Vestlandet Nbr 132


Vestlandet Nbr 132
Hardangerlag •Møre og Romsdalslag•Nordhordland/
Volume 132 - Summer 2012
Officers for Vestlandet
Ann Romo
40225 90th Avenue
Cannon Falls, MN 55009
Lucy Ghastin
7130 Century Avenue
Middleton, WI 53562-1507
Janet Brandt
1033 Kingman Avenue
Red Wing, MN 55066-3149
David Cross
5305 Shady Island Road
Mound, MN 55364-9230
Blaine Hedberg
631 N. Park Street
Reedsburg, WI 53959-1251
Robert Hanson
13569 Riverview Drive
Elk River, MN 55330
Blaine Hedberg
631 N. Park Street
Reedsburg, WI 53959-1251
Marilyn Cornell
43157 Maple Drive
Lake Mills, IA 50450
2012 Stevne a success
by Ann Romo, President
We had a successful stevne in La Crosse with about 110 people
attending June 21-23. Thanks to the board members, especially
Robert Hanson, and the officers of individual lags who helped so
On Thursday morning, Tom Monson of La Crosse spoke about
the sister city program that La Crosse has with Førde, Norway and
the Norwegian Garden in the International Gardens in La Crosse.
Tom's grandparents on his mother's side emigrated from Førde, Norway and Bygstad, Norway in 1910 and 1924. Their names are Fredrik Hjelmeland and Kristine Kristiansen Hjelmeland. They were long time members of Sunnfjordlaget.
They settled in Waukegan, IL.
Tom's great grandparents on
his father's side also emigrated
from Bygstad in 1876. Tom's
grandparents were Melford and
Edna Larson Monson. They
Attendees during the speaches at the Stevne lived in Pigeon Falls, WI. His
great great grandparents on his
grandmothers' side emigrated
from Gudbrandsdalen in 1869.
Thursday afternoon, we were honored to
have Vice Consul Brit Ardakani of the Norwegian Consul greet us and give us some news
from Norway. Vice Consul Ardakani was born
in Bergen, came to the U.S. to study at the University of Minnesota - Duluth, and was working
with programing and teaching in a junior high Ann Romo &
Vice Cousul Brit
school before becoming Vice Consul.
Our next speaker was Dr. A Erik Gundersen of the Gundersen Lutheran Hospital and
Clinic. Dr. Gundersen's family gave the farm to
start the Norskedalen museum.
Then about 95 of us boarded 2 buses and
we were off to Norskedalen, near Coon Valley,
WI. There we enjoyed a video of the museum, a
walking tour, and a tour of an old immigrant
church, the Benrud Little White Chapel which
had been moved from Sparta, WI. The church
had been turned into a house
in Sparta. They had put a false ceiling in and
taken off the front bell tower. The Benurd family had the building moved about 30 miles from
Sparta to Norskedalen. They cut the roof off
just under the eaves so they (continued on pg 2)
(2012 Stevne a success [continued from page 1]
could get the building under wires more easily during
the move. After getting to Norskedalen, the church
was reconstructed and the front entry and bell tower
added. The pulpit and baptismal font came from other old churches. Six pews and the pump organ had
been saved and stored in the basement of the new
church in Sparta. The pump organ and the pews are
in the chapel and more pews were replicated by the
Julie Backus and her husband, Lane were one of
the seven vendors that brought their Norwegian
wares for us to browse through and shop. Julie came
from the Benrud family that moved the Little White
Chapel to Norskedalen. She gave everyone a tour of
the chapel and told us its history. There were six
children in the Benrud family that immigrated to
Wisconsin. One died, four children stayed in the
Cashton area (about 13 miles south of Sparta), and
one offspring moved to Goodhue County, Minnesota.
My husband, Lars knew the Benrud family here in
Goodhue County. They belong to Emmanuel Lutheran Church where Lars attended as a child and that
we now attend. Julie's second cousin, Jan Strain,
plays the organ and piano at Emmanuel. What a
small world!
Old wedding dresses were displayed behind
glass in display cases in the back of the Benrud Chapel. Jan said this fall, they will be changing that display to Bibles, books and baptismal dresses.
For dinner at Norskedalen, we were served
Scandinavian meatballs, mashed potatoes, corn and
rolls with krumkake and sandbakels for dessert.
Dinner was followed by entertainment by the
Norskedalen Trio, who played a guitar, fiddle and
keyboard. What a wonderful experience to enjoy for
us all.
On Friday, Blaine Hedberg, from the Norwegian
American Genealogical Center & Naeseth Library
(NAGC &NL) in Madison, WI, gave a demonstration
of researching subscription databases through their
new website. Jean Marthaler assisted with examples
and questions. Friday
afternoon, Dr.
Stokker, of
Luther College, spoke on
"Humor in
Norway During WWII."
V O LU M E 1 3 2 • S U M ME R 2 0 1 2
Sunnfjordlag celebrated 100 years at the stevne.
Tamra Foster, president of Sunnfjordlag, talked about
"Memories from Sunnfjordlaget over the years" during
Thursday morning's talks. At the Friday night banquet
Marilyn Somdahl, president of the Fellesraad, presented Tamra and Sunnfjordlag with a gift commemorating
their 100 years. A special thank you to Sunnfjordlag for
bringing many delicious Norwegian treats for our hospitality room. We had a bunad parade before the banquet Friday night. After dinner we were entertained by
the Wergeland folk dancers (about 20-24-teenagers and
adults) from the Sons of Norway, La Crosse. At the end
of their performance they invited everyone to come and
participate and each dancer had a partner from the
crowd to try the dancing. What fun for all of us!
Vestlandslag Board Meeting
Days Inn Hotel, LaCrosse, Wisconsin
June 21, 2012
President Ann Romo called the meeting to order at 12:40
p.m. She expressed appreciation to the various individuals
who helped plan and make this Stevne so interesting. The
Secretary’s report was read and approved. The Treasurer’s
report was read and approved.
Robert Hanson will give an update on membership at the
annual meeting. Janet Brandt will not be able to attend
the annual meeting. Marilyn Cornell offered to take the
Stevne 2012
103 registrations have been received for this year. The
schedule was reviewed; two programs have already been
presented. Teigen made a motion to pay a stipend of $100
to each of the speakers. The vice counsel will receive $50.
Ghastin seconded, all voted in favor.
Meals: Friday lunch is a taco bar. The banquet Friday
night will be plated; attendees have already chosen their
Hospitality: Martha reported that it has been fairly busy;
the signs directing people to the hospitality room will be
revised to make the directions clearer.
Opening ceremony: We will have a memorial service;
mention may be made of members and relations who are ill
or undergoing surgery as well.
Door prizes: Ann will collect prizes from the vendors and
they will be distributed at the banquet by drawing ticket
Janet hopes to meet with Blaine during the Stevne to discuss distribution of centennial books. We have a list of the
ones already donated. Newsletter transfer to CD is being
[continued on page 3]
V O LU M E 1 3 2 • S U M ME R 2 0 1 2
(Board meeting cont.)
Stevne 2013
June 20-23
The location for the 2013 stevne will be at the Bigwood
Event Center in Fergus Falls. The Ottertail County Historical Society is willing to do two programs. Robert has
had conversations with someone regarding a group coming from Nordhordland.
Stevne 2014 We are starting to consider locations, possibly in the metro area.
Stevne 2015 Plans to coordinate with Valdres and Halling were being considered but nothing is definite.
Old Business
New Business
Newsletter Approximately 400 copies are mailed for
each issue. Advertising rates were discussed. Marthaler
made a motion to charge $100 for a full page ad per issue, Cross seconded. Passed.
Fellesraad has announced plans for a celebration in July
2016 for their 100th anniversary. Lags will be invited to
showcase their histories, their members, etc. They would
like feedback on ideas for this celebration, numbers attending our stevne this year so they can start to get a
picture of how many might attend.
Next board meeting is September 22, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.
in Fergus Falls. Marthaler made a motion to adjourn,
Cornell seconded. Passed. Meeting was adjourned at 1:47
Vestlandslag Annual Meeting
Days Inn Hotel and Conference
Center - LaCrosse, Wisconsin
June 23, 2012
(Annual meeting cont.)
*Gary Erickson - Møre og Romsdal - 13 members in attendance; net increase of 5 members this year; current
officers re-elected; Sonja Olmanson will serve as Historian; bygdebøk donated by Blaine Hedberg; set goals of
100 members for the coming year and contribution of
eight news articles.
*Iona Loken - Nordhordland/Sunnhordland - 15 members in attendance; officers re-elected except LaRee
Opdahl elected Secretary; Warren Eidsness is soliciting
resumes for his book; Leslie Berg of Hudson, Wisconsin,
has passed away; discussed 2016 Bygdelagenes
Fellesraad gathering; suggest each lag inventory assets.
[continued on page 4]
Call for 2012 Stevne Photos
Vestlandslag Historian Blaine Hedberg asks anyone who
took pictures at the 2012 Stevne in La Crosse, WI, to send
copies, electronic or reprints, to him at the email address
<> or post address found
on the front of Vestlandet. Photos from past stevnes and
other lag events would also be appreciated. It is not vital
that everything is perfect in the shot but that there is an historical record of the event. Help create a legacy today…send in your photos to preserve our heritage for generations to come!
President Ann Romo called the meeting to order at 11:30
Future Vestlandslag Stevner are
tentatively scheduled as follows
Lucy Ghastin read the 2011 minutes in the absence of
Secretary Janet Brandt. The minutes were approved as
June 20-22, 2013 — Big Wood Event Center, Fergus
Falls MN.
Treasurer David Cross reported a balance of $18,064.18
prior to payment of current stevne bills. A complete accounting will be filed at a later date.
Lag reports were presented as follows:
June 18-20, 2015; St. Cloud MN area for a joint stevne
with Valdres Lag.
*Donald Teigen - Hardanger - 14 members in attendance; officers re-elected except Caroline Bonhus elected
Treasurer; new member Rhonda Sherbing; books donated by Corinne Johnson; discussed 2016 Bygdelagenes
Fellesraad gathering and web site.
June 19-21, 2014— ? Appleton, Wisconsin
June 2016 In addition to our annual stevne, the
Fellesraad is planning an event celebrating 100 years
since its founding in 1916. The event is tentatively
scheduled for later in 2016 in the Minneapolis/St. Paul
area. The Fellesraad committee is asking for any ideas
or suggestions for this celebratory event.
[continued from page 3—Annual Meeting]
*Marilyn Somdahl - Rogaland - 12 members in attendance;
discussed membership concerns; approved purchase of new
banner stand; quiz on modern Norway, notably efforts at
separating church and state; new church replaced the
state church on May 21; noted that first class letter sent
from Norway costs $1.64.
*Martha Blomberg - Sogn - 17 members in attendance;
demonstrated website constructed by Rebecca Hanna; officers re-elected except Lee Grippen will serve as Historian
and Ruth Christ will serve as Genealogist; brainstormed
ways to attract young members; announced death of Jerry
Sime, long-time Sognalag genealogist.
*Tamra Foster - Sunnfjord - 14 members in attendance;
officers re-elected; celebrated 100th anniversary, sharing
greetings from Norway, acknowledging Margot Helleseth
for providing decorations and cake for the Friday night
banquet; discussed preservation of materials.
Volume 132 • Summer 2012
200+ last year. Nine new members received during the
stevne. Membership by lag is as follows:
Rogaland - 161
Hardanger - 78
Nordhordland - 70
Sunnhordland - 78
Sogn - 173
Sunnfjord - 37
Voss - 109
Møre og Romsdal - 80
Membership lists will be given to each lag. Cards will be
sent to remind delinquent members of dues. It was MSC to
give new members one year free membership. It was MSC
*Jean Marthaler - Voss - 9 members in attendance; officers to give U.S. rates of membership to international members
re-elected; discussed Facebook pages for Vestlandslag and willing to receive e-mail copies of the Vestlandet. Robert
Voss; reported that Andrew Linn, England, is writing a
expressed thanks to Curt Cornell, Rolly Loken, and Ralph
book on immigration from Norway; lag is committed to
Iverson for their help at the registration table. Also thanks
submitting articles for Vestlandet; Eirik Helleve is taking to Margot Helleseth, Martha Blomberg, and Lucy Ghastin
over as director of the Voss Folk Museum this fall.
for taking care of the Hospitality Room.
Marilyn Somdahl presented parameters relative to the
proposed 2016 Bygdelagenes Fellesraad gathering. It will
be a two-day celebration, different from the normal stevne
format. The leadership is hoping for exhibits from each lag
showing what they do and their accomplishments. A site
needs to be selected. It is meant to be a fun-filled event
with family activities on the second day. Your suggestions
are needed. "We need something from our past to be complete people."
Marilyn stressed the importance of communication. The
future seems bright for the lags, after some stressful
times. She credits Morgan Olson for preservation of lags
since he talked to people about reorganizing.
2013 Stevne will be held June 20-22 in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Warren Eidsness, Robert Hanson, and Ann Romo
visited the Big Woods Event Center and spoke with Otter
Tail County Historical Society regarding tours and speakers.
2014 Stevne - possible sites are Minneapolis, Red Wing, or
Special thanks to Robert for his organizational work, including registration and banquet.
It was MSC to re-elect all current Vestlandslag officers.
Newsletter co-editors are Marilyn Cornell and Blaine Hedberg. Each lag should submit its stevne report to the
Vestlandet. All members are encouraged to submit their
stories for publication. Our newsletter is invaluable in our
search for new members. Every effort will be made to publish regularly. This is especially important for our advertisers. Copy should be sent to Marilyn.
It was MSC that Vestlandslag publish a full-page ad for
Deb Nelson Gourley in the next Vestlandet in recognition
of her contributions to Norwegian heritage.
Special thanks to Vivian Gullickson White for setting up a
website for Vestlandslag.
Get-well cards are being sent to Roger Ostby and Patricia
2015 Stevne - June 18-20, Kelly Inn in St. Cloud, Minneso- Meeting adjourned at 12:44 p.m.
ta, with Valdres Samband and Hallinglag. Bob Skogman
Respectfully submitted,
has resigned as Valdres president and Bruce Weaver is
Marilyn Cornell, in the absence of
the new president.
Janet Brandt, Secretary
Membership Report - Robert Hanson - 111 registered and
attending; 171 last year. Banquet 99 adults, 2 children;
Volume 132 • Summer 2012
Stevne Individual Lag Meetings
La Crosse, June 23, 2012
Twelve Rogalanders, including 3 spouses were present
for the June 23, 2012 business meeting, called to order by
Vice President of Publicity, Marilyn Somdahl.
Marilyn opened the meeting with a quiz on modern
Norwegian culture. Most of the questions were taken from
a Viking magazine article based on Margaret O'Leary's
latest book.
Marilyn made note of a May 21, 2012, change in the
Norwegian Constitution that changed the Evangelical Lutheran State Church to a broader based church stressing
"our Christian and humanistic heritage." The government
will no longer appoint bishops and deans; instead the clergy will choose its own church leaders.
Sixteen members have not paid dues for 2012. It was
moved and seconded to send post cards as reminders to
renew their membership, in the event Vestlandslag doesn't
do this. Motion carried.
There are 49 Rogaland 100th Anniversary buttons
remaining from last year. LaRee Opdahl will take some to
Norway Day at Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis July 8.
Marilyn and Jim Olson will work on a program for next
year's Rogaland meeting.
Evelyn Oftedahl provided a copy of last year's Anniversary stevne booklet for the Rogaland collection. Jim Olson offered to take a copy of the 2011 centennial book to
the Rogaland historie- og aettesogelag, whose office is at
the State Archives in Stavanger, Norway.
The 100th Anniversary of Fellesraad is in 2016. Several suggestions were discussed as to how to celebrate this
A slate of officers were presented and voted upon.
All voted in favor. It was further moved and seconded to
elect a 1st Vice President for next year. Motion carried.
LaRee Opdahl and David Cross will be the Nominating
Committee for next year.
A greeting card was circulated to express a speedy
recovery to President Pat Kimble following her surgery.
LaRee Opdahl, Secretary
The annual meeting of Sognalag was called to order
by President Martha Blomberg on Saturday, June 23, 2012
at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was part of the annual
Vestlandslag stevne held at the Days Inn Hotel and Conference Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The meeting opened
by individual members sharing their family histories. Seventeen members were present.
Sad news of the passing of Jerry Sime on Wednesday,
June 20, 2012, was shared. Jerry was our lag genealogist for
many years.
The group discussed genealogical reference books,
since Jerry Sime’s personal collection, included many Sogn
books. Evelyn Daley moved and Ronald Mathison seconded
that we contact Jerry's family about his Sogn reference
books. The motion passed.
The minutes of the 2011 meeting were presented by
Jeannette L. Fredericks-Weber and approved as read.
Treasurer Lucy Ghastin gave the treasurer's report, which
was approved as read.
Sognalag has a website with a domain name. The cost
of this is $94/ year. Virginia Fredericks moved and Algie
Slindee seconded to pay for this site. Discussion included
taking a collection to meet this need. Lucy will "pass the
hat" during the meeting. The motion passed.
No Bygdebøker were purchased as was mentioned in
the 2011 minutes.
Deb Nelson Gourley has a new translated book, Martin Ulvestad’s, Nordmændene i Amerika, published. Ann
Romo moved and Algie Slindee seconded to purchase the
book for Sognlag's reference collection. Motion passed.
Due to Jerry Sime's death, a new genealogist is needed for Sognalag. The genealogist is responsible for keeping
the collection of reference books and answering emails. Ruth
Christ volunteered to be transitional genealogist for the
next year as we look for a permanent genealogist. Millie
Ohnstad moved and Algie Slindee seconded to accept Ruth
as transitional genealogist. The motion passed.
Virginia Fredericks resigned as historian and Lee
Grippen has volunteered to replace her. Lucy Ghastin
moved and Ron Mathison seconded to accept Lee as historian. Motion passed. Since there is no scrapbook, Lee is encouraged to start a scrapbook starting with the 100th anniversary celebration.
All other officers have agreed to remain for the coming
year. Nominations closed. Cathy Johnson moved we accept
a unanimous ballot for the officers. Seconded by Ann Romo.
The motion passed.
[continued page 6]
Sognalag [cont. from page 5] In 2016 there is a plan to
commemorate 100 years of the Bygdelagenes Fellesraad.
The first day would be social events and the second day
family events. By a show of hands eight are interested in
attending. We also need delegates to attend planning
meetings. Sheryl Hove will be asked. Ann Romo and Martha Blomberg will also consider being delegates. The
Fellesraad has money to pay for the event. The consensus
of the group was that there needs to be more than just
fun stuff, with developing Norwegian heritage most important.
A discussion about what to put on the website included putting information about farm names of members
on a database with a map. Members doing research
should share information.
Lucy's "pass the hat" for the website collected $122
for support of the website.
Members who also belong to Sognefjord Lag brought
up that members of that Lag have changed through the
years and that the two Lags should consider meeting at
the same time and place to reconnect. Discussion followed.
Marilyn Cornell, Vestlandslag newsletter co-editor,
challenged members to submit information to the
Vestlandet for publication.
Lucy Ghastin moved and Millie Ohnstad seconded to
adjourn. Meeting adjourned.
Jeannette L. Fredericks-Weber, Secretary
The 100th Anniversary meeting of Sunnfjordlag was
called to order by President Tamra Foster at 8 a.m., June 23,
2012, in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. There were 14 members attending.
JoAnne Pearson, Treasurer, read the 2011-12 Treasurer's report. Discussion detailing expenditures and an accounting of our 100th Anniversary expenses followed. Decorated
cake was served to all attending our banquet on Friday evening, which was purchased locally and enjoyed as the dessert
for our 100th celebration.
Discussion continued that we take inventory of
Sunnfjord property and decide upon a plan for keeping such
items as flags, wall hangings, and banners. Following discussion, JoAnne Pearson moved that we contact a person
Volume 132 • Summer 2012
who could translate books and letters from Norwegian to English .to preserve our Sunnfjord history. Lorraine Grimsbo seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
A thank you note will be sent to the communities in
Norway that send us a flag for our centennial celebation. They
are Olav and Marit Rognebakke of Naustdal, Norway, Askvoll
Kummune, and Bremauger Kommune.
We will be sending members that could not attend the
stevne in Lacrosse a green 100th Anniversary ribbon with a
cover letter.
Margot Helleseth, Secretary
Møre og Romsdalslag
Møre og Romsdal Annual meeting was held on June 23,
2012. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by President Gary Erickson, with twelve individuals in attendance.
Leslie Erickson was appointed to serve as secretary pro
tem for this meeting. President Erickson reported that the
Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer were unable to
attend this meeting because of other conflicts. The Lag
minutes appeared in the Fall issue 2011 of Vestlandet, and
a motion was made by Rikka Weiberg to accept these
minutes. Motion seconded and passed. Treasurer Lee
Brown not present due to medical circumstances. Last
year's financial report submitted by Lee was reviewed. Motion made by Sandy Gunderson to accept the treasurer's
report, seconded by Rikka Weiberg. Motion passed. Secretary Erickson reported that the current slate of officers is
willing to continue for the coming year. Two support positions remains vacant, lag historian and that of a website
developer. Sonja Olmanson volunteered to take the historian's position. Motion made by David Christ, and seconded,
to approve the current slate of officers. Motion passed.
President Gary Erickson reported Lee Brown would
be interested in continuing to serve as the delegate to the
Bygdelagenes Fellesraad, and that he (Gary) would be interested in serving as an alternate for the coming year unless someone else is interested in this opportunity. Following discussion, a motion was made by Marilyn Cornell, seconded by Delores Jacobson, to appoint Gary Erickson as
delegate and Lee Brown alternate. Motion approved.
President Gary Erickson reported a lag president's
letter will be sent out to update the membership on lag activities and will advertise for the unfilled position of website developer.
[continued on page 7]
Møre og Romsdalslag [continued from page 6]
President Erickson reported on the membership numbers
for Møre og Romsdalslag: 2010 70 members; 2011 73
members; 2012 83 members. Goals for 2012-2103 include
reaching membership of 100 members, and submitting a
total of eight articles for upcoming issues of Vestlandet.
Articles could include 1. Genealogy today-how to help interested public; with listings of online websites and locations of libraries that hold significant genealogical resources from Møre og Romsdal. 2. Missing lag library inventory. President Gary gave an overview of the lag's
missing bygdebøk inventory. Previous lag genealogist Peter Elling Johnson has been unresponsive. Since last year
many attempts have been made, to no avail, to contact Mr.
Johnson for a return of the books. Discussion took place
regarding how to proceed. Jean Humeniuk moved, seconded by Marilyn Cornell, and passed: Lag president Gary
Erickson will have the authority to pursue appropriate
action concerning the return of missing library resources.
3. Project Idea: David Christ suggested that the lag compile a complete list of bygdebøker and where they are located, information contained, and usefulness, etc. Jean
Humeniuk, Genealogist indicated that she has already
begun this undertaking and will continued.
Motion made, seconded and passed that the meeting be adjourned.
Leslie Erickson, Secretary pro tem
The annual meeting of the Hardangerlag was
held on June 23, 2012 at the Days Inn Conference Center in La Crosse, WI. The meeting was called to order
by President, Donald Teigen, with fourteen in attendance out of a total lag membership of 63. Those attending introducted themselves and told of their ancestral
roots in Norway, and involvement in Norwegian activities.
Minutes of the 2011 meeting were presented by
Volume 132 • Summer 2012
Secretary Susan Eckert, and the report was accepted.
Treasurer’s report was presented by President Teigen
in absence of Treasurer, Peder Pederson,and accepted
by those in attendance.
Laurel Dikken reported that twenty people visited
the lag’s genealogy table. New volumes of the Norwegian local history, Strandebarm og Varaldsøy were
heavily used. Laurel reported that two bygdebøker are
still needed by the lag, Røldal and Ulvik. We have photocopies of Røldal and Kvinnherad #1, but would like
hardbound volumes. Laurel reported that she will not
bring microfilms and reader to future meetings because
of lack of use. Laurel has prepared a listing of Hardangerlag genealogy resources. It was suggested this list
of lag genealogy resources be placed on the Hardanger
lag web page (which is a part of the Fellesraad web
President Teigen reported that Centennial Pins
are still available for $5 each thru Lag member Arlene
Myrlie. A total of 20 pins ($100) were sold during our
meeting, and at the stevne registration table, leaving
19 pins still on hand. Centennial History Booklets from
2011 are still available for $15 each plus shipping from
the Vestlandslag Membership Secretary Robert Hanson
The Rosmaled Centennial Plate, presented at the
2011 stevne to the Lag as a Centennial gift from the
Fellesraad, was also discussed. Lag members decided
that, in addition to displaying the plate during each
year's stevne, the plate should be rotated each year
among the lag officers. This past year Lag President
Donald Teigen held the plate. This coming year VicePresident Jim Oakland will hold the plate.
Election of Officers. Our Lag regretfully accepted
resignations of Peder Pederson, Treasurer and Ruth
Jensen, Director. The Lag appreciates their past service. A slate of officers was presented, and elected.
The Lag thanked Arlene Myrlie with a card for
making the new cover for our Lag banner. A thank-you
also to Lag member Corrine Johnson who donated four
bygedebøker of Odda, Ullensvang and Kinsarvik and
several Knut Hanson family history books to our collection. A motion was passed to sell the four surplus books
from our collection to book dealer Jim Olson for $120
with sales proceeds to be used for future book purchases.
A motion was passed to reimburse our Lag Genealogist Laurel Dikken her stevne registration fee of $30
since all her stevne time is spent at the genealogy table.
Donations were accepted from members by
'passing the basket'.
Lag photos were taken of our entire group by
Blaine Hedberg as well as several lag members.
Sue Eckert, Hardanger Lag Secretary
Annual Meeting
Volume 132 • Summer 2012
and format have not been decided upon at this time. Several offered ideas and wondered how many would attend
an additional meeting as a social event.
Election of Officers: All current officers agreed to continue, with the exception of Marcia Cherland as Secretary. LaRee
Opdahl offered to serve in that capacity. Since there were no
other nominations, a motion was made and seconded to cast a
unanimous ballot of the slate. Motion carried.
A suggestion was made that inventories be done of our lag
holdings, including pictures of items, for ease of lag access, as
well as permanent records and preservation purposes. Everyone agreed this was something that needed doing and will be
Marcia served kringle to end our meeting.
LaRee Opdahl, Secretary
The Annual meeting, held on June 23, 2012, was
called to order by Vice President Iona Loken. There were
15 members in attendance. The secretaries report was
read and approved.
Nordhordland will be celebrating their 100th Anniversary in 2013. Members are encouraged to send articles for their centennial booklet to Warren Eidsness.
Iona Loken reported that there were 11 people
searching archives in the Genealogy Room. She has
about 30 rolls of microfilm that she will keep at her
A new addition to the Sunnhordland library is Volume III of Martin Ulvestad’s, Nordmændene i Amerika,
from Deb Nelson Gourley , purchased by Orlinda Hauck.
Barb Lunsetter purchased the same volume for the
Nordhordland genealogy library. Kaare Mehl donated a
copy of Bømlo Bygdebok, volume 1, and we purchased a
copy of Knut Langeland's "Nordmaendene i Amerika".
Kaare Mehl reported on the Fellesraad meeting held
May 5 in Minneapolis. We were informed that we are
able to access different areas of the website. The 100th
Anniversary of Fellesraad will be in 2016. The concept
will be different from the all lag stevne in Decorah. Lags
will not hold their meetings at this event. The location
Thank you to everyone, who
came to celebrate this historic milestone with us; especially some of our members from
North and South Dakota. We
had good speakers, entertaining dancers and wonderful
food. Our bus tour to
Norskedalen also gave us a
pleasant ride into the countryside, where our guides
explained things about the
area, as well as, the settlers
in the region. The Fellesraad
presented us with a wonderful wall hanging and three
communes in Norway sent us
flags of their region. We received many greetings from
members, who could not attend from the US, as well as,
Tamra Foster, president of
Sunnfjord Lag receives
Centennial congratulations and a gift weaving
commissioned by the
Fellesraad from its president, Marilyn Somdahl,
June 22 at La Crosse, WI.
The artist, Sandra
Somdahl of Decorah,
chose a traditional
Sunnfjord pattern woven
in Norwegian wool.
Our small group of 25 members wore our green ribbons
proudly during the course of
the Stevne, but had a serious discussion during our business meeting about Sunnfjordlag items – where are they
and how are they being stored? The discussion also involved preservation of material, such as history books, secretary notes, member lists, etc. What are our best options
and costs? Is translating the items into English worth the
cost? If there is any member out there with any Sunnfjordlag items or materials that are of historical interest, please
let me know! Our discussion continued on officer positions
and changes were requested, but will be holding current
positions until the Fall after researching our options.
We thank everyone again for a good time and for the wonderful conversation throughout the stevne.
Sincerely, Tamra Foster
Volume 132 • Summer 2012
*Mary Gjermo and other persons from a Koshkonong historical group are collecting information from
East & West Koshkonong Church and the Liberty
Church. There were many Vossings in these areas.
This collected information will be integrated and
shared as appropriate.
*Vivian Gullickson White is working on a large project. She is identifying locations and occupations of the
first three generations (emigrant plus two) of emigrants from Voss, concentrating on the years up to
1900. The website is
*There is a project to digitize a Vosselag stevne
book which covered 1940-1955.
*We talked of possibilities for encouraging interest
and membership in Vosselag.
*There was discussion on the lag's support of genealogical research by interested public.
President Jean Marthaler called the meeting to
order at 9:54 with 9 Vosselag members in attendance.
Members introduced themselves and spoke of their
interests. Jean mentioned that she will again be leading a heritage tour to Norway, leaving on July 16th.
There are several on this year's tour with Voss roots.
The secretary's report as was in last summer's
Vestlandet submitted by Dick Flisrand was approved.
Treasurer Marge Moen submitted her report showing
that financial activity from the past year has resulted
in a small change in our balance which is about
*It was announced that Eirik Helleve (who has
strong connections to Vosselag) will be taking over as
director of the Voss Folk Museum this fall.
The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Richard Flisrand, Secretary
Join Vestlandslag on
Activities of the lag were discussed:
*The Vosselag FaceBook page is showing quite a
lot of activity and creating interest.
*There is currently a project called "Ola Nordmann Project" in which Professor Andrew Linn from a
university in England is heading up a research effort
to illuminate the situation of those who emigrated
from Norway. They chose the imaginary Norwegian,
Ola Nordmann, to be leaving from Voss. This is quite
an ambitious undertaking with considerable research.
Professor Linn has been in the United States this
summer beginning the work. One of the activities will
be a request to those in the U.S. who might contribute
information/stories that are pertinent to the project.
We Need Your Imput
We are entertaining the idea of extending our future stevne to include Saturday
afternoon possibly ending at 5 pm, or later,
starting in 2014 This would allow working
people to attend Saturday activities, including genealogy and hearing speakers.
We will think about having the individual
lag meetings on Thursday and the annual
meeting Friday morning. Our numbers
have been declining and we feel we need to
offer young people more activities and opportunities.
Marjorie Ellickson Ferrero
by Kirt Johnson
On July 26, 2012, Margie
Ellickson Ferrero passed
away peacefully at home at
the age of 98 in Red Wing,
Minnesota where she had
been living with her husband, Jake Ferrero, and her
niece, Colleen Finucan.
Margie was my great grand aunt, and if you want to
know what that relationship means in genealogical
terms, she was the half sister of my great grandfather. Of course, most people do not really get to know
their great grand parents, much less a sister of their
great grand parents, but I was blessed to get to know
Margie after “discovering” her in the course of doing
genealogy work on my mother’s side of the family,
which is 100% Norwegian. Margie was not only a
treasure to me because she was so sweet and had such
an excellent memory for family history, but I also,
quite literally, viewed her as a living part of Norwegian American history. Let me explain.
Margie was born to Elling Ellickson (my great great
grandfather) and Gustine Gulbrandson in Owatonna,
Minnesota on October 6, 1913.
Elling’s father,
Amund Ellingson, emigrated from the Himle farm
outside of Voss, Norway in 1846 taking passage on the
sailing ship, Kong Severre, from Bergen to New York
City. Amund traveled to America with his first wife
and two children. Elling’s mother, Mary Johannesdatter, emigrated with her parents from Vik, Norway, in 1845 and also sailed from Bergen to New York
City. Amund and Mary met in Wisconsin some time
after Amund’s first wife had passed away shortly after
they arrived in America. Like his father, Elling (who
changed his last name from Ellingson to Ellickson as
a young man) was married twice. Elling’s first wife,
Ellen Marthea Nelson, was 14 years older than him
and together they had four children, the oldest being
my great grandfather, Aaron Ellickson, who was born
in 1872.
In 1903, Elling’s first wife passed away, and three
years later, Elling married Gustine Gulbrandson, who
happened to be 24 years younger than him! Elling
and Gustine had five children, including Margie, who
was the second youngest. Elling was 57 years old
when he remarried and 64 years old when Margie was
born. If you do the math, you’ll find that Margie’s
Volume 132 • Summer 2012
father, Elling, was born in 1849 – yes, 1849!
Every time I talked to Margie, the last time being
just a few short months ago, I chuckled to myself,
still amazed that I was talking to someone whose
father was born over 160 years ago and over ten
years before the start of the Civil War !! These days
there are a fair number of people who live to be over
100 years old, but you can assume that most of their
parents were in their 20s or 30s when they had their
children, which means the parents were born in the
1880s or 1870s at the earliest. I believe you can probably count on one hand the number of people living in
the world today who could say they had a parent born
1849 or earlier. Indeed, it is quite possible that in 2012,
Margie may have been the only person to have been
able to make that claim.
Aside from her unique family history, I can say that
Margie was like a grandmother to me. And even
though I only got to know her in these past ten years, it
seemed pretty clear to me that Margie lived a very full
and happy life. Margie’s mind was sharp as a tack,
and she had an incredible memory for history and places. She filled in many blanks in my family tree and
helped me identify many old photographs that would
have been lost to history were it not for Margie. She
was a very happy person who always seemed to be in
good spirits and enjoyed talking about the old days as
much as I enjoyed hearing about them.
Margie grew up in a Norwegian family in Owatonna,
Minnesota with a sister and three brothers, started
working at a young age, held a variety of jobs (including
elevator operator in the old Northwestern Bank Building in downtown Minneapolis), and lived for many
years in California and Arizona before returning to her
native Minnesota a few years ago. For the past 30 plus
years, Margie was married to Jake Ferrero, and, if you
saw them together, you would know that they epitomized the ideal marriage – they truly had a close, loving relationship. Although Margie never had children
of her own, she never expressed any regrets in that regard to me, and she was like a mother to many, especially her niece, Colleen Finucan, who lived with Margie
and Jake for many years. Margie was in good health
for nearly her entire life, and, thankfully, she was not
sick for very long and did not suffer in the end.
I count finding Margie as one of the great blessings of
my genealogy work, and I am so glad I started that
work when I did because if I had waited until I was older, as most people seem to do, I would never have gotten
to know Margie.
Volume 132 • Summer 2012
Walter Steffenson
Funeral services for Walter Steffenson, 89 of Rochester, MN were held
at 11:00am on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at Bethel Lutheran Church
with the Rev. Anjanette Bandel officiating. Burial was in the Oakland
Cemetery in Waukon, IA.
Walter Everett Steffenson was born on June 1, 1923 in Waukon, IA to
Selmer Steffenson and Katherine Grove Johnson. He died on June 23,
2012 at his home.
Walter attended rural school in Waukon, IA . He was a veteran of WW II in the South Pacific as a member of
the 3rd Armored Amphibious Tank Battalion of the 1st Marine Division. He served in Peleliu, Palau Islands and in Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands. Walter married Betty Kosbau in 1947 and they were later divorced. He married Elva Sorenson Mouw in 1968.
Walter farmed and later worked as a heavy equipment operator in Minnesota. He was an avid fisherman and
hunter. He enjoyed genealogy and loved to travel, including numerous trips to Norway.
Walter was a member of Bethel Lutheran Church and a life member of the American Legion, VFW and Eagles
Club in Rochester, MN. He was proud of his Norwegian heritage and was also a member of Kristiania Lodge
#47 Sons of Norway and several Norwegian-American Lags, including Vestlandslag.
Survivors include his wife, Elva Steffenson of Rochester, MN, his son, Gregory (Jean) Steffenson of Onamia,
MN; his daughter, Renell Steffenson (Greg Walker) of Buffalo, MN and his step-daughter, Susan (Donald) Rogen of Cedar Rapids, IA; 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter in Onamia, MN: Nathan, Matthew, Christopher
and Mia Steffenson; 2 step-granddaughters, Cathy (Jason) Rogen-Mahan and Barbara Rogen of Cedar Rapids,
IA and 2 great grandchildren: Nichole and Hayley Mahan of Cedar Rapids, IA. He was preceded in death by
his parents, his step-son, Dean Mouw, 1 brother Melvin Steffenson and 2 sisters, Marlys Martinson and Alice
Gerald Sime
Gerald Roy “Jerry” Sime, 81, Duluth, died June 21, 2012 at St. Luke's
Hospital. He was born in Bemidji, MN, on January 7, 1931 to Lee and
Elyn Sime. He was a 1949 graduate of Denfeld High School. Jerry served
in the Air Force during the Korean War. After discharge he enlisted in
the Minnesota Air National Guard, working at the Duluth Air Base as a
Fireman, retiring in 1986 as Assistant Fire Chief. Jerry was an active
member of Zion Lutheran Church serving on its church council, was a
Choir Member and involved in Bible Study. He was also very involved
with the Twin Ports Ministry To Seafarers. In his early years he was a
member of its Governing Board and was currently an active ship visitor.
Jerry was a familiar face at the St. Louis County Courthouse, doing geneZona Mathison & Jerry at a recent
searches there for many years as well as attending Douglas County
Vestlandslag gathering
Genealogical Society meetings. He was a member of the Nortun Lodge,
Sons Of Norway, where he was valued for his engagement with others,
the Norsemens Federation, Vestlandslaget, the Swedish Cultural Society and the Swedish Choir. After his fathers
death, Jerry and his mother made trips to both Norway and Sweden to visit relatives. Jerry drove for the home
delivered meals program and helped set tables for the Senior Dining at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. He bowled
in the Country Lanes Senior League and the 148th Bowling Team. He was preceded in death by his parents and
brother Denis. He is survived by his sister-in-law, 4 nephews, 1 niece, many great nieces, nephews and friends.
Visitation 11AM until the 1PM Funeral Service Friday in Zion Lutheran Church, Duluth. Burial at Ft. Snelling
National Cemetery, Minneapolis. Vestlandslag received several memorials in memory of Jerry from Lucy & Judy
Ghastin and from Martha & Garry Blomberg.
Is American lutefisk real lutefisk?
Volume 132 • Summer 2012
by David Christ, Rogalandslag Treasurer & Genealogist
There is a joke among Americans of Norwegian descent that eating lutefisk is a yearly penance required of them. I
have eaten a lot of lutefisk in America and unfortunately can see why so many feel it is not a joke but the truth and
why so many describe lutefisk as Fish Jello.
My daughter is married to a Norwegian and lives in the Lofoten Islands above the Arctic Circle. This is where the
cod come to spawn every winter and where Norwegians have come to catch them for centuries. This is where the cod
becomes stockfish and is sent around the world. No one knows if this is where lutefisk was invented, but certainly
families in the Lofotens have eaten lutefisk for generations.
Having a son-in-law in the community has given me an instant circle of friends and relatives. Before retiring, my
friend Finn owned a store in the small settlement of Fredvang. Every winter he would make lutefisk for sale in his
shop. Whenever I would go to Norway to visit him, he would make a lutefisk dinner for me. The first time I was
served his lutefisk, it was a real eye opener. What was served bore no resemblance to lutefisk as I knew it. It was firm
and flaky. It was chewy. It was not translucent. It was real fish.
Finn's explanation of this difference is simple and plausible. According to him, if one soaks a pound of stockfish long
enough, you can end up with seven pounds of lutefisk. Finn said that when he makes lutefisk he only soaks it long
enough to make four pounds of lutefisk from one pound of stockfish. Quite a difference. Anyone who has had experience with water-injected hams or turkeys certainly understands the effects of excess water.
If Finn is accurate, the impetus is understandable. Water is effectively free; stockfish is not. For Finn to produce
1000 pounds of lutefisk, he must buy 250 pounds of stockfish. Someone who soaks the stockfish as much as Finn says
is possible only needs to buy 140 pounds of stockfish to produce 1000 pounds of lutefisk. That additional soaking goes
directly to the bottom line.
Of course the presentation of the meal is different, too. Here we often see butter, mashed potatoes, and meatballs. In
the Lofotens I am served boiled potatoes, ertestuing (stewed dried peas), and fried down slab bacon. Not butter on the
lutefisk, but nice salty bacon fat.
Customs vary from valley to valley in Norway. This is what I found in the Lofoten Islands. Eating Finn's lutefisk is
not a penance but a true Norwegian treat.
Ekte Norsk lut, husmors magic weapon
by David Cross, Rogalandslag Treasurer & Genealogist
On one of my trips to Norway I brought back 5 gallons of stockfish, planing to make my own lutefisk. The only lye I
had ever seen in the U.S. was Draino, which is adulterated with metal to create a churning action in your clogged
drain. That's anything but food grade. The solution was simple; when in Norway do as the Norwegians do. I went to
the grocery store in Kabelvåg and bought a half kilo of Stabil caustic soda, lut, or lye if you wish.
On the front of the bottle is a picture of a woman in rubber gloves scrubbing the floor. Across the picture it says
"Kraftig, allsidig rengjøringsmiddel!" which translates as "Powerful, all purpose cleaning material." Now this does
not sound much like a food ingredient. But it is the right stuff. On the back of the bottle it tells you how much to use
for: wood finishing, making lutefisk, cleaning, and last but not least removing paint and varnish.
From this I take two lessons. First, lut is indeed all purpose. Second, just as it is not wise to inquire about how sausage and laws are made, it is best to eat lutefisk without reflecting on the process it went through on its way to your
Summer 2012
Individual Lag Officers
The Norwegian-American Bygdelagenes Fellesraad Web Site •
ROGALANDSLAG (continued)
Donald Teigen, 7250 Lewis Ridge Parkway, Apt. 217,
Edina, MN, 55439; 952.922.6282 <>
Chaplain James H. Oakland, 410 Fingal Court, Alexandria
MN 56308; 320.759.1159 h & 320.491.6330 c
Treasurer & Genealogist - David Cross, 5305 Shady Island Road,
Mound MN 55364-9230; 952.474.4898
Susan Eckert, 301 S. 2nd Ave, Brandon, SD 57005;
605.582.7288 <>
Carolyn Bondhus, 33078 390th Ave., Storden, MN 56174
Assistant Genealogist
Jim Olson, 3016 S. 10th Ave., Sioux Falls, SD
57105; <>
Janet Brandt, 1033 Kingman Ave., Red Wing, MN
55066-3149; 651.388.1217 <>
Delegate to Fellesraad LaRee & Loren Opdahl (above)
News Reporter
J. Henry Oakland (above)
Web Site
Laurel Dikken, 86603 200 St, Sacred Heart, MN 56285;
LaRee Opdahl, 1446 Hilo Ave, N, Oakdale, MN 55128;
Evelyn Oftedahl, 713 8th Ave. S. E., Rochester,
MN 55904; 507.289.2060 < >
J. Henry Oakland (above)(assistant)
Martha Blomberg, 900 Maricopa Dr, Oshkosh, WI
54904; 920.231-3224 <>
Ruth Jensen, 900 College St., Northfield, MN 550572540; 507.645.7383
Rhonda Smercheck, 2605 N. Raynor Ave., Union Grove,
WI 53182; 262.308.6704
Millie Ohnstad, 900 Main St. W, Apt. 209, Cannon
Falls, MN 55009; 507.263.5542
Jeanette Fredericks-Weber, 2844 Hwy 71, Early,
IA 50535; 712.273.5198 <>
J. Henry Oakland (above)
Lucretia Ghastin, 7130 Century Ave., Middleton,
WI 53562-1507; 608.836.1697 <>
Arlene Myrlie, 2580 Kenzie Ter #212, St. Anthony, MN
55418-4147; 612.788.0891
Lee Grippen, 805 North Sprague St. #1, Caledonia, MN
55921, 507.725.3281 <>
Donald Teigen (above)
News Reporters All Sognalag members
Gary G. Erickson, Norway Lake 21150 62nd St., Sunburg,
MN 56289; 320.354.5607 <>
Orlyn Kringstad, 8148 Kentucky Ave. S., Bloomington,
MN 55438; 952.925.4500 <>
Ruth Christ, Need address
Jean Marthaler, 139 7th Ave SE, St. Joseph, MN
56374; 320.363.7949 <>
Dianne Snell, 31326 - 122nd Ct. SE, Auburn, WA 980920904; 253.351.0926 <>
Evelyn Daley, 4701 Sheboygan Ave. #217, Madison
WI 53705 608.233.2389 <>
Lee Brown, 2210 Spruce Trail, Golden Valley, MN 55422;
763.588.6666 <>
Martha Blomberg (above)
Sheryl Hove, 12 W. Sandralee Dr., St. Paul, MN
55119-4953; 651.738-4908 <sherylhove@netzero.netv>
Jean Humeniuk, 6007 Shady Lane NE, Bemidji, MN 5
56601; 218.444.4924 <>
President/Gen.- Tamra Foster, 4556-44th Avenue South, Mpls, MN
55406-4012; 612.724.1602 <>
Delegate to Vestlandslaget : Gary G. Erickson (above)
Vice-president Gary Halverson, 304 Roosevelt Ave. W., Karlstad,
MN 56732
Delegate to Bygdelagenes Fellesraad
Margot Helleseth, 309 140th Street, West Bend, IA
50597; 515.887.6258
JoAnne Pearson, 2216 Hay Lake Road, Carlton,
MN 55718-8216; 218.384.4969
Lee Brown (above) & Gary G. Erickson (above) (alternate)
Web Site
Warren Eidsness, 13665 Carrach Ave #164,
Rosemount, MN 55068-4777; 651.344.3406
Vice-president; Genealogist, Sunnhordland - Iona M. Loken,
P.O. Box 274, Velva, ND 58790-0274;
701.338.2943 <>
Marcia Cherland, 1900 S. Prairie Ave., Fairmont, MN
Newsletter Editors Wilferd & Rene Yndestad, 1340
Glenwood Avenue, Ottumwa, IA 52501; 641.682.0139
Contact Person Lorraine Grimsbo, 19834 475th Street, Lake Mills,
IA 50450 641-568-3314
President & Historian Jean Marthaler, 139 7th Ave SE, St. Joseph,
MN 56374; 320.363.7949 <>
Treasurer, Nordhordland; News Reporter - Robert Hanson,
13569 Riverview Dr., Elk River, MN 55330;
763.441.4463 <>
Kenton Moen, 10616 Sumter Ave. N., Brooklyn Park
MN 55445; 763.425.3022 <>
Richard Flisrand, 811 22nd St. N.W., Austin, MN
55912-1133; 507.433.9577 <>
Treasurer, Sunnhordland; Historian - Orlinda Hauck,
2902 Wicken Lane NW, Alexandria, MN
56308-8627; 320.846.0088 <>
Marge Moen, 10616 Sumter Ave. N., Brooklyn Park,
MN 55445; 763-425-3022 <>
Genealogist, Nordhordland - Barbara Lunsetter,
31126 390th St. NE, Middle River, MN
56737; 218.459.3379 <>
News Reporters All Vosselag members
Directors & Delegates
Warren Eidsness (above) & Kaare Mehl
Patricia Kimble, 314 2nd St. S.W., Pine Island, MN
55963; <>
Marilyn Somdahl, 5100 W. 102 St. #209, Bloomington,
N 55437; 952.831.4409 <>
Vivian Gullickson White, #37 - 12180 - 189A
Street, Pitt Meadows, B.C. Canada, V3Y 1V7;
604.460.8680 <>
Assistant Gen. Ruth Christ, 1335 Emily Ct., Iowa City IA 52246-4148;
319.351.7717 <>
Web Site
Jean Marthaler (above)
Jean Marthaler (above)
Jean Marthaler (above) & Richard Flisrand (above)
Name(s) ______________________________________________________________________ ___________
Street (& P.O.)________________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State ___________________ Zip __________________
Phone(s) ____________________________________ e-mail ______________ ___________
Type of Membership (check as appropriate) ☐New??☐Renewal??☐Change of Address
How did you learn about Vestlandslag? ☐Personal Contact ________________ ☐Webpage __ ☐Brochure
☐Other __________________________________________________________________________
*We do not share or sell our mailing list.
Norwegian district(s) of interest:
☐ Hardanger*
☐ Møre og Romsdal ☐ Sogn
☐ Sunnfjordlag ☐ Sunnhordland ☐ Voss
Membership Fee Schedule:
☐ Nordhordland ☐ Rogaland
1 year for an individual
3 years for an individual
1 year for a couple
3 years for a couple
Outside the USA:
1 year, Canada
(if newsletter e-mailed, same
3 years, Canada
Price as US rates)
1 year, Norway
3 years, Norway
New Vestlandslag Members
Bocks, Kristin E.
19370 Lake Avenue
Deephaven, MN 55391
Clauson, Julie A.
22 - 14th Avenue SW
New Brighton, MN 55112-3433
Erickson, Ann-Lisa C.
3640 Wooddale Apt #202
St. Louis Park, MN
Erickson, Guy and Nettie
928 South Avenue
North Mankato, MN 56003
Erickson, Leslie K.
Norway Lake
21150 - 62nd Street NW
Sunburg, MN
Erickson, Matthew D.
28047 Elk Lake Road E
Zimmerman, MN 55398
Møre og Romsdal
Møre og Romsdal
Møre og Romsdal
Møre og Romsdal
Møre og Romsdal
Fylling, Carolyn
10952 Steamboat Loop NW
Walker, MN 56484-2088
Møre og Romsdal
Hope, Richard V.
130 Prestwick Circle
Vero Beach, FL 32967-7517
Møre og Romsdal, Sogn
Jacobson, Amy
1984 Kingston Avenue East
Maplewood, MN 55109
Møre og Romsdal
Koehler, Mary
427 Liberty Street
Winona, MN 55987-3807
Hardanger, Rogaland, Voss, Sogn
Larson, Paul Delbert
801 Main Street, Apt. 108
LaCrosse, WI 54601
Phillips, Richard
2021 S Queens Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Searles, Jean
38 - 7th Avenue N
Hopkins, MN 55434-7605
US Postage Paid
Mail Expeditors
43157 Maple Drive
Lake Mills, IA 50450
Membership Due?
Membership Reminder: If your membership is due in 2012, please renew now.
News Submissions
Vestlandet advertising rates
Full page -- $100.00
1/2 page -- $50.00
1/4 page -- $25.00
Business card -- $15.00
News submissions should be sent to Blaine Hedberg at
the address listed on the front page. Deadlines for submissions
April 1
July 15
November 15
January 15
Copyright 1979-2012 by Vestlandslag