TitleExchange Help


TitleExchange Help
TitleExchange Pro
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 1
About TitleExchange Pro!
Some Notes about Subtitling!
TitleExchange Pro Installation!
About NLEs and Authoring Tools!
Adobe Premiere Pro (CS5, CS6)!
Apple Final Cut Pro (legacy)!
Apple Final Cut Pro X!
Avid Media Composer!
Other NLEs!
Adobe Encore!
Apple DVD Studio Pro!
TitleExchange Pro Quick Tour!
The Conversion.!.................................................................................................................................................11
About source file formats!....................................................................................................................................12
About target file formats!.....................................................................................................................................12
Global Settings!...................................................................................................................................................13
Match NTSC timing!.......................................................................................................................................13
Use zero-based TC, Use source file TC!........................................................................................................13
Ignore first subtitle!.........................................................................................................................................13
If no timebase is supplied!..............................................................................................................................13
Add “Space” before first character os subtitle!...............................................................................................13
Save text files as …!.......................................................................................................................................13
Target Format Options!
“Final Cut Pro XML (legacy)” as target !
Workflow with Final Cut Pro!...............................................................................................................................14
How to create a FCP XML template?!............................................................................................................14
How to add a FCP/Motion generator to the TEP database.!..........................................................................15
XML Out Setup!...................................................................................................................................................17
Special TextUp Pro v2b font style settings!.........................................................................................................17
XML Marker Conversion Options!.......................................................................................................................17
How to create and save a stationary generator template?!............................................................................17
XML Out Generator Handling!.............................................................................................................................18
Fade Settings!................................................................................................................................................18
Font Settings!.................................................................................................................................................18
Set up the XML saving and handling!.............................................................................................................19
How to setup a project where the XML should be imported!..........................................................................19
“FCPXML” as target!
How FCPX works with XML!...............................................................................................................................20
Templates and Roles!..........................................................................................................................................23
Use Template!.................................................................................................................................................23
Auto-Add Template!........................................................................................................................................23
Edit Templates!...............................................................................................................................................23
Overwrite Template Role!...............................................................................................................................23
New Event from Role!....................................................................................................................................23
Other Options!.....................................................................................................................................................23
Project with Secondary Storyline!...................................................................................................................23
Use Fades!.....................................................................................................................................................24
Name Titles!...................................................................................................................................................24
Add Markers!..................................................................................................................................................24
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Add Notes!......................................................................................................................................................24
Use Spherico Basic Template by Style!..........................................................................................................25
Merge subtitle paragraphs!.............................................................................................................................25
Creating a Template in Final Cut Pro X!.........................................................................................................25
Importing the FCPXML into Final Cut Pro X!..................................................................................................26
Working with the subtitles in Final Cut Pro X!.................................................................................................28
One last thing about FCPXMLs created by TitleExchange!...........................................................................30
Known issues with FCPXMLs!.......................................................................................................................30
"DCP Cinema" as target!
Project Settings and Handling!............................................................................................................................31
Movie Title and Reel Number!........................................................................................................................31
Ignore Font!....................................................................................................................................................31
Use Font Style and Effect!..............................................................................................................................31
Use Font with Font Style and Effect!..............................................................................................................31
TC Handling!.......................................................................................................................................................31
Timecode Conversion and Calculation!..........................................................................................................31
Text Direction!......................................................................................................................................................32
Font Settings!......................................................................................................................................................32
Font Name!.....................................................................................................................................................32
Font Size!.......................................................................................................................................................32
Font Style!......................................................................................................................................................32
Title Align!.......................................................................................................................................................32
Font Color and Effects!...................................................................................................................................32
"DFXP" as target!
Font Settings!......................................................................................................................................................33
Font Style!......................................................................................................................................................33
Font Align!.......................................................................................................................................................33
Out Time format!..................................................................................................................................................33
"iTunes Timed Text" as target!
"SAMI" as target !
"Smoke" as target!
"STL Text/QTtext" as target!
“Adobe Encore" as target !
"Avid DS Caption" as target !
“Ayato" as target!
"Cavena MTL" as target !
"Cinevation" as target!
"Cinetyp Timecode" as target !
"CPC" as target!
"Continous Timed Text" as target!
"DVDit" as target!
"FAB text" as target!
"Generic timed text" as target!
"Gelula text" as target!
"Google text" as target !
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 3
"Micro DVD" as target!
"Qube Master" as target!
"Sonic Format" as target !
"Structured Subtitles" as target!
"SubBits" as target!
"Subrip SRT" as target!
"TitleVision" as target!
"YouTube" as target!
Additional Tools!
About XTE!..........................................................................................................................................................41
About psTitles!.....................................................................................................................................................49
About docx2Table!...............................................................................................................................................51
Quick Guided Tour!..............................................................................................................................................52
gText !
About gText!...................................................................................................................................................57
Quick Guided Tour!.........................................................................................................................................58
Export and Import!..........................................................................................................................................62
Format Descriptions!
XML based formats!
Belle Nuit - extension "stp"!.................................................................................................................................63
BluRay - extension "xml"!....................................................................................................................................65
Captionate - extension "xml"!..............................................................................................................................66
DFXP XML -- Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) - extension "xml, dfxp"!....................................................68
Digital Cinema DCP XML - extension "xml"!........................................................................................................69
Final Cut Pro XML - extension "xml"!..................................................................................................................69
Final Cut Pro X XML - extension "fcpxml"!..........................................................................................................75
Final Cut Pro Server XML - extension "xml"!.......................................................................................................76
iTunes XML -- iTunes Timed Text - extension "itt"!..............................................................................................77
Sami -- Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange - extension "smi"!............................................................77
Smoke - extension "xml"!....................................................................................................................................78
Subtitle Horse - extension “xml”!.........................................................................................................................79
Text3G (QuickTime Text XML) - extension “xml”!................................................................................................79
Universal Subtitle Format - extension “usf”!........................................................................................................81
DVD Pro Studio Item Track - extension "dspxml"!...............................................................................................83
Text based formats!
Adobe Encore subtitle script files - extension "txt"!.............................................................................................83
Avid DS Caption files - extension "txt"!................................................................................................................84
Avid Marker files - extension “txt”!.......................................................................................................................85
Ayato Text files - extension “txt”!..........................................................................................................................85
Cavena MTL files - extension "txt", "doc", "docx"!...............................................................................................86
Cinevation files - extension “txt”!.........................................................................................................................86
CPC files - extension “txt”!...................................................................................................................................87
Continuos Timed Text - extension “txt”!...............................................................................................................87
DVDit - extension “txt”!........................................................................................................................................88
FAB text - extension “txt”!....................................................................................................................................88
Generic Timed Text - extension “txt”!...................................................................................................................89
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Gelula Text (DAS) - extension “das”!...................................................................................................................90
Google - extension “txt” !......................................................................................................................................91
Micro DVD - extension “txt”!................................................................................................................................92
Qube Master - extension “txt”!.............................................................................................................................92
QuickTime Text - extension “txt”!.........................................................................................................................93
Sonic Scenarist - extension “son, txt” !.................................................................................................................93
STL Spruce/Maestro - extension “stl, txt”!...........................................................................................................94
Structured Subtitles - extension “txt” !..................................................................................................................95
SubBits - extension “ebs”!...................................................................................................................................96
Subrip SRT - extension “srt”!...............................................................................................................................97
SubStation Alpha - extension “ssa”!....................................................................................................................98
Swift Styled Text - extension “sif”!.......................................................................................................................99
Titlevision - extension “txt, doc”!..........................................................................................................................99
YouTube - extension “txt” !.................................................................................................................................100
Format Options Overview!
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 5
About TitleExchange Pro
TitleExchange Pro is a unique tool which makes complicated things both simple and fast when juggling with subtitles in collaborative environments.
As it started as a basic tool for Appleʼs Final Cut Pro many years ago it is probably one of the most advanced tools available
for the Apple Final Cut Pro (legacy) platform to interchange subtitle information. Using it with Apple's legacy Final Cut Pro
could make this NLE the most flexible editing out dated software package in the world when it comes to subtitles.
But times change. TitleExchange Pro now does support a lot of other NLEs, authoring applications and “playback” platforms.
While Apple's Final Cut Pro X is at the very beginning there are some limited options using XML and Motion templates.
Other NLEs like Avidʼs Media Composer allow a nice handling of subtitles as well, using TitleExchange will make the build in
options of Media Composer even more flexible.
With Adobeʼs Premiere Pro you can create titles or subtitles, but it lacks the option to interchange or even import text based
subtitles. Using the CS Suite, which includes PhotoShop there is a workaround with TitleExchange. The application collection
which comes with TitleExchange contains an application (psTitles) which uses PhotoShop scripting to render “Layered
TIFFs”. The result is a collection of titles and an EDL, Encore Script and STL. The EDL can be used to import these high
quality subtitles into PremierePro. Because of the close integration of all the CS applications the subtitles are editable during
the whole editing process.
These rendered files also can be used with Avid Media Composer, Appleʼs Final Cut Pro, Adobeʼs Encore, Appleʼs DVD Studio and a lot of other applications which will allow EDL import.
The psTitles application also allows to extract the text out of the PhotoShop layered TIFF files for any usage which wonʼt
support rendered subtitles.
But itʼs not all about NLEs or authoring apps, a lot of the workflow with subtitles just requires to work collaborative with others
who might work with their own subtitling application or just with a text editor to make a translation, correction or whatever. To
make this workflow and communication easier TitleExchange offers an impressive amount of file formats for import and export - and some helper tools to bring simple text files into a format which can be used in a subtitling workflow.
If you ever wished to get your titles out of Final Cut Pro (legacy or X), Media Composer or PremierePro into Appleʼs DVD
Studio Pro or Adobeʼs Encore or other DVD or BluRay authoring applications or as a text file for a translation bureau, as a
text file for spell and grammar checking, get titles into Media Composer, Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Pro X from another source
or a file from the translation bureau, create a QT movie with all your subtitles without the need of rendering, get your subtitles
ready for DCP projection, add captions to iTunes, add captions to your YouTube videos or just "equalize" your titles -- TitleExchange will be your "one stop" toolset.
TitleExchange did help hundreds of companies (from big ones "down" to all the indies) to create and manage subtitles for
thousands of movies in a shorter time than ever before -- saving both costs and "personal abrasion".
Over the last 10 years TitleExchange Pro became more "adult" and a bit more complicated -- and (thanks to constant user
feedback) it is in development all the time. And as with any other software there are happy and unhappy users — thanks to
both of this groups.
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Some Notes about Subtitling
Subtitling becomes more important in this digital world of film and movie distribution. There is digital distribution all over the
world, Internet, DVD, BluRay, ipTV, Cable, Digital Cinema and more. Some shows, news stuff or interviews, documentary
things need just a “one to one” subtitling from transcription or sound. Others need some more.
With any genre it might be different. Movies synchronized by voice talents for a “destination language” are far more preferable rather than those with subtitles, but quite often it is not possible because of economic and other reasons.
There is also that part of subtitling jobs which are especially done for the hearing impaired, these jobs require some additional work.
Also subtitling divides into Open Captions and Closed Captions. While Open Captions technically are pretty simple (the text
is just rendered into the picture) Closed Captions these days are more complicated. Closed Captions had been defined for
SD television — Line21 for NTSC, Teletext type for PAL. As the world is changing to HD both of these standards donʼt match
real world any more reliably. So it needs software with supports either of these standards and it needs software and hardware on the side of the distribution company, the same for the carrier and the same for the end user. As nothing is defined at
this point of time it could happen you got subtitles on one channel one day on the TV, the other day you donʼt get them. Itʼs a
kind of lottery. The future probably will be XML based subtitle DFXP formats.
Quite often itʼs no problem to subtitle a finished movie. If itʼs only one language — maybe even just the original language —
itʼs somehow easy. But even with this simple one language example you have to dive a bit into the “art of subtitling”.
So why is it an art?
Simply because itʼs a new cut over the final cut — maybe even several new cuts because of different languages needed.
Subtitles have to be read and because they need to be read the viewer will be distracted by the subtitle and may miss some
of the details of the scene. Animated subtitles will distract even more (except for Karaoke). In most cases a subtitle will also
cover parts of the image, so a subtitle should show up as short as possible but long enough to read it.
This needs “translators” which bring the spoken word into a short as possible sentence which still keeps the meaning/sense
of the original sentence. Sometimes there even shouldnʼt be a translation because the situation/picture tells it all. These subtitle editors also need a feeling for the cut and the intention of the director.
Some basic stuff to remember is that a subtitle never should run thru a cut, should be at least two seconds and there should
be a pause of about 5 frames at least. There is the need to make the subtitle readable, using the right font, right font size,
font color and style. With broadcast or movie distribution colors and styles for the hearing impaired are really important.
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TitleExchange Pro Installation
Once you have downloaded the installation disk image it will be mounted automatically on your desktop.
Double-click the installer app and follow the instructions.
During the installation a “TitleExchange Pro” folder is created within your “Applications” folder. This folder contains beside the
TitleExchange application several helper apps which can make your life easier or extend the functionality of TitleExchange.
Within your “/Library/Application Support” folder a “Spherico” folder will be created. It contains some global helper applications and a “TitleExchange” folder. Latter contains some folders which contain data to handle Final Cut Pro generators and
Additionally within the “/Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro System Support/Plugins” a new folder named “Spherico” is
installed. This folder contains several text generators for use within Final Cut Pro. For Final Cut Pro X there are also some
basic subtitle templates installed in the “/Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro/Templates” folder. These templates reside
in a subfolder named “Spherico”.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 8
About NLEs and Authoring Tools
Adobe Premiere Pro (CS5, CS6)
As mentioned above Premiere Pro does not support a direct subtitling interchange. There is an option to import subtitles using the Final Cut Pro XML import, but it is not recommend.
Anyway here are the steps:
Create a Final Cut Pro XML which only uses the original Apple “Text” generator for subtitles. The subtitles will be converted
to Premiere Pro titles during import. But that is no real help when working with a lot of subtitles since all subtitles are aligned
to the upper left and do have a basic font and font size. To make them “real subtitles” you have to edit every subtitle. And
even once you have done that you canʼt export them as XML for further processing — they are exported as slugs.
The better way would be to use the psTitles application which comes along with the TitleExchange suite. It is a pretty slow
process since it uses Adobeʼs PhotoShop scripting to create “Layered TIFFs”. This kind of TIFF files allow to edit both text,
font, font style, font size and effects directly from the timeline — so PhotoShop in this case is a kind of other “Titler” within
Since psTitles can retrieve the basic text out of the Layered TIFFs it can be worth to use it when you plan to work with subtitles in Premiere Pro.
For more information and a quick tour for psTitles look at chapter Helper Tools.
Apple Final Cut Pro (legacy)
The so called FCP has a lot of options working with subtitles and XML. Different from other NLEs it allows to be controlled by
third party apps — which makes it unique. The XML handling is pretty mature with 7.0.3 which makes it probably the best
outdated application for this kind of work.
Here a serious warning for Final Cut Pro 7.0.2 users!!!
If you use Apple Final Cut version 7.0.2 upgrade to version 7.0.3. This fixes the bug for missing returns!
If you use version 7.0.2 and don't want to upgrade because you got a running project, follow the instructions below.
Workaround for missing returns in FCP XML Export:
Move your Final Cut Pro.app from the 'Applications' folder to the 'Desktop' folder. Insert your original installation DVD and install Final Cut Pro only -- no
other stuff, just the app.
After installation is completed, rename the fresh installed Final Cut Pro to Final Cut Pro 7.0.
Move the 7.0.2 version back to to the 'Application' folder.
Contol-click the 7.0 version and select 'Show Package Contents'. Navigate to the 'Contents/MacOS' folder and open. There is a Final Cut Pro executable.
Create an Alias of it on the 'Desktop'. If you double-click it Terminal.app will open, giving you some notes, and Final Cut Pro 7.0 will launch, even if 7.0.2 is
Open the project you want use for XML export and export your XML without saving the project. Close the project again without saving. You can keep FCP 7.0
open in case you may need some other XML exports a later time otherwise quit the Terminal.app -- this will close FCP 7.0 and Terminal.
TitleExchange comes with world's most complete support for Final Cut Pro FxScript and Apple Motion based text generators.
Tested text generators are:
Apple: All text generators (English version - localized generators are included)
Apple: Motion templates which come with FCS
Apple: Other user created Motion templates which follow the standard template setup and do have text entries
CGM: All text generators.
CHV text: All text generators (Control characters of the "Credits" version are not removed)
Digital Heaven: Subtitle - Version 1.x and 2.x
edit B:Subtitle (have a look at subBits - it's a very cool way to create and spot your subtitles)
Stib's: Better Text (Markup features of the 1.4 version might cause strange results i.e. control characters are not removed)
Spherico: Basic Text/Slate, TextUp, TextUpPro, Subtitle Note
and more
With TitleExchange you can virtually use any Final Cut Pro text generator with "open" XMLs - but for example Boris hides the
text inside binary data within the XML, so their generators won't work. Also many of the Noise Industry compatible Quartz
based text plugins store some of the needed data to "private" encoded data.
To set up a new (unknown) generator, just import the FCP XML containing the generator with TitleExchange's "analzyeGenerator" tool, check the "best guess" analysis of TitleExchange - and maybe correct it - save it to TitleExchange's database
and re-launch TitleExchange. You can also prevent some text generator types to be read during import, means you may
keep some generators aside from actual subtitles or the other way round.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 9
TitleExchange comes with a nice free subtitle text generator named "Text Up".
This generator allows the text to build up from bottom to top as it is normally done for subtitling and adds options for outline,
box or drop shadow.
TitleExchange also includes another free generator named "Subtitle Note".
As many editors like just to place "Slugs" in the timeline at a place where later on subtitles are needed this generator could
be a big help for them. You can use it like a slug but it won't be visible only as a small colored circle which will be visible in
the underscan area. Some (language) settings allow to change the color and position of the circle. So it's easy to see where
and what subtitles should show up in the final show. You can also make notes in the generator's controls. Thanks to the
"Analyze Generator" option you can setup which of these notes should be visible on export/conversion.
There are several more options with the helper tools which come along with TitleExchange. See chapter Helper Tools.
Apple Final Cut Pro X
Working with subtitles is is very different compared to the legacy version. While it uses Motion Templates for (sub)titling it is
very easy to modify them or even create own ones with Motion. Using roles (or even kind of keywords) allows a flexible
workflow. Other than the old version Final Cut Pro X supports multiple styles per title and even copy and paste from RTF
files, each subtitle behaves like a little text document.
That is the good news, but there are some bad as well. The new way XML is handled doesnʼt support to transport any attribute setting made for a subtitle or need to be made. So the XML only carries the text of (or for) a subtitle, transformation and
the base settings of an effect. Everything falls back to the Motion Template in itʼs “pure form”.
With export users have to care of roles upfront — since there are no tracks — otherwise there can be timecode collisions.
Because of the same reason roles and note are important when creating XML as well, otherwise subtitles are very difficult to
XTE helps to convert FCPXMLs to other formats. How to work with this application read the chapter XTE.
Avid Media Composer
This probably is the most straight forward and simplest application somehow when working with subtitles. The import options
are EBU STL and DS Caption. Latter one is supported by TitleExchange. Media Composer supports several settings for a
DS Caption setup but those apply only for a complete stream of subtitles. So if the user changes the style of a single subtitle
just in the middle of the stream it will be ignored when exporting the subtitles.
But there is one serious note when you start working with subtitles within Media Composer with the intention to share or exchange them: you always should
use the SubCap plugin to create subtitles! Otherwise you can’t export them.
Other NLEs
Some NLEs do support legacy FCP XML as well, but not with native text generators. This means you have to take the route
with rendered subtitles — like with those created by psTitles.
Adobe Encore
This authoring app has become very popular as it allows easy handling of DVD and BluRay formats. As most of the authoring applications it supports simple text scripts for subtitle import. Text scripts can be based on plain text subtitles which will
be rendered on the fly for the selected language or describe a path to a pre-rendered subtitle image. Latter in most cases
does have a better visual quality but require more space on the final disk — so with many languages this can be an issue.
With rendered subtitles the user has to be aware of color limitations.
Apple DVD Studio Pro
This DVD authoring app is still popular even though it is end of life. It supports Spruce STL subtitles. These STLs can either
be the subtitle text or a reference to rendered subtitle. Latter normally gives better quality but the files will require more space
on the final DVD. With rendered subtitles the user has to be aware of color limitations.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 10
TitleExchange Pro Quick Tour
Though the actual process of converting files is both simple and fast - the options on how to set up the conversion can be a
bit more complicated.
TitleExchange shows up with a tiny little window which displays the "which to what" conversion.
You can either click on the "in text" field or press "cmd-," to go to the conversion preferences where you can change source
and target formats and modify the target format options. Once source file and target file format are selected and setups are
made press “cmd-i” or the “Import Subtitle File” button.
The Conversion.
After the setup is done, click either "cmd-I" or click the "Import Subtitle File" button on the main window.
Depending on the source file some additional panels may show up.
FCP XML source file
If the timeline contains more than 1 title track the app will ask you to select a track.
Text source files
As text based files often do not provide a timebase/framerate TitleExchange will ask you for it -- if none is found.
The selected framerate has to match the target framerate in case of an FCP XML - if not the conversion may fail.
DVDSP Track Item source file
If you import a DVD Sudio track item which contains more than one subtitle track a panel - which may look similar to the below - will appear. If the languange is not defined within DVDSP the track will be named "not set".
After a few seconds the conversion is done.
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If both source format and target format are the same, the app will "clean" the input file, means the app will remove timecode
overlaps and bad durations for STL and QTtext or replace generator with an XML
In case of a sequence XML the app just swaps from one text generator to another or will equalize settings which can be customized be the user.
To equalize settings just set up the first text generator of the title track you want to process in the sequence in a way you
want the rest of the generators should behave, then export as XML. In TitleExchange Pro's "XML Settings" make sure to
uncheck the "Use Template" button and select the original XML both as template and source. TitleExchange Pro will take
the first generator as template and change all others to the same settings.
About source file formats
There are finally hundreds of subtitle file formats with each of
them with several flavors. While some formats are clearly recognized by their file extension others are not. Even if they have
the same file extension they may be different or are a different
kind of "flavor" depending on the software which has created
the file. Other formats are outdated but still popular, some new
formats are still not ready to go into broadcast environment or
film but are used while interchanging titles.
So sometimes it might be difficult to figure out what kind of subtitle file format you got (or need). For an overview how the different formats look like and what kind of “feature set” they support see chapter Format Descriptions.
About target file formats
The output file formats in some cases do allow special settings.
These might be more or less complicated.
Most of these formats are plain text files. So little changes can
be done easily with TextEdit or another text editor like TextWrangler or BBEedit especially when you are working with right
to left written titles.
While some formats allow a lot of special settings, like colors or
style per word or paragraph, effects like outline or drop shadow,
maybe even animation not all of them are supported.
TitleExchange in many cases only takes care of the most “in
common” stuff for subtitles. These are simple: text is either plain
style or italic for a complete subtitle. This is not a limitation of
TitleExchange but something global the user should be aware
when working with subtitles in any kind of environment.
For more information about target settings see next chapter
“Target Format Options”.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 12
Global Settings
Match NTSC timing
Several subtitle source formats are based on frames or the NTSC the information is not supplied. So the user has to know or
test whether the source information matches the timing needed for the target format.
Use zero-based TC, Use source file TC
With several target files it is required the TC starts at “00:MM:SS:xx” . Using this option shifts all timecodes (times) by the
hour of the first timecode.
Users of Appleʼs DVD Studio Pro always should check it.
Ignore first subtitle
Translation bureaus quite often set the first subtitle information to some information about the movie or language or something like that. This sometimes is not wanted and may lead to some unwanted shift of timecodes. NLEs and authoring tools
normally only support a limited length of timelines.
If no timebase is supplied
When a source file is selected TitleExchange tries to find information about the timebase for the subtitleʼs timing. If no timebase is found it will ask the user to select one. When the user is sure about the timebase this option applies the selected timebase to every file which is opened -- this doesnʼt mean that this timebase is also applied to the target file which might
have itʼs own settings.
Add “Space” before first character os subtitle
Some applications ignore the first character of a subtitle line, some based on the character encoding for non roman languages. So adding a space could be a good idea.
Save text files as …
Many of the target formats are plain text files others are XML. While both plain text and XML always is saved as UTF-8
sometimes depending on application and OS the UTF-8 files are not correctly recognized by the target application. Often
saving as UTF-16 does help. Especially non roman subtitles or those which do use special characters should be saved as
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 13
Target Format Options
Some of the target format allow to setup and influence the way the conversion is done.
The options differ, some are extensive others basic.
In the below these settings are explained. But one should keep in mind that even though some automatic choices are there
sometimes the conversion falls back to basic settings if the source subtitle format doesnʼt support the required value.
“Final Cut Pro XML (legacy)” as target
Workflow with Final Cut Pro
How to create a FCP XML template?
You can setup what "text generator" to use. If you don't choose a pre-defined template the application will ask you for one. To
create either a temporary generator template or a stationary to have to do some setup within Final Cut Pro.
Here in short how to do:
• Within Final Cut Pro create a new sequence with the settings of your choice.
• Select the generator of your choice (see supported generators) and do the setup -- you can also add filters and motion settings.
• Drag it to the sequence.
• Then in the browser select the sequence and export as XML -- it might be a good idea to create a shortcut for that within
Final Cut Pro.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 14
Instead of creating a new sequence you also can use an existent one which includes your "favorite" generator first place.
This means if you got many generators and many tracks in there, the application will take the first found one of the first found
track which includes a generator.
The sequence settings and especially the timebase will be used with the later conversion!
How to add a FCP/Motion generator to the TEP database.
The TitleExchange data base includes information about many generators, but sometimes a generator is not known in most
cases the generator can be added to the database manually.
In the Tools menu select "FCP Generator Handling"
Then "Load FCP Generator XML"
Or use one of the shortcuts.
In the upper left of the window all found generators are listed in the popup. Select one of them.
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In the below example a motion template was used.
TitleExchange does a best guess when analyzing the generator. So it might come up correctly or not. Carefully check what
belongs where. V-Align, Colors and Outline are for reference only.
Once done click the "Add/Save Generator" button. If the generator exists you will be asked whether to overwrite or not.
Final steps are pressing the "Save Generator Settings List", quit TitleExchange and relaunch it. Now a new instruction set
can be used by TEP to analyze "your" generator.
You always can change those settings when by chance you did something wrong.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 16
XML Out Setup
Clicking the FCP XML setup button will open a new window.
This allows a setup of how an exported XML will look like later and how it is handled.
There are little help buttons which will give you a quick explanation on what this setting will change or cause.
The left “XML Out” box allows to set up either templates or how to communicate with Final Cut Pro -- in case it is installed.
The right box “XML Out Generator Handling” allows to set up the used generator on exported XMLs.
The boxes at the bottom allow handling for special generators and the handling for XMLs using markers as source for other
target formats.
Special TextUp Pro v2b font style settings
If the Spherico TextUp Pro v2b is installed style settings from the source file can be used per paragraph. TitleExchange will
add a “^I” for italic or a “^B” for bold a the start of each paragraph.
XML Marker Conversion Options
If the source file is a Final Cut Pro XML with markers these markers can be converted to subtitles. Markers can have a duration or not. Therefore the user can set up a minimum duration for each subtitle created by the conversion. The duration can
also be influenced by the length of the text. The “Character Speed” is the speed assumed how fast the text can be read. “Always Calculate Speed” allows to overwrite fixed subtitle durations.
How to create and save a stationary generator template?
In Final Cut Pro do as described above. Within templates tab press the “New” button . This will ask for a XML file to import
and analyze.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 17
The resulting panel will give you all the basic information about both the generator and the sequence. The "Template Name"
text field will suggest a name which can be changed by the user. The save button will direct to TitleExchange's "Template
directory" by default -- you shouldn't change unless you know why.
It might happen that one or more of the generator options include a "n.a". This means that the generator doesn't support this
kind of option or is not setup correctly. TitleExchange supports virtually any kind of fxScript generators and it comes with a
basic setup which includes a data base of most of the actual text generators known (see supported generators). The database doesn't include all the "Motion Templates" which come with Final Cut Studio. You can easily modify or add those (or any
other) by updating the data base as described above.
To manage the stored templates press the “Manage” button.
Here you can delete templates or just move them temporary aside.
XML Out Generator Handling
Next step would be to setup the generators behavior in the sequence.
Fade Settings
You can decide whether it will use fades or not. The fades currently are standard "Dissolves". You got the choice to create
fixed fades set by the user or fades which are set by the source (currently only STL text and XML are supported).
Font Settings
You may want to setup a way how your subtitles look regarding the font settings and the alignment. This will work with some
kind of XML files that include the subtitles as generators, some STL text files and partially with DVDSP "track items". QTtext
will follow later.
In any case you have to make sure that the generator (template) does support those settings -- if not, all or some of these
settings will be ignored.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 18
Set up the XML saving and handling
You can use just a standard creation of an XML (compatible was any version of Final Cut Pro up from version 4.1) or an extended XML (compatible with Final Cut Pro 5.1.4 and higher) by un-checking/checking the "XML Import Options". If you
check this option there will be further options.
The way Final Cut Pro imports the XML can be setup by the following options.
TitleExchange offers quite a lot of nice options when working with FCP XMLs.
The way FCP imports the XML can be setup by the following options:
"Create "Untitled" project" - this will create a new project. Something you have to be aware of is that this project won't be
available with "Tools -> FCP Interchange -> Get FCP 'Open Projects' List" as FCP has stored no file path for it as long as the
project has not been not saved. No import dialog in case Apple Events are activated by Final Cut Pro.
"Add sequence to selected project" - this will work like any XML import and add this sequence to your selected project,
though it will bring up no import dialog in case Apple Events are activated by Final Cut Pro.
"Replace sequence in selected project (if possible)" - this will search for this sequence within the project. If it will find it
(based upon it's name and unique ID) it will replace it, in case not it will just add it. No import dialog here as well in case Apple Events are activated by Final Cut Pro.
How to setup a project where the XML should be imported
You can setup a project as target with the "Tools -> FCP Interchange -> Get FCP 'Open Projects' List" upfront or directly
within this interface If you don't do TitleExchange will ask you to select a project after the conversion has been done. If you
got FCP installed on your machine (and the version is above 5.1.4) the XML will be automatically imported into your project if
FCP is running.
Some more options:
"Save or keep 'Backup Sequence XML' to disk" - When sending XML directly to FCP (using Apple Events) this XML is only in
memory. You can use this option to keep a backup of your sequence. This option is automatically chosen if "Project handling"
is disabled.
"Auto Delete XML after FCP XML import" - Sometimes you may give a conversion some tries and then hate all the XMLs
hanging around somewhere on your hard drives. This option will delete any standard (not directly transfered) XML after import into FCP. Note that this is something FCP does - not TitleExchange - and there may issues with the current FCP versions which do support this feature!
"Insert into SequenceXML" - You can either create a stand alone "title only" sequence - leaving the box un-checked - or insert the titles into an existent sequence. The created titles will be put into a new track above the top level track of the chosen
"Use Apple Events to communicate with FCP" will transfer the created XML automatically to FCP.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 19
“FCPXML” as target
How FCPX works with XML
Final Cut Pro X subtitles normally are Motion Templates which are inserted into a timeline (now called project). These titles
then can be modified by the user. Depending on the kind of title there are a lot of options like font name, font style, font color,
alignment, outline, drop shadow etc.
It is essential to understand where and how these modifications are stored and how it works with XML.
Inserting a Motion Template by default will show up the values which are saved with the template and modifications will be
saved in the project data base only.
Using an XML export or import will not store or transport these kind of modifications — it only references to the original Motion Template.
For XML export or import this means in case you want a font to be changed from Lucida Grande to Arial you must open this
title with Motion make your changes there and publish the template under a different name and replace the titles within the
timeline. Using the same name will change the font for all projects where this title had been used with the basic settings.
To understand better you may make a little test by yourself. Just take a title, drop it to your timeline twice — one above the
other. Then modify one of those or both. Export as XML and import this XML. They will look like the original template and
other templates or filters will be reset as well.
See example below. The two subtitles are reset and look like one.
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Original in FCPX before exporting XML! !
Result after importing the exported XML
So obviously there are several limitations with the current version of FCPXML and you should have a careful planning upfront
and better buy Motion to make you plans reality.
There are other little things as well. Exporting a project as XML will always include the IDs of any event which includes clips
that where used in this project. The IDs will be used or looked on the import of the XML. If the event isnʼt found new events
will be created on a selected disk.
Same with the project IDs. If the project ID already exists in the FCPX data base a new will be created during import and the
project will be renamed.
To have colorized titles you should add a colorize effect to the first title, do the setup, copy and paste the effect to the rest of
the titles.
More about that you will find later in the workflow section.
TitleExchange comes with an internal installer for some Motion titles. So when you start the application the first time you
might be asked to allow to make changes to your system. It will create a structure for FCPX templates the “/Library/
Application Support” folder in case itʼs not already created by other template installers.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 21
The title templates can be found in the FCPX title browser under Spherico: Basic Subtitles.
The title is available for all users on the machine. Feel free to create modified versions of it but save it under a different
Clicking the setup button will open a new window.
While some of the options are self explaining others might be not.
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Templates and Roles
Templates and roles are little bit more difficult to understand. They control how and where your subtitle will show up within
Use Template
With the button checked this option will allow to use one of your formerly created templates.
If you use this version first time there wonʼt be any templates available and the application will ask you for a template regardless of what you have selected.
How to create a template read later in the workflow section.
Auto-Add Template
Using this option will add the template you have selected for a conversion to the list of your formerly created templates.
Edit Templates
Here the used templates can be managed.
You can add or remove FCPXML files here. There is also the option to add some comments for a template here.
Overwrite Template Role
Depending on the setup of your FCPX export to XML the XML already may have a role assigned. Same with a template you
may choose. Using this option the role will be replaced by either the role selected from the popup or by a custom role which
also can be activated.
Not using this option will either take the role from the template or will ask you to choose or enter one.
With the “Preview Titles” option checked you always can change the role.
New Event from Role
Once you export an XML from FCPX the project location and the matching event are stored within the XML using UUIDs,
names and file path.
Though the event somehow doesnʼt make to much sense in most of the cases since templates are not stored in an event it
can be helpful in some cases if you want to add some graphics for a special language.
Other Options
Other Options
Project with Secondary Storyline
This option checked allows to place all subtitles to secondary storyline. A secondary storyline is a use option since you can
select a subtitles with one click, copy them and paste them to the project where the subtitles are needed. There you can
move them easily all together and merge them down if needed.
Leaving it unchecked creates a project with all subtitles in the primary storyline.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 23
Use Fades
This box checked allows to create fade-ins, fade-outs for each subtitle. The duration can be set by the user or can be taken
from the source file.
Name Titles
This box checked the subtitles will look like in FCPX. When you type in some text for a title it will be named automatically in
the browser. So the titles will have the same name as the content of the subtitle. This might be helpful since the “Find and
Replace Text” option in FCPX is buggy.
Leaving it unchecked will keep the original title name.
Add Markers
Importing a subtitle file will create a UUID for each subtitle which is stored in an internal data base. These UUIDs will create
a marker at the beginning of each subtitle in case the option is checked. To learn more about this read the “Workflow” section.
Add Notes
This option behaves same as “Add Markers” but the UUIDs will added to the “Note” section of a subtitle. Instead of the UUID
the source style of a subtitle can be used. This allows to filter these subtitles and apply styles to them manually. To learn
more about this read the “Workflow” section.
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Use Spherico Basic Template by Style
Using this option always tries to retrieve the style of a subtitle. The type of the used template will match the style using the
“Spherico Templates” which are “Regular”, “Bold”, “Oblique” and “Bold-Oblique”. Font and font size are not changed since
this is not possible with FCPXML.
Merge subtitle paragraphs
Depending on the choosen template the source subtitle may have two (or even more) paragraphs while the template may
only allows one entry. So the the paragraphs will be merged either into one line or a “multi-line” text entry.
The subtitles will be converted into a FCPXML based on the FCPX template you have chosen and the settings for the conversion you have made as explained in the “Options” section above.
You can double-click the created file if you have FCPX installed. If the machine you used to convert the file has no FCPX
installation make sure that the machine where you want to open the XML does have the Motion template installed you used either within the FCPX app or in the users Movie folder or in “Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro”
Creating a Template in Final Cut Pro X
To create a template in FCPX just add an empty project with some settings, for example like below.
If you want to have a special event you have to create a new one upfront on the volume you want.
In any case the project will be attached to this event on your selected volume. But you can change that later both in XTI and
when importing the FCPXML into FCPX.
Then drag a Motion template which matches standard subtitle rules into the project's timeline - unfortunately there are no
templates by default which do really match those criteria so you have to build your own or modify an existing one. As menTitleExchange Help (beta release) page 25
tioned above the XTI application installs some basic subtitle templates which matches subtitle needs better - but still might
not be matching. Feel free to modify it.
Since FCPXML only transports the basics of the title, any adjustments you do are ignored when exporting the XML from
FCPX only references to the Motion Template you used and the settings which come along with that original template. So no
user settings accepted!
One thing you should do is to assign a role to the title.
After you have done that go to the 'Project Library' - your project should be selected. Then export as XML.
In TitleExchange press cmd-i or use the menu selection to select the subtitle source file. Depending on your setup in TitleExchange the application will ask you to navigate to the FCPXML template file (in case you have not selected “Use Template” )
then to choose a role (in case you have not selected “Overwrite Template Role”).
Importing the FCPXML into Final Cut Pro X
Open Final Cut Pro X and select menu “File -> Import -> XML” or use the shortcut you may have created.
In the open panel select the file you have created with TitleExchange.
In the dialog you also can select a storage location. As mentioned a above this not really matters in this case since there are
no files for “Storage” but it can help to get organized.
To import the XML FCPX references the Motion Template path and loads a Motion file for each title. Depending on the computer you are using, the amount of memory installed, the amount of online projects and the amount of subtitles it may give
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 26
you a good break until your are ready to edit - we tried subtitles from documentaries with amounts of 1000 to more than
2000. It gave enough time to leave the office, go to the bakery few houses away, order a sandwich and two coffees, have a
smoke, drinking one coffee and have some small talk, take the rest of the the bakery order back to the office, having the
sandwich and the other coffee, wait a little bit - and yes the subs are there.
So in these cases just be patient — the import (ready to work state) can take some time. FCPX doesnʼt hang itʼs just working
As said above above the imported project may look different — might be one with a simple primary storyline or one with a
secondary storyline.
The subs in the primary storyline can be converted to a compound clip if you need that.
If you have activated “Skimming” and used a template which uses fades don't worry if you don't see any subtitle. It's the way
it works with FCPX. Turn Skimming off and jump to the subtitles and step thru or magnify your timeline until you will see
In theory when FCPX is installed you can double-click the XML and it will be imported directly. Another option would be — in
theory again — to drag the XML to FCPX. Both of that might work, or not.
Having an FCPXML which was created by FCPX will give you an error message when dragging the XML to the appʼs icon. It
could look like below.
This can be solved by using the XML import within FCPX. This creates new UUIDs and events if needed.
The double-click on a FCPXML file might lead to another application, depending on your system setup. So it may look like
I always depends on the “I claim to be the editor for fcpxml”. This also can be solved by using the standard import with
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 27
Working with the subtitles in Final Cut Pro X
After importing the XML created by XTI into FCPX the browser and sequence will reflect the settings chosen in XTI.
Browser display with notes!
Browser display without notes
Browser display with markers
Browser with markers or notes using find (secondary storyline).
While UUID markers can be edited UUID style notes canʼt. But in both cases the title can be retrieved by the UUID, or in
case of style by style notes.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 28
Copying the secondary storyline and attaching it to the first (or any other matching) clip allows still the UUID find function
even if the text and time code has changed when using a text copy of the original XTI script.
Even if you break apart the secondary storyline, reorder subtitles or change the text the UUID is a reliable way to find subtitles in a FCPX sequence (project).
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 29
Using the XTI clipboard stuff and Appleʼs Numbers you also have a nice cross search which allows to track text changes.
One last thing about FCPXMLs created by TitleExchange
TitleExchange uses a time conversion which is based upon an “E+X” conversion. This kind of conversion gives an exact time
value for each title. This timing is accepted by FCPX for all subtitles but sometimes not for the last one.
Known issues with FCPXMLs
Importing several XMLs in a row into FCPX using tags/markers, doing nothing else first and then double click one of them can cause a complete reset of all
apps and documents without notification in case a used drive went to “sleep” !!!!
So quit and open FCPX frequently - this will rebuild FCPX’s data base.
As always there might be other unknown issues as well.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 30
"DCP Cinema" as target
DLP Cinema Caption is a XML based format developed by Texas Instruments. It allows to transport timing and subtitle text to
a system using a DLP Cinema Projector. The subtitles will be "keyed" in movie in real time during projection. This format allows to use several of the text styles which are available for subtitling. Chinese, Japanese or similar might require a font
The setup offers a lot of options. Some of them are obvious others might be cleared upfront with the theatre which will use
the file.
Project Settings and Handling
Movie Title and Reel Number
The movie title is required as well a reel number. Otherwise the file will not work at the DCP server.
Ignore Font
Ignoring font settings will only allow to set the base line position of the lowest line of a title. No 'Font' node will be created in
the XML. The server will load itʼs default font with size of 42 points. This will give some security.
Use Font Style and Effect
Using style and effect will allow to have different settings per title, but the default font size of 42 points still will be used. To
learn about the options read the later sections.
Use Font with Font Style and Effect
Using this option requires a font name and itʼs URI. If the font is not available on the server the XML processing will fail.
TC Handling
The timecode can start either at “00:MM:SS:FF” or at the “HH:MM:SS:FF” supplied by the source file.
Timecode Conversion and Calculation
Depending on the sourceʼs timebase the absolute HH:MM:FF can be kept and only the frames are recalculated. In other
cases it might be needed to convert the source timecode to frames and from there to the DCP timecode. DCP timecode is 24
frames per second
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 31
Fades can be set by the user (so all fades will be the same) or it can be dynamically retrieved from the source file.
Language can be set by the user or it can be dynamically retrieved from the source file. If no language is found the user will
be asked to select one.
Text Direction
For Chinese subtitles the text direction can be set to vertical, but one should make sure that the right font is installed (probably as compressed font)
Font Settings
Font Name
Font name can be set by the user or retrieved from the source. Whether it is used or not depends on the DCP project settings.
Font Size
Font size can be set by the user or retrieved from the source. Whether it is used or not depends on the DCP project settings.
Default font size is 42.
Font Style
Font style can be set by the user or retrieved from the source. Whether it is used or not depends on the DCP project settings.
Title Align
Title align can be set by the user or retrieved from the source. Vertical alignment always needs to set by the user. Alignment
is independent from the project setup.
Font Color and Effects
Font color and transparency need to be set by the user, they will be the same for all subtitles.
Effects can be Outline or Shadow. Color and transparency settings apply to all subtitles. Both font color and effect are dependent from the project setup.
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"DFXP" as target
This kind of XML is widely used with Flash, the MTVN and is the base of the new subtitling format definition (EBU Tech 3350)
for broadcast.
Pressing the setup button will display the below window.
Language currently always needs to set by the user.
Font Settings
Font Style
Font style only offers the choice between regular and italic. It can be set by the user for all subtitles or automatically by the
Font Align
Vertical align always must be set by the user. Horizontal align also can be retrieved from the source file.
Out Time format
There are two choices, one is the”MTVN” style which is “HH:MM:SS.MS” (MS = milli seconds). The other is “S.s” which is
seconds and 1/10th of a second. You have to make sure to use the right format.
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"iTunes Timed Text" as target
Adopted by Apple based on TTML/DFXP.
Currently there are no automatic settings based upon information from the source file.
"SAMI" as target
Developed by Microsoft.
Currently there are no automatic settings based upon information from the source file.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 34
"Smoke" as target
Developed by Discreet for their finishing system Smoke.
Currently there are no automatic settings based upon information from the source file.
The title position depends on the Smoke project settings and must be tried out. An option is to have a Smoke setup file which
will put the titles a the right place on import with Smoke.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 35
"STL Text/QTtext" as target
This allows a setup of how an exported STL or QTtext file will look like later.
There are little help buttons which will give you a quick explanation on what this setting will change or cause.
"Use Sequence XML Start TC": if this box is checked the STL/QTtext will use the actual timecodes instead of zero-based
timecodes. An example: a sequence starts with "10:00:00:00". TitleExchange by default will take the 10 hours as "offset" and
subtract it from each subtitle timecode.
"Create Smile File": this will create a little XML which links both to a movie and the QTtext file. This way caption data can be
stored outside the movie. The Smile file will appear as a normal QuickTime movie - though it references to several files.
You can decide whether to use fades or not. You got the choice to create fixed fades or fades which are set by the source
(currently only STL text is supported).
You also may want to setup how your subtitles look regarding the font settings and the alignment. You can choose either
"Source" or "User". Currently only XML generators will support the "Source" option. This would for example allow to extract
font style from a generator and use it with the STL.
To make sure colors will be set correctly for DVD Studio Pro press the “Click here to view ...” button and update the colors.
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“Adobe Encore" as target
This is a text based format developed by Adobe. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text into Adobe's DVD
authoring tool "Encore". This format also does not allow any "per tilte" or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will
be transported. To get an image based script use psTitles to convert a STL to an image stream.
"Avid DS Caption" as target
DS Caption is a format developed by Avid. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text into many of the Avid applications. It is also restricted to 2-line subtitles, but there are no leading empty lines allowed. TitleExchange Pro does take care of
those restrictions. DS Caption also does not allow any "per tilte" or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be
“Ayato" as target
This is a text based format for the Ayato authoring tool. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also
does not allow any "per title" or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. Since it is only used on
Windows machine there is an option to change the text encoding and output file type. Also the time display can be changed.
"Cavena MTL" as target
This is another text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format does allow a "per title"
style setting which either can set by the user or retrieved from the source.
"Cinevation" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"Cinetyp Timecode" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"CPC" as target
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 37
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"Continous Timed Text" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"DVDit" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
Font style and alignment can be retrieved from the source file.
"FAB text" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"Generic timed text" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"Gelula text" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format does allow a "per title" style setting which either can set by the user or retrieved from the source.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 38
"Google text" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"Micro DVD" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"Qube Master" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"Sonic Format" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format does allow "per title" italic style
settings. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"Structured Subtitles" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format does allow "per title" italic style
settings. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
"SubBits" as target
SubBits is nice application from Edit B which allows to spot subtitles and export those to various formats. Though the format
is text based, it's bit more complicated to change in a text editor
In general subtitles normally only support 2-line subtitles, and SubBits does the same. So any text will be broken down to two
paragraphs. Currently there is no font style support as the format only supports a common style for all titles and a "character
based" italic support - which is not supported by most of the Final Cut Pro generators or other formats. Latter will change
soon for "complete" italic Final Cut Pro subtitles.
This format supports timebase settings.
"Subrip SRT" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format does allow a "per title" style setting which either can set by the user or retrieved from the source. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
The SRT format can be used to add subtitles (captions) to YouTube movies.
"TitleVision" as target
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 39
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format does allow "per title" italic style
settings. It may allow more than 2 lines per title.
"YouTube" as target
This is a text based format. It allows to transport simple timing and subtitle text. This format also does not allow any "per title"
or "per character" style settings - so nothing of that will be transported. It does allow more than 2 lines per title.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 40
Additional Tools
About XTE
XTE allows to extract (sub)titles from a FCPXML project file.
The result can be saved to a Spruce STL text file. Because of limitations of the current FCPXML at this state the app is more
or less more a proof of concept. Lets say 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'.
You can use my TitleExchange application to convert the Spruce STL to quite a lot of other formats.
An additional option is to use my free psTitles which will convert the STL into editable "Layered TIFFs" by using the scripting
abilities of Adobe's PhotoShop.
Depending of your system configuration, some features might be available or not available. If you got Final Cut X and Motion
nearly all features are available. If you got the FCPXML from one of your coworkers and the (sub)title template is not installed in your user directory the application can't analyze the template.
This is the same if Apple's Final Cut X is not installed. If Apple's Motion is not available, the preview within Motion obviously
can't work.
Some thoughts about handling subtitles within FCPX - some of them apply to other NLEs as well.
You need to know about the 'Safe Zones'. There is 'Action Safe' and 'Title Safe'; both of those depend on the delivery format.
So if for example you may work within a 16:9 project and the final out also should be delivered as 4:3 format, you may have
to think about the 'Safe Zone' for 4:3 the subtitles - if the display is cropped left and right. If not cropped and display uses
black bars the size of the titles will appear smaller - you have to make a compromise.
If the project is for the Web maybe nothing applies. Other delivery formats may require a 'maximum characters per line' and
so on.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 41
All of the above applies (more or less) to burned in subtitles - but there are many cases where there are no burnt in subtitles
are needed since and they are created on the fly based upon the application/hardware (Web, DVD, BluRay etc.) or the
receiver/server (broadcast and digital cinema).
In any case there might be the need to do subtitles for different needs - for example for the hearing impaired. For hearing
impaired people subtitles like *loud music*, *many people talking in spanish* or something like that are needed - and there
are often a lot of subtitles related on sounds for this group of people to understand the story. The hearing impaired do need a
subtitle for everything and also the timing of the subtitles could differ compared to subtitles which only display a translation of
the spoken language. The not hearing impaired people don't need sounds to be described with subtitles - this visually would
disturb them while viewing a movie.
As subtitles always disturb the underlying movie you have to edit and time them carefully.
Final Cut X comes with hundreds of title effects -- unfortunately none of them really matches the settings for subtitles. Basically subtitles should be aligned centered horizontally and vertically to the bottom. If you own Apple's Motion you can easily
create one by your own.
After the application is launched the main window appears.
The "Settings" box shows your current base setup for the font handling, you always can change those settings before you
import a FCPXML.
The "Titles" box do give you initially a survey over all titles found - titles in compound clips are ignored during import. Once
the import is done the "Time Collision Buttons" allow to find overlapping subtitles,
The "Roles" box allows to list, change or add roles for a subtitle or a group of them.
The "Select Title Type" box allows to list subs with a selected title generator.
To change the import settings use the menu "XTE -> Preferences", hit "cmd-," or press the "Change Presets" button on the
upper right of the main window.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 42
Current FCPXML unfortunately does not support the transport of any individual settings you have applied to your titles.
I just puts timing, a reference to the clip it's attached to on the primary storyline, transitions and the actual text into the XML.
During import titles in compound clips are currently ignored.
This version of the app does a rough analyze of the Motion title generators used within your "Project FCPXML".
It searches for the '.moti' XML files on your hard drive. If they are found it will open them and the application will search for
the font name and font size of each used template.
The font name in Motion depends on the style you have chosen in Motion for the font family; i.e. GillSans with style Bold will
be GillSans-Bold. XTE will look at the ending of the font name and retrieve a normally used font style from there. Styles are
"Plain", "Bold", "Italic" and "Bold Italic" all other 'style extensions' are ignored.
You can ignore the Motion XML settings at all and do your own global setting (which can be changed for single title or group
of titles later). You also can use selective settings of the Motion XML - it is recommend to ignore the font size.
One important note!
While retrieving font settings only the upper (highest level) text entry will be analyzed.
Also each title will be merged - regardless of how many text entries are possible - into one subtitle.
Once you have opened a FCPX project XML the actual main window will appear with all titles listed.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 43
It will show the subtitles with an ID, TC In, TC Out, the actual text, transition s (in frames), amount of possible text entries of
your Motion Template, possible collisions, the role, the fx name, a check whether the fx is installed on your machine and the
FCPX lane path. Also time collisions are noted - the little caution icon will appear.
If there no collision found the collision-related buttons and display displays wont show up.
The ID's may look unsorted. They show the order (based upon time) they appear within the project or with the selected role which might not be continuos.
If there are time collisions, pressing the "Find Collision Titles" will show overlapping subtitles depending on the role you have
Subs which might collide with others will be marked as in the picture above in the "Collision" column. Due to the way the app
does the search the title in the row before the marked clip is the one the collision happens with. The marked clip starts before
the other ends.
With those colliding titles there are two options now.
You either remove the "collision items" or apply a new role. To remove the item from the table just click the title(s) and hit the
"Remove Selected Collision Title". If you remove a title from the selection a new role will be applied internally - this role is not
saved to the XML.
The other option is to apply a new role to the title. To create a new role hit the "Add Role" button. You also may select the
affected titles before doing that. This new role is saved to the FCPXML file.
To apply a new role (regardless wether there is a time collision or not) do the following.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 44
Hit "Add Role" and the following panel pops up. The popup follows the iTunes languages.
But you always can enter your custom role
You can apply this to the selected titles and add this role to the current role list, or just add it to the the current role list.
Applied roles will be saved to the FCPXML file.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 45
Now the roles of the selection is changed and the role list is updated - both for the "Change role for selected titles" and "Select roles" popups.
Now you can use the "Select roles" for example 'Danish" and the table will show only those titles with that role.
Than collision detect will run again again to check for overlapping titles you may have missed.
With the example the table collection will display only the "Danish" titles.
Going thru the titles either using the crtl - arrow up or crtl - arrow down keys or just selecting a title will display the titles text in
the text field of the "Title box". Also selected font, font size, font style , alignment, fade in and fade out are shown - fades are
only calculated if there is a fade attached to the title within Final Cut X, fades within the template can't be retrieved at the
You can change text, font, font size, font style, fades and alignment for each title.
This can be done for a group of selected titles as well.
The text field can use the build in spelling correction, so you can see typing errors.
When changing the text also you can use all the functions you get implemented in the Spruce STL. So you can use ^I, ^B, ^U
to change/toggle the style of parts of the text.
You can also use the popups to change the text appearance for a whole title. But be aware of about the ^I, ^B, ^U toggling
for style.
^I = Italic, ^B = Bold, ^U = Underline -- you can use any combination of these control characters.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 46
Source style is 'Plain'
Original Text is as below:
Titel 3
mit zweiter Zeile
Changing to the below …
Titel 3
^Imit zweiter Zeile^I
… will create the below for applications like DVD Studio Pro or other apps which can read Spruce STL
Titel 3
mit zweiter Zeile
Setting the popup to "Italic" will create
Titel 3
mit zweiter Zeile
When you got your subtitles edited in one or the other way you can export them to a Spruce STL file which can be used by
many other applications like my TitleExchange. From there you can go to implement subtitles in the way you need.
But again be aware that because of FCPX's trackless behavior there can be a lot of timecode collisions.
Additionally there are options to view the Motion titles - change the role or even change them itself, which might be dangerous.
If you got Motion installed the "Open in Motion" button will open the title type in Motion.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 47
You can preview how the title works and think about what settings you should use for the export. You also could change the
settings there if it is 'user - based' template, but that is not recommended right now - and not handled by XTE right now.
The other option is to press the "Preview" button. This will open the Preview application (if installed) and will show you a kind
of 'principle view' of the style of the chosen template.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 48
About psTitles
psTitles is a simple application to create editable subtitles which can be imported into most of the current NLE's or DVD
authoring suites or even into After Effects.
The current version only support Spruce STL text files on import which allows to create a Spruce STL '<<Graphic>>' file, an
Encore Image Script and an EDL. Also text can be pasted into the Sample Text field -- a blank paragraph can be used to split
the text into several PhotoShop layered TIFFs.
Future versions will allow a closer integration into TitleExchange and will allow to handle more import and export formats for
'Image scriptsʼ of other format rather than Encore.
The application uses the capabilities of Adobe's PhotoShop scripting to create the subtitle files.
Usage is simple, but there are some limitations.
Current limitations are that there is no option to set the font style per title or to create multiple copies of one title with different
styles for different use within one step.
Because of the scripting and the “outside control” of PhotoShop an open file in PhotoShop can prevent the script to be executed. Second a “Layer Style” selected might be not available within PhotoShop. Latter will not create an error but the style
expected can't be applied and the subtitle will be just plain text without any effects.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 49
To set up the application for conversion first choose the video format. Then select a font from the font popup — in case you
want to send the files to somebody else make sure the font(s) are installed on the other users machines if the other user
wants to edit the title.
Font size, tracking, leading, alignment and color are pretty obvious. With color the user needs to understand how the the target application will handle colors. For NLEs you can use any color, for DVD/BluRay or similar apps there are color limitations.
So for Encore or DVD Studio Pro the font color needs to be black (other effects like outline need a shade of gray).
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 50
About docx2Table
docx2Table allows to create Spruce STL text files from a ".docx" file or other formats which use the same file structure.
Quite often a simple text or word file is used to send a transcription of the original spoken language to a translator who just
adds the translation to each subtitle (see examples below).
The new documents in most cases won't work with other subtitle apps and therefore quite often a lot of manual work is included to get those subtitles into your movie or NLE. This means wasted time -- docx2Table helps to waste less time.
The STL.txt is usable with a lot of applications which can create subtitles. This format is both flexible, well documented and
human readable.
With TitleExchange you can use those files created by docx2Table for a lot different subtitle formats and NLEs. The additional free applications, which come with TitleExchange also allow to render those titles with high quality using Adobe's PhotoShop or import them into Apple's Final Cut Pro X. With FCPX you should be aware that some right-to-left text formats (like
in the example below) can cause an error or crash since FCPX at this time often fails to can't handle this kind of text.
A ".docx" document might look like below:
or if converted to text with Apple's Pages like this:
There might be a lot of files which do have the same structure as the Apple Pages text export. So there are a lot of chances
to convert files into a Spruce STLs.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 51
Quick Guided Tour
The application shows up somehow like below when you launch it.
You can use the menu
or the "cmd-O" short cut to open a document.
The application will try to do a good guess how to handle the selected file. Some will work other won't.
For some examples of source files see the next page.
Currently basically only a maximum of 2 languages at a time with each 2 subtitle lines are supported. But you can change
some stuff manually to get up to 4 languages with 20 subtile lines. How to manipulate the subtitles will be explained later.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 52
Once you have loaded the source file docx2Table will check each paragraph to figure out whether it's a timecode or text.
For each subtitle entry a "In TC" and a "Out TC" is needed. Timecodes in the source file have to be standard timecodes
If a TC doesn't match the requirements an error message appears including a new window.
The mismatch will be selected by a best guess. So you may have to search a bit for the real error in earlier subtitle entries.
To correct a timecode entry go to the text field on the lower left of the "Error Search" window and enter the correct timecode.
Then press "Return" or click the "Update and Reload" button on the lower right of the window.
This will change the source file (internally) and re-read it until the next error occurs. This might take a while depending on
where the error occurrs.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 53
Once the file is converted without timecode errors the window may look like below:
Finally 7 columns are displayed. 2 times TC, 4 times text entries and a number which shows the amount of text entries.
If you had errors during the import which are fixed you can export a backup file by either choosing the "Save Converted
Backup ..." from the menu ...
... or just press "shift-cmd-s".
This will create a text file which looks similar to that Apple Pages document which was shown above.
Once the import is done you can scroll thru the subtitle entries and manage them manually -- except time code.
And be aware that even 20 text entries may be stored in the data base only a maximum of 4 "basic" lines will be exported to
How to manage titles see below.
To edit a subtitle just double-click the subtitle's row or select a row and press "cmd-e".
All text entries will displayed in a new table where each row is editable. You might change some misspelled words or change
the text at all.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 54
The option "Merge Selected Lines" is both powerful and dangerous. It's a kind of "pre-process" option for creating STLs.
Using this option you can merge any selected row into one row -- the first one of the selected ones. This is easy and can be
a big help, but also can destroy your subtitle database order.
So here an example how to use it the right (or save) way:
In the example above we got 6 text entries. 2 for speaker description and 2 for each language text.
As only maximum 4 entries will be handled on export you can merge those lines which belong together.
Select the lines you want to merge.
and press the "Merge Selected Lines" or "cmd-m".
Do the same with the Arabic text in this example.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 55
In both cases the merged lines are divided by a pipe character "|" which is used in the STL format to divide lines on display.
You also can merge the entries in a way that 4 languages are supported.
To update the master data base press the "Update Master" button or press "cmd-u".
The other option is to press the "Update Master & Find" button or press "option-cmd-u".
This additionally will search for the next subtitle with "too many entries".
Once you are finished you could make a backup of the master again.
On the lower left of the main window you have some choices which column should be included in the STL.
If no column is selected all columns will be included.
In the above example there are speaker descriptions on columns 1 and 3. You may don' want them. So if you check column
2 and 4 English and Arabic text are merged into 1 subtitle. If you want the Arabic text only without speaker description check
column 4 only -- and so on.
To save the file just hit "cmd-s" or press the "Save STL" button.
So finally you can create different language versions and/or sources for hearing impaired which includes the description/
Known issues:
Currently only up to 4 languages at a time with each 20 subtitle lines are supported
There is no guaranty that there is no timecode overlap between titles.
No header is written to the STL.
And as always there might be other unknown issues.
Fine print:
As always use the app on your own risk. I'm not responsible for any damages that might happen.
Support is based on a 'I've spare time this moment', so you may have to wait for a few days to get a response. But I'll do my
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 56
About gText
Subtitles are always annoying, disturbing the picture. So they have to be as good as possible, which means some rules need
to be followed.
gText is thought to modify or check Final Cut Pro XML files for subtitles. It allows to work with co-workers or translators to
change your subtitles with ease. gText (at current release) doesn't take care of timing in a way that that you can modify in
and out -- it's more about text only.
You can import a Final Cut Pro XML and gText will search the XML for all text generators which do have one text entry. This
means that generators like 'Lower Third' or many of the Motion templates will be ignored. Also generators like Boris which
do have a custom encoding will be ignored.
Though you can import a whole project it is highly recommend to use a sequence XML only.
Within the found generators gText will only allow to change the text entry and will keep all other settings from your original
sequence or project.
gText will calculate the line width for each paragraph of every subtitle based upon a user selected length. This length can be
different for different types of target formats. Film for example often prefers 40 characters per line, with EBU files there might
be 50 or 52, others prefer different counts of characters per line. The character count does include spaces.
Also the amount of paragraphs will be listed for each title, as these might be important for your release.
gText will also retrieve the duration of each of those subtitles and calculate a suggested duration based on a user selected
minimum and maximum duration. Sometimes subtitles might be too short, other times they might be too long -- but latter
might be slates.
With burned in titles most of this it not a problem at all, if you use either use a good software or a good subtitle generator
within FCP.
But it can be a problem if you want to interchange your subtitles with another company for release of the movie.
You can step thru the imported titles also for spell checking as gText uses the spell checker of the Mac OS X.
In any case gText will give you a good survey.
Finally gText can't make any decision for logical line breaks. It's left to the user to control the subtitles. This might be time
consuming, but gText will give you a good start to save a lot of time on this job -- especially if you got multiple language releases.
To communicate with co-workers you can use gText with any application which supports tab delimited text style export and
To fine tune the import of XML generators you might need to have TitleExchange installed -- regardless of Lite or Pro.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 57
Quick Guided Tour
It shows up like below when you open the application.
The left side give you some control options, the right side shows your current titles with title ID ,the track, the count of characters for the longest line in title, the count of paragraphs plus the saved and changed text.
Before you open a Final Cut Pro XML you should setup the control values in the 'Preferences'. Use the standard menu or
press 'cmd-comma'.
Within the upper 'Line break calculation' box you can setup the warning for line breaks and amount of paragraphs.
The 'Reading' box allows to set up the speed you think is adequate how fast people can read -- you can add a kind of tolerance as well.
The last 'Timing' box allows to set a minimum and a maximum time for a subtitle in seconds. This does not influence the
'suggested speed'.
In the current version you can't change these settings while a XML is open -- you have to reload the XML.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 58
After the setup is done open the Final Cut Pro XML.
The process might take quite a long time depending on the amount of subtitles. When it is done the window might look like
Navigation and Changes
The 'Global Statistics' box on the upper right will show some basic analysis of your subtitles.
The actual title in the upper left 'Current title' box may show you some spelling corrections based upon the Mac OSX spelling
The 'Statistics for title' may give you an idea of what could be done better.
The 'Current Title' will tell you whether you view an already modified title or the saved (or source) title. The 'ID' is pretty obvious just a number which identifies the current subtitle.
The 'Max characters per line' displays the count of characters of the longest paragraph within a subtitle. The 'All characters'
do show the amount of all characters within a subtitle.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 59
The 'Current Duration' shows the time of your subtitle in frames, the 'Suggested duration' does show an estimation of how
long it should be based on your 'Read Speed' setting. The 'Ratio' shows whether it might be too slow or too fast -- values
below 1 may be too fast, higher ones may be too slow.
Again this doesn't mean there is something wrong, it's just a note that there is a chance to make a subtitle less distracting.
Going thru the titles there are many ways to do it.
As long as the table view on the right is selected you can use the 'arrow up' and 'arrow down' keys.
If you have selected the 'Current Title' text view the arrow-up and arrow-down keys will scroll thru text as usual. To go to the
next or previous title press 'ctrl-arrow down' or 'ctrl-arrow up'.
But there are more options. In the 'Navigation' box there is a pop up button for 'Use Track'.
If an 'N' track is listed the subtitle is within a nested sequence.
There is second popup for the type
You can use one of of the menu titles to walk thru the titles selective.
So if you just want to search for 'Too many characters' select this option. To jump from one title with 'Too many characters' to
another of this kind press 'ctrl-page up' or 'ctrl-page down'.
If 'All' is selected the 'ctrl-page up' or 'ctrl-page down' jump to changed text entries.
The 'Go to title #' field allows to address a title by number. You can just enter a number and hit return.
Now you can just check the text or change it.
In the above example the first line is way longer than the second line (beside the 'too many chars') -- so visually more of the
actual important content of the underlying picture is destroyed.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 60
You can now use the 'Suggest New Line Breaks' button or press 'cmd-L".
This will recalculate the line breaks starting at the end of the text based upon the maximum characters which are set before
import -- just making lower paragraphs longer than higher. As said above there is no way to make real logical breaks, but it
mostly gives you a good start.
A better line break might be like below.
The modified title will be saved to the 'Changed Text' column of the table view on the right.
You can leave it there for later review or text export or you can save it directly to the XML pressing "cmd-arrow right'. Latter
will update the info for character and paragraph count. You can also hit the "Save Current Change' button.
To undo a change or change suggest there are two options. You either can delete the 'Changed Text' or go back to the text
which basically was imported. Use 'ctrl-left arrow' to delete the changed text or press 'ctrl-cmd-Z' to go back to the source
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 61
Export and Import
If you export a text list the source XML will be saved without notification.
Text export does have three options: either you you export the source text, the text changes or all text based upon the 'Navigation' settings. All export types will create tab delimited text files.
Depending on the XML version the exported text will look different.
XML versions below 4 will look like:
15! NA!
Write that down.
With XML version 4 and above it will look like:
15! 7D4EDF4D-281E-424E-AECD-4B385F936B36!
Write that down.
The reason for that is that XML versions 4 and higher (version 4 export is starting with Final Cut Pro 6) are supporting UUIDs
for generators and other items. The UUID will allow to find a text in a sequence or anywhere in the project even if you moved
them or added other generators.
With no UUID you have to keep the order of the titles in your sequence.
These text files can be opened in any text editor. But often it makes more sense to open them in a spread sheet application
like Excel, FileMaker or Numbers.
Text can be changed within any of these applications, but UUID and generator ID must be kept.
Also be aware that line breaks inside a subtitle must be created by pressing 'ctrl-return'.
Import of text only works if you have an XML imported before -- which should be the matching XML obviously. The file to import should be a tab delimited file, but 'Comma Separated Value' do work fine in most cases as well. The text should have
the format: UUID, title ID, title text.
During the import gText will search either the UUID or for the title ID and will compare the saved text to the new text. If there
is a difference the imported subtitle will be added to the 'Changed Text' column.
Now you can decide whether you want to add the changes to your XML or not.
1.0 first release
1.01 More statistics added, work around for line breaks which Final Cut Pro doesn't accept. Preferences window added.
1.02 UUIDs added.
1.03 Interface changes, new export options.
Known issues:
Some of the interface buttons or menus are not connected.
Currently traditional Chinese is not really handled because there are no spaces for word breaks, also very long words like
web links will cause errors.
As always there might be other unknown issues.
Fine print:
As always use the app on your own risk. I'm not responsible for any damages that might happen.
Support is based on a 'I've spare time this moment', so you may have to wait for a few days to get a response. But I'll do my
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 62
Format Descriptions
XML based formats
There are finally hundreds of subtitle file formats out there. While some formats are clearly recognized by their file extension
others are not. Even if they have the same file extension they may be different or a different kind of "flavour" depending on
the software which has created the file. Other formats are outdated but still popular, some new formats are still not ready to
go when working in broadcast or film environment but are used in interchanging titles.
Quite often you have to open a subtitle file in a text editor to figure out what kind of file it is. Below some examples and
descriptions to help you.
Some of the formats are documented by those companies who created them others are not, latter ones are handled based
on user examples.
So if you have some examples feel free to send them to me.
First the kind of "modern" XML formats for subtitles. They often do have an XML extension but that doesn't mean they are
the same kind of XML. Many of them can be distinguished by a line at the beginning of the XML document starting by “<!
Some of them than transport a real lot of information and therefore the file size is big and they look complicated if you open
them in a text editor.
Some of them are documented others are not. So the conversion for latter ones is based on user examples and a kind of
"trial and error" development.
Even in case they are documented there are "flavors" used by many applications how to write and read those files.
Belle Nuit - extension "stp"
This type of XML is used by the Belle Nuit subtitler application saving documents which can be used to render subtitles to
different formats with this application. It is structured as a ".plist" file and therefore not that easy to understand but the subtitles after the header are human readable.
With the subtitle part of the XML subtitles are divided by double returns. Each of them contains at least one line starting with
a slash “/”. This character represents a command — the most important is the “/tc” command with indicates where a subtitle
start and ends. The format is “HH:MM:SS:SS”. Font and style information is either set globally or per subtitle.
A simple example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<string>Belle Nuit Subtitler 2.0.0b10</string>
<date>2010-08-16 14:11:45</date>
<date>2010-08-16 14:11:45</date>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 63
<string>Arial Unicode MS</string>
<string>PAL DVD</string>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 64
/file 0002
/tc 00:01:05:11 00:01:11:09
/style left
My name is Titia Bodon.
As a child, I used to live in Laren.
/file 0003
/tc 00:01:11:12 00:01:14:22
/style left
I left home when I was about nineteen.
/file 0004
/tc 00:01:15:00 00:01:21:01
/style left
Our clothes were made by
a seamstress who came to the house.
/file 0005
/tc 00:01:21:04 00:01:27:05
/style left
All of our clothes were made
at our home.
BluRay - extension "xml"
This type of XML is used with Blu-Ray disc subtitles. It is clearly structured but not human readable.
It uses pre-rendered files in most cases. This format transports timing and FPS and image name only.
A simple example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BDN Version="0.93" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BD-03-006-0093b BDN File
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 65
<Name Title="rio_dvcpro_STL_AK3.txt titles" Content=""/>
<Language Code="eng"/>
<Format VideoFormat="576i" FrameRate="25" DropFrame="false"/>
<Events FirstEventInTC="01:00:00:00" LastEventOutTC="01:00:00:05" ContentInTC="01:00:00:00" ContentOutTC="01:00:00:05" NumberofEvents="1" Type="Graphic"/>
<Event Forced="False" InTC="01:00:00:00" OutTC="01:00:00:05">
<Graphic Width="720" Height="576" X="0" Y="0">0001.png</Graphic>
There is also a version which uses encoded text which can transport font settings, but I have no real documentation found
This version allows to transport timing, FPS settings, text and basic font settings.
A simple example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BDN Version="0.93" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BD-03-006-0093b BDN File
<Name Title="BDNMaker" Content=""/>
<Language Code="eng"/>
<Format VideoFormat="1080p" FrameRate="23.976" DropFrame="False"/>
<Events CharacterCode="1" FirstEventInTC="00:00:59:10" LastEventOutTC="01:43:53:13" NumberofEvents="2" Type="Text"/>
<Palette PaletteID="1" ColorMode="RGB" >
<Entry Index="0" R_Y="254" G_Cr="254" B_Cb="254" A_T="254"/>
<Entry Index="1" R_Y="0" G_Cr="0" B_Cb="0" A_T="254"/>
<Entry Index="2" R_Y="127" G_Cr="0" B_Cb="0" A_T="0"/>
<Fonts> <Font FontID="0" FontFile="Arial Unicode MS.otf"/> </Fonts>
<Region RegionStyleID="0">
<RegionStyle RegionHorizontalPosition="0" RegionVerticalPosition="0" RegionHeight="1078" RegionWidth="1918" RegionPaletteID="1" BackgroundPaletteEntryID="2"/>
<TextBox TextBoxHorizontalPosition="160" TextBoxVerticalPosition="0" TextBoxHeight="1000" TextBoxWidth="1600" TextFlow="1"
TextHorizontalAlignment="2" TextVerticalAlignment="3"/>
<LineSpace LineSpace="30"/>
<FontInfo FontID="0" FontSize="30" FontStyle="4" FontOutlinePaletteEntryID="1" FontPaletteEntryID="0" FontOutlineThickness="1"/>
<Event InTC="00:00:59:10" OutTC="00:01:04:03" forced="False">
<Text RegionStyleID="0"
<Event InTC="00:01:04:03" OutTC="00:01:09:04" forced="False">
<Text RegionStyleID="0"
Captionate - extension "xml"
This format is not developed further since some years ago but it is still in use by many people. It is structured pretty clear,
more or less human readable and can hold several speaker tracks in one file.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 66
What it makes it a bit special is the handling of time. Time can be handled by Millisecond (default), Seconds, TC+FPS or TC
with Milliseconds (HH:MM:SS:MS)
Two simple examples below:
First default Milliseconds.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<trackinfo>No Author<track>
<displayname>Siamo tornati sulle coste</displayname>
<caption time="211165">
<track0>&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;cercheremo di capire se lo squalo&lt;br/&gt;bianco è un mangiatore di uomini.&lt;/p&gt;</track0>
<caption time="215005">
Then TC+FPS.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<trackinfo>No Author<track>
<displayname>Siamo tornati sulle coste</displayname>
<caption time="00:03:00:00/25">
<track0>&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;cercheremo di capire se lo squalo&lt;br/&gt;bianco è un mangiatore di uomini.&lt;/p&gt;</track0>
<caption time="00:03:03:00/25">
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 67
The only version which will take FPS information is the second one, with all other flavors of this format the user has to know
the TC rate the file should use. The TC+FPS version uses NDF only. No font name is supplied but some styles like bold and
italic seem to be supported, horizontal text alignment is supported as well. Both can be applied per paragraph.
DFXP XML -- Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) - extension "xml, dfxp"
This kind of XML is widely used with Flash, the MTVN and is the base of the new subtitling format definition (EBU Tech 3350)
for broadcast. It was developed based on W3C standards and stands for “Distribution Format Exchange Profile”. With base
settings it is easy to understand.
Subtitle information is inside a “p” node which contains all necessary information about a subtitle mostly as attributes. Subtitle lines are marked by a line break “<br/>”.
In its basic version it only supports alignment and font style.
But DFXP can transport all font settings even per word. Effects are also supported same as special backgrounds (also per
Time is either in HH:MM:SS.MS (MS = seconds/1000), HH:MM:SS.CS (CS = seconds/100), HH:MM:SS.DS (DS = seconds/
10), or SS.MS, SS.CS, SS.DS. Also with some flavors the “begin”, ”end” can be replaced by a “begin”, “dur”. Time format
always can come in a mixture.
Below some examples:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xmlns:tts="http://www.w3c.org/2006/04/ttaf1#styling" xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1#metadata">
<body tts:textAlign="center">
<div xml:lang="de" ttm:role="subtitles">
<p begin="00:01:29.000" end="00:01:32.867" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontStyle="italic">Lassen Sie mich Ihnen<br/>aus dem
Dresdner Anzeiger</p>
<p begin="00:01:33.500" end="00:01:36.367" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontStyle="italic">vom 14. Februar 1883 vorIesen.</p>
<p begin="00:01:37.600" end="00:01:41.733" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontStyle="bold">Ein schwerer<br/>und ganz unerwarteter Verlust ereilte uns</p>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xmlns:tts="http://www.w3c.org/2006/04/ttaf1#styling" xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1#metadata">
<body tts:textAlign="center">
<div xml:lang="de" ttm:role="subtitles">
<p begin="00:01:29.00" dur="6.86" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontStyle="italic">Lassen Sie mich Ihnen<br/>aus dem Dresdner
<p begin="00:01:33.50" dur="4.36" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontStyle="italic">vom 14. Februar 1883 vorIesen.</p>
<p begin="00:01:37.60" dur="8.73" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontStyle="bold">Ein schwerer<br/>und ganz unerwarteter Verlust
ereilte uns</p>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xmlns:tts="http://www.w3c.org/2006/04/ttaf1#styling" xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1#metadata">
<body tts:textAlign="center">
<div xml:lang="de" ttm:role="subtitles">
<p begin="89.00" dur="6.86" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontStyle="italic">Lassen Sie mich Ihnen<br/>aus dem Dresdner
<p begin="96.50" dur="4.36" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontStyle="italic">vom 14. Februar 1883 vorIesen.</p>
<p begin="127.60" dur="8.73" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontStyle="bold">Ein schwerer<br/>und ganz unerwarteter Verlust
ereilte uns</p>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 68
Digital Cinema DCP XML - extension "xml"
Another common XML format is the Digital Cinema XML developed by Texas Instruments.
It is used to overlay subtitles for digital cinema movies on the fly with digital projection. You can switch languages, font settings and effects easily. The font must be installed on the DCP server otherwise a default font will be used. For Chinese
Fonts (or similar) the font has to be processed with a “Font Compressor” to make it work for distribution.
The format can transport all subtitle font settings per paragraph and basic effects like shadow an outline. Timing is always
based on 24 fps at this time (48 fps will follow).
Only one language is supported per XML.
The structure is pretty simple and easy to understand.
A simple example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DCSubtitle Version="1.0">
<LoadFont Id="Arial Unicode MS" URI="Arial Unicode MS.ttf"/>
<Font FontId="Arial Unicode MS" Size="42" Color="FFEDEDED" Weight="normal" Italic="yes" Underlined="no" Effect="outline" EffectColor="7F000000">
<Subtitle SpotNumber="1" TimeIn="00:01:29:000" TimeOut="00:01:32:271" FadeUpTime="0" FadeDownTime="0">
<Text Direction="horizontal" HAlign="center" HPosition="0.0" VAlign="bottom" VPosition="14.0">Lassen Sie mich Ihnen</
<Text Direction="horizontal" HAlign="center" HPosition="0.0" VAlign="bottom" VPosition="6.0">aus dem Dresdner Anzeiger</
<Subtitle SpotNumber="2" TimeIn="00:01:33:156" TimeOut="00:01:36:115" FadeUpTime="0" FadeDownTime="0">
<Text Direction="horizontal" HAlign="center" HPosition="0.0" VAlign="bottom" VPosition="6.0">vom 14. Februar 1883
<Font FontId="Arial Unicode MS" Size="42" Color="FFEDEDED" Weight="normal" Italic="no" Underlined="no" Effect="outline" EffectColor="7F000000">
<Subtitle SpotNumber="3" TimeIn="00:01:37:188" TimeOut="00:01:41:229" FadeUpTime="2" FadeDownTime="2">
<Text Direction="horizontal" HAlign="center" HPosition="0.0" VAlign="bottom" VPosition="14.0">Ein schwerer</Text>
<Text Direction="horizontal" HAlign="center" HPosition="0.0" VAlign="bottom" VPosition="6.0">und ganz unerwarteter VerIust
ereiIte uns</Text>
Final Cut Pro XML - extension "xml"
One of the oldest XML formats usable for subtitle exchange had been the XMEML format Final Cut Pro used from versions
4.1 to 7.0.3. Parts of that format had been adopted by Adobe to work with Premiere Pro, but Premiere Pro does not really
provide or accept any information about subtitles. Timing is set in frames.
This format can import and export a lot of information for subtitles like font , font size, font style (though it's mostly only one
style per subtitle), font alignment, font color, effect settings like for example outline, shadow and some other effects like
background type.
The XMEML also instead of above "fxScript" based generator may include Motion Templates. In this case there is less information transported. Style and alignment for example are not included because they are embedded into the Motion template.
Other generators like from Boris or Noise Industries mostly keep the subtitle text in a not documented encoding within the
XML - so they are not useful in case you want to interchange subtitle information.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 69
Adobe's Premiere Pro also can import and export FCP XML (XMEML) but no generator for subtitles will be handled. On export the build in titles are encoded in a non published Adobe format and therefore it is a useless format for interchange of
This format also includes timecode FPS information.
Several languages can be hold using different tracks.
XMEML looks complex and complicated like below (for only 1 subtitle!):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xmeml>
<xmeml version="5">
<sequence id="Example">
<name>Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)</name>
<appname>Final Cut Pro</appname>
<appmanufacturer>Apple Inc.</appmanufacturer>
<codecname>Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)</codecname>
<codectypename>Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)</codectypename>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 70
<appname>Final Cut Pro</appname>
<appmanufacturer>Apple Inc.</appmanufacturer>
<generatoritem id="^ILassen Sie mich Ihnen">
<name>^ILassen Sie mich Ihnen</name>
<name>Text Up 2</name>
<effectid>Text Up 2</effectid>
<effectcategory>Spherico Text</effectcategory>
<name>Text Settings</name>
<value>Lassen Sie mich Ihnen&#13;aus dem Dresdner Anzeiger</value>
<value>Arial Narrow</value>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 71
<name>Auto Kerning</name>
<name>Left (use H-Offset to adjust)</name>
<name>Right (use H-Offset to adjust)</name>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 72
<name>Text Color</name>
<name>Text Opacity</name>
<name>Line Color</name>
<name>Line Width</name>
<name>Line Softness</name>
<name>Background Settings</name>
<name>Bgr Type</name>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 73
<name>Drop Shadow</name>
<name>Link To Line Color</name>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 74
Final Cut Pro X XML - extension "fcpxml"
With Final Cut Pro X Apple introduced a new XML format.
It is less complex and complicated, but it can transport only text information and timing. Some stuff can be retrieved out the
FCPX installation or maybe out of Motion templates -- if installed on the machine you are working with.
This format allows only basic exchange of subtitles.
Even with Apple's Motion installed there is no good chance to retrieve the real user settings for the subtitles since the user
settings are not stored in the XML.
For import of subtitles it's the same. One can use a basic template but can't transport any individual font settings.
This format retrieves timecode FPS information by time in seconds.
Several languages can be handled by using different roles.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE fcpxml>
<fcpxml version="1.1">
<project name="Graphic Project" uid="C58D198A-21E8-4A1C-8AB8-853B092FAEA9" eventID="804A0C65-5CAC-48E6-9425-3162805ABF5C"
<format id="r1" name="FFVideoFormat1080p25" frameDuration="100/2500s" width="1920" height="1080"/>
<format id="r2" name="FFVideoFormat1440x1080i50" frameDuration="200/5000s" fieldOrder="upper first" width="1440" height="1080"
paspH="4" paspV="3"/>
<projectRef id="r3" name="MXFTest" uid="F8603BC1-7072-498D-833C-0BD270276BD6"/>
<asset id="r4" name="651003-1-2" uid="4114AB98AD92144BDB9A5651ADD7C3BB" projectRef="r3"
src="file://localhost/Volumes/SAMS_2000_2_ext%202/MST%20test%20for%20FCPX%20folder/Linked/651003-1-2.mov" start="0s" duration="125800/2500s" hasVideo="1" hasAudio="1" audioSources="4" audioChannels="1" audioRate="48000"/>
<format id="r5" name="FFVideoFormatRateUndefined" width="1920" height="1080"/>
<projectRef id="r6" name="My Subs" uid="C525BE95-EA7C-4FB9-A811-06AFF4FB15B5"/>
<asset id="r7" name="TitleUserZIP4_0000" uid="BB61DC328DE21AEB58F007A28AB83EB9" projectRef="r6"
src="file://localhost/Users/kiel/Desktop/All%20the%20Stuff/pstitles%20test%20folder/TitleUserZIP4_0000" start="0s" duration="0s" hasVideo="1"/>
<effect id="r8" name="Basic Lower Third" uid=".../Titles.localized/Lower Thirds.localized/Basic Lower Third.localized/Basic Lower Third.moti"/>
<effect id="r9" name="Custom" uid=".../Generators.localized/Solids.localized/Custom.localized/Custom.motn"/>
<sequence duration="192900/2500s" format="r1" tcStart="0s" tcFormat="NDF" audioLayout="stereo" audioRate="48k">
<clip name="651003-1-2" duration="125800/2500s" format="r2" tcFormat="NDF">
<video ref="r4" duration="125800/2500s">
<audio lane="-4" ref="r4" srcID="4" duration="2415360/48000s" role="dialogue"/>
<audio lane="-3" ref="r4" srcID="3" duration="2415360/48000s" role="dialogue"/>
<audio lane="-2" ref="r4" srcID="2" duration="2415360/48000s" role="dialogue"/>
<audio lane="-1" ref="r4" duration="2415360/48000s" role="dialogue"/>
<clip lane="1" offset="102720/6000s" name="TitleUserZIP4_0000" duration="12700/2500s" start="3600s" format="r5" tcFormat="NDF">
<adjust-transform position="-35.2778 9.53704"/>
<video ref="r7" duration="86400s"/>
<title lane="1" offset="56400/2500s" ref="r8" name="Brazil" duration="25100/2500s" start="3600s">
<text>was named after a tree</text>
<gap offset="125800/2500s" name="Gap" duration="42000/2500s" start="3600s">
<title lane="1" offset="9007100/2500s" ref="r8" name="Brazil" duration="25100/2500s" start="3600s">
<text>was named after a tree</text>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 75
<video offset="167800/2500s" ref="r9" name="Custom" duration="25100/2500s" start="3600s">
<clip lane="1" offset="9004800/2500s" name="TitleUserZIP4_0000" duration="12700/2500s" start="3600s" format="r5" tcFormat="NDF">
<adjust-transform position="-35.2778 9.53704"/>
<video ref="r7" duration="86400s"/>
Final Cut Pro Server XML - extension "xml"
With Final Cut Server Apple adopted another XML format. With this format only plain Text and timecode can be handled with
subtitles. Timecode information and text can be found in the “annotation” nodes. The timecode comes with a timebase information.
An example below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entity entityType="asset" entityId="/asset/24551">
<mdValue fieldName="Size" dataType="int64">7293418658</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Location" dataType="string">/Media</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="File Name" dataType="string">Pilar Aycart-1.mov</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Creation Date" dataType="dateTime">2010-03-30 09:42:57+0</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Store and track versions of this asset" dataType="bool">true</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Duration" dataType="timecode">00:36:35:21/(25,1)</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Created By" dataType="string">edicion2</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Video Bit-rate" dataType="float">26.546</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="File Modification Date" dataType="dateTime">2010-03-30 09:42:55+0</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Media Type" dataType="string">video_clip</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Workspace" dataType="string">Zinemaldia</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Description" dataType="string">entrevistas para la serie para ETB del Zinemaldia</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Stored On" dataType="string">Library</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Image Size" dataType="coords">1440x1080</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Video Frame Rate" dataType="fraction">25</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Asset GUID" dataType="string"></mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Metadata Set" dataType="string">pa_asset_media</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Audio Codec" dataType="string">raw16bit_be</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Export to MediaSilo" dataType="bool">true</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Asset ID" dataType="int64">24551</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Mime Type" dataType="string">video/quicktime</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Local Entity" dataType="bool">true</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Keywords" dataType="string">festival de cine, zinemaldia, televisión, archivo, Donostia, San Sebastián</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Timecode Offset" dataType="timecode">00:03:28:05/(25,1)</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Video Codec" dataType="string">hdv</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Last Modified" dataType="dateTime">2010-03-30 17:27:49+0</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Owner" dataType="string"></mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Title" dataType="string">Pilar Aycart-1</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="File Create Date" dataType="dateTime">2010-03-30 08:20:30+0</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Last Accessed" dataType="dateTime">2010-03-30 17:27:49+0</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Video Elements" dataType="string">video</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="User id" dataType="integer">1</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Full name" dataType="string">FCSvr admin</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Out" dataType="timecode">00:05:52:10/(25,1)</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Annotation" dataType="string">Su experiencia trabajando en el hotel María Cristina.
Su paso de trabajar en el Hotel a trabajar en el Festival.</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="In" dataType="timecode">00:03:28:05/(25,1)</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Timestamp" dataType="dateTime">2010-03-30 16:22:16+0</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Name" dataType="string">pro</mdValue>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 76
<mdValue fieldName="User id" dataType="integer">1</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Full name" dataType="string">FCSvr admin</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Out" dataType="timecode">00:09:24:24/(25,1)</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Annotation" dataType="string">Situaciones complicadas: el plante de los foteros a Bette Davis, la rueda de
<mdValue fieldName="In" dataType="timecode">00:06:21:10/(25,1)</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Timestamp" dataType="dateTime">2010-03-30 16:24:23+0</mdValue>
<mdValue fieldName="Name" dataType="string">pro</mdValue>
iTunes XML -- iTunes Timed Text - extension "itt"
This format was published by Apple using the W3G recommendations for DFPX and is used with iTunes to display subtitles.
It is quite similar to the above TTML (timed text) formats.
With base settings it is easy human readable. There is support for video frame rate and several font settings. ITT files normally transport font settings only per subtitle, though it could be more.
An example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:tt="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml" xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling"
xmlns:ttp="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#parameter" xml:lang="de-DE" ttp:frameRate="25" ttp:timeBase="smpte" ttp:dropMode="nonDrop">
<style id="defaultCaption" tts:color="white" tts:textAlign="center" tts:fontFamily="arial" tts:fontSize="20"/>
<div style="defaultCaption">
<p begin="00:01:28:27" end="00:01:32:23">Lassen Sie mich Ihnen&#13;aus dem Dresdner Anzeiger</p>
<p begin="00:01:33:12" end="00:01:36:08">vom 14. Februar 1883 vorIesen.</p>
<p begin="00:01:37:15" end="00:01:41:19">"Ein schwerer&#13;und ganz unerwarteter Verlust ereilte uns</p>
Sami -- Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange - extension "smi"
Developed by Microsoft for Windows Media. It's not a real XML but uses a similar structure which also can be considered as
a kind of HTML. It is used by some subtitling applications. Font settings can be transported but only for the whole subtitle file.
A simple example below:
Media {}
Metrics {time:ms;}
Spec {MSFT:1.0;}
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 77
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
<!-P { font-family: Arial Unicode MS; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16 pt; color: white; background-color: black; text-align: right; }
#Source {color: red; background-color: blue; font-family: Courier; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: normal; text-align: left; }
.ENUSCC { Name: English; lang: en-US ; SAMIType: CC ; }
<SYNC Start="0">
<P Class="ENUSCC"/>
<SYNC Start="89000">
<P Class="ENUSCC">Lassen Sie mich Ihnen
aus dem Dresdner Anzeiger</P>
<SYNC Start="92867">
<P Class="ENUSCC"/>
<SYNC Start="93500">
<P Class="ENUSCC">vom 14. Februar 1883 vorlesen.</P>
<SYNC Start="96367">
<P Class="ENUSCC"/>
<SYNC Start="97600">
<P Class="ENUSCC">"Ein schwerer
und ganz unerwarteter Verlust ereilte uns</P>
Smoke - extension "xml"
This type of XML is used by AutoDesk's Smoke to import subtitles. It is clearly structured and somehow human readable.
While font settings can be easily retrieved the alignment is based on the actual screen settings and might need a test upfront.
A simple example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE subtitle>
<subtitle version="1">
<name>Siamo tornati sulle coste</name>
<text>cercheremo di capire se lo squalo&#13;bianco è un mangiatore di uomini.</text>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 78
<text>Di ritorno alle acque&#13;della zona degli squali,</text>
Subtitle Horse - extension “xml”
This format is a simple XML. With the examples used for the implementation it looks like there can be style information. But
no example were found to figure out how to do. So at the moment only font alignment is supported. Timing is set with 1/10 of
a second.
A simple example below:
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1" xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1#style">
<body tts:textAlign="center">
<p begin="00:00:00.5" end="00:00:07.3">Hello. Today, I would like to practice the parts of the human body with you.</p>
<p begin="00:02:09.0" end="00:02:12.1">Please repeat the exercise several times.</p>
<p begin="00:02:12.2" end="00:02:14.9">I hope that you have all had fun again today.</p>
<p begin="00:02:15.0" end="00:02:17.5">Until next time.</p>
Text3G (QuickTime Text XML) - extension “xml”
This format (also somehow obsolete) is the replacement for the even more outdated QTtext. It offers some options per subtitles. So font, font size, font style, font alignment and font color are supported per subtitle and line, horizontal/vertical title offsets and background colors are supported as well. Colors are defined in percent of RGBA. Timing is set by frames, a break
needs to be created by an empty subtitle.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 79
As many of the XML formats it is not really simple or user readable, but still allows to make quick global changes within a text
One nice thing about this format is that you can create subtitled chapters within QT Player Pro. Text3G also would allow to
integrate subtitles for iPhone, iPod, iPad, iTunes with some easy steps.
An example below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?quicktime type="application/x-quicktime-tx3g"?>
<text3GTrack trackWidth="1920.0" trackHeight="1000" transform="translate(0,0)" timeScale="24" language="eng">
<sample duration="100" keyframe="true">
<description horizontalJustification="Center" verticalJustification="Bottom" backgroundColor="50%, 0%, 0%, 0%" format="tx3g">
<defaultTextBox width="1920" Height="50" transform="translate(0,0)"></defaultTextBox>
<font id="1" name="Geneva"></font>
<style id="1">{font-table: 1}{font-size: 36}{font-style: normal}{font-weight: bold}{text-decoration: underline}{color:
100%, 100%, 0%, 100%}</style>
<style id="2">{font-table: 1}{font-size: 36}{font-style: normal}{font-weight: bold}{text-decoration: underline}{color:
100%, 0%, 100%, 100%}</style>
<sampleData targetEncoding="utf8">
<text styleID="1">We are talking about cinema today.</text>
<sample duration="100" keyframe="true">
<description horizontalJustification="Center" verticalJustification="Bottom" backgroundColor="80%, 80%, 0%, 0%" format="tx3g">
<defaultTextBox width="1920" Height="50" transform="translate(0,0)"></defaultTextBox>
<font id="1" name="Geneva"></font>
<style id="1">{font-table: 1}{font-size: 36}{font-style: normal}{font-weight: bold}{text-decoration: normal}{color: 100%,
100%, 0%, 100%}</style>
<style id="2">{font-table: 1}{font-size: 36}{font-style: normal}{font-weight: bold}{text-decoration: underline}{color:
100%, 0%, 100%, 100%}</style>
<sampleData targetEncoding="utf8">
<text styleID="1"></text>
<sample duration="100" keyframe="true">
<description horizontalJustification="Center" verticalJustification="Bottom" backgroundColor="80%, 80%, 0%, 0%" format="tx3g">
<defaultTextBox width="1920" Height="50" transform="translate(0,0)"></defaultTextBox>
<font id="1" name="Geneva"></font>
<style id="1">{font-table: 1}{font-size: 36}{font-style: normal}{font-weight: bold}{text-decoration: normal}{color: 100%,
100%, 0%, 100%}</style>
<style id="2">{font-table: 1}{font-size: 36}{font-style: normal}{font-weight: bold}{text-decoration: underline}{color:
100%, 0%, 100%, 100%}</style>
<sampleData targetEncoding="utf8">
<text styleID="1">German cinema - what is it really?</text>
<text styleID="2">
- Good Question!</text>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 80
Universal Subtitle Format - extension “usf”
This XML format supports horizontal, vertical alignment and font style for italic. For plain text “<n>.... <ni>” , for italic “<i>.... </
i>” is used. No other font options are available. Individual lines inside a subtitle are created by using “<br>...</br>”. The text
alignment is set in one word, for example “BottomCenter”.
The timing uses milliseconds, there no information about the timecode used when creating this file.
A simple example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE USFSubtitles>
<USFSubtitles version="1.0">
<name>No Author</name>
<title>Siamo tornati sulle coste</title>
<subtitle stop="10:00:06.400" start="10:00:02.560">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>cercheremo di capire se lo squalo</n>
<n>bianco è un mangiatore di uomini.</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:10.240" start="10:00:08.080">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<i>Di ritorno alle acque</i>
<i>della zona degli squali,</i>
<subtitle stop="10:00:13.560" start="10:00:10.400">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<i>i ragazzi hanno studiato un modo</i>
<i>per vedere se lo squalo bianco</i>
<subtitle stop="10:00:17.320" start="10:00:13.720">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<i>attacca l'uomo.</i>
<i>In questo caso, Steve-O.</i>
<subtitle stop="10:00:19.320" start="10:00:17.480">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>Sì, fratello.</n>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 81
<subtitle stop="10:00:22.320" start="10:00:19.880">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>Sono stufo di dividere</n>
<n>la fama con Steve-O.</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:24.640" start="10:00:22.480">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>Per lui è il momento di morire.</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:30.160" start="10:00:28.320">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>- Sì, fratello.</n>
<n>- Sì, fratello.</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:36.240" start="10:00:33.160">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>- Guardatemi.</n>
<n>- Oh, guardate quello, cavolo.</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:40.080" start="10:00:36.400">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>- Dio.</n>
<n>- Oh, squaletto.</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:42.560" start="10:00:40.720">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>carcharodon carcharias</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:46.080" start="10:00:42.720">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>Come ti senti Steve-O?</n>
<n>Stai per morire.</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:48.080" start="10:00:46.240">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 82
<n>Stai per...</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:55.320" start="10:00:51.640">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>Steve-O! Steve-O!</n>
<subtitle stop="10:00:58.560" start="10:00:57.320">
<text alignment="BottomCenter">
<n>Gli ha staccato la testa.</n>
DVD Pro Studio Item Track - extension "dspxml"
This type of XML was developed by Apple and is used by the DVD Studio Pro application. It is structured as a ".plist" file and
not that easy to understand, subtitles are encoded and therefore not human readable. The XML is huge and complex.
So no example here.
Text based formats
Mostly text based subtitle are more "user friendly" to read, have smaller file size and often allow easy changes in a text editor.
Structure and TC handling though may differ. There are also some text base formats which do use HTML style inserts to apply font settings like font, style, color effects and position.
As with XML based formats some of them are documented others are not. So the conversion for latter ones is based on user
examples and a kind of "trial and error" development.
Even if the formats are documented there are always "flavors" used by many applications how to write and read those files.
Also text encoding might cause some trouble. So make sure to test the encoding and re-save the file in the right format.
Adobe Encore subtitle script files - extension "txt"
This format supplies simple timecode information and text. There are no options for font settings, styles, alignment or effects.
The format though allows to use timed images (rendered subtitle files) which can contain the mentioned information. The
effects are limited to 3 grayscales. Titles are separated by double returns. The first line contains title number, starting and
ending timecode separated by tabs or spaces this line also contains the first subtitle line. The following line starts contain the
other subtitle lines.
Simple examples below:
-- example 1, using space dividers
1 00;00;02;02 00;00;03;15 Die Katze kam nie zurück.
Sie war einfach weg.
-- example 2, using tab dividers
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 83
Ich hoffe, ihr geht es gut.
Sie sah immer mit dieser sonderbaren Sehnsucht auf den Kühlschrank.
Image stream example.
The first part is the image name followed by TC In and TC Out,
First line define image H-offset, V-offset and image size.
The second line shows the path to the rendered subtitltes — so here the images donʼt have to be in the same folder the
script file resides.
Images have to have three color levels. Grayscale colors are: Black for the title, 50 % black for outline 1, 16 % black for outline 2, white for background.
-- example 3, using an image stream
Display_Area (0000 0000 1920 1080)
directory /Users/kiel/Desktop/gRender folder/
1 00:00:00:00 00:00:03:11 Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence_0000.tif
2 00:00:04:05 00:00:06:20 Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence_0001.tif
3 00:00:08:10 00:00:10:08 Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence_0002.tif
4 00:00:12:00 00:00:15:11 Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence_0003.tif
Avid DS Caption files - extension "txt"
This format supplies simple timecode information and text. There are options for font settings, styles, alignment or effects.
These settings though apply only for the whole subtitle stream. Brackets “<...>” indicate commands. Comments start with a
“@”. Colors are set for RGB from 0 to 100. Titles are separated by double returns. The first line contains title number, starting
and ending timecode separated by space. The following line starts contain the subtitle lines.
To work with Media Composer and subtitles you always should use the SubCap plugin!
A simple example below:
@ This file written with the Avid Caption plugin, version 1
@ Header
<font> Arial Unicode MS
<font size> 48
<kerning> 1
<leading> 8
<alignment> center
<use face> on
<face color> 92 92 92
<face opacity> 100
<face softness> 0
<use edge> off
<use shadow> on
<shadow color> 6 6 6
<shadow opacity> 100
<shadow softness> 20
<shadow offset> 3
<shadow angle> 45
@ Subtitles
<begin subtitles>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 84
01:00:00:00 01:00:03:12
Just some made up subtitle text 01
01:00:04:08 01:00:09:16
Just some made up subtitle text 02
01:00:10:13 01:00:15:21
Just some made up subtitle text 03
<end subtitles>
Avid Marker files - extension “txt”
These files are not directly supported inside TitleExchange. One has to use the “avidMarker” application. There is no real
timecode information like TC in, TC out. Timing can be calculated by a “read speed” applied. Line breaks can be applied
within the “avidMarker” application.
A simple example below:
Stacy Arrival!
Arrival (Amber)!
Introduction (JL)!
family emergency
Arrival (Zorica)!
Going Inside!
Introduction Take 2!
Planning (Amber)!
planned the whole thing. JL-Oh Wow.
Planning (Amber)!
Church (Amber)!
Amber [seeing the car drive up] I think that's her... I think we're good.
Oh....that's not Stacy?
Jaime-Lin (JL) steps out, instroduces herself, explains Stacy couldn't come due to
Ok...what's going on?
Judges head inside the church after explaining that Stacy's dad died.
retake of the judges and JL introduction and explanation that Stacy's dad had cancer.
Yeah this wedding's actually gonna be interesting because Marlena's husband
Her [Marlena's] fiances father is performing the wedding service.
Yeah, I was little shocked at how big this church is.
The file will be converted to a Spruce STL which can be used which TitleExchange to be converted to other formats.
Ayato Text files - extension “txt”
This format is mainly used in France (and for German/France TV station Arte). Itʼs simple straight forward just TC in, TC out
and plain text. TC can be a standard one like HH:MM:SS:FF or based on 1/100s like HH:MM:SS.CS. Titles are separated by
double returns. The first line contains title number, starting and ending timecode separated by spaces. The following lines
contain the subtitle lines.
A simple example below:
-- example 2
1: 00:00:00.64 00:00:03.92
Dames en heren,
jongens en meisjes.
2: 00:00:04.00 00:00:06.32
Een bijzonder goeden avond!
3: 00:00:06.56 00:00:08.32
Hartelijk welkom bij...
4: 00:00:08.48 00:00:10.44
Ester, de musical.
-- example 2
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 85
1: 00:00:00:16 00:00:03:23
Dames en heren,
jongens en meisjes.
2: 00:00:04:00 00:00:06:08
Een bijzonder goeden avond!
3: 00:00:06:14 00:00:08:08
Hartelijk welkom bij...
4: 00:00:08:12 00:00:10:11
Ester, de musical.
Cavena MTL files - extension "txt", "doc", "docx"
This format is simple and straight forward as well. Titles are separated by double returns. The first line contains title number,
starting and ending timecode separated by tabs. The following lines are the subtitle lines. Supported style is italic. For italic
style a “<...>” is used.
A simple example below:
Sie ging einfach weg,
ohne ein Wort ...
<... und sie nahm alles mit, was ihr gefiel.>
Cinevation files - extension “txt”
This format again is simple and straight forward. Titles are separated by double returns. The first line contains the title ID,
next 2 lines contain TC In and TC Out. The following lines are the subtitle lines. There is no style support.
One of the flavors is the TITRA version of it which uses some comments (starting with “@”) at the start of the text file.
Some simple examples below:
Let me take a look at the directory.
- All right.
- Thanks.
-- example using a TITRA flavor
@ 22/09/09
@ Some Project
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 86
@ F26100 LEONORE.V01
@ START 10:00:00:00
@ Première Image : 10:00:00:00
@ Dernière Image : 11:00:50:00
I'm hopeless sometimes!
CPC files - extension “txt”
Though this format also is simple and straight forward it uses a different approach for timing. Titles are separated by empty
titles. Each line line contains a TC — so titles are in a continuos timeline. An empty subtitle is represented by a “^N” which
means the the previous subtitle end there. Line breaks are represented by a backslash “\” . There is no style support.
A simple example below:
01:05:12:07≥0CEN≥Soon it's going to rain and\my roses will drown.
01:06:36:08≥0CFN≥She was dead
01:09:12:05≥0CEN≥Left to join the rebels.\Don't worry, Reinaldo
01:12:46:09≥0CEN≥So there I am,\with my pants rolled up
01:12:48:09≥0CEN≥and my feet in the creek,\daydreaming
01:12:51:20≥0CEN≥when I hear shooting\close by me
01:12:54:22≥0CEN≥I drop everything and sprint\across the fields
01:12:58:28≥0CEN≥"Batista has fled!"\the Pupo girls tell me
01:13:04:18≥0CEN≥As we passed by Cuatro Caminos\we meet the first group of rebels
Continuos Timed Text - extension “txt”
Again another simple straight forward format. Subtitles are divided by double returns. The first line of a subtitle contains the
ID, TC In, duration and TC Out. All following lines represent the text lines for the subtitle. There is no font or font style support.
A simple example below:
Coming Home
subtitles by someone 4.8.09
What happened?
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 87
You lied to me!
All these years - lies!
Mark, we're so sorry.
DVDit - extension “txt”
Also a simple straight forward format. It is very similar to Spruce/Maestro STL, but subtitle lines are numbered and values
are separated by tab only. For line breaks inside a subtitle the pipe sign “|” is used.
Lines starting with a “$” sign are used for formatting commands. Font, font size, font style and alignment are supported per
A simple example below:
$TapeOffset = False
$FontName = Verdana
$FontSize = 30
$Bold = False
$Italic = False
$HorzAlign = Center
$VertAlign = Bottom
0000! 10:00:02:14!
$VertAlign = Top
$Italic = True
0001! 10:00:08:02!
0002! 10:00:10:10!
$VertAlign = Bottom
0003! 10:00:13:18!
$Italic = False
0004! 10:00:17:12!
0005! 10:00:19:22!
0006! 10:00:22:12!
0007! 10:00:28:08!
cercheremo di capire se lo squalo|bianco è un mangiatore di uomini.
Di ritorno alle acque|della zona degli squali,
i ragazzi hanno studiato un modo|per vedere se lo squalo bianco
attacca l'uomo.|In questo caso, Steve-O.
Sì, fratello.
Sono stufo di dividere|la fama con Steve-O.
Per lui è il momento di morire.
- Sì, fratello.|- Sì, fratello.
FAB text - extension “txt”
Again a simple straight forward format. Subtitles are divided by double returns. The first line of a subtitle contains the ID, TC
In, TC Out and duration. All following lines represent the text lines for the subtitle. There is no font or font style support.
The format though allows to use timed images (rendered subtitle files) — see image stream example. Images as always
have to be in the same folder the script resides in.
A simple text example below:
0001 10:00:02:14 10:00:06:10 00:00:03:21
cercheremo di capire se lo squalo
bianco è un mangiatore di uomini.
0002 10:00:08:02 10:00:10:06 00:00:02:04
Di ritorno alle acque
della zona degli squali,
0003 10:00:10:10 10:00:13:14 00:00:03:04
i ragazzi hanno studiato un modo
per vedere se lo squalo bianco
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 88
0004 10:00:13:18 10:00:17:08 00:00:03:15
attacca l'uomo.
In questo caso, Steve-O.
0005 10:00:17:12 10:00:19:08 00:00:01:21
Sì, fratello.
0006 10:00:19:22 10:00:22:08 00:00:02:11
Sono stufo di dividere
la fama con Steve-O.
0007 10:00:22:12 10:00:24:16 00:00:02:04
Per lui è il momento di morire.
0008 10:00:28:08 10:00:30:04 00:00:01:21
- Sì, fratello.
- Sì, fratello.
Image stream example.
The first part is the image name followed by TC In and TC Out, the last four parts are image H-offset, V-offset and image
Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence_0000.tif 00:00:00:00 00:00:03:11 000 000 1920 1080
Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence_0001.tif 00:00:04:05 00:00:06:20 000 000 1920 1080
Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence_0002.tif 00:00:08:10 00:00:10:08 000 000 1920 1080
Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence_0003.tif 00:00:12:00 00:00:15:11 000 000 1920 1080
Generic Timed Text - extension “txt”
Another simple straight forward format. Subtitles are divided by double returns. The first line of a subtitle contains the ID. The
second line TC In and TC Out. All following lines represent the text lines for the subtitle. There is no font or font style support.
A simple example below:
01:00:00:00 01:00:00:01
Eros Logo First Frame
01:00:16:03 01:00:16:04
Excel Logo First Frame
01:04:41:21 01:04:41:22
Reel 01
Long shot first frame
01:04:46:08 01:04:47:03
Good morning, ma'am.
01:04:47:03 01:04:48:00
Good morning, Alex.
01:04:48:09 01:04:49:09
Where's Mr. Malhotra?
01:04:49:09 01:04:50:12
He's in the garden.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 89
01:04:52:04 01:04:55:18
Roots are the most important part
of any plant.
Gelula Text (DAS) - extension “das”
The Gelula format is a simple straight forward format, but in can come in different flavors. Subtitles can be saved within two
files one using timecode only the second one subtitle text only another option is to save both of them in one file. Only the last
option (.das) is supported by TitleExchange. But even this format does have different flavors.
There might be a kind of header or not. Subtitles are divided by double returns. In theory the first line of a subtitle contains
the ID, TC In and TC Out or additionally the duration and/or another ID. TC can be standard or as HH:MM:SS.CS using 1/
100s of seconds in stead frames. All following lines represent the text lines for the subtitle. There is only font style support for
italic using the number sign “#”.
In practice there can be comments/notes at an “Sub-ID” or a timecode. These will be ignored by TitleExchange.
Two examples below:
Siamo tornati sulle coste
No Author
1: 10:00:02:14 10:00:06:10
cercheremo di capire se lo squalo
bianco è un mangiatore di uomini.
2: 10:00:08:02 10:00:10:06
#Di ritorno alle acque
della zona degli squali,
3: 10:00:10:10 10:00:13:14
#i ragazzi hanno studiato un modo
per vedere se lo squalo bianco
4: 10:00:13:18 10:00:17:08
#attacca l'uomo.
In questo caso, Steve-O.
5: 10:00:17:12 10:00:19:08
Sì, fratello.
1: 01:00:51.15 01:00:55.00 03.09 47
#Deux temps, trois mouvements
2: 01:00:55.04 01:00:56.16 01.12 21
It's so unfair.
3: 01:00:58.06 01:01:01.16 03.10 48
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 90
We have to choose.
- Being forced to choose.
4: 01:01:02.06 01:01:03.16 01.10 20
Being forced to choose.
5: 01:01:08.21 01:01:10.11 01.14 22
I want to be a bullfighter.
- OK.
5a: 01:08.40
Google - extension “txt”
The Google or YouTube format is also simple straight forward with flavors how timecode is displayed. Subtitles are dived by
double returns. The first line of a subtitle contains the in and out time in a HH:MM:SS.MS format (MS = 1/1000s of a second).
The time also may be expressed as H:M:S.MS or any mixture of that. The following lines are the subtitle paragraphs. There
is no font or alignment support:
Two examples below:
------------------------------------------- example 1 full 'TC'
cercheremo di capire se lo squalo
bianco è un mangiatore di uomini.
Di ritorno alle acque
della zona degli squali,
i ragazzi hanno studiato un modo
per vedere se lo squalo bianco
attacca l'uomo.
In questo caso, Steve-O.
Sì, fratello.
Sono stufo di dividere
la fama con Steve-O.
------------------------------------------- example 2 shortened 'TC'
story: ABC067008_dut
Blue Mountain State 106
Ik ben ooit betrapt toen ik me aftrok
achter het standbeeld van Jim Thorpe.
Ik vind Jim geweldig.
-Wij allemaal.
Wilde aftrekverhalen?
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 91
Daar staan lekkere cheerleaders...
en jullie vertellen elkaar
je aftrekverhalen.
Je hebt er gewoon geen.
-Een van de allerbeste zelfs.
Micro DVD - extension “txt”
A simple compact text file with start frames and end frames in brackets {} at the start of every line. Each line represents a
subtitle. Linebreaks inside the subtitle are marked by the pipe character "|". There is no support for fonts, styles or alignment
A simple example below:
{1025}{1110}She left. | Without a word!
{1375}{1460}Never mind. | I was hallucinating...
Qube Master - extension “txt”
This is another additional somehow senseless text format, it sets (often) the in/out 1 frame before real in/out. Subtitles are
divided by double returns.
Timing is set with “HH MM SS FF”. As the creators claim it is designed for digital cinema we assume fps = 24 always. There
is no support for fonts, styles or alignment etc.
Creating this day and other
days with your.......
00 01 18 13
00 01 34 00
....hands giving us the
00 01 34 03
00 01 52 13
Vaanam Vasappadum
(The sky will be mine)
00 02 29 00
00 02 31 15
Cast: Kathik Kumar (Debut)
Poongathai Chandrahasan (Debut)
00 02 31 16
00 12 33 10
Avinash Devadhanam
Ranjit Bhimsing
00 02 34 15
00 02 35 00
Naaser Revathy
00 02 35 02
00 02 38 19
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 92
QuickTime Text - extension “txt”
This is one of the oldest and outdated text based formats, but it still works with most of it features and can be very helpful
some times in collaborative environments when combine them with a QT movie into a SMILE file. It is human readable and
changes can be made easily in a text editor.
It uses “{…}” for commands. The basic commands like in the example below need to be set. Font, font size, font color and
title alignment are supported. Font colors are RGB. Each title can have its own setting. Subtitles are continuos without break,
to make a time break you need an empty title. Time values are displayed within brackets “[HH:MM:SS.tb values]” — “tb” is
defined in the header section. It can be simple when using standard frame rates like 24, 25, 30, 50 or 60. In this case the
time value will be a standard HH:MM:SS.FF format. In case the frame rate for example is NTSC timing normally a thousand
of second is used, so the format will look like HH:MM:SS.ttt.
Below an example:
{QTtext}{font:Didot}{Plain}{anti-alias:on}{keyedText:on}{size:24}{qtTextColor: 65535, 63861, 52265}
{backColor: 0, 0, 0}{justify:Center}{timeScale:25}{width:720}{height:36}{timeStamps:absolute}{language:2}
Nein, nein, hier spricht Martin Schlegel ...
Hermann Schlegel ist mein Vater.
Sonic Scenarist - extension “son, txt”
This one is simple and straight forward. A subtitle is defined by a starting ID. TC In, TC Out and text are separated by tabs.
Each line which does not start with an ID will be added to the previous subtitle. There is font style information per line for
italic. for italic text the actual text is surrounded by brackets “<text>”. There is no other font or alignment information.
Subtitle image streams are supported. As always the images must reside in the same folder the subtitle script resides.
Below an example:
-- example 1
0001! 01:05:10:00!
0002! 01:05:20:00!
0003! 01:05:30:00!
0004! 01:05:40:00!
<Comment ça va>?
Bien, merci
Hello Jack!
Hello Suzie
<1ere ligne de texte>
<2e ligne de texte>
-- example 2
0001! 01:05:10:00!
0002! 01:05:20:00!
0003! 01:05:30:00!
0004! 01:05:40:00!
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 93
-- example 3 (image stream space delimited)
st_format 2
# Wagn_ger.son -- by Deluxe Digital Studios -# Sonic DVD Script File -- Created: 02/07/2011 12:37:08
# Source File: ISFn_87124Wagner_FNM_P1_GER.UNS
# Last Revisied: 01/27/2011 17:41:24
# "Wagner" - Feature/AN German/NTSC/16x9
# TimecodeType = N
SubTitle Wagn_ger
Pixel_Area (0 479)
Display_Area (0 0 719 479)
Color (2 1 2 8)
Contrast (15 15 15 0)
0001 00:01:28:21 00:01:32:18 Wagn_ger0001.TIF
0002 00:01:33:06 00:01:36:03 Wagn_ger0002.TIF
STL Spruce/Maestro - extension “stl, txt”
This format originally was used by Spruce for their DVD mastering application. I was adopted by Apple for DVD Studio Pro
subtitles. Both applications are discontinued, but the format itself is still popular for subtitle exchange.
Itʼs human readable. Comments start with a “//” and are ignored during the import. Commands start with a “$” sign and describe font, font size, subtitle alignment both horizontal and vertical. Colors are indexed from a 16 color table, which can differ from machine to machine. Finally only 4(3) colors are used. A little fine tuning is possible by using the transparency commands. there is also a fade option. All commands are available per title. Like with other formats there are style commands
per word or line. these are “^B... ^B”, “^I... ^I”, “^U... ^U” for bold, italic and underline. Different from other formats which use
similar methods these commands toogle the “master style”.
Each subtitle line contains TC In, TC Out and the actual text. These are separated by comma “,”. The subtitle lines are divided by a pipe character “|”. As said above there can be style characters in side the text.
There is also support for image streams. The images have to be in the same folder the STL resides. An image subtitle has to
start with a “<<graphic>>” or any other word rather than “graphic”. This word has to be defined in the “$SetFilePathToken”
Grayscale colors are: Black for the title, 50 % black for outline 1, 16 % black for outline 2, white for background.
An example below:
$SetFilePathToken = <<graphic>>
$TapeOffset = False
$FontName = Helvetica
$FontSize = 24
$Bold = False
$Italic = False
$Underline = False
$HorzAlign = Center
$VertAlign = Bottom
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 94
$XOffset = 0
$YOffset = 0
$FadeIn = 0
$FadeOut = 0
$ColorIndex1 = 3
$ColorIndex2 = 4
$ColorIndex3 = 1
$ColorIndex4 = 15
$TextContrast = 15
$Outline1Contrast = 15
$Outline2Contrast = 8
$BackgroundContrast = 0
<<graphic>>Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence01.tif
<<graphic>>Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence02.tif
<<graphic>>Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence03.tif
<<graphic>>Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence04.tif
<<graphic>>Mike Johnson Q4 Quarterly_Sequence05.tif
five, six|cinq, six
six, five|six, cinq
Structured Subtitles - extension “txt”
This is one seems to be pretty simple at the first glimpse. But there might be issues. Basically the format is simple without
any support for font and style. Again as often subtitles are divided by double returns. The first paragraph of a subtitle contains an ID, the TC In, TC Out and a yet unknown other ID. The following lines contain the subtitles lines, normally each line
starts with a “LIN03” followed by a space. But as you can see with the second example that is not a must.
0001 : 10:02:46:24,10:02:50:01,10
LIN03 I've got a surprise for you today...
0002 : 10:02:55:14,10:02:59:11,10
LIN03 Gloria, guess what happened to me this afternoon!?
0003 : 10:03:00:02,10:03:01:24,10
LIN03 I wanted to go to the café...
0004 : 10:03:02:02,10:03:04:15,10
LIN03 to show Daniel my food and drink guide.
0005 : 10:03:04:19,10:03:06:19,10
LIN03 And do you know what!?
0006 : 10:03:07:09,10:03:10:16,10
LIN03 Daniel is closed on Mondays now!!
0007 : 10:03:14:11,10:03:16:13,10
LIN03 Oh, that's hot.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 95
0008 : 10:03:17:18,10:03:20:03,10
LIN03 Now, the fish...
LIN03 ah, a little bit of pepper…
Like with other text based formats you have to be careful with this format since 2 byte characters can screw up the whole
structure and not only the text — so always at least “zip” the files before sending it to someone.
-- bad 2 byte example
0000 : 00:00:00:00,00:00:00:08,9
0001 : 10:00:07:16,10:00:11:03,11
0002 : 10:00:12:03,10:00:15:17,11
0003 : 10:00:34:09,10:00:41:02,11
0004 : 10:00:41:10,10:00:48:08,10
Ë„«Ê † ‰„†·—ʼ…
‰‰—œ†Ÿ‰È†«” ·“«“†«‰«—Á«»ÍÍÊ
0005 : 10:00:48:11,10:00:51:24,11
«‰–Íʆ͔ ŒœÂËʆ«‰œÍʆ„–ŒÍ—…†—ËÕÍ…
0006 : 10:00:52:08,10:00:54:19,10
- √‰«† Ÿ·Í†Ê·”„†Âʆ«‰Â”ƒË‰Í…ø
- »«‰ √„Íœ†‰«
SubBits - extension “ebs”
This is one is the source format of a professional subtitling application used on Mac and Windows. Subbits allows to create
high quality subtitle image sequences for a lot of applications, it also can be used to spot your subtitles outside of your NLE
which normally is a good option.
While a “ebs” file looks a bit crowded when when you open it first time in a text editor it is clearly structured and easy to understand. Finally there a only 3 lines of text in this format. The first line describes the global project settings, the second line
(starting with “[“ and ending with “]”) contains all the subtitles and the third one shows the platform where files are created or
The actual subtitle info is surrounded by brackets “[ subtitle ]” and subtitles are divided by a comma “,”. Each subtitle entry
contains the in time and out time in milliseconds, the subtitle text with paragraphs divided by a pipe character “|”, the horizontal alignment, position infos, comments and the subtitle ID.
[#video: "", #tcOffset: 0, #color: "Pal"]
[[#tcIn: 0, #TCout: 320, #text: "<begin subtitles>", #just: 2, #hAnchor: 1, #ccPos: "LB", #vertPos: 10, #hPos: 0, #cmntFlag: 0, #cmnt: "", #Num: "0"],
[#tcIn: 3637800, #TCout: 3639800, #text: "Have you forgotten why you're there?|Hurry.", #just: 2, #hAnchor: 1, #ccPos: "LB", #vertPos: 10, #hPos: 0,
#cmntFlag: 0, #cmnt: "", #Num: "1"], [#tcIn: 3646800, #TCout: 3651200, #text: "Your target is Wealthy Bank|on the 17th floor.", #just: 2, #hAnchor: 1,
#ccPos: "LB", #vertPos: 10, #hPos: 0, #cmntFlag: 0, #cmnt: "", #Num: "2"], [#tcIn: 3654080, #TCout: 3656680, #text: "Wait. This way please.", #just: 2,
#hAnchor: 1, #ccPos: "LB", #vertPos: 10, #hPos: 0, #cmntFlag: 0, #cmnt: "", #Num: "3"], [#tcIn: 3658920, #TCout: 3660400, #text: "Which floor
please?", #just: 2, #hAnchor: 1, #ccPos: "LB", #vertPos: 10, #hPos: 0, #cmntFlag: 0, #cmnt: "", #Num: "4"], [#tcIn: 3663480, #TCout: 3664680, #text: "I
have a job interview.", #just: 2, #hAnchor: 1, #ccPos: "LB", #vertPos: 10, #hPos: 0, #cmntFlag: 0, #cmnt: "", #Num: "5"], [#tcIn: 3664840, #TCout:
3666400, #text: "I asked which floor please.", #just: 2, #hAnchor: 1, #ccPos: "LB", #vertPos: 10, #hPos: 0, #cmntFlag: 0, #cmnt: "", #Num: "6"], [#tcIn:
3666560, #TCout: 3667960, #text: "It's...", #just: 2, #hAnchor: 1, #ccPos: "LB", #vertPos: 10, #hPos: 0, #cmntFlag: 0, #cmnt: "", #Num: "7"]]
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 96
Subrip SRT - extension “srt”
This is one of the most popular text formats. Itʼs used for interchange and for example to prepare subtitles for YouTube videos. As with of the other text based formats it uses double returns to divide the subtitles. There is no font support but support
for bold, italic and underline style. there are several flavors how it is done. So there can be a "{\\i1}", "{\\b1}", "{\\u1}" or a
HTML style "<i>", "</i>", "<b>", "</b>", "<u>", "</u>", "<I>", "</I>", "<B>", "</B>", "<U>", "</U>" or other style "<\\I>", "<\\B>",
Colors can be set by title, line or word. Color values are set by an HTML style color value.
-- example 1
00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:15,123
This is the first subtitle
00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:18,000
Another subtitle demonstrating tags:
<b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>, <u>underlined</u>
<font color="#ff0000">red text</font>
00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:22,000 X1:40 X2:600 Y1:20 Y2:50
Another subtitle demonstrating position.
-- example 2
10:02:22,040 --> 10:02:23,480
Du verstehst mich, oder?
10:02:45,600 --> 10:02:47,480
{\i1}Das Leben,
10:02:47,640 --> 10:02:50,240
{\i1}was es uns alles zeigt
10:02:50,640 --> 10:02:53,480
{\i1}auf den vernebelten Pfaden der Träume.
10:02:55,280 --> 10:02:57,160
{\i1}Das Leben,
-- example 3
10:08:39,800 --> 10:08:41,600
His condition is stable.
10:08:44,520 --> 10:08:47,560
<i>Now the news</i>
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 97
<i>for Berlin and Brandenburg.</i>
10:08:48,280 --> 10:08:51,880
<i>On Saturday night</i>
<i>in the small community of Seenitz</i>
10:08:52,040 --> 10:08:54,160
<i>a bloodbath took place.</i>
10:08:54,320 --> 10:08:59,280
<i>Two teenage boys forced their way</i>
<i>into a friend's home and shot her parents.</i>
SubStation Alpha - extension “ssa”
This is one is also one which is not developed any more, but it still works and is a kind of popular for interchanging subtitles.
Itʼs divided into three parts: the info section, a style section and the actual subtitles. The style description contain information
about font, font size and font color. There is also information about effects and their color. Color values are written in HTML
style. There are several style sets possible.
The individual subtitle information is always stored in one line. The information parts about the title are stored as comma delimited. A subtitle line contains the info for TC In, TC Out, style template, effect and the actual text. The text can be plain, bold
or italic style independent from the master, this is done by using a “{\b0}” or “{\i1}” at the beginning of the text part of the subtitle text. Subtitle lines are separated by “\N”.
Below an example:
[Script Info]
; Edited with some subtitle editor
Title: Road to Avonlea
Original Script: Piet De Meulemeester
Update Details:
ScriptType: v4.00
Collisions: Normal
PlayDepth: 0
Timer: 100,0000
[V4 Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, TertiaryColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment,
MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, AlphaLevel, Encoding
Style: Default,Verdana,22,&H00FFFF,&HFF0000,&H555555,&H000000,-1,0,1,2,2,2,20,20,30,255,0
Format: Marked, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Dialogue: 0,0:50:28.64,0:50:33.04,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Weg met die rommel.\NVergeef het me, Marilla.
Dialogue: 0,0:50:33.84,0:50:38.08,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,En ik zal ook blijven bidden\Ndat Thomas het me vergeeft.
Dialogue: 0,0:50:38.56,0:50:42.08,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Als iemand van me hield,\Nwas hij het wel.
Dialogue: 0,0:50:42.84,0:50:45.20,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Je bent een stijfkop, Rachel.
Dialogue: 0,0:50:47.12,0:50:53.12,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Maar ik heb je vreselijk gemist.\NJe bent mijn allerbeste vriendin.
Dialogue: 0,0:50:53.28,0:50:56.12,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,En ik ben wat blij dat je terug bent.
Dialogue: 0,0:50:56.28,0:51:00.76,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Dat is Mw. Lynde haar tand.\N-Laat dat, Davey Keith.
Dialogue: 0,0:51:02.96,0:51:05.36,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Wat is er? Wat scheelt er?
Dialogue: 0,0:51:05.52,0:51:09.24,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Niet boos zijn.\NIk wou Mw. Lynde haar tand passen.
Dialogue: 0,0:51:09.40,0:51:13.84,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\b0}Maar u liet me schrikken\Nen ik heb hem ingeslikt.
Dialogue: 0,0:51:14.12,0:51:19.56,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Het spijt me vreselijk.\NZou hij nu tegen mijn geweten botsen?
Dialogue: 0,0:51:20.04,0:51:22.96,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Heb ik dan eindelijk\Nmijn geweten gevonden?
Dialogue: 0,0:51:23.12,0:51:24.96,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\i1}Ik wil het weten.
Dialogue: 0,0:52:23.96,0:52:27.32,*Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\i1}Vertaling: Piet De Meulemeester\NMiles nv - Vilvoorde
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 98
Swift Styled Text - extension “sif”
This format is uses double returns to divide the subtitles. The first one though is not a title but a comment. Each subtitle contains an ID, TC In, duration, TC Out, alignment information and the actual text. There is font style information, but no font or
font size.
An example below:
# Originating Swift: Open 25 English
# BROADCAST DATE : 27/06/2012
# REVISION DATE : 27/06/2012
# CREATION DATE : 27/06/2012
# TIMEIN 10:00:02:14
# DURATION 03:21
# TIMEOUT 10:00:06:10
cercheremo di capire se lo squalo
# ROW 1
bianco è un mangiatore di uomini.
# TIMEIN 10:00:08:02
# DURATION 02:04
# TIMEOUT 10:00:10:06
<fontstyle-italic>Di ritorno alle acque
# ROW 1
della zona degli squali,
# TIMEIN 10:00:10:10
# DURATION 03:04
# TIMEOUT 10:00:13:14
<fontstyle-italic>i ragazzi hanno studiato un modo
# ROW 1
per vedere se lo squalo bianco
# TIMEIN 10:00:13:18
# DURATION 03:15
# TIMEOUT 10:00:17:08
<fontstyle-italic>attacca l'uomo.
# ROW 1
In questo caso, Steve-O.
Titlevision - extension “txt, doc”
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 99
This is another simple one of text based formats. As often subtitles are divided by double returns. The actual subtitle lines
contain TC In (first line), TC Out (second line) and text (following lines). There is support for italic font style using “<...>” but
no other font or alignment settings.
An example below:
cercheremo di capire se lo squalo
bianco Ë un mangiatore di uomini.
<Di ritorno alle acque
della zona degli squali,>
<i ragazzi hanno studiato un modo
per vedere se lo squalo bianco>
<attacca l'uomo.
In questo caso, Steve-O.>
SÏ, fratello.
Sono stufo di dividere
la fama con Steve-O.
YouTube - extension “txt”
This is the same text format as described with Google subtitle text.
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 100
Format Options Overview
Im- Export port
Belle Nuit
Digital Cinema DCP
DVD Studio Track
Final Cut Pro Sequence Markers
Final Cut Pro
Final Cut Pro X
Final Cut Server
iTunes Timed Text
Adobe Encore subtitle script files
Avid DS Caption
Avid Marker
Ayato Text
Cavena MTL
Continuos Timed Text
FAB text
Generic Timed Text
Gelula Text (DAS)
Micro DVD
Qube Master
QuickTime Text
Sonic Scenarist Text
STL Spruce
Structured Subtitles
Subrip SRT
SubStation Alpha
Swift Styled Text
Universal Subtitle Format
Adobe Premiere Pro EDL
File Format
Import File Extension
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
✔ Text
(✔) Image Sequence
“xml”, “dfxp”
"txt", "smi"
"txt", "doc", "docx"
"txt", "doc", "docx"
"txt", ”das”
"txt", "son"
"txt", “stl”
"txt", "doc"
"sbv", "txt"
Effect Image
Support Support Support Support
"txt", "doc", "docx"
"txt", “stl”
TitleExchange Help (beta release) page 101