read all about it! - Good Neighbor Classifieds, Paducah, KY
read all about it! - Good Neighbor Classifieds, Paducah, KY
Page 10 The Good READ ALL ABOUT IT! ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMING EVENTS The Military Order of The Purple Heart Four Rivers Chapter 0585 has changed their monthly meeting and breakfast to the fourth Saturday of each month. The meeting has been moved to the Lone Oak Little Castle Restaurant, located at 3460 Lone Oak Rd., Paducah, Ky. Meeting time is 9 a.m. Recipients of The Purple Heart Medal and their families are cordially invited. Also anyone interest in Military Order Of The Purple Heart are invited. For information contact James Elder Commander Chapter 0585, at 270- or 331-0792, or Bill Fletcher, Adjunct Chapter 0585 at 270-252-3372. Massac Quilters Guild meets at 9 a.m. the first Monday of each month at Metropolis Community Center, W. 10th St., Metropolis, Ill. We have workshops and demonstrations each month. If you are a quilter or would like to learn come join us! Visit us at Veterans of Foreign Wars 1727 Washington St., Paducah, (open to the public) Meals every day, lunch for $6, Monday and Wednesday nights for $5. Call the post to find out exactly what is being prepared for that day at 270-442-6783. Karaoke every Saturday night from 7-11 p.m. We have Bunco on the 2nd Monday of each month starting at 6 p.m. The cost is $5. Lots of fun and prizes. “Every Kid in A Park” encourages fourth grade students to go to, complete an educational activity to receive a free fourth-grade paper pass. This pass can be used for free entry to Land Between The Lakes Homeplace 1850s and Nature Station by 4th grade students, (including Homeschoolers) who have a pass. This program only provides passes for fourth graders. Current third graders can get their fourth-grade passes starting Sept. 1, 2016. Attention: Arie 3135 Bridge St., Fraternal of Eagles is having annual fundraiser on Labor Day. Good food, games, bingo, pull tabs, kids games, cake walk, country store and lots of fun. Open to the public. Kentucky Teacher Retirement System representative Cristi Duvall will be in western Kentucky soon to present a Retirement 101 Workshop. It will be held at Marshall County High School in the Kenneth Shadowen Performing Arts Center, 416 High School Road, Benton, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1. This is a free outreach KTRS offers to educate its members on their retirement benefits. All interested certified employees in western Kentucky are welcome to attend. Pre-registration is required at, on the Member Self Service Portal, or by calling 1-800618-1687. Starting Sept. 12, “Missing Bella” will host a week of fundraising events to support Dylan’s Dawgz Low Cost Spay & Neuter program for Western Kentucky. We will kick it off with a Spay-A-Thon that will take place at Flanary Veterinary Clinic on Monday, Sept. 12 and last until Friday, Sept. 16. The goal is to spay/neuter 100 dogs/ cats in 5 days. Then on Saturday, Sept. 17 we will host a FLEA Market at The Riff on Irvin Cobb Drive. The evening will end with the Rock the KasPAW concert featuring country party band, Kickapoo Junction. Monday, Sept. 19 will be the Woof & Waggle Open Golf Scramble. For more information, please contact Lisa Lauck at 727-8040852 or email at The 15TH annual Corvettes on the River Charity Car Show will be held indoors on September 10th from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm at the Paducah Expo Center on 1 Executive Blvd. The Corvette car show will include judging conducted by technicians from the Bowling Green Corvette Plant, trophies, club competitions, 50/50 drawings, door prizes, silent auction, and food vendors. Pre-registration is $30.00. After August 31 the amount is $35.00. Trophies are presented at 3:00 pm. The Four Rivers Corvette Club of Paducah is hosting the Charity Car show as a benefit for the Cassidy’s Cause Therapeutic Riding Academy . This is an organization that provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to grow and develop through therapeutic, educational and recreational activities while on a horse. For additional information and registration visit our website / The Graves County High School Co-Ed Cheerleaders will hold a raffle for various YETI cooler prizes. With each ticket purchased, the buyer has the chance to win one of five prizes. The drawing will take place at halftime of the Eagles’ varsity home football game hosting the Murray Tigers Friday, Sept. 2. Chances will be sold at the rate of one for $5, three for $10, five for $20, ten for $40, or 25 for $100. To buy tickets, see any co-ed cheerleader or email coach Andrew Morgan at andrew.morgan@graves. Paducah Parks Services will be offering a fall youth tee ball, baseball, and softball league for youth ages 5 to 10. Registration is available at the Paducah Parks Services office until the registration deadline on Friday, Sept. 2. The cost is $5 per child. Please note that players must turn 5 years old on or before Sept. 6 to play in the tee ball division. The league will be held Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at the Noble Park Baseball Fields from Sept. 6 to Sept. 27. Each Tuesday will consist of 30 minutes of practice and a scrimmage for 45 minutes. Teams will be organized based on ages and attendance. Players should bring their own glove, tennis shoes or cleats, and athletic apparel. All other equipment will be provided. If you have questions about registration or the upcoming league, contact Recreation Specialist Taylor Morsching at tmorsching@ or 270-444-8508 ext. 4. Additional information about the league can be found under the Parks Department section of the website August 28, 2016 Reidland Lions Club meets the first and third Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Reidland Community Center, Park Rd. in Reidland. All visitors and potential members are invited to attend. Lone Oak Lions Club meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month at their Denver Ave. facility 6:30 p.m. The building is also available for rent. Call Linda at 270-554-7460. Reidland Lions Club meets the first and third Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Reidland Community Center, Park Rd. in Reidland. All visitors and potential members are invited to attend. It’s the dream of nearly every girl in America to meet Disney princesses for a tea party! That’s exactly what will happen for girls through age 11 who register for this special event scheduled at Graves County Middle School Sat., Sept. 3. Party A runs from 1-2:30 p.m. Party B runs from 3-4:30 p.m. Don’t miss the chance to meet Belle, Cinderella, Anna, Elsa, Sophia, Tinkerbell, and the new Disney Princess Moana! Activities include a meet-and-greet with the princesses (a great photo op for parents!), tea (juice or milk) and cupcakes, the Fairy Godmother’s Bibbity Bobbity Boutique which includes professional face painting, nail painting and hair coloring. Plus, the opportunity to sing and dance with the princesses! Reservations include one child and one adult, priced at a total of $25. Each additional sibling reservation is $15. Each additional adult reservation is $5 (maximum of one adult for every two children, please). All proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald House of Louisville. Advance reservations and payment are required. To learn more or to register, email librarian-sponsor Kelly Locker at New signs are going up around the Baptist Health Paducah campus. Doctors Office Buildings 1, 2 and 3 will become Medical Park 1, 2 and 3. Suite numbers will stay the same. In addition, Baptist Health Prime Care is now Baptist Health Urgent Care. Visitors to the hospital campus will notice changes to interior signage now. Outdoor signs will be changed soon. Way finding assistance is available at informational desks in the main lobby and Medical Park 1. U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Alicia R. Wines graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training also earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Wines is the daughter of Nerissa R. and step-daughter of Ron L. Collins of Paducah, Ky., and granddaughter of Dave and Donna Collins of Paducah, Ky., Ron Wand Sharon Waters of Calvert City, Ky., and Frances Lamar of Paducah, Ky. She is a 2016 graduate of McCracken County High School, Paducah, Ky. She earned an associate degree in 2016 from West Kentucky Community and Technical College, Paducah, Ky. The 39th Annual Antique Gas Engine & Tractor show is coming back to Carson Park, Sept. 15-17. Gates open at 8 a.m., with $5 general admission. This family fun event is brought to you by the McCracken County FFA Alumni, McCracken County Farm Bureau Federation, Purchase Area Tractor Association, Lone Oak Lions Club and River Valley AG. A portion of the proceeds of this year's even with benefit Cassidy's Cause Therapeutic Riding Academy. Join us for Tractor Pulls, Delicious food concessions, Flea Market, Arts & Crafts, an Antique Tractor Parade, and SO much more! Please have your announcement/event emailed to Leather LEATHERSMITH Ye Olde Leather Shoppe 137 Charleston Ave. Lone Oak 270-554-2003 Wallets, belts, check book covers, etc. Minor repairs. NO sewing. Handyman Got a job LARGE or small, give Shaun a call, and consider it done. Servicing all interior & exterior home repair or full renovation needs from plumbing, electrical, decks, floors, painting and more. Quality workmanship is my promise. Shaun Schmeiser. 270 908 1230 Run Your Ad Here for $5. Call 554-5623 Home Improvement Attorney Perdew Kristen S. Simpson Decorative Iron 38 Years In Business Handrail Gates Iron Fences Attorney at Law 504 Fountain Ave. Paducah, KY 270-883-ATTY 10% off If You Mention This Ad 270-744-8731or 270-559-5525 Misdemeanors Felonies • DUI Divorce • Adoption Child Custody & Visitation Wills • Mediation Power of Attorney The Good August 28, 2016 Pruitt Law Office Herzog, Inc. Herzog Pawn & Loan Del K. Pruitt, Attorney at Law ! D E V O M E WE’V 700 S. 6th St. • Paducah, KY 42003 KY & IL Licensed 15 Years Experience Criminal • Family & Personal Injury 321 Ferry St. • Metropolis, IL 62960 618-309-6134 • Fax 618-309-6135 Home Improvement Home Improvements Roofing • Siding Decks • Gutters Soffit & Fascia Metal Buildings Windows $179 Installed 270-564-5770 Will meet or beat! Skip Mills Remodel & Repair, interior trim & crown, carpentry, painting, sheetrock, repairs, pressure washing, home maintenance, handyman. 35 yrs. Paducah licensed. 270-554-3905 J&J Maintenance & Repair Service. Home repairs, decks, roofing shingle or metal, barns, doors windows, painting, drywall. 270-217-8456 or 270-498-4759 Heating & Air Install & repair, clean & sell window air units, charge-ups. Will pick up or you bring. Joe Thweatt. 270-554-1208 or 270-217-4027. License #M00651. $71 per hour labor charge. Small Engine Repair A & J Small Engine Repair: Repairs on saws, weedeaters trimmers, tillers, go karts, etc.. pickup & delivery available. Winter Hours: 8:30am4:30pm Monday thru Friday 250 Theobold Ln. Paducah, 270-444-8212 Page 11 (270) 442-1296 4275 Old US Hwy 45 Paducah, KY We Buy Silver, Gold & Diamonds 270-554-0010 HOURS: Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM • Sat 9 AM - 2 PM Earl Herzog & Jeff Herzog Mon-Thur • 11-6 Fri & Sat • 11-8 Housekeeping Computer Classes Services Animals Animals A&R A Local Geek Computer Repair now offers classes to teach you the basics of using your computer. Topics include, but are not limited to: properly turning on/off your computer, using your keyboard/mouse, safely surfing the Internet, fixes for simple computer problems, using email and backing up your data. We have a Q & A at the end of each class to get your specific questions answered. Our small classes have no more than 5 students per session offering personal attention. And yes! A Local Geek still offers professional computer repair at an affordable price as well! No charge if we don’t fix. Call 554-9645 Custom bush hogging. Call Michael 270-2105471. Sharp’s Hauling Service. No job too large or small. Rental property clean-up. 270-933-1650 or 270-5641683. Sam Wilson, independent contractor. Floor installations, remodels, pressure washing painting, trimming weeding, mulching & more. 270-983-0154 Cockatiels for sale. 270804-0284. Computer Repair DOG & CAT LOVERS WANTED! Hogs for sale. All sizes, Durarock & Berkshire. Call Danny 270-331-4967. Prices differ on size of hog. Make sure your horse if prepared for the changing of the seasons. Come board with us at Shelby Lane Stables. Full board & pasture board available. Outdoor 90x120 ft. riding arena w/round pen. Scenic trails, oversized stalls. “Multi-gaited” community where your horse is treated like family. Excellent affordable rates just 6 miles from Lone Oak. For more information call 519-0593 or visit us on Facebook @ Shelby Lane Stable. Four 8 wk. old Great Pyrenees puppies. Three female, one male. $100 each. 270-562-0175. Female Yorkie. Registered, spayed, approx. 4 y/o. Puppy pad trained. $300. 270-210-8850. Aquairums & bird cages for sale. 270-845-1910. Cleaning Services Serving Mccracken & Surrounding Counties • Residential • Offices 270-556-4287 Insured Bonded Licensed Call TODAY! Good Rates We clean homes. Do you like perfection? We are as close to perfection as you’ll ever get. Free estimates, reasonable rates, references. 270-366-9438. Petting Zoo Barnyard Buddies & Friends Petting Zoo & Pony Rides now accepting reservations for booking dates March -Dec. Featuring well rounded friendly animals, like Booger the Camel & Bubba the Zebu. Great addition to Open Houses, Company Picnics, Birthday Parties, Family Reunions, School Events or any other. Owned & Operated by the Cornwell Family. 13 Yrs Experience & USDA Licensed! 270-534-8203 or 270-210-2184 Visit our website: www.barnyardbuddies Tree Service CRAZY’s TREE SERVICE Stump Removal 270-217-8252 Professional computer repair at an affordable price! A Local Geek has been repairing PCs and laptops in Lone Oak for over 10 years, our technicians are friendly and will speak to you in a language you can understand. We specialize in virus/spyware/Trojan removal WITHOUT erasing your information. Or, if you don’t mind starting over, we have complete system restorations for $50. No appointment needed. A Local Geek now offers Beginner Computer Classes as well. Call 554-9645 “If we can’t repair your computer in-shop, there’s NO CHARGE!” PC Repair $ 35. Reset to factory.Virus / Spyware removal. Complete cleanup service. Screen Replacements. Go back from Windows 10 to Windows 7/8. Data Recovery / Transfer. No Fix-No Pay Guarantee. 270-519-4956 Sewing Glennis Poole Seamstress 6241 Old Mayfield Rd. Paducah, KY Is Back in Business! 270-559-8773 Animals Support spay & neuter programs in KY shelters & help stop euthanasia by switching to this plate! Pyrenees puppies. All males. $100 each. Vet checked, 1st shots, wormed. 270-705-6687. Wanted: small breed male dog or puppy. Reasonable Please text 270-933-6943. Rhode Island Red roosters. Approx. 5 mo. old. $12.50 each. 270-908-5125 Three black angus bulls, registered, for sale. 270556-1178 or 270-658-3598. 1 y/o Red Tick female. Needs hunting. First come, first serve, make offer. 270-705-5419. 55 gallon aquarium w/ stand & lots of extras. $125. 270-519-6201. Wanted: 2 male parakeets. 270-845-1910. Legacy Kennel, certified, professional affordable grooming boarding, Breeders of AKC show quality Poodle puppies, $500 and up 898-4712 Creatures Great & Small are in need of donations of dog house, dog fence panels, gate panels & carriers, will pickup donated items. 556-6394 after 6 p.m. Small miniature pinto filly. 2 y/o. Registered AMHR, UTD on Coggins test. Approx. 29”T. Both parents black & white pintos. 270-554-5748. Appliances New Black & Decker convection counter-top oven. Black/silver. Half price, $30. Call Linda, 270-4447150. Paducah. Haier 2.7 cubit dorm refrigerator. Used 1 year. Like new. Black. 270-8989897. $65. White Kitchen Aid refrigerator. Need gone ASAP. $200. Call 270-331-3789 Like new Rainbow vacuum. 270-331-2109 Bissell Symphony vacuum & steam mop. Red. Used twice, like new. Paid $170. Asking $80 firm. 270-5345087 leave message. Washing machine 618309-3904 or 270-898-6326. Sharp carousel small white microwave, $20; 30” off white range hood, $20. 270-519-3731. Showtime rotisserie. Like new. $25. 270-559-8723. Nice refrigerator. $135. 270-443-9427. Two washer & dryer sets. $350/pair. Call KMC Realty at 270-443-2421 or 270-933-7444. Washer & dryer. Excellent condition. $200/both. 270564-9736. Large Amana chest freezer. 26 cuft. $150. Call Lori 270-331-8871. Hot Point electric range. $100. Good condition. 270331-8929. Washer & dryer. $350 OBO. 270-853-6517. Electric stove for sale, excellent condition; gas powered generator. 270970-3923, ask for Ron. Admiral washer & dryer. $100 each. 270-554-2287. Appliances-Used Free: Will haul off your broken or unwanted washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators & freezers. 270-564-8168. Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Good Page 12 A Local Geek Computer Repair • $50 System Restorations • Spyware/Virus Removal • Data Recovery • No Appointment Needed • Professional Service for 20+ Years • iPhone/iPad/iPod Repairs FREE ESTIMATES GUNS & MORE BUY • SELL • TRADE • CONSIGN OPEN: Mon-Fri 10-5 554-9645 105 Lovelaceville Florence Station Rd. West Off Hwy 45 Next to Richard’s Small Engines 270-408-1602 3530 Lovelaceville Rd (2 Blocks from Wendy’s from Lone Oak Rd) Now open Sat. 10AM – 4PM • M – F 10:30AM – 5PM FREE ESTIMATES Baby Items Electronics Baby cradle, refinished wood w/new mattress; baby girl clothing items. 270-442-0149. Memphis 4 channel 250 watt amps. $300 OBO. 270-331-8804. LENOVO Ideapad P500 laptop w/Win 8 , 650 GB HD, internet ready. $125. 270-559-3156 Mausoleum, Brooks Memorial Gardens. Inside. 270-331-4705. Mausoleum in Memorial Gardens Chapel. Two side-by-side. $6500/pair OBO. 270-559-2690. Clothing Several Vera Bradley purses for sale. Nice condition, different colors. Some w/matching travel bags. 270-395-0221 “Give away clothes sale.” 2900 Marquess Dr., Apt. 4. Mostly med. sizes. 270443-0022. Mens/boy’s harbor sandals, size 8-9, brown w/ adjustable straps; Reebok Trail size 9 running shoes, black w/grey trim $30 ea. $50/both. 270-564-7355 Electronics Velbon heavy duty deluxe video tripod. Stratos 470 for all types of video cameras. $25. 270-709-5659 Logitech Wireless Headset H600. Over-the-head design. New, wireless, noise canceling, computer use. $25. 270-556-6631 JVC TV w/stand. Not flat screen. 25”; stereo records in original folders. Great classic choices. 270-4420149. JBL MKZ 5000 watt 15 subwoofer in Pro box. Carpeted w/1000 watt Kicker mono block. $250 OBO. 270-331-8804. 35mm Yashica TL Super camera w/tripod. Does work. $135 OBO. 270556-5560. Gateway Mini computer, red. 250 GB HD, 1 GB Ram, internet ready, nice little computer. $80. 270559-3156 DVD video camera, smaller type. 270-395-0221. YOUR #1 CHOICE FOR QUALITY & CUSTOMER SATISFACTION! Over 250 Used Guns In Stock If we can’t repair your computer in-shop, there is NO CHARGE! Cemetery Lots etc. August 28, 2016 Employment McCracken County Republican precinct workers needed for upcoming general election, Nov. 8. For detail & pay rate call Ulla Scheirhorn 270-534-4046 or 847-436-4046. McCracken County Democrat precinct workers needed for upcoming general election, Nov. 8. For detail & pay rate call Tommy Dickey at 270217-1427. Games/Toys/Dolls 2402 New Holt Rd. Paducah, KY 42001 270-554-7202 Mon-Fri 3-6 Sat 10-5 We ES W PRIC Have LO Items w on Ne cale S O H s a l t A C420 ock! t S n I w o N Exercise Eq. Weslo cross country excercise bike. Excellent condition. $20. 270-462-3826. Farm/Hvy Eq. John Deere 24T square baler. $1600. 270-554-3871 Four row John Deere planter. Good for corn or beans. $400 OBO. 270564-6877. Distributor manifold head for Cub Farmall tractor wanted. Call 270-5542972. Mixed grass hay, $3/bale; Bermuda hay, $3.50/bale. 270-559-2690. Kubota diesel tractor. 1980 model. 770 original hours. Excellent cond. PTO tiller. $3300 firm. 270-994-2684. 1000 gallon anhydrous tank wagon. Wagon only. $ 350. 618-638-2538 Food Farm fresh eggs, $1/doz. 270349-3336 or 270-444-6551. Free for Taking 2 vanity sink w/cabinets. 270-217-2937 after 4 p.m. Free: 2 concrete flower pots. Phone 270-575-0551. Guns, Etc. 16 gauge single shot. $125; 20 gauge FIF, made in Brazil, single shot, $125. 270-628-3436. .22 Ruger single 6. New, both cylinders. $450. Blued. 270-628-3436. Colt AR-15. Never fired. $850. 270-366-2166. Remington hunting rifle. Semi-auto Model 742. 30.06 w/scope & hard case. $420. 270-366-2166. SKS, black, synthetic stock. $330. 270-366-2166. Gun cabinet for sale. Holds 8 guns. $20. 270554-0616. 17 HMR Bolt action rifle. Model CZ 452 American. Walnut stock. Excellent shape. 270-559-0085. Parker Challenge compound youth bow w/quiver & arrows. $225. 270217-8693. SKS carbine w/scope. $350; large amount of ammo. $5/box, 7.62 x 39. 270-559-8939. he ar t l and Guns, Etc. Household Household Remington 1100 12 guage. Left hand trap, 32” barrel, full choke, raised rib, adjustable stock. Release trigger. $750. 270-5543834. 16 gauge single shot. $125; 20 gauge FIF, made in Brazil, single shot, $125. 270-628-3436. Wurth Guns & More. New/used guns. FFL transfers. Order new gun for you; consign guns. 270-408-1602. Concealed carry/deadly weapons classes now forming. Private & group sessions available. Peace of Mind Conceal Carry, LLC. Bob Fulton, Ky. Dept. of Criminal Justice training cert. #7295. Call 270-554-8000. Small book shelf, $15; wooden desk, $20; good size comfortable chair, $40. 270-559-9808. Full sz. bed frame. Can convert to queen. Pillow top mattress, night stand, dresser. $700. 270-2100088 or 270-415-0486. Metal patio table & 4 chairs. $100. 270-906-8481 Wood book case w/7 shelves. 28”x72”, $20. 270906-8481. 2 tables & 4 chairs, $150; small couch, $25; 4 bar stools, $60. All firm, cash only. 270-876-7384 after 8:30 p.m. 6 drawer chest, $200; bed, $20; exercise bike, $20. All firm, cash only. 270-8767384 after 8:30 p.m. Wooden table & 5 chairs, $35. 270-443-9427. Fire King dishes, green. 5 plates, 3 cups, 3 saucers. $40. Text or call 270-2104748. Lillian Russell BR suite. w/glove box. Mint cond., black walnut, $4800 firm; Ridgeway grandfather clock, 7’T, $800. 270-7488519 Circa 1922 cast iron w/ porcelain American Standard claw foot tub. Excellent condition. $395. 270442-3591. Heritage Hill dish set, everything matches. Salt & pepper shakers, serving bowl, canister set. Never used. $40/all. 270-5641277. Brown leather LR suit. Excellent condition. $400 OBO. 270-564-9736. Beautiful foyer table. Solid, light oak wood frame, wicker top: 30”w, 29”H, 12”D. Mint condition, $35. Photo available. 270217-0419 Three cushion couch, 82”L, excellent condition. $125. 270-554-4834 Two wing back chairs. Excellent condition $50 each. 270-554-4834 Vintage Ethan Allen DR table w/4 chairs; oak entertainment armoire. Both good condition. 270-3314705. Vintage Ethan Allen BR suite, maple; White wicker armoire w/door, drawers & mirror. Good condition. 270-331-4705. DR oblong table, 56x40” w/6 high back chairs, upholstered seats. Includes custom padded table cover & 20” leaf. Dee 270519-4157. Full length mirror for sale. No frame. $10. 270554-0616. 60” china cabinet. $150. West Paducah. 270-5646948. Glass top patio table, iron & wicker, w/2 chairs. 270804-5062. Two twin Ethan Allen headboards w/ frames; cherry TV cabinet armoire w/fold back doors. Holds 40” flat screen.270-564-0812. Hardrock maple dresser w/heavy plate glass mirror. 270-564-0812 Two recliners. Used less than 1 year. $100 each. 270-210-8054 after 4 p.m. Household Several Barbie dolls w/ clothes & shoes on. Barbie dog that talks & sings. Other toys. $20 for all. 270-748-8549. (270) 856-4415 Tempurpedic high profile flat foundation. Queen size. Like new condition. $250. Call 270-994-1882 Like new La-Z-Boy couch & chair. Non-smoker home, no pets & no children. 270-898-7850. $900. Long solid oak glass end table. $40. Call 270-3624218. Antique, large, oak dresser w/mirror. Simple, elegant design, works well w/any decor. Asking $425. Call or text 270-210-0027 La-Z-Boy 5 pc. sectional. Reclines on both ends. $500. 270-554-5440. Brown flexsteel microfiber sofa reclines on both ends 5 mo. old. Paid $1400 take $375. 270366-2171. 5 pc. queen BR suite. Very nice. Paid $3500. Asking $1500. 270-559-9808. Catnapper genuine leather, dual power, reclining sofa. Purchased new June 2016. Wife selling because it doesn’t match decor. Like new. $1350 cash, firm. 270-564-6950 Great shape Thomasville queen BR suite. Headboard, dresser, chest. Solid wood, dovetailed drawers. $800 cash only. 270-2105077 or 270-534-9278. Southerland queen size mattress & box springs. Firm support, good condition. $200 cash only. 270534-9278. The Good August 28, 2016 COUPON Mel’s DINER Italian Village Pizza 125 S. 3rd St. • 442-9500 6 Selling Used Electric Washers Dryers Stoves Refrigerators Used Furniture & Home Decor SALE! 1010 Old Mayfield Rd. Mon-Fri 10:30-5:30 Sat 10:30-4:00 China, matching glasses; Pyrex dishes w/carrying cases; metal shoe rack than hangs on door; several pcs. antique glassware. 270-534-0963. Assorted end tables. Nice cond. $30. 270-331-9247. Consign-It Furniture & Home Furnishings Household Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 3 pc. LR set: couch, love seat, & chaisse. Beige. Like new. 270-554-7904. 52” Hunter ceiling fan. $20. 270-554-4511. Light flower pattern couch. Like new. $275. Lone Oak. 270-331-9247. Two life size electric pre-lit Christmas Reindeer, one moves head. $15 each or both for $25. 270-709-5659 Nice grandfather clock. Reasonable; lamps, framed pictures; dishes; ladies/misses clothing. 270-442-0149. Wood screen door. 32”W, 80”L w/hinges. Oak. $20. 270-898-8203 or 270-8535333. Bumper pool table, $75; baby bed. Good shape, no mattress. $75. 270-5599808. Beautiful vintage table cloths. All sizes. Can be used at cutters. 270-559-8377. Portable building for sale. 10x16. 270-444-0924. Moving boxes 30 cents each. 270-217-0303. 3500 watt generator w/ mobility kit. 6.5 h.p. 4-cycle OHV air cool engine. $275. 270-906-8481. Raised grow beds for flower/vegetable garden. Non treated wood. 8’L, 12”W, 10”D. $45 each. Calls only 618-638-2538. Interior flat slab doors, $30 ea.; 6 panel exterior door, 32”, $40; assorted used white wall tile, $20/3 boxes. 270-519-3731. 3 blue drop in porcelain sinks w/faucets. $30 ea.; tan rectangle drop-in, $25; off-white vanity w/brass faucet, 25”, $40. 270-5193731. Two 4’L florescent garage lights, $25; 4’L shiny florescent light, $10; white track lights, $15; stainless double kitchen sink, $45. 270-519-3731. Casino style slot machine. Works. $125. 270-5543037 or 270-564-0111. Barrels For Sale: 55 gal. steel, $8; plastic $10; 30 plastic gal. $9; Call 270623-8136 or 227-7138. Old iron wagon wheel, $150. 270-748-8519 3 light fixtures, $5 ea., 36” light ceiling fan $10, or $20/all; BR sink w/single lever Delta faucet, $10. 270-519-3099. Collectors edition Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show, 60s-90s, DVDs & bonus DVDs of 4 Ed Sullivan Shows. $40. 270-217-0419. Never used. “Sinatra: An American Legend” hardback book/ CD & “Sinatra: Ol' Blue Eyes Remembered” bio. $35 both. 270-217-0419 Collector’s Edition Dean Martin 3 CDs in gift tin box $15. Exc cond. 270217-0419. Firewood for sale. Red oak, already split. Will deliver. $75/rick. 270-5194913. Really nice card table & 4 wooden folding chairs, perfect condition. Asking $40 for set. 270-575-0551. Smith Corona electric typewriter. Used very little. $50 cash. 270-5545388. Microwave, dishes, several small kitchen appliances, rugs, bedding, wheel chair for sale. 270-554-3669. Antique horse collar w/ brass reins; deer meat cutter; food chopper. 270534-0963. Collectible cards: football, baseball, golf, old Westerns, Terminator, Desert Storm. Green Power Ranger watches. Sell separate or all. 270-559-8723 Lawn & Garden w/30 Day Warranty New & Gently Preowned Furniture KK’s ATTIC NOW ACCEPTING All types of new & gently used furniture & Home Decor Items Consign-It Furniture Craftsman self-propelled mower. Like new, B&S 190 cc 625 series, 22” cut. Starts but won’t run. Retails $269. Asking $70. 270-243-9498. Good push mower for sale. 270-564-9959. $75 firm. Banana trees, cannas & lots more. 270-444-0924 Smaller zero turn mowers for sale. 618-309-3904 or 270-898-6326. Front tine tiller. Needs pull rope. $50 as is, firm, cash only. 270-876-7384 after 8:30 p.m. Raised grow beds for flower/vegetable garden. Non treated wood. 8’L, 12”W, 10”D. $45 each. Calls only 618-638-2538. Toro mower, 21” cut, 6.75 motor, automatic primer. Excellent cond. 4WD. 2 yrs. old. $150 OBO. 270559-8723. Black & Decker 18 volt cordless chain saw, $20; 7’ tree pole pruner $25. 270564-3494 Creek stone for sale. Good for landscaping. 270-5191565. Nice Yard Machine riding mower for sale. 270-5193286. 2005 Troybilt lawn mower. 42” cut. 7 speed automatic. $450. 270-994-2617. New in box 55” riding, lawn mower umbrella w/ mounting hardware. Easy installation & collapses for compact storage. Asking $35. 270-564-7355 Medical 449 S 16th Off Ky Ave. 270-442-4246 Your choice of any Mon.- Sat.: 6am-3pm Expires 9/15/16 PRICE IS RIGHT, LLC Breakfast Served ALL DAY Mel’s Subs, chips or 409 Bleich Rd. fries, & (Behind KMart & $ 72 Across from Lone Oak Football Field) soft drink 270-554-4034 Large 1 Topping $ 60 Pizza Household Rascal 600F 4-wheel electric scooter w/electric lift. $1200. West Paducah. 270-564-6948. Exceptional Quickie wheelchair w/cushion. No foot rest. 270-804-5062. Page 13 Saxony Mobile Home Parts • Anchors & Set-up Materials • Roof Coating • Electrical • Underpinning • Doors & Windows • Skirting Supplies • Plumbing • Heating & Cooling 2655 N. Friendship Rd. (270) 554-4720 Expires 9/15/16 4 Miscellaneous Market Gallery 504 Broadway Paducah, Ky Opening 1st week in September T-Shirts • Art Work Handmade Jewelry Pottery • Clothes Coffee • Fudge & so much more. Come & check us out One candy vending machine and two drink machines, as is, $350 each. To see call Mark at 270559-8160. Or call KMC 270-443-2421. Vintage coke machine, will dispense bottles or cans. Perfect for a family room! $350. Call KMC 270-443-2421. Music Guitar Lessons by Darrell Goode (270)217-8907 $15 per lesson Located in Lone Oak Music Upright piano, early 1900s. $100. 270-534-9203. 1869 Estey Organ Company organ. $300 OBO. Mint condition. 270-201-2665. Jackson King V KVXMG. Gloss Black, thru “C” radius neck. EMG pickups. 85-neck pick up & 81-bridge pick up. A Floyd Rose Tremolo set up. Excellent shape, kept in case $500. 270-217-6455 leave message. Property for Rent Large building, 16’ ceilings, 14’ roll-up doors. For storage or business. $500/ mo. 270-519-3099. 2BR/1B mobile home for rent. $375/mo., + $375 deposit. No pets. Please call 270-217-6544 Ballard: up to 5BR. No pets/smoking. Will allow 2 or more to share rent. $1,000/mo. 270-876-7493 no calls before 8 p.m. or after 10 p.m. 2000 sqft. business space. Display, office, break room & 2 rest rooms. 3807 Schneidman Rd. 270-4434440. 4BR/1B Powell St., Paducah. $700/mo. Available Sept. 1. 270-559-0666. Nice 3BR/2B near St. John area. Lg. deck, basement, quiet street. $900/mo. No pets. 270-534-1258. Duplex for rent in Lone Oak. 2BR/1B, 1 level, deck, garage w/storage. No pets, $850/mo. Available Sept. 30. 270-3318929. 903 N. 21st. 2BR/1B. $600 dep., $600/mo. No pets. Call KMC Realty at 270443-2421 or 270-933-7444. 1500 sqft. office space in Lone Oak. $750/mo. 270-556-6963 Serious About Downsizing: 55+ Senior Community or disabled, 608 sqft. 1BR studio apartment, laundry facility on site, $500/mo. + $500 dep. $40 app. fee. #2449 Homewood Ave., Paducah, Ky. 270-994-4406 The Good Page 14 GREAT PRICES! AWESOME SERVICE! Check Us Out At August 28, 2016 g wnedin& Locally OServ y ucky y b l t d te updera en O ProULte&rnMKELINDA PAes W HARPER PROUDLY SERVING WESTERN KENTUCK Y or stop by our showroom at 270-534-5556 Property for Sale Half acre lot in Folsomdale. $9500 OBO. 270856-3852. Outside Mayfield 4BR/2B, basement, garage apt. Lake frontage. 10 acres, 8 fenced w/barn. 270-2930853 or 270-355-2290. Handyman special: mobile home for sale. 270488-3016. Quiet country setting. 3BR/2B, 1 acre, off Hwy. 339, Melber. Attached & detached garages. $142,900. For appointment call 270-994-4989. Lot on Hickory St. Elec., gas, water avail. $15,900. Perfect for new build or mobile home. 270-443-8593 between 5 p.m. & 9 p.m. New 50x60 steel bldg. equipped w/12x12 roll up doors. Also 1800 sqft. office, garage or living quarter. Zoned commercial. 270-841-2784. Lone Oak 3BR/1B w/ big nice yard. Nice wood floors, across from LO Pharmacy. Call 270-5566963. 3545 Clinton Rd. 3BR/1B, 1898 sqft. under roof, wood floors, beautiful back yard. Reduce to only $99,000. 270-556-6963. Building 40’x90’. 16’ ceilings, 14’ roll-up doors, hook-ups for mobile homes. South of LO. Will consider financing. Price reduced 270-519-3099. Deer Valley doublewide home. All electric, 3BR/2B, 2-car garage & shop utility building, carport, barn on 6 acres. $42,500. 270-928-3191 10 acres w/improvements. High & dry on Oaks Rd. 270-519-1978 or 270-4436481. 14+ acres w/red gravel. Close to city. $135K, price negotiable. 270-519-1978. Roofing • Gutters Roofing Siding Gutters 1101 Broadway, Paducah, KY Property for Sale LAKE PROPERTY FOR SALE!! $55,000 BEAUTIFUL lakefront/ waterfront LOT on LAKE! This property is located on the gorgeous Jonathan Creek area. Waterfront lot has a slow, gentle slope to the waters edge. It's ready to be cleared. Build your vacation cabin or dream home!! Quiet neighborhood, property line joins with TVA. Dock Permit can be applied for, & should not be an issue, since both neighbors have docks already. Only 2 minutes to the boat ramp. Water from early spring to late fall. Located conveniently off HWY 68. Only 15 minutes to Draffenville, 45 to Paducah. 76 Colson Rd. Follow "for Sale" signs. Text or Call Jason at 270-217-2012 Approx. 2.5 acres w/finished 25x30 garage w/100 amp service. Can be seen by appointment. $35,000. 270-349-5305 1500 Clarks River Rd., business space. $85K, or will rent for $700/mo. 270201-2665. Lake Barkley house for sale. 3-4BR/2B. $165,000. Move in ready. 270-3319247. FSBO: 5BR/3B, 2 gas FP, 2 W/D hook-ups. 2750 sqft. Attached 2-car extra deep garage. Single car garage/workshop. $164K. 270-564-6067. Two lots, 830 Main. Will finance. 270-519-5111. Reduced: 948 St. Rt. 80E, Arlington. Completely renovated. 5.23 acres. 4-5BR/2B, paved circle drive. 40x30 shop. Consider rent to own. $165K. 270-210-5588 Recreational LP gas grill w/tank. Like new. $75. 270-906-8481. 2007 Polaris Ranger 500 4x4, good condition, $4050. Call/text 270-5191468. Golf clubs, 2 full sets. Nice bags & clubs. Shoulder carry-on bag. 270-4420149. 40 lbs. thrust trolling motor. Foot control. Minakota. $80. 270-519-8957. Deer climbing stand w/ seat & arm cushions, cables, & rope. $200 OBO. 270-619-5854. Lock on fixed deer stand w/rope & chair. $75 OBO. 270-619-5854. Six fishing poles & $80 worth of tackle. Ffluger carrying case. $150. 270619-5854. Set of golf irons, woods, putter, bag, & head cover. $25. Back problems, need to sell. 270-559-8723. Coleman pop-up camper. Needs repairs, selling cheap. 270-210-0027. KY Night Crawlers. Marshall County. $2.75/baker’s dozen. 270-703-9024. Recreational GREAT PRICES! Recreational Tools Locally Owned AWESOME SERVICE! And Operated by 2005 Gem e2 street legal, 1100 miles, w/extra golf rack. 270-556-6963 LP gas grill w/tank. Like new. $75. 270-906-8481. 16’ Procraft Bass boat, 115 Evinrude. Call Frank 270898-6277. Brand new pool table, still in box. Standard size, w/ ping pong topper & all accessories. $175. 270-5641277. 2004 Yamaha Wolverine 350 4WD. $800 OBO. No offers less than $500. 270349-6480. Casino style slot machine. Works. $125. 270-5543037 or 270-564-0111. 1985 Coachman Catalina 32’ camper. Excellent cond. Everything works. $3600 OBO. 270-8410772. DURBIN’s SERVICE STATION Minor Repair & Service ServING All Brands of Tires Paducah Brakes & Oil Changes Since Tire Repair 1962 • DEL, BENNIE, DERRIN DURBIN • 3401 Lone Oak Rd. • Paducah, KY 42003 270-554-5839 Check us out at Metal rack to haul small PAUL & MELINDA HARPER or stop by our showroom at fishing boat, pipe,1101 etc., on Broadway, Paducah,Ky 42001 top of pick-up truck. $50. 270-554-5388. 08 Raptor Toyhauler. 38’ dual slide. Excellent cond. Final reduction, $22,000. 270-703-4927. 04 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500. $2995. 270-5567482. 2001 Honda 500 4-wheeler. Rubicon, 4WD. Good shape. $1750. 270-5590085. One-man window air Three Rowe juke boxes. conditioner lift carts, Each hold 100 CDs, imetc. 18”low, 9’T. 270maculate condition. 270554-1208 or 270-217210-5588 4027. Joe Thweatt Valley pool table, 3.5x7’, great shape; video ma- Miller Big 30 welder. Conchines (Cherry & poker) tinental 4-cyl. gas engine, on 2-wheel HD trailer. 270-210-5588 Honda 4WD 4-wheeler. Very nice. $3950. 270-519Yellow, automatic shift. 9403 or 270-988-3286. Craftsman wood lathe, $2500. 270-488-3258. 9 G & H duck decoys. 5 12”x36”, new bench, cutdrakes, 4 hens. $30 for all. ting tools, & face mask. $250 OBO; misc tools, 270-933-0518. elec. supplies. 270-554Large two rack smoker. 8831. Perfect for BBQ on The Pressure washer, CampRiver. $600. Call or text bell Hausfeld Diamon 270-559-5753 Power. 6 hp. Briggs & Stat. Will not pump. 270Tools 519-6723. Mastercraft 70 amp gas Towing mig. welder. Needs argon tank. $100 OBO. 270-6195854. Craftsman 13” band, cabAutomotive inet & 25-30 extra blades Repair & Towing & sanding belts. $175 OBO. 270-554-8831. Metropolis, Illinois 24’ blue fiberglass ladder. 618-524-4494 Excellent cond. $125. 270534-1320. 24 9” band saw, $15; comHours plete set of Sears molding heads, $9. 270-554-3037 or cell 270-564-0111. • Light, Medium & 2 h.p. 3600 RPM 120 volt Heavy Towing electric motor. $10. 270• Tire Changes 554-3037 or cell 270-564• Fuel Delivery 0111. • Jump Starts Work bench, 67”L, • Lock Outs 33”W37”T. $65; new scaffold, $85. Call 270-519SEMI Towing 3099. • Semi Roadside Mastercraft pressure Tire Repair washer. 100 acc psi. New • Semi Tire in box. Paid $550, willing Changes to take less. 270-816-2071. Miller AEAD 200 LE gas In House Certified welder. $600. 270-928Diesel Tech. 2175. C&W The Good August 28, 2016 vice Ser alls C 270-441-7991 AUTO SALES BUY OR RENT TO OWN 1020 Joe Clifton Dr. Paducah, KY 42003 Roy Gene Travis Vehicles C&K MOTORS 3870 State Route 408 W Hickory, KY offers quality used cars for sale 05 Lexus GX470.................$8900 04 Toyota Camry 100k.......$4500 03 Toyota RAV4 143K....... $6500 06 Toyota Avalon............... $5200 10 Toyota Prius...................$6700 07 Camry Hybrid............... $7200 02 Toyota Tacoma Crew.. $4900 13 Dodge Durango 46K........ $21,500 02 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 140k... $8900 05 Chevy Z71..................... $7200 04 Chevy 2500 HD 2WD 128K..$6900 08 Honda Accord.............. $6800 07 Nissan Maxima SL GPS...... $6900 00 Chevy Z71 3 door..........$6200 00 Chevy 4x4 8’ bed.......... $5900 07 Toyota Corolla (38 mpg)..... $3400 05 Toyota 4-Runner, V8 4x4.... $6700 99 Ford F250 4x4 ...............$6500 06 Toyota Avalon............... $5200 00 Chevy 4x4 Reg. Cab. 114K. $8900 06 Accura MDX.................. $6900 06 Toy. Tac. PreRunner Crew........ $9400 03 Jeep Liberty Ltd. 4x4....$4500 ( 11 ) Toyota’s on SITE TRAVELING CAR LOT 5 MILES WEST OF HWY 45 ON HWY 408 Visit SEE A VEHICLE YOU LIKE, WE WILL DELIVER TO YOU OR YOUR MECHANIC Call/Text Kenneth 705-5973 or Wesley 705-1329 ANYTIME!! Trailers 7x16 trailer. Good tires, new paint, new floor. $1200. 270-554-2206. 16’ livestock trailer. Center gate, new paint. $1800. 270-559-2690. 5’x10’ utility trailer. Tilt, good condition, 15” rims w/good tires. $450 OBO. 270-559-0085. 270-441-7991 Fax: 270-441-7073 Vehicles Car ! ers Deal Now is a GREAT TIME Advertise Your Car Inventory! Email us at or call 270-554-5623 during regular business hours, or text/call 270-331-0208 after hours. We can help you! We Distribute over 10,500 Good Neighbors WEEKLY In 6 Counties! 1995 Chevy Silverado Ext Cab. 1 owner. New Jasper engine & tires. New trans/ AC compressor. 150K miles. $5900. Kelly 270816-2022. 2012 Ford Edge SEL. Dark blue. AWD. Tan heated leather seats, moon roof. 69K miles. Asking $15,800. 270-556-5406 2000 Dodge 2500 Ram van. 12 passenger, can convert to cargo van. No a/c though blower works. $2,000. 270 556-0218 Three Ford Rangers for sale or trade. 1994, 1998 & 1999. 618-309-3904 or 270-898-6326. 2014 Dodge Avenger SE w/Black package wheels & grill. 41K miles. Selling because need work truck instead. 270-559-2837. • ALIGNMENTS • BRAKES • SHOCKS • BATTERIES • TIRES New & Used 1147 Kentucky Ave. • Paducah, KY 270-442-0737 Page 15 A&J Small Engine Repair Lawn Mowers • Saws • Weedeaters • Trimmers Tillers • Go Karts • Etc. Trimmers • Blowers & etc. w/5 Year Warranty Be Sure To Have Your Equipment Ready To Go! Mon-Fri • 8 AM - 5 PM HOURS: Sat • 8 AM - NOON Pickup & Delivery Available (270) 444-8212 or (270) 217-2832 250 Theobold Ln. • Paducah, KY 42003 Vehicles Vehicles Vehicle Parts, Etc. Yard Sales, Etc. Massey 2008 Honda 750 C2 Shadow Spirit. Excellent condition, garage kept. Sissy bar & windshield included, 10K miles. $3,200. 270564-5876 or 270-442-2403 2007 Harley Davidson XL883C. $4500. 20K miles, Vance & Hines straight pipes, aftermarket chrome primary case. Call/text 270-564-4977. 1993 Dodge pick-up, halfton. V-6. 165K mi.. w/topper. $1500 ORB. New fuel pump. Seen at Durbin’s Service, Lone Oak. Call/ text 270-556-3485. 99 Buick Riviera. Diamond white. Excellent cond. 155K miles. $6500 firm. 270-983-1938. 04 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500. $2995. 270-5567482. 2010 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic. 7K mi. $10,500 w/warranty. 270349-3610. 1990 Chevy S10 PU. One owner. Runs good, fuel injected. Needs paint. $1200. 270-554-7192. 2007 Ford F150 Lariat. 4WD, new tires/wheels. $19,500. 270-853-6517. 2002 Pontiac Bonneville. Clean. New tires. $2150. 270-559-7550 leave msg. 2008 Honda Goldwing trike 1800. Cruise control, 2 helmets w/intercom. Good cond., like new. 51K miles. $19,500 OBO. 270331-0385. Two Goodyear Wrangler SRA tired. 275-65-R18. 35% tread. $10 each. 270554-8831. Automatic engine stand. $25. 270-564-6417. Pendaliner out of 1993 Dodge Dakota LWB, bed liner w/tailgate protector. Fits 1986-2011 Dodge Dakota $65. 618-638-2538 Coleman pop-up camper. Needs repairs, selling cheap. 270-210-0027. Jeep spare tire, Goodyear Wrangler. 255-75-17, on aluminum flat 5, spoke rim. $100. 270-559-2851. 95 GMC truck bed. LWB, white. $75. 270-554-2206. 2003 Dodge tailgate. Good condition. $80. 270-2178693. Moving sale 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Sat., Sept. 3, at 3120 Old Mayfield Rd. Paducah. Assorted furniture, household, home decor items. Cash only. Estate/yard sale Fri.-Sat. Sept. 9-10. 8a-4p., at 6350 Old Hwy 60 W. close to McCracken High. Tools, milk glass, household, etc. Multi family yard sale Fri.-Sat., Sept. 2-3, 7 a.m -?. 6516 US 45 S. Brookport. Furniture, clothes, childrens clothes, glassware, tools & miscellaneous other items. Yard sale, Kut-N-Up Salon, 3415 Lovelaceville Rd., Fri.-Sat., Sept. 2-3. 8 a.m. to ? Yard sale Sept. 1-3, Thurs. -Sat., 12325 Hwy. 60. Barbells, Milwaukee sawzaw, electric handsaw 7.5”, blanets, quilts, linens, more misc. Fri.-Sat., Sept. 2-3, 6480 Clinton Rd. Paducah, 8a1p. Furniture, clothing, collectibles, Christmas décor, grill shelving, Fosteria glassware, more. Sept. 2-3, 8a-2pm., inside Margaret Hank CP Church, 1526 Park Ave., Paducah. Clothes, glassware, knick knacks, books, kitchenware, bedding, toys, to much to list! Yard sale Sept. 3, lots of stuff must go. 523 Milliken, Paducah. Rain cancels. Yard sale 358 Anita Lane, Ledbetter, Ky., Sept. 2, 3, 4, & 5. Yard sale 2316 Seneca Ln., Lone Oak. 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 2-3. Rain cancels. Man cave items. Large 4 room indoor yard sale. It’s in The Country Store at The St. John Picnic, Sept. 10. Country Store opens 8 a.m. day of picnic. Check us out on Facebook, St. John Picnic Makes Financing EASY! 2011 Kia Soul................. ld! So11,900 2010 Dodge Charger......13,900 o S ld! 2010 Subaru Legacy......10,500 2009 Chev. Impala............7,900 2008 Dodge Caravan.......8,900 2008 Mustang.................10,900 Sold! 2007 Mustang...................8,900 2006 Dodge Charger........5,900 2006 Nissan Altima..........6,900 Sold! 2006 Dodge Magnum.......7,900 2006 Buick LaCrosse......7,900 2005 Cadillac CT$............9,900 2004 Chev. Tahoe...........10,900 2004 Neon.........................3,900 2003 Chev. Z-71................8,900 2003 Hyundai Elantra......4,900 Sold! 2003 Nissan Crew 4x4.....8,900 2003 Chrysler PT.............5,900 2002 Ford Windstar.........3,500 2002 Chrysler T&C...........3,500 2002 Dodge Ram..............7,900 2001 GM Yukon XL..........7,900 2000 Ford Expedition......4,900 2000 Ford F150................6,900 Sold! 1996 Chev. Dual 4x4........9,900 Massey Motors 801 S. 6th St Paducah, KY 42001 Vehicle Parts, Etc. 1999 Jeep XJ Sport. 173K mi. 4.5” lift on 35s. Runs great, needs new transfer case. $2700 OBO. 270331-8804. 2010 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic. 7K mi. $15,000 w/warranty. 270349-3610. 1984 Chevy Corvette. Top removable. Black w/gray stripes. $2500 OBO. 270559-9063 or 270-928-2175. Good 235-75-15 on rim. Fits Dodge truck; one 20550-75, very nice. 270-8451910. Metal rack to haul small fishing boat, pipe, etc., on top of pick-up truck. $50. 270-554-5388. Full size tool box for truck. $50. 270-556-7482. Brand new inner/outer pinion shaft bearings, standard 9.75 rear end for Ford F150. $75. 270-9282175 or 270-559-9063. 270-575-4999 Wanted Wanted: small breed male dog or puppy. Reasonable Please text 270-933-6943. Wanted: someone w/5th wheel trailer hitch to move 34’ camper. Call for details. 270-845-0772. Wanted: good used fullface motorcycle helmet. Medium. 270-556-5560. Wanted: 83 y/o widow needs mattress. Free or cheap, but must be in good shape. 270-217-9846. Wanted: Looking for someone to repair family antique quilt. Please call 270-554-0878. Wanted: good 50 cc scooter. Need something to ride back & forth to cancer treatments. 270-519-3286. Wanted: set of mag or chrome 15” wheels w/3” bolt pattern. 270-5544511. Wanted: Used mattress sets of all sizes & bedroom furniture. For info call 270-970-0202 please leave message. Yard Sales, Etc. Moving sale, inside & out, Sept. 1-3, 403 S. 21st St. 9 a.m. - ? Deadline for all classified submissions is Thursday at 5 p.m.
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