALITY CAR & TRUCK REPAIR EMS/026X201 INC OIL LEAKAGE,OIL CHNG,OIL0081277 FLTR 05/21/15 210-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE QUALITY CAR & TRUCK REPAIR EMS/069X660 INC OIL LEAKAGE 0081255 05/21/15 210-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE QUALITY CAR & TRUCK REPAIR EMS/026X204 INC FUEL FLTR,LGHT BULBS,OIL0081304 CHNG,300 HR INSP05/21/15 210-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SAFELITE FULFILLMENT, INC 836320 EMS/069X660 WINDSHIELD REPAIR05125-108643 05/21/15 210-000-861.000 LAUNDRY PETE'S CLEANERS EMS/UNIFORM CLEANING/APRIL 3383 05/21/15 210-000-861.000 LAUNDRY WEST MI SHARED HOSPITAL000810 LAUNDRY EMS/LINENS FOR AMBULANCES 133997 05/21/15 210-000-870.000 BELT-GARAGE DOOR/BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 3774 D.FARROW/MENARDS,HOLIDAY INN,AMAZON 3774/MAY15 05/20/15 210-000-870.000 BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. QUALITY DOOR & MORE EMS/#2 OPERATOR BELT&ADJUST OPENER 3829 05/21/15 210-000-901.000 GARAGE DOOR OPENER/MISCELLANEOUS FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 3774 D.FARROW/MENARDS,HOLIDAY INN,AMAZON 3774/MAY15 05/20/15 210-000-905.000 REFUNDS MOLINA HEALTHCARE OF MIMOLINA OVERPAID CALL#14-2077 05/20/15 Fund 215 FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND Dept 000 215-000-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 215-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE Amount Check # 184.80 270.32 128.85 39.64 300.00 37.05 146.60 120.75 1,352.84 18.53 730.00 240.00 740.48 128.40 39.85 678.24 84.89 75.25 567.28 4.29 190.00 14.70 191.88 Total For Dept 000 7,112.16 Total For Fund 210 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 7,112.16 Fund 211 MEDICAL FIRST RESPONDERS Dept 000 211-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE BIG RAPIDS TOWNSHIP MFR/MAR-APRIL 2015 RUNS 211-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE CITY OF BIG RAPIDS TREASURER MFR/MAR-APRIL 2015 RUNS 211-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE FORK TOWNSHIP RESCUE MFR/MAR-APRIL 2015 RUNS 211-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE MECOSTA-AUSTIN TOWNSHIPMFR/MAR-APRIL 2015 RUNS 211-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE MILLBROOK-ROLLAND TWP FIRE MFR/MAR-APRIL DPT 2015 RUNS 211-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE MORLEY AREA RESCUE DEPT. MFR/MAR-APRIL 2015 RUNS 211-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE MORTON TOWNSHIP FIRE RESCUE MFR/MAR-APRIL 2015 RUNS 211-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE WHEATLAND TOWNSHIP RESCUE MFR/MAR-APR 2015 RUNS Fund 214 DISTRICT COURT CASEFLOW MANAGEMENT Dept 000 214-000-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 214-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 7/18 MAR-APR/2015 MAR-APR/2015 MAR-APR/2015 MAR-APR/2015 MAR-APR/2015 MAR-APR/2015 MAR-APR/2015 MAR-APR/2015 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 1,366.28 3,343.02 1,627.91 755.81 145.35 1,250.00 2,296.51 465.12 Total For Dept 000 11,250.00 Total For Fund 211 MEDICAL FIRST RESPONDERS 11,250.00 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 77/1 WM SOBRIETY CRT/FLDRS,LBLS,PORTFOLIOS 101600 KEN HOLLOWAY REIMBURSE 832.6 MILES-FIELD SOBRIETYAPR11-APR27 COURT 05/21/15 05/21/15 96.10 478.75 Total For Dept 000 574.85 Total For Fund 214 DISTRICT COURT CASEFLOW MANAGEMENT 574.85 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 88/1 FRIEND OF COURT/BATTERY,PPR,FLAGS 101688 CYNDI HUNT REIMBURSE 60% OF 562 MILES&2 MEALS-RC MAR02-APR29 FOC&FOCA MTG 05/21/15 05/21/15 60.33 205.89 211519 211519 211638 211638 211798 211489 211815 211815 211778 211481 211726 211621 211697 211697 211697 211697 211700 211691 211730 211519 211720 211519 211522 211775 211776 211787 211794 211797 211799 211800 211820 211645 211655 211645 211657 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee14 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Fund 215 FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND Dept 000 215-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE DAVID OOSTDYK REIMBURSE 60% OF 468 MILES-RC FOC MAR03-APR30 215-000-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 215-000-852.000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS MICHIGAN OFFICE SOLUTIONS MC100:10D920 FRIEND OF COURT ID#84955/APR10-MAY09 IN375211 Fund 220 MORGUE Dept 000 220-000-773.000 220-000-970.000 220-000-980.000 Due Date 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/15/15 Total For Fund 215 FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND 524.01 18.88 231.88 3,725.69 Total For Dept 000 3,976.45 Total For Fund 220 MORGUE 3,976.45 05/22/15 05/22/15 357.50 120.00 Total For Dept 000 477.50 Total For Fund 242 BROWNFIELD REDEV. SPEC. PRO. FUN 477.50 Fund 249 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept 000 249-000-742.000 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 249-000-808.000 PERMIT TECH CERT RENEWAL/MEMBERSHIP/DUES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4368 4107 M STENGER/INT'L CODE COUNCIL 4107/MAY15 249-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE TONY FRISBIE REIMBURSE 180 MILES-COCM CODE CONF BAY MAY05/2015 CITY 249-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE MICHAEL CALIFF BLDG&ZON/29 CONTRACTED ELEC INSPECTIONS APR29-MAY12 249-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE KEN CLARK BLDG&ZON/27 CONTRACTED MECH&PLUM INSPECTIONS APR29-MAY12 249-000-821.000 POSTAGE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE P19413268 BLDG&ZON/2 BOXES PRE-STAMPED P19413268 ENVELOPES 249-000-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 249-000-853.000 BLDG/EQUIPMENT REPAIR APPLIED IMAGING MC08/BOARD OF COMM/RICOH MAINT/APR15-MAY14 678459 249-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CURRIE'S BP BLDG&ZON/CAR WASH/APRIL APR/2015 GREAT GREAT GREAT J & B 161.46 57.78 38.55 524.01 Fund 242 BROWNFIELD REDEV. SPEC. PRO. FUN Dept 000 242-000-813.000 W DNR PARCEL/PROF.&CONTRACT SOIL SVCS AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS, BROWNFIELD/HAZ INC. GRANT PHASE II MAR23-APR26 57816 242-000-813.000 BALLFIELDS&E DNR/PROF.&CONTRACT SOIL AND SVCS MATERIALS ENGINEERS, BROWNFIELD/HAZ INC. GRANT PHASE II MAR23-APR26 57816 Fund 264 JAIL MAINTENANCE FUND Dept 000 264-000-732.000 JAIL SUPPLIES 264-000-732.000 JAIL SUPPLIES 264-000-732.000 JAIL SUPPLIES 264-000-732.000 JAIL SUPPLIES Amount Check # Total For Dept 000 VIDEO AUDIO ADAPTER/SUPPLIES/MINOR FIRST NATIONAL EQUIP BANK 5153 2966/P.BULLOCK/CRYSTAL MNTN,AMAZON,WALMART,USPS 2966/MAY15 05/20/15 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 3931 T.LADD/ELJAY XRAY-LEAD APRON 3931/MAY15 05/20/15 EQUIPMENT/FURNITURE KUB TECHNOLOGIES, INC MORGUE/14"X17" CR CASSETTES 14-035A 05/27/15 Fund 262 CORRECTIONS OFFICER TRAINING FUND Dept 000 262-000-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT TASER INTERNATIONAL 262-000-811.000 LDGNG-TOLLENAAR/TRAINING EXPENSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 262-000-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES AARMS 8/18 05/22/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/27/15 05/20/15 05/22/15 05/21/15 82.33 75.00 103.50 1,081.65 1,349.64 568.75 12.53 9.96 5.00 Total For Dept 000 3,288.36 Total For Fund 249 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 3,288.36 112623 SHERIFF/TASER REPLACEMENT SI1397998 4348 8111 K WOOD/ANN ARBOR REGENT HOTEL 8111/MAY15 SHERIFF/MNTHLY AUDIT&INSPECT PROGRAM/JUNE 3325 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/27/15 1,029.95 530.25 85.00 Total For Dept 000 1,645.20 Total For Fund 262 CORRECTIONS OFFICER TRAINING FUND 1,645.20 LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/KLEENEX,PAPER LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/TRSH LNRS,BROOM,TP,PR LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/SOAP,TRSH LNRS,TP,PPR MEDICAL SUPPLY, INC. 121405 SHERIFF/NITRILE GLOVES 101862 05/20/15 101863 TWLS,ENV,DEODORANT 05/20/15 101969 TWLS 05/27/15 2233373 05/27/15 38.70 385.28 492.09 55.00 211688 211489 211481 211520 211514 211792 211767 211767 211762 211509 211643 211617 211624 211816 211489 211736 211629 211719 211506 211768 211497 211497 211789 211790 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee15 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Fund 264 JAIL MAINTENANCE FUND Dept 000 264-000-740.000 BUILDING MAINT.SUPPLIES STATE STREET HARDWARE, SHERIFF/FILE INC. 90120 264-000-870.000 KITCHEN LOCK/BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 3873 J TAYLOR/HOLIDAY INN,WHOLESALE 3873/MAY15 LOCKS 264-000-980.000 EQUIPMENT/FURNITURE GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/12 CHAIRS 101873 Due Date 05/20/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 9/18 Amount Check # 7.79 348.00 1,940.00 Total For Dept 000 3,266.86 Total For Fund 264 JAIL MAINTENANCE FUND 3,266.86 Fund 267 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAM Dept 000 267-000-742.000 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 05/22/15 267-000-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5153 4715 A GRAY/WALMART-LATEX GLOVES 4715/MAY15 05/20/15 267-000-773.000 3 TRASH PCKRS/SUPPLIES/MINOR FIRST EQUIPMENT NATIONAL BANK 5153 2966/P.BULLOCK/CRYSTAL MNTN,AMAZON,WALMART,USPS 2966/MAY15 05/20/15 267-000-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 05/20/15 267-000-856.000 EQUIPMENT LEASE ALCOHOL MONITORING SYSTEMS, 31552 INC COMM CORRECT/DAILY MONITORING 100067 FEES/APRIL 05/15/15 45.89 20.63 50.16 8.29 1,025.20 Total For Dept 000 1,150.17 Total For Fund 267 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAM 1,150.17 Fund 273 COMMISSION ON AGING MEALS Dept 000 273-000-742.000 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 273-000-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163297728 273-000-773.000 EARLY PAY DISC/SUPPLIES/MINOR GORDON EQUIPMENT FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163297728 273-000-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163383723 273-000-773.000 EARLY PAY DISC/SUPPLIES/MINOR GORDON EQUIPMENT FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163383723 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER LEOLA ALLERS REIMBURSE 52 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER GORDON ALLERS REIMBURSE 135 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER KATHLEEN BIGHAM REIMBURSE 42 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER JAMES BLUE REIMBURSE 265 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER HELEN CHAPPELL REIMBURSE 16 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER DOUG CHRISTIANSEN REIMBURSE 20 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER GALE DENSLOW REIMBURSE 120 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER LAWRENCE FOY REIMBURSE 74 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER ROBERT HERNDON REIMBURSE 105 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER GLENDA JAMISON REIMBURSE 278.8 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER SHARON LINTEMUTH REIMBURSE 95 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER HOPE NETWORK WEST MICHIGAN REIMBURSE 40 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER GLEN NORTON REIMBURSE 88 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER JOHN SWITCHULIS REIMBURSE 72 VOLUNTEER MILES APR/2015 273-000-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES EARTHGRAINS BAKING CO'S977480139 INC. 02604 COMM ON AGING/108 LVS 52301303527 WHEAT BREAD 273-000-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163244982 273-000-817.000 EARLY PAY DISC/MEAL PREP. PURCHASES GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163244982 273-000-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163297728 273-000-817.000 EARLY PAY DISC/MEAL PREP. PURCHASES GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163297728 273-000-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES COUNTRY FRESH 818895 COMM ON AGING/135 UNITS MILK 73173418 273-000-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES COUNTRY FRESH 818895 COMM ON AGING/41 UNITS MILK 73145223 273-000-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES COUNTRY FRESH 818895 COMM ON AGING/135 UNITS MILK 73149991 273-000-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163383723 273-000-817.000 EARLY PAY DISC/MEAL PREP. PURCHASES GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163383723 273-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE JOHNSON'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, 3845 COMM INC ON AGING/ALTERNATOR,BELT 18082 273-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE JOHNSON'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, 3845 COMM INC ON AGING/VAN#10 CK ENGINE 18148 LIGHT ON 273-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE JOHNSON'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, 3845 COMM INC ON AGING/VAN#15 FRONT BRAKES 18197 Total For Dept 000 05/22/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 136.73 173.58 (1.74) 174.00 (1.74) 29.90 77.63 24.15 152.38 9.20 11.50 69.00 42.55 60.38 160.31 54.63 23.00 50.60 41.40 151.20 1,062.39 (10.62) 425.32 (4.25) 325.46 98.84 325.46 958.70 (9.59) 321.36 32.50 265.22 5,229.45 211600 211803 211789 211762 211518 211520 211489 211480 211762 211496 211496 211788 211788 211604 211605 211609 211612 211620 211622 211632 211642 211653 211658 211668 211681 211687 211718 211493 211496 211496 211496 211496 211628 211628 211628 211788 211788 211659 211659 211659 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee16 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date 10/18 Amount Check # Fund 273 COMMISSION ON AGING MEALS Total For Fund 273 COMMISSION ON AGING MEALS Fund 274 COMMISSION ON AGING FUND Dept 000 274-000-740.000 CNCRT EPXY,4X8/BUILDING MAINT.SUPPLIES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4362 9953 C MALLORY/MENARDS 9953/MAY15 274-000-740.000 BUILDING MAINT.SUPPLIES GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163383723 274-000-740.000 EARLY PAY DISC/BUILDING MAINT.SUPPLIES GORDON FOODS SERVICE, INC. 580710018 COA-MEALS/VARIOUS FOOD ITEMS 163383723 274-000-742.000 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 274-000-773.000 BTTRY,POST HOLE DGGR/SUPPLIES/MINOR FIRST NATIONAL EQUI BANK 4362 9953 C MALLORY/MENARDS 9953/MAY15 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE MARY BIRKAM REIMBURSE 411 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE LESLIE CAREY REIMBURSE 175 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE DOUG CHRISTIANSEN REIMBURSE 1 MEAL APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE JENNIFER CLARK REIMBURSE 320 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE MICHAEL DEAN REIMBURSE 4 MEALS APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE GLENDA JAMISON REIMBURSE 218 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE DAWN KETCHUM REIMBURSE 46 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE DOLLY KNOERTZER REIMBURSE 1022 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE CHARLENE LARSEN REIMBURSE 585 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE KARIL LEWIS REIMBURSE 561 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE CYNTHIA MALLORY REIMBURSE 453 MILES-TRAVEL FOR VARIOUS JAN20-FEB26 MTGS 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE NADINE PERKINS REIMBURSE 759 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE LORA SHERMAN REIMBURSE 841.5 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE SHERYL SHERMAN REIMBURSE 1210.3 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE BETH WHYTE REIMBURSE 52.3 STAFF MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER LEOLA ALLERS REIMBURSE 409 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER GORDON ALLERS REIMBURSE 765 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER KATHLEEN BIGHAM REIMBURSE 1024 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER DIANE BISHOP REIMBURSE 692 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER JAMES BOYD REIMBURSE 357 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER HELEN CHAPPELL REIMBURSE 687 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER GALE DENSLOW REIMBURSE 1027.77 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER THOMAS FOSTER REIMBURSE 95 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER LOUIS GULA REIMBURSE 179 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER ROBERT LARGE REIMBURSE 74 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER SHARON LINTEMUTH REIMBURSE 1776 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER MECOSTA-OSCEOLA MECCOA/APRIL TRANSPORTATION 1242 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER VICTORIA WALKER REIMBURSE 1058 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-810.030 MILEAGE VOLUNTEER JOHN WORRAL REIMBURSE 1345 ESCORT MILES APR/2015 274-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE DENT REFUSE SERVICE, INC. 2486 COMM ON AG/MAY 2015 MAY/2015 274-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE STEPHANIE PUTANSU COA/ENHANCE FITNESS CLASSES X12 APR29-MAY11 274-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE KIMBERLY WESTGATE MCCOA/ARTHRITIS EXERCISE CLASSES X5 APR28-MAY12 274-000-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR KENT COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT KC 5583 SENIOR CENTER/POTABLE DRNKNGEH043015-5583 WATER 274-000-828.000 PRINTING/PUBLICATIONS THE PIONEER GROUP B0101823 COMM ON AGING/CASUAL PART TIME AD#00591360 AD 274-000-849.000 POTHOLE PATCH/GROUNDS MAINTENANCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4362 9953 C MALLORY/MENARDS 9953/MAY15 274-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BUSHEY RADIATOR & AUTO COMM GLASSON AGING/VAN#12 STONE CHIP REPAIR 51134 274-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CLOCK MOBILITY COA/VAN #09 LIFT INSPECTION 150434 274-000-870.000 BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. FERGUSON SUPPLY CO-BIG MECOSTA/HOT RAPIDS N COLD HANDLE KIT 730700 Fund 292 CHILD CARE FUND Dept 000 292-000-230.000 DUE TO OTHER UNITS OF GOVERMENT STATE OF MICHIGAN 5,229.45 05/20/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/22/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 96.40 26.88 (0.27) 299.92 226.19 236.33 100.63 6.35 184.00 28.03 125.35 26.45 587.65 336.38 322.58 260.48 436.43 483.86 695.92 30.07 235.18 439.88 588.81 397.91 205.28 395.03 590.97 54.63 102.93 42.56 1,021.20 2.50 608.35 773.38 92.00 300.00 100.00 36.00 121.71 77.22 30.00 88.15 19.25 Total For Dept 000 10,832.57 Total For Fund 274 COMMISSION ON AGING FUND 10,832.57 JUVENILE DIVISION/MONTHLY OFFSET/MARCH 49THCC-JUV/MAR15 05/21/15 16,968.58 211521 211788 211788 211762 211521 211610 211618 211622 211623 211630 211658 211661 211663 211665 211667 211672 211690 211705 211706 211733 211604 211605 211609 211611 211613 211620 211632 211641 211650 211664 211668 211682 211727 211735 211492 211696 211731 211660 211693 211521 211616 211626 211639 211678 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee17 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Fund 292 CHILD CARE FUND Dept 000 292-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE AMY EDDINGER REIMBURSE 199 MILES - GR,MCC,BRHS,5KAPR28-MAY11 EVENT 292-000-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 292-000-822.000 TELEPHONE VERIZON WIRELESS 483737270-00001 YOUTH ATT CNTR/APR05-MAY04 9745091070 292-000-843.000 FAMILY FOSTER C-PROBATE BARBARA RATZ C ALDRIDGE/17 DAYS FOSTER CARE APR14-APR30 292-000-844.000 PRIV. AGENCY FOSTER CARE ROOM EAGLE & BD VILLAGE INC. M GEIGER/14 DAYS FOSTER CARE/APR20-MAY03 85411 292-000-844.000 PRIV. AGENCY FOSTER CARE ROOM EAGLE & BD VILLAGE INC. M GEIGER/14 DAYS FOSTER CARE/APR20-MAY03 85410 292-000-844.000 PRIV. AGENCY FOSTER CARE ROOM HOLY& CROSS BD CHILDRENS SERVICES A AUSTIN/30 DAYS CHILDCARE/APRIL I-19146 292-000-845.000 PRIV. AGEN. INSTIT. ROOM & EAGLE BOARD VILLAGE INC. A FOWLER/14 DAYS RESIDENTIAL CARE/APR20-MAY03 85379 292-000-845.000 PRIV. AGEN. INSTIT. ROOM & MUSKEGON BOARD RIVER YOUTH HOME Z HUTCHINSON/SEX INC. OFFENDER ASSESSMNT/APR30 14812 292-000-845.000 PRIV. AGEN. INSTIT. ROOM & MUSKEGON BOARD RIVER YOUTH HOME L PETERMAN/SECURE INC. ASSESSMNT/APR01-APR29 14757 292-000-845.000 PRIV. AGEN. INSTIT. ROOM & MUSKEGON BOARD RIVER YOUTH HOME M GARCIA/RESIDENTIAL INC. CARE/APR01-APR29 14770 292-000-845.000 PRIV. AGEN. INSTIT. ROOM & MUSKEGON BOARD RIVER YOUTH HOME M GAITHER/SEX INC. OFFENDER TREAT/APR01-APR30 14810 292-000-845.000 PRIV. AGEN. INSTIT. ROOM & NEW BOARD HOPE YOUTH & FAMILYB SERVICES PAYNE/CHILDCARE APR20-MAY03 1307 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//WAGES JANICE L. MILLER STILES/HOME DETENTION APR16-APR28 TATUM/APR15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//MILEAGE JANICE L. MILLER STILES/HOME DETENTION APR16-APR28 TATUM/APR15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//WAGES JANICE L. MILLER PETERMAN/HOME DETENTION APR30 LEAH/APR15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//MILEAGE JANICE L. MILLER PETERMAN/HOME DETENTION APR30 LEAH/APR15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//WAGES JANICE L. MILLER PETERMAN/TRANSPORT-MUSKEGON RIVER TOLEAH/APR15 HOME/APR29 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//MILEAGE JANICE L. MILLER PETERMAN/TRANSPORT-MUSKEGON RIVER TOLEAH/APR15 HOME/APR29 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE/WAGES MARK A. SMITHEY HUTCHINSON/TRANSPORT TO MUSKEGON RIVER/APR30 ZAIN/APR15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE/MILEAGE MARK A. SMITHEY HUTCHINSON/TRANSPORT TO MUSKEGON RIVER/APR30 ZAIN/APR15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//WAGE VINCENT WALLACE NEWBERRY/HOME DETENTION APR16-APR29 NOLAN/APR15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//MILEAGE VINCENT WALLACE NEWBERRY/HOME DETENTION APR16-APR29 NOLAN/APR15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//WAGE VINCENT WALLACE GARCIA/TRANSPORT FROM MUSK RVR RND TRIP MIKE/APR15 APR29 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//MILEAGE VINCENT WALLACE GARCIA/TRANSPORT FROM MUSK RVR RND TRIP MIKE/APR15 APR29 Fund 297 RUNAWAY SERVICES ACCOUNTS FUND Dept 000 297-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 297-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 297-000-822.000 TELEPHONE 297-000-822.000 TELEPHONE Fund 508 PARK/RECREATION FUND Dept 000 508-000-705.000 PER DIEMS 508-000-705.000 PER DIEMS 508-000-705.000 PER DIEMS 508-000-705.000 PER DIEMS JOHN CURRIE STEPHEN PERIALAS WILLIAM STANEK GARY STOUT 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/21/15 Amount Check # 114.42 8.50 53.23 378.08 311.36 241.36 1,110.00 2,182.16 202.84 5,208.00 5,033.28 6,085.20 2,935.52 120.00 299.00 12.00 6.90 24.00 39.10 30.00 46.00 156.00 433.55 48.00 72.45 Total For Dept 000 42,119.53 Total For Fund 292 CHILD CARE FUND 42,119.53 SARAH SMITH REIMBURSE 46 MILES-OUTCASE MANAGEMENT APR28-APR29 SHAY TULLAR REIMBURSE 396 MILES-OUTREACH APR28-MAY08 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 523 0133061/MAY21-JUN20 231-592-0188 VERIZON WIRELESS 483737270-00001 YOUTH ATT CNTR/APR05-MAY04 9745091070 Fund 402 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FUND Dept 000 402-000-970.000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK 402-000-970.000 DC JUDGE OFFICE/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK Due Date 11/18 05/21/15 05/21/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 26.45 227.70 16.74 78.88 Total For Dept 000 349.77 Total For Fund 297 RUNAWAY SERVICES ACCOUNTS FUND 349.77 5153 3899 P.JAKLEVIC/SHERWIN WILLIAMS-PAINT 3899/MAY15 5153 5191 B.CASSIDY/LOWES,MENARDS,UNITED 5191/MAY15 GLASS 05/20/15 05/22/15 167.75 679.40 Total For Dept 000 847.15 Total For Fund 402 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FUND 847.15 PARKS PARKS PARKS PARKS BRD/PER BRD/PER BRD/PER BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE X3 DIEM&MILEAGE X3 DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY DIEM&MILEAGE X3 PARKS/APR-MAY PARKS/APR-MAY PARKS/MAY21 PARKS/APR-MAY 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 75.00 75.00 25.00 75.00 211636 211489 211601 211698 211635 211635 211654 211635 211684 211684 211684 211684 211686 211679 211679 211679 211679 211679 211679 211708 211708 211728 211728 211728 211728 211709 211724 211489 211601 211516 211765 211782 211804 211812 211813 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee18 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Fund 508 PARK/RECREATION FUND Dept 000 508-000-705.000 PER DIEMS STEVE STRATTON PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/APRIL PARKS/APR21 508-000-705.000 PER DIEMS TIM VOGEL PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE X3 PARKS/APR-MAY 508-000-705.000 PER DIEMS RICHARD WHEELER PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE X2 PARKS/APR-MAY 508-000-714.000 MERS MERS 54030314/PARKS EMPLOYS/MAY 00044810-1 508-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE JOHN CURRIE PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE X3 PARKS/APR-MAY 508-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE STEPHEN PERIALAS PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE X3 PARKS/APR-MAY 508-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE WILLIAM STANEK PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY PARKS/MAY21 508-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE GARY STOUT PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE X3 PARKS/APR-MAY 508-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE STEVE STRATTON PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/APRIL PARKS/APR21 508-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE MARILYNN VARGO PARKS BRD/MILEAGE X2 PARKS/APR-MAY 508-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE TIM VOGEL PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE X3 PARKS/APR-MAY 508-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE RICHARD WHEELER PARKS BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE X2 PARKS/APR-MAY 508-000-822.000 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 525 0019851 PARK COMM/ADMIN/MAY10-JUN09 231-832-3246 508-000-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR DTE ENERGY 4619 407 0002 8 PARKS/APR07-MAY06 0939007 03 508-000-852.000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS APPLIED IMAGING BRC160 PARKS/RICOH MAINT/FEB07-MAY06678315 508-000-858.000 ON-LINE SERVICES CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 525 0019851 PARK COMM/ADMIN/MAY10-JUN09 231-832-3246 508-000-870.000 BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. GREENWALD & BC INC PARK COMM/ADMIN ROOF MAY20/2015 508-000-870.000 BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. S&S WATER WELLS, INC PARKS/ADMIN WELL PUMP 010697 Due Date 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 Total For Dept 000 Dept 002 BROWER PARK 508-002-728.000 508-002-773.000 508-002-773.000 508-002-773.000 508-002-773.000 508-002-773.000 508-002-813.000 508-002-823.000 508-002-823.000 508-002-823.000 508-002-823.000 508-002-823.000 508-002-823.000 508-002-823.000 508-002-849.000 508-002-849.000 508-002-849.000 508-002-849.000 508-002-853.000 508-002-858.000 508-002-869.000 508-002-870.000 508-002-870.000 508-002-870.000 508-002-870.000 POS ROLLS,PPR,LAMINATE/OFFICE FIRST SUPPLIES NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 43100-16822 PARK COMM/KEYS 16822/MAY15 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT LOWE'S 9900 614692 4 PARKS/LED,STEEL INSERT, 6924/MAY15 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT ARCTIC GLACIER INTERNATIONAL, 4033978 INC. PARKS/BROWER/90-7LB BAGS ICE876511813 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT X-CEL CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES PARKS/SOAP SCUM REMOVER 57253 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT X-CEL CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES PARKS/PAPER TOWELS 57324 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE LEISURE INTERACTIVE, LLC PARK COMM/ONLINE RESERVATION FEES/APRIL 10710 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100032804674 PARKS/BRWR OFF/APR14-MAY12 201003886003 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100032684894 PARK COMM/BRWR MNGR/APR14-MAY12 204029391661 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100032804559 PARKS/PINES/APR11-MAY11201003886001 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100032804484 PARKS/W SNNY ACRS/APR11-MAY11 201003886000 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100032804393 PARKS/MARINA BTH/APR11-MAY11 201003885999 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100032804294 PARKS/POINT/APR11-MAY11201003885998 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100032804666 PARKS/SNNY ACRS REST/APR11-MAY11 201003886002 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION PARKS/MERRILL-CULVERT&ALL PRKS ROADS077-0-PARKS-0 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE J & C ELECTRIC PARK COMM/DUMPSTER LIGHT AT BROWER 6341 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE MEDLER ELECTRIC CO. 2951 PARK COMM/BROWER LIGHT FIXTURE S3763773.001 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE MORNINGSTAR ENTERPRISES, PARKS/BROWERS/PIPE INC. 4160 EQUIPMENT REPAIR/CHAINSAW BAR FIRST OIL NATIONAL BANK 8591 5310 D INGRAHAM/EXEDE,TRACTOR SUPPLY 5310/MAY15 APR24-MAY23/BROWER/ON-LINE FIRST SERVICES NATIONAL BANK 8591 5310 D INGRAHAM/EXEDE,TRACTOR SUPPLY 5310/MAY15 LICENSES/PERMITS MPLC PARKS/BRWR&SS MOTION PIC LICENSE JUL15-JUL16 BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. SEAN A. MITCHELL PARKS/BROWER/POINT&MIDDLE BATHHOUSE 002339 REPAIR BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. LOWE'S 9900 614692 4 PARKS/LED,STEEL INSERT, 6924/MAY15 FITTING/BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. S.A. MORMAN & CO. 40 PARKS/BROWER/BATHROOM STALL WALLS598234 CONSUMERS ENERGY 100025794320 PARK COMM/YTH CMP/APR07-MAY05 202516491437 Total For Dept 012 FAMILY GROUP CAMP Dept 013 SCHOOL SECTION Amount Check # 25.00 75.00 50.00 1,000.00 54.98 36.81 11.50 59.80 32.89 32.78 41.40 47.15 177.19 120.98 180.26 85.30 16,125.00 540.24 211814 211818 211821 211796 211782 211804 211812 211813 211814 211817 211818 211821 211739 211754 211736 211739 211757 211811 18,946.28 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 Total For Dept 002 BROWER PARK Dept 012 FAMILY GROUP CAMP 508-012-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR 12/18 163.88 4.14 24.41 83.70 59.16 15.68 652.04 134.23 36.76 167.21 267.19 96.10 297.49 252.35 9,427.46 370.00 194.44 166.98 23.77 20.58 241.45 602.00 375.65 9.98 2,475.00 211766 211758 211760 211769 211822 211822 211759 211745 211746 211747 211748 211749 211750 211751 211762 211791 211795 211801 211508 211508 211764 211753 211760 211766 211810 16,161.65 05/22/15 26.26 26.26 211740 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee19 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Fund 508 PARK/RECREATION FUND Dept 013 SCHOOL SECTION 508-013-728.000 POS ROLLS,PPR,LAMINATE/OFFICE FIRST SUPPLIES NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON 508-013-742.000 GAS/FUEL BLARNEY CASTLE OIL CO 06-0002745 PARKS/160.2 GAL GASAHOL 0664739-IN 508-013-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 43100-16822 PARK COMM/KEYS 16822/MAY15 508-013-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT LOWE'S 9900 614692 4 PARKS/LED,STEEL INSERT, 6924/MAY15 508-013-773.000 HANDICAP SHWR CHRS/SUPPLIES/MINOR FIRST NATIONAL EQUIP BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON 508-013-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT ARCTIC GLACIER INTERNATIONAL, 4033979 INC. PARKS/SCHOOL SECTION/84-7LB 876512816 BAGS ICE 508-013-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT X-CEL CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES PARKS/SOAP SCUM REMOVER 57253 508-013-773.000 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT X-CEL CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES PARKS/PAPER TOWELS 57324 508-013-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE LEISURE INTERACTIVE, LLC PARK COMM/ONLINE RESERVATION FEES/APRIL 10710 508-013-821.000 MAIL WATER SAMPLES/POSTAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1046 4715 M MILLIGAN/USPS 4715/MAY15 508-013-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100026011914 PARKS/SS MAINT/APR07-MAY05 203940391308 508-013-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100026011369 PARKS/WGNWHL/APR07-MAY05 203940391306 508-013-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 103000124810 PARKS/N SHLTR/APR07-MAY05 203317445715 508-013-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100026011013 PARKS/SS SRVC BLDG/APR07-MAY05 203940391305 508-013-849.000 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION PARKS/MERRILL-CULVERT&ALL PRKS ROADS077-0-PARKS-0 508-013-853.000 EQUIPMENT REPAIR/CHAINSAW BAR FIRST OIL NATIONAL BANK 8591 5310 D INGRAHAM/EXEDE,TRACTOR SUPPLY 5310/MAY15 508-013-853.000 BOAT TRAILER ROLLS/EQUIPMENT FIRST REPAIR NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON 508-013-869.000 LICENSES/PERMITS MPLC PARKS/BRWR&SS MOTION PIC LICENSE JUL15-JUL16 508-013-905.000 REFUNDS CANDY CHALLENDER PARKS/SCHOOL SECTION/SEASONAL CANCELLATION 159985 508-013-984.000 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT CITY OF BIG RAPIDS 00690 PARK COMM/LAPTOP CHARGER 9848 Due Date 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/22/15 05/20/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/20/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 Total For Dept 013 SCHOOL SECTION Dept 022 PARIS PARK 508-022-728.000 508-022-742.000 508-022-773.000 508-022-773.000 508-022-773.000 508-022-773.000 508-022-773.000 508-022-773.000 508-022-813.000 508-022-821.000 508-022-822.000 508-022-849.000 508-022-853.000 508-022-858.000 POS ROLLS,PPR,LAMINATE/OFFICE FIRST SUPPLIES NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 43100-16822 PARK COMM/KEYS 16822/MAY15 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT LOWE'S 9900 614692 4 PARKS/LED,STEEL INSERT, 6924/MAY15 AED BATTERY/SUPPLIES/MINOR FIRST EQUIPMENT NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT ARCTIC GLACIER INTERNATIONAL, 4033980 INC. PARKS/PARIS/48-7LB BAGS ICE 873512705 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT X-CEL CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES PARKS/SOAP SCUM REMOVER 57253 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT X-CEL CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES PARKS/PAPER TOWELS 57324 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE LEISURE INTERACTIVE, LLC PARK COMM/ONLINE RESERVATION FEES/APRIL 10710 MAIL WATER SAMPLES/POSTAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1046 4715 M MILLIGAN/USPS 4715/MAY15 TELEPHONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 525 0019927 PARIS PARK/MAY21-JUN20 231-832-3246 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION PARKS/MERRILL-CULVERT&ALL PRKS ROADS077-0-PARKS-0 EQUIPMENT REPAIR/CHAINSAW BAR FIRST OIL NATIONAL BANK 8591 5310 D INGRAHAM/EXEDE,TRACTOR SUPPLY 5310/MAY15 ON-LINE SERVICES CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 8245 12 525 0019927 PARIS PARK/MAY21-JUN20 231-832-3246 POS ROLLS,PPR,LAMINATE/OFFICE FIRST SUPPLIES NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON GAS/FUEL BLARNEY CASTLE OIL CO 06-0002745 PARKS/200 GAL GASOHOL 0664610-IN GAS/FUEL FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON UNIFORMS & SHOES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 43100-16822 PARK COMM/KEYS 16822/MAY15 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT LOWE'S 9900 614692 4 PARKS/LED,STEEL INSERT, 6924/MAY15 AED BATTERY/SUPPLIES/MINOR FIRST EQUIPMENT NATIONAL BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT ARCTIC GLACIER INTERNATIONAL, 4033981 INC. PARKS/MERRILL/60-7LB BAGS ICE 877512500 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT X-CEL CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES PARKS/SOAP SCUM REMOVER 57253 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT X-CEL CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES PARKS/PAPER TOWELS 57324 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE LEISURE INTERACTIVE, LLC PARK COMM/ONLINE RESERVATION FEES/APRIL 10710 PITYLAK TRLR REPAIR/PROF.&CONTRACT FIRST NATIONAL SVCS BANK 0245 0847 J ABEL/KITSMILLER RV,BOUND0847/MAY15 TREE,AMAZON MAIL WATER SAMPLES/POSTAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1046 4715 M MILLIGAN/USPS 4715/MAY15 Amount Check # 19.29 336.08 4.14 2.87 85.35 78.12 6.96 1.85 124.62 5.90 33.99 29.88 37.84 78.80 2,042.28 2.80 40.66 241.44 100.00 89.00 211766 211738 211758 211760 211766 211769 211822 211822 211759 211512 211741 211742 211743 211744 211762 211508 211766 211764 211805 211780 3,361.87 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/22/15 05/20/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/20/15 05/22/15 Total For Dept 022 PARIS PARK Dept 030 MERRILL 508-030-728.000 508-030-742.000 508-030-742.000 508-030-750.000 508-030-773.000 508-030-773.000 508-030-773.000 508-030-773.000 508-030-773.000 508-030-773.000 508-030-813.000 508-030-813.000 508-030-821.000 13/18 1.93 56.98 4.14 0.29 225.19 44.64 0.70 0.18 35.88 3.35 45.33 1,898.64 0.27 114.52 211766 211762 211758 211760 211766 211769 211822 211822 211759 211512 211739 211762 211508 211739 2,432.04 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/20/15 7.71 418.09 68.00 28.29 4.14 1.15 225.19 52.80 2.78 0.74 43.92 1,928.20 6.70 211766 211738 211766 211766 211758 211760 211766 211769 211822 211822 211759 211766 211512 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee20 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Fund 508 PARK/RECREATION FUND Dept 030 MERRILL 508-030-822.000 TELEPHONE FRONTIER 989-382-7158-030212-5 PARKS/MERRILL/MAY10-JUN09 989-382-7158 508-030-823.000 UTILITIES/REPAIR CONSUMERS ENERGY 100015310517 MERRILL PARK/MAR26-APR24 206254221942 508-030-849.000 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE LOWE'S 9900 614692 4 PARKS/LED,STEEL INSERT, 6924/MAY15 508-030-849.000 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION PARKS/MERRILL-CULVERT&ALL PRKS ROADS077-0-PARKS-0 508-030-849.000 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE REMUS LUMBER COMPANY, INC. PARKS/MERRILL/MUCK FOOTPAD&2X6 2348889 508-030-853.000 EQUIPMENT REPAIR/CHAINSAW BAR FIRST OIL NATIONAL BANK 8591 5310 D INGRAHAM/EXEDE,TRACTOR SUPPLY 5310/MAY15 508-030-858.000 MAY08-JUN07/MERRILL/ON-LINE FIRST SERVICES NATIONAL BANK 8591 5310 D INGRAHAM/EXEDE,TRACTOR SUPPLY 5310/MAY15 508-030-870.000 BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT. SEAN A. MITCHELL PARKS/MERRILL-GORRELL BATHHOUSE REPAIR 002336 508-030-970.000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION PARKS/MERRILL-CULVERT&ALL PRKS ROADS077-0-PARKS-0 Due Date 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/27/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 Total For Dept 030 MERRILL Dept 031 TUBBS 508-031-821.000 MAIL WATER SAMPLES/POSTAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1046 4715 M MILLIGAN/USPS MAIL WATER SAMPLES/POSTAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1046 4715 M MILLIGAN/USPS 4715/MAY15 05/20/15 4715/MAY15 GAS/FUEL MECOSTA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION DEPARTMENT FUEL USAGE/MAY04-MAY18 1947 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT FASTENERS 513848 PARK COMM/HAMMERDRILL 1616587 EARLY PAY DISC/SUPPLIES/MINOR FASTENERS EQUIPMENT 513848 PARK COMM/HAMMERDRILL 1616587 SUPPLIES/MINOR EQUIPMENT LOWE'S 9900 614692 4 PARKS/LED,STEEL INSERT, 6924/MAY15 05/20/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 05/22/15 Fund 653 MAILING DEPARTMENT FUND 6.70 211512 TAX TRIBUNAL REDUCED VALUE 2014 TAX 17 YEAR 15 300 026 TAX TRIBUNAL REDUCED VALUE 2013 TAX 17 YEAR 15 300 026 TAX TRIBUNAL REDUCED VALUE 2014 TAX 17 YEAR 15 300 026 TAX TRIBUNAL REDUCED VALUE 2013 TAX 17 YEAR 15 300 026 TAX TRIBUNAL REDUCED VALUE 2014 TAX 17 YEAR 15 300 026 TAX TRIBUNAL REDUCED VALUE 2013 TAX 17 YEAR 15 300 026 TAX TRIBUNAL REDUCED VALUE 2014 TAX 17 YEAR 15 300 026 TAX TRIBUNAL REDUCED VALUE 2013 TAX 17 YEAR 15 300 026 4380 2808 S EARNEST/FAMILY DOLLAR-BUBBLE&CLASP 2808/MAY15 ENV MECOSTACO/ANNUAL SRVC/SPPRT MAY 2015-MAY 1011462016 3.35 211512 153.00 349.00 (3.49) 60.68 211762 211755 211755 211760 559.19 Total For Fund 508 PARK/RECREATION FUND Fund 517 AUDIT OF PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE EXEMPTION Dept 000 517-000-811.000 5 MEALS/TRAINING EXPENSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 517-000-811.000 LDGNG-SHILA/TRAINING EXPENSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 517-000-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES SHILA KIANDER 211756 211752 211760 211762 211807 211508 211508 211753 211762 3.35 Total For Dept 050 SHOP Fund 516 DELIQUENT TAX REVOLVING Dept 000 516-000-071.000 DUE FROM CITIES AUTOZONE STORES, INC 516-000-071.000 DUE FROM CITIES AUTOZONE STORES, INC 516-000-072.000 DUE FROM COUNTIES AUTOZONE STORES, INC 516-000-072.000 DUE FROM COUNTIES AUTOZONE STORES, INC 516-000-075.000 DUE FROM SCHOOLS AUTOZONE STORES, INC 516-000-075.000 DUE FROM SCHOOLS AUTOZONE STORES, INC 516-000-078.000 DUE FROM STATE EDUCATION TAX AUTOZONE STORES, INC 516-000-078.000 DUE FROM STATE EDUCATION TAX AUTOZONE STORES, INC 516-000-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 516-000-826.000 DELINQUENT TAX/DATA PROCESS/SOFTWARE BS & A SOFTWARE FEE 55.95 29.88 10.04 2,427.45 57.66 1.12 20.58 800.00 12,576.56 6.70 Total For Dept 033 HAYMARSH Dept 050 SHOP 508-050-742.000 508-050-773.000 508-050-773.000 508-050-773.000 Amount Check # 18,766.95 Total For Dept 031 TUBBS Dept 033 HAYMARSH 508-033-821.000 14/18 60,264.29 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 3,495.40 3,522.02 1,297.79 1,323.53 5,096.65 5,468.48 1,134.03 1,182.28 12.72 3,923.00 Total For Dept 000 26,455.90 Total For Fund 516 DELIQUENT TAX REVOLVING 26,455.90 5153 4657 S.KIANDER/MAA,HOLIDAY INN,ARBYS,APPLEBEES 4657/MAY15 05/20/15 5153 4657 S.KIANDER/MAA,HOLIDAY INN,ARBYS,APPLEBEES 4657/MAY15 05/20/15 REIMBURSE 196 MILES-LANSING PRE/MAA MAY05-MAY06 MTG 05/21/15 60.83 80.25 112.70 Total For Dept 000 253.78 Total For Fund 517 AUDIT OF PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE EXEMPTION 253.78 211525 211526 211525 211526 211525 211526 211525 211526 211505 211614 211515 211515 211662 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee21 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Fund 653 MAILING DEPARTMENT FUND Dept 000 653-000-821.000 POSTAGE Fund 677 HEALTH BENEFITS INSURANCE FUND Dept 000 677-000-717.000 HEALTH INSURANCE 677-000-717.000 HEALTH INSURANCE 677-000-718.000 DENTAL, VISION, LIFE 677-000-718.000 DENTAL, VISION, LIFE 677-000-718.000 DENTAL, VISION, LIFE Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice US POSTAL SERVICE 48778708/REPLENISH POSTAGE ON METER MAY13/2015 Due Date 05/15/15 15/18 Amount Check # 1,000.00 Total For Dept 000 1,000.00 Total For Fund 653 MAILING DEPARTMENT FUND 1,000.00 BLUE CARE NETWORK 00190337-0002/MEDICAL/JUNE 151280038546 BLUE CARE NETWORK 00190337-0001/MEDICAL/JUNE 151280024033 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD 007016540/DENTAL&VISION/JUNE OF MICH 007016540/0000 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD 007016540/DENTAL&VISION/JUNE OF MICH 007016540/0003 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE BL-MECOSTA-BL-687130/LIFE CO INS COVERAGE/JUNE JUN/2015 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 05/27/15 327.82 128,322.47 12,397.26 271.83 887.75 Total For Dept 000 142,207.13 Total For Fund 677 HEALTH BENEFITS INSURANCE FUND 142,207.13 Fund 701 TRUST & AGENCY FUND Dept 000 701-000-221.000 DUE TO CITIES CITY OF BIG RAPIDS DISTRICT COURT/ORDINANCE FINES&TRANSPORT/APRIL 77THDC/APR15 701-000-221.000 DUE TO CITIES FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITYDISTRICT COURT/ORDINANCE FINES&TRANSPORT/APRIL 77THDC/APR15 701-000-227.000 DUE TO VILLAGES VILLAGE OF BARRYTON DISTRICT COURT/ORDINANCE FINES/APRIL77THDC/APR15 701-000-228.010 DUE TO ST/STATE EDUC. TAX STATE OF MICHIGAN SET & TRAILER TAX PAYMENTS/MAY01-MAY15 MAY/2015 701-000-228.200 DUE STATE/CONSERVATION FEES STATE OF MICHIGAN DISTRICT COURT/FILING FEES/APRIL 77THDC/APR15 701-000-228.300 DUE STATE/DRIVER LICENS/REINSTATEM STATE OF MICHIGAN DISTRICT COURT/FILING FEES/APRIL 77THDC/APR15 701-000-228.370 DUE STATE/CRIME VICTIM RIGHTS STATE FUND OF MICHIGAN DISTRICT COURT/FILING FEES/APRIL 77THDC/APR15 701-000-228.420 DUE STATE/STATE COURT FUND STATE OF MICHIGAN DISTRICT COURT/FILING FEES/APRIL 77THDC/APR15 701-000-228.440 DUE STATE/REAL EST TRANSFER STATE FEES OF MICHIGAN REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX/APR15-MAY15APR-MAY/2015 701-000-228.570 JUROR COMP. REIMBURSMENT STATE OF MICHIGAN DISTRICT COURT/FILING FEES/APRIL 77THDC/APR15 701-000-228.580 DUE TO STATE/CIVIL FILING FEE STATE OF MICHIGAN DISTRICT COURT/FILING FEES/APRIL 77THDC/APR15 701-000-228.590 DUE TO STATE/JUSTICE SYSTEM STATE FND OF MICHIGAN DISTRICT COURT/FILING FEES/APRIL 77THDC/APR15 701-000-265.030 FOC BOND - ARREARAGES MECOSTA CO.FRIEND OF THE BOND COURT RELEASE/JOHNSON,DEANGELO CASE#07-18289 701-000-265.030 FOC BOND - ARREARAGES MECOSTA CO.FRIEND OF THE BOND COURT RELEASE/JOHANSEN,CLAY CASE#01-14508 701-000-265.030 FOC BOND - ARREARAGES MECOSTA CO.FRIEND OF THE BOND COURT RELEASE/SMITH,CORNELIUS CASE#96-11334 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE BIG RAPIDS PUBLIC SAFETY RESTITUTION FROM LARRY ALAN VANHORN CASE#00-4554 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE CITY OF BIG RAPIDS RESTITUTION FROM JUSTIN WILSON COX CASE#05-5529 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE BIG RAPIDS PUBLIC SAFETY RESTITUTION FROM GREGORY LYNN ANGELLCASE#12-7495 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE VFW DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN RESTITUTION FROM JULIE LYNN GILCHRIST CASE#12-7582 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE VFW DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN RESTITUTION FROM KENNETH ALLEN GILCHRIST CASE#12-7583 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE LATITUDE SUBRAGATION SRV RESTITUTION FROM AMBER LYNN ROSE CASE#13-7687 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO RESTITUTION FROM MICHAEL PAUL WYSOCKI CASE#07-6192 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO RESTITUTION FROM JAY ALLEN MILLER CASE#07-6195 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO RESTITUTION FROM ALLEN MITCHELL SPENCER CASE#07-6183 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE CITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY RESTITUTION FROM DOUGLAS LEWIS HORNING CASE#00-4510 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE WALMART RESTITUTION FROM CHRISTOPHER LEE HANSEN CASE#11-7274 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE INDEPENDENT BANK RESTITUTION FROM REGINA MONIQUE THOMPSON CASE#02-4830 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE INDEPENDENT BANK BIG RAPIDS RESTITUTION FROM CHRISTY LYNN GEISTER CASE#14-8016 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE KARA COX RESTITUTION FROM JAMES MICHAEL CARMONEY CASE#11-7258 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE AUTO-OWNERS INSURANCE RESTITUTION FROM MATTHEW CURTIS BLOSSER CASE#11-7198 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE EMC INS. RESTITUTION FROM ZACHARY TYLER WERNETTE CASE#12-7524 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE THOMAS SWALLOW RESTITUTION FROM SAMANTHA LEE WHITE CASE#12-7587 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE LISA HAMMOND RESTITUTION FROM HOPE CATHLINE WHITTEMORE CASE#11-7164 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE GALLAGHER BASSETT SERVICES RESTITUTION FROM CYNTHIA RENEE ZAJKOWSKI CASE#02-4918 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS PAYABLE CHIPPEWA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL RESTITUTION FROM JOHN WILLIAM UNGER CASE#99-4310 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/22/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 4,371.72 1,027.00 80.85 15.67 2,070.00 368.40 8,210.70 330.00 49,076.25 387.00 3,332.00 13,436.00 500.00 1,154.00 250.00 30.00 15.75 15.00 25.00 37.50 100.00 20.00 340.00 30.00 60.00 60.00 12.50 998.46 20.00 80.00 1,970.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 211486 211772 211773 211770 211771 211793 211491 211495 211487 211502 211501 211501 211501 211501 211503 211501 211501 211501 211498 211499 211761 211528 211529 211530 211531 211532 211533 211534 211535 211536 211537 211538 211539 211540 211541 211542 211543 211544 211545 211546 211547 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee22 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Fund 701 TRUST & AGENCY FUND Dept 000 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.000 RESTITUTIONS 701-000-271.020 RESTITUTIONS Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice PAYABLE PAUL TOWER ESTATE RESTITUTION FROM KEVIN LYALL TOWER CASE#95-3702 PAYABLE JULIE STEPHEN RESTITUTION FROM THOMAS ARTHUR ROUTLEY CASE#03-5131 PAYABLE ROGER ALLEN SAMPSON RESTITUTION FROM ROGER WALTER SHOUP CASE#08-6390 PAYABLE SHERRY VAUGHN RESTITUTION FROM WESLEY LEON SHULAR CASE#13-7816 PAYABLE MICHIGAN INSURANCE CO RESTITUTION FROM TYLER DOUGLAS SIKORSKI CASE#08-6282 PAYABLE SARAH MITCHELL RESTITUTION FROM TYLER DOUGLAS SIKORSKI CASE#08-6290 PAYABLE KARL GASPER RESTITUTION FROM AUSTIN JOSEPH-JAMESCASE#13-7805 SINGER PAYABLE ETHEL JOHNSON RESTITUTION FROM CRAIG TIMOTHY SUTTON CASE#05-5655 PAYABLE CHRISTOPHER LAWSON RESTITUTION FROM WYATT ERWIN ROGERS CASE#11-7211 PAYABLE JEFFREY GARVIN RESTITUTION FROM ANDREW MARVIN PLUGER CASE#13-7934 PAYABLE ESTATE OF WILMA RALSTONRESTITUTION FROM CHARLES S RALSTON CASE#07-6070 PAYABLE JAMES HUTFILZ RESTITUTION FROM QUINN LEE RASMUSSENCASE#09-6709 PAYABLE STATE OF MI DNR RESTITUTION FROM DARRELL ALLEN REICHERT CASE#02-4971 PAYABLE JERRY BENNETT RESTITUTION FROM DARRELL ALLEN REICHERT CASE#02-4971 PAYABLE JENE SPAUGH RESTITUTION FROM RICHARD LEE ROBBINSCASE#10-7003 PAYABLE WEST MICHIGAN CREDIT UNION RESTITUTION FROM JUDIE LYNN PAYNE CASE#08-6257 PAYABLE JIM & NELDA BEEMER RESTITUTION FROM DEREK SCOTT NOWAKOWSKI CASE#07-6178 PAYABLE GEORGE CRAMER RESTITUTION FROM LORETTA LYNN NOSTRANT CASE#09-6540 PAYABLE LAKESIDE MOTOR SPORTS RESTITUTION FROM ZACHARY NICKLAS CASE#14-8055 PAYABLE ESTATE OF MARY DYBOSKI RESTITUTION FROM DONALD KAY MURDOCK CASE#12-7619 PAYABLE MICHAEL FISH RESTITUTION FROM GREGORY ROBERT MUNRO CASE#14-8001 PAYABLE WOLVERINE MUTUAL INS. CO. RESTITUTION FROM TYLER JO-ALLEN MORRIS CASE#12-7516 PAYABLE JEFFREY GARVIN RESTITUTION FROM JEREMY LEE MOORE CASE#13-7930 PAYABLE NEIL FRYE RESTITUTION FROM JAMES EUGENE LUDINGTON CASE#97-4041 PAYABLE VIRGINIA WALLACE RESTITUTION FROM JEREMY RICHARD LEWIS CASE#06-5823 PAYABLE LARRY METCALF RESTITUTION FROM JEREMY RICHARD LEWIS CASE#06-5823 PAYABLE SMEELINK OPTICAL RESTITUTION FROM JAONNE LEMIEUX CASE#08-6385 PAYABLE STANWOOD BUFFALO AUXILLARY RESTITUTION FROM JOANNE LEMIEUX CASE#06-5799 PAYABLE WILLIAM SHRIVER RESTITUTION FROM JOSEPH ESEQUEL KUKLA CASE#14-8186 PAYABLE CLAUDE TIFT JR RESTITUTION FROM JOSEPH ESEQUEL KUKLA CASE#14-8186 PAYABLE GREG VANWYCK RESTITUTION FROM JOSEPH ESEQUEL KUKLA CASE#14-8186 PAYABLE WOODYS SUPER BARGAIN RESTITUTION FROM RICHARD LEE JENSEN CASE#13-7865 PAYABLE CONSUMERS ENERGY RESTITUTION FROM DAVID ALLEN JENKINSCASE#12-7376 PAYABLE DELORES MACURIO RESTITUTION FROM DOUGLAS LEWIS HORNING CASE#98-4163 PAYABLE HUNTINGTON BANK RESTITUTION FROM KAYLA MARIE HOLIVAYCASE#15-8392 PAYABLE FEDERAL SCREW WORKS RESTITUTION FROM JEREMIAH WILLIAM GRISWOLD CASE#12-7406 PAYABLE APPLERIDGE APARTMENTS RESTITUTION FROM KATINA LOUISE GOSTLIN CASE#09-6520 PAYABLE MEADOW PARK APARTMENTS RESTITUTION FROM KATINA LOUISE GOSTLIN CASE#09-6520 PAYABLE DEAN JAMES RESTITUTION FROM CARL DAVID GOODIN CASE#14-8308 PAYABLE FIRSTBANK OF LAKEVIEW RESTITUTION FROM CHRISTY LYNN GEISTER CASE#14-8016 PAYABLE KYLAH PROPER RESTITUTION FROM JACOB WADE FREUDIGER CASE#09-6682 PAYABLE KYLAH PROPER RESTITUTION FROM KATIE MICHELLE BOHYCASE#09-6553 PAYABLE FSU ATHLETIC DEPT RESTITUTION FROM JEREMY OSCAR DANIELSON CASE#05-5492 PAYABLE HOMETOWN GROCERY RESTITUTION FROM FELICIA ANN CHAMPLIN CASE#14-8101 PAYABLE RIVERSIDE SUNOCO STATION RESTITUTION FROM FELICIA ANN CHAMPLIN CASE#14-8101 PAYABLE SUSAN PAQUIN RESTITUTION FROM WILLIAM DOUGLAS BURKS CASE#96-3836 JR. PAYABLE CHURCH MUTUAL INS CO RESTITUTION FROM BRENTON LOUIS BOUDREAU CASE#08-6320 PAYABLE CHAPEL OF THE LAKES LUTHERAN RESTITUTION CHURCHFROM BRENTON LOUIS BOUDREAU CASE#08-6320 PAYABLE OUR BROTHERS KEEPER SHELTER RESTITUTION FROM HEATHER EILEEN BOROFF CASE#14-8029 PAYABLE FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO RESTITUTION FROM JUSTIN CLAY QUICK CASE#07-6141 PAYABLE FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CO RESTITUTION FROM DANIEL SCOTT SHERBURNE CASE#07-6147 PAYABLE TURRON WHITE MOORE RESTITUTION FROM CODDY ALLEN BANNEN CASE#13-7680 PAYABLE (PROBATE) CITIZENS HANOVER INSURANCE JUV RESTITUTION COMPANY FROM DONALD JAY DEVLIEGER CASE#10-4173 III Due Date 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/27/15 05/20/15 16/18 Amount Check # 209.25 112.50 50.00 50.00 46.22 41.23 18.00 13.56 100.00 50.00 350.00 10.00 60.00 60.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 4,000.00 100.00 375.00 10.00 25.00 29.54 50.00 12.50 12.50 50.00 50.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 25.00 25.00 5.00 320.00 5.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 411.03 10.00 50.00 57.50 25.00 25.00 80.00 5.14 4.86 55.00 38.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 211548 211549 211550 211551 211552 211553 211554 211555 211556 211557 211558 211559 211560 211561 211562 211563 211564 211565 211566 211567 211568 211569 211570 211571 211572 211573 211574 211575 211576 211577 211578 211579 211580 211581 211582 211583 211584 211585 211586 211587 211588 211589 211590 211591 211592 211593 211594 211595 211596 211597 211598 211808 211599 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee23 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Inv. Line Desc Fund 701 TRUST & AGENCY FUND Dept 000 701-000-275.000 TAX OVERPAYMENTS 701-000-275.000 TAX OVERPAYMENTS 701-000-275.000 TAX OVERPAYMENTS 701-000-275.000 TAX OVERPAYMENTS Fund 801 DRAIN FUND Dept 000 801-000-813.000 Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID & & & & Vendor DUP. DUP. DUP. DUP. PAYMENTS SHARAN FREIBERG PAYMENTS SUSAN HANEY PAYMENTS DENISE M DRURY PAYMENTS NANCY J MCCLINTOCK PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE STATE OF MICHIGAN Invoice Desc. Invoice TAX OVERPAYMENT 06 014 TAX OVERPAYMENT 14 892 OVERPAYMENT OF DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES 01 052 OVERPAYMENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES 16 024 008 006 094 014 Due Date 000 000 000 000 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/20/15 05/27/15 17/18 Amount Check # 35.80 20.32 3.60 4.30 Total For Dept 000 96,519.65 Total For Fund 701 TRUST & AGENCY FUND 96,519.65 CULP DRAIN PRE-APP FEE MTG WITH MI DEQ DO: 15-15 05/20/15 250.00 Total For Dept 000 250.00 Total For Fund 801 DRAIN FUND 250.00 211523 211524 211527 211806 211500 05/28/2015 09:18 AM User: slee24 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 05/15/2015 - 05/27/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Fund Totals: Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 101 210 211 214 215 220 242 249 262 264 267 273 274 292 297 402 508 516 517 653 677 701 801 Invoice GENERAL OPERATING FUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES MEDICAL FIRST RESPONDERS DISTRICT COURT CASEFLOW MANAGEMENT FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND MORGUE BROWNFIELD REDEV. SPEC. PRO. FUN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CORRECTIONS OFFICER TRAINING FUND JAIL MAINTENANCE FUND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAM COMMISSION ON AGING MEALS COMMISSION ON AGING FUND CHILD CARE FUND RUNAWAY SERVICES ACCOUNTS FUND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FUND PARK/RECREATION FUND DELIQUENT TAX REVOLVING AUDIT OF PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE EXEMPTION MAILING DEPARTMENT FUND HEALTH BENEFITS INSURANCE FUND TRUST & AGENCY FUND DRAIN FUND Total For All Funds: Due Date 18/18 Amount Check # 108,775.01 7,112.16 11,250.00 574.85 524.01 3,976.45 477.50 3,288.36 1,645.20 3,266.86 1,150.17 5,229.45 10,832.57 42,119.53 349.77 847.15 60,264.29 26,455.90 253.78 1,000.00 142,207.13 96,519.65 250.00 528,369.79 25 of 45 CP 7-2a COUNTY OF MECOSTA Invoices to be paid by Paper Check BOARD OF COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 4, 2015 # of Invoices: 121 # of Credit Memos: 1 TOTALS: TOTALS: 44,644.99 122 INVOICES TOTALING: 44,643.11 (1.88) 122 INVOICES TOTALING: $44,643.11 ARE RECOMMENDED TO BE PAID --- TOTALS BY FUND --101 - GENERAL OPERATING FUND 210 - EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 215 - FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND 249 - BUILDING DEPARTMENT 269 - LAW LIBRARY FUND 273 - COMMISSION ON AGING MEALS 274 - COMMISSION ON AGING FUND 292 - CHILD CARE FUND 297 - RUNAWAY SERVICES ACCOUNTS FUND 701 - TRUST & AGENCY FUND --- TOTALS BY DEPT/ACTIVITY --17,603.07 14,961.33 25.27 2,528.20 1,077.30 468.02 1,463.16 5,942.46 351.32 222.98 000 101 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 131 - 49TH CIRCUIT COURT 148 - 18TH PROBATE COURT 149 - PROBATE COURT JUVENILE DIVISION 235 - MIMEO & PHOTOCOPY 265 - COURTHOUSE/BLDG/GROUNDS 267 - PROSECUTING ATTORNEY 275 - DRAIN COMMISSIONER 301 - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 302 - LAW ENFORCEMENT/ROAD PATROL 331 - MARINE PATROL 648 - MEDICAL EXAMINER 721 - PLANNING COMMISSION 27,040.04 313.09 9,623.79 822.25 1,931.02 168.00 131.64 145.00 53.97 274.71 2,515.60 185.20 1,290.00 148.80 05/28/2015 09:14 AM User: slee26 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 06/04/2015 - 06/04/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Dept 101 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 101-101-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 101-101-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 101-101-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE 101-101-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE Vendor Invoice Desc. CHRIS SCHROEDER JERRILYNN STRONG MARILYNN VARGO PAUL BULLOCK REIMBURSE REIMBURSE REIMBURSE REIMBURSE CP 7-2b Invoice Due Date 216 MILES-KALAMAZOO ACA COMPLIANCE MAY14/2015BOOTCAMP06/04/15 74 MILES-MMCAA-CLARE APR23/2015 06/04/15 36.5 MILES ROAD COMM&HS COLLABORATIVE APR21-MAY14 06/04/15 125.35 MILES-MACAO CONF,TUBBS MAY08-MAY26 LK FOREST,COA06/04/15 Total For Dept 101 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dept 131 49TH CIRCUIT 101-131-728.000 101-131-728.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.000 101-131-804.020 COURT OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY/APPEAL Dept 148 18TH PROBATE 101-148-804.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-804.000 101-148-830.000 101-148-841.000 COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY APPOINTED ATTORNEY BOOKS/PRINTED MATERIAL GUARDIANSHIP FEES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 162/1 49TH CRCT CRT/PPR CLPS,ERASERS101955 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 162/1 49TH CRCT CRT/TAPE,CRRCTN TAPE,LEAD 101194 DENNIS L. DUVALL N KING/RSLVD DC LVL,RVW,MLTPL CNTS 49THCC/15-45048 DENNIS L. DUVALL C NICHOLSON/HABITUAL OFFENDER-42.5HRS 49THCC/15-8374 DENNIS L. DUVALL T EMMONS/RSLVD,RVW,MLTPL CNTS 49THCC/12-41516 DENNIS L. DUVALL T EMMONS/RSLVD,2HRS LGL ASST 49THCC/12-41755 DENNIS L. DUVALL E STRICKLAND/RSLVD,RVW,MLTPL CNTS 49THCC/15-8353 DENNIS L. DUVALL R MACHIELA/PROBATION VIOLATION 49THCC/12-7604 DENNIS L. DUVALL B BROOKS/PROBATION VIOLATION 49THCC/14-7995 DENNIS L. DUVALL A KILLOUGH/RSLVD,RVW,2 XTRA VSTS TO 49THCC/15-8353 JAIL DENNIS L. DUVALL A KILLOUGH/RSLVD,MLTPL CNTS 49THCC/14-8317 DENNIS L. DUVALL A ORTIZ/1 HR DELAY 49THCC/14-8105 DENNIS L. DUVALL T JOHNSON/1 HR PREP,1 HR MOTION,1HR 49THCC/14-44566 LGL ASST DENNIS L. DUVALL Z HACKETT/RSLVD,RVW 49THCC/15-8394 DENNIS L. DUVALL J PITTENGER/PROBATION VIOLATION 49THCC/12-7496 JOHN W LEWIS J KOZITZKI/RSLVD,RVW,MLTPL COUNTS 49THCC/15-8319 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE T MATZEN/PROBATION VIOLATION 49THCC/14-8081 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE C COOK/RSLVD,RVW 49THCC/14-8232 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE T COX/PROBATION VIOLATION 49THCC/13-7807 SAMUELS LAW OFFICE R ROBBINS/2HRS 49THCC/10-7003 ZACHARY R LANDAU, ESQ R WILKINSON/20HRS,MILEAGE,CPYS, 49THCC/14-8086 E BAILEY/DEFERRAL CONFERENCE 18THPC/15-783-MI S GRENELL/DEFERRAL CONFERENCE 18THPC/03-224-MI C EASTON/DEFERRAL CONFERENCE 18THPC/15-784-MI C RAINES/1.25 HRS INVESTIGATION 18THPC/13-307-LG D PERKINS/EVIDENTIARY HEARING 18THPC/11-207-DD 78198 PROBATE CRT/PROBATE SOURCEBOOK710982 UPDATE W DRAHER/2 MNTHS GUARDIANSHIP/MAR-APR MAR-APR/2015 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 DENISE E. NEWHALL DENISE E. NEWHALL DENISE E. NEWHALL JAMES J SIMS II JAMES J SIMS II JAMES J SIMS II JAMES J SIMS II JAMES J SIMS II MARGARET VAN BLACK MARGARET VAN BLACK SAMUELS LAW OFFICE SAMUELS LAW OFFICE WHITE MINORS/RVW HRNG,FTM 49CCFAM/08-5335 G EDGECOMB-GENSON/RVW HRNG,FTM 49CCFAM/14-6155 C ROBERTS-KNOWLES/RVW HRNG 49CCFAM/15-6185 SIMMONS MINORS/RVW HRNG 49CCFAM/13-5949 D SMITH/PERM PLANN HRNG 49CCFAM/13-6025 T INMAN/RVW HRNG 49CCFAM/13-6037 BUSMAN MINOR/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/15-6201 FLAGG MINORS/FAMILY TEAM MEETING 49CCFAM/13-6047 C WHITE/RVW HRNG 49CCFAM/08-5335 K&I BOYCE/RVW HRNG 49CCFAM/14-6156 LAFRANCE MINORS/RVW HRNG,DNNR W/MNR,MILEAGE 49CCFAM/11-5781 W DAVIS/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/15-6211 124.20 42.55 20.99 125.35 5.84 20.05 372.50 3,400.00 567.00 418.00 565.50 175.00 140.00 490.00 519.25 70.00 175.00 397.96 210.00 608.49 71.96 359.76 72.48 140.00 845.00 9,623.79 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 Total For Dept 148 18TH PROBATE COURT Dept 149 PROBATE COURT JUVENILE DIVISION 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY Amount Check # 313.09 Total For Dept 131 49TH CIRCUIT COURT DAVID R. GERSCH DAVID R. GERSCH DAVID R. GERSCH DENISE E. NEWHALL MARGARET VAN BLACK ICLE JOHN N. DUMSCH 1/6 110.00 110.00 110.00 93.75 125.00 133.50 140.00 822.25 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 175.00 175.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 300.00 200.00 75.00 75.00 139.95 200.00 05/28/2015 09:14 AM User: slee27 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 06/04/2015 - 06/04/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Dept 149 PROBATE COURT JUVENILE DIVISION 101-149-804.000 APPOINTED ATTORNEY 101-149-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 101-149-821.000 POSTAGE Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice STACY FLANERY JULIE WALLACE VICKI ALBER T GREEN/CASE RESOLVED 49CCFAM/15-6184 REIMBURSE 144 MILES&1 MEAL-GRAND TRAVERSE MAY04-MAY21 MTG REIMBURSE FOR MAILING CD TO ATTORNEYMAY27/2015 Due Date 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 Total For Dept 149 PROBATE COURT JUVENILE DIVISION Dept 235 MIMEO & PHOTOCOPY 101-235-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 101-235-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 89/1 BOARD OF COMMSSNRS/PAPER GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 89/1 BOARD OF COMMSSNRS/PAPER 101973 102081 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 69/1 BOARD OF CMMSSNRS-M/AIR FRSHNR,CLNR 101870 06/04/15 06/04/15 DEANNA WATSON DEANNA WATSON BLUE BOOK REIMBURSE 134 MILES® FEE-NMFSC CONF-TC MAY13/2015 REIMBURSE 134 MILES® FEE-NMFSC CONF-TC MAY13/2015 PROSECUTOR/4-MI BLUE BOOKS 2015-16 6295 06/04/15 BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL DRAIN/2006 FORD RANGER OIL CHANGE 98094 DRAIN/2006 FORD RANGER/WIPER BLADES 98095 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 169/1 SHERIFF/PAPER 101974 DASH MEDICAL GLOVES INC. SHERIFF/NITRILE EXAM GLOVES INV0928908 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT 821 3123 024170 0 CLERK/TAX REFUND 14250 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT 821 3123 024170 0 CLERK/PAINT 14250 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT 821 3123 024170 0 CLERK/PAINT BRUSHES 14252 MCCARDEL CULLIGAN 1163381 JAIL/10-40LB DUBES SALT 194406 06/04/15 06/04/15 BIG RAPIDS PRINTING 459 SHERIFF/BUS CARDS-BIELECKI,KNAPP,LOSINSKI 48918011 JOSEPH FERRERA/JFK ENT SHERIFF/PPCT/HFRG LTD INC GAGE INSTRUCTOR RECERT MAY28-29/2015 MIKE MOHR REIMBURSE 460 MILES&5 MEALS-ARSON SCHOOL MAY05-MAY22 BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL MCSHER/#C3D648274 AIR FLTR,OIL CHNG 98087 BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL MCSHER/#C3E227252 OIL CHANGE 98117 BIG RAPIDS PENNZOIL MCSHER/C3C282791 OIL CHANGE 98130 DENNY'S MUFFLER SHOP SHERIFF/CAR #8 FRONT&REAR BRAKES 29965 ICOP 0000642 SHERIFF/CONSOLE HARNESS&ANTENNA 0008037-IN MOUNTS 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 LAKESIDE MOTOR SPORTS, SHERIFF/OIL INC. RACHELS REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS SHERIFF/SEW PATCHES ON 19 SHIRTS 430160 331745 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 GENESEE COUNTY MEDICAL MED EXAMINER EXAM/AUTOPSY FEE/KORNMILLER,VICTORIA A54-15-2001 Total For Dept 648 MEDICAL EXAMINER 28.00 99.80 (1.88) 33.21 7.58 108.00 287.10 700.00 330.96 65.98 29.99 29.99 859.80 211.78 2,515.60 06/04/15 06/04/15 Total For Dept 331 MARINE PATROL Dept 648 MEDICAL EXAMINER 101-648-889.000 AUTOPSYS 33.99 19.98 274.71 Total For Dept 302 LAW ENFORCEMENT/ROAD PATROL Dept 331 MARINE PATROL 101-331-751.000 MARINE SUPPLIES 101-331-751.000 MARINE SUPPLIES 77.05 25.00 42.95 53.97 Total For Dept 301 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Dept 302 LAW ENFORCEMENT/ROAD PATROL 101-302-730.000 POLICE SUPPLIES 101-302-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES 101-302-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 101-302-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 131.64 145.00 Total For Dept 275 DRAIN COMMISSIONER Dept 301 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 101-301-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 101-301-732.000 JAIL SUPPLIES 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE 101-301-848.000 PLANT MAINTENANCE 112.00 56.00 131.64 Total For Dept 267 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Dept 275 DRAIN COMMISSIONER 101-275-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 101-275-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 200.00 87.97 3.10 168.00 Total For Dept 265 COURTHOUSE/BLDG/GROUNDS Dept 267 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY 101-267-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 101-267-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES 101-267-830.000 BOOKS/PRINTED MATERIAL Amount Check # 1,931.02 Total For Dept 235 MIMEO & PHOTOCOPY Dept 265 COURTHOUSE/BLDG/GROUNDS 101-265-740.000 BUILDING MAINT.SUPPLIES 2/6 90.20 95.00 185.20 06/04/15 1,290.00 1,290.00 05/28/2015 09:14 AM User: slee28 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 06/04/2015 - 06/04/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Dept 721 PLANNING COMMISSION 101-721-828.000 PRINTING/PUBLICATIONS Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice THE PIONEER GROUP 0001011 ZONING DEPT/1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 0001011 Due Date 06/04/15 Total For Dept 721 PLANNING COMMISSION Fund 215 FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND Dept 000 215-000-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES Fund 269 LAW LIBRARY FUND Dept 000 269-000-830.000 BOOKS/PRINTED MATERIAL Fund 273 COMMISSION ON AGING MEALS Dept 000 273-000-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES 273-000-817.000 MEAL PREP. PURCHASES 17,603.07 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 166.53 160.93 826.23 3,499.55 442.99 7,281.88 386.19 301.32 341.55 90.00 87.00 116.65 332.64 927.87 14,961.33 Total For Fund 210 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 14,961.33 06/04/15 25.27 Total For Dept 000 25.27 Total For Fund 215 FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND 25.27 BLDG&ZON/29 CONTRACTED MECH&PLUM INSPECT MAY13-MAY26 BLDG&ZON/27 CONTRACTED ELECT INSPECTMAY13-MAY26 06/04/15 06/04/15 1,361.40 1,166.80 Total For Dept 000 2,528.20 Total For Fund 249 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2,528.20 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 1000605104 LAW LIBRARY/DISCOUNT PLAN831820128 CHRGS COUNTRY FRESH SAVE - A - LOT 148.80 Total For Dept 000 GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 88/1 FRIEND OF COURT/STICKY NOTES,HILGHTRS 101887 Fund 249 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept 000 249-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE KEN CLARK 249-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE MICHAEL CALIFF Amount Check # 148.80 Total For Fund 101 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Fund 210 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Dept 000 210-000-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPLES ADVANTAGE 1036448 EMS/INK CART,DBL SIDED TAPE,DAB-N-SEAL 8034371494 210-000-735.000 AMBULANCE/MEDICAL SUPPLIES BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC113819 EMS/EMERGENCY TAPE, PEDIA TAPE 81792461 210-000-735.000 AMBULANCE/MEDICAL SUPPLIES BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC113819 EMS/VARIOUS AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 81792462 210-000-735.000 AMBULANCE/MEDICAL SUPPLIES BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC113819 EMS/MISC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 81784491 210-000-735.000 AMBULANCE/MEDICAL SUPPLIES BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC113819 EMS/SUCTION CUPS 81784490 210-000-735.000 AMBULANCE/MEDICAL SUPPLIES SPECTRUM HEALTH BIG RAPIDS 8512 HOSPITAL EMS/MISC SPPLYS,CPR AED CRDS,ACLS APR/2015 COURSE FEE 210-000-735.000 AMBULANCE/MEDICAL SUPPLIES TIME EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 23-0000210 EMS/3 FLASHLIGHTS 0112738-IN 210-000-750.000 UNIFORMS & SHOES TIME EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 23-0000210 EMS/BOOTS,3-PANTS,BELT 0112671-IN 210-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE TIM LADD REIMBURSE 594 MILES-GR HOMELAND,LIVONIA MAY05-MAY15 MMRMA,#3 210-000-811.000 TRAINING EXPENSES SPECTRUM HEALTH BIG RAPIDS 8512 HOSPITAL EMS/MISC SPPLYS,CPR AED CRDS,ACLS APR/2015 COURSE FEE 210-000-828.000 PRINTING/PUBLICATIONS SPECTRUM HEALTH BIG RAPIDS 8512 HOSPITAL EMS/MISC SPPLYS,CPR AED CRDS,ACLS APR/2015 COURSE FEE 210-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE QUALITY CAR & TRUCK REPAIR EMS/026X204 INC REPOSITIONED HEAT SHIELD0081447 210-000-855.000 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS MI056 EMS/FUSION ONLINE/APRIL INV047167 210-000-861.000 LAUNDRY WEST MI SHARED HOSPITAL000810 LAUNDRY EMS/LINENS FOR AMBULANCES 134482 3/6 06/04/15 1,077.30 Total For Dept 000 1,077.30 Total For Fund 269 LAW LIBRARY FUND 1,077.30 818897 COMM ON AGING/135 UNITS MILK 73184603 COMM ON AGING/144 LBS MARGARINE 021699 06/04/15 06/04/15 325.46 142.56 Total For Dept 000 468.02 Total For Fund 273 COMMISSION ON AGING MEALS 468.02 05/28/2015 09:14 AM User: slee29 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 06/04/2015 - 06/04/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Fund 274 COMMISSION ON AGING FUND Dept 000 274-000-705.000 PER DIEMS GLEN NORTON 274-000-705.000 PER DIEMS NORA QUISENBERRY 274-000-705.000 PER DIEMS TOM SUNDQUIST 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE ANNETTE COLES 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE ART ADLEMAN 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE DAWN KETCHUM 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE DOUG CHRISTIANSEN 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE GLEN NORTON 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE JERRILYNN STRONG 274-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE TOM SUNDQUIST 274-000-813.000 PROF.&CONTRACT SVCS/NON-EMPLOYEE STEPHANIE PUTANSU 274-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BABB FORD SALES 274-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BABB FORD SALES 274-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CLOCK MOBILITY 274-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CLOCK MOBILITY 274-000-854.000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CLOCK MOBILITY 274-000-901.000 MISCELLANEOUS RUTHANN ROSE Invoice Desc. Invoice ADVSRY BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY COA/MAY20 ADVSRY BRD/PER DIEM/MAY COA/MAY20 ADVSRY BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY COA/MAY20 REIMBURSE 28.6 MILES-COURTHOUSE&BACKMAY08/2015 ADVSRY BRD/MILEAGE/MAY COA/MAY20 REIMBURSE 58 MILES-RC MEETING MAY12/2015 REIMBURSE 1 MEAL MAY07/2015 ADVSRY BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY COA/MAY20 ADVSRY BRD/MILEAGE/MAY COA/MAY20 ADVSRY BRD/PER DIEM&MILEAGE/MAY COA/MAY20 COA/10-ENHANCE FITNESS CLASSES MAY13-MAY22 COMM ON AGING/VAN#11 OIL CHNG,TIRE ROTATION 79148 COMM ON AGING/VAN#13 CK OIL LVL 79114 COA/VAN#12 PREVENATIVE INSPECTION 150537 COA/VAN#13 PREVENITIVE MAINT&INSPECTION 150539 COA/VAN#11 PREVENITIVE MAINT-ADJUST 150538 BRAKES COA/REFUND OF HOME MAINT PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP MAY22/2015 Fund 701 TRUST & AGENCY FUND Dept 000 SARA DOERR SHAY TULLAR 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 Amount Check # 25.00 25.00 25.00 16.45 18.40 33.35 6.35 9.20 12.65 22.43 250.00 32.79 2.19 258.95 258.95 446.45 20.00 Total For Dept 000 1,463.16 Total For Fund 274 COMMISSION ON AGING FUND 1,463.16 Fund 292 CHILD CARE FUND Dept 000 292-000-728.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES GREAT LAKES OFFICE PRODUCTS 128/1 FAMILY COURT/ENV,DBL SIDE TAPE102063 292-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE AMY EDDINGER REIMBURSE 162 MILES-GR FUNDRAISER&MEETINGS MAY12-MAY14 292-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE BRAD ANTCLIFF REIMBURSE 250 MILES-VISIT YOUTH MAY07-MAY22 292-000-843.000 FAMILY FOSTER C-PROBATE BARBARA RATZ C ALDRIDGE/19 DAYS FOSTER CARE MAY01-MAY19 292-000-843.000 FAMILY FOSTER C-PROBATE STEVEN JOHNSON & LOUIS TDAVIDSON BAKER/31 DAYS FOSTER CARE&MILEAGE MAY01-MAY31 292-000-843.000 FAMILY FOSTER C-PROBATE STEVEN JOHNSON & LOUIS BDAVIDSON BAKER/31 DAYS FOSTER CARE MAY01-MAY31 292-000-843.030 FAM FOSTER C-NON SCHEDULE MILEAGE STEVEN JOHNSON & LOUIS TDAVIDSON BAKER/31 DAYS FOSTER CARE&MILEAGE MAY01-MAY31 292-000-844.000 PRIV. AGENCY FOSTER CARE ROOM EAGLE & BD VILLAGE INC. M GEIGER/4 DAYS FOSTER CARE/MAY04-MAY17 85534 292-000-844.000 PRIV. AGENCY FOSTER CARE ROOM EAGLE & BD VILLAGE INC. M GEIGER/4 DAYS FOSTER CARE/MAY04-MAY17 85535 292-000-845.000 PRIV. AGEN. INSTIT. ROOM & NEW BOARD HOPE YOUTH & FAMILYB SERVICES PAYNE/CHILCARE COSTS/MAY04-MAY17 1312 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//WAGES JANICE L. MILLER ROHRAFF/HOME DETENTION MAY04-MAY15 KATIE/MAY15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//MILEAGE JANICE L. MILLER ROHRAFF/HOME DETENTION MAY04-MAY15 KATIE/MAY15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//WAGES JANICE L. MILLER PETERMAN/HOME DETENTION MAY01-MAY15 LEAH/MAY15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//MILEAGE JANICE L. MILLER PETERMAN/HOME DETENTION MAY01-MAY15 LEAH/MAY15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//WAGE VINCENT WALLACE NEWBERRY/HOME DETENTION MAY01-MAY04 NOLAN/MAY15 292-000-846.000 IN HOME CARE-PROBATE//MILEAGE VINCENT WALLACE NEWBERRY/HOME DETENTION MAY01-MAY04 NOLAN/MAY15 Fund 297 RUNAWAY SERVICES ACCOUNTS FUND Dept 000 297-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE 297-000-810.000 TRAVEL/MILEAGE EXPENSE Due Date 4/6 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 06/04/15 39.73 93.15 143.75 422.56 689.44 534.44 39.10 68.96 88.96 2,935.52 120.00 358.80 168.00 62.10 48.00 129.95 Total For Dept 000 5,942.46 Total For Fund 292 CHILD CARE FUND 5,942.46 REIMBURSE 323 MILES-TRAINING&STUDENTMAY18-MAY21 VSTS REIMBURSE 288 MILES-OUTREACH MAY12-MAY22 06/04/15 06/04/15 185.72 165.60 Total For Dept 000 351.32 Total For Fund 297 RUNAWAY SERVICES ACCOUNTS FUND 351.32 05/28/2015 09:14 AM User: slee30 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 06/04/2015 - 06/04/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Fund 701 TRUST & AGENCY FUND Dept 000 701-000-275.000 REFUND/OVERPAYMENT 701-000-275.000 REFUND/OVERPAYMENT 701-000-275.000 REFUND/OVERPAYMENT Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date BRADLEY MATHIS DEFENDANT OVERPAID ON FINES&COST CASE#11-7117 06/04/15 FREDERICK RONALD PALMERDEFENDANT PAID MOTION FEE FOR HRNG ALREADY MAY20/2015 SCHEDULED 06/04/15 GREGORY JAMES STULIFF ATTY BILL WAS SUBMITTED TWICE DEF OVERPAID MAY13/2015 06/04/15 5/6 Amount Check # 9.15 100.00 113.83 Total For Dept 000 222.98 Total For Fund 701 TRUST & AGENCY FUND 222.98 05/28/2015 09:14 AM User: slee31 of 45 DB: Mecosta GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR COUNTY OF MECOSTA INVOICE DUE DATES 06/04/2015 - 06/04/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Fund Totals: Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 101 210 215 249 269 273 274 292 297 701 Invoice GENERAL OPERATING FUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND BUILDING DEPARTMENT LAW LIBRARY FUND COMMISSION ON AGING MEALS COMMISSION ON AGING FUND CHILD CARE FUND RUNAWAY SERVICES ACCOUNTS FUND TRUST & AGENCY FUND Total For All Funds: Due Date 6/6 Amount Check # 17,603.07 14,961.33 25.27 2,528.20 1,077.30 468.02 1,463.16 5,942.46 351.32 222.98 44,643.11 32 of 45 MECOSTA CONSERVATION DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 13, 2015 Vice-Chairman Cook called the board meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Those present: Directors: Karen Motawi, Tom Samuel, Bill Jernstadt and Clare Cook Staff: Rick Lucas, Charmaine Lucas and Tony Wernette NRCS: Jennifer Taylor Absent: Don Henning The minutes of March 11th were reviewed. Motion by Motawi to accept the minutes as written, supported by Samuel. Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT Motion by Jernstadt to approve the March and April treasurer's report and pay the bills pending audit, supported by Motawi. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE Mecosta County Drain Commissioner — A copy of the Drain Commissioner's 2014 Annual Report has been received. Discussion ensued on various projects in the county. BILLS TO BE PAID — None DISTRICT MANAGER REPORT — Charmaine Lucas - Completed follow-up items from Pheasants Forever banquet held on March 28th - Processed seedling orders and Pheasants Forever seed orders - Using Constant Contact for major events and activities: Pheasants Forever banquet and seed pick up, District seedling sale, Chainsaw Safety Workshop, etc. FORESTRY - Rick Lucas - Rick met with legislators regarding better communication within the Qualified Forestry Program (QFP). He requested that Conservation District foresters have an opportunity to meet with landowners and private foresters to make for sure that landowner needs are being met with the QFP. - Held a Chainsaw Safety Workshop on May 7th at the Reed City Depot. Eleven people were in attendance. NRCS REPORT — Jennifer Taylor and Joey Davis - NRCS has hired a Farm Bill Specialist to assist with administrative duties. This is person is located in Grand Rapids and covers seven counties including Mecosta. - Working with landowners regarding the honey bee initiative and pollinator habitat. - The conservation planning sign-up deadline is June 12. Landowners receive an increase in application ranking if plans have been completed by the end of October. - A new online system called "Client Gateway" is being developed. This will allow clients to go online to obtain all their information and request assistance. - Jennifer is seeking ideas on how to distribute a survey to obtain landowner input on natural resource concerns. This could be a potential class project for Ferris students in the marketing or natural resources field. RECEIVED (Continued) MAY 2 2 2015 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 33 of 45 MAEAP REPORT — Tony Wernette - Tony has reached 55% of the risk reductions as outlined in his program. - Met yesterday morning with the MAEAP verifier to discuss program accomplishments and future activities. - Developing a test plot demonstration to be held in August that will evaluate soybean health, carbon burst and DNA analysis. - Had sixteen water samples brought in during the spring seedling sale for testing. OLD BUSINESS 2015 Spring Seedling Sale — We are in a transition phase of previously obtaining seedlings from two nurseries to now four, due to one nursery going out of business. We now have to do all the bundling of the small orders ourselves. Northern Lights Award — On April 8th Karen Motawi received the Northern Lights Award in the area of environment. This was held at the Big Rapids Public Library during a Big Rapids Garden Club meeting. A reception will follow at Artworks sometime in June. NEW BUSINESS Memorandum of Understanding between DNR and CD regarding No-till Drill — Some new stipulations were included in the MOU. The drill has to be stored inside a building, it cannot be used for cash crops and the CD is responsible for the first $400 in repairs. Discussion arose on drill use. The MOU was signed. MACD Summer Conference — The summer conference will be held June 1-3, at Double Tree by Hilton Resort in Bay City. All CD staff are registered to attend along with Director Henning, 2015 Native Plant Presentation & Sale — This event will be held on Friday, June 5, at the Reed City Depot. A presentation by Pat Ruta McGhan of the US Forest Service on "Michigan Native Plants for Pollinator• Habitat" will be from 4-5 pm with the plant sale to follow from 5-7 pm. Invasive Plants in Mecosta County — Charmaine sent out an informal survey to staff and directors asking what they considered the five top invasive plants (terrestrial and/or aquatic) in Mecosta County. The West Michigan CISMA (Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area) is in the process of hiring an invasive plants coordinator. We are trying to identify what invasives need to be addressed in Mecosta County. Unfortunately some species are considered beyond control (Ex. Autumn Olive) and will not be considered for eradication. ADJOURNMENT — The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm. NEXT BOARD MEETING DATE — Wednesday, July 8, 2015, 7:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Tom Samuel Secretary 34 of 45 CP 12-1 MECOSTA COUNTY PARK COMMISSION BOARD MEETING April 21, 2015 The APRIL 21, 2015 meeting was called to order by the Chairman at the Administrative office in Paris, MI, at 6:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Currie, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mr. Perialas, Mr. Stanek, Mr. Stout, Mr. Stratton, Mrs. Vargo, Mr. Vogel and Mr. Wheeler. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. O’Neil. Also present: Jeff Abel – Superintendent and Karen Morningstar-Operations Manager. Approval of Agenda: Mrs. Vargo moved, seconded by Mr. Vogel to accept the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously by group voice vote. Minutes: March 17, 2015 Board Meeting, March 25, 2015 Marketing Committee Meeting and April 914, 2015 Masterplan Committee Meeting: Mr. Vogel moved, seconded by Mr. Stout to accept the minutes of March 25, 2015 Marketing Committee Meeting and April 9-14, 2015 Masterplan Committee Meeting with one correction. Motion carried unanimously by group voice vote. Public Comment: none Reports and Updates: Brower, Tubbs, Haymarsh Opening Date: Superintendent informed the Board of the opening the parks on May 1st. School Section Lake Veteran’s Park, Merrill, Paris and Davis Bridge Open May 8th: Superintendent stated School Section, Merrill, Paris and Davis Bridge parks are scheduled to open on May 8th. Seasonal Hiring & Training: Superintendent stated we are down to one position to hire for the season. Training to commence for Management staff Thursday & Friday. “Friends of SSLVP”: Mr. Vogel briefed the Board on the meeting that took place on April 15th. Mrs. Howard stated the group has raised $25,000 so far and further explained the Kate Taylor Concert set to be held in School Section Lake Veteran’s Park on July 11th. 6:11 p.m. – Mr. Wheeler arrived Mr. Vogel moved, seconded by Mrs. Vargo to approve the July 11, 2015 Kate Taylor concert to be held in the park at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Scope of work to be completed and the Agreement Date: The group requested a 2 year window to raise funds for the project. Vinyl siding and soffit will be removed from the contract. The group will be responsible for painting and masonry needed on the stucco work. Art Diehm stated the former Superintendent agreed to have staff perform the painting. The Park Commission has agreed to be responsible for the minor interior electric work and tree/stump removal. Mr. Vogel moved, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgerald to have the Agreement Period from May 15, 2015 through October 15, 2016. Motion carried unanimously by group voice vote. Superintendent Update: Superintendent updated the Board on a few topics in the Superintendent’s report. 35 of 45 • • • • • • • • Leak in School House at School Section Lake needing investigation A lot of pipe issues at each campground when turning water back on for this season Allowing Ash to enter parks for firewood purposes – consensus of the Board was to allow Ash in the parks. Staff interviews, hiring, physicals/drug testing has been completed Staff shirts for this year have been received and look good Fee Pipes being made from Dave Murray at Ferris for free. Superintendent requested to honor Mr. Murray with a thank you letter/gift card. Mr. Stratton suggested to invite Mr. Murray to the next meeting along with the media. Mr. Vogel moved, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgerald to write a letter of thanks to Mr. Murray and students. Motion carried unanimously by group voice vote. Status on the release of the fish hatchery building to the parks. Wi-Fi Set-up in Merrill-Gorrel and Paris parks – the IT has been busy trying to get the WIFI set for both parks and suggested to cancel the contract with Exede and go with Cass Air which will cost $180. Mrs. Fitzgerald moved, seconded by Mrs. Vargo to cancel the contract with Exede and go with Cass Air, provided the contract does not go beyond into the 2016 camping season. Motion carried unanimously by group voice vote. Paris Park will be set up with a hot spot for a trial period under the existing contract with Charter. • • Spring Clean-up Volunteer dates for parks- has been set up for May 2 at School Section and Merrill from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Buoy application for Davis Bridge has been denied. We can however post “slow no wake” signs on the end of the dock. Incident/Accident Reports: none. Correspondence: none. Committee Actions: MARKETING: 50TH Anniversary T-Shirts: We are finalizing the proof and then order 200 shirts as a keepsake item. We have the back cover ad for the Destinations Magazine GR Show – Mrs. Vargo moved, seconded by Mr. Stratton to pay the booth space fee of $675.00. Motion carried unanimously by each member vote. MASTERPLAN: Roof Bid Specs – Committee recommended going out for roof bids on the following six buildings: SS- North Shelter Building, Beach Shelter Building and two cabins, Merrill – Merrill restroom, Paris – Manager residence Brower Boat Trailer Parking – posts and numbers will be purchased to begin the project SS Art Barn Electrical – bids will be sought Water Treatment – M/G & Brower Marina & Sunny Acres – sample results will be made available to the vendors and quotes will be sought with vendor recommendations. Paris Park Manager Residence Improvements – discussed earlier under roof bid specs RULES & REGULATIONS 2015 Brower Boat Procedures – staff will obtain the MC#’s and trailer plate numbers of all guests. 36 of 45 PERSONNEL Affordable Care Act – Superintendent distributed a spreadsheet detailing the employment period tracking for all staff. Don French – Rate of Pay – Superintendent stated Mr. French was moved from Brower Park to School Section Lake Veteran’s Park and received a .06/hour cut in pay and requested to increase his salary from $12.18 to $13.00/hour. Mr. French was paid $12.2438 last year. Mr. Vogel moved, seconded by Mr. Stout to increase the wage for the current School Section Lake Park Manager to $12.50/hour. Motion carried (Currie, Fitzgerald, Stanek, Stout, Vargo, Vogel and Wheeler – YEA with Perialas and Stratton – NAY). FINANCE City of BR IT Services – we are currently paying $3,000 annually and they wish to increase the rate to $6,000 annually. The County currently pays $65,000 annually. Mr. Vogel moved, seconded by Mr. Wheeler to authorize the Superintendent to negotiate with the City of Big Rapids on IT costs for 2015 up to a maximum of $6,000.00. Motion carried unanimously by individual roll call vote. Grant Communication – Superintendent stated the grant had been denied by the County Board. Spicer contract calls for an additional $3500 to walk the parks with an additional $8,000 to re-write the Masterplan document. Masterplan Committee recommended to pay Spicer Group the balance of the $4,000 owed for writing the grant and to terminate the contract with Spicer Group. Mr. Currie moved, seconded by Mr. Stratton to pay the balance of the billing for the grant writing and to terminate the contract if possible. Motion carried (Currie, Fitzgerald, Perialas, Stratton, Vargo, Vogel and Wheeler – YEA with Stanek and Stout – NAY). Mr. Stratton was concerned about the action of the grant application approved by the Park Board and was opposed by the Superintendent and Chairman at the County level. Pitylak Camper Damage – Superintendent informed the Board the invoice in the amount of $1900 has been paid, he has obtained (in writing) the damage has been repaired. No photos or agreement was submitted to the Admin Office. A letter was received with Mr. Pitlak noting in writing that all work was complete and no further funding for repairs would be requested. Timber Sale – White Pine Valley Recreation Area – Superintendent stated Ken Ford has graciously agreed to head up the timber sale for the area with concerns of damaging or making a mess on the existing trails. BR Township Parcel – has sold for $44,312.00. Funds to be used for infrastructure improvements. Road Commission – Grading, Materials & Brine – work in progress Financial: Revenue vs. Expenses was reviewed along with the Cash Spreadsheet. Adjustments: none. Financial Report: was reviewed. Approval of Bills: Mr. Stanek moved, seconded by Mrs. Vargo, for the approval of the bills, including the customary & ordinary and the transfer of funds. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. 37 of 45 Material & Service Bids: Superintendent reviewed the spreadsheet with the Board detailing the pricing, which needs to be reviewed on a project by project case. Mower Bids: Superintendent presented a spreadsheet detailing the bids as received and recommended to purchase a mower from the INA store in the amount of $6218.00. Mr. Stanek moved, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgerald to purchase the mower from the Ina Store in the amount of $6218.00. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Site Availability: Was distributed and reviewed. Brower Concessionaire: We are still looking for a concessionaire for Brower Park. Public Comment: none. Other Business: Next Meeting Date & Time: is scheduled for May 19th with a picnic. Board members chose to bring a dish to pass. The picnic will commence at 5:00 p.m. with the Board meeting following at 6:00 p.m. Concession Building Committee Meeting: was scheduled for May 12th @ noon. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jackie Fitzgerald Secretary CP 12-2 Unapproved 38 of 45 MINUTES MECOSTA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Mecosta County Services Building May 7, 2015 I. Roll Call Chair Gary Swier called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present for roll call were: Gary Stout, Bill Routley, Randy Maxwell, Larry Sredersas, Gary Swier, & Michelle Stenger. Michael Martin & Ashley Adams were absent. II. Matters Pertaining to the Public 1. Chairman Swier asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission regarding any subject that wasn’t on the agenda. There was no response. 2. Gary then asked if there was anyone who wished to be on the next agenda. There was no response. IV. Public Hearings 1. Special Use Request #PPC15-003 – Larry & Virginia Vanderzee, 19071 Reynolds Rd., Hersey – APPLICANT IS REQUESTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (768 SQ. FT.) ON THIS R-2 ZONED PROPERTY Chair Swier read the application into the record. The applicant was present and had nothing further to add. Questions from the Board: • Does this plat have an association? – nothing formally written • 8’ walls?? – they don’t need anything taller at this point – was suggested that if he decides to build taller side walls that he should change the wall height at the time of application for the building permit There was no one to speak either for or against the application so the Chair closed the public portion and opened the floor to the Board for discussion and decision. Based on the findings of facts listed and subject to 5.1E, 1-9 of the Mecosta County Zoning Ordinance, a motion was made by Bill Routley and supported by Larry Sredersas to approve and #PPC15-003, to allow the construction of a second accessory structure, not to exceed a height of 12’, on the R-2 zoned property at 19071 Reynolds Rd., Hersey Roll Call Vote – 5 Yeas – 0 Nays (Adams & Martin absent) Motion Passed V. Business Session 1 39 of 45 Old Business 1. Discussion of property/use at 18699 Northland Dr. • Dual zoning is still an issue • The allowance for a residence on this property will expire in August – at that time a letter will be sent to the owner stating that the property will revert back to commercial only 2. The Special Use Permit recommended to the County Commissioners last month • A neighbor is concerned because there is a significant amount of noise from a large generator. This will be addressed when the applicant applies for a Building Permit for the project New Business 1. Discussion on Mini-Cabins • The County Parks Board would like to see the size of the mini-cabins increased so they could construct them in the parks and an individual property owner could construct a hunting cabin on their property • Electrical, Sewer and water hook-ups would be allowed • No gas • A copy of the new requirements will be sent to the Parks Board for their review 2. Updates from other Boards • Gary Stout gave a short synopsis of what happening at the Parks • Bill Routley reported on the Morgue progress • Michelle explained the Administrative Variance Request process - Building Department business is starting to pick up 3. Minutes of April 2, 2015 Gary Stout motioned to approve the minutes with a couple of corrections, supported by Bill Routley and passed unanimously. VI. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peggy Graham Recording Secretary _____________________________________, Chair Gary Swier Mecosta County Planning Commission 2 _____________________ Date Approved 40 of 45 BUILDING AND ZONING COMMITTEE MINUTES 10:00 AM COUNTY BUILDING Room 202 May 21, 2015 PRESENT: Jerrilynn Strong — Chair, Linda Howard, and Ray Steinke. OTHERS PRESENT: Mindy Taylor and Michelle Stenger CALL TO ORDER: 10:00 AM PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE BUILDING REPORT: • Building Activity: Ms. Stenger advised that permit activity is a little bit backed up since Mr. Holsworth has been unavailable. • The Building Official's vehicle is in need of replacement and they are going to look into what the cost would be and bring those numbers to the next meeting. • The Committee reviewed the year to date financial report. ZONING REPORT: • Blight Enforcement: Ms. Stenger is working on various blight and zoning issues. MEMBER COMMENTS: Adjournment: 10:26 AM Next regular meeting: June 18, 2015 at 10:00 AM 41 of 45 CP 12-4 EMS COMMITTEE MINUTES 1:30 PM ROOM 202 COUNTY BUILDING May 21, 2015 PRESENT: Ray Steinke-Chairman, and Jerrilynn Strong. Others Present: Tim Ladd, Scott Schroeder, and Mindy Taylor. CALL TO ORDER: 1:30 PM PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE FINANCIAL REPORTS: The April billings, write-offs, and revenue were reviewed. The Committee will recommend to the Board that contractual write-offs of $78,759.06, noncontractual write-offs of $2,432.43 and collections write-offs of $8,349.68 be approved. MONTHLY STATISTICS: Mr. Ladd presented the number of transports, non-transports, average response time, total calls, and billings for April 2015. Mr. Ladd also presented the monthly statistics for e-calls, transfers, and calls with treatment but no transport. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: • Mr. Ladd gave a morgue update that they are hoping to go live June 8th. • The EMS Director reported that he and his staff are going through trainings for the new radios. NEW BUSINESS: • Adding an additional Ambulance has been previously approved. Mr. Ladd will need the following items to the ambulance to put it into service. A refurbished cardiac monitor from Foremost Medical Equipment in the amount of $22,570.00. The Committee will recommend to the Board that the refurbished Cardiac Monitor be purchased from Foremost at a cost of $22,570.00. • The new ambulance will also require a Lucas Lifepak with batteries Physio-Control at a cost of $13,230.25. The Committee will recommend to the Board that the Lucas Lifepak be purchased for $13,230.25 from Physio-Control. • Mr. Ladd requested the Road Safety System be added to the ambulance at Quality Car & Truck Repair at a cost of $3,188.42 and after completion will apply for 50% to be reimbursed from MMRMA through a rap grant. The Committee will recommend to the Board that Quality Car & Truck Repair put Road Safety on the ambulance at a cost of $3,188.42. • Striping and decals will be needed for the ambulance from Kodiak in the amount of $2,072. After it is complete he will apply to be reimbursed from MMRMA for approximately $400. The Committee will recommend to the Board that striping and decals be added to the ambulance by Kodiak in the amount of $2,072. • Mr. Ladd requested that Jenny Edstrom be moved to the 5 year step in light of having over 20 years of experience. He would also like to classify her as a critical care position. The Committee will recommend to the Board that Jenny Edstrom be moved to the 5 year step and classified as a critical care position. • Mr. Ladd received a resignation for a full-time paramedic position this week and is requesting permission to fill the vacancy. The Committee will recommend to the Board that the vacancy be filled. 42 of 45 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: • June 17th Tabletop Exercise: Mr. Schroeder gave an update on the tabletop exercise that will be held to run a simulation of an outage of the Maple Street Bridge during the Baldwin Street Bridge replacement. NEXT MEETING: 1:30 PM June 18, 2015 ADJOURNMENT: 2:24 PM 43 of 45 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING May 26, 2015 10:00 AM ROOM 202 PRESENT: Eric O'Neil — Chair, Art Adleman, and Bill Routley OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Bullock, Rich Carley, Bob Cassidy CALL TO ORDER: 10:00 AM PUBLIC COMMENT: BUSINESS: • Personnel Request: The Committee reviewed a request from the Administrator and Mr. Carley for permission to terminate the employment of a custodial worker. After reviewing the circumstances the Committee approved the request. Next Meeting: At the Call of the Chair. Adjournment: 10:25 AM 44 of 45 CP 13-1 No. 15- 7( RESOLUTION To: The Honorable Board of Commissioners Huron County Michigan WE, the SAFETY COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following resolution for your consideration: WHEREAS, counties routinely provide treatment services to the estimated 2 million people with serious mental illnesses booked into jail each year; and WHEREAS, prevalence rates of serious mental illnesses in jails are three to six times higher than for the general population; and WHEREAS, almost three-quarters of adults with serious mental illnesses in jails have cooccurring substance use disorders; and WHEREAS, adults with mental illnesses tend to stay longer in jail and upon release are at a higher risk of recidivism than people without these disorders; and WHEREAS, county jails spend two to three times more on adults with mental illnesses that require interventions compared to those without these treatment needs; and WHEREAS, without the appropriate treatment and services, people with mental illnesses continue to cycle through the criminal justice system, often resulting in tragic outcomes for these individuals and their families; and WHEREAS, Huron County and all counties take pride in their responsibility to protect and enhance the health, welfare, and safety of its residents in efficient and cost-effective ways; and WHEREAS, Huron County fully supports the concept of the Stepping Up initiative; and WHEREAS, through Stepping Up, the National Association of Counties, the Council of State Governments Justice Center, and the American Psychiatric Foundation are encouraging public, private, and nonprofit partners to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in jails; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Huron County Board of Commissioners does hereby sign on to the Call to Action to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in our county jail, commit to sharing lessons learned with other counties in our state and across the country to support a national initiative, and encourage all county officials, employees, and residents to participate in Stepping Up; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to utilize the comprehensive resources available through Stepping Up to: • Convene or draw on a diverse team of leaders and decision makers from multiple agencies committed to safely reducing the number of people with mental illnesses in jails. • Collect and review prevalence numbers and assess individuals' needs to better identify adults entering jails with mental illnesses and their recidivism risk, and use that baseline information to guide decision making at the system, program, and case levels. • Examine treatment and service capacity to determine which programs and services are available in the county for people with mental illnesses and co-occurring substance use disorders, and 45 of 45 Resolution No. 15- 7A Page 2 • • • identify state and local policy and funding barriers to minimizing contact with the justice system and providing treatment and supports in the community. Develop a plan with measurable outcomes that draws on the jail assessment and prevalence data and the examination of available treatment and service capacity, while considering identified barriers. Implement research-based approaches that advance the plan. Create a process to track progress using data and information systems, and to report on successes; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all Michigan counties, the National Association of Counties, the Michigan Association of Counties, and members of our State and Federal leadership. Respectfully submitted, SAFETY COMMITTEE Bodis, Chairman avid G. Peruski, V e Chairman Clark Elftman, ember ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONER SAMI KHOURY DAVID G. PERUSKI CLARK ELFTMAN RICH SWARTZENDRUBER RESOLUTION: eErADOPTED Dated: May 26, 2015 YES NO ABSENT --Er 0 0 0 .-Er 0 ,a- ---a" o p 0 0 0 DEFEATED COMMISSIONER JOHN L. BODIS RON WRUBLE JOHN A. NUGENT LI TABLED YES ,--12-,0"-- -Er- NO ABSENT 0 0 0 El o 0
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