
Good Neighbor
See Page 5
Find us in McCracken, Marshall, Ballard, Graves, Livingston, & Massac!
God Bless America, One Nation Under God!
“Family Home Town Views”
Vol. 23, No. 20
November 16 - 23, 2014
Happy 11th Birthday, Nov. 21 ~ Wyleigh
Love, Mommy, Daddy, Walker, Waverly &
Wrigley. (Daughter of Chris & Tiffany Watson)
Klark wishes Bubba a Happy 9th Birthday,
Nov. 17. Children of Khristain & Marta.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Nov. 23
Noah Hodges
We love you so much! MeMe & Grand-daddy.
Son of Spurgeon & Deborah Hodges
Happy 2nd Birthday
Wade & Laken Herzog (The Squeaks!)
Happy 2nd Birthday, Nov. 19
Max Wiggins
Pictured with older brother Fisher Herzog Son of Grant & Olivia Wiggins. Grandson of Chuck
& Debbie McCue and Jesse & Vickie Wiggins.
Kids of Craig & Delee Herzog of Gilbertsville
Nov. 22nd @ 10 A.M.
Happy Sweet 16 ~ Kallie Olmeda
From Mom, Dad and family.
5640 Metropolis Lake Rd. West Paducah
Building 1: This masonry concrete block building was currently under interior renovation but was never completed. The
building contains a showroom, some electrical upgrades, office/storage space, concrete floors, OSB on ceilings, central heat,
and a flat roof with a rubber membrane application. Building 2: +/- 15’x +/- 30’ concrete block garage with concrete floor,
3 tab asphalt shingleD roof, & 7’x 10’ barn-style doors. DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 60 in West Paducah & KY Hwy. 996
Metropolis Lake Rd. intersection take KY Hwy. 996 Metropolis Lake Rd. north 3 miles arriving at property on right. Signs
posted. TERMS OF AUCTION: 20% deposit due day of sale. Balance due in 30 days. 10% buyer premium added to final bid
and included in total contract price. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Cash, credit card, or check with proper ID. 10% buyer premium
added to the final bid. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Auction held on site, rain or shine.
Mike Colson - Auctioneer
Chris Colson
Dave Rowton - Auctioneer
Broker/Auctioneer Wayne Deweese - Agent/Auctioneer
Ky. Auct. Lic # P939
In. Auct Lic # AU10400042
Ky. RE Lic # 58391
3250 Key Dr. Paducah, KY. 42003
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
Page 2
The Good Neighbor invites all
friends and neighbors to join us as
we read the New Testament (KJV)
together. Each week we will print
a brief portion of the Bible until we
reach Revelation.
Hebrews 13 King James Version (KJV) Let brotherly love continue. 2 Be
not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained
angels unawares. 3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with
them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the
body. 4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. 5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath
said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. 6 So that we may boldly
say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto
me. 7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken
unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their
conversation. 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good
thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have
not profited them that have been occupied therein. 10 We have an altar,
whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle. 11 For the
bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the
high priest for sin, are burned without the camp. 12 Wherefore Jesus also,
that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without
the gate. 13 Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing
his reproach. 14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to
come. 15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. 16 But to
do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is
well pleased. 17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that
they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
18 Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing
to live honestly. 19 But I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be
restored to you the sooner. 20 Now the God of peace, that brought again
from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through
the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 Make you perfect in every good
work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight,
through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 22 And
I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written
a letter unto you in few words. 23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set
at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you. 24 Salute all them
that have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you. 25
Grace be with you all. Amen.
Birthday pictures are only $10
with a short message. Call or email for more info!
270-554-5623 or loneoaknews@yahoo.com
Good Neighbor
2012, 2013,
& 2014
3042A Lone Oak Rd. Paducah, KY 42003
270-554-5623 or loneoaknews@yahoo.com
November 16, 2014
Sharing the message
of Christ for 127 years!
3601 Lone Oak Rd.
Sunday Morning Worship...................8:30 a.m.
........................................9:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Bible Study.......................8:30 a.m. & 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship...................7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer Service.................6:30 p.m.
Dr. Dan Summerlin, Pastor
146 S Friendship Rd. • Paducah, KY 42003
Bible Study................ 9:00 AM Children’s Choirs. .... 6:30 PM
Worship. .................. 10:15 AM Youth Bible Study. ... 6:30 PM
Sunday Evening..........6:00 PM Prayer/Bible Study. .. 6:30 PM
Dr. Jason Browning, Pastor
A “Great Commission” Church
In The Heart Of the Community With A Heart For Christ
Back To The Bible: Romans 3 (KJV)
From your friends
at Maple
Hill Church of Christ • 3960 Scale Rd., Benton, KY 42025
3 (KJV):
From Your Friends at Maple Hill Church of Christ
Phone: 270-527-2744
SOLUTION AT: http://maplehillchurchofchrist.org
Solutions at: http://maplehillchurchofchrist.org
3960 Scale RD, Benton, KY 42025-7875 Phone: 270.527.2744
November 16, 2014
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
The McCracken County High School Junior Varsity Academic Team finished
first place overall in the 2014 JV Challenge, which was held on Nov. 8 at McCracken County High School. Winners included: Quick Recall, 1st place; Composition: Mckenzie Moss (1st) and Hannah White (2nd); Language Arts: Mallory
Thompson (1st), Henrietta Ransdell (5th), and Natalie Shadrick (6th); Arts/Humanities: Mallory Thompson (2nd) and Sean Sieczka (4th); Social Studies: Sean
Sieczka (2nd); Mathematics: Zach Althouse (1st), Drew Schofield (4th), and
Alex Bohannon (5th); and Science: Zach Althouse (tied for 1st), Ethan Brown
(3rd), and Barton Christmas (6th). Pictured above (front row left to right) Sean
Sieczka, Alex Bohannon, Mallory Thompson, Zach Althouse, Ethan Brown, and
Drew Schofield. Second row, David Dodd, Head Coach Rodney Holt, Mckenzie
Moss, and Barton Christmas.
Page 3
All 18 students from Ballard County schools who competed in the Student Technology Leadership Program regional competition at Murray State University on
Nov. 7 have qualified for state competition. Pictured above, Ballard County Elementary School students (from left) Bobby Purcell, Molly Harris, Eli Stevens
and Jake Miller presented a project on Snap Circuits. Shelby Taylor also presented a project on Snap Circuits. The Snap Circuits projects were done in conjunction with the local 4-H Technology program. Mason Purcell presented a project on making music with the Garage Band app. BMHS students Josh Byerley,
Johnathan Thompson, Eli Mitchell and Jillian Babb presented a project on using
Scratch in the classroom. BMHS students Haley Bohn, Sara Meinschein, Staci
Henderson and Janie Curtis presented a project on the BMHS News. And BMHS
students Logan Pickett, Kole Williams, Breanna Jones and Elizabeth Goodin
presented a cartoon they created for the BMHS News. The state competition is
March 26, 2015, in Lexington.
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except it is true
Sheer persistence is the difference between success and failure.
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The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
Page 4
November 16, 2014
5978 Old US HWY 45 S • Paducah, KY 42003
Phone: 270-554-0720
Fax: 270-554-3966
Turkey Day Approaches! TAX DAY SOON FOLLOWS!
Well, the turkey is almost ready to cook and then Christmas will be right around the corner. It’s a
fun time of year, but it’s also the time when a few smart tax moves can REALLY save you money
on taxes.
This year also has some really big secrets yet to be revealed, there are the changes with the Affordable Care Act which will impact nearly every tax return in America. Small business owners need to
worry about new repair regulations from the IRS, and investors need to worry about fully using up
the lower tax bracket, and making sure we are able to leave more to our kids, and not the government.
Now is the time to get ready for tax season, it is also a good time to sit down and do some year-end
tax planning that could save money this year and going forward.
The basics of year-end tax planning are easy to explain:
To minimize this year’s taxes, generally postpone income and accelerate deductions. It’s the details
of how to do this that generally stump folks—how does that apply to your situation?
And is minimizing taxes this year the best strategy? Do upcoming changes in the client’s situation
mean that it would be better to pay taxes this year?
Many high-income clients are finding their tax situations are all the more complicated now, in
the wake of the new maximum tax bracket (39.6%, starting at $406,750 for single taxpayers and
$457,600 for joint filers) and higher capital gains tax rates enacted as part of the American Taxpayer
Relief Act of 2012, P.L. 112- 240, and the 3.8% net investment income tax and 0.9% Medicare surtax
enacted as part of 2010’s health care reform. The modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) thresholds
for the net investment income tax and Medicare surtax are $250,000 for married taxpayers filing
jointly or surviving spouses, $125,000 for married taxpayers filing separately, and $200,000 for all
other taxpayers. Working to avoid the new higher brackets and the net investment income tax should
be the goal of any client who is potentially subject to them.
Now is the time to look at the timing of income and deductions, retirement plan contributions,
investments, and charitable gifts— and to consider the client’s situation this year and in the future.
There are several strategies to postpone income, accelerate deductions, and otherwise reduce taxes
for 2014. Here are some strategies to discuss with your clients:
■ Increase withholding. Those with substantial nonwage income in addition to their salary should
adjust their withholding for the rest of the year to ensure that it covers their required estimated tax
payments to avoid the penalty for failure to make estimated tax payments.
■ For those marrying or divorcing, evaluate how the year-end marital status will affect the tax return.
Those who get married or divorced during the year are treated as having had their Dec. 31 marital
status all year. Now is the time to discuss with those who are getting married or divorced late in the
year how that will affect their taxes.
■ Minimize tax on Social Security benefits. When a Social Security recipient’s MAGI plus 50% of
his or her Social Security benefits exceeds certain base amounts, the benefits can be taxable. The
MAGI thresholds are $25,000 for single individuals, $32,000 for married taxpayers filing a joint
return, and zero for married individuals filing separately.
Those whose income is close to these thresholds should consider deferring income to avoid the tax
on the Social Security benefits.
■ Defer bonus. If your employer will cooperate, consider asking the employer to put off paying any
2014 bonus until early in 2015.
■ Group miscellaneous itemized deductions in one year. Miscellaneous itemized deductions are
deductible only to the extent they exceed 2% of your adjusted gross income. So try to group such expenses in one year to meet the threshold. For example, pay professional dues and job-related tuition
in December instead of January to bring them into 2014.
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Paducah, Ky 42003
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■ Prepay certain expenses using a credit card. Contributions to charity and deductible medical expenses are deductible when charged to a credit card, rather than when the credit card bill is paid (Rev.
Rul. 78-38; Rev. Rul. 78-39). Such expenses charged in December will be deductible in 2014, even
though the credit card bill is not paid until 2015.
■ Maximize casualty losses by settling insurance claims. While a casualty loss is usually deductible
in the year it is sustained, it is not “sustained” if you have made an insurance claim for the full value
of the loss and has a reasonable prospect of recovery on the claim. In that case, if the insurance proceeds are less than the amount of the loss, you can deduct the casualty loss in the year the insurance
proceeds are paid. Those with pending insurance claims may want to decide to settle this year in
order to claim the casualty loss this year.
■ Make gifts. Year-end gifts of appreciated property can move taxable gain to family members in
a lower tax bracket. Also, you can make gifts to any number of donees before year end and as long
as each gift does not exceed $14,000, the gifts will not be taxable or count against the donor’s unified estate and gift tax exemption. Married folks can make joint gifts of up to $28,000 to each donee
under these rules.
The gifts must be made by Dec. 31 to take advantage of this provision, and that a gift made by check
may not count as a 2014 gift if it is not cashed or deposited by the donee in 2014.
■ Dispose of passive activities to take advantage of suspended passive losses. Losses from a passive activity that can’t be realized in a particular tax year because of the passive loss limitations are
suspended and carried forward until they can be used. Those who are carrying suspended passive
losses might want to dispose of the passive activity before the end of the year to take advantage of
those suspended losses. When the passive activity is disposed of, the losses from the year of disposition, including carried over losses that exceed passive income for the year, are no longer treated as
passive losses.
■ Make Sec. 179 expenditures. You can elect to deduct currently rather than depreciate the costs of
new or used tangible property used in the client’s business over a period of years. Unfortunately, the
increased levels that were in effect for Sec. 179 for the past several years have expired.
For 2014, the maximum amount that can be expensed is $25,000, and the deduction is phased out
when qualifying property placed in service during the year exceeds $200,000. We expect this to be
reversed, but it has not been yet.
■ Realize stock losses to offset gains. You may be holding appreciated investments, but also lost
money on some stock investments in 2014. Consider selling the appreciated investments and offset
them with the losses. But be aware that long-term capital losses first offset long-term capital gains
and that short-term capital losses first offset short-term capital gains.
■ Convert ordinary income to qualified dividend income.
Consider shifting investments from ones where the income is taxed at ordinary rates, such as bonds,
to stocks that pay dividends. If the dividend income is qualifying (received from a domestic corporation or qualified foreign corporation and the taxpayer held the stock for more than 60 days during the
121-day period beginning 60 days before the ex-dividend date), the income will be taxed at capital
gains rates.
■ Start a retirement plan. Clients who are eligible to contribute to an IRA or to start a Keogh plan
(if self-employed), but who don’t currently have such a retirement savings vehicle, should consider
setting one up to take advantage of deductible contributions for 2014.
■ Maximize contributions to retirement plans. Making contributions from pretax income is always
a good strategy, but it can be especially beneficial if it brings the client’s income down into a lower
tax bracket.
Tax season is coming, but we got time to plan now. But the clock is ticking FAST. With the holidays
in place, there is really only a few work weeks left this year. If we can help, please give us a call,
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November 16, 2014
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
St. John Knights of Columbus
Fundraiser For Charities
November 22 & 23, 2014
Sat. 9-5
Sun. 9-4
St. John KC Hall
6725 US 45 South • Paducah, KY 42001
5 Miles South of Lone Oak
Open To The Public Buy • Sell • Trade
Dealers & Individuals Welcome
Tables 6’ • $25
Set-Up Friday • 2-8 PM & Saturday 7-9 AM
Call or Email to Reserve Tables
Dwayne • 270-559-7025 or dwurth@comcast.net
Page 5
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
Page 6
Local author shares celebrity recipes at WKCTC Nov. 17
What do Miley Cyrus, Ashley Judd, Bill Monroe, and Robert Penn Warren have
in common? They all contributed recipes to Kentucky author Pamela Whinnery’s
book, Favorite Recipes of Kentucky Celebrities.
Whinnery, a Paducah native, will share those recipes and many other celebrity
favorites in a free presentation at West Kentucky Community and Technical College Nov. 17 from 11 a.m. to noon in Matheson Library.
Whinnery’s cookbook has over 300 recipes from local and national personalities, highly visible Kentucky businesses, artists, writers, athletes, actors, musicians, and other celebrities from all across Kentucky as well as those who have
strong ties to the Bluegrass State.
A portion of book sales from Whinnery’s presentation and book signing will go
into the WKCTC student scholarship fund. “We are proud that Pamela’s presentation will not only be a fun experience for everyone who attends, but it’s also
going to help us support our students,” said Amy Sullivan, WKCTC resources
services librarian and event coordinator.
Whinnery gives 50 percent of cookbook sales to charities or non-profit organizations that wish to use it as a fundraiser.
“I feel God has blessed me and this is a way I can give back to the community,”
said Whinnery.
Never considering herself as an author, Whinnery said the real authors of her
cookbooks are the wonderful individuals who took time from their busy schedules to graciously share their favorite recipes with her. She believes celebrities
participated because they knew each recipe is a gift to be shared for raising money for non-profits across Kentucky. Celebrities have also contributed recipes to
Whinnery’s Tennessee cookbook, and she is presently working on another Kentucky cookbook and one with Missouri recipes.
Copies of Whinnery’s cookbooks will be available for purchase following the
presentation. The cost of the books will be $19.95;
cash, checks and credit cards accepted. Visitors can
also enjoy a sampling of dishes from Whinnery’s
Kentucky cookbook that will be prepared by Matheson Library staff members.
For more information about the presentation, contact
Amy Sullivan, WKCTC resources services librarian,
at (270) 534-3171 or amy.sullivan@kctcs.edu.
November 16, 2014
McCracken County High School senior Jasmine Bennett officially signed to
play volleyball with the University of Louisville in Louisville, Ky. Pictured
above (left to right) are Coach Tim Whitis, Peggy Bennett, Jasmine Bennett,
and Winston Bennett. Bennett was awarded All District Team and All Region
Tournament Team all four years of her high school career. She was also awarded
KVCA First Team All State Class AA in 2011, 2012, and 2013, KHSAA All
Tournament Team 2012, 2013 and 2014, BSN/Nike Crossroad Classic All Tournament Team in 2013. In 2014, Bennett was named the Region 1 Player of the
Year and First Team All State. She was a member of the District and Region Volleyball Championship Teams all four years of high school.
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First Christian Church of Paducah
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Come share in the beautiful music, photos and a
candlelight ceremony that will bring encouragement
in the midst of this holiday season.
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www.milnerandorr.com • 270-534-4200
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
November 16, 2014
Page 7
Festival of Trees to benefit Christmas Giving Program
It’s beginning
to look a lot
like Christmas
with the start
of the 6th Annual Festival of
Trees celebration. The Festival of Trees
is a decoration
of Christmas
trees by hospital departments
to raise money
for the Lourdes
Christmas Giving program.
The departments donate the decorations and the community is invited to buy a
ticket to win their favorite tree. Tickets are $1. You can purchase them in the
Lourdes Gift Shop. The winners will be announced December 4 at the annual
Tree of Lights ceremony at 5:30 p.m. in the Lourdes Chapel.
The Festival of Trees features 20 trees, including a candy land tree, a military themed tree, a sweet treats, and for the dog lover, a bark the herald angels
sing tree. All trees will be on display until December 4 in the Lourdes Marshall
Nemer Pavilion Plaza.
You can also buy a ticket to win your favorite tree at Lourdes Christmas Market
on Saturday, Nov. 22 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion Plaza.
The event is free and features more than 30 vendors with jewelry, children’s
clothing, handbags, scarves, and Christmas décor. The Christmas Market benefits the Lourdes Associates Christmas Giving Program.
Lourdes Chaplain Sister Lucy Bonifas blessed the newly expanded Lourdes Outpatient Infusion Therapy Suite at a special ceremony on Nov. 11. The center,
located in the Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, provides chemotherapy and
infusion therapy treatments and blood transfusions for patients. The expanded
rooms allow for a larger, brighter, more comfortable and convenient location for
patients to receive their treatment, many of which take hours to complete. Large
TV’s, ipads and space for visitors helps the treatment time pass more quickly. An
IMPACT Lourdes grant of more than $50,000 helped fund this project. IMPACT
Lourdes is a ladies only club whose yearly membership dues are used to support
a program or project at Lourdes. Since the program began in 2010, IMPACT
Lourdes has granted more than $200,000 to projects.
It’s time for a Lourdes Mercy Primary Care Physician.
Dr. Kathryn Glass
Family Medicine
Dr. Christopher Sperry
Family Medicine
Find the right doctor for you
A Service of Lourdes | elourdes.com
A Catholic healthcare ministry serving Kentucky and Ohio
Dr. Marissa Stewart-Jaynes
Family Medicine
Dr. Terri Telle
Family Medicine
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
Page 8
November 16, 2014
Happy Birthday November 17
Jan Wilkins Herzog
Happy 28th Birthday, Nov. 17
Pictured with her brother
Larry Wilkins
Wishing him a Happy Birthday
December 5
Lots of Love from your
friends and family!
Happy 5th Birthday, Nov. 23
Love, Mommy, Daddy, Walker,
Wyleigh & Waverly. (Son of
Chris & Tiffany Watson)
American Legion Post 144 will host a Fall Turkey Shoot
on Nov. 15, Nov. 22 and Nov. 29, starting around dusk.
No bull barrels, modified or speical barrels. The Post is
located at 2047 Ridge Road, Gilbertsville. Reasonable
rates per round, still targets used. Winners will recieve
choice of meats. First win-first pick of one of the following: country ham, picnic ham, turkey, sausage, bacon.
All meats subject to change due to availability.
Dr. Michael Sollitto
Professor of Communications,
Texas A&M - Corpus Christi. Son
of Kara Sollitto of Paducah.
Ballard-Carlisle History and Genealogical Society meeting each fourth Monday
at 6 p.m. at History Society building, 257
4th Street, Wickliffe, KY. Society building
open each Friday 9-4 for family history research. Exceptions are holidays, weekends
and inclement weather.
Happy Birthday!
Harry Sr., Harry Jr.,
& Little Harry
Love, your family and friends.
Lourdes Volunteer program seeking Volunteers for our
Front Information Desk & Clerical Support! Seeking
volunteers who enjoy meeting new people and assist visitors as they come into the Front Information desk. If you
enjoy working in an office environment we are seeking
friendly volunteers to answering phones, sort/file, labeling and other office related task. If you or someone you
know would be interested in working in clerical support,
please contact: Shannon Courtney for more information.
270-444-2552 or e-mail at scourtney@mercy.net
Feeding The Soul
Sponsored by
Heath Health Foods
Chad at this once and then it was taken off the menu of a local restaurant. So, I had to come up with my own recipe...he likes
mine better! Blessings, Beth
Beth Baker
Blackened Catfish with Cream Shrimp Sauce
4 Catfish Fillets
2 tsp. Lemon Juice
Petite Salad Shrimp
Giving Him
Back To God
Caleb’s Journey
Cajun Seasoning
1 8 oz. carton Sour Cream
Salt & Pepper
Blacken the fillets with seasoning and pan fry in a little oil until cooked
through. Add lemon juice at the end.
Gutter Cleaning • Leaf Removal
In another pan, warm sour cream. Add salad shrimp, salt and pepper.
Pour over fish and serve. Enjoy!
www.calebsmom.com • www.calebsmom-bethcbaker.blogspot.com
If you have questions about this or any other recipe, just email me at cookingcolumn@gmail.com
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November 16, 2014
Project Hope's annual Christmas Bazaar is right
around the corner! Featuring Pet Photos with
Santa, concessions that include chili, hotdogs and
popcorn, lots of yummy baked goods, a Trash and
Treasures Sale, and lots of great vendors to help you
with your Christmas shopping! Vendors include
Pampered Chef, Scentsy, and Thirty-One, as well as
local hand-crafted items! Saturday, November 22,
2014, at the Cherry Civic Center in Paducah, from
10 am- 4 pm.
Ballard-Carlisle History and Genealogical Society
meeting has been changed to the fourth Sunday of
each month at 2 p.m. at History Society building,
257 4th Street, Wickliffe, KY. Society building open
each Friday 9-4 for family history research. Exceptions are holidays, weekends and inclement weather.
The 10th annual Coat & Toy Drive for Children is
underway, sponsored by Cash Express. Donations
of toys, coats, shoes (washable) and non-perishable
food items will be accepted at Cash Express locations in the area. Donations will be accepted until
Dec. 15 in order to have them delivered in time for
Sunday, Nov. 23, is camo-casual Sunday at Destiny
Church, 990 Berger Rd., Paducah, Ky. Wear your
camo if you have it. If you don't have any, wear your
jeans or some other comfortable, casual gear. Service starts at 10:00 AM with a pot luck after church.
Come join us and bring a friend.
The Military Order of The Purple Heart Four Rivers Chapter 0585 has changed their monthly meeting and breakfast to the Fourth Saturday of each
month. The meeting has been moved to the Lone
Oak Little Castle Restaurant, located at 3460 Lone
Oak Rd., Paducah, Ky. Meeting time is 9 a.m. Recipients of The Purple Heart Medal and their families are cordially invited. Also anyone interest in
Military Order Of The Purple Heart are invited.
For information contact James Elder Commander
Chapter 0585, at 270- or 331-0792, or Bill Fletcher,
Adjunct Chapter 0585 at 270-252-3372.
W.O.L.F needs your help. Needed donations of dog,
cat, horse feeds and volunteers for building, fencing,
painting, gardening, etc. For more information call
270-243-2436 or 270-415-5805.
The W. Ky Christian Alliance is attempting to bring
the Christian movie “A Matter Of Faith” to Paducah. We have to presell 1000 tickets though. We
need the help of churches and Christian organizations to help us. Call 270-994-3230 if anyone is interested in seeing this movie at the Paducah Public Library this weekend to preview it. This movie
is highly evangelistic, and is similar to “God's Not
A benefit for JoDale, a 22-month-old child diagnosed
with leukemia, will be held Nov. 15 at the Scholar
House Apartments Community Center, 1035 N. Old
Friendship Rd., Paducah, from 8 a.m. to ? There
will be a yard sale, baked goods, pizza and refreshments. All proceeds will help with the family’s medical bills and expenses.
Reidland Lions Club meets the first and third Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Reidland Community Center, Park
Rd. in Reidland. All visitors and potential members
are invited to attend.
F.O.E 3135 Bridge St. Eagles announces the kitchen
is now open. Friday and Saturday nights from 5
p.m. to 8 p.m.. Everyone welcome.
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
Community members are invited to a second Community Café session at Ballard Memorial High
School on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. in the school’s
media center at 3561 Paducah Road, Barlow. Principal David Meinschein said there would be coffee
and donuts, and after a brief progress report on the
school, community members could offer feedback
and ideas in a listening session.
The Purchase Chapter of the Kentucky Public Retirees will beet at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 26, at
Pizza Inn, 1001 Joe Clifton Dr., Paducah, for a combined luncheon and business meeting. All retirees of
the Kentucky retirement system are encouraged to
attend. For more information call 270-898-7289 or
Concord United Methodist Church will hold a
Country Breakfast Buffet on Saturday, Dec. 6, from
6 a.m. to 10 a.m., at the church, located at 5178 Hinkleville Rd., Paducah. The menu includes: country
ham, bacon, sausage, hash browns, scrambled eggs,
biscuits, gravy, grits, jellies, coffee, milk and orange
juice. The cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children
under 12. Proceeds will be used for mission projects.
Everyone is invited.
Graves County High School graduates are encouraged to share photos from their “Glory Days” of high
school with The Aquila yearbook for its 30th edition.
Simply drop off those photos with the school’s receptionist. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope so that after scanning them, the staff can return
the photos via U.S. Mail. Another option is to email
scanned photos to the yearbook advisor/teacher
at Jennifer.Hunter@graves.kyschools.us. To learn
more, phone Hunter at 270-328-6242 or 270-6746242.
Every 3rd Friday of the month at 11:30 a.m. ‘Matters of Life’ . Learn about Family Resource topics:
estate planning, Including Wills, Powers of Attorney, Guide to Probate, Veterans Burial Benefits,
Social Security, Survivors Benefits, KY Pre-Need
Law and protecting family assets, Vital Statistics
and You, When a Loved One dies, and SHIP (State
Health Insurance Program) Ledbetter Senior Citizens Center, 2401 Rudd Spees Rd. Ledbetter, KY
Page 9
Cost - estimate consultation. May prepay
through insurance or
trust plans available.
Feel free to call anytime.
Give Rick a call,
Hughes Funeral Home
of Paducah.
2975 Old Husband Rd.
Computer Repair
Professional computer
repair at an affordable
price! A Local Geek has
been repairing PCs and
laptops in Lone Oak
for over 10 years, our
technicians are friendly
and will speak to you
in a language you can
understand. We specialize in virus/spyware/
Trojan removal WITHOUT erasing your information. Or, if you
don’t mind starting
over, we have complete
system restorations for
$50. No appointment
needed. A Local Geek
now offers Beginner
Computer Classes as
well. Call 554-9645 “If
we can’t repair your computer in-shop, there’s NO
Minor Repair & Service ServING
All Brands of Tires Paducah
Brakes & Oil Changes
Tire Repair
In Memoriam
Christian Lindsay
Those we love remain
with us. For love itself
lives on, memories
never fade because one
loved, one is gone. The
memories live on in our
heart. Your Dad, and all
your family, friends, and
racing friends.
Computer Classes
A Local Geek Computer
Repair now offers classes
to teach you the basics
of using your computer.
Topics include, but are
not limited to: properly turning on/off your
computer, using your
keyboard/mouse, safely surfing the Internet,
fixes for simple computer problems, using
email and backing up
your data. We have a Q
& A at the end of each
class to get your specific
questions answered. Our
small classes have no
more than 5 students per
session offering personal
attention. And yes! A
Local Geek still offers
professional computer
repair at an affordable
price as well! No charge
if we don’t fix. Call 5549645
Leaf Removal Gutter Cleaning
Hedge Trimming
& More
Senior Citizens
4275 Old US Hwy 45
Paducah, KY
3401 Lone Oak Rd. • Paducah, KY 42003
Mon-Thur • 11-6 Fri & Sat • 11-8
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
Page 10
Home Improvement
Larry’s Roof & Gutter
Repair & Cleaning, 30
years expereince. Free
estimates. 270-556-1877
or 270-366-6192
Skip Mills
Remodel & Repair
fall spruce up, trim,
carpentry, painting,
sheetrock, repairs,
pressure washing,
handyman. 35 yrs.
Paducah licensed. 270554-3905
Decorative Iron
38 Years
In Business
Handrail • Gates
Iron Fences
10% off
If You
Mention This Ad
Small Engine Repair
A & J Small Engine Repair: Repairs on saws,
weedeaters trimmers, tillers, go karts, etc.. pickup & delivery available.
Winter Hours: 8:30am4:30pm Monday thru
Friday 250 Theobold Ln.
Paducah, 270-444-8212
Lathe & Mill Work
Will do small metal
lathe & milling jobs in
my shop. Also, wood mill
& router table. 270-9948661.
Heating & Air
Install & repair gas
floor furnaces, Empire wall furnaces,
space heaters, gas logs,
& ventless heaters.
Joe Thweatt,
554-1208 or 217-4027
License #M00651.
Tree Service
Stump Removal
Got a job LARGE or
small, give Shaun a call,
and consider it done.
Servicing all interior &
exterior home repair or
full renovation needs
from plumbing, electrical, decks, floors, painting and more. Quality workmanship is my
Shaun Schmeiser. 270 908 1230
Odd jobs, trash hauling,
trimming trees, raking,
rotor tilling, moving,
hauling & cleanup 270933-3384
Art/Sewing Classes
3807 Schneidman Rd.
Paducah, KY 42003
Fabric • Quilts
Bowties • Baby Items
Disney Hair Bows
Custom Embroidery
Call to Inquire
Art or Sewing
Friday, Nov. 14
Door Prizes & Refreshments
If you need a rest, call
Best Housekeeping Service. Hard working,
Weekly or bi-weekly.
We clean homes! Do you
need a thorough cleaning? Then call me. References. Free estimates.
Reasonable rates. 270442-3681.
House cleaning by mature Christian women.
November 16, 2014
Hair Care
Ashley Perdew!
The Beauty Shop
2925 Jackson St.
$10 Kids & Seniors
$12 Adults
Offering Color
Highlights • Perms
Manicures • Pedicures
Petting Zoo
Barnyard Buddies &
Friends Petting Zoo
& Pony Rides now accepting reservations for
booking dates
March -Dec.
Featuring well rounded
friendly animals, like
Booger the Camel &
Bubba the Zebu. Great
addition to Open Houses, Company Picnics,
Birthday Parties, Family Reunions, School
Events or any other.
Owned & Operated by
the Cornwell Family.
13 Yrs Experience &
USDA Licensed!
270-534-8203 or
Visit our website:
Wallets• Billfolds• TriFolds, Hair Barrettes,
Belts up to 60” waist,
Wristbands,-variety of
styles. Misc. leather; and
tools for the do-it-yourself folks. Small repairs.
Olde Leather Shoppe,
137 Charleston Ave,
Lone Oak 554-2003
Free calico female kitten
Glennis Poole
to good home lve msg
6241 Old Mayfield Rd. 1 y/o femal gray tabby
cat. Spayed. Very friendPaducah, KY
ly. Needs new hom, new
270-534-4912 or
baby in house. 270-519270-559-8773
Great Pyrenees, young
male, AKC pure bred,
all shots up to date, on
flea, tick, & heartworm
med. $300. 270-6624.
Free kittens to good
home. Very friendly.
Two grey stripe with
white & one black. 270442-8681
1 yr. old miniature donkey. Grey w/black cross.
Very friendly, good w/
kids. $300 to good home.
Call 270-519-2723.
Maine Coon-tabby mix,
“Twist”, needs new
home, 2-1/2 yrs, neutered male, 15 lbs, Refs
& home visit required.
615-830-7546 Paducah.
Horse boarding in Lone
Oak area. Eight acres of
pasture w/walk in stalls.
Rate depends on services/feed provided. 270331-1264.
3 males & 12 female
Rouen ducks. Between
1-3 years old. $50/all or
1 male & 4 females for
$20. 270-559-5442
4 ADMS registered miniature donkeys. All are
micro chipped. Paid
$3,650, asking $3,000.
Will not separate. 270559-5442.
Baby chickens, ducks,
pigs, billy goats & a shy
beagle for sale. 270-9333384.
Two female Lopp rabbits; 4 turkey hens; 2
yellow buff hens. 270933-3384.
2 large Tri Tronic bark
collar. 1 green, 1 orange.
Remote & charger.
$160. 270-554-3306.
Legacy Kennel, certified, professional affordable grooming
boarding, Breeders of
AKC show quality Yorkies & Poodle puppies,
$400 and up 898-4712
Creatures Great &
Small are in need of
donations of dog house,
dog fence panels, gate
panels & carriers, will
pickup donated items.
556-6394 aft. 6pm
Autumn is here! Leaves
are falling, the trail is
calling! Come ride with
us at Shelby Lane Stables, boarding facility.
Full board and pasture
board available. Outdoor 90x120 ft. riding
arena with round pen.
Scenic trails, oversized
community where your
horse is treated like family. Excellent affordable
rates just 6 miles from
Lone Oak. For more information call 519-0593
or visit us on Facebook
@ Shelby Lane Stable.
Bardwell area. Mother
full blooded Australian
Shepard. Father mixed
breed. 4 girls left 270445-1200.
Male teacup chihuahua,
black & white. Will be 1
yr. old in Dec. $250. 270217-7764.
Big nice ram Hair
Sheep, looks like Dorper. $165/firm. Cash.
Rabbit dogs for sale.
Baby miniature donkey. Reddish w/cross on
shoulders. $125 OBO.
Grand champ bully pitbull pups. Parents on
site. $150 each. Rehoming fee. 270-705-5734.
Super sweet free kittens. Litter box trained.
Loved & handled by
kids. Very playful &
outgoing. 270-210-3871
Heavy duty goat carrier cage. Fits in truck
bed. $250 cash. 270-5340169.
Small pet carrier, new,
never used. 19”x 10”,
$12. 270-443-3925 after
4 p.m.
Llamas. Male, female &
1 yr. old baby. Price negotiable. 270-970-7579.
2 pot bellied pigs. 200300 lbs. $200 each OBO.
Rhode Island Red,
Barred Rock pullets &
young hens. 270-5564103.
Whirlpool frig., new,
$3,500; Whirlpool stove,
new, $350; Whirlpool
microwave, new, $150.
Side-by-side refrigerator. White. Good condition. $400. 270-2177097.
900 watt Kenmore microwave. $30 OBO. 270898-8203.
Black & Decker sandwich size toaster oven.
$8. 270-575-0967.
Oreck upright. Slightly
used. $95. 270-933-0787.
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
November 16, 2014
Page 11
Baby Items
Heavy Duty Admiral
electric dryer. only used
one year. Move to small
apart. Have not hookup
for it. $225. Like New.
Waring Pro professional meat grinder. Used
twice MG1100. $75. 270247-2785.
several years old, works
great. Perfect second
fridge for garage or
basement. $75. 270-4624441.
Maytag dryer, Frigidaire washer & GE sideby-side
Cusinart Deluxe stainless steel can opener,
110v. Like new. Paid
$49.95. Will take $30.
Still in box. 270-5542793.
Large Cusinart air purifier. Like new, deluxe.
Paid $146.24 110v. Will
take $100. Still in box.
Nice refrigerator, $135;
like new deep freeze,
$125. 270-443-9427.
Large capacity. Used
twice. $400/both. 270705-8224.
Heavy Duty Whirlpool
both; Kenmore gas
dryer, $100; Whirlpool
electric dryer, $125. 270559-9808.
General Electric stove/
oven & dishwasher.
White. Work fine. Remodeled kitchen. 270564-6003.
Roweda iron. Never
been used. Paid $155.
Asking $60. 270-2101473.
Nu Wave oven, like new,
$25; Emerson microwave, $25; Maximatic
$20. 270-210-7619.
Nice used Maytag dryer.
Works well, looks new.
$199. 270-217-8831.
Upright freezer. Works
good. Cash only. $200.
Later model Kirby Sentra. Like new w/attachments & shampooer.
$275. 270-933-0787.
Later model Kirby Ltd.
$165. 270-933-0787.
Jack LaLane juicer,
used twice $50.559-9229.
Neutral frog baby bedding by JoJo 11+ pieces
including laundry basket, changing pad, diaper stacker, organizer,
panels & valances. $75.
Hand sewed baby blankets & other items. 40
to 50 yrs. old. 270-2101309.
Boys’ potty chair, $5;
tote of boy clothes 3-4T;
boys clothes 3 mo.-18
mo. Girls’ sz. 4 winter
boats, $5. 270-709-3079.
Emerson VCR, $35.
10” tablet, $75; DVD
maker, $50; record player w/dual cassettes, $30.
Dakota wireless driveway alarm system. New
in box. $50; Blue Ant
bluetooth for car. Visor
clip & charger. $10. 270217-8831.
24” Magnavox TV console w/remote. 270-5548414 or 270-554-3776.
D-Link wireless N300
router; Model DIR 615,
in original box, like new.
Paid $120, will sell for
$50 OBO. 441-7217 or
Numark IDJ2 iPod Mixer w/road case. Great
condition & comes w/
travel case & lighted
270-5543003. $200.
Stereo high-speed dualdubbing cassette deck w/
Dolby. Realistic brand.
$29. 270-519-2444.
Brand new Amazon
Fire HD 6” tablet. Paid
$99.99 will take $89.99.
Cash only. Please call
Susan at 270-709-5753.
Battery back-up surge
protectors; video survailance
computer w/components
& printers; 36” Panasonic TV. 270-554-0763.
32” Phillips TV, works
great, $50; two small
TVs w/VCR built in,
camper size. $25 each.
phone w/slide, keyboard
& touch screen. Great
cond. $25 OBO. 270556-1055.
Xbox 360 slim + kinect
(hdmi/wifi capable) 2
wireless controllers. Mic
headset. 7 games. Excellent cond & original
boxes. $240. Daniel 270519-1494.
Iphone 5 32G. Works w/
AT&T or Verizon. Box,
accessories, 2 otterbox
cases & 2 cases. Text/
call 270-816-5172. $300.
Buying and Selling used
dryers, stoves, refrigerators, deep freezers, etc.
Will pick up or deliver.
Free: Will pick up and
haul off your broken or
unwanted appliances.
270-564-8168. Mon.-Fri.
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Dear friends & family,
thank you for the loving kindness you showed
our family & Kenneth
during his sickness. You
have blessed us in so
many ways. Thank you
Milner & Orr employees for your super quality service & to Buddy
Rushing & Charles Offutt for your kindness &
helpfulness. Thank you
to the doctors, nurses &
staff who provided care
for Kenneth. He received
excellent care at Baptist
Health Care and Oncology Assoc. Thank you
Bro. Terry Tipton for
conducting a beautiful
service, & thank you everyone who participated
in the service. May each
of you be blessed the way
you have blessed our
family. Love, Charlotte
& Michael Benton, Michelle & Joey Cowger.
Walnut drop-leaf table
& cherry hutch can be
seen at Booth 50, Paducah Antique Mall,
407 Broadway. 270-5341821
Fine wood carvings, antique collectibles, fabric,
patterns & trims. Located in Paducah Antique
Mall, 407 Broadway. In
old Brights Bldg.
Baby Items
Changing table & cradle. Maple color. $50/
both. 270-554-4926.
Boys’ coat, sz. 18 mo.;
boys’ shoes, sz. 9-11,
10.5, 8, 8.5 & 11. 270709-3079.
Dora the Explorer 13”
TV. 30 day guarantee.
Bright red. $20. 270554-1149.
Cemetery Lots, Etc.
Two plots at Woodlawn
“Last Supper” area.
$2,000/both. 270-7056740.
Four plots in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens, Garden of Trinity.
$6,000. 270-554-9307.
Short green coat. New.
Regularly $100, will
take $25. 270-554-3306.
Beautiful full length all
wool off white dress coat
from Dillard’s. Made in
USA. worn once. $50.00
Timberland man’s jacket, all orig. Nubuck cow
leather, gently worn, size
large, $75. 270-408-1222
Red Wing: steel toed
shoes, sz. 12, new, never
worn; steel toed boots,
sz. 12. New, never worn.
Make reasonable offer.
16 long sleeve shirts.
Size large. Make reasonable offer. 270-898-7160.
50 ladies’ hats in camelback trunk. 40s-50s era.
$400 for all. 270-5540688.
Chadwick red wool ladies’ coat. Never worn.
Paid $149.95, will take
$60. 270-898-2282.
Lone Oak Dog Wash
Veterinarian Approved
Self-Serve Pet Wash
Daily Hours:
8 am-10 pm
No Lifting-Dog Ramp
Heated & Cooled
Easy & Fun to Use
4 Types of Shampoos •
Conditioners • Dryers
Controlled Temperature Water
Red Flight AT&T prepaid cell phone. Great
cond. Keyboard & touch
screen. In box. $25. 270556-1055.
Booth available to rent
for hair dresser or nail
tech. Hair Port. 270554-4087.
PT sales associate needed at Hayes Shoes, in
Paducah. Apply in person. Nights/weekends a
must. Call 270-933-1118
for more information.
Pressure washing business for sale. Includes
ulitity trailer, pressure
washer equipment &
training. Located in
Paducah. Call 615-8307546
If you would like to save
money & make a difference in your family’s
monthly income call
618-355-1137. www.epxbody.com/lynda68
Wanted: Part time
5 days a week, fixed
schedule that allows me
to work 2nd shift somewhere. Min. wage worker, trainable for retail,
office, kennel, nurse’s
aide, housekeeping, sitter w/elderly or restaurant. Call Marlene, 270210-8702
Exercise Equipment
Ab Circle exerciser. Like
new. $75. 270-554-1365.
Treadmill, 10 sp, like
new, $200 obo. 618-6382319 or 618-638-6103
Sears Pro Form J4 performance treadmill w/
mat. $200 firm. 270-5341821.
Weslo treadmill. Speed,
distance & time display.
Safety key & owner's
manual included. $35
call Edwin 270-564-5294
Mon-Fri 3-6 • Sat 10-5
Exercise Equipment
Weider 245 Steck home
gym, 8 weights & 10
functions. $200. 270898-7798.
Pro Form treadmill.
Folds up, easy to move.
Rarely used. Nice. $200.
270-564-0559 or 270210-2112.
Ab Lounger II, used a
little. Great for abs. Like
new. $25. 270-217-8831.
Farm/Hvy Equip.
$1,200. 270-933-0644.
Ford Tractor 601 Work
Master. Rebuilt hydraulics, new altinator, battery. Tires good shape.
#3750. 270-856-3201.
640 Ford, good condition. $2500. 270-5593114.
424 International Diesel. New tires. $3,000
cash only. 270-534-0169.
1996 Case IH 3230, 60
h.p., 2WD. Has 1100
hours. Canopy, new battery, good tires. $10,000
OBO. 270-898-7042 or
Approx. 150 square
bales of wire tied cattle
hay. $40/bale. 270-8767384.
601 Ford Tractor. Needs
minor work. $3500 cash,
firm. 270-876-7384.
Ford 555 backhoe, diesel, extend-a-hoe. Good
cond. $8500. 270-5597025.
Purple top turnips, 40
cents/lbs. You pull. 270554-3427.
Fresh Country Eggs for
sale. $1.75 dozen. Text
or call 270-217-0289.
Bug free turnip greens;
tomatoes; green tomatoes. 270-349-1416.
Free for Taking
Free: moving boxes
filled w/plastic wrap.
Must break down &
haul yourself. By appointment. Only call after noon. 270-534-5087.
We Have LOW
on new items
Located at
Lone Oak Car Wash
3550 Lone Oak Rd.
(270) 554-7273
2402 New Holt Rd.
Paducah, KY 42001
We Accept Hobby Related
Consignment Items
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
Page 12
November 16, 2014
, Owner
OPEN: Mon-Fri 10-5 • Sat 9-1
6333 US 45 S • Suite C
Paducah, KY 42001
270-408-1602 or 270-559-7025
Jeff Dixon
Free Estimates
Licensed & Insured
Commercial & Residential
270-442-3533Paducah, KY
1968 Ken w/ original
clothes; 5 vintage Barbies w/chifferobe; 60s
Barbie friendship carry
case. 270-556-1055.
lunch box full of Hot
Wheels cars. 270-5561055.
Two story Barbie house
w/some furniture. 270443-7225.
3 plastic totes of Nascar
collectibles. $200 OBO
for all. 270-564-5444.
5 different sets of china
dishes, 4 to 10 place settings. Will send pics.
Call/text 270-816-7170.
Anytime. $20-$40 sets.
Wrought iron glass top
coffee table w/2 end
tables $150; 2 beautiful
wrought iron glass top
end tables $125. Call
Decorative wood end
table $75; wood & iron
end table w/glass top,
$75; misc. chairs. Call
Nice navy blue recliner,
$35. Can send pics of
chair, real good condition. Text/call 270-8167170.
White chest of drawers.
$20. Good shape. Call/
text 270-816-7170.
Kitchen table & 4 chairs.
$100. 270-832-2408.
Nice entertainment center, 41x60, $65; small
computer desk, $35;
small floor clock, $40;
Flex Steel floral couch &
love seat, $125. 270-4155347.
Lingerie chest. $65. 270898-7798.
Bean bag bed, $40. 270217-7097.
Patio dinette set for sale,
still in box. Will send
pics. 270-816-5416.
Two computer tables,
black & white metal &
pressed wood. 3 shelves
on each one. $20 each.
270-554-1365. 5 tier shelf, dark pressed
wood. 63”T x 12”D. $20.
Desk w/2 deep drawer;
metal roll around cart
w/electrical cord. 270554-8414.
3 pc. full sz. hard rock
maple BR suite w/mattress. $500. 270-2439118.
Ashley large coffee table. Beautiful marble
top, bronze/iron carved
legs. Rack underneath.
Must see. $150. 270-3311941.
Qu. Posturepedic mattress. Excellent cond.
Moving, must sell! $100.
Kg. mattress, $150.
Great shape. Almost
new. No smoking. Must
see. 270-816-2071.
Full mattress set, great
shape. Smoke free.
$100; Qu. mattress set.
$150 great shape. Moving, must sell. 270-2101473 or 270-462-2464.
King mattress set. Great
lounge chairs, like new.
Must see. $40 each. 270210-1473 or 270-4622464.
Maroon color big recliner, like new, $250; blue
recliner $150; brown
hide-a-bed couch $150.
Call 270-665-9464 after
5 p.m.
Prices reduced: King
pillow top mattress set,
was $275, now $225; Qu.
Serta mattress set, $150.
All good condition. 270970-0202
Pair of side tables, was
$25 each now $20 each.
All good condition. 270970-0202.
High-back swivel office
chair on rollers. Extra
nice. $30; mauve swivel rocker, velvet. $10;
American Standard toilet, $25. 270-210-7619.
Brown recliner; sage recliner, like new; metal
yellow kitchen table w/5
chairs; curtain stretchers. 270-554-8414 or
Oak table, 38 x 36, w/4
chairs. Nice set; living
room chair, $35. 270898-8203 or 270-8535333.
Twin storage bed, has 2
drawers for storage and
a bookcase headboard,
$135. Call or text 270559-5274.
King size comforter w/
bed skirt shams & 3
decorative pillows. Reversable.
$15. 270-443-3925 after
4 p.m.
Taupe fabric recliner,
good shape, free for the
taking. 270-554-5829
Cherry wood Ethan Allen china cabinet. $600.
Like new & would
cost well over $1,000 if
bought new. 270-9086170.
Solid oak entertainment
center. Mint condition,
lots of storage. 61”T x
49”W x 23”D. $500. 270534-0026.
Unique design 6 drawer
chest of drawers. Pics
available. Can deliver
within 25 miles. $150.
Call/text 270-970-3145.
High quality Ethan Allen TV entertainment
center. Solid maple,
cherry finish. Made in
USA. Excellent cond.
$275. 270-519-1918.
Ridgeway grandfather
clock, very elaborate.
7’T. $750.; Ab Lounger,
great shape. $30. 270748-8519.
Lilliam Russell 2pc.
BR suite. Antique. Engraved wood. Beautiful.
$1499 firm. 270-7488519.
Swivel rocker. $10. 270554-2793.
Beautiful maple corner
cabinet. $125. 270-4439427
Qu. 4 pc. dark wood BR
suite, $495; Qu. mattress set, $125; odd 4
post bed, $95. Call/text
Full mattress set, $75;
cloth sitting chair, $75;
antique china cabinet,
$175; large curio cabinet, $275. Call/text 270970-0202.
King size bed frame &
headboard. $50. 270217-3384.
Two TV stands; entertainment center; bathroom vanity; medicine
cabinet; tables/chairs;
shelves. 270-554-0763.
Nice table & 4 chairs,
$125; large leather
chair, $150; nice couch
& matching chair, $175/
both. 270-559-9808.
Twin size captain’s bed
w/mattress. Storage in
headboard & 2 drawers
underneath. 1.5 yrs. old.
Call/text before 10 p.m.
Divorce sale: king size
Ashley bedroom set,
5 pieces, w/bedding &
matters/box springs armoire, dresser and mirror 270-205-6574.
Guns, Etc.
Very nice Smith & Wesson 22, model 1, mid
1870's. 99%+ nickel finish & original rosewood
grips. $700. Call/text
25 boxes of .223/5.56 $7/
box of 20, 270-970-0778.
Once fired AA hulls, 3
cents each. 270-970-0778
10GA, 12GA, 28 GA
wads, primers, powder.
Empty hulls, 7mm, 223,
7.62 x 39 brass. Call for
details, 270-970-0778.
Infinite Edge bow w/arrows, broadheads, stabilizer, 3 dot Apex sight Octane quiver, Trophy Ridge
whisker biscuit & release.
$400. 270-564-9443.
High Point 9mm pistol.
Asking $150. Like new.
270-628-3913 or 270562-0951.
Browning 270 A-Bolt
Rifle. Made in Japan.
Black finish. Excellent
condition. Includes a
Simmons 3x9 scope.
$425. 270-331-5043
New Haven by Mossberg 20 gauge pump.
Never fired. Comes w/
box of shells. Serial
6924994. 270-559-0688.
Wurth Gun & Pawn.
New/used guns. FFL
transfers. Order new
gun for you; consign
guns. 270-408-1602.
Solid oak entertainment center. Lots of
storage w/doors, top &
bottom. 78”T x 45”W
x 24”D. $250. 270-4433925 after 4 p.m.
New 4 polster canopy
bed. $1100 new, asking
$450. 270-442-9319 or
Cherry china cabinet,
round table & 4 chairs.
$200. Cash only. 270534-0169.
Oak end tables (pair)
and sofa table. Medium
oak glass top. $150 OBO
for all 3. Call 270-3312363 after 5 pm.
Twin cast iron & brass
bed. made in USA by Eliot's Designs. New $800,
asking $375. Call/text
Vintage Aunt Jemima
salt/peppter shaker, utensil crock, paper towel
holder, more. $15/all. 270443-3925 after 4 p.m.
3 pc. necklace set, diamonds & pearls. $50.
Lawn & Garden
Agri-Fab Mow-N-Vac,
5.5 h.p. Briggs & Strat.
$650. 270-898-7798.
2013 John Deere 1026R,
120 hrs. w/60” deck.
$11,800 270-556-7271.
Lost & Found
Lost: Golden Retriever
in Hardmoney area.
Please call 270-554-2215
or 270-564-8512 with
any information.
Recliner lift chair, dark
brown. Used very little.
$175. 270-331-1242 no
calls after 5 p.m.
Brand new hydrolic toilet seat. Never used $80.
270-331-1242 no calls after 5 p.m.
Pride lift chair, very
nice. Blue. Reclines.
$350; Beige fabric lift
chair, $275; 270-5599808.
Pride lift chair w/heat &
massage. Like new. Call/
text before 10 p.m. 270210-4916.
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
November 16, 2014
A&J Small Engine Repair
Lawn Mowers • Saws • Weedeaters • Trimmers
Tillers • Go Karts • Etc.
Trimmers • Blowers & etc.
w/5 Year Warranty
Be Sure To Have Your Equipment Ready To Go!
Mon-Fri • 8 AM - 5 PM
Sat • 8 AM - NOON
Pickup & Delivery Available
(270) 444-8212 or (270) 217-2832
250 Theobold Ln. • Paducah, KY 42003
A Local Geek Computer Repair
• $50 System Restorations
• Spyware/Virus Removal
• Data Recovery
• No Appointment Needed
• Professional Service for 20+ Years
• iPhone/iPad/iPod Repairs
If we can’t repair your computer in-shop, there is
3530 Lovelaceville Road (2 Blocks from Wendy’s from Lone Oak Rd)
Now open Sat. 10AM – 4PM • M – F 10:30AM – 5PM
Page 13
Leaf Removal • Gutter Cleaning • Hedge Trimming
& More
Senior Citizens
Lawn Service
Property for Rent
New air mattress for
twin bed or hospital bed
$20; new commode extender, never used $15.
Pads for bed, 5 in package $3; adult diapers,
size large. Dozen $4.
Town & Country van.
See ad w/picture under
“Vehicles” in this issue.
Pride lift chair, excellent
condition. Chocolate micro suede. Bought new
March 2014. Used 2 mo.
Wheelchair, $35. 270443-9427.
6 ct. Christmas snow
village; 2 ct. Deacon Village series. $50 each. All
retired series. 618-5642432.
Big Bear 4-wheeler,
$1100; large black umbrella, $10. 270-4883032.
Small wooden ironing
board, $30. 270-4081526
Three Fleetwood Mac
Arena, Nashville. March
18, 2015. Upper level.
$300. 270-210-1892.
Pool tables & enclosed
16x8 trailer. 270-554-7454.
Red bricks made in
1960. $1 each. Kennedy
half dollars 1971 & newer. Circulated. $11.40
per $10 roll. Mike. 270554-1149.
Cafeteria 10”x 3” steel
fold up table. $100. 270462-2082.
Benchmark Family Services provides stable
and caring placements
for youth in need of a
home. We can help you
become a foster parent,
but we NEED your help!
Contact us today 270408-1361.
White double sided
kitchen sink w/brushed
nickel faucet & Lshaped counter top.
$125. 270-575-0967.
Blk Samsonite rolling tote, $20; reclining
couch, $95; FP toy garage, new; 2 baby blankets, $10.270-575-0967.
UK tickets, 2 seats, versus Grand Canyon. Call
Fisher Scale Scientific
Analytical balance scale.
Works perfect. $60. 270408-1222
boxes $3 each; Clothes
wardrobes w/hanging
rods $6; packing paper
free when purchasing all
boxes. 270-217-2378.
Claw tub. $200. Call
Vinyl shutters, new, 6
pair. All white but one.
$30/all; 2 white doors,
1 panel, 1 flush. $5 each
(doors only). 270-2104392.
Two gas motors: one 11
h.p. Briggs & Strat w/
electric start; one 8 h.p.
Dressmaker sewing machine in cabinet; metal
picture stands; 2 sets
quilting frames. 270554-8414 or 270-5543776.
TV antennae for camper or motor home. $40.
Concord area. 270-4441909.
Wood for sale: oak or
ash, $45/rick; hickory
$50/rick. Ask for Thomas, 270-816-7899.
Martin LP gas stove w/
blower. 50,000 BTU.
$200. 270-564-6036.
Small tools, glass, coins,
tea brewer w/dispenser;
restaurant pans, utensils, tables & chairs; lanyards, key chains. 270554-0763.
New carpet left over;
burn barrels, $7 each;
crap lumber; meter boxes w/30-50 amp receiver
boxes. 641-278-0336 or
Electric Coleman furnace, model# EB15B
can be used in manufactured or modular housing. Output capacity
51,000 BTU. Call 270559-9790. $200 OBO.
Two 5’ lighted reindeer.
$125/pair. 270-559-5388.
Five restaurant tables &
20 chairs. 270-970-7579.
Barrels For Sale: 55 gal.
steel, $7; plastic $10; 30
plastic gal. $9; Call 270623-8136 or 227-7138.
Epiphone elec. guitar
amp, $50. 270-709-5647
Wurlitzer upright piano. Excellent condition.
$1700. 270-898-6269.
2BR, 1B. Must see. All
new! Trash pick up &
lawn care included!
$725/mo. + $800 dep.
321 A South Friendship.
Brooke 270-559-1507.
2BR, pay on electricity. $450 + dep. No pets/
smoking inside. 270247-2785.
Oak Glen Apartments.
1BR, 1B. $425/mo. 270217-2194.
New delux duplex, 1400
sqft., + garage. 2BR, 2B.
New stainless steel appliances. $975/mo. 270556-1992 or 270-5542919.
40’ x 90’ building on 240’
x 250’ lot, Lone Oak.
Zoned commercial. For
sale or lease. 270-5193099.
281 Langsing Ave. Lone
Oak. 2BR, 2B, large attached garage. Lease &
application. $825/mo. +
$425 dep. No pets/smoking. 270-994-3995.
Dog pen, 6 x 8, $50; dog
house, $30; Pro Form
exercise machine, nice,
$200. 270-933-0644.
1800s sleigh horse hair
blanket. Good condition. 42 x 60. $300. 270559-9229.
Garbage bag full of
small leather scraps for
crafting. $30; 8 large
storage totes, $5 each.
Russian stacking dolls.
Originals of 3. $40. 270559-9229.
Antique weaver’s loom.
Floor model. 150-200
years old. 270-554-3724.
Collection of oil lamps,
all sizes. $10 to $25 each.
Two infrared Sunheat
room heaters. One w/
fireplace screen. Bought
at Hank Bros. $125. 270444-0467. Leave message. 270-444-0467.
Two drawer BR vanity,
no top. $10. 270-4883032.
30” white bathroom
sink, $20; white fiberglass double sided kitchen sink w/faucet. $40.
Trapshooters belt buckles, state shoot Kansas
& 87. Never worn. All
for $20. 270-408-1222
Vintage Hesston Rodeo
Belt buckles, 1982-85
& 86, large size. Never
worn, $5 ea. 270-4081222
SEW EZI portable sewing table w/wood insert
& carrying case $195.
Call 270-534-4046 afternoon.
Lyptus wood print rack,
32”H, base width 37”,
gusset 6-7/8”. $90. Call
270-534-4046 afternoon
Two whole house wall
ventless natural gas
heater, $250. 270-5590688.
Six ceramic Christmas
trees. $5-$30. Lone Oak.
36 gallon transfer fuel
pump. Used 4 times.
New filter. Paid $672.
Asking $450 or reasonable offer. 270-556-2565.
Brass & glass dinette
table, no chairs. $25;
26” mens’ John Deere
bike. 30 yrs. old. 270210-1309.
Kristen S. Simpson
Attorney at Law
504 Fountain Ave.
Paducah, KY
Felonies • DUI
Divorce • Adoption
Child Custody/Visitation • Wills
Mediation • Power of Attorney
Property for Rent
225 Ashbrook Ave.
3BR, 1B gas stove/water
heater. $685/mo. + $700
dep. $700. Pets allowed
w/$250 dep. Call Brooke
Mobile home lot on 1
acres. Kevil area. $150/
mo. Call Jerry, 270-5196569.
Beautiful 3BR, 2B +
basement. Gas heat everything else electric.
$960/mo. + deposits.
Call Brooke 270-5591507.
2BR, 1B, 800 sqft. $650/
mo. + $1000 dep. & last
months rent. Water
included. Ready in 2
weeks. Call Brooke 270559-1507.
1BR, 1B, $500 dep.
+ $550/mo.; 3BR, 1B
house for rent. Call 270554-8339.
1BR apartment in residential neighborhood.
$425/mo. + $425 deposit.
Call 270-559-5575.
2BR, 1B, 1-car garage,
central H/A. No pets/
smoking. Off John Puryear Dr. $700/mo. 270331-4372.
2BR, 2B, large DR,
kitchen & den. $500
dep. + $575/mo. References required. Hickory.
2BR, 1-1/2B w/attached
garage. 321 S. Friendship
$850 rent + deposits &
last months rent. Call
Brooke 270-559-1507
J&C Rentals, 270-5649635. 3 & 4BR, $575 to
$700. Paducah city.
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
Page 14
Mobile Home Parts
Herzog, Inc.
Herzog Pawn & Loan
700 S. 6th St. • Paducah, KY 42003
• Anchors & Set-up Materials
• Roof Coating • Electrical
• Underpinning
• Doors & Windows
• Skirting Supplies
• Plumbing • Heating & Cooling
(270) 442-1296
We Buy Silver, Gold & Diamonds
2655 N. Friendship Rd.
(270) 554-4720
HOURS: Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM • Sat 9 AM - 2 PM
Earl Herzog & Jeff Herzog
Property for Rent
Lone Oak, duplex. Old
Hwy. 45. 2BR, 1B quiet. 2 story.$550. 270554-1149. Clean air. No
smoke/pets Senior couples discount.
3BR, 2B newly redone
rental house. Located
> 5 minutes drive from
Kentucky Oaks Mall.
$1,000. 270-994-0616.
Nice 2BR, 1B house.
Large rooms, lots of
storage. Recent remodel. 119 Clements St.
$550/mo. + $550 deposit.
3BR, 2B double-wide on
Schaffer Rd. $600/mo. +
dep. No pets. 270-2078244.
836 N 10th St, Paducah
KY. 2BR, 1B. $600
3BR, 1B in country setting 10 min. from Mall.
Central heat/AC. $700/
mo. + dep. 270-443-2784
or 270-556-0581.
Lone Oak. 1BR, quiet
street. No pets. $400/mo.
+ dep. 270-559-0654.
2BR, 1B apt. available.
$500 dep & $500/mo.
rent. Call 270-554-8339.
2BR, 1B & 3BR newly
remolded house for rent.
Both nice & clean. $750.
No pets or smoke. 270442-1276.
2BR, 2B, brick, 283
Lansing Ave., Lone Oak.
Large attached garage.
No pets/smoking. References & lease. $825/mo.
+ $425 dep. 270-9943995.
281 Lansing Ave., Lone
Oak. 2BR, 2B, attached
garage. No pets/smoking. References & lease.
$725/mo. + $395 dep.
ASAP. Must be ok with
cat. Reference required.
Call anytime before
noon, after noon text
me. 270-366-1249.
Property for Rent
4BR, 1B, garage, big
yard. No smoking/animals. $700/mo. + dep.
Property for Sale
2 acres in McCracken
Co. ready to build on!
Located on Misty Ln.
$35,000. Will consider
serious offers! 270-5543501 or 270-851-3542.
Heather Hills Subdivision 4BR, 3BA, priced
to sell. 3,200 sqft. w/
sunporch, double lot
backyard, office, 2 car
garage. 270-210-6009
1989 Clayton mobile
home, 14 x 70. 2BR, 2B.
Needs work. You must
move. $4,000. 270-5549617.
Concord area, 5 minutes
from Mall, 3BR, 1B.
Water furnished. Quiet
neighborhood. $695/mo.
836 N 10th St. Paducah.
2BR, 1B. $33,000. Possible owner financing
w/large down payment.
948 St. Rt. 80E, 3 level
house w/5.23 acres.
Completely renovated,
4-5BR, 2B, paved circle
drive. 40 x 30 shop. Patio, laundry room. 270534-8303. $169,900.
3BR, 1B, Lone Oak.
Metal roof, vinyl window, central air/heat.
Pantry, covered porch,
fenced, car port. Beautiful quiet neighborhood.
$94,900. 270-415-5347.
40’ x 90’ building on 240’
x 250’ lot, Lone Oak.
Zoned commercial. For
sale or lease. 270-5193099.
1991 brick home, 3BR,
2.5B, 2700 sqft. Metal roof, geothermal
furnace, well pump,
screened porch. Barn.
Property for Sale
Lone Oak area, 3BR, 2B,
2 car garage, completely
updated interior w/four
seasons room & office
area. 309-706-1990.
Hunting fishing or vacation home: 2BR/2B
trailer, garage 2.7 acres
extra trailer pad near
KY lake & LBL 270703-3436. Please leave
House for sale or lease
in Lone Oak. 3080 sqft.
3-4Br, 3.5B, full basement, big garage, all on
1 acre lot. $119,000 or
$1100/mo. Call 270-4423579.
Country living in Carlisle Co. between Milburn & Arlington. Utility hook-ups. Wooded
area w/small pond, shed
& camper. $26,000. 270562-2307.
3BR, 1B w/attached
garage. Privacy fence.
Hendron area. 270-5640244.
3BR/2B, extra large garage. 2 out buildings,
1.25 acres. No rent to
own. John 270-816-8105
after 4 p.m.
2006 Honda 250 Recon,
low hours, new tires,
$1900 obo. 270-564-1060
Honda 300 four-wheeler.
Good shape. Everything
works. $825. 270-8767574 or 270-915-6356.
1995 Conquest boat, 20’
great shape, holds 8 people, new leather seats,
$8500. 534-8303.
Valley pool table, 3.5’ x
7’, great shape; 2 Rowe
juke boxes, holds 100
CDs, like new, great
shape. 534-8303.
Older camper. Needs
some work. 270-5543412 or 270-519-3499.
300 Honda 4x4. Green.
$1,000. 270-705-3599.
November 16, 2014
Pruitt Law Office
Del K. Pruitt
Attorney at Law
KY & IL Licensed • 15 Years Experience
Criminal • Family • & Personal Injury
Williams Bldg.
1700 Kentucky Ave. • Suite 100
Paducah, KY 42003 • (270) 575-4877
email: pruittlawoffice@gmail.com
Boat trailer for 18’ boat.
$300. 270-559-5797.
Vintage Martin fly reel.
Works great. Make offer. 270-556-1055.
2012 Dodge Avenger
SXT. White, factory alloys, 4 cylinder w/factory power train warranty. CD player. $9950.
270-443-1045 or 270217-8906.
2008 Heritage Softail®
Classic, black, 13K mi.
Vance & Hines exhaust.
Always garage kept,
looks amazing. $10,900.
Call/text 270-853-5031.
2007 Chrysler Town &
Country minivan Touring Ed. Leather seats,
3rd row seating, 89K
miles. Asking $7000
OBO. 270-559-3323.
1994 Chevy 1500, V6,
new automatic trans.
Dependable. Good tires.
$1900 OBO. 270-3397151.
2003 Chevy Silverado
extend cab. HD, 4WD,
130K miles. $9,000
OBO. 270-564-4209.
2008 Chevy Impala.
Excellent condition inside/out. Silver w/black
trim. New trim, 44K
miles. Bought new car.
$10,500. 270-554-9675.
1993 GMC truck. 5
speed. Floor, bed liner,
tool box. $3200. 270933-0644.
1988 Saab 900 Turbo
sound. New top, battery, brakes, tires. $3500
OBO. 270-559-2264.
2001 Ford F150 Lariat
crew cab. Exc cond.
109K miles. $7500. 2nd
owner. 270-559-2264.
1996 Mercury Cougar
XR7. 73K miles. $3,000.
04 Nissan Maxima,
155K miles. Good condition. Clean, detailed
& serviced. $4500. 270519-3514.
136K miles. New tires.
Pear white. $2995. 270349-9789.
30” x 5’ work bench.
Has lower shelf. $60.
20’ aluminum extension
ladder. $80; heavy duty
plumber’s snake, $20;
radial arm saw, $80.
Rigid pipe vice & pipe
vies, $65; 1/2” hammer
drill, electric, $25; pipe
cutter. 270-210-4392.
Three chain saws. Different prices. 270-8563852.
16.5’ x 7’ factory built
trailer, 42”H sides. $895.
24’ gooseneck trailer.
44’ vintage gooseneck
Cabinets upper/lower,
wench, AC, awnings,
lots of extras. $17,000.
2011 Wells Cargo 6x10
enclosed trailer w/rear
ramp door & side door.
Excellent condition inside & out. $1800 cash.
Call/text 270-564-0235.
2003 Hercules 6x10 enclosed trailer w/torsion
suspension, ramp door
on rear & side door.
$1700 cash. Call/text
Nice 18’ car hauler, 2’
dove tail, 2” receiver
2005 model decent fenders & loading ramps.
$1100 OBO. Text/call
5’x10’ tilt bed welded
steel utility trailer. New
treated wood floor, good
tires, tongue jack &
working tail lights. $600
RED $5,995
2001 JEEP
WHITE $4,950
76”x10’ w/3’ gate &
2’ dovetail
This week only
“Buy here
pay here”
low as
“Payments as
2161 Irvin Cobb Dr
Paducah, KY 42003
9-5 M-F & 9-12 Sat.
On the Web -24/7
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
November 16, 2014
• TIRES New & Used
1147 Kentucky Ave. • Paducah, KY
We Specialize In
Getting You
05 Nissan Crew 4x4....12,900
06 Chev. Tahoe 4x4..... 11,900
07 Chev. Equinox LT....10,900
07 Toyota Camry.........10,900
05 Cadillac CTS.............9,900
05 Chrysler 300.............9,900
05 Chevy 2500 crew......9,900
01 Toyota Tundra 4x4....9,900
07 Hyundia Sonata........8,900
06 Pontiac Grand Prix...8,900
04 Ford Mustang Conv.. 7,900
05 Buick Lacrosse.........7,900
05 Chevy Trailblazer......7,900
02 Ford Ranger X-Cab..7,900
06 PT Cruiser................6,900
02 Jeep Liberty..............6,900
07 Ford Focus...............6,900
06 Kia Sedona Van....... 6,900
03 Ford Explorer............5,900
02 Hyundai Santa Fe.....5,900
04 Chevy Impala........... 5,900
01 Chevy P/U X-Cab.....5,900
03 Cadillac Deville.........4,900
01 Chevy Suburban.......4,900
03 Ford Mustang...........4,900
03 Buick Century...........3,900
01 Kia Rio......................3,000
99 Grand Prix................2.000
Massey Motors
801 S. 6th St
Paducah, KY 42001
2010 HHR 4.2, red, power/heated seats. Leather,
moon roof, 4 new tires.
270-898-8203 or 270853-5333.
2000 Dodge Intrepid.
>70K miles. Needs lots
of body work. 270-4425315.
1994 Cadillac DeVille sedan. 58K miles. Leather,
loaded. Excellent cond.
Garage kept. Asking
$4,800. 270-210-1892.
2009 Jeep Wrangler
X. 50K miles. Soft top,
loaded. Asking $17,800.
2014 Dodge Ram 1500
SLT, quad cab. 5.7
Hemi. Black, gray interior, loaded. Sirius radio, blue tooth & more.
$21,950 OBO.
miles. 270-443-2928.
1999 International tandum dump truck, electrical tarp. 49K miles.
2003 Subaru Forester
2.5X AWD. Clean car.
Engine is good, needs
work on transmission.
$3200 as is. Call/text
2004 Nissan Altima sedan, 4cyl. 2.5L. One
owner 118K miles. New
Continental tires, windshield, wipers, etc. Minor paint blemishes.
270-556-8579. $ 3,800.
2006 Toyota Highlander.
One owner. V-6, 7 passenger, snow ECT, very
good condition. $11,500
OBO. 270-556-0829 or
1980 Chevy 1 ton work
truck. Runs but starter
is going out. $600. 270445-1200. Bardwell.
2013 Malibu Echo, pearl
white, 17K mi., $22,000.
1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. 90K miles.
$2500. 270-462-2711.
1996 Chrysler LHS.
196K+miles. Good shape.
$1200. 270-217-0202.
Chrysler, all power
& electric rear door
platform lift for loading battery powered
scooter, which is included. Paducah. 618313-0809.
04 Acura MDX(3rd Row)4x4 112k $7500/.07 Merc Mountaineer Prem. AWD(3rd Row)111k $8500
06 Toyota Sienna $6500 / ................................................... 04 Chevy Avalanche Z71 $6400
07 Hyundai Santa Fe 103k AWD $8700 /....................... 00 Ford F150 4x4 Quad $4500
07 Toyota Highlander 4x4 113k $10,200 /..... 08 Toyota RAV4 ( 1 Owner ) 29 mpg $8900
00 Toyota Sienna XLE (1 Owner) 101k $4700/ ....................................(( 14 )) 4x4’s on SITE
06 Toyota Sienna ( 1 Owner ) $6500................. / 03 Ford F150 XLT 4x4 Quad 166k $7700
Just IN ( 2 ) 2006 Toyota RAV4 LTD’s / .05 Chevy Suburban LT ( 3rd Row ) 118k $8500
01 Ford F250 CREW 4x4 135k $8700 / ...................................06 Chevy Impala $4900
06 Honda Odyssey (1 Owner) $7500 / ............................ 07 Toyota Rav4 LTD AWD $9500
(( 9 )) 3rd Row Vehicles on SITE /...................05 Chevy Colorado Z71 Quad 144k $6800
04 GMC Z71 Quad 145k $8900 / ...................................07 Honda CRV EX ( NAV ) $8900
Page 15
(270) 856-4415
08 Dodge Caliber .......$9995
08 Chevy Cobalt ........$7995
06 Jeep Grand Cher. .$7995
05 Chevy Impala LS...$5995
05 PT Cruiser............ $4995
05 Dodge Caravan.... $3995
05 Ford Taurus...........$4995
04 Chevy Tahoe .........$5995
04 GMC Envoy ..........$4995
04 Chevy Cavalier .....$4995
04 Dodge Intrepid.
03 Ford Mustang........$4995
03 Dodge Caravan ....$4995
02 Kia Sportage S
02 Mazda pick-up ......$4995
02 Mercury Sable...... $4995
02 Ford Taurus ..........$3995
01 Chevy pick-up .......$4995
00 Dodge Caravan.....$2995
98 Lincoln Towncar.
96 Cougar XR7 ..........$3995
96 Olds Acheiva......... $3995
96 GMC pick-up......... $2995
Jim Nelson
Used Cars
801 Martin Luther King Jr Dr
1990 Ford 3/4 ton, 460
motor. New trans & too
many more to list. 107K
miles. 1 owner. $5,500
OBO. 270-832-2394.
1999 F250 XL Super
165K, V8 turbo diesel
7.3L. Manual 5-speed,
towing, good tires. 270556-6186.
2009 Chevy Silverado,
98K mi. Good tires, 6
cylinder. 4.3 w/Knapheide work tool box topper. $9200 OBO. 270554-0110 after 4 p.m.
Veh Parts, Etc.
2003 Highlander. 152K
seats. CD/tape, good
tires. 4WD package.
$6800 OBO. 270-4432006.
2003 Subaru Forester
2.5X AWD. Clean car.
Engine is good, needs
work on transmission.
$2795 as is. Call/text
2002 Chevy Z71 Silverado. Really good shape.
New tires. $6800. 270856-3852.
1968 Chevy II Nova, 4D,
$1500 OBO; 97 Chevy
S10, 4 cylinder, 5-speed.
$3200. 270-705-3599.
02 PT Cruiser. Motor
locked up. Real good
shape. $1200. 270-7053599.
18” Verde Wheels spinner & shiny. Will fit
Chevy, Ford, or Toyota.
Call 270-556-0829. $500
Sell or trade: Cadillac
Burnham. Low mileage, good tires. $2700
or trade for minivan or
small pick-up. 270-5640691. Leave message.
2000 Nissan Maxima.
167K miles. $2100. 270559-5464.
Set of 4 tires, 215-60-16.
$100/set; set of 245-5020. $140. 270-210-1026.
1973 drag car duster.
Body only. 270-705-3599
Black plastic full size
truck tool box w/keys,
$60; 342 ratio rear end.
Fits 1995-98 Chevy or
GMC. 10 belt. $150. 270210-1309.
Black rims w/tires. Lexani 305/35/R24 112 vxl.
Was on a Dodge 1000.
Call 270 349 9713.
Veh Parts, Etc.
Transmission, 97 Diesel
Ford F250, just rebuilt,
$700. 618-638-2319 or
4” oval SS chrome side
step nerf bars, running
boards. Bought new, but
would not fit. $100. 270556-6631.
Black 24 rims with tires.
$1,000. 270-349-1397.
Two 275-65-R18 Michelin
2/32nds tread. $25 each.
Two 15” tires on 5 bolt
chevy wheels. $30 each.
Need reasonably priced
kerosene heater. 270908-7602. abcnotrace@
Wanted: good used
treadmill. Must be reasonably priced. 270-4436112.
Wanted: deer meat &
turkey for the hungry.
Wanted: fold up canopy,
12x12, etc.; small greenhouse, any condition.
Will take down. 270349-1416.
500 gallon propane
tank, can deliver. 618638-2538.
Breaking Bad complete
series DVD set. Viewed
one time. $50. 270-4623826.
Wanted: twin size roll
away bed or twin mattress set. Must be in
good shape, reasonably
priced. 270-443-8415.
Wanted: Used mattress
sets of all sizes & bedroom furniture. For info
call 270-970-0202 please
leave message.
Wanted: blacksmith anvil, dinner bell complete
parts, ad signs, thermometers, chainsaws,
Indian artifacts, tractors, knives/guns, ammunition, other items.
Also buying estates!
Call 270-705-8137.
hear t l andgar ages.com
Wanted: Woman in
her 70s on fixed income
seeks 1BR furnished
apt. w/utilities on Paducah’s Southside by
Dec. 3. Can pay no more
than $400/mo. w/no deposit. Must be along bus
line. 270-564-3198.
Wanted: small chest
type deep freeze. Must
be reasonable. 270-8163791.
Wanted: traps. 270-5547454 or 641-278-0336.
Wanted: to buy utility
trailer. 270-519-3099.
Wanted: large to medium size dog house.
Reasonbly priced. 270564-2985.
Wanted: 2 electric heaters. Cheap. Must deliver. 270-331-6414.
Wanted: good used
typewriter. Must be reasonable. 270-554-2471.
Wanted: small camper
trailer w/shower, commode, kitchen. Must be
in good condtion & reasonable. 270-443-3925
after 4 p.m.
Wanted: 2-3BR house
in McCracken Co. under $50K. Fixer-upper
would be OK. 270-9087602, 270-243-9228, abcnotrace@gmail.com
Yard Sales, Etc.
Yard sale, Nov. 22, 261 Bleich Rd. Misc. tools, desk,
nice womens’ clothes, sz.
10-12, mens’ clothes, sz.
M, 34-32 pants. Moving sell: large appliances, furniture & misc
items. 423 Hayes Ave.
Paducah. Best offers accepted. 270-575-9022,
270-994-0326 or 270443-7726.
Pre-Black Friday Sale
going on now in Booth
20, The Shed. Best prices anywhere for holiday
shopping. Items added
The Good Neighbor-GoodNeighborClassifieds.com
Page 16
Dr. Mark E. Atnip
County Chiropractic
Take Control of Your Health
2731 Jackson St.
Paducah, KY 42003
Healing can be a slow process. I would say that our misunderstanding of how long it
takes for an injury to heal can lead to mental frustration, anger, and depression.
How long should it take to heal? We would all like to heal overnight. None of us like
pain. While pain is there to help us prevent further injuries, pain is not pleasant. Pain
is….pain. In a perfect world, we would make it through without ever having to encounter
Of course, that is in a perfect world and we don’t live in it. In our world, we are all going
to have pain at some point. Injuries occur and as result so does pain.
Injuries are slow to heal. Much slower than most think. How long do you think it takes
for an injury to heal? A few days? A few weeks? A month?
In all actuality, a soft tissue injury can take over a year to heal. And that is if there are no
complications along the way. Why does it take so long? It takes a long time because of
how the tissues repair.
You may have heard someone say it takes six or eight weeks to heal. There is some truth
in that. A damaged tissues goes through different phases as it heals. One of the phases is
called the repair phase. During this phase you have pain. It is during this phase when your
body is bringing in the proper nutrients to heal and is beginning in the healing process.
During this phase the damaged tissues are starting to mend. As the mending occurs, your
pain levels begin to drop. The pain will eventually go away around the end of this phase
in most cases. This phase lasts roughly 6-8 weeks. This is where many people get the
belief that is takes 6-8 weeks for something to heal.
In all actuality, the healing cycle can last much longer. The healing phase is proceeded by
a 72 hour period called the acute phase when you are first injured. And the healing phase
which last 6-8 weeks is followed by another phase called the recovery phase which last
around 9 months. You may or may not have pain during this phase. Not until your body
goes through these phases will you heal. These phases combined can go over a year.
How do you feel about being in pain for over a year? That is a hard thing to grasp. I see
how people get depressed or angry after having pain for a while. When you have pain for
November 16, 2014
The Road to Recovery
that long, even the simplest tasks become unpleasant. You dread doing almost everything
which means you often do nothing.
I don’t have a great solution for this problem. The only thing I can tell you is that you
must be aware that it does take a long time to heal. If you do what you are supposed to
in order to heal properly, it may not go faster, but it may go more smoothly. If you don’t,
you can be in for pain that never goes away.
The main thing is just to not give up hope. When this happens your life will change for
the worst. You will lose the desire to heal and to do the things necessary to heal. And if
you allow the pain to take over you may never get it to go away again.
Stay focused. Do little things to help your body heal every day. Take even the smallest
actions. And celebrate those actions. Eat something good for your body. Help it heal.
And celebrate the moment in your mind. Put aside a food that is not good for your body.
Again your helping it heal. And celebrate the moment. Do a stretch. Perform an exercise.
Change your posture. Go for a walk. Do whatever it is you can do to get better on your
own. You can’t just leave it in the hands of your doctor. You are in charge. You are the
one with the most time to work on yourself.
In addition, see your doctor, do what you can. Listen to their advice, learn from their
knowledge. Then implement what you need to do to get better.
Overall, stay focused. Discouragement leads to failure. You must tell yourself and believe you will get better. The mental side of healing is as important as the physical side.
If you do these things, you can stay on target and heal. I wish you the best on your road
to recovery.
Watching your back,
Dr. Mark E. Atnip D.C.
If you are having trouble with headaches, neck pain, or back pain call our office today at
270-444-7111. We are open Monday through Friday between 9:00a.m. and 6:00p.m. You
can also visit our website at www.mccrackencountychiropractic.com.
Common Symptoms:
• Back Pain
• Headaches
• Numbness
• Neck Pain
• Arm & Leg Pain
• Stiffness
• Hip Pain
• Arthritis
• Bursitis
• Pain in Joints
• Shoulder Pain
• Whiplash
And Two X-Rays
If Required
Most Insurance Covers Your
Care And We’ll File For You!
* You have the right to recind, within seventy two (72)
hours, any obligation to pay for services performed in
addition to this free or discounted service.”
Sorry, due to Federal Regulations this coupon may not
be used if you have Medicare or Medicaid.
Also does not apply to Bluegrass/ACN.
McCracken County Chiropractic
For An Appointment
2731 Jackson St. • Paducah, KY
Dr. Mark E. Atnip, D.C.
(Across from the Jackson St. Chongs)
3331 Lovelaceville Rd.
Hours: 10 AM - 6 PM
Ryan & Valerie