May 2012 - Paducah Railroad Museum
May 2012 - Paducah Railroad Museum
Paducah Chapter National Railway Historical Society May 2012 Slices of History. I feel a need every so often to go hunting through old newspaper articles to see what life was like 100 or so years ago. Newspapers had information in them almost like today’s Twitter on the computer. There was a complete column of “Railroad News (gossip)”. From the Railroad News Section of The Paducah Daily Sun, March 16th 1897 we find the following: THE ILLIOIS CETRAL A few Local otes of .General Interest, MRS. W.J. HARAHA VISIT HERE Arrived Last ight With Her Children Left This Morning for Louisville. OTHER MATTERS FOR RAILROAD READERS. Mrs. W. J. Harahan, wife of the Illinois Central Superintendent ,and children, of Louisville, came down from Dawson on the "cannonball" this morning and stopped overnight at Paducah in a private car at the union depot. This morning she left on her return to Louisville at 8 o'clock, but .Mr. Harahan remained over. This morning the big Illinois Central Locomotives began backing around the union depot "Y", the track having been torn up and reconstructed within the past few days. The exchange of Locomotives was formerly made at Harrison Street. On the Memphis division of the I.C. there is no water over the track any place but at Wolfe river, a few miles out of Memphis, the flood is within a few inches of the rails. Flagman Bob Perry tells a good Joke on one of his fellow brakemen that occurred on the ., C. &St. L. seventeen years ago while'clubbing 'em down Raccoon mountain. In running over the top of the cars one night he ran off of the end of a high car and, of course the first thought that entered his mind was ,that the train had parted and his body would in an Instant be ground into bologna sausage beneath the humming wheels while his soul would be hurled into eternity without a moments preparation, a More History. To go along with the newspaper articles I have found an online resource of Sanborn Insurance Maps of Paducah from 1910. It is very interesting to see what was where in 1910 and what remains today. The Cohankus Manufacturing Co. Cotton Cordage Factory was at N. 9th and Boyd St. and had its on siding. From ov 25th 1930 From Lewiston Maine ewspaper lie more than one of us has said “oh Lord save me,” a moment later the “brakey” found himself lying on a flatcar unhurt, and with a piteous look he turned his eyes heavenward and exclaimed “ never mind now Lord” From The Paducah Daily Sun ov 16 1896: It is now almost certain that after January 1st all passenger trains coming to Paducah will run into to the union depot. As yet no official notice has been received in Paducah to this effect, but it is nevertheless true that the Illinois Central has made to the ashville, Chattanooga and St Louis road a proposition tending to consolidate the two depots, and a prominent official of the latter road, who Is In a position to know says that In all probability the proposition will be accepted, in fact it Is so favorable that it could hardly be rejected. If so the new service will be Inaugurated Jan 1st. It will not, however affect the freight department of the C & St L, which will remain where it now is. Such an arrangement would result in many advantages to the traveling public, and especially those who desire to transfer from one road to the other. Paducah Daily Sun Feb 15th 1897 REAR ED COLLISIO. First and Second Section of o.172 Go Together. Caboose, Three Cars and a Locomotive Smashed Up. A destructive rear end collision of freight trains occurred yesterday morning about 9:30 o'clock at Obion, Tenn., on the Illinois Central. The first section of train o. 172 was struck by the second section. The first was pulled by engine o. 285, and Engineer Granger, and the second section by locomotive 273, Engineer Kelly and conductor Anderson. The trains met on a curve, and the second section crashed into the first section with great force. Both sections were en route to Paducah, and the accident was due to a confusion of orders. The caboose on the first section and three of the cars were demolished, and the locomotive on the second section badly injured. An investigation will be held to place the blame where it properly belongs. Bob Johnston EWS AD VIEWS Bob Johnston CORRECTIO: In MILE STONES, last month, I inadvertently gave the wrong name for one of Jack & Kate Johnston’s twin grandsons. The correct names are William Henry and Emmet Michael Garrison, sons of Lindsay & Matt Garrison, born in Chicago on March 1sth RHS: Perhaps some of us have not kept up as well as we should with the significant changes underway in our parent organization, the National Railway Historical Society. The NRHS, like all other civic, fraternal, social, and even religious institutions in our country, has been affected by the vast and accelerating changes in technology, social networking, economic conditions, communications, and family structure, to mention a few. The NRHS leaders realize this and the board is implementing changes in structure and philosophy to make it more relevant and valuable to the members. I strongly recommend you carefully read any mail you receive from the NRHS, and especially the current (April) NRHS NEWS, and the article entitled REBULLDIG RHS FOR THE FUTURE, WHY CHAGE IS ECESSARY, by President Greg Molloy, and also pay attention to, and vote any ballots you receive. The Paducah Chapter probably does not take advantage of our national membership as much as we should, but being a part of it does give our chapter and the museum more credibility and attention than we would receive otherwise, especially in asking for assistance and recognition from governmental agencies, civic groups, and applying for grants. This is what a group of us in the original organization, WEST KENTUCKY RAIL PRESERVATION, believed many years ago, when we decided to apply for NRHS membership, and I believe it still to be true. STEVE LEE I PADUCAH: Steve Lee, retired Union Pacific executive and manager of their famous steam program, passed through Paducah on April 14, and was kind enough to meet with John Deming, Jack Johnston, and me at the at the 1518 train display on the river front, where he inspected the locomotive and cars, both inside and out. Several days later, he sent a copy of his findings, along with a recommendation to the railroad equipment renovation company he now represents, to make a proposal (not a bid) and a “ball park” figure on the cost. This will be very helpful for the city and anyone else trying to raise the money for the much needed renovation. We are very grateful to Steve and his unique expertise for taking this time. His company is presently involved in the renovation and return to operating status of a 0-6-0 steam locomotive to the used on the Blue Heron tourist railroad at Stearns, KY near the Big South Fork Recreational Area. P&L: The P&L has officially moved into their new 24,000 sq. ft. building, and the building at 1500 Kentucky is vacant for the first time in 85 years; the new address is 200 Clark St. At the time of the move, the company announced a number of promotions and new positions, according to the Paducah SUN: Mike Wheatley, vice president & chief mechanical officer; Susanne Moorman, vicepresident & controller; Russ Burzynski, assistant vice president of purchasing and materials; Karen Tucker, senior director of corporate services; Kevin McEwan, marketing director; Paul Smith, director of information technology; Alayna Stinnett, corporate services manager; Candie Henry, customer accounting manager; Tasha Headrick, manager of general accounting; Judy Mohney, technology application specialist; and Jody Goins, director of customer services…..CEO Tony Reck, President Tom Garrett, and Exec. Vice-President and Treasurer, Tom Greene, all attended the American Short Line Conference in Indianapolis, this week. VMV/PROGRESS: I thought there was going to be nothing of interest to report, but on April 26, I saw the first (for me) of the rebuilt SD 60s for the “Suzy Q,” described in the April NEWS & VIEWS. It was NYSW 3810, and was in the “bumblebee” yellow and what appeared to me to be dark green paint, but according to the write up is black paint, and lettered “SUSQUEHANNA” across the hood. MOTOR CAR EXCURSIO: On April 28th, I journeyed to McMinnville, TN, and on Sunday, the 29th, my daughter, Jane, and I traveled the Caney Fork & Western Railroad, a short line which is the former N.C. & St. L. branch from Tullahoma to Sparta. It was a beautiful day, good track, and very nice ride over rolling country, and several high bridges. FAMOUS AIVERSARY: April 12th, is the 150th anniversary of the hijacking of the Western & Atlantic 4-4 “General” at Big Shanty, GA, by Union Army spies, led by James J. Anderson, who planned to destroy the line from there north to Chattanooga, thus severing the Confederacy. The result was the “Great Locomotive Chase,” involving the 4-4, “Texas,” manned by William A. Fuller. The event was made famous by the Disney movie. A display describing this event, and the subsequent history of the two locomotives, is in the Paducah Railroad Museum; the connection being that the Western & Atlantic was the predecessor of the Nashville, Chattanooga, & St. Louis Ry. which served Paducah, and especially that the wooden passenger car used for many years as the yard office at P&I Junction (in Littleville) was said to be, and authenticated by at least one expert, to be one of the cars pulled by the “General.” A photograph of that car is also in the museum, courtesy of the William Clark Museum. UUSUAL SIGHTIG: On April 7, at the Clark St., spur, I saw a work train of six “continuous,” gons, including one powered by locomotive 5230 (also la- beled, “Georgetown Railway Equipment”). Checking the internet, this appeared to be “slot train,” also called a tie recovery train, and was apparently being used to pick up ties replaced during the work on the P&I, mentioned in the April NEWS & VIEWS. …Work is progressing slowly on installation of the crossing gates at Pines Road, with only the support for the east gate installed at this writing. big enough to remove the wheels so they can be sent to a shop where they can be reprofiled, returned, and reinstalled. A few days later, in some more bad luck, the 844’s accompanying boxcar, 9336, also called the “step car,” because it is where the portable steps, used by visitors to access the engine cab, are kept, was damaged when it collided with a gondola at Georgetown. SPECIAL TRAIS: The days of special trains (at least for officials) at major sporting events have not yet passed. At the recent Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta, GA, there were at least three executive trains consisting of office cars, sleepers, and diners: BNSF had ES 44 DC 7896 with 4 cars; Norfolk Southern had F9A 4271, F9A 4270, F7B 4275, and F7B4276, with 15 cars, including the diner, Kentucky, and CSX furnished F40PH-2 9993 and 9993 with 13 cars including the sleeper, Kentucky….We look forward to the Kentucky Derby. LOOKIG UP! Amtrak is approaching a new record, up 3.7% over the same period in 2011…. CSX profits are up 23% over 1st quarter 2011, with a ratio record of 71.1% (CSX was also named one of the top 100 corporate citizens (and the only Class I RR) by “Corporate Responsibility Magazine’); UP reported record 1st quarter profits of 862 million, with operating ratio of 70.5% and average train speed up to 26.3 mph; CP embroiled in a fierce stock holder battle for control, reported 1st quarter earnings up $ 108 million from 2011, and an operating ratio of 80.1%. MUSEUM: We had 283 visitors in April which is about the same as in 2011. The quilt show crowd was steady with many states represented. The P&L display has been rearranged with the system map and the various photographs of engines and industries arranged on the wall behind the “N” gauge display. David Long has donated two large painting by the late Al Meadows; one is of the loading dock of the I.C. Freight House at 6th & Campbell St. and has been hung in the freight office area, and the other is of a steam I.C. switch engine coming from behind the old Yopp Seed Co., buildings that were across from the museum, and entering 2nd street, with the Marine Ways and the MODELER ALERT: Athearn is reportedly coming out with a P&L GP in HO scale. UP 844: This famous UP 4-8-4, which in March stopped at Dexter, MO enroute to West Memphis carrying Civil War reenactors, was bad ordered at Hearn, TX on April 20th, due to flat spots on the drivers. This is a serious and expensive defect. The steamer was replaced on the special passenger train it was pulling, by the UP A-B-A E-9 set which was rebuilt in the Paducah Shops several years ago, and behind which some of us have ridden. The 844 was taken to the Georgetown (TX) short line shops which has a drop pit flood wall pumping station in the background. It has been hung with other Meadows’ painting in the back entrance hall. Other case rearrangements have been made, which you need to come see if you have not done so already. In my opinion, the museum looks better and more professional than it ever has. PROGRAM: We will be privileged to be one of the first groups to get a tour of the new P&L office building. We will meet at the museum (instead of the library) at the regular time and go in a group to the facility. When the tour is completed, we will return to the museum to transact any business. From The Breckinridge ews Jan 1906 (Cloverport Ky) Roundhouse Notes Published monthly by the Paducah Chapter, National Railway Historical Society. Send your news, photos to: Editor — Charles Gibbons President..............Logan Blewett Vice President.......John Deming Secretary........Charles Gibbons Historian........Jack Johnston Treasurer..................Glen Pollender Program..........Dick Kastas National Director...Bob Johnston Directors.....Dick Kastas, Charles Gibbons, Logan Blewett L& Depot in Mt Vernon IL as depicted in this 1912 postcard was razed this past December. It had sat empty and decaying for several years. Membership — Charles Gibbons 3409 Central Avenue, Paducah 42001 Gosh! Its almost time for the meeting! We sure don’t want to miss it. Roundhouse Notes % Charles Gibbons 3409 Central Ave Paducah KY 42001 Gate mounts ready for burial. When it needs fixing, Duct Tape it! Gate Mast installed on one side TUESDAY May 8th 7 PM Meet at the Museum This crossing signal appears to be duct tapped in place. It is really temporary electrical connection weather proofing. Work progresses on the crossing gate installation at Pines road.
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