4 President`s Message
4 President`s Message
masterlink / MARCH 2016 Contents 4 President’s Message Cycling Bliss 6 Tours Tour Announcements 7 Rides Captain’s Corner You’re Not Going To Want To Miss Aprils Meeting 3 This Month 3 March Membership Meeting Thursday, March 10, 2016, 7:30pm 5 Save the Date Upcoming BTCNJ Events 4 Coming Soon 5 Maintenance Clinic Saturday, April 16, 2016 9 Defensive Biking Skills Workshop Saturday, April 23, 2016 On The Cover: Geoffrey Silverstein led a ride from Brookdale Park to the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Newark. Pictured are Tom Wieser, Sue Kizer Petroulas, Helene Blaustein, Geoffrey Silverstein and Edgar Pardo. PAGE 2 6 masterlink / MARCH 2016 March Membership Meeting PRESIDENT Bill Telgheder telgheder@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP Alan Scherl Harold Todman ajscherl@gmail.com htodman@aol.com SECRETARY RALLY CHAIRPERSON Harriet Einschlag Alain Chahine heinschlag@gmail.com alainchahine2014@gmail.com RIDES CAPTAIN MASTERLINK Keith Schlanger Marc Soloff keithschlanger@gmail.com marcsoloff@optimum.net WEBMASTER PUBLICITY Larry Schwartz Karen Rose larryjet@gmail.com karen_rose3@verizon.net SPCL. EVENTS/VOL. DEVELOPMENT TOURS Lauren Kelly Don Schlenger kelly042702@verizon.net aschleng@optonline.net TREASURER ADVOCACY AND SAFETY Don Kaplan Tom Conlon dhkcpa@optonline.net tqconlon@gmail.com March 2016, Volume 39, Number 3. Circulation: approx. 1,500 via electronic download. MasterLink is published 12 times per year as the official publication of the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey, PO Box 853, Ridgewood NJ 07451. Our website is www.btcnj.com. ©2015 by the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey, all rights reserved. “MasterLink”, “BTCNJ”, “BTCNJ.COM”, “Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey” (words and logo), and “Ramapo Rally” are trademarks of the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey. The March Membership Meeting will feature a presentation by Genea Barnes, author of “Don’t Forget Me: Ghost BikesA Photographic Memorial.” After traveling around the country in search of ghost bikes, Genea has put together a collection of beautiful and haunting photos. For those of you who don’t know what a “ghost bike” is, you probably have seen an entirely white bike placed by the roadside, surrounded with flowers. They are memorials to cyclists who have died while out cycling, usually due to a fatal runin with a motor vehicle. Genea captures the stories behind these bikes through her camera. Copies of the book will be available for sale after the meeting. For more on Genea’s book, go to http://geneabarnes.com/blog/bo ok/ MasterLink Submissions: Materials for MasterLink are due the 23rd of each month for publication in the following month’s issue. Please send articles, photos, letters, or comments to MasterLink, at our email address btcnj.masterlink@gmail.com. Materials may be edited by the MasterLink staff for length and clarity. Publication of materials submitted is at the discretion of the Editor. All materials submitted for publication become the property of BTCNJ®. Due to copyright laws, any articles, photos, cartoons, art, etc., that have appeared in other publications may not be published in MasterLink without written consent of the copyright holder. Photos in MasterLink may not be reused or republished without prior permission. Protection of the Intellectual Property of BTCNJ® We welcome your creative suggestions for promotional activities using the Club’s brands, however, the Club’s name, slogans, designs and logos are its intellectual property, which embody the “goodwill” of the Club as developed over the years through service to its members and the community, with thanks to the volunteer efforts of countless members. In order to preserve and protect our goodwill, it is critical that all use of the Club’s intellectual property be properly regulated. Please do not reproduce or simulate the Club logo, the names “BTCNJ” or “Bicycling Touring Club of North Jersey”, or any other brands such as “Ramapo Rally” and “MasterLink” on shirts, caps, jerseys, bottles, stickers, or any other merchandise without authorization from our Merchandise Chair, Harold Todman. A BIG thank-you to Carol Raff for volunteering to handle the post-meeting refreshments. I think she has something unusual planned... so that’s another reason not to miss the March meeting!!! And there are still openings if you’d like to provide the food after future meetings. All volunteers get FREE admittance to the meeting, with seating in the VIP section of the auditorium. When: March 10, 2016 Time: 7:30 PM (but come early!) Where: Ridgewood Public Library 125 N Maple Ave Ridgewood, NJ 07450 PAGE 3 masterlink / MARCH 2016 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: By Bill Telgheder The World Database of Happiness measures a country’s happiness on a scale of 1 to 10. Most countries score between 5 and 8. The United States ranks 22nd with a score of 7.3. The Dutch score is consistently higher, which could be because the Dutch earn oodles of vacation time, have job security, and receive free health care. Or, maybe it’s because they can visit coffee shops for drugs, the red-light district for you know what, and just love their cycling. No wonder we are not as happy in the United States—we can only cycle! Thank goodness for BTCNJ. Don’t you feel happier every time you hop on your bike? It raises your happiness score to nearly 10. So the more you cycle, the higher your happiness. The BTCNJ Executive Committee is working behind the scenes to satisfy one of the club’s purposes: “promoting bicycle activities for the enjoyment (happiness) of the membership.” Please consider joining us at the many events planned for 2016. Volunteering is also known to raise your happiness, and BTCNJ has ample opportunities for you to get involved, help out, and meet fellow members. It makes me happy to share some more interesting points on happiness from Eric Weiner’s book, The Geography of Bliss: • Winning the lottery raises your happiness score, but you will probably return to your old level of happiness after a while. I doubt I would. • The Swiss are happy because they have clean toilets, don’t provoke envy, and are even-keeled. Those cycling Andalusia, Spain, this year are going to be happy. It’s a nation of clean toilets. • Bhutan measures Gross National Happiness instead of Gross National Product. • Costa Rica ranks first at 8.5. No wonder everyone who visits loves it. • Tanzania ranks last at 2.5. • Family, money, trust, friends, gratitude, chocolate, a good job, luxury, spirituality, good health, pleasure, companionship, busyness, food, helping others, social contact, and a short commute all lead to happiness. A quote from Eric Weiner’s book: “Our happiness is completely and utterly intertwined with other people: family and friends and neighbors and the woman you hardly notice who cleans your office. Happiness is not a noun or verb. It’s a conjunction. Connective tissue.” I enjoyed reading The Geography of Bliss; you might, too. The list of countries in the World Database of Happiness can be found at http://worlddatabaseofhappiness.eur.nl/hap_nat/nat_fp.php?mode=8&ranks=1 PAGE 4 masterlink / MARCH 2016 Is your bicycle covered with dust from a winter of inactivity? Or, is it grimy from a winter of frigid riding? Either way come to this year’s Maintenance Clinic where you will learn how to shine up it, and how to keep it running smoothly for the 2016 cycling season and beyond. The clinic will prepare you for when a tire has gone flat; a spoke has broken, a derailleur is skipping, or if your chain breaks. Attend and learn what to do when disaster strikes. Attending could mean the difference between a long walk home following a mechanical disaster, or only experiencing the minor inconvenience of a roadside repair before getting back on your way Come to the maintenance clinic and learn how to care for your bike, and how to overcome a variety of mechanical misfortunes. I will try to de-mystify putting a tool to your bicycle. You’ll learn what to check before you ride, and what to carry with you when you ride. We will discuss repairs, maintenance and, demonstrate various tools, and how to make simple and routine adjustments to you bicycle. Topics covered include what to do if you wheel develops a pronounced wobble, or if your rear derailleur should jam and twist into a piece of useless junk, and how to deal with other misfortunes while on the road. And yes, training on changing tires and fixing flats will be provided. This clinic is for both the mechanically challenged and those that are gifted. The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 16, between 9:30 and 2:30 at the Ridgewood Public Library. Registration fee is $15.00 payable on arrival. During the clinic, light refreshments will be served. A confirmed reservation is required. Seating is limited to those with reservation. This event is waitlisted every year. To guarantee a spot, do not delay making your reservation. To reserve your place you must contact Bob Reich (bob1200trek@aol.com), at 973-633-0493 after 7:00 in the evening, calls accepted until 10:00. Save the Date! April 16.....................Maintenance Clinic April 23 ....................Defensive Biking Skills Workshop May 7 ........................CycloFemme/ CycloDudes May 13 ......................New Members’ Dinner May 18–July 13.........Cross-the-Continent Tour May 27-30................Vermont Tour June 5.......................Picnic June 10-12................French Creek Iron Tour June 10-25 ...............Southern Andalusia Tour June 18 .....................New Members’ Ride July 8-10 ..................Lake George Tour July 15-17 .................Rhinebeck Tour July 22-24................Amish Tour August 6-13 .............Quebec Eastern Township Tour August 21 .................Ramapo Rally August 28 ................Ramapo Rally Volunteers’ Party September 23-25....Amagansett Tour October 9 ................New Members’ Ride November 18 ...........New Members’ Dinner PAGE 5 masterlink / MARCH 2016 TOUR ANNOUNCEMENTS Pannier Tour of the Hudson Valley May 30 through June 4, 2016 The joys of bicycle touring with panniers can be yours when you join us as we ride the Hudson Valley to Lake George and back. This 6-day tour follows the rolling terrain of the Hudson River and provides picturesque views of the Catskills and the Berkshires. We ride to Kingston NY on May 30, then on to Troy, Lake George, Lake Luzerne, Schenectady and Kingston before returning to West Milford, NJ on Sat June 4. This is a self-contained pannier tour. We carry all our own gear on the bike in panniers, and there is no support vehicle planned. We’ll stay in motels every night. Cue sheets and a list of essentials will be provided. Cost will be approximately $300 for motels; meals will be additional. Riders can join for all or any part of the tour. Daily mileage will be 70 miles at a comfortable 12-13 MPH pace, allowing plenty of time for pictures and rest stops. Terrain is rolling with no killer hills. This will not be a race, but an easy paced tour. We prefer to ride together and enjoy the companionship of the group and beauty of the area. If this style of riding suits you, then please sign-up. For more information and to sign up, contact tour leaders Jim Grady, (irishbiker@juno.com) or Steve Felmeister(felmeiss@gmail.com). Bike the Amish Country July 22 through July 24, 2016 The Amish Bicycle Weekend Returns! BTCNJ returns to the land of the horse and buggy. Lancaster County is about a 4 hour car ride from Bergen County, but the experience of being there is like stepping back into the 19th century. The county is dominated by the Amish and Mennonites, whose lifestyle shuns modern technology and harkens back PAGE 6 masterlink / MARCH 2016 to a time when life was lived off the land, and being close with nature was part of every person’s daily existence. This makes for idyllic bicycling conditions. Beautiful back country paved roads that cover rolling terrain (no killer hillswell, mostly no killers), interesting sights, and the only traffic to speak of are the Amish folks in their horse-drawn buggies. Come join us for a great weekend of cycling. Our home base will be the Mill Stream Country Inn, a clean and well-kept motel “deep in the heart of Amish Country,” with beautiful grounds and a small outdoor pool. We have cue sheets for rides of varying lengths and difficulty leaving and returning directly to the Inn. We’ll likely lead a mid-length ride on Friday afternoon (for those who can arrange to get there), a longer ride on Saturday (maybe 50 or a metric), and a short ride on Sunday morning before departure, weather-depending of course. A stay-over option and ride on Monday 7/25 may also be possible. Anticipated costs for this weekend trip are $160/person based on double occupancy and will include 2 nights’ accommodations, expanded continental breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, a wine/cheese reception, and a group dinner at an Amish-style restaurant on Saturday evening. And for old times’ sake (for those who remember our bike and baseball trips from the late 1990s), we may have an optional trip to a minor league baseball game, if the local Lancaster Barnstormers are in town and playing that weekend. Rides will be led at a C* level or above. We will have cue sheets and options available for those who do not want to ride at that pace and/or prefer to ride on their own. Please send a check for $160 per person, payable to Alan Horwitz, to the home address listed on the club website. Reminder that all trip participants must be club members in good standing (i.e. dues fully paid). Your trip leaders: Alan Horwitz, Barbara Kauffman, Barbara Augenblick, Ethan Brook. Questions to Alan at ajh973@gmail.com g Club n i r u o T e l c Bicy rsey of North Je dise Merchan For information about club merchandise, contact Harold Todman at htodman@aol.com. You do not need to be a BTCNJ member to purchase BTCNJ merchandise. The color photos on your screen may differ from the actual item color, due to differences in computer monitors and settings. RIDES CAPTAIN’S CORNER: Attention Ride Leaders and Future Ride Leaders... you’re not going to want to miss Aprils meeting! We went a little more than ten times around the world. I left out one of more prolific members. MEMBER TOTAL COMMENTS Ken Levins..............7,592 .......................No Junk Miles Here - Quality not Quantity Miles Elevation Gain 436,394 ft PAGE 7 masterlink / MARCH 2016 BTCNJ TOURS In the table below is a summary of the upcoming tours hosted by BTCNJ. For a full description of the tours, please visit our website. You must be a BTCNJ member to participate in a tour hosted by BTCNJ. CROSS THE CONTINENT, MAY 18-JULY 13 PRICE: TERRAIN: CONTACT: $2500 plus airfare Flat to very hilly Steve Lorenz, slinjersey@msn.com CAPACITY: DISTANCE: Open 3,380 miles SOUTHERN VERMONT, MAY 27-30 (MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND) PRICE: TERRAIN: CONTACT: $340/person (DO) All levels Linda Krauss, krauski@gmail.com CAPACITY: DISTANCE: Open 12-62 mile rides FRENCH CREEK IRON TOUR, JUNE 10-12 PRICE: TERRAIN: $45, hotel on your own All levels CAPACITY: DISTANCE: Open 11-100 mile rides CONTACT: Cynthia MacVicker, cmacvicker@optonline.net Peggy Telgheder, peggytelgheder@aol.com SOUTHERN ANDALUSIA, JUNE 10-25 PRICE: TERRAIN: CONTACT: $3,000/person (DO) Rolling to hilly CAPACITY: DISTANCE: Ethan Brook, ethanbrook@gmail.com Barbara Augenblick, beejayaug@gmail.com Wait-listed 30-50 miles/day LAKE GEORGE, JULY 8-10 PRICE: TERRAIN: CONTACT: $220/person (DO) Varied CAPACITY: DISTANCE: Barbara Mallach, mallachb@gmail.com Aaron Winograd Open 16-65 mile rides RHINEBECK, JULY 15-17 PRICE: TERRAIN: CONTACT: $199/person (DO) Varied CAPACITY: DISTANCE: Richard Fine, richardfine42@hotmail.com Amy Hass, amyhass@amyhass.com Open 30-70 mile rides BIKE THE AMISH COUNTRY, JULY 22-24 PRICE: TERRAIN: CONTACT: TBD Rolling Alan Horwitz, ajh973@gmail.com CAPACITY: DISTANCE: Watch for listing Varying QUEBEC’S EASTERN TOWNSHIPS, AUGUST 6-13 PRICE: TERRAIN: CONTACT: $1,000/person (DO) Rolling CAPACITY: DISTANCE: Don Schlenger- aschleng@opotonline.net Harriet Einschlag- heinschlag@gmail.com Open 40-55 miles/day AMAGANSETT, SEPTEMBER 23-25 PAGE 8 PRICE: TERRAIN: CONTACT: $250/person (DO) Mostly flat Robert DeMair, rdemair@optonline.net CAPACITY: DISTANCE: Open 12-107 mile rides masterlink / MARCH 2016 PAGE 9 masterlink / MARCH 2016 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BIKE SHOP The owners of all these shops support BTCNJ. Please tell them you saw their shop in MasterLink. Show them your BTCNJ membership card for a 10% discount off accessories and parts. They are skilled bicycle pros, and we urge you to use their services. Please note that the discount may not apply to sale items and may not allow credit card payment. Please note that the individual shop owners have sole discretion over the definition of “accessories and parts” and of the items in their stock to which any BTCNJ-related discount applies. D.J.s’ Cycles .............................................Belmar 732-681-8228 Toga Bike ...............................................NYC, NY 212-759-0002 Brookdale Cycle .............................Bloomfield 973-338-8908 Nyack Bicycle Outfitters ..............Nyack, NY 845-353-0268 Get-a-way Cycle Center........Bloomingdale 973-291-4163 Pedal Sports .........................................Oakland 201-337-9380 Bikeland..................................................Caldwell 973-403-3330 CampMor...............................................Paramus 201-445-5000 Bikeland II.............................................Chatham 973-635-8066 The Bicycle II........................................Paramus 201-632-0200 Closter Cycle...........................................Closter 201-768-3086 Cycle Sport Cyclery......................Park Ridge 201-391-5269 Congers Bike Shop ....................Congers, NY 845-268-3315 Cycle Craft .......................................Parsippany 973-227-4462 Steve’s Moped & Bicycle ..................Dumont 201-384-7777 Bicycle Depot..................................Pearl River 845-735-8686 Sam’s Bicycle Repair.............Elmwood Park 201-797-5819 Heino’s Ski and Cycle................Pequannock 973-696-3044 Bike Master......................................Englewood 201-569-3773 Piermont Bicycle.......................Piermont, NY 845-365-0900 Strictly Bicycles...................................Fort Lee 201-944-7074 Cycle Center...........................Pompton Lakes 973-835-6339 Carrera Cycles ..................................Glen Rock 201-857-0106 Bicycle Source.......................Pompton Plains 973-835-7595 Marty’s Reliable ........................Hackettstown 908-852-1650 Bike & Ski Shop ....................................Ramsey 201-327-9480 Bike Pad ............................................Hawthorne 973-427-9400 Ramsey Outdoor..................................Ramsey 201-327-8141 Grove Street Bicycles ..................Jersey City 201-451-2453 Ultimate Cycle Shop...........................Ramsey 201-962-9000 James Vincent................................Jersey City 201-420-5151 Marty’s Reliable ....................................Randolf 973-584-7773 Ramsey Outdoor..........................Ledgewood 973-584-7798 Cosmic Wheel ........................Ridgefield Park 201-440-6655 Bicycle Tech ..................................Lincoln Park 973-694-6775 Fit Werx....................................Ridgefield Park 201-440-2025 D.J.’s Cycles..................................Long Branch 732-870-2277 Ridgewood Cycle .........................Ridgewood 201-444-2553 Peddler ..........................................Long Branch 732-229-6623 Bikeworks....................................Rochelle Park 201-843-6409 Cycle Craft ......................................Long Valley 908-876-5600 Original Bike Shop ...................Saddle Brook 973-478-6555 Madison Bicycle Shop.......................Madison 973-377-6616 Valley Cycle .........................Spring Valley, NY 845-356-3179 High Gear Cyclery ...............................Millburn 973-376-0001 High Gear Cyclery................................Stiriling 908-647-2010 Diamond Cycle...................................Montclair 973-509-0233 Bicycle Workshop .................................Tenafly 201-568-9372 The Bikery............................................Montclair 973-744-7252 Fusion Cycles..........................................Tenafly 201-266-6925 Marty’s Reliable .............................Morristown 973-538-7773 Toga Bike..............................Upper Nyack, NY 845-358-3455 Cycle World.................................New City, NY 845-364-2384 Town Cycle............................West Milford, NJ 973-728-8878 James Vincent...........................North Bergen 201-869-1901 Albert’s Westwood Cycle ...........Westwood 201-664-1688 Chelsea Bikes.......................................NYC, NY 646-230-7715 Whippany Cycle ..............................Whippany 973-887-8150 Gotham Bike.........................................NYC, NY 212-732-2453 Wyckoff Cycle......................................Wyckoff 201-891-5500 As proof of BTCNJ membership, you will need to print your membership card through the BTCNJ website. Log onto the site, select Membership Card under the Membership tab. Printing instructions are provided. PAGE 10 masterlink / MARCH 2016 BTCNJ RIDE CATEGORIES RIDE LEVEL DESCRIPTION A Average speed 17+ mph - For strong/experienced cyclists. Stops every 30+ miles. B* Average speed 15.0 - 16.9 mph - average speed on flats 17.0 - 18.0 mph. For strong cyclists. Stops every 20 - 25 miles B Average speed 13.0 - 14.9 mph - average speed on flats 15.0 - 16.0 mph. For solid cyclists. Stops every 15 - 20 miles. C* Average speed 11.0 - 12.9 mph - average speed on flats 13.0 - 14.0 mph. For solid cyclists. Stops every 15 - 20 miles. C Average speed 9.0 - 10.9 mph - average speed on flats 11.0 - 12.0 mph. For average cyclists. Stops as needed. D Average speed Under 9.0 mph - average speed on flats 10.0 mph. For new, inexperienced cyclists. Frequent stops. F Family ride for families. Frequent stops, child friendly. MTB-B Mountain Bike - Single track with challenging surfaces, rocks, roots, logs and technical terrain. Extended ascents and challenging descents. MTB-C Mountain Bike - Single and double track trails with uneven surfaces and minimal obstacles. Gradual and moderate climbing and descents. MTB-D Mountain Bike - Unpaved wide trails and fire roads with obstruction free riding surfaces. Small and gradual changes in elevation. A, B*, B Categories: No obligation to wait for stragglers if advertised pace is kept and written directions (cue sheets, maps) are issued. C*, C, D Categories: Group will wait for stragglers and assist those having mechanical difficulty. MTB rides: the slowest participant dictates ride pace; no rider is ever left behind. TERRAIN DESCRIPTIONS Hilly: Numerous long and steep climbs Moderately Hilly: Numerous climbs, with no “killer” hills Rolling: Some small hills, farmland ups and downs Flat: Minimal gear shifting required RESPONSIBILITIES FOR LEADERS Bring maps and/or cue sheets. Discourage riders with unsound bikes from joining the ride. Within the first few miles, urge riders who are unable to maintain the advertised pace to leave the ride. Adhere to the advertised speed of the ride. Advise riders exceeding your intended pace that they will be considered to be on their own. RIDE LEADERS MUST SUBMIT THEIR SIGN-IN SHEETS TO EARN RIDE LEADER POINTS. RESPONSIBILITIES FOR RIDERS Riders must obey NJ motor vehicle laws. Bring tools: tire irons, pump, and spare tube. Bicycle must be in good working order. Don’t ride in a category that is too difficult for you. Advise leader if you are making an unscheduled stop or leaving the group. Rides will not go in the following conditions (unless otherwise noted in the rides description): rain, snow, wet or icy roads, or temperatures under 32°. Rides will leave 15 minutes after the published meeting time (unless otherwise noted.) For rides longer than 15 miles, bring snacks, for rides over 30 miles, bring lunch (unless a deli stop is indicated). Note: anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian on all rides. Every rider is required to wear a helmet that meets CPSC Performance Standards on all club rides. Headphones are not permitted on rides. PAGE 11 masterlink / SEPTEMBER 2014 BIKE MARSHALS NEEDED! Registration as a bike marshals on our road crew team is free. Contact Joey Farmery at jfarmery@eventage.net or by phone at 773-344-7102 PAGE 12 masterlink / MARCH 2016 BTCNJ® EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Executive Summary of Meeting Minutes February 3, 2016 Present: Harriet Einschlag, Secretary Alan Scherl, Vice President Karen Rose, Public Relations Keith Schlanger, Rides Captain Marc Soloff, Masterlink Alain Chahine, Rally Chair Harold Todman, Membership Larry Schwartz, Webmaster Don Schlenger, Tours Not Present: Don Kaplan, Treasurer Tom Conlon, Legislative and Safety Lauren Kelley, Volunteer development Bill Telgheder, President Call to Order VP Alan Scherl opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. President (VP in President’s absence): • Alan opened the meeting by welcoming the committee members. • Alan opened discussion on ideas to improve cycling safety and cyclist riding skills. The group discussed many aspects of safety. Larry volunteered to write an article on situations where it is more likely that accidents will occur. There was discussion that safety tips and skills may differ depending on the ride level. For example, riding skills and situations encountered may be different on an A ride, or C* or D ride. It was suggested that ride leaders would have specific suggestions based on the nature of their ride, and that there be a checklist covered by ride leaders. It was suggested that a safety discussion for ride leaders take place at the ride leader jersey club meeting in April. • Some towns have not responded to our offer of a bike rack. Committee members will follow-up. Vice President: • Alan Scherl reported that February’s meeting will have Rich Brookler and Mike Gisler demonstrating new trainers and online ride sharing applications. March’s meeting will have Genea Barnes discussing “Ghost Bikes” memorials. April’s meeting will be ride leader jersey distribution and safety discussion. May’s meeting will have John Russo from Cosmic Wheel discussing Garmins and technology. Rides Captain: • Keith Schlanger discussed the topic of providing more incentives for members who lead a lot of rides and earn more than points needed for a jersey. He will solicit ideas at the next rides committee meeting with ride lieutenants. • Keith reported that there were 125 jerseys on order. 15 members opted for free membership. There are 6 ride leaders in the 8-11 point category who earn club merchandise. Special Events/Volunteer Development: • Lauren Kelly was absent, but Keith mentioned that Ellen Davis, club member, is in charge of volunteers for the NY Grand Fondo. There is an expo, and maybe BTCNJ should have a table at the expo? The expo dates are 5/13 and 5/14. The event is 5/15. PAGE 13 masterlink / MARCH 2016 Publicity: • Karen Rose requested topics for the February eletter MasterLink: • Marc reported that a club member volunteered to video record club meeting presentations and upload them to YouTube Webmaster: • Larry Schwartz reported that there was a database error where there was no information on six members. He thinks the error occurred when they timed out on a page, but were able to continue the process. Larry will correct the error. Ramapo Rally: • Alain reported that the Ramapo Rally meeting in January was cancelled due to inclement weather. Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriet Einschlag Harriet Einschlag BTCNJ Board Secretary PAGE 14
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Bill Telgheder, President
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