twelfth sunday in ordinary time duodécimo domingo en el tiempo
twelfth sunday in ordinary time duodécimo domingo en el tiempo
Bulletin TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DUODÉCIMO DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church & School 11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186 (305) 386-4121 Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger, Pastor Parochial Vicars: Rev. Andrew Pietraszko and Rev. Javier Barreto Deacons: Dcn. Michael Plummer, Dcn. José M. Naranjo and Dcn. Isidoro Villa June 19, 2016 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time General Information Mass Schedule, Reconciliations, Devotions Parish Office......................................................... (305) 386-4121 Masse Schedule Monday - Friday...................................................8:30am - 4:30pm (closed for lunch 12:30pm - 1:30pm) Saturday and Sunday.......................................9:00am - 2:00pm Mon- Fri Saturday Vigil Chapel Church Christian Formation............................................ (305) 386-4894 Sunday Church Monday - Thursday............................................ 8:00am - 4:30pm Friday......................................................................8:00am - 2:00pm Location ENGLISH SPANISH 8:00am 5:00pm 7:15am 10:15am 11:45 am 5:00pm 7:00pm 6:30pm 8:30am 1:30pm 6:30pm No Mass (closed Saturday and Sunday) Holy Days of Obligation Parochial School................................................... (305) 386-8446 Youth & Young Adult Ministry...........................(305) 386-4894 Vigil................................................................................................................................. 7:00pm (Bilingual) Holy Day .............................................. 8:00am (Eng), 12:15pm (Bilingual), 6:30pm (Eng), 8:00pm (Spa) Holy Boutique Hours From To Mon- Wed Thursday Friday 5:30pm 5:45pm 2:00pm 8:00am 5:30pm 8:00am 5:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 12:00pm 8:00pm 3:00pm 8:00am Saturday Sunday Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes............11th day of the month, at the Grotto, 8:00pm (Bilingual) Divine Mercy Chaptlet........................................................................................... Sundays, 3:00pm French Mass...................................................... First Saturday of the month, at the Chapel, 9:30am Mass for the Blessed Mother........................ First Saturday of the month, at the Chapel, 8:00am Novena & Benediction for Our Lady of Perpetual Help.........Mondays, at the Chapel, 7:30pm Reconciliation / Confesiones 1 hour before daily Mass. Saturdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm, in the Chapel. No Confessions on Holy Days / No habrá confesiones los Día de Precepto Mass Intentions SATURDAY, June 18th 8:00am Humberto Viana † Elizabeth Diskin B-day Thanksgiving to St. Jude 5:00pm David Gomes † Restituto Rojo † Chaves Sister † 6:30pm Luz María Llanes † José Dávila † Pedro Justo Restrepo † SUNDAY, June 19th 7:15am Father’s day Novena 8:30am Máximo F. Soto † Pedro Madrid † Reinaldo Molina † 10:15am Steve T. Prebonick † Fernando Santiago † Ray Osrin † 11:45am José Augusto & Carlos León † Santiago Rodriguez † George Perez † 1:30pm Por la Familia Parroquial 5:00pm Urian & Alexis Yap their Wedding Anniversary Enrique Colondres † Juan Alberto Fernandez † 6:30pm Orlando Suarez Perez† Pedro Verástegui † Adolfo Barrantes † FRIDAY, June 24th 8:00am June Juliana † Humberto Viana † Adela Castillo † 7:00pm Novena día del padre MONDAY, June 20th 8:00am Joseph Carter † For the health of Edgar Jonathan Bonilla Nancy DeVault B-day 7:00pm Novena día del padre TUESDAY, June 21st 8:00am Father’s day Novena 7:00pm Luz Elena Rodas Henao † Karla Trinidad Cornelio † Acción de gracias por 80 años de Maria Luisa Finol SATURDAY, June 25th 8:00am Father’s day novena 5:00pm For Parish family 6:30pm Meme Hidalgo † Merani y Emilio Arteaga † Acción de gracias al Señor de Los Milagros WEDNESDAY, June 22nd 8:00am Douglas Wallance † Teodora Belmar † Santiago Hidalgo † 7:00pm Novena día del padre THURSDAY, June 23rd 8:00am Father’s day novena 7:00pm Leonor Torres † Cristina Iturralde † David Toro † OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami 19 de junio, 2016 - Duodécimo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario Liturgical Catechesis 8:00pm - 10:00pm Young Adults Group (TL) Ordinary Time 8:15pm - 10:15pm Before there were any feasts or seasons in the church, there was Sunday, the original holy day. Sunday was the day the community came together to celebrate the wholeness of the paschal mystery. Eventually, more focused feasts and seasons developed out of Sunday, Easter being the first. On these counted Sundays of Ordinary Time, the community still comes together to celebrate the original holy day and the wholeness of the paschal mystery. Monday, June 20th 1st: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18 RP: Ps 60:3, 4-5,12-13 Gospel: Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday, June 21st Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious 1st: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36 Rp: Ps 48:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 10-11 Gospel: Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday, June 22nd Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop; Saints John Fisher, Bishop and Thomas More, Martyrs 1st: 2 Kgs 22:8-13, 23:1-3 RP: Ps 119:33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40 Gospel: Mt 7:15-20 Thursday, June 23rd 1st: 2 Kgs 24:8-17 RP: Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9 Gospel: Mt 7:21-29 Friday, June 24th The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist 1st: Is 49:1-6 RP: Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15 2nd: Acts 13:22-26 Gospel: Lk 1:57-66, 80 Coffee and Doughnuts – (PH) 3:00pm - 4:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cha) Monday, June 20th 2:00pm – 4:00pm Young Once (BFI) 6:00pm – 7:00pm Christian Formation (BFI) 7:30pm – 10:00pm Bible Classes English (BFI) Respect Life (Room 113) Emmaus Women English (Room 114) Emmaus Men English (Room 118) Cursillos de Cristiandad (Room 119) Legión de María (Room 120) Neocates – Tercera Comunidad (Room 122) Wednesday, June 22th Cenáculo Contemplativo de la Divina Misericordia (Cha) 8:15pm-10:15pm Neocates Primera Comunidad (ER) Neocates – Segunda Comunidad (Room 111) St. Vicent of Paul (Room 112) Why Catholic Session (Room 114) Ministerio Escoge (Room 115) Niños en Victoria (Room 116) Escuela de Evangelización (Room 119) Latin Mass Group Totus Tuus (Room 116) RICA Grupo Español (Room 118) RCIA Group in English (Room 119) Knights of Colombus (Room 120) Comunidades de Base (Room 121) Divina Voluntad (Room 122) Preciosa Sangre Grupo (Cha) Friday, June 24th Mary Queen of Peace Prayer Group (BFI) Choir Practice for Grupo de Oración (Room 108) Lectors Training (Room 118) Escuela de Evangelización (Room 114) Mary Queen of Peace (BFI) 8:00pm – 10:00pm Sunday, June 26th Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21 RP: Ps 16:1-2, 5,7-8, 9-10, 11 2nd: Gal 5:1, 13-18 Gospel: Lk 9:51-62 Comunidades de la Nueva Evangelización ( Room 116) Emmaus Women English Team (Room 113) 10:00am – 11:00am Matrimonios en Victoria (St.B) 8:15pm - 10:15pm School of Evangelitation (Room 112) 10:00am - 11:00am Saturday, June 25th 1st: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 RP: Ps 74:1b-2, 3-5, 6-7, 20-21 Gospel: Mt 8:5-17 What’s Happening... Sunday, June 19th Comunidades de Base (Room 112) Emaús Hombres Grupo Español (Room 121) Readings for the Week Sunday, June 19th Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st: Zec 12:10-11, 13:1 RP: Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 2nd: Gal 3:26-29 Gospel: Lk 9:18-24 Neuróticos Anónimos – Grupo Crecimiento Espiritual (Room 111) Neuróticos Anónimos (Room 111) 7:00pm - 10:00pm KOC Night (BFI) Neocates Catequesis (St.B) Nuestra Señora de Todos los Pueblos (Room 121) BFI Couples for Christ (Room 118) Chu Church Talleres de Oración (Room 123) Chapel Scouts (Rooms 111,113,114, 115,116) Saturday, June 25th ER Expansion Room Kit Kitchen Emaús Grupo de Mujeres en Español (Room 120) MR Faith (KIT) Music Room Salve Regina (Room 121) 5:00pm Divine Will (Room 122) Separated & Divorced English (Room 123) Why Catholic (TL) Thursday, June 23th Neocates Liturgy Sunday, June 26th 7:00am Coffee and Dougnuts - (PH) Nueva Vida (Room 120) Grupo de Oración Carismático en español (BFI) 3:00pm – 4:00pm Legión de María (Room 123) 8:00pm - 8:30pm Divine Mercy (Cha) 7:00pm - 10:00pm Cha 1:30am – 3:30pm 7:30pm - 10:00pm Tuesday, June 21th Bishop Fernando Isern Hall Legión de María – Confección de Rosarios (Room 122) 10:00pm – 3:30pm Separados y Divorciados Grupo Español (Room 120) KEY: Neocates Practicing Liturgy (Room 112) Neocates Convivencia Benediction for Divine Will Ministry (Cha) MS Middle School OA Outside Altar PH Parish Hall PL Parking Lot Rm School Classroom StB St. Bernadette Hall SDLM 8:15pm - 10:15pm Capilla Señor de los Milagros Neocates Penitencial (St. B) Movie night – Consecration to Jesus Through Mary (PH) Hijos de la Madre de Dios (PH) 7:30pm - 10:00pm Scouts (Room 106) To Be Assigned Spanish Bible Classes (BFI) Neocates Cuarta Comunidad (Room 110) TL Boy Scouts (Room 105) OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL TBA Teachers Lounge @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami June 19, 2016 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Message from Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger My Dear Family of Our Lady of Lourdes, Congratulations to our Ecclesial Lay Ministers just commissioned at the Cathedral of St. Mary by Archbishop Wenski! The commissioning Mass is a beautiful, spirit-filled, liturgy filled with people from throughout the Archdiocese of Miami who are committing to serve their parish family for 5 years. I am happy to say that Our Lady of Lourdes has one of the largest corps of Ecclesial Lay Ministers in the Archdiocese. And congratulations to Fr. Javier who is going to be their guide throughout the coming year. Our Ecclesial Lay Ministers are graduates of the School of Ministry of the Archdiocese of Miami who agree to commit themselves for five years to service in the parish. They assist me and the clergy of the parish in ministering to God’s people according to the pastoral plan for Our Lady of Lourdes. With Fr. Javier leading the way they will each tend to a specific apostolic area and those groups that actively serve that apostolate. Would you like to join them? Are you an engaged Catholic looking for the door to leadership in the life of our parish community? The Archdiocesan School of Ministry is for you and for the first time is coming to Our Lady of Lourdes! Starting next September the in-classroom English program together with the English and Spanish online programs will be offered here at Our Lady of Lourdes. The online programs have in-person sessions every six weeks or so and these together with the in-classroom program will use Our Lady of Lourdes as a satellite campus. As you know our graduates of the Lay Ministry Program have made a tremendous contribution to the life and spirit of the parish and now it will be much easier for anyone who is interested to attend. The Office of Lay Ministry of the Archdiocese of Miami is currently accepting applications from those interested in the School of Ministry. To register or for more information go to or contact me at . We also have contact information in the bulletin and on our webpage. Come join us! Sincerely yours in Christ, Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger Mensaje de Mons.Kenneth K. Schwanger Mi Querida Familia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, ¡Felicitaciones a nuestros Ministros Eclesiales Laicos que se acaban de comisionar en la Catedral de Santa Maria por el Arzobispo Wenski! La Misa de comisionado es una hermosa liturgia llena de espíritu y de gente de toda la Arquidiócesis de Miami que se están comprometiendo para servir a su familia parroquial durante 5 años. Estoy feliz de decir que Nuestra Señora de Lourdes tiene uno de los mayores cuerpos de Ministros Eclesiales Laicos de la Arquidiócesis. Y felicitaciones al padre Javier quien será su guía durante el año que viene. Nuestros Ministros Laicos Eclesiales son graduados de la Escuela de Ministerio de la Arquidiócesis de Miami quienes se comprometen a servir a su parroquia durante cinco años. Me asisten a mí y al clero de la parroquia atendiendo al pueblo de Dios de acuerdo con el plan pastoral de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Con el padre Javier como líder cada uno tenderá a un área específica apostólica y aquellos grupos que sirven activamente ese apostolado. ¿Te gustaría unirse a ellos? ¿Eres un católico comprometido buscando la puerta del liderazgo en la vida de nuestra comunidad parroquial? ¡La Escuela Arquidiocesana de OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Ministerio es para ti y por primera vez llega a Nuestra Señora de Lourdes! A partir del próximo septiembre, el programa tradicional en aula en ingles junto con el programa en línea en inglés y español serán ofrecidos aquí en Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Los programas en línea tienen sesiones en persona cada seis semanas más o menos y éstos, junto con el programa en aula van a utilizar Nuestra Señora de Lourdes como un campus satélite. Como saben nuestros graduados en el Programa de Ministerio Laico han hecho una enorme contribución a la vida y espíritu de la parroquia y ahora será mucho más fácil para cualquier persona que esté interesado en asistir. La Oficina del Ministerio Laico de la Arquidiócesis de Miami está aceptando solicitudes de los interesados en la Escuela de Ministerio. Para inscribirse o para más información, vaya a o comuníquese conmigo en .También tenemos información en el boletín y en nuestra página web. ¡Ven y únete a nosotros! Sinceramente suyo en Cristo,, Mons. Kenneth K. Schwanger @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami 19 de junio, 2016 - Duodécimo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario Dear Msgr. Shwanger, Thank you for your best wishes, your prayers and your generosity on the occasion of my 40th Anniversary of ordination as a priest. In a special way, I personally want to thank you and your parish family for the spiritual bouquet you offered of 40 hour devotion for all of my intentions. Please continue to pray for me. The Most Reverend Thomas Wenski Archbishop of Miami OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami June 19, 2016 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Archdiocesan School Escuela Arquidiocesana of Ministry de Ministerios 2016-2018 Do you have great love for the Church and a desire to grow deeper in the faith? 2016-2018 ¿Amas a la Iglesia? ¿Deseas crecer en la fe? The School of Ministry offers you the opportunity to draw closer to Jesus, to gain a greater understanding of the Catholic beliefs, and to be better prepared for service in the community. La Escuela de Ministerios te ofrece la oportunidad de profundizar en el seguimiento de Jesús, mejorar tu comprensión de las creencias católicas, y así estar mejor preparado para servir a la comunidad. Traditional in-classroom classes begin in mid-September at: Las clases tradicionales comienzan a mediados de septiembre en: New!! Our Lady of Lourdes (English) – Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30pm St. Brendan H.S. (Spanish and English) – Tuesdays, 7:30 -9:30pm St. Bartholomew (Spanish and English) – Thursdays, 7:30-9:30pm It incorporates 8 five-week courses and in-person meetings (held at Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Joseph parishes). New!! Nuestra Señora de Lourdes (inglés) – miércoles, 7:30 – 9:30pm St. Brendan H.S. (inglés y español) – martes de 7:30 - 9:30pm St. Bartholomew (inglés y español) – jueves de 7:30 - 9:30pm Consiste de 8 cursos de 5 semanas cada uno y de sesiones presenciales (en Ntra. Sra. de Lourdes y St. Joseph). Register now, space is limited! ¡Inscríbete ahora, cupo limitado! For more information: 305-762-1184 or 954-525-5157 ext. 1184 Para formularios de inscripción: 305-762-1184 or 954-525-5157 ext. 1184 OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami 19 de junio, 2016 - Duodécimo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami June 19, 2016 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Si ya hiciste el curso ISAIAS… Te esperamos en nuestro proximo curso PABLO. Curso Pablo Mateo 18, 19-20. Pre-Requisito: Curso · Isaias Donacion: $30.00 Horario: Vayan a todo el mundo, anuncien la Buena Nueva a toda la creacion. Jueves, 23 de Junio y Viernes, 24 de Junio: 7:00pm – 10:00pm Llegó la hora de aprender a Evangelizar!!! Lugar: Sabado, 25 de Junio: 7:30am – 5:30pm Archbishop Coleman Carroll High School 10300 SW 167 Ave. Miami,FL 33196 Domingo, 26 de Junio: 8:30am – 6:30pm Our Lady of Lourdes Junio 28 OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami 19 de junio, 2016 - Duodécimo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario Emmaus English Men’s Retreat July 22,23 & 24 Based on the Gospel of Luke (24:13-35) Donation: $120.00 For more information: Paul A. Barthole: (305) 201-1166 Manny Garcia: (305) 283-4985 Annual Masquerade Ball GCH Salve Regina Saturday, July 23rd from 8:00pm to 2:00am Come join us and dance the night away to the sound of the #1 band in town: PLEZI’N NAP PRAN (PNP) · Compas-Kanaval-Salsa-Merengue-Folklore · Featuring Brazilian dancers · Costume preferred,with price award for best costumes. Admission: $25 per ticket Get your tickets through Salve Regina members. OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami June 19, 2016 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time In Prayer Life... Please pray for the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as he so humbly asks of us to do; Por favor oren por el Santo Padre, Papa Francisco, como él humildemente nos ha pedido…. and for our following Brothers and Sisters in Christ... Alberto Corrales Alejandra Escobar Alexander Csconka Alexandra Rahner Alfonso Family Aloma Ahkin Angela Chavez Ante Kljuce Antoinette Rocco Barbara Quiñones Beatriz de Mendoza Bruce Bauer Blanca Fernandez Blanca Kunzli Carlos Arango Carlos Cardenas Carlos Zolueta Carmen Soto Celia Maria Urbina Christian Cruz Sosa Coleen Chong Cristiano M. Cabase Cristina Manriquez Daniel Bonilla Danilee Ann Chin Deana East Derrick Portuondo Diana Calle Diego Lopez Dolly Kainz Dorothea Kramer Eida Cajigas Eileen Harris Elisa Urtiaga Elizabeth Arrigoitia Elodia Rubio Elsa Ordonez Emily Hernandez Eustaquio Rodriguez Eva Valdivia-Wheeler Francisca Martinez Geraldine Overton Giancarlo Arce Guillermo Gonzalez Heather Ahye Hilda de Paula Humberto Fasano Inez Helena Hernandez Ivan A. Zeruigon Jackie Camacho Janet Abohasen Joanne Ortolan Joe Camacho John Ehrmann Jorge Fernandez Jorge Ruiz José Leal Jose Viton Joseph Pietraszko Joseph R Santella Josephine Zamor Juan F. Velazquez Juan Ordonez Judith Portugal Julieta Blanco Romero Justa de la Torre Kevin Arturo Martinez Leoncio Galan Lesbia Picado Lina María Gomez Cardona Lillian Leal Lisa Zemba Lissette Sabina-Diaz Lorna Sewel Degregory Lourdes Amor Lourdes Millan Luis Dalmau Luisa & Angel Dalmau Lyla Williams Malena Buck Manny Alvarez Manuel Manent Marcela Melgar Marco Rivera Marcos Valenzuela Maria Bello Maria Isabel Amador Maritza Ceballos María Rosa Curbelo Marlene Castellanos Marlene Watkins Martha Ferraro Matthew Quintana Max Omphalius Micheal Alexander Millie Gispert Modesta Quintana Monica Calle Myrna Muñiz Nadia Jean Joseph Nerida de la Torre Neyra Rodriguez Perez Nicasio Urbina Nidia Morales Noris Gonzalez Norma Valenzuela Olga Loero Orlando Suarez P. Anthony Acevedo P. Fulgencio Mayorga P. Raul Angulo Patty Van Brusselen Phil Cabase Ramiro Fernandez Raul Cardenas Raul Rodriguez Rebeca Herrera Reynaldo Castillo Richard Leys Robert Bodden Robert Harris Sandra Diaz-Pagan Sarin Ibañez Sebastian Janot Stephan Calafel Steven Medina Tom Schneider Tony Chao Victoria Sultan Waleska Galeano Wanda Kljuce Wendy Valle Zully Arango Watch our Masses online! Livestreaming has come to Our Lady of Lourdes! Now our sick and homebound brothers and sisters, those of us who are traveling and away, really all of us can watch the 11:45 and 1:30 Sunday Masses live on your computers, phones, and mobile devices. ¡Ver nuestras Misas online! ¡La trasmisión en vivo ha llegado a Nuestra Señora de Lourdes! Ahora nuestros hermanos y hermanas enfermos que no pueden salir de casa, los que están viajando y lejos, realmente todos nosotros podemos ver las Misas dominicales de 11:45 y 1:30 en vivo en los computadoras, teléfonos y dispositivos móviles. OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL @ololourdes @OLOLCatholicMiami
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