community - Mon Valley District
community - Mon Valley District
“COMMUNITY” MonValley District Newsletter MonValley District Office 307 Fairmont Avenue, Fairmont, WV 26554 Phone: 304-366-6811 ~ Fax: 304-333-0224 Rev. Richard (Rick) K. DeQuasie To Be Appointed by Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball As MonValley District Superintendent July 1 In anticipation of Ellis Conley being appointed to the Forrest Burdette UMC, the Rev Richard (Rick) DeQuasie will be appointed District Superintendent of the MonValley District effective July 1. Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball and Rev DeQuasie met with the MonValley District Superintendency Committee on Thursday, February 27 and it was announced Sunday, March 2, to the Morris Memorial UMC, Charleston, where he serves as Senior Pastor. Rick is a graduate of Parkersburg South High School, West Virginia Wesleyan College, and the Methodist Theological School in Ohio. An Elder in Full Connection with the Annual Conference, his service record includes: Palestine, 1972; Gihon, 1975; Weston Circuit, 1976; Sand Hill, 1979, Southside, 1983; First, Milton, 1992; Washington, 1997; Trinity, Point Pleasant, 2003; and Morris Memorial, 2011. Rick brings a history of effective ministry and leadership in a variety of setting throughout the Annual Conference and is appreciated for his preaching, his administrative leadership, and his pastor’s heart. I have witnessed his ministry first hand during the years he served Trinity, Point Pleasant, my home church. He has served on a variety of Annual Conference Boards and Agencies, as well as district committees, currently serving on the Board of Pensions and as the Chair of the Midland South District Committee on Ordained Ministry. MARCH 2014 Inside this issue: DS Calendar 2 C.O.M.E. Date Ministers’ Mates Fellowship Growing Your Church 3 Looking/Planning Ahead 4 It Worked For Me 5 Sympathy & Congrats Birthdays & Anniversaries Lay Servant Academy 6 Spiritual Growth Retreat 7 WV Family Grief Center Mission & Ministry News 8 Cooperative Parish News Conference Fair Share 9 District Fair Share District Lead Team Letter 10 Rick and his wife, Susie, have 5 grown married children: Brian, Beth, Heather, Jasen, and Shellie. Rick and Susie are excited about beginning ministry in the MonValley District and getting to know the pastors and congregations of the district. The Superintendency Committee is already making plans to welcome Rick and Susan into the District and you will want to pray for them during this time of transition. You may send cards/notes of greeting to: Rev Richard and Susie DeQuasie 733 Lower Donnally Rd Charleston, WV 25304 District Website Page 2 COMMUNITY MonValley District Superintendents’ Calendar Ellis E Conley March 2014 (Weekday office hours 9AM—Noon) 2 5 7-8 8 9 10 11 12-14 14 15 Church Visitation Preaching Ash Wednesday Service—Central UMC, Fairmont Covenant Council—John 23rd Pastoral Center, Charleston District Lead Team—Valley Chapel UMC, Fairmont Church Visitation Clergy Evaluation Training for Full-Time Pastors, 7PM—Westover UMC, Morgantown Heart and Hand Board—Philippi Cabinet—John 23rd Pastoral Center, Charleston United Seminary In-Context Visitation—Buckhannon Lay Servant Academy—Central UMC, Fairmont Clergy Evaluation Training for Full-Time Pastors, 10AM—Central UMC, Fairmont 16 Church Visitation Clergy Evaluation Training for Full-Time Pastors, 3PM—Crim Memorial, Philippi 18 District Clergy Meeting, 10 AM—Crim UMC, Philippi 6 PM—District parsonage, 938 Pine Hill Dr, Fairmont 19 Lenten Lunch Speaker—Gateway UMC, Fairmont 22 Lay Servant Academy—Central UMC, Fairmont 23 Church Visitation 24-26 Cabinet—John 23rd Pastoral Center, Charleston 26 Episcopal Committee, Conference Center—Charleston 27 Preaching—Barrackville UMC 30 Preaching—Sugar Creek and Corley UMC’s 2014 Celebration of Mission Event Saturday, May10,2014 Middletown Mall, Fairmont Ministers’ Mates Fellowship MonValley District Ministers’ Mates will meet for supper at the Fairmont Cracker Barrel on Monday, March 10 at 6 pm. Come on out for some fun, fellowship and a nice meal! And bring a friend. Page 3 COMMUNITY Page 4 COMMUNITY Looking/Planning Ahead for Your Local Church March, 2014 - May, 2014 March Plan Special Holy Week Services, Complete Your Plans for the Celebration of Mission Event 5 Ash Wednesday – plan a special service of the imposition of ashes and communion 7 World Day of Prayer – United Methodist Women 9 Daylight Savings Time Begins Girl Scout Sunday (celebrate the Girl Scouting Ministries in your church) If you don’t have any find out how to start a group. 15 District Lay Servant Academy – Central UMC, Fairmont 18 District Clergy Meeting - 10 AM, Crim Memorial, Philippi 6 PM, District Parsonage, 938 Pine Hill Dr. 22 District Lay Servant Academy – Central UMC, Fairmont 29 Spring United Methodist Women’s Meeting – Westover UMC 30 One Great Hour of Sharing (offering for United Methodist Committee on Relief) April Complete Plans for Mother’s Day and the Celebration of Mission Event 5-6 Grow Your Church Event – Ramada Inn, Morgantown 6 United Methodist Foundation Sunday – Informs and educates about the work of the Conference Foundation and opportunities for giving. 12 Conference Confirmation Rally – West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon 13 Passion/Palm Sunday (distribute a palm branch to everyone in worship) 17 Maundy Thursday – Plan an Upper Room Communion Service 19 Good Friday – Plan a Tenebrae Service 20 Easter – Celebrate the Resurrection – prepare for visitor and prospects 27 Golden Cross Sunday (offering) – Burlington Family Services and Glenwood Park May Honor High School and College Grads/ Plan To Attend District Conference and the Celebration of Mission Event/ Complete Summer Planning for VBS, Camps, Mission Trips, Summer Special Events 4 District Conference – 3 PM, Gateway UMC, Fairmont Native American Ministries Sunday (offering) – Supports ministries with Native Americans and provides Scholarships for Native Americans attending seminary 10 Celebration of Mission Event – Middletown Mall 11 Mother’s Day/Festival of the Christian Home – Plan something special for women in the church. 18 Heritage Sunday – Celebrates the history of our denomination and brings attention to WV Conference historical sites 25 Memorial Day Sunday 26 Memorial Day 31 Clergy Evaluation due in District Office from Pastor-Parish Relations Committee Page 5 COMMUNITY It Worked for Me Special Offerings As a pastor, I was never shy about receiving a special offering for a Conference Advance Special, a district need, a community ministry, or the church. I would publicize the special offering as much as possible, provide special envelopes or the proper designation for a check, and remind the congregation about the offering at the beginning of worship in a positive way. I would also receive special offerings at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, for the church budget or special ministries. I learned early in ministry that I did not need to guard people’s pocketbooks! If folks did not want to give they did not have to give, but I wanted to present everyone with the opportunity. Sometimes the offerings were larger, other times they were small, but it was a reminder of our connectional ministry as United Methodists. I found that while one or two persons might complain about many special offerings, many appreciated the opportunity to give in a way they had not previously considered, even if it was a couple of dollars. Dollars represent ministry in so many ways. Don’t neglect the opportunity to let your folks make a difference is this positive way. Special offerings worked for me, and they just might work for you. Don’t shy away from them, give your folks a chance to give. In Sympathy Betty Kerr Lynch— sister of Rev James Kerr (FE-R) died February 5 Reverend Newton Poling (AM-R) died February 17 Elmer Whitlatch— Father of Rev Ron Whitlatch died February 17 Congratulations Rev Alice Keener Williams (FE-R) and Nelson Hocking who were joined in marriage on February 1 Birthdays MARCH 1 2 5 Mavis Martin Eric Stewart James Riggs 8 Edward Craft 9 Nellie Jean Bennett 15 Libby Michael 18 Michael Waide 20 Jessica Walker Collins 20 Elizabeth Smith Wycoff 21 Reva Halloran 23 Terry Osborne 28 Martin Berisford 28 Sue Lowther 29 Ellis Conley 29 Richard Sheppard 31 Michael Atkinson 31 Linda Brosky Anniversaries MARCH 1 5 7 Mark and Sherry Rawlings Ishmeal and Janet Graddy Tm and Kelly Allen 12 Eric and Gina Stewart 30 Bill and Donna Kinsey Page 6 COMMUNITY COMMUNITY Page 7 WVAC UNITED METHODIST WOMEN 55th SPIRITUAL GROWTH RETREAT Cedar Lakes – Ripley, West Virginia Theme: Change Me – Make It Happen! Midweek Retreat – April 3-4, 2014 Weekend Retreat – April 5-6, 2014 Leader – Sue Owens Music— Rev. Bruce Reed & Rhonda Adkins West Virginia Family Grief Center Helping Children and Families Cope with the Death of a Loved One Groups will meet weekly, on Thursdays, at the Morgantown Church of Christ, 361 Scott Avenue 6:00 pm 6:30 pm Greet, Meet and Eat! Dinner is provided by volunteers Break Out Sessions * Parents and Caregivers * Littles: ages 3-7 * Middles I: ages 8-10 * Middles II: ages 11-14 * Teens: ages 15-18 7:30 pm Convene and Conclude Services are offered at no cost to participating families Mission: To provide caring support to grieving children and families in a safe and comfortable environment WVFGC promotes an atmosphere of hope and healing where you and your family can learn that your emotions are normal. Sharing stories, feelings and similar experiences with others of the same age in a safe setting allows children to see that they are not alone in their grief. Everyone can safely talk without feeling different and unconnected. Numerous volunteer opportunities are available at the Grief Center. Some of these positions require specialized training, which is offered at the Center. For more information on how you can become a volunteer, contact 304-282-4935 or Financial gifts can also make a difference. With your generous support WVFGC can continue to offer lifechanging programs to the people of your area. Your donation is tax deductible. West Virginia Family Grief Center, 364 Patteson Drive #309, Morgantown, WV 26505 Phone: 304-282-4935, Email:, Website: Page 8 COMMUNITY Mission And Ministry News Heart and Hand House, Inc.: During the months of March and April, Heart and Hand will be participating in the annual “Feinstein Challenge.” This year’s 17th Annual $1 Million Giveaway to Fight Hunger, sponsored by The Feinstein Foundation, is a matching fund program that supports the efforts of agencies nationwide in raising donations to specifically fight hunger. At the end of the challenge period, the Feinstein Foundation will divide $1 million proportionately among participating agencies, with a minimum award of $250 and a maximum of $35,000. The more donations we receive between March 1 and April 30, the more Feinstein money we are eligible to receive. Please help support us in this effort and help fight hunger by considering a donation of cash, check or food items between now and the end of April. Donations should be clearly marked for the “Feinstein Challenge” and may be mailed to Heart and Hand House, Inc., at P.O. Box 128, Philippi, WV, 26416, or dropped off at the ministry office, located at 110 Mason Street. As always, thank you for your prayers and support! - Brenda Hunt, Executive Director Scott’s Run Settlement House: Winter has thoroughly tweaked our noses! Scott's Run Settlement House, like all others, have struggled to find normalcy with snow, ice and polar vortexes. We continue to serve more and more neighbors in need through the food panty; we topped 6,800 indivduals served in 2013. Our backpack feeding program is providing food each weekend to nearly 870 children! Our next opportunity for growth is to begin serving children in middle and high schools. We are thrilled by a new opportunity to expand services; we will begin sharing space with Tyrone UMC shortly. As we pine for spring, we are looking for volunteers who are handy to help with our home repair and weatherization program; to get involved in this awesome program, give us a call at (304) 599-5020. As always. we are grateful for the love, generosity and prayers for our ministry. Blessings . - Julie Harris, Executive Director Cooperative Parish News Morgantown West Cooperative Parish: We are having a parish Ash Wednesday service on March 5th at 7:00pm at Laurel Point UMC on Rt. 19 South. Pastor Tammy Phillips is in charge of the service. All are invited to come and worship with us as we prepare to enter into the Lenten Season. - Jo McCartney, Coordinator Shinnston Cooperative Parish: As we begin March we find ourselves looking toward the future plans we have along with preparing for the Lenten season. The Shinnston community takes part in an Ecumenical Lenten Service. This service includes a Bible Study taught by First UMC-Shinnston member Dorothy Stalnaker and a different minister bringing a message each week along with lunch being provided by different churches around the area. Different churches in the Shinnston area are also partnering with “Shinnston Thrives” wellness initiative. First UMC-Shinnston will be hosting six Mini-Health fairs at their facility. Also, the Shinnston Parish will be participating in a community garden in downtown Shinnston. There is more to come as we prepare for our big projects in the fall. Stay tuned… - Cindy Murphy, Coordinator COMMUNITY Page 9 MonValley District Conference Apportionment Update Through January 31, 2014 Thank you for your faithfulness Churches that have paid 100%: (of 182 churches) Corley, Hopewell (Catawba), Wadestown Churches that are ahead: Avery, Bee Gum, Benton Ferry, Bethlehem, Bruceton Mills, Camp Chapel, Central Chapel, Colfax, Crim Memorial, Cross Roads, East High Street, Enterprise, Fetterman, Grace Chapel, Highland Park, Johnson Chapel, Jones Run, Kasson, Logansport, Masontown, Mt. Morris, Olive, Philippi, Pleasant Valley, Reedsville, Sugar Creek, Trinity (Grafton), Wana, Wesley (Morgantown), Westover, Ziesing Churches that are on target: (8.33%) Asbury (Belington), Astor, Berea, Brookhaven, Buckeye, Carolina, Eldora, Hopewell (Bruceton Mills Ct.), Hutchinson, Kanes Creek, Knottsville, Levels, Lumberport, Mansfield, Miracle Run, Mt. Pleasant (Knottsville), Mt. Vernon (Kanes Creek), Mt. Vernon (Mansfield), New Hope Valley, Otterbein, Pine Bluff, Rivesville, Sabra, Victor Chapel, Walnut Grove, Wesley Chapel (Knottsville), West Side Sunday, March 30 MonValley District Office Apportionment Update The following churches have paid 100% of their 2014 District Apportionment Arden, Arnettsville, Asbury (Belington), Astor, Barrackville, Blackshere, Brookhaven, Bruceton Mills, Buckeye, Camp Chapel, Colfax, Community, Crim Memorial, Cross Roads, East High Street, Eden, Eldora, Elk City, Fetterman, Flemington, Gateway, Green Hill, Gypsy, Highland Avenue, Highland Park, Hopewell (Catawba), Janes Memorial, Johnson Chapel, Jones, Jones Run, Kanes Creek, Kasson, Knottsville, Levels, Logansport, Mansfield, Mariah’s Chapel, Miracle Run, Monumental, Mt. Morris, Mt. Pleasant (Harner Chapel), Mt. Pleasant (Knottsville), Mt. Vernon (Kanes Creek), Mt. Vernon (Mansfield), Mt. Zion (Evansville), Olive, Peora, Pisgah (Meadowdale), Pleasant Creek, Pleasant Valley, Reedsville, Rymer, Sabra, Sturgiss Chapel, Sugar Valley, Talbott, Trinity (Fairmont), Trinity (Grafton), Tunnelton, Valley Chapel (Fairmont), Victor Chapel, Wadestown, Walnut Grove, Wesley (Morgantown), Wesley Chapel (Knottsville), Westover, Westside, Woodland, Ziesing Page 10 COMMUNITY Lead Team Letter Below is a copy of the letter from the MonValley District Lead Team that will be going out to all clergy. Please read and share with others in your congregation that everyone may be aware of the function of this new important district team. I would encourage you to help your Lead Team Member in way you can. Thank you. MonValley District The United Methodist Church 307 Fairmont Avenue Fairmont WV 26554 Phone: 304-366-6811 Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm M-F Fax: 304-333-0224 District Office Email: Ellis Conley’s Email: District Office Website: Dr. Ellis E. Conley Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball District Superintendent Resident & Presiding Bishop West Virginia Annual Conference MONVALLEY DISTRICT NEWSLETTER If you receive this newsletter from a printed source and would like to have it sent to you electronically please send your email address to the district office at