nov ml - the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey
nov ml - the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey
masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 Contents 4 President’s Message Patience and Respect 5 BTCNJ Tours Southern Andalusia 6 Rides Captain’s Corner The Results Are In: Tie-Breaker Necessary (Again) 4 This Month 3 November Membership Meeting Thursday, November 12, 2015, 7:30pm 8 Turkey Bike 7 Saturday, November 21, 2015 5 On The Cover: Andres Tiribocchi led a 35-mile ride from Haverstraw, N.Y. to the top of Perkins Memorial Drive. Photo courtesy of Angelo Chavez PAGE 2 8 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 November Membership Meeting PRESIDENT Bill Telgheder VICE PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP Alan Scherl Harold Todman SECRETARY RALLY CHAIRPERSON Harriet Einschlag Ethan Brook RIDES CAPTAIN MASTERLINK Andres Tiribocchi Marc Soloff WEBMASTER PUBLICITY Larry Schwartz Barbara Augenblick SPCL. EVENTS/VOL. DEVELOPMENT TOURS Leslie Felsen Don Schlenger TREASURER ADVOCACY AND SAFETY Franklin Wimer Tom Conlon November 2015, Volume 38, Number 11. Circulation: approx. 1,500 via electronic download. MasterLink is published 12 times per year as the official publication of the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey, PO Box 853, Ridgewood NJ 07451. Our website is ©2015 by the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey, all rights reserved. “MasterLink”, “BTCNJ”, “BTCNJ.COM”, “Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey” (words and logo), and “Ramapo Rally” are trademarks of the Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey. MasterLink Submissions: Materials for MasterLink are due the 23rd of each month for publication in the following month’s issue. Please send articles, photos, letters, or comments to MasterLink, at our email address Materials may be edited by the MasterLink staff for length and clarity. Publication of materials submitted is at the discretion of the Editor. All materials submitted for publication become the property of BTCNJ®. Due to copyright laws, any articles, photos, cartoons, art, etc., that have appeared in other publications may not be published in MasterLink without written consent of the copyright holder. Photos in MasterLink may not be reused or republished without prior permission. Protection of the Intellectual Property of BTCNJ® We welcome your creative suggestions for promotional activities using the Club’s brands, however, the Club’s name, slogans, designs and logos are its intellectual property, which embody the “goodwill” of the Club as developed over the years through service to its members and the community, with thanks to the volunteer efforts of countless members. In order to preserve and protect our goodwill, it is critical that all use of the Club’s intellectual property be properly regulated. Please do not reproduce or simulate the Club logo, the names “BTCNJ” or “Bicycling Touring Club of North Jersey”, or any other brands such as “Ramapo Rally” and “MasterLink” on shirts, caps, jerseys, bottles, stickers, or any other merchandise without authorization from our Merchandise Chair, Harold Todman. Have you ever thought about cycling across the country coastto-coast when you were young? Or when you were not so young? And then actually did it, twice. Well that’s what New York Times obituary columnist Bruce Weber did. After riding from sea to sea when he was in his thirties, he decided to do it again at the age of 57, and this time he wrote a book chronicling his second cross-country adventure. Back in 2011, the Teaneck native started his journey from the Oregon coast, crossing the northern plains and industrial Midwest and Northeast, concluding his trip by riding across Bergen County to the George Washington Bridge into his current home of Manhattan. He tells of the people, places, and the events he encountered along the way. From the long, seemingly endless climbs through the Rocky Mountains, to the long, hot, treeless days while crossing The Great Plains, Bruce gives us an intimate look at America and at life in general from the unique perspective of his bicycle seat. When: Thursday, November 12 Time: 7:30 PM Where: Ridgewood Public Library 125 N Maple Ave Ridgewood, NJ 07450 PAGE 3 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Patience and Respect By Bill Telgheder While you were enjoying late summer cycling with the club in Amagansett, Cape May, Martha’s Vineyard, or one of the club rides in North Jersey, Peggy and I were vacationing in Spain. We spent many days exploring on foot, and we cycled two days in Barcelona, two days in Seville, and five days among the white villages of Andalusia. I was surprised by the patience and respect that motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians exhibited toward each other as everyone followed the rules of the roads and paths. I’m sure that those of you who have traveled to Europe have witnessed the same. Motorists were patient with cyclists and cyclists were respectful to pedestrians. Most everyone followed the rules and moved along as they should. However, those cyclists and pedestrians who did not follow the rules were taking higher risks, as the patience of the motorists weaned. I was particularly impressed with paths used by cyclists and pedestrians together. The pedestrians stayed to the right, and the PAGE 4 cyclists yielded to pedestrians. The cyclists did not ring a bell or yell out when passing a pedestrian, and the pedestrian did not jump with surprise when a cyclist passed. It seemed that the pedestrians always expected that a cyclist would pass and would yield to them. For many years, Europeans have been bicycling and walking as a way of life—shopping for groceries, commuting to and from work, and moving around their environment. They have worked out how to share the roadway safely, pleasantly, and efficiently. We Americans, “pound out the miles” on our bikes, then jump into our beloved cars to get to and from just about anywhere. Americans have a way to go to develop the level of patience and respect that we saw in Spain, but I believe we are moving in that direction. Okay, vacation is over, and it’s time to get back to life in North Jersey. We have filled all the vacancies on the Executive Committee except one: Rally Chairperson. I am asking for one or two members to step up and lead next year’s Ramapo Rally. I know that sounds like a big commitment with a lot of work, but it really isn’t as big as it seems—and you will receive lots of accolades, praise, and support. Many of the rally team leaders are seasoned in their roles. Two of the more time-consuming and difficult positions are filled: Sponsorship, which recruits organizations that contribute funds and goods, and Registration. The rides captain will handle the routes. Location and food vendors can remain the same. Administrative tasks such as obtaining permits and insurance are well documented. Only two or three meetings are required to coordinate tasks. Lastly, Peggy and I will help as needed. I am impressed at the skills and abilities of our members and ask that you please consider leading the Ramapo Rally. Possibly, you could team up with a friend and co-chair the rally. A host of dedicated volunteers will be working right alongside you. And, yes, you automatically earn a Ride Leader jersey. Doesn’t that seal the deal? masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 BTCNJ TOURS Southern Andalusia June 10–25, 2016 Join us as we explore the southern Andalusia region of Spain including the Mediterranean coast. We’ll fly into Malaga by way of Dublin on Aer Lingus. From Malaga, we’re looking at routing our trip through Ronda, Olvera, Seville, the white villages and lots more. We’re also working on possible side trips. Air travel has been secured, and the remainder of this trip is a work in progress. More information will be forthcoming. Terrain will be rolling to hilly, and this trip is recommended for strong riders at the C* level and above. The cost is expected to be $3,000. To reserve your spot, please send a check for $500 made out to Barbara Augenblick, 200 Winston Drive, Unit 2115, Cliffside Park, NJ. Please do not send a check to reserve a spot unless you are seriously interested in joining us. Cancellations can only be accepted until January 15th. Questions? Contact your trip leaders, Ethan Brook ( or Barbara Augenblick ( at 201.224.0316. DON’T DELAY, submit your photos and videos today for the Year in Review Email them to or upload them to: Please place multiple photos/videos in a folder and either zip or compress the folder with your name and photo info (tour name, Ramapo Rally, etc). PAGE 5 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 RIDES CAPTAIN’S CORNER: The Results Are In: Tie-Breaker Necessary (Again) By Andres Tiribocchi The Ride Leader Jersey 2015 design contest had its first round of voting in October, and one more time, our Ride Leaders had the chance to pick their favorites designs. The quality and variety of the eight pieces guaranteed another tough competition, and since the first Ride Leaders started casting their votes at least three designs were trending as the favorites for our members. After 70% of the qualifying Leaders sent their vote two designs emerged as the most popular but only separated by 12 points. These two artworks were the choice of more than 50% of the Ride Leaders. According to the rules of the contest, the two top designs will run a second and definitive round of voting in November. Therefore, in the following weeks all our Ride Leaders who qualified for the first round, will receive an e-mail with the final instructions to cast their votes. Each Leader will have the opportunity to choose only one design, and the artwork with the highest number of votes will be declared the winner of the contest, which will be announced at the BTCNJ December membership meeting. The final results of the first round of votes is as follows (*designs go to tie-break voting): First Place* Second Place* Third Place Fourth Place Fifth Place Sixth Place Seventh Place Eighth Place PAGE 6 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 New Members Ride October 11th The fall 2015 New Members Ride was held on October 11th. Once again we had an overwhelming turn out from both new and existing members who led rides and buddied with new members. There were nearly 100 riders who signed in, and participated in riding and socializing! The event included B, C*, C, and D rides. New riders sought tips, gained confidence, and in some instances learned that the level they chose was either too fast or too slow for them. The weather was bright and sunny and everyone had a great time. A fun day for all who participated! -Harold Todman, Membership Chair Andres Tiribocchi, Rides Captain Do You Remember? “Sunflowers on BTCNJ Italy Trip” See how many riders you can identify in the picture. Pat Gordon, Sharon Steeg and Lenora Cino PAGE 7 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2016 • 7PM-11PM INDIAN TRAILS CLUB • FRANKLIN LAKES, N.J. Music & Dancing • Hors D’Oervres • Buffet • Soft Drinks $42/Person • Cash Bar • Please do not bring your own Music by our own DJ Chris Andres Register now! Send your check for $42 made out to BTCNJ To Leslie Felsen • 69 Monmouth Road • Glen Rock, N.J. 07452 Turkey Bike 7- Saturday, November 21st Please join the Cycle Craft Family for our 7th running of our “Turkey Bike” food drive to support the Community FoodBank of New Jersey in their mission to bring food to families in need throughout New Jersey. Turkey Bike will start at Cycle Craft’s Parsippany location. After a fun ride up to the King’s Supermarket in Boonton we will cruise over to SmartWorld Coffee in Denville to drop our Turkeys with the FoodBank. The total ride is about 25 miles with 4 miles carrying your turkey. To register visit PAGE 8 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 Submission Instructions Step 1 Create a new folder on your desktop. Step 2 Name the folder with your name and a description of the contents, Ramapo Rally, for example. Step 3 Drag your pictures into the folder. Please do not rename the picture files, many people change the filename to “Photo1,” this will result in photos being written over. Leave the orignal filename that your camera gave the file. Step 4 Right click on the folder and select “send to” and then “Compressed (zipped) folder. Step 5 You will now have two folders, the original and the new compressed folder with a zipped folder icon. Step 6 Go to and drag and drop the zipped folder on to the blue box (which will turn green). Note: the process only allows up to 20MB of pictures at a time, if you have alot of pictures split them into multiple folders. PAGE 9 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BIKE SHOP The owners of all these shops support BTCNJ. Please tell them you saw their shop in MasterLink. Show them your BTCNJ membership card for a 10% discount off accessories and parts. They are skilled bicycle pros, and we urge you to use their services. Please note that the discount may not apply to sale items and may not allow credit card payment. Please note that the individual shop owners have sole discretion over the definition of “accessories and parts” and of the items in their stock to which any BTCNJ-related discount applies. D.J.s’ Cycles .............................................Belmar 732-681-8228 Toga Bike ...............................................NYC, NY 212-759-0002 Brookdale Cycle .............................Bloomfield 973-338-8908 Nyack Bicycle Outfitters ..............Nyack, NY 845-353-0268 Get-a-way Cycle Center........Bloomingdale 973-291-4163 Pedal Sports .........................................Oakland 201-337-9380 Bikeland..................................................Caldwell 973-403-3330 CampMor...............................................Paramus 201-445-5000 Bikeland II.............................................Chatham 973-635-8066 The Bicycle II........................................Paramus 201-632-0200 Closter Cycle...........................................Closter 201-768-3086 Cycle Sport Cyclery......................Park Ridge 201-391-5269 Congers Bike Shop ....................Congers, NY 845-268-3315 Cycle Craft .......................................Parsippany 973-227-4462 Steve’s Moped & Bicycle ..................Dumont 201-384-7777 Bicycle Depot..................................Pearl River 845-735-8686 Sam’s Bicycle Repair.............Elmwood Park 201-797-5819 Heino’s Ski and Cycle................Pequannock 973-696-3044 Bike Master......................................Englewood 201-569-3773 Piermont Bicycle.......................Piermont, NY 845-365-0900 Strictly Bicycles...................................Fort Lee 201-944-7074 Cycle Center...........................Pompton Lakes 973-835-6339 Carrera Cycles ..................................Glen Rock 201-857-0106 Bicycle Source.......................Pompton Plains 973-835-7595 Marty’s Reliable ........................Hackettstown 908-852-1650 Bike & Ski Shop ....................................Ramsey 201-327-9480 Bike Pad ............................................Hawthorne 973-427-9400 Ramsey Outdoor..................................Ramsey 201-327-8141 Grove Street Bicycles ..................Jersey City 201-451-2453 Ultimate Cycle Shop...........................Ramsey 201-962-9000 James Vincent................................Jersey City 201-420-5151 Marty’s Reliable ....................................Randolf 973-584-7773 Ramsey Outdoor..........................Ledgewood 973-584-7798 Cosmic Wheel ........................Ridgefield Park 201-440-6655 Bicycle Tech ..................................Lincoln Park 973-694-6775 Fit Werx....................................Ridgefield Park 201-440-2025 D.J.’s Cycles..................................Long Branch 732-870-2277 Ridgewood Cycle .........................Ridgewood 201-444-2553 Peddler ..........................................Long Branch 732-229-6623 Bikeworks....................................Rochelle Park 201-843-6409 Cycle Craft ......................................Long Valley 908-876-5600 Original Bike Shop ...................Saddle Brook 973-478-6555 Madison Bicycle Shop.......................Madison 973-377-6616 Valley Cycle .........................Spring Valley, NY 845-356-3179 High Gear Cyclery ...............................Millburn 973-376-0001 High Gear Cyclery................................Stiriling 908-647-2010 Diamond Cycle...................................Montclair 973-509-0233 Bicycle Workshop .................................Tenafly 201-568-9372 The Bikery............................................Montclair 973-744-7252 Fusion Cycles..........................................Tenafly 201-266-6925 Marty’s Reliable .............................Morristown 973-538-7773 Toga Bike..............................Upper Nyack, NY 845-358-3455 Cycle World.................................New City, NY 845-364-2384 Town Cycle............................West Milford, NJ 973-728-8878 James Vincent...........................North Bergen 201-869-1901 Albert’s Westwood Cycle ...........Westwood 201-664-1688 Chelsea Bikes.......................................NYC, NY 646-230-7715 Whippany Cycle ..............................Whippany 973-887-8150 Gotham Bike.........................................NYC, NY 212-732-2453 Wyckoff Cycle......................................Wyckoff 201-891-5500 As proof of BTCNJ membership, you will need to print your membership card through the BTCNJ website. Log onto the site, select Membership Card under the Membership tab. Printing instructions are provided. PAGE 10 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 BTCNJ RIDE CATEGORIES RIDE LEVEL DESCRIPTION A Average speed 17+ mph - For strong/experienced cyclists. Stops every 30+ miles. B* Average speed 15.0 - 16.9 mph - average speed on flats 17.0 - 18.0 mph. For strong cyclists. Stops every 20 - 25 miles B Average speed 13.0 - 14.9 mph - average speed on flats 15.0 - 16.0 mph. For solid cyclists. Stops every 15 - 20 miles. C* Average speed 11.0 - 12.9 mph - average speed on flats 13.0 - 14.0 mph. For solid cyclists. Stops every 15 - 20 miles. C Average speed 9.0 - 10.9 mph - average speed on flats 11.0 - 12.0 mph. For average cyclists. Stops as needed. D Average speed Under 9.0 mph - average speed on flats 10.0 mph. For new, inexperienced cyclists. Frequent stops. F Family ride for families. Frequent stops, child friendly. MTB-B Mountain Bike - Single track with challenging surfaces, rocks, roots, logs and technical terrain. Extended ascents and challenging descents. MTB-C Mountain Bike - Single and double track trails with uneven surfaces and minimal obstacles. Gradual and moderate climbing and descents. MTB-D Mountain Bike - Unpaved wide trails and fire roads with obstruction free riding surfaces. Small and gradual changes in elevation. A, B*, B Categories: No obligation to wait for stragglers if advertised pace is kept and written directions (cue sheets, maps) are issued. C*, C, D Categories: Group will wait for stragglers and assist those having mechanical difficulty. MTB rides: the slowest participant dictates ride pace; no rider is ever left behind. TERRAIN DESCRIPTIONS Hilly: Numerous long and steep climbs Moderately Hilly: Numerous climbs, with no “killer” hills Rolling: Some small hills, farmland ups and downs Flat: Minimal gear shifting required RESPONSIBILITIES FOR LEADERS Bring maps and/or cue sheets. Discourage riders with unsound bikes from joining the ride. Within the first few miles, urge riders who are unable to maintain the advertised pace to leave the ride. Adhere to the advertised speed of the ride. Advise riders exceeding your intended pace that they will be considered to be on their own. RIDE LEADERS MUST SUBMIT THEIR SIGN-IN SHEETS TO EARN RIDE LEADER POINTS. RESPONSIBILITIES FOR RIDERS Riders must obey NJ motor vehicle laws. Bring tools: tire irons, pump, and spare tube. Bicycle must be in good working order. Don’t ride in a category that is too difficult for you. Advise leader if you are making an unscheduled stop or leaving the group. Rides will not go in the following conditions (unless otherwise noted in the rides description): rain, snow, wet or icy roads, or temperatures under 32°. Rides will leave 15 minutes after the published meeting time (unless otherwise noted.) For rides longer than 15 miles, bring snacks, for rides over 30 miles, bring lunch (unless a deli stop is indicated). Note: anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian on all rides. Every rider is required to wear a helmet that meets CPSC Performance Standards on all club rides. Headphones are not permitted on rides. PAGE 11 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 BTCNJ® EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Executive Summary of Meeting Minutes October 6, 2015 Present: Harriet Einschlag, Secretary Alan Scherl, Vice President Leslie Felsen, Volunteer Development Barbara Augenblick, Public Relations Andres Tiribocchi, Rides Captain Marc Soloff, Masterlink Don Schlenger, Tours Tom Conlon, Advocacy and Safety Committee Chair Ethan Brook, Rally Chair Not Present: Larry Schwartz, Webmaster Bill Telgheder, President Frank Wimer, Treasurer Harold Todman, Membership Call to Order Vice President Alan Scherl opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. President (Alan Scherl on behalf of Bill): • Alan opened the meeting by welcoming the committee members. • Alan reported on Bill’s recommendations for the Anniversary Party admission cost of $42 per person. BTCNJ will pick up the costs of the DJ and other ancillary party costs. Don Schlenger made a motion to charge $42 per person, and Barbara Augenblick seconded. There was discussion and the motion passed unanimously. Door prizes will be discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting. • Alan announced that BTCNJ will contribute $10 per person toward the cost of the first aid class. The cost for participant will be $50. • Alan announced that plans for BTCNJ participation in Nyack’s Halloween parade are being dropped due to lack of member interest in participation. • Alan noted a recent article in the Bergen Record that Upper Saddle River wants to educate cyclists to ride single file. The article stated that Borough public safety officials will launch an informational campaign before ultimately take the enforcement route with bicyclists passing through Upper Saddle River. Tom Conlon will contact the USR Mayor on behalf of BTCNJ. Vice President: • Alan Scherl reported that October’s meeting will feature Cosmic Wheel on what to look for when buying a bike, November’s meeting will have Bruce Weber, author of Life is a Wheel, December’s meeting will be a pot luck and announcement of the Ride Leader Jersey contest results, and January’s meeting will be Year In Review and announcement of Volunteer of the Year. Secretary: • Harriet Einschlag reported on flowers sent to funeral home in memory of Pete Romano. • Harriet reported that she will be inviting incoming Executive Committee members as guests to the November Executive Committee meeting. Rides Captain: • Andres Tiribocchi reported that the Ride Leader Jersey ballots will be distributed to eligible leaders within PAGE 12 masterlink / NOVEMBER 2015 the week. • Andres reported that new member rides are scheduled for Sunday, October 11. Special Events/Volunteer Development: • Leslie Felsen reported that the Anniversary party will be announced in the next MasterLink. The date is January 9, 2016 at the Indian Trail Country Club in Franklin Lakes. Publicity: • Barbara Augenblick requested topics for the October eletter. Topics will include the November meeting, CPR class, and Anniversary Party date. MasterLink: • Marc will explain how to make YIR photo submissions at the November meeting and will write an explanatory article in the MasterLink. He will also post a video illustrating YIR photo submission. • Marc reported that so far he received 435 photos and 315 of those are of the Ramapo Rally. Marc needs photos of all club trips. Tours: • Don Schlenger reported that there were approximately 15 tours this year, and all were sold out with waiting lists. He will start soliciting trips for next year. There might be a new addition of a weeklong trip to Quebec. • Ethan reported that the next Europe trip will likely take place June 10 through June 25, 2016 Advocacy and Safety: • Tom Conlon reported that the CPR class will be on Sunday, November 8 at the Elmwood Park Ambulance Corps from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will cover CPR and first aid. There is space for 20 participants. • Tom reported that the bike path will be extended in Sparkill by Oak Tree Rd. • Tom reported that Piermont will station bike police by the entrance to Piermont. Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriet Einschlag Harriet Einschlag BTCNJ Board Secretary PAGE 13
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