the texian - The Sons of the Republic of Texas
the texian - The Sons of the Republic of Texas
THE TEXIAN The Official Publication of The Sons of the Republic of Texas VOL. 10, NUMBER 2 JULY 2007 Texas History Essay Winners Receive Awards at San Jacinto On April 21, 2007 The Sons of the Republic of Texas awarded their 33rd Annual Scholarship Awards to Winners of the Texas History Essay Contest. The Awards totaled $5,000 and were given to two graduating High School Seniors. The First Place Winner of $3,000 was SRT member Britton Lee, graduating Senior from (L-R) Vanessa Bazan, 2nd place winner, Denton Bryant, Chairman Texas History Essay Committee and Britton Lee, 1st place winner Robert E. Lee High School in Tyler, Texas. The Second Place Winner of $2,000 was Vanessa Bazan from New Braunfels High School in New Braunfels, Texas. Both students expressed their appreciation and plan to use the scholarship money to further their education at the University of Texas in the fall. PRESIDENT GENERAL’S MESSAGE The new Constitution and By-laws passed unanimously at the Annual Meeting in Corpus Christi. To commemorate this historical event in SRT’s History an archive book was signed by all present and a group picture was taken. The William B. Travis Chapter made a detailed presentation at the members’ meeting on their very successful Texas History poster program. This year they had over 490 entries! Several award-winning entries were displayed. This is a great idea to reach young Texans and give them a personal experience in researching Republic of Texas historical dates. I look forward to hearing from all the chapter presidents that took the well-documented handouts home for review. What’s Inside? Janet’s Journal 2 Eagle Scout Award 3 Texas Independence Day 4 Around The State 5 Annual Meeting Awards 6-7 Texas Navy Day J. Richard “Dick” Reese, KSJ Have you visited our website lately? Changes have been made. Working with 1st Vice President General Vaughn Oliver, we rearranged several topics so that they would be more obvious to first time visitors. The Texian Navy got its own listing but all SRT Republic of Texas Historical dates are now under this topic but added to it is “Teacher Resources”. Our goal is to have detailed account of each Republic of Texas Historical date and the back up bibliography and further reference links for teacher or member use. To get an idea of what I envisioned, click on “Texian Navy” and read the three pages of material. Couldn’t you easily make a lesson plan or write a speech on the topic from this information? If you have a special interest in any one of the historical dates listed, contact Tom Green, KSJ, the new chairman of the Texas Historical Dates Committee at 281 922-1118. Your assistance will be appreciated in helping him develop this important project. Continued on pg. 2 David Hanover Newly Commisioned Admiral 8 11 10th Generation Members 10 Knighting Ceremony 11 New Members 12 Deceased SRT Members 13 PRESIDENT GENERAL’S MESSAGE (CON’T) As promised at the Annual meeting, I planned to write a Conflict of Interest Policy for the SRT and amend its corporate charter to comply with the new IRS Regulations for non-profit corporations. Thanks to several expert scriveners (Will Haddock and my first son in law, Jeff Slade), drafts will be available at the Liberty quarterly meeting. Don’t worry there is more to do. We are revising the Handbook of Texas entry for the SRT and we have a new information Fact Sheet for fund raising (Clay Fisher). Come join the fun! (Bring your own pen). Janet’s Journal Janet Hickl E-mail: 1717 Eighth Street Bay City, TX 77414 • Remember: All members that are active service personnel your dues are waived. Notify SRT office by email, postal service or by telephone. • Let me know if your chapter will be having any upcoming events to be announced in The Texian. • Please note there are new fees. Life Membership application fees have changed. Junior Membership and Supplementary fees are now $30. Discard any old SRT applications, brochures and application guidelines. • Please note that any applicants for membership in the SRT must have 3 signatures of recommending SRT members. It is not necessary if the applicant lives out of state BUT every applicant must affiliate with a chapter. This does not mean that they will have to attend meetings. • If you have not paid $10 for your 2007 copies of The Texian you will have to view the issues on our website. • Those members that have not paid their 2007 dues are now considered delinquent. • 2006 Yearbooks are available for $25, which includes CD, binder and dividers. SRT members attending the Annual Meeting in Corpus Christi signed the archive book commemorating the new Constitution and Bylaws. 2007 - 2008 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President General J. Richard Reese,KSJ 1st V.P. General L. Vaughn Oliver 2nd V.P. General Sam F. Clark, Jr. Secretary General David Hanover Treasurer General Tom Houston 2 Historian General Robert Kendall, KSJ Chaplain General Wesley N. Schulze, KSJ Executive Committeeman Leonard G. Cloud, KSJ Executive Committeeman Bob Steakley Administrative Assistant Janet Hickl AROUND THE STATE… “Gone To Texas” Pioneer Day 2007 Vaughn Oliver, 1st Vice President General portraying a character in Texas at The Williamson County Historical Museum. This was for the “Gone to Texas” Pioneer Day 2007, Saturday, May 12, 2007. An annual event at the Old Settlers Headquarters Grounds, Round Rock, Texas. To celebrate 100 years of pioneers coming to the county! Visitors listened to storytellers and met people from the past, they visited historical displays by the cultural groups who settled here, and experienced life like it used to be, sat among the log cabins and stately oak trees in this historic setting. Duane Blair presents Eagle Scout Award Certificates 1st Vice President General L. Vaughn Oliver Duane Blair presents the SRT Eagle Scout Award Certificate to Adam Argersinger (left) and Andrew Mitchell (right) at their Court of Honor in Arlington, Texas on April 21, 2007. They were in the Scouts together from the very beginning. They are in Troop 222 of the Longhorn Council. Restoring Local Cemeteries for Historical Protection On Friday, April 20, The Sons of the Republic of Texas Monument Hill Chapter #53 met for an alfresco lunch at Black Jack Springs Cemetery located just off FM 609 in Fayette County. The project is a new endeavor by the members of the chapter, to restore one or more local cemeteries, for historical protection. The SRT is a genealogic historic organization dedicated to the preservation of the knowledge of Texas history. Most of the chapter members (18 in all) reside in Fayette County. (L-R) Robert Schuhmann, chapter president, Arnold Romberg, LaGrange city council member and Admiral Weldon Koenig, (Ret.) 3 AROUND THE STATE… Texas Independence Day Celebrations Matagorda County celebrates Texas Independence Day with the San Jacinto Volunteers, and Texas Army. Houston celebrates Texas Independence Day on the steps of the new Civil Courts Building. President General Reese, KSJ was guest speaker. Members of the Texas Army honoring the men who died at the Alamo 171 years ago on March 6, 1836 4 AROUND THE STATE… The John O. Meusebach Chapter #48 makes its annual visit to Fredericksburg and Kerrville On Friday March 2,2007 the members of the John O. Meusebach Chapter #48 made their annual visit to the Middle Schools in Fredericksburg and Kerrville. The students and teachers always enjoy the programs. Sam Smith brought his Cannon “The Other Sister” and told the students the history of the real guns. Members also brought documents, artifacts, and photos pertaining to the Republic of Texas. A Steven F. Austin land grant of Donald Clark’s, a cannon ball found on the San Jacinto battle ground from Sam Smith, and a land grant and other papers from Joe Ginn. Afterwards the students were allowed to inspect the cannon, this was especially enjoyed by some special needs students. Members present were Sam Smith, Joe & Jane Ginn, Donald Clark, and Paul & Pat Burrier. 5 AWARDS PRESENTED AT THE 85TH ANNUAL MEETING Randy Pollard accepts his certificate for District Representative of the Year from 2nd Vice President General Sam Clark. Robert Fancher, descendant of William Gordon Bachman presented the Sidney Sherman Chapter #2 the William Gordon Bachman Award. Randy Pollard, San Jacinto District Representative accepts the certificate and check on behalf of the chapter. Dr. Thomas L. Charlton unable to attend the Annual Meeting in Corpus Christi was presented his Honorary Membership certificate by John Cathey, Post Oak District Representative. President General Reese, KSJ presents the Distinguished Service Award to Secretary General David Hanover. Mark Elley was presented the Educator of the Year award with a certificate and check from President General Reese, KSJ. Unable to attend the Presidio La Bahia awards ceremony in Goliad in December; Jean A. Stuntz was presented the 1st place PLB award from chairman Scott Dunbar, KSJ for her book Hers, His, and Theirs, Community Property Law in Spaian and Early Texas. 6 AWARDS PRESENTED AT THE 85TH ANNUAL MEETING President General List Certificates (L-R) Piney Woods Chapter #52, Tyler, Life member Jeff Austin III receives the President General’s List certificate, presented on behalf of J. Richard Reese, KSJ, by Secretary General David Hanover, at the Piney Woods chapter meeting on April 26, 2007. Al McCutheon member of the William B. Travis Chapter #7 is presented the President General’s List Certificate by President General Dick Reese, KSJ “Come and Take It” auction was held at the 2007 Annual Meeting in Corpus Chrisit, A nice selection of new and used Texas history books were offered in a silent auction format. Thanks to Clay Fisher, this was a fun way for members and guests to make a generous donation to SRT’s purposes and activities. (L-R) Northeast District Representative and Piney Woods Chapter #52, Tyler, Life member Stan Stokes receives the President General’s List certificate, presented on behalf of J. Richard Reese, KSJ, by Secretary General David Hanover, at the Piney Woods chapter meeting on April 26, 2007. President General Reese, KSJ presents Greg Gregson member of the San Jacinto Chapter #1 the President General’s List Certificate. Dale Williamson presents the Chapter Archive Awards to Joe Ginn, KSJ, member of the John O. Meusebach Chapter #48, Will Haddock, president of the San Jacinto Chapter #1 and David Hanover, Secretary General and member of the Piney Woods Chapter #52. Mr. Williamson generously sponsored this award in honor of his ancestor Judge Robert McAlpin Williamson also known as Three Legged Willie. Each winner received a certificate and check. John Homman, president of the Lone Star Chapter #58 is also presented the President General’s certificate from President General Reese,KSJ. Dale Williamson was the highest bidder for the hardcover edition of The Texas Rangers, A Century of Frontier Defense, by Walter Prescott Webb. Over 100 signatures of every Texas Ranger from all companies across Texas filled the “previously blank” back four pages and inside cover. 7 Anne H. Sutherland 2006 Summerfield G. Roberts Award winner for The Robertson, the Sutherlands and the Making of Texas. SRT to Honor Republic of Texas Navy Veterans—Sept. 15 Texas Land Commissioner, Jerry Patterson, to speak at Texas State Cemetery ceremony O n Saturday, September 15, 2007, the SRT will observe Texian Navy Day by conducting a solemn ceremony to honor the veterans of the Republic of Texas Navy who are buried at the Texas State Cemetery—Captain Robert Oliver, Lieutenant Charles F. Fuller, and Midshipman Fielding R. Culp. The Honorable Jerry Patterson, Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office and Governor Perry’s representative to the Texas Navy Association Board of Directors, will be the keynote speaker. The Texas Navy Association will also participate in the ceremony, and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas will be recognized for their past work in facilitating the re-interment of the three Texas Navy veterans back in 1955. The ceremony will be at 11:00 a.m. at the Texas State Cemetery. It is especially appropriate that the SRT celebrate Texian Navy Day 2007 at the Texas State Cemetery. After being observed for years on an ad hoc basis by gubernatorial proclamation, the third Saturday in September was designated by the legislature in 2005 (TEX. GOV. CODE § 662.051) as Texian Navy Day, which shall be regularly observed by appropriate ceremonies and activities. The last time the SRT honored the three Texas Navy veterans was January 1955, when their bodies were re-interred from the Girod Street Cemetery in New Orleans. About the keynote speaker The Honorable Jerry Patterson is Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office, elected to that position in 2002 and re-elected in 2006. Born in Houston on November 15, 1946, Jerry Patterson has dedicated his life to public service. Graduating from Texas A&M, Class of 1969 and receiving his commission in the United States Marine Corps, Commissioner Patterson volunteered for duty in Vietnam in 1972 and was later designated as a Naval Flight Officer and served in Marine fighter squadrons until his retirement from the Marine Corps Reserve as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1993. Five consecutive generations of Commissioner Patterson’s family have served our nation in time of war. Commissioner Patterson is a life member of VFW, American Legion and Vietnam Veterans of America. As state senator for District 11 (Harris, Galveston, and Brazoria Counties), Commissioner Patterson’s major legislative successes include passage of the historic concealed handgun law, a constitutional amendment allowing home equity lending, the state coastal management plan, and the creation of the Texas State Veterans Home Program. A tireless advocate for his fellow veterans, he chaired the first Veterans Affairs committee in the Texas Senate and hosted the first POW/MIA day at the Texas Capitol. Commissioner Patterson and his wife Jennifer reside in Austin. Commissioner Patterson has four children, Samantha and Cole, twins born in 2004, Emily, and Travis. His daughter Emily is an attorney working in Kosovo for an agency funded by the U.S. State Department. His son Travis is a graduate of Texas A&M, where he was commissioned as a Marine Lieutenant. He recently returned from duty in Iraq as a U.S. Marine attack helicopter pilot. In recognition of his efforts to preserve Texas history, Commissioner Patterson was formally approved by the general membership of the SRT as an honorary member at the 2007 annual meeting. He will be inducted at the 2008 annual meeting in Nacogdoches. The long journey to Texas The Catholic Diocese of New Orleans operated the original cemeteries of New Orleans. Being a port city, Protestants moved into New Orleans over time, particularly after the Louisiana Purchase making New Orleans a U.S. 8 SRT to Honor Republic of Texas Navy Veterans—Sept. 15 Texas Land Commissioner, Jerry Patterson, to speak at Texas State Cemetery ceremony Continued.. possession. The Episcopal cathedral chapter, Christ Church, purchased a parcel of land at Girod and Liberty Streets in the Faubourg Ste. Marie neighborhood, the original “American” section of the city. The cemetery flourished as the final resting place of many of the New Orleans’ former leaders, but the chapter failed to allocate funds for perpetual care of tombs and graves, relying on current-year income to maintain existing structures. By the 1920s, the Girod Street cemetery’s new interments declined to the point where the chapter had insufficient funds to maintain the property. By the 1930s, many sections of the cemetery fell into serious disrepair, and families began to remove remains from their tombs and re-inter them in other cemeteries. By the 1950s, grave robbers had looted many of the aboveground crypts (required for all burials due to New Orleans’ geography), the homeless took up residency in many of the empty crypts, and prostitutes conducted their trade amid the ruins. The cemetery was condemned by the city on July 30, 1953, and the cemetery was deconsecrated by Rt. Rev. Girault M. Jones, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana in January 1957 when a mass removal and re-internment of remains took place either in Hope Mausoleum or in a mass grave in Providence Memorial Park. The land eventually became the parking garage for the New Orleans Center shopping mall, located next to the Louisiana Superdome. After the condemnation, Mrs. Henry R. Wofford, Sr. of San Antonio, a past president general (1949-1951) of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, heard of the three Texans buried there in 1842, as did our own Past President General Louis W. Kemp, KSJ (1947-1949). They contacted President General James S. Maverick, KSJ (19541955) and started the process leading up to the re-interment of the three Texas Navy veterans at the Texas State Cemetery on January 15, 1955, with full military honors. The Dallas News recorded the completion of this work in its Sunday, January 16, 1955, edition: “To the sound of taps and the crack of gunshot from a military firing party, the remains of three officers of the Texas Navy were given a final resting place in the State Cemetery Saturday. The bodies of Capt. Robert Oliver of the Texas Marines and Lt. Charles F. Fuller and Midshipman Fielding R. Culp were reburied here after having lain in a New Orleans, La., cemetery for over a hundred years. The Sons of the Republic of Texas sponsored the move, and conducted the ceremony.” Directions to Republic Hill at the Texas State Cemetery The Texas State Cemetery is located at 909 Navasota Street, six blocks east of Interstate 35 via 7th Street. To reach the Republic Hill section of the cemetery, turn north on Navasota Street and park as close as possible to the intersection of 7th and Navasota Streets. The Republic Hill gate is located just north of 7th Street. The ceremony will be just inside the Republic Hill gate. For those with limited mobility who cannot use the steps at the Republic Hill gate, there will be limited access to Republic Hill by vehicle through the main entry gate. A limited number of chairs will be provided for those unable to stand during the ceremony. Further information Further information about the 1955 ceremony and the events leading up to it may be found in the January 3, 1955, issue of The Texian, now available on the SRT website; also, biographies of the three Texas Navy veterans may be found at the same location, You will not want to miss this momentous tribute to those three men and the entire Republic of Texas Navy. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. For additional information, contact SRT Texas Navy Committee Chairman David Hanover, 9 AROUND THE STATE… 10th Generation SRT Members (L-R) Piney Woods Chapter #52, Tyler, President Fred Powell installs 10th generation Texan Nathan Davis as a Junior member; assisting Nathan with his “oath” is proud grandfather, Life member Stan Stokes. Nathan wore the same suit used by big brother, Preston, four years ago. Congratulations to the Stokes-Davis families for carrying on the proud tradition of your Republic of Texas. Rodney Burge presented his new membership certificate and Texas flag from North East District Representative Stan Stokes in Saudia Arabia. Jack Barbee gave a presentation on the New Orleans Greys to the Adolphus Sterne Chapter #19. Displayed is the New Orleans Greys flag that his ancestor served under. 10 Stan Stokes, Piney Woods Chapter Life Member, is shown with his mother Hughlene Thomson Stokes, his daughter Stephanie Stokes Davis and his two grandsons Preston and Nathaniel Davis. This family group represents the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth generations of continuous Texas citizenship since their patriot ancestor Richard Hooper and his family came to Texas from Tennessee in February of 1836. Richard Hooper was cavalry captain in the Texas Army and served as Representative to the First Congress of the Republic of Texas for Shelby County. New officers elected for the Adolphus Sterne Chapter #19. (L-R) Joseph R. Ericson, Vice President, Joe Pyle, President and Giles Rusk, Secretary/Treasurer. AROUND THE STATE… Executive Committee Meeting - June 2, 2007 in Liberty Other Distinguished Service Award recipients stand next to Price Daniel’s framed Award. (L-R) L. Vaughn Oliver, 1st Vice President General, President General Reese, KSJ, Tom Houston, Treasurer General, Sam Clark, 2nd Vice President General and Scott Dunbar, KSJ. SRT members attending the June Executive Meeting in Liberty posed for a picture at the Price Daniel home on the grounds of the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center. David Hanover received the commission of Admiral in the Texas Navy Member David Hanover received the commission of Admiral in the Texas Navy on March 2, 2007, at a Texas Independence Day ceremony during the Piney Woods Chapter #52, Tyler, luncheon meeting at Spring Creek Barbeque in Tyler. On hand for presentation of the commission from Governor Rick Perry were officers of the Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Squadron of the Texas Navy: Admiral Bob Callanan, Commander; Admiral Frank R. “Dick” Brown, Communications Officer & Director in the Texas Navy Association (also, SRT Thomas J. Rusk Chapter president, Dallas); Admiral Ron Walenta, Logistics Officer Third Texas Navy is an honorary organization created by Governor Price Daniel in 1958. The Governor of Texas serves as the Commander in Chief, and issues commissions as Admiral in the Texas Navy to residents of Texas who have exhibited extraordinary service to the State. Admirals are charged with the duty of assisting in the preservation of the history, boundaries, water resources, and civil defense of the State. (L-R) David Hanover, newly commissioned Admiral in the Texas Navy, Admiral Frank R. “Dick” Brown reads the commission, as Admiral Ron Walenta looks on. 11 AROUND THE STATE… San Jacinto Day Ceremony April 21, 2007 (L-R) Will Haddock, President San Jacinto Chapter #1, Mrs. Wendy Baldwin, Machinist Mate First-Class, Thomas Baldwin (USS Texas), Commander, Brian Elkowitz (USS Texas), Captain Zeb Alford, Ret., SRT Honorary Member, and President General Dick Reese, KSJ (L-R) Fire Controlman Second-Class, Aaron Miller (USS San Jacinto), Sam Houston IV, KSJ, Captain Zeb Alford, Ret. And Command master Chief, Matthew Simpson (USS San Jacinto) (L-R) Sam Houston IV, KSJ, Al Davis, KSJ, Event Co-Chairman, Congressman Ted Poe, Gina Brouchard, Event Co-Chairman, Congressman Gene Green, Sarita Hixon, past president San Jacinto Museum 12 President General Dick Reese, DRT President General Nelma Wilkinson, and San Jacinto Descendants President General Gina Bouchard placed a memorial wreath at the base of the San Jacinto Monument. KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER OF SAN JACINTO 2007-2008 Officers Knighting Ceremony at the Annual Meeting Charles P. Briggs III, KSJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knight Commander Al Davis IV, KSJ . . . . . . . . . . . . First Deputy Knight Commander Billy E. Johnson, KSJ . . . . . .Second Deputy Knight Commander Gerald Sitterle, KSJ . . . . . . . Third Deputy Knight Commander Sam Houston IV, KSJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Knight Treasurer Joseph G. Ginn, KSJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knight Secretary Joe E. Ericson, KSJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knight Chaplain Scott Dunbar, KSJ . . . . . . . .Immediate Past Knight Commander Robert Kendall waits to be escorted by Joe Ginn, KSJ, Sam Houston IV, KSJ and Tom Green, KSJ. Robert Kendall being knighted by Knight Commander Charles P. Briggs III, KSJ with the Sam Houston sword. Scott Dunbar, KSJ, places The Knight Medallion on Robert Kendall. President General Reese, KSJ presents Kenneth Skillern, KSJ a certificate of appreciation for his years as Historian General. KSJ members attending the 2007 Annual Meeting in Corpus Christi. 13 Name David Travis Hannabass John Robert Pope Erwin Wayne Johnson Stephen Christopher Vickroy Virgil Vester Vickroy Jr. Marcine Cottle Antonio Edward Arevalos Jesse Leon Benavides Sr. Joe Winn Benavides Joe Armand Benavides Joshua Aden Galaviz Malcolm Alexander Myler John Thomas Steen Jr. John Thomas Steen III James Higbie Clemens Steen Enrique Villarreal III James Dwight Nyfeler Jared Nathan Boothe James Arrington Smith Chad Nolan Hensley II Sidney Ronald Holt Ross Edward Waggoner Eugene Martin Waggoner Robert Logan Zurfluh Richard LaVern Zurfluh Gary Stephen Cunningham James Cornelius Carroll Williams Fred Baker Rudolph Scotty Frank Rusk Frank Gregory Ponton Jack M. Payne Donald Ray Crowell Sr. William Afton Daniel Dan Leslie Woods Norman Ray Cox Nathaniel James Davis Weldon Michael Griggs Calvin Lee Blake Sr. Calvin Lee Blake Jr. Keith Gordon Gay Bryan Russell Gay Jerry William Gay Sr. Jerry William Gay Jr. Mark Harvey Hargraves Jonathan Raymond Homman Frederick Calvin Mead Frederick Calvin Mead Jr. Frederick Calvin Mead III David Glen Westmoreland Douglas Bennett Williams Douglas Bennett Williams Jr. Michael Jared Prewitt Wilson New Members Chapter Ancestor 0 0 1 1 1 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 12 12 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 26 29 33 36 36 46 52 52 52 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 Joseph Harbour George C. Kimble Phillip Singleton Samuel May Williams Samuel May Williams Stephen Cottle Froylan De La Garza Froylan De La Garza Froylan De La Garza Froylan De La Garza Joseph Burleson, Sr. Hezekiah Harvey Hargrave David Burkett David Burkett David Burkett Stephen Townsend George Washington Smith Evan Douthit Alberto Vaughan William Stevens Gill James Murphy Scott Burrell Perry Smith Burrell Perry Smith Gerrit E. Boom Gerrit E. Boom James Raymond Johnson, Sr. Willis Murphy Mortimer Monoah Pruitt Thomas Jefferson Rusk Andrew Ponton John M. Payne John Squyres Nancy Boren Zadock Woods William Webb Richard Hooper Frederick Edward Mueller (Miller) Andrew Ward Andrew Ward John Francis Cheairs, Jr. John Francis Cheairs, Jr. John Francis Cheairs, Jr. John Francis Cheairs, Jr. Benjamin Anatoille Barrow David Looney Stephen Townsend Stephen Townsend Stephen Townsend James Barnes William Bennett Williamson William Bennett Williamson Captain Hiram Brown 14 13 Hometown Purvis MS Fairfax VA Houston TX League City TX Baton Rouge LA Temple TX Mechanicsville VA San Antonio TX San Antonio TX San Antonio TX San Antoni o TX San Antonio TX San Antonio TX San Antonio TX San Antonio TX San Antonio TX Plano TX Austin TX Dripping SpringsTX Moreno Valley CA Call TX VictoriaTX Garrison TX Nacogdoches TX Nacogdoches TX San Augustine TX San Augustine TX Coleman TX Panhandle TX Newbury Pk. CA Carthage TX Azle TX Weatherford TX Anahuac TX Wichita Falls TX Keller TX Bremerton WA W. Conroe TX Conroe TX Porter TX Porter TX Porter TX Porter TX The Woodlands TX Conroe TX Conroe TX Houston TX Houston TX Norwalk CT Conroe TX HoustonTX Spring TX In Memoriam Name Chapter Hometown B. Rice Aston 38 Houston, TX Perry George Brittain 49 Center, TX Robert Ardine Carlton 8 College Station, TX Thomas Frank Cloud Jr. 34 Chappell, TX Jimmy Woodrow Hendricks 8 Grand Prairie, TX Judge Christopher Kepler 8 Dallas, TX James Willie King 27 Lubbock, TX George Truit Maxey 33 Pineland, TX Charles B. Myler, Ph.D. 7 Robert M. Newton San Antonio, TX 47 Granbury, TX 3 Mesquite, TX Jewel Maples Pollard 58 Huntsville, TX Samuel Douglas Seale III 24 Austin, TX R.L. Peters 15 CALENDAR OF EVENTS - 2007 August 18 Battle of Medina Remembrance – 11 AM Sept. 7-8 Executive Committee Meeting-Salado Sept. 15 Monument Hill Remembrance Ceremony in La Grange, Texian Navy Day-Texas State Cemetery, Austin-11 AM Oct. 2 The Battle of Gonzales Nov. 3 Stephen F. Austin’s Birthday (Father of Texas) Nov. 17 Tomball Parade Nov. 30, Dec. 1 Executive Committee Meeting-Victoria The September Executive Board Meeting will be held in Salado. The phone number is 254947-5111. Make your reservations early. The rates are $68 standard and $78 deluxe. NON PROFIT ORG. U. S. Postage PAID Permit # 9711 HOUSTON, TX 1717 Eighth Street Bay City, TX 77414 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED CONTACT US AT: SRT Office: E-mail: 1717 8th Street, Bay City, TX 77414 Phone (979) 245-6644 Fax (979) 244-3819