dog sledding expedition 2015


dog sledding expedition 2015
dog sledding expedition 2015
Experience the ultimate Husky adventure! We will take our 4th trip to Maine for dog
sledding, x-country skiing, and winter camping. Join us as we lead our own dog team across
Lake Umbagog to our campsite, where we will learn to prepare our meals, ski around the
area, and of course, care for our dogs! This trip has become a Flint Hill staple for those
wanting to experience the real “Driving Spirit” behind our FHS family.
What Experiences are Included?
The kids will get to mush their own dog team across beautiful terrain by Lake Umbagog. They
will learn to tie them into the lines, shout the commands, and help take care of them at camp.
Our husky mushers will also be x-country skiing to/from the campsite, every student getting a
chance at both activities throughout the trip. The students assist in all aspects of winter
camping: preparing meals, gathering firewood, feeding the dogs etc. They will learn basic
winter camping skills as we spend two nights in the wilderness. The trip allows, of course, for
plenty of fun-time to play with the dogs and enjoy being outdoors with their FHS friends. The
campsite is tucked away in a beautiful wooded cove on the lake, completely private.
Dates: January 16-19, 2015
Cost: $1,100 + airfare (includes all food & gear. A clothing list will be provided, which
basically consists of ski trip-type packing)
Deposit: $250 due by Friday, October 24 to the Ms. Hoag or the US Office
Contact: Lynda Hoag, Tracy Peterson (, Minimum/Maximum: 7/10